Magnora sa i forbindelse med Q2 at det opplever stor interesse fra store energiselskaper om å kjøpe opp enten prosjekter eller selskapet som helhet.
Magnora er nå i ferd med å starte høstingen av sine prosjekter og pengene vil begynne å flomme inn på bunnlinjen.
Magnora har bevist at de klarer å plukke lønnsomme investeringer og i dagens energisituasjon har de blitt mer gullkantet enn noensinne.
Magnora sa i forbindelse med Q2 at det opplever stor interesse fra store energiselskaper om å kjøpe opp enten prosjekter eller selskapet som helhet.
Magnora er nå i ferd med å starte høstingen av sine prosjekter og pengene vil begynne å flomme inn på bunnlinjen.
Magnora har bevist at de klarer å plukke lønnsomme investeringer og i dagens energisituasjon har de blitt mer gullkantet enn noensinne.
Redigert 04.09.2022 kl 12:32
Du må logge inn for å svare
16.06.2023 kl 00:18
Tror mange overser dette i Magnora-porteføljen siden Dana har levert ganske dårlige «offloading volumes». Western isles kan potensielt gi Magnora over 80 mill kroner hvert år i 20 år fremover hvis de produserer maksimalt. Dette er ikke realistisk, men greit å påpeke. Når Western isles avvikles i 23-24, så vil vi nok se noen kvartaler uten revenue derifra. Omplassering kan forhåpentligvis gi et omsetningsløft i 24-25, men det passer egentlig ikke inn i Magnoras strategi. Tror og håper derfor at man vurderer salg av denne lisensen. Det bringer frem spørsmålet om hva denne er verdt?
16.06.2023 kl 09:30
Magnora ligger i en bred, stigende trendkanal. Aksjen ga kjøpssignal fra en rektangelformasjon for en måneds tid siden og har brutt opp gjennom motstanden ved 28 kroner. Videre oppgang signaliseres. Aksjen har et sterkt positivt momentum som styrker kjøpssignalet. Hvis kursen skulle reagere tilbake, ligger det støtte ved 28 kroner, om lag 8 prosent under tirsdagens sluttkurs. Selskapet er positivt på innsidehandler etter at Head Advisor Stein Bjørnstad kjøpte aksjer for 400.000 kroner 2. juni
Magnora ligger i en bred, stigende trendkanal. Aksjen ga kjøpssignal fra en rektangelformasjon for en måneds tid siden og har brutt opp gjennom motstanden ved 28 kroner. Videre oppgang signaliseres. Aksjen har et sterkt positivt momentum som styrker kjøpssignalet. Hvis kursen skulle reagere tilbake, ligger det støtte ved 28 kroner, om lag 8 prosent under tirsdagens sluttkurs. Selskapet er positivt på innsidehandler etter at Head Advisor Stein Bjørnstad kjøpte aksjer for 400.000 kroner 2. juni
16.06.2023 kl 11:07
Investorene har over tid betalt stadig høyere priser for å kjøpe seg opp i Magnora og aksjen ligger i en stigende trendkanal på kort, mellomlang og lang sikt. Dette signaliserer økende optimisme blant investorene og indikerer videre kursoppgang. Det er ingen motstand i kursdiagrammet og en videre oppgang indikeres. Ved reaksjoner tilbake har aksjen støtte ved cirka 29.40 kroner. Volumet har tidligere vært høyt rundt kurstopper og lavt rundt kursbunner. Volumbalansen er også positiv, noe som styrker trendbildet. Aksjen ga kjøpssignal fra en rektangelformasjon ved bruddet opp gjennom motstanden ved 26.16 kroner. Videre oppgang til 31.65 kroner eller mer er signalisert. Det er ingen motstand i kursdiagrammet og en videre oppgang indikeres.
19.06.2023 kl 08:20
Og der har Magnora startet ballet og begynt tilbakekjøp av aksjer for nulling. kjøpt så langt 55.999 aksjer for edn snitt pris 30,18/stk
19.06.2023 kl 17:39
Blue Cow Group skrev Vet du hvor mange de har planlagt å kjøpe totalt?
Inntil 50milloner, opp til 45kr i kurs pr aksje
21.06.2023 kl 14:01
MGN: Magnora ASA: Helios closes FY2022 with net profit of SEK 102.5 million and a strong cash position - announces SEK 60 million dividend
21.6.2023 13:50:03 CEST | Magnora ASA | Additional regulated information
required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state
Magnora ASA (Magnora) is pleased to announce that Helios Nordic Energy AB
(Helios) has held its annual general meeting today 21 June 2023 and decided to
pay SEK 60 million in dividend to its shareholders. Magnora holds 40 percent of
the shares in Helios Nordic Energy AB. Dividends are payable in Q2 2023.
