HEX - analytiker: Lagring av energi kan gå 75 ganger'n
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
Redigert 06.02.2024 kl 15:35
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Feilprising. Frem med lommekalkulatoren folkens. Hex selges med kjemperabatt når man ser på underliggende verdier
Redigert 27.02.2023 kl 18:21
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Rect Angel
27.02.2023 kl 14:29
"Interessen for hydrogen som drivstoff er sterkt økende"
Ja, og det samme gjelder i aller høyeste grad interessen for RNG/renewable natural gas/biometan/biogass som drivstoff.
I dag inviterer Hexagon Composites til seminar 23.mars under overskriften "The case for renewable natural gas in transport". Med avsluttende Q & A ledet av analytikere fra SpareBank 1 Markets.
The case for renewable natural gas in transport
February 27, 2023 07:07 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
You are invited to a two-part seminar addressing the decarbonization power that renewable natural gas (RNG) brings to the transportation sector. The seminar will be held on Thursday, 23 March at Hexagon Composites’ offices in Oslo, as both an in-person and digital event. Please pre-register here.
10:30-11:00 Registration & mingle
11:00: Introduction - Jon Erik Engeset, CEO Hexagon Composites
11:05: Part 1: Driving Change: Sustainability-focused regulation and its impact on renewable natural gas
Ashley Remillard, SVP Legal & Government Affairs Hexagon/ Harmen Dekker, CEO European Biogas Association/Dan Gage, Secretary General, NGVAmerica
Navigating the regulatory landscape in Europe
Incentives and commodity-based approach to regulation: Key learnings from the US
What’s next?
Panel discussion
11: 50: Break
12:05: Part 2: Accelerating the decarbonization of commercial transportation
Eric Bippus, SVP Global Sales & Marketing, Hexagon Agility/Mike Casteel, UPS Fleet Procurement Director – Retired
RNG: The most cost effective and scalable renewable solution for heavy duty transport
Heavy duty industry landscape & technology demand
A fleet perspective
Q&A led by Thomas D. Næss/Vetle Wilhelmsen, Equity Research at SpareBank 1 Markets
12:55: Closing remarks – Jon Erik Engeset, CEO Hexagon Composites
For more information
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Ja, og det samme gjelder i aller høyeste grad interessen for RNG/renewable natural gas/biometan/biogass som drivstoff.
I dag inviterer Hexagon Composites til seminar 23.mars under overskriften "The case for renewable natural gas in transport". Med avsluttende Q & A ledet av analytikere fra SpareBank 1 Markets.
The case for renewable natural gas in transport
February 27, 2023 07:07 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
You are invited to a two-part seminar addressing the decarbonization power that renewable natural gas (RNG) brings to the transportation sector. The seminar will be held on Thursday, 23 March at Hexagon Composites’ offices in Oslo, as both an in-person and digital event. Please pre-register here.
10:30-11:00 Registration & mingle
11:00: Introduction - Jon Erik Engeset, CEO Hexagon Composites
11:05: Part 1: Driving Change: Sustainability-focused regulation and its impact on renewable natural gas
Ashley Remillard, SVP Legal & Government Affairs Hexagon/ Harmen Dekker, CEO European Biogas Association/Dan Gage, Secretary General, NGVAmerica
Navigating the regulatory landscape in Europe
Incentives and commodity-based approach to regulation: Key learnings from the US
What’s next?
Panel discussion
11: 50: Break
12:05: Part 2: Accelerating the decarbonization of commercial transportation
Eric Bippus, SVP Global Sales & Marketing, Hexagon Agility/Mike Casteel, UPS Fleet Procurement Director – Retired
RNG: The most cost effective and scalable renewable solution for heavy duty transport
Heavy duty industry landscape & technology demand
A fleet perspective
Q&A led by Thomas D. Næss/Vetle Wilhelmsen, Equity Research at SpareBank 1 Markets
12:55: Closing remarks – Jon Erik Engeset, CEO Hexagon Composites
For more information
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Redigert 27.02.2023 kl 15:40
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27.02.2023 kl 13:17
Hydrogensatsing med fokus på Norden - temadag i Kristiansund i neste uke.
Onsdag 01. mars fra 1030 -1600 Et meget spenstig program. Her tror jeg det kommer til skje ting i løpet av det neste året. Skal bli spennende å se hva som kommer ut av dagen. Interessen for hydrogen som drivstoff er sterkt økende
Onsdag 01. mars fra 1030 -1600 Et meget spenstig program. Her tror jeg det kommer til skje ting i løpet av det neste året. Skal bli spennende å se hva som kommer ut av dagen. Interessen for hydrogen som drivstoff er sterkt økende
Rect Angel
26.02.2023 kl 23:17
Enda mer kjøtt på beinet fra "down under" i linken. Bl.a. mer om H2X Global og det man kommer inn med.
Aussie firm inks deal to supply hydrogen vehicles to Norway
By Jade Credentino
February 24 2023 - 5:46pm
Australian hydrogen fuel-cell carmaker H2X Global has signed a deal with Norwegian Hydrogen to develop a ‘full-service' framework for commercial hydrogen transportation in the Nordic region.
The memorandum of understanding will see the pair collaborate on the commercial supply of hydrogen and a range of hydrogen fuel-cell commercial vehicles for the Nordic region starting late this year.
Aussie firm inks deal to supply hydrogen vehicles to Norway
By Jade Credentino
February 24 2023 - 5:46pm
Australian hydrogen fuel-cell carmaker H2X Global has signed a deal with Norwegian Hydrogen to develop a ‘full-service' framework for commercial hydrogen transportation in the Nordic region.
The memorandum of understanding will see the pair collaborate on the commercial supply of hydrogen and a range of hydrogen fuel-cell commercial vehicles for the Nordic region starting late this year.
Redigert 26.02.2023 kl 23:21
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Rect Angel
24.02.2023 kl 17:24
En liten tilføyelse når det gjelder meldingen KSU.NO var aller først ute med i går (se innlegg jeg 'svarer på' her for mer). Dagens oppslag om meldingen hos Hydrrogen Central er identisk bortsett fra på slutten der vi i artikkelen til Hydrogen Central får vite litt mer om Norwegian Hydrogens australske partner H2X Global Limitid. H2X Global Limitid har nemlig allerede vunnet et anbud i Sverige om leveranse av hydrogendrevne kjøretøy. Det første skal leveres allerede i 2023 og alle innen 2025.
Så det vi står overfor her er ikke noe som ligger langt der fremme i tid et sted, men snarere et prosjekt med sterkt 'her og nå preg' når det gjelder oppstart. Er ikke i tvil om at Hexagon Purus vil bli sterkt involvert så dette blir veldig spennende å følge.
H2X Global Partners with Norwegian Hydrogen In The Decarbonization of Commercial Transport Fleets Through The Offering of a Total Ecosystem
February 24, 2023
This follows H2XGlobal’s recent announcement through its subsidiary H2X Gothenburg AB’s the award of the public tender for the supply vehicles in the 3.5T, 5.0T, and 18T categories. It is planned that the first vehicles will be operational at the end of 2023 and all vehicles to be fully operational by 2025, supporting the production of vehicles for the Northern European regions in line with Norwegian Hydrogen’s development and operation of hydrogen refueling stations for heavy duty applications in the Nordics.
Så det vi står overfor her er ikke noe som ligger langt der fremme i tid et sted, men snarere et prosjekt med sterkt 'her og nå preg' når det gjelder oppstart. Er ikke i tvil om at Hexagon Purus vil bli sterkt involvert så dette blir veldig spennende å følge.
H2X Global Partners with Norwegian Hydrogen In The Decarbonization of Commercial Transport Fleets Through The Offering of a Total Ecosystem
February 24, 2023
This follows H2XGlobal’s recent announcement through its subsidiary H2X Gothenburg AB’s the award of the public tender for the supply vehicles in the 3.5T, 5.0T, and 18T categories. It is planned that the first vehicles will be operational at the end of 2023 and all vehicles to be fully operational by 2025, supporting the production of vehicles for the Northern European regions in line with Norwegian Hydrogen’s development and operation of hydrogen refueling stations for heavy duty applications in the Nordics.
Redigert 24.02.2023 kl 17:25
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Rect Angel
24.02.2023 kl 00:25
kelle Ja feelgood så det rekker og nå plutselig mye konkret, tilsynelatende godt koordinert som manifisterer seg på en gang, som du påpeker. Imponerende og ikke minst veldig artig å følge med på
23.02.2023 kl 23:35
Stor takk til deg R A for alt du bringer til torgs. Dette blir stort ! Hydrogenfabrikken på Hellesylt vil være klar for produksjon alle rede fra høsten av.
Skal bli kjekt å se hvor stor dekning Temadagen i Kr-sund får fra lokalavisa neste uke. Samarbeidet mellom de forskjellige organisasjonene ser ut for å være meget godt planlagt og at det kommer til å skje store ting i nærmeste fremtid.
Skal bli kjekt å se hvor stor dekning Temadagen i Kr-sund får fra lokalavisa neste uke. Samarbeidet mellom de forskjellige organisasjonene ser ut for å være meget godt planlagt og at det kommer til å skje store ting i nærmeste fremtid.
Rect Angel
23.02.2023 kl 22:28
Hexagon Purus.
Det er nye tider og mens man generelt ikke finner altfor mye dekning av disse i våre etablerte finansmedia, kan man istedet gjøre svært interessant funn i media utenfor landets grenser og her hjemme på 'steder der ingen kunne tro at man kunne finne slikt no'...
I en artikkel publisert på KSU.NO for litt over en månedes tiden siden, kunne man lese at Norwegian Hydrogen vil bygge hydrogenfyllestasjon i Kristiansund (se innlegg 18.01.2023 kl 12:42 her på denne tråden). Nå er det kanskje ikke så rart at KSU.NO publiserer nyheter om noe som skal skje i Kristiansund, men i dag slår nettstedet til igjen med en nyhet jeg ikke finner noen andre steder. En nyhet, i form av en melding, jeg vil kalle både interessant og signifikant! Nyheten om at Norwegian Hydrogen og den australske produsenten av hydrogendrevne kjøretøy H2X Global Limitid har inngått samarbeid med sikte på å tilby intet mindre enn et totalt økosystem for levering av hydrogen, fyllestasjoner og kjøretøy!
At dette vil generere rikelig med opdrag for Hexagon Purus, er det neppe tvil om. Det bør i den forbindelse være nok å referere til dagens nyhet fra Polen (se innlegg her på denne tråden 23.02.2023 kl 12:12). Hexagon Purus er hertil en av de største aksjonærene i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Hydrogensatsing med fokus på Norden - temadag i Kristiansund i neste uke
ARTIKKEL Redaksjonen
23 februar 2023 09:33
Den australske produsenten av hydrogenkjøretøy H2X Global Limited, inngår samarbeid med Norwegian Hydrogen for å avkarbonisere kommersiell landtransport gjennom å tilby et totalt økosystem for levering av hydrogen, fyllestasjoner og kjøretøy.
Den nye satsingen vil fokusere på Norden, og selskapene vil utvikle et felles kommersielt og operativt rammeverk for transportører i nærheten av Norwegian Hydrogens lokasjoner, for overgangen til hydrogen som nullutslippsløsning i fremtiden.
Vil dekke alle komponenter
Intensjonen med samarbeidet er å tilby en komplett løsning for klimavennlig kommersiell transport gjennom en kanal. Dette kan være produksjon og kjøp av grønne hydrogen-, distribusjons- og
hydrogenfyllestasjoner, og å gi kundene levering og vedlikehold av kjøretøy, for igjen å kunne løse utfordringen kommersielle aktører møter med å få et fullservicetilbud for utslippsfri transport.
Bruker man Norwegian Hydrogens anlegg på Hellesylt som eksempel, vil hydrogenproduksjonen på 1,4 tonn om dagen, hvis den brukes til å redusere utslippene i transportsektoren, fjerne mer enn
9000 tonn CO2 hvert år. Dette vil gi mer enn 9 millioner km utslippsfri tungtransport per år.
Temadag i Kristiansund for grønn landtransport
Neste uke møtes selskapene i Kristiansund for en temadag om grønn landtransport.
Det haster med å redusere utslipp i transportsektoren, og løsningene er tilgjengelige. Dette skal H2X og Norwegian Hydrogen snakke om med potensielle kunder som inviteres til å lære mer om hvordan de kan ta en ledende rolle i det grønne skiftet.
Muliggjøre nullutslipp
- Norwegian Hydrogens fokus er å muliggjøre nullutslipp for våre kunder. Det er viktig at våre kunder også har tilgang til hydrogenbiler, og vi er glade for å samarbeide med H2X for å presentere en
fullpakkeløsning, sier CTO i Norsk Hydrogen, Øystein Tørlen.
- Overgangen til utslippsfri transport gjennom å bruke hydrogen som energibærer er avgjørende for å bidra til å eliminere de økende utslippene fra transportsektoren. Denne sektoren står for 23 % (Kilde: IEA) av de globale energirelaterte CO2-utslippene og er den raskest voksende bidragsyteren til klimaendringene. Samarbeid mellom hydrogenprodusenter som Norwegian Hydrogen og en nyttekjøretøyprodusent som H2X er avgjørende i reduksjonen av utslipp, og tilbyr transportører et godt alternativ, sier Bill Moss, H2X Global's Head of Sales & Marketing.
Nordisk nettverk av hydrogenfyllestasjoner
Norwegian Hydrogen kunngjorde i fjor at de inngikk et partnerskap med det USA-baserte selskapet FirstElement Fuel og det japanske selskapet Mitsui for å bygge et nordisk nettverk av hydrogenfyllestasjoner, og dette partnerskapet vil bidra til å akselerere suksessen til denne utrullingen.
– Lastebiler trenger fyllestasjoner og fyllestasjoner trenger lastebiler. Dette gjør samarbeidet mellom våre to selskaper til en perfekt match. Vi håper å kunngjøre de første lastebilene og fyllestasjonene som er bestilt på grunnlag av dette partnerskapet ganske snart, avslutter leder for refueling i Norwegian Hydrogen, Per Øyvind Voie.
Så over grensen til Sverige til nyheten fra lørdag om at nok en viktig brikke nå er på plass, i det samme 'spillet'. I Sverige har nemlig Norwegian Hydrogen mottatt 20 millioner SEK fra svenske myndigheter for å bygge hydrogenfyllestasjoner! Heia Sverige! Norwegian Hydrogen benytter sjansen til å oppfordre norske myndigheter til å lære av svenskene her... Man kan jo håpe, men...
Norwegian Hydrogen Receives SEK 20 Million to Build Hydrogen Fueling Stations in Sweden
February 18, 2023
Norwegian Hydrogen receives SEK 20 million to build hydrogen fueling stations in Sweden.
Norwegian Hydrogen has received SEK 20 million in grants from the Swedish Energy Agency for the construction of a hydrogen filling station in Visby on Gotland.
Per Øyvind Voie, Managing Director for refueling in Norwegian Hydrogen, said:
"This marks the start of building a new network of hydrogen filling stations aimed directly at heavy transport and is thus a major and important milestone for us. When the station opens, it will have a capacity of at least 1500kg of hydrogen per day, which is enough to fill 30-40 heavy-duty trucks.”
Covers up to 100% of the cost
The support Norwegian Hydrogen has received comes from a support program called Regional Electrification Pilots. Through the program, the Swedish Energy Agency has provided support for a total of 13 new hydrogen fueling stations. The grant is intended to cover 100% of the costs, but Voie assumes that the total cost will be somewhat higher than SEK 20 million.
“We see that the prices of equipment have increased significantly lately, and the grant will therefore not cover the entire investment. The overall support rate will nevertheless be very good compared to for instance in Norway.”
Asking Norwegian politicians to learn
In Norway, the maximum support rate for filling stations is 40%. But first, an end customer must have invested in heavy trucks. “I would encourage Norwegian politicians to learn from Sweden. The infrastructure must be in place first if we are to succeed in cutting emissions from heavy transport, and then the level of support must be increased. In Sweden, they launch competitions to decide who should receive grants to build their infrastructure.”
Will build networks across the Nordic region
Norwegian Hydrogen has great ambitions and is in the process of building a network of hydrogen fueling stations aimed at heavy transport throughout the entire Nordic region. Last week, it was announced that the company acquired HydRe Oy, a Helsinki-based company hydrogen fueling company, focusing on Finland and the Baltics.
“We are actively working to find relevant locations, develop them, get in touch with potential customers, and trigger public support in order to expand the network as quickly as possible. Our goal is for trucks and other heavy vehicles to be able to drive emission-free. Then the infrastructure must be in place – and we will take a lead I this process,” concludes Per Øyvind Voie.
Det er nye tider og mens man generelt ikke finner altfor mye dekning av disse i våre etablerte finansmedia, kan man istedet gjøre svært interessant funn i media utenfor landets grenser og her hjemme på 'steder der ingen kunne tro at man kunne finne slikt no'...
I en artikkel publisert på KSU.NO for litt over en månedes tiden siden, kunne man lese at Norwegian Hydrogen vil bygge hydrogenfyllestasjon i Kristiansund (se innlegg 18.01.2023 kl 12:42 her på denne tråden). Nå er det kanskje ikke så rart at KSU.NO publiserer nyheter om noe som skal skje i Kristiansund, men i dag slår nettstedet til igjen med en nyhet jeg ikke finner noen andre steder. En nyhet, i form av en melding, jeg vil kalle både interessant og signifikant! Nyheten om at Norwegian Hydrogen og den australske produsenten av hydrogendrevne kjøretøy H2X Global Limitid har inngått samarbeid med sikte på å tilby intet mindre enn et totalt økosystem for levering av hydrogen, fyllestasjoner og kjøretøy!
At dette vil generere rikelig med opdrag for Hexagon Purus, er det neppe tvil om. Det bør i den forbindelse være nok å referere til dagens nyhet fra Polen (se innlegg her på denne tråden 23.02.2023 kl 12:12). Hexagon Purus er hertil en av de største aksjonærene i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Hydrogensatsing med fokus på Norden - temadag i Kristiansund i neste uke
ARTIKKEL Redaksjonen
23 februar 2023 09:33
Den australske produsenten av hydrogenkjøretøy H2X Global Limited, inngår samarbeid med Norwegian Hydrogen for å avkarbonisere kommersiell landtransport gjennom å tilby et totalt økosystem for levering av hydrogen, fyllestasjoner og kjøretøy.
Den nye satsingen vil fokusere på Norden, og selskapene vil utvikle et felles kommersielt og operativt rammeverk for transportører i nærheten av Norwegian Hydrogens lokasjoner, for overgangen til hydrogen som nullutslippsløsning i fremtiden.
Vil dekke alle komponenter
Intensjonen med samarbeidet er å tilby en komplett løsning for klimavennlig kommersiell transport gjennom en kanal. Dette kan være produksjon og kjøp av grønne hydrogen-, distribusjons- og
hydrogenfyllestasjoner, og å gi kundene levering og vedlikehold av kjøretøy, for igjen å kunne løse utfordringen kommersielle aktører møter med å få et fullservicetilbud for utslippsfri transport.
Bruker man Norwegian Hydrogens anlegg på Hellesylt som eksempel, vil hydrogenproduksjonen på 1,4 tonn om dagen, hvis den brukes til å redusere utslippene i transportsektoren, fjerne mer enn
9000 tonn CO2 hvert år. Dette vil gi mer enn 9 millioner km utslippsfri tungtransport per år.
Temadag i Kristiansund for grønn landtransport
Neste uke møtes selskapene i Kristiansund for en temadag om grønn landtransport.
Det haster med å redusere utslipp i transportsektoren, og løsningene er tilgjengelige. Dette skal H2X og Norwegian Hydrogen snakke om med potensielle kunder som inviteres til å lære mer om hvordan de kan ta en ledende rolle i det grønne skiftet.
Muliggjøre nullutslipp
- Norwegian Hydrogens fokus er å muliggjøre nullutslipp for våre kunder. Det er viktig at våre kunder også har tilgang til hydrogenbiler, og vi er glade for å samarbeide med H2X for å presentere en
fullpakkeløsning, sier CTO i Norsk Hydrogen, Øystein Tørlen.
- Overgangen til utslippsfri transport gjennom å bruke hydrogen som energibærer er avgjørende for å bidra til å eliminere de økende utslippene fra transportsektoren. Denne sektoren står for 23 % (Kilde: IEA) av de globale energirelaterte CO2-utslippene og er den raskest voksende bidragsyteren til klimaendringene. Samarbeid mellom hydrogenprodusenter som Norwegian Hydrogen og en nyttekjøretøyprodusent som H2X er avgjørende i reduksjonen av utslipp, og tilbyr transportører et godt alternativ, sier Bill Moss, H2X Global's Head of Sales & Marketing.
Nordisk nettverk av hydrogenfyllestasjoner
Norwegian Hydrogen kunngjorde i fjor at de inngikk et partnerskap med det USA-baserte selskapet FirstElement Fuel og det japanske selskapet Mitsui for å bygge et nordisk nettverk av hydrogenfyllestasjoner, og dette partnerskapet vil bidra til å akselerere suksessen til denne utrullingen.
– Lastebiler trenger fyllestasjoner og fyllestasjoner trenger lastebiler. Dette gjør samarbeidet mellom våre to selskaper til en perfekt match. Vi håper å kunngjøre de første lastebilene og fyllestasjonene som er bestilt på grunnlag av dette partnerskapet ganske snart, avslutter leder for refueling i Norwegian Hydrogen, Per Øyvind Voie.
