HEX - analytiker: Lagring av energi kan gå 75 ganger'n

Rect Angel
HEX 20.08.2022 kl 21:13 120703


- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.


Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.

The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X

To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly

By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.

It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.

The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.


“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.


Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
Redigert 06.02.2024 kl 15:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2024 kl 13:09 7073

og i presentasjonen guider de økte salg i Q2:-)
Vi er jo langt inn i Q2 så det er fast fisk.
Rect Angel
09.05.2024 kl 14:57 6868

Ja. Så webcasten fra presentasjonen i går kveld. Her er linkene til rapport, presentasjon og webcast. Dette taler for seg selv. Anbefales!

Redigert 09.05.2024 kl 14:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.05.2024 kl 15:23 6892

Det var vel for det meste guidingen for 25/26 samt andre halvår i 24 som ble godt mottatt.
Rect Angel
09.05.2024 kl 16:43 6859

Konkret når det gjelder vekst i Q2 2024, sier de at et 'slow Q1' i Hexagon Ragasco vil bli etterfulgt av et 'strong Q2' der. Og at Q2 vil bli 'stronger' enn Q1 i Hexagon Digital Wave.

Og fra og med 2.halvår og videre fremover, suksessivt sterkere (kjempe)vekst innen 'Truck segmentet' som en følge av den lanserte X15N motoren til Cummins.

Mobile pipeline segmentet er vel nærmest mer eller mindre synonymt med 'strong growth'.
Redigert 09.05.2024 kl 16:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.05.2024 kl 18:31 6793

Nå er det på tide at ledelsen i Hexagon slutter med å snakke opp kursen. De siste årene har det bare blitt verre, så det er på tide den begynner å bevise noe og vente med haussingen til så har skjedd. Useriøst tøv det hele, for økt omsetning ser ut til å øke underskuddene også.
Rect Angel
09.05.2024 kl 19:08 6792

"opp kursen"

Den var god.

Hexagon Purus fastholder (Q1 2024, 3.mai 2024) guidingen for 2025 man først ga til markedet ved børsintro høsten 2020 (!!!). En guiding som primo 2021 gjorde at markedet sendte aksjekursen til ATH 82.15 NOK. 2.mai 2024, dagen før Q1 2024 sluttet kursen på 5.01 NOK.

Og Hexagon Composites 'upper' vel nå (Q1 2024, i går 8.mai 2024) guidingen for 2024 og 2025 som man første gang ga rundt årskiftet 2020/21. Også her er kursen totalt utbombet siden da.

Så overmodenet for reaksjon opp, mildt sagt, IMO.

Det aller mest imponerende er at begge Hexagon Group selskapene akkurat nå kan skilte med fiks ferdig, stor, modernisert/effektivisert, utvidet produksjonskapasitet i 3 verdensdeler, klar til å betjene den økte etterspørselen. Man har tilsynelatende estimert og gjennomført en glimrende ekspansjon/5 års plan.
Redigert 10.05.2024 kl 13:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.05.2024 kl 22:58 6639

Det er nesten «for godt til å være sant».
Fasit om 1 år
Rect Angel
13.05.2024 kl 13:23 6428

Hexagon Purus er en av hovedaksjonærene i Norwegian Hydrogen. At Hexagon Purus Maritime blir tildelt roller som underleverandør til HAV Hydrogen her, bør det vel hertil være gode muligheter for.


Press release

Maris Fiducia team up with HAV Hydrogen, Norwegian Hydrogen and Ankerbeer for zero emission bulk shipping


Maris Fiducia Norway has entered into cooperation agreements with maritime technology company HAV Hydrogen and the hydrogen producer and distributor Norwegian Hydrogen with the objective of developing, building and operating hydrogen-powered dry-bulk vessels in Europe.

The vessels are designed by the Dutch ship designer Ankerbeer. Upon successful realization of the project, the vessels will go on hire through a zero-emission time charter agreement with Schulte & Bruns, establishing a commercial operation for vessels operating on hydrogen fuel, proving the feasibility of hydrogen technologies for shipping. The vessels shall be classed by DNV and registered in the NIS register.

The group operates a fleet of over twenty dry cargo and tanker vessels, and its Norwegian subsidiary Maris Fiducia Norway AS shall operate the hydrogen-powered vessels. The group’s primary focus is environmentally friendly maritime transportation logistics for reputable customers. The company has decades of experience with the development of advanced ship design and solutions for sustainable shipping with a track-record of over 100 newbuilds.
Norwegian Hydrogen is building an array of hydrogen production sites throughout the Nordics and will operate a comprehensive distribution network for green hydrogen. This capability shall provide security of supply for Maris Fiducia and Schulte & Bruns.

The cooperation with Maris Fiducia and their founder Markku Vedder, proves there are shipowners with the vision and capability to develop zero-emission shipping solutions. We look forward to the journey onwards together with Maris Fiducia, establishing corridors for sustainable shipping throughout Europe.

