GIG øker og øker. Toget akselrer

The Observer
GIG 16.08.2022 kl 10:18 32316

Fortjener en egen tråd:

GIG: Ser fortsatt omsetning på EUR 87-93M i 2022, ebitda EUR 30-35M
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Gaming Innovation Group forventer fortsatt at omsetningen i 2022 vil havne i området 87-93 millioner euro og at ebitda vil utgjøre 30-35 millioner euro.

Det fremkommer av selskapets kvartalsrapport tirsdag.

Etter oppkjøpet av Sportnco og den pågående kostnadsreduksjonen er de langsiktige finansielle målene revidert. Selskapet forventer nå en organisk årlig omsetningsvekst på rundt 20 prosent og å oppnå en justert ebitda-margin på over 50 prosent i løpet av 2024.

Gaming Innovation Groups tidligere langsiktige finansielle mål var å levere en årlig tosifret vekst i omsetningen og en ebitda-margin på over 40 prosent innen 2025.
TDN Direkt, Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70

The Observer
11.03.2024 kl 18:28 8958


Steller pent med kona:
Mikael Riese Harstad, board member and primary insider of Gaming Innovation
Group Inc. (GiG), has today transferred 477,733 shares in GiG without
consideration to his wife Helena Riese Harstad. This transaction will not change
the number of shares held by Harstad and close associates, and after this
transaction, Harstad and close associates owns 1,342,136 shares in GiG.
The Observer
26.03.2024 kl 12:38 8618

Vi får ta med denne meldingen også som tegn på videre fermgang:

21 MAR 2024 10:45 CET

Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has announced the signing of a brace of new deals
for its new iGaming platform CoreX and sportsbook SportX in Spain and Argentina,
as its revolutionary new X-Suite solutions continues to make a powerful
impression on operators across regulated markets in Europe and Latin America.

The first partnership announced is with established Spanish land-based, online
casino and sports betting operator Juegging, who will migrate onto GiG's
powerful, full-turnkey X-Suite.

The Observer
04.04.2024 kl 13:38 8389

Uvanlig handelsmønster i Gig i dag.
Opp 4,43% oMSETNING 4.155.031 vOLUM 221.153
The Observer
09.05.2024 kl 19:44 7441

Hvis innsidere kjøper så har de vel troen på selskapet fremtid:

Gaming Innovation Group
Share Price 7 Day 1 Year

31.25 -8.4% 12.2%

Director recently bought kr156k worth of stock
On the 7th of May, Hesam Yazdi bought around 5k shares on-market at roughly kr31.11 per share. This transaction amounted to less than 1% of their direct individual holding at the time of the trade.
• In the last 3 months, there was an even bigger purchase from another insider worth kr6.1m.
• Insiders have collectively bought kr8.0m more in shares than they have sold in the last 12 months.

The Observer
09.05.2024 kl 21:22 7408

Neppe andre av selskapene på børs som kan vise til oftere innsidehandler:

07 MAY 2024 18:56 CEST

Betplay Capital Sp. z o. o., a company related to Tomasz Juroszek, board member
and primary insider of Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG), has purchased 42,500
shares in GiG at a price of SEK 30.9874 per share on 07.05.2024. After this
transaction, close associates of Tomasz Juroszek own 9,120,763 shares in GIG,
whereof Betplay Capital Sp. z o. o. owns 4,885,097 shares.

For further information, contact:
Tore Formo, Group CFO, +47 916 68 678
The Observer
10.05.2024 kl 09:55 7354

Vi tar med siste handel fra
Hesam Yazdi som har handlet som innsider flere ganger før.

07 MAY 2024 17:03 CEST


Hesam Yazdi, board member and primary insider of Gaming Innovation Group Inc.
(GiG), has today purchased 5,000 shares in GiG at a price of SEK 30.95 per
share. After this transaction, Hesam Yazdi and close associates owns 955,500
shares in GiG, including 66,600 shares via pension savings plans.

For further information, contact:
Tore Formo, Group CFO, +47 916 68 678
The Observer
22.05.2024 kl 10:35 7106

Det finnes snøtt noe annet selskap på OB med flere innsidehandler enn i GIG: Hva kan det komme av tro?

