Da fanget Bybonden kniven....
Da er det såååå mange negative kommentarer om Frontline at jeg bare måtte kjøpe BULL FRO X6..
Mulig den skal lengre ned, men ettersom Bybonden er fryktløs tar jeg sjansen.
Tipper vi ser en stigning på 300 % før jul..
Tjo og hei,lykke til !!
Mulig den skal lengre ned, men ettersom Bybonden er fryktløs tar jeg sjansen.
Tipper vi ser en stigning på 300 % før jul..
Tjo og hei,lykke til !!
Redigert 08.11.2022 kl 20:29
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Frøken Big
22.11.2022 kl 16:57
De har vel såpass at de kan manipulere litt. Mye småposter. Må si jeg savner tiden da man måtte trade hele lot’s…
Fredriksen tjener jo på å låne dem ut. Fluer har jo også sin mission i naturens gang……🪰 Men blir de for irriterende, kaller vel Fredeiksen alt tilbake.
Tror de får holde på så lenge de er Fredriksens nyttige idioter….
For litt positivt vil det alltid være for de langsiktige, store som små, som skal inn igjen med utbyttepenger til best mulig pris. Og det gir i tillegg lavere formuesskatt på denne tiden for de som får det, i det vi snart ruller inn i nytt år.
Jeg er også langsiktig, og sparer jo litt skatt samt får bedre deal på reinvestering av utbytte. Men det er irriterende med kurser som holdes kunstig nede….
Av en eller annen grunn er Fredriksen fluepapir på den gjengen der, alle hans selskaper lider litt under det i perioder. Bare se på Flex nå. Shortet i hele høst, uten at dette har blitt verdens største business for dem. Mens gassmarkedet har vært helt bananas. Skulle likt å se ansiktet på dem den natta de sprengte gassledningene rett etter plassering ny short. Ting er roligere nå, but anyway…for et liv…
Fredriksen tjener jo på å låne dem ut. Fluer har jo også sin mission i naturens gang……🪰 Men blir de for irriterende, kaller vel Fredeiksen alt tilbake.
Tror de får holde på så lenge de er Fredriksens nyttige idioter….
For litt positivt vil det alltid være for de langsiktige, store som små, som skal inn igjen med utbyttepenger til best mulig pris. Og det gir i tillegg lavere formuesskatt på denne tiden for de som får det, i det vi snart ruller inn i nytt år.
Jeg er også langsiktig, og sparer jo litt skatt samt får bedre deal på reinvestering av utbytte. Men det er irriterende med kurser som holdes kunstig nede….
Av en eller annen grunn er Fredriksen fluepapir på den gjengen der, alle hans selskaper lider litt under det i perioder. Bare se på Flex nå. Shortet i hele høst, uten at dette har blitt verdens største business for dem. Mens gassmarkedet har vært helt bananas. Skulle likt å se ansiktet på dem den natta de sprengte gassledningene rett etter plassering ny short. Ting er roligere nå, but anyway…for et liv…
22.11.2022 kl 20:12
Forberedt på videre nedgang jeg. Det er klart at algoritmer uten hjerte (og hjerne) har en lett jobb mot kjøtt og blod. Mer enn 12 millioner aksjer short som kan kjøpes og selges på 2 markedsplasser med ulik åpningstid gjør maskinenes jobb enkel. Det er bare å stålsette seg og holde ut.
22.11.2022 kl 20:41
Blir det shortangrep nå? Det har jeg vært redd for lenge. Shorter som er satt en del lavere enn dagens kurs, noen på 130-tallet. Disse sværingene har ikke tenkt å tape pengene sine. Litt ekkelt for oss longere, men that's life.
22.11.2022 kl 20:53
Her er det bare å sitte. Oppturen har så vidt startet, blir helt idiotisk å selge nå. Mye tyder på at vi kan stå overfor tidens kraftigste tanksyklus,da skal skal nye formuer skapes, for dem som ikke solgte . Lykke til, også dere dere nervøse. Jeg er overhode ikke nervøs.
22.11.2022 kl 21:00
# Player Short Position value Latest win/loss Startprice position Total value change
Alpine Associates Management Inc.
