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15.07.2022 kl 07:44
Rio Tinto med oppdatering.
The global miner reported misses across the board in its second-quarter update on output, but it maintained guidance on its full-year iron ore shipments at 320-335 million tonnes (Mt) as it expects its newly opened Gudai-Darri mine in the Pilbara region to continue to raise production and reach full capacity by 2023.
The global miner reported misses across the board in its second-quarter update on output, but it maintained guidance on its full-year iron ore shipments at 320-335 million tonnes (Mt) as it expects its newly opened Gudai-Darri mine in the Pilbara region to continue to raise production and reach full capacity by 2023.
15.07.2022 kl 07:52
WASHINGTON, July 14 (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday sought to facilitate Russian food and fertilizer exports by reassuring banks, shipping and insurance companies that such transactions would not breach Washington's sanctions on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine.
Enabling those Russian exports is a key part of attempts by the United Nations and Turkish officials to broker a package deal with Moscow that would also allow for shipments of Ukraine grain from the Black Sea port of Odesa, which have been blockaded by the war.
Enabling those Russian exports is a key part of attempts by the United Nations and Turkish officials to broker a package deal with Moscow that would also allow for shipments of Ukraine grain from the Black Sea port of Odesa, which have been blockaded by the war.
15.07.2022 kl 08:09
Fremdeles hovedsakelig container og LNG som bestiller nybygg.
Banchero Costa added in a separate note this week, that “in the gas market an order for 8 x 174,000 cbm LNG carrier was placed by European owners at Hyundai Heavy, deliveries expected during 2nd half of 2026.
Banchero Costa added in a separate note this week, that “in the gas market an order for 8 x 174,000 cbm LNG carrier was placed by European owners at Hyundai Heavy, deliveries expected during 2nd half of 2026.
15.07.2022 kl 08:55
Noen som har tilgang til braemar's sine sider live? Vet det er veldig dyrt å ha live-tilgang, men tallene som er 30 min forsinket, så da veldig grønne ut på morran..
Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 08:58
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Golden Goat
15.07.2022 kl 10:02
Tilsammen 10 stk 174,000 cbm LNG bestillinger den siste uka. Samtlige med levering 2026. Dette er 4 år frem i tid og det gjør at neste leveringsbølge som potensielt kan redusere den forestående ekstreme knappheten av capesizeskip tidligst kan inntreffe 2027, om 5 år. Forrige uke ble det rapportert om en bestilling av capesize på 85m USD. Før ett år er omme regner jeg med at pris på nybyggbestilling av en ncmax vil passere 100 mUSD. Slike bestillinger kan veldig gjerne ikke komme til overflaten før det er 100% avklart hvilke design som er tilfredstillende for å imøtekomme de neste 10 år med IMO-reguleringer. Når blir det avklart, kanskje 2023? 2024? Hvem vet? Det kan godt ta en god stund og i mellomtiden kan det hende at tankmarkedet får en ny oppgang med en tilhørende bestillingsbølge. Tank har også et relativt stort etterslep i nybygg og vil gjerne kunne ta opp 1,5 - 2 år med verftskapasitet dersom flåten skal utvides i takt med vekst og evt. fornyes for å imøtekomme IMO-reguleringene. Dette ser unektelig svært spennende ut av mange komplementære grunner.
Golden Goat
15.07.2022 kl 11:07
Gjenstår å se neste uke om dette er det faktiske vendepunktet. Kinacapen drar inn en rolig 11,0%:
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage: 14203 (+1408)
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage: 14203 (+1408)
The Godfather
15.07.2022 kl 12:16
Baltic Capesize-indeksen er opp 18,82 prosent til 24.209 dollar pr dag, ifølge The Baltic Exchange.
15.07.2022 kl 13:17
Som sagt, det ble ikke mange muligheter til å kjøpe denne under $10.
Nei, men det ble noen
Lenge siden vå så slike hopp i cape.
24k , blir da dividender av slikt også.
Q2 i Gogl blir jo omtrent akkurat som i q1, ca 5 kroner dividende
Lenge siden vå så slike hopp i cape.
24k , blir da dividender av slikt også.
Q2 i Gogl blir jo omtrent akkurat som i q1, ca 5 kroner dividende
Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 14:01
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15.07.2022 kl 15:49
Hvorfor er det så stor forskjell i ratene mellom Supra og Panamax ? Hvorfor gjør den minste faerøysklassen det best ?
