Questerre comments on LNG Export from Quebec to Europe
CALGARY, Alberta, Aug. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Questerre Energy Corporation (“Questerre” or the “Company”) (TSX,OSE:QEC) reported today on recent comments by the Prime Minister of Canada on the potential for LNG exports from Eastern Canada to Europe. The comments were made during the visit to Canada by the Chancellor of Germany from August 21 to August 23, 2022.
Michael Binnion, President, and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “We were pleased to hear the Prime Minister express his unwavering commitment to improving Europe’s energy security. The current energy crisis in Germany and Europe is expected to worsen this winter and it was encouraging to hear how Canada wants to help. Just as Norway is increasing its natural gas production to support Europe, Canada can too. We are a trusted partner and among the best in the world at producing reliable energy to the highest standards in a lower emissions world.”
He added, “The Prime Minister also noted the business case for LNG exports from Canada’s East Coast may be hindered by distance from gas fields in Western Canada. Questerre’s project in Quebec addresses this concern. Our proven discovery is less than ten kilometres from an LNG export project with permits at Becancour and tidewater access to Europe. As the producer of the natural gas, we can deliver to the export facility directly, eliminating the risks of securing sufficient and reliable supply to meet long-term supply contracts. The business case is established for our Company which previously made a final investment decision supported by independent reports to proceed with the production of natural gas.”
Geographically, Quebec is ideally located to supply LNG to Germany. The port of Quebec is half the distance to the port of Hamburg in Germany compared to the LNG export terminal in Qatar and over 500 miles closer than the Cove Point LNG facility in Maryland on the US East Coast.
He further added, “Over the longer term we share the Canadian Government’s view that hydrogen can be a big opportunity. With near zero-emissions Clean Gas, we can also contribute to the shared goals of Canada and Germany in the fight against climate change. By eliminating the emissions from production and utilizing new carbon technology, we can use this Clean Gas to produce zero-emissions hydrogen as well as ammonia for export. This is consistent with new Hydrogen Pact signed by G7 countries earlier this year including Canada and Germany.”
Questerre is seeking to have Bill 21, An Act mainly to end petroleum exploration and production and the public financing of those activities, that unilaterally terminates its license agreements in Quebec judged illegal and unconstitutional. The Company is objecting to the revocation of its license agreements and is seeking just compensation for the value of its license agreements including its significant discovery.
Questerre is an energy technology and innovation company. It is leveraging its expertise gained through early exposure to low permeability reservoirs to acquire significant high-quality resources. We believe we can successfully transition our energy portfolio. With new clean technologies and innovation to responsibly produce and use energy, we can sustain both human progress and our natural environment.
Questerre is a believer that the future success of the oil and gas industry depends on a balance of economics, environment, and society. We are committed to being transparent and are respectful that the public must be part of making the important choices for our energy future.
Advisory Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains certain statements which constitute forward-looking statements or information (“forward-looking statements”) including the Company’s views on its project to provide LNG to Europe, its plans to have Bill 21 judged illegal and unconstitutional, its plans to object to the revocation of its license agreements and seek just compensation for the value of these agreements.
Forward-looking statements are based on several material factors, expectations, or assumptions of Questerre which have been used to develop such statements and information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although Questerre believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because Questerre can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Further, events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including, without limitation: the implementation of Bill 21 by the Government of Quebec and certain other risks detailed from time-to-time in Questerre's public disclosure documents. Additional information regarding some of these risks, expectations or assumptions and other factors may be found under in the Company's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2021, and other documents available on the Company’s profile at The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and Questerre undertakes no obligations to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.
CALGARY, Alberta, Aug. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Questerre Energy Corporation (“Questerre” or the “Company”) (TSX,OSE:QEC) reported today on recent comments by the Prime Minister of Canada on the potential for LNG exports from Eastern Canada to Europe. The comments were made during the visit to Canada by the Chancellor of Germany from August 21 to August 23, 2022.
