Sykt bra Årsrapport!!!! Med masse olje på lager!!

ZENA 29.08.2022 kl 22:24 17799

Vi venter store nyheter. Volumet har tatt av siste tiden. Fundamentet er på plass. Nedsiden er så godt som vekke..

Fra årsrapporten: Highlights

During the financial year ended March 31, 2022, the Company:

o Generated revenues from the production of oil, gas, and electricity of
CAD$8,239,000 (2021 - CAD$596,000).
o Held inventory awaiting sale of 116,391 barrels of crude oil that had been
produced in Tunisia.
o Produced and sold 131,556 Mcf of natural gas from its Italian assets (as
compared to 12,713 Mcf for the corresponding period for the financial year ended
March 31, 2021).
o Recorded an after-tax profit of CAD$64,437,000 (compared to an after-tax
profit of CAD$3,525,000 for the financial year ended March 31, 2021).

Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer, commented:

"This positive set of results for the 2022 FY clearly demonstrate the Company's
unprecedented revenue generation which has been supported by the favourable
energy pricing environment. During the period, the Company also displayed strong
attention to cost control, whilst continuing to pursue an ambitious growth
programme in respect of developing the existing portfolio and acquiring new
assets. Additionally, Zenith's operating results have markedly improved over the
corresponding period for the past financial year, and we expect this trend to
continue into 2023.

As we look towards the next financial year, it is our intention to take every
necessary step in the near-term to ensure that our production activities are
maximised, and, with equal focus, that our portfolio is enriched by the
acquisition of new assets that can contribute, potentially in a transformational
manner, to the sustained, long-term profitability of the Company."
Redigert 29.08.2022 kl 22:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 17:31 2911

Wary god evaluation of the annual accounts MG, not that I am in to that cain of baseness my self, but my father was many many years a go before meny of us know what was stock or stock marked. I m not surprised that they didn't book any of Tunisian oil sales or gass or Italian. They war happy that they can show a positiv number in report so they can haw possibility to include in the next year or quarter report ( or move the results from one year to another or half year to another ) in that way they don't have wary big differences from the report to report.
I m wary happy that I learned haw much is expeensives per barrels I was wondering that, to gat sum cain of pictures roughly.....about the others expenses I m not in position to agree or disagree ( don't know much about )
30.08.2022 kl 15:59 2959

I have had my first look through the annual accounts today and although I am disappointed that they did not book the Tunisian oil sales on an accrual basis it still makes for pretty good reading.

The headline figures on revenue of CAD$8,239,000 (USD$6.3 million) are slightly disappointing but this does not include the sales that were made after the year end and it does not include most of the high value gas sales in Italy either.

The administrative expenses of CAD$12,526,000 (US$9.6 million) are pretty much bang on double of those figures in the half-yearly report so they are exactly as predicted and this gives the company a loss on trade (not including depreciation or other accountancy tricks of US$3.3 million.

Another key element that they annual report gives away to us that we did not know before is the operational cost of getting the oil out of the ground in Tunisia. This is shown in the value that is associated with the 116,391 barrels of oil valued at CAD$5,690,000 (and from an accountancy point of view this is always the vale at this is the cost of getting it out of the ground, not the value of the oil for sale) so now we know that this is $ 4,373,390 which equates to $38 per barrel in production costs.

We also know that the company had stock of 116,391 barrels at the period end. At an oil price of USD$100 per barrel and with the production costs that we now know are $38 per barrel then this gives a valuation that (IMO) really should be in the accounts of $7,216,242 in net revenue. So if this were put into the accounts then they really should have shown a trading profit of $4 million. This is at the lower end of my original calculations (I originally predicted between $3-7 million) but it is still a substantial profit and the basic fact is that the oil had been produced and stored by the end of March so it is very frustrating that it is not properly been included in the accounts just because the sale had not yet been completed.

I had assumed that the oil that had been stored would have been booked in on an accrual basis and therefore would be shown in the 2022 annual accounts and it is extremely frustrating that it has not been because it means that the accounts do not present a true picture of the company’s profitability unless you read into them in detail.

