Dersom den senere tids meldinger ikke kan løfte aksjen, er spørsmålet hva som kan gjøre det. Virker som investorene ikke tror helt på de meldinger som har kommet om verdsettingen av DLTx, og at enhver oppgang i aksjen selges nå.
Redigert 31.10.2022 kl 14:50
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28.10.2022 kl 08:06
Det som jeg syntes er litt rart med dette oppkjøpet er at BMAC ikke sitter med mer enn maksimum ca 170 mill i kontanter. Det blir da litt rart å si at de da kjøperDLTX for 1100 mill?
Hadde de hatt 1100 mill eller mer på bok, så hadde det gitt mer mening.
Ellers syntes jeg det er veldig bra selskap med flinke folk.
Hadde de hatt 1100 mill eller mer på bok, så hadde det gitt mer mening.
Ellers syntes jeg det er veldig bra selskap med flinke folk.
28.10.2022 kl 08:55
Nei, 17 mill dollar. De nevnte det i slutten av presentasjonen i går. Tror det er mange som missforstår oppkjøpet. Litt teist om de gjør det.
I SPAC kan aksjeeiere kreve å få innsatsen tilbake hvis de ikke vil være med lenger. Per nå er det 17% som ikke har krevd pengene tilbake.
I SPAC kan aksjeeiere kreve å få innsatsen tilbake hvis de ikke vil være med lenger. Per nå er det 17% som ikke har krevd pengene tilbake.
28.10.2022 kl 09:00
BMAC burde ha mer enn 106 MUSD på konto tilgjengelug for at kjøpet gir mening. Men de har bare ca 17 MUSD etter det jeg forstod i går. Fikk også inntrykk av at flere kan trekke seg etter hvert.
28.10.2022 kl 15:07
DLTX omsettes ennå under snittet av alle dagens handler som ligger på 5,39. Snittet og bunnene flyttes stadig oppover i aksjen. Dette blir bra, og lover godt for kommende uker.
God helg! :)
God helg! :)
28.10.2022 kl 15:49
Tenker det blir en flott avsl på uken🤞🤞🤞
Ser ut som stor gjedda ligger i sivet
Ser ut som stor gjedda ligger i sivet
28.10.2022 kl 16:28
Vonbroten og skuffa, hadde sett for meg høyere sluttkurs. Exit gutta som pumper opp og dumper.
28.10.2022 kl 20:49
Anbefalt lesning i helga:
Summary from DLTx Webinar October 27 2022.
Subject Companies: DLTx ASA
Blockchain Moon Acquisition Corp.
Summary from DLTx Webinar October 27 2022.
Subject Companies: DLTx ASA
Blockchain Moon Acquisition Corp.
28.10.2022 kl 21:44
17 mil er det som blir igjen i Dltx etter salget, kan gå begge veier selvsagt …..kjøpet blir betalt med aksjer ikke penger vis jeg forstå dette riktig
28.10.2022 kl 21:46
Jossert skrev Noen som har en topp 50 liste tilgjengelig ?