0.98 % 316.73 M +3.49 M 146.00 NOK 1.31 M
Aslan House Capital Llp
0.62 % 200.05 M +2.20 M - - M
Carlson Capital Uk Llp
0.70 % 226.59 M +2.49 M 141.00 NOK -6.86 M
Melqart Asset Management (uk) Ltd
0.65 % 211.05 M +2.32 M 132.50 NOK -18.72 M
Millennium Capital Partners Llp
1.10 % 358.35 M +3.94 M 137.10 NOK -20.46 M
Verition Multi-strategy Master Fund Ltd.
1.72 % 557.28 M +6.13 M - - M
Sum: 5.77 % 1,870.05 M +20.57 M -44.73 M
Det virker som om noen av shortposisjonene er dekket inn i dag. Noen sitter selvfølgelig long samtidig. Da går man i pluss på slike dager som i dag. Alle sorger slukket.
Updated: 2022-11-22, 17:4
Alpine Associates Management Inc.
0.98 % 316.73 M +3.49 M 146.00 NOK 1.31 M
Aslan House Capital Llp
0.62 % 200.05 M +2.20 M - - M
Carlson Capital Uk Llp
0.70 % 226.59 M +2.49 M 141.00 NOK -6.86 M
Melqart Asset Management (uk) Ltd
0.65 % 211.05 M +2.32 M 132.50 NOK -18.72 M
Millennium Capital Partners Llp
1.10 % 358.35 M +3.94 M 137.10 NOK -20.46 M
Verition Multi-strategy Master Fund Ltd.
1.72 % 557.28 M +6.13 M - - M
Sum: 5.77 % 1,870.05 M +20.57 M -44.73 M
Det virker som om noen av shortposisjonene er dekket inn i dag. Noen sitter selvfølgelig long samtidig. Da går man i pluss på slike dager som i dag. Alle sorger slukket.
Updated: 2022-11-22, 17:4
23.11.2022 kl 09:30
23.11.2022 09:11:25
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Kepler Cheuvreux oppjusterer sitt kursmål på Frontline til 199 kroner fra 145 kroner og gjentar kjøpsanbefaling på aksjen, ifølge en oppdatering onsdag.
"Tankmarkedene har styrket seg og vi hever våre spotrateprognoser på kort sikt for å reflektere dette. Vi bruker en fremtidsrettet substansverdibasert tilnærming for å komme frem til vårt nye kursmål på 199 kroner. Ettersom eiendelsverdier og inntjening har økt, har dette en betydelig innvirkning på våre estimerte verdier. I tillegg bidrar også valutaeffekter fra en svakere NOK mot dollar til vår sterke kursmålsøkning", heter det fra meglerhuset.
Videre mener Kepler Cheuvreux at ettersom tankmarkedet bedrer seg er dette grunn nok til å se på Frontline uavhengig av utfallet av den planlagte fusjonen med Euronav.
"Frontline fyrer nå på alle sylindre. Vi forventer et sterkt tredje kvartal, men et enda sterkere fjerde kvartal. Utbytte pr aksje kan komme til å bli holdt tilbake for å unngå å endre det avtalte bytteforholdet med Euronav", skriver meglerhuset.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no
Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Kepler Cheuvreux oppjusterer sitt kursmål på Frontline til 199 kroner fra 145 kroner og gjentar kjøpsanbefaling på aksjen, ifølge en oppdatering onsdag.
"Tankmarkedene har styrket seg og vi hever våre spotrateprognoser på kort sikt for å reflektere dette. Vi bruker en fremtidsrettet substansverdibasert tilnærming for å komme frem til vårt nye kursmål på 199 kroner. Ettersom eiendelsverdier og inntjening har økt, har dette en betydelig innvirkning på våre estimerte verdier. I tillegg bidrar også valutaeffekter fra en svakere NOK mot dollar til vår sterke kursmålsøkning", heter det fra meglerhuset.
Videre mener Kepler Cheuvreux at ettersom tankmarkedet bedrer seg er dette grunn nok til å se på Frontline uavhengig av utfallet av den planlagte fusjonen med Euronav.
"Frontline fyrer nå på alle sylindre. Vi forventer et sterkt tredje kvartal, men et enda sterkere fjerde kvartal. Utbytte pr aksje kan komme til å bli holdt tilbake for å unngå å endre det avtalte bytteforholdet med Euronav", skriver meglerhuset.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no
Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
The Godfather
23.11.2022 kl 10:02
Ser 40 prosent oppside i Fredriksen-rakett: – Fyrer nå på alle sylindre
23.11.2022 kl 11:35
Det var dette jeg var usikker på
Den tiltenkte '' merger '' er fremdeles i spill, da blir nok dette resultatet, OSE trengs 50 % flertall, etter hva jeg forstår.
