HEX - analytiker: Lagring av energi kan gå 75 ganger'n
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
Redigert 06.02.2024 kl 15:35
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08.05.2024 kl 10:39
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Composites fikk et driftsresultat på 8,7 millioner kroner i første kvartal 2024, mot et driftsresultat på 21,3 millioner kroner i samme periode året før.
Og så går markedet omtrent av hengslene? Hva er greia?
Og så går markedet omtrent av hengslene? Hva er greia?
Rect Angel
07.05.2024 kl 23:06
Published 5/7/2024
Hexagon Purus reports all-time high quarterly revenue, up 67% over Q1 2023
Type 4 CFRP cylinder manufacturer continues ramp-up, with H2 infrastructure up 38% and H2 mobility up 213% year over year while momentum continues in aerospace applications.
Senior Technical Editor, CompositesWorld
Hexagon Purus (Oslo, Norway) has announced an all-time-high quarterly revenue of NOK 407 million ($37.5 million) in Q1 2024, up 67% from Q1 2023. In particular, the company’s hydrogen mobility and infrastructure (HMI) segment is up 66% with infrastructure up 38% and mobility — which covers revenue from CFRP Type 4 cylinders and systems in vehicles — was up 213%. Moreover, construction of all new production facilities is complete and extensive ramp-up continues across the new manufacturing footprint; backlog of firm purchase orders worth ~NOK 1.2 billion (~$100.4 million) is positive for full-year revenue ambitions.
Hexagon Purus reports all-time high quarterly revenue, up 67% over Q1 2023
Type 4 CFRP cylinder manufacturer continues ramp-up, with H2 infrastructure up 38% and H2 mobility up 213% year over year while momentum continues in aerospace applications.
Senior Technical Editor, CompositesWorld
Hexagon Purus (Oslo, Norway) has announced an all-time-high quarterly revenue of NOK 407 million ($37.5 million) in Q1 2024, up 67% from Q1 2023. In particular, the company’s hydrogen mobility and infrastructure (HMI) segment is up 66% with infrastructure up 38% and mobility — which covers revenue from CFRP Type 4 cylinders and systems in vehicles — was up 213%. Moreover, construction of all new production facilities is complete and extensive ramp-up continues across the new manufacturing footprint; backlog of firm purchase orders worth ~NOK 1.2 billion (~$100.4 million) is positive for full-year revenue ambitions.
Rect Angel
29.04.2024 kl 12:53
20. og 21.mai 2024 er ensbetydende med (kjempe)store dager, for henholdsvis Hexagon Purus og Hexagon Composites 👏 🤗 Sier ikke mer nå, men det er selvfølgelig fritt frem for å lete selv 😊
20. og 21.mai 2024 er ensbetydende med (kjempe)store dager, for henholdsvis Hexagon Purus og Hexagon Composites 👏 🤗 Sier ikke mer nå, men det er selvfølgelig fritt frem for å lete selv 😊
Rect Angel
29.04.2024 kl 11:27
Hexagon Purus Maritime
Norwegian Hydrogen hvor Hexagon Purus er en av hovedeierne.
Dobler Enova-støtten for å realisere hydrogen til havs: - Helt nødvendig løft for å lykkes
29.4.2024 08:00:00 CEST | Enova
Enova styrker satsingen på hydrogen som drivstoff til fartøy, og lanserer et nytt og bedre støtteprogram for å få opp hydrogenproduksjon langs den norske kysten. - Skal vi nå nullutslipp innen 2050, må det skje nå, sier administrerende direktør i Enova Nils Kristian Nakstad.
Desember 2023 varslet Enova en kraftig satsing på virkemiddelbruken innen hydrogen som drivstoff til maritim sektor. Nå lanseres et nytt støtteprogram hvor Enova mer enn dobler støtten per prosjekt, og øker støttesatsen opp til 80%. Programmet ved navn «Hydrogenproduksjon til maritim transport 2027» er innrettet for å sikre at produsentene av hydrogen kan få lønnsomhet i sine prosjekter.
- Hydrogen kommer til å være et helt nødvendig drivstoff for at skipsfarten skal kunne kutte utslippene sine. Vi trenger både produsenter av hydrogen og skip som kan bruke dette drivstoffet. Gjennom Enova legger regjeringen til rette for begge deler, noe som vil sette fart på omstillingen i skipsfarten, sier klima- og miljøminister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen.
Enovas ambisjon for programmet er å gjøre hydrogen tilgjengelig til samme pris som fossile drivstoff ved skutesida.
Norwegian Hydrogen hvor Hexagon Purus er en av hovedeierne.
Dobler Enova-støtten for å realisere hydrogen til havs: - Helt nødvendig løft for å lykkes
29.4.2024 08:00:00 CEST | Enova
Enova styrker satsingen på hydrogen som drivstoff til fartøy, og lanserer et nytt og bedre støtteprogram for å få opp hydrogenproduksjon langs den norske kysten. - Skal vi nå nullutslipp innen 2050, må det skje nå, sier administrerende direktør i Enova Nils Kristian Nakstad.
Desember 2023 varslet Enova en kraftig satsing på virkemiddelbruken innen hydrogen som drivstoff til maritim sektor. Nå lanseres et nytt støtteprogram hvor Enova mer enn dobler støtten per prosjekt, og øker støttesatsen opp til 80%. Programmet ved navn «Hydrogenproduksjon til maritim transport 2027» er innrettet for å sikre at produsentene av hydrogen kan få lønnsomhet i sine prosjekter.
- Hydrogen kommer til å være et helt nødvendig drivstoff for at skipsfarten skal kunne kutte utslippene sine. Vi trenger både produsenter av hydrogen og skip som kan bruke dette drivstoffet. Gjennom Enova legger regjeringen til rette for begge deler, noe som vil sette fart på omstillingen i skipsfarten, sier klima- og miljøminister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen.
Enovas ambisjon for programmet er å gjøre hydrogen tilgjengelig til samme pris som fossile drivstoff ved skutesida.
23.04.2024 kl 18:44
Ser jammen ut som den har HPUR tanker på taket!
23.04.2024 kl 18:33
Nå begynner det å skje noe i norsk anleggsbransje også:)
Verdenspremiere: Volvo 30-tonner på hydrogen
Verdenspremiere: Volvo 30-tonner på hydrogen
23.04.2024 kl 13:26
Jeg har fylt opp det jeg skal i Purus, så nå er det bare å vente på oppgangen.
Tenker Q1 ikke blir all verden, men spennende å høre guidingen videre.
Tenker Q1 ikke blir all verden, men spennende å høre guidingen videre.
Rect Angel
23.04.2024 kl 12:33
Flotte nyheter fra begge Hexagon selskapene i dag!
Hexagon Purus har mottatt en ordre for lagringssystem for grønt hydrogen fra et tysk energiselskap, verdt ca. €3.8 milloner (ca. 44.65 milloner MOK).
En interessant ordre, som til fulle illustrerer potensialet som ligger i Hexagon Purus's rolle som global markedsleder innen teknologi og produkter for LAGRING AV ALLE TYPER HYDROGEN (HELE SKALAEN FRA GRÅ TIL GRØNN).
I disse dager, blir man fristet til å stille et lite spørsmållstegn ved om hvorvidt markedet her hjemme har tatt innover seg verdien denne globale lederrollen i dag faktisk representer for Hexsgon Purus. De 20 største aksjonærene ser imidlertid ut til å være styrket i troen ettersom Topp 20 har økt beholdningen, jevnt og trutt, de siste månedene.
Hexagon Purus wins €3.8m order from HPS Home Power Solutions
By Dominic Ellison Apr 23, 2024
Hexagon Purus has received an order worth around €3.8 million for hydrogen storage systems from German company HPS Home Power Solutions with deliveries scheduled to start in Q2.
They will be used in HPS Home Power Solutions AG’s ‘picea’ product, which enables solar power to be used as green hydrogen all year round.
Solar power from photovoltaic modules is used to provide electricity in the summer, and surplus solar power can be used to produce green hydrogen from water using an electrolyser, providing electricity in winter. The storage and use of the compact 1.62 sqm unit, which offers 17 kWh (net) battery capacity, is emissions free.
Matthias Kötter, Managing Director & Sitelead, said, “Our high-pressure hydrogen storage systems are flexible and scalable, suitable for a wide range of applications, such as storing baseload energy from solar plants.”
The power and building energy sectors account for close to 40% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly as baseload electricity from renewable electricity sources such as solar and wind.
According to the Hydrogen Council, the number of announced hydrogen projects grew in 2023 by about 35% to over 1,400, equaling $570bn investments. Green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world’s energy needs by 2050.
Hexagon Purus is busy targeting opportunities across the hard-to-abate spectrum.