Michael Binnion, President, and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “We were pleased to hear the Prime Minister express his unwavering commitment to improving Europe’s energy security. The current energy crisis in Germany and Europe is expected to worsen this winter and it was encouraging to hear how Canada wants to help. Just as Norway is increasing its natural gas production to support Europe, Canada can too. We are a trusted partner and among the best in the world at producing reliable energy to the highest standards in a lower emissions world.”
He added, “The Prime Minister also noted the business case for LNG exports from Canada’s East Coast may be hindered by distance from gas fields in Western Canada. Questerre’s project in Quebec addresses this concern. Our proven discovery is less than ten kilometres from an LNG export project with permits at Becancour and tidewater access to Europe. As the producer of the natural gas, we can deliver to the export facility directly, eliminating the risks of securing sufficient and reliable supply to meet long-term supply contracts. The business case is established for our Company which previously made a final investment decision supported by independent reports to proceed with the production of natural gas.”
Geographically, Quebec is ideally located to supply LNG to Germany. The port of Quebec is half the distance to the port of Hamburg in Germany compared to the LNG export terminal in Qatar and over 500 miles closer than the Cove Point LNG facility in Maryland on the US East Coast.
He further added, “Over the longer term we share the Canadian Government’s view that hydrogen can be a big opportunity. With near zero-emissions Clean Gas, we can also contribute to the shared goals of Canada and Germany in the fight against climate change. By eliminating the emissions from production and utilizing new carbon technology, we can use this Clean Gas to produce zero-emissions hydrogen as well as ammonia for export. This is consistent with new Hydrogen Pact signed by G7 countries earlier this year including Canada and Germany.”
Questerre is seeking to have Bill 21, An Act mainly to end petroleum exploration and production and the public financing of those activities, that unilaterally terminates its license agreements in Quebec judged illegal and unconstitutional. The Company is objecting to the revocation of its license agreements and is seeking just compensation for the value of its license agreements including its significant discovery.
Questerre is an energy technology and innovation company. It is leveraging its expertise gained through early exposure to low permeability reservoirs to acquire significant high-quality resources. We believe we can successfully transition our energy portfolio. With new clean technologies and innovation to responsibly produce and use energy, we can sustain both human progress and our natural environment.
Questerre is a believer that the future success of the oil and gas industry depends on a balance of economics, environment, and society. We are committed to being transparent and are respectful that the public must be part of making the important choices for our energy future.
Advisory Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains certain statements which constitute forward-looking statements or information (“forward-looking statements”) including the Company’s views on its project to provide LNG to Europe, its plans to have Bill 21 judged illegal and unconstitutional, its plans to object to the revocation of its license agreements and seek just compensation for the value of these agreements.
Forward-looking statements are based on several material factors, expectations, or assumptions of Questerre which have been used to develop such statements and information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although Questerre believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because Questerre can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Further, events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including, without limitation: the implementation of Bill 21 by the Government of Quebec and certain other risks detailed from time-to-time in Questerre's public disclosure documents. Additional information regarding some of these risks, expectations or assumptions and other factors may be found under in the Company's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2021, and other documents available on the Company’s profile at The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and Questerre undertakes no obligations to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.
25.08.2022 kl 13:11
Dette er et veldig vigtigt point - argument, når man snakker hurtig levering m.fl.
“Vores dokumenterede opdagelse er mindre end ti kilometer fra et LNG-eksportprojekt med tilladelser ved Becancour og tidevandsadgang til Europa”
Max 10 km væk fra et LNG-anlæg... 10 km...
“Vores dokumenterede opdagelse er mindre end ti kilometer fra et LNG-eksportprojekt med tilladelser ved Becancour og tidevandsadgang til Europa”
Max 10 km væk fra et LNG-anlæg... 10 km...
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 14:03
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25.08.2022 kl 14:05
Kan vi bare få en klokkeklar bekræftigelse på Bill 21 gas&olie, indtil videre er sat på afvent/hold, eller sat i drift.
