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The Godfather
30.06.2022 kl 12:28
Baltic Capesize-indeksen er opp 10,64 prosent til 20.190 dollar pr dag, ifølge The Baltic Exchange.
30.06.2022 kl 14:11
Fremdeles få nybestillinger innen tørrbulk, og er det noen er det stort sett ultramax’er det er snakk om :-)
Last week, the newbuilding sector recorded a strong level of activity across most of the segments with the Container carriers starring for yet another week and the LNG vessel orders coming next. Starting with the wet seg- ment, the quite low level of transactions continued; one order was an- nounced, placed by the China Merchants Group, who returned to DSIC yard for two 115.000dwt tankers. In the dry sector, two orders were placed by Chinese parties, one for two 63.000dwt vessels from Avic Leasing, at $32.5m each and one for four 63,000dwt units from CDB Leasing, at a similar price, to be delivered in 2023-2024, both in New Dayang. In the LNG sector Sam- sung HI has contracted on behalf of the Qatar LNG project, by JP Morgan for twelve 174.000cbm units at $213.0m each and a Korean consortium, includ- ing H-Line, Pan Ocean and SK Shipping for two 174.000cbm units, at $230.0m each. Moving on to the container segment, there was an impressive order by MSC for the construction of ten LNG fuelled 11.400teu and another ten 8.100teu boxships in New Times, to be delivered in 2024-2025. Lastly, anoth- er deal for a pair of 4.000teu units was concluded, between Turkon Line and Sedef yard in Turkey, due to 2024.
Last week, the newbuilding sector recorded a strong level of activity across most of the segments with the Container carriers starring for yet another week and the LNG vessel orders coming next. Starting with the wet seg- ment, the quite low level of transactions continued; one order was an- nounced, placed by the China Merchants Group, who returned to DSIC yard for two 115.000dwt tankers. In the dry sector, two orders were placed by Chinese parties, one for two 63.000dwt vessels from Avic Leasing, at $32.5m each and one for four 63,000dwt units from CDB Leasing, at a similar price, to be delivered in 2023-2024, both in New Dayang. In the LNG sector Sam- sung HI has contracted on behalf of the Qatar LNG project, by JP Morgan for twelve 174.000cbm units at $213.0m each and a Korean consortium, includ- ing H-Line, Pan Ocean and SK Shipping for two 174.000cbm units, at $230.0m each. Moving on to the container segment, there was an impressive order by MSC for the construction of ten LNG fuelled 11.400teu and another ten 8.100teu boxships in New Times, to be delivered in 2024-2025. Lastly, anoth- er deal for a pair of 4.000teu units was concluded, between Turkon Line and Sedef yard in Turkey, due to 2024.
30.06.2022 kl 15:38
30.06.2022 kl 15:52
Skal Ukraina få i gang korneksporten igjen?
KYIV, June 30 (Reuters) - Russian forces abandoned the strategic Black Sea outpost of Snake Island on Thursday, in a major victory for Ukraine that could loosen the grip of Russia's blockade on Ukrainian ports.
"The most significant aspect is that this could open the door to Ukrainian grain exports from Odesa, which is critical for Ukraine's economy and for the global food supply," tweeted Rob Lee, a senior fellow at the U.S.-based Foreign Policy Research Institute.
KYIV, June 30 (Reuters) - Russian forces abandoned the strategic Black Sea outpost of Snake Island on Thursday, in a major victory for Ukraine that could loosen the grip of Russia's blockade on Ukrainian ports.
"The most significant aspect is that this could open the door to Ukrainian grain exports from Odesa, which is critical for Ukraine's economy and for the global food supply," tweeted Rob Lee, a senior fellow at the U.S.-based Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Redigert 30.06.2022 kl 15:53
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30.06.2022 kl 20:21
Utskrifts versjon frå Mintzmyers intervju med Ulrik 16 juni 22.
01.07.2022 kl 08:03
Da blir det noe å frakte til høsten:
CHICAGO, June 30 (Reuters) - U.S. farmers planted more corn than they had initially planned to take advantage of strong prices for the grain, the government said on Thursday.