Helios's audited accounts show net profit of SEK 102.5 million for the financial
year ending 30 April 2023.
"The speed and execution of this team of 21 people is exceptional," says Erik
Sneve, CEO of Magnora. "Helios has become the leading developer of solar PV
projects in the Nordic region, and the market is very receptive for its
sustainable, environmentally friendly, and professional approach to develop a
good business for landowners, the local community as well as its customers."
Helios's services include site development, permitting, procurement management,
construction management and technical management.
In addition, Helios currently owns 20 percent of Hafslund Magnora Sol AS as well
as 92 percent of Helios Finland Oy. The company also has land lease agreements
in Latvia and Lithuania. The company is by far the largest developer of solar PV
in Sweden. Last year, Helios established a foothold in Norway through its 20
percent stake in the Hafslund Magnora Sol AS joint venture. This year Helios
established a Finish subsidiary, Helios Finland Oy. In Q2 Helios established
Sunbeam with 67 percent Helios ownership and focusing on development of
small-scale ground mounted pv projects from 3-9 MWp.
Helios Nordic Energy AB is one of Sweden's and the Nordic countries' leading
developers of solar energy with a project pipeline exceeding 5.9 GW (as of 23
May 2023). Helios has previously completed six transactions with recognised
investors. A total of 17 large solar projects will be delivered within the next
few years with an expected total capacity of approximately 700 MW and an
estimated investment value of approx. SEK 4 billion. To date, four projects with
a total capacity of 150 MW have been handed over to investors after reaching RtB
(Ready To Build). -
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
* Erik Sneve, CEO, email: es at
* Torstein Sanness, Executive chairman, email: sanness at
Magnora ASA (OSE: MGN) invests in renewable energy development projects and
companies. Magnora's portfolio of renewable companies consists of Helios Nordic
Energy AB, Kustvind AB, Magnora Offshore Wind AS, Magnora Solar PV UK, Hafslund
Magnora Sol AS, Magnora South Africa, and AGV. In addition, Magnora has legacy
revenues from its previous design business and potential milestone payments from
the sale of Evolar AB (sold to First Solar Inc). The company is listed on the
main list on Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker MGN.
Download announcement as PDF.pdf -
21.6.2023 13:50:03 CEST | Magnora ASA | Additional regulated information
required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state
Magnora ASA (Magnora) is pleased to announce that Helios Nordic Energy AB
(Helios) has held its annual general meeting today 21 June 2023 and decided to
pay SEK 60 million in dividend to its shareholders. Magnora holds 40 percent of
the shares in Helios Nordic Energy AB. Dividends are payable in Q2 2023.
Helios's audited accounts show net profit of SEK 102.5 million for the financial
year ending 30 April 2023.
"The speed and execution of this team of 21 people is exceptional," says Erik
Sneve, CEO of Magnora. "Helios has become the leading developer of solar PV
projects in the Nordic region, and the market is very receptive for its
sustainable, environmentally friendly, and professional approach to develop a
good business for landowners, the local community as well as its customers."
Helios's services include site development, permitting, procurement management,
construction management and technical management.
In addition, Helios currently owns 20 percent of Hafslund Magnora Sol AS as well
as 92 percent of Helios Finland Oy. The company also has land lease agreements
in Latvia and Lithuania. The company is by far the largest developer of solar PV
in Sweden. Last year, Helios established a foothold in Norway through its 20
percent stake in the Hafslund Magnora Sol AS joint venture. This year Helios
established a Finish subsidiary, Helios Finland Oy. In Q2 Helios established
Sunbeam with 67 percent Helios ownership and focusing on development of
small-scale ground mounted pv projects from 3-9 MWp.
Helios Nordic Energy AB is one of Sweden's and the Nordic countries' leading
developers of solar energy with a project pipeline exceeding 5.9 GW (as of 23
May 2023). Helios has previously completed six transactions with recognised
investors. A total of 17 large solar projects will be delivered within the next
few years with an expected total capacity of approximately 700 MW and an
estimated investment value of approx. SEK 4 billion. To date, four projects with
a total capacity of 150 MW have been handed over to investors after reaching RtB
(Ready To Build). -
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
* Erik Sneve, CEO, email: es at
* Torstein Sanness, Executive chairman, email: sanness at
Magnora ASA (OSE: MGN) invests in renewable energy development projects and
companies. Magnora's portfolio of renewable companies consists of Helios Nordic
Energy AB, Kustvind AB, Magnora Offshore Wind AS, Magnora Solar PV UK, Hafslund
Magnora Sol AS, Magnora South Africa, and AGV. In addition, Magnora has legacy
revenues from its previous design business and potential milestone payments from
the sale of Evolar AB (sold to First Solar Inc). The company is listed on the
main list on Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker MGN.