21 MAY 2024 17:48 CEST


Betplay Capital Sp. z o. o., a company related to Tomasz Juroszek, board member
and primary insider of Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG), has purchased 21,165
shares in GiG at a price of SEK 30.73 per share on 21.05.2024. After this
transaction, close associates of Tomasz Juroszek own 9,141,928 shares in GIG,
whereof Betplay Capital Sp. z o. o. owns 4,906,262 shares.
The Observer
22.05.2024 kl 17:04 7051

Fra GF i dag:
GiG Media og GiG Platform Boards

Som en del av prosessen for å splitte Selskapet ved å distribuere GiG Platform til
aksjonærene, har Selskapet nå to separate styresammensetninger. GiG Media
vil fortsette å operere under GiGs nåværende selskapsstruktur, med GiG
som børsnotert holdingselskap. GiG Platform, som i dag drives som et
datterselskap av GiG, vil bli skilt ut til GiGs aksjonærer senere i år. GiG
Platform har nå et styre bestående av Petter Nylander som styreleder,
sammen med Nicolas Adlercreutz, Mikael Riese Harstad, Hesam Yazdi, Tomasz
Juroszek og Steve Salmon som ordinære styremedlemmer.

"GiG Platform, som i dag drives som et
datterselskap av GiG, vil bli skilt ut til GiGs aksjonærer senere i år."

The Observer
30.05.2024 kl 11:29 6791

Det skjer stadig en utvikling:

Gaming Innovation Group launching new SweepX solution with leading U.S. partner
30 MAY 2024 08:50 CEST
The Observer
26.06.2024 kl 10:20 6179

Gig i spill. Se Fa i dag.
The Observer
28.06.2024 kl 10:43 6047

Finansavisen onsdag:
Den polske milliardærfamilien Juroszek tar kjempejafs i Gaming Innovation Group (GIG) etter de kjøper casinoselskapet Sky Citys eierandel på 10 prosent i GIG. Nå eier familien over 25 prosent av selskapet.
Juroszek-familien er blant Polens rikeste, og er ifølge Forbes god for 1,8 milliarder dollar, vel 20 milliarder kroner.

– For vår familie er GIG et svært attraktivt selskap som opererer i en bransje vi kjenner godt. Vi forstår virksomheten, vi ser vekstmuligheter, og vi ønsker å engasjere oss mer, sier styremedlem Mateusz Juroszek.
Mateusz er sønnen til Zbigniew Juroszek, som først tjente seg rik på å grunnlegge eiendomsselskapet Atal Group på 90-tallet. I senere tid gikk familien over til gambling-bransjen og bygget opp Polens største bookmaker, STS Group. En bookmaker er en profesjonell formidler av veddemål, eksempelvis i fotball eller hesteløp.

Vurderer å kjøpe mer
Juroszek sier at de ikke ønsker å kjøpe ut øvrige aksjonærer for å ta selskapet privat, men at de på sikt kan vurdere å kjøpe mer aksjer.

– Over tid har vi økt vår andel fra mindre enn 10 prosent til 15 prosent i april i år. Vi vil vurdere å øke andelen ytterligere. Vi er en langsiktig investor, sier han.

Kjøpene er blitt gjort gjennom familiens tre selskaper MJ Foundation, Betplay Capital, og Juroszek Holdings, der førstnevnte eier klart mest i GIG.

Splitter selskapet
– Splittingen av selskapet til to separate virksomheter pågår i disse dager. På den måten vil vi bli de største aksjonærene i to uavhengige virksomheter med sterke vekstmuligheter. Den ene vil være affiliate -virksomheten, og den andre plattform- og bookmaker-delen, sier han.

Affiliate-markedsføring er et partnerskap der et selskap tilbyr en «selger» provisjon for å markedsføre og henvise kunder til deres produkter eller tjenester.

Mateusz sier at splittelsen av selskapet vil være svært viktig og helt avgjørende for fremtiden til GIG. Den vil skje i tredje kvartal i år.
The Observer
26.08.2024 kl 20:05 5090

Gaming Innovation Group Inc

Gaming Innovation Group Inc. ("GiG"), a leading force in digital marketing and
media for the online gaming industry, has today successfully acquired Titan Inc.
Limited ("Titan"), following the head-of-terms agreement signed in June, see
announcement from GiG on 17 June 2024. Titan is a top-tier provider of SEO and
content services, and this strategic move bolsters GiG's operational
capabilities and reinforces its market leadership within Gentoo Media (formerly
GiG Media), its thriving media and affiliate business.

The integration of Titan will drive cost savings and operational efficiencies
for Gentoo Media's publishing division. SEO and content costs are expected to be
significantly reduced for operations consolidated under Titan. Additionally,
Titan's expertise will optimize the quality and time-to-market of the business,
which is expected to increase revenue within the division.
The Observer
12.09.2024 kl 23:03 4593

Gaming Innovation Group: Key dates for the Split of GiG
i dag kl. 21:03 ∙ Oslo Børs

Gaming Innovation Group
Reference is made to the announcement from Gaming Innovation Group Inc. ("GiG"
or the "Company") on 4 September 2024 with the notice to a special meeting of
shareholders to be held on 23 September 2024 with a proposal to, among other
things, complete the restructuring process in which GiG will be divided in two,
GiG Media and GiG Platform, whereby GiG Platform will be spun off to operate as
an independent public company (the "Spinoff").