China’s dynamic zero-COVID policy and unfavourable weather conditions for construction activity weighed on ferrous markets in recent weeks, along with fading hopes of further economic support.
But positive signals from Chinese authorities helped iron ore regain some lost ground of late.
“China is becoming more willing to accept single-digit COVID cases,” said Iris Pang, ING chief economist in Greater China, citing moves to ease quarantine requirements for international arrivals and the scrapping or relaxing of testing mandates in several cities.
Pang said this reflects “a more flexible policy than back in early June”, although she warned that the risk of lockdowns still exists.
CHICAGO, June 30 (Reuters) - U.S. farmers planted more corn than they had initially planned to take advantage of strong prices for the grain, the government said on Thursday.
China’s dynamic zero-COVID policy and unfavourable weather conditions for construction activity weighed on ferrous markets in recent weeks, along with fading hopes of further economic support.
But positive signals from Chinese authorities helped iron ore regain some lost ground of late.
“China is becoming more willing to accept single-digit COVID cases,” said Iris Pang, ING chief economist in Greater China, citing moves to ease quarantine requirements for international arrivals and the scrapping or relaxing of testing mandates in several cities.
Pang said this reflects “a more flexible policy than back in early June”, although she warned that the risk of lockdowns still exists.
01.07.2022 kl 08:12
Argentina trucker strike ends, boosting grains exports.
01.07.2022 kl 08:16
440 milliarder i nye Kina-stimulanser.
Beijing støtter infrastrukturprosjekter med totalt 300 milliarder yuan.
Kina vil gi ytterligere støtte til utvikling av infrastrukturprosjekter for å øke investeringer og stimulere sysselsetting og forbruk.
Dette ble besluttet på et eksekutivmøte i Kinas statlige råd ledet av statsminister Li Keqiang på onsdag, melder den kinesiske nyhetstjenesten Xinhua fredag.
Møtet besluttet å ta opp obligasjonslån eller benytte andre finansielle instrumenter for en samlet sum på 300 milliarder yuan (tilsvarende 44,7 milliarder dollar). Midlene skal benyttes til store prosjekter som ny infrastruktur eller til brofinansiering for prosjekter finansiert av spesialobligasjoner, skriver Xinhua.
De nye pengene kommer i tillegg til de 800 milliarder yuan som de tre policy-bankene i Kina fikk beskjed om i juni å låne ut til infrastrukturprosjekter. Den lånekvoten er allerede tildelt policy-bankene, rapporterte lokalavisen 21st Century Business Herald fredag, ifølge Bloomberg News.
Beijing støtter infrastrukturprosjekter med totalt 300 milliarder yuan.
Kina vil gi ytterligere støtte til utvikling av infrastrukturprosjekter for å øke investeringer og stimulere sysselsetting og forbruk.
Dette ble besluttet på et eksekutivmøte i Kinas statlige råd ledet av statsminister Li Keqiang på onsdag, melder den kinesiske nyhetstjenesten Xinhua fredag.
Møtet besluttet å ta opp obligasjonslån eller benytte andre finansielle instrumenter for en samlet sum på 300 milliarder yuan (tilsvarende 44,7 milliarder dollar). Midlene skal benyttes til store prosjekter som ny infrastruktur eller til brofinansiering for prosjekter finansiert av spesialobligasjoner, skriver Xinhua.
De nye pengene kommer i tillegg til de 800 milliarder yuan som de tre policy-bankene i Kina fikk beskjed om i juni å låne ut til infrastrukturprosjekter. Den lånekvoten er allerede tildelt policy-bankene, rapporterte lokalavisen 21st Century Business Herald fredag, ifølge Bloomberg News.
01.07.2022 kl 09:49
Merkelig kursutvikling i dag. Da ble det en stor posisjon i GOGL igjen.
Redigert 01.07.2022 kl 09:51
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01.07.2022 kl 10:10
Sjefen virker i hvert fall positiv nok. https://youtu.be/VhSok5oqdnQ
01.07.2022 kl 10:17
StorBank Morgan kjøper cape ship, det er sikkert fordi det er dårlige fremtidsutsikter, hvis de skal dekke inn mer må vel kursen opp
Redigert 01.07.2022 kl 10:19
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Golden Goat
01.07.2022 kl 11:07
Realistoptimist skrev Hva skjer idag egentlig??
