HEX - analytiker: Lagring av energi kan gå 75 ganger'n
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
Redigert 06.02.2024 kl 15:35
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Rect Angel
15.11.2024 kl 11:22
Hexagon Composites, Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave introduces the UE4 - its latest innovation within Ultrasonic Examination testing equipment
PR Newswire
Thu, November 14, 2024 at 2:13 PM GMT+1 2 min read
OSLO, Norway, Nov. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hexagon Digital Wave is excited to announce the release of the UE4, our latest innovation within Ultrasonic Examination (UE). With 20+ years of experience and having sold UE testing equipment in over 40 countries worldwide, Hexagon Digital Wave has developed the UE 4 machine specifically for small beverages, medical oxygen and handheld cylinders.
Hexagon Digital Wave's Ultrasonic Examination testing equipment makes it easy for operators to detect even the smallest defects in metallic cylinders without removing the valve or gas. This significantly reduces cost, cylinder downtime and water consumption.
"The UE4 is a testament to Hexagon Digital Wave's commitment to innovation and customer-centric design. It is a cost-efficient machine, built to handle high volumes of cylinders, without compromising accuracy or safety," says George Siedlecki, CEO, Hexagon Digital Wave. "Its reduced footprint and ease of mobility and setup make it an invaluable addition to any facility requiring efficient periodic inspection of hand-loaded cylinders."
The UE 4 machine is compliant with North American, European and ISO standards.
Learn more about the key features of UE4 by visiting: https://hexagondigitalwave.com/ultrasonic-examination/ue4
For more information:
Keith Fountain, International Sales Director UE, Hexagon Digital Wave
Tel: +1 (303) 434-5929 | keith.fountain@hexagondigitalwave.com
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Tel: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a manufacturer of Ultrasonic Examination (UE) cylinder testing equipment, Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) testing equipment and a provider of associated inspection services. With applications worldwide, Hexagon Digital Wave serves government entities, academic institutes, and private clients in the compressed gas and pressure vessel industries.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility and industrial applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com.
This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com
Hexagon Digital Wave introduces the UE4 - its latest innovation within Ultrasonic Examination testing equipment
PR Newswire
Thu, November 14, 2024 at 2:13 PM GMT+1 2 min read
OSLO, Norway, Nov. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hexagon Digital Wave is excited to announce the release of the UE4, our latest innovation within Ultrasonic Examination (UE). With 20+ years of experience and having sold UE testing equipment in over 40 countries worldwide, Hexagon Digital Wave has developed the UE 4 machine specifically for small beverages, medical oxygen and handheld cylinders.
Hexagon Digital Wave's Ultrasonic Examination testing equipment makes it easy for operators to detect even the smallest defects in metallic cylinders without removing the valve or gas. This significantly reduces cost, cylinder downtime and water consumption.
"The UE4 is a testament to Hexagon Digital Wave's commitment to innovation and customer-centric design. It is a cost-efficient machine, built to handle high volumes of cylinders, without compromising accuracy or safety," says George Siedlecki, CEO, Hexagon Digital Wave. "Its reduced footprint and ease of mobility and setup make it an invaluable addition to any facility requiring efficient periodic inspection of hand-loaded cylinders."
The UE 4 machine is compliant with North American, European and ISO standards.
Learn more about the key features of UE4 by visiting: https://hexagondigitalwave.com/ultrasonic-examination/ue4
For more information:
Keith Fountain, International Sales Director UE, Hexagon Digital Wave
Tel: +1 (303) 434-5929 | keith.fountain@hexagondigitalwave.com
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Tel: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a manufacturer of Ultrasonic Examination (UE) cylinder testing equipment, Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) testing equipment and a provider of associated inspection services. With applications worldwide, Hexagon Digital Wave serves government entities, academic institutes, and private clients in the compressed gas and pressure vessel industries.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility and industrial applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com.
This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com
Redigert 15.11.2024 kl 11:24
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17.11.2024 kl 22:15
Stadig vekk nye meldinger fra selskapet om nye bedrifter som skal ta seg av vedlikeholdet av motorer og utstyr som kundene kjøper. Den nye gassmotoren med stadig nye og større bestillinger, tror jeg vil bli en gullgruve for HEX.
Fortsetter det slik kan omsettningen mange dobles i løpet av få år.. Ikke noe merkelig at mange meglerhus høyner kursmålene sine for nesten hvert eneste kvartalsresultat.
Er spent på kommende uke og tiden fram til jul. Er det noen som har noen formeninger om veien videre.?
Fortsetter det slik kan omsettningen mange dobles i løpet av få år.. Ikke noe merkelig at mange meglerhus høyner kursmålene sine for nesten hvert eneste kvartalsresultat.
Er spent på kommende uke og tiden fram til jul. Er det noen som har noen formeninger om veien videre.?
19.11.2024 kl 22:41
20.11.2024 kl 09:45
Kan se ut for at tørkeperioden snart er over. Bare volumet som mangler nå. Ser bra ut så langt.
20.11.2024 kl 15:54
Ja 7 meglerhus som har anbefaling om kjøp av HEX, ingen som har hold eller selg. Så her er det bare til å sitte og kjøpe når en har muligheten.
20.11.2024 kl 17:26
Skjønner ingen ting av hva som foregår i Hpur. Sjefen for Nikola uttaler at han har ikke noen store bekymringer for kommende år. Det må være noe helt pesielt som foregår. Regner med at svaret kommer på fredag. Hex blir også med ned i dragsuget.. Det er da litt merkelig da at de to største aksjonærene får med seg en masse folk på en emisjonskurs som ligger ca. 45 % høyere enn dagens kurs. Bare noen uker etter emisjonen. OK. Fredag får vi svaret.
