Zenith Energy • TILAPIA • 3-5 x opptur i vente

Slettet bruker
ZENA 05.08.2022 kl 10:39 158485

Nå kan det løsne i CONGO B og Tilapia!

Møte i dag 05.08.2022:

Ministre de hydrocarbures
Agenda 05.08.22 lagt ut:
«plenum om lovforslag som godkjenner endringer i produksjonskontrakter»
Assemble nationale..


Kan løsne nå! Kom dere inn i Zenith Energy snarest!



Redigert 09.08.2022 kl 09:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.11.2022 kl 19:35 5285

Dato for Halvårsrapport er 30 nov
21.11.2022 kl 11:14 5045

Large hidden order at 0.1006, someone trying to push down course so they can enter cheap. month end Tilapia news expected as contract passed through parliament in august and September many company heads will be Congo for conference.
Redigert 21.11.2022 kl 11:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.11.2022 kl 11:29 5015

At du gidder, Viking.

Denne går jo uansett stille og rolig nedover.
21.11.2022 kl 11:57 4971

Games will be played with the price for sure, will have extra cash to go in very large on the Norwegian market if need be. Very cheap at the moment as it is with lots of news on the horizon.
21.11.2022 kl 12:17 4932

1) Benin expected around 15th Dec,
2)Tilapia II around 30th Nov.
3) New oil sale for EZZ in Jan2022 (7 month cycle)
4) rate stared to increase in Italy again.
21.11.2022 kl 12:30 4919

You don't get tired of these ridiculous guesstimates, Viking? Sure you will get it right at some point:)
21.11.2022 kl 13:43 4832

It is guesstimates but on some information.
1) Benin expected around 15th Dec, - 90 days time frame given by AC in IC - September 15, 2022 (the last valid day for participation in the offer submission process)
2)Tilapia II around 30th Nov.- https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/574146, check hydrocarbon minister social media account for parliament procedure update.
3) New oil sale for EZZ in Jan2022 (7 month cycle )
4) rate stared to increase in Italy again. - https://www.mercatoelettrico.org/En/Tools/Accessodati.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fEn%2fStatistiche%2fME%2fDatiSintesi.aspx
21.11.2022 kl 14:11 4797

At AC skal fortelle om sine planer i Kongo, betyr ikke at vi får noen endelig beskjed om Tilapia II.
Slikt kommer i alle fall ikke på en konferanse.
Redigert 21.11.2022 kl 14:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.11.2022 kl 14:44 4739

its not depend on AC, but hydrocarbon minister he already talked in 2nd Sep conference regarding extensions. govt made each and every players happy who involve in extension and upgradation of licenses. Govt expecting increase in production from Q2 of 2023. bill is tabled in August in August and rectified in Sep only formal step before announcement is signature of president.
Zenith stake increased from 56% to 60% in Tilapia License.
'those who want sell and buy back cheap continue with their work instead of spreading negativity here.
Redigert 21.11.2022 kl 14:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.11.2022 kl 14:56 4764

The silence is definitely frustrating as we would all like to know some news but the company are never going to be able to give us a blow by blow account of how all of these negotiations are going. What we do know is that there are negotiations ongoing with the Congolese for Tilapia and Benin for the Seme field as these have been announced.. We also think that there are additional negotiations in place for fields in Egypt and Yemen. So the company is definitely busy.

Although we do not know when any of these negotiations will be concluded we do know that the company is getting busy in lots of different jurisdictions and that the company is now only looking at large assets that are either producing or have the potential to produce thousands of barrels of oil per day.

As I have said before, the position that I believe that all Zenith investors have to consider is simply this. If you believe that even one of these assets is likely to be signed off as a license that is granted to Zenith by the end of the year then the price of the company will fly as soon as the acquisition is announced and the company is a bargain investment at the current share price. If you do not think that any of these licenses will be acquired by the end of the year then sell out and invest elsewhere as the share price will stay around these levels until news of a new acquisition arrives.

It's that simple really.
21.11.2022 kl 18:15 4626

Benin in my opinion can take longer, because thats estimatet time witch haw given to AC from the government of Benin.
Tilapia II should be ready before Christmas other ways I well be very disappointed but there is nothing AC can do about it, its not in hes hands.
About EZZ and Italy that is right one, There is no question about it.
21.11.2022 kl 18:18 4626

I always say: Its better no news than bad news. I like silence before the storm.
21.11.2022 kl 22:21 4510

Zenith Energy • TILAPIA • 3-5 x opptur i vente
Ja jeg gleder meg også til 2030.😂
22.11.2022 kl 09:47 4282

Good thing is all are proven onshore field Benin, Tilapia II, SLK(if contract extended), EBB, ROB and Italy.
Benin will not produce year end but it will take at least 6 to 9 month to start production, Tilapia 3 month after announcement. But confirm license make huge differences . SLK confirm 45% licenses would had produced oil worth more than $20million until license expiring period but currently we have income zero. there is some oil but cash in account make big differences.
4th session on 30th November 3:45pm to 5:00 pm having live streaming for those who interested in what AC is saying.
hidden volume at 0.1010 - 5000 to buy
Redigert 22.11.2022 kl 09:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.11.2022 kl 09:52 4316

Interessant at 5-10 fra OMV MEA Yemen har likt og kommentert Zenith Energy LinkedIn post?
22.11.2022 kl 10:26 4350

5 comments 4 form OMV Yemen employee
even likes from OMV Yemen employee
we talking about 3000 bopd now from Yemen.
Annual production 2021: 3.0 kboe/d (net to OMV)-
This is producing field and take over of subsidiary will not require govt permission.
Redigert 22.11.2022 kl 10:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.11.2022 kl 10:55 4403

it will be destress sell value if everything ok for 6 month, Value will be recovered if field bought below $10 million.

