GIG øker og øker. Toget akselrer
Fortjener en egen tråd:
GIG: Ser fortsatt omsetning på EUR 87-93M i 2022, ebitda EUR 30-35M
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Gaming Innovation Group forventer fortsatt at omsetningen i 2022 vil havne i området 87-93 millioner euro og at ebitda vil utgjøre 30-35 millioner euro.
Det fremkommer av selskapets kvartalsrapport tirsdag.
Etter oppkjøpet av Sportnco og den pågående kostnadsreduksjonen er de langsiktige finansielle målene revidert. Selskapet forventer nå en organisk årlig omsetningsvekst på rundt 20 prosent og å oppnå en justert ebitda-margin på over 50 prosent i løpet av 2024.
Gaming Innovation Groups tidligere langsiktige finansielle mål var å levere en årlig tosifret vekst i omsetningen og en ebitda-margin på over 40 prosent innen 2025.
TDN Direkt, Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
GIG: Ser fortsatt omsetning på EUR 87-93M i 2022, ebitda EUR 30-35M
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Gaming Innovation Group forventer fortsatt at omsetningen i 2022 vil havne i området 87-93 millioner euro og at ebitda vil utgjøre 30-35 millioner euro.
Det fremkommer av selskapets kvartalsrapport tirsdag.
Etter oppkjøpet av Sportnco og den pågående kostnadsreduksjonen er de langsiktige finansielle målene revidert. Selskapet forventer nå en organisk årlig omsetningsvekst på rundt 20 prosent og å oppnå en justert ebitda-margin på over 50 prosent i løpet av 2024.
Gaming Innovation Groups tidligere langsiktige finansielle mål var å levere en årlig tosifret vekst i omsetningen og en ebitda-margin på over 40 prosent innen 2025.
TDN Direkt, Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
16.08.2022 kl 11:04
Nu begynder det at ligne noget. De går en spændende fremtid i møde, der er lavet flere gode tiltag de seneste år, som nu ser ud til at få effekt.
The Observer
16.08.2022 kl 11:09
Man bør merke seg:
Etter oppkjøpet av Sportnco og den pågående kostnadsreduksjonen er de langsiktige finansielle målene revidert. Selskapet forventer nå en organisk årlig omsetningsvekst på rundt 20 prosent og å oppnå en justert ebitda-margin på over 50 prosent i løpet av 2024.
Gaming Innovation Groups tidligere langsiktige finansielle mål var å levere en årlig tosifret vekst i omsetningen og en ebitda-margin på over 40 prosent innen 2025.
Etter oppkjøpet av Sportnco og den pågående kostnadsreduksjonen er de langsiktige finansielle målene revidert. Selskapet forventer nå en organisk årlig omsetningsvekst på rundt 20 prosent og å oppnå en justert ebitda-margin på over 50 prosent i løpet av 2024.
Gaming Innovation Groups tidligere langsiktige finansielle mål var å levere en årlig tosifret vekst i omsetningen og en ebitda-margin på over 40 prosent innen 2025.
16.08.2022 kl 13:57
Markedet har virkelig fått svar nå! Dette er en bunnsolid rapport og CEO virket meget komfortabel og selvsikker i dag. Gamle kursmål på 30-32 skal vi nok se økes litt i de nærmeste dagene. Den reviderte guidingen kom litt overraskende, og det bare bekrefter hvilken reise vi har foran oss nå! En gledens dag!
17.08.2022 kl 15:39
Ja, ikke alene om å bli imponert ! «Get in now»
17.08.2022 kl 15:49
Og Hesam Yazdi øker beholdningen sin ytterligere!
Han sitter nå med aksjer for over 20m nok og er Head of IR i GIG.,c3615474
Og Hesam Yazdi øker beholdningen sin ytterligere!
Han sitter nå med aksjer for over 20m nok og er Head of IR i GIG.,c3615474
18.08.2022 kl 09:01
Imvestech: Gaming Innovation Group endte på 22.00 kroner etter en oppgang på 9.5 prosent. Aksjen brøt med det årstoppen fra 11. februar og satte ny årsbeste. Dette var den femte dag på rad aksjen steg og den siste uken har aksjen steget hele 32.85 prosent. Aksjen brøt opp gjennom motstanden ved 21.57 kroner i en rektangelformasjon. Dette utløste et kjøpssignal og en videre oppgang til 29.18 kroner i løpet av 16 måneder indikeres. Omsetningen var dessuten høy. Til sammen ble det kjøpt og solgt for cirka 7 millioner kroner i aksjen, noe som tilsvarer seks ganger gjennomsnittlig dagsomsetning
19.08.2022 kl 08:14
Her kommer Redeye med oppdatering etter Q2💁🏼♂️
Base : 43 📈
Base : 43 📈
The Observer
24.08.2022 kl 18:30
Redeye-oppdateringer på GiG etter Q2-rapporten som var litt bedre enn forventet. Selskapets nye langsiktige finansielle mål innebærer sterkere vekst og lønnsomhet enn vi har spådd, og på bakgrunn av dette hever vi estimater og verdsettelse med en ny base case på SEK43 (SEK34).