Da melder Hexagon Compisites's Hexagon Ragasco og Linde at neste generasjon LPG sylinder er lansert kommersielt, i første omgang, i Norge.
Det er å vente at lansering av verdens første 'smarte LPG sylinder' i flere markeder, vil følge etterhvert.
Linde launches the Hexagon Ragasco Linktra® Smart cylinder in Norway
TUE, APR 23, 2024 09:00 CETReport this content
Oslo, Norway, 23 April 2024: Hexagon Ragasco, a business of Hexagon Composites, and Linde, the leading global industrial gas company and premier LPG marketer in Norway, launched Linktra® Smart cylinder nationwide in Norway 17 April 2024.
The launch follows a regional pilot program that took place during the summer of 2023 in the city of Oslo and its surrounding area. The Linktra® Smart cylinders, deployed under the name AGA® Smart Cylinders, received great reviews from consumers.
Bringing LPG technology to the digital age
Hexagon Ragasco’s Linktra® Smart cylinders bring LPG technology to the digital age. It comes with an “Internet of Things” (IoT) offer that enables the connection of the cylinder to consumers’ mobile phones, allowing consumers to quickly see gas level and receive push notifications when it is time to refill. Linktra® also connects to the IT systems of LPG distributors, providing insight into consumer-usage patterns, enabling optimized logistics – which means the cylinder is always in stock when a customer is ready to refill.
“Linde’s launch of the Linktra® Smart cylinder has strengthened our two-decade long partnership with Linde, and we are thrilled to contribute to bringing new technology to local LPG users in Norway,” says Skjalg S. Stavheim, President, Hexagon Ragasco. “The introduction of this new product further strengthens our reputation for delivering innovation, safety, and quality. Together with Linde, a pioneer in the Nordic countries, we will continue to raise the standard for user-friendly LPG.”
“The AGA® Smart Cylinder allows users to have full control of the LPG cylinder gas level for their domestic or leisure activities,” says Morten Roness, Head of Consumer Sales Norway, Linde. “At the same time, we at Linde, obtain real time data to optimize our logistic operations and product availability for customers.”
The cylinders are available in most of Linde’s distribution points and vending machines nationwide.
Hexagon Purus har mottatt en ordre for lagringssystem for grønt hydrogen fra et tysk energiselskap, verdt ca. €3.8 milloner (ca. 44.65 milloner MOK).
En interessant ordre, som til fulle illustrerer potensialet som ligger i Hexagon Purus's rolle som global markedsleder innen teknologi og produkter for LAGRING AV ALLE TYPER HYDROGEN (HELE SKALAEN FRA GRÅ TIL GRØNN).
I disse dager, blir man fristet til å stille et lite spørsmållstegn ved om hvorvidt markedet her hjemme har tatt innover seg verdien denne globale lederrollen i dag faktisk representer for Hexsgon Purus. De 20 største aksjonærene ser imidlertid ut til å være styrket i troen ettersom Topp 20 har økt beholdningen, jevnt og trutt, de siste månedene.
Hexagon Purus wins €3.8m order from HPS Home Power Solutions
By Dominic Ellison Apr 23, 2024
Hexagon Purus has received an order worth around €3.8 million for hydrogen storage systems from German company HPS Home Power Solutions with deliveries scheduled to start in Q2.
They will be used in HPS Home Power Solutions AG’s ‘picea’ product, which enables solar power to be used as green hydrogen all year round.
Solar power from photovoltaic modules is used to provide electricity in the summer, and surplus solar power can be used to produce green hydrogen from water using an electrolyser, providing electricity in winter. The storage and use of the compact 1.62 sqm unit, which offers 17 kWh (net) battery capacity, is emissions free.
Matthias Kötter, Managing Director & Sitelead, said, “Our high-pressure hydrogen storage systems are flexible and scalable, suitable for a wide range of applications, such as storing baseload energy from solar plants.”
The power and building energy sectors account for close to 40% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly as baseload electricity from renewable electricity sources such as solar and wind.
According to the Hydrogen Council, the number of announced hydrogen projects grew in 2023 by about 35% to over 1,400, equaling $570bn investments. Green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world’s energy needs by 2050.
Hexagon Purus is busy targeting opportunities across the hard-to-abate spectrum.
Da melder Hexagon Compisites's Hexagon Ragasco og Linde at neste generasjon LPG sylinder er lansert kommersielt, i første omgang, i Norge.
Det er å vente at lansering av verdens første 'smarte LPG sylinder' i flere markeder, vil følge etterhvert.
Linde launches the Hexagon Ragasco Linktra® Smart cylinder in Norway
TUE, APR 23, 2024 09:00 CETReport this content
Oslo, Norway, 23 April 2024: Hexagon Ragasco, a business of Hexagon Composites, and Linde, the leading global industrial gas company and premier LPG marketer in Norway, launched Linktra® Smart cylinder nationwide in Norway 17 April 2024.
The launch follows a regional pilot program that took place during the summer of 2023 in the city of Oslo and its surrounding area. The Linktra® Smart cylinders, deployed under the name AGA® Smart Cylinders, received great reviews from consumers.
Bringing LPG technology to the digital age
Hexagon Ragasco’s Linktra® Smart cylinders bring LPG technology to the digital age. It comes with an “Internet of Things” (IoT) offer that enables the connection of the cylinder to consumers’ mobile phones, allowing consumers to quickly see gas level and receive push notifications when it is time to refill. Linktra® also connects to the IT systems of LPG distributors, providing insight into consumer-usage patterns, enabling optimized logistics – which means the cylinder is always in stock when a customer is ready to refill.
“Linde’s launch of the Linktra® Smart cylinder has strengthened our two-decade long partnership with Linde, and we are thrilled to contribute to bringing new technology to local LPG users in Norway,” says Skjalg S. Stavheim, President, Hexagon Ragasco. “The introduction of this new product further strengthens our reputation for delivering innovation, safety, and quality. Together with Linde, a pioneer in the Nordic countries, we will continue to raise the standard for user-friendly LPG.”
“The AGA® Smart Cylinder allows users to have full control of the LPG cylinder gas level for their domestic or leisure activities,” says Morten Roness, Head of Consumer Sales Norway, Linde. “At the same time, we at Linde, obtain real time data to optimize our logistic operations and product availability for customers.”
The cylinders are available in most of Linde’s distribution points and vending machines nationwide.
Redigert 23.04.2024 kl 12:51
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Rect Angel
18.04.2024 kl 15:39
Hexagon Purus.
Kjempeflott nyhet for norsk verftsindustri dette.
Verdens største hydrogendrevne fartøy til nå skal bygges på Sunnmøre!
At Myklebust Verft i Sande kommune i Møre & Romsdal skal bygge disse to hydrogendrevne fergene som skal trafikkere strekningen Bodø (- Røst - Værøy) - Moskenes, tenker jeg er ensbetydende med veldig stor sannsynlighet for at Hexagon Purus Maritime vil få ordrer når det gjelder leveranse av tank-/drivstoffsystemer.
De to fartøyene skal leveres allerede i 2026!
Home Shipbuilding
Norwegian shipyard to build the ‘world’s largest’ hydrogen-powered ships
April 18, 2024, by Naida Hakirevic Prevljak
Norwegian shipyard Myklebust Verft has been selected to build two hydrogen-powered ferries ordered by compatriot transport company Torghatten Nord. Once delivered, the newbuilds will be ‘the world’s largest’ hydrogen-powered ships and will be bunkered with hydrogen produced in Bodø
At 117 meters long with a 120-car capacity, the duo will be the world’s largest hydrogen-powered ships, operating on green hydrogen at least 85% of the time.
A hydrogen storage unit onboard the vessel will feed gas to the fuel cells, creating electricity to propel the vessels and power their auxiliary systems, reducing CO2-emissions on the route by around 26,500 tons each year.
Kjempeflott nyhet for norsk verftsindustri dette.
Verdens største hydrogendrevne fartøy til nå skal bygges på Sunnmøre!
At Myklebust Verft i Sande kommune i Møre & Romsdal skal bygge disse to hydrogendrevne fergene som skal trafikkere strekningen Bodø (- Røst - Værøy) - Moskenes, tenker jeg er ensbetydende med veldig stor sannsynlighet for at Hexagon Purus Maritime vil få ordrer når det gjelder leveranse av tank-/drivstoffsystemer.
De to fartøyene skal leveres allerede i 2026!
Home Shipbuilding
Norwegian shipyard to build the ‘world’s largest’ hydrogen-powered ships
April 18, 2024, by Naida Hakirevic Prevljak
Norwegian shipyard Myklebust Verft has been selected to build two hydrogen-powered ferries ordered by compatriot transport company Torghatten Nord. Once delivered, the newbuilds will be ‘the world’s largest’ hydrogen-powered ships and will be bunkered with hydrogen produced in Bodø
At 117 meters long with a 120-car capacity, the duo will be the world’s largest hydrogen-powered ships, operating on green hydrogen at least 85% of the time.