Jens Berge, CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen

14.05.2024 kl 08:32 6392

Kanskje ikke den største kursdrivren, men alle monner drar:-)
Hydrogenbiler kan fortsatt kjøre i kollektivfeltet inn til Oslo!
14.05.2024 kl 15:12 6363

Var vel neppe min observasjon som gav kursløft i dag, men hva var det som løftet den?
Rect Angel
14.05.2024 kl 15:59 6355

Vel, startet denne tråden i august 22. Når det gjelder HEX er vel kursen omtrent den samme i dag som da (når man justerer for utbyttet i form av Purus-aksjer delt ut som utbytte i fjor sommer) mens Purus-kursen den gang (august 22) var ca. 200% høyere enn dagens.

Så fortsatt 'litt' å gå på til 70 ganger'n (ikke mine ord, men US analytikers om segmentet lagring av energi) siden trådstart ;)

Peers i US stiger for øvrig %vis mer ved børsåpning i dag enn det Hexagon Group selskapene gjør på Oslo Børs i dag.

Personlig, 'langsiktig feeling' i dag er at det er enormt mye å gå på når det gjelder begge Hexagon Group selskapene.
Redigert 14.05.2024 kl 16:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.05.2024 kl 09:18 6314

Er det noe konkret rundt hydrogen, det ser ut som alt av hydrogenaksjer fikk seg et løft. Er det noe subsidiepakker på ganag eller andre store poliiske avgjørelser?
Rect Angel
16.05.2024 kl 23:48 6071

👍 Nye ordrer verdt USD 57.7 millioner (ca. 620 millioner NOK) fra logistikkjempen UPS, for levering innen utgangen av 2024, lar seg høre på torsdagskvelden.

Spenstige kvartalspresentasjoner fra både Composites og Purus løftet kursene en del fra (nærmest smått ubegripelige) bunnivåer, men de siste dagene trykkes de nedover igjen, nærmest som sedvanlig.

Det foregår utrolig mye og er veldig mye på gang i begge selskapene nå, noe kveldens kontrakt fint illustrerer, og jeg tror begge nå har kommet langt på vei mot noe veldig stort.

Allerede mandag inntar Purus hovedrolle i Las Vegas når man skal avduke og presentere TERN for kunder i det nordamerikanske markedet. En fantastisk begivenhet for et norsk selskap, spør du meg, for det flommer vel liksom ikke over av kjøretøyprodusenter her i landet.

Så blir det hovedrolle for Composites/Agility samme sted, fra dagen etter.

Blir spennende å se hvor lenge markedet fortsetter å forholde seg mer eller mindre ignorant, uansett og til tross for alt som skjer i Hexagon Group selskapene.
Redigert 17.05.2024 kl 16:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.05.2024 kl 16:56 5930

Beklager min uvitenhet - hva er TERN?
Rect Angel
17.05.2024 kl 17:50 5923

No problem. Er nok ikke veldig mange som har hørt om eller kjenner til TERN foreløpig. De har jo heller ikke lekket særlig mye før avdukingen i Las Vegas mandag. Så dette blir ekstremt spennede.



Fra Q1 2024 rapporten (se også side 10 i Q1 2024 presentasjonen + omtale i webcasten fra Q1 2024, link til alt under):

We also look forward to unveiling our battery electric truck tailored for the US market at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo in May, in partnership with Hino Trucks.

The truck will be launched under the Tern brand and is scheduled to go into production in our new facility in Dallas by the end of 2024.

Redigert 17.05.2024 kl 17:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
23.05.2024 kl 22:33 5399

Hexagon Purus.

Har postet om 'Sea Change' prosjektet før. Nå er båten klarert for passasjertrafikk i San Francisco. med tank-/drivstoffsystemer levert av Hexagon Purus. Og bygging av større utgaver er altså allerede i pipeline, som man kan lese.

Hydrogen passenger ferry cleared for commercial service in the Bay Area

By Paul Ridden
May 23, 2024

Switch Maritime has revealed that the US Coast Guard has given the green light for the first hydrogen passenger ferry in the US to enter commercial service. The Sea Change is expected to start full operations later this year.

Switch Maritime was founded in 2018, with construction of the Sea Change hydrogen fuel cell passenger ferry starting the following year at an Alamada shipyard. It was later transferred to Bellingham, Washington, for completion, sea trials from 2021 and official launch in August 2023.

The 70-ft catamaran comes equipped with 360-kW Cummins fuel cells, 242-kg hydrogen storage tanks at 250 bar from Hexagon Purus and 600-kW electric propulsion from BAE that includes 100-kWh XALT Li-ion batteries – forming a system supplied by Zero Emission Industries. West Coast Clean Fuels inked a deal in 2021 to supply around 50,000 kg of green hydrogen to the Sea Change per year.
Switch raised US$10 million in Series A funding late last year to support its mission to replace the "carbon-intensive, diesel-powered fleets" of private and municipal ferry operators with zero emission alternatives. Plans for 150-, 350- and 450-passenger fuel-cell vessels are already in the pipe for future construction.

Redigert 23.05.2024 kl 22:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
28.05.2024 kl 11:39 5237


EU har tatt raske grep, for ikke å bli akterutseilt av USA og KINA. Både HEX og HPUR er allerede svært vel etablerte i USA, og HPUR har dessuten åpnet nytt, stort produksjonsanlegg i Kina.

EU har det travelt nå. Startskuddet for NZIA blir å høre alllerede i juni eller tidlig juli.

