HEX - analytiker: Lagring av energi kan gå 75 ganger'n
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
Redigert 06.02.2024 kl 15:35
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Rect Angel
09.12.2024 kl 11:37
Hexagon Composites, Hexagon Agility
Special Edition Ep.6 | PTI sees greater adoption for renewable natural gas as transportation fuel
Hexagon Composites, Hexagon Agility
Special Edition Ep.6 | PTI sees greater adoption for renewable natural gas as transportation fuel
11.12.2024 kl 06:02
Virker som Hexagon Composites har brutt gjennom motstanden på 46kr nå. Har svinga rundt dette nivået men så i går etter lunch at den nå trolig fortsetter oppover.
Så er vel nå som motstanden er brutt en bør handle mer. 7 meglerhus som har kursmål godt over dette nivået.
Så er vel nå som motstanden er brutt en bør handle mer. 7 meglerhus som har kursmål godt over dette nivået.
12.12.2024 kl 09:24
Ja, snart klart for et nytt løft opp til 54. Har et lite heft ved forige topp rundt 48,55. Blåser den gjennom der før helga, er det straka veien til et godt stykke opp på 50 tallet. Blir det litt heft ved en dobbel topp (48,50) blir det nok en liten hvilepause på en to-tre dager før nete løft.
12.12.2024 kl 21:46
Finansavisen 12.12. Analytiker Helene Kvilhaug Brøndbo i DNB Markets anbefaler Hexagon Composites
«Venter sterk volumvekst
Analytikeren liker også Hexagon Composites, som blant annet lager drivstoffsystemer for biogassdrevne kjøretøy og drar nytte av veksten i dette markedet.– Dagens teknologi gir tilsvarende ytelse og lavere kostnader enn diesel, påpeker hun.– Aksjens prising tar ikke fullstendig høyde for at biogasskjøretøy får en større markedsandel i USA eller at volumvekst vil bedre selskapets marginer.
Brøndbo viser til at Hexagon tidligere i år fikk de første ordrene for gasstanker til Cummins' nye motor, og hun venter flere og større bestillinger i 2025.»
«Venter sterk volumvekst
Analytikeren liker også Hexagon Composites, som blant annet lager drivstoffsystemer for biogassdrevne kjøretøy og drar nytte av veksten i dette markedet.– Dagens teknologi gir tilsvarende ytelse og lavere kostnader enn diesel, påpeker hun.– Aksjens prising tar ikke fullstendig høyde for at biogasskjøretøy får en større markedsandel i USA eller at volumvekst vil bedre selskapets marginer.
Brøndbo viser til at Hexagon tidligere i år fikk de første ordrene for gasstanker til Cummins' nye motor, og hun venter flere og større bestillinger i 2025.»
Redigert 12.12.2024 kl 21:47
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15.12.2024 kl 20:58
Neste uke blir årets siste hele uke. Aksjen har hatt en liten hvilepause noen dager og bør være klar for ny opptur, fra i morgen eller tirsdag. Håper vi ser 50 tallet før jul og 50-52 før det nye året ringes inn. Det har vært mange positive meldinger den siste tiden, vedr. både Hex og Hpur.
16.12.2024 kl 08:56
Ja ville vert fint å se 50kr ila uka😃 Tror også dette kan bli en av aksjene som blir nyttårsrakett!
17.12.2024 kl 17:05
Dagen i dag har vært en av de tristeste børsdagene på lenge. Omsetning 3 aksjer-5 aksjer osv. Total vel 4 mill. i omsetning. Hva er det som skjer? I USA snakker de bare om hvor godt den nye gassmotoren er blitt motatt og at alle tunge kjøretøy må bort fra diesel og erstattes med billigere og mindre forurenesede drivstoff. Salget går strykende, noe som vil vises i HEX,s regnskaper i tiden fremover.
Samme gjelder for Hpur. Stadig nye meldinger om nye kontrakter. Spesielt innen hydrogen, er det mye nytt. Men hva hjelper det.Aksjekursen for begge selskaper trender nedover. Her må det snart komme en kraftig opptur.
At kursen for HEX gikk under 45 i dag var ikke så bra. Det kan tyde på at vi må lengre ned, dersom det ikke snur brått opp i morgen.
Føler meg ganske trygg på at kursen er langt høyere når vi nærmer oss årsresultatet.
Samme gjelder for Hpur. Stadig nye meldinger om nye kontrakter. Spesielt innen hydrogen, er det mye nytt. Men hva hjelper det.Aksjekursen for begge selskaper trender nedover. Her må det snart komme en kraftig opptur.
At kursen for HEX gikk under 45 i dag var ikke så bra. Det kan tyde på at vi må lengre ned, dersom det ikke snur brått opp i morgen.
Føler meg ganske trygg på at kursen er langt høyere når vi nærmer oss årsresultatet.
17.12.2024 kl 17:47
Det som skjer er at Hovedindeksen satte en dobbel topp, og bør finne støtte rundt her. Shipping og olje er ikke akkurat sterk om dagen heller.. For hexa sin del, iallefall i teorien, er det en omvendt hode skulder formasjon. Konsolidering og pullback på lavt volum idag, bør vise styrke i morgen eller torsdag. Vi skal i området 55kr hvis formasjonen utspiller seg fremover..
17.12.2024 kl 18:51
Ja generelt dårlig børsklima som sender aksjen litt ned. Det snur snart og HEX kommer til å gå bra fremover. Faller på liten omsetning og går sterkt på dager med stor omsetning er en styrke. Så benytt mulighetene til å handle på dager som dette. Skal se uka ender i pluss her.
18.12.2024 kl 16:01
Da ser det endelig ut for at pilen peker opp igjen. 3 børsdager til Jul. Det kan holde hardt å komme over 50 lappen, men det kan også skje fort. Time will show.