15.07.2022 kl 18:25
Kanskje enda lengre enn 2023 eller 2024; 2027 var det en shipping-topp som uttalte for 2-3 uker siden! :-)
Ellers nærmer det seg korneksport fra Ukraina.
Ellers nærmer det seg korneksport fra Ukraina.
15.07.2022 kl 19:53
7,44 mill. aksjer short i US. Har ikke fått med meg denne store økningen før nå. Noen som vet på hvilken dato/kurs disse er shortet?
15.07.2022 kl 20:07
Den økte med nesten 4 mill aksjer i siste halvdel av juni, men ikke offentlig før den 12 juli.
Ellers økte MW i forigårs, og Worldquant økte med drøyt 300k dagen før det igjen.
Ellers økte MW i forigårs, og Worldquant økte med drøyt 300k dagen før det igjen.
Sjekk 24.06 i usa -11,5 dollar
De satte store short i diverse råvare relaterte aksjer
12 millioner aksjer short i Gogl nå, meste på år ogs dag.
Kan bli gøy om raten snur nå inn mot normal sessong
De satte store short i diverse råvare relaterte aksjer
12 millioner aksjer short i Gogl nå, meste på år ogs dag.
Kan bli gøy om raten snur nå inn mot normal sessong
Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 22:07
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15.07.2022 kl 23:37
Hvordan er korrelasjonen råvarepriser og gogl-prising? Om råvarepriser faller - betyr dette økt trafikk og høyere inntjening for gogl? Vil da tungt shortede råvarer innefor det gogl transporterer indikere mulig fall i råvarepris og med det potensiell økning i rater for gogl's del?
Edit: fjernet bisetning
Edit: fjernet bisetning
Redigert 15.07.2022 kl 23:41
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16.07.2022 kl 08:20
The capesize sector is witnessing modest strength, driven mainly by iron ore exports from Brazil, underpinning the Baltic index, said Yiannis Parganas, research analyst at Intermodal.
There is also demand for coal from Colombia and South Africa in Europe, and this helps the dry bulk market, as it translates into earning of around $20,000, which is very good,” he added.
Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 150,000-tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, were up $3,834 at $24,209.
There is also demand for coal from Colombia and South Africa in Europe, and this helps the dry bulk market, as it translates into earning of around $20,000, which is very good,” he added.
Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 150,000-tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, were up $3,834 at $24,209.
Golden Goat
16.07.2022 kl 20:26
Som vi så denne uka; trøkk i både stillehavet og atlanteren. FH sluttet på 54k pr dag(!!). Regner med at de neste ukene ser lyse ut. I B.E. weekly round up skrives det følgende:
Firmer sentiment across both basins pushed the Capesize 5TC route average above the $20,000 threshold this week, closing at $24,209. Activity in the Pacific gradually picked up midweek after a public holiday in Singapore on Monday. The West Australia to Qingdao iron ore trade climbed closer to $11, with fixtures reported at better rates towards the end of the week. Meanwhile, the market saw a lowering of vessels in ballast able to make end July dates - or even early August - loading in Brazil. Quite a few cargoes from Brazil and West Africa were fixed to Qingdao, with a China-Brazil round trip paying nearly $20,000 per day. In the North Atlantic, rates roared on both transatlantic and fronthaul trips. The latter remained as the most rewarding route pricing at $53,611 to perform a run from Continent/Mediterranean to the Far East.
Firmer sentiment across both basins pushed the Capesize 5TC route average above the $20,000 threshold this week, closing at $24,209. Activity in the Pacific gradually picked up midweek after a public holiday in Singapore on Monday. The West Australia to Qingdao iron ore trade climbed closer to $11, with fixtures reported at better rates towards the end of the week. Meanwhile, the market saw a lowering of vessels in ballast able to make end July dates - or even early August - loading in Brazil. Quite a few cargoes from Brazil and West Africa were fixed to Qingdao, with a China-Brazil round trip paying nearly $20,000 per day. In the North Atlantic, rates roared on both transatlantic and fronthaul trips. The latter remained as the most rewarding route pricing at $53,611 to perform a run from Continent/Mediterranean to the Far East.