Europe passes bill to kickstart clean tech manufacturing, to come in force from June

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Europe has cleared the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), its attempt to counter the US Inflation Reduction Act and China's clean tech dominance, while kickstarting clean energy production across the continent. The NZIA must now be signed by the presidents of the European Parliament and the European Council, and is likely to come into force from June or early July.

The law calls on European nations to produce 40 percent of the clean tech equipment they consume across renewable energy such as:  

Solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies

Onshore and offshore renewable technologies

Battery/storage technologies

Heat pumps and geothermal energy technologies

Electrolysers and fuel cells

Sustainable Biogas/Biomethane technologies

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies

Grid technologies 


Other decarbonizing technologies such as carbon capture

The NZIA also proposes streamlining permits for projects that boost EU manufacturing of clean energy equipment: The continent also aims to achieve 15 percent global production of such equipment by 2040. The new law will require public authorities such as governments and local bodies that are purchasing clean tech products to base their choices not just on price, but with a 30 percent weightage to the product's "sustainability and resilience". 

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in a statement: "With the Net-Zero Industry Act, the EU has now a regulatory environment that allows us to scale up clean technologies manufacturing quickly. The Act creates the best conditions for those sectors that are crucial for us to reach net-zero by 2050. Demand is growing in Europe and globally, and we are now equipped to meet more of this demand with European supply."

Redigert 28.05.2024 kl 12:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
04.06.2024 kl 12:10 4830

Interessant artikkel om Hexagon Composites/Agilitys største kunde/partner innen mobile pipeline - sterkt voksende Certarus.

Der er mer å lese enn det som gjengis her.

No pipeline? No problem.

Certarus collaborates with RNG developers across North America to help ameliorate the numerous challenges associated with delivering RNG to the market

94 | thebossmagazine.com | June 2024

With a burn signature that’s roughly 30% cleaner than diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) is rapidly gaining popularity as a replacement fuel for a plethora of industries. Natural gas innovator Certarus was a catalyst for the oil and gas sector to move away from running diesel for the onsite energy demands of drilling and completions operations.

“That simple switch away from running predominantly diesel has massive emission reduction benefits, and we’re not even talking about the utilization of renewable natural gas (RNG), which could result in negative carbon emissions,” said Dan Messina, the company’s Vice President, Renewable Natural Gas.

The demand for low carbon energy solutions from pipeline-stranded consumers in different verticals such as utilities, industry, and well sites is skyrocketing. As energy consumption increases, so will the challenges of building pipeline networks throughout North America. These challenges become particularly important to solve given that RNG – widely considered a critical path to decarbonization – relies on these same strained transportation networks. That’s where the pioneers at Certarus come into the picture.
Certarus’ robust fleet and broad geographic footprint enable them to move assets rapidly to support customers across a broad swath of industries. An estimated 40% of the overall MSU (*) market is owned and operated by Certarus. Their focus on continued support of customers in need of low carbon solutions has triggered rapid growth of their equipment fleet. Last August, Certarus demonstrated that commitment to their customers by placing a USD $54 million order from long-time partner, Hexagon Agility (Hexagon), the largest single MSU order ever placed with Hexagon. At present, they have about 760 MSUs, with plans to expand the fleet to over 850 trailers by the end of 2024.


(*) MSU - mobile storage unit
Redigert 04.06.2024 kl 12:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.06.2024 kl 12:33 4695


Hexagon Purus er en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen.

Norwegian Hydrogen fremstår som et selskap hvor aktiviteten er høy, og ettersom hydrogen ikke er noe man bare kan 'stikke i baklomma', er det vel god grunn til å tro at Hexagon Purus allerede mottar, og kommer til å motta stadig flere, ordrer fra Norwegian Hydrogen i forbindelse med selskspets behov for lagring og transport av hydrogen.

Her er en fersk, spennende nyhet fra Norwegian Hydrogen. Det opprettes et joint venture med bio-metanol produsenten Glocal Green. Joint venturet gjelder produksjon av hydrogen tilknyttet Glocal Greens bio-metanolproduksjon.

Companies Partner on Green Hydrogen in Conjunction With Bio-Methanol Production

Thursday, 06 June 2024

Beth Anton

Glocal Green AS and Norwegian Hydrogen AS have and entered into a concrete agreement cooperation for the development and establishment of hydrogen production in connection with Glocal Green's planned bio-methanol plant. The hydrogen production will be organized into a separate jointly owned company.

Dag Nikolai Ryste, CEO of Glocal Green AS, says, "A two-year study and dialogue between us have today resulted in a joint commitment to hydrogen production in connection with Glocal Green's methanol production units. It has crystallized into a clear win-win model between the parties, and in addition, this efficiency will benefit all other parties along this holistic value chain, and not least the market."
Jens Berge, CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen AS, comments, "By combining our resources and expertise, we can offer sustainable solutions that meet the increasing demand for green fuels. We look forward to realizing the many opportunities this partnership will bring, both nationally and internationally."


I går ble forøvrig Hydrogenkonferansen 2024 avholdt i Oslo. Toppsjefene i Hexagon Purus, Norwegian Hydrogen og Vireon (som eies av Norwegian Hydrogen) holdt alle foredrag der.

Redigert 07.06.2024 kl 12:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
15.06.2024 kl 11:31 4496

Hexagon Purus er en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen. Vireon eies 100% av Norwegian Hydrogen.