Download announcement as PDF.pdf -
23.06.2023 kl 14:30
Osvaldsen skrev Inntil 50milloner, opp til 45kr i kurs pr aksje Osvaldsen
Har ikke merket så mye til tilbakjøpsprogrammet for å være helt ærlig
26.06.2023 kl 10:38
26.6.2023 07:00:01 CEST | Magnora ASA | Acquisition or disposal of the issuer's
own shares
With reference to Magnora ASA's stock exchange announcement from 9 June 2023,
Magnora ASA has on 21, 22, and 23 June 2023 bought 135,272 shares in Magnora ASA
at an average price of NOK 28.7904 per share.
Magnora ASA now holds 213 137 of own shares after this trade, which represents
0.32 percent of total shares outstanding.
own shares
With reference to Magnora ASA's stock exchange announcement from 9 June 2023,
Magnora ASA has on 21, 22, and 23 June 2023 bought 135,272 shares in Magnora ASA
at an average price of NOK 28.7904 per share.
Magnora ASA now holds 213 137 of own shares after this trade, which represents
0.32 percent of total shares outstanding.
26.06.2023 kl 14:19
De som kan regne og har midler kjøper med begge hender på dagens kurser .
Spennende kursdrivende nyheter lurer i bakgrunnen .
Spennende kursdrivende nyheter lurer i bakgrunnen .
03.07.2023 kl 22:42
Lufta har visst gått litt ut av Magnora ballongen igjen, på tross av tilbakekjøp av aksjer og varsler om utbytter.
Får håpe vi snart setter kursen nordover igjen.
Får håpe vi snart setter kursen nordover igjen.
04.07.2023 kl 13:26
Kontanter og cashavtaler dekker ca 50% av aksjekurs. Helios hadde MNOK 100 på bunnlinjen i fjor - se det sammen med selskapets vekst og finn en fornuftig multippel på det. Tror det er ganske usmart å selge denne nå i forkant av Q2 hvor tingens tilstand blir synlig for flere enn menigheten. Tror det er smart å sitte lenge i denne. Fantastiske posisjoner i et marked mange skal inn i. Dagens kurs er en vits og det vil bli enda mye tydeligere i en periode hvor makro igjen ser litt lysere ut og investeringsviljen igjen øker.
04.07.2023 kl 19:22
Bra konklusjoner der thomasb, selskapet er solid fundamentert og de store inntektene vil komme fremover.
Ledelsen har vist at de er ekstremt flinke til å finne særs lønnsomme investeringer.
Får vi en børsnotering på litt sikt av Helios vil Magnoras gullkantede investering der virkelig komme frem i lyset.
Ledelsen har vist at de er ekstremt flinke til å finne særs lønnsomme investeringer.
Får vi en børsnotering på litt sikt av Helios vil Magnoras gullkantede investering der virkelig komme frem i lyset.
05.07.2023 kl 11:57
Ser ut som det snur oppover nå, aksjen er meget billig på dagens nivå,
Her vil det kunne komme masse godnyheter fremover.
Her vil det kunne komme masse godnyheter fremover.
05.07.2023 kl 18:14
Ikke dårlig dag på en rød børs, både håper og tror på gode nyheter og kurser fremover.
Skikkelig digg var det å føle på 30 tallet for en tid tilbake, vil ha oss dit igjen så raskt som mulig.
Skikkelig digg var det å føle på 30 tallet for en tid tilbake, vil ha oss dit igjen så raskt som mulig.
06.07.2023 kl 20:34
Viser stor underliggende styrke selv på en meget rød dag.
Kursdrivende nyheter kan komme når som helst,
Kursdrivende nyheter kan komme når som helst,
10.07.2023 kl 14:54
Sier litt om forventet markedsvekst og også lønnsomhetsforbedring fremover dette - blir helt sikkert storkunde av Helios fremover:
12.07.2023 kl 08:33
Magnora ASA: First sale in South Africa as Magnora and Globeleq join forces on battery and PV project
12.7.2023 08:26:43 CEST | Magnora ASA | Non-regulatory press releases
12 July 2023 - On 12 July, Magnora ASA and Globeleq Ltd. have signed and
executed an agreement that paves the way for developing large-scale battery
storage and renewable energy projects in South Africa. Globeleq is acquiring a
permitted site from Magnora and will develop the project further. The agreement
provides for an upfront payment, with additional payments on condition Globeleq
reaches certain commercial and technical milestones.
The site has favorable conditions for renewable energy and the area is targeted
for grid development. Magnora has several remaining projects in this cluster.