20.11.2024 kl 17:41
I tillegg til det tekniske for aksjen så er vel hydrogen litt usikkert om dagen, pluss at Trump forventes å lage problemer for fornybart
20.11.2024 kl 18:02
De har väl tecknat sig redan? kan de dra sig ur och inte köpa till 6,90?
20.11.2024 kl 20:39
Generalforsamlingen på fredag vil ikke inneholde noe som vil være av stor interesse. Det er fremleggelse av resultat Q3 neste torsdag (28.11) og guiding for Q4 (og kanskje for 2025) jeg ser frem til. Tallene for Q3 er formidlet (og de var på linje med det som er sagt for 2024 og bedre en mange analytiker har antydet) men litt mer «kjøtt på beinet» blir fint å få.
2 innsidekjøp (4 hvis du inkl. CEO og CFO som tegnet seg i emisjonen) i tillegg til gode kommentarer fra HCOMP «gjengen» ifb Q pres i tillegg til mye annet positivt.
At forretningsområdene til HPUR er borte ifb med Trump blir tullete.
2 innsidekjøp (4 hvis du inkl. CEO og CFO som tegnet seg i emisjonen) i tillegg til gode kommentarer fra HCOMP «gjengen» ifb Q pres i tillegg til mye annet positivt.
At forretningsområdene til HPUR er borte ifb med Trump blir tullete.
Rect Angel
20.11.2024 kl 21:41
Befriende, edruelig innlegg aksjeintr.
Vi har jo sett Tesla og Musk rocke aksjemarkedet etter at Trump vant. Og hundrevis av Hexagon Purus ansatte skal ifølge avtalen produsere inntil 10 000 batterielektriske RC8 Tern tungtransporter i Texas, i samarbeid med Hino Trucks (100% eid av Toyota) fra nå og frem til 2030 (produksjon er allerede i full gang).
Kan noen forklare meg hvordan Trump er superbull for Teslas produksjon av batterielektriske kjøretøy samtidig som han, slik veldig mange faktisk ser ut til å tro, kommer til å gruse Hexagon Purus's og Hino Trucks's produksjon av batterielektriske kjøretøy? Kjøretøy produsert av amerikanske arbeidere på amerikansk jord, i Texas.
Vi har jo sett Tesla og Musk rocke aksjemarkedet etter at Trump vant. Og hundrevis av Hexagon Purus ansatte skal ifølge avtalen produsere inntil 10 000 batterielektriske RC8 Tern tungtransporter i Texas, i samarbeid med Hino Trucks (100% eid av Toyota) fra nå og frem til 2030 (produksjon er allerede i full gang).
Kan noen forklare meg hvordan Trump er superbull for Teslas produksjon av batterielektriske kjøretøy samtidig som han, slik veldig mange faktisk ser ut til å tro, kommer til å gruse Hexagon Purus's og Hino Trucks's produksjon av batterielektriske kjøretøy? Kjøretøy produsert av amerikanske arbeidere på amerikansk jord, i Texas.
Redigert 20.11.2024 kl 21:47
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20.11.2024 kl 22:03
Godt spm Rect Angel.
I tillegg, om Trump innfører tollen han har leflet om på produkter produsert utenfor USA så vil ikke dette være direkte negativt for HPUR. Dette fordi, som du nevner også, at de har fabrikker i USA som vil fra full nytte av dette. Både ifb med Tern og New Flyer.
Og en annen ting. Siden HCOMP er så superbull for fremtiden (og da spesielt markedet for tungtransport) hvordan skal det ha seg uten at dette også omfatter HPUR. Det er en korrelasjon her.
I tillegg, om Trump innfører tollen han har leflet om på produkter produsert utenfor USA så vil ikke dette være direkte negativt for HPUR. Dette fordi, som du nevner også, at de har fabrikker i USA som vil fra full nytte av dette. Både ifb med Tern og New Flyer.
Og en annen ting. Siden HCOMP er så superbull for fremtiden (og da spesielt markedet for tungtransport) hvordan skal det ha seg uten at dette også omfatter HPUR. Det er en korrelasjon her.
Rect Angel
20.11.2024 kl 22:32
Helt på linje med deg aksjeintr. Både når det gjelder Composites's og Purus's virksomhet og produksjon i USA, snakker vi 100% 'well-paid, good American jobs'.
Dette understreket da også Flakk da han og Bandele presenterte Composites's Q3 2024 7.november.
Dette understreket da også Flakk da han og Bandele presenterte Composites's Q3 2024 7.november.
Rect Angel
21.11.2024 kl 18:28
Stor milepæl nådd for Hexagon Composites i dag.
Hexagon Agility åpner i dag 21.november nytt produksjonsanlegg i California. Dette er ensbetydende med en dobling av produksjonskapasiteten for drivstoffsystemer. Perfekt timet med henblikk på å møte den sterkt økende etterspørselen.
Gjengir her første del av artikkelen som anbefales lest i sin helhet.
Hexagon Doubles Natural Gas System Output With Plant Move
New Rialto, Calif., Site Joins N.C. Facility in Supporting Growing Market
Keiron Greenhalgh | Staff Reporter
November 21, 2024 9:00 AM, EST
Gas-powered trucks are increasingly being seen as part of the decarbonization of the U.S. freight industry, carriers say.
Hexagon Agility opened an assembly and installation plant in Rialto, Calif., on Nov. 21, a move designed to double the natural gas fuel system supplier’s production capacity, it said.
Costa Mesa, Calif.-based Hexagon Agility, which manufactures the pressurized cylinders and fueling systems required by gas-powered engines, relocated its Fontana, Calif., assembly and installation plant to Rialto.
Hexagon Agility, which also assembles and installs the systems in Salisbury, N.C., moved its West Coast production operations in response to increasing demand for compressed and renewable gas-powered powertrains in the heavy-duty truck and refuse segments, it said.