The Observer
09.09.2022 kl 09:55
Fra siste melding:
Following a head of terms signed in June (ref. announcement on 7 June 2022),
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has now formalised the agreement to provide its
award winning Platform and Sportsbook, to US based brand Crabsports.
This deal marks the first deal of its kind in the US for GiG following the
acquisition of Sportnco earlier this year, providing an example of the potential
contained within the newly combined product offering.
Powered by leading technology and flexible architecture, this turnkey solution
includes the technical platform and Sportsbook, all powered by GiG's unique data
and GiG Logic rules based solutions.
Maryland's Sportsbetting market is anticipated to generate $217m of revenue in
year one alone. With a strong locally recognised brand, quality of product and
focus on user experience, both GiG and Crabsports are highly optimistic for the
future of the partnership.
Following a head of terms signed in June (ref. announcement on 7 June 2022),
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has now formalised the agreement to provide its
award winning Platform and Sportsbook, to US based brand Crabsports.
This deal marks the first deal of its kind in the US for GiG following the
acquisition of Sportnco earlier this year, providing an example of the potential
contained within the newly combined product offering.
Powered by leading technology and flexible architecture, this turnkey solution
includes the technical platform and Sportsbook, all powered by GiG's unique data
and GiG Logic rules based solutions.
Maryland's Sportsbetting market is anticipated to generate $217m of revenue in
year one alone. With a strong locally recognised brand, quality of product and
focus on user experience, both GiG and Crabsports are highly optimistic for the
future of the partnership.
The Observer
12.09.2022 kl 12:11
Gig er blitt en aksje i jevn opptur. Med økende omsetning og stadig økende lønnsomhet. Aksjen har klart seg bemerkelsesverdig gjennom hele børsnedturen. .
17.09.2022 kl 10:53
Stor omsetning i går :
Volum 507088
Oms. 11,6 mill.
Noen som vet hvem som handlet, var det et fond?
Volum 507088
Oms. 11,6 mill.
Noen som vet hvem som handlet, var det et fond?
The Observer
21.09.2022 kl 11:40
Se på kursutviklingen. Gig. En av børsens mest stabile aksjer.
The Observer
23.09.2022 kl 13:34
Ikke bare stabil, men GIG legger stadig på seg. Selv i disse nedgangstider både holder og stiger kursen. Foreløpig må dette være den trygge aksjehavnen mange investorer drømmer om.
The Observer
10.10.2022 kl 14:04
Gaming Innovation Group signs agreement with leading land based operator in LATAM
10 OCT 2022 08:47 CEST
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) continues to consolidate a strengthening position
within the Latin American (LATAM) market, with the announcement that its award
winning platform will again power a leading land based operator's online
expansion. The partnership is expected to take advantage of the combined
benefits that GiG's substantial experience and knowledge can offer, with the
operators' already well-established and secured reputation from a successful
retail business and strong brand in the region.
10 OCT 2022 08:47 CEST
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) continues to consolidate a strengthening position
within the Latin American (LATAM) market, with the announcement that its award
winning platform will again power a leading land based operator's online
expansion. The partnership is expected to take advantage of the combined
benefits that GiG's substantial experience and knowledge can offer, with the
operators' already well-established and secured reputation from a successful
retail business and strong brand in the region.
The Observer
14.10.2022 kl 10:50
Selv i den evige nedtrenden fra nyttår, har kursen økt og økt, jevnt og trutt. Fra ca. 14,60 ved nyttår til dagens 23 nivå. Det er ikke mange aksjer på børslista som kan vise til en mer jevn positiv utvikling enn GIG. Og stadig øker Gig antall nye kunder, forsterker relasjonene til eksisterende kunder, og øker omsetning og overskudd kvartal for kvartal.
Mr Big
31.10.2022 kl 09:51
Det her må være en av børsens billigste aksjer samenlignet med inntekt.
The Observer
01.11.2022 kl 12:48
Noe er i ferd med å skje når man ser ut fra stadig kursoppgang siste tiden. Ellers har Gig vært en utrolig stabil aksje med kursøkning i hele år. Selv i nedgangstidene etter nyttår hadde aksje en flukterende trend opp. Pr i går har aksjen steget 48% på et år, og fortsetter opptrenden også i dag.