Kinamann trenger nok fortsatt litt armering og cement fremover
Drybulk aksjer i Asia kraftig opp
Drybulk aksjer i Asia kraftig opp
Redigert 18.07.2022 kl 08:13
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Geir Rune L
18.07.2022 kl 11:12
Kinacap opp nye 11,45%
Kina-Japan/Stillehavet rundreise 180 000 DWT Capesize $/dag 15841 1638
Kina-Japan/Stillehavet rundreise 180 000 DWT Capesize $/dag 15841 1638
Golden Goat
18.07.2022 kl 11:15
Trykket ser ut til å vedvare i kina. Marginalt økt stigningstakt på kinacape i dag, opp 11,5%:
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage: 15841 (+1638)
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage: 15841 (+1638)
Golden Goat
18.07.2022 kl 12:09
Kan ikke kalle det trøkk, men likevel oppgang. BCI opp 1,6%:
5TC 24603 (+394)
5TC 24603 (+394)
18.07.2022 kl 13:48
Noen tror på bestillingsboom i 2023. Får håpe de har litt mer is i magen denne gangen.
Golden Goat
18.07.2022 kl 14:24
Tvilsomt, den eneste capesizebestillingen som har kommet til lyset er en 180kDWT-bestilling som sikkert kun ble medgått fordi verftet klarte å skvise den inn i en panamax spot.
"Shipping researchers believe 2023 could see a return to high newbuilding ordering levels in all vessel sectors." Flere problemer med dette premisset:
Ordreboka er allerede full ut 2026. Verftene må derfor prioritere hvilke slots de ønsker å låse for 2027. Låser verftene slotene på skip som bringer 250 mUSD i omsetning eller til et skip som bringer inn under 100 mUSD i omsetning? Skulle trøkket fra container-, tanker- og gasstankskip utebli i 2023 (hvilket må være ganske ekstraordinært at demand faller fra samtlige sektorer samtidig), hvorfor/hvordan skal verftene låse 2027-slot til tørrbulk? Er en helt assymetrisk risikoprofil (man blir straffet for å inngå kontrakter fremfor å bare vente; og ja; de har god tid), og de vil mye gjerne heller vente ett år (til 2024) for å se om hungeren kommer tilbake. De har allerede sikret seg arbeid ut 2026, og de er sikret gode inntekter for alle årene til og med 2026. Hvorfor skal de nå velge å låse seg til lavere inntekt i 2027?
"Shipping researchers believe 2023 could see a return to high newbuilding ordering levels in all vessel sectors." Flere problemer med dette premisset:
Ordreboka er allerede full ut 2026. Verftene må derfor prioritere hvilke slots de ønsker å låse for 2027. Låser verftene slotene på skip som bringer 250 mUSD i omsetning eller til et skip som bringer inn under 100 mUSD i omsetning? Skulle trøkket fra container-, tanker- og gasstankskip utebli i 2023 (hvilket må være ganske ekstraordinært at demand faller fra samtlige sektorer samtidig), hvorfor/hvordan skal verftene låse 2027-slot til tørrbulk? Er en helt assymetrisk risikoprofil (man blir straffet for å inngå kontrakter fremfor å bare vente; og ja; de har god tid), og de vil mye gjerne heller vente ett år (til 2024) for å se om hungeren kommer tilbake. De har allerede sikret seg arbeid ut 2026, og de er sikret gode inntekter for alle årene til og med 2026. Hvorfor skal de nå velge å låse seg til lavere inntekt i 2027?
18.07.2022 kl 14:35
Det var også min umiddelbare tanke, men rart at et shipping-analyse-byrå ikke er klar over dette?
Golden Goat
18.07.2022 kl 14:56
Leste resten av artikkelen, det kan hende at artikkelforfatter ikke skiller mellom mindre og større skip. Hvilket gjør at det ikke er så relevant for oss som følger/eier i GOGL eller 2020. Her er det markedet på de store båtene som gjelder. Mange bestillinger av småskip kommer ikke til å utløse et "supply suicide" i storskip, og heller sikkert ikke i småbulk for den saks skyld som i likhet med storbulk også har et digert etterslep i bestillinger som vil ta mange år for å dekke.
Golden Goat
18.07.2022 kl 15:41
Konstillasjonen forbedres gradvis. Årets høysesong ser bedre og bedre ut. Når utestengelse av russisk kull trer inn for full kraft i august vil dette vise igjen på ratene. Da skal russisk kull til andre steder i verden, og EU må hente kull fra langvekkistan.
"The European Union drastically scaled back its imports of Russian thermal coal in June ahead of a full ban in August, reported The Financial Times on Friday.
Russian coal exports to Europe hit five-year high ahead of August ban
Just 1.7m tonnes of Russian coal were shipped to the EU by the sea in June, a decline of 48% compared with May, it said quoting figures from commodities consultancy CRU.