18.12.2024 kl 16:29
Stengte , over 45. Det tyder bra for resten av uken
Redigert 18.12.2024 kl 16:31
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18.12.2024 kl 22:27
DUKKER STADIG OPP NEGATIVE TING: Blodrøde indekser i USA: Nasdaq ned 3,56 % Hex i Tyskland endte på 3,78 Tilsvarerende Kr. 44,60 Ser ikke så alt for lovende ut. Vi får bare avvente å se.
Rect Angel
23.12.2024 kl 23:09
Ingen tvil hos Fleet Equipment når 'FE’s Truck Trend of the Year' i dag presenteres. Video (5:48) hvis man åpner linken.
Så så smått på vei inn i et nytt år med en sterk følelse av at særlig Hexagon Purus er ganske så undervurdert av markedet.
On the road
FE’s Truck Trend of the Year: Zero-Emissions Regulations
Specifically, current and upcoming industry regulation from CARB and the EPA was the big talk of the year, and it’s going to define at least the next two years as well.
Published: Dec 23, 2024
By Alex Crissey
Contributing Editor Alex Crissey has been with Fleet Equipment since 2015.
It’s time to name our number one trend of the year, and if you’ve been to any industry events or just discussed the state of the industry at any point this year, this one should come as no surprise. Zero-emissions regulations are our trend of the year for 2024.
Specifically, current and upcoming industry regulation from CARB and the EPA was the big talk of the year, and it’s going to define at least the next two years as well.
In this episode, we zoom out a bit and talk about what these regulations are, and what they’ll mean. Which rules should you focus on as a fleet, and how will they affect you? We also hear from Ashley Remillard of Hexagon Agility, who detailed the planned regulations and explained why natural gas engines don’t qualify as of yet. Additionally, we get some insight from Cummins on why political changes won’t necessarily mean changes in the trucking equipment they’ll be producing.
Watch the video above for more, and catch up on the other three trends of the year here.
Every year at Fleet Equipment, we take the month of December to bring readers and viewers the Truck Trends of the Year. On the Road is sponsored by Double Coin.
Så så smått på vei inn i et nytt år med en sterk følelse av at særlig Hexagon Purus er ganske så undervurdert av markedet.
On the road
FE’s Truck Trend of the Year: Zero-Emissions Regulations
Specifically, current and upcoming industry regulation from CARB and the EPA was the big talk of the year, and it’s going to define at least the next two years as well.
Published: Dec 23, 2024
By Alex Crissey
Contributing Editor Alex Crissey has been with Fleet Equipment since 2015.
It’s time to name our number one trend of the year, and if you’ve been to any industry events or just discussed the state of the industry at any point this year, this one should come as no surprise. Zero-emissions regulations are our trend of the year for 2024.
Specifically, current and upcoming industry regulation from CARB and the EPA was the big talk of the year, and it’s going to define at least the next two years as well.
In this episode, we zoom out a bit and talk about what these regulations are, and what they’ll mean. Which rules should you focus on as a fleet, and how will they affect you? We also hear from Ashley Remillard of Hexagon Agility, who detailed the planned regulations and explained why natural gas engines don’t qualify as of yet. Additionally, we get some insight from Cummins on why political changes won’t necessarily mean changes in the trucking equipment they’ll be producing.
Watch the video above for more, and catch up on the other three trends of the year here.
Every year at Fleet Equipment, we take the month of December to bring readers and viewers the Truck Trends of the Year. On the Road is sponsored by Double Coin.
Redigert 23.12.2024 kl 23:16
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30.12.2024 kl 08:01
For mye pessimisme
I Norge liker Teigland Hexagon Composites, som tjener på økt salg av Cummins nye gassdrevne lastebilmotor.
– Dessuten satser flere amerikanske og europeiske aktører på RNG/CNG generelt, sier han.
– Investorene er fortsatt for pessimistiske, når det gjelder antall solgte gassdrevne Cummins-motorer de neste årene, og Hexagon burde opprettholde en andel nær 70 prosent i dette markedet.
Ifølge forvalteren gir strengere regulering i EU ytterligere oppsidepotensial, uten at dette reflekteres i dagens inntjeningsestimater. Kursmål kr 80
I Norge liker Teigland Hexagon Composites, som tjener på økt salg av Cummins nye gassdrevne lastebilmotor.
– Dessuten satser flere amerikanske og europeiske aktører på RNG/CNG generelt, sier han.
– Investorene er fortsatt for pessimistiske, når det gjelder antall solgte gassdrevne Cummins-motorer de neste årene, og Hexagon burde opprettholde en andel nær 70 prosent i dette markedet.
Ifølge forvalteren gir strengere regulering i EU ytterligere oppsidepotensial, uten at dette reflekteres i dagens inntjeningsestimater. Kursmål kr 80
Rect Angel
30.12.2024 kl 13:22
Ja, da børsmeldte nettopp Hexagon Composites/Agility en ny kontrakt med "a leading U.S. Oilfield Services company", verdt ca. 127 millioner NOK.
Fin avslutning på 2024.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Hexagon Agility receives order for Mobile Pipeline[® ]TITAN 450 modules from a premier Oilfield service company
i dag kl. 12:45 ∙ Cision
Hexagon Composites
30 December 2024: Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, has received an order for Mobile Pipeline^®^ TITAN 450 modules from a leading U.S. Oilfield Services company. The modules will enable the company's fleet of well completion equipment to transition from diesel fuel to natural gas, reducing both carbon emissions and operating costs.
The order represents an estimated value of USD 11.2 million (approx. NOK 127 million).
Mobile Pipeline is vital to driving the transition from diesel fuel to natural gas. Oilfield Services is one of the most demanding applications requiring cost-effective and reliable energy supply to remote and rugged areas. Natural gas is currently the only economically viable alternative energy capable of reducing carbon emissions in energy-intensive applications.
With more than 2,100 Mobile Pipeline modules deployed around the world, Hexagon Agility continues to set the standard for safety, reliability, and performance in the gas distribution industry.