The Observer
07.11.2022 kl 21:48
Onsdag får vi svar på om det er hold for aksjekursen som er gått veldig mye opp i år. Det kan være betydelig mer å gå på.
09.11.2022 kl 16:49
Nok en god periode, og svaret er altså ned 4-5%.
Var det forventningen som var skrudd for høyt?
Ikke lett å bli klok på denne aksjen.
Var det forventningen som var skrudd for høyt?
Ikke lett å bli klok på denne aksjen.
The Observer
15.11.2022 kl 11:59
GIG er en under radar aksje. Stabil og økende i hele år. Innsidekjøp er tegn på ytterligere tro på den positive utviklingen i selskapet.
Gaming Innovation Group - Mandatory notification of trade
09 NOV 2022 10:36 CET
Nicolas Adlercreutz, board member and primary insider of Gaming Innovation Group
Inc. (GiG), has today purchased 2,500 shares in GiG at a price of SEK 25.02 per
share. After this transaction, Nicolas Adlercreutz owns 25,000 shares in GiG.
Gaming Innovation Group - Mandatory notification of trade
09 NOV 2022 10:36 CET
Nicolas Adlercreutz, board member and primary insider of Gaming Innovation Group
Inc. (GiG), has today purchased 2,500 shares in GiG at a price of SEK 25.02 per
share. After this transaction, Nicolas Adlercreutz owns 25,000 shares in GiG.
The Observer
24.11.2022 kl 11:04
2 innsidekjøp og stadig ekspansjon i markedet:
Gaming Innovation Group signs platform deal with Strike Games
24 NOV 2022 10:33 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today signed an agreement with a new
casino partner, Strike Games, for the provision of its first class platform
Centered on personalisation and unique player experiences, Strike Games will
initially focus operations in several international and emerging markets,
utilising GiG's innovative technology and experience to leverage its own high
growth potential.
Gaming Innovation Group signs platform deal with Strike Games
24 NOV 2022 10:33 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today signed an agreement with a new
casino partner, Strike Games, for the provision of its first class platform
Centered on personalisation and unique player experiences, Strike Games will
initially focus operations in several international and emerging markets,
utilising GiG's innovative technology and experience to leverage its own high
growth potential.
The Observer
30.11.2022 kl 20:37
Gaming Innovation Group signs Head of Terms with established Ontario land-based operator
30 NOV 2022 14:37 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG), has signed a Head of Terms agreement with an
established Ontario land-based operator, to provide its award winning Platform,
Sportsbook and proven OMNI channel solution in the Canadian province.
Powered by its leading technology and flexible architecture, this latest
announcement follows a growing trend of operators choosing GiG to drive their
brand in Ontario, following two successful, recently launched sites and the
upcoming launch of another new partnership reported earlier this year.
30 NOV 2022 14:37 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG), has signed a Head of Terms agreement with an
established Ontario land-based operator, to provide its award winning Platform,
Sportsbook and proven OMNI channel solution in the Canadian province.
Powered by its leading technology and flexible architecture, this latest
announcement follows a growing trend of operators choosing GiG to drive their
brand in Ontario, following two successful, recently launched sites and the
upcoming launch of another new partnership reported earlier this year.
01.12.2022 kl 08:22
At denne aksjen fortsatt har så lav oms skjønner jeg svært lite av, men det ser uansett ut som at markedet endelig har forstått litt mer av hvilke verdier som ligger i selskapet, med hovedvekt på GIG Media. Bare å lene seg tilbake å fortsette den fine reisen med GIG-Toget.
01.12.2022 kl 18:18
De fortsetter å signere avtaler med store aktører :) Ny stjerne på laget ! 🤩,c3675874,c3675874
The Observer
02.12.2022 kl 09:31
Finansavisen i dag:
Pareto gjenopptar dekning av spillaksje
Meglerhuset argumenterer for at det fortsatt er oppsidepotensial, og lander på en kjøpsanbefaling.
Kursmål 35 skr
Publisert 2. des. 2022 kl. 09.04
Pareto gjenopptar dekning av spillaksje
Meglerhuset argumenterer for at det fortsatt er oppsidepotensial, og lander på en kjøpsanbefaling.
Kursmål 35 skr
Publisert 2. des. 2022 kl. 09.04
The Observer
05.12.2022 kl 14:38
Gaming Innovation Group enters into strategic commercial partnership with News UK
02 DEC 2022 08:00 CET
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has entered into a new commercial partnership with
News Corp UK & Ireland Limited. News UK serves millions of online readers
through its premium media websites, The Sun and talkSPORT.