A hydrogen storage unit onboard the vessel will feed gas to the fuel cells, creating electricity to propel the vessels and power their auxiliary systems, reducing CO2-emissions on the route by around 26,500 tons each year.
Redigert 18.04.2024 kl 15:46
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Rect Angel
18.04.2024 kl 11:49
Hexagon Composites. Flagging, passert 5%.
Flagging 5.16%
HEX: Shareholder Disclosure Notification
I dag kl. 08:31 ∙ Oslo Børs
Name: TFG Asset Management UK LLP
City and country of registered office (if applicable):
London, United Kingdom
Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached:
Flagging 5.16%
HEX: Shareholder Disclosure Notification
I dag kl. 08:31 ∙ Oslo Børs
Name: TFG Asset Management UK LLP
City and country of registered office (if applicable):
London, United Kingdom
Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached:
Redigert 18.04.2024 kl 16:59
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Rect Angel
16.04.2024 kl 11:18
Hexsgon Purus.
HPUR er en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Norwegian Hydrogen og Provaris Energy Ltd utvider samarbeidet med henblikk på produksjon av grønt hydrogen i Norden, for eksport til EU.
Provaris Energy extends Norwegian Hydrogen collaboration to develop new Nordic hydrogen export sites
Published 16/04/2024, 11:33 am
Updated 16/04/2024, 12:00 pm
Provaris Energy Ltd (ASX:PV1, OTC:GBBLF) and expansion partner Norwegian Hydrogen AS are expanding their collaboration to focus on accelerating the development of new hydrogen export facilities across the Nordic region.
The two companies are confident they can leverage pre-development work carried out for the FjordH2 project, completed in 2023, across new sites.
This partnership is reviewing several potential sites across multiple countries in the Scandinavian region intending to develop a portfolio of hydrogen development projects.
Together, Provaris and Norwegian Hydrogen intend to create an energy and capital-efficient suite of projects to deliver green hydrogen to European industrial users, supporting EU decarbonisation efforts.
Hexagon Composites.
CEO Jon Erik Engeset går av. Jakten på ny toppsjef starter.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Hexagon Composites to start search for new Group CEO
I dag kl. 08:15 ∙ Cision
Oslo, 16 April 2024: Hexagon Composites (OSE: HEX.OL) today announces that Jon Erik Engeset will step down as Group President and Chief Executive Officer. The Company will shortly commence a search process. Engeset will continue as CEO until the position is filled, following which he will continue to support the company in an advisory role.
HPUR er en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Norwegian Hydrogen og Provaris Energy Ltd utvider samarbeidet med henblikk på produksjon av grønt hydrogen i Norden, for eksport til EU.
Provaris Energy extends Norwegian Hydrogen collaboration to develop new Nordic hydrogen export sites
Published 16/04/2024, 11:33 am
Updated 16/04/2024, 12:00 pm
Provaris Energy Ltd (ASX:PV1, OTC:GBBLF) and expansion partner Norwegian Hydrogen AS are expanding their collaboration to focus on accelerating the development of new hydrogen export facilities across the Nordic region.
The two companies are confident they can leverage pre-development work carried out for the FjordH2 project, completed in 2023, across new sites.
This partnership is reviewing several potential sites across multiple countries in the Scandinavian region intending to develop a portfolio of hydrogen development projects.
Together, Provaris and Norwegian Hydrogen intend to create an energy and capital-efficient suite of projects to deliver green hydrogen to European industrial users, supporting EU decarbonisation efforts.
Hexagon Composites.
CEO Jon Erik Engeset går av. Jakten på ny toppsjef starter.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Hexagon Composites to start search for new Group CEO
I dag kl. 08:15 ∙ Cision
Oslo, 16 April 2024: Hexagon Composites (OSE: HEX.OL) today announces that Jon Erik Engeset will step down as Group President and Chief Executive Officer. The Company will shortly commence a search process. Engeset will continue as CEO until the position is filled, following which he will continue to support the company in an advisory role.
Redigert 16.04.2024 kl 11:21
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Rect Angel
05.04.2024 kl 18:55
HPUR er en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen.
"We are on the brink of a new era in green energy," says Jens Berge, CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen, one of two 50/50 joint venture owners in Danish Grøn Brint. The other owner is their local partner Mr. Jens Peter Lunden and his company JPLL HOLDING A/S.
Grøn Brint initiates final commissioning tests, producing the very first hydrogen molecules in Hjørring
"We are on the brink of a new era in green energy," says Jens Berge, CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen, one of two 50/50 joint venture owners in Danish Grøn Brint. The other owner is their local partner Mr. Jens Peter Lunden and his company JPLL HOLDING A/S.
Grøn Brint initiates final commissioning tests, producing the very first hydrogen molecules in Hjørring
04.04.2024 kl 10:45
Er bekymringen, nedgang i kurs, relatert til om det blir ny emisjon og da hva neste emisjonskurs blir på?
Rect Angel
24.03.2024 kl 20:59
Tillater meg å sakse denne linken fra et innlegg postet av Josten 1952 på Nordnets Shareville. Holum sa under Q4 2023 nå i februar at man ikke har lagt inn positivt bidrag til inntekter fra sitt kinesiske joint venture i Purus's guidede estimat for 2025. Her, under sitt nylige besøk i Kina, uttrykker han imidlertid ambisjoner om oppstart av serieproduksjon ved den kinesiske fabrikken allerede i 2.halvår 2024.
Skjuler det seg kanskje en potensiell oppside her i guidingen for 2025, først gitt høsten 2020 og gjentatt senest under Q4 2023 i februar (omsetning 4-5 milliarder NOK og EBITDA break-even)?
Skjuler det seg kanskje en potensiell oppside her i guidingen for 2025, først gitt høsten 2020 og gjentatt senest under Q4 2023 i februar (omsetning 4-5 milliarder NOK og EBITDA break-even)?
22.03.2024 kl 19:53
Takk for sammendrag. Bra å lese noe oppløftende om Hexagon Purus.
22.03.2024 kl 19:28
Overdrevet kursfall
Blant annet synes Jones at Hexagon Purus' kursfall på 48 prosent hittil i år er «overdrevet».
Han viser til flere positive utviklinger i forhold til sammenlignbare selskaper.
– Purus opplevde sterk etterspørsel i fjor, med sitt produkt som dekker alle typer hydrogen, flere anlegg oppnådde positiv ebitda, og selskapet har gjennomgått et betydelig utvidelsesprogram, utdyper han.
– Det er bekymringer rundt kapitalstruktur, ytterligere negativ ebitda og behovet for kapitalinvesteringer, men dersom Purus spinner ut batterisegmentet, kan behovet for ytterligere kapital fjernes, samtidig som ebitda vil bedres på ett års sikt.
Blant annet synes Jones at Hexagon Purus' kursfall på 48 prosent hittil i år er «overdrevet».
Han viser til flere positive utviklinger i forhold til sammenlignbare selskaper.
– Purus opplevde sterk etterspørsel i fjor, med sitt produkt som dekker alle typer hydrogen, flere anlegg oppnådde positiv ebitda, og selskapet har gjennomgått et betydelig utvidelsesprogram, utdyper han.
– Det er bekymringer rundt kapitalstruktur, ytterligere negativ ebitda og behovet for kapitalinvesteringer, men dersom Purus spinner ut batterisegmentet, kan behovet for ytterligere kapital fjernes, samtidig som ebitda vil bedres på ett års sikt.
22.03.2024 kl 17:31
Danske Bank skriver om HPUR i Finansavisen. Publisert i dag 16:38. Har noen lest hele? (Abonnent)
Rect Angel
21.03.2024 kl 23:21
Hexagon Purus. Hexgon Purus er en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Press release
Norwegian Hydrogen unveils expansion into Finland with a new hydrogen production plant in Tornio
Norwegian Hydrogen AS finally discloses some of their ambitions in Finland, by announcing an important green hydrogen project in Tornio. Tornio has been selected as one of Norwegian Hydrogen's locations for production of green hydrogen in Finland, and a 20-hectare area in the Arctic North industrial area has already been reserved for the company.
In 2023, Norwegian Hydrogen established its wholly owned subsidiary, Vireon, as the leading provider of hydrogen refueling for heavy-duty transport in the Nordic region. Vireon is actively engaged in developing and constructing hydrogen fueling infrastructure, first of all throughout the Nordic region. While Vireon’s plans in Finland have been known for some time, Norwegian Hydrogen’s activities related to the production of green hydrogen and green hydrogen derivatives have not been announced until now.
