PetroNor når produksjonsmål på 5000 bopd i Kongo
PetroNor E&P ASA: Targeted net production of 5,000 bopd reached ahead of schedule
Oslo, 14 September 2022: At the Pareto Securities Energy Conference today, PetroNor E&P ASA ("PetroNor" or the "Company") provides an update that the company has reached its targeted net production of more than 5,000 bopd during the third quarter.
This compares with 3,737 bopd in the quarter ended 30 June 2022. The 5,000 bopd net production target was reached ahead of schedule seeing the benefits of the infill drilling programme on the PNGF Sud license in Congo. Lifting is scheduled in October for entitlement production inventory.
As communicated at the Q2 presentation last month, four new wells on Litanzi have been brought onstream with production above expectations. The rig has now been moved from Litanzi to Tchibeli NE for drilling of two development production wells.
Please find enclosed the presentation material held at today’s conference.
For additional information, please contact:
Investor Relations
About PetroNor E&P ASA
PetroNor E&P ASA is an Africa-focused independent oil and gas exploration and production company listed on Oslo Børs with the ticker PNOR. PetroNor E&P ASA holds exploration and production assets offshore West Africa, specifically the PNGF Sud licenses in Congo Brazzaville, the A4 license in The Gambia, the Sinapa (Block 2) and Esperança (Blocks 4A and 5A) licenses in Guinea-Bissau, the Rufisque Offshore Profond and Senegal Offshore Sud Profond in Senegal (in arbitration) and OML-113 in Nigeria.
Oslo, 14 September 2022: At the Pareto Securities Energy Conference today, PetroNor E&P ASA ("PetroNor" or the "Company") provides an update that the company has reached its targeted net production of more than 5,000 bopd during the third quarter.
This compares with 3,737 bopd in the quarter ended 30 June 2022. The 5,000 bopd net production target was reached ahead of schedule seeing the benefits of the infill drilling programme on the PNGF Sud license in Congo. Lifting is scheduled in October for entitlement production inventory.
As communicated at the Q2 presentation last month, four new wells on Litanzi have been brought onstream with production above expectations. The rig has now been moved from Litanzi to Tchibeli NE for drilling of two development production wells.
Please find enclosed the presentation material held at today’s conference.
For additional information, please contact:
Investor Relations
About PetroNor E&P ASA
PetroNor E&P ASA is an Africa-focused independent oil and gas exploration and production company listed on Oslo Børs with the ticker PNOR. PetroNor E&P ASA holds exploration and production assets offshore West Africa, specifically the PNGF Sud licenses in Congo Brazzaville, the A4 license in The Gambia, the Sinapa (Block 2) and Esperança (Blocks 4A and 5A) licenses in Guinea-Bissau, the Rufisque Offshore Profond and Senegal Offshore Sud Profond in Senegal (in arbitration) and OML-113 in Nigeria.
Redigert 14.09.2022 kl 19:21
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Er litt redd at det kommer til å ta laaaaaaaaang tid før denne kommer opp igjen.... Nå ser vi Sundt AS holde kursen nede i 3-4 uker for å få solgt ut 11 millioner aksjer. Når Sundt er ferdige regner jeg med at neste mann skal ut.... Tydeligvis skal de fleste oppgjørsaksjene omsettes og selges så da vil det nok gå lang tid før vi ser 1 tallet igjen. Mangelen på info i tillegg til et pil råttent børsmiljø gjør det ikke akkurat bedre desverre....
Da kan du spørre fra meg også hvorfor det tydeligvis er i selskapets interesse å gjøre seg så lite attraktive som overhode mulig....
E Desperados
10.10.2022 kl 15:19
Enig i at det er dårlig å ikke melde. Er det ikke kommet en melding innen kl 18 ikveld så fyrer jeg av en mail til IR og spør om status.
007 James Bond
10.10.2022 kl 12:58
Sundt AS skal formodentlig selge seg helt ut. Gjenstår noen mill aksjer enda. Blir det sluttdumping på fredag?
Expecting Q3 report today evening or tomorrow morning with lifting update.
10.10.2022 kl 11:58
Tror ikke jeg har vært borte i et mer aksjonær fiendtlig selskap en Petronor. Det meldes om absolutt NADA. Nå virker det som om det er usikkerhet rundt om det i det hele tatt ble/blir en liftig, hvor mye som ble løftet for ikke å snakke om pris.
