GOGL - januar 1

Slettet bruker
GOGL 01.01.2018 kl 17:28 32673

Imorra er det på an igjen. Capesize klokka 12. Fortsetter rate-grusingen?

Kjør debatt!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.01.2018 kl 13:01 11033

The Baltic Exchange has delayed the proposed revamp of the Baltic Dry Index, after facing strong and “emotional” opposition from handysize bulker market participants @LloydsList reports.
Slettet bruker
08.01.2018 kl 13:06 10833

Takk Sa2ri
Slettet bruker
08.01.2018 kl 14:24 10649

Da kom de, grei start på uka :-)

Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 1,0 prosent til 1.385 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News.

Baltic Dry +1,0% Panamax +1,7% Handysize -0,9% Supramax lite endret

Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar.

Dato BDI Panamax Handysize Supramax 08.01.18 1.385 11.417 8.668 10.121 05.01.18 1.371 11.223 8.748 10.123 04.01.18 1.341 10.944 8.803 10.153 03.01.18 1.262 10.683 8.847 10.250 02.01.18 1.230 10.748 8.924 10.312

HB, finans@tdn.no

TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70

08.01.2018 kl 14:42 10747

Hvorfor mangler Capaci tallene?
Slettet bruker
08.01.2018 kl 15:19 10687

Merkelig. Har ikke vært Cape tall på Nordnet siden 22/12 :/
08.01.2018 kl 15:41 10637

Store Ulv (JF) lot ikke sjansen gå fra seg og bestilte nye skip (newcastlemax'er) i sept/oktober 2017 privat, under radaren til alle. Salgene har ikke blitt offentlig kjent før nå (ref dagens FA). I kjent stil er han tidlig ute. Så får vi andre bare kose oss på ferden oppover å selge ut når vi en gang i 2022/23 nok en gang får for mange skip på vannet:-)
08.01.2018 kl 18:27 10436

Et utdrag fra PAS sin Shipping Weekly som kom akkurat nå:

"A positive surprise for dry bulk SH tonnage
In dry bulk, the week has been kicked off by the sale of the 2006-built capesize Kerkis, which was sold from Samos Steamship to H Line of South Korea for USD 22.5m. The transaction does seem a bit ‘too good to be true’ and some brokers have also claimed the price is a bit lower – and that the new owner is paying up a bit to have the ship delivered in a prime position. The price marks a 26% uptick from our quotes, and could be a sign that dry bulk values are on the move, and should at least imply a 10 – 15% uptick to our 10 – 15Y old values – which also are supported by further hikes in scrap prices at the moment. If so, Q1’18 could repeat Q1’17 – where vessel values were surging even without any support from rates. However, there has not really been any sign of a ‘collapsing Q1’ this year as of yet and 2018 has so far outperformed every year since 2014. Spot rates are finding support in the paper market as well and dry bulk stocks are also starting to make sense on earnings multiples.

...but Australian government sees iron ore volatility
A statement from the Australian government released earlier today sees a volatile year for the iron ore price. The government predicts iron ore down 20% for the year, with further declines through 2019. Increasing iron ore stockpiles in China and a planned increase in output of 7% by Brazilian producer Vale were presented as important factors for the expected decline according to Reuters. While it is true that Chinese iron ore stockpiles are at high levels – much of this iron is produced domestically, and thus low quality compared to both Australian and Brazilian ore. In light of all pollution curbs and coupled with a high met coal price, we argue that steel producers continue to be incentivized to use imported coal during production. The higher iron ore content of foreign ore increases production yield and lessens the cost of coal per tonne of steel, and should as such provide support to dry bulk rates going."
Slettet bruker
08.01.2018 kl 18:48 10403

Takk igjen Sa2ri - bare å lene seg tilbake og nyte oppturen her :-)
08.01.2018 kl 19:52 10311

Fortsetter dette slik vi så på OSE i dag, og i USA nå i kveld (snuser på 75,-), ja da smadres 76,- i løpet av kort tid. Etablert brudd opp gjennom 76,- vil utløse et ganske sterkt kjøpssignal, og skjer det, ja da er det bare å lene seg tilbake og nyte videre oppgang.
Slettet bruker
08.01.2018 kl 20:10 10286

Helt riktig Sa2ri - minner om denne, som man kan kose seg med igjen på en kveld som denne når GOGL fosser videre i USA.
29.12.2017 - Vi har i dag hos Aksjeanalyser.com sett nærmere på tre aksjer på Oslo Børs (og OSEBX) for våre VIP medlemmer, og slik vi gjør hver dag nå for VIP medlemmer.