All of the Italian gas production would have been included in this year’s accounts, but it is important to remember that the production up until March while substantial is not anywhere near what is has become since the year ended. In the five months that Zenith announced production for in the 2022 tax year the revenue totalled €1 million and in the three months that they have announced since it is already €840,000.
Consequently, the big plus point is that the half-yearly report is going to be absolutely spectacular with the stored oil generating a minimum of $7 million in revenue (as there has already been more oil produced and stored in the 5 months since March 31st) and I would expect gas sales of approx. €2 million. So we are looking at an income of $9 million for the half yearly report and administrative costs once again of about $4.8 million so we should show a minimum profit of $4 million for the September half yearly.

Finally, the CAD$75 million that has been put in the accounts as a “gain on business combination”. I see from the note that this is based on the value that they have put on the values of El Bibane and Sidi El Kilani and considering that it is only about 5 times the annual gross revenue that both theise sites produce it is not unreasonable. However, it is also accountancy bullshit that I am inclined to ignore. As far as I am concerned the key element of judging any company that is producing oil is how much they make from oil sales and how much their administrative expense are. These cannot be toyed with whereas other factors like “gain on business combination” are just opinions.

In short, I am slightly disappointed with how the figures have been presented, though I expect that this is because of the conservative nature of the auditors, but I am pretty happy that when all of the figures are looked at together (as I have done above) that the company is delivering profitability around the level I was expecting. More importantly, I see it continuing to do this going forwards.
30.08.2022 kl 15:52 2998

Herlig, Frodon!
Men ja, er det et av mange nick som har null troverdighet, så er det Longsitingbulk. Kun for egen vinning, og endrer mening 180grader etter posisjon(aksjonær eller ønsker inngang).
30.08.2022 kl 15:05 3115

Aksjen har steget 30-40% siden du advarte mot den og NAS aksjen har falt 37,8% siden du anbefalte den

05.08.2022 kl 11:09
Jeg satser ikke ei krone i Nigeria.
Aksje utviklingen sier mer en 1000 HO innlegg"

05.08.2022 kl 10:41
Hvorfor satser du på Afrikansk olje vs Norsk?
Regner ikke med å få svar, men spør likevel"
30.08.2022 kl 14:11 3259

snart passerer vi 50 millioner aksjer. i dag blir det nok 60 - 70 millioner.
Slettet bruker
30.08.2022 kl 13:51 3333

Prøvde å advare, dere kjøpte vel ikke?
Dette her er ikke noe å ha pengene i, dømt til å tape
30.08.2022 kl 13:49 3337

Går rett sørover ,hva skjer?
30.08.2022 kl 12:16 3502

Usikker, markedet har reagert negativt idag. Tror kanskje den skal enda lenger ned. Fredag blir spennende, om det er mye tradere kan de dumpe da for å slippe å sitte på aksjene over helgen. Blir vel berg og dalbane nå frem til nyheter eventuelt meldes. Kommer den ned på .11 skal jeg handle.
Slettet bruker
30.08.2022 kl 12:12 3527

Nice buy of 1.5 million at 0.12 and 0.125.
Zenith will earn profit of NOK 4.8 million from electricity sale this month.
people don't know upside also. oil sale of 6.4 million in April and until August oil inventory of around $13million total - 6.4 +13 =19.4 + $1.6 million (Italia production )
in last 5 month Total - $ 20million
Page 83 - debt
debt - $ 6.14 million loan (CAD 7,975,000) and bonds $8millions (CAD10,360.000) (which will roll over to next term )

Company is debt free now.

Next 7 month Zenith will earn only surplus money. ($5.7 million form SNPC not considered)

Redigert 30.08.2022 kl 12:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 12:09 3535

We will hit 1.5 before news from tilapia, when that comes we will break 2.25 with relative ease. We have serious volume and momentum behind us right now is time to add to holdings before the big bull run.
30.08.2022 kl 12:04 3536

Redigert 30.08.2022 kl 12:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 12:03 3536

Kaunis you insulted my Crystal boll, so pleas du that wot you ar intended to do and we se by the end of the yer who was right.
p.s. Luca B. don't make mistaks.
Redigert 30.08.2022 kl 12:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 12:00 3552

Smart å skifte ut de kortsiktige før fete news,👍Er det generell bukseskjelv på gang?Equinor har tom droppet 15 kr i dag.
30.08.2022 kl 11:52 3578


Redigert 30.08.2022 kl 12:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 11:52 3564

Jammen muligheter for gode kjøp i dag .. noen blir ranet her. Kjøp med begge nevene
30.08.2022 kl 10:57 3738