“With our expanded production capabilities, our team is growing in both the Salisbury and now in the Rialto markets,” Hexagon Agility CEO Hans Peter Havdal said. “At Hexagon Agility, we pride ourselves on our operational resilience and responsiveness to new market opportunities. In addition to organic growth, we recently announced our acquisition of Specialty Fleet Services, a leading natural gas mobile service and inspection provider. We are ready to meet the future.
“A combination of increased [carbon dioxide] regulations in the transport sector and the introduction of Cummins’ next-generation natural gas X15N engine is propelling the energy transition in the U.S. heavy-duty truck sector,” Havdal said. “The U.S. heavy-duty truck addressable market for natural gas solutions is expected to grow threefold, from 100,000 vehicles per year today to 330,000 [per] year starting in 2025.”
Hexagon Agility åpner i dag 21.november nytt produksjonsanlegg i California. Dette er ensbetydende med en dobling av produksjonskapasiteten for drivstoffsystemer. Perfekt timet med henblikk på å møte den sterkt økende etterspørselen.
Gjengir her første del av artikkelen som anbefales lest i sin helhet.
Hexagon Doubles Natural Gas System Output With Plant Move
New Rialto, Calif., Site Joins N.C. Facility in Supporting Growing Market
Keiron Greenhalgh | Staff Reporter
November 21, 2024 9:00 AM, EST
Gas-powered trucks are increasingly being seen as part of the decarbonization of the U.S. freight industry, carriers say.
Hexagon Agility opened an assembly and installation plant in Rialto, Calif., on Nov. 21, a move designed to double the natural gas fuel system supplier’s production capacity, it said.
Costa Mesa, Calif.-based Hexagon Agility, which manufactures the pressurized cylinders and fueling systems required by gas-powered engines, relocated its Fontana, Calif., assembly and installation plant to Rialto.
Hexagon Agility, which also assembles and installs the systems in Salisbury, N.C., moved its West Coast production operations in response to increasing demand for compressed and renewable gas-powered powertrains in the heavy-duty truck and refuse segments, it said.
“With our expanded production capabilities, our team is growing in both the Salisbury and now in the Rialto markets,” Hexagon Agility CEO Hans Peter Havdal said. “At Hexagon Agility, we pride ourselves on our operational resilience and responsiveness to new market opportunities. In addition to organic growth, we recently announced our acquisition of Specialty Fleet Services, a leading natural gas mobile service and inspection provider. We are ready to meet the future.
“A combination of increased [carbon dioxide] regulations in the transport sector and the introduction of Cummins’ next-generation natural gas X15N engine is propelling the energy transition in the U.S. heavy-duty truck sector,” Havdal said. “The U.S. heavy-duty truck addressable market for natural gas solutions is expected to grow threefold, from 100,000 vehicles per year today to 330,000 [per] year starting in 2025.”
Redigert 21.11.2024 kl 18:34
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21.11.2024 kl 20:01
Merkelig at det ikke er større reaksjoner på en slik positiv melding. Hverken Finansavisen eller Trade Gate reagerer. Produksjonsvolumet vil øke tre gangeren fra 25 og utover. Viser også til hva jeg skrev den 17/11 2215 Den nye gassmotoren blir en gullgruve for HEX
Meldingen vil nok komme på Nordnet i morgen før børsåpning. Dette bør løfte aksjen noen kroner.
Meldingen vil nok komme på Nordnet i morgen før børsåpning. Dette bør løfte aksjen noen kroner.
21.11.2024 kl 20:47
Ja en slik sak bør ligge på forsiden til Finansavisen 😃
HEX burde også børsmeldt dette i morgen før børsen åpner er jo en milepæl for selskapet.
HEX burde også børsmeldt dette i morgen før børsen åpner er jo en milepæl for selskapet.
Redigert 21.11.2024 kl 20:51
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22.11.2024 kl 09:23
Burde ikke dette vert børsmeldt?
Flere utenlandske medier har fått dette med seg men ingen norske. Er det fordi det skjer over dammen og norske aviser ikke følger med hva som skjer der borte?
Flere utenlandske medier har fått dette med seg men ingen norske. Er det fordi det skjer over dammen og norske aviser ikke følger med hva som skjer der borte?
22.11.2024 kl 10:19
Veldig dårlig av Finansavisen at de ikke plukker opp en slik nyhet. Men det er nå noen som har fått det med seg. Volumet begynner å komme. 6 illioner første timen er bra. Blir nok en bra dag til slutt.
22.11.2024 kl 12:22
Hva tror dere om HEX fremover da? Er stålbull på at denne kommer til å fortsette videre oppover både på kort og lang sikt. Er eit mye sikrere case en mange av de andre aksjene som debateres her inne så hvorfor så lite fokus på HEX blant skribentene her på forumet?
23.11.2024 kl 22:16
Kruttgubben savner skribenter som har en formening om den vidre kursutvikling for Hex. Jeg er veldig irritert over at en slik melding som kom på torsdag ikke blir børsmeldt eller offentliggjort på andre måter. Har det vært noe negativt kan du være helt sikker på at det har blitt 1.side stoff for Finansavisen. Når det er sagt tror jeg tiden straks er inne for en fin opptur. Volumet har så smått begyndt å ta seg opp. 20 mill. på fredad, det var bra.
Tror vi får en rask og tildels bratt opptur til 52-53
Ved neste kvartals resultat kommer sikkert meglerhuene med nye opdateringer. Iflg. meldingen på torsdag vil Hex produsere 3 gangeren fra 2025 og utover.. Hex kommer til å bli en bedrift av en vesentlig størrelse. Har trua.