Melder de ingen ting for at denne ventede løftingen også gikk i vasken? I så fall er det tøm og røm.
Melder de ingen ting for at denne ventede løftingen også gikk i vasken? I så fall er det tøm og røm.
10.10.2022 kl 10:24
Nermer det seg ikke lifting day nå?
Og er det noen som har AIS til hvem og hvor det hentes nå? :)
Og er det noen som har AIS til hvem og hvor det hentes nå? :)
Oil price around $98, Expecting news of oil lifting (which is already lifted ) together with production update for Q3. last time Q1 2022 came on 11th April Monday
Expecting same today evening after market close.
production already increase above 5000 bopd expecting Q3 around 400000 barrels worth kr 380 million + Q1 and Q2 439,992 barrels worth (462 million )
Total - Nok 842 million
Expecting same today evening after market close.
production already increase above 5000 bopd expecting Q3 around 400000 barrels worth kr 380 million + Q1 and Q2 439,992 barrels worth (462 million )
Total - Nok 842 million
Redigert 10.10.2022 kl 09:32
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09.10.2022 kl 09:09
Etter en periode der jeg har vært avventende til statsbudsjett og verdenspolitikken har jeg kommet frem til kjøp av mer PNOR. OPEC kuttet på 2 mil fat. var det som Var prikken over I`en.
Alternativer for investeringer var:
- Investere i eget firma, nei Norge for usikkert, høy skatt, arbeidsgiver
- Statoil eller Vår Energi aksjer, de ligger også i Norge, og skattefaren er stor
- Statoil/Norge vil plutselig gå ut med en makspris olje og gass sammen med EU
OPEC vil fremover holde oljeprisen over 100$, diktatorer over hele verden samarbeider bedre og bedre. Eneste som kan redde vesten nå er en gigantisk utbygging av atomkraft, men det vil ta mist 10 år før vi der resultat av.
Synd at regjeringen presser innvesteringer ut av Norge!
Alternativer for investeringer var:
- Investere i eget firma, nei Norge for usikkert, høy skatt, arbeidsgiver
- Statoil eller Vår Energi aksjer, de ligger også i Norge, og skattefaren er stor
- Statoil/Norge vil plutselig gå ut med en makspris olje og gass sammen med EU
OPEC vil fremover holde oljeprisen over 100$, diktatorer over hele verden samarbeider bedre og bedre. Eneste som kan redde vesten nå er en gigantisk utbygging av atomkraft, men det vil ta mist 10 år før vi der resultat av.
Synd at regjeringen presser innvesteringer ut av Norge!
07.10.2022 kl 22:21
Siste fra Pnor ryktebørsen: Oljetankeren som skulle løfte fra Djeno terminalen hadde ikke plass til mer enn ca 250,000 fat som var Pnors andel av plassen. Det skrives nå at for å tømme hele beholdningen så må det liftes flere ganger, noe som er svært gunstig for oss. Første ladning gikk for 90$++ og de neste kan fort selges i markedet for 100$++ slik prisen utvikler seg.
07.10.2022 kl 21:50
Pace har oppgitt at det blir 2 eller 3 liftinger i Q4 for PetroNor, så noe annet enn akkurat det blir det nok ikke. Likeså så er det flere som antar hvor mye som blir liftet i hver omgang. Helt fair så lenge vi er enige om at det kun er antagelser. Pace var også tydelig på at når vi kommer til 31/12 så er årets produksjon solgt. Så et par megaliftinger blir det 🙂🙂🙂
07.10.2022 kl 21:06
Mandag olje pris over 100usd. Eller har vi avtalt en olje pris på lifting idag eller uke som har gått?
07.10.2022 kl 18:49
@solid 1 - Nu var det også bare et svar på, hvad der evt. kunne få kursen op - insider køb er vi jo heller ikke forvente med. Hvis de må handle, ville det også sende et godt signal 😉
As expected Panoro Energy ASA 96,577,537 is out so there will be rise with oil price and production rise to 6000 bopd until year end with drilling program continues.
Redigert 07.10.2022 kl 16:11
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07.10.2022 kl 16:07
Mulig riktig.😊
Vi får eventuelt bli med på en opptur i oljeprisen også.
Dollaren er jo høy allerede.
Ha en trivelig helg 🥂👍
Tanker capacity was 1.4million barrels and PNOR share is 16%. There will be 5 more lifting until year end PNOR will get oil price increase benefit upto $4 to $8 million
07.10.2022 kl 15:49
250 000? Er det bekreftet fra noen?
