QEC - Minister open to the LNG Quebec project! 🚀

MC Axel
QEC 31.08.2022 kl 13:09 114179

Now it turns out that parties in the current government say they will promote LNG if they are re-elected or have to form a new government!

QEC = 30 NOK (2008)


Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon is still open to the LNG Quebec project | Elections Quebec 2022
By Teilor Stone -August 31, 2022085

Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon is still open to the LNG project Quebec | Éelections Quebec 2022

The outgoing Minister of the Economy, Pierre Fitzgibbon

GNL Quebec's Énergie Saguenay project, which was believed to be dead and buried, is still arousing the interest of the outgoing government. Behind the scenes, the outgoing Minister of the Economy, Pierre Fitzgibbon, is keeping the door open, learned Radio-Canada.

According to our information, the CAQ government recently let the government know federal government that it was still open to carrying out the project.

Informal approaches, led by the office of Quebec Minister of the Economy Pierre Fitzgibbon, were reportedly made over the course of the two three months, according to three different sources in the federal government.

According to one of them, Fitzgibbon's cabinet would have let it be known that after the provincial elections, there would be a desire on the part of Quebec to reconsider and accelerate the project, if the Coalition avenir Quebec is re-elected. This is corroborated by other sources in Ottawa.

Blue Cow Group
08.04.2023 kl 18:21 5735

Ja, det blir en smule ironisk Ä legge skylda pÄ andre (som du gjÞr pÄ fransk-kanadiere her), for sÄ Ä si at det kun er minoriteter som legger skylda pÄ andre. Jeg mente sÄklart ikke Ä pÄstÄ at fransk-kanadiere ikke er en minoritet i canada, men at det er menneskelig Ä skylde pÄ "de andre", uavhengig av om man er i flertall eller ikke.
08.04.2023 kl 18:03 5776

LNG 10-13 July 2023

Vancouver Convention Centre
B.C. Canada


This year should see LNG project approvals outstrip last year by some margin. They will ease only the tail end of Europe’s energy crisis, but they remain essential to reducing coal use, primarily in Asia in the 2030s and 2040s.
Redigert 08.04.2023 kl 18:16 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
08.04.2023 kl 17:36 5787

Easter quiz for you guys !

What`s happening in 92Days 14Hours 28Mins ?

I`m sure that the LNG road to east coast will be open by then

MC Axel
08.04.2023 kl 17:13 5823

I believe that the G7 meeting will influence the Canadian authorities and that they will start exporting LNG from the east coast

And I like this a lot!

"The draft statement said the countries expect demand for LNG to “continue to grow” in countries that can afford to later replace gas with net zero emissions energy sources."

This statement will be tailormade for LNG export over Canadas East coast.

The TC Energys planned pipeline ("Energy East pipeline") to St.John and/or Goldboro, will be a LNG pipeline which will be converted to Hydrogen pipe sometime after 2043.

08.04.2023 kl 16:50 5852

Nei, fransk-canadiere er en minoritet i Canada. BÄde sprÄklig og kulturelt. Men for all del, gjelder jo ganske mange andre mennesker ogsÄ.
Redigert 08.04.2023 kl 16:51 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Blue Cow Group
08.04.2023 kl 16:09 5934

Det stÄr minoriteter der, men du mener vel mennesker? Regner med det var en autokorrekt-feil.
08.04.2023 kl 13:15 6167

Tvilsomt. De vil vende sin vrede mot anglo-Canada, som er deres store fiende. Legge skylda pÄ andre er en ganske kjent taktikk hos minoriteter.
Redigert 08.04.2023 kl 13:28 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
08.04.2023 kl 13:13 6180

Lad dem fryse - en kold Quebec'er kan mÄske blive en vred Quebec'er - brug din vrede mod din tyran ! (Legault)
08.04.2023 kl 11:55 6308

"The draft statement said the countries expect demand for LNG to “continue to grow” in countries that can afford to later replace gas with net zero emissions energy sources."