Tror vi får en rask og tildels bratt opptur til 52-53
Ved neste kvartals resultat kommer sikkert meglerhuene med nye opdateringer. Iflg. meldingen på torsdag vil Hex produsere 3 gangeren fra 2025 og utover.. Hex kommer til å bli en bedrift av en vesentlig størrelse. Har trua.
Redigert 23.11.2024 kl 23:00
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Rect Angel
24.11.2024 kl 12:56
Hexagon Composites, Hexagon Agility.
Erfaring har lært en å ikke ha særlig forventninger når det gjelder norske mediers dekning av Hexagon Groups virksomheter.
Amerikanske TruckNews.com var imidlertid tilstede under 'the facility’s grand opening on Nov. 21.'. Så her er det bare å åpne linken å forsyne seg med mye mer å lese om åpningen av det nye produksjonsanlegget i Rialto, California og Hexagon Agilitys videre forventninger, planer og ambisjoner når det gjelder RNG/CNG drevet tungtransport.
Hyggelig å se at også avtroppende CEO i Hexagon Composites Jon Erik Engeset ser ut til å kose seg på bildet fra da når snoren klippes. Har selvfølgelig all mulig grunn til å være stolt over jobben han har gjort når han om kort tid skal levere 'stafettpinnen' videre til sin etterkommer. Selvfølgelig også veldig spennende å se hvem det blir. Vil være klart innen nyttår, mener jeg å huske Flakk sa under Q3 2024 07.11.
Hexagon Agility doubles renewable fuel system capacity with new facility in Rialto
by Krystyna Shchedrina
November 22, 2024
Hexagon Agility has opened a new assembly and installation plant in Rialto, Calif., doubling its output capacity and ramping up production of compressed natural gas (CNG) and renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel systems.
The move addresses growing demand from the heavy-duty truck and refuse sectors, fueled by stricter CO2 regulations and the rollout of Cummins’ X15N natural gas engine.
“We will do system integration, system installations, system manufacturing onto renewable natural gas vehicles for the state of California,” said Eric Bippus, executive vice-president of sales and systems engineering at Hexagon Agility, while talking to TruckNews.com during the facility’s grand opening on Nov. 21.
The combination of increased emissions regulations and the X15N natural gas engine has the potential to triple the heavy-duty truck market for natural gas over the next two years.
Erfaring har lært en å ikke ha særlig forventninger når det gjelder norske mediers dekning av Hexagon Groups virksomheter.
Amerikanske TruckNews.com var imidlertid tilstede under 'the facility’s grand opening on Nov. 21.'. Så her er det bare å åpne linken å forsyne seg med mye mer å lese om åpningen av det nye produksjonsanlegget i Rialto, California og Hexagon Agilitys videre forventninger, planer og ambisjoner når det gjelder RNG/CNG drevet tungtransport.
Hyggelig å se at også avtroppende CEO i Hexagon Composites Jon Erik Engeset ser ut til å kose seg på bildet fra da når snoren klippes. Har selvfølgelig all mulig grunn til å være stolt over jobben han har gjort når han om kort tid skal levere 'stafettpinnen' videre til sin etterkommer. Selvfølgelig også veldig spennende å se hvem det blir. Vil være klart innen nyttår, mener jeg å huske Flakk sa under Q3 2024 07.11.
Hexagon Agility doubles renewable fuel system capacity with new facility in Rialto
by Krystyna Shchedrina
November 22, 2024
Hexagon Agility has opened a new assembly and installation plant in Rialto, Calif., doubling its output capacity and ramping up production of compressed natural gas (CNG) and renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel systems.
The move addresses growing demand from the heavy-duty truck and refuse sectors, fueled by stricter CO2 regulations and the rollout of Cummins’ X15N natural gas engine.
“We will do system integration, system installations, system manufacturing onto renewable natural gas vehicles for the state of California,” said Eric Bippus, executive vice-president of sales and systems engineering at Hexagon Agility, while talking to TruckNews.com during the facility’s grand opening on Nov. 21.
The combination of increased emissions regulations and the X15N natural gas engine has the potential to triple the heavy-duty truck market for natural gas over the next two years.
Redigert 24.11.2024 kl 13:58
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25.11.2024 kl 16:31
Stor omsetning i dag men over 4 millioner av aksjene ble omsatt i skuttauksjonen. Så hvem og hvorfor?
25.11.2024 kl 16:52
Merkelige greier, men det er da bra at det er folk til å ta i mot.
Jeg har ikke riktig klart for meg hva det betyr at: HEX legger til i M S C I GLOBAL SMALL CAP INDEKS 25.11.24
Kommer vel frem hvis det er noen store som har solgt.
Jeg har ikke riktig klart for meg hva det betyr at: HEX legger til i M S C I GLOBAL SMALL CAP INDEKS 25.11.24
Kommer vel frem hvis det er noen store som har solgt.
25.11.2024 kl 17:02
Hexagon Composites legger til i MSCI GLOBAL SMALL CAP IDEXES 25/11.
"Geneve, 6. november 2024
Følgende er endringer i bestanddelene for MSCI Global Small Cap-indeksene som vil finne sted ved utgangen av 25. november 2024"
side 4.
Hva betyr dette?
"Geneve, 6. november 2024
Følgende er endringer i bestanddelene for MSCI Global Small Cap-indeksene som vil finne sted ved utgangen av 25. november 2024"
side 4.
Hva betyr dette?
25.11.2024 kl 20:12
Så store volum som ble handlet i sluttauksjonen så må det være avtalt på forhånd. Var jo for over 200 millioner kr.
26.11.2024 kl 16:47
Var det ingen som hadde en rimelig bra forklaring på hva som skjedde i går. ?