En av aksjene vi har sett nærmere på fredag er Fredriksen-aksjen og tørrlastrederiet Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) på Oslo Børs, hvor vi tror på en svært kraftig oppgang for de første månedene i 2018.


Tørrbulkratene har steget kraftig siden bunnen i begynnelsen av 2016, og er nå rundt de høyeste nivåer vi må tilbake til 2014 for å finne tilsvarende nivå for tørrbulkratene (jf. diagram over tørrbulkratene ved Baltic Dry Index nedenfor her). Videre oppgang indikeres for tørrbulkratene også i månedene og året som kommer.


Baltic Dry Index siste 5 år:


Fredriksen-aksjen Golden Ocean Group har vi for øvrig lenge vært svært positive til hos Aksjeanalyser.com, og truffet veldig bra med våre mange positive analyser av aksjen i over ett års tid nå.


Slik som for eksempel her høsten 2016, den 13. september 2016: "Fredriksen-aksje kan eksplodere"


Den gang 13. september 2016 så var Golden Ocean Group aksjen i 32,20 kroner, mens den i dag endte i 66,65 kroner, og aksjen har da mer enn doblet seg siden vår svært positive analyse av aksjen i september 2016.


Traff innertier med analyse


Vi skrev allerede den gang i vår analyse for over ett år siden hos Aksjeanalyser.com at vi forventet en kraftig oppgang for tørrbulkratene og Baltic Dry Index:


"Det er den seneste tiden utløst flere positive tekniske signaler for den viktige tørrbulk indeksen, Baltic Dry Index. Denne tørrbulkindeksen har siden årsskiftet 2013/2014 beveget seg innenfor en fallende trend, men har nå i løpet av den seneste tiden brutt opp av denne fallende trenden (jf. diagram nederst i saken her).


Indeksen har også brutt opp i gjennom et betydelig teknisk motstandsnivå rundt 750 poeng. Dette til sammen er med og utløser svært positive tekniske signaler for den videre utviklingen for Baltic Dry Index'en, og hvor det tekniske bildet nå indikerer videre oppgang for tørrbulkratene i tiden fremover. Det igjen gir naturligvis positive signaler for den kommende utviklingen for John Fredriksen's tørrbulklast rederi, Golden Ocean Group Ltd. i tiden fremover."


Den gang ved vår analyse for over ett år siden den 13. september 2016 så var Baltic Dry Index (tørrbulk-indeksen) rundt 800 poeng, mens den i dag altså er rundt 1.366, en oppgang på hele 70 prosent, og nå tror vi altså at Baltic Dry Index kan stå foran en videre kraftig oppgang i 2018, og gjerne stige helt opp i mot 1.800-2.000 poeng i 2018.


Du kan lese vår nye tekniske analyse av Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) i dag lenger ned i saken her.

Golden Ocean Group (GOGL)

Golden Ocean Group Limited er et Bermudaselskap stiftet i 1996, som driver transport av tørrbulklast. Gjennom sine datterselskaper eier og driver Golden Ocean en flåte bestående av 77 tørrbulkskip,inkludert nybygg, time charter in og skip i joint venture. Hver av Golden Oceans skip er registrert under Marshalløyene eller Hong Kong flagg. Total kapasitet for selskapets flåte er ca. 10.6 millioner dødvekttonn.


For mer informasjon om Golden Ocean Group (GOGL), se her: http://goldenocean.bm/

Teknisk Analyse av Golden Ocean Group (GOGL)


Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) viser en positiv utvikling innenfor en langsiktig stigende trend, og som startet i begynnelsen av 2016 (jf. diagram nedenfor).


