QEC - Minister open to the LNG Quebec project! 🚀

MC Axel
QEC 31.08.2022 kl 13:09 119267

Now it turns out that parties in the current government say they will promote LNG if they are re-elected or have to form a new government!

QEC = 30 NOK (2008)


Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon is still open to the LNG Quebec project | Elections Quebec 2022
By Teilor Stone -August 31, 2022085

Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon is still open to the LNG project Quebec | Éelections Quebec 2022

The outgoing Minister of the Economy, Pierre Fitzgibbon

GNL Quebec's Énergie Saguenay project, which was believed to be dead and buried, is still arousing the interest of the outgoing government. Behind the scenes, the outgoing Minister of the Economy, Pierre Fitzgibbon, is keeping the door open, learned Radio-Canada.

According to our information, the CAQ government recently let the government know federal government that it was still open to carrying out the project.

Informal approaches, led by the office of Quebec Minister of the Economy Pierre Fitzgibbon, were reportedly made over the course of the two three months, according to three different sources in the federal government.

According to one of them, Fitzgibbon's cabinet would have let it be known that after the provincial elections, there would be a desire on the part of Quebec to reconsider and accelerate the project, if the Coalition avenir Quebec is re-elected. This is corroborated by other sources in Ottawa.

22.09.2022 kl 19:49 3512

Akkurat i dag gir man bort aksjer pÄ billigsalg. NÄ gÄr den rett opp i Canada. Og forelÞpig ligger den pÄ 2,08! NÄ ser vi hva forventninger betyr. Dette er bare starten, og forventningene til et EU resultat fortsetter bÄde i kveld og i morgen
22.09.2022 kl 20:04 3521

Ved volatile aktier kan man ogsÄ - navnlig i krisetider - smide kortene, fordi man ikke tÞr vÊre med lÊngere.
Redigert 22.09.2022 kl 20:05 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
22.09.2022 kl 20:06 3521

Å seie Ursula?
Slettet bruker
22.09.2022 kl 20:32 3614

Kan du utdype litt ang. "rett opp i Canada. Og forelÞpig ligger den pÄ 2.08"
22.09.2022 kl 20:35 3652

"The two leaders discussed the need to address the urgent energy requirements of Europe and agreed to work together to develop sustainable solutions, including liquified natural gas, hydrogen, and critical minerals. They also agreed to cooperate on furthering clean energy and technology, and on showcasing global climate leadership to help achieve Canada and the European Union (EU)’s net-zero climate objectives."
Slettet bruker
22.09.2022 kl 20:36 3730

Siste 0,27 CAD dvs 2,08. Volumet er mikroskopisk.
22.09.2022 kl 20:49 3777

Lng delen av uttalelsen er vel som musikk i vÄre Qec Þrer, mÄtte det bare fÞlges opp pÄ en mÄte som gjÞr at Qec en viktig bidragsyter i lÞsningen. Har ikke gitt opp Quebec ennÄ.
22.09.2022 kl 20:55 8259

Den logger nÄ pÄ 2.08 der borte. Opp over 10 prosent. Riktignok pÄ et litt lavt volum. Det betyr at nÄr volumet Þker kraftig frem mot EU mÞte der borte, sÄ kommer kursen til Ä stige veldig.
22.09.2022 kl 22:15 8057

The two leaders discussed the need to address the urgent energy requirements of Europe and agreed to work together to develop sustainable solutions, including liquified natural gas, hydrogen, and critical minerals. They also agreed to cooperate on furthering clean energy and technology, and on showcasing global climate leadership to help achieve Canada and the European Union (EU)’s net-zero climate objectives. The Prime Minister and the President commended the successful Cleantech summit held on September 15-16, coinciding with the 5th anniversary of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA
22.09.2022 kl 23:18 7901

Vi som vet vilke verdier det er i selskapet med og uten Quebec har ikke behov av Ă„ selge, hvis man ikke er i pengenĂžd.
Slettet bruker
23.09.2022 kl 00:19 7831

SpÞrs om den kommer over 2kr igjen, det er dÄrlig bÞrsklima om dagen og ser ut som det vil ta lang tid fÞr det blir bedre.
23.09.2022 kl 08:11 7536

QEC kan vel nu fÄ sin klimavenlig teknologi indfÞrt i England, hvorfor ikke, vel oplagt, nÄr nu England ophÊver forbud og har mega travlt, sÄ vil de bolag som har klimavenlig teknologi klar til dette, fÄ muligheder her.
QEC har sagt, teknologien deres kan bruges verden over.
Slettet bruker
23.09.2022 kl 08:47 7373

Du skriver England men det gjelder hele Storbritannia , ikke glem at England er et territorie under Storbritannia og ikke er et eget selvstendig land,
23.09.2022 kl 08:55 7363

Det var bedre, hvis det var Commonwealth landene det galdt.
Redigert 23.09.2022 kl 09:06 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
23.09.2022 kl 09:43 7198

Ja, hvor lenge kan man se helt bort fra befolkningen mener?

