Zenith Energy • TILAPIA • 3-5 x opptur i vente

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ZENA 05.08.2022 kl 10:39 160311

Nå kan det løsne i CONGO B og Tilapia!

Møte i dag 05.08.2022:

Ministre de hydrocarbures
Agenda 05.08.22 lagt ut:
«plenum om lovforslag som godkjenner endringer i produksjonskontrakter»
Assemble nationale..


Kan løsne nå! Kom dere inn i Zenith Energy snarest!



Redigert 09.08.2022 kl 09:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.11.2022 kl 09:54 5639

Mye god info her som markedet ikke har fått med seg. Dette er jo kroneksempel på hvorfor det kan lønne seg å følge med på forumet. Takk for deling, Nå går jeg all in
23.11.2022 kl 10:13 5605

Her var det mye spekulasjoner. Zenith tråden er vel den som er mest full av spekulasjoner av alle på FA
23.11.2022 kl 10:28 5570

Spennende nyheter og godt jobbet av Viking, men det ville være en overdrivelse å si at omsetningen eksploderte som følge av nyhetene. Omsatt for 146 k.
Slettet bruker
23.11.2022 kl 10:34 5565

Zenith open office in Aden is speculation?
OMV selling stake in Yemen is speculation?
Govt approved stake sell in September is speculation?
PM visit Zenith office is speculation?
NGO Twitter handle having more than 7k followers sharing news on 14th Nov mentioned specific field is speculation?
OMV employees likes zenith post of new office is speculation?
Slettet bruker
23.11.2022 kl 10:38 5547

Because people don't know potential of field. 2p reserve, daily production and value of deal. Many here are day traders and do not work on basic valuations.
I will be really happy if someone took course around 0.1 So i can fill more
Redigert 23.11.2022 kl 10:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.11.2022 kl 10:57 5478

opp 9.09% i UK
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23.11.2022 kl 11:09 5444

As per number from 2021 production we are talking about $100 million/year (before tax and opex 6 times current company valuation )
23.11.2022 kl 11:15 5421

Konklusjonen er uansett en spekulasjon. Det har ofte vist seg før når det gjelder Zenith at de går stort ut og så drar ting ut i det uendelige
Slettet bruker
23.11.2022 kl 11:56 5305

Here stake sell approved by government in September, so people can do their kite flying, as it is producing field like EZZ income will com in account after deal is closed, for info they already completed successful work over in July

3 big news before Christmas
Yemen- Kr 0.5 anytime soon
Benin- kr 1.18 around 15th Dec
Tilapia- kr 0.58. around 2nd Dec
Tunisia and Italy worth kr 0.32
Redigert 23.11.2022 kl 12:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.11.2022 kl 12:07 5268

Nice information you have brought to the table Viking.
However, the dates for the "Big news", we all know that any news are not set by any dates...
Lets hope that your predictions will come true this time :)
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23.11.2022 kl 12:20 5230

Benin will be anouced on 15 Dec is confirmed as it is 90 days period for biding round.
AC waited for big news before IC and postponed 2 times in September, as stake sell happened in September i am expecting it is Yemen news.
Big announcement will be there as conference in Congo as many people in congo around 30th to 2 Dec. Contract are turned in to law in September.
23.11.2022 kl 13:32 5112

If the Rob-3 drill was postposed to fund this deal then that could potentially be a very clever move by AC. I can’t remember how much Rob-3 was budgeted to cost (though I think it was round about $1 million) but I do remember that it was the well would only have produced 100-150bopd if it was successful. If this money could be put towards the acquisition of the Yemeni well which appears to already be producing 3,000 bopd then it could be a much lower risk and much better way to spend the money.

I have long advocated the fact that Zenith should spread its risk across multiple jurisdictions anyway so I would be very happy to acquire a new asset in Yemen as opposed to put all of our eggs into one basket in Tunisia.
23.11.2022 kl 14:24 5025

£600,000 - expected cost of drilling a new well in the Robbana concession, also onshore Tunisia, where Zenith holds a 100% working interest. Long-lead items required for drilling of two wells already acquired and on location.
23.11.2022 kl 14:52 4961

So, on the current exchange rate £600,000 equals $700,000.

This means that Zenith would be aiming (with risk) to generate 100-150bopd for $700k.

This equates to $7,000 per barrel or $4,666 per barrel.

So, if the Yemeni field does produce 3,000 bope then mathematically it would make sense for Zenith to pay somewhere between $14 million to $21 million to keep it pro-rata the same amount. Let’s split it at 125 and it would be $16,800,000.

Obviously, there is a significant advantage to acquiring a field that is already producing as there are none of the risks associated with acquiring a producing field that there are with drilling a well.

To me then, as long as the acquisition cost is $16.8 million or less then acquiring Yemen is a better deal than drilling Rob-3. Especially if there is the potential to increase production with additional drills.
23.11.2022 kl 15:33 4919

In the event of a successful outcome, ROB-3 is expected to produce approximately 150-200 BOPD.
23.11.2022 kl 18:45 4696

There are two conflicting statements out there then as in the 10th June 2021 RNS that said that; "ROB-3 will target two proven hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in the Cretaceous Upper Meloussi sandstone formation, from which successful production has been achieved from ROB-1 for many years. A production of approximately 100-150 barrels of oil per day is expected in the event of a successful drilling operation."

23.11.2022 kl 20:14 4580

London i dag stengte over 10% opp
0,91 GBX +0,085 (10,30 %)
23.11.2022 kl 23:01 4374

With your expactations you're doomed to get unhappy.