26.11.2024 kl 17:47
Inkluderingen av Hexagon Composites i MSCI Global Small Cap-indeksen fra 25. november 2024 betyr at selskapets aksjer nå er en del av denne internasjonale indeksen, som representerer små selskaper i utviklede markeder. MSCI-indekser brukes ofte som referanse av investorer og fond for å måle markedsytelse.
For Hexagon Composites kan denne inkluderingen føre til økt synlighet blant globale investorer og potensielt økt etterspørsel etter aksjen, ettersom fond som følger MSCI-indeksen kan kjøpe aksjer i selskapet for å speile indeksen. Dette kan igjen påvirke aksjekursen positivt.
Det er viktig å merke seg at slike endringer kan føre til økt volatilitet i aksjekursen, spesielt rundt tidspunktet for inkluderingen, ettersom investorer og fond justerer sine porteføljer i tråd med den oppdaterte indeksen.
For Hexagon Composites kan denne inkluderingen føre til økt synlighet blant globale investorer og potensielt økt etterspørsel etter aksjen, ettersom fond som følger MSCI-indeksen kan kjøpe aksjer i selskapet for å speile indeksen. Dette kan igjen påvirke aksjekursen positivt.
Det er viktig å merke seg at slike endringer kan føre til økt volatilitet i aksjekursen, spesielt rundt tidspunktet for inkluderingen, ettersom investorer og fond justerer sine porteføljer i tråd med den oppdaterte indeksen.
26.11.2024 kl 20:50
Får satse på dette blir positivt for aksjen. Falt en del i dag men henter seg nok snart inn igjen.
27.11.2024 kl 08:30
Rect Angel
27.11.2024 kl 23:40
Hexagon Composites, Hexagon Agility
RNG: Trucks or stations? Which comes first?
Both fueling at a public-access station and building a dedicated behind-the-fence station offer unique advantages.
Thomas Wasson
8 hours ago
On a special episode of Truck Tech, host Alan Adler spoke with Derek Turbide, vice president of business development at Clean Energy, and Scott Edelbach, executive vice president at Opal Fuels, about the advantages of public and private fueling stations.
For potential buyers of natural gas-powered commercial vehicles, an important topic is understanding the ecosystem and infrastructure surrounding the fuel source.
Clean Energy Fuels’ multi decade push for public station expansion
Clean Energy Fuels, North America’s largest provider of renewable natural gas for the transportation market, focuses on upstream renewable natural gas fuel development from RNG digesters at dairy farms, landfills and wastewater treatment plants that harvest methane that would otherwise be released into the environment. The harvested gasses are cleaned and put into a pipeline for allocation to any of Clean Energy’s stations. Turbide notes that the company has been building out its network of natural gas stations for nearly 30 years.
The development of the X15N platform, which integrates a Cummins engine block with a natural gas header, is expanding opportunities for Clean Energy. Turbide believes that the longer range and capabilities of the 15-liter natural gas engine will allow for a faster rate of station expansion to meet the new demand. He predicts about a 10% increase in stations each year.
RNG: Trucks or stations? Which comes first?
Both fueling at a public-access station and building a dedicated behind-the-fence station offer unique advantages.
Thomas Wasson
8 hours ago
On a special episode of Truck Tech, host Alan Adler spoke with Derek Turbide, vice president of business development at Clean Energy, and Scott Edelbach, executive vice president at Opal Fuels, about the advantages of public and private fueling stations.
For potential buyers of natural gas-powered commercial vehicles, an important topic is understanding the ecosystem and infrastructure surrounding the fuel source.
Clean Energy Fuels’ multi decade push for public station expansion
Clean Energy Fuels, North America’s largest provider of renewable natural gas for the transportation market, focuses on upstream renewable natural gas fuel development from RNG digesters at dairy farms, landfills and wastewater treatment plants that harvest methane that would otherwise be released into the environment. The harvested gasses are cleaned and put into a pipeline for allocation to any of Clean Energy’s stations. Turbide notes that the company has been building out its network of natural gas stations for nearly 30 years.
The development of the X15N platform, which integrates a Cummins engine block with a natural gas header, is expanding opportunities for Clean Energy. Turbide believes that the longer range and capabilities of the 15-liter natural gas engine will allow for a faster rate of station expansion to meet the new demand. He predicts about a 10% increase in stations each year.
Redigert 27.11.2024 kl 23:41
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28.11.2024 kl 07:55
Ingen tvil om at HEX står foran en eventyrlig vekst i årene som kommer.
28.11.2024 kl 15:19
Ting tyder på at vi kan være ved en vending opp. Kan være bunnen vi så i dag. Det er langt opp til 80 som er Carnieges kursmål.
02.12.2024 kl 09:47
Ja da burde det straks være rigget for en opptur. Bør vel ikke være så langt under 50 ved juletider, tenker jeg.
03.12.2024 kl 07:50
Ny toppsjef i Hexagon. Dette bør dra kursen videre mot 60kr. Virker å være rett mann de har funnet.
Rect Angel
03.12.2024 kl 11:37
Hexagon Composites ASA: Hexagon Composites names Dr. Philipp Schramm as Chief Executive Officer
i dag kl. 07:06 ∙ Cision
Hexagon Composites
Oslo, Norway, 3 December 2024: The Board of Directors of Hexagon Composites (OSE: HEX.OL) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Philipp Schramm as Chief Executive Officer, effective 7 January 2025. Schramm will succeed Jon Erik Engeset, who on 16 April 2024 announced his decision to step down.
Philipp is an automotive industry executive, with more than 15 years of global experience in the automotive supplier industry. He recently served as the CEO and CFO of Brose, one of the world's largest family-owned automotive parts suppliers, with approximately 32,000 employees across 24 countries and annual revenues of around EUR 8 billion. Since joining Brose in 2020 the company has grown by about 30%. Prior to his role at Brose, Philipp held several senior positions at Webasto, another leading automotive supplier. Schramm's career started with PricewaterhouseCoopers with a focus on audit, M&A, restructuring and transaction services.