Our venture in Finland is very important for Norwegian Hydrogen, marking our commitment to contribute to the development of a sustainable society and economic vitality in the entire Nordic region.
Simen Skaare Eriksen, Chief Commercial Officer of Norwegian Hydrogen
Press release
Norwegian Hydrogen unveils expansion into Finland with a new hydrogen production plant in Tornio
Norwegian Hydrogen AS finally discloses some of their ambitions in Finland, by announcing an important green hydrogen project in Tornio. Tornio has been selected as one of Norwegian Hydrogen's locations for production of green hydrogen in Finland, and a 20-hectare area in the Arctic North industrial area has already been reserved for the company.
In 2023, Norwegian Hydrogen established its wholly owned subsidiary, Vireon, as the leading provider of hydrogen refueling for heavy-duty transport in the Nordic region. Vireon is actively engaged in developing and constructing hydrogen fueling infrastructure, first of all throughout the Nordic region. While Vireon’s plans in Finland have been known for some time, Norwegian Hydrogen’s activities related to the production of green hydrogen and green hydrogen derivatives have not been announced until now.
Our venture in Finland is very important for Norwegian Hydrogen, marking our commitment to contribute to the development of a sustainable society and economic vitality in the entire Nordic region.
Simen Skaare Eriksen, Chief Commercial Officer of Norwegian Hydrogen
Rect Angel
21.03.2024 kl 18:40
Ja, slutter meg veldig til det du skriver, ikke minst oppfordringen om å se webcasten fra Q4 2023, 13.februar. At Holum fortsatt gjentar guiding for 2025 (4-5 milliarder omsetning og EBITDA break-even), første gang gitt til markedet høsten 2020 (!), er rett og slett direkte imponerende og veldig bullish ettersom han jo samtidig slår fast at opptaket av hydrogen innen tungtransport er noe skjøvet frem i tid, jevnført med det man estimerte i 2020. Purus-sjefen tror altså man kommer til å leverere på estimatene til tross for at vekst innen et, for selskapet, sentralt forretningsområde kommer senere enn først estimert. Bull!
På yahoo messageboard postes det i dag at det norske Oljefondet nå kjøper mer Nikola. Tanker m/tilhørende drivstoffststemer til Nikolas hydrogendrevne tungtransportkjøretøy er det Hexagon Purus som leverer. Flakk kjøpte vel 2 millioner Purus-aksjer på kurser 10 NOK++ så sent som i desember 2023 mens Topp 20 suksessivt øker litt og litt og i dag sitter på 83.71% av aksjene, ifølge siste publiserte aksjonæroversikt. Sluttkurs i dag: 5.77 NOK.
Så hva konkluderer jeg så dette med? Jo, mistenker at det er 'ugler i mosen' på ferde i denne nå, etter min mening, svært potente aksjen som får liten eller ingen oppmerksomhet i markedet og dermed går langt, langt under radaren til de alller, aller fleste. Kjøper litt nå og da, forsøksvis disiplinert.
På yahoo messageboard postes det i dag at det norske Oljefondet nå kjøper mer Nikola. Tanker m/tilhørende drivstoffststemer til Nikolas hydrogendrevne tungtransportkjøretøy er det Hexagon Purus som leverer. Flakk kjøpte vel 2 millioner Purus-aksjer på kurser 10 NOK++ så sent som i desember 2023 mens Topp 20 suksessivt øker litt og litt og i dag sitter på 83.71% av aksjene, ifølge siste publiserte aksjonæroversikt. Sluttkurs i dag: 5.77 NOK.
Så hva konkluderer jeg så dette med? Jo, mistenker at det er 'ugler i mosen' på ferde i denne nå, etter min mening, svært potente aksjen som får liten eller ingen oppmerksomhet i markedet og dermed går langt, langt under radaren til de alller, aller fleste. Kjøper litt nå og da, forsøksvis disiplinert.
Redigert 21.03.2024 kl 22:05
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Rect Angel
20.03.2024 kl 17:59
Den globale sværingen Mitsui er største eier i Hexagon Composites og 3.største eier i Hexagon Purus.
Er bare å krysse fingrene for at dette potensielt storskala samarbeidsprosjektet med den brasilianske energikjempen Petrobas vil bære frukter.
Isåfall sier det vel nærmest seg selv at dette samarbeidet vil generere signifikante businessmuligheter, for begge Hexagon Group selskapene.
Petrobras signs agreement with Mitsui to evaluate low-carbon business opportunities
March19, 2024
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informs that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mitsui & Co. (Brasil) S.A. for a non-binding assessment of low-carbon business opportunities in Brazil. The agreement was signed during CERAWeek, a global energy conference being held in Houston, USA.
The partnership involves evaluating potential opportunities for the production of sustainable hydrogen and its derivatives, the use of biomethane, and CO2 capture, transportation and storage (CCS). Mitsui & Co. is a global trading and investment company with a presence in more than 60 countries and a diversified business portfolio covering a wide range of sectors.
The Memorandum of Understanding is aligned with the low-carbon segments prioritized in the 2024-28+ Strategic Plan, which aim to prepare Petrobras for a more sustainable future, contributing to a just energy transition.
Er bare å krysse fingrene for at dette potensielt storskala samarbeidsprosjektet med den brasilianske energikjempen Petrobas vil bære frukter.
Isåfall sier det vel nærmest seg selv at dette samarbeidet vil generere signifikante businessmuligheter, for begge Hexagon Group selskapene.
Petrobras signs agreement with Mitsui to evaluate low-carbon business opportunities
March19, 2024
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informs that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mitsui & Co. (Brasil) S.A. for a non-binding assessment of low-carbon business opportunities in Brazil. The agreement was signed during CERAWeek, a global energy conference being held in Houston, USA.
The partnership involves evaluating potential opportunities for the production of sustainable hydrogen and its derivatives, the use of biomethane, and CO2 capture, transportation and storage (CCS). Mitsui & Co. is a global trading and investment company with a presence in more than 60 countries and a diversified business portfolio covering a wide range of sectors.
The Memorandum of Understanding is aligned with the low-carbon segments prioritized in the 2024-28+ Strategic Plan, which aim to prepare Petrobras for a more sustainable future, contributing to a just energy transition.
Redigert 20.03.2024 kl 18:01
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20.03.2024 kl 08:41
Hexagon Purus
Jeg tror denne har stort potensiale.
Lav kurs nå som vil være god inngang om man har litt horisont.
Jeg synes de leverer som lovet.
Anbefaler å se webcast fra Q4
Jeg tror denne har stort potensiale.
Lav kurs nå som vil være god inngang om man har litt horisont.
Jeg synes de leverer som lovet.
Anbefaler å se webcast fra Q4
Rect Angel
19.03.2024 kl 21:00
Hexagon Purus ASA: Integrated Annual Report 2023
March 19, 2024 15:00 ET
Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
March 19, 2024 15:00 ET
Source: Hexagon Purus ASA
Rect Angel
19.03.2024 kl 19:03
Adg. Hexagon Composites.
Som du selv skriver, forbedrede resultater i 2023 og meget spennende utsikter f.o.m. 2.halvår 2024 relatert til gassmotoren Cummins X15N som nå er lansert i Nord-Amreika, 'belønnes' med kursfall av markedet... Som jeg har dokumentert på denne tråden tidligere, uttaler Cummins at man jobber tett sammen med Hexagon Composites når det gjelder X15N.
Forøvrig befinner vel realtime kurs seg nå under kursmålet til selv analytikeren som bringer de aller dystreste spådommer om denne til torgs etter å ha tittet inn i krystallkulen sin. Sparebanken Markets, såvidt jeg husker.
Er langt sikrere på at Hexagon Group selskapene vil nå resultatene man guidet for 2025, så langt tilbake som høsten 2020, i dag enn jeg var da aksjekursene ble notert til ATH tidlig i 2021. Ja, HEX løftet vel også sin guiding for 2025 første gang gitt i 2020 noe under Q4 2023 nå i februar (fra omsetning 5-6 milliarder NOK og EBITDA 15% til omsetning > 6 milliarder NOK og EBITDA 15%). Når det gjelder Hexagon Purus, er faktisk oppsiden til ATH (82.10 NOK) fra dagens realtime (5.84 NOK), smått utrolige 1406% til tross for at selskapet gjentok guidingen som i 2021 altså sendte kursen til ATH (omsetning 4-5 milliarder NOK og break-even EBITDA i 2025) så sent som for en måneds tid siden (under Q4 2023 presentasjonen i februar)...
Nyhet relatert til Hexagon Purus, en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Equipment deliveries start at Norwegian hydrogen hub
By Charlie Currieon Mar 19, 2024
Norwegian Hydrogen has started taking deliveries of equipment for its 1.3 tonne-per-day (tyd) hydrogen hub in Hellesylt.