The projects are in mid-to-late-stage development with significant potential for
battery storage, solar PV and wind. Globeleq and Magnora have agreed to consider
ways to jointly commercialize these adjacent assets and to partner more widely
in South Africa.
Magnora entered the South African renewable energy market in 2021 through the
acquisition of an 850 MW project portfolio. One year later, Magnora acquired
African Green Ventures (AGV), a renewable project development company. The
portfolio of projects under active development in South Africa currently
consists of some 2000 MW. AGV sources assets and develops projects from
greenfield to ready-to-bid or -build.
"South Africa needs a lot of renewable energy for its basic economic need. We
see a great potential in the South African market over the next 5-10 years.
Magnora aims to grow the team and the portfolio significantly in the next few
years," says Erik Sneve, CEO of Magnora. "The agreement with Globeleq provides
both proof-of-concept and proof-of-market for our South African operation. The
fact that Magnora will recuperate a significant portion of our investments in
South Africa, is a nice added value."
Jonathan Hoffman, Chief Development Officer for Globeleq commented today, "We
are excited by the potential of this project within the South African renewables
sector. Renewable power and battery storage have a very significant part to play
in alleviating the energy crisis in South Africa and can do so speedily and
efficiently, and we are looking forward to developing this and other projects
with Magnora."
About Globeleq
Globeleq, which is owned 70% by British International Investment and 30% by
Norfund, is the leading developer, owner and operator of electricity generation
in Africa. Since 2002, its experienced team of professionals have built a
diverse portfolio of independent power plants, generating more than 1,500MW in
14 locations across 6 countries, with a further 722 MW in construction and more
than 2,000 MW of power projects in development. More details at
- .
* Erik Sneve, CEO, email: es at
* Torstein Sanness, Executive chairman, email: sanness at
12.7.2023 08:26:43 CEST | Magnora ASA | Non-regulatory press releases
12 July 2023 - On 12 July, Magnora ASA and Globeleq Ltd. have signed and
executed an agreement that paves the way for developing large-scale battery
storage and renewable energy projects in South Africa. Globeleq is acquiring a
permitted site from Magnora and will develop the project further. The agreement
provides for an upfront payment, with additional payments on condition Globeleq
reaches certain commercial and technical milestones.
The site has favorable conditions for renewable energy and the area is targeted
for grid development. Magnora has several remaining projects in this cluster.
The projects are in mid-to-late-stage development with significant potential for
battery storage, solar PV and wind. Globeleq and Magnora have agreed to consider
ways to jointly commercialize these adjacent assets and to partner more widely
in South Africa.
Magnora entered the South African renewable energy market in 2021 through the
acquisition of an 850 MW project portfolio. One year later, Magnora acquired
African Green Ventures (AGV), a renewable project development company. The
portfolio of projects under active development in South Africa currently
consists of some 2000 MW. AGV sources assets and develops projects from
greenfield to ready-to-bid or -build.
"South Africa needs a lot of renewable energy for its basic economic need. We
see a great potential in the South African market over the next 5-10 years.
Magnora aims to grow the team and the portfolio significantly in the next few
years," says Erik Sneve, CEO of Magnora. "The agreement with Globeleq provides
both proof-of-concept and proof-of-market for our South African operation. The
fact that Magnora will recuperate a significant portion of our investments in
South Africa, is a nice added value."
Jonathan Hoffman, Chief Development Officer for Globeleq commented today, "We
are excited by the potential of this project within the South African renewables
sector. Renewable power and battery storage have a very significant part to play
in alleviating the energy crisis in South Africa and can do so speedily and
efficiently, and we are looking forward to developing this and other projects
with Magnora."
About Globeleq
Globeleq, which is owned 70% by British International Investment and 30% by
Norfund, is the leading developer, owner and operator of electricity generation
in Africa. Since 2002, its experienced team of professionals have built a
diverse portfolio of independent power plants, generating more than 1,500MW in
14 locations across 6 countries, with a further 722 MW in construction and more
than 2,000 MW of power projects in development. More details at
- .
* Erik Sneve, CEO, email: es at
* Torstein Sanness, Executive chairman, email: sanness at
12.07.2023 kl 09:24
Herlig at Magnora har benyttet den siste tida til kjøpe Voldbergs(Skøyen AS) aksjer på billigsalg.
12.07.2023 kl 09:45
Det står at avtalen innebærer at "de får tilbake en betydelig del av investeringen i Sør-Afrika" ved salget av denne ene "siten", hvis jeg leser rett. Det høres bra ut. I tillegg har de fått en stor og svært renommert partner.
12.07.2023 kl 10:12
Oversatt i Google.