His customer-focused approach and deep sector knowledge have driven significant growth and value creation in his previous positions where he has successfully identified new markets, geographies, and business opportunities in dynamic and fast changing environments.
"We are thrilled to welcome Philipp to Hexagon. His phenomenal career speaks for itself. Philipp brings a broad industry experience, a proven track record of driving success as well as a value and people focused mindset," said Knut Flakk, Chair of the Board of Hexagon Composites. "Philipp has worked in and understands all of Hexagon's major markets. Our board believes he will be a transformative leader for our company and our industry."
"I am honored to join Hexagon, a company passionately committed to transforming energy solutions. The broad portfolio of technologies of Hexagon and its 38% stake in Hexagon Purus, which includes technologies for Renewable Natural Gas, Hydrogen and Battery Electric Solutions enable cost effective and environmentally friendly alternatives for the transportation and gas distribution industries. Throughout my career, I've been driven to unlock the power of people to effect change. As we face today's challenges, it is crucial to utilize all available energy options. I am eager to collaborate with Hexagon's leadership, employees, associates and partners to unlock Hexagon's full potential," said Philipp Schramm.
Philipp holds a Ph.D. (business doctorate) and a Diploma in Business Administration from the Katholische Universitat Eichstatt-Ingolstadt, Germany, as well as the equivalent of an executive MBA from Harvard Business School.
i dag kl. 07:06 ∙ Cision
Hexagon Composites
Oslo, Norway, 3 December 2024: The Board of Directors of Hexagon Composites (OSE: HEX.OL) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Philipp Schramm as Chief Executive Officer, effective 7 January 2025. Schramm will succeed Jon Erik Engeset, who on 16 April 2024 announced his decision to step down.
Philipp is an automotive industry executive, with more than 15 years of global experience in the automotive supplier industry. He recently served as the CEO and CFO of Brose, one of the world's largest family-owned automotive parts suppliers, with approximately 32,000 employees across 24 countries and annual revenues of around EUR 8 billion. Since joining Brose in 2020 the company has grown by about 30%. Prior to his role at Brose, Philipp held several senior positions at Webasto, another leading automotive supplier. Schramm's career started with PricewaterhouseCoopers with a focus on audit, M&A, restructuring and transaction services.
His customer-focused approach and deep sector knowledge have driven significant growth and value creation in his previous positions where he has successfully identified new markets, geographies, and business opportunities in dynamic and fast changing environments.
"We are thrilled to welcome Philipp to Hexagon. His phenomenal career speaks for itself. Philipp brings a broad industry experience, a proven track record of driving success as well as a value and people focused mindset," said Knut Flakk, Chair of the Board of Hexagon Composites. "Philipp has worked in and understands all of Hexagon's major markets. Our board believes he will be a transformative leader for our company and our industry."
"I am honored to join Hexagon, a company passionately committed to transforming energy solutions. The broad portfolio of technologies of Hexagon and its 38% stake in Hexagon Purus, which includes technologies for Renewable Natural Gas, Hydrogen and Battery Electric Solutions enable cost effective and environmentally friendly alternatives for the transportation and gas distribution industries. Throughout my career, I've been driven to unlock the power of people to effect change. As we face today's challenges, it is crucial to utilize all available energy options. I am eager to collaborate with Hexagon's leadership, employees, associates and partners to unlock Hexagon's full potential," said Philipp Schramm.
Philipp holds a Ph.D. (business doctorate) and a Diploma in Business Administration from the Katholische Universitat Eichstatt-Ingolstadt, Germany, as well as the equivalent of an executive MBA from Harvard Business School.
Rect Angel
03.12.2024 kl 14:25
Tyske DER AKTIONÄR betegner ansettelsen av Philipp Schramm som nye CEO i Hexagon Composites som sensasjonell, i positiv forstand.
Feelingen her blir bare bedre og bedre. 'Schramms nedslagsfelt' når det gjelder bransjeinnsikt og kontaktflater, fremstår jo som helt enormt.
Merker meg også at Schramm fremhever Hexagon Purus og Hexagon Composites's eierpost der, i børsmeldingen. Er nok liten tvil om at også Holum & Co i Purus kommer til å ha nytte av og trekke veksler på Schramms kompetanse, kontaktflate og bransjeerfaring.
Hexagon Composites: Sensation – former Brose boss becomes CEO
Today, 07:31 ‧ Michel Doepke
After a search lasting several months, the Norwegian company Hexagon Composites has found a successor for the current company director Jon Erik Engeset. As announced on Tuesday, the former Brose boss Dr. Philipp Schramm will take over the position of CEO at the Scandinavian company from January 7th.
Schramm has over 15 years of experience in the global automotive industry and most recently served as CEO and CFO of Brose. His former employer is the world's largest family-owned automotive supplier.
It was not until October 4, 2024 that Brose announced Schramm's resignation from the management board effective October 2. The reason: The manager had refused the appointment as Chairman of the Managing Directors.
Hexagon Composites has brought on board a manager with a wealth of experience from a well-known family business in the automotive industry. DER AKTIONÄR believes that Schramm will be able to successfully lead the company in a dynamic, profitable growth phase. Weak days remain buying days for speculative investors in the annual tip for 2024.
Feelingen her blir bare bedre og bedre. 'Schramms nedslagsfelt' når det gjelder bransjeinnsikt og kontaktflater, fremstår jo som helt enormt.
Merker meg også at Schramm fremhever Hexagon Purus og Hexagon Composites's eierpost der, i børsmeldingen. Er nok liten tvil om at også Holum & Co i Purus kommer til å ha nytte av og trekke veksler på Schramms kompetanse, kontaktflate og bransjeerfaring.