Subject to the proposal being approved by the general meeting, the Spinoff will
be completed in the form of a distribution in kind in Euronext Securities Oslo
(VPS) of one Norwegian Depositary Receipt (NDR) per share held in GiG. Each NDR
will represent the beneficial interest in one share in GiG Software P.L.C., a
Maltese company which will operate the GiG Platform business.

Key information for the Spinoff:

Last day of trading in the GiG share inclusive the right to receive NDRs: 23
September 2024
Ex-date: 24 September 2024
Record date: 25 September 2024
Distribution date: on or about 30 September 2024
Date of resolution: 23 September 2024
Ratio: one NDR per GiG share
ISIN no. for the NDRs: NO 0013326033

Investors holding GiG shares in Euroclear Sweden trading on NASDAQ Stockholm
will receive one Swedish Depository Receipt (SDR) per share held in GiG. The
ISIN no. for the SDRs is SE 0022760229.

Third-party analyses of GiG Media and GiG Platform indicate, on average, that
GiG Platform may be valued at 14 percent of the total value of GiG before the
Spinoff. Please note that these analyses were prepared for general distribution
and not intended to be advisory and that they may not be indicative of the
market capitalisation of GiG Platform once trading in the GiG Platform
depository receipts commences at the NASDAQ First North Premier Growth Market in

This information is given pursuant to Euronext Oslo Børs' Rule Book II section, cf. section, and is subject to the disclosure requirements
under section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

For more information, please contact:
Tore Formo, Group CFO of GiG,, +47 916 68 678

About Gaming Innovation Group (GiG)
Gaming Innovation Group is a leading iGaming technology company that provides
solutions, products, and services to iGaming Operators. Founded in 2012, Gaming
Innovation Group's vision is 'To be the industry-leading platform, sportsbook
and media provider delivering world-class solutions to our iGaming partners and
their customers. GiG's mission is to drive sustainable growth and profitability
of our partners through product innovation, scalable technology and quality of
service. Gaming Innovation Group operates out of Malta and is dual-listed on the
Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol GIG and on Nasdaq Stockholm under
Gaming Innovation Group: Key dates for the Split of GiG
Nyheter og/eller generelle investeringsanbefalinger leveres av tredjeparter, uten deltakelse fra Nordnet. Les mer om investeringsanbefalinger.
The Observer
13.09.2024 kl 22:25 4504

Gaming Innovation Group


Director recently bought kr183m worth of stock
On the 9th of September, Mateusz Juroszek bought around 6m shares on-market at roughly kr31.46 per share. This transaction amounted to 76% of their direct individual holding at the time of the trade.
• This was the largest purchase by an insider in the last 3 months.
• Insiders have collectively bought kr192m more in shares than they have sold in the last 12 months.
The Observer
30.09.2024 kl 13:54 4031

Finnes det andre selskaper på børslistene hvor innsidere har handlet så mye aksjer:

MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, primary insider and Board Member of Gentoo (Gentoo), has today acquired 550,000 shares in Gentoo at a price of SEK 26.83 per share. After this transaction, MJ Foundation holds 17,469,136 shares in Gentoo.

After these transactions, close associates of Mateusz Juroszek hold 23,902,162 shares in Gentoo and close associates of Tomasz Juroszek hold 6,433,026 shares in Gentoo.
03.10.2024 kl 21:14 3844

Noen som har formeninger dette? Om jeg svarer ja, betyr det at jeg selger aksjene ? Aksjeeiere i GIG SOFTWARE P.L.C NDR tilbys muligheten til å konvertere sine aksjer, uten kostnad.


Du kan akseptere tilbudet fram til og med 07.10.2024.
Aksjer kjøpt etter 2024-10-04 kan ikke inkluderes i dette tilbudet.
Hvis du ikke svarer på tilbudet, vil dine GIG SOFTWARE P.L.C NDR-aksjer fortsatt være i din konto.
Redigert 03.10.2024 kl 21:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
The Observer
17.10.2024 kl 21:54 3391

I dag:
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has been awarded an authorisation and registration (homologation) for Peru, officially allowing it to partner with operators based in the newly regulated Latin American market, as GiG continues to grow its regulated market presence with over 29 complex regulated markets now available globally, on its revolutionary iGaming technology.