12. juli 2023 - 12. juli har Magnora ASA og Globeleq Ltd. signert og
gjennomført en avtale som baner vei for utvikling av storskala batteri
lagrings- og fornybar energiprosjekter i Sør-Afrika. Globeleq kjøper en
tillatt tomt fra Magnora og vil utvikle prosjektet videre. Avtalen
sørger for en forhåndsbetaling, med tilleggsbetalinger på betingelse av Globeleq
når visse kommersielle og tekniske milepæler.
Lokaliteten har gunstige forhold for fornybar energi og området er målrettet
for nettutvikling. Magnora har flere gjenstående prosjekter i denne klyngen.
Prosjektene er i middels til sent stadium utvikling med betydelig potensial for
batterilagring, solcelle-PV og vind. Globeleq og Magnora har blitt enige om å vurdere
måter å i fellesskap kommersialisere disse tilstøtende eiendelene og samarbeide mer bredt
i Sør-Afrika.
Magnora gikk inn i det sørafrikanske markedet for fornybar energi i 2021 gjennom
anskaffelse av en 850 MW prosjektportefølje. Ett år senere kjøpte Magnora
African Green Ventures (AGV), et fornybart prosjektutviklingsselskap. De
portefølje av prosjekter under aktiv utvikling i Sør-Afrika for tiden
består av rundt 2000 MW. AGV henter eiendeler og utvikler prosjekter fra
greenfield til budklare eller -bygge.
"Sør-Afrika trenger mye fornybar energi for sitt grunnleggende økonomiske behov. Vi
ser et stort potensial i det sørafrikanske markedet i løpet av de neste 5-10 årene.
Magnora har som mål å utvide teamet og porteføljen betydelig i løpet av de neste årene
år," sier Erik Sneve, administrerende direktør i Magnora. "Avtalen med Globeleq gir
både proof-of-concept og proof-of-market for vår sørafrikanske virksomhet. De
faktum at Magnora vil gjenvinne en betydelig del av investeringene våre i
Sør-Afrika, er en fin merverdi."
Jonathan Hoffman, utviklingssjef for Globeleq kommenterte i dag: "Vi
er begeistret over potensialet til dette prosjektet innen sørafrikansk fornybar energi
sektor. Fornybar kraft og batterilagring spiller en svært viktig rolle
i å lindre energikrisen i Sør-Afrika og kan gjøre det raskt og
effektivt, og vi ser frem til å utvikle dette og andre prosjekter
med Magnora."
12. juli 2023 - 12. juli har Magnora ASA og Globeleq Ltd. signert og
gjennomført en avtale som baner vei for utvikling av storskala batteri
lagrings- og fornybar energiprosjekter i Sør-Afrika. Globeleq kjøper en
tillatt tomt fra Magnora og vil utvikle prosjektet videre. Avtalen
sørger for en forhåndsbetaling, med tilleggsbetalinger på betingelse av Globeleq
når visse kommersielle og tekniske milepæler.
Lokaliteten har gunstige forhold for fornybar energi og området er målrettet
for nettutvikling. Magnora har flere gjenstående prosjekter i denne klyngen.
Prosjektene er i middels til sent stadium utvikling med betydelig potensial for
batterilagring, solcelle-PV og vind. Globeleq og Magnora har blitt enige om å vurdere
måter å i fellesskap kommersialisere disse tilstøtende eiendelene og samarbeide mer bredt
i Sør-Afrika.
Magnora gikk inn i det sørafrikanske markedet for fornybar energi i 2021 gjennom
anskaffelse av en 850 MW prosjektportefølje. Ett år senere kjøpte Magnora
African Green Ventures (AGV), et fornybart prosjektutviklingsselskap. De
portefølje av prosjekter under aktiv utvikling i Sør-Afrika for tiden
består av rundt 2000 MW. AGV henter eiendeler og utvikler prosjekter fra
greenfield til budklare eller -bygge.
"Sør-Afrika trenger mye fornybar energi for sitt grunnleggende økonomiske behov. Vi
ser et stort potensial i det sørafrikanske markedet i løpet av de neste 5-10 årene.
Magnora har som mål å utvide teamet og porteføljen betydelig i løpet av de neste årene
år," sier Erik Sneve, administrerende direktør i Magnora. "Avtalen med Globeleq gir
både proof-of-concept og proof-of-market for vår sørafrikanske virksomhet. De
faktum at Magnora vil gjenvinne en betydelig del av investeringene våre i
Sør-Afrika, er en fin merverdi."
Jonathan Hoffman, utviklingssjef for Globeleq kommenterte i dag: "Vi
er begeistret over potensialet til dette prosjektet innen sørafrikansk fornybar energi
sektor. Fornybar kraft og batterilagring spiller en svært viktig rolle
i å lindre energikrisen i Sør-Afrika og kan gjøre det raskt og
effektivt, og vi ser frem til å utvikle dette og andre prosjekter
med Magnora."