Produksjon første halvår etter skatt var jo 440 000.
On Monday Expecting Production report with oil lifting report.
Remember oil lifting for total production so for PNOR it will be only 250k barrels oil this lifting. there will be 5 more oil lifting until year end.
Remember oil lifting for total production so for PNOR it will be only 250k barrels oil this lifting. there will be 5 more oil lifting until year end.
Redigert 07.10.2022 kl 15:40
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07.10.2022 kl 15:37
Ser ikke noen grunn til at selskapet burde kjøpe egne aksjer før pengene for salget av den lifting som var denne uka er på konto.
Vi får se fremover. 😊🥂
E Desperados
07.10.2022 kl 15:07
Fra halvårsrapporten:
"The block contains multiple low risk commercial size prospects."
Hvis ikke de får tak i en partner så er det jo nesten så man skulle prøvd på egenhånd ;)
"The block contains multiple low risk commercial size prospects."
Hvis ikke de får tak i en partner så er det jo nesten så man skulle prøvd på egenhånd ;)
07.10.2022 kl 14:42
Frist Gambia 18. oktober. Må komme en PM før børsdag 19. Jeg tenker det beste vi kan håpe på er en ytterligere utsettelse. Er vel lite sannsynlig at vi har fått inn partner++ når det er 11 dager til fristen. Irriterer meg at ikke ledelsen evner å close dealer. Det er kranglet og jobbet hardt med myndighetene i Gambia for å ikke miste lisensen.. for hva? Når det gjelder kurs har jeg sluttet å forstå meg på denne. I dag er nok et eksempel på det irrasjonelle. Oljeprisen opp med snart 1% mens PetroNor går ned med nesten 3%. Jeg forholder meg til de underliggende verdier, så tilsier alt jeg har lært i regnskap og finans at det øvrige må komme til overflaten på et tidspunkt, med mindre selskapet mister Kongo lisens. Det anser jeg som lite sannsynlig.
07.10.2022 kl 13:55
Tror det. PNOR står hvertfall på lista til SB1M , som viser hvilke aksjer/selskaper de leverer MM til. Er enig her, etter at MM kom, så skjedde det noe. De tilbyr jo likviditet på vei nedover. Kjøper man 10,000 aksjer, så legger den seg ned noen øre, med 10,000 nye aksjer. Og sånn fortsetter det. Så tror det er market maker som står for nedgangen som sakte men sikkert, kommer etter hver oppgang.
07.10.2022 kl 13:48
Er marked makeren aktiv fremdeles? Det var jo starten på minimal oppgang uansett info da den kom.
07.10.2022 kl 13:13
Min mening er at denne åpenbart skal mye opp på grunn av inntjening. Det er likevel ingen eller få store aktører som er interessert ettersom våre 3-4 største aksjonærer uansett kontrollerer hele selskapet. 😯 Det er nok opp til oss «småaksjonærer» å sette kursen, men enkelte er nok nervøs for noe som ikke omhandler selskapet.
Disse burde uansett skifte batteri på sine kalkulatorer, og sette opp risiko mot potensiell gevinst.
Nå mandag kommer produksjonstall for Q-3. De er gode.
18 - 21 oktober, om bare 11 dager er konferansen African Energy Week hvor bransjen samles og våre ledere er med i det gode selskap.
Antar enkelte avtaler, samarbeidspartnere og tildelinger kommer i forkant av denne konferanse, men det er vanskelig å spå. (Spesielt om fremtiden) 😊
Lykke til 🥂
07.10.2022 kl 13:12
Pnor må i gang med opkøb af egne aktier, og så skal det samarbejde med markedmaker ophøre med det samme. De må da have evidens nok nu til at konkludere, at det virker modsat - kursen har haft pil nedad lige siden de blev hyret - kun med enkelte hop op 🤷♂️😡
07.10.2022 kl 12:27
Veldig langt mellom forventninger og virkelighet, og det har det vært i flere år, det løsner aldri. En liten oppgang nå og da, men så mye større nedgang rett etterpå. Jeg har vært trofast mange år og sitter en stund til, men artig er det ikke. Selskapet gjør heller ikke noe som får fart på aksjen, ingen entusiasme. Har lurt på om de selv ønsker det slik. Burde nå 1,30 før nyttår👍🚀 helst mer, men skjer det?