10 km fra et kommende Øst LNG-terminal, som har tilladelse til udskibe naturgas, hvis man snakker økonomi m.fl. imellem Canadiske og Tyske bolag, så er det vel OPLAGT valg, at give dispensation til dette gasfelt, mener jeg.
10 km fra et kommende Øst LNG-terminal, som har tilladelse til udskibe naturgas, hvis man snakker økonomi m.fl. imellem Canadiske og Tyske bolag, så er det vel OPLAGT valg, at give dispensation til dette gasfelt, mener jeg.
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 14:06
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25.08.2022 kl 14:22
Er det noen på forumet som har god kontakt med For further information, please contact:
Questerre Energy Corporation
Jason D'Silva, Chief Financial Officer
(403) 777-1185 | (403) 777-1578 (FAX) |Email:
og kan få avklart dette?
Questerre Energy Corporation
Jason D'Silva, Chief Financial Officer
(403) 777-1185 | (403) 777-1578 (FAX) |Email:
og kan få avklart dette?
Gasprisen eksploderer – er nu over 300 euro
Der er lagt op til en rasende dyr vinter for de 400.000 danske familier, der er tvunget til at varme boligen op med naturgas.
Gasprisen fortsætter nemlig torsdag sin vilde himmelflugt med stigninger på op til 8 pct. og har dermed passeret 300 euro pr. megawatt-time.
Torsdag formiddag er prisen oppe på omkring 312 euro på det europæiske benchmark, den hollandske notering på naturgas til levering om en måned.
300 euro har prisen for 1 kilowatt-time naturgas passeret, og prisen er torsdag brudt gennem det loft og nåede i løbet af formiddagen op på 312 euro
Det betyder, at gassen er blevet 35 pct. dyrere på bare én uge.
Pris er femdoblet siden juni Og prisen er – hold nu fast – femdoblet alene siden starten af juni.
Ser vi endnu længere tilbage, er prisen på naturgas i dag 35 gange højere end på præcis den samme augustdag for to år siden.
Dengang kunne du købe 1 megawatt-time naturgas for bare 8,8 euro, og det leje har priserne ligget ret stabilt på i årevis.
Prisen bliver presset så kraftigt opad, fordi markederne frygter, at den russiske præsident Putin skruer endnu mere ned for gashanerne til Europa.
Prisen er 35 gange højere end prisen på naturgas i dag forhold til samme dag for to år siden
Der bliver allerede nu kun leveret en femtedel af kapaciteten, og når der bliver helt lukket ned for gassen i Nord Stream-rørledningen 31. august i tre dage på grund af vedligeholdelse, er frygten, at der aldrig bliver lukket op igen.
Flydende gas
Dermed skal lagrene fyldes op af LNG, altså flydende gas, men her er Europa i skarp konkurrence med Asien, og samtidig er en vigtig terminal i USA ude af drift på grund af en eksplosion.
Og samtidig er store gasfelter i Norge – og for så vidt også Danmark – i gang med store vedligeholdelsesprojekter, så udbuddet er under pres flere steder, og det trykker prisen endnu højere op.
Ifølge nyhedsbureauet Bloomberg er der planer om, at EU-landenes energiministre skal holde et krisemøde for at diskutere de vilde prisstigninger på gassen.
I Tyskland advarer økonomiminister Robert Habeck om, at “vi har en meget kritisk vinter foran os”.
I Danmark har klimaminister Dan Jørgensen (S) understreget over for Børsen, at “vi kommer ikke til at kompensere alle danskere én til én.”
Gasprisen eksploderer – er nu over 300 euro
Der er lagt op til en rasende dyr vinter for de 400.000 danske familier, der er tvunget til at varme boligen op med naturgas.
Gasprisen fortsætter nemlig torsdag sin vilde himmelflugt med stigninger på op til 8 pct. og har dermed passeret 300 euro pr. megawatt-time.