"We remain committed to driving energy transformation," says Mark Babcock, Senior Director of Sales for Mobile Pipeline, Hexagon Agility. "We launched TITAN 450 a year and half ago and it has once again set the standard for maintainability and uptime reliability. We are proud to continue our relationship with this industry leading customer."
Deliveries of the TITAN 450 modules will commence in the second quarter of 2025.
For more information:
Berit-Cathrin Høyvik, Senior Director, Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 988 92 161 | berit-cathrin.hoyvik@hexagongroup.com
David Bandele, CFO, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 920 91 483 | david.bandele@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and bulk gas transportation. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas bulk distribution systems of compressed gases, lightweight Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while lowering operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on X and LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility and industrial applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on X and LinkedIn.
Fin avslutning på 2024.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Hexagon Agility receives order for Mobile Pipeline[® ]TITAN 450 modules from a premier Oilfield service company
i dag kl. 12:45 ∙ Cision
Hexagon Composites
30 December 2024: Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, has received an order for Mobile Pipeline^®^ TITAN 450 modules from a leading U.S. Oilfield Services company. The modules will enable the company's fleet of well completion equipment to transition from diesel fuel to natural gas, reducing both carbon emissions and operating costs.
The order represents an estimated value of USD 11.2 million (approx. NOK 127 million).
Mobile Pipeline is vital to driving the transition from diesel fuel to natural gas. Oilfield Services is one of the most demanding applications requiring cost-effective and reliable energy supply to remote and rugged areas. Natural gas is currently the only economically viable alternative energy capable of reducing carbon emissions in energy-intensive applications.
With more than 2,100 Mobile Pipeline modules deployed around the world, Hexagon Agility continues to set the standard for safety, reliability, and performance in the gas distribution industry.
"We remain committed to driving energy transformation," says Mark Babcock, Senior Director of Sales for Mobile Pipeline, Hexagon Agility. "We launched TITAN 450 a year and half ago and it has once again set the standard for maintainability and uptime reliability. We are proud to continue our relationship with this industry leading customer."
Deliveries of the TITAN 450 modules will commence in the second quarter of 2025.
For more information:
Berit-Cathrin Høyvik, Senior Director, Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 988 92 161 | berit-cathrin.hoyvik@hexagongroup.com
David Bandele, CFO, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 920 91 483 | david.bandele@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and bulk gas transportation. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas bulk distribution systems of compressed gases, lightweight Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while lowering operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on X and LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility and industrial applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on X and LinkedIn.
09.01.2025 kl 10:03
Endelig ser det ut for at vi kan få det løftet vi har ventet på. Potensialet i aksjen er enormt, så det er vel ikke så lenge før aksjen er oppe på kurmålene som er satt av de forskjellige meglerhus. Det kan lønne seg å være litt tolmodig av og til.
09.01.2025 kl 15:48
Fin fin opptur i dag. En videre oppgang gjennom 45 i dag eller i morgen , vil rydde veien klar for en oppgang til 55-60
14.01.2025 kl 07:51
Hexagon Composites falt med hele 6.0 prosent og endte på 41.05 kroner. Vi må tilbake til 21. august 2024 for å finne en like kraftig nedgang. Den gangen falt aksjen med 6.2 prosent. Aksjen utløste et salgssignal på økende volum ved bruddet ned gjennom støtten ved 42.25 kroner i en dobbel-topp-formasjon. En videre nedgang til 37.51 kroner i løpet av to måneder indikeres.
14.01.2025 kl 11:36
En av de siste meldingene fra selskapet var at de skulle øke produksjonen fra januar 25 og utover. Det blir nok resultatet og utsiktene fremover som blir avgjørende for kursutviklingen fremover. Blir bra saker som kommer den 13. feb,
14.01.2025 kl 11:54
En artikkel i FT fra 10 Januar reiser store spørsmål om hvorvidt Toyota vil kunne klare å gjennomføre sitt hydrogen program, også gjennom Hino og de små lastebilene. Dette er vel livsåra til HPUR, hvor HEX er storeier.
Synes risiko nå er økt betraktelig, og er nok ikke den eneste.
Synes risiko nå er økt betraktelig, og er nok ikke den eneste.
14.01.2025 kl 12:15
Om en faktisk leser artikkelen og forstår engelsk, så er det snakk om personbilmarkedet
Rect Angel
15.01.2025 kl 15:24
ALT taler for at dette blir kjempestort for Hexagon Composites.
Trucks News har testet Cummins's nye 'vidunder' X15 N. Den gassdrevne motoren som gjør at gass (CNG/RNG) nå er mer enn konkurransedyktig innen alle segmenter av transport langs vei. Også det aller tyngste.
Alt indikererer at opptaket av X15N blant Nord-Amerikanske 'fleets' kommer til å eksplodere.
Hexagon Agility har 70%++ markedsandel når det gjelder drivstoffsystemer til gassdreven transport langs vei, og alle 3 OEMs som nevnes i artikkelen og er 'first movers' innen serieproduksjon av langtransporter utstyrt med X15N (Kenworth, Peterbilt, Daimler) bygger sine kjøretøy med integrerte drivstoffsystemer produsert av Hexagon Agility. Så man kan saktens skjønne at Flakk under presentasjonen av Q3 2024 i november lekte litt med tanker om firedoblet omsetning...
Omfattende artikkel. Så interesserte kan lese om hele testen ved å åpne linken. Konklusjonen som jeg gjengir nederst, taler for seg.
Test Drive: Cummins X15N big-bore natural gas
by Jim ParkJanuary 15, 2025
Excitement in Canada was palpable when Cummins first announced the X15N in the fall of 2021. It went into production at the company’s Jamestown Engine Plant in western New York last September. Peterbilt and Kenworth are the first two OEMs to offer the engine, and units are now in production.
Freightliner will offer the X15N in sleeper and day cab versions of the Cascadia beginning this year.