The accreditation process, which opened its doors earlier this year, marks an early entry for GiG that will allow it to serve a market expected to grow post regulation by up to 104%, up from €194m to €397m, in gross gaming revenue (GGR) over the next three years, according to H2 Gambling Data.
The Observer
25.10.2024 kl 15:39 3068

15 kvartaler med vekst:
Gentoo Media - Trading update for Q3-2024
PR Newswire
ST JULIANS, Malta, Oct. 25, 2024
ST JULIANS, Malta, Oct. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following the industry's active developments in recent weeks, Gentoo Media is providing a trading update for Q3 2024.
Third-quarter 2024 revenues are expected to end at EUR 30.4 million with an EBITDA-margin between 46-48%. This marks Gentoo Media's 15th successive quarter with all-time high revenues.
The Company remains confident in its guidance for full-year 2024 results, with revenues between EUR 125-135 million and an EBITDA margin between 45-50%. In the final quarter, we anticipate strong seasonality, particularly within casinos, along with revenue growth from initiatives launched throughout the year. The Gentoo Media organisation is ready to capitalise on the expected growth in the iGaming sector during this promising quarter.
Jonas Warrer, CEO of Gentoo Media: "We are pleased to deliver our 15th consecutive all-time high quarter, which reflects the strong foundation we've built over the past five years. Our deliberate strategy of focusing on sustainable growth through revenue sharing and a measured, disciplined approach has consistently paid off. Our commitment to organic growth and diversity has proven resilient as we adapt to shifting market conditions. We look forward to building on this momentum as we remain well-positioned to thrive in a dynamic market with a long-term vision of continued success."
The Observer
12.11.2024 kl 18:56 2459

GIG går litt under radaren, men utvikler seg stadig:

12 November 2024
Gaming Innovation Group Software Plc
("GiG" or the "Company")
First Asia Contract Win
Key milestone achieved as GiG enters Asia via agreement with Filipino land-based casino group
Gaming Innovation Group Software Plc (First North: GiG SDB), a leading B2B iGaming technology provider, is pleased to announce that it has secured a long-term agreement with Bloomberry Resorts Corporation ("Bloomberry") and its flagship brand Solaire Resorts ("Solaire"), one of the Philippines' largest and most established land-based casino and leisure groups (the "Agreement").
The Observer
13.11.2024 kl 21:52 2819

Han Mateusz kjøper og kjøper:

Publisert 18:02
MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, Board
Member and primary insider of Gentoo Media Inc. (Gentoo) has today acquired
115,604 shares in Gentoo at a price of SEK 24,996 per share. After this
transaction, close associates of Mateusz Juroszek hold 24,027,766 shares in
The Observer
15.11.2024 kl 15:17 2728

Mateusz gir seg ikke. Han har ståltro på utviklingen i selskapet:

MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, Board
Member and primary insider of Gentoo Media Inc. (Gentoo) has today acquired
9,139 shares in Gentoo at a price of SEK 24,30 per share. After this
transaction, close associates of Mateusz Juroszek hold 24,036,905 shares in
The Observer
20.11.2024 kl 12:58 2525

Mateusz må ha ståltro på selskapet. Har aldri sett i andre selskaper så mange innsidehandler av en enhet som i Gig/Gentoo.

Publisert 18. nov.
MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, Board Member and primary insider of Gentoo Media Inc. (Gentoo) has today acquired 58,019 shares in Gentoo at a price of SEK 24.30 per share. After this transaction, close associates of Mateusz Juroszek hold 24,094,924 shares in Gentoo.
The Observer
20.11.2024 kl 14:20 2503

Han gir seg ikke. Han kjenner Gentoo som innsider. Ikke stor nok til å ta over selskapet, så da er det vel at han ser skikkelig positivt på selskapet.

Publisert 19. nov. 17:56
MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, Board Member and primary insider of Gentoo Media Inc. (Gentoo) has today acquired 3,422 shares in Gentoo at a price of SEK 24.30 per share. After this transaction, close associates of Mateusz Juroszek hold 24,098,346 shares in Gentoo.
The Observer
21.11.2024 kl 13:31 2433

Publisert 19. nov.
MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, Board
Member and primary insider of Gentoo Media Inc. (Gentoo) has today acquired
3,422 shares in Gentoo at a price of SEK 24.30 per share. After this
transaction, close associates of Mateusz Juroszek hold 24,098,346 shares in
The Observer
21.11.2024 kl 14:12 2417

Han gir seg ikke. Når man som innsider ofrer så mye penger på aksjer i et selskap, da må det ligge positive momenter som innsideren ser.