With installation and commissioning preparation set to take place over the coming months, the company says it expects to have received all plant equipment including electrolysers, compressors, storage and refuelling within the next few weeks.
Situated on the banks of the UNESCO World Heritage Geiranger fjord, the production hub will require 3MW of energy, which Norwegian Hydrogen says will be primarily powered by local hydropower plants.
Hydrogen produced at the site is expected to be used to fuel maritime and land-based applications.
Som du selv skriver, forbedrede resultater i 2023 og meget spennende utsikter f.o.m. 2.halvår 2024 relatert til gassmotoren Cummins X15N som nå er lansert i Nord-Amreika, 'belønnes' med kursfall av markedet... Som jeg har dokumentert på denne tråden tidligere, uttaler Cummins at man jobber tett sammen med Hexagon Composites når det gjelder X15N.
Forøvrig befinner vel realtime kurs seg nå under kursmålet til selv analytikeren som bringer de aller dystreste spådommer om denne til torgs etter å ha tittet inn i krystallkulen sin. Sparebanken Markets, såvidt jeg husker.
Er langt sikrere på at Hexagon Group selskapene vil nå resultatene man guidet for 2025, så langt tilbake som høsten 2020, i dag enn jeg var da aksjekursene ble notert til ATH tidlig i 2021. Ja, HEX løftet vel også sin guiding for 2025 første gang gitt i 2020 noe under Q4 2023 nå i februar (fra omsetning 5-6 milliarder NOK og EBITDA 15% til omsetning > 6 milliarder NOK og EBITDA 15%). Når det gjelder Hexagon Purus, er faktisk oppsiden til ATH (82.10 NOK) fra dagens realtime (5.84 NOK), smått utrolige 1406% til tross for at selskapet gjentok guidingen som i 2021 altså sendte kursen til ATH (omsetning 4-5 milliarder NOK og break-even EBITDA i 2025) så sent som for en måneds tid siden (under Q4 2023 presentasjonen i februar)...
Nyhet relatert til Hexagon Purus, en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen.
Equipment deliveries start at Norwegian hydrogen hub
By Charlie Currieon Mar 19, 2024
Norwegian Hydrogen has started taking deliveries of equipment for its 1.3 tonne-per-day (tyd) hydrogen hub in Hellesylt.
With installation and commissioning preparation set to take place over the coming months, the company says it expects to have received all plant equipment including electrolysers, compressors, storage and refuelling within the next few weeks.
Situated on the banks of the UNESCO World Heritage Geiranger fjord, the production hub will require 3MW of energy, which Norwegian Hydrogen says will be primarily powered by local hydropower plants.
Hydrogen produced at the site is expected to be used to fuel maritime and land-based applications.
Redigert 19.03.2024 kl 19:55
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19.03.2024 kl 18:45
Er sikker på den kommer tilbage. Så snart renten begynder at falde vil troen komme tilbage. Tålmodighed lønner sig i de fleste tilfælde. Købte ved kurs 25 og har ikke tænkt mig at sælge. Er dog langsigtet og tænker minimum 10 år frem hvor jeg er sikker på den har mangedoblet sig
19.03.2024 kl 16:49
noen tanker om kursen og HEX fremover?
Kjøpte meg litt opp da jeg syntes ikke resultatet var så ille nå sist, men ser at alle solgte seg nedover. Tenker nå å ta tapet,men ser at ca 19 har vært bunn flere ganger
nettoresultatet og kontantstrøm forbedret seg betraktelig i 2023 noen ganger er det vel sånn at man må innrømme for seg selv at man har bommet.
Kjøpte meg litt opp da jeg syntes ikke resultatet var så ille nå sist, men ser at alle solgte seg nedover. Tenker nå å ta tapet,men ser at ca 19 har vært bunn flere ganger
nettoresultatet og kontantstrøm forbedret seg betraktelig i 2023 noen ganger er det vel sånn at man må innrømme for seg selv at man har bommet.
Rect Angel
15.03.2024 kl 17:29
Hexagon Composites ASA: Total Return Swap agreement extended
15.3.2024 16:41 • Cision •
15 March 2024: Hexagon Composites refers to the Stock Exchange announcement from 29 June 2023 where a Total Return Swap ("TRS") agreement with the Company's Nordic banking partners was described. The TRS agreement has been extended to 31 March 2025 at the same terms and conditions. Hexagon Composites' financial exposure in Hexagon Purus remains unchanged at 120,101,133 shares, equivalent to 43% of total shares while the ownership and voting rights are equal to approximately 38%.
Fra børsmelding 29.juni 2023:
Total Return Swap (“TRS”) agreement
The Company has entered into a TRS agreement with its Nordic banking partners, with financial exposure to 13,839,872 shares, equivalent to 5% of Hexagon Purus’ issued shares. The price under the TRS agreement is 19.80 NOK and the expiry date of the agreement is 28 June 2024.
Following the sale of 5% shares under the TRS agreement to the Nordic banks, Hexagon Composites’ financial exposure in Hexagon Purus remains unchanged at 120,101,133 shares, equivalent to 43% of total shares while the ownership and voting rights will be equal to approximately 38%.
The proceeds from the TRS will improve Hexagon’s capital structure and liquidity.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Total Return Swap agreement extended
15.3.2024 16:41 • Cision •
15 March 2024: Hexagon Composites refers to the Stock Exchange announcement from 29 June 2023 where a Total Return Swap ("TRS") agreement with the Company's Nordic banking partners was described. The TRS agreement has been extended to 31 March 2025 at the same terms and conditions. Hexagon Composites' financial exposure in Hexagon Purus remains unchanged at 120,101,133 shares, equivalent to 43% of total shares while the ownership and voting rights are equal to approximately 38%.
Fra børsmelding 29.juni 2023:
Total Return Swap (“TRS”) agreement
The Company has entered into a TRS agreement with its Nordic banking partners, with financial exposure to 13,839,872 shares, equivalent to 5% of Hexagon Purus’ issued shares. The price under the TRS agreement is 19.80 NOK and the expiry date of the agreement is 28 June 2024.
Following the sale of 5% shares under the TRS agreement to the Nordic banks, Hexagon Composites’ financial exposure in Hexagon Purus remains unchanged at 120,101,133 shares, equivalent to 43% of total shares while the ownership and voting rights will be equal to approximately 38%.
The proceeds from the TRS will improve Hexagon’s capital structure and liquidity.
Redigert 15.03.2024 kl 17:30
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Rect Angel
15.03.2024 kl 15:51
Hydrogen Energy Storage System Market to See Huge Growth in 2024 with a CAGR of 71.6%
03-15-2024 08:36 AM CET | Energy & Environment
Press release from: USD Analytics
The global Hydrogen Energy Storage System market is poised to register a 71.6% Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) between 2024 and 2030.
Market Definition:
The Hydrogen Energy Storage System Market refers to the sector focused on the development, production, and deployment of storage systems that utilize hydrogen as an energy carrier. These systems store excess renewable energy generated from sources such as wind or solar power by converting it into hydrogen through electrolysis, which can later be converted back into electricity through fuel cells or other methods, providing a reliable and sustainable energy storage solution.
03-15-2024 08:36 AM CET | Energy & Environment
Press release from: USD Analytics
The global Hydrogen Energy Storage System market is poised to register a 71.6% Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) between 2024 and 2030.
Market Definition:
The Hydrogen Energy Storage System Market refers to the sector focused on the development, production, and deployment of storage systems that utilize hydrogen as an energy carrier. These systems store excess renewable energy generated from sources such as wind or solar power by converting it into hydrogen through electrolysis, which can later be converted back into electricity through fuel cells or other methods, providing a reliable and sustainable energy storage solution.
Redigert 15.03.2024 kl 15:51
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Rect Angel
14.03.2024 kl 09:57
Department of Energy
Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever National Strategy to Accelerate Deployment of Zero-Emission Infrastructure for Freight Trucks
MARCH 12, 2024
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Biden-Harris Administration today released the National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy. Developed by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in collaboration with the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Strategy will guide the deployment of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (ZE-MHDV) charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure from 2024 to 2040. The Strategy is designed to meet growing market demands by targeting public investment to amplify private sector momentum, focus utility and regulatory energy planning, align industry activity, and improve air quality in local communities heavily impacted by diesel emissions.
“For over a century, petroleum-fueled freight has transported vital food and resources to American families but at the same time, these vehicles have also contributed to lower public health, especially in densely populated communities,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “The Biden-Harris Administration is addressing this issue head-on with innovative strategies to transform freight so it not only supports American families and businesses, but also protects the environment for future generations.”
Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever National Strategy to Accelerate Deployment of Zero-Emission Infrastructure for Freight Trucks
MARCH 12, 2024
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Biden-Harris Administration today released the National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy. Developed by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in collaboration with the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Strategy will guide the deployment of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (ZE-MHDV) charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure from 2024 to 2040. The Strategy is designed to meet growing market demands by targeting public investment to amplify private sector momentum, focus utility and regulatory energy planning, align industry activity, and improve air quality in local communities heavily impacted by diesel emissions.
“For over a century, petroleum-fueled freight has transported vital food and resources to American families but at the same time, these vehicles have also contributed to lower public health, especially in densely populated communities,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “The Biden-Harris Administration is addressing this issue head-on with innovative strategies to transform freight so it not only supports American families and businesses, but also protects the environment for future generations.”
Rect Angel
11.03.2024 kl 12:35
'RNG revolusjonen'. Nå går snart (også) toget (på RNG).
Renewable Natural Gas Road Locomotives Being Built in Texas
This article was posted on: March 11, 2024
By Eric Berger
A new entry has appeared in the drive to develop an environmentally-friendlier locomotive and it features an eye-catching appearance that is different by design. OptiFuel Systems has announced plans to test a prototype road locomotive and powered tender fueled by Renewable Natural Gas that will be capable of producing combined power up to 7,500 hp.
The U.S. Department of Energy defines RNG as an advanced biofuel and a “pipeline-quality gas that is fully interchangeable with conventional natural gas” and which “can be used as a transportation fuel in the form of compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas. It is sometimes referred to as biomethane, a biogas purified of non-methane components, derived from decomposing organic material.
Anticipating a growing market for road locomotives that meet increasingly tighter emissions restrictions, Optifuels said its “locomotive will have ZERO Well-to-Wheel nitrogen oxides and particulate matter criteria emissions and Negative Carbon Intensity while simultaneously improving fuel cost and operating range by 25 percent.”
Renewable Natural Gas Road Locomotives Being Built in Texas
This article was posted on: March 11, 2024
By Eric Berger
A new entry has appeared in the drive to develop an environmentally-friendlier locomotive and it features an eye-catching appearance that is different by design. OptiFuel Systems has announced plans to test a prototype road locomotive and powered tender fueled by Renewable Natural Gas that will be capable of producing combined power up to 7,500 hp.
The U.S. Department of Energy defines RNG as an advanced biofuel and a “pipeline-quality gas that is fully interchangeable with conventional natural gas” and which “can be used as a transportation fuel in the form of compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas. It is sometimes referred to as biomethane, a biogas purified of non-methane components, derived from decomposing organic material.
Anticipating a growing market for road locomotives that meet increasingly tighter emissions restrictions, Optifuels said its “locomotive will have ZERO Well-to-Wheel nitrogen oxides and particulate matter criteria emissions and Negative Carbon Intensity while simultaneously improving fuel cost and operating range by 25 percent.”
Rect Angel
08.03.2024 kl 14:31
Sandie skrev Takk for informasjonen du kommer med:)
Har de siste dagene forøvrig også tatt en liten post i utbombede Nikoloa p.g.a. selskapets Purus connection og feelingen av at godt er i vente der.
Er visst 30 - 40% short i den askjen så risky, men forhåpentligvis enda mer risky for shorterne 🤞
Purus-ledelsen har svart på spørsmål om Nikola under diverse Q & As i forbindelse med kvartalspresentasjoner, og har svart at man kun har positive erfaringer med selskapet.
Har de siste dagene forøvrig også tatt en liten post i utbombede Nikoloa p.g.a. selskapets Purus connection og feelingen av at godt er i vente der.
Er visst 30 - 40% short i den askjen så risky, men forhåpentligvis enda mer risky for shorterne 🤞
Purus-ledelsen har svart på spørsmål om Nikola under diverse Q & As i forbindelse med kvartalspresentasjoner, og har svart at man kun har positive erfaringer med selskapet.
Redigert 08.03.2024 kl 15:24
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Rect Angel
08.03.2024 kl 13:33
Opptak av RNG som drivstoff vokser raskt og knuser alle forventninger.
Kjempenyheter for Hexagon Composites's Hexagon Agility dette selvsagt. Såvel når det gjelder mobile pipeline som tank-/drivstoffsysyemer til tungtransport.
RNG Surpasses CNG in Total Natural Gas Consumed
EIN Presswire
Mar 07, 2024, 8:00 AM ET
PENN VALLEY, PA, US, March 7, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Renewable natural gas (RNG) surpasses CNG in terms of total natural gas consumed by vehicles, according to BloombergNEF’s Sustainable Energy Factbook, released this month. The data confirms that the move to RNG from CNG is happening much faster than anticipated. The same study noted that “17 gas utility companies now have regulatory approval to sell renewable natural gas”.
The use of RNG on roads is expected to expand, in part due to new technology. Cummins is rolling out its X15N engine this year after customer testing in 2023. It’s the first 15-liter natural gas engine fit for heavy-duty trucks and long-haul applications. The company has described the engine as comparable to diesel engines with the same applications, and said it can run on RNG, opening up a new market for the fuel.
That rising demand is good news for farmers with RNG facilities as well as landfill operators and looking to cash in on the biogas produced by decomposing organic materials.
Newly-released data from the American Biogas Council (ABC) indicates that 2023 was the third year of record growth across the U.S. biogas industry,[1] with nearly 100 new projects coming online last year— representing $1.8 billion in capital investments. ABC expects this growth to continue into 2024, with more than 100 new projects already projected to go into operation this year.
Kjempenyheter for Hexagon Composites's Hexagon Agility dette selvsagt. Såvel når det gjelder mobile pipeline som tank-/drivstoffsysyemer til tungtransport.
RNG Surpasses CNG in Total Natural Gas Consumed
EIN Presswire
Mar 07, 2024, 8:00 AM ET
PENN VALLEY, PA, US, March 7, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Renewable natural gas (RNG) surpasses CNG in terms of total natural gas consumed by vehicles, according to BloombergNEF’s Sustainable Energy Factbook, released this month. The data confirms that the move to RNG from CNG is happening much faster than anticipated. The same study noted that “17 gas utility companies now have regulatory approval to sell renewable natural gas”.
The use of RNG on roads is expected to expand, in part due to new technology. Cummins is rolling out its X15N engine this year after customer testing in 2023. It’s the first 15-liter natural gas engine fit for heavy-duty trucks and long-haul applications. The company has described the engine as comparable to diesel engines with the same applications, and said it can run on RNG, opening up a new market for the fuel.
That rising demand is good news for farmers with RNG facilities as well as landfill operators and looking to cash in on the biogas produced by decomposing organic materials.
Newly-released data from the American Biogas Council (ABC) indicates that 2023 was the third year of record growth across the U.S. biogas industry,[1] with nearly 100 new projects coming online last year— representing $1.8 billion in capital investments. ABC expects this growth to continue into 2024, with more than 100 new projects already projected to go into operation this year.
Rect Angel
08.03.2024 kl 13:04
Stor begivenhet for Nikola like etter børsslutt i USA i går. Hexagon Purus er som kjent leverandør av tank-/drivstoffsystemer til Nikola.
Nikolas fremganger legger også press på øvrige OEMs med ambisjoner innen hydrogen. Så spennende å se hvilken OEM som blir den neste som etterhvert legger inn ordre om tank-/drivstoffsystemer fra Hexagon Purus til serieproduksjon av hydrogendrevet tungtransport.
Thu, March 7, 2024 at 10:05 PM GMT+1·5 min read
IMC showcases zero-emission technology and celebrates their west coast sustainability initiative at state-of-the-art Compton facility
PHOENIX, March 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nikola Corporation (Nasdaq: NKLA), a global leader in zero-emissions transportation and energy supply and infrastructure solutions, via the HYLA brand, proudly marked a significant milestone as IMC, the largest marine drayage company in the U.S., unveiled the inaugural livery that will adorn its fleet of 50 Nikola hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks.
Nikola in the Spotlight: Unveiling New Hydrogen Trucks, Top-Tier Partnerships and Strategic Moves
March 8, 2024 0 By FRANKIE WALLACE
Nikolas fremganger legger også press på øvrige OEMs med ambisjoner innen hydrogen. Så spennende å se hvilken OEM som blir den neste som etterhvert legger inn ordre om tank-/drivstoffsystemer fra Hexagon Purus til serieproduksjon av hydrogendrevet tungtransport.
Thu, March 7, 2024 at 10:05 PM GMT+1·5 min read
IMC showcases zero-emission technology and celebrates their west coast sustainability initiative at state-of-the-art Compton facility
PHOENIX, March 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nikola Corporation (Nasdaq: NKLA), a global leader in zero-emissions transportation and energy supply and infrastructure solutions, via the HYLA brand, proudly marked a significant milestone as IMC, the largest marine drayage company in the U.S., unveiled the inaugural livery that will adorn its fleet of 50 Nikola hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks.
