Zenith Energy • TILAPIA • 3-5 x opptur i vente

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ZENA 05.08.2022 kl 10:39 168998

Nå kan det løsne i CONGO B og Tilapia!

Møte i dag 05.08.2022:

Ministre de hydrocarbures
Agenda 05.08.22 lagt ut:
«plenum om lovforslag som godkjenner endringer i produksjonskontrakter»
Assemble nationale..


Kan løsne nå! Kom dere inn i Zenith Energy snarest!



Redigert 09.08.2022 kl 09:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 13:05 4384

Nissen siger at hvis du er Short, så kommer det her til at gøre ondt - for han skal til at købe ind.

Held og Lykke

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
30.08.2022 kl 13:34 4279

Ja nå er det rett før det smeller noe voldsomt. HOLD og nyt showet!! Kjøpssiden er enorm nå og bare vokser, så noe stort kommer snart! jeg tipper at det snart komme et rykk over 0.14 mot 0.16. Lite ledige aksjer nå. De tas snart i et jafs.
Redigert 30.08.2022 kl 13:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 15:24 4164

Det blir nok en heft sluttauksjon i dag. :)
30.08.2022 kl 15:29 4156

Gjør det det?
30.08.2022 kl 15:39 4158

30.08.2022 kl 15:42 4228

Boom hvor?
Slettet bruker
30.08.2022 kl 16:24 4175

Opp ca 3,5 prosent i London. Ligger på 1,09. Greit volum, men ikke noe boom :)
30.08.2022 kl 16:37 4188

We have many things to look forward to, aiming for 1,000 bopd production from Tunisian assets in the next 6-8 months. EB3 is expected to produce 500 bopd when it is drilled later this year and this will only cost $3.5 million which is fully funded and there is 25.7 million barrels of oil in place which means that El Bibane will be producing from decades to come and we have the license for another 11 years. It is clearly evident why they have put a $75 million valuation on it and it is a phenomenal deal that it was only acquired for $100.

Robbana is due to drill Rob-3 in November targeting 200bopd and this is fully funded out of existing cash reserves. Robanna has 10 million barrels of oil in place and so will also produce for decades to come and we own the license until 2034.

In Congo the company is expecting to receive payment of the $5.7 million owed by the SNPC in the near future and it sounds like they are also slowly making their way towards Tilapia2 getting approved.

We are also producing oil and sold $5.4 million in July and have another 116k barrels in storage.

Right now the price is very cheap.
09.10.2022 kl 12:55 3690

da er vi godt uti oktober allerede!
Femtito lover ble godkjent av de sekstito på dagsordenen. Ti av dem er utsatt til neste økt som er planlagt til neste oktober

må vel bli noe nå?
09.10.2022 kl 13:54 3630

Selv om det er olje og gass, merkelig at de ikke skynder seg mer. Her kunne man enkelt fått inn tiltrengte penger til statskassa men nei da. Her må det "krangles" og forskyves maksimalt ut i tid.... Tiden vil vise hva det blir til.
Redigert 09.10.2022 kl 14:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.10.2022 kl 10:08 3239

Så er Zenith ikke alene om Benin


Så det bliver nok heller ikke til noget, som alt andet..

Ved AC overhovedet havd han laver ?

IC skulle holdes 8/9 pga nyheder. Så blev nyheder forsinket og IC flyttet til 28/9.
Nå nej der kom heller ikke noget.
Nu er det 11/10 og stadig intet nyt.
Laver han grin med os ?

Redigert 11.10.2022 kl 10:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
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11.10.2022 kl 10:22 3228

Tilapia is done deal (already PCS signed), contract document presented in parliament in Aug first week. last week rectification also done in parliament as per tweet form government as per procedure final signature form president is remaining after that announcement will be done.
Benin will take 2 more month for conclusion
Redigert 11.10.2022 kl 10:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.10.2022 kl 10:30 3261

Var det virkelig noen som trodde vi var alene om å ønske Benin? Ikke rart att folk blir skuffet, mye vas på forum om dagen. Les hele meldingene ikke bare overskrifter
Slettet bruker
11.10.2022 kl 10:55 3614

AC done his homework for his deal already before announcement, I haven't seen any other in the race, It is the same AI who spread many negative rumors' before Tilapia announcement and AI fall flat on there face.
large hidden volume to buy at 0.1054 and 0.1050 currently
Redigert 11.10.2022 kl 10:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.10.2022 kl 10:59 3623

Som jeg havde forstået det var det kun Zenith der havde budt ind, men der er faktisk en mere som vil ind
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11.10.2022 kl 11:01 3685

