Utfylling av skatteskjema mot dobbeltbeskatning
Er det noen som har erfaring med utfylling av skatteskjema?
Det er 4-6 ukers bestillingstid på bostedsbekreftelse: https://www.skatteetaten.no/person/folkeregister/attester-og-opplysninger/bestille-attester/oversikt-over-attester/bostedsbekreftelse-etter-skatteavtale/
Her finner jeg skjema fra 26. aug, for å unngå dobbeltbeskatning på sist utbytte: https://investors.zim.com/financials/sec-filings/default.aspx
Det er noen skjema å fylle ut, på side 10-23: 99.2, 99.3 og 99.4
Fristen for å sende inn skjema, er 4.aug.
Hva menes med dette feltet?
Income Tax File number of recipient in place of residence: __
Finnes det noen kjappere og enklere måte å dokumentere bosted på, så man kan skaffe bekreftelse på dagen?
Any Shareholder who claims to be entitled to a Reduced Tax Withholding Rate in accordance with the foregoing, will be required to provide the Agent with all relevant documentation as detailed in the Ruling and attached as exhibits 99.2, 99.3 and 99.4 to the Company’s Current Report on form 6-K filed on August 26, 2022 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on no later than October 4, 2022 (the end of the Change of Rate Period), including but not limited to, bank account details to which the dividend payment should be transferred, number of ZIM shares owned by the Shareholder in such account, identification document, and confirmation of residence issued by the taxing authority of the state of tax residence.
Det er 4-6 ukers bestillingstid på bostedsbekreftelse: https://www.skatteetaten.no/person/folkeregister/attester-og-opplysninger/bestille-attester/oversikt-over-attester/bostedsbekreftelse-etter-skatteavtale/
Her finner jeg skjema fra 26. aug, for å unngå dobbeltbeskatning på sist utbytte: https://investors.zim.com/financials/sec-filings/default.aspx
Det er noen skjema å fylle ut, på side 10-23: 99.2, 99.3 og 99.4
Fristen for å sende inn skjema, er 4.aug.
Hva menes med dette feltet?
Income Tax File number of recipient in place of residence: __
Finnes det noen kjappere og enklere måte å dokumentere bosted på, så man kan skaffe bekreftelse på dagen?
Any Shareholder who claims to be entitled to a Reduced Tax Withholding Rate in accordance with the foregoing, will be required to provide the Agent with all relevant documentation as detailed in the Ruling and attached as exhibits 99.2, 99.3 and 99.4 to the Company’s Current Report on form 6-K filed on August 26, 2022 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on no later than October 4, 2022 (the end of the Change of Rate Period), including but not limited to, bank account details to which the dividend payment should be transferred, number of ZIM shares owned by the Shareholder in such account, identification document, and confirmation of residence issued by the taxing authority of the state of tax residence.