1. NORDEA BANK ABP, FIL - KONTO #11 14 751 411 20,73%
2. HOPE FOR MORE AS - KONTO #2 12 004 903 16,87%
3. PERSHING LLC - KONTO #1B 3 088 133 4,34%
5. INTERACTIVE BROKERS LLC 1 531 292 2,15%
6. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., LONDON - KONTO #1BG 1 419 261 1,99%
7. EASY2CONNECT AS - KONTO #3 1 373 334 1,93%
8. SIMBA AS - KONTO #3 1 100 000 1,55%
9. LARSEN STIAN ALEXANDER (f. 1979) 1 002 062 1,41%
10. SONGA CAPITAL AS - KONTO #11 790 270 1,11%
11. SIX SIS AG - KONTO #2A 723 172 1,02%
12. CAMACA AS - KONTO #7 700 000 0,98%
14. SIX-SEVEN AS 630 900 0,89%
15. DUO JAG AS - KONTO #6 630 000 0,89%
16. LINDLAND ODD IVAR (f. 1964) 626 170 0,88%
17. MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SM - KONTO #1B 614 100 0,86%
18. VOLL JAN ANDRE ØKSNEVAD (f. 1977) 555 000 0,78%
19. HAUGSTAD JOHN INGE (f. 1953) 530 000 0,74%
20. CITIBANK, N.A. - KONTO #881A 527 400 0,74%
21. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON - KONTO #1BE 506 400 0,71%
24. OFFERDAL TOR ANDERS (f. 1969) 476 000 0,67%
25. NORDNET BANK AB - KONTO #11 -6 270 -1,34% 460 078 0,65%
26. UBS SWITZERLAND AG - KONTO #1G 455 572 0,64%
27. CITIBANK, N.A. - KONTO #450A 433 924 0,61%
28. NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS +15 393 +3,77% 423 424 0,6%
29. HAUGSTAD KIM JARLE (f. 1975) 410 000 0,58%
30. PRO AS - KONTO #2 403 196 0,57%
31. AUPLATA SA 375 000 0,53%
32. AVANZA BANK AB - KONTO #2 +11 635 +3,24% 370 998 0,52%
33. CACEIS BANK - KONTO #1I 333 200 0,47%
34. CITIBANK, N.A. - KONTO #443A 332 231 0,47%
35. WIPS AS 316 925 0,45%
37. SIVERTSEN JOHN ASBJØRN (f. 1968) 275 555 0,39%
38. MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INT. PLC. +936 +0,34% 272 622 0,38%
39. DANAILOV IVAYLO KRASIMIROV (f. 1986) 262 000 0,37%
40. GIVNET AS 258 500 0,36%
41. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC - KONTO #39 253 200 0,36%
42. ESPEDAL HENRIK MYRLAND (f. 1982) 252 884 0,36%
43. HAUGSTAD TERJE JAN (f. 1952) 250 000 0,35%
44. CITIBANK, N.A. - KONTO #49A 240 000 0,34%
45. SÆTER ANETTE CECILIE (f. 1992) 207 450 0,29%
47. ELEMENT ASA - KONTO #2 197 237 0,28%
48. HANSEN REIDAR JARL (f. 1956) 196 001 0,28%
49. JENSEN INGMAR (f. 1966) 186 004 0,26%
50. CLEARSTREAM BANKING S.A. - KONTO #10A 182 623 0,26%
Topp 50 total +21 694 +0,04% 54 610 075 76,78%
29.10.2022 kl 12:30
Her er mye godt lesestoff for helga:
29.10.2022 kl 12:35
Det mest interessante slik jeg ser det.
Again, I think I'm the right person to answer that. So I’m gonna go for it. So the transaction right now is very simple. And I'm not we're not sure that the market has understood it yet. That if everything were equal, and everything was just based on math, and not on market dynamics, then each share of DLTx in Norway today should be trading at about 13.5 NOK. What's happened, and again, where we have no crystal ball, is right now the shares are trading significantly lower than that. And we think it's just a matter of time for the market to understand what the value of the offer is from Blockchain Moon.
So what's happened to this is that it has become two markets for people that invest in SPACs: the people who want the yield and the people who want the upside. In the last year or so, most SPACs have had 95-100% redemptions where people want to get their money back. We had anticipated about a 90% redemption rate, which would have yielded us about $10 million, we ended up with about 17% redemption rate, which gave us approximately $17 million in the trust as capital that would be available for the for the SPAC to deliver to us at closing. Our anticipation was to be, you know, about 50% lower than that. So we're actually very pleased by the redemption rate. And we're working with the investors to see if there'll be further redemptions.
Again, I think I'm the right person to answer that. So I’m gonna go for it. So the transaction right now is very simple. And I'm not we're not sure that the market has understood it yet. That if everything were equal, and everything was just based on math, and not on market dynamics, then each share of DLTx in Norway today should be trading at about 13.5 NOK. What's happened, and again, where we have no crystal ball, is right now the shares are trading significantly lower than that. And we think it's just a matter of time for the market to understand what the value of the offer is from Blockchain Moon.