Norwegian Hydrogen’s Hellesylt hub produces first green molecules

By Charlie Currieon Jun 14, 2024

Norwegian Hydrogen has produced its first molecules of green hydrogen at its 1.3 tonne-per-day hydrogen hub in Hellesylt, as it enters final commissioning and testing.

Located on the banks of the UNESCO World Heritage Geiranger Fjord, the plant is using renewable energy sources from hydropower stations in Hellesylt.

Over the coming weeks, the company says it will undertake “rigorous testing” to optimise the facility as it ramps up to full production capacity.

Green hydrogen produced in Hellesylt set to be supplied to construction firm Veidekke, EV charging company Cyan Energy and maritime developer Skulebas.

The hub will also eventually feature a hydrogen refuelling station, build by Norwegian Hydrogen’s subsidiary Vireon.

Having been under development since late 2019, the commissioning comes soon after Norwegian Hydrogen produced its first molecules of hydrogen from a 2MW plant in Hjørring, Denmark, as part of its biogas joint venture with Jens Peter Lunden.

The company expects full commercial operations to start in just a “few” weeks.

Over the past two years, Norwegian Hydrogen has attracted the backing of industry majors with Japan’s Mitsui & Co. and Australia’s Fortescue taking up 15% and 12.5% stakes respectively.


Final commissioning and testing at Hellesylt, preparing for full-scale green hydrogen production within the next few weeks

Rect Angel
19.06.2024 kl 15:46 4303

Hexagon Purus er en av hovedeierne i Norwegian Hydrogen.

Aktiviteten i Norwegian Hydrogen er stor, og her kommer nyheten om nok et flott prosjekt som tildeles Enova-støtte. Og gjennom å 'lese litt mellom linjene' her, er jeg rimelig sikker på at Hexagon Purus Maritime etterhvert vil bli tildelt ordrer fra HAV Hydrogen i forbindelse med HAV Hydrogens produksjon og leveranse av komplette hydrogenbasert energisystem til skipene.

– Dette er pionérprosjekter, og med tildelingen går Norge nå i front

Tildelingen til ni hydrogenfartøy og seks ammoniakkfartøy er rekordstor i Enova-sammenheng.

Redaksjon Skipsrevyen

PUBLISERT Onsdag 19. juni 2024 - 14:42

– Enova har tildelt 300 millioner kroner i innovasjonsmidler til Maris Fiducia Norway AS, med HAV Hydrogen og Norwegian Hydrogen som underleverandører, for å utvikle, bygge og operere fem hydrogendrevne tørrbulkskip.

Støtten tildeles under Enovas “hydrogen i fartøy”-program som har som mål å bidra til markedsendring gjennom å støtte aktører som ønsker å ta i bruk hydrogen som drivstoff i fartøy og bidra til utvikling av teknologier for nullutslippsfartøy, skriver Maris Fiducia Norway AS, HAV Hydrogen og Norwegian Hydrogen, i en felles pressemelding. 

Maris Fiducia Norway, som er den norske virksomheten til det nederlandske rederiet Maris Fiducia, vil administrere og drive de fem fartøyene. 

Når de fem tørrbulkskipene er bygd vil de leies ut gjennom en nullutslipps timecharteravtale med Schulte & Bruns og dermed etablere kommersiell virksomhet for hydrogendrevne skip samt demonstrere anvendelse av hydrogenteknologi i skipsfart.

Fartøyene er på 6000 dwt og er designet av den nederlandske skipsdesigneren Ankerbeer. Skrogdesignet er optimalisert for effektiv drift og lavt drivstofforbruk. Energisystemet om bord skal bestå av en «dual fuel» hydrogen forbrenningsmotor kombinert med brenselceller for hjelpesystemer.

– Vi er svært glade for at Enova anerkjenner prosjektet vårt med denne støtten som er en viktig milepæl for teamet vårt i Norge. For litt over et år siden ble vi inspirert av en samtale med Jørgen Kopperstad i Norwegian Hydrogen om drivstofftilgjengelighet og teknisk kompetanse i den norske maritime klyngen. Det har vært litt av en reise siden den gang, men vi har bare så vidt begynt, sier Markku Vedder, konsernsjef i Maris Fiducia Group. 

Hydrogensystem om bord

I pressemeldingen går det fram at de i tillegg til «dual fuel» forbrenningsmotoren skal utstyre hver av de fem skipene med en Zero Emission Pod, eller ZEPOD®, som er en modul som inneholder et komplett hydrogenbasert energisystem for skip og leveres av norske HAV Hydrogen.

Redigert 20.06.2024 kl 11:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
20.06.2024 kl 11:42 4230

Allerede bestemt at ny runde med tildelinger til hydrogen- og amoniakkdrevet skipsfart fra Enova kommer. Bra. Søknadsfrist 27.september.

Enova has announced that the next application deadline for its “hydrogen and ammonia in vessels” programmes is September 27 and encouraged stakeholders and partners to engage with funding and project advisors to explore upcoming project calls and opportunities for collaboration.