It should be more like this "Maybe something next year", then you can just copy that and write it next year. Easy peasy
Slettet bruker
24.11.2022 kl 07:49 4191

I am waiting around 0.1, spread negativity & take course down facts can't be change 😀.
The twitter handle tweeted is serious NGO Twitter handle and took Zenith name with specific field name. Also only OMV employees likes and commented on zenith post of office opening.
Please come with some concrete negative news to nullify above facts.
Redigert 24.11.2022 kl 09:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2022 kl 09:49 4013

Du har nok ett poeng denne gangen Viking, blir uhyre spennende kommende dager/uker. Vi snakker nok ikke neste år før mye er avklart..
24.11.2022 kl 10:20 3944

The tweet is from September, if it was settled, zenith would release the news promptly...
Is it negotiations between zenith and OMV that is outstanding, or is it with the Yemen authorities?
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24.11.2022 kl 10:26 3925

Tweet is from 14 th November. The day zenith made announcement of new office opening.
Stake sell approved in September look like many things going on back stage and AC told in IC that next one will be big production asset not 200 to 300 bopd but in thousands.
Redigert 24.11.2022 kl 10:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2022 kl 10:51 3873


Looks like 1 month to xmas today-
If Viking are correct and Ac make A new xmas show -
The only question will it raise 3-5 x share price or Even more.
If we use viking calculations -last was 2.5 Nok value and only 40% off this give 1 nok so 10 times .
So all keep the shares in the looker until Xmas are finish.💵💵💵
24.11.2022 kl 11:07 3831

Its not only about costs because Zenith can manage to fund 600.000pounds ore 1. mill $ extra costs besides T.2 or Benin or Yemen....I think is more about controlling ,organising, right personal who can deliver value for many is more crucial question her. Zenith haw works so hard to determine right path to mid size company that they don't want to jeopardise this path forward.
24.11.2022 kl 11:58 3698

If you use Viking calculations you are way off, he claims Italy and Tunesia is worth something like 0.30, why is it only traded at 0.10 then ? This is assets we already have and is producing what it can.
I would wish those calculations came through, but this is unfortunately dreaming
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24.11.2022 kl 12:42 3613

Not all field to it's potential in Tunisia and Italy. Tunisia capable of producing 1800 bopd with 4 field.
EZZ side track , slk upgrade, EBB-3 and ROB-3.
Redigert 24.11.2022 kl 12:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2022 kl 16:11 3350

Da burde ikke AC børsmelde 2 ganger for drilling av ROB 3. Det skaper bare misnøye og han blir oppfattet som useriøst. Mange investerer etter det som blir meldt og guidet. Hadde vi produsert 1000 "tønner" nå som lovet flere runder, så hadde selvfølgelig kursen vært en helt annen.
Slettet bruker
24.11.2022 kl 17:13 3246

I Tunisia hadde Zenith produsert mere 1000 tønner pr dag om børsmeldingene hadde stemt.
24.11.2022 kl 17:44 3215

lige meget hvad du siger ser det ud til at kursen har låst sig fast omkring 0,10, og ikke ser ud til at komme nær 0,11.

indtil videre er det kun håb og drømme der bliver præsenteret som fact.
Slettet bruker
24.11.2022 kl 19:14 3104

Positive kommentar fra snart Ex ansatte i OMV kan regnes som fakta ...
Besøk av statsministeren kan regnes som fakta .....

Men dette er verdiløse fakta ....

Men det ville ha kvalifisert til stående applaus om statsminsteren hadde hatt med seg en godkjennelse
som kun manglet AC sin signatur

Redigert 24.11.2022 kl 19:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2022 kl 22:41 2896


Hvor er disse kommentarene fra ansatte i OMV?
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24.11.2022 kl 23:37 2814

Ref -- https://www.linkedin.com/company/zenith-energy-limited/posts/?feedView=all

25 likes + 4 kommentarer fra OMV + 1 fra Ecumed i Tunisia.

Intressant men uten verdi.
Det er myndighetene i Yemen som har siste ord i denne saken.
24.11.2022 kl 23:37 2810

- HSSE Senior Expert OMV MEA based Yemen field
- Expert well engineering at OMV Yemen
- SAP CMMS Administrator, Maintenance planner at OMV
- Maintenance Planner & CMMS at OMV Yemen

Dette er titler til alle som har kommentert fra OMV, alle med lang fartstid + også for de fra OMV som har likt innlegget til Zenith energy.
Redigert 25.11.2022 kl 00:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2022 kl 23:48 2795

Meget interessant!

Hvor mye produserer feltet pr dags dato? 8000-10000 boed? Og hvis zenith kjøper OMV sin del blir det 44% andel av lisensen?
25.11.2022 kl 09:00 2541

Hej Norge

BS: godt spørgsmål -- men en større mængde på ca. 3000 bbl til Zenith må vel påregnes.

Har fundet et link som er et par år gammel men måske lidt nyttigt for anslået bbl/d :-) ved ikke om det har været postet før.


Yemen et uroligt område som AC vel har taget med i sine overvejelser da han etablerede kontor i Yemen.

Fandt lige et mere lidt ældre -- men drastiske fald ser det ud til -- kanske derfor at OMV vil ud !!!


Spændende tider i alle fald !!!
Redigert 25.11.2022 kl 09:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.11.2022 kl 09:10 2519

Nå er jo detta bare spekulasjoner fordi de åpner et kontor i Yemen. Det er vel ikke nevnt noe seriøse steder at Zenith skal kjøpe denne lisensen eller andre for den saks skyld
Slettet bruker
25.11.2022 kl 09:19 2480

large hidden volume at 0.1020 - 5T
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25.11.2022 kl 09:23 2477

here it is clearly mention Zenith energy and Field
There is nothing serous in Zenith then, why you are spending time here. People lying tooth and nail to cover their short position.
Redigert 25.11.2022 kl 09:28 Du må logge inn for å svare