Så over grensen til Sverige til nyheten fra lørdag om at nok en viktig brikke nå er på plass, i det samme 'spillet'. I Sverige har nemlig Norwegian Hydrogen mottatt 20 millioner SEK fra svenske myndigheter for å bygge hydrogenfyllestasjoner! Heia Sverige! Norwegian Hydrogen benytter sjansen til å oppfordre norske myndigheter til å lære av svenskene her... Man kan jo håpe, men...
Norwegian Hydrogen Receives SEK 20 Million to Build Hydrogen Fueling Stations in Sweden
February 18, 2023
Norwegian Hydrogen receives SEK 20 million to build hydrogen fueling stations in Sweden.
Norwegian Hydrogen has received SEK 20 million in grants from the Swedish Energy Agency for the construction of a hydrogen filling station in Visby on Gotland.
Per Øyvind Voie, Managing Director for refueling in Norwegian Hydrogen, said:
"This marks the start of building a new network of hydrogen filling stations aimed directly at heavy transport and is thus a major and important milestone for us. When the station opens, it will have a capacity of at least 1500kg of hydrogen per day, which is enough to fill 30-40 heavy-duty trucks.”
Covers up to 100% of the cost
The support Norwegian Hydrogen has received comes from a support program called Regional Electrification Pilots. Through the program, the Swedish Energy Agency has provided support for a total of 13 new hydrogen fueling stations. The grant is intended to cover 100% of the costs, but Voie assumes that the total cost will be somewhat higher than SEK 20 million.
“We see that the prices of equipment have increased significantly lately, and the grant will therefore not cover the entire investment. The overall support rate will nevertheless be very good compared to for instance in Norway.”
Asking Norwegian politicians to learn
In Norway, the maximum support rate for filling stations is 40%. But first, an end customer must have invested in heavy trucks. “I would encourage Norwegian politicians to learn from Sweden. The infrastructure must be in place first if we are to succeed in cutting emissions from heavy transport, and then the level of support must be increased. In Sweden, they launch competitions to decide who should receive grants to build their infrastructure.”
Will build networks across the Nordic region
Norwegian Hydrogen has great ambitions and is in the process of building a network of hydrogen fueling stations aimed at heavy transport throughout the entire Nordic region. Last week, it was announced that the company acquired HydRe Oy, a Helsinki-based company hydrogen fueling company, focusing on Finland and the Baltics.
“We are actively working to find relevant locations, develop them, get in touch with potential customers, and trigger public support in order to expand the network as quickly as possible. Our goal is for trucks and other heavy vehicles to be able to drive emission-free. Then the infrastructure must be in place – and we will take a lead I this process,” concludes Per Øyvind Voie.
Redigert 23.02.2023 kl 22:29
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Ikke bare fosåvidt ,- mer sant nå enn tidligere
23.02.2023 kl 14:03
Gammel artikkel (fra april i fjor), men det er for så vidt sant fremdeles.
Nå er det bare å hamstre HEX med begge hendene. Kursøkningen i HPUR har ikke slått ut her hos hovedeieren.
Redigert 23.02.2023 kl 13:35
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Rect Angel
23.02.2023 kl 12:12
Hexagon Purus.
Wystrach er 100% eid av Hexagon Purus.
Her får vi nyheter om bygging av hydrogenfyllestasjoner i Polen der nødvendig teknologi og materiell fra Wystrach spiller en hovedrolle.
Home Logist's diary
5 state hydrogen gas stations will be built in large cities of Poland
24 hours ago
Author:Anastasia Bykova
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Resources of Poland signed an agreement with PAK-PCE Stacje H2 on co-financing the construction of 5 state hydrogen gas stations. About it Logist.Today learned from material published on the portal logistyka.rp.pl.
Stations under the Neso brand will appear in Wroclaw, Rybnik, Lublin, Gdansk and Gdyn. They should be built by June 3, 2024. 57.4 million zlotys ( 12 million euros ) will be allocated for the implementation of the project. Part of the funds will be provided by the National Environmental Protection Fund. This was explained in the fund by the high cost and deficit of solutions for the introduction of hydrogen technology.
According to Andrzej Yanishovsky, chairman of the board of PAK-PCE Stacje H2, the first installations will be scarce and the company will bring profit only after 2-5 years.
To begin with, the stations plan to use about 30% of the containers of 5 hydrogen gas stations, which will allow more than 10 thousand refueling of buses and other hydrogen vehicles. It is assumed that with the development of the hydrogen market in Poland, the use of hydrogen stations will increase and by 2032 will reach about 85%. Additionally, a project is being implemented in the field of hydrogen transport for the purchase of hydrogen locomotives, which will be used to transport hydrogen fuel.
The new 5 plants will be refueled from the semi-trailers of the German company Wystrach, each of which carries a ton of hydrogen. Compressors and station equipment will be supplied by the Norwegian company NEL. Stations will compress hydrogen to 700 or 350 barrels. One ton of fuel is enough for 50 buses with full refueling.
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Resources expects that next week it will sign two more contracts for the construction of hydrogen stations: in Tõkhah and Sverklyant. In addition, today PAK-PCE Stacje H2 is completing the construction of the first hydrogen station in Warsaw.
Seneste børsmelding fra Hexagon Purus om forretninger med ZE PAK Group, Polens største, privateide elektrisitetsprodusent:
20.02.2023 kl 13:08
En liten notis i dag:
20.2.2023 06:30 • TDN Finans •
Kopier link
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Agility har under hovedtjenesteavtalen med UPS mottatt nye 2023-ordrer på til sammen 19 millioner dollar for levering av RNG-drivstoffsystemer, ifølge en melding fredag.
De nye bestillingene kommer i tillegg til de tidligere annonserte kontraktene på 25,6 millioner dollar fra april 2022, opplyses det.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
20.2.2023 06:30 • TDN Finans •
Kopier link
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Agility har under hovedtjenesteavtalen med UPS mottatt nye 2023-ordrer på til sammen 19 millioner dollar for levering av RNG-drivstoffsystemer, ifølge en melding fredag.
De nye bestillingene kommer i tillegg til de tidligere annonserte kontraktene på 25,6 millioner dollar fra april 2022, opplyses det.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Rect Angel
19.02.2023 kl 22:23
Hexagon Purus.
Tyske DER AKTIONÄR har gjort litt godt gravearbeid og kommet frem til at Hexagon Purus nok er med her, i en nylig inngått avtale mellom den portugisiske bussprodusenten CaetanoBus og Deutsche Bahn (DB) om leveranser av 60 hydrogenbusser.
Deutsche Bahn beställer 60 vätgasbussar från Caetanobus
Publicerad av
markku björkman - 17 feb, 2023
Tyska tågoperatören Deutsche Bahn går vidare med omvandlingen till ett klimatneutralt företag och beställer för första gången ett större antal vätgasbussar till sin bussdivision DB Regio Bus.
De första fordonen är planerade att köra i Niedersachsen och Schleswig-Holstein i början av 2024. Bakom beställningen ligger DB:s tydliga mål att fasa ut den sista dieselbussen 2038.
Med cirka 470 miljoner passagerare per år är DB Regio Bus den största leverantören av busstjänster i Tyskland.
Evelyn Palla, styrelseledamot för Regional Transport DB AG:
-Vätgasbussar är klimatvänliga och har ytterligare en fördel: De fylls snabbare än batterierna i en ren elbuss laddas. Med sin långa räckvidd kan vätgasbussar ersätta befintliga dieselfordon särskilt väl på landsbygden. Genom att beställa 60 vätgasbussar tar vi ytterligare ett steg mot att säga adjö till dieseln.
Bränsleceller från Toyota
Bussarna levereras av den portugisiska tillverkaren Caetanobus; bränslecellerna kommer från Toyota. Ramavtalet som nu är överenskommet löper till 2026 och förutsätter 60 bussar. Ordervolymen för dessa fordon är nästan 40 miljoner euro. Fem av de nya fordonen kommer att användas i Jever-området och två i Rendsburg-Eckernförde.
De nya H2 CityGold-bussarna är tolv meter långa och har 34 sittplatser och 47 ståplatser. Passagerarutrymmet har inga trappsteg och erbjuder ett två meter brett utrymme för rullstolar. Med en tank vätgas kan fordonen färdas mellan 350 (vinter) och 550 (sommar) kilometer.
Noe annet som er meget interessant her er at bussene som CaetanoBus skal levere til Deutshe Bahn vil være utstyrt med brenselsceller produsert av Toyota (ref. utdrag fra svensk artikkel gjengitt over). Nok et prosjekt/konsortium hvor disse to er involvert!
Og her er børsmeldingen om avtalen mellom Hexagon Purus og CaetanoBus som DER AKTIONÄR viser til:
Hexagon Purus selected by CaetanoBus as preferred supplier of high-pressure hydrogen fuel systems for fuel cell transit buses
October 31, 2022 - Stock Exchange Release
Hexagon Purus, a world leading supplier of zero emission mobility solutions, has entered into a four-year supply agreement with CaetanoBus as their preferred supplier of hydrogen fuel systems for serially produced fuel-cell transit buses. Hexagon Purus is already a supplier to CaetanoBus and has delivered several hydrogen fuel systems. This agreement further formalizes and cements the relationship between the two partners.
The hydrogen fuel systems will be supplied from Hexagon Purus’ facility in Kassel, Germany. The estimated potential value over the lifetime of the frame agreement is approximately EUR 35 million (approximately NOK 350 million).
Her avtalen mellom Hexagon Purus og Deutsche Bahn som DER AKTIONÄR også refererer til og som ble meldt 9.februar 2023 (for mer om den, se innlegg her på tråden 09.02.2023 kl 11:55):
Hexagon Purus receives order to deliver mobile hydrogen refueling stations and stationary storage to Deutsche Bahn
February 09, 2023 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
Fra gårsdagens artikkel i DER AKTIONÄR:
Starting shot for hydrogen ‑ Buses: Deutsche Bahn invests – Hexagon Purus benefits
02/18/2023 ‧ Michel Doepke
Deutsche Bahn ( DB ) has ordered a larger number of hydrogen buses for the first time. As the group announced on Thursday, the first vehicles are expected to be in Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein in early 2024. The hydrogen specialist Hexagon Purus should benefit twice.
Overall, the framework contract between DB and the Portuguese manufacturer Caetanobus provides for the delivery of 60 buses by 2026. According to the announcement, the order volume is 40 million euros. With a hydrogen tank filling, the vehicles can travel between 350 ( winter ) and 550 ( summer ) kilometers.
Hexagon Purus most likely supplier
Exciting: The Norwegian manufacturer of high-pressure hydrogen containers and systems, Hexagon Purus, only concluded a framework contract with CaetanoBus at the end of October 2022. The Scandinavians were chosen as the preferred supplier as part of the deal. Duration: four years.
But DB is also a customer of Hexagon Purus. To match this, the railway recently ordered mobile hydrogen filling station and stationary storage from Hexagon Purus, including its Type 4 hydrogen bottles, for rail and other mobile applications. Ergo: Both CaetanoBus and DB rely on Hexagon Purus products.
Tyske DER AKTIONÄR har gjort litt godt gravearbeid og kommet frem til at Hexagon Purus nok er med her, i en nylig inngått avtale mellom den portugisiske bussprodusenten CaetanoBus og Deutsche Bahn (DB) om leveranser av 60 hydrogenbusser.
Deutsche Bahn beställer 60 vätgasbussar från Caetanobus
Publicerad av
markku björkman - 17 feb, 2023
Tyska tågoperatören Deutsche Bahn går vidare med omvandlingen till ett klimatneutralt företag och beställer för första gången ett större antal vätgasbussar till sin bussdivision DB Regio Bus.
De första fordonen är planerade att köra i Niedersachsen och Schleswig-Holstein i början av 2024. Bakom beställningen ligger DB:s tydliga mål att fasa ut den sista dieselbussen 2038.
Med cirka 470 miljoner passagerare per år är DB Regio Bus den största leverantören av busstjänster i Tyskland.
Evelyn Palla, styrelseledamot för Regional Transport DB AG:
-Vätgasbussar är klimatvänliga och har ytterligare en fördel: De fylls snabbare än batterierna i en ren elbuss laddas. Med sin långa räckvidd kan vätgasbussar ersätta befintliga dieselfordon särskilt väl på landsbygden. Genom att beställa 60 vätgasbussar tar vi ytterligare ett steg mot att säga adjö till dieseln.
Bränsleceller från Toyota
Bussarna levereras av den portugisiska tillverkaren Caetanobus; bränslecellerna kommer från Toyota. Ramavtalet som nu är överenskommet löper till 2026 och förutsätter 60 bussar. Ordervolymen för dessa fordon är nästan 40 miljoner euro. Fem av de nya fordonen kommer att användas i Jever-området och två i Rendsburg-Eckernförde.
De nya H2 CityGold-bussarna är tolv meter långa och har 34 sittplatser och 47 ståplatser. Passagerarutrymmet har inga trappsteg och erbjuder ett två meter brett utrymme för rullstolar. Med en tank vätgas kan fordonen färdas mellan 350 (vinter) och 550 (sommar) kilometer.
Noe annet som er meget interessant her er at bussene som CaetanoBus skal levere til Deutshe Bahn vil være utstyrt med brenselsceller produsert av Toyota (ref. utdrag fra svensk artikkel gjengitt over). Nok et prosjekt/konsortium hvor disse to er involvert!
Og her er børsmeldingen om avtalen mellom Hexagon Purus og CaetanoBus som DER AKTIONÄR viser til:
Hexagon Purus selected by CaetanoBus as preferred supplier of high-pressure hydrogen fuel systems for fuel cell transit buses
October 31, 2022 - Stock Exchange Release
Hexagon Purus, a world leading supplier of zero emission mobility solutions, has entered into a four-year supply agreement with CaetanoBus as their preferred supplier of hydrogen fuel systems for serially produced fuel-cell transit buses. Hexagon Purus is already a supplier to CaetanoBus and has delivered several hydrogen fuel systems. This agreement further formalizes and cements the relationship between the two partners.
The hydrogen fuel systems will be supplied from Hexagon Purus’ facility in Kassel, Germany. The estimated potential value over the lifetime of the frame agreement is approximately EUR 35 million (approximately NOK 350 million).
Her avtalen mellom Hexagon Purus og Deutsche Bahn som DER AKTIONÄR også refererer til og som ble meldt 9.februar 2023 (for mer om den, se innlegg her på tråden 09.02.2023 kl 11:55):
Hexagon Purus receives order to deliver mobile hydrogen refueling stations and stationary storage to Deutsche Bahn
February 09, 2023 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
Fra gårsdagens artikkel i DER AKTIONÄR:
Starting shot for hydrogen ‑ Buses: Deutsche Bahn invests – Hexagon Purus benefits
02/18/2023 ‧ Michel Doepke
Deutsche Bahn ( DB ) has ordered a larger number of hydrogen buses for the first time. As the group announced on Thursday, the first vehicles are expected to be in Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein in early 2024. The hydrogen specialist Hexagon Purus should benefit twice.
Overall, the framework contract between DB and the Portuguese manufacturer Caetanobus provides for the delivery of 60 buses by 2026. According to the announcement, the order volume is 40 million euros. With a hydrogen tank filling, the vehicles can travel between 350 ( winter ) and 550 ( summer ) kilometers.
Hexagon Purus most likely supplier
Exciting: The Norwegian manufacturer of high-pressure hydrogen containers and systems, Hexagon Purus, only concluded a framework contract with CaetanoBus at the end of October 2022. The Scandinavians were chosen as the preferred supplier as part of the deal. Duration: four years.
But DB is also a customer of Hexagon Purus. To match this, the railway recently ordered mobile hydrogen filling station and stationary storage from Hexagon Purus, including its Type 4 hydrogen bottles, for rail and other mobile applications. Ergo: Both CaetanoBus and DB rely on Hexagon Purus products.
Rect Angel
18.02.2023 kl 17:09
Hexagon Composites.
Finansmedia har tydeligvis hendene fulle og mye å skrive om i helga siden der ikke en gang er plass til en liten notis om kontrakten verdt ca 200 millioner NOK som Hexagon Composites børsmeldte i USA i går kveld (norsk tid).
Har nettopp vært gjennom webcasten fra Hexagon Composites's Q4 2022 presentasjon torsdag. Likte det jeg så og hørte veldig godt. Hadde allerede på forhånd god tro når det gjelder fremtidsutsiktene, men dette etterlot et inntrykk av at selvtillit er på plass i rikt mon. På ingen måte brautende, men nøktern avslappet samtidig som smil og latter sitter løst. Anbefales!
Finansmedia har tydeligvis hendene fulle og mye å skrive om i helga siden der ikke en gang er plass til en liten notis om kontrakten verdt ca 200 millioner NOK som Hexagon Composites børsmeldte i USA i går kveld (norsk tid).
Har nettopp vært gjennom webcasten fra Hexagon Composites's Q4 2022 presentasjon torsdag. Likte det jeg så og hørte veldig godt. Hadde allerede på forhånd god tro når det gjelder fremtidsutsiktene, men dette etterlot et inntrykk av at selvtillit er på plass i rikt mon. På ingen måte brautende, men nøktern avslappet samtidig som smil og latter sitter løst. Anbefales!
Redigert 19.02.2023 kl 23:13
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Rect Angel
17.02.2023 kl 23:08
Hexagon Composites.
Kveldens nyhet er allerede postet på en annen tråd, ser jeg. Men ettersom dette er en tråd hvor fokus primært er på nyheter om og med relevans til selskapsdriften i Hexagon Group, må den med her også.
Nyhet på fredagskvelden som fint illustrerer hvilke storfine selskap Hexagon Group opererer i. Partneren i kveldens børsmeldte kontrakt, verdt USD 19 millioner (ca. 197 millioner NOK), er UPS.
Hexagon Agility receives fuel system orders for UPS heavy-duty renewable natural gas trucks
February 17, 2023 14:34 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
17 February 2023: As previously disclosed, Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, signed a master services agreement in October 2019 with UPS, the world’s premier package delivery company and a leading provider of global supply chain management solutions, to supply renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel systems for medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
Under this agreement, Hexagon Agility received new 2023 orders totaling USD 19 million (approx. NOK 197 million) for delivery of RNG fuel systems for heavy-duty trucks. This is in addition to the USD 25.6 million of previously announced orders from April 2022.
RNG results in significant reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when compared to other clean energy solutions available today. In North America, RNG is supported by abundant natural gas pipeline infrastructure which allows for its immediate use today, and for decades to come. Hexagon Agility is enabling the adoption of RNG to cost effectively combat climate change.
“In the past decade Hexagon Agility has supported the deployment of over 70,000 near-zero emission vehicles globally,” said Eric Bippus, Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing at Hexagon Agility. “We commend UPS’ ambitious commitment to combat climate change by leveraging the benefits of RNG in North America.”
About the market
According to NGVAmerica in 2021, RNG accounted for 64% of all on-road fuel used in natural gas vehicles in the United States. In California that figure goes up to over 97%. Fuel providers and RNG producers are rapidly expanding output and availability of RNG at the pump. There are over 1200 natural gas fueling stations across North America.
Deliveries of the new orders will commence in the first quarter of 2023.
For more information:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas storage and distribution systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Kveldens nyhet er allerede postet på en annen tråd, ser jeg. Men ettersom dette er en tråd hvor fokus primært er på nyheter om og med relevans til selskapsdriften i Hexagon Group, må den med her også.
Nyhet på fredagskvelden som fint illustrerer hvilke storfine selskap Hexagon Group opererer i. Partneren i kveldens børsmeldte kontrakt, verdt USD 19 millioner (ca. 197 millioner NOK), er UPS.
Hexagon Agility receives fuel system orders for UPS heavy-duty renewable natural gas trucks
February 17, 2023 14:34 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
17 February 2023: As previously disclosed, Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, signed a master services agreement in October 2019 with UPS, the world’s premier package delivery company and a leading provider of global supply chain management solutions, to supply renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel systems for medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
Under this agreement, Hexagon Agility received new 2023 orders totaling USD 19 million (approx. NOK 197 million) for delivery of RNG fuel systems for heavy-duty trucks. This is in addition to the USD 25.6 million of previously announced orders from April 2022.
RNG results in significant reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when compared to other clean energy solutions available today. In North America, RNG is supported by abundant natural gas pipeline infrastructure which allows for its immediate use today, and for decades to come. Hexagon Agility is enabling the adoption of RNG to cost effectively combat climate change.
“In the past decade Hexagon Agility has supported the deployment of over 70,000 near-zero emission vehicles globally,” said Eric Bippus, Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing at Hexagon Agility. “We commend UPS’ ambitious commitment to combat climate change by leveraging the benefits of RNG in North America.”
About the market
According to NGVAmerica in 2021, RNG accounted for 64% of all on-road fuel used in natural gas vehicles in the United States. In California that figure goes up to over 97%. Fuel providers and RNG producers are rapidly expanding output and availability of RNG at the pump. There are over 1200 natural gas fueling stations across North America.
Deliveries of the new orders will commence in the first quarter of 2023.