33.34 Mmboe - Block S2 (44%) -14.7752 Mmboe - worth kr0.5 with $10million loan.

Redigert 22.11.2022 kl 11:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.11.2022 kl 15:22 4279

Time to refill now, don't think will go below kr0.10 now looking at near point triggers.
22.11.2022 kl 16:18 4273

Veldig interessant!
Håper vi snart får mer informasjon snart med påfølgende IC der AC kan fortelle litt mer rundt det. Blant annet risiko-analysen de har forhåpentlig gjort før en avtale.

Nøkkel-info S2 Block (Shabwa basin):

Får håpe prisen er god pga risikoen(borgerkrig), fordi potensialet for zenith er mega-bra, hvis det er snakk om denne lisensen/andelen. :)
22.11.2022 kl 16:28 4259

Nissen siger tak for aktier i slutauktionen 🎅🏻

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
22.11.2022 kl 16:31 4253

Du er her fortsatt ja, Aqualight. :)
Snart jul nå!!
22.11.2022 kl 16:50 4227

Du ved hvordan det er, jeg er long i Zenith, også selvom der kommer små bølger, og når der er aktier til den pris, så er det bare med at få fyldt op, jeg bygger min formue på de utålmodige investorer, og med den liste af trikker der er oparbejdet samt mit kendskab til firmaet så er det en tålmodig No brainer det her. Og uanset hvor meget vi deler af oplysninger og indsigt så er der sælgere, og det er fair nok, for som skrevet - jeg bygger min formue på de utålmodige, ikke kun i denne aktie men i en god håndfuld aktier.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
22.11.2022 kl 18:17 4124

hehe ja - hadde regnet med at du fortsatt sitter rolig i båten!
Samme med meg, på godt og vondt.

Tanker rundt Yemen?
Kan dette være et spenstig, men potensielt en glimrende strategisk vei å gå!
Veldig spent på å høre fra Zenith hva dette kan være..
22.11.2022 kl 18:35 4123

Typisk for alle aksjer å gå opp å ned. Samme med entusiasmen med og uten nyheter..

Nå er vi på en ny opptur for den som ikke kan se det.
22.11.2022 kl 19:21 4173

Look like zenith is in advance stage of buying OMV subsidiary and OMV Yemen employee knows it. They only like LinkedIn post and not other company employees.
Expecting deal completion news or at least they are in process RNS before month end as it is sensitive information for share price.
3000 bopd is big production (Specially LNG) for zenith and will soon reach 7000 bopd from Tunisian and Congo production in 2023.
Now it is 99% OMV
Redigert 22.11.2022 kl 19:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
22.11.2022 kl 19:44 4152

Zenith venter ikke med å komme med gode nyheter ......
Hvis det går den veien høna sparker blir det stille som i graven ..............

"Ex. ansatte i OMV" likes på linked er å betrakte som jobbsøknader og ett stalltips for andre .....
Place your bets
Ref -- https://i.imgur.com/jmr5UR9.gif

22.11.2022 kl 19:58 4171

Govt approved stake sale in 6 September 2022
I think AC was waiting for this deal not Tilapia.
Look like ROB - 3 drilling was postponed to finance this deal.
22.11.2022 kl 20:00 4174

Soon someone will run like hell tomorrow morning to close there short positions
22.11.2022 kl 21:10 4114

Det er true, måske var det, det Nissen 🎅🏻 havde fået et tip om, og fik ham til at fylde lidt mere op, vi får se om det ikke var endnu et solidt køb.

Godt støvet op Viking_l - det er godt arbejde.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
23.11.2022 kl 00:18 3941

Allegedly an asset that produced 3000bopd this will push the company to new heights
23.11.2022 kl 00:20 3940

Viking I think he wants both Yemen and tilapia, imagine that on the market cap!
23.11.2022 kl 09:12 3660

Dette lover godt. Takk for info, Viking!
23.11.2022 kl 09:26 3628

If google translate is correct this it looks like done deal, and man I m so happy not only because of us but on behalf of AC and Co. Its god feeling to succeed when you work so hard for so meny years.
23.11.2022 kl 09:36 3603

Read RNS carefully, as field having abundant gas so Zenith is planning to generate electricity from it.
Waiting game for announcement as stake transfer approved by government in Sep. Office is open in Aden in November.
If deal is done below $10 million price target will be kr0.5 for current field.
Here we are talking about producing Tilapia 2.
Now both worth Kr1 together and Tunisia and Italy is bonus worth kr 0.4.
With Benin it will be kr 2.58.
Redigert 23.11.2022 kl 09:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.11.2022 kl 09:42 3577

Simple way to make 100% confirm, contact person who like post on Zenith LinkedIn page