So what's happened to this is that it has become two markets for people that invest in SPACs: the people who want the yield and the people who want the upside. In the last year or so, most SPACs have had 95-100% redemptions where people want to get their money back. We had anticipated about a 90% redemption rate, which would have yielded us about $10 million, we ended up with about 17% redemption rate, which gave us approximately $17 million in the trust as capital that would be available for the for the SPAC to deliver to us at closing. Our anticipation was to be, you know, about 50% lower than that. So we're actually very pleased by the redemption rate. And we're working with the investors to see if there'll be further redemptions.
X-43 scramjet
29.10.2022 kl 12:54
Så vi skulle ha vært på 13.5 kr aksjen. Er bare å ha litt tålmodighet, markedet har ikke tatt tak i det per idag. Får håpe denne blir årets nyttårs rakett
29.10.2022 kl 19:52
Filecoin stiger solid. Ny sterk stigende trend? Høy i fjor var over 180 USD (!), kurs nå under 6 USD 😎💰📈
Redigert 29.10.2022 kl 19:54
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X-43 scramjet
29.10.2022 kl 21:26
Filecoin price (FIL) 5.63 dollar, oppgang på over 4%. Kan det være grunnen til at DLTx falt så mye i år, takket være kollaps i Filecoin kursen?
29.10.2022 kl 22:36
ja det er nok hovedgrunn, den må opp 50% til slik at selskapet tjener noe kr på minning
Redigert 29.10.2022 kl 23:31
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Mener du Filecoin sin kurs må ligge på omlag 8,50$ for overskudd på minning?
30.10.2022 kl 00:23
fra webinaret: "So I'd probably highlight the example of equipment today, you know, servers, especially Bitcoin ASICs, are available at very attractive prices. During the bull market, they got very expensive, it was a big bottleneck for the industry, orders for ASICs were delayed six, nine months in order to get a delivery, and you're often paying 30, 40 and got up to $100 a terahash during the bull market. And so now what we see today in the bear market, is those prices coming back down to $20 per terahash and under. And so the economics of Bitcoin mining have actually become more attractive, because we're able to access mining equipment at a very attractive price. And so this is sort of, you know, the counterintuitive nature of the Blockchain industry is miners and infrastructure providers, actually, you know, position themselves during the bear markets, right. Folks that have hedged well and have a model that works during the downturn, are in a position that consolidate assets from others who are overextended, or are paying too much for power or paid too much for ASICs during the bull run. So we like to think about this as we position ourselves throughout the cycle."
30.10.2022 kl 10:37
Kopiert fra XI:
Bitcoin mining: Anticipated initial power capacity of 19.8 MegaWatts between two U.S sites under development
Bitcoin mining: Anticipated initial power capacity of 19.8 MegaWatts between two U.S sites under development
30.10.2022 kl 10:42
fiilecoin at the forefront of web3 storage:
X-43 scramjet
30.10.2022 kl 12:05
For en eventyr reise det kan bli i denne aksjen fremover hvis Filecoin kursen eksploderer og de får en grønnere klimavennlig måte å utvinne Filecoins på, sitter på jackpot aksjen
30.10.2022 kl 12:14
Har tenkt det samme. Dersom kursen i Filecoin skulle skyte rett opp, vil inntektene til DLTx gå til himmels. Da kan vi faktisk komme i den situasjon at investorene vil synes budet fra BMAQ er for lavt. Kan hende at budet da må høynes, for å få godkjenning fra alle parter.
Redigert 30.10.2022 kl 12:36
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31.10.2022 kl 07:54
- DLTx ASA (“DLTx”) builds and invests in core infrastructure for Web 3 globally, including decentralized Cloud Computing, Green Bitcoin Mining, decentralized Wireless Communication and Decentralized Data Relay Services
- Anticipated Equity ownership for DLTx Shareholders after the business combination will be 70.68% assuming no additional BMAQ shares are redeemed;
- Combined company has an implied initial enterprise value of approximately $163.35 million;
- Bitcoin/Digital Assets/Cryptocurrency (under development): “Green” mining through utilization of wind, solar,nuclear, and hydro power. DLTx will target power generation at 2-3 cents per kW/h, Pre-existing power delivery infrastructure and 99.9% power uptime. Anticipated initial management target power capacity of 19.8 MegaWatt’s between two U.S. sites under development.