For more information:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas storage and distribution systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 23:34
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Rect Angel
16.02.2023 kl 14:55
Hexagon Composites appoints Hans Peter Havdal as Chief Operating Officer (COO), resigns post as board member
February 16, 2023 06:30 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
16 February 2023: Hexagon Composites is pleased to announce that Hans Peter Havdal, currently a member of the board of directors of Hexagon Composites, will be joining the company as Chief Operating Officer (COO), effective 6 March 2023. Hans Peter’s appointment as COO will preclude his participation on the Hexagon Composites Board of Directors. His resignation as a member of the Board of Directors is effective immediately.
Hans Peter comes from the position as General Manager, Engineering and Digital Services in Semcon International, a global consulting company. He has previously served as the CEO of Kongsberg Automotive ASA and has held several other international management positions within the automotive industry. Hans Peter holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science & Technology.
"We are excited to have Hans Peter join Hexagon. He complements our strong performance-oriented culture, and we believe his international track record for execution and achieving results makes him the right choice," said Jon Erik Engeset, CEO Hexagon Composites.
“I am very excited to further engage in Hexagon’s work to drive the energy transformation. I believe the potential for further growth and value creation is significant, given the organization’s passionate people, strong technology, and worldwide footprint. I look forward to partnering with the teams globally to further build the business," commented Hans Peter.
“Hans Peter joined the Board in April 2020 as an Independent Director. The Board takes this opportunity to thank him for his commitment and valuable contributions. His experienced guidance and strategic insight during his tenure on the Board greatly benefited Hexagon. We look forward to his continued engagement in the company as COO," says Knut Flakk, Chair of the board of directors, Hexagon Composites.
For more information, please contact:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications.
Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
February 16, 2023 06:30 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
16 February 2023: Hexagon Composites is pleased to announce that Hans Peter Havdal, currently a member of the board of directors of Hexagon Composites, will be joining the company as Chief Operating Officer (COO), effective 6 March 2023. Hans Peter’s appointment as COO will preclude his participation on the Hexagon Composites Board of Directors. His resignation as a member of the Board of Directors is effective immediately.
Hans Peter comes from the position as General Manager, Engineering and Digital Services in Semcon International, a global consulting company. He has previously served as the CEO of Kongsberg Automotive ASA and has held several other international management positions within the automotive industry. Hans Peter holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science & Technology.
"We are excited to have Hans Peter join Hexagon. He complements our strong performance-oriented culture, and we believe his international track record for execution and achieving results makes him the right choice," said Jon Erik Engeset, CEO Hexagon Composites.
“I am very excited to further engage in Hexagon’s work to drive the energy transformation. I believe the potential for further growth and value creation is significant, given the organization’s passionate people, strong technology, and worldwide footprint. I look forward to partnering with the teams globally to further build the business," commented Hans Peter.
“Hans Peter joined the Board in April 2020 as an Independent Director. The Board takes this opportunity to thank him for his commitment and valuable contributions. His experienced guidance and strategic insight during his tenure on the Board greatly benefited Hexagon. We look forward to his continued engagement in the company as COO," says Knut Flakk, Chair of the board of directors, Hexagon Composites.
For more information, please contact:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications.
Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Rect Angel
16.02.2023 kl 07:52
Hexagon Composites. Q4 2022 og FY2022 resultater.
Hexagon Composites omsatte i 2022 for 4 303 millioner NOK, noe som representerer en omsetningsvekst YOY på 31 %!
Under Q3 2022 presentasjonen i oktober guidet ledelsen revidert FY2022 EBITDA ~ 325 millioner NOK. Fakstisk FY2022 EBITDA, presenterte i dag, endte 6.8% høyere enn guidet, på 347 millioner NOK.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Fourth quarter 2022
February 16, 2023 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
16 February 2023: Hexagon (excluding Hexagon Purus) delivered topline growth in all business areas with revenues totaling NOK 1 276 (1 013) million and operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) totaling NOK 105 (113) million in fourth quarter 2022.
In the fourth quarter 2022, Hexagon Purus generated NOK 372 (259) million in revenues and recorded an EBITDA of NOK -110 (-61) million. Revenue growth was particularly strong in the hydrogen distribution segment. Hexagon Purus remains fully consolidated in the Hexagon Group accounts, with Hexagon Composites currently retaining 73% ownership.
Hexagon Group, including Hexagon Purus, generated NOK 1 493 (1 187) million in revenues and recorded an operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) of NOK -11 (51) million.
“Fourth quarter was a strong finish to a challenging year with all time high revenues in all business areas, resulting in 26% year-over-year growth,” says Jon Erik Engeset, CEO of Hexagon Group. “High input costs continue to weigh on the profit margins, however, the pricing and profitability initiatives we established in 2022 are expected to result in gradual margin improvements in 2023.”
For 2022, Hexagon (excluding Hexagon Purus) generated NOK 4 303 (3 278) million in revenues, representing 31 % growth. EBITDA year-to-date was NOK 347 (381) million, resulting in an EBITDA margin of 8% (12%). Hexagon Purus delivered 2022 revenues of NOK 964 (508) million, well above its full year revenue target of NOK 900 million.
The demand across most segments continues to be healthy. Ongoing developments in regulations and changes in industry dynamics are expected to support significant long-term clean energy technology opportunities. Hexagon’s diversified portfolio and extensive industrial track record, provide a resilient platform for the future.
For further details, please see the attached fourth quarter 2022 report and presentation.
Presentation of the results today at 08:30 am CET
Jon Erik Engeset (CEO) and David Bandele (CFO) will present the results at 08:30 am today in Oslo. The presentation will be held in the Auditorium at Hexagon's location in Oslo, Haakon VIIs gate 2, on the lower level. If you would like to attend the presentation, please pre-register by emailing ir@hexagongroup.com, alternatively register upon arrival.
The presentation will also be broadcast live via: https://channel.royalcast.com/hegnarmedia/#!/hegnarmedia/20230216_7
For more information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations & ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
HEX Q4 2022 Report
HEX Q4 2022 Presentation
Hexagon Composites omsatte i 2022 for 4 303 millioner NOK, noe som representerer en omsetningsvekst YOY på 31 %!
Under Q3 2022 presentasjonen i oktober guidet ledelsen revidert FY2022 EBITDA ~ 325 millioner NOK. Fakstisk FY2022 EBITDA, presenterte i dag, endte 6.8% høyere enn guidet, på 347 millioner NOK.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Fourth quarter 2022
February 16, 2023 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
16 February 2023: Hexagon (excluding Hexagon Purus) delivered topline growth in all business areas with revenues totaling NOK 1 276 (1 013) million and operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) totaling NOK 105 (113) million in fourth quarter 2022.
In the fourth quarter 2022, Hexagon Purus generated NOK 372 (259) million in revenues and recorded an EBITDA of NOK -110 (-61) million. Revenue growth was particularly strong in the hydrogen distribution segment. Hexagon Purus remains fully consolidated in the Hexagon Group accounts, with Hexagon Composites currently retaining 73% ownership.
Hexagon Group, including Hexagon Purus, generated NOK 1 493 (1 187) million in revenues and recorded an operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) of NOK -11 (51) million.
“Fourth quarter was a strong finish to a challenging year with all time high revenues in all business areas, resulting in 26% year-over-year growth,” says Jon Erik Engeset, CEO of Hexagon Group. “High input costs continue to weigh on the profit margins, however, the pricing and profitability initiatives we established in 2022 are expected to result in gradual margin improvements in 2023.”
For 2022, Hexagon (excluding Hexagon Purus) generated NOK 4 303 (3 278) million in revenues, representing 31 % growth. EBITDA year-to-date was NOK 347 (381) million, resulting in an EBITDA margin of 8% (12%). Hexagon Purus delivered 2022 revenues of NOK 964 (508) million, well above its full year revenue target of NOK 900 million.
The demand across most segments continues to be healthy. Ongoing developments in regulations and changes in industry dynamics are expected to support significant long-term clean energy technology opportunities. Hexagon’s diversified portfolio and extensive industrial track record, provide a resilient platform for the future.
For further details, please see the attached fourth quarter 2022 report and presentation.
Presentation of the results today at 08:30 am CET
Jon Erik Engeset (CEO) and David Bandele (CFO) will present the results at 08:30 am today in Oslo. The presentation will be held in the Auditorium at Hexagon's location in Oslo, Haakon VIIs gate 2, on the lower level. If you would like to attend the presentation, please pre-register by emailing ir@hexagongroup.com, alternatively register upon arrival.
The presentation will also be broadcast live via: https://channel.royalcast.com/hegnarmedia/#!/hegnarmedia/20230216_7
For more information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations & ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
HEX Q4 2022 Report
HEX Q4 2022 Presentation
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 08:06
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Rect Angel
15.02.2023 kl 23:25
Hexagon Composites.
Varmer opp med børsmelding kvelden før Q4 2022 skal presenteres. KenMex langtransporter produsert av Kenworth skal leveres til Trayecto - 'the largest cargo trucking company in Mexico'.
Disse er utstyrt med komplette drivstoffsystemer inklusive tanker levert av Hexagon Agility. Flere bestillinger av drivstoffsystemer fra kunden, som har hele Latin Amerika som nedslagsfelt, kan forventes fremover, står det i meldingen.
Link til Kenworths hjemmeside nederst i innlegget.
Trayecto, the largest trucking company in Mexico expands its natural gas truck fleet with Hexagon Agility’s fuel systems
February 15, 2023 13:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
Costa Mesa, CA, 15 February 2023: Hexagon Agility, a world-leading provider of renewable and compressed natural gas (RNG/CNG) transportation solutions, announced today that Trayecto, the largest cargo trucking company in Mexico, has ordered additional KenMex compressed natural gas (CNG) powered trucks with Hexagon Agility’s best-in-class ProCab® 175 diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) and ProRail® 30 DGE fuel systems.
Transportation is responsible for almost 20% of annual CO2 emissions globally. Reduction in fleet emissions is urgent. Hexagon Agility’s best-in-class ProCab 175 and ProRail 30 CNG fuel systems with integrated Blue iQ® provide a driving range on par with counterpart diesel trucks, enabling Trayecto to utilize CNG, and obtain its environmental benefits, without sacrificing performance. With more than 70,000 vehicles on the road globally and over 30 years of experience, our priority has always been and remains to develop and deliver world class solutions that meet today’s day and sleeper cab operational needs.
“We are dedicated to helping our customers make the transition to clean fuels, ensuring reliability and cost savings in mission-critical fleet operations,” said Eric Bippus, Hexagon Agility’s Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing. “Grupo Transportes Monterrey is a long-time customer of ours and we are excited to continue our partnership with Trayecto as they leverage the benefits of CNG to improve the sustainability of their fleet operations.”
Prior to this order, Trayecto had been operating over 300 CNG tractors in its fleet of 4,000 trucks throughout Latin America. Trayecto was recently formed when Alianza Trayecto, Grupo Larmex and Grupo Transportes Monterrey merged to further strategic collaboration in the transport sector. Today, ten percent of its fleet runs on CNG with commitment to further replace diesel tractors with new CNG tractors equipped with Hexagon Agility’s fuel systems.
“Our goal is to address the challenge of decarbonization and implement technologies like natural gas where it makes sense,” said Jorge Casares, CEO of Trayecto. “Hexagon Agility has been instrumental over the last decade helping Grupo Transportes Monterrey transition diesel trucks to reduce our carbon footprint with natural gas. We value our partnership and look forward to many years of delivering safe and reliable transportation throughout Latin America.”
For more information:
Jelena Rowe, Senior Manager, Marketing and Communications
Telephone: +1 310 872 0535 │ jelena.rowe@hexagonagility.com
About Trayecto
Trayecto is the biggest freight transportation company in Mexico. With more than 4,000 trucks, more than 10,000 trailers and more than 4,000 professional drivers, is a company with a high sense of safety, security and environmental care. Trayecto provides the most complete portfolio of transportation services in Mexico, including regular and specialized cargo in Mexico, USA and Canada, transporting different types of cargo, as: domestic, food grade, hazmat, gases, chemicals, beverages, intermodal (last mile and ports), controlled temperature and vehicles.
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas storage and distribution systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Hjemmesiden til Hexagon-partner/kunde Kenworth som produserer Kenmax trailerne som skal leveres til Trayecto:
Varmer opp med børsmelding kvelden før Q4 2022 skal presenteres. KenMex langtransporter produsert av Kenworth skal leveres til Trayecto - 'the largest cargo trucking company in Mexico'.
Disse er utstyrt med komplette drivstoffsystemer inklusive tanker levert av Hexagon Agility. Flere bestillinger av drivstoffsystemer fra kunden, som har hele Latin Amerika som nedslagsfelt, kan forventes fremover, står det i meldingen.
Link til Kenworths hjemmeside nederst i innlegget.
Trayecto, the largest trucking company in Mexico expands its natural gas truck fleet with Hexagon Agility’s fuel systems
February 15, 2023 13:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
Costa Mesa, CA, 15 February 2023: Hexagon Agility, a world-leading provider of renewable and compressed natural gas (RNG/CNG) transportation solutions, announced today that Trayecto, the largest cargo trucking company in Mexico, has ordered additional KenMex compressed natural gas (CNG) powered trucks with Hexagon Agility’s best-in-class ProCab® 175 diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) and ProRail® 30 DGE fuel systems.
Transportation is responsible for almost 20% of annual CO2 emissions globally. Reduction in fleet emissions is urgent. Hexagon Agility’s best-in-class ProCab 175 and ProRail 30 CNG fuel systems with integrated Blue iQ® provide a driving range on par with counterpart diesel trucks, enabling Trayecto to utilize CNG, and obtain its environmental benefits, without sacrificing performance. With more than 70,000 vehicles on the road globally and over 30 years of experience, our priority has always been and remains to develop and deliver world class solutions that meet today’s day and sleeper cab operational needs.
“We are dedicated to helping our customers make the transition to clean fuels, ensuring reliability and cost savings in mission-critical fleet operations,” said Eric Bippus, Hexagon Agility’s Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing. “Grupo Transportes Monterrey is a long-time customer of ours and we are excited to continue our partnership with Trayecto as they leverage the benefits of CNG to improve the sustainability of their fleet operations.”
Prior to this order, Trayecto had been operating over 300 CNG tractors in its fleet of 4,000 trucks throughout Latin America. Trayecto was recently formed when Alianza Trayecto, Grupo Larmex and Grupo Transportes Monterrey merged to further strategic collaboration in the transport sector. Today, ten percent of its fleet runs on CNG with commitment to further replace diesel tractors with new CNG tractors equipped with Hexagon Agility’s fuel systems.
“Our goal is to address the challenge of decarbonization and implement technologies like natural gas where it makes sense,” said Jorge Casares, CEO of Trayecto. “Hexagon Agility has been instrumental over the last decade helping Grupo Transportes Monterrey transition diesel trucks to reduce our carbon footprint with natural gas. We value our partnership and look forward to many years of delivering safe and reliable transportation throughout Latin America.”
For more information:
Jelena Rowe, Senior Manager, Marketing and Communications
Telephone: +1 310 872 0535 │ jelena.rowe@hexagonagility.com
About Trayecto
Trayecto is the biggest freight transportation company in Mexico. With more than 4,000 trucks, more than 10,000 trailers and more than 4,000 professional drivers, is a company with a high sense of safety, security and environmental care. Trayecto provides the most complete portfolio of transportation services in Mexico, including regular and specialized cargo in Mexico, USA and Canada, transporting different types of cargo, as: domestic, food grade, hazmat, gases, chemicals, beverages, intermodal (last mile and ports), controlled temperature and vehicles.
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas storage and distribution systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Hjemmesiden til Hexagon-partner/kunde Kenworth som produserer Kenmax trailerne som skal leveres til Trayecto:
Redigert 15.02.2023 kl 23:34
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Rect Angel
14.02.2023 kl 12:10
Hexagon Purus. Børsmelding.
Kontrakt om leveranser til hydrogenbuss med New Flyer, 'North America’s largest mass mobility solutions provider'.
Hexagon Purus selected by New Flyer for the third time as partner for the hydrogen bus market in North America
February 14, 2023 04:10 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
(Oslo, Norway, 14 February 2023) Hexagon Purus, a world leading manufacturer of zero-emission mobility and infrastructure solutions, has been selected as supplier of hydrogen cylinders for the third year in a row by New Flyer, North America’s largest mass mobility solutions provider. New Flyer, a subsidiary of NFI Group Inc. (“NFI”), is playing an active leadership role in zero emission transportation in North America, putting sustainable buses and infrastructure in place in cities across the U.S. and Canada.
Hexagon Purus will continue to provide its Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinders for New Flyer’s serially produced hydrogen fuel cell electric transit bus, the Xcelsior CHARGE H2™, enabling a driving range of up to 350 miles/560 km on a single refueling. The total value of this contract is estimated to be approximately USD 2.5 million (approximately NOK 25 million).
Production of the Type-4 hydrogen storage cylinders will be out of Hexagon Purus’ newly opened facility in Westminister, Maryland (U.S.). Since 2020, Hexagon Purus has delivered hydrogen cylinders for more than 80 New Flyer hydrogen fuel cell electric transit buses.
Driving Energy Transformation
“NFI is leading the evolution to zero-emission mobility in North American cities with scalable, clean, and sustainable mobility solutions that enable reduced greenhouse gas emissions and reduce congestion. Hexagon Purus has been a long-term partner, and we are happy to continue offering hydrogen fuel cell-electric vehicles that deliver extended range, faster fill times, and strong performance, from beginning to end of life,” said David White, Executive Vice President, Supply Management, NFI.
“We at Hexagon Purus believe that clean air is a right, not a privilege, and hydrogen as a fuel source for transit bus can reduce harmful emissions into the environment and improve the air quality in the cities”, says Jim Harris, Vice President of North America Hydrogen Storage Operations. “Hexagon Purus and New Flyer have been working closely together since 2015 and we are proud to be part of New Flyer’s effort in decarbonizing transit bus operations in North America.”
Delivery of the cylinders is scheduled from Q2 2023 to Q1 2024.
About the market
The mobility sector is accountable for approximately 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in amongst other the mobility sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, more than 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
For more information
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
About New Flyer
New Flyer is North America's heavy-duty transit bus leader and offers the most advanced product line under the Xcelsior® and Xcelsior CHARGE™ brands. It also offers infrastructure development through New Flyer Infrastructure Solutions™, a service dedicated to providing safe, sustainable, and reliable charging and mobility solutions. New Flyer actively supports over 35,000 heavy-duty transit buses (New Flyer, NABI, and Orion) currently in service, of which 8,600 are powered by electric motors and battery propulsion and 1,900 are zero-emission.
Further information is available at www.newflyer.com.
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn
Kontrakt om leveranser til hydrogenbuss med New Flyer, 'North America’s largest mass mobility solutions provider'.
Hexagon Purus selected by New Flyer for the third time as partner for the hydrogen bus market in North America
February 14, 2023 04:10 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
(Oslo, Norway, 14 February 2023) Hexagon Purus, a world leading manufacturer of zero-emission mobility and infrastructure solutions, has been selected as supplier of hydrogen cylinders for the third year in a row by New Flyer, North America’s largest mass mobility solutions provider. New Flyer, a subsidiary of NFI Group Inc. (“NFI”), is playing an active leadership role in zero emission transportation in North America, putting sustainable buses and infrastructure in place in cities across the U.S. and Canada.
Hexagon Purus will continue to provide its Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinders for New Flyer’s serially produced hydrogen fuel cell electric transit bus, the Xcelsior CHARGE H2™, enabling a driving range of up to 350 miles/560 km on a single refueling. The total value of this contract is estimated to be approximately USD 2.5 million (approximately NOK 25 million).
Production of the Type-4 hydrogen storage cylinders will be out of Hexagon Purus’ newly opened facility in Westminister, Maryland (U.S.). Since 2020, Hexagon Purus has delivered hydrogen cylinders for more than 80 New Flyer hydrogen fuel cell electric transit buses.
Driving Energy Transformation
“NFI is leading the evolution to zero-emission mobility in North American cities with scalable, clean, and sustainable mobility solutions that enable reduced greenhouse gas emissions and reduce congestion. Hexagon Purus has been a long-term partner, and we are happy to continue offering hydrogen fuel cell-electric vehicles that deliver extended range, faster fill times, and strong performance, from beginning to end of life,” said David White, Executive Vice President, Supply Management, NFI.
“We at Hexagon Purus believe that clean air is a right, not a privilege, and hydrogen as a fuel source for transit bus can reduce harmful emissions into the environment and improve the air quality in the cities”, says Jim Harris, Vice President of North America Hydrogen Storage Operations. “Hexagon Purus and New Flyer have been working closely together since 2015 and we are proud to be part of New Flyer’s effort in decarbonizing transit bus operations in North America.”
Delivery of the cylinders is scheduled from Q2 2023 to Q1 2024.
About the market
The mobility sector is accountable for approximately 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in amongst other the mobility sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, more than 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
For more information
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
About New Flyer
New Flyer is North America's heavy-duty transit bus leader and offers the most advanced product line under the Xcelsior® and Xcelsior CHARGE™ brands. It also offers infrastructure development through New Flyer Infrastructure Solutions™, a service dedicated to providing safe, sustainable, and reliable charging and mobility solutions. New Flyer actively supports over 35,000 heavy-duty transit buses (New Flyer, NABI, and Orion) currently in service, of which 8,600 are powered by electric motors and battery propulsion and 1,900 are zero-emission.
Further information is available at www.newflyer.com.