Utolmodige som lemper ut aksjer som igjen trigger stop loss, som igjen fører til at folk lemper ut aksjer som igjen etc etc etc. Ingenting som tilsier bear. Dette har skjedd ørten ganger de sisye årene. Jeg kjøper videre i dag. Penger på gata.
01.07.2022 kl 11:51
Var en god kjøpsmulighet på formiddagen i dag. Skjønner ikke hva den selgeren tenkte på. Det dukker alltid opp muligheter i shipping med disse uforklarlige kurssvingningene.
The Godfather
01.07.2022 kl 12:10
Signs that China’s battered housing markets have bottomed out
01.07.2022 kl 15:46
7% ned i usa nå.. 3 ganger så mye ned som annen bulk. Ikke veldig optimistisk
01.07.2022 kl 15:51
Jeg sa på 150 at denne sikkert skulle ned mot 110 igjen... det ble bare fnyst av, for denne skulle strake veien til 180.
Geir Rune L
01.07.2022 kl 15:52
Marshall har dekket shorten sin og er nå under meldepliktig nivå. Worlquant øker med ca 100k.
01.07.2022 kl 15:53
fattigstakkar skrev det er da man kjøper
Solgte meg ut på 104 og skal inn igjen på 104.
01.07.2022 kl 15:54
MW dekket inn minst 500k i går, og er derved under 0.5%.
Worldquant økte med ca 110k.
Worldquant økte med ca 110k.
01.07.2022 kl 16:03
bjooern skrev Solgte meg ut på 104 og skal inn igjen på 104.
Du satt igjen på perrongen, kanskje du får på 104, men du er sikkert ikke inne når han står i 150 igjen
01.07.2022 kl 16:10
Hoppet av midtveis ja.
Men kommer jeg meg inn på 104 så blir jeg med helt til endestasjonen.
Men kommer jeg meg inn på 104 så blir jeg med helt til endestasjonen.
01.07.2022 kl 16:15
Når du ikke har vært inne igjen mellom 104 og 154, så må det være det samme om du kjøper på 104 eller 106? Du har jo allerede gått glipp av masse.
01.07.2022 kl 16:21
Er litt overtroisk sånn er det bare:)
Redigert 01.07.2022 kl 16:24
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01.07.2022 kl 18:09
Først container og nå LNG som bygger som gale. Får bulkere bestilles og knapt noen capes. Om seks måneder, ett år og to år tror jeg mange lurer på hvorfor de ikke kjøpte GOGL på 106.
01.07.2022 kl 19:30
Det verste er at det ser ut som både containerflåten og LNG-flåten enn så lenge konsumerer nybyggene uten store ratefall. Og det på tross av det makroøkonomiske bildet.
01.07.2022 kl 21:59
Store Norske vurderer å forlenge kulldriften til 2025
Skyhøye kullpriser har plutselig gjort Store Norskes siste Svalbard-gruve lønnsom. Nå vurderer selskapet å forlenge driften – selv om kullkraftverket i Longyearbyen avvikles.
Skyhøye kullpriser har plutselig gjort Store Norskes siste Svalbard-gruve lønnsom. Nå vurderer selskapet å forlenge driften – selv om kullkraftverket i Longyearbyen avvikles.
02.07.2022 kl 22:49
Me har vel innsett at super syklusen er utsatt, men me har god inntjening og er i ein "bull" syklus som truleg kjem til å vara i mange år. Om denne transformeres til ein super syklus vil tida vise.
Demand har vært ner 8-9 % siste 6 mnd , men me har fortsatt greie rater. Og det tatt i betraktning at Kina ikkje er komme i spel endå.
Her er litt helge underholdning frå Marine Money.
Dry cargo vessels play an essential role in transportation of global commodities, including food and energy. The industry has better fundamentals than ever, thanks to a limited orderbook, supply chain disruptions, changing trade flow and decarbonization regulations.