In contrast, coal imports into the EU in the first six months of 2022 have seen large increases from the likes of the US, Australia and Colombia according to statistics from Banchero Costa.
Imports from the US surged 91.6% year on year to 11.2m tonnes, making the US the second largest supplier to Europe after Russia with a share of 19.4%.
Imports from Australia are up 27.3% year-on-year to 10.2m tonnes, making Australia Europe’s third largest coal supplier with a share of 17.6%.
Colombia is in fourth place, with a 12.7% share of Europe’s coal imports, which in the first half of the year were up 113.6% to 7.3m tons, according to the Italian broker."
"The European Union drastically scaled back its imports of Russian thermal coal in June ahead of a full ban in August, reported The Financial Times on Friday.
Russian coal exports to Europe hit five-year high ahead of August ban
Just 1.7m tonnes of Russian coal were shipped to the EU by the sea in June, a decline of 48% compared with May, it said quoting figures from commodities consultancy CRU.
In contrast, coal imports into the EU in the first six months of 2022 have seen large increases from the likes of the US, Australia and Colombia according to statistics from Banchero Costa.
Imports from the US surged 91.6% year on year to 11.2m tonnes, making the US the second largest supplier to Europe after Russia with a share of 19.4%.
Imports from Australia are up 27.3% year-on-year to 10.2m tonnes, making Australia Europe’s third largest coal supplier with a share of 17.6%.
Colombia is in fourth place, with a 12.7% share of Europe’s coal imports, which in the first half of the year were up 113.6% to 7.3m tons, according to the Italian broker."
Golden Goat
18.07.2022 kl 15:52
Om dette, slik det ligger ann til nå, sammenfaller med åpning av korridor gjennom svartehavet. 50 millioner tonn med korn skal ut fra Ukraina til resten av verden. Korn er 41% panamax og resten i småbulk, småbulk er allerede stramt, så dette året blir det nok høyere anndel på pmax (kanskje opp mot 50%? i år). Totalt vil 50 m tonn med korn utgjøre over 700 panamax-laster. Om dette sammenfaller med trøkk fra atlanteren og stillehavet på capesize, grunnet generell høysesong i IO-eksport; da kommer dette til å bli en svært lukrativ sesong. Her er det bare til å bunnfiske gøgg på dagensbilligsalg IMO.
19.07.2022 kl 06:48
Er vel samme artikkel de har lagt ut tidligere, men står veldig mye interessant når det gjelder resultatet av IMO-kravene som kommer.
Cargill says that as of now it doesn’t expect to have many new-build ships in its fleet, instead fitting energy saving devices to older vessels and prolonging their use, while there’s still uncertainty about future technology.
Many shipping firms are hedging their bets mainly because prolonging the life span of vessels is cheaper and lower risk than new builds. They also gain breathing space while waiting for the winning new technologies to become mainstream.
Cargill says that as of now it doesn’t expect to have many new-build ships in its fleet, instead fitting energy saving devices to older vessels and prolonging their use, while there’s still uncertainty about future technology.
Many shipping firms are hedging their bets mainly because prolonging the life span of vessels is cheaper and lower risk than new builds. They also gain breathing space while waiting for the winning new technologies to become mainstream.
19.07.2022 kl 10:41
Kina jobber for å løse krisen i eiendomssektoren:
19.07.2022 kl 11:03
Kina-capen litt opp i dag:
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage 180000DWT Capesize $/day 15954 +114
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage 180000DWT Capesize $/day 15954 +114
Golden Goat
19.07.2022 kl 12:51
Stigningstakten borte i kina, likevel økning i absolutte tall. Kinacape opp 0.7% mens BCI med en marginal nedgang på 2,3%:
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage: 15954 (+114)
BCI 5TC: 24043 (-560)
China-Japan/Pacific Round Voyage: 15954 (+114)
BCI 5TC: 24043 (-560)
19.07.2022 kl 15:17
19.07.2022 kl 18:26
Både i går og i dag henger GOGL kraftig etter GNK og SBLK. På tide med en opphenting snart nå.
19.07.2022 kl 19:18
Etter en periode hvor GOGL har utviklet seg dårligere enn resten av markedet er den igjen den bulkaksjen med størst oppside til Cleaves kursmål.
2020 70%
DSX 45%
EGLE 56%
GNK 72%
GOGL 74%
SBLK 59%
2020 70%
DSX 45%
EGLE 56%
GNK 72%
GOGL 74%
SBLK 59%
19.07.2022 kl 22:30
Beijing’s long-planned initiative to wrestle back control of pricing of dry bulk commodities, principally iron ore, has finally taken shape.