Aksjen har konsolidert i det korte bildet, men det samlede tekniske bildet for aksjen indikerer nå at et brudd opp i gjennom, det viktige tekniske motstandsnivået rundt 75 kroner, gjerne kan komme i løpet av kort tid nå.


Aksjen finner god teknisk støtte nå rundt 65 kroner, og hvor det også er teknisk støtte ved 50-dagers glidende gjennomsnitt og det er også teknisk støtte for aksjen ved 200-dagers glidende gjennomsnitt rundt 63 kroner (jf. diagram nedenfor).


Aksjen er nå lavt innenfor denne langsiktige stigende trenden, og vil ved et brudd opp i gjennom 75-nivået kunne ?eksplodere? og få en svært kraftig oppgang videre ved et slikt brudd opp i gjennom 75-nivået.


Golden Ocean Group er også i kjøpssignal i henhold til vår egen tekniske og kvantitative analysemodell SignalListen.

Slik det samlede tekniske bildet for aksjen nå indikerer at et slikt brudd opp i gjennom det viktige 75-nivået nå kan være veldig nær forestående.


Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) er en av aksjene vi hos Aksjeanalyser.com har aller mest tro på fremover og i 2018, og vi ser et potensiale for aksjen helt opp i mot 125-165 kroner på 6-12 måneders sikt.


Vi ser heller ikke bort i fra at aksjen ved et svært kraftig teknisk kjøpssignal som vil utløses ved brudd opp i gjennom 75-nivået, og så lite teknisk motstand videre oppover, da kan ha potensiale til å stige helt opp i mot 125-nivået og doble seg i fra dagens nivå i løpet av gjerne bare de første 3-4 måneder i 2018.
Redigert 08.01.2018 kl 20:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.01.2018 kl 20:15 10284

SB1M sin shipping analytiker er ute med en oppdatering nå i kveld. Han skriver blant annet følgende:

"Strong data point for dry-bulk assets

• Some of the upside triggers pointed out in our initiation of coverage report on GOGL and SBULK are currently in motion
• Rates: Backwardation in dry-bulk rates is reduced as 3 year TC rates are up 8% w/w for capsize vessels
• Asset Values: 2006 Built capesize is reported sold at USD 22m. Current market price quoted at approximately USD 19m. The sale is 16% up from current values

Our Analysis:
• The data point supports our view that we are moving towards firmer asset values (and rates).
• We have no details of the sale, but according to market sources, there is some doubt as to how representative the sale is for current values.
• If the sale is a new level for future transactions, the asset valuation curve will be lifted.
• Although we expect asset-prices to appreciate over the coming year, we would not be willing to price in a 16% flat premium to all assets and vintages based on only one data point. The uncertainty of any new market level is too high, as well as there is probably more upside to older vessels.
• The data point is half-way between our expected asset prices (12m fwd) and the current market price
• Sensitivity: Assigning an 11% premium to current asset values, based on mid-point between our future valuation and current market for a 5 year Capasize, increases GOGL NAV by 22% and SBULK NAV by 16%."

Jan-Tore Christiansen
08.01.2018 kl 20:29 10258

Vi kan jo ta med denne her også:

"FFA: Capes trading +200 better from morning lows on light afternoon traffic. PMX few better prints at the close on nearby Jan and Feb rest of curve unchanged."
Slettet bruker
08.01.2018 kl 22:13 10097

Var oppe på 75 i USA :) Ble 74,65 til slutt.

Casino-malmen går unna http://www.dce.com.cn/DCE/Products/Industrial/Iron%20Ore/

80 på fredag gutter!

09.01.2018 kl 08:41 9835

Noen klipp fra PAS sin Shipping Daily i dag:

"In drybulk, spot rates for the largest ships made a small step up again yesterday, though cape FFAs fell."