Nå er ikke intensjonen min rundt dette innlegget og vinke ting negativt men egentlig mer og finne ut hva folk her inne tenker om at det tydeligvis er veldig langt mellom forumets forventninger og markedets inntrykk...
Igjen så ser det desverre ut som om markedet ikke deler den meningen... Det kunne vært artig og visst hvorfor markedet har en annen oppfatning av dette enn hva folk inne på forumet her har... Med så liten omsetning så er det jo tydeligvis ikke mange som ønsker å kjøpe dette papiret. Hvorfor er det ingen andre som ser den enorme oppsiden her? Hvis Sundt AS kan drive aksjen ned med en omsetning på 500 k aksjer om dagen. Vil det da si at det burde vært kursdrivende andre veien også med samme antall? Det er p.d.d ingen som tydeligvis er interessert i å sette annet enn et lodd på denne og ikke tørr kjøpe seg tungt opp... Det er vel omsetningen et tydelig tegn på... Så hva skal så til for å løfte aksjen? Nyhetene som vi venter på kommer som regel med påfølgende oppgang og like rask nedgang igjen... Når meldingen om produksjon over 5000 fat kom da skulle ting skje... Vi er lavere nå.... Når liftingen kom på plass skulle det si pang.... Fortsatt relativt rolig... Vi har allerede vært gjennom en del av de tingene folk mente skulle være starten og skikkelig kursdrivende men vi står på stedet hvil.... Så hvorfor er det så åpenbart at denne skal så mye opp? Jeg bare spør.
07.10.2022 kl 11:31
Som du skriver køb aktier mens de er billige.
PNOR bliver aldrig billigere, indtjeningen er i top
og derudover er der så mange nye indtjenings muligheder i fremtiden.
Årets må er allerede nået..ganske flot
PNOR bliver aldrig billigere, indtjeningen er i top
og derudover er der så mange nye indtjenings muligheder i fremtiden.
Årets må er allerede nået..ganske flot
07.10.2022 kl 11:22
barts skrev Tak @nybegynner2
Kjøp aksjene mens de er billig
Opec går for monsterkutt, og det er bare å stålsette seg for tre år med oljepriser over 100 dollar fatet, mener Pareto Securities. Konklusjonen er: kjøp olje- og oljeserviceaksjer.
Opec går for monsterkutt, og det er bare å stålsette seg for tre år med oljepriser over 100 dollar fatet, mener Pareto Securities. Konklusjonen er: kjøp olje- og oljeserviceaksjer.
This lifting handled by Djeno terminal next lifting will be by ADNOC. We will ge rate above $90 only remain thing when PNOR will announce it on market.
As per new shareholder list list dated 3 oct Panoro Energy ASA 96,577,537 6.78% (holding in August ) is sold out or less than 0.35% now (which took course 0.96 to 0.756)
As per new shareholder list list dated 3 oct Panoro Energy ASA 96,577,537 6.78% (holding in August ) is sold out or less than 0.35% now (which took course 0.96 to 0.756)
Redigert 07.10.2022 kl 09:30
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07.10.2022 kl 07:58
En update på ukens siste arbeidsdag. Som tidligere informert holder Sundt AS på å selge seg ut. Nye 500' ble solgt på tirsdag 4, og restbeholdning er 4,4 millioner. Antar vi at det selges ned i det tempo som er gjort tidligere vil de være ferdigsolgt i løpet av neste uke. Ser ikke at det er noen øvrige store topp 50 som selger seg ned. Danske Bank har solgt 546', men her antar jeg det skjuler seg flere aksjonærer akkurat som at Nordnet driver å kjøper og selger. Mr Espen Tingvoll Teigland har funnet ut at nå er det ''penger på gata'' så han har kjøpt en post på 322', så får vi se hvor lang tid det tar før har har solgt.
06.10.2022 kl 23:27
I tillegg har vi en meget hyggelig dollar-kurs.
Skal se den reiser seg i morgen også. 🥂
E Desperados
06.10.2022 kl 22:40
Vi vet jo ikke hvordan prisen fastsettes her, så kan være alt fra snittpris på uka eller måneden. Eller bare prisen når løftingen skjedde. Men det blir hvertfall over 90$. Så får være fornøyd med det.
06.10.2022 kl 22:29
Too bad….looks like Pnor should have waited a few days with oil prices on the rise 😉 We should be more than happy with anything over 90$ seeing where the oil Price was going only a few days ago. 😃
Vessel departed from port today at 20.07. So first lifting is is done.