This statement will be tailormade for LNG export over Canadas East coast.

The TC Energys planned pipeline ("Energy East pipeline") to St.John and/or Goldboro, will be a LNG pipeline which will be converted to Hydrogen pipe sometime after 2043.

Looks like the world leaders , does really have a high focos on Canada east LNG export at the moment
Surely Legault & Quebec will bend off, and support

The environmentalists got heir victory with "Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park"
Legault got his 10 billion federal icebreaking contract - a big win for Quebec.
Nxt win? Change of Bill 21 , and export over east coast?

Don`t forget Legault have a huge problem with energy supplies locally , today still millions have lost their power supply in Quebec , future LNG deliveries will help
6 pst of the customers in Quebec dosn`t have power due to Power outages caused by the freezing rain, today !

Redigert 08.04.2023 kl 12:19 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
MC Axel
08.04.2023 kl 02:25 6734

More of the same!

I believe this can only be achieved with Canadian help!

G7 climate ministers consider endorsing new gas investments


7 April, 2023, 3:02 pm

BRUSSELS/TOKYO (Reuters) – Climate ministers of the Group of Seven countries may make the case for new investments in natural gas supply, despite assessments that such investments would thwart globally agreed climate change goals, according to a document seen by Reuters.


06.04.2023 kl 20:51 7451

Yepp men jeg har de fleste eggene i Qec da đŸ€‘
06.04.2023 kl 19:30 7576

MB pÄ Twitter tidligere i ettermiddag:
Over one million without electricity as the energy crisis in Quebec slowly gets worse. Putting your energy eggs in one basket is risky for society.
06.04.2023 kl 18:37 7645

Europe has not made enough progress in locking in long-term contracts for liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an alternative to Russian pipeline supply, which may prove costly next winter as a rebound in Chinese demand could sharply tighten the market.

05.04.2023 kl 15:20 8355

Behöver vi inte vÀnta i alla fall till Juli dÀr de olika fallen ska gemensamt presenteras till domare och domstol?

JÀtte bra att diskussionen tagit ny fart men vad pratar vi realistiskt för tidslinje innan man gör om Bill 21 och stÀllningstagandet till gas utvinning?
Q1 2024??

Realistiska tankar kring detta?
Redigert 05.04.2023 kl 15:21 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
05.04.2023 kl 14:48 8279

Ikke umulig at du fÄr rett i at mye avklares i lÞpet av april! Krysser fingre og det jeg har!
05.04.2023 kl 14:35 8201

April blir en hektisk mnd for Canada mht mĂžtevirksomhet , der LNG vil vĂŠre sentralt

"The Leaders also committed to continuing to collaborate through the Canada-EU Working Group on Energy Transition and LNG that they announced in March 2022. This Working Group is developing sustainable medium-term solutions on key resources and energy that Canada can supply to the EU like hydrogen and critical minerals, as well as the global supply of resources like LNG."


G7 - Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment
15-16 April 2023 Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

CETA - 2023 EU-Canada CETA Civil Society Forum
25-26 April 2023
Redigert 05.04.2023 kl 14:37 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
05.04.2023 kl 12:44 8274

Takk minsin for interessant artikkel.
Den avslutter med: "No matter that there is a strong case for exporting LNG that helps lower overall global emissions, a lack of political guts is hurting Canada's reputation - and the planet."
05.04.2023 kl 12:30 8295

Ingen tvil om at pilene peker i en retning nÄ. Gjelder bare Ä fÄ Legault til Ä se det.
MC Axel
05.04.2023 kl 11:35 8035


We have received a positive energy report this week, which recommends Canada and the provinces to invest in LNG

and soon there will be a G7 meeting where energy security in the West will be the main theme and Canada will be one of the participants

05.04.2023 kl 10:22 8002

LOL! Hykleri er ingen ukjent idrett blant Quebecs politikere og befolkning. Liker forĂžvrig utviklinga i aksjen i dag.
05.04.2023 kl 10:11 7882