12.07.2023 kl 10:20
Enig i at prisen gjerne skulle fremkommet. Men, jeg har sett på SA som en del av Magnoraporteføljen med mye usikkerhet og risiko - derfor synes jeg dette er viktigst:
1. "Magnora aims to grow the team and the portfolio significantly (in SA) in the next few years," says Erik Sneve, CEO of Magnora. Vi kjenner jo avkastningskravene i Magnora og vi kjenner track record på realisering av verdier. Dette sier meg to ting. For det første at de får betalt i tråd med kravene(guiding), og at SA blir betydelig større og mer verdifullt fremover enn det jeg har satt opp i mine regneark. Og i mine regneark er M verd omtrent det dobbelte av dagens aksjekurs, før justering av SA - der forventet vekst tas opp og risiko tas ned.
2. "The agreement with Globeleq provides both proof-of-concept and proof-of-market for our South African operation. The fact that Magnora will recuperate a significant portion of our investments in South Africa, is a nice added value." Jeg leser av dette at dette blir et nytt Helios - lav risiko, lave investeringer og høy aktivitet og cashflow til eierne.
3. Globeleq er kanskje det viktigste her som proof of concept - utrolig viktig å jobbe med seriøse, store og kapitalsterke aktører med track record i dette markedet. I tillegg vet vi at G er store i flere afrikanske land. Kan være starten på kompetanse- og nettverksutvikling for Magnora SA som gir grobunn for flere afrikanske investeringer.
1. "Magnora aims to grow the team and the portfolio significantly (in SA) in the next few years," says Erik Sneve, CEO of Magnora. Vi kjenner jo avkastningskravene i Magnora og vi kjenner track record på realisering av verdier. Dette sier meg to ting. For det første at de får betalt i tråd med kravene(guiding), og at SA blir betydelig større og mer verdifullt fremover enn det jeg har satt opp i mine regneark. Og i mine regneark er M verd omtrent det dobbelte av dagens aksjekurs, før justering av SA - der forventet vekst tas opp og risiko tas ned.
2. "The agreement with Globeleq provides both proof-of-concept and proof-of-market for our South African operation. The fact that Magnora will recuperate a significant portion of our investments in South Africa, is a nice added value." Jeg leser av dette at dette blir et nytt Helios - lav risiko, lave investeringer og høy aktivitet og cashflow til eierne.
3. Globeleq er kanskje det viktigste her som proof of concept - utrolig viktig å jobbe med seriøse, store og kapitalsterke aktører med track record i dette markedet. I tillegg vet vi at G er store i flere afrikanske land. Kan være starten på kompetanse- og nettverksutvikling for Magnora SA som gir grobunn for flere afrikanske investeringer.
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 10:21
Du må logge inn for å svare
The Observer
12.07.2023 kl 10:58
Magnora ser but til å bli en bra investering for oss aksjonærer, Skulle det også betales utbytte til aksjonærene?
12.07.2023 kl 11:35
Ja, første kvartalsvise utbytte i forbindelse med q2 presentasjon i august. Deretter kommer de som perler på ei snor 😀
12.07.2023 kl 14:00
Skulle gjerne visst antall mw og om prisen var innenfor guiding ja, men hadde uansett trodd at kursen skulle bevege seg mer enn 0,69% på første melding om salg i SA 🤷♀️
13.07.2023 kl 00:48
Ble nærmere 3 % ved børsslutt, men her er det veldig mye å gå på :-)
13.07.2023 kl 08:50
Fine og reelle refleksjoner du har der thomasb.
Magnora er særdeles flinke til å ta de rette strategiske grep og valg.
Magnora er særdeles flinke til å ta de rette strategiske grep og valg.
Redigert 13.07.2023 kl 08:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
14.07.2023 kl 11:32
Fantastisk flotte muligheter nå for videre ekspansjon og vekst i Sør Afrika for Magnora,
Gull verd å få med seg en så solid partner med god track record.
Gull verd å få med seg en så solid partner med god track record.
17.07.2023 kl 07:49
Magnora ASA: Magnora and Gamcap make significant progress in developing solar PV and BESS in the UK
17.7.2023 07:15:01 CEST | Magnora ASA | Non-regulatory press releases
Magnora ASA (Magnora) and UK-based renewable energy developer Gam Capital
Limited (Gamcap) have announced a joint operation to develop and finance a
portfolio of utility-scale solar PV and battery storage projects in the UK.
In 2022, the partners began developing a series of specific projects. This 150
MW portfolio is expected to reach ready-to-build status in the near future.
