Zenith Energy • TILAPIA • 3-5 x opptur i vente
Nå kan det løsne i CONGO B og Tilapia!
Møte i dag 05.08.2022:
Ministre de hydrocarbures
Agenda 05.08.22 lagt ut:
«plenum om lovforslag som godkjenner endringer i produksjonskontrakter»
Assemble nationale..
Kan løsne nå! Kom dere inn i Zenith Energy snarest!
Møte i dag 05.08.2022:
Ministre de hydrocarbures
Agenda 05.08.22 lagt ut:
«plenum om lovforslag som godkjenner endringer i produksjonskontrakter»
Assemble nationale..
Kan løsne nå! Kom dere inn i Zenith Energy snarest!
Redigert 09.08.2022 kl 09:18
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Tipper de kommer inn under dette. Zena er så små, men de har også operatørstatus.
15.08.2022 kl 06:11
Oversatt til engelsk…..Zena ble ikke nevnt i artikkel
«The Senate also unanimously adopted with amendments thirty-three draft laws and amendments relating to operating permits granted to oil companies Eni Congo SA; Total Energie E&P Congo and Perenco Congo SA. The objective is to clean up the sector in accordance with the requirements of the Hydrocarbon Code in order to best revive the national economy»
«The Senate also unanimously adopted with amendments thirty-three draft laws and amendments relating to operating permits granted to oil companies Eni Congo SA; Total Energie E&P Congo and Perenco Congo SA. The objective is to clean up the sector in accordance with the requirements of the Hydrocarbon Code in order to best revive the national economy»
14.08.2022 kl 21:58
«Le Sénat a adopté aussi à l’unanimité avec amendements trente-trois projets de lois et avenants relatifs aux permis d’exploitation attribués aux sociétés pétrolières Eni Congo SA ; Total Energie E&P Congo et Perenco Congo SA. L’objectif est d’assainir le secteur conformément aux prescriptions du code des hydrocarbures afin de relancer au mieux l’économie nationale.»
Ser ut som det gjelder bare disse tre selskapene i følge artikkelen…?
Ser ut som det gjelder bare disse tre selskapene i følge artikkelen…?
14.08.2022 kl 21:20
muligheter for news ila uka kanskje. https://www.adiac-congo.com/content/senat-cinquante-deux-lois-adoptees-la-quinzieme-session-ordinaire-administrative-140358
14.08.2022 kl 17:44
Slettet brukerskrev Det blir svært trangt i døren ut hvis kursen går over 12 øre nå ...
Det kommer vel an på hvilken nyheter som kommer.
Det blir svært trangt i døren ut hvis kursen går over 12 øre nå ...
14.08.2022 kl 10:32
Kommende uke føler jeg at mld kommer! Om et eller annet. Ikke nødvendigvis Tlpia!
13.08.2022 kl 23:00
Ja. Sist aksjekursen gikk ifra 20 øre til over 1 krone, var i august mnd for ett par-tre år siden 👍. men da var det Azerbaijan dei opererte i.
13.08.2022 kl 19:54
I think you should write posts here in your language and not in english. Probably better to understand what you mean.
When that is said im glad Viking share info about hidden volumes. Hopefully one day we will get some great news about the contacts that has been working on for a long time now. It’s not easy areas Zenith Are working in, and things takes time for sure.
When that is said im glad Viking share info about hidden volumes. Hopefully one day we will get some great news about the contacts that has been working on for a long time now. It’s not easy areas Zenith Are working in, and things takes time for sure.
13.08.2022 kl 14:46
Everybody based on knowledge they haw as the stock holder haw right to the sorted degree, som off os best on experience from the past, sum of os from stomach feelings (witch I personally don't trust Tham anymore.) and now crystal boll thing witch I call them C. balls shortly, and thay are on line here in the next weeks.
But more I think and time passes by I realise: Its not the problem in AC that haw ben so much dela on sighing of the last signature (god to go..) on the contract.Its the size of the pan.!!! Pan must be so big and havy like Dick of Herkules or that green giant Hulk that not meny in Congo B. kan lift it. Meiby thay need help but ar to proud to ask for it. Thay should just ask any of the Zenith stock holders vi are gled to help Tham (that ar C.bolls on the line here..).
And I polegays if I haw insulted any one in my posts in the past, now or in the future. Newer it was ment to be as one.
But more I think and time passes by I realise: Its not the problem in AC that haw ben so much dela on sighing of the last signature (god to go..) on the contract.Its the size of the pan.!!! Pan must be so big and havy like Dick of Herkules or that green giant Hulk that not meny in Congo B. kan lift it. Meiby thay need help but ar to proud to ask for it. Thay should just ask any of the Zenith stock holders vi are gled to help Tham (that ar C.bolls on the line here..).
And I polegays if I haw insulted any one in my posts in the past, now or in the future. Newer it was ment to be as one.
12.08.2022 kl 23:10
Slettet brukerskrev Eventyret om "de skjulte orderene" fra Mr. Viking er over for denne uke.
Legger merke til at flere mener Viking har en krystallkule og gjør narr av det han legger ut med skjulte ordre. Kan si såpass at hadde dere brukt en halv hjernecelle og følgt med på hva som faktisk blir handlet så har viking helt korrekt i det han legger ut. Blir for dumt og henge ut noen som legger ut korrekt informasjon når det er dere selv som ikke følger med i timen. (Skal også sies at utenom skjulte ordre så har viking ikke orden på tidsestimater)
12.08.2022 kl 22:53
Slettet brukerskrev Eventyret om "de skjulte orderene" fra Mr. Viking er over for denne uke.