GiG and News UK will join forces to deliver sports betting and casino content,
and exclusive offers to users in the UK market. The content and exclusive offers
will be featured on a special section of The Sun and talkSPORT's websites,
making it easy for readers to find everything related to betting in one separate
hub. The deal's key drivers are the combination of News UK's large user base and
premium content, partnered with GiG's unique technology and specialised iGaming
marketing knowledge.
02 DEC 2022 08:00 CET
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has entered into a new commercial partnership with
News Corp UK & Ireland Limited. News UK serves millions of online readers
through its premium media websites, The Sun and talkSPORT.
GiG and News UK will join forces to deliver sports betting and casino content,
and exclusive offers to users in the UK market. The content and exclusive offers
will be featured on a special section of The Sun and talkSPORT's websites,
making it easy for readers to find everything related to betting in one separate
hub. The deal's key drivers are the combination of News UK's large user base and
premium content, partnered with GiG's unique technology and specialised iGaming
marketing knowledge.
The Observer
11.12.2022 kl 12:08
Nysgjerrig? Se den utrolige utviklingen som har skjedd:
The Observer
15.12.2022 kl 11:17
Gaming Innovation Group acquires AskGamblers
15 DEC 2022 07:20 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today signed an agreement to acquire the
casino affiliate websites,, and
several smaller domains from Catena Media Plc. The total consideration is EUR 45
million, of which EUR 20 million will be paid in cash on closing, EUR 10 million
twelve months after closing and the EUR 15 million balance 24 months after
closing. Closing is expected in Q1 2023.
Gaming Innovation Group acquires AskGamblers
15 DEC 2022 07:20 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today signed an agreement to acquire the
casino affiliate websites,, and
several smaller domains from Catena Media Plc. The total consideration is EUR 45
million, of which EUR 20 million will be paid in cash on closing, EUR 10 million
twelve months after closing and the EUR 15 million balance 24 months after
closing. Closing is expected in Q1 2023.
The Observer
15.12.2022 kl 14:18
De kjøpte nettsidene genererte inntekter på 12,9 millioner euro de første ni månedene i 2022 med en ebitda på 8,4 millioner euro. GiG forventer å ha en ebitda-margin på 60-70 prosent fra eiendelene fremover.
The Observer
22.12.2022 kl 14:05
Det er blitt skikkelig driv i GIG. melding på melding om nye kunder og samarbeidspartnere:
Gaming Innovation Group signs with LuckyBet
20 DEC 2022 12:35 CET
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has today announced an agreement with a new casino
partner, LuckyBet, for the provision of its market leading platform solution.
LuckyBet plans to operate their brand in a number of international and emerging
markets with high growth potential, placing an emphasis on highly personalised
gameplay and loyalty experiences.
GiG's advancement in platform technology has been specifically designed to meet
the growing demands of operators looking to take advantage of the increase in
global opportunities for iGaming. Through the combination of GiG's proprietary
platform and the LuckyBet brand, the partnership will focus on delivering an
innovative player experience.
Gaming Innovation Group signs with LuckyBet
20 DEC 2022 12:35 CET
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has today announced an agreement with a new casino
partner, LuckyBet, for the provision of its market leading platform solution.
LuckyBet plans to operate their brand in a number of international and emerging
markets with high growth potential, placing an emphasis on highly personalised
gameplay and loyalty experiences.
GiG's advancement in platform technology has been specifically designed to meet
the growing demands of operators looking to take advantage of the increase in
global opportunities for iGaming. Through the combination of GiG's proprietary
platform and the LuckyBet brand, the partnership will focus on delivering an
innovative player experience.
The Observer
13.01.2023 kl 09:59
Det må være noe:
Gaming Innovation Group signs established casino in Switzerland
10 JAN 2023 15:29 CET
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG), has today signed a Head of Terms agreement with
an established land-based and digital casino operator in Switzerland, for the
provision of its award-winning player account management platform (PAM).
Powered by leading technology and built to suit highly complex regulated
markets, this announcement marks GiG's entry into the burgeoning Swiss igaming
marketplace, starting the new year in a similar fashion to 2022, in which it
enjoyed a growth in demand for its full suite of solutions from operators around
the world.
For its Platform and Sportsbook, GiG now offers innovative and proprietary
products with an unparalleled geographical footprint, including certifications
in 29 markets worldwide and 7 further markets currently in development. This
provides GiG's partners an unparalleled number of regulated markets accessible
through its platform and sportsbook solutions.
Gaming Innovation Group signs established casino in Switzerland
10 JAN 2023 15:29 CET
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG), has today signed a Head of Terms agreement with
an established land-based and digital casino operator in Switzerland, for the
provision of its award-winning player account management platform (PAM).