Furthermore, in the second quarter of 2023, the team landed new land lease
agreements including 120 MW of Solar PV and 80 MW of Battery Energy Storage
System (BESS) at attractive sites.
The cooperation combines Magnora's expertise in renewable energy development and
financing and Gamcap's local knowledge, extensive network and proven track
record of developing projects in the UK. The outcome is a series of
utility-scale solar PV and battery storage projects across the UK capable of
offering renewable energy to homes and businesses and supporting the UK's
transition to a low-carbon economy.
As of July 2023, Magnora and Gamcap have a pipeline of 360 MW. The ambition of
the partnership is to grow the pipeline to over 1GW at various stages of
development, demonstrating the scale of the opportunity for renewable energy in
the UK.
"The cooperation with Gamcap in the UK is an exciting development for Magnora
and comes in addition to our current solar PV and BESS development activities in
Sweden, Norway and South-Africa. Gamcap's in-depth knowledge of the planning
processes in the UK, local network and relevant transaction experience
complements our experience from large scale renewable energy development in an
ideal way," says Erik Sneve, CEO of Magnora.
"We are delighted to be partnering with Magnora on this venture, and we believe
that together we can make a significant contribution to the UK's transition to a
low-carbon economy," says Lewis Gardner, Director of Gamcap.
* Erik Sneve, CEO, email: es at
* Torstein Sanness, Executive chairman, email: sanness at
17.7.2023 07:15:01 CEST | Magnora ASA | Non-regulatory press releases
Magnora ASA (Magnora) and UK-based renewable energy developer Gam Capital
Limited (Gamcap) have announced a joint operation to develop and finance a
portfolio of utility-scale solar PV and battery storage projects in the UK.
In 2022, the partners began developing a series of specific projects. This 150
MW portfolio is expected to reach ready-to-build status in the near future.
Furthermore, in the second quarter of 2023, the team landed new land lease
agreements including 120 MW of Solar PV and 80 MW of Battery Energy Storage
System (BESS) at attractive sites.
The cooperation combines Magnora's expertise in renewable energy development and
financing and Gamcap's local knowledge, extensive network and proven track
record of developing projects in the UK. The outcome is a series of
utility-scale solar PV and battery storage projects across the UK capable of
offering renewable energy to homes and businesses and supporting the UK's
transition to a low-carbon economy.
As of July 2023, Magnora and Gamcap have a pipeline of 360 MW. The ambition of
the partnership is to grow the pipeline to over 1GW at various stages of
development, demonstrating the scale of the opportunity for renewable energy in
the UK.
"The cooperation with Gamcap in the UK is an exciting development for Magnora
and comes in addition to our current solar PV and BESS development activities in
Sweden, Norway and South-Africa. Gamcap's in-depth knowledge of the planning
processes in the UK, local network and relevant transaction experience
complements our experience from large scale renewable energy development in an
ideal way," says Erik Sneve, CEO of Magnora.
"We are delighted to be partnering with Magnora on this venture, and we believe
that together we can make a significant contribution to the UK's transition to a
low-carbon economy," says Lewis Gardner, Director of Gamcap.
* Erik Sneve, CEO, email: es at
* Torstein Sanness, Executive chairman, email: sanness at
17.07.2023 kl 22:17
Flott oppdatering fra UK.
Snart vil pengene begynne å rulle inn både fra Sør Afrika og UK.
Glimrende jobbet igjen av Magnora teamet.
Snart vil pengene begynne å rulle inn både fra Sør Afrika og UK.
Glimrende jobbet igjen av Magnora teamet.
18.07.2023 kl 10:00
South Africa's Economy Loses Momentum Amid Record Power Cuts
By the South Africa Team, IMF African Department
June 15, 2023
Reforms are urgently needed to resolve the energy crisis and tackle structural unemployment
Newly released data shows the South African economy grew by 0.4 percent between January and March this year. Crippling power cuts, volatile commodity prices and a challenging external environment have contributed to the country’s weak growth performance.
By year-end, we project real GDP growth to fall sharply from last year. Though we expect growth to pick up again in 2024, the pace is too slow to reduce unemployment, which at 32.9 percent remains close to an all-time high.
The country has faced rolling blackouts after years of mismanagement of the state-owned utility, Eskom, prompting the authorities to ease the registration process and licensing requirements for energy production to encourage private sector investment. The government also announced a three-year debt relief arrangement to help Eskom establish its commercial viability and mitigate the energy crisis.
Additional far-reaching reforms are needed to achieve job-rich, inclusive, and greener growth. These include improving the country’s energy and logistical constraints, reducing barriers to private sector investment, addressing structural rigidities in the labor market, and tackling crime and corruption.