😂👌🏻 skål for den
12.08.2022 kl 20:07
I haw postet on prevues forum about my stomach feelings about Rob. 100 boa it turns out wrong (it was gasses...) this time we haw startet to use crystal ball!!!
So my C.Bals ar seing that will not com only one but two news won after the other in not so very long time in between Tham. If this will turn out not to be true: then I will proclaim them useless and newer make predictions agen, because I will not make frustration agen to thes forum any more. And I will announce my c.balls useless here public in this forum. ( I suggest that everybody should do the same when thay are wrong. Its nobel to admit....)
So liderally speccing faith of my C.balls hang on what AC and Zena its going do in the next weeks ore month
So my C.Bals ar seing that will not com only one but two news won after the other in not so very long time in between Tham. If this will turn out not to be true: then I will proclaim them useless and newer make predictions agen, because I will not make frustration agen to thes forum any more. And I will announce my c.balls useless here public in this forum. ( I suggest that everybody should do the same when thay are wrong. Its nobel to admit....)
So liderally speccing faith of my C.balls hang on what AC and Zena its going do in the next weeks ore month
Redigert 12.08.2022 kl 20:20
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BMU skrev IF it works properly :) :)
Eventyret om "de skjulte orderene" fra Mr. Viking er over for denne uke.
Redigert 12.08.2022 kl 17:40
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it is all based on available previous data and pattern and predictability of particular shareholder. Still there is 10T- 0.0971 around 700k share left.
good thing here is impatient left the stock so less seller here price will be stable now.
good thing here is impatient left the stock so less seller here price will be stable now.
Redigert 12.08.2022 kl 14:47
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12.08.2022 kl 14:39
Jeg er veldig tilhenger av å være hyggelig, men venter fortsatt på svar fra Vikingen om hvordan han ser at det er en skjult ordre på 2M ;-)
12.08.2022 kl 14:27
Mdg1 skrev Min kule sier at nada nytt kommer 23.aug
Mine crystal ball sez it well com not one but to god news one after de other.
So lets se which balls ar more believable.. :)
So lets se which balls ar more believable.. :)
12.08.2022 kl 14:24
La oss være hyggelige her, noe alle er. Kan noen finne link til hva Kongo myndighetene har lagt ut om ny avtaler ?
Mdg1 skrev Min kule sier at nada nytt kommer 23.aug
Then people should sell it and you will buy cheaply ................................hiden order 10T - 0.0971 2 million volume
Redigert 12.08.2022 kl 13:58
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12.08.2022 kl 13:40
HighAndLow skrev Så hva sier krystallkulen din om skjulte ordrer, Viking_I?
Min kule sier at nada nytt kommer 23.aug
12.08.2022 kl 13:26
Slettet brukerskrev Total 6 shares million shares for buy above 0.0950
Så hva sier krystallkulen din om skjulte ordrer, Viking_I?
Redigert 12.08.2022 kl 13:27
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12.08.2022 kl 12:52
Slettet brukerskrev Total 6 shares million shares for buy above 0.0950
De rykker vel opp og rensker til12 øre snart 👍
Total 6 shares million shares for buy above 0.0950
Redigert 12.08.2022 kl 12:16
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Any reason for postponement of yearly report by 1 month to 31 August?
IC on 23rd August?
Contract tabled on parliament to make it law on 5th and 9th August? (Any contract is tabled only after signed by both parties)
Zenith Tweet mentioning specially Congo on 10th Aug.
IC on 23rd August?
Contract tabled on parliament to make it law on 5th and 9th August? (Any contract is tabled only after signed by both parties)
Zenith Tweet mentioning specially Congo on 10th Aug.
12.08.2022 kl 11:24
Har du virkelig store forventninger til den 23.?
Om det blir som tidligere, skjer det nada.
Om det blir som tidligere, skjer det nada.
Difficult for course manipulator to take down to 0.09 again to enter cheaply before 23 August. 😉
Large hidden orders for buy more than 5 million above 0.0950.
Electricity average is 490,37 €/MWh for August - 4.5 million profit for this month.
Profit for last 5 month is $1.7million.
Electricity average is 490,37 €/MWh for August - 4.5 million profit for this month.
Profit for last 5 month is $1.7million.
Redigert 12.08.2022 kl 10:05
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11.08.2022 kl 23:02
And I will repeat my self agen:
Belif is only as strong as the knowledge upon which is based. Knolege is only as powerful as its application and application only possible through belief.
Belif is only as strong as the knowledge upon which is based. Knolege is only as powerful as its application and application only possible through belief.
11.08.2022 kl 18:39
For under 2 måneder siden var kursen over 0,11 og har tidligere i år været over 0,12,
så ved ikke hvorfor der er jubel på kurs 0,10.
Nej tror desværre vi kommer til at lige fast omkring 0,10 i et stykke tid.
Lige så snart kursen prøver at bevæge sig op sælger folk.
Der er for meget trade og ingen holder.
så ved ikke hvorfor der er jubel på kurs 0,10.
Nej tror desværre vi kommer til at lige fast omkring 0,10 i et stykke tid.
Lige så snart kursen prøver at bevæge sig op sælger folk.
Der er for meget trade og ingen holder.
11.08.2022 kl 17:58
kokkohill skrev Ikke dette jeg ventet på👍
"The second is to set up long-term contracts that ensure an abundant and sufficient supply to both guarantee the supply of gas stations and contribute to the constitution of stocks."
Ikke dette?
Ikke dette?
kokkohill skrev Ikke dette jeg ventet på👍
do not expect Tilapia news tomorrow but defiantly before 23rd Aug.