• The Orderbook & CII – What they mean for Vessel Supply
• War in Ukraine – Ton Mile Impact on Coal and Agricultural Commodity Trades
• Comparing Commercial Operating Strategies
• Supply Chain Disruption – How it’s Effecting Demand
• Decarbonization & Digitalization Strategy – What Works Today
Hamish Norton, President, Star Bulk Carriers
John Kartsonas, Director, Seanergy Maritime
Tasos Aslidis, CFO, Eurodry
Costa Tsoutsoplides, Chief Strategy Officer, Eagle Bulk Shipping
Mark Filanowski, CEO, Pangaea Logistics Solutions
Carl Ackerley, COO, Grindrod Shipping
Demand har vært ner 8-9 % siste 6 mnd , men me har fortsatt greie rater. Og det tatt i betraktning at Kina ikkje er komme i spel endå.
Her er litt helge underholdning frå Marine Money.
Dry cargo vessels play an essential role in transportation of global commodities, including food and energy. The industry has better fundamentals than ever, thanks to a limited orderbook, supply chain disruptions, changing trade flow and decarbonization regulations.
• The Orderbook & CII – What they mean for Vessel Supply
• War in Ukraine – Ton Mile Impact on Coal and Agricultural Commodity Trades
• Comparing Commercial Operating Strategies
• Supply Chain Disruption – How it’s Effecting Demand
• Decarbonization & Digitalization Strategy – What Works Today
Hamish Norton, President, Star Bulk Carriers
John Kartsonas, Director, Seanergy Maritime
Tasos Aslidis, CFO, Eurodry
Costa Tsoutsoplides, Chief Strategy Officer, Eagle Bulk Shipping
Mark Filanowski, CEO, Pangaea Logistics Solutions
Carl Ackerley, COO, Grindrod Shipping
Redigert 04.07.2022 kl 14:57
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04.07.2022 kl 08:43
MELBOURNE, July 4 (Reuters) - Australia's mining and energy export revenues are forecast to climb 3% to a record A$419 billion ($286 billion) in the year to June 2023, buoyed by surging coal and gas prices in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the government said on Monday.
"The outlook is for the prices of energy commodities to remain strong for longer than previously forecast, as Western nations look for alternatives to Russian energy supplies," the Department of Industry said in its resources and energy quarterly report.
However it said higher global interest rates to combat inflation could hurt global economic activity and in turn lower resource and energy export earnings.
Exports of thermal coal used in power generation are expected to rise 15% to A$44 billion on strong prices and a small rise in volume, as Australian coal is considered the main alternative to Russia's higher coal grades, the government said.
Revenue from metallurgical coal used in steelmaking is forecast to climb 3% to A$60 billion.
"With inventories of energy in the Northern Hemisphere well below normal, any supply disruptions will result in more price surges," the report said, pointing to potential declines in coal output due to heavy rains lashing eastern Australia.
Offsetting gains in LNG and coal, the value of Australia's top export earner, iron ore, is expected to fall by 12% to A$116 billion in the year to June 2023, with the average price seen falling to $99 a tonne from $119.
"The outlook is for the prices of energy commodities to remain strong for longer than previously forecast, as Western nations look for alternatives to Russian energy supplies," the Department of Industry said in its resources and energy quarterly report.
However it said higher global interest rates to combat inflation could hurt global economic activity and in turn lower resource and energy export earnings.
Exports of thermal coal used in power generation are expected to rise 15% to A$44 billion on strong prices and a small rise in volume, as Australian coal is considered the main alternative to Russia's higher coal grades, the government said.
Revenue from metallurgical coal used in steelmaking is forecast to climb 3% to A$60 billion.
"With inventories of energy in the Northern Hemisphere well below normal, any supply disruptions will result in more price surges," the report said, pointing to potential declines in coal output due to heavy rains lashing eastern Australia.
Offsetting gains in LNG and coal, the value of Australia's top export earner, iron ore, is expected to fall by 12% to A$116 billion in the year to June 2023, with the average price seen falling to $99 a tonne from $119.
