Mainstream Renewable Power and Ocean Winds Win 1.8 GW ScotWind S

AKH 22.08.2022 kl 10:35 3202

Mainstream Renewable Power ("Mainstream"), the global renewable energy company
majority-owned by Aker Horizons, and Ocean Winds, the international company
dedicated to offshore wind energy, have been appointed preferred bidder by Crown
Estate Scotland for an area with the potential for a 1.8 GW offshore wind farm
off the Shetland Islands in Scotland.

Mainstream and Ocean Winds, as the preferred bidders, are now offered the
opportunity to enter into an option agreement for the site which is located east
of the Shetland Islands in approximately 100m water depth and is well suited for
floating offshore wind. The project partners, which hold a 50-50 ownership, are
committed to developing floating offshore wind on an industrial scale in
Scotland, generating local jobs and opportunities in Scotland and the Shetland
Islands. The site output is expected to power for the equivalent of over 2
million homes.

"We are proud of Mainstream and Ocean Winds' success in the ScotWind process. It
is a testament to the strength of the partnership, and to Mainstream's standing
as a leading developer of gigawatt-scale renewables platforms with significant
offshore technology expertise. This was further reinforced by the company's
recent combination with Aker Offshore Wind," said Kristian Røkke, Chief
Executive Officer of Aker Horizons and Chairman of Mainstream.

"This is a very significant win for Mainstream, which plays to our key strengths
as a global leader in floating offshore wind technology as well as our track
record in offshore wind project development," said Mainstream's Chief Executive
Officer Mary Quaney. "In Scotland, we have already developed the 450 MW Neart na
Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm and we now look forward to working with all
stakeholders to further develop and strengthen Scotland's offshore wind industry
and help position it as a global leader in floating offshore wind power."

Mainstream and Aker Offshore Wind in August 2022 completed a transaction to
combine the two companies to create a stronger renewable energy company with
more than 27 GW net portfolio. Combining Aker Offshore Wind's strong technical
and engineering capabilities and early mover position in floating offshore wind
with Mainstream's proven project development methodology, execution track record
and global presence unlocks new opportunities worldwide. The company is
currently bringing forward multi-gigawatt scale developments of offshore wind
assets in markets including Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Norway, Ireland and

Mainstream, through its combination with Aker Offshore Wind, has already
partnered with Ocean Winds in the joint venture KF Wind in South Korea and are
in consortium to bid in the upcoming leasing round for floating wind at Utsira
Nord in Norway. Mainstream and Ocean Winds are also major shareholders of the
leading floating wind technology provider Principle Power.

"We are proud of the strength that Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power
teams have combined to secure this major new project," said Bautista Rodriguez,
Ocean Winds' chief executive officer. "As Ocean Winds, we are looking forward
to using our more than 10-year expertise as pioneer in floating offshore wind
farms from development to operation to progress this large floating project
awarded with Mainstream, as well as the 500 MW floating project also awarded to
Ocean Winds during this clearing round. Both will bring major benefits to
Shetland and Scotland, and an important contribution to Net Zero."

Ocean Winds was created as a 50-50 joint venture in 2020 by EDP Renewables and
ENGIE. The company is one of Scotland's leading offshore wind developers, with
950 MW currently in operation at Moray East and 882 MW in late development stage
at Moray West. In January 2022, Ocean Winds was successful in its ScotWind bid,
the Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm, with a plan for up to 2 GW.


About Mainstream Renewable Power

Mainstream Renewable Power is a leading pure-play renewable energy company, with
wind and solar assets across global markets, including in Europe, the Americas,
Africa, and Asia-Pacific. Mainstream is one of the most successful developers of
gigawatt-scale renewables platforms, across onshore wind, offshore wind, and
solar power generation. It has successfully delivered 6.5 GW of wind and solar
generation assets to financial close-ready and has a global portfolio of more
than 27 GW.

In May 2021, Aker Horizons acquired a majority stake in Mainstream and, in April
2022, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. joined Aker Horizons as a long-term strategic investor.
In August 2022, the transaction to integrate Aker Offshore Wind into the
Mainstream Group was completed.

Mainstream is one of the leading developers of offshore wind at scale globally.
It has successfully consented Hornsea One (1.2 GW), the largest operational
offshore wind plant in the world today; and developed the Hornsea 2 project (1.4
GW) before selling these projects and the entire Zone in 2015. Mainstream fully
consented the Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind project in Scotland, where 450 MW
is currently under construction. Overall, it has developed and consented 20% of
the UK's offshore wind capacity either in operation or under construction. The
company is currently bringing forward multi-gigawatt scale developments of
offshore wind assets in markets including Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Norway,
Ireland, the UK, and Sweden.

Mainstream, through Aker Horizons' ownership and its combination with Aker
Offshore Wind, will leverage the decades of offshore energy development
experience through the Aker group. Aker has been instrumental in the design and
deployment of more than half of all semisubmersible floating offshore
installations in the world and has over four decades of experience in Scotland,
including a global subsea centre of excellence.

About Ocean Winds

Oceans Wind (OW) is an international company dedicated to offshore wind energy
and created as a 50-50 joint venture, owned by EDP Renewables and ENGIE. Based
on our belief that offshore wind energy is an essential part of the global
energy transition, we develop, finance, build and operate offshore wind farm
projects all around the world.