New to North America
While we keep saying the X15N is a new engine, it comes to North America with more than 2.5 billion miles logged by production engines in Asia and Australia. More than 50,000 of these engines are already running globally.
Presently, 16 North American fleets are field testing the engine, including two in Canada. They are testing linehaul, regional, and vocational duty cycles, and have accumulated more than 500,000 miles of real-world evaluation — including hot and cold weather and high-altitude exposure.
“We’ve been researching and developing this particular engine for six years now,” says Mario Sanchez, Cummins’ on-highway sales director. “It has run more than 40,000 hours of dyno testing and 6 million miles (8 million km) of pre-production on-road testing. Yes, it’s new to North America, but it’s already a well-proven product.”
Final thoughts
I firmly believe this engine will be key to migrating over to a cleaner alternate energy source for trucking. Battery-electric trucks won’t work in longhaul service, and hydrogen fuel cells are still horribly expensive and there is still very little fuel distribution in place.
Natural gas is widely available in most of North America, and this engine is here now and ready to work.
It already beats the dreaded 2027 NOx emissions limits, and in terms of vehicle weight and operating range, is very competitive with a similarly spec’d diesel.
If you’re still worried about natural gas as a less-than-stellar alternative to diesel, don’t be. The X15N checks almost every box. This is the engine that will get us over the hump and keep us running clean and green for a long time to come.
Trucks News har testet Cummins's nye 'vidunder' X15 N. Den gassdrevne motoren som gjør at gass (CNG/RNG) nå er mer enn konkurransedyktig innen alle segmenter av transport langs vei. Også det aller tyngste.
Alt indikererer at opptaket av X15N blant Nord-Amerikanske 'fleets' kommer til å eksplodere.
Hexagon Agility har 70%++ markedsandel når det gjelder drivstoffsystemer til gassdreven transport langs vei, og alle 3 OEMs som nevnes i artikkelen og er 'first movers' innen serieproduksjon av langtransporter utstyrt med X15N (Kenworth, Peterbilt, Daimler) bygger sine kjøretøy med integrerte drivstoffsystemer produsert av Hexagon Agility. Så man kan saktens skjønne at Flakk under presentasjonen av Q3 2024 i november lekte litt med tanker om firedoblet omsetning...
Omfattende artikkel. Så interesserte kan lese om hele testen ved å åpne linken. Konklusjonen som jeg gjengir nederst, taler for seg.
Test Drive: Cummins X15N big-bore natural gas
by Jim ParkJanuary 15, 2025
Excitement in Canada was palpable when Cummins first announced the X15N in the fall of 2021. It went into production at the company’s Jamestown Engine Plant in western New York last September. Peterbilt and Kenworth are the first two OEMs to offer the engine, and units are now in production.
Freightliner will offer the X15N in sleeper and day cab versions of the Cascadia beginning this year.
New to North America
While we keep saying the X15N is a new engine, it comes to North America with more than 2.5 billion miles logged by production engines in Asia and Australia. More than 50,000 of these engines are already running globally.
Presently, 16 North American fleets are field testing the engine, including two in Canada. They are testing linehaul, regional, and vocational duty cycles, and have accumulated more than 500,000 miles of real-world evaluation — including hot and cold weather and high-altitude exposure.
“We’ve been researching and developing this particular engine for six years now,” says Mario Sanchez, Cummins’ on-highway sales director. “It has run more than 40,000 hours of dyno testing and 6 million miles (8 million km) of pre-production on-road testing. Yes, it’s new to North America, but it’s already a well-proven product.”
Final thoughts
I firmly believe this engine will be key to migrating over to a cleaner alternate energy source for trucking. Battery-electric trucks won’t work in longhaul service, and hydrogen fuel cells are still horribly expensive and there is still very little fuel distribution in place.
Natural gas is widely available in most of North America, and this engine is here now and ready to work.
It already beats the dreaded 2027 NOx emissions limits, and in terms of vehicle weight and operating range, is very competitive with a similarly spec’d diesel.
If you’re still worried about natural gas as a less-than-stellar alternative to diesel, don’t be. The X15N checks almost every box. This is the engine that will get us over the hump and keep us running clean and green for a long time to come.
Redigert 15.01.2025 kl 16:05
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Rect Angel
20.01.2025 kl 12:50
Første meldte avtale under ny CEO i Hexagon Composites - Philipp Schramm. Schramm tiltrådte i stillingen 7.januar 2025.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Hexagon Digital Wave enters into exclusive long-term agreement with Certarus to provide requalification services of their gas transportation fleet
i dag kl. 07:00 ∙ Cision
20 January 2025: Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites, has entered into a long-term agreement (LTA) with Certarus, the North American leader in compressed gas transportation and distribution, to provide exclusive requalification services to their fleet of gas transportation trailers. The LTA runs from January 2025 to December 2027.
Hexagon Digital Wave utilizes its Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) technology to perform in-situ requalification of Certarus' gas transportation modules. MAE is the most accurate method for inspection and testing of composite cylinders, ensuring the highest standards of safety and compliance for gas transportation. The use of in-situ MAE requalification streamlines Certarus' fleet maintenance and inspection procedures, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and reducing downtime.
"We are pleased with the benefits that come with utilizing Hexagon Digital Wave's MAE technology for our Mobile Storage Unit cylinder recertification process," said Natasha Cherednichenko, President at Certarus. "Their expertise and technology are helping our industry improve safety and compliance, and reduces downtime associated with other testing processes."
"We are proud to partner with Certarus in their mission to deliver clean energy safely and reliably", said Dr. Brian Burks**,** Presidentat Hexagon Digital Wave. "Hexagon Digital Wave is committed to providing safety to our Customers through MAE inspections."
About the market
The growing demand for alternative fuels has led to a significant increase in compressed gas transport which is driving fleet owners to seek a safe and efficient method for requalification of composite tube trailers which is required every five years.