Golden Goat
04.07.2022 kl 13:12
Verdt å lese denne artikkelen:
In China, the largest source of Capesize demand, economic sentiment has improved this week following several months of economic shocks due to lockdowns. The country posted a manufacturing PMI of 50.2 today, climbing back in expansionary territory following months of low readings. Further, the country has reduced quarantine requirements for international arrivals, sparking hopes of less Covid-induced economic turmoil in 2H22. Looking forward, the sole easing of mass-lockdowns sets a positive tone for Chinese economic activity and in turn, raw material demand. Finally, steel production returned to healthy levels in May, totalling 96.6m tonnes, the highest so far this year despite the Covid disruption. This gives us optimism the country’s iron ore demand will continue to rise in Q3 and provide a lift to Capesize demand."
In China, the largest source of Capesize demand, economic sentiment has improved this week following several months of economic shocks due to lockdowns. The country posted a manufacturing PMI of 50.2 today, climbing back in expansionary territory following months of low readings. Further, the country has reduced quarantine requirements for international arrivals, sparking hopes of less Covid-induced economic turmoil in 2H22. Looking forward, the sole easing of mass-lockdowns sets a positive tone for Chinese economic activity and in turn, raw material demand. Finally, steel production returned to healthy levels in May, totalling 96.6m tonnes, the highest so far this year despite the Covid disruption. This gives us optimism the country’s iron ore demand will continue to rise in Q3 and provide a lift to Capesize demand."
04.07.2022 kl 17:26
Både MW og Worldquant økte shorten på fredag; sistnevnte med ca 220k.
Golden Goat
05.07.2022 kl 07:49
Allied rapporterer om en enkeltstående capesize NB-bestilling. Meget interessant. Den er 180kDWT (altså ikke en newcastlemax), dual fuelled, har levering 2025 og mest interessant av alt; prisen "low/mid $ 80's mill". Prisen kan da anslås å være et sted mellom 81 og 85 mUSD for en 'liten' cape på 180kDWT. Om denne transaksjonen er resultat av materialisert verdiøkning, så skal NAV justeres kraftig opp i de aller fleste regneark! Replacement cost for en av de nye nukene våre vil da komme opp på [81.0 , 85.0] * (210/180) = [94.5 , 99.2] mUSD (!!!).
Redigert 05.07.2022 kl 07:54
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05.07.2022 kl 08:07
Høye lagre av stål, men også mindre IO på lager.
It is no surprise that with lower steel output from China iron ore imports have also been under pressure so far this year. The latest trade data shows that cumulative imports over the first five months of the year totaled almost 447mt, down around 5% year-on-year. Naturally, if there is an upside in steel output over the second half of this year, we would expect to see stronger import demand for iron ore. Port inventories have been drawn down quite considerably over the last few months. The latest data from SteelHome shows that port inventories stand at around 124mt, down from a little more than 160mt earlier this year. Stocks are at their lowest levels in a year, and below the five-year average of close to 130mt for this stage of the year. These lower stocks and the more recent pressure we have seen on iron ore prices could attract some Chinese buying interest.
It is no surprise that with lower steel output from China iron ore imports have also been under pressure so far this year. The latest trade data shows that cumulative imports over the first five months of the year totaled almost 447mt, down around 5% year-on-year. Naturally, if there is an upside in steel output over the second half of this year, we would expect to see stronger import demand for iron ore. Port inventories have been drawn down quite considerably over the last few months. The latest data from SteelHome shows that port inventories stand at around 124mt, down from a little more than 160mt earlier this year. Stocks are at their lowest levels in a year, and below the five-year average of close to 130mt for this stage of the year. These lower stocks and the more recent pressure we have seen on iron ore prices could attract some Chinese buying interest.
05.07.2022 kl 17:23
bjooern skrev Er litt overtroisk sånn er det bare:)
Tror jaggu jeg får den under hundrelappen imorgen.:)
05.07.2022 kl 17:59
MW ligger og vaker omkring 0.5% grensa (omlag 1 million aksjer); under igjen i går.
An analysis of Russia's seaborne exports of coal since the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine show that it has not only managed to maintain volumes but has actually increased them.
An analysis of Russia's seaborne exports of coal since the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine show that it has not only managed to maintain volumes but has actually increased them.
05.07.2022 kl 18:48
bjooern skrev Tror jaggu jeg får den under hundrelappen imorgen.:)
Du kan jo vente enda lenger, så får du den under 80 kr etterhvert også..