Nikola in the Spotlight: Unveiling New Hydrogen Trucks, Top-Tier Partnerships and Strategic Moves
March 8, 2024 0 By FRANKIE WALLACE
Redigert 08.03.2024 kl 18:26
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Rect Angel
06.03.2024 kl 19:07
CEO i Hexagon Purus sier til S&P Global Commodity Insights at han er mer optimistisk på selskapets vegne i dag, på kurs 6.19 NOK, enn han var på ATH kurs 82 NOK, tidlig i 2021. Og Holum gjentok og fastholdt da også guidingen gitt i forbindelse med børsnoteringen høsten 2020, som den gang altså sendte aksjekursen til 82 NOK, for 3 uker siden (under Q4 2023 presentasjonen). Så fortsettelsen her blir spennende...
ELECTRIC POWER | ENERGY TRANSITION - 06 Mar 2024 | 08:45 UTC - Insight Blog
Hydrogen mobility sector in more realistic phase: Hexagon Purus
Author Staff
Commodity Electric Power, Energy Transition
Topic Energy Transition
Energy transition highlights: Our editors and analysts bring you the biggest stories from the industry this week, from renewables to storage to carbon prices.
The outlook for hydrogen storage and transport demand in the mobility sector is improving as the industry emerges from a period of high interest rates, inflation and scaling-up challenges, storage cylinder producer Hexagon Purus CEO Morten Holum told S&P Global Commodity Insights.
Holum said the green hydrogen market had entered a "more realistic" phase, and he was more confident in the outlook now, even compared with the early 2020s when enthusiasm for the clean energy carrier pushed shares in hydrogen-oriented companies to astronomic heights.
"I'm more confident now than I was three, four years back, even during the hype, that we're on the right track," Holum said in an interview.
Momentum for hydrogen mobility is now on a surer footing globally, with government policy widely established to drive market uptake, he said.
ELECTRIC POWER | ENERGY TRANSITION - 06 Mar 2024 | 08:45 UTC - Insight Blog
Hydrogen mobility sector in more realistic phase: Hexagon Purus
Author Staff
Commodity Electric Power, Energy Transition
Topic Energy Transition
Energy transition highlights: Our editors and analysts bring you the biggest stories from the industry this week, from renewables to storage to carbon prices.
The outlook for hydrogen storage and transport demand in the mobility sector is improving as the industry emerges from a period of high interest rates, inflation and scaling-up challenges, storage cylinder producer Hexagon Purus CEO Morten Holum told S&P Global Commodity Insights.
Holum said the green hydrogen market had entered a "more realistic" phase, and he was more confident in the outlook now, even compared with the early 2020s when enthusiasm for the clean energy carrier pushed shares in hydrogen-oriented companies to astronomic heights.
"I'm more confident now than I was three, four years back, even during the hype, that we're on the right track," Holum said in an interview.
Momentum for hydrogen mobility is now on a surer footing globally, with government policy widely established to drive market uptake, he said.
Redigert 06.03.2024 kl 19:32
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Rect Angel
06.03.2024 kl 18:37
Hexagon Composites ASA Expands as US Natural Gas Truck Market Prepares to Grow Threefold; To Participate in One of the Largest Small-Cap Conferences in the US
Mar 06, 2024
Oslo, Norway (6 March 2024) – Hexagon Composites ASA (“Hexagon Composites” or the “Company) (Oslo: HEX.OL), a world leader in Type 4 composite technology and vertically integrated fuel solutions with key competences in the assembly and installation of complete clean-fuel-systems, today announced the company, represented by David Bandele, Chief Financial Officer, will participate in Roth MKM’s upcoming 36th Annual Investor Conference, being held 17-19 March in California, USA. One of the nation’s largest conferences for small-cap companies. Conference attendees are encouraged to request a meeting through ROTH’s online conference platform or by contacting their ROTH representative.
Mar 06, 2024
Oslo, Norway (6 March 2024) – Hexagon Composites ASA (“Hexagon Composites” or the “Company) (Oslo: HEX.OL), a world leader in Type 4 composite technology and vertically integrated fuel solutions with key competences in the assembly and installation of complete clean-fuel-systems, today announced the company, represented by David Bandele, Chief Financial Officer, will participate in Roth MKM’s upcoming 36th Annual Investor Conference, being held 17-19 March in California, USA. One of the nation’s largest conferences for small-cap companies. Conference attendees are encouraged to request a meeting through ROTH’s online conference platform or by contacting their ROTH representative.
06.03.2024 kl 14:39
Ja, de har jo allerede et bra grunnlag med ordrer, og det er vel nå fremover kapasiteten er på plass i de ulike fabrikkene.
06.03.2024 kl 13:55
Jeg har også et stort papirtap, men har ikke gitt opp håpet om at det skal snu snart. Jeg tror HPUR assosieres for mye med hydrogen, og det er det fortsatt mange som er skeptiske til. Håper ledelsen snart får en anledning til å "reklamere" både for batteri og hydrogen. Det er jo nå produksjonen virkelig har startet.
06.03.2024 kl 13:21
Purus har for meg ikke vært noe golden shot for å si det mildt!
Jeg synes fortsatt caset er bra, men når skal markedet få troa?
Jeg synes fortsatt caset er bra, men når skal markedet få troa?
Rect Angel
06.03.2024 kl 13:15
Hexagon Agility Plans January Expansion to Meet X15N Demand
Natural Gas Fuel System Supplier to Expand Cylinder Manufacturing to North Carolina
Keiron Greenhalgh | Staff Reporter
March 5, 2024 5:17 PM, EST
NEW ORLEANS — Hexagon Agility plans to expand its manufacturing capacity early next year to meet anticipated demand for Cummins’ upcoming X15N natural gas-fueled engine, an executive at the fuel system supplier said March 4.
Costa Mesa, Calif.-based Hexagon Agility, which manufactures the pressurized cylinders and fueling systems required by natural gas-powered engines, plans to expand production of the composite cylinders that hold the gas to two sites, Executive Vice President of Sales and Systems Development Eric Bippus told Transport Topics.
Manufacturing of the cylinders currently takes place in Lincoln, Neb., but from January onward, Hexagon expects to begin production in Salisbury, N.C., too, he said on the sidelines of the 2024 Technology & Maintenance Council Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition.
Natural Gas Fuel System Supplier to Expand Cylinder Manufacturing to North Carolina
Keiron Greenhalgh | Staff Reporter
March 5, 2024 5:17 PM, EST
NEW ORLEANS — Hexagon Agility plans to expand its manufacturing capacity early next year to meet anticipated demand for Cummins’ upcoming X15N natural gas-fueled engine, an executive at the fuel system supplier said March 4.
Costa Mesa, Calif.-based Hexagon Agility, which manufactures the pressurized cylinders and fueling systems required by natural gas-powered engines, plans to expand production of the composite cylinders that hold the gas to two sites, Executive Vice President of Sales and Systems Development Eric Bippus told Transport Topics.
Manufacturing of the cylinders currently takes place in Lincoln, Neb., but from January onward, Hexagon expects to begin production in Salisbury, N.C., too, he said on the sidelines of the 2024 Technology & Maintenance Council Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition.
Rect Angel
04.03.2024 kl 18:20
Hexagon Purus er en av de største eierne i Norwegian Hydrogen sammen med Flakk Gruppen, Mitsui, Fortescue, Tafjord og Hofseth.
Norwegian Hydrogen and partners secure €9 million EU grant for the Nordic Hydrogen Energy Valley project CONVEY
Norwegian Hydrogen, in collaboration with a consortium of ten partners, has secured a €9 million grant from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership for the development of an integrated green hydrogen value chain at the Port of Hirtshals in Denmark, with Norwegian Hydrogen serving as the project coordinator.
Press release
The grant is financed under EU's research and innovation programme Horizon Europe under the call HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2023 for Hydrogen Valleys (small scale).
The CONVEY project aims to establish an integrated hydrogen ecosystem at the Port of Hirtshals in Northern Jutland, Denmark. The project will utilize renewable energy from local wind turbines to produce hydrogen to help decarbonize the operations in the port. The project includes the construction of a 5 MW electrolyzer, a large-scale refueling station for heavy-duty transport, and distribution networks for hydrogen, oxygen, and heat. By focusing on the principles of circularity the project will ensure that all elements of the process are utilized efficiently and sustainably.
"By leading the CONVEY project, Norwegian Hydrogen is setting a benchmark for green hydrogen development in the Nordic region. Through CONVEY, we aim to significantly contribute to the transition towards a low-carbon economy in the entire region, reinforcing our commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship in the hydrogen sector."