MAE is a non-invasive testing technology that reduces trailer downtime for requalification as compared to the alternative of hydrostatic testing, while simultaneously providing information about the structural integrity of the composite laminate that cannot be obtained by hydrostatic testing. Hexagon Digital Wave has pioneered MAE technology and completed the requalification of over 750 composite gas distribution trailers across North America.
Berit-Cathrin Høyvik, Senior Director, Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 988 92 161 | berit-cathrin.hoyvik@hexagongroup.com
David Bandele, CFO, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 920 91 483 | david.bandele@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites, is the leading digital solutions provider of non-destructive testing methods, which include Ultrasonic Examination (UE) and Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) inspection products and services. With applications in the industrial gas, fire service equipment, medical oxygen, automotive, alternative fuels, and aerospace industries, Hexagon Digital Wave's goal is to enhance safety in the industries it serves, while simultaneously reducing asset down time.
About Certarus
Certarus is the North American leader in providing on-road low carbon energy solutions through a fully integrated compressed natural gas (CNG), renewable natural gas (RNG), and hydrogen platform. Certarus safely delivers clean burning fuels to energy, utility, agricultural and industrial customers not connected to a pipeline. By displacing more carbon intensive fuels, Certarus is leading the energy transition and helping customers lower operating costs and improve environmental performance. With the largest fleet of mobile storage units in North America, Certarus is uniquely positioned to meet the growing demand for low and zero emission energy distribution.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility and industrial applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on X and LinkedIn.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Hexagon Digital Wave enters into exclusive long-term agreement with Certarus to provide requalification services of their gas transportation fleet
i dag kl. 07:00 ∙ Cision
20 January 2025: Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites, has entered into a long-term agreement (LTA) with Certarus, the North American leader in compressed gas transportation and distribution, to provide exclusive requalification services to their fleet of gas transportation trailers. The LTA runs from January 2025 to December 2027.
Hexagon Digital Wave utilizes its Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) technology to perform in-situ requalification of Certarus' gas transportation modules. MAE is the most accurate method for inspection and testing of composite cylinders, ensuring the highest standards of safety and compliance for gas transportation. The use of in-situ MAE requalification streamlines Certarus' fleet maintenance and inspection procedures, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and reducing downtime.
"We are pleased with the benefits that come with utilizing Hexagon Digital Wave's MAE technology for our Mobile Storage Unit cylinder recertification process," said Natasha Cherednichenko, President at Certarus. "Their expertise and technology are helping our industry improve safety and compliance, and reduces downtime associated with other testing processes."
"We are proud to partner with Certarus in their mission to deliver clean energy safely and reliably", said Dr. Brian Burks**,** Presidentat Hexagon Digital Wave. "Hexagon Digital Wave is committed to providing safety to our Customers through MAE inspections."
About the market
The growing demand for alternative fuels has led to a significant increase in compressed gas transport which is driving fleet owners to seek a safe and efficient method for requalification of composite tube trailers which is required every five years.
MAE is a non-invasive testing technology that reduces trailer downtime for requalification as compared to the alternative of hydrostatic testing, while simultaneously providing information about the structural integrity of the composite laminate that cannot be obtained by hydrostatic testing. Hexagon Digital Wave has pioneered MAE technology and completed the requalification of over 750 composite gas distribution trailers across North America.
Berit-Cathrin Høyvik, Senior Director, Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 988 92 161 | berit-cathrin.hoyvik@hexagongroup.com
David Bandele, CFO, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 920 91 483 | david.bandele@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites, is the leading digital solutions provider of non-destructive testing methods, which include Ultrasonic Examination (UE) and Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) inspection products and services. With applications in the industrial gas, fire service equipment, medical oxygen, automotive, alternative fuels, and aerospace industries, Hexagon Digital Wave's goal is to enhance safety in the industries it serves, while simultaneously reducing asset down time.
About Certarus
Certarus is the North American leader in providing on-road low carbon energy solutions through a fully integrated compressed natural gas (CNG), renewable natural gas (RNG), and hydrogen platform. Certarus safely delivers clean burning fuels to energy, utility, agricultural and industrial customers not connected to a pipeline. By displacing more carbon intensive fuels, Certarus is leading the energy transition and helping customers lower operating costs and improve environmental performance. With the largest fleet of mobile storage units in North America, Certarus is uniquely positioned to meet the growing demand for low and zero emission energy distribution.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility and industrial applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on X and LinkedIn.
Redigert 20.01.2025 kl 12:59
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Rect Angel
20.01.2025 kl 20:56
Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus partner Lhyfe på offensiven.
Lhyfe and Masdar to explore the co-development of major green hydrogen production projects
Published by Jessica Casey, Editor
Energy Global, Monday, 20 January 2025 10:00
Lhyfe, a pioneering producer and supplier of green and renewable hydrogen for mobility and industry, and Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC – Masdar, the UAE’s clean energy leader, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore potential co-development opportunities in large scale green hydrogen production projects in Europe.
Lhyfe is one of the pioneers in the green hydrogen sector and is one of the fastest-growing players. Established in 2019, Lhyfe already has four installed green hydrogen production sites in Europe, and several other sites under construction. Lhyfe has demonstrated its industrial capacity to build and operate production sites of increased capacity. Lhyfe's pipeline of projects represents a total installed capacity of 9.5 GW and includes several large scale projects at advanced stages and ready to accelerate. Its proven record as one of the largest developers and operators of commercially active green hydrogen projects in Europe was key for Masdar’s decision to enter into the MoU.
Commercial cooperation between Hexagon Purus and Lhyfe for distribution of green and renewable hydrogen in Europe
October 28, 2022 - Press Release
Hexagon Purus partner Lhyfe på offensiven.
Lhyfe and Masdar to explore the co-development of major green hydrogen production projects
Published by Jessica Casey, Editor
Energy Global, Monday, 20 January 2025 10:00
Lhyfe, a pioneering producer and supplier of green and renewable hydrogen for mobility and industry, and Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC – Masdar, the UAE’s clean energy leader, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore potential co-development opportunities in large scale green hydrogen production projects in Europe.