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn
Redigert 14.02.2023 kl 12:12
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Rect Angel
10.02.2023 kl 12:17
Hexagon Composites og Hexagon Purus.
EU. Hydrogen og biometan/biogass.
Store nyheter! EU gjør kvantesprang! Særskilt nytt her er at også RNG/renewable natural gas/biometan/biogass nå virkelig omfavnes som fremtidens energikilde av EU. Med dette spiller selvfølgelig EU implisitt ballen rett i fanget til Hexagon Composites. Her 3 artikler for interesserte.
Reform of EU gas market: new measures to decarbonise and secure supply
February 9, 2023 by European Union
This article is brought to you in association with the European Parliament.
MEPs backed two legislative proposals to facilitate the uptake of renewable and low-carbon gases, including hydrogen, into the EU gas market.
European Parliament endorses 35 bcm binding target for biomethane in EU Gas Package
Brussels 09/02/23
– Today, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Gas Decarbonisation Package. The European Biogas Association (EBA) welcomes the inclusion of 2030 mandatory biomethane target in the regulation.
“If EU institutions give green light to this proposal, the 35 bcm biomethane target would finally anchor in binding legislation the REPowerEU Plan’s ambition. Based on reasonable and solid estimation of sustainable feedstock availability, achieving 35 bcm of biomethane in the EU by 2030 would significantly contribute to security of supply by replacing 20% imported natural gas volumes from Russia before the Ukraine war.” Explains Giulia Cancian, Secretary General of the EBA.
The Package voted today takes stock of the Biomethane Action Plan and includes the requirement for Member States to set-up national biomethane strategies and to ensure regional mapping of highest production potential areas. This mapping exercise should inform the national strategies and the network planning carried out by the grid operators. National biomethane strategies shall provide a long-term perspective for the biomethane sector and guidance for investors.
FEB. 9, 2023 / 1:41 PM
Europe backs measures for future hydrogen and biomethane usage
By Daniel J. Graeber
Feb. 9 (UPI) -- Members of the European Parliament on Thursday backed measures that would support the adoption of renewable natural gas and hydrogen into the grid as part of a bloc-wide effort to rely less on fossil fuels.
EU. Hydrogen og biometan/biogass.
Store nyheter! EU gjør kvantesprang! Særskilt nytt her er at også RNG/renewable natural gas/biometan/biogass nå virkelig omfavnes som fremtidens energikilde av EU. Med dette spiller selvfølgelig EU implisitt ballen rett i fanget til Hexagon Composites. Her 3 artikler for interesserte.
Reform of EU gas market: new measures to decarbonise and secure supply
February 9, 2023 by European Union
This article is brought to you in association with the European Parliament.
MEPs backed two legislative proposals to facilitate the uptake of renewable and low-carbon gases, including hydrogen, into the EU gas market.
European Parliament endorses 35 bcm binding target for biomethane in EU Gas Package
Brussels 09/02/23
– Today, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Gas Decarbonisation Package. The European Biogas Association (EBA) welcomes the inclusion of 2030 mandatory biomethane target in the regulation.
“If EU institutions give green light to this proposal, the 35 bcm biomethane target would finally anchor in binding legislation the REPowerEU Plan’s ambition. Based on reasonable and solid estimation of sustainable feedstock availability, achieving 35 bcm of biomethane in the EU by 2030 would significantly contribute to security of supply by replacing 20% imported natural gas volumes from Russia before the Ukraine war.” Explains Giulia Cancian, Secretary General of the EBA.
The Package voted today takes stock of the Biomethane Action Plan and includes the requirement for Member States to set-up national biomethane strategies and to ensure regional mapping of highest production potential areas. This mapping exercise should inform the national strategies and the network planning carried out by the grid operators. National biomethane strategies shall provide a long-term perspective for the biomethane sector and guidance for investors.
FEB. 9, 2023 / 1:41 PM
Europe backs measures for future hydrogen and biomethane usage
By Daniel J. Graeber
Feb. 9 (UPI) -- Members of the European Parliament on Thursday backed measures that would support the adoption of renewable natural gas and hydrogen into the grid as part of a bloc-wide effort to rely less on fossil fuels.
Redigert 10.02.2023 kl 12:52
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Rect Angel
09.02.2023 kl 11:55
Hexagon Purus.
Børsmelding. Kontrakt med Deutsche Bahn om leveranse av mobile hydrogen-fyllestasjoner og stasjonær lagring av hydrogen.
Deutsche Bahn opererer i 130 nasjoner og skal fase ut all bruk av diesel innen 2040 så følelsen er helt klart at når det gjelder denne partneren, kan Hexagon Purus få (mye) mer å gjøre.
Hexagon Purus receives order to deliver mobile hydrogen refueling stations and stationary storage to Deutsche Bahn
February 09, 2023 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
(Oslo, 9 February 2023) Hexagon Purus, through its wholly owned subsidiary Wystrach GmbH (“Wystrach”), a leading hydrogen systems supplier, has received an order for mobile hydrogen refueling stations and stationary storage from Deutsche Bahn, a leading provider of mobility and logistics services worldwide and the number one railway operator in Europe. Hexagon Purus’ mobile hydrogen refueling stations and stationary storage including its type 4 hydrogen cylinders will be used for rail and other mobile applications in Germany. The value of the order is approximately EUR 2.5 million (approximately NOK 25 million).
Driving Energy Transformation
“Our mobile hydrogen refueling station offers a plug and play solution for our customer with one-day installation on-site”, says Matthias Kötter, Head of Sales Wystrach, Hexagon Purus. “The mobile hydrogen refueling station enables emission-free logistics and intralogistics with no limit to where it can be deployed to support hydrogen fleet adoption”.
About the market
The mobility sector is accountable for approximately 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in amongst other the mobility sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, more than 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
Delivery of the hydrogen mobile refueling stations and stationary storage is scheduled from Q2 2023 to Q4 2023.
For more information:
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
About DB Energie
Deutsche Bahn is one of the leading providers of mobility and logistics services worldwide and the number one railway operator in Europe. Founded in Germany, the company operates in over 130 countries and has more than 180 years of railway experience.On its way to climate neutrality in 2040 DB will replace all diesel powered vehicles and therefore invest in alternative drive technologies like hydrogen powered infrastructure to stay Germanys leading power suppliers for the train sector.
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Børsmelding. Kontrakt med Deutsche Bahn om leveranse av mobile hydrogen-fyllestasjoner og stasjonær lagring av hydrogen.
Deutsche Bahn opererer i 130 nasjoner og skal fase ut all bruk av diesel innen 2040 så følelsen er helt klart at når det gjelder denne partneren, kan Hexagon Purus få (mye) mer å gjøre.
Hexagon Purus receives order to deliver mobile hydrogen refueling stations and stationary storage to Deutsche Bahn
February 09, 2023 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
(Oslo, 9 February 2023) Hexagon Purus, through its wholly owned subsidiary Wystrach GmbH (“Wystrach”), a leading hydrogen systems supplier, has received an order for mobile hydrogen refueling stations and stationary storage from Deutsche Bahn, a leading provider of mobility and logistics services worldwide and the number one railway operator in Europe. Hexagon Purus’ mobile hydrogen refueling stations and stationary storage including its type 4 hydrogen cylinders will be used for rail and other mobile applications in Germany. The value of the order is approximately EUR 2.5 million (approximately NOK 25 million).
Driving Energy Transformation
“Our mobile hydrogen refueling station offers a plug and play solution for our customer with one-day installation on-site”, says Matthias Kötter, Head of Sales Wystrach, Hexagon Purus. “The mobile hydrogen refueling station enables emission-free logistics and intralogistics with no limit to where it can be deployed to support hydrogen fleet adoption”.
About the market
The mobility sector is accountable for approximately 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in amongst other the mobility sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, more than 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
Delivery of the hydrogen mobile refueling stations and stationary storage is scheduled from Q2 2023 to Q4 2023.
For more information:
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
About DB Energie
Deutsche Bahn is one of the leading providers of mobility and logistics services worldwide and the number one railway operator in Europe. Founded in Germany, the company operates in over 130 countries and has more than 180 years of railway experience.On its way to climate neutrality in 2040 DB will replace all diesel powered vehicles and therefore invest in alternative drive technologies like hydrogen powered infrastructure to stay Germanys leading power suppliers for the train sector.
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Rect Angel
08.02.2023 kl 22:10
Ja, Hexagon Purus har guidet break even i 2024 og omsetning 4 - 5 milliarder NOK i 2025, og fra 2025 og videre er det man ser på plansjene Hexagon Purus ledelsen viser når det gjelder forventet vekst innen selskapets forretningsområder, grafer som viser eksponentialfunksjoner...
Så Hexagon Composites.
Litt 'background' med stor og tung aktør som referanse når det gjelder fremtidsutsiktene for RNG/renewable natural gas/biogass/biometan som energikilde.
Fremtidsutsiktene fremstår nå i stadig sterkere grad som helt kolossale... Her fra BPs kvartalspresentasjon tirsdag, i forbindelse med BPs kjøp av Archaea for USD 4.1 milliarder (ca. 42.2 milliarder) NOK, for noen måneder siden.
Chevron og Shell har begge gjort tilsvarende store oppkjøp.
BP CEO describes Archaea acquisition as a ‘game changer’ for boosting biogas volumes
In their first earnings call since completing the purchase of a leading landfill gas project developer, BP executives outlined plans to ramp up capital spending and pursue new offtake options.
Published Feb. 8, 2023
Cole RosengrenLead Editor
BP CEO Bernard Looney described the company’s recent acquisition of Archaea as a “real game changer” for its expansion into biogas and renewable fuels during a Tuesday earnings call.
The energy giant purchased Archaea, which had quickly become the leading developer of U.S. landfill gas projects, for $4.1 billion in late December. Key Archaea leaders, including CEO Nick Stork, have now joined BP.
BP has described “bioenergy” as one of five strategic focuses for its investment in alternatives to oil and gas, a broader category that could account for 40% of capital expenditures by 2025 and 50% by 2030.
“This is a business that we are very excited about and one that we believe can deliver significant value faster than what we had thought,” said Looney.
Hexagon Composites presenterer sitt Q4 2022 og FY2022 neste torsdag.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Invitation to fourth quarter and full-year 2022 results
February 08, 2023 03:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
08 February 2023: Hexagon Composites ASA's fourth quarter and full-year 2022 results will be released on 16 February 2023 at 07:00 am CET.
Så Hexagon Composites.
Litt 'background' med stor og tung aktør som referanse når det gjelder fremtidsutsiktene for RNG/renewable natural gas/biogass/biometan som energikilde.
Fremtidsutsiktene fremstår nå i stadig sterkere grad som helt kolossale... Her fra BPs kvartalspresentasjon tirsdag, i forbindelse med BPs kjøp av Archaea for USD 4.1 milliarder (ca. 42.2 milliarder) NOK, for noen måneder siden.
Chevron og Shell har begge gjort tilsvarende store oppkjøp.
BP CEO describes Archaea acquisition as a ‘game changer’ for boosting biogas volumes
In their first earnings call since completing the purchase of a leading landfill gas project developer, BP executives outlined plans to ramp up capital spending and pursue new offtake options.
Published Feb. 8, 2023
Cole RosengrenLead Editor
BP CEO Bernard Looney described the company’s recent acquisition of Archaea as a “real game changer” for its expansion into biogas and renewable fuels during a Tuesday earnings call.
The energy giant purchased Archaea, which had quickly become the leading developer of U.S. landfill gas projects, for $4.1 billion in late December. Key Archaea leaders, including CEO Nick Stork, have now joined BP.
BP has described “bioenergy” as one of five strategic focuses for its investment in alternatives to oil and gas, a broader category that could account for 40% of capital expenditures by 2025 and 50% by 2030.
“This is a business that we are very excited about and one that we believe can deliver significant value faster than what we had thought,” said Looney.
Hexagon Composites presenterer sitt Q4 2022 og FY2022 neste torsdag.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Invitation to fourth quarter and full-year 2022 results
February 08, 2023 03:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
08 February 2023: Hexagon Composites ASA's fourth quarter and full-year 2022 results will be released on 16 February 2023 at 07:00 am CET.
06.02.2023 kl 23:40
E 24
Hexagon Purus vil på hovedlisten – utsetter kvartalsrapport
Hydrogenselskapets legger samtidig frem foreløpige tall som viser fortsatt omsetningsvekst.
Inntektene kommer til å stige bratt i 23 og årene fremover. 2024 var vel året selskapet skulle gå Break Even og deretter vokser pengebingen raskt.
Hex Composite er spådd 75 gangeren, så det er vel ikke utenkelig at kursmålet oppnås etter hvert.
Hexagon Purus vil på hovedlisten – utsetter kvartalsrapport
Hydrogenselskapets legger samtidig frem foreløpige tall som viser fortsatt omsetningsvekst.
Inntektene kommer til å stige bratt i 23 og årene fremover. 2024 var vel året selskapet skulle gå Break Even og deretter vokser pengebingen raskt.
Hex Composite er spådd 75 gangeren, så det er vel ikke utenkelig at kursmålet oppnås etter hvert.
Rect Angel
06.02.2023 kl 20:59
Hexagon Purus.
Hexagon Purus opplyser i en børsmelding at man utsetter rapportering av Q4 2022 og offentliggjøring av årsrapport for 2022 til 25.april 2023 fordi selskapet for tiden er i en prosess med henblikk på overføring av notering til hovedlisten på Oslo Børs.
I dagens børsmelding om dette offentliggjør man samtidig foreløpige og ikke reviderte regnskapstall for Q4 2022. I forbindelse med Q3 2022 presentasjonen i oktober 2022 guidet man FY2022 omsetning ~ 900 millioner NOK og FY EBITDA ~ - 408 milloner NOK. Foreløpige og ikke reviderte regnskapstall offentliggjort i dag er som følger:
FY2022 omsetning: ~ 960 millioner NOK
FY2022 EBITDA: ~ -410 millioner NOK
Vi får altså i dag presentert foreløpige og ikke reviderte FY2022 omsetningstall som er nesten 7% høyere enn det man guidet så sent som i oktober. Implisitt betyr dette at Hexagon Purus faktisk leverer en foreløpig og ikke revidert omsetning i Q4 2022 som er nesten 20% høyere enn hva man guidet så sent som i oktober 2022!
For FY2023 guider Hexagon Purus omsetningsvekst på minst 50% og samtidig utsikter til kraftig, relativ forbedring når det gjelder EBITDA ettersom negativ EBITDA forventes økt med ca. 10%
Hexagon Purus ASA: Update to financial calendar 2023 and Q4 2022 trading update
February 06, 2023 13:48 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
(Oslo, 6 February 2023) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement issued on 6 February 2023 at 19:44 CET. The Board of Directors of Hexagon Purus ASA has today decided to move the reporting date for the Company’s Q4 2022 and 2022 Annual reports to 25 April 2023. Consequently, the annual general meeting is moved to 25 May 2023. This change is made to facilitate the preparations required for a potential transfer of the Company’s shares to the main list of the Oslo Stock Exchange. A final decision by the Board of Directors to apply for a transfer to the main list of the Oslo Stock Exchange will be subject to prevailing market conditions at that time.
In the absence of Q4 2022 reporting in the near term, Hexagon Purus has decided to provide the following preliminary estimates and unaudited figures for Q4 and full year 2022:
Q4 2022 revenue of approximately NOK 370 million and full year 2022 revenue of approximately NOK 960 million
Q4 2022 EBITDA of approximately NOK -110 million and full year 2022 EBITDA of approximately NOK -410 million
Q4 2022 cash flow from operations of approximately NOK 5 million and full year 2022 cash flow from operations of approximately NOK -340 million
Ending Q4 2022 cash balance of approximately NOK 380 million
For full-year 2023, the Company is currently expecting revenue to grow by at least 50% year-over-year based on strong backlog and order trends. Relative EBITDA margin is expected to significantly improve year-over-year, but EBITDA will continue to be impacted by ramp-up of the organization and production facilities. Negative EBITDA for full-year 2023 is expected to widen by approximately 10% compared to full-year 2022.
The above numbers are unaudited and reflect estimates as of the date hereof. The figures remain preliminary and may be subject to change.
For more information:
Mathias Meidell, IR Director, Hexagon Purus ASA
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
About Hexagon Purus ASA
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Hexagon Purus opplyser i en børsmelding at man utsetter rapportering av Q4 2022 og offentliggjøring av årsrapport for 2022 til 25.april 2023 fordi selskapet for tiden er i en prosess med henblikk på overføring av notering til hovedlisten på Oslo Børs.
I dagens børsmelding om dette offentliggjør man samtidig foreløpige og ikke reviderte regnskapstall for Q4 2022. I forbindelse med Q3 2022 presentasjonen i oktober 2022 guidet man FY2022 omsetning ~ 900 millioner NOK og FY EBITDA ~ - 408 milloner NOK. Foreløpige og ikke reviderte regnskapstall offentliggjort i dag er som følger:
FY2022 omsetning: ~ 960 millioner NOK
FY2022 EBITDA: ~ -410 millioner NOK
Vi får altså i dag presentert foreløpige og ikke reviderte FY2022 omsetningstall som er nesten 7% høyere enn det man guidet så sent som i oktober. Implisitt betyr dette at Hexagon Purus faktisk leverer en foreløpig og ikke revidert omsetning i Q4 2022 som er nesten 20% høyere enn hva man guidet så sent som i oktober 2022!
For FY2023 guider Hexagon Purus omsetningsvekst på minst 50% og samtidig utsikter til kraftig, relativ forbedring når det gjelder EBITDA ettersom negativ EBITDA forventes økt med ca. 10%
Hexagon Purus ASA: Update to financial calendar 2023 and Q4 2022 trading update
February 06, 2023 13:48 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
(Oslo, 6 February 2023) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement issued on 6 February 2023 at 19:44 CET. The Board of Directors of Hexagon Purus ASA has today decided to move the reporting date for the Company’s Q4 2022 and 2022 Annual reports to 25 April 2023. Consequently, the annual general meeting is moved to 25 May 2023. This change is made to facilitate the preparations required for a potential transfer of the Company’s shares to the main list of the Oslo Stock Exchange. A final decision by the Board of Directors to apply for a transfer to the main list of the Oslo Stock Exchange will be subject to prevailing market conditions at that time.
In the absence of Q4 2022 reporting in the near term, Hexagon Purus has decided to provide the following preliminary estimates and unaudited figures for Q4 and full year 2022:
Q4 2022 revenue of approximately NOK 370 million and full year 2022 revenue of approximately NOK 960 million
Q4 2022 EBITDA of approximately NOK -110 million and full year 2022 EBITDA of approximately NOK -410 million
Q4 2022 cash flow from operations of approximately NOK 5 million and full year 2022 cash flow from operations of approximately NOK -340 million
Ending Q4 2022 cash balance of approximately NOK 380 million
For full-year 2023, the Company is currently expecting revenue to grow by at least 50% year-over-year based on strong backlog and order trends. Relative EBITDA margin is expected to significantly improve year-over-year, but EBITDA will continue to be impacted by ramp-up of the organization and production facilities. Negative EBITDA for full-year 2023 is expected to widen by approximately 10% compared to full-year 2022.
The above numbers are unaudited and reflect estimates as of the date hereof. The figures remain preliminary and may be subject to change.
For more information:
Mathias Meidell, IR Director, Hexagon Purus ASA
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
About Hexagon Purus ASA
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Redigert 06.02.2023 kl 21:12
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Rect Angel
02.02.2023 kl 22:33
Hexagon Purus.
Interessant nyhet. Hexagon Purus er en av de største eierne i Norwegian Hydrogen, sammen med blant andre den japanske giganten Mitsui. Norwegian Hydrogen har en ambisjon om å bli ledende innen hydrogen-fyllestasjoner i Norden og Baltikum. Som et ledd i denne prosessen kjøper nå Norwegian Hydrogen det finske selskapet HyDre.
Norwegian Hydrogen Acquires Finnish Hydrogen Refueling Company HyDre Oy
ByFuelCellsWork | February 2, 2023
Har allerede postet nyheten om åpningen av Hexagon Purus's nye 'state of the art' produksjonsenhet i Westminster, Maryland for noen dager siden. Men her en veldig interessant og meget lesverdig artikkel. Også om selskapets historie, visjoner og ledende rolle innen hydrogen-lagring-systemer, fra CompositesWorld som var tilstede under åpningen av den nye produksjonsenheten i Westminster.
Published 2/2/2023
Hexagon Purus opens new U.S. facility to manufacture composite hydrogen tanks
CW attends the opening of Westminster, Maryland, site and shares the company’s history, vision and leading role in H2 storage systems.
Published 2/2/2023
Senior Technical Editor, CompositesWorld
Hexagon Purus (Oslo, Norway) is helping to combat climate change and drive energy transformation through its zero-emission energy storage solutions. A key milestone in this mission is the Jan. 26, 2022 opening of the new Hexagon Purus manufacturing facility for Type IV composite cylinders in Westminster, Md., U.S. These tanks are used to store compressed gas hydrogen (CGH2), and this facility, says the company, will help Hexagon Purus to meet the growing demand for zero-emission mobility and infrastructure systems as governments and industries worldwide increase their commitment to combating our worsening climate crisis.
Interessant nyhet. Hexagon Purus er en av de største eierne i Norwegian Hydrogen, sammen med blant andre den japanske giganten Mitsui. Norwegian Hydrogen har en ambisjon om å bli ledende innen hydrogen-fyllestasjoner i Norden og Baltikum. Som et ledd i denne prosessen kjøper nå Norwegian Hydrogen det finske selskapet HyDre.