The country’s elevated public debt level—one of the highest among emerging markets—limits the government’s ability to respond to shocks and meet growing social and development needs. Stabilizing the country’s debt and creating room in the budget for targeted social spending and public investment will require reducing the government wage bill and transfers to state-owned enterprises.
Like elsewhere, persistently high food and energy prices have pushed up inflation and raised inflation expectations. Monetary policy normalization should continue to keep inflation expectations anchored and bring down headline inflation to the midpoint of the South African Reserve Bank’s 3–6 percent target range.
By the South Africa Team, IMF African Department
June 15, 2023
Reforms are urgently needed to resolve the energy crisis and tackle structural unemployment
Newly released data shows the South African economy grew by 0.4 percent between January and March this year. Crippling power cuts, volatile commodity prices and a challenging external environment have contributed to the country’s weak growth performance.
By year-end, we project real GDP growth to fall sharply from last year. Though we expect growth to pick up again in 2024, the pace is too slow to reduce unemployment, which at 32.9 percent remains close to an all-time high.
The country has faced rolling blackouts after years of mismanagement of the state-owned utility, Eskom, prompting the authorities to ease the registration process and licensing requirements for energy production to encourage private sector investment. The government also announced a three-year debt relief arrangement to help Eskom establish its commercial viability and mitigate the energy crisis.
Additional far-reaching reforms are needed to achieve job-rich, inclusive, and greener growth. These include improving the country’s energy and logistical constraints, reducing barriers to private sector investment, addressing structural rigidities in the labor market, and tackling crime and corruption.
The country’s elevated public debt level—one of the highest among emerging markets—limits the government’s ability to respond to shocks and meet growing social and development needs. Stabilizing the country’s debt and creating room in the budget for targeted social spending and public investment will require reducing the government wage bill and transfers to state-owned enterprises.
Like elsewhere, persistently high food and energy prices have pushed up inflation and raised inflation expectations. Monetary policy normalization should continue to keep inflation expectations anchored and bring down headline inflation to the midpoint of the South African Reserve Bank’s 3–6 percent target range.
18.07.2023 kl 10:23
South Africa will need to spend $250 billion over the next three decades closing down its coal-fired power plants and replacing them with green energy, according to a report released on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum said on Thursday.
$125 billion of the total investment, is needed to ramp up wind and solar power projects as the country suspends coal-fired plants that currently supply the bulk of its energy needs, the documents reveal as reported by the Reuters.
The report was produced by academics at South Africa's Stellenbosch University in conjunction with the Blended Finance Taskforce, a body set up in 2017 to help mobilise large-scale private capital in a bid to end poverty in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
In addition to closing down the country’s coal-fired plants and building wind and solar power plants, households that have been affected by the change would also have to be compensated. The Blended Finance Taskforce and the Centre for Sustainability Transitions at Stellenbosch University said.
The report also states that Most of the money will need to come from the private sector, according to the study.
South Africa is the world's 12th biggest emitter of climate-warming gases and the biggest in Africa. In November, the United States, Britain, France, Germany and the European Union agreed to offer an $8.5 billion package to help South Africa accelerate its transition from coal, although exact details and timelines are still being discussed.
"It will take at least $250 billion spent over the next three decades to transition to a low-carbon, more equitable energy system in South Africa under an ambitious decarbonisation scenario (coal off by 2040)," the authors said.
$125 billion of the total investment, is needed to ramp up wind and solar power projects as the country suspends coal-fired plants that currently supply the bulk of its energy needs, the documents reveal as reported by the Reuters.
The report was produced by academics at South Africa's Stellenbosch University in conjunction with the Blended Finance Taskforce, a body set up in 2017 to help mobilise large-scale private capital in a bid to end poverty in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
In addition to closing down the country’s coal-fired plants and building wind and solar power plants, households that have been affected by the change would also have to be compensated. The Blended Finance Taskforce and the Centre for Sustainability Transitions at Stellenbosch University said.
The report also states that Most of the money will need to come from the private sector, according to the study.
South Africa is the world's 12th biggest emitter of climate-warming gases and the biggest in Africa. In November, the United States, Britain, France, Germany and the European Union agreed to offer an $8.5 billion package to help South Africa accelerate its transition from coal, although exact details and timelines are still being discussed.
"It will take at least $250 billion spent over the next three decades to transition to a low-carbon, more equitable energy system in South Africa under an ambitious decarbonisation scenario (coal off by 2040)," the authors said.
The Observer
18.07.2023 kl 10:24
Store prosjekter for Magnora fremover. Hvordan klarer de finansieringen?
18.07.2023 kl 10:47
Den er ingen problem. Magnora og dets selskap skal jo ikke bygge noen av prosjektene, kun prosjektere osv.