Lhyfe is one of the pioneers in the green hydrogen sector and is one of the fastest-growing players. Established in 2019, Lhyfe already has four installed green hydrogen production sites in Europe, and several other sites under construction. Lhyfe has demonstrated its industrial capacity to build and operate production sites of increased capacity. Lhyfe's pipeline of projects represents a total installed capacity of 9.5 GW and includes several large scale projects at advanced stages and ready to accelerate. Its proven record as one of the largest developers and operators of commercially active green hydrogen projects in Europe was key for Masdar’s decision to enter into the MoU.
Commercial cooperation between Hexagon Purus and Lhyfe for distribution of green and renewable hydrogen in Europe
October 28, 2022 - Press Release
Redigert 20.01.2025 kl 21:25
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22.01.2025 kl 21:37
Historien om Flakk-gruppen er om skomakeren som forlot sin lest og utviklet eksisterende virksomhet til nye områder. Kunnskap om strikketeknologi i ullvareprodusenten Devold ble brukt til å utvikle høytrykkstanker i komposittmateriale. I dag omfatter gruppen tekstil, glass- og aluminiumfasader, unike hoteller og eierandeler i de børsnoterte selskapene Hexagon Composite og Hexagon Purus med Norwegian Hydrogen som siste tilskudd innen grønn teknologi. CEO og styreleder Knut Flakk er dagens gjest.
Historien om Flakk-gruppen er om skomakeren som forlot sin lest og utviklet eksisterende virksomhet til nye områder. Kunnskap om strikketeknologi i ullvareprodusenten Devold ble brukt til å utvikle høytrykkstanker i komposittmateriale. I dag omfatter gruppen tekstil, glass- og aluminiumfasader, unike hoteller og eierandeler i de børsnoterte selskapene Hexagon Composite og Hexagon Purus med Norwegian Hydrogen som siste tilskudd innen grønn teknologi. CEO og styreleder Knut Flakk er dagens gjest.
Redigert 22.01.2025 kl 21:40
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Rect Angel
23.01.2025 kl 14:35
Så først innlegget ditt nå Uffda. Takk for linken. Dette kommer jeg til å høre på med interesse ved anledning litt seinere.
Rect Angel
23.01.2025 kl 14:36
Hexagon Purus.
Minner om at Hexagon Purus er globalt markedsledende når det gjelder lagring og transport av hydrogen.
Og det er jo veldig VIKTIG Å FORSTÅ at dette ikke kun gjelder lagring og transport av grønt hydrogen. Her er Hexagon Purus helt 'fargeblind'. Vi snakker altså her globalt lederskap innen såvel grått, blått som grønt hydrogen.
Cleantech Investing
Europe's Emerging Green Hydrogen Market Creates Investment Opportunities
Mari-Len Deguzman
Jan. 22, 2025 01:00PM PST
The European Union considers its Hydrogen Strategy a key priority in achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal and the clean energy transition.
Europe's green hydrogen market is experiencing an unprecedented surge, thanks to its accelerated transition towards a sustainable future. This evolving landscape presents a strategic opportunity for forward-thinking investors.
Minner om at Hexagon Purus er globalt markedsledende når det gjelder lagring og transport av hydrogen.
Og det er jo veldig VIKTIG Å FORSTÅ at dette ikke kun gjelder lagring og transport av grønt hydrogen. Her er Hexagon Purus helt 'fargeblind'. Vi snakker altså her globalt lederskap innen såvel grått, blått som grønt hydrogen.
Cleantech Investing
Europe's Emerging Green Hydrogen Market Creates Investment Opportunities
Mari-Len Deguzman
Jan. 22, 2025 01:00PM PST
The European Union considers its Hydrogen Strategy a key priority in achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal and the clean energy transition.
Europe's green hydrogen market is experiencing an unprecedented surge, thanks to its accelerated transition towards a sustainable future. This evolving landscape presents a strategic opportunity for forward-thinking investors.
Redigert 23.01.2025 kl 14:37
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Rect Angel
27.01.2025 kl 18:43
Hexagon Purus
Litt nyttig lesestoff nå som vi alle skal lamslås av 'scaremongering', iallefall alle 'her hjemme på berget' i vårt oljetunge rike, og det kappes om presentere 'dommedagsscenarioer' om 'bråstopp' når det gjelder insentivordninger rettet mot utslippsfri tungtransport i USA som en følge av Trumps presidentskap. Og da snakker vi 'scaremongering' over hele skalaen, fra analytikere og journalister til forumskribenter.
Og viktig å ha i mente når man leser dette: Hexagon Purus's globalt markedsledende tanker for lagring og transport av hydrogen samt drivstoffsystemer for hydrogen er 'totalt fargeblinde'. Det spiller altså ingen rolle om hydrogenet som finner veien inn og ut av disse er grønt, blått eller grått.
ENGINE on The Week in Alt Fuels: Trump doctrine could favour blue hydrogen
Published 10 hours ago on January 27, 2025
By Admin
Trump’s recent executive orders are unlikely to impact existing tax incentives for low- and zero-emission fuel production in the US, but they may redirect focus from green to blue fuels.
Litt nyttig lesestoff nå som vi alle skal lamslås av 'scaremongering', iallefall alle 'her hjemme på berget' i vårt oljetunge rike, og det kappes om presentere 'dommedagsscenarioer' om 'bråstopp' når det gjelder insentivordninger rettet mot utslippsfri tungtransport i USA som en følge av Trumps presidentskap. Og da snakker vi 'scaremongering' over hele skalaen, fra analytikere og journalister til forumskribenter.
Og viktig å ha i mente når man leser dette: Hexagon Purus's globalt markedsledende tanker for lagring og transport av hydrogen samt drivstoffsystemer for hydrogen er 'totalt fargeblinde'. Det spiller altså ingen rolle om hydrogenet som finner veien inn og ut av disse er grønt, blått eller grått.