Publisert 20. nov. 18:43
MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, Board Member and primary insider of Gentoo Media Inc. (Gentoo) has today acquired 58,840 shares in Gentoo at a price of SEK 24.30 per share. After this transaction, close associates of Mateusz Juroszek hold 24,157,186 shares in Gentoo.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
The Observer
06.12.2024 kl 10:01 2002

Skal han overta hele selskapet?

Publisert 5. des. 20:00
MJ Foundation Fundacja Rodzinna, a company related to Mateusz Juroszek, Board Member and primary insider of Gentoo Media Inc. (Gentoo) has today acquired 16,895 shares in Gentoo at a price of SEK 24.30 per share. After this transaction, close associates of Mateusz Juroszek hold 24,190,151 shares in Gentoo.
The Observer
27.12.2024 kl 16:49 1621

Ny Innsidehandel:
Jeg kjenner ikke til noe annet selskap hvor det er så mange og betydelige innsidehandler som i Gentoo Media. Når innsidere stadig handler flere og flere aksjer så må det bety at de ser sterk positiv utvikling for selskapet.
Utvikling for selskapet.
Optimus Invest Limited, a company owned by Andre Lavold, has bought 50.000
shares in Gentoo Media Inc.
The Observer
20.01.2025 kl 09:08 1185

Introduksjon til Gentoo Media
Gentoo Media er en markedsledende iGaming-tilknyttet gruppe som er dobbeltnotert på Oslo Børs og Nasdaq Stockholm. Selskapet opererer globalt og hadde over 470 000 FTD (First Time Depositors) i løpet av 2023. Det fokuserer på inntektsdelingsavtaler med operatører, noe som reduserer volatiliteten over tid.
Sektor: Teknologiliste
: NASDAQ Stockholm
Ticker: G2M
Selskapets hjemmeside:
The Observer
20.01.2025 kl 09:55 1158

Vi får ta med denne også:

GiG Software Plc (First North: GiG SDB), a leading B2B iGaming technology company, is pleased to announce that its social sweepstakes casino platform, SweepX, has now been successfully launched in the US as part of the Company's long-term partnership with Primero Games LLC ("Primero"), a major American land-based sweepstakes operator.

The launch of GiG's SweepX solution in the US represents a significant achievement for the Company and aligns with its strategy to partner with major operators in regulated markets.
The Observer
30.01.2025 kl 10:53 887

Gentoo Media vil forlate Oslo Børs
Styret i Gentoo Media (tidligere Gaming Innovation Group) har besluttet å innlede en prosess for å ta selskapets aksjer av Oslo Børs.

Selskapet vil fortsatt være notert på Stockholm-børsen.

Bakgrunnen for avnoteringen er en gradvis reduksjon i antall aksjonærer på Oslo Børs, delvis fordi mye av handelen er flyttet til Stockholm, skriver selskapet. I tillegg har likviditeten i Oslo-aksjene vært begrenset.

Gentoo Media mener at likviditeten i aksjehandelen i Stockholm vil kunne dra nytte av grepet.
31.01.2025 kl 14:13 813

Tænker det kommer til at styrke interessen og kursen for G2M...og godt, at der bliver eksekveret hurtigt.
31.01.2025 kl 14:13 813

Tænker det kommer til at styrke interessen og kursen for G2M...og godt, at der bliver eksekveret hurtigt.
The Observer
25.02.2025 kl 09:52 190

Q4 melding:
New Narrative: Post-GiG Split Will Enable New Partnerships And Acquisitions
• Fair value: NOK 33.50
• Revenue growth: 10.2% p.a
• Margin: 27.5%
• Future PE multiple: 12.7x
Gentoo Media's independence post-split allows for flexible expansion into new partnerships and acquisitions, likely driving revenue growth.
The Observer
25.02.2025 kl 10:25 169

NOK 33.5
34.8% undervalued intrinsic discount
Analyst Price Target Fair Value
The Observer
26.02.2025 kl 09:32 106

Q4 2024: Fortsatt vekst, og lønnsom vekst. Kvartal etter kvartal.

Financial highlights - Q4 2024
• Gentoo Media reported all-time high revenues of EUR
35.9 (26.1) million, up 38% YoY (18% organic growth),
marking the 16th successive quarter with all-time high
• EBITDA before special items amounted to EUR 14.3
(10.9) million with a margin of 40% (42%)
• EBIT reached EUR 9.8 (6.9) million, up 43% YoY with a
margin of 27% (26%)
• Net profit from continuing operations was EUR 7.8
(-0.1) million, with a profit margin of 22% (-0.5%)
• Cash flow from operations was EUR 7.7 (10.0) million