03.07.2024 kl 22:44 3927

3 meglerhus oppgraderer til kr 40,-
Rect Angel
04.07.2024 kl 09:11 3790

Hexagon Purus ASA: Invitation to the presentation of second quarter 2024 results

I dag kl. 08:30 ∙ Global Newswire

Hexagon Purus+4,07%

Hexagon Purus ASA's second quarter results 2024 will be released on 18 July 2024, 07:00 CEST.

Morten Holum (CEO) and Salman Alam (CFO) will present the results at 08:30 CEST and the presentation will be broadcasted live via https://hexagonpurus.vivida.live.

The presentation will be held in English and will be virtual. A recording of the presentation will be made available on www.hexagonpurus.com.

For more information:

Mathias Meidell, IR Director, Hexagon Purus ASA

Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

Salman Alam, CFO, Hexagon Purus ASA

Telephone: +47 476 12 713 | salman.alam@hexagonpurus.com

About Hexagon Purus ASA

Hexagon Purus enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

Rect Angel
04.07.2024 kl 12:17 3746

Slettet. Dobbeltposting.
Redigert 04.07.2024 kl 12:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
04.07.2024 kl 12:18 3952

Småinteressant og kanskje litt spesiell negativ kursutvikling i Hexagon-aksjene på Oslo Børs i dag, i kjølvannet av at de 4 'hydogenaksjene' jeg følger litt med på kursutviklingen i 'over there' hadde en svært så positiv dag på USA-børsene (som er stengt i dag) i går. Kanskje en kjøpsanledning? Time will show.

Aksjekurser onsdag 03.07.2024:

Plug Power Inc +8.81%
FuelCell Energy Inc +10.00%
Ballard Power Systems Inc +5.53%
Bloom Energy Corp +9.52%
Redigert 04.07.2024 kl 12:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
05.07.2024 kl 09:19 3790

Hexagon Purus - den globale markedslederen.

Published 7/5/2024

COPVs designed, qualified for demanding aerospace, automotive applications

CAMX 2024: Hexagon Purus showcases its portfolio of Type 3 and 4 COPVs which can be configured to meet a variety of needs.

Edited by: Jessica Pompili
Editorial Intern

Hexagon Purus (Oslo, Norway) is displaying its broad portfolio of composite-overwrapped pressure vessels (COPVs). The primary focus is on its Type 3 (metallic liner) and Type 4 (plastic liner) COPVs developed and qualified for the aerospace and automotive industries. Hexagon Purus’ team is available at the booth to discuss its solutions.

These cylinders are said to be lightweight, cost-effective and reliable. The company offers propellant and pressurant tanks up to 10,000 psi operating pressure and 1,000 L water volumes in a variety of mounting configurations. Custom designs are possible or an existing design can be tailored to meet the customer’s specific requirements. Cylinders can be certified to industry standards such as AIAA S-081 or G-082 or to customer-specific requirements.

Hexagon Purus’ Type 4 cylinders are designed to present several advantages in modern aerospace applications including rapid development cycles, reduced weight and fatigue resistance. They can be used in many pressurant applications and with krypton and xenon in electric ion propulsion systems. The cylinders have completed rigorous qualification test programs and have met vibration, static loading, thermal, damage tolerance, lifecycle and rupture test requirements.

Also featured are the company’s Type 4 hydrogen mobility cylinders and storage systems, which are commonly used in fuel cell electric buses and heavy-duty trucks. Cylinders operating at 350 and 700 bar are typical with hydrogen capacities up to 18 kg. Storage systems can be offered in roof mount, behind-the-cab (BTC) or sidemount configurations with capacities up to 74 kg. These systems can be supplied with the necessary refueling receptacle, filtration, regulator, high- and low-pressure gages, relief valves and controller for a completely integrated solution.


CAMX 2024

Redigert 05.07.2024 kl 09:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.07.2024 kl 08:11 3552

Det tikker inn kontrakter.
Redigert 09.07.2024 kl 08:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
09.07.2024 kl 09:51 3454

Glimrende spider!

For Ikke akkurat 'agurknytt', men snarere en storfin sommernyhet dette, fra Hexagon Composites - den globale markedslederen - om Hexagon Agilitys inntog i et nytt markedssegment, i form av ny kontrakt med et ikke navngitt, ledende, globalt gasselskap, verdt $12.8 millioner (ca. 135 millioner NOK).

At kontrakten ifølge selskapet altså også representerer inntog i et for selskapet nytt markedssegment og er inngått med en storspiller innen dette segmentet, er jo selvsagt ekstra gledelig! Så vi unner oss å gjengi hele meldingen.

Leveransene starter allerede i Q4 2024.

Hexagon Composites ASA 
09 Jul, 2024, 06:44 GMT

OSLO, Norway, July 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, has received an order for Mobile Pipeline® TITAN modules from a global leading industrial gas company. The modules will be used to support growth in a key industrial gas market.

The order has an estimated value of USD 12.8 million (approx. NOK 135 million), and represents the continued diversification of Mobile Pipeline into new market segments.

Reducing emissions and cost
The all-composite design of the TITAN cylinders and high-strength steel frame enables the safe transport of nearly double the gas capacity of steel tube trailers. This results in fewer trips to deliver the same amount of gas, improving operational efficiency and reduces total cost of ownership and transportation emissions.

"We are proud to provide our customers with solutions that drive their business and the industry forward," said Mark Babcock, Senior Director of Mobile Pipeline at Hexagon Agility.