- DLTx ASA (“DLTx”) builds and invests in core infrastructure for Web 3 globally, including decentralized Cloud Computing, Green Bitcoin Mining, decentralized Wireless Communication and Decentralized Data Relay Services
- Anticipated Equity ownership for DLTx Shareholders after the business combination will be 70.68% assuming no additional BMAQ shares are redeemed;
- Combined company has an implied initial enterprise value of approximately $163.35 million;
- Bitcoin/Digital Assets/Cryptocurrency (under development): “Green” mining through utilization of wind, solar,nuclear, and hydro power. DLTx will target power generation at 2-3 cents per kW/h, Pre-existing power delivery infrastructure and 99.9% power uptime. Anticipated initial management target power capacity of 19.8 MegaWatt’s between two U.S. sites under development.
31.10.2022 kl 08:21
Hvis dette opplegget hadde vært gull, hadde ledelsen kjøpt med begge hender. Ikke 81k aksjer.
CEO Thomas Christensen som solgte masse aksjer til 18kr hadde såklart kjøpt tilbake aksjer på kr 5 hvis det hadde vært en god del🤷 Eller?
CEO Thomas Christensen som solgte masse aksjer til 18kr hadde såklart kjøpt tilbake aksjer på kr 5 hvis det hadde vært en god del🤷 Eller?
31.10.2022 kl 08:34
Dette blir kanonbra for aksjonærene:
Transaction Highlights:
- Anticipated Equity ownership for DLTx Shareholders after the business combination will be 70.68% assuming no additional BMAQ shares are redeemed;
- Combined company has an implied initial enterprise value of approximately $163.35 million;
- DLTx Shareholders will receive approximately 10.6 million shares of the combined company initially valued at $10/share;
- DLTx is expected to provide over $2.81 million in cash to the business combination. The parties also intend to source at least an additional $10 million in financing to be available at closing of the transaction, net of transaction fees; and
- Closing expected to occur during or prior to the second quarter of 2023.
Transaction Highlights:
- Anticipated Equity ownership for DLTx Shareholders after the business combination will be 70.68% assuming no additional BMAQ shares are redeemed;
- Combined company has an implied initial enterprise value of approximately $163.35 million;
- DLTx Shareholders will receive approximately 10.6 million shares of the combined company initially valued at $10/share;
- DLTx is expected to provide over $2.81 million in cash to the business combination. The parties also intend to source at least an additional $10 million in financing to be available at closing of the transaction, net of transaction fees; and
- Closing expected to occur during or prior to the second quarter of 2023.
31.10.2022 kl 08:58
Veldig bra! Sterk melding fra DLTX i morges. Aksjekursen vil stige når man nå fremover får mer konkrete tall på bordet for verdiene aksjonærene sitter og vil sitte på etter overtakelsen fra BMAQ. Da skal kursen opp mot korrekt kursnivå mot 15 kroner.
Redigert 31.10.2022 kl 09:02
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31.10.2022 kl 09:04
Hold på aksjene! Ser det kommer inn noen store kjøpsorde nå.
20% opp til 6 kroner, 40% opp til 7 kroner. Kjøperne må gjerne strekke seg opp dit for å få nok volum nå.
20% opp til 6 kroner, 40% opp til 7 kroner. Kjøperne må gjerne strekke seg opp dit for å få nok volum nå.
Redigert 31.10.2022 kl 09:05
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31.10.2022 kl 09:15
Kommer til å bli vanvittig bra fremover dette, berre å glede seg! :-)
31.10.2022 kl 09:33
"There was a question related to the valuation in third party participants in that valuation.
All right. So in order to transact a merger with a SPAC it's required to have external independent valuation provided by third parties. In this transaction, there will be at least two if not three independent parties providing those valuations. We can't disclose who they are right now, and so on. So it's disclosed as a matter of public record, but they are well known experienced entities which have no relationship to either BMAC, the acquirer or to DLTx the seller."
All right. So in order to transact a merger with a SPAC it's required to have external independent valuation provided by third parties. In this transaction, there will be at least two if not three independent parties providing those valuations. We can't disclose who they are right now, and so on. So it's disclosed as a matter of public record, but they are well known experienced entities which have no relationship to either BMAC, the acquirer or to DLTx the seller."