"Today, Chinese iron ore futures are up another 3%, now at the highest level since September. This comes after further announcements from Beijing yesterday to phase out “at least 1.25 tonnes” of older steel production capacity, which is seen as positive for the steel industry in the long run. With China’s
new year holiday approaching activity is increasing ahead of the shut-down, thus boosting re-stocking demand for iron ore. It is also important to highlight that steel stock-piles are down 1.2m tonnes y/y, close to the lowest level seen this decade."

"Demolition prices mowing upwards – positive for all markets
- The scrap-markets continue to be fairly busy into 2018, as the increase in steel prices also have spill-over effects
- The 1997-built capesize “Enterprise” is reported sold to Pakistani-buyers by its Greek owner NGM Energy, at a very strong price of USD 495/ldt, according to Vessels Value
- This translates into just above USD 10m, a scrap value not seen on capes since 2015"

"Research focus: Upping 10 and 15Y capesize quotes
- As we wrote yesterday, the 2006-built capesize Kerkis reportedly fetched a very firm price of USD 22.5m when its Greek owner sold it recently. We have heard rumours that there could be some specifics attached to this sale, and thus do not feel it is right to mark the market up here yet. In addition, the 2011-built Kerkis was also reported sold in late December, for USD 27.5m, some USD 1m lower than our quote. This is however said to be a bank sale, which could explain some of that discount
- Regardless, we have upped our 10 – 15Y quotes by USD 1.5 – 1m, now quoting 10Y olds at USD 23m and 15Y olds at 14m. We have not done anything with 5Y olds yet
- This lifts the NAVs slightly for most of our peer group, but besides Goodbulk the impact is rather limited. We will revert with updated figures on BULK NS shortly, also in light of the newcomer’s latest acquisition"

09.01.2018 kl 13:56 9652

I mangel på daglige oppdateringer fra TDN får vi se på "gårdagens" oppdatering:

Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market Finds Support
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 09/01/2018

Capesize FFA Commentary:
Capes started firmly in Asia hours but came under pressure with news of a cyclone heading towards Port Headland. Jan trades as high as $19400 before touch low $18k’s where it found reasonable support. Q1 v Q2 trades at 250 and Q3 v Q4 -1200. Cal 18 traded $17500 however the rest of the deferred were particularly quiet.

Panamax FFA Commentary:
We picked up from where we closed off last week with sellers evident on prompts from the outset this morning. A slightly better than expected index offered some support midday but gave way to further pressure by the close with Jan and Feb trading down to $11700 and $11550 lows respectively while further out rates remained relatively resilient with levels relatively range bound.

Supramax FFA Commentary:
A pretty quiet start to the week for the Supramax paper. With a relatively slow start we opened pretty flat to where we closed before the weekend. As the day progressed we started to see a little more buying interest with Feb being paid $10100 and Q1 $10350. Although just before the close we did come under some pressure as Cal 18 was sold $10600.

Handysize FFA Commentary:
Handy paper opened very flat with little interest down the curve. No reported trades. Have a good evening.

Source: Freight Investor Services (FIS)
Slettet bruker
09.01.2018 kl 14:15 9606


Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 0,7 prosent til 1.395 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News.

Baltic Dry +0,7% Panamax +0,3% Handysize -0,4% Supramax -0,1%

Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar.

Dato BDI Panamax Handysize Supramax 09.01.18 1.395 11.451 8.637 10.111 08.01.18 1.385 11.417 8.668 10.121 05.01.18 1.371 11.223 8.748 10.123 04.01.18 1.341 10.944 8.803 10.153 03.01.18 1.262 10.683 8.847 10.250 02.01.18 1.230 10.748 8.924 10.312

HH, finans@tdn.no

TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70

Slettet bruker
09.01.2018 kl 14:47 9537

Avtagende økning, blir det minus imorgen? Stålpris rapporten på Hellenicshippingnews idag var positiv, så jeg tipper det holder seg.
Slettet bruker
10.01.2018 kl 01:06 9287

Temmelig negativ FFA :/
10.01.2018 kl 08:09 9165

Gogl har jo gått fra 65,30 til 75,30 på 6 børsdager, så det er vel ikke unaturlig at det korrigerer litt.
10.01.2018 kl 11:37 8966