Powered by leading technology and built to suit highly complex regulated
markets, this announcement marks GiG's entry into the burgeoning Swiss igaming
marketplace, starting the new year in a similar fashion to 2022, in which it
enjoyed a growth in demand for its full suite of solutions from operators around
the world.
For its Platform and Sportsbook, GiG now offers innovative and proprietary
products with an unparalleled geographical footprint, including certifications
in 29 markets worldwide and 7 further markets currently in development. This
provides GiG's partners an unparalleled number of regulated markets accessible
through its platform and sportsbook solutions.
The Observer
13.01.2023 kl 11:57
Sterk vekst og optimistiske utsikter. Fra Q3 outlook:
The Board of Directors will continue to have a strong focus on
overall operations and will look at possible strategic options
to increase shareholder value going forward.
GiG maintains its positive outlook and guiding, and the
combined operations for GiG and Sportnco for the full year
2022 should generate revenues of €87-93 million with an
EBITDA of €30-35 million. The Company’s long-term financial
targets are as follows:
Growth: To achieve annual organic revenue growth in
the region of 20%
Profitability: To achieve an adjusted EBITDA margin in
excess of 50% during 2024
Leverage: Cash generated from the business will be
used to lower leverage ratio while continually
pursuing growth opportunities in the rapidly
growing iGaming sector.
The Board of Directors will continue to have a strong focus on
overall operations and will look at possible strategic options
to increase shareholder value going forward.
GiG maintains its positive outlook and guiding, and the
combined operations for GiG and Sportnco for the full year
2022 should generate revenues of €87-93 million with an
EBITDA of €30-35 million. The Company’s long-term financial
targets are as follows:
Growth: To achieve annual organic revenue growth in
the region of 20%
Profitability: To achieve an adjusted EBITDA margin in
excess of 50% during 2024
Leverage: Cash generated from the business will be
used to lower leverage ratio while continually
pursuing growth opportunities in the rapidly
growing iGaming sector.
The Observer
26.01.2023 kl 10:40
GIG. Alltid noe nytt fra GIG.
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today signed a Head of Terms agreement
with a well known European land-based operator, to provide its award winning
player account management platform (PAM), front-end delivery and content
management system (CMS), powering the transformation of the retail brand
Having operated for over 25 years in the live casino industry, the established
European based business is keen to leverage the experience GiG has to expand on
its digital aspirations, covering opportunities within both multiple
international and emerging markets.
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today signed a Head of Terms agreement
with a well known European land-based operator, to provide its award winning
player account management platform (PAM), front-end delivery and content
management system (CMS), powering the transformation of the retail brand
Having operated for over 25 years in the live casino industry, the established
European based business is keen to leverage the experience GiG has to expand on
its digital aspirations, covering opportunities within both multiple
international and emerging markets.
The Observer
26.01.2023 kl 10:54
Alltid noe nytt. Ja, det er nytt, men fra 24.01,2023. Altså 2 dager siden.
The Observer
27.01.2023 kl 09:16
I sin tid het i kinoreklamen: "alltid noe godt fra Bergene". Nå bør det hete "aaaaltid noe godt fra GIG":
Gaming Innovation Group signs LatAm deal with JOY Enterprise B.V.
Gaming Innovation Group signs established European land-based casino
Gaming Innovation Group signs LatAm deal with JOY Enterprise B.V.
Gaming Innovation Group signs established European land-based casino
The Observer
31.01.2023 kl 12:01
Gaming Innovatio Group - Issue of new shares
30 JAN 2023 16:58 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today issued 4,267,112 new shares of its
common stock to a group of investors to finance the equity part of the
acquisition of AskGamblers and related affiliates, ref. announcement from GiG on
19 January 2023.
30 JAN 2023 16:58 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today issued 4,267,112 new shares of its
common stock to a group of investors to finance the equity part of the
acquisition of AskGamblers and related affiliates, ref. announcement from GiG on
19 January 2023.
The Observer
01.02.2023 kl 13:12
Stadig nye kontrakter og utbredelse i markedet:
Gaming Innovation Group confirms Switzerland market entry
31 JAN 2023 15:15
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has today completed its deal with an established
land-based and digital casino operator in Switzerland for the provision of its
award-winning player account management platform (PAM), following a Head of
Terms agreement announced on 10 January, 2023.
The deal carries extra significance as confirmation of GiG's first entry into
the burgeoning Swiss igaming marketplace. GiG's arrival extends its growing
footprint within Europe, as part of a wider commitment to localised
specialisation in complex regulated markets, worldwide,
Gaming Innovation Group confirms Switzerland market entry
31 JAN 2023 15:15
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has today completed its deal with an established
land-based and digital casino operator in Switzerland for the provision of its
award-winning player account management platform (PAM), following a Head of
Terms agreement announced on 10 January, 2023.