When EDP and ENGIE combined their offshore wind assets and project pipeline to
create OW in 2019, the company had a total of 1.5 GW under construction and 4.0
GW under development; OW has been adding rapidly to that portfolio and is now on
a trajectory to reach the 2025 target of 5 to 7 GW of projects in operation, or
construction, and 5 to 10 GW under advanced development. In 2022, OW's offshore
wind gross capacity already operating, in construction or with advanced
development rights granted reaches 14.5 GW.

OW, headquartered in Madrid, is currently present in 8 countries, and primarily
targets markets in Europe, the United-States, selected parts of Asia, and

For more information:
25.08.2022 kl 15:04 1861

Her kan en større aktør hive seg på ved børs slutt i dag for å være med på oppturen fra bunn..
25.08.2022 kl 12:46 1946

Kan se ut som om mange grønne aksjer har begynt oppturen akkurat i dag. Det ser lovende ut siden det blir satset enormt globalt på det grønne skifte.
25.08.2022 kl 12:30 1974

Bamse skrev Hvorfor det ?
Til Bamse ang. VAR tips:
Gassledningen Nord Stream 1 stenges helt fra 31. august til 2. september på grunn av vedlikehold.
25.08.2022 kl 11:23 2078

Godt nytt dette også for AKH:
Rentene kan ta en uventet retning neste år, tror DNB-topp.

Åpne deleknapper for artikkelenÅpne deleknapper for artikkelen

BJØRVIKA (Nettavisen): Norges Bank hevet i forrige uke styringsrenten med 0,50 prosentpoeng til 1,75 prosent og varslet samtidig en ny heving i september. Flere økonomer tror på en tilsvarende dobbelt økning om en måned og ytterligere økninger frem mot sommeren 2023.

Sjeføkonom Kjersti Haugland i DNB Markets spådde i juni en serie med renteøkninger frem mot juni neste år. Det er andre toner nå etter de kraftige økningene i sommer.

DNB Markets tror Norges Bank hever styringsrenten mot slutten av året til 2,75 prosent. Det kommer en ny dobbel økning på 0,50 prosentpoeng i september, etterfulgt av to økninger i november og desember hver på 0,25 prosentpoeng.

Men så kommer gladmeldingen:

Tydelige svakhetstegn
– Da tror vi toppen er nådd. Svakhetstegnene i norsk økonomi kommer til å være såpass tydelige at Norges Bank ikke ser behov for en videre renteoppgang i lys av at energikrisen i Europa forverrer seg ytterligere, sier Haugland til Nettavisen når vi møter henne utenfor DNBs hovedkontor i Bjørvika.
25.08.2022 kl 11:19 2094

Noen nå som tviler på om det grønne skifte er for alvor i gang ?
25.08.2022 kl 10:17 2208

Er enig i det. Er inne i både AKH og Recsi, og trur det er smart både i år og neste år. Skulle gjerne vore meir inne i olje.
25.08.2022 kl 10:16 2213

Så dette er bare vind, og foreløbig hverken hydrogen eller ammoniak?
25.08.2022 kl 10:02 2245

Var vel en Scotwind leasing auction? For et område som kan gi strøm til 2 millioner husstander. Håper Northern Horizon prosjektet begynner snart:)
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Fra nå fremover tror jeg det er kun olje og grønne aksjer som vil klare seg best.
25.08.2022 kl 10:00 2257

Får AKH det projekt i hus 🤩 Er kursen på aktien hurtigt over 30 kr.😁
25.08.2022 kl 09:50 2292

Er ikke dette northern horizon prosjektet da? I så tilfelle så er det litt mer en bare noen møller til havs.
25.08.2022 kl 09:41 2323

Å stiger på lavt volum , fordi det er lite til salgs. Skal man få tak i store volum her så må prisen kjøres opp. ihvertfall enn så lenge.
25.08.2022 kl 09:35 2344

Her er noe mer på gang....AKH stiger og sikkert ikke uten grunn. Har vært lenge på billigsalg.
23.08.2022 kl 07:34 2721

EU har det travelt med å omstille seg, og RePowerEU-planen skal blant annet kutte ned saksbehandlingstiden for nye fornybarprosjekter som vind- og solkraft.

Høringsfristen ble utsatt til mandag 22. august, og ved utløpet av fristen har det kommet inn mer enn 5.300 høringsuttalelser.

– Det er stort engasjement knyttet til disse temaene for tiden. Det er kjempebra, sier statssekretær Andreas Bjelland Eriksen i Olje- og energidepartementet til E24.
22.08.2022 kl 15:20 2939

Peftaus skrev Innlegget er slettet
Spesielt sett i lys av at Aow og Ocean Winds er partnere i mange prosjekter. Og er majoritetseiere i Principle power.
22.08.2022 kl 12:06 3075

Fra F avisen:
Mainstream Renewable Power, som er majoritetseiet av Aker Horizons, har sammen med Ocean Winds blitt utnevnt som foretrukket budgiver av Crown Estate Scotland, opplyses det i en børsmelding.

Det omfatter et område med potensial for en 1,8 GW havvindpark utenfor Shetlandsøyene i Skottland.

Mainstream og Ocean Winds tilbys nå mulighet til å inngå en opsjonsavtale for området som ligger på om lag 100 meters vanndybde og som er godt egnet for flytende havvind.

Prosjektpartnerne, som har et eierskap på 50-50, er forpliktet til å utvikle flytende havvind i industriell skala i Skottland, samt generere lokale arbeidsplasser og muligheter i Skottland og på Shetlandsøyene.
22.08.2022 kl 11:20 3146

Veldig fortjent at Aow fikk tildelt en stor havvind kontrakt i Skotland. Og med Ocean Winds. Da blir Principle power også en vinner her.