ENGINE on The Week in Alt Fuels: Trump doctrine could favour blue hydrogen
Published 10 hours ago on January 27, 2025
By Admin
Trump’s recent executive orders are unlikely to impact existing tax incentives for low- and zero-emission fuel production in the US, but they may redirect focus from green to blue fuels.
Redigert 27.01.2025 kl 21:17
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Rect Angel
28.01.2025 kl 13:12
Hexagon Composites, Hexagon Agility
Videointervju fra Truckinginfo med Chad Lindholm, executive vice president, sales, for Clean Energy.
The Future of RNG as a Clean Truck Fuel
January 27, 2025
Renewable natural gas is an amazing clean fuel. It can deliver diesel-like range and performance on the highway, while emitting vastly reduced tailpipe emissions.
Clean Energy
Videointervju fra Truckinginfo med Chad Lindholm, executive vice president, sales, for Clean Energy.
The Future of RNG as a Clean Truck Fuel
January 27, 2025
Renewable natural gas is an amazing clean fuel. It can deliver diesel-like range and performance on the highway, while emitting vastly reduced tailpipe emissions.
Clean Energy
28.01.2025 kl 21:17
Gedigen overreksjon for begge selskapenene etter børsmeldingen om det kommende kvartalsresultatet Det ser ut for at Hex bunnet ut på 37,15 i går. Noe teknisk annlyse har bekrevet i en lengre periode. Tror nok Hex vil få en fin reise herfra og opp og frem til kvartlsresultatet 13/02
Når det gjelder Hpur opplyser selskpet at hydrogendelen har gått overraskende bra de siste to kvartalene og at noe av inntektene som var forventet i 24, ble noe forsinket og vil komme i 25
Det skal bli spennende å høre fra selskapene den 11og 13/2
Når det gjelder Hpur opplyser selskpet at hydrogendelen har gått overraskende bra de siste to kvartalene og at noe av inntektene som var forventet i 24, ble noe forsinket og vil komme i 25
Det skal bli spennende å høre fra selskapene den 11og 13/2
Redigert 28.01.2025 kl 21:26
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29.01.2025 kl 00:45
Positive faktorer for Hexagon Composites:
1. **Vekst i hydrogenøkonomien:**
- Hydrogen blir sett på som en nøkkelkomponent i den grønne omstillingen, spesielt innen transport og industri. Hexagon Composites er godt posisjonert til å dra nytte av denne veksten, ettersom de produserer lette og trygge tanker for hydrogenlagring og -transport.
2. **Økende etterspørsel etter naturgass (CNG) og biogas:**
- CNG og biogas er miljøvennlige alternativer til tradisjonelle fossile drivstoff, og etterspørselen etter disse gassene vokser, spesielt i transportsektoren. Hexagon Composites har en sterk posisjon i dette markedet.
3. **Bærekraft og miljøfokus:**
- Selskapets produkter bidrar til reduksjon av klimagassutslipp, noe som passer godt inn i den globale trenden mot bærekraft og grønn teknologi. Dette kan tiltrekke seg investorer som ønsker å investere i miljøvennlige løsninger.
4. **Teknologisk lederskap:**
- Hexagon Composites har en sterk teknologisk plattform og patenter innen komposittmaterialer, noe som gir dem en konkurransefordel.
5. **Global ekspansjon:**
- Selskapet har en global tilstedeværelse, og markedet for komposittløsninger vokser internasjonalt, spesielt i regioner som Nord-Amerika, Europa og Asia.
1. **Vekst i hydrogenøkonomien:**
- Hydrogen blir sett på som en nøkkelkomponent i den grønne omstillingen, spesielt innen transport og industri. Hexagon Composites er godt posisjonert til å dra nytte av denne veksten, ettersom de produserer lette og trygge tanker for hydrogenlagring og -transport.
2. **Økende etterspørsel etter naturgass (CNG) og biogas:**
- CNG og biogas er miljøvennlige alternativer til tradisjonelle fossile drivstoff, og etterspørselen etter disse gassene vokser, spesielt i transportsektoren. Hexagon Composites har en sterk posisjon i dette markedet.
3. **Bærekraft og miljøfokus:**
- Selskapets produkter bidrar til reduksjon av klimagassutslipp, noe som passer godt inn i den globale trenden mot bærekraft og grønn teknologi. Dette kan tiltrekke seg investorer som ønsker å investere i miljøvennlige løsninger.
4. **Teknologisk lederskap:**
- Hexagon Composites har en sterk teknologisk plattform og patenter innen komposittmaterialer, noe som gir dem en konkurransefordel.
5. **Global ekspansjon:**
- Selskapet har en global tilstedeværelse, og markedet for komposittløsninger vokser internasjonalt, spesielt i regioner som Nord-Amerika, Europa og Asia.
Rect Angel
30.01.2025 kl 13:33
En shortposisjon i HEX ble synliggjort (> 0.5%) i Shortregisteret 17.01 og økt litt 24.01.
En smule dristig, eller...? Vel, tiden vil vise.
En smule dristig, eller...? Vel, tiden vil vise.
30.01.2025 kl 15:42
De kommer til å brenne seg her. HEX kommer til å legge frem kanon tall om eit par uker. De prøver å presse ned kursen men ikke la de få kjøpe tilbake shorten men betale dyrt her
Rect Angel
31.01.2025 kl 12:13
Fra trucknews.com.
Klondyketilstander hos Hexagon Agility i Rialto, California hvor man har åpnet nytt produksjonsanlegg med dobbelt så stor produksjonskapasitet som det tidligere.
Video med Eric Bippus, 'executive vice-president of commercial group and systems engineering' , Hexagon Composites.