Torsdag formiddag er prisen oppe på omkring 312 euro på det europæiske benchmark, den hollandske notering på naturgas til levering om en måned.
300 euro har prisen for 1 kilowatt-time naturgas passeret, og prisen er torsdag brudt gennem det loft og nåede i løbet af formiddagen op på 312 euro
Det betyder, at gassen er blevet 35 pct. dyrere på bare én uge.
Pris er femdoblet siden juni Og prisen er – hold nu fast – femdoblet alene siden starten af juni.
Ser vi endnu længere tilbage, er prisen på naturgas i dag 35 gange højere end på præcis den samme augustdag for to år siden.
Dengang kunne du købe 1 megawatt-time naturgas for bare 8,8 euro, og det leje har priserne ligget ret stabilt på i årevis.
Prisen bliver presset så kraftigt opad, fordi markederne frygter, at den russiske præsident Putin skruer endnu mere ned for gashanerne til Europa.
Prisen er 35 gange højere end prisen på naturgas i dag forhold til samme dag for to år siden
Der bliver allerede nu kun leveret en femtedel af kapaciteten, og når der bliver helt lukket ned for gassen i Nord Stream-rørledningen 31. august i tre dage på grund af vedligeholdelse, er frygten, at der aldrig bliver lukket op igen.
Flydende gas
Dermed skal lagrene fyldes op af LNG, altså flydende gas, men her er Europa i skarp konkurrence med Asien, og samtidig er en vigtig terminal i USA ude af drift på grund af en eksplosion.
Og samtidig er store gasfelter i Norge – og for så vidt også Danmark – i gang med store vedligeholdelsesprojekter, så udbuddet er under pres flere steder, og det trykker prisen endnu højere op.
Ifølge nyhedsbureauet Bloomberg er der planer om, at EU-landenes energiministre skal holde et krisemøde for at diskutere de vilde prisstigninger på gassen.
I Tyskland advarer økonomiminister Robert Habeck om, at “vi har en meget kritisk vinter foran os”.
I Danmark har klimaminister Dan Jørgensen (S) understreget over for Børsen, at “vi kommer ikke til at kompensere alle danskere én til én.”
25.08.2022 kl 17:17
Automatisk teknisk analyse. Middels lang sikt, 25. aug 2022
Questerre Energy Corporation ligger i en tilnærmet horisontal trendkanal på mellomlang sikt og videre utvikling i samme retning indikeres. Aksjen ga kjøpssignal fra en rektangelformasjon ved bruddet opp gjennom motstanden ved 1.86 kroner. Videre oppgang til 2.78 kroner eller mer er signalisert. Aksjen nærmer seg motstanden ved cirka 2.08 kroner, noe som kan gi en reaksjon ned. Et brudd opp gjennom 2.08 kroner vil imidlertid være et kjøpssignal. Volumet har tidligere vært høyt rundt kurstopper og lavt rundt kursbunner. Volumbalansen er også positiv, noe som styrker aksjen og indikerer økt mulighet for et brudd opp. RSI-kurven viser en stigende trend, noe som er et tidlig signal om mulig vending opp også i kursen. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk positiv på mellomlang sikt.
Anbefaling en til seks måneders sikt: Kjøp (Score: 73)
Questerre Energy Corporation ligger i en tilnærmet horisontal trendkanal på mellomlang sikt og videre utvikling i samme retning indikeres. Aksjen ga kjøpssignal fra en rektangelformasjon ved bruddet opp gjennom motstanden ved 1.86 kroner. Videre oppgang til 2.78 kroner eller mer er signalisert. Aksjen nærmer seg motstanden ved cirka 2.08 kroner, noe som kan gi en reaksjon ned. Et brudd opp gjennom 2.08 kroner vil imidlertid være et kjøpssignal. Volumet har tidligere vært høyt rundt kurstopper og lavt rundt kursbunner. Volumbalansen er også positiv, noe som styrker aksjen og indikerer økt mulighet for et brudd opp. RSI-kurven viser en stigende trend, noe som er et tidlig signal om mulig vending opp også i kursen. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk positiv på mellomlang sikt.