About the market

The competitive landscape of the industrial gas market has intensified globally over the past decade. Cost effective solutions that improve distribution efficiency are essential to delivering supply chain reliability and value for industrial gas customers.


Deliveries of the modules are scheduled to start in the fourth quarter of 2024.

For more information:

Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com  

Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com

About Hexagon Agility

Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Products offered include (renewable) natural gas storage and distribution systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, and (renewable) natural gas vehicle fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable customers to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on X and LinkedIn.

About Hexagon Composites ASA

Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility and industrial applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on X and LinkedIn.

This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com

Redigert 09.07.2024 kl 09:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
11.07.2024 kl 11:40 3359

Hexagon Composites.

IVECO er Hexagon-partner/kunde. Denne udersøkelsen konkluderer med fantastiske tall når det gjelder reduksjon i utslipp av uønskede gasser ved bruk komprimert biometan/'renewable natural gas' som drivstoff.

Dette lover selvsagt veldig godt med henblikk på fortsatt vekst når det gjelder anvendelse av komprimert biometan som drivstoff. Noe som er ensbetydende med økt etterspørsel etter Hexagon Composutes's Hexagon Agilitys relaterte drivstoffsystemer. Hexagon Agility er klart markedsledende når det gjelder slike systemer.


New study on the environmental impacts of compressed biomethane

Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 07:51
Mark Salisbury

IVECO has promoted a study carried out by the Institute of Atmospheric Pollution of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) to evaluate the environmental impacts of the use of compressed biomethane deriving from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), comparing it with traditional fuels (diesel and compressed natural gas) used in vehicles employed for waste collection in urban areas.

The reference scenario for the study was the Italian market, characterised by a widespread distribution of CNG refuelling stations due to the large number of methane-powered vehicles – among the highest in Europe. The analysis carried out was a Well-to-Wheels analysis, i.e. an analysis that takes into consideration the impacts of the production and use of a fuel, without taking into account the construction or maintenance of the plants and infrastructure, in order to have a pure comparison of the fuels themselves. The analysis explored the contribution of CO2 capture in the production chain, and the contribution of the energy mix used to power the various industrial processes.

The results of the study reveal the potentially decisive role of compressed biomethane for the decarbonisation of the transport sector and for the reduction of air pollution in urban areas. In fact, in the analysed sector, compressed biomethane can lead to a reduction in climate-changing gases of up to 96% compared to diesel, and a reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions of up to 72%. These strong reductions can certainly contribute to achieving the carbon neutrality objectives set at a European level.

Redigert 11.07.2024 kl 11:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
18.07.2024 kl 07:26 3187

Hexagon Purus ASA: Results for the second quarter 2024

I dag kl. 07:00 ∙ Global Newswire

Hexagon Purus

Key developments in Q2 2024:

All-time high quarterly revenue of NOK 528 million in the second quarter of 2024, up 60% from the second quarter of 2023. YTD revenue as per the second quarter of 2024 stood at NOK 935 million, up 63% compared to the same period in 2023;

EBITDA was NOK -97 million in the second quarter of 2024, compared to NOK -89 million in the same period last year. This corresponds to an EBITDA margin of -18% in the second quarter of 2024, up from -27% in the second quarter of 2023. YTD as per the second quarter of 2024, the EBITDA margin is -21%, up from -35% in the same period last year;

The Hydrogen Mobility & Infrastructure (HMI) segment turned EBITDA positive during the second quarter, delivering EBITDA of NOK 17 million, equal to an EBITDA margin of 3%. This has also brought the year-to-date EBITDA into positive territory for the HMI segment;

Launched the Tern RC8, a zero-emission truck to be delivered under the long-term agreement between Hexagon Purus and Hino Trucks for complete battery electric vehicles, to be distributed through Hino's dealer network in the U.S;

Announced serial production partnership with Toyota North America for supply of hydrogen storage systems and battery systems for Toyota's fuel cell electric powertrain kit for commercial vehicles for the North American market;

Exited the quarter with order backlog consisting of firm purchase orders of approximately NOK 1.0 billion, providing solid line-of-sight to full-year revenue target.

"We have just reported yet another record quarter for Hexagon Purus, adding to an already strong start to the year and keeping us well on track to deliver on our targets. We continue to expect that full-year 2024 will be a year of significant revenue growth and a large step in the right direction towards EBITDA breakeven in 2025.", says Morten Holum, CEO of Hexagon Purus. "It is very encouraging to see that our hydrogen business in Europe and North America is already EBITDA positive for the first half of 2024, and we expect performance to further improve towards year-end as volume and scale increase".

Hexagon Purus Q2 2024 consolidated financials

In the second quarter of 2024, Hexagon Purus ("the Company" or "the Group") generated all-time high quarterly revenue of NOK 528 million, up 60% from the corresponding period in 2023. Hydrogen infrastructure and hydrogen mobility solutions were the main drivers of growth year-over-year. Year-to-date as of the second quarter of 2024, accumulated revenue stood at NOK 935 million, up 63% compared to the same period in 2023.