Videos / Sustainability
Zero In on… RNG
Hexagon Agility has opened a new facility in Rialto, Cali., to meet increasing demand for renewable natural gas fuel systems.
The new facility will produce nearly 35,000 fuel systems per year, doubling the company’s previous capacity.
The systems are designed for Class 6, 7, and 8 trucks operating on renewable natural gas.
Eric Bippus, executive vice-president of commercial group and systems engineering, Hexagon: One of the reasons we’re expanding our footprint in North America is the launch of the Cummins X15N natural gas engine. We expect adoption of that, as Cummins is saying, [to be] as high as 8% to 10% adoption, which would be 30,000- 35,000 vehicles in North America, which we’re preparing to support out of this facility with our other facilities around North America.
some of the OEMs that we partner with would be Gilligan, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Autocar, Battle Motors, Freightliner, all the OEMs that have compressed natural gas engine options, we will install our systems for various use patterns.
Klondyketilstander hos Hexagon Agility i Rialto, California hvor man har åpnet nytt produksjonsanlegg med dobbelt så stor produksjonskapasitet som det tidligere.
Video med Eric Bippus, 'executive vice-president of commercial group and systems engineering' , Hexagon Composites.
Videos / Sustainability
Zero In on… RNG
Hexagon Agility has opened a new facility in Rialto, Cali., to meet increasing demand for renewable natural gas fuel systems.
The new facility will produce nearly 35,000 fuel systems per year, doubling the company’s previous capacity.
The systems are designed for Class 6, 7, and 8 trucks operating on renewable natural gas.
Eric Bippus, executive vice-president of commercial group and systems engineering, Hexagon: One of the reasons we’re expanding our footprint in North America is the launch of the Cummins X15N natural gas engine. We expect adoption of that, as Cummins is saying, [to be] as high as 8% to 10% adoption, which would be 30,000- 35,000 vehicles in North America, which we’re preparing to support out of this facility with our other facilities around North America.
some of the OEMs that we partner with would be Gilligan, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Autocar, Battle Motors, Freightliner, all the OEMs that have compressed natural gas engine options, we will install our systems for various use patterns.
Redigert 31.01.2025 kl 12:15
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02.02.2025 kl 13:40
Er det noen som har en formening om hvorvidt tollen som Trump innfører vil få noen innvirkning på Hexagon selskapenes omsetninger.
Rect Angel
02.02.2025 kl 17:08
Slettet. Dobbeltposting.
Redigert 02.02.2025 kl 17:19
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Rect Angel
02.02.2025 kl 17:09
Såvidt meg bekjent produserer Hexagon Group (Composites og Purus) all sin produksjon rettet mot USA-markedet i USA. Heldigvis må man jo kunne si om det. Når det gjelder eventuelle råvarer og komponenter som importeres fra Canada, Mexico eller Kina, vil jo alle selskaper som importerer fra disse nasjonene bli berørt av tollsatser som måtte bli innført.
Postet forøvrig nettopp et innlegg på tråden om Tern RC8 der jeg også berører problematikken rundt tollsatser, spesifikt når det gjelder Tern RC8.
Postet forøvrig nettopp et innlegg på tråden om Tern RC8 der jeg også berører problematikken rundt tollsatser, spesifikt når det gjelder Tern RC8.
Redigert 02.02.2025 kl 17:20
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02.02.2025 kl 18:15
Cummins (CMI) is currently trading at $356.25 with a market cap of $49.3B. The stock is down 3% over the last week but has surged by 49% over the past year, and it offers a dividend yield of 2.02%.
Cummins is well-known for its high-quality engines and power systems, which benefit from a strong domestic manufacturing base. With tariffs likely to raise costs for imported components, companies like Cummins that rely on domestic production stand to gain. The strong year-over-year performance, combined with an established market presence, makes Cummins a compelling option in a tariff-driven environment.
Alternative Data Insight: Sentiment analysis across platforms such as Reddit, StockTwits, and Tipranks shows a predominant bullish view on Cummins. This strong positive sentiment among investors reinforces the stock’s potential as companies move to secure domestic production channels.
Cummins (CMI) is currently trading at $356.25 with a market cap of $49.3B. The stock is down 3% over the last week but has surged by 49% over the past year, and it offers a dividend yield of 2.02%.
Cummins is well-known for its high-quality engines and power systems, which benefit from a strong domestic manufacturing base. With tariffs likely to raise costs for imported components, companies like Cummins that rely on domestic production stand to gain. The strong year-over-year performance, combined with an established market presence, makes Cummins a compelling option in a tariff-driven environment.
Alternative Data Insight: Sentiment analysis across platforms such as Reddit, StockTwits, and Tipranks shows a predominant bullish view on Cummins. This strong positive sentiment among investors reinforces the stock’s potential as companies move to secure domestic production channels.
03.02.2025 kl 23:11
TRUMP kutter ut tollen fra Mexico og Canada, i alle fall for en måned. Skal også snakke med Kina i løpet av de neste 24 timene.
04.02.2025 kl 11:52
Kan det være shorten som er i ferd med å inndekkes i dag ? Har ikke fått noen nyheter om at årsresulttet blir dårligere enn tidligere antydet. Det er meget bra og derfor tror jeg at reisen fram mot 13.feb. blir en fin reise.
04.02.2025 kl 14:40
HEX kommer trolig til å legge frem kanontall nå og de overrasket markedet med sterk vekst sist også. Når det ligger bare positive kjøpsanbefalinger totalt 8 stykker fra diverse meglerhus så ser jeg at de som nå selger gir bort aksjene sine her. Så benytt sjansen til å handle her med en stor rabatt for HEX kommer snart til å gå opp igjen .
For all del ikke la shortere få dekket seg inn nå.
For all del ikke la shortere få dekket seg inn nå.
06.02.2025 kl 10:18
Lenge siden det har kommet nye kursmål nå, men Danske bank kjører opp fra 60 til 63 kr i dag.
Redigert 06.02.2025 kl 10:25
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