Bloomberg is reporting that China Mineral Resources Group was officially launched today. The state-run conglomerate has a registered capital of RMB20bn ($3bn) and a business scope which covers activities including mining, ore processing and trading. The group will manage mines as well as serve as a unified iron ore buying platform for steel mills in China.
Bloomberg is reporting that China Mineral Resources Group was officially launched today. The state-run conglomerate has a registered capital of RMB20bn ($3bn) and a business scope which covers activities including mining, ore processing and trading. The group will manage mines as well as serve as a unified iron ore buying platform for steel mills in China.
Redigert 19.07.2022 kl 22:31
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20.07.2022 kl 06:59
SHANGHAI, July 20 (Reuters) - China approved the construction of 8.63 gigawatts (GW) of coal power in the first quarter of this year, nearly half the amount seen in all of 2021, as energy security trumps climate concerns, environment group Greenpeace said on Wednesday.
China has vowed to strictly control coal power capacity over the 2021-2025 period as it bids to bring its climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions — the highest in the world — to a peak by 2030. Its new projects also slowed last year.
Beijing, the world's biggest producer and user of coal, has already promised to start cutting consumption, but only after 2025, and researchers with the State Grid have said that 150 gigawatts of new coal power capacity could be built before then.
According to forecasts from the China Electricity Council published this month, China's total power generation capacity is expected to reach 3,000 GW by 2025, with fossil fuel sources amounting to 49%, implying a 261 GW increase in coal- and natural gas-fired power compared to the end of last year.
Though China is accelerating wind and solar power construction, building more coal capacity will make it harder for renewable projects to gain access to the grids and reach consumers, Wu said.
China has vowed to strictly control coal power capacity over the 2021-2025 period as it bids to bring its climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions — the highest in the world — to a peak by 2030. Its new projects also slowed last year.
Beijing, the world's biggest producer and user of coal, has already promised to start cutting consumption, but only after 2025, and researchers with the State Grid have said that 150 gigawatts of new coal power capacity could be built before then.
According to forecasts from the China Electricity Council published this month, China's total power generation capacity is expected to reach 3,000 GW by 2025, with fossil fuel sources amounting to 49%, implying a 261 GW increase in coal- and natural gas-fired power compared to the end of last year.
Though China is accelerating wind and solar power construction, building more coal capacity will make it harder for renewable projects to gain access to the grids and reach consumers, Wu said.
20.07.2022 kl 07:12
Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 150,000-tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, were down $560 at $24,043.
Chinese steel futures rose on the day, buoyed by government efforts to relieve financial distress in the country’s troubled property sector, but iron ore prices fell on concerns over waning demand for the steelmaking ingredient.
Average daily earnings for panamaxes, which usually carry coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes, increased by $155 to $17,001.
Brazilian corn exports via southern ports in Parana state have continued to exceed expectations, with shipments rising 221% in the first half of the year amid Ukraine’s absence from the market.
Chinese steel futures rose on the day, buoyed by government efforts to relieve financial distress in the country’s troubled property sector, but iron ore prices fell on concerns over waning demand for the steelmaking ingredient.
Average daily earnings for panamaxes, which usually carry coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes, increased by $155 to $17,001.
Brazilian corn exports via southern ports in Parana state have continued to exceed expectations, with shipments rising 221% in the first half of the year amid Ukraine’s absence from the market.
20.7.2022 07:47 • TDN Finans •
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Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Vale hadde jernmalmproduksjon på 74,1 millioner tonn i andre kvartal 2022, sammenlignet med 63,13 millioner tonn i første kvartal 2022 og 75,0 millioner tonn i andre kvartal 2021. For 2022 nedjusteres guidingen til en produksjon på 310-320 millioner tonn, fra tidligere 320-335 millioner tonn.
Det fremgår av Vales produksjonsrapport tirsdag kveld.
20.7.2022 07:47 • TDN Finans •
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Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Vale hadde jernmalmproduksjon på 74,1 millioner tonn i andre kvartal 2022, sammenlignet med 63,13 millioner tonn i første kvartal 2022 og 75,0 millioner tonn i andre kvartal 2021. For 2022 nedjusteres guidingen til en produksjon på 310-320 millioner tonn, fra tidligere 320-335 millioner tonn.
Det fremgår av Vales produksjonsrapport tirsdag kveld.
Redigert 20.07.2022 kl 08:14
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