Vessel departed from port today at 20.07. So first lifting is is done.
Need revised valuation based on 2P reserve and current production too under valued company currently.
may come tomorrow morning too.
E Desperados
06.10.2022 kl 15:18
Limer inn hele teksten jeg :)
PetroNor E&P Chairman Eyas Alhomouz to Discuss African Exploration at African Energy Week in Cape Town
Language: en|Date: 2022-06-27 15:58:25|
Representing PetroNor E&P, an independent oil and gas company with an extensive footprint in Africa, Alhomouz will be coming to AEW 2022 in Cape Town to engage with industry heads, discuss African exploration and production and contribute to decisions that will reshape Africa’s energy future
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, June 27, 2022/APO Group/ --
The African Energy Chamber (AEC) is proud to announce that Eyas Alhomouz, Chairman of independent oil and gas company, PetroNor E&P, will be coming to African Energy Week (AEW) ( 2022, being held from October 18-21 in Cape Town, to discuss African exploration and production (E&P) in a post-COVID-19 climate. As PetroNor looks to strengthen its footprint across Africa’s oil and gas market and African countries aim to maximize resources with the objective of making energy poverty history by 2030, Alhomouz will be instrumental in all dialogues, participating in a number of panel discussions and hydrocarbon forums in Cape Town, later this year.
Eyas Alhomouz, Chairman, PetroNor E&P
Eyas Alhomouz, Chairman, PetroNor E&P
Prior to his chief officer position at PetroNor, Alhomouz worked at a number of global companies including Schlumberger Oilfield Services, Cromwell Energy, Prism Seismic and Jaidah Energy, operating in various roles including international business development manager, COO, financial director and wireline engineer. With years of experience across the energy sector, and now representing global independent PetroNor, Alhomouz embodies an ideal participant at this year’s event regarding all discussions surrounding oil and gas in Africa: a key theme of AEW.
As an independent oil and gas explorer and producer, PetroNor is led by an experienced board and management team, holding licenses in key basins across Africa that comprise a combined resource-base of 20.2 million barrels of proven reserves, producing on average 3,850 barrels of oil per day (bpd), most notably in west Africa, where the company is driving E&P activity across the Republic of Congo, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Nigeria. In the Congo, following the company’s entry into the market in 2017, significant operational improvements were made in producing fields, with gross production increasing to 30,000 bpd. In Nigeria, the company is progressing with plans to acquire a stake in the Aje field, eyeing high potential deposits and maximizing value from the asset.
Meanwhile, the company’s portfolio includes exploration licenses in Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia and Senegal, a particularly lucrative hydrocarbon destination where major oil and gas deposits have very recently been discovered. In Bissau, PetroNor entered into a share purchase agreement of SPE Guinea Bissau AB from Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB, granting PetroNor a 78.57% interest and operatorship role of the Sinapa (Block 2) and Esperanҫa (Blocks 4A and 5A) licenses; in The Gambia, the company regained the A4 license in 2020; and in Senegal, the company reserves its rights to 90% operating working interest in the exploration blocks, Rufisque Offshore Profond and Senegal Offshore Sud Profond.
“As PetroNor expands its footprint across the African oil and gas sector, acquiring new assets and driving exploration and production, the company will play an increasing role in positioning the continent as a competitive hydrocarbon market. Africa is committed to maximizing its oil and gas, and companies such as PetroNor will be instrumental in ensuring the maximization of resources,” states NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber (AEC), adding that, “By coming to AEW 2022 in Cape Town, Alhomouz who personally has a strong faith in the potential of African oil and gas, will help drive the discussion on oil, gas and Africa’s energy future, making a strong case for hydrocarbon development in a post-COVID-19, energy transition context. Now, more than ever, Africa needs to ramp up exploration and production and PetroNor has demonstrated its commitment to doing just that.”
Taking place under the theme, ‘Exploring and Investing in Africa’s Energy Future while Driving an Enabling Environment,’ AEW is centered around the role oil and gas plays in Africa’s energy future. At a time when global supply chains are disrupted, oil prices have soared to record heights and demand for oil and gas continues to grow, Africa’s oil and gas resources have garnered significant attention, owing to the role these resources play in addressing global energy security. For African countries, improving exploration represents a critical step towards kickstarting production as the need to make energy poverty history becomes more pressing, while for global energy companies, Africa’s rich and largely untapped basins represent a unique window of opportunity.