The deal carries extra significance as confirmation of GiG's first entry into
the burgeoning Swiss igaming marketplace. GiG's arrival extends its growing
footprint within Europe, as part of a wider commitment to localised
specialisation in complex regulated markets, worldwide,
The Observer
03.02.2023 kl 14:51
Det fortsetter og fortsetter:
Gaming Innovation Group completes a deal with Ontario land-based group to power Casino Time
03 FEB 2023 08:25 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG), has today completed its deal with Casino
Time Inc, following a Head of Terms agreement announced on 30 November 2022, for
the provision of its award winning Platform, Sportsbook and proven OMNI channel
solution in Ontario.
The deal, which is expected to see the brand go live in H2 this year, marks the
fifth operator to be powered by GiG in the region, after the granting of a
supplier licence by local regulatory body the AGCO, in July 2022.
Gaming Innovation Group completes a deal with Ontario land-based group to power Casino Time
03 FEB 2023 08:25 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG), has today completed its deal with Casino
Time Inc, following a Head of Terms agreement announced on 30 November 2022, for
the provision of its award winning Platform, Sportsbook and proven OMNI channel
solution in Ontario.
The deal, which is expected to see the brand go live in H2 this year, marks the
fifth operator to be powered by GiG in the region, after the granting of a
supplier licence by local regulatory body the AGCO, in July 2022.
The Observer
10.02.2023 kl 09:33
Gaming Innovation Group: Invitation to Q4 2022 results presentation
08 FEB 2023 08:45 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) publishes its interim report for the fourth
quarter 2022 before market opening on Wednesday 15 February 2023.
CEO Richard Brown will present the Q4 2022 results via livestream at 10:00 CET.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A-session, and investors, analysts and
journalists are welcome to participate. The presentation will be given in
08 FEB 2023 08:45 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) publishes its interim report for the fourth
quarter 2022 before market opening on Wednesday 15 February 2023.
CEO Richard Brown will present the Q4 2022 results via livestream at 10:00 CET.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A-session, and investors, analysts and
journalists are welcome to participate. The presentation will be given in
10.02.2023 kl 09:36
Det bliver spændende. Men jeg må ærlig indrømme at der skal komme noget rigtig godt, hvis jeg ikke skal hoppe af toget nu her. Men jeg har også været inde med en lille frimærke siden 2,5 kr under start af corona-krisen.
The Observer
15.02.2023 kl 08:16
Veksten fortsetter, lønnsomheten fortsetter:
Gaming Innovation Group reports Q4 2022
15 FEB 2023 08:00 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) reports Q4 2022 revenues* of Euro 26.0
and an adjusted EBITDA of Euro 10.8 million.
"We have delivered a stellar quarter across the business with strong growth for
Group revenues and EBITDA of 44% & 71% respectively", says Richard Brown, CEO of
Financial Highlights
· The Group achieved all-time high revenues* in Q4 2022 amounting to Euro
(18.1), an increase of 44% YoY, whereof 35% organic
· Adjusted EBITDA was Euro 10.8m (6.3), up 71%, adjusted EBITDA margin*
to 41.4% (34.9)
· EBIT was Euro 4.0m (2.2), with an EBIT margin* of 15.5% (12.4%), an
increase of
80% YoY
· Revenues in GiG Media at all-time high of Euro 17.8m (12.8), an increase of 40%,
with an adjusted EBITDA of Euro 8.9 (5.9)
· Revenues* for Platform & Sportsbook were all-time high at Euro 8.2m (5.3), an
increase of 54% whereof 35% organic (39% organic growth excluding premium fees),
with adjusted EBITDA of Euro 1.8m (0.4)
· Positive cash flow from operations of Euro 8.5m (4.9)
Gaming Innovation Group reports Q4 2022
15 FEB 2023 08:00 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) reports Q4 2022 revenues* of Euro 26.0
and an adjusted EBITDA of Euro 10.8 million.