Ageing handysize bulkers tipped as best bet this year
Jan 10, 2018 03:47 pm | Sam Chambers

Using VesselsValue‘s Future Market Value module, older tonnage is tipped to increase by the largest percentage from the first quarter this year through to Q1 in 2019. Topping the list are 15-year-old handysize bulkers, which are predicted to increase in value by 33%, from $8.92m in Q1 2018 to a forecasted value of $9.73m in […]

10.01.2018 kl 12:37 9301

Capeindeksen (BCI) for 10.1.2018 ned 143 poeng (like over 5 prosent) til 2.677 poeng.
10.01.2018 kl 14:40 9079


Trykk compare i toppen og legg til Gogl for å se kurs mot BCI historisk. Se feks Januar 2017
10.01.2018 kl 14:55 9121

Takk skal du ha 6seas. Most instructive:)
Slettet bruker
10.01.2018 kl 15:09 9027

FFA: Capes continued weaker with nearby down over 5% on decent volume PMX dipped early but buyers surfaced on dips leaving us positive from last nights close.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Slettet bruker
10.01.2018 kl 15:19 9013


Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 2,1 prosent til 1.366 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News.

Baltic Dry +2,1% Panamax -1,7% Handysize -0,6% Supramax +1,1%

Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar.

Dato BDI Panamax Handysize Supramax 10.01.18 1.366 11.260 8.588 10.220 09.01.18 1.395 11.451 8.637 10.111 08.01.18 1.385 11.417 8.668 10.121 05.01.18 1.371 11.223 8.748 10.123 04.01.18 1.341 10.944 8.803 10.153 03.01.18 1.262 10.683 8.847 10.250 02.01.18 1.230 10.748 8.924 10.312

HH, finans@tdn.no

TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70

10.01.2018 kl 15:24 9052

sector denne var feil? skul være -2,1% ?
Slettet bruker
10.01.2018 kl 17:11 8881

Eriksu - ja er det mulig, de hadde lagt ut med + forran istedenfor minus... :-(
10.01.2018 kl 17:20 8927

Virker som det er litt press på ratene akkurat nå, klarte ikke bryte 75 forrige dag. Positivt er vell at skipsverdier øker dog mest for de eldre skipene
Slettet bruker
10.01.2018 kl 17:23 8874


Når sksl vi inn her ?
Ser vi 65 igjen før kinesisk nyttår?

Slettet bruker
10.01.2018 kl 19:26 8728

pælma ut på morgenen idag. Krysser fingra for inngang under 70.
10.01.2018 kl 20:11 8671

FFA: Capes staged a mini rally hour pre-close with levels up +500/650 but retraced at close with sellers looking for last and chasing buyers lower PMX erased AM gains after poor index SMX better across the curve as index turns positive.
10.01.2018 kl 20:29 8641

Ser faktisk ut som det blir kinesisk nyttår i år også. Overraskende ?
10.01.2018 kl 20:42 8622

Caper som skal losse malm i Kina etter kinesisk nyttår, må vel laste denne malmen i Brasil ca. medio januar og utover?? Ca. 40-45 dager frakttid. Det burde jo gi et oppsving i ratene nå framover?
11.01.2018 kl 08:22 8426

Ships’ Demolition Prices Skyrocket on High Demand
in Dry Bulk Market,Hellenic Shipping News 11/01/2018

If you’re a ship owner looking to offload one of his older vessels, then you’re in for a treat. Shipbrokers left and right are reporting of new highs on the prices offered by scrapyards and cash buyers, leading one of the leading ones, like GMS declare these deals “truly extraordinary and downright baffling”. With fewer owners looking to decommission their older bulk carriers, as a result of the freight market’s rebound, it seems that the demolition market has reacted.