«MONTREAL, Sept. 22, 2022 /CNW Telbec/ - A new Mainstreet poll conducted from Sept 20 to 21 shows expected and very clear results.

- Almost 2/3 of Quebecers, want to develop Quebec's natural gas and want Bill 21 repealed.

- The establishment, especially the CAQ government, is completely out of touch and doesn't listen to Quebecers»
23.09.2022 kl 09:56 7195

Tenker det blir mange ekstra stemmer pÄ Duhaime fram mot valget 3 okt.
23.09.2022 kl 10:10 7184

Ja, med sÄ mange Qubecer som er udvinding naturgas, mÄ det smitte gevaldig af pÄ stemmer for udvinding 3 okt...
23.09.2022 kl 10:49 7086

ja 10 dage til !
tak for info vedr. Quebec
23.09.2022 kl 11:21 6984

Det er vel ingen grunn til Ä tro at ikke det sittende partiet blir klart stÞrst og vinner. SÄ spÞrsmÄlet er vel heller hva som skal til for at de lar seg pÄvirke av press utenfra og fra flertallet av egne innbyggere.

Derfor er jeg usikker pÄ hvorfor selve valget skulle gjÞre susen, selv om partier som Þnsker utvinning velkommen kanskje kommer til Ä gÄ litt fram?
MC Axel
23.09.2022 kl 16:09 6823

I agree!

They do the same as QEC and include the natives in the solution, so that they also get something out of the welfare that the industry creates

Enbridge to Improve Native Relations as Line 5, Infrastructure Face Legal Hurdles


September 21, 2022

23.09.2022 kl 16:50 6703

Olje og gass vil rebounde skikkelig nÄr vinteren nÊrmer seg. NÄ er det kun en "bump in the road" :


« Why Top Banks Are Betting Oil Will Stage a Recovery
by Bloomberg|Yongchang Chin|Friday, September 23, 2022

Oil is set to rebound in the fourth quarter, according to some of Wall Street’s leading banks, as low inventories and sustained demand underpin a recovery despite growing concerns of a global slowdown.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. forecasts London’s Brent oil at $101 a barrel for the final three months of 2022, while Goldman Sachs Group Inc. sees $125 and Morgan Stanley targets $95. The global crude benchmark was last near $90.«
23.09.2022 kl 19:05 6544


While sentiment in oil markets has been decidedly bearish in recent weeks, the risk of Russia escalating its war with Ukraine and news that China is finally opening up mean there is plenty of upside risk in oil markets.
MC Axel
24.09.2022 kl 00:30 6308


September 23, 2022

More Quebecers support pipelines and politicians are paying attention

According to media reports, Quebec Premier Francois Legault has been quietly plotting with Justin Trudeau about the possibility of reviving the Énergie Saguenay project. 

Almost all of Duhaime’s potential Conservative voters, and most of Legault’s and the CAQ’s, support the LNG proposal for the Saguenay. At least, this is according to LĂ©ger, one of Quebec’s leading pollsters

Read more here!

24.09.2022 kl 11:03 5987

24.09.2022 kl 11:09 5990

Nu tillader jeg mig, at tÊnke hÞjt. Konservative ser ud til at fÄ et rigtig godt valg. Vil man kunne forestille sig en regering mellem CAQ og Konservative? Det kan bane vejen for LNG-projekter. Det er ikke mange Är siden, CAQ var fortaler for LNG. Mange ting sker i politik, men er der nogen, der har et godt overblik over det politiske i Quebec?
MC Axel
25.09.2022 kl 23:25 5518


The war in Ukraine means energy security and Arctic defence must be strategic imperatives for CanadaThe Arctic is the first line of defence against Russian attack on continental North America, and we’ve seen the cost of depending on Putin for energy.

By Pouyan Kimiayjan
Bijan AhmadiContributors

Sun., Sept. 25, 2022timer3

MC Axel
29.09.2022 kl 22:51 5170

Jason Kenney 


Dependent on dictator oil and gas, Europe desperately needs energy security. Canada can provide energy security to our democratic friends and allies. This is why Alberta has been calling on Ottawa to start building LNG export infrastructure

MC Axel
01.10.2022 kl 09:32 4965

The First Nations in BC are active

First Nations LNG Alliance


MC Axel
01.10.2022 kl 18:14 4777

This would help the First Nations in Quebec as well

LNG pipeline brought thousands of workers to BC community


 Cosmin Dzsurdzsa


October 1, 2022

According to BC Liberal MLA Ellis Ross the economic activity of the pipeline’s construction has helped the Haisla Nation residents. 

Yes indeed@😅

“Europe is in an energy crisis. But the rest of the world – those that understand energy – is laughing at Canada,” said Ross. 

MC Axel
05.10.2022 kl 15:28 4427

we still are talking to the Germans!!!

Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson speaks to the Calgary Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, Oct. 4. 

He insists Ottawa isn’t striving to shut in Canadian production and doesn’t oppose LNG developments.


On Tuesday, Wilkinson noted Europe has asked the federal government how Canada could potentially assist with LNG and hydrogen being exported from Eastern Canada. It has also established a working group with Germany and the European Union.

“We haven’t given up on those (East Coast) projects, and we still are talking to the Germans . . . but at the end of the day, there has to be a value proposition that the customer is willing to purchase, and that’s the challenge.”

Redigert 05.10.2022 kl 15:45 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
05.10.2022 kl 15:43 4418

Har du en link, MC Axel? Her kan det komme kursdrivende nyheter "anytime". Klart det snakkes om LNG eksport til ett europa i energikrise. Tenker "money talks" til slutt.
MC Axel
05.10.2022 kl 16:41 4341

EIA reports weekly declines in U.S. crude, gasoline and distillate supplies MarketWatch

Redigert 05.10.2022 kl 16:44 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
MC Axel
05.10.2022 kl 16:44 4329

EIA reports

EIA reports U.S. distillate stockpiles decline by 3.4 million barrels

EIA reports U.S. gasoline supplies down 4.7 million barrels

EIA data show U.S. crude-oil inventories down 1.4 million barrels last week
Peter Sellers
05.10.2022 kl 17:25 4306

@MCA, nice job MC, let's hope that EU or Germany will open their wallet to fiance the east cost project for LNG :)))
MC Axel
07.10.2022 kl 12:04 4018


There is a trend and QEC is on to it as well!

Alberta First Nations acquire $1.12 billion stake in seven pipelines


 Cosmin Dzsurdzsa


October 6, 2022

07.10.2022 kl 12:26 3976

Dette er jo bare flott, kan ikke skjÞnne at Quebec kan komme seg unna med Ä svindle First Nasjon people i Quebec. Sa ikke ministeren for energi i Quebec at de skulle se pÄ LNG prosjektet etter valget. Har du sett noen uttalelser fra den kanten?
MC Axel
07.10.2022 kl 12:31 3964

That's true

According to one of them, Fitzgibbon's cabinet would have let it be known that after the provincial elections, there would be a desire on the part of Quebec to reconsider and accelerate the project, if the Coalition avenir Quebec is re-elected. This is corroborated by other sources in Ottawa

07.10.2022 kl 13:03 3864


Pareto-analytiker mener Opec+' «monsterkutt» nÊrmest skriker til markedet: «Invester i olje»
Det utvidede Opec-kartellet har vist at det mener alvor. Oljeprisene vil ligge over hundre dollar fatet de neste tre Ă„rene, mener Paretos Nadia Wiggen.

Tre Ă„r med minst 100 dollar

«For Ä konkludere, sÄ viste mÞtet: Et monsterkutt fra Opec+, et proaktivt, forebyggende standpunkt som aldri er blitt inntatt av oljeprodusenter med slik iver, og et skrikende budskap om Ä kjÞpe olje, leting og produksjon og oljeservice. Avslutningsvis ser vi ytterligere oppside fra vÄre oljeprisanslag for 2022 og 2023, pÄ grunn av Opec+avtalen som lÞper gjennom 2023,» skriver Wiggen.

Pareto mener vi stÄr overfor en flerÄrig, syklus med priser som er hÞye nok til Ä tilrettelegge for nye investeringer. Onsdag viste opec+' produksjonskutt at kartellet er dedikert til Ä sÞrge for dette.

«Det er pÄ vei: Tre Är med 100+ dollar fatet for olje,» skriver hun.
MC Axel
09.10.2022 kl 22:13 3551


ready to take the fight to Ottawa! 😁

'I think we would win that battle': Danielle Smith promises to fight for resource development in Alberta


Published date: Saturday, October 8th 2022 

Alberta premier-designate Danielle Smith says she’s ready to take the fight to Ottawa

We're going to take our place as a senior partner in Confederation.”

“We will not have our resources landlocked or our energy phased out of existence by a virtue-signalling prime minister,”

“They can take us to court if they want to stop us but I think we would win that battle,” she said. “That's what I'm looking forward to.”

MC Axel
10.10.2022 kl 12:01 3238

Unbelievable that someone can think of selling today. OPEC+ has guaranteed QEC high revenues in the future and the gas price will also rise this winter. QEC is underpriced when we look at their earnings

BUY now QEC is CHEAP! 😁
MC Axel
12.10.2022 kl 19:09 2823

Federal Policies Could Cost Saskatchewan $111 Billion By 2035

Released on October 11, 2022

The Government of Saskatchewan today released a paper entitled "Drawing the Line: Defending Saskatchewan's Economic Autonomy" which considers policy options in light of the current federal government intrusions into Saskatchewan's exclusive areas of jurisdiction under the Constitution.

Read it all here

12.10.2022 kl 19:21 2803