As global independents such as PetroNor expand their footprints in Africa even further, AEW 2022 offers the most suitable platform to sign deals, secure partnerships and expand African portfolio’s. Dedicated upstream panel discussions, investor forums and national and international oil company summits led by industry experts, such as Alhomouz, offer the best chance to gain insight into emerging trends while advancing oil and gas investment and development in 2022 and beyond.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Energy Week (AEW).
Media Contact:
For sales related inquiries please contact
For attendance related inquiries contact
For speaker related inquiries contact
For media related inquiries contact
About African Energy Week:
AEW 2022 is the AEC’s annual conference, exhibition and networking event. AEW 2022 unites African energy stakeholders with investors and international partners to drive industry growth and development and promote Africa as the destination for energy investments. Key organizations such as the African Petroleum Producers Organization, as well as African heavyweights including Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria, have partnered with AEW, strengthening the role the event will play in Africa’s energy future.
PetroNor E&P Chairman Eyas Alhomouz to Discuss African Exploration at African Energy Week in Cape Town
Language: en|Date: 2022-06-27 15:58:25|
Representing PetroNor E&P, an independent oil and gas company with an extensive footprint in Africa, Alhomouz will be coming to AEW 2022 in Cape Town to engage with industry heads, discuss African exploration and production and contribute to decisions that will reshape Africa’s energy future
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, June 27, 2022/APO Group/ --
The African Energy Chamber (AEC) is proud to announce that Eyas Alhomouz, Chairman of independent oil and gas company, PetroNor E&P, will be coming to African Energy Week (AEW) ( 2022, being held from October 18-21 in Cape Town, to discuss African exploration and production (E&P) in a post-COVID-19 climate. As PetroNor looks to strengthen its footprint across Africa’s oil and gas market and African countries aim to maximize resources with the objective of making energy poverty history by 2030, Alhomouz will be instrumental in all dialogues, participating in a number of panel discussions and hydrocarbon forums in Cape Town, later this year.
Eyas Alhomouz, Chairman, PetroNor E&P
Eyas Alhomouz, Chairman, PetroNor E&P
Prior to his chief officer position at PetroNor, Alhomouz worked at a number of global companies including Schlumberger Oilfield Services, Cromwell Energy, Prism Seismic and Jaidah Energy, operating in various roles including international business development manager, COO, financial director and wireline engineer. With years of experience across the energy sector, and now representing global independent PetroNor, Alhomouz embodies an ideal participant at this year’s event regarding all discussions surrounding oil and gas in Africa: a key theme of AEW.
As an independent oil and gas explorer and producer, PetroNor is led by an experienced board and management team, holding licenses in key basins across Africa that comprise a combined resource-base of 20.2 million barrels of proven reserves, producing on average 3,850 barrels of oil per day (bpd), most notably in west Africa, where the company is driving E&P activity across the Republic of Congo, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Nigeria. In the Congo, following the company’s entry into the market in 2017, significant operational improvements were made in producing fields, with gross production increasing to 30,000 bpd. In Nigeria, the company is progressing with plans to acquire a stake in the Aje field, eyeing high potential deposits and maximizing value from the asset.
Meanwhile, the company’s portfolio includes exploration licenses in Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia and Senegal, a particularly lucrative hydrocarbon destination where major oil and gas deposits have very recently been discovered. In Bissau, PetroNor entered into a share purchase agreement of SPE Guinea Bissau AB from Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB, granting PetroNor a 78.57% interest and operatorship role of the Sinapa (Block 2) and Esperanҫa (Blocks 4A and 5A) licenses; in The Gambia, the company regained the A4 license in 2020; and in Senegal, the company reserves its rights to 90% operating working interest in the exploration blocks, Rufisque Offshore Profond and Senegal Offshore Sud Profond.
“As PetroNor expands its footprint across the African oil and gas sector, acquiring new assets and driving exploration and production, the company will play an increasing role in positioning the continent as a competitive hydrocarbon market. Africa is committed to maximizing its oil and gas, and companies such as PetroNor will be instrumental in ensuring the maximization of resources,” states NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber (AEC), adding that, “By coming to AEW 2022 in Cape Town, Alhomouz who personally has a strong faith in the potential of African oil and gas, will help drive the discussion on oil, gas and Africa’s energy future, making a strong case for hydrocarbon development in a post-COVID-19, energy transition context. Now, more than ever, Africa needs to ramp up exploration and production and PetroNor has demonstrated its commitment to doing just that.”