Norwegian Hydrogen Acquires Finnish Hydrogen Refueling Company HyDre Oy
ByFuelCellsWork | February 2, 2023
Har allerede postet nyheten om åpningen av Hexagon Purus's nye 'state of the art' produksjonsenhet i Westminster, Maryland for noen dager siden. Men her en veldig interessant og meget lesverdig artikkel. Også om selskapets historie, visjoner og ledende rolle innen hydrogen-lagring-systemer, fra CompositesWorld som var tilstede under åpningen av den nye produksjonsenheten i Westminster.
Published 2/2/2023
Hexagon Purus opens new U.S. facility to manufacture composite hydrogen tanks
CW attends the opening of Westminster, Maryland, site and shares the company’s history, vision and leading role in H2 storage systems.
Published 2/2/2023
Senior Technical Editor, CompositesWorld
Hexagon Purus (Oslo, Norway) is helping to combat climate change and drive energy transformation through its zero-emission energy storage solutions. A key milestone in this mission is the Jan. 26, 2022 opening of the new Hexagon Purus manufacturing facility for Type IV composite cylinders in Westminster, Md., U.S. These tanks are used to store compressed gas hydrogen (CGH2), and this facility, says the company, will help Hexagon Purus to meet the growing demand for zero-emission mobility and infrastructure systems as governments and industries worldwide increase their commitment to combating our worsening climate crisis.
Redigert 02.02.2023 kl 22:34
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Rect Angel
01.02.2023 kl 21:49
Litt mer kjøtt på beinet når det gjelder konsortiet som skal utvikle en 'komplett hydrogen-verdikjede for maritim sektor'.
I dagens artikkel fra TU får vi blant annet vite at Northern Xplorer skal bygge hele 14 cruiseskip! Og at den komplette hydrogen-verdikjeden konsortiet utvikler til cruiseskipene også skal være overførbar til andre fartøyer.
Fem selskaper vil samarbeide om å forsyne cruiseskip med hydrogen
Konsortiet vil forsyne det planlagte cruiseskipet Northern Xplorer med drivstoff.
Arne Fenstad Journalist
1. feb. 2023 - 08:50
Rederiet NX Cruise har ambisjoner om å bygget totalt 14 nye utslippsfrie cruiseskip, hver med en kapasitet på 250 passasjerer. Målet er at fartøyene skal kunne seile utslippsfritt blant annet i verdensarvfjordene på vestlandet, der det fra 2026 er varslet strenge utslippskrav fra skip.
Nå har selskapene Multi Martitime, Northern Xplorer, Norwegian Hydrogen, Hyon og Hexagon Purus inngått intensjonsavtale om å utvikle en komplett verdikjede for hydrogen til cruiseskipene og andre fartøyer, melder selskapene i en pressemelding.
Norske verft tapte hydrogenskip-kontrakt
Verdens første cruiseskip på hydrogen skal bygges i Portugal. Det norske rederiet Northern Xplorer fikk ikke gode nok tilbud fra norske verft.
Tore Stensvold Journalist
26. sep. 2022 - 15:00
I dagens artikkel fra TU får vi blant annet vite at Northern Xplorer skal bygge hele 14 cruiseskip! Og at den komplette hydrogen-verdikjeden konsortiet utvikler til cruiseskipene også skal være overførbar til andre fartøyer.
Fem selskaper vil samarbeide om å forsyne cruiseskip med hydrogen
Konsortiet vil forsyne det planlagte cruiseskipet Northern Xplorer med drivstoff.
Arne Fenstad Journalist
1. feb. 2023 - 08:50
Rederiet NX Cruise har ambisjoner om å bygget totalt 14 nye utslippsfrie cruiseskip, hver med en kapasitet på 250 passasjerer. Målet er at fartøyene skal kunne seile utslippsfritt blant annet i verdensarvfjordene på vestlandet, der det fra 2026 er varslet strenge utslippskrav fra skip.
Nå har selskapene Multi Martitime, Northern Xplorer, Norwegian Hydrogen, Hyon og Hexagon Purus inngått intensjonsavtale om å utvikle en komplett verdikjede for hydrogen til cruiseskipene og andre fartøyer, melder selskapene i en pressemelding.
Norske verft tapte hydrogenskip-kontrakt
Verdens første cruiseskip på hydrogen skal bygges i Portugal. Det norske rederiet Northern Xplorer fikk ikke gode nok tilbud fra norske verft.
Tore Stensvold Journalist
26. sep. 2022 - 15:00
Redigert 01.02.2023 kl 21:51
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Rect Angel
31.01.2023 kl 22:16
Hexagon Agility.
Autocar, en av Hexagon Agilitys mange partnere/kunder oppsummerer sitt 2022.
Autocar’s Record-Breaking Innovations Remain Unparalleled and Celebrated
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 11:00 AM
BIRMINGHAM, AL / ACCESSWIRE / January 31, 2023 / Autocar LLC, the proud American manufacturer of premium and purpose-built vocational trucks carrying North America's oldest truck brand, today shared its record-breaking accomplishments and innovations from 2022. Over the past year, the Autocar brand celebrated its 125th anniversary, marking another momentous year as the nation's first and oldest truck brand.
Hexagon Agility Smart Gauge - Blue iQ
As diesel emissions and other environmental regulations become increasingly stringent, Autocar has committed itself to developing trucks and implementing technology that can meet these standards while also achieving the same quality and satisfaction its customers have always demanded.
For nearly two decades, Autocar has been a leading pioneer in introducing CNG trucks into the American economy, making up 60% of the manufacturer's custom-engineered and hand-built refuse truck sales. In 2022, Autocar continued innovating in the alternative fuel market by becoming the first original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to integrate the Blue iQ smart gauge into its driver display and information center.
In partnership with Hexagon Agility, the Blue iQ gauge allows operators to track their trucks' fuel levels, mechanical performance, and other important features in one consolidated location. Such advancement will ensure the truck operates efficiently and provide real-time solutions for issues. Additionally, the smart gauge enhances operator safety by reducing driver distractions, using the same already-installed Smart Display in Autocar trucks for operator information and telematics.
Autocar, en av Hexagon Agilitys mange partnere/kunder oppsummerer sitt 2022.
Autocar’s Record-Breaking Innovations Remain Unparalleled and Celebrated
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 11:00 AM
BIRMINGHAM, AL / ACCESSWIRE / January 31, 2023 / Autocar LLC, the proud American manufacturer of premium and purpose-built vocational trucks carrying North America's oldest truck brand, today shared its record-breaking accomplishments and innovations from 2022. Over the past year, the Autocar brand celebrated its 125th anniversary, marking another momentous year as the nation's first and oldest truck brand.
Hexagon Agility Smart Gauge - Blue iQ
As diesel emissions and other environmental regulations become increasingly stringent, Autocar has committed itself to developing trucks and implementing technology that can meet these standards while also achieving the same quality and satisfaction its customers have always demanded.
For nearly two decades, Autocar has been a leading pioneer in introducing CNG trucks into the American economy, making up 60% of the manufacturer's custom-engineered and hand-built refuse truck sales. In 2022, Autocar continued innovating in the alternative fuel market by becoming the first original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to integrate the Blue iQ smart gauge into its driver display and information center.
In partnership with Hexagon Agility, the Blue iQ gauge allows operators to track their trucks' fuel levels, mechanical performance, and other important features in one consolidated location. Such advancement will ensure the truck operates efficiently and provide real-time solutions for issues. Additionally, the smart gauge enhances operator safety by reducing driver distractions, using the same already-installed Smart Display in Autocar trucks for operator information and telematics.
Rect Angel
31.01.2023 kl 21:52
Hexagon Purus.
Hexagon Purus har signert Memorandum of Understanding.
Som globalt markedsledende innen teknologi og produkter for lagring og transport av hydrogen, er Hexagon Purus partner i utallige prosjekter hvor ambisjoner og siktemål er serieproduksjon.
I dag får vi presentert nok et. Et veldig, veldig spennende prosjekt med store iboende muligheter for skalering.
Norwegian Consortium Sets Sights on Developing Complete Hydrogen Value Chain for Maritime Sector
Tuesday, 31 January 2023
The multidisciplinary collaboration, for which a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed last week, has the ambitious goal to develop a complete hydrogen value chain for Northern Xplorer AS (NX) first zero-emission cruise ship featuring fuel cells and electric propulsion, as well as making pollution-free hydrogen available to the wider maritime market at a time of urgent pressure to reduce emissions.
The partners comprise zero-emission cruise venture Northern Xplorer AS, hydrogen provider and owner of infrastructure Norwegian Hydrogen AS, high-capacity hydrogen transfer system supplier HYON AS, ship designers Multi Maritime AS, and hydrogen storage system provider Hexagon Purus.
Preparing for zero-carbon era
NX CEO Rolf A Sandvik says using hydrogen as the energy carrier will enable cruise ships to continue to access vulnerable regions such as Norway's world heritage fjords, which by government regulation will be closed to ships burning fossil fuels from 2026. Other regions both in Norway and elsewhere will likely follow suit in future.
"This is a very exciting project and a milestone in the development of the clean maritime economy as the green shift takes root. We are delighted to be working with strong partners with deep competence in all the touch points required to develop the infrastructure for hydrogen-powered ships of the future, not only cruise but also commercial shipping," he added.
"Northern Xplorer has a very exciting concept with a spectacular, sustainable and future-oriented ship design that is truly pleasing to the eye. We are very pleased we have been selected to assist in developing the necessary infrastructure for these ships to run on zero-emission hydrogen when they come into operation," said Norwegian Hydrogen CEO Jens Berge.
Holistic approach
"We are excited to be part of a consortium consisting of industry leaders within the hydrogen value chain. Together we cover the full value chain, making this an important milestone in establishing hydrogen infrastructure for the maritime sector. Time is of the essence," added HYON CEO Jørn Kristian Lindtvedt.
"This MOU strengthens our existing relationship with NX and expert partners, and facilitates the alignment of technologies between us. We look forward to seeing the first zero-emission cruise ship running on compressed hydrogen," said Hexagon Purus Maritime MD Robert Haugen.
"We have been working for three years to create an eye-catching design that will incorporate the latest propulsion technology and vessel systems. It's great to be part of this ground-breaking project and as a collaboration partner we are eager to bring this vessel and the associated hydrogen infrastructure to reality," said Multi Maritime CEO Mikael Johansen.
NX signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with Portuguese shipbuilder West Sea for the construction of its maiden vessel with delivery slated for the start of the 2025/2026 cruise season.
Northern Xplorer
Hexagon Purus har signert Memorandum of Understanding.
Som globalt markedsledende innen teknologi og produkter for lagring og transport av hydrogen, er Hexagon Purus partner i utallige prosjekter hvor ambisjoner og siktemål er serieproduksjon.
I dag får vi presentert nok et. Et veldig, veldig spennende prosjekt med store iboende muligheter for skalering.
Norwegian Consortium Sets Sights on Developing Complete Hydrogen Value Chain for Maritime Sector
Tuesday, 31 January 2023
The multidisciplinary collaboration, for which a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed last week, has the ambitious goal to develop a complete hydrogen value chain for Northern Xplorer AS (NX) first zero-emission cruise ship featuring fuel cells and electric propulsion, as well as making pollution-free hydrogen available to the wider maritime market at a time of urgent pressure to reduce emissions.
The partners comprise zero-emission cruise venture Northern Xplorer AS, hydrogen provider and owner of infrastructure Norwegian Hydrogen AS, high-capacity hydrogen transfer system supplier HYON AS, ship designers Multi Maritime AS, and hydrogen storage system provider Hexagon Purus.
Preparing for zero-carbon era
NX CEO Rolf A Sandvik says using hydrogen as the energy carrier will enable cruise ships to continue to access vulnerable regions such as Norway's world heritage fjords, which by government regulation will be closed to ships burning fossil fuels from 2026. Other regions both in Norway and elsewhere will likely follow suit in future.
"This is a very exciting project and a milestone in the development of the clean maritime economy as the green shift takes root. We are delighted to be working with strong partners with deep competence in all the touch points required to develop the infrastructure for hydrogen-powered ships of the future, not only cruise but also commercial shipping," he added.
"Northern Xplorer has a very exciting concept with a spectacular, sustainable and future-oriented ship design that is truly pleasing to the eye. We are very pleased we have been selected to assist in developing the necessary infrastructure for these ships to run on zero-emission hydrogen when they come into operation," said Norwegian Hydrogen CEO Jens Berge.
Holistic approach
"We are excited to be part of a consortium consisting of industry leaders within the hydrogen value chain. Together we cover the full value chain, making this an important milestone in establishing hydrogen infrastructure for the maritime sector. Time is of the essence," added HYON CEO Jørn Kristian Lindtvedt.
"This MOU strengthens our existing relationship with NX and expert partners, and facilitates the alignment of technologies between us. We look forward to seeing the first zero-emission cruise ship running on compressed hydrogen," said Hexagon Purus Maritime MD Robert Haugen.
"We have been working for three years to create an eye-catching design that will incorporate the latest propulsion technology and vessel systems. It's great to be part of this ground-breaking project and as a collaboration partner we are eager to bring this vessel and the associated hydrogen infrastructure to reality," said Multi Maritime CEO Mikael Johansen.
NX signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with Portuguese shipbuilder West Sea for the construction of its maiden vessel with delivery slated for the start of the 2025/2026 cruise season.
Northern Xplorer
Redigert 31.01.2023 kl 22:19
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Rect Angel
30.01.2023 kl 21:47
Store nyheter fra Hexagon Group kommer tett for tiden, skjønt dagens store nyhet fra Hexagon Purus ble faktisk presentert her på forumet allerede 26.januar, i form av en artikkel fra Baltimore Sun (se innlegg på denne tråden 26.01.2023 kl 22:43).
Dagens børsmelding inneholder likevel mye interessant og signifikant nytt. Vi får vite at det nye produksjonsanlegget erstatter et tidligere produksjonsanlegg hvor 50 ansatte produserte 1 200 Type 4 hydrogensylindere i året. I det nye produksjonsanlegget skal 150 ansatte produsere 10 000 Type 4 hydrogesylindere årlig. Produksjonsanlegget er dessuten designet slik at det gis mulighet for ytterligere ekspansjon ved å legge til ekstra produksjonsutstyr ettersom etterspørselen etter hydrogenlagringssylindere bare fortsetter å vokse. Vi får også vite at man for tiden produserer og leverer hydrogenlagringsløsninger til flere tunge lastebil- og transittbuss-OEM-er, blant andre Hino Motors (100% eid av Toyota), Nikola og New Flyer. Aktører som alle krever og forventer markedets høyeste standarder, ifølge børsmeldingen.
Hexagon Purus opens new hydrogen cylinder manufacturing facility in Westminster, Maryland, USA
January 30, 2023 06:15 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
The demand for zero-emission mobility & infrastructure is rising as the world is becoming ever more committed to combatting climate change. Hexagon Purus, with its purpose to help drive energy transformation through zero emission energy storage solutions, announces the opening of its new manufacturing facility for hydrogen Type 4 composite cylinders in Westminster, MD.
The 60,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility will support the annual production of up to 10,000 cylinders for heavy duty vehicle applications and will employ up to 150 skilled workers. The new facility expands cylinder production capabilities and capacity and allows for further expansion by adding additional production equipment as demand for hydrogen storage cylinders continues to grow.
“We are currently providing hydrogen storage solutions for several heavy-duty trucking and transit bus OEMs such as Nikola, Hino and New Flyer, that demand the highest standards. This site will serve a dual role, not only as a top-of-the-line production site but also a technical center of excellence, providing engineering, research, and development for Hexagon Purus Group,” says Dr. Michael Kleschinski, EVP at Hexagon Purus.
As part of the Group’s overall capacity expansion program, Hexagon Purus is relocating its current operation in Taneytown, MD where it has been based since 2003. The Taneytown facility produces 1,200 cylinders annually and employs 50 people.
“Deciding on the site for this world class facility was an easy choice. Maryland continues to evolve and grow, allowing us to attract top talent in all areas of our organization”, says Jim Harris, Managing Director at Hexagon Purus in Westminster.
“As the nation looks to continue their growth in alternative energy, I am thrilled to have Hexagon Purus, a company focused on clean energy solutions through hydrogen and battery systems located in Westminster, MD. Not only will we benefit from their innovation, we will also benefit from their economic development and jobs which they will bring to the city,” says The Mayor of the City of Westminster, Dr. Mona Becker.
About the market
The transportation sector is accountable for about 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing emissions from this sector and other “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in the transportation sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
For more information:
For more information, please contact:
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
Ina Jünemann, Senior Global Marketing Manager, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +49 151 5804 4647 | ina.juenemann@hexagonpurus.com
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus’ products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Dagens børsmelding inneholder likevel mye interessant og signifikant nytt. Vi får vite at det nye produksjonsanlegget erstatter et tidligere produksjonsanlegg hvor 50 ansatte produserte 1 200 Type 4 hydrogensylindere i året. I det nye produksjonsanlegget skal 150 ansatte produsere 10 000 Type 4 hydrogesylindere årlig. Produksjonsanlegget er dessuten designet slik at det gis mulighet for ytterligere ekspansjon ved å legge til ekstra produksjonsutstyr ettersom etterspørselen etter hydrogenlagringssylindere bare fortsetter å vokse. Vi får også vite at man for tiden produserer og leverer hydrogenlagringsløsninger til flere tunge lastebil- og transittbuss-OEM-er, blant andre Hino Motors (100% eid av Toyota), Nikola og New Flyer. Aktører som alle krever og forventer markedets høyeste standarder, ifølge børsmeldingen.
Hexagon Purus opens new hydrogen cylinder manufacturing facility in Westminster, Maryland, USA
January 30, 2023 06:15 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
The demand for zero-emission mobility & infrastructure is rising as the world is becoming ever more committed to combatting climate change. Hexagon Purus, with its purpose to help drive energy transformation through zero emission energy storage solutions, announces the opening of its new manufacturing facility for hydrogen Type 4 composite cylinders in Westminster, MD.
The 60,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility will support the annual production of up to 10,000 cylinders for heavy duty vehicle applications and will employ up to 150 skilled workers. The new facility expands cylinder production capabilities and capacity and allows for further expansion by adding additional production equipment as demand for hydrogen storage cylinders continues to grow.
“We are currently providing hydrogen storage solutions for several heavy-duty trucking and transit bus OEMs such as Nikola, Hino and New Flyer, that demand the highest standards. This site will serve a dual role, not only as a top-of-the-line production site but also a technical center of excellence, providing engineering, research, and development for Hexagon Purus Group,” says Dr. Michael Kleschinski, EVP at Hexagon Purus.
As part of the Group’s overall capacity expansion program, Hexagon Purus is relocating its current operation in Taneytown, MD where it has been based since 2003. The Taneytown facility produces 1,200 cylinders annually and employs 50 people.
“Deciding on the site for this world class facility was an easy choice. Maryland continues to evolve and grow, allowing us to attract top talent in all areas of our organization”, says Jim Harris, Managing Director at Hexagon Purus in Westminster.
“As the nation looks to continue their growth in alternative energy, I am thrilled to have Hexagon Purus, a company focused on clean energy solutions through hydrogen and battery systems located in Westminster, MD. Not only will we benefit from their innovation, we will also benefit from their economic development and jobs which they will bring to the city,” says The Mayor of the City of Westminster, Dr. Mona Becker.
About the market
The transportation sector is accountable for about 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing emissions from this sector and other “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in the transportation sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
For more information:
For more information, please contact:
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
Ina Jünemann, Senior Global Marketing Manager, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +49 151 5804 4647 | ina.juenemann@hexagonpurus.com
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus’ products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Redigert 30.01.2023 kl 21:49
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Rect Angel
29.01.2023 kl 20:59
Kanskje unødvendig å si med referanse til det jeg poster på forumet, men har også kjempetro på Hexagon Group fremover.
I Q4 2022 og Q1 2023 vil vi nok se at marginene fortsatt presses noe ned som følge av de langvarige, vedvarende problemene i forsyningskjedene innen makroøkonomien samt ekstrem prisstigning på råvarer til produksjonen i 2022, i en periode ordrebøkene på forhånd allerede var velfylte. Det sistnevnte, velfylte ordrebøker, er jo noe alle til vanlig setter stor pris på. Men plutselige, kraftige prissttigninger på råvarer til produksjon skapte et uventet unntak fra den 'regelen' da det selvsagt er vanskelig og langt på vei umulig å reforhandle priser til kunder på allerede inngåtte kontrakter. Så paradoksalt nok litt utur der for Hexagon Group gjennom å, på kort sikt, bli litt offer for egen suksess.
Forøvrig peker alle piler nå nærmest lodrett opp når det gjelder alle Hexagon Groups forretningsområder fremover, slik jeg ser det.
Flere som har registrert storkontrakten som ble børsmeldt lørdag. Her tyske DER AKTIONÄR. 'Hexagon Composites is a secret winner of ongoin decarbonization', er ikke så verst formulert, i kortform. Ikke akkurart konsernet det snakkes mest om.