.....SÄ va det Quebec da , og deres satsning pÄ miljÞ...
Kart og terreng stemmer visst ikke helt

04.04.2023 kl 23:31 8253

Stengte pĂ„ 0,27 CAD (2,07 kr) over dammen ikveld 😀
Slettet bruker
04.04.2023 kl 20:28 8656

Alle husker vi vel hvor fort det gikk til 30 :-)
MC Axel
04.04.2023 kl 20:24 8344

This article is not about Quebec, but is interesting. Because if you can make an exception in other provinces regarding the LNG ban, then Quebec can do the same

How an LNG plant was approved under the ‘no more pipelines’ act



16.02.2023 kl 12:44 9054

Helt enig lige pludselig slipper der nyheder ud og sÄ stiger vi helt vildt
16.02.2023 kl 12:37 9048

Den generelle debatten er viktig.
En pÄgÄende konferanse hvor 40 statsrÄder inviteres av Canadiske myndigheter for Ä diskutere gass-situasjon i verden, kan ikke bare tilsidesettes.

Man er utvilsomt, ogsÄ fra Canadisk side ute etter Ä finne en lÞsning som er tjenlig for alle parter.

Antar en lÞsning kommer, man vet bare ikke nÄr.
Lykke til. đŸ»

(Les gjerne IEA artikkelen over)
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 12:45 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
16.02.2023 kl 08:48 9331

Nice. Mye som skjer i kulissene nÄ. Plutselig sier det PANG, og kursen tar kvantesprang oppover.
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 08:48 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
16.02.2023 kl 04:22 9778

Ikke glem belte pĂ„đŸ˜
Slettet bruker
16.02.2023 kl 02:02 9852

NÄ skjer det ! Hold pÄ hatten fremover !
16.02.2023 kl 01:23 9857

Et skritt nérmere forlik. 🎂

Canada, er vertskap for konferansen.
Det skal noe til Ä invitere sÄ mange til denne samlingen dersom de kun vil levere drÞmmer og hÄp.

Lykke til. đŸ»
MC Axel
15.02.2023 kl 23:53 9997

Very interesting!

and Canada is the center point, and the other countries seem to expect that they will also help with LNG. The pressure is mounting

Create a free IEA account

"Ministers from around 40 countries meet to discuss the current gas crisis and collaborative actions on global energy security and the clean energy transition

15 February 2023"

The meeting was chaired by Canadian Minister Jonathan Wilkinson

"Minister Wilkinson said: “Russia's invasion of Ukraine – almost a year ago – has ushered in what the IEA has described 'the First Global Energy Crisis', and today we met in solidarity to send a clear message to the world: we remain dedicated to concrete, collaborative action in order to enhance energy security and achieve our climate commitments.”"

"the reality is that winter 2023-2024 is likely to be the real test"

"The concrete steps we agreed on today, as well as the solidarity we demonstrated, gives me growing confidence that we will be ready to face the next wave of the crisis"


Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 00:39 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
18.10.2022 kl 09:32 5356

Den blir ikke holdt nede. Det er ingen kjÞpere. Enkelt og greit. Blir smÄtradet i dette omrÄdet helt til q3 den 10. november. I alle fall sÄ lenge olja ikke gÄr over 100 dollars fatet.
Redigert 18.10.2022 kl 09:33 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
18.10.2022 kl 09:31 5205

Jo, jeg kan lese. Og jeg kan analysere politikk. Men du har selvsagt rett. Ingen kan egentlig vite 100% om noe som helst. Descartes tvilte jo pÄ sin egen eksistens en periode...
18.10.2022 kl 09:26 5022

googleearth11 skrev Helt enig!
KÀnns ju som aktien hÄlls ner konstlat, rent fundamentalt borde den ligga högre,
18.10.2022 kl 09:25 4816

jeg skriver bare at du ikke ved det. for det kan du ikke vide.