Anbefaling en til seks måneders sikt: Kjøp (Score: 73)
25.08.2022 kl 17:43
Foreløpig uforandret i Toronto:
Questerre Energy Corporation (QEC.TO)
Toronto - Toronto Real Time Price. Currency in CAD
Add to watchlist
0.27000.0000 (0.00%)
Volume 86,530
Questerre Energy Corporation (QEC.TO)
Toronto - Toronto Real Time Price. Currency in CAD
Add to watchlist
0.27000.0000 (0.00%)
Volume 86,530
25.08.2022 kl 19:45
Ser jeg syner? 0.28 i Canada = 2.10 Nkr 157000 Volum
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 19:52
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25.08.2022 kl 19:56
25.08.2022 kl 20:06
Håper alle har rettet opp stolryggen, og festet setebeltet. (Havnen ligger 10 km fra feltet til qec)
Om planen er at det er qec som skal redde Tyskland og europa, er vi rike snart.
Antageligvis er det noen med makt i Europa/Tyskland som har sett på "Qec saken" og forstått hvor idiotisk regjeringen har vært. Banket hardt i bordet, og sagt noe om at "dette gjelder verdensfreden!".
Qec har jo til og med en god klimasak mhp utvinning av giga-feltet.
Om planen er at det er qec som skal redde Tyskland og europa, er vi rike snart.
Antageligvis er det noen med makt i Europa/Tyskland som har sett på "Qec saken" og forstått hvor idiotisk regjeringen har vært. Banket hardt i bordet, og sagt noe om at "dette gjelder verdensfreden!".
Qec har jo til og med en god klimasak mhp utvinning av giga-feltet.
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 20:16
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Mr Big
25.08.2022 kl 20:21
QEC skal redde Europa . Verden trenger gass og det er ikke så mange land som produserer gass.Hva tror dere kursen vil ligge på når denne meldingen kommer?
25.08.2022 kl 20:23
Noen her inne har sagt 100 kroner. Uansett kommer den til å gå høyt. Vil samtidig minne alle om at utbytte kan bli aktuelt her, så kan være smart å ikke selge ved første og beste anledning. Ihvertfall, les dere opp på utbytte.
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 20:24
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25.08.2022 kl 20:39
Forutsatt at QEC får tillatelse til å forsyne Tyskland med gass, hva tenker dere kursen på aksjen vil være?
Rimelig sikker på at vi klatrer over 2 igjen...
25.08.2022 kl 21:10
Jeg kjøpte for nær 500.000,- i dag. Om vi ikke blir rike, så kan vi tjene en årslønn veldig fort. Jeg tipper vi passerer 4 kr om vedtaket blir utsatt. Dersom Qec skal redde Tyskland, ….Ja, da er vi nærmere 20 kr, i såfall 5 mill!
25.08.2022 kl 21:23
Flott artikkel 👍😀
Trudeau burde bare satt strek over hele Bill 21 og startet på LNG anlegget imens selskapene borrer og fracker klar brønnene.
(Mitt syn)
Trudeau burde bare satt strek over hele Bill 21 og startet på LNG anlegget imens selskapene borrer og fracker klar brønnene.
(Mitt syn)
25.08.2022 kl 21:58
Fin artikel, Tak.
Så har begge bolag tydeliggjort at man er klart til at hjælpe EU m.fl. med naturgas uden at man skal bruge store inv og kan være aktive bidragende om ca 18 måneder.
Så har begge bolag tydeliggjort at man er klart til at hjælpe EU m.fl. med naturgas uden at man skal bruge store inv og kan være aktive bidragende om ca 18 måneder.
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 22:00
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25.08.2022 kl 22:01
Her ser det jo ut til at det kan bli en ganske så kraftig reisning i morgen. 🥂
D e jo freddan. 😇
På sporet
25.08.2022 kl 22:04
Nå blir det rift om aksjene i morgen tidlig, det kan bli mange % i morgen. lykke til dere som er qec aksjonærer👍🏻.