Taking place under the theme, ‘Exploring and Investing in Africa’s Energy Future while Driving an Enabling Environment,’ AEW is centered around the role oil and gas plays in Africa’s energy future. At a time when global supply chains are disrupted, oil prices have soared to record heights and demand for oil and gas continues to grow, Africa’s oil and gas resources have garnered significant attention, owing to the role these resources play in addressing global energy security. For African countries, improving exploration represents a critical step towards kickstarting production as the need to make energy poverty history becomes more pressing, while for global energy companies, Africa’s rich and largely untapped basins represent a unique window of opportunity.
As global independents such as PetroNor expand their footprints in Africa even further, AEW 2022 offers the most suitable platform to sign deals, secure partnerships and expand African portfolio’s. Dedicated upstream panel discussions, investor forums and national and international oil company summits led by industry experts, such as Alhomouz, offer the best chance to gain insight into emerging trends while advancing oil and gas investment and development in 2022 and beyond.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Energy Week (AEW).
Media Contact:
For sales related inquiries please contact
For attendance related inquiries contact
For speaker related inquiries contact
For media related inquiries contact
About African Energy Week:
AEW 2022 is the AEC’s annual conference, exhibition and networking event. AEW 2022 unites African energy stakeholders with investors and international partners to drive industry growth and development and promote Africa as the destination for energy investments. Key organizations such as the African Petroleum Producers Organization, as well as African heavyweights including Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria, have partnered with AEW, strengthening the role the event will play in Africa’s energy future.
06.10.2022 kl 15:10
Ingenting viser at denne mannen blir oppfattet som spedalsk.
06.10.2022 kl 15:07
Vi får nok produksjonstall for Q-3 på mandag. 😊
Mulig vi også får info om hvor mye som ble liftet i dag også.
Spennende dager. 🥂
Tanker position is in Port from last 10 hours still people are selling strange, here people don't believe until RNS is in newsweb.
06.10.2022 kl 12:33
Synes Brent gikk lite i går og i dag på nyheten om 2 mill bopd i kutt fra OPEC +.
Det synes å være noen uklarheter som kan være grunnen.
« Oil Price Gains Limited By Lack Of Clarity About OPEC+ Cut
By Irina Slav - Oct 06, 2022, 1:30 AM CDT
On Wednesday OPEC+ agreed to cut its production targets for November by 2 million bpd, a figure that was larger than most analysts had expected.
While oil prices did climb, the gains have been limited by a lack of clarity about exactly how much oil will be removed from markets.
Despite the lack of clarity, the cut is undoubtedly bullish for oil markets and banks are once again predicting that Brent will break $100.»
Det synes å være noen uklarheter som kan være grunnen.
« Oil Price Gains Limited By Lack Of Clarity About OPEC+ Cut
By Irina Slav - Oct 06, 2022, 1:30 AM CDT
On Wednesday OPEC+ agreed to cut its production targets for November by 2 million bpd, a figure that was larger than most analysts had expected.
While oil prices did climb, the gains have been limited by a lack of clarity about exactly how much oil will be removed from markets.
Despite the lack of clarity, the cut is undoubtedly bullish for oil markets and banks are once again predicting that Brent will break $100.»
E Desperados skrev Nå er jo oljen oppe i 94$/fatet, så det passer jo bra :)
whatever above $90 is bonus it will range between NOK 18 to 36 million extra.
on report day 29th August it was kr 0.96 due to no oil lifting of oil price down to kr 0.75 now. Today lifting is there and oil price above $90 price will go above kr 1 after RNS. OML 113 will be financed from current half oil sale money so no new share and with drilling program (which is finance already) production will be above 5000 bopd for next few years.
on report day 29th August it was kr 0.96 due to no oil lifting of oil price down to kr 0.75 now. Today lifting is there and oil price above $90 price will go above kr 1 after RNS. OML 113 will be financed from current half oil sale money so no new share and with drilling program (which is finance already) production will be above 5000 bopd for next few years.
Redigert 06.10.2022 kl 10:46
Du må logge inn for å svare
06.10.2022 kl 10:29
E Desperados skrev Nå er jo oljen oppe i 94$/fatet, så det passer jo bra :)
Men det var det med hvordan prisen beregnes da. Merkelig at de ikke vil svare deg på det.