Hexagon Composites: Large order at the weekend - buy signals within reach
Today, 11:25 am ‧ Michel Doepke
As a manufacturer of high-pressure vessels and systems for various gases, Hexagon Composites benefits from ongoing decarbonization. In North America in particular, interest in renewable natural gas (RNG) is growing – and with it the need for Norwegian products. This is underscored by a major order that Hexagon Composites announced on Saturday.
Based on a contract with Certarus that the Scandinavians communicated back in March 2021, the Hexagon Agility business unit was able to win a new order worth $25.6 million. For context, in the third quarter of 2022, Hexagon Composites reported total revenue of 1.08 billion Norwegian kroner, or approximately $110 million at current exchange rates.
The Norwegians are to deliver their new TITAN 450 modules. This is the next generation of composite gas distribution modules. According to Miguel Raimao, vice president of Mobile Pipeline at Hexagon Agility, the modules offer 25 percent more gas capacity and are 20 percent lighter for the same length.
At the beginning of December, Hexagon Composites secured a major order for TITAN transport modules from REV LNG. "RNG is enjoying increasing popularity in North America," wrote DER AKTIONÄR , referring to major takeovers in the biogas sector.
Hexagon Composites is a secret winner of ongoing decarbonization. The stock should start the new trading week with price premiums. With a sustained jump above 34.50 crowns and the August high at 34.80 crowns, the value could generate fresh buy signals. DER AKTIONÄR remains clearly optimistic about the stock in the long term, courageous investors can continue to take action in the event of weakness.
I Q4 2022 og Q1 2023 vil vi nok se at marginene fortsatt presses noe ned som følge av de langvarige, vedvarende problemene i forsyningskjedene innen makroøkonomien samt ekstrem prisstigning på råvarer til produksjonen i 2022, i en periode ordrebøkene på forhånd allerede var velfylte. Det sistnevnte, velfylte ordrebøker, er jo noe alle til vanlig setter stor pris på. Men plutselige, kraftige prissttigninger på råvarer til produksjon skapte et uventet unntak fra den 'regelen' da det selvsagt er vanskelig og langt på vei umulig å reforhandle priser til kunder på allerede inngåtte kontrakter. Så paradoksalt nok litt utur der for Hexagon Group gjennom å, på kort sikt, bli litt offer for egen suksess.
Forøvrig peker alle piler nå nærmest lodrett opp når det gjelder alle Hexagon Groups forretningsområder fremover, slik jeg ser det.
Flere som har registrert storkontrakten som ble børsmeldt lørdag. Her tyske DER AKTIONÄR. 'Hexagon Composites is a secret winner of ongoin decarbonization', er ikke så verst formulert, i kortform. Ikke akkurart konsernet det snakkes mest om.
Hexagon Composites: Large order at the weekend - buy signals within reach
Today, 11:25 am ‧ Michel Doepke
As a manufacturer of high-pressure vessels and systems for various gases, Hexagon Composites benefits from ongoing decarbonization. In North America in particular, interest in renewable natural gas (RNG) is growing – and with it the need for Norwegian products. This is underscored by a major order that Hexagon Composites announced on Saturday.
Based on a contract with Certarus that the Scandinavians communicated back in March 2021, the Hexagon Agility business unit was able to win a new order worth $25.6 million. For context, in the third quarter of 2022, Hexagon Composites reported total revenue of 1.08 billion Norwegian kroner, or approximately $110 million at current exchange rates.
The Norwegians are to deliver their new TITAN 450 modules. This is the next generation of composite gas distribution modules. According to Miguel Raimao, vice president of Mobile Pipeline at Hexagon Agility, the modules offer 25 percent more gas capacity and are 20 percent lighter for the same length.
At the beginning of December, Hexagon Composites secured a major order for TITAN transport modules from REV LNG. "RNG is enjoying increasing popularity in North America," wrote DER AKTIONÄR , referring to major takeovers in the biogas sector.
Hexagon Composites is a secret winner of ongoing decarbonization. The stock should start the new trading week with price premiums. With a sustained jump above 34.50 crowns and the August high at 34.80 crowns, the value could generate fresh buy signals. DER AKTIONÄR remains clearly optimistic about the stock in the long term, courageous investors can continue to take action in the event of weakness.
Redigert 29.01.2023 kl 22:57
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28.01.2023 kl 20:15
Det er ikke så langt i mellom at det ramler inn nye og store kontrakter. Finansavisen bringer også nyheten i kveld om den siste store kontrakten på vel en 1/4 milliard kroner.
Det ble en liten nedtur etter kontrakten for et par dager siden, men denne bør vel gi aksjen en god dytt oppover. Fremtidsutsiktene har aldri vært bedre, så det meste ser ut får å gå veien.
Hexagon-datter fått ordre verdt 253 mill.
Hexagon Agility har fått en ny ordre verdt 253 millioner kroner.
Publisert 28. jan. 2023 kl. 15.54
Det ble en liten nedtur etter kontrakten for et par dager siden, men denne bør vel gi aksjen en god dytt oppover. Fremtidsutsiktene har aldri vært bedre, så det meste ser ut får å gå veien.
Hexagon-datter fått ordre verdt 253 mill.
Hexagon Agility har fått en ny ordre verdt 253 millioner kroner.
Publisert 28. jan. 2023 kl. 15.54
Rect Angel
28.01.2023 kl 12:35
For en herlig helgenyhet du bringer til torgs der The Observer, med denne børsmeldingen om ordre verdt drøyt en kvart milliard NOK.
Og Hexagon Agility hvis mobile pipeline moduler allerede er globalt markedsledende før lanseringen av nye 'state of the art' TITAN 450, presenterer i form av denne ordren fra Certaurus, verdt USD 25.6 millioner (ca. 254 millioner NOK), samtidig markedet for lanseringen av en ny generasjon mobile pipeline moduler som rommer 25% mer gass og er 20% lettere samtidig som de er av samme lengde som forgjengeren, 40 fot (ca. 12,2 meter).
Dermed er denne flotte ordren også noe mye mer. Nærmere bestemt nyheten om en fantastisk produktlansering i en tid da opptak av gass som energikilde, og da i særdeleshet RNG/renewable natural gas/biometan, eksploderer! Så timingen kunne knapt vært bedre!
Anbefaler derfor interesserte å lese dagens børsmelding i sin helhet.
Hexagon Agility launches next generation Mobile Pipeline® modules with deliveries to Certarus
January 28, 2023 04:20 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
Og Hexagon Agility hvis mobile pipeline moduler allerede er globalt markedsledende før lanseringen av nye 'state of the art' TITAN 450, presenterer i form av denne ordren fra Certaurus, verdt USD 25.6 millioner (ca. 254 millioner NOK), samtidig markedet for lanseringen av en ny generasjon mobile pipeline moduler som rommer 25% mer gass og er 20% lettere samtidig som de er av samme lengde som forgjengeren, 40 fot (ca. 12,2 meter).
Dermed er denne flotte ordren også noe mye mer. Nærmere bestemt nyheten om en fantastisk produktlansering i en tid da opptak av gass som energikilde, og da i særdeleshet RNG/renewable natural gas/biometan, eksploderer! Så timingen kunne knapt vært bedre!
Anbefaler derfor interesserte å lese dagens børsmelding i sin helhet.
Hexagon Agility launches next generation Mobile Pipeline® modules with deliveries to Certarus
January 28, 2023 04:20 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
Redigert 28.01.2023 kl 13:18
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The Observer
28.01.2023 kl 11:27
28 January 2023: As previously disclosed, Hexagon Agility®, a business of Hexagon Composites, signed a multi-year agreement in March 2021 with Certarus, a leading full-service provider of bulk gas transport, to supply newly designed TITAN 450 Mobile Pipeline® modules. Hexagon Agility’s TITAN 450 modules represent the next generation of gas distribution modules and will be used to transport compressed and renewable natural gas (CNG/RNG) throughout North America.
Under this agreement, Hexagon Agility has received a new USD 25.6 million (approx. NOK 253 million) order representing the inaugural order of Hexagon Agility’s new TITAN 450 modules.
Under this agreement, Hexagon Agility has received a new USD 25.6 million (approx. NOK 253 million) order representing the inaugural order of Hexagon Agility’s new TITAN 450 modules.
Rect Angel
26.01.2023 kl 22:43
Hexagon Purus.
Grand opening!
Herlig å registrere at ny produksjonskapasitet nå er ferdigstilt og i produksjon i Westminster, Maryland, USA.
Mer ny produksjonskapasitet, for å møte forventet, eksplosiv etterspørsel, er under oppføring og blir ferdigstilt etterhvert. I Nord-Amerika, Europa (Tyskland) og Sørøst-Asia (Kina).
Hexagon Purus opens in Westminster | PHOTOS
Jan 26, 2023 at 3:33 pm
Hexagon Purus celebrates the grand opening ceremony of the company's new 60,000 sq.ft. facility in Westminster on Thursday, January 26, 2023. The company, which has locations all over the world including its headquarters in Norway and three other locations in the United States, produces compressed hydrogen storage fuel systems for a variety of uses.
Grand opening!
Herlig å registrere at ny produksjonskapasitet nå er ferdigstilt og i produksjon i Westminster, Maryland, USA.
Mer ny produksjonskapasitet, for å møte forventet, eksplosiv etterspørsel, er under oppføring og blir ferdigstilt etterhvert. I Nord-Amerika, Europa (Tyskland) og Sørøst-Asia (Kina).
Hexagon Purus opens in Westminster | PHOTOS
Jan 26, 2023 at 3:33 pm
Hexagon Purus celebrates the grand opening ceremony of the company's new 60,000 sq.ft. facility in Westminster on Thursday, January 26, 2023. The company, which has locations all over the world including its headquarters in Norway and three other locations in the United States, produces compressed hydrogen storage fuel systems for a variety of uses.
Redigert 26.01.2023 kl 23:00
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24.01.2023 kl 14:04
Ingen tvil om at HEX er rigget for å ta imot den støre bølgen av oppdrag som vil komme som resultat av den grønne omstilligen globalt. Bare å tviholde på aksjene
Rect Angel
24.01.2023 kl 11:58
When it comes to the energy transition, one analyst sees the market making a big mistake
Anmar Frangoul
* The head of sustainability research at Lombard Odier highlights the huge shifts taking place in the field of low and zero carbon technologies.
* “We’ve seen past industrial revolutions, including past energy transitions,” Thomas Hohne-Sparborth says. “What we’re really seeing now is the complete transformation of our entire economy.”
* According to the International Energy Agency, clean energy investment could be on course to exceed $2 trillion per year by 2030.
Anmar Frangoul
* The head of sustainability research at Lombard Odier highlights the huge shifts taking place in the field of low and zero carbon technologies.
* “We’ve seen past industrial revolutions, including past energy transitions,” Thomas Hohne-Sparborth says. “What we’re really seeing now is the complete transformation of our entire economy.”
* According to the International Energy Agency, clean energy investment could be on course to exceed $2 trillion per year by 2030.
Rect Angel
24.01.2023 kl 09:26
Hexagon Composites.
Nå kommer meldinger om nye kontrakter tett her!
Se to foregående innlegg her på tråden om kontrakten som ble børsmeldt i går kveld. Og på morgenkvisten i dag børsmelder man altså så nok en ny kontrakt, verdt ca. 44 millioner NOK (USD 4.5 millioner).
Hexagon Agility receives orders from RenewGas Transportation for Mobile Pipeline® TITAN modules to deliver renewable natural gas
January 24, 2023 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
24 January 2023: Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, has received new orders for TITAN products from RenewGas Transportation, a leading provider of complete turnkey transportation solutions for renewable natural gas (RNG), to deliver Mobile Pipeline modules to transport and deliver RNG derived from agricultural waste.
This order represents an estimated value of USD 4.5 million (approx. NOK 44 million).
“As we continue to grow our fleet of modules to transport RNG, Hexagon Agility has been a key partner,” said Matt Smith, President and Founder of RenewGas Transportation. “We are focused on providing the most reliable and safe RNG transport solutions in the renewables industry, and Hexagon Agility trailers have proven to meet our and our customers’ high-performance requirements.”
About the market
Research shows that RNG derived from agricultural waste when used as transportation fuel can offer more than a 200% improvement in well-to-wheel emission reductions compared to diesel. RNG results in substantial reductions of greenhouse gas emissions when compared to any other clean energy solution available today. In addition, RNG is a drop-in fuel supported by the vast natural gas pipeline infrastructure, which allows for immediate deployment and provides significant environmental benefits today and for decades to come.
“We are delighted to continue working with RenewGas Transportation and to grow their fleet of Mobile Pipeline modules. RenewGas Transportation’s focus on RNG is very much aligned with Hexagon Agility’s goals of supporting Clean Air Everywhere,” said Mark Babcock, Director of Mobile Pipeline, Hexagon Agility. “RNG is recognized as one of the best methods currently available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation and utility sectors of our economy.”
Deliveries of the modules are scheduled to start in the fourth quarter of 2023.
For more information:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About RenewGas Transportation
RenewGas Transportation specializes in the unique needs of the RNG industry and offers turnkey transportation solutions for RNG developers lacking natural gas pipeline access. RenewGas Transportation manages every aspect of transportation including training, maintenance, monitoring and full federal and state regulatory compliance for hazmat transport. Learn more at renewgastransportation.com.
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas storage and distribution systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Nå kommer meldinger om nye kontrakter tett her!
Se to foregående innlegg her på tråden om kontrakten som ble børsmeldt i går kveld. Og på morgenkvisten i dag børsmelder man altså så nok en ny kontrakt, verdt ca. 44 millioner NOK (USD 4.5 millioner).
Hexagon Agility receives orders from RenewGas Transportation for Mobile Pipeline® TITAN modules to deliver renewable natural gas
January 24, 2023 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
24 January 2023: Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, has received new orders for TITAN products from RenewGas Transportation, a leading provider of complete turnkey transportation solutions for renewable natural gas (RNG), to deliver Mobile Pipeline modules to transport and deliver RNG derived from agricultural waste.
This order represents an estimated value of USD 4.5 million (approx. NOK 44 million).
“As we continue to grow our fleet of modules to transport RNG, Hexagon Agility has been a key partner,” said Matt Smith, President and Founder of RenewGas Transportation. “We are focused on providing the most reliable and safe RNG transport solutions in the renewables industry, and Hexagon Agility trailers have proven to meet our and our customers’ high-performance requirements.”
About the market
Research shows that RNG derived from agricultural waste when used as transportation fuel can offer more than a 200% improvement in well-to-wheel emission reductions compared to diesel. RNG results in substantial reductions of greenhouse gas emissions when compared to any other clean energy solution available today. In addition, RNG is a drop-in fuel supported by the vast natural gas pipeline infrastructure, which allows for immediate deployment and provides significant environmental benefits today and for decades to come.
“We are delighted to continue working with RenewGas Transportation and to grow their fleet of Mobile Pipeline modules. RenewGas Transportation’s focus on RNG is very much aligned with Hexagon Agility’s goals of supporting Clean Air Everywhere,” said Mark Babcock, Director of Mobile Pipeline, Hexagon Agility. “RNG is recognized as one of the best methods currently available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation and utility sectors of our economy.”
Deliveries of the modules are scheduled to start in the fourth quarter of 2023.
For more information:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About RenewGas Transportation
RenewGas Transportation specializes in the unique needs of the RNG industry and offers turnkey transportation solutions for RNG developers lacking natural gas pipeline access. RenewGas Transportation manages every aspect of transportation including training, maintenance, monitoring and full federal and state regulatory compliance for hazmat transport. Learn more at renewgastransportation.com.
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas storage and distribution systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Redigert 24.01.2023 kl 09:26
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Rect Angel
24.01.2023 kl 00:30
Fin melding å få utpå kveldinga. RNG er jo brennhett om dagen. Hertil gjør HEX selvsagt også business innen CNG, som her med kunde som er energitilbyder og ønsker å kunne erstatte diesel med CNG i sitt produkttilbud til kunder som vil og/eller må redusere sitt klimaavtrykk. En stadig sterkere, irreversible prosess pågår nå overalt globalt, for å redusere klimaavtrykk. Hexagon Group som er globalt markedsledende innen lagring og transport av gass, har dermed ekstremt gode kort på hånden i denne pågående prosessen.
Redigert 24.01.2023 kl 00:41
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The Observer
23.01.2023 kl 21:05
23 January 2023: Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, has received a new order from Permian Global, Inc. d/b/a CORE Automated Fueling Solutions and CORE Natural Gas (CORE), to deliver industry leading Mobile Pipeline® TITAN modules to accelerate the adoption of natural gas in the energy sector. CORE is a leading provider of compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling solutions in West Texas.
This order has an estimated value of USD 4.7 million (approx. NOK 46 million).
Rect Angel
22.01.2023 kl 20:46
Hexagon Purus.
Veldig, veldig hyggelig å registrere Hexagon Purus's deltakelse i 'the largest EU co-financed project to date, JIVE-2' . Ekstra hyggelig er det hele fordi vi her er vitner til nok et prosjekt hvor Hexagon Purus er involvert sammen med Toyota! Bussen vi snakker om her, er nemlig en 'Toyota-Caetano H2.City Gold' buss.
Faktum er at Hexagon Purus er involvert i eventyrlig mange prosjekter hvor ambisjoner og siktemål er serieproduksjon!
Ten kilograms of hydrogen was almost enough for the first day of the fuel cell bus in Paks
2023-01-20 Tibor Antalóczy
A hydrogen fuel cell bus has helped in public transport in Paks in recent days. Between January 16 and 18, the city was able to gain first-hand experience of this technology thanks to the largest EU co-financed project to date, JIVE-2 . The goal of the joint initiative project was to allow passengers and relevant professionals to test and learn about hydrogen fuel cell technology in several countries of the region.
The Toyota Caetano H2.City Gold bus put to work in Paks was built in Portugal, the green hydrogen required for its use was provided by Messer Hungarogáz Kft.
Lithium-titanium battery pack
According to its specifications, the tanks of the Toyota-Caetano H2.City Gold type bus with a range of 400 km can be filled with fuel in 9-10 minutes using a hydrogen well capable of producing a pressure of 350 bar. The 5 hydrogen tanks placed on the top of the bus and manufactured by the Norwegian Hexagon Purus can hold a total of 37.5 kg of hydrogen gas. From this, a 60 kW fuel cell package produces the electrical energy, which is temporarily transferred to a 44 kWh lithium-titanium (LTO) battery pack.
Veldig, veldig hyggelig å registrere Hexagon Purus's deltakelse i 'the largest EU co-financed project to date, JIVE-2' . Ekstra hyggelig er det hele fordi vi her er vitner til nok et prosjekt hvor Hexagon Purus er involvert sammen med Toyota! Bussen vi snakker om her, er nemlig en 'Toyota-Caetano H2.City Gold' buss.
Faktum er at Hexagon Purus er involvert i eventyrlig mange prosjekter hvor ambisjoner og siktemål er serieproduksjon!
Ten kilograms of hydrogen was almost enough for the first day of the fuel cell bus in Paks
2023-01-20 Tibor Antalóczy
A hydrogen fuel cell bus has helped in public transport in Paks in recent days. Between January 16 and 18, the city was able to gain first-hand experience of this technology thanks to the largest EU co-financed project to date, JIVE-2 . The goal of the joint initiative project was to allow passengers and relevant professionals to test and learn about hydrogen fuel cell technology in several countries of the region.
The Toyota Caetano H2.City Gold bus put to work in Paks was built in Portugal, the green hydrogen required for its use was provided by Messer Hungarogáz Kft.
Lithium-titanium battery pack
According to its specifications, the tanks of the Toyota-Caetano H2.City Gold type bus with a range of 400 km can be filled with fuel in 9-10 minutes using a hydrogen well capable of producing a pressure of 350 bar. The 5 hydrogen tanks placed on the top of the bus and manufactured by the Norwegian Hexagon Purus can hold a total of 37.5 kg of hydrogen gas. From this, a 60 kW fuel cell package produces the electrical energy, which is temporarily transferred to a 44 kWh lithium-titanium (LTO) battery pack.
Redigert 22.01.2023 kl 20:55
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Rect Angel
19.01.2023 kl 22:36
Hexagon Purus.
Hexagon Purus er globalt markedsledende innen lagring og transport av hydrogen. Innen dette forretningsområdet er selskapets ordrebok for 2023 allerede full. Det var den allerede i høst, for det opplyste man om så tidlig som i oktober, under Q3 2022 presentasjonen.
Poster dette for å illustrerer hvilken veksttakt de som mener å ha innsikten, tror vi vil se innen dette forretningsområdet i årene fremover.
Når man ser dette, er det godt å vite at Hexagon Purus er godt i gang med å utvide produksjonskapasiteten i Nord-Amerika (USA og Canada), Europa (Tyskland) og Sørøst-Asia (Kina).
The hydrogen storage tanks and transportation market is estimated to grow from USD 174 million in 2022 to USD 4,155 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 48.6%
Wed, January 18, 2023 at 5:35 PM GMT+1·4 min read
Hexagon Purus er globalt markedsledende innen lagring og transport av hydrogen. Innen dette forretningsområdet er selskapets ordrebok for 2023 allerede full. Det var den allerede i høst, for det opplyste man om så tidlig som i oktober, under Q3 2022 presentasjonen.
Poster dette for å illustrerer hvilken veksttakt de som mener å ha innsikten, tror vi vil se innen dette forretningsområdet i årene fremover.