As Congolese minister announced in Conference on start of Sep 2022 that everyone is happy and production will increase in first half of 2023. i am expecting announcement soon.
11.10.2022 kl 11:04 3668

How do you know retification was done last week? only seen 57/67 has been passed, but not anything concrete on Zenith being one of them being passed.
11.10.2022 kl 12:02 3604

han ved ingenting. Altid bare gætter og rammer forkert
Slettet bruker
11.10.2022 kl 12:15 3616

Then AC is mad without knowing procedure telling people, due of Tilapia announcement he postpone IC 2 times. (he knows timeline and he signed PSC in summer that's why he is confident it will come after presented in parliament in Aug )
If you don't know procedure dont spread negativity here.
I know people seating and waiting with hidden volume to buy 0.1062 5T with 2million, more than 6 million to buy around 0.1050
Redigert 11.10.2022 kl 12:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.10.2022 kl 12:31 3663

Problemet er at det hele tiden er lige ved og det har det været i 1 år.
Altid næste uge eller næste måned og intet er sket.

Hvad kan du bruge skjulte ordrer til ? Selvfølgelig folk ligger ordrer længere nede fordi Zena har tildens til at falde og stige mange procent på lav volume.
Hvad få tusinde kroner kan du let flytte kursen 5-10 %.
At der ligger et lavere køb på 2 mill ud af 1792 mill aktier har ingen betydning.

Eneste der kan få kursen op er faktisk melding (og ikke håb omkring det) eller aktiesplejs. Er der alt for mange aktier
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11.10.2022 kl 12:48 3645

We are not asking Congolese government to post there agenda on twitter everyone see what's going on there, with new hydrocarbon minister all things moving too fast he targeted production increase in next half year.
Slettet bruker
11.10.2022 kl 13:28 3582

You hidden volume guys need to wait more i need to fill more 4 million before tilapia announcement. Already filled 5 million from morning.
Redigert 11.10.2022 kl 13:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.10.2022 kl 13:33 3571

How much do you own? and why have u not filled up already? i thought u said u expected Tilapia long time ago, starting to question if you are just trolling at this current moment.
Slettet bruker
11.10.2022 kl 13:46 3546

i sold on IC day after knowing no tilapia announcement in next 15 days, but after yesterdays confirmation of rectification it is more near to finish line. Filling slow and steady
Redigert 11.10.2022 kl 15:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
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12.10.2022 kl 09:49 3257

if someone take down i will fill more, dont try to take course down
12.10.2022 kl 11:25 3162

med venlig hilsen aktie politiet
12.10.2022 kl 12:32 3125

Forstod ikke helt agendaen kl14.00 i dag via google translate, men kanskje noen andre her er habile i fransk..

"Reunion du Conseil des Ministres sous la tres haute autorite du President de la Republique"
Sted: "Palais du Peuple"

Ceremonie d'ouverture de l'atelier sur le bilan de la Phase I et le lancement de la Phase 2 de la facilie ADAPT'ACTION
Sted: "Hotel Radisson Blu-Mbamou Palace (Salle des conferences)

Slettet bruker
12.10.2022 kl 12:47 3109

large hidden order to buy 0.1052 5T more than 3 million
if you want to buy put order before 0.1052
Redigert 12.10.2022 kl 13:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.10.2022 kl 14:01 3031

Nyt lavpunkt,,,,,1,4 million dumpet til 0,1042, imponerede tillid til fader AC,,,,,,suk,suk,suk
12.10.2022 kl 14:02 5250

En av de største traderne er nok Vikingen. Konstant gnål om hidden orders :-)
12.10.2022 kl 14:15 5290

Å ja. Tanken har slått meg og..
12.10.2022 kl 14:19 5367

Same here, recently.
12.10.2022 kl 15:22 5380

Er du sjokkert?

AC bruker same gamle trikset. Er ikke 3 åringer som er investert her, folk med fungerende hjerne, får jeg håpe.

Blir helt matt av haleluja stemningen her inne, absolutt ingen kritikk til selskapet what so ever. Alt er positivt, om noe blir utsatt ja da er det mest sannsynlig en signering på gang. Tilapia 2 år på etterskudd, tja alle gode ting tar tid.