Jens Berge, CEO Norwegian Hydrogen
A model for green ports
Spanning five years, the project aims to make the Port of Hirtshals a model for green ports by focusing on its decarbonization and sustainable transformation. By establishing a hydrogen closed-loop ecosystem, it will showcase a sustainable energy system that integrates local renewable energy sources for hydrogen production and distribution.
Norwegian Hydrogen and partners secure €9 million EU grant for the Nordic Hydrogen Energy Valley project CONVEY
Norwegian Hydrogen, in collaboration with a consortium of ten partners, has secured a €9 million grant from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership for the development of an integrated green hydrogen value chain at the Port of Hirtshals in Denmark, with Norwegian Hydrogen serving as the project coordinator.
Press release
The grant is financed under EU's research and innovation programme Horizon Europe under the call HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2023 for Hydrogen Valleys (small scale).
The CONVEY project aims to establish an integrated hydrogen ecosystem at the Port of Hirtshals in Northern Jutland, Denmark. The project will utilize renewable energy from local wind turbines to produce hydrogen to help decarbonize the operations in the port. The project includes the construction of a 5 MW electrolyzer, a large-scale refueling station for heavy-duty transport, and distribution networks for hydrogen, oxygen, and heat. By focusing on the principles of circularity the project will ensure that all elements of the process are utilized efficiently and sustainably.
"By leading the CONVEY project, Norwegian Hydrogen is setting a benchmark for green hydrogen development in the Nordic region. Through CONVEY, we aim to significantly contribute to the transition towards a low-carbon economy in the entire region, reinforcing our commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship in the hydrogen sector."
Jens Berge, CEO Norwegian Hydrogen
A model for green ports
Spanning five years, the project aims to make the Port of Hirtshals a model for green ports by focusing on its decarbonization and sustainable transformation. By establishing a hydrogen closed-loop ecosystem, it will showcase a sustainable energy system that integrates local renewable energy sources for hydrogen production and distribution.
Rect Angel
03.03.2024 kl 20:09
Hexagon Composites. Cummins samarbeider tett Hexagon Composites, sier Cummins.
Cummins at HELM of fuel agnostic engines in ‘Leap Ahead’ event
The fuel agnostic Cummins X15 engine was the crown jewel of the event, which also highlighted the company's HELM initiative.
By Kevin Linger
Published: Mar 1, 2024
Cummins says the current generation X15N (running on natural gas) offers up to 500 HP, and comes paired with an Eaton Cummins Endurant transmission. The company says this, along with Cummins-Meritor drive axles, make up the integrated powertrain that can be installed on new-order Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks, and will be available on Freightliner trucks in 2025.
When asked if Cummins has partnered with companies for spec’ing trucks with CNG fuel systems, the engine OEM noted that it has a joint venture with Cummins Clean Fuel Technologies, meaning it will be involved in both the manufacturing and spec’ing expertise that group brings to the table. Cummins added that it also works closely with Hexagon Agility—a supplier of CNG fuel solutions.
“The industry is changing,” said Brett Merritt, vice president for on-highway engines at Cummins. “Those of use who’ve committed to leading through the next couple of decades are preparing to see some of the largest changes, not just in our careers, but in generations.”
Kenworth delivers industry’s first 15-liter natural gas-powered truck to UPS
posted by AJOT | Mar 01 2024 at 10:46 AM
Hexagon Purus. Dyptpøyende intervju med CEO Morten Holum.
Hexagon Purus’s Clean Energy Revolution Unveiled in Exclusive Interview with CEO Morten Holum – A 2024 Vision
Mar 2024
John Larkin
Driving the Green Revolution – Hexagon Purus’s Visionary Leadership and Strategic Investments Propelling Clean Energy Innovation Globally in 2024
In the fast-paced world of automotive innovation and sustainable energy solutions, Hexagon Purus – under the leadership of CEO Morten Holum – is leading the charge towards a cleaner, greener future. In an exclusive interview with Automotive Industries, Holum unveils the strategic investments from industry giants Mitsui and Hy24, which are set to turbocharge Hexagon Purus’s growth in the coming years.
Cummins at HELM of fuel agnostic engines in ‘Leap Ahead’ event
The fuel agnostic Cummins X15 engine was the crown jewel of the event, which also highlighted the company's HELM initiative.
By Kevin Linger
Published: Mar 1, 2024
Cummins says the current generation X15N (running on natural gas) offers up to 500 HP, and comes paired with an Eaton Cummins Endurant transmission. The company says this, along with Cummins-Meritor drive axles, make up the integrated powertrain that can be installed on new-order Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks, and will be available on Freightliner trucks in 2025.
When asked if Cummins has partnered with companies for spec’ing trucks with CNG fuel systems, the engine OEM noted that it has a joint venture with Cummins Clean Fuel Technologies, meaning it will be involved in both the manufacturing and spec’ing expertise that group brings to the table. Cummins added that it also works closely with Hexagon Agility—a supplier of CNG fuel solutions.
“The industry is changing,” said Brett Merritt, vice president for on-highway engines at Cummins. “Those of use who’ve committed to leading through the next couple of decades are preparing to see some of the largest changes, not just in our careers, but in generations.”
Kenworth delivers industry’s first 15-liter natural gas-powered truck to UPS
posted by AJOT | Mar 01 2024 at 10:46 AM
Hexagon Purus. Dyptpøyende intervju med CEO Morten Holum.
Hexagon Purus’s Clean Energy Revolution Unveiled in Exclusive Interview with CEO Morten Holum – A 2024 Vision
Mar 2024
John Larkin
Driving the Green Revolution – Hexagon Purus’s Visionary Leadership and Strategic Investments Propelling Clean Energy Innovation Globally in 2024
In the fast-paced world of automotive innovation and sustainable energy solutions, Hexagon Purus – under the leadership of CEO Morten Holum – is leading the charge towards a cleaner, greener future. In an exclusive interview with Automotive Industries, Holum unveils the strategic investments from industry giants Mitsui and Hy24, which are set to turbocharge Hexagon Purus’s growth in the coming years.
Redigert 04.03.2024 kl 19:12
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Rect Angel
01.03.2024 kl 12:41
Det "alle har visst" når det gjelder Purus, samtidig som Topp 20 har økt, er nå (28.02.2024) synliggjort i short registeret, i form av 1 posisjon > 0.5%.
NO0010904923 HEXAGON PURUS ASA 1 400 500 0.50% 28.02.2024
NO0010904923 HEXAGON PURUS ASA 1 400 500 0.50% 28.02.2024
Rect Angel
29.02.2024 kl 23:11
DHL Expands Sustainable Fleet with 178 IVECO S-Way CNG Trucks, Aiming for Decarbonization
DHL advances its environmental goals with 178 IVECO S-Way CNG trucks, setting a new eco-friendly standard in parcel delivery and showcasing commitment to decarbonization.
Geeta Pillai
29 Feb 2024 12:33 EST
Towards zero-emission transport between Nordics and Europe
Nordic Innovation has decided to support the Next Wave project for another period. The focus will now also be on developing emission free transport between the Nordics and Europe through hydrogen vehicles.
Published: 29.02.2024 Updated: 29.02.2024
DHL advances its environmental goals with 178 IVECO S-Way CNG trucks, setting a new eco-friendly standard in parcel delivery and showcasing commitment to decarbonization.
Geeta Pillai
29 Feb 2024 12:33 EST
Towards zero-emission transport between Nordics and Europe
Nordic Innovation has decided to support the Next Wave project for another period. The focus will now also be on developing emission free transport between the Nordics and Europe through hydrogen vehicles.
Published: 29.02.2024 Updated: 29.02.2024
Rect Angel
29.02.2024 kl 00:31
Hexagon Agility expands CNG fuel system manufacturing plant
The company says a green future for trucking is close, and what's coming next could put fears over a lack of CNG power to bed.
By Kevin Linger
Published: Feb 28, 2024
The company says a green future for trucking is close, and what's coming next could put fears over a lack of CNG power to bed.
By Kevin Linger
Published: Feb 28, 2024
Rect Angel
28.02.2024 kl 17:07
Redigert 28.02.2024 kl 19:07
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28.02.2024 kl 09:18
Nordea Kursmål økes fra 30 til 33, spenstig å gjøre når kursen faller såpass mye tilbake.
Det reflekterer at noen tror på vekstmålene Hex selv tror på.
Det reflekterer at noen tror på vekstmålene Hex selv tror på.
Rect Angel
27.02.2024 kl 13:52
26.02.2024 kl 11:49
Kjøpte HEX. Denne har falt alt for mye i det siste, og har startet klatringen mot 30 kroner +.