25.08.2022 kl 22:13
Måske man skal smide penge i de fragtfirmaer der kunne tænkes at skulle sejle gassen?
Allivel +100 skibe om året.
Allivel +100 skibe om året.
Canada fulgte ikke Oslo ned idag, stengte på 0,28 CAD -. 2,09 NOK volumet: 117k
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 22:30
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Når selv præsident Trudeau ved klar besked, så vil der komme et gigantisk pres på regeringen i Quebec nu 👍
Puha, det er sgu ret spændende det her 😎
Puha, det er sgu ret spændende det her 😎
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 22:44
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25.08.2022 kl 22:39
Som en klok mann engang sa; "It's hope in a hanging snore"
Redigert 25.08.2022 kl 22:40
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Stock Walker
25.08.2022 kl 23:08
mofi1 skrev Flott artikkel. Spenningen stiger!
Dette er jo stort sett bare en repeat av hva Utica Resources skrev allerede 22 .mars i år uten å komme noen vei med myndighetene.
Natural gas | Quebec could supply Germany, says Utica ResourcesPublished 5 months ago on March 22, 2022 By Admin
Quebec would be able to supply Germany with natural gas in as short a time as 16 to 18 months, assures the president of Utica Resources, who urges the Quebec government to abandon its bill that would ban exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.
“We have been in a different world since February 24, argues Mario Lévesque, president and CEO of Utica Resources. The planet has changed. If the government passes Bill 21 in its current form, the province will leave Europe to its fate. »
According to him, Quebec can and must help Europe diversify its natural gas supply sources. “And it could be done very quickly, within 16 to 18 months,” he estimates.
To respond as quickly as possible to the needs of Germany, whose economy is most dependent on Russian gas, it is possible to ship Quebec natural gas in compressed rather than liquid form. “Once compressed, the gas can travel in containers and be injected directly into the network once at its destination,” explains Mario Lévesque.
Liquid natural gas, by comparison, would require the construction of liquefaction facilities in Quebec and regasification once it reaches Europe, which is long and costly.
Utica Resources claims to be in discussions with representatives of the German government, which is very interested in the Quebec solution, says its president.
Mario Lévesque believes that it is possible that the Quebec government will postpone its bill. A survey conducted by the firm Mainstream and commissioned by Utica Resources indicates that 65% of Quebecers are “very in agreement” and “somewhat in agreement” with the idea of exploiting our natural gas resources to create wealth and finance energetic transition. A small majority of respondents, 52%, said they were of the opinion that in the current context of the energy crisis, the government should suspend its bill aimed at banning the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.
“I would find it sad if he didn’t change his mind,” said Mario Lévesque. We have an obligation to intervene to stabilize world peace. »
In Becancour
Tens of billions of dollars of private funds could be invested quickly to drill wells in the St. Lawrence Lowlands and find container ships to transport the gas to Europe, according to Utica Resources.
Natural gas production could be concentrated in the Bécancour industrial park, located in the middle of the shales (shales) rich in natural gas.
The resources in place in the St. Lawrence Lowlands are estimated at 180 TCF (trillion cubic feet), of which 60 TCF are recoverable. Mario Lévesque believes that it is “very reasonable” to believe that it is possible to produce 1 BFC (trillion cubic feet) of natural gas at Bécancour as of next winter and to increase this production to 1 TCF per year within a three-year horizon. Quebec could thus provide 20% of European consumption, estimated at 5 TCF per year.
“Even if the war led by the Russians in Ukraine ends tomorrow morning, Europe needs new suppliers,” he underlines.
The transport distance is shorter between Quebec and Europe than that of other potential suppliers, such as Qatar and the United States, points out Mario Lévesque.