"We have delivered a stellar quarter across the business with strong growth for
Group revenues and EBITDA of 44% & 71% respectively", says Richard Brown, CEO of
Financial Highlights
· The Group achieved all-time high revenues* in Q4 2022 amounting to Euro
(18.1), an increase of 44% YoY, whereof 35% organic
· Adjusted EBITDA was Euro 10.8m (6.3), up 71%, adjusted EBITDA margin*
to 41.4% (34.9)
· EBIT was Euro 4.0m (2.2), with an EBIT margin* of 15.5% (12.4%), an
increase of
80% YoY
· Revenues in GiG Media at all-time high of Euro 17.8m (12.8), an increase of 40%,
with an adjusted EBITDA of Euro 8.9 (5.9)
· Revenues* for Platform & Sportsbook were all-time high at Euro 8.2m (5.3), an
increase of 54% whereof 35% organic (39% organic growth excluding premium fees),
with adjusted EBITDA of Euro 1.8m (0.4)
· Positive cash flow from operations of Euro 8.5m (4.9)
The Observer
15.02.2023 kl 09:48
Fra Finansavisen i dag:
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) fikk et driftsresultat på 4 millioner euro i fjerde kvartal 2022, mot 2,2 millioner euro i samme periode året før. EBITDA var 10,3 millioner euro i perioden (6), av en omsetning på 30 millioner euro (23).
Vurderer fisjon
Styret i GiG har besluttet å sette i gang en strategisk gjennomgang for å splitte konsernet i to uavhengige børsnoterte selskaper.
Det vurderes å distribuere datterselskapet Innovation Labs Ltd til GiGs aksjonærer. En slik distribusjon vil resultere i en splittelse av nåværende GiG inn i to hovedforretningssegmenter; Media Services og Platform & Sportsbook.
Hensikten med splitten er å skjerpe fokuset for hvert forretningssegment, optimalisere vekstmuligheter og sikre at hver virksomhet kan dra nytte av strategisk og finansiell fleksibilitet til deres særegne forretningsmodeller, heter det i meldingen.
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) fikk et driftsresultat på 4 millioner euro i fjerde kvartal 2022, mot 2,2 millioner euro i samme periode året før. EBITDA var 10,3 millioner euro i perioden (6), av en omsetning på 30 millioner euro (23).
Vurderer fisjon
Styret i GiG har besluttet å sette i gang en strategisk gjennomgang for å splitte konsernet i to uavhengige børsnoterte selskaper.
Det vurderes å distribuere datterselskapet Innovation Labs Ltd til GiGs aksjonærer. En slik distribusjon vil resultere i en splittelse av nåværende GiG inn i to hovedforretningssegmenter; Media Services og Platform & Sportsbook.
Hensikten med splitten er å skjerpe fokuset for hvert forretningssegment, optimalisere vekstmuligheter og sikre at hver virksomhet kan dra nytte av strategisk og finansiell fleksibilitet til deres særegne forretningsmodeller, heter det i meldingen.
The Observer
24.02.2023 kl 09:17
Meget bra Q presentasjon. Stadig nye kunder og ekspansjon. Stadig nye inntekter.
Igjen ny utvidelse:
Gaming Innovation Group expands strategic commercial partnership with News UK
23 FEB 2023 13:00 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has expanded its commercial partnership with
News Corp UK & Ireland Limited to enter the Irish market with exclusive offers
and casino and sports betting content. The Irish Sun's website now features a
dedicated hub for all betting-related content, allowing readers to access
everything in one place.
The decision to expand the commercial partnership follows the successful launch
in the UK in December 2022, already delivering material revenues to GiG Media
after only two months in operation.
GiG and News Corp UK & Ireland Limited are working towards entering further new
markets, starting with the lucrative US market by the end of Q1 2023.
Igjen ny utvidelse:
Gaming Innovation Group expands strategic commercial partnership with News UK
23 FEB 2023 13:00 CET
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has expanded its commercial partnership with
News Corp UK & Ireland Limited to enter the Irish market with exclusive offers
and casino and sports betting content. The Irish Sun's website now features a
dedicated hub for all betting-related content, allowing readers to access
everything in one place.
The decision to expand the commercial partnership follows the successful launch
in the UK in December 2022, already delivering material revenues to GiG Media
after only two months in operation.
GiG and News Corp UK & Ireland Limited are working towards entering further new
markets, starting with the lucrative US market by the end of Q1 2023.
The Observer
22.03.2023 kl 10:53
Er det noe galt med fremgang kvartal for kvartal?
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) reports Q4 2022 revenues* of Euro 26.0
million and an adjusted EBITDA of Euro 10.8 million.
"We have delivered a stellar quarter across the business with strong growth for
Group revenues and EBITDA of 44% & 71% respectively", says Richard Brown, CEO of GiG.