Når man ser dette, er det godt å vite at Hexagon Purus er godt i gang med å utvide produksjonskapasiteten i Nord-Amerika (USA og Canada), Europa (Tyskland) og Sørøst-Asia (Kina).
The hydrogen storage tanks and transportation market is estimated to grow from USD 174 million in 2022 to USD 4,155 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 48.6%
Wed, January 18, 2023 at 5:35 PM GMT+1·4 min read
Redigert 19.01.2023 kl 22:48
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Rect Angel
18.01.2023 kl 12:42
Norwegian Hydrogen eies altså av Flakk Group, Mitsui & Co Ltd, Hexagon Purus, Hofseth International og Tafjord.
I Norwegian Hydrogen begynner nå ting virkelig å ta av. Se forrige innlegg her på tråden om den ferske samarbeidsavtalen mellom Norwegian Hydrogen og Provaris.
Nå vil Norwegian Hydrogen, som har ambisjon om å bli den ledende aktøren i Norden innen fyllestasjoner for hydrogen, bygge fyllestasjon for hydrogen i Kristiansund, i samarbeid med Kristiansund Energihub.
Samarbeidspartnerne vurderer også lokal produksjon av hydrogen.
Også tilsvarende samarbeidsprosjekt knyttet til andre lokasjoner kan bli aktuelt.
Vil etablere fyllestasjon for hydrogen i Kristiansund
17 januar 2023 09:58
Kristiansund Energihub og Norwegian Hydrogen AS har inngått en samarbeidsavtale med mål om å etablere en fyllestasjon for hydrogen i Kristiansund næringspark. Felles målsetting er å bidra til å muliggjøre nullutslipp for tungtransporten i regionen, skriver de to selskapene i en felles pressemelding.
Kristiansund Energihub skal etableres i næringsparken like ved Kristiansund Lufthavn. Dette blir en regional hub for tungtransport, med blant annet bussdeponi, storbilverksted og flere logistikkaktører.
– Vi ønsker å etablere oss i knutepunkter for logistikk og tungtransport. Kristiansund Næringspark og Energihub er således midt i blinken for oss, sier Per Øyvind Voie, ansvarlig for fyllestasjoner i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Biogass og lading kommer også
Norwegian Hydrogen har ambisjon om å bli den ledende aktøren i Norden innen fyllestasjoner for hydrogen, og vil allerede i år åpne sine første stasjoner rettet mot tungtransport i både Norge og Sverige.
– Vi er svært godt fornøyde med å ha Norwegian Hydrogen med på laget, sier Trond Aasgård, styreleder i Kristiansund Energihub. Han kan fortelle at de er nær ved å også kunne offentliggjøre partnere innen biogass og lading. – Da har vi på plass de tre aktørene vi trenger for å kunne etablere en fullverdig energihub som er attraktiv for kundene uavhengig av hvilken nullutslippsløsning de går for.
Frir til transportaktørene
Nå håper både Kristiansund Energihub og Norwegian Hydrogen at lokale og regionale transportaktører får opp øynene for hydrogen som drivstoff.
– Vi er veldig interessert i å komme i kontakt med alle aktører som kan tenke seg å teste ut nullutslippsløsninger basert på hydrogen. Vi vet at det kommer krav om utslippskutt fra tungtransporten, og da kan man nå få en konkurransefordel i Kristiansundregionen ved å være tidlig ute, sier de to aktørene.
Samarbeidet kan utvides – produksjon av hydrogen
Som en del av samarbeidet mellom Kristiansund Energihub og Norwegian Hydrogen vil partene også vurdere både lokal produksjon av hydrogen og å vurdere tilsvarende samarbeid knyttet til andre lokasjoner.
– Vi har et godt og tillitsfullt forhold, og håper begge dette kun er starten på et langsiktig samarbeid som kan gi store resultater, avslutter de to.
I Norwegian Hydrogen begynner nå ting virkelig å ta av. Se forrige innlegg her på tråden om den ferske samarbeidsavtalen mellom Norwegian Hydrogen og Provaris.
Nå vil Norwegian Hydrogen, som har ambisjon om å bli den ledende aktøren i Norden innen fyllestasjoner for hydrogen, bygge fyllestasjon for hydrogen i Kristiansund, i samarbeid med Kristiansund Energihub.
Samarbeidspartnerne vurderer også lokal produksjon av hydrogen.
Også tilsvarende samarbeidsprosjekt knyttet til andre lokasjoner kan bli aktuelt.
Vil etablere fyllestasjon for hydrogen i Kristiansund
17 januar 2023 09:58
Kristiansund Energihub og Norwegian Hydrogen AS har inngått en samarbeidsavtale med mål om å etablere en fyllestasjon for hydrogen i Kristiansund næringspark. Felles målsetting er å bidra til å muliggjøre nullutslipp for tungtransporten i regionen, skriver de to selskapene i en felles pressemelding.
Kristiansund Energihub skal etableres i næringsparken like ved Kristiansund Lufthavn. Dette blir en regional hub for tungtransport, med blant annet bussdeponi, storbilverksted og flere logistikkaktører.
– Vi ønsker å etablere oss i knutepunkter for logistikk og tungtransport. Kristiansund Næringspark og Energihub er således midt i blinken for oss, sier Per Øyvind Voie, ansvarlig for fyllestasjoner i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Biogass og lading kommer også
Norwegian Hydrogen har ambisjon om å bli den ledende aktøren i Norden innen fyllestasjoner for hydrogen, og vil allerede i år åpne sine første stasjoner rettet mot tungtransport i både Norge og Sverige.
– Vi er svært godt fornøyde med å ha Norwegian Hydrogen med på laget, sier Trond Aasgård, styreleder i Kristiansund Energihub. Han kan fortelle at de er nær ved å også kunne offentliggjøre partnere innen biogass og lading. – Da har vi på plass de tre aktørene vi trenger for å kunne etablere en fullverdig energihub som er attraktiv for kundene uavhengig av hvilken nullutslippsløsning de går for.
Frir til transportaktørene
Nå håper både Kristiansund Energihub og Norwegian Hydrogen at lokale og regionale transportaktører får opp øynene for hydrogen som drivstoff.
– Vi er veldig interessert i å komme i kontakt med alle aktører som kan tenke seg å teste ut nullutslippsløsninger basert på hydrogen. Vi vet at det kommer krav om utslippskutt fra tungtransporten, og da kan man nå få en konkurransefordel i Kristiansundregionen ved å være tidlig ute, sier de to aktørene.
Samarbeidet kan utvides – produksjon av hydrogen
Som en del av samarbeidet mellom Kristiansund Energihub og Norwegian Hydrogen vil partene også vurdere både lokal produksjon av hydrogen og å vurdere tilsvarende samarbeid knyttet til andre lokasjoner.
– Vi har et godt og tillitsfullt forhold, og håper begge dette kun er starten på et langsiktig samarbeid som kan gi store resultater, avslutter de to.
Redigert 18.01.2023 kl 12:59
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Rect Angel
12.01.2023 kl 12:29
Norwegian Hydrogen eies av Flakk Group, Mitsui & Co Ltd, Hexagon Purus, Hofseth International og Tafjord.
22:15 Wed 11 Jan 2023
Phoebe Shields
view Provaris Energy Ltd
Provaris Energy inks MoU with Norwegian Hydrogen to develop local value chains
Provaris Energy Ltd (ASX:PV1) has made inroads into Europe's hydrogen market after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Norwegian Hydrogen AS to collaborate on the identification and development of green hydrogen value chains within the Nordic region.
Norwegian Hydrogen is a green hydrogen developer focused on supplying the Nordic region of Europe within a range of sectors, including the transportation, maritime and industrial markets.
The company is owned by Flakk Group, Mitsui & Co Ltd, Hexagon Purus, Hofseth International and Tafjord, all international firms with an industrial focus.
The agreement between Provaris and Norwegian Hydrogen will involve the collaborative development of green hydrogen export chains, using PV1’s GH1 carriers and storage solutions, and Norwegian Hydrogen’s proposed hydrogen production and export sites in the region.
Partnership offers multiple advantages
“Provaris is delighted to collaborate with Norwegian Hydrogen to accelerate our development ambitions of an integrated export hydrogen project from the Nordic region that will benefit from the simplicity and efficiency of compressed hydrogen as a marine carrier,” Provaris Energy managing director and CEO Martin Carolan said.
“The Nordic region offers several advantages that can include low-cost hydropower, proximity to offtake markets and supportive governments committed to supplying hydrogen to Europe.
“This collaboration also has strategic alignment with the development timeline of our H2Neo carrier and validation of the increasing interest for our compressed H2 transport solution for hydrogen supply into Europe.”
Specifically, the MoU will provide a framework for the two companies to jointly undertake a concept design study that will:
* Review identified sites and select a preferred location suitable for domestic and export volumes of hydrogen.
* Undertake a technical and economic review for the production and supply of compressed gaseous green hydrogen to nominated European ports.
Cost competitive
Provaris and Norwegian Hydrogen will focus on identified sites for green hydrogen export, with a short sailing distance to some of the major planned hydrogen import hubs in Netherlands and Germany.
This includes sites in Norway, where the government recently announced its agreement with German counterparts for the export of hydrogen.
Potential import hubs in the United Kingdom could have equivalent and advantageous proximity to source location(s).
At these short distances, Provaris’ proprietary compressed hydrogen H2Neo carrier has demonstrated to be very cost competitive compared to alternative transportation, storage and conversion vectors of hydrogen.
The scope of the MoU will focus on the development of the full value chain, including production, maritime transportation and distribution to off-takers.
"A great opportunity"
Norwegian Hydrogen Jens Berge CEO commented: “We are excited to work with Provaris on a solution which will bring green hydrogen to the EU market in a flexible, cost-effective and timely manner.
“The vast experience and diverse capabilities within the combined Provaris and Norwegian Hydrogen team, along with a huge demand for green hydrogen in the EU, makes this a great opportunity for both parties.”
Norway represents 50% of the hydropower reservoir capacity of the EU and is consequently key in reaching the REPowerEU ambition of 10 million tonnes per annum hydrogen import by 2030.
Furthermore, Norway is committed to be a long-term hydrogen supplier to Europe as confirmed in the Joint Statement of the German and Norwegian governments on increasing maturity of the hydrogen value chain.
A joint Design Concept Study will be completed in the March quarter of 2023 to identify a preferred production and export site and determine the technical and economic viability of a fast-track green hydrogen supply chain connected to the key ports in Germany and the Netherlands.
Provaris Energy Ltd
22:15 Wed 11 Jan 2023
Phoebe Shields
view Provaris Energy Ltd
Provaris Energy inks MoU with Norwegian Hydrogen to develop local value chains
Provaris Energy Ltd (ASX:PV1) has made inroads into Europe's hydrogen market after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Norwegian Hydrogen AS to collaborate on the identification and development of green hydrogen value chains within the Nordic region.
Norwegian Hydrogen is a green hydrogen developer focused on supplying the Nordic region of Europe within a range of sectors, including the transportation, maritime and industrial markets.
The company is owned by Flakk Group, Mitsui & Co Ltd, Hexagon Purus, Hofseth International and Tafjord, all international firms with an industrial focus.
The agreement between Provaris and Norwegian Hydrogen will involve the collaborative development of green hydrogen export chains, using PV1’s GH1 carriers and storage solutions, and Norwegian Hydrogen’s proposed hydrogen production and export sites in the region.
Partnership offers multiple advantages
“Provaris is delighted to collaborate with Norwegian Hydrogen to accelerate our development ambitions of an integrated export hydrogen project from the Nordic region that will benefit from the simplicity and efficiency of compressed hydrogen as a marine carrier,” Provaris Energy managing director and CEO Martin Carolan said.
“The Nordic region offers several advantages that can include low-cost hydropower, proximity to offtake markets and supportive governments committed to supplying hydrogen to Europe.
“This collaboration also has strategic alignment with the development timeline of our H2Neo carrier and validation of the increasing interest for our compressed H2 transport solution for hydrogen supply into Europe.”
Specifically, the MoU will provide a framework for the two companies to jointly undertake a concept design study that will:
* Review identified sites and select a preferred location suitable for domestic and export volumes of hydrogen.
* Undertake a technical and economic review for the production and supply of compressed gaseous green hydrogen to nominated European ports.
Cost competitive
Provaris and Norwegian Hydrogen will focus on identified sites for green hydrogen export, with a short sailing distance to some of the major planned hydrogen import hubs in Netherlands and Germany.
This includes sites in Norway, where the government recently announced its agreement with German counterparts for the export of hydrogen.
Potential import hubs in the United Kingdom could have equivalent and advantageous proximity to source location(s).
At these short distances, Provaris’ proprietary compressed hydrogen H2Neo carrier has demonstrated to be very cost competitive compared to alternative transportation, storage and conversion vectors of hydrogen.
The scope of the MoU will focus on the development of the full value chain, including production, maritime transportation and distribution to off-takers.
"A great opportunity"
Norwegian Hydrogen Jens Berge CEO commented: “We are excited to work with Provaris on a solution which will bring green hydrogen to the EU market in a flexible, cost-effective and timely manner.
“The vast experience and diverse capabilities within the combined Provaris and Norwegian Hydrogen team, along with a huge demand for green hydrogen in the EU, makes this a great opportunity for both parties.”
Norway represents 50% of the hydropower reservoir capacity of the EU and is consequently key in reaching the REPowerEU ambition of 10 million tonnes per annum hydrogen import by 2030.
Furthermore, Norway is committed to be a long-term hydrogen supplier to Europe as confirmed in the Joint Statement of the German and Norwegian governments on increasing maturity of the hydrogen value chain.
A joint Design Concept Study will be completed in the March quarter of 2023 to identify a preferred production and export site and determine the technical and economic viability of a fast-track green hydrogen supply chain connected to the key ports in Germany and the Netherlands.
Provaris Energy Ltd
Rect Angel
11.01.2023 kl 22:31
Hexagon Composites. RNG.
Interessant fra Pamplona, Spania om satsing på bybusser som utelukkende kjører på RNG/renewable natural gas/biometan.
Det er Scania som har produsert bussene og flere kommer til å følge (i Pamplona, Spania forøvrig og ganske sikkert overalt i Europa og andre steder). Kloakk og kumøkk er det nemlig bra tilgang på veldig mange steder. Slikt blir det gass av, og av denne kan dermed tilnærmet klimanøytralt drivstoff relativt enkelt produseres. Energigiganter har da også allerede tolket 'skriften på veggen' og bl.a. Chevron, BP og Shell har alle gjort svære oppkjøp for å komme seg inn i RNG-sektoren (flere innlegg om disse oppkjøpene på denne tråden).
Vet det jo ikke helt sikkert, så skal absolutt ikke hogge ut i stein at det er Hexagon Composites's Hexagon Agility som har levert tanker med komplett drivstoffsystem til Scania når det gjelder disse bussene, men her må det være love å spekulere, for slik er det nok. Sjekk bare ut Hexagon Agilitys partner-/kundeportefølje her. Her finner vi Scania blant veldig mange andre, hvorav flere er giganter:
Date: 11.01.2023
Date: 11.01.2023
A Pamplona based public operator has received new Scania buses that it will run on biomethane only
Public bus operator Moventis TCC Pamplona has acquired 13 brand new gas buses from Scania to run on biomethane only.
As part of the Moventia group, the Spanish company carries out urban transport in Pamplona and 17 municipal districts in the northern Spanish region of Navarra.
"This deal is a truly holistic initiative, to utilise local waste as a resource for sustainable transport," says Pedro Cotera, Business Manager City Buses at Scania.
"Spain is a country with a strong agricultural and food production industry, and this is a step towards energy independence."
This purchase is a first step on Mancomunidad Comarca de Pamplona’s (MCP) road to decarbonising urban traffic, in which all public service vehicles will soon follow suit, either through electrification or by utilising locally sourced biomethane.
As the biogas infrastructure has been put in place, an expansion of the electric grid has simultaneously been done in the area. Preparations are now ongoing with the creation of new charging points for new e-vehicles planned for the near future.
At the public announcement of the fleet renewal, the operator also revealed a new gas supply installation beside the garages. It will allow the new biogas-powered buses to be fuelled on site. Filling will take around four minutes, giving each bus an autonomy of about 300 km.
The responsible public transportation authority MCP set an ambitious target to improve the overall urban environment. This includes abandoning fossil fuels in the public vehicle fleet by 2030. The new buses are the first in Spain to meet the Euro 6E emissions standard for compressed gas vehicles (CNG).
They will be powered by biomethane, extracted from landfill waste in a new processing centre. In the future sewage will also be used as an energy source.
Scania says biogas vehicles achieve a reduction of up to 90 per cent in offset of CO2 emissions, a 70 per cent reduction in NOx and a 90 per cent reduction in particulate matter, compared with their fossil diesel equivalents.
In addition, Scania says they are 50 per cent less noisy, which improves driver and passenger comfort.
Interessant fra Pamplona, Spania om satsing på bybusser som utelukkende kjører på RNG/renewable natural gas/biometan.
Det er Scania som har produsert bussene og flere kommer til å følge (i Pamplona, Spania forøvrig og ganske sikkert overalt i Europa og andre steder). Kloakk og kumøkk er det nemlig bra tilgang på veldig mange steder. Slikt blir det gass av, og av denne kan dermed tilnærmet klimanøytralt drivstoff relativt enkelt produseres. Energigiganter har da også allerede tolket 'skriften på veggen' og bl.a. Chevron, BP og Shell har alle gjort svære oppkjøp for å komme seg inn i RNG-sektoren (flere innlegg om disse oppkjøpene på denne tråden).
Vet det jo ikke helt sikkert, så skal absolutt ikke hogge ut i stein at det er Hexagon Composites's Hexagon Agility som har levert tanker med komplett drivstoffsystem til Scania når det gjelder disse bussene, men her må det være love å spekulere, for slik er det nok. Sjekk bare ut Hexagon Agilitys partner-/kundeportefølje her. Her finner vi Scania blant veldig mange andre, hvorav flere er giganter:
Date: 11.01.2023
Date: 11.01.2023
A Pamplona based public operator has received new Scania buses that it will run on biomethane only
Public bus operator Moventis TCC Pamplona has acquired 13 brand new gas buses from Scania to run on biomethane only.
As part of the Moventia group, the Spanish company carries out urban transport in Pamplona and 17 municipal districts in the northern Spanish region of Navarra.
"This deal is a truly holistic initiative, to utilise local waste as a resource for sustainable transport," says Pedro Cotera, Business Manager City Buses at Scania.
"Spain is a country with a strong agricultural and food production industry, and this is a step towards energy independence."
This purchase is a first step on Mancomunidad Comarca de Pamplona’s (MCP) road to decarbonising urban traffic, in which all public service vehicles will soon follow suit, either through electrification or by utilising locally sourced biomethane.
As the biogas infrastructure has been put in place, an expansion of the electric grid has simultaneously been done in the area. Preparations are now ongoing with the creation of new charging points for new e-vehicles planned for the near future.
At the public announcement of the fleet renewal, the operator also revealed a new gas supply installation beside the garages. It will allow the new biogas-powered buses to be fuelled on site. Filling will take around four minutes, giving each bus an autonomy of about 300 km.
The responsible public transportation authority MCP set an ambitious target to improve the overall urban environment. This includes abandoning fossil fuels in the public vehicle fleet by 2030. The new buses are the first in Spain to meet the Euro 6E emissions standard for compressed gas vehicles (CNG).
They will be powered by biomethane, extracted from landfill waste in a new processing centre. In the future sewage will also be used as an energy source.
Scania says biogas vehicles achieve a reduction of up to 90 per cent in offset of CO2 emissions, a 70 per cent reduction in NOx and a 90 per cent reduction in particulate matter, compared with their fossil diesel equivalents.
In addition, Scania says they are 50 per cent less noisy, which improves driver and passenger comfort.
Redigert 11.01.2023 kl 22:39
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Rect Angel
08.01.2023 kl 21:03
Hexagon Composites. Monstervekst forventes i USA innen Hexagon Agilitys forretningsområder.
Nevner at i dag, før monsterveksten når det gjelder opptak av RNG som drivstoff innen transportsektoren nå for alvor slår inn for fullt, kjører 70% (!) av gassdrevet langtransport i USA rundt med tank og komplett drivstoffsystem produsert og levert av Hexagon Composites's divisjon Hexagon Agilty som står for mer enn 80% av Hexagon Composites's omsetning.
Videre kommer mye av RNG produksjonen til å trenge storskala transport fra produksjonsstedet (mobile pipeline). Også innen dette forretningsområdet er Hexagon Agility globalt markedsledende.
Det var noen fakta. Haussing unødvendig, for den som leser artikkelen under, skjønner fort hva som nå venter. Hexagon Composites's CEO Jon Erik Engeset formulerte det slik allerede under Q2 2022 presentasjonen i august (mer i trådstart):
Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels. ”
06 Jan 2023 | 21:20 UTC
US RNG approaches maturity as lenders eye 50% production growth by 2024
AuthorDylan Chase
EditorRichard Rubin
CommodityAgriculture, Energy Transition, Natural Gas
* Lender praises 'circular' story for long-haul RNG
* Fuel, investment tax credits fan tailwinds
Renewable natural gas is sparking new interest from lenders and financiers close to Wall Street, with expanding subsidies for RNG production expected to support massive growth and investment in coming years.