Hexagon Composites: Sensation – former Brose boss becomes CEO
Today, 07:31 ‧ Michel Doepke
After a search lasting several months, the Norwegian company Hexagon Composites has found a successor for the current company director Jon Erik Engeset. As announced on Tuesday, the former Brose boss Dr. Philipp Schramm will take over the position of CEO at the Scandinavian company from January 7th.
Schramm has over 15 years of experience in the global automotive industry and most recently served as CEO and CFO of Brose. His former employer is the world's largest family-owned automotive supplier.
It was not until October 4, 2024 that Brose announced Schramm's resignation from the management board effective October 2. The reason: The manager had refused the appointment as Chairman of the Managing Directors.
Hexagon Composites has brought on board a manager with a wealth of experience from a well-known family business in the automotive industry. DER AKTIONÄR believes that Schramm will be able to successfully lead the company in a dynamic, profitable growth phase. Weak days remain buying days for speculative investors in the annual tip for 2024.
Redigert 03.12.2024 kl 14:33
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Rect Angel
04.12.2024 kl 12:01
Hexagon Composites, Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave launches Modal Acoustic Emission system for Type 3 gas distribution trailers
News provided by
Hexagon Composites ASA
Dec 03, 2024, 09:24 ET
CENTENNIAL, Colo, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hexagon Digital Wave, a leading provider of innovative solutions for the compressed gas distribution industry, launches in-situ requalification of Type 3 gas distribution trailers, using its proprietary Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) technology.
As the only provider of in-situ MAE requalification, Hexagon Digital Wave has successfully used MAE technology to requalify over 750 Type 4 gas distribution trailers. The company is now extending its offering to gas distribution trailers using Type 3 cylinders, with services becoming available early in 2025.
MAE is a cutting-edge non-destructive testing (NDT) technique that can accurately detect and assess damage in composite materials, making it an ideal solution for the rigorous demands of the gas distribution industry. The track record of MAE demonstrates the effectiveness, scalability, and reliability of the technology.
Key benefits of MAE for Gas Distribution:
Advanced detection of damage: MAE can identify potential issues in composite materials before they escalate into critical failures.
Reduced downtime: In-situ requalification minimizes downtime and operational disruptions.
Enhanced safety: By ensuring the integrity of gas distribution equipment, MAE contributes to a safer working environment.
Department of Transportation/PHMSA and Transport Canada vetted and approved
By leveraging the power of MAE, Hexagon Digital Wave is poised to make a significant impact on gas distribution's safety and efficiency.
For more information:
Ryan C. Pennock, MAE Sales Manager, Hexagon Digital Wave
Telephone: 770 262 4719 | ryan.pennock@hexagondigitalwave.com
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a manufacturer of Ultrasonic Examination (UE) cylinder testing equipment, Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) testing equipment and a provider of associated inspection services. With applications worldwide, Hexagon Digital Wave serves government entities, academic institutes, and private clients in the compressed gas and pressure vessel industries. Learn more at www.hexagondigitalwave.com
Hexagon Digital Wave - Modal Acoustic Emission Requalification
Hexagon Digital Wave launches Modal Acoustic Emission system for Type 3 gas distribution trailers
News provided by
Hexagon Composites ASA
Dec 03, 2024, 09:24 ET
CENTENNIAL, Colo, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hexagon Digital Wave, a leading provider of innovative solutions for the compressed gas distribution industry, launches in-situ requalification of Type 3 gas distribution trailers, using its proprietary Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) technology.
As the only provider of in-situ MAE requalification, Hexagon Digital Wave has successfully used MAE technology to requalify over 750 Type 4 gas distribution trailers. The company is now extending its offering to gas distribution trailers using Type 3 cylinders, with services becoming available early in 2025.
MAE is a cutting-edge non-destructive testing (NDT) technique that can accurately detect and assess damage in composite materials, making it an ideal solution for the rigorous demands of the gas distribution industry. The track record of MAE demonstrates the effectiveness, scalability, and reliability of the technology.
Key benefits of MAE for Gas Distribution:
Advanced detection of damage: MAE can identify potential issues in composite materials before they escalate into critical failures.
Reduced downtime: In-situ requalification minimizes downtime and operational disruptions.
Enhanced safety: By ensuring the integrity of gas distribution equipment, MAE contributes to a safer working environment.
Department of Transportation/PHMSA and Transport Canada vetted and approved
By leveraging the power of MAE, Hexagon Digital Wave is poised to make a significant impact on gas distribution's safety and efficiency.
For more information:
Ryan C. Pennock, MAE Sales Manager, Hexagon Digital Wave
Telephone: 770 262 4719 | ryan.pennock@hexagondigitalwave.com
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a manufacturer of Ultrasonic Examination (UE) cylinder testing equipment, Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) testing equipment and a provider of associated inspection services. With applications worldwide, Hexagon Digital Wave serves government entities, academic institutes, and private clients in the compressed gas and pressure vessel industries. Learn more at www.hexagondigitalwave.com
Hexagon Digital Wave - Modal Acoustic Emission Requalification
Redigert 04.12.2024 kl 12:05
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04.12.2024 kl 15:29
Finansavisen i dag 4.12.
Disse selskapene vil levere uventet sterk vekst
Danske Bank-analytiker Elliott Jones trekker frem fire norske selskaper som ligger an til å slå konsensusestimatene med en god margin.
Analytikeren synes Hexagon Composites gir særlig god «risk/reward».– Den nye Cummins-motoren tredobler markedet for gassdrevne lastebiler, noe som vil øke etterspørselen etter Hexagons drivstoffsystem, forklarer han.– Selskapets ebitda-margin i tredje kvartal var langt bedre enn ventet, hovedsakelig grunnet en stor bestilling fra fraktgiganten UPS.