2 mill aksjer er plassert, tid har jeg nok av ):
30.08.2022 kl 10:51 3777

Når gevinstsikringene er over snart stikker Zena.til 0,16 - 0,18 . Dunker AC inn Congo nå pluss 5.7 mill dollar fra rettsaken så blir det virkelig fart mot 0,5 - 0,80

Det er det faktisk meget stor mulighet for. Svaret kommer meget snart på investor call
30.08.2022 kl 10:49 2106

Kaunis if I was you I would buy now whilst the momentum into tilapia. I am expecting 3 year highs coming within the next month from the charts:
30.08.2022 kl 10:45 2124

Kaunis, det var dagens dummeste innlegg, hvor ligger du på kjøp (:
30.08.2022 kl 10:41 2139

Ja noe må være galt, enten med de som selger ned eller at de som selger, ikke har troen videre. Det er greit når en ikke har troen så selger en, men håper de ikke selger grunnet misforståelser av regnskap. Riktig som noen skriver, at reell inntekt vil vises direkte i resultatet ved neste kvartal. Men som alltid, flere av de som skriver her inne er rene daytradere og de skriver for sin egen (syke mor), så ikke legg for stor vekt på (ønskene) spådommene om stor oppgangen i( morgen), for da skal det selges, og aksjen vil falle etter kort tid. Vent heller til aksjen har falt noe og kjøp da. Håper noen selger seg kraftig ned/ut så vi får en god nedgang i kursen, da skal jeg kjøpe mer, ikke før.
30.08.2022 kl 10:23 2248

Viking I expect the naysayers to be locked out for good, they will have to pay the premium and buy now if they want to get back in. Then again the uk market the price is less than it is here as 11.05-1.15 and the equivalent is 1.24 here.
30.08.2022 kl 10:13 2300

Det ble omsatt 24 millioner aksjer på EN time.
Det tror jeg er rekord.for Zenith. Roboten jobber på høygir.
Det er noen med "størrelse" som vil inn ,det er udiskutabelt.
Ha en flott dag alle Zenithere.
30.08.2022 kl 10:07 2359

This is the answer which MG was longing after in hes forum ,, haw can be priced sum company s so much higher in Euronext/Oslo stock exchange then Zenith when they don't produce so much more then Zenith,,,,,".
So MG if you ar reading this Gullit haw given you one of the resent way.
30.08.2022 kl 10:04 2360

Ser ut som de utålmodige selgerne går mot slutten ja.. tipper vi ser 16 øre i dag. Trodde på mer
30.08.2022 kl 09:58 2176

Morsomt å se hvordan mange av dere mener børsdagen er avgjort før timen er gått.. Det vi ser nå er folk som tar gevinst, så får vi se utover dagen om kjøperne blir de som får mangel på aksjer - da snur trenden..
30.08.2022 kl 09:58 2163

Vi satser da vel på oppgang. Ingen grunn til noe annet idag…
30.08.2022 kl 09:57 2160

Første halvtimen er jo helt naturlig.. (nedgang på større volum). De misfornøyde skal ut.

Nå er det + ca. 1,43%.
Handlet for 3,3mill NOK.
Første timen.

Høyt volum i dag!
30.08.2022 kl 09:55 2173

Rett opp nå. Hvem solgte til proffene.

Rt: 14,16 øre
30.08.2022 kl 09:54 2180

Snart 25- 30 mill på en time???. hvem er det som laster?? Dette er ikke smågutter. Kontrolert lasting for ikke å kjøre kursen for høyt . wow er det noen som vet noe ?? Alt slukes. 0.2 kan komme fort når det snart er tomt på salgssiden.
Redigert 30.08.2022 kl 09:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 09:52 2176

Stop-loss ryker og de frigjorte aksjene blir slukt av haiene. Merkelig hvor ulik oppfatning folk har av en rapport. Zenith mangler litt daglige fat så går den daglige driften med pene tall. Er vel neppe noe spørsmål om de daglige fatene kommer men når.
30.08.2022 kl 09:51 2177

så går det ned med kursen. Var ikke lige det man håbede :(
30.08.2022 kl 09:42 2181

We are one of the very few companies to be making profit. With Tilapia next the price should rocket to new 3 year highs.
30.08.2022 kl 09:40 2112

Nedgang på stort volum = ikke bra
Oppgang på stort volum = BRA