Redigert 31.10.2022 kl 09:33
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31.10.2022 kl 09:40
Problemet på Mafiabørsen er vel at det er Mafian som setter verdiene på selskapene.
31.10.2022 kl 10:31
Tidsspørsmål før den går 2-3 kroner.... tror nå jeg. Topp 50 øker sine beholdninger.
31.10.2022 kl 13:34
Fylte på flere aksjer på dumpen. Herlig. Kjøp noe til 5kr til en verdi av 13-14kr, ref Haft.
31.10.2022 kl 13:38
Hjelpe meg,tror dere på det Haft sier.Hvorfor er det da ingen av gutta i ledelsen som kjøper nå.Kun Haft som kjøpte 81k.Web presentasjonen for noen dager siden måtte være dårlig.Kursen er nå 4,74.Langt opp til 13-14
Redigert 31.10.2022 kl 13:40
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31.10.2022 kl 13:44
Ikke vanskelig å se at noen trader kursen ned for å hamstre aksjer. 4000 posten herjer på begge sider av handelsloggen. Dette blir bra.
31.10.2022 kl 13:53
Sjekk når selskapet skal presentere Q3-tall.
De har ikke lov til å handle når det er under 4 uker til kvartalstall.
De har ikke lov til å handle når det er under 4 uker til kvartalstall.
31.10.2022 kl 13:59
Nå har jo ledelsen aksjer i bøtter og spann. De er jo de blant de største eierne allerede. Derfor kan vi trygt legge dine klager i «baissekurven»
31.10.2022 kl 14:07
Ja det blir sikkert tall og jublr for,TC kunne jo kjøpt når Haft kjøpte.Dere kan heller svare på hvorfor kursen er på 4,80-4,90 nå.Haft mente jo den burde være 13-14.Noe jeg ikke skjønner her.Eller er det dere drømmere som ikke skjønner noe.
31.10.2022 kl 14:43
Noen som kan tippe hvor mange millioner dollar dette vil bety for DLTx?
Rhodium Enterprises, Inc., A Bitcoin Mining Company Utilizing Liquid Cooling Technology, Plans to List on NASDAQ via Merger with SilverSun Technologies, Inc.
Thursday, September 29, 2022 9:00 AM
Rhodium Enterprises, Inc., A Bitcoin Mining Company Utilizing Liquid Cooling Technology, Plans to List on NASDAQ via Merger with SilverSun Technologies, Inc.
Thursday, September 29, 2022 9:00 AM
31.10.2022 kl 16:58
Kraftigt ner , finns de nån som tror på avtalet, man säger sig gjort, verkar inte så
31.10.2022 kl 17:04
BMAQ og BMAQU holder seg fortsatt konstant på 10,20$ i dag også selv om Ola Dunk dumper DLTx på mafiabørsen.
Forøvrig startet BMAQU slik:
«New York, NY, Oct. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (via Blockchain Wire) Blockchain Moon Acquisition Corp.(“Blockchain”) announced today the pricing of its initial public offering of 10,000,000 units at a price of $10.00 per unit. The units will be listed on The Nasdaq Global Market (“NASDAQ”) and trade under the ticker symbol “BMAQU” beginning on October 19, 2021. Each unit consists of one share of common stock, one redeemable warrant to purchase one-half share of common stock at a price of $11.50 per whole share and one right to receive one-tenth (1/10) of a share of common stock upon completion of the initial business combination. «
Forøvrig startet BMAQU slik:
«New York, NY, Oct. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (via Blockchain Wire) Blockchain Moon Acquisition Corp.(“Blockchain”) announced today the pricing of its initial public offering of 10,000,000 units at a price of $10.00 per unit. The units will be listed on The Nasdaq Global Market (“NASDAQ”) and trade under the ticker symbol “BMAQU” beginning on October 19, 2021. Each unit consists of one share of common stock, one redeemable warrant to purchase one-half share of common stock at a price of $11.50 per whole share and one right to receive one-tenth (1/10) of a share of common stock upon completion of the initial business combination. «
Redigert 31.10.2022 kl 17:05
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