According to him, natural gas can help the world make a transition to renewable energy, and Quebec has it. Banning oil and gas exploration and production for environmental reasons, when we continue to consume oil that comes from elsewhere, is hypocrisy, he believes.
Natural gas | Quebec could supply Germany, says Utica ResourcesPublished 5 months ago on March 22, 2022 By Admin
Quebec would be able to supply Germany with natural gas in as short a time as 16 to 18 months, assures the president of Utica Resources, who urges the Quebec government to abandon its bill that would ban exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.
“We have been in a different world since February 24, argues Mario Lévesque, president and CEO of Utica Resources. The planet has changed. If the government passes Bill 21 in its current form, the province will leave Europe to its fate. »
According to him, Quebec can and must help Europe diversify its natural gas supply sources. “And it could be done very quickly, within 16 to 18 months,” he estimates.
To respond as quickly as possible to the needs of Germany, whose economy is most dependent on Russian gas, it is possible to ship Quebec natural gas in compressed rather than liquid form. “Once compressed, the gas can travel in containers and be injected directly into the network once at its destination,” explains Mario Lévesque.
Liquid natural gas, by comparison, would require the construction of liquefaction facilities in Quebec and regasification once it reaches Europe, which is long and costly.
Utica Resources claims to be in discussions with representatives of the German government, which is very interested in the Quebec solution, says its president.
Mario Lévesque believes that it is possible that the Quebec government will postpone its bill. A survey conducted by the firm Mainstream and commissioned by Utica Resources indicates that 65% of Quebecers are “very in agreement” and “somewhat in agreement” with the idea of exploiting our natural gas resources to create wealth and finance energetic transition. A small majority of respondents, 52%, said they were of the opinion that in the current context of the energy crisis, the government should suspend its bill aimed at banning the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.
“I would find it sad if he didn’t change his mind,” said Mario Lévesque. We have an obligation to intervene to stabilize world peace. »
In Becancour
Tens of billions of dollars of private funds could be invested quickly to drill wells in the St. Lawrence Lowlands and find container ships to transport the gas to Europe, according to Utica Resources.
Natural gas production could be concentrated in the Bécancour industrial park, located in the middle of the shales (shales) rich in natural gas.
The resources in place in the St. Lawrence Lowlands are estimated at 180 TCF (trillion cubic feet), of which 60 TCF are recoverable. Mario Lévesque believes that it is “very reasonable” to believe that it is possible to produce 1 BFC (trillion cubic feet) of natural gas at Bécancour as of next winter and to increase this production to 1 TCF per year within a three-year horizon. Quebec could thus provide 20% of European consumption, estimated at 5 TCF per year.
“Even if the war led by the Russians in Ukraine ends tomorrow morning, Europe needs new suppliers,” he underlines.
The transport distance is shorter between Quebec and Europe than that of other potential suppliers, such as Qatar and the United States, points out Mario Lévesque.
According to him, natural gas can help the world make a transition to renewable energy, and Quebec has it. Banning oil and gas exploration and production for environmental reasons, when we continue to consume oil that comes from elsewhere, is hypocrisy, he believes.
25.08.2022 kl 23:47
Er nok meget aktuell i dag etter besøket fra Tyskland.
Og mer aktuell blir det.
Forskning innen (ren?) olje og gass er på høygir i Canada, og nye resultater/opplysninger kommer nesten daglig.
Denne er fra i går. Selv om Quebec ikke er med i forskningen må man tro de legger merke til utviklingen.
Ikke minst hva provinsen kan tjene, og med minimal risiko.
26.08.2022 kl 00:55
Smått utrolig lesning må jeg si.det kan bli det mest elleville Qecrallyet noensinne hvis det går vår vei.verdt å kjøpe noen lodd i Qec dette nå.
Å hvor mye var natgas når Qec gikk til 30kr forrige gang med bare 25% av områdene? Sikkert rundt 4$
Nå eier de 100% av områdene å natgas er nå 9.56 $ med litt mer trykte aksjer.