Total assets at the end of the second quarter of 2024 amounted to NOK 4,619 (3,818) million. The year-over-year increase in total assets is mainly driven by increases to property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets resulting from the Company's capacity expansion program, combined with an increase in working capital to cater for a higher activity level. Trade receivables increased to NOK 401 (256) million in the second quarter of 2024 and reflects the strong revenue growth experienced in the quarter. Inventory stood at NOK 611 (449) million, and the year-over-year increase is partly driven by the ramp-up phase that the battery systems & vehicle integration (BVI) business is in. The Company's working capital position reflects the Company's sustained growth track-record, which is expected to continue going forward.

Net cash flow from operating activities in the second quarter of 2024 was NOK -232 (-172) million, of which NOK -120 (-71) million was due to an increase in net working capital, driven by an increase in inventory and trade receivables on the back of strong revenue growth.

Net cash flow from investing activities was NOK -180 (-264) million in the second quarter of 2024, of which NOK 133 million relates to investments in production equipment and facilities related to the Company's capacity expansion program and NOK 43 million relates to the final earn-out payment related to the acquisition of Wystrach in 2021. Net cash flow from financing in the second quarter of 2024 was NOK -5 (56) million. Cash interest payments and repayment of lease liabilities amounted to NOK 26 (18) million in the second quarter of 2024.

Cash and cash equivalents stood at NOK 543 (973) million at the end of the second quarter of 2024.

Hydrogen Mobility and Infrastructure (HMI)

Revenue for the HMI segment in the second quarter of 2024 totaled NOK 526 million, up 71% year-over-year. Year-to-date as of the second quarter of 2024, revenue amounted to NOK 914 million, which represents growth of 69% compared to the corresponding period in 2023. 62% (59%) of the HMI segment revenue in the second quarter of 2024 stemmed from hydrogen infrastructure solutions, which grew 82% year-over-year. Hydrogen mobility, which covers revenue from the sale of type 4 hydrogen cylinders and cylinder systems for hydrogen-powered on-road and off-road vehicles, continued its strong growth momentum from the start of the year and made up 28% (11%) of HMI segment revenue in the second quarter of 2024. This represents 335% year-over-year growth.

EBITDA for the HMI segment in the second quarter of 2024 ended at NOK 17 (2) million, equivalent to an EBITDA margin of 3% (1%). Year-to-date as per the second quarter of 2024, EBITDA was NOK 1 (-32) million, equivalent to an EBITDA margin of 0% (-6%). It is highly encouraging to see that the HMI segment now has passed the point of EBITDA break-even, as higher volume with solid gross margins is increasing scale and fixed cost absorption, leading to improved profitability.

Historical financials for HMI are made available on www.hexagonpurus.com together with Q2 2024 report and presentation.

Battery Systems and Vehicle Integration (BVI)

Revenue for the BVI segment in the second quarter of 2024 totaled NOK 2 (11) million, and year-to-date as of the second quarter, revenue stood at NOK 21 million.

The segment's revenue development is largely in line with expectations, and any significant revenue recognition related to the two major agreements signed for delivery of complete battery electric utility and heavy-duty vehicles to Hino Trucks and Daimler Trucks North America is not expected until the fourth quarter of 2024.

Historical financials for BVI are made available on www.hexagonpurus.com together with Q2 2024 report and presentation.


The Company's financial and operational performance in the second quarter of 2024 and year-to-date 2024 has developed in line with expectations, and the focus for the remainder of the year is to increase the capacity utilization of the new production footprint combined with operational improvements while minimizing further capital spend. 2024 is an important transitional year from a profitability perspective to reach Group EBITDA break-even in 2025. It is highly pleasing and encouraging to see that the profitability trend in 2024 has developed as expected and that the HMI segment is now EBITDA positive. This gives further confidence to the Group's 2025 EBITDA break-even target. The current capacity expansion program will be mostly behind us by the end of this year, and beyond this, the level of investments in new production capacity will be tempered going forward.

The hydrogen infrastructure and mobility offering is expected to continue to be a key growth driver for revenue for the remainder of 2024. More significant revenue recognition related to the Company's battery electric utility and heavy-duty vehicles for Daimler Trucks North America and Hino Trucks is expected to commence during the fourth quarter of 2024 and will be an important driver of revenue growth in 2025

The Company's order backlog, consisting of firm customer purchase orders, stood at approximately NOK 1.0 billion as of the second quarter of 2024, with about 86% due for execution in 2024 and the remaining 14% for execution in 2025. Combining the year-to-date revenue as of the second quarter of 2024 with the backlog for the rest of 2024, gives 90% coverage of this year's revenue target. The backlog for 2025 is expected to increase significantly during the second half of 2024 as the planning for 2025 deliveries with the Company's major hydrogen distribution customers will commence during the third quarter of 2024. The backlog dynamic is expected to change somewhat going forward as mobility applications becomes a larger part of the revenue mix. The Company's mobility customers, compared to its hydrogen infrastructure customers, usually have much shorter lead-time from purchase order to delivery, which means backlog coverage far out in time will usually also be lower in relative terms.

For the full year 2024, the Company continues to expect revenue growth of at least 50% year-over-year, as well as significant year-over-year improvement in the Group's EBITDA margin.

Presentation of the results

Hexagon Purus will present the Q2 2024 results at 08:30 CEST on Thursday 18 July and the presentation will be broadcast live via https://hexagonpurus.vivida.live.