In its latest weekly report, shipbroker Clarkson Platou Hellas noted that “we have begun 2018 with the same positive momentum that ended last year as it seems each new sale, especially the larger Dry LDT units, gain more value each time. A mind blowing USD 495/ldt has been seen this week for Capesize bulkcarrier which has certainly kick-started the year and awoken everyone from the festive holidays. The reason for the surge in prices is mainly down to the lack of tonnage currently being witnessed as the Dry and Container charter markets have continued to surge from there depressed state in the first quarter last year. Coupled with steel markets globally and fundamentals such as Iron Ore rallying again to record highs that were last seen in Spring 2017, the market looks set to remain in one of the healthiest places it has seen for recent years. This current trend always brings speculation to the tables from the cash buyers and the sale of the ‘Enterprise’ is certainly being treated in this manner. Whilst price levels have pushed on from 2017, this latest sale may prove to be sending the wrong signals to Owners as many in the industry have, so far anyway, been left baffled by such a price being offered as the domestic rates in the Indian subcontinent have themselves not jumped sufficiently to justify any large positive price correction. The question now is whether the start of the first full week of 2018, tempts more Owners to consider the recycling shores after seeing the surprise rates that have been offered”.

Les hele artikkelen her: http://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/ships-demolition-prices-skyrocket-on-high-demand/
11.01.2018 kl 08:24 8417

Coal exports from Australia’s Gladstone port end 2017 on a high, volumes to China surge
in Dry Bulk Market,Port News 11/01/2018

Exports of coal from the Port of Gladstone in Queensland, Australia, ended 2017 on a high, registering the strongest monthly exports for the year in December, Gladstone Ports Corporation data showed Wednesday.

It shipped 6.31 million mt of coal in December, down 11% year on year and up 17% month on month, the GPC data showed. The port’s exports typically comprise around 70% of metallurgical coal and 30% of thermal coal.

Total exports from the port for full-year 2017 was 68.29 million mt, down 2% year on year. It’s the lowest yearly total since 2013, when 62.74 million mt was exported, the data showed.

Coal exports from the Port of Gladstone come via the RG Tanna terminal, which has a nameplate capacity of 60 million mt/year, and from the Wiggins Island terminal, which can handle 8 million mt/year.

The port had been shipping coal of around 4.5 million mt/year from Barney Point until the terminal ceased operations in May 2016.

“Australian metallurgical coal production is estimated to have declined modestly in 2017, largely as a result of the impact of Cyclone Debbie in the last days of March,” the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science said earlier this week in its Resources and Energy Quarterly.

It estimated that total Australian metallurgical coal export volumes declined by 11 million-12 million mt, or 5%-6%, in 2017, to 177 million mt.

The risk of weather impact on 2018 exports has also recently been heightened, following meteorologists declaration late 2017 of a La Nina weather event, the government department said in the report.

“However, sea surface temperature patterns in the Indian Ocean and closer to Australia are not typical of a La Nina event, suggesting that it will be weaker than the strong La Nina episode of 2012, and thus there will be a reduced likelihood of widespread above-average summer rainfall,” it added.

The risks aside, Australian metallurgical coal production is expected to grow strongly in 2018 and 2019, as miners respond to high prices and the impact of some of the operational problems of 2017 fade, it said.


The strong coal exports from Gladstone in December were supported by surging volumes to China.

A total of 1.58 million mt of coal was exported from Gladstone to China in December, up 15% year on year and 77% higher month on month, and the largest monthly volume in 42 months, GPC data showed.

Exports to China from Gladstone totaled 12.98 million mt in 2017, up 27% year on year and the largest annual total since 2014.

China’s total metallurgical coal imports in 2017 are estimated to have risen from less than 60 million mt a year earlier to around 71 million mt, according to the Resources and Energy Quarterly report.

The rise was driven by strong demand from Chinese steel mills and constraints on domestic coal production.

Chinese imports of metallurgical coal are expected to remain relatively high in 2018 and 2019, with the possibility that China could overtake Japan as the world’s largest metallurgical coal importer during the period, the report added.

Coal shipment volumes to Japan from Gladstone in December were the second highest for the year at 2.22 million mt, having fallen 2% year on year and risen 37% month on month.

Exports to Japan from Gladstone fell 11% year on year in 2017 to 21.50 million mt, which was the lowest yearly total since 20.13 million mt in 2013.