Våkn opp, dette er jo et mareritt folkens. Eneste zena har per dags dato som er positivt er den lille strømmen de får solgt i italia. Ikke kom her å nevn et felt som produserer 25 boe er positivt. De levere så langt under plan att det er direkte latterlig. Selskapet burde tas av børs for å beskytte folk som dere.
12.10.2022 kl 17:21 5268

Calebs your deramping sounds so desperate, I assume you want to buy in cheaper or you are downright asking to be banned with defamatory comments. This is investment nothing goes up in straight line then spit your dummy out if it doesn’t. We have plenty to look forward to as an investor and once we secure all the big projects the market cap will multi bag on production. We are priced on yearly electricity sales alone!
12.10.2022 kl 17:28 5261

Another administrative expence...😂
12.10.2022 kl 17:46 5285

Im not touching this stock, so you can assume all you want. Thats what you guys do, assume.

Im honestly gonna get shocked if a company like Zena gets a big project. Its a small scale company with lack of experience of a bigger scale and i think they see that aswell. Hence the reason it takes time, im sure they are using zena to ramp up the price for bigger companies.

Good luck with Zena.

Ps; remember to report me, as im not positive regarding this stock. Its important to only keep the "to the moon" posts.
12.10.2022 kl 17:51 5289

Good - if you’re not touching this stock I suggest you keep your defamatory comments to yourself. Fact is zeniths share price is only reflected in electricity sales alone, any of the projects that come in at this price will multiply the mcap. Whether it does or not is why we invest, however you’re blatantly deramping for a reason. My bet is you want a cheap entry as someone who generally wastes their time posting endlessly on a stock “they’re not interested in” is usually the opposite.

On that note I do expect AC to be working on some big deals, including signing of the big Tilapia.
13.10.2022 kl 09:12 5096

Dette har jeg ikke sett tidligere! Må ha kommet nå nylig?
Slettet bruker
13.10.2022 kl 09:15 5158

Ja, det må jo være positivt. Har et skjermbilde hvor det står sponsors 2022 og Zenith Energy. Var det slik at Zenith Energy også var satt opp som speaker i år? Det nærmer seg og bør få landet avtale før dette vell? AC er fast bestemt på at avtalen er nærstående.
Redigert 13.10.2022 kl 09:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
13.10.2022 kl 09:23 5185

På hovedsiden står det ihvertfall sponsor 2022: Zenith Energy
13.10.2022 kl 09:50 5283

Exactly the company is still a small cap company, that’s what small cap companies do they acquire assets and build up its portfolio gradually. Nothing goes up in a straight line and comes in immediately, so far we have produced and sold oil and electricity and brought in lots of revenue. All we need is one more big project in the portfolio and produce then the market cap will rocket from here.
13.10.2022 kl 10:26 5249

Noe STORT nærmer seg.

Kan det være en elefant?

Kan det være en trailer?

Kan det være toget?

Nei, det er TILAPIA!
13.10.2022 kl 13:28 5076

Her smeller det snart, og da blir det russiske prosenter. (:
13.10.2022 kl 15:14 4995

Hej Norge

Har lige læst Aqualights indlæg fra i går som vedrørende Gas som overgangs energi Congo som nu er vedtaget ved lov.

Er vi der at Zenith ud over at få tildelt TPII også kan blive kvalificeret til at drive Gasgeneratorer ( Power stations )som producerer strøm -- ala Italien.

Redigert 14.10.2022 kl 08:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.10.2022 kl 16:49 4882

The most important thing is to realise potentials of the small company, god timing and persistence, people who divot to achieve something great, rest well and shall fal in to place eventually.
14.10.2022 kl 14:02 4568

And know from some of Andrea's interviews that the Congolese are very interested in Zenith's gas to electricity generation and the IPU delegation that visited them in Italy at the beginning of 2021 were specifically taken to see Zenith's electricity generating site alongside the gas generating one.

With the price for electricity (and gas) having increased ten times since this visit I expect that the Congolese are even more interested in this part of Zenith's portfolio now.
14.10.2022 kl 14:07 4571

It is also worth mentioning that in the February 2021 interview that Andrea gave (I can't remember who it was with but I still have the transcript) he said:

"The international delegation came over to assess the financial and technical abilities of the Zenith group. We took them over 1000km to show them the many activities of Zenith in Italy for a complete financial and technical visit. We visited two sites – one producing gas and one producing electricity.
Zenith’s approach to Tilapia is very different to AAOG’s. We are taking a new license for 25 years whereas AAOG PLC took a license for the tall end of the last four years so it is a totally different concept – we are marrying the Congo for this field and for other fields because the (IPU) visit will permit us to apply for different licenses on top of Tilapia. So this was a very important visit. On top of this, the people who visited us will be our counterparties in the daily running of the operation – filing, accounting, cost of oil capex etc. So all these meetings were in preparation for cooperation for 25 years."

So hopefully, Zenit are already in a position where they are pre-approved for operating electricity and gas alongside oil in Congo. Now we just have to get the licenses!