Financial Highlights
· The Group achieved all-time high revenues* in Q4 2022 amounting to Euro 26.0m
(18.1), an increase of 44% YoY, whereof 35% organic
· Adjusted EBITDA was Euro 10.8m (6.3), up 71%, adjusted EBITDA margin* increased to 41.4% (34.9)
· EBIT was Euro 4.0m (2.2), with an EBIT margin* of 15.5% (12.4%), an increase of 80% YoY
· Revenues in GiG Media at all-time high of Euro 17.8m (12.8), an increase of 40%,
with an adjusted EBITDA of Euro 8.9 (5.9)
· Revenues* for Platform & Sportsbook were all-time high at Euro 8.2m (5.3), an
increase of 54% whereof 35% organic (39% organic growth excluding premium fees),
with adjusted EBITDA of Euro 1.8m (0.4)
· Positive cash flow from operations of Euro 8.5m (4.9)
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) reports Q4 2022 revenues* of Euro 26.0
million and an adjusted EBITDA of Euro 10.8 million.
"We have delivered a stellar quarter across the business with strong growth for
Group revenues and EBITDA of 44% & 71% respectively", says Richard Brown, CEO of GiG.
Financial Highlights
· The Group achieved all-time high revenues* in Q4 2022 amounting to Euro 26.0m
(18.1), an increase of 44% YoY, whereof 35% organic
· Adjusted EBITDA was Euro 10.8m (6.3), up 71%, adjusted EBITDA margin* increased to 41.4% (34.9)
· EBIT was Euro 4.0m (2.2), with an EBIT margin* of 15.5% (12.4%), an increase of 80% YoY
· Revenues in GiG Media at all-time high of Euro 17.8m (12.8), an increase of 40%,
with an adjusted EBITDA of Euro 8.9 (5.9)
· Revenues* for Platform & Sportsbook were all-time high at Euro 8.2m (5.3), an
increase of 54% whereof 35% organic (39% organic growth excluding premium fees),
with adjusted EBITDA of Euro 1.8m (0.4)
· Positive cash flow from operations of Euro 8.5m (4.9)
The Observer
12.04.2023 kl 19:58
Det nærmer seg årsmelding:
Gaming Innovation Group signs first agreement for new GiG Enterprise Solution
31 MAR 2023 13:45 CEST
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) today announces the launch of a new
Enterprise Solution which complements its popular Software as a Service (SaaS)
licencing model. The Enterprise Solution provides technological and operational
autonomy to clients who have technical development capabilities and wish to
modify, enhance or build upon GiG's existing application.
Gaming Innovation Group signs first agreement for new GiG Enterprise Solution
31 MAR 2023 13:45 CEST
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) today announces the launch of a new
Enterprise Solution which complements its popular Software as a Service (SaaS)
licencing model. The Enterprise Solution provides technological and operational
autonomy to clients who have technical development capabilities and wish to
modify, enhance or build upon GiG's existing application.
The Observer
13.04.2023 kl 10:35
Vi får ta med denne også:
Gaming Innovation Group signs platform deal with Palasino
11 APR 2023 08:00 CEST
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG), has today completed its full agreement with
Palasino Malta Ltd (PML), part of Trans World Hotels & Entertainment a.s. (TWHE)
, following a head of terms announced on 24 January.
The partnership will see GiG provide its award winning player account management
platform (PAM), front-end delivery and content management system (CMS), powering
the online entry of TWHE's traditional retail business through and
providing opportunities within multiple international established and emerging
online markets.
The announcement marks the ninth traditional retail operator choosing to partner
with GiG to digitally transform their business and add an additional online
revenue stream to their retail portfolio.
The Observer
14.04.2023 kl 13:04
Finansavisen i går:
Georg Attling i Pareto har analysert Gaming Innovasjon og øker kursmålet fra 40 til43 svenske kroner. Aksjen handles på børs til 25 kroner, hvilket betyr over 70% kurspotensial om han får rett.
Georg Attling i Pareto har analysert Gaming Innovasjon og øker kursmålet fra 40 til43 svenske kroner. Aksjen handles på børs til 25 kroner, hvilket betyr over 70% kurspotensial om han får rett.
The Observer
16.04.2023 kl 12:29
Gaming Innovation Group - Mandatory notification of trade
11 APR 2023 10:07 CEST
Ben Clemes, General Manager of North America and primary insider of Gaming
Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today exercised 21,000 options to buy shares in
GiG, whereof 15,000 at a share price of NOK 15.00 and 6,000 at a share price of
NOK 22.00. After this exercise, Clemes will hold 1,728,146 shares and 39,000
options to buy shares in GiG.
Gaming Innovation Group - Mandatory notification of trade
11 APR 2023 10:07 CEST
Ben Clemes, General Manager of North America and primary insider of Gaming
Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today exercised 21,000 options to buy shares in
GiG, whereof 15,000 at a share price of NOK 15.00 and 6,000 at a share price of
NOK 22.00. After this exercise, Clemes will hold 1,728,146 shares and 39,000
options to buy shares in GiG.