Exports to India from Gladstone in December stood at 1.30 million mt, down 31% year on year and up 20% month on month.

Total 2017 Gladstone exports to India were also the lowest since 2013, having fallen 23% year on year to 12.03 million mt, the GPC data showed.

Source: Platts

11.01.2018 kl 08:32 8408

Nonnen - Ratene stiger aldri på denne tiden av året. I et normalt/godt år så begynner ratene å tikke oppover fra uke 6-7 og utover. Om du sjekker historien så ser du mønsteret klart og tydelig. Altså skal ratene ned/holde seg minst fire uker til om historien gjentar seg. Akjsekursen derimot kan gjerne gå allerede nå, men å spå kursen i det korte bildet er ikke noe for meg. Men at kursen er høyere i desember enn dagens kurs har jeg satset pengene mine på:-)
11.01.2018 kl 13:37 8280

Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market Recovers Lost Ground
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 11/01/2018

Capesize FFA Commentary:
An early sell off on capes looked to set the tone for the day with the index being talked down approximately -1500 in the morning session. Bids however, returned aggressively in the afternoon, pushing Jan back up from its low of 16800 to 17200, Q1 from 15100 to 15750 and cal 18 up from 16650 to 17250 albeit it in much smaller volume. The reason for the bounce remains unclear, but a combination of short covering and perhaps the feeling paper had been oversold with an index that didn’t fall as quickly as anticipated, created the short spike. Bids did retrace again towards the close leaving wide mkts in places. All eyes will be on the physical tomorrow for further indicators of how this weeek will play out.

Panamax FFA Commentary:
We slipped in early trading again yesterday on Panamax paper with Q1 sold down to $11100 before the market saw some renewed support midday. Despite a weaker than expected index we gradually saw some better buying in the afternoon session with Q1 trading back up to $11350-11400 pulling back the early losses and leaving us flat on the day.

Supramax FFA Commentary:
Supramax paper was subject to a very range bound day, in which we initially saw good bid support but lacked the momentum to move the market. Q1 continues to trade $10350 and the Cal 18 $10450-$10600 range. Index was more positive than expected with 10 TC $109 and derived 6TC $132, however we continued to sit in the same ranges. Have a good evening.

Handysize FFA Commentary:
Handy paper remained very flat with little interest down the curve. No reported trades.

Source: Freight Investor Services (FIS)

Slettet bruker
11.01.2018 kl 16:11 8062

HAHA jeg var frempå med 80kr til fredag! MEN NEIDA, solgte meg ut igår morges. Blir å plukke opp på lave 60kr!
Redigert 11.01.2018 kl 16:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.01.2018 kl 15:48 7680

Gogl opp 0,91% pt i USA, Scorpio Bulkers opp 7,74%.
12.01.2018 kl 16:04 7641

Gogl virker imponerende sterk. Er det de lange linjene som dikterer kursutviklingen, heller enn daglige BDI-fluktueringer?
12.01.2018 kl 16:54 7579

Av Øystein Byberg 12/1-18 16:09

Bulkmarkedet har lagt bak seg en meget svak uke. Analytikerne i Clarksons Platou Securities viser ifølge Reuters til at stengte havner og svakere markeder i Stillehavet presser inntjeningen.
Baltic Dry-indeksen ramlet 6,7 prosent på ukebasis. Capesize-segmentet stupte 17,7 prosent. Snitttinntjeningen for disse skipene falt med 736 dollar til 17.118 dollar per dag.
Panamax-inntjeningen nøyde seg med et fall på 3,7 prosent. Snittinntjeningen falt med 181 dollar til 10.813 dollar per dag.
De mindre skipene, Supramax-ene og handysize-skipene, opplevde bare mindre endringer i inntjeningen.
12.01.2018 kl 22:49 7410

Stigningen i USA i kveld skyldes antagelig mye at dollaren svekket seg markant mot NOK i natt. For å komme i paritet med sluttkurs i Norge går den nå.
Redigert 12.01.2018 kl 22:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.02.2018 kl 18:15 6430

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