The presentation will be held in English and will be virtual. Recording of the presentation will be made available on www.hexagonpurus.com.

For more information:

Mathias Meidell, IR Director, Hexagon Purus ASA

Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

Salman Alam, CFO, Hexagon Purus ASA

Telephone: +47 476 12 713 | salman.alam@hexagonpurus.com

Redigert 18.07.2024 kl 07:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
18.07.2024 kl 08:08 3126


I dag kl. 07:20 ∙ TDN Finans

Hexagon Composites

Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Purus fikk et driftsresultat på -147 millioner kroner i andre kvartal 2024, mot et driftsresultat på -120 millioner kroner i samme periode året før.

Det opplyser selskapet i kvartalsrapporten torsdag.

På forhånd var driftsresultatet ventet til -159 millioner kroner i kvartalet, ifølge estimater innhentet av selskapet.

Ebitda ble -97 millioner kroner i kvartalet (-89), av en omsetning på 528 millioner kroner (330). Ebitda var ventet til -105 millioner kroner, mens omsetningen var ventet til 478 millioner kroner.
Redigert 18.07.2024 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.07.2024 kl 08:15 3225

Dette er strålende, full kontroll.
HPUR leverer som lovet, og litt til:)
Guidingen er ikke minst oppløftende.
Redigert 18.07.2024 kl 08:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
18.07.2024 kl 08:16 3361

Ja. Får prøve å se litt innom webcasten (8:30) og sjekke stemningen.

Hexagon Purus will present the Q2 2024 results at 08:30 CEST on Thursday 18 July and the presentation will be broadcast live via https://hexagonpurus.vivida.live.
Redigert 18.07.2024 kl 08:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
18.07.2024 kl 09:07 3278

Tegner helt enormt dette. Og ikke minst er altoverveiende investeringer når det gjelder produksjonskapasitet allerede gjort! CEO nettopp ferdig og gitt ordet til CFO. Ikke tid til å se mer live nå.

Men anbefaler alle som ikke får sett live å se webcasten i opptak. Blir etterhvert gjort tilgjengelig på:

Redigert 18.07.2024 kl 09:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.07.2024 kl 09:15 3265

Så du mener dette tapssluket er hevet over enhver økonomisk realitet? Det trengs snart påfyll!
Rect Angel
18.07.2024 kl 09:20 3243

Ja, jeg mener det jeg skriver. Det er helt enormt at de er på kurs til, og vel så det, å leverere på guidingen de først ga til markedet allerede ved børsintro høsten 2020. Omsetning 4 - 5 milliarder NOK og EBITDA break-even i løpet av 2025. Og allerede nå er altså nesten av alt av utgifter til produksjonskapasitet på 7 sites på 3 kontinenter tatt! Så alt klart for scale up og økte leveranser til selskapets imponerende partner-/kundeportefølje.

Husk også at foran nevnte guiding sendte kursen opp i ATH 82 NOK primo 2021. Nå står man altså helt på terskelen TIL FAKTISK Å LEVERE PÅ DEN MAN GUIDET I 2020 og kursen er real-time ca. en 10'er. Litt tankegods der...

PS) Såvidt jeg husker, er dine bidrag til Purus-debatten begrenset til at du poster et kort, negativt statement som dette i forbindelse med hver kvartalspresentasjon. Noe mer eller hva motivasjonen for dette er, utdyper du ikke. Poster du lignende innlegg på tråder til alle selskap du har et negativt syn på og ikke er aksjonær i når disse publiserer kvartalspresentasjoner?

Hvis du ikke tror på en fremtid for hydrogen, BEV og FEV, er det en ærlig sak, men personlig legger jeg mer vekt på hvordan Purus-kunder/partnere som Linde, Air Liquide, Toyota, Daimler, Ford, i spissen for en hel rekke andre, vurderer markedsutsiktene innen dette.
Redigert 18.07.2024 kl 10:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.07.2024 kl 10:01 3160

Å levere på guiding er ikke det samme som å tjene penger på virksomheten. Hvis guidingen innebærer massiv subsidiering, er det hele et "luftslott". Hydrogen er et altfor kostbart energialternativ til å kunne konkurrere med andre og billigere..
Rect Angel
18.07.2024 kl 10:11 3204

Slik ser du det. Helt greit. Er uenig. Og husk at $2 milliarder avtalen med Toyota/Hino som Purus skal levere på 2024 - 2030 handler om batterielektrisk tungtransport BEV. Rammen for bare DENNE ENE AVTALEN er altså på ca. 21 milliarder NOK (snitt 3.5 milliarder NOK omsetning pr. år).

De har også en avtale på 1milliard NOK++ med DTA (Daimler) om leveranser av BEV Freightliner.

Så din fordømmelse av selskapet er veldig primitiv. Den fremstår som om du bevisst kun ønsker å karikere selskapet, gjennom å underslå/avlede debatten fra helt fudamentale fakta når det gjelder Hexagon Purus's virksomhet, sannsynligvis mot bedre vitende, tipper jeg.

Når det gjelder hva som motiverer deg, får det være opp til enhver å gjette og gjøre seg sine tanker.
Redigert 18.07.2024 kl 12:29 Du må logge inn for å svare