US RNG was a lead beneficiary of widespread support for lower-carbon investing in 2022, as large energy companies such as BP and Kinder Morgan, as well as large private equity firms, piled money into the sector. Another example of growing support for the industry came Jan. 5, when Clean Energy, a transportation-focused RNG marketer with over 550 fueling stations across North America, announced a four-year, $150 million term loan with a unit of New York-based asset manager Riverstone Holdings.
While sums involved in the transaction are relatively modest by energy industry standards, the transaction speaks to RNG's possible status as the decarbonization method of choice for many transport providers, according to the group underwriting the loan.
"We looked at a bunch of opportunities for renewable diesel and for renewable natural gas," Daniel Flannery, managing director of Riverstone Holdings, told S&P Global Commodity Insights in an interview Jan. 5. "But of all the deals that we've looked at ... we felt like this was the most sizeable, most mature, and was not just a speculative bet on regulatory policy."
RNG is made from biogas sourced from landfills, dairy farms and municipal waste centers that, after processing, can be placed on a traditional natural gas pipeline or used in an RNG-compatible vehicle. The industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years as facilities have rolled out across the US and Canada, although production volumes remain tiny compared with traditional generation or transport fuels.
But Flannery expects that could soon change, considering new subsidies offered under the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law by US President Joe Biden last year. That $370 billion green energy salvo included an investment tax credit promising to reimburse up to 40% of a qualified biogas project's development costs, as well as a renewed $0.50/gal fuel tax credit for RNG used as a transportation fuel.
"Especially for a credit provider like our like us whose focus is to lend money, collect the return and get paid back, we felt the passage of the IRA [created] a lot of tailwinds and a very constructive underwriting environment for a company like this," Flannery said.
Circular story
Setting aside subsidies for RNG -- which already include credits offered under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard and Low-Carbon Fuel Standard programs in certain states -- Riverstone also viewed RNG as a superior option to other low-carbon avenues transport operators might explore when looking to cut emissions in the next few years. For one, RNG sidesteps certain issues associated with other biofuels looking for market share in the long-haul trucking space, including food vs. fuel arguments linked to biofuels made from soybean oil, canola oil or other bio-feedstocks.
"There's definitely a more circular decarbonization story here that resonates," Flannery said. "To us [RNG] makes perfect sense as a bridge fuel that accomplishes customer sustainability objectives and has a place while we figure out a larger transition to carbon-neutral alternatives that will likely be hydrogen or battery-driven longer term."
Riverstone is not the only financier placing a bet on RNG's maturation. Last year, a unit of asset management giant Blackrock bought RNG producer Vanguard Renewables for $700 million, while New York private equity house Warburg Pincus extended a $320 million line of equity to fledgling RNG producer Viridi Energy as part of an expected $1 billion investment in US RNG opportunities.
Growth phase
While ESG- and sustainability-linked investing has come into vogue in recent years, these bets are about more than environmental credentials, in Flannery's view. His group is forecasting tenfold growth for US RNG production capacity in the long-term, from current levels around 220 MMcf/d to an ultimate potential around 2.2 Bcf/d, while near-term growth could explode following the IRA's passage.
"We think production capacity will grow 50%-ish by 2024 with the passing of the investment tax credit and the growth in new development projects," he said. "We think there's an opportunity to make a lot of money in the near term and medium term."
While financial support for RNG grows, it's not hard to find examples of the industry's acceleration, including new infrastructure. Opal Fuels, which touts a vertically integrated business model based around both RNG production and marketing, on Jan. 5 announced it reached full production rates at the first landfill gas to RNG facility in Florida, at the New River Solid Waste Association landfill in Raiford, Florida.
Companies like Opal Fuels and Clean Energy are taking different routes into RNG production, due largely to economics: last year Kinder Morgan CFO David Michels told S&P Global his company was valuing more "bite-sized" opportunities in landfill RNG, which typically require around $20 million-$50 million in development costs, instead of dairies, which he said can cost "well above around $100 million" to get off the ground.
Clean Energy, which focuses on dairy farm production rather than landfills, plans to use proceeds from Riverstone's recent sustainability-linked loan to fund "rapid expansion" of RNG projects at dairies it is developing alongside joint venture partners Total Energies and BP. The companies have set a goal to produce 105 million gallons of RNG by 2026.
Nevner at i dag, før monsterveksten når det gjelder opptak av RNG som drivstoff innen transportsektoren nå for alvor slår inn for fullt, kjører 70% (!) av gassdrevet langtransport i USA rundt med tank og komplett drivstoffsystem produsert og levert av Hexagon Composites's divisjon Hexagon Agilty som står for mer enn 80% av Hexagon Composites's omsetning.
Videre kommer mye av RNG produksjonen til å trenge storskala transport fra produksjonsstedet (mobile pipeline). Også innen dette forretningsområdet er Hexagon Agility globalt markedsledende.
Det var noen fakta. Haussing unødvendig, for den som leser artikkelen under, skjønner fort hva som nå venter. Hexagon Composites's CEO Jon Erik Engeset formulerte det slik allerede under Q2 2022 presentasjonen i august (mer i trådstart):
Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels. ”
06 Jan 2023 | 21:20 UTC
US RNG approaches maturity as lenders eye 50% production growth by 2024
AuthorDylan Chase
EditorRichard Rubin
CommodityAgriculture, Energy Transition, Natural Gas
* Lender praises 'circular' story for long-haul RNG
* Fuel, investment tax credits fan tailwinds
Renewable natural gas is sparking new interest from lenders and financiers close to Wall Street, with expanding subsidies for RNG production expected to support massive growth and investment in coming years.
US RNG was a lead beneficiary of widespread support for lower-carbon investing in 2022, as large energy companies such as BP and Kinder Morgan, as well as large private equity firms, piled money into the sector. Another example of growing support for the industry came Jan. 5, when Clean Energy, a transportation-focused RNG marketer with over 550 fueling stations across North America, announced a four-year, $150 million term loan with a unit of New York-based asset manager Riverstone Holdings.
While sums involved in the transaction are relatively modest by energy industry standards, the transaction speaks to RNG's possible status as the decarbonization method of choice for many transport providers, according to the group underwriting the loan.
"We looked at a bunch of opportunities for renewable diesel and for renewable natural gas," Daniel Flannery, managing director of Riverstone Holdings, told S&P Global Commodity Insights in an interview Jan. 5. "But of all the deals that we've looked at ... we felt like this was the most sizeable, most mature, and was not just a speculative bet on regulatory policy."
RNG is made from biogas sourced from landfills, dairy farms and municipal waste centers that, after processing, can be placed on a traditional natural gas pipeline or used in an RNG-compatible vehicle. The industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years as facilities have rolled out across the US and Canada, although production volumes remain tiny compared with traditional generation or transport fuels.
But Flannery expects that could soon change, considering new subsidies offered under the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law by US President Joe Biden last year. That $370 billion green energy salvo included an investment tax credit promising to reimburse up to 40% of a qualified biogas project's development costs, as well as a renewed $0.50/gal fuel tax credit for RNG used as a transportation fuel.
"Especially for a credit provider like our like us whose focus is to lend money, collect the return and get paid back, we felt the passage of the IRA [created] a lot of tailwinds and a very constructive underwriting environment for a company like this," Flannery said.
Circular story
Setting aside subsidies for RNG -- which already include credits offered under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard and Low-Carbon Fuel Standard programs in certain states -- Riverstone also viewed RNG as a superior option to other low-carbon avenues transport operators might explore when looking to cut emissions in the next few years. For one, RNG sidesteps certain issues associated with other biofuels looking for market share in the long-haul trucking space, including food vs. fuel arguments linked to biofuels made from soybean oil, canola oil or other bio-feedstocks.
"There's definitely a more circular decarbonization story here that resonates," Flannery said. "To us [RNG] makes perfect sense as a bridge fuel that accomplishes customer sustainability objectives and has a place while we figure out a larger transition to carbon-neutral alternatives that will likely be hydrogen or battery-driven longer term."
Riverstone is not the only financier placing a bet on RNG's maturation. Last year, a unit of asset management giant Blackrock bought RNG producer Vanguard Renewables for $700 million, while New York private equity house Warburg Pincus extended a $320 million line of equity to fledgling RNG producer Viridi Energy as part of an expected $1 billion investment in US RNG opportunities.
Growth phase
While ESG- and sustainability-linked investing has come into vogue in recent years, these bets are about more than environmental credentials, in Flannery's view. His group is forecasting tenfold growth for US RNG production capacity in the long-term, from current levels around 220 MMcf/d to an ultimate potential around 2.2 Bcf/d, while near-term growth could explode following the IRA's passage.
"We think production capacity will grow 50%-ish by 2024 with the passing of the investment tax credit and the growth in new development projects," he said. "We think there's an opportunity to make a lot of money in the near term and medium term."
While financial support for RNG grows, it's not hard to find examples of the industry's acceleration, including new infrastructure. Opal Fuels, which touts a vertically integrated business model based around both RNG production and marketing, on Jan. 5 announced it reached full production rates at the first landfill gas to RNG facility in Florida, at the New River Solid Waste Association landfill in Raiford, Florida.
Companies like Opal Fuels and Clean Energy are taking different routes into RNG production, due largely to economics: last year Kinder Morgan CFO David Michels told S&P Global his company was valuing more "bite-sized" opportunities in landfill RNG, which typically require around $20 million-$50 million in development costs, instead of dairies, which he said can cost "well above around $100 million" to get off the ground.
Clean Energy, which focuses on dairy farm production rather than landfills, plans to use proceeds from Riverstone's recent sustainability-linked loan to fund "rapid expansion" of RNG projects at dairies it is developing alongside joint venture partners Total Energies and BP. The companies have set a goal to produce 105 million gallons of RNG by 2026.
05.01.2023 kl 12:12
Equinor og RWE er blitt enige om å samarbeide om å utvikle storskala verdikjeder for lavkarbon hydrogenproduksjon, melder Equinor torsdag.
Meldingen kommer samtidig med at den norske og tyske regjeringen har sendt ut felles erklæringer om tettere samarbeid for å produsere mer fornybar energi og skape grønn industri innen hydrogen, batterier, havvind og karbonfangst og -lagring.
Equinor og RWE har til hensikt å erstatte kullkraftverk med hydrogenklare gasskraftverk i Tyskland, og bygge opp produksjon av lavkarbonhydrogen og hydrogen produsert av fornybar kraft i Norge, for eksport i rør til Tyskland.
Skal bygge nye kraftverk
Samarbeidet er basert på følgende hovedelementer:
Bygging av nye gasskraftverk, i tråd med Tysklands veikart for utfasing av kullkraft. Equinor og RWE skal sammen eie gasskraftverkene. I begynnelsen skal de drives av gass, og deretter skal de gradvis bruke hydrogen som brennstoff, med en ambisjon om bare hydrogendrift når volumer og teknologi er tilgjengelig.
Bygge anlegg i Norge for produksjon av lavkarbonhydrogen fra naturgass med karbonfangst og -lagring. Over 95 prosent av CO2-utslippene vil bli fanget og lagret trygt og permanent under havbunnen på norsk sokkel.
Eksport av hydrogen i rør fra Norge til Tyskland.
Felles utbygging av havvindparker for produksjon av fornybart hydrogen som brennstoff for kraftkunder og andre industrikunder i fremtiden.
(TDN Direkt)
Meldingen kommer samtidig med at den norske og tyske regjeringen har sendt ut felles erklæringer om tettere samarbeid for å produsere mer fornybar energi og skape grønn industri innen hydrogen, batterier, havvind og karbonfangst og -lagring.
Equinor og RWE har til hensikt å erstatte kullkraftverk med hydrogenklare gasskraftverk i Tyskland, og bygge opp produksjon av lavkarbonhydrogen og hydrogen produsert av fornybar kraft i Norge, for eksport i rør til Tyskland.
Skal bygge nye kraftverk
Samarbeidet er basert på følgende hovedelementer:
Bygging av nye gasskraftverk, i tråd med Tysklands veikart for utfasing av kullkraft. Equinor og RWE skal sammen eie gasskraftverkene. I begynnelsen skal de drives av gass, og deretter skal de gradvis bruke hydrogen som brennstoff, med en ambisjon om bare hydrogendrift når volumer og teknologi er tilgjengelig.
Bygge anlegg i Norge for produksjon av lavkarbonhydrogen fra naturgass med karbonfangst og -lagring. Over 95 prosent av CO2-utslippene vil bli fanget og lagret trygt og permanent under havbunnen på norsk sokkel.
Eksport av hydrogen i rør fra Norge til Tyskland.
Felles utbygging av havvindparker for produksjon av fornybart hydrogen som brennstoff for kraftkunder og andre industrikunder i fremtiden.
(TDN Direkt)
Rect Angel
04.01.2023 kl 23:14
Hexagon Purus.
abc7 Los Angeles er en TV-stasjon. Artikkelen er en gjengivelse av ordlyden i et nyhetsinnslag på abc7 Los Angeles. Den som ønsker å se dette nyhetsinnslaget om Hexagon Purus kan bare åpne lenken nederst, under artikkelen.
Vi vet altså at Hexagon Purus's ordrebok når det gjelder hydrogendistribusjonssystemer allerede er full for 2023 (dette ble det informert om til markedet allerede under Q3 2022 i oktober).
Og her får vi altså vite ganske mye mer om hva annet Hexagon Purus har tenkt å tjene penger på i året vi nettopp har gått inn i, og at det som først og fremst gjelder for selskapet nå er å holde tritt med den store etterspørselen etter utslippsfrie tungtransport-kjøretøy man nå ser komme i markedet. Lovende. Mildt sagt.
Øvrige signifikante inntektskilder i 2023 er trolig leveranser til hydrogenbuss og hydrogentog.
Ontario company Hexagon Purus providing zero emission solutions for trucking industry as deadline looms
ByPhillip Palmer
Wednesday, January 4, 2023 9:55PM
Diesel trucks are notorious polluters, causing 26% of greenhouse gas emission in the transportation industry even though they represent just 6% of the vehicles on the road.
California is trying to change that, and the trucking industry has a deadline that is fast approaching. In 2024, 9% of all new Class 4-8 truck sales must be zero emissions.
"There's definitely a lot more interest from every single truck company for solutions in the zero emissions space," said Eric Coupal-Sikes, Vice President of Engineering for Hexagon Purus.
The Ontario-based company is one of the global leaders in key technologies needed for zero emission trucks - not by redesigning the entire truck, but certainly what goes under the hood.
"What's under the hood. What's under the frame rails, exactly. So complete zero emission power train. Both battery electric for regional haul and hydrogen for long haul," explains Coupal-Sikes.
Truck manufacturers sell nearly 250,000 new big rigs every year across the country. Even though 13 other states have adopted California's zero emission legislation, original equipment manufacturers will still only sell about 6,000 zero emission vehicles initially, while needing to simultaneously produce 240,000 diesel trucks for other states.
That's where Hexagon Purus comes in.
"There's not one solution that's better than the other. We believe for short range, the EV is going to make quite a bit of sense if you've got the ability to trickle charge overnight. And then for longer range applications, this is where hydrogen is going to make sense," said Todd Sloan, Executive VP of Hexagon Purus.
"We have the capability to help them install these zero emission power trains at our facilities here in Southern California, and that enables them to both continue business as usual as well as introduce zero emission trucks rapidly," added Coupal-Sikes.
Hexagon Purus began focusing exclusively on zero emission in 2020, but the company has over 20 years experience in the alternative fuel trucking industry, which accounts for only 1% of the nationwide fleet.
But with expansion plans already in place, they believe they are ready to meet the expected demand.
"When you feel that power and have no sound, no emissions, you realize this is the future. It's a matter of how fast can we, the industry, make it happen," Sloan said.
abc7 Los Angeles er en TV-stasjon. Artikkelen er en gjengivelse av ordlyden i et nyhetsinnslag på abc7 Los Angeles. Den som ønsker å se dette nyhetsinnslaget om Hexagon Purus kan bare åpne lenken nederst, under artikkelen.
Vi vet altså at Hexagon Purus's ordrebok når det gjelder hydrogendistribusjonssystemer allerede er full for 2023 (dette ble det informert om til markedet allerede under Q3 2022 i oktober).
Og her får vi altså vite ganske mye mer om hva annet Hexagon Purus har tenkt å tjene penger på i året vi nettopp har gått inn i, og at det som først og fremst gjelder for selskapet nå er å holde tritt med den store etterspørselen etter utslippsfrie tungtransport-kjøretøy man nå ser komme i markedet. Lovende. Mildt sagt.
Øvrige signifikante inntektskilder i 2023 er trolig leveranser til hydrogenbuss og hydrogentog.
Ontario company Hexagon Purus providing zero emission solutions for trucking industry as deadline looms
ByPhillip Palmer
Wednesday, January 4, 2023 9:55PM
Diesel trucks are notorious polluters, causing 26% of greenhouse gas emission in the transportation industry even though they represent just 6% of the vehicles on the road.
California is trying to change that, and the trucking industry has a deadline that is fast approaching. In 2024, 9% of all new Class 4-8 truck sales must be zero emissions.
"There's definitely a lot more interest from every single truck company for solutions in the zero emissions space," said Eric Coupal-Sikes, Vice President of Engineering for Hexagon Purus.
The Ontario-based company is one of the global leaders in key technologies needed for zero emission trucks - not by redesigning the entire truck, but certainly what goes under the hood.
"What's under the hood. What's under the frame rails, exactly. So complete zero emission power train. Both battery electric for regional haul and hydrogen for long haul," explains Coupal-Sikes.
Truck manufacturers sell nearly 250,000 new big rigs every year across the country. Even though 13 other states have adopted California's zero emission legislation, original equipment manufacturers will still only sell about 6,000 zero emission vehicles initially, while needing to simultaneously produce 240,000 diesel trucks for other states.
That's where Hexagon Purus comes in.
"There's not one solution that's better than the other. We believe for short range, the EV is going to make quite a bit of sense if you've got the ability to trickle charge overnight. And then for longer range applications, this is where hydrogen is going to make sense," said Todd Sloan, Executive VP of Hexagon Purus.
"We have the capability to help them install these zero emission power trains at our facilities here in Southern California, and that enables them to both continue business as usual as well as introduce zero emission trucks rapidly," added Coupal-Sikes.
Hexagon Purus began focusing exclusively on zero emission in 2020, but the company has over 20 years experience in the alternative fuel trucking industry, which accounts for only 1% of the nationwide fleet.
But with expansion plans already in place, they believe they are ready to meet the expected demand.
"When you feel that power and have no sound, no emissions, you realize this is the future. It's a matter of how fast can we, the industry, make it happen," Sloan said.
Redigert 05.01.2023 kl 04:26
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Rect Angel
04.01.2023 kl 14:52
Hexagon Purus. Spennende nyhet!
Tyskland vil kjøpe norsk hydrogen
Når Tysklands næringsminister Robert Habeck lander i Norge torsdag, er det blant annet for å undertegne en erklæring om import av norskprodusert hydrogen.
04/01/2023 10:05
Av Bibiana Piene/NTB
– Vi vil komme med en felles erklæring om å legge til rette for store leveranser av hydrogen fra Norge til Tyskland, sier olje- og energiminister Terje Aasland (Ap) til NTB.
– Dette må skje gradvis og er avhengig av lønnsomme prosjekter, men vi har en felles ambisjon, sier han.
Stor jobb
Habeck, som også er Tysklands visestatsminister og klimaminister, kommer til Norge torsdag for å delta på NHOs årskonferanse. Foruten Aasland skal han ha møter med både statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) og næringsminister Jan Christian Vestre (Ap).
Tyske DER AKTIONÄR er raskt på ballen og ser muligheter for norske selskap. I særdeleshet for Nel og Hexagon Purus.
Today, 07:08 ‧ Michel Doepke
Nel, Hexagon Purus and Co: Exciting hydrogen collaboration between Norway and Germany
Germany and Norway want to create the conditions for significant hydrogen imports in the next decade. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck intends to sign a joint declaration on the subject during his trip to Norway this week. Norwegian hydrogen companies such as Nel or Hexagon Purus in particular could benefit from this.
Tyskland vil kjøpe norsk hydrogen
Når Tysklands næringsminister Robert Habeck lander i Norge torsdag, er det blant annet for å undertegne en erklæring om import av norskprodusert hydrogen.
04/01/2023 10:05
Av Bibiana Piene/NTB
– Vi vil komme med en felles erklæring om å legge til rette for store leveranser av hydrogen fra Norge til Tyskland, sier olje- og energiminister Terje Aasland (Ap) til NTB.
– Dette må skje gradvis og er avhengig av lønnsomme prosjekter, men vi har en felles ambisjon, sier han.
Stor jobb
Habeck, som også er Tysklands visestatsminister og klimaminister, kommer til Norge torsdag for å delta på NHOs årskonferanse. Foruten Aasland skal han ha møter med både statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) og næringsminister Jan Christian Vestre (Ap).
Tyske DER AKTIONÄR er raskt på ballen og ser muligheter for norske selskap. I særdeleshet for Nel og Hexagon Purus.
Today, 07:08 ‧ Michel Doepke
Nel, Hexagon Purus and Co: Exciting hydrogen collaboration between Norway and Germany
Germany and Norway want to create the conditions for significant hydrogen imports in the next decade. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck intends to sign a joint declaration on the subject during his trip to Norway this week. Norwegian hydrogen companies such as Nel or Hexagon Purus in particular could benefit from this.
Redigert 04.01.2023 kl 14:53
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