Jones ser gode muligheter for at også inntektene og ebitda–marginene i 2025 overrasker positivt.– Likevel har aksjen falt 11 prosent, siden kvartalsrapporten ble publisert, så dette er et godt kjøpstidspunkt, tiføyer han.
Disse selskapene vil levere uventet sterk vekst
Danske Bank-analytiker Elliott Jones trekker frem fire norske selskaper som ligger an til å slå konsensusestimatene med en god margin.
Analytikeren synes Hexagon Composites gir særlig god «risk/reward».– Den nye Cummins-motoren tredobler markedet for gassdrevne lastebiler, noe som vil øke etterspørselen etter Hexagons drivstoffsystem, forklarer han.– Selskapets ebitda-margin i tredje kvartal var langt bedre enn ventet, hovedsakelig grunnet en stor bestilling fra fraktgiganten UPS.
Jones ser gode muligheter for at også inntektene og ebitda–marginene i 2025 overrasker positivt.– Likevel har aksjen falt 11 prosent, siden kvartalsrapporten ble publisert, så dette er et godt kjøpstidspunkt, tiføyer han.
04.12.2024 kl 20:41
Så langt ser det veldig bra ut, men det er viktig at aksjen bryer opp gjennom 45, som har blitt et motstandsnivå. Brudd opp gjennom 45 vil gi et sterkt kjøpsignal og da er ikke veien så lang opp til 50 nivået. Skulle det derimot snu ned igjen ned igjen , kan det bli en ny ørkenvandring. Mange positive meldinger fra selskapet burde gi et løft opp på 50 tallet før året ebber ut.
04.12.2024 kl 21:56
45 går lett, det er 46.6kr som blir spennende på kort sikt. Vi skal opp minimum 10kr fra her. Men tror egentlig dette kan bli et bra sted å være i 2025, har selvfølgelig en posisjon her så er det sagt.
04.12.2024 kl 22:13
Ja, enig i det . 2025 blir et knall år. Denne aksjen en sannsynligvis over 100 kroner om to -tre år. Kan bli en spennende dag i morgen.
05.12.2024 kl 08:25
Fin artikkel som viser at fremtiden til HEX er lys:
05.12.2024 kl 08:33
HEX omtales ca 32:48 ut i denne analysen fra i går. Løp å kjøp
Rect Angel
05.12.2024 kl 14:11
Hexagon Composites
RNG. Det tar tilsynelatende helt av nå!
Åpne bare linken og les om den enorme mengden avtaler Clean Energy har inngått om leveranser av RNG til store aktører innen transportsektoren m.m.
Clean Energy Inks New Renewable Natural Gas Deals With Cross-Industry Customers Seeking a Sustainable, Clean Fuel
December 05, 2024 06:30 AM Eastern Standard Time
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE), the largest provider of the cleanest fuel for the transportation market, has announced a series of new deals as it continues to meet the growing customer demand for renewable natural gas (RNG), with new fueling contracts, construction of additional fueling infrastructure, and operations and maintenance contracts.
“The last quarter has been one of our best periods for RNG sales with deals closing across the board in the heavy-duty truck, transit, and refuse markets. This is no better proof that RNG is now a recognized, effective alternative fuel solution that works and continues to satisfy the needs of our longer-term customer as well as gain attention from new customers looking for a clean, alternative to cater to their fueling needs,” said Chad Lindholm, senior vice president at Clean Energy.
RNG. Det tar tilsynelatende helt av nå!
Åpne bare linken og les om den enorme mengden avtaler Clean Energy har inngått om leveranser av RNG til store aktører innen transportsektoren m.m.
Clean Energy Inks New Renewable Natural Gas Deals With Cross-Industry Customers Seeking a Sustainable, Clean Fuel
December 05, 2024 06:30 AM Eastern Standard Time
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE), the largest provider of the cleanest fuel for the transportation market, has announced a series of new deals as it continues to meet the growing customer demand for renewable natural gas (RNG), with new fueling contracts, construction of additional fueling infrastructure, and operations and maintenance contracts.
“The last quarter has been one of our best periods for RNG sales with deals closing across the board in the heavy-duty truck, transit, and refuse markets. This is no better proof that RNG is now a recognized, effective alternative fuel solution that works and continues to satisfy the needs of our longer-term customer as well as gain attention from new customers looking for a clean, alternative to cater to their fueling needs,” said Chad Lindholm, senior vice president at Clean Energy.
05.12.2024 kl 21:16
Automatisk teknisk analyse. Middels lang sikt, 5. des 2024 Iflg. Investtech.
Investorene har over tid betalt stadig høyere priser for å kjøpe seg opp i Hexagon Composites og aksjen ligger i en stigende trendkanal på mellomlang sikt. Dette signaliserer økende optimisme blant investorene og indikerer videre kursoppgang. Aksjen har brutt opp gjennom motstanden ved cirka 45.00 kroner og videre oppgang er dermed signalisert.
Investorene har over tid betalt stadig høyere priser for å kjøpe seg opp i Hexagon Composites og aksjen ligger i en stigende trendkanal på mellomlang sikt. Dette signaliserer økende optimisme blant investorene og indikerer videre kursoppgang. Aksjen har brutt opp gjennom motstanden ved cirka 45.00 kroner og videre oppgang er dermed signalisert.
06.12.2024 kl 08:49
HEX er utrolig sterk for tiden. Ser meget lovende ut nå og brøt gjennom motstanden på 46 så hvor er neste kneik?
Går den rett mot 60 kr. Har kursmål 60 innen utgangen av Januar😃
Går den rett mot 60 kr. Har kursmål 60 innen utgangen av Januar😃