Blåser rett til 50kr ved grønt lys,mark my words
Spennende tider indid 🤑
Å hvor mye var natgas når Qec gikk til 30kr forrige gang med bare 25% av områdene? Sikkert rundt 4$
Nå eier de 100% av områdene å natgas er nå 9.56 $ med litt mer trykte aksjer.
Blåser rett til 50kr ved grønt lys,mark my words
Spennende tider indid 🤑
Redigert 26.08.2022 kl 06:28
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26.08.2022 kl 01:50
Quebec - LNG får virkelig oppmerksomhet i verdenspressen nå fremover
Aktørene bruker pressen systematisk , i September kommer Ursula von der Leyen til Canada.
EU planlegger å bruke 300 mrd euro på å erstatte russisk energi
Tipper EU kommer til å gjøre det litt lettere for quebec , når de vifter litt med euroen sin....
Snakka med ei fra den tyske kraftbransjen i dag, hun sa bare "money speaks"
Aktørene bruker pressen systematisk , i September kommer Ursula von der Leyen til Canada.
EU planlegger å bruke 300 mrd euro på å erstatte russisk energi
Tipper EU kommer til å gjøre det litt lettere for quebec , når de vifter litt med euroen sin....
Snakka med ei fra den tyske kraftbransjen i dag, hun sa bare "money speaks"
Redigert 26.08.2022 kl 01:52
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Lyt omkring 40-42 min henne i denne pressekonference mellem Scholz og Trudeau 👏👏
Lyt omkring 40-42 min henne i denne pressekonference mellem Scholz og Trudeau 👏👏
Redigert 26.08.2022 kl 07:26
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26.08.2022 kl 08:27
Heldige de som er oppmerksomme på caset og kan kjøpe seg inn nå før en stor oppgang virkelig finner sted. Får vi et signal fra myndighetene i Quebec om at Bill 21 utsettes eller endres, blir det et solid Qec rally. Behovet for naturgassen i området til Qec har vel aldri vært større.
Redigert 26.08.2022 kl 08:27
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MC Axel
26.08.2022 kl 09:14
It is incredible how much Questerre energy and Utica get publicity in Canada!. It's all over the media!
Never seen it before
It is incredible how much Questerre energy and Utica get publicity in Canada!. It's all over the media!
Never seen it before
26.08.2022 kl 09:20
Veldig bra og oppløftende, MC Axel, presset på Québec kommer nå fra alle mulige kanter, og med det øker spenningen voldsomt. Siste ord er tydeligvis ikke sagt, og jfr. Domus « ingenting er hugget i stein» :-)
26.08.2022 kl 09:24
Mit bud er at Europa (Van der Layen) når de kommer på besøg i September, så er det med check af en anden dimension til Canada så Traudeu og resten af politikerne i Canada bliver overbevist om at deres business case bliver meget attraktiv med hensyn til at forsyne Europa med LNG fra Østkysten.
Nogen bud på hvor højt vi flyver i dag? Kan vi knække 2,20 NOK?
Mr Big
26.08.2022 kl 09:42
Dette kommer til å bli en fin helg. Nyheter fra Canada kan komme når som helst.
26.08.2022 kl 09:43
Det blir veldig vanskelig å ikke kompensere for QEC for frarøvede rettigheter dersom resten av verden mener gass er en del av løsningen i en overgangsfase til et fossilfritt samfunn.
Men nå ser det ut til at scenarioet med at Bill21 blir satt til siden faktisk kan vær realistisk. Nesten ikke til å tro, men svært gledelig hvis det skulle bli realitet. Da må man finne frem kuleramma på nytt, da mangler det minst en null i prissettingen av selskapet
Men nå ser det ut til at scenarioet med at Bill21 blir satt til siden faktisk kan vær realistisk. Nesten ikke til å tro, men svært gledelig hvis det skulle bli realitet. Da må man finne frem kuleramma på nytt, da mangler det minst en null i prissettingen av selskapet