Derav bør man ikke selge noen aksjer etter dividende er en realitet; til det er sansyneligvis sjansen stor for at vi får
nok OG STØRRE utbytte, ETTER at Merger. De $ 0.15 er en del av pakken, men hva som skjer når Merger i boks
er en ukjent faktor man MÅ ta høyde.
Jeg, gjør ting i motsatt rekkefølge. Selger ikke en aksje etter misjon gjennomført og alt klinkende klart. Da vil jeg vurdere
salg av noen å pløye dividntet ( totalen ) inn igjen i billgere, da jeg forventer en lavere kurs etter at alt av dividende er
Den tiltenkte '' merger '' er fremdeles i spill, da blir nok dette resultatet, OSE trengs 50 % flertall, etter hva jeg forstår.
Derav bør man ikke selge noen aksjer etter dividende er en realitet; til det er sansyneligvis sjansen stor for at vi får
nok OG STØRRE utbytte, ETTER at Merger. De $ 0.15 er en del av pakken, men hva som skjer når Merger i boks
er en ukjent faktor man MÅ ta høyde.
Jeg, gjør ting i motsatt rekkefølge. Selger ikke en aksje etter misjon gjennomført og alt klinkende klart. Da vil jeg vurdere
salg av noen å pløye dividntet ( totalen ) inn igjen i billgere, da jeg forventer en lavere kurs etter at alt av dividende er
23.11.2022 kl 11:46
Tror dette vil fortsette en stund til før det snur...
Tror dette vil fortsette en stund til før det snur...
23.11.2022 kl 11:47
Tjener helt rått med penger nå. Blir en vinner i flere år fremover dette !
23.11.2022 kl 12:52
Above not true and more: Rules have changed OSE, damn it,...
Rules Flagging, compulsory offers etc. NYE REGLER DAMN, til å samsvare mer med EU regler. Tenkte
meg det etter at Euronext kjøpte OSE, mens flaggings grensene syntes å være som før, MEN tid
for rapportering ikke lenger FØR, SENEST, dag før Neste åpning av handel, men LAGT TIL 2 dager.
Nå ligner reglene mer som i Uniten. Vi hadde klare regler å forholde oss til.
Nå blir det nesten som en SEC filing hvor meglerne har sine muldvarper, info 3 måneder før offisiell info.
Pokker også. hvor er det blitt av 40 % reglen som utløste Pliktig Tilbud til alle aksjonærene?
The new rules will be found in Chapter 4 of the Securities Trading Act and Chapter 4 of the Securities Trading Regulation, implementing the amendments in EU's Transparency Directive (2004/109/EC) adopted by Directive 2013/50/EU, as well as supplementary provisions in Regulation (EU) 2015/761. The latter entered into force in the EU on 26 November 2015. Most of the rules are full harmonization regulations, and with a few exemptions rules on disclosure of large shareholdings will from 1 September 2022 be the same in Norway as in other EU/EEA states.
The thresholds for disclosure of large shareholdings remain unchanged (i.e. 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 1/3, 50%, 2/3 and 90%).
Remain unchanged, hvor er det blitt av 40 % reglen som utløste Pliktig Tilbud til alle aksjonærene? Enn videre var det flere tresholds.
The main elements of the amendments are:
* * *
FRO – Fronline Ltd. and Euronav NV sign definitive combination agreement to create a leading global independent oil tanker operator
Combination Highlights
Transaction structured as a voluntary conditional registered exchange offer initiated by Frontline with an exchange ratio of 1.45 Frontline shares for 1 Euronav share, possibly followed by a squeeze out, with the aim to then propose a merger of Euronav into Frontline to Frontline’s and Euronav’s shareholders as soon as possible
Combines the companies’ extensive and complementary platforms and capabilities to shape the new era of sustainable shipping with best-in-class decarbonisation targets
Combined group to be named Frontline; operations to continue in Europe and Asia including Belgium, Norway, UK, Singapore and Greece, with headquarters in Cyprus
Mr. Hugo De Stoop, current CEO of Euronav, to be CEO of the combined group; Mr. Lars H. Barstad, current CEO of Frontline, to join the Board of the combined group
Listings of combined group to be on Euronext Brussels, NYSE and OSE
Enhanced performance through incremental synergies totaling a minimum of USD 60 million on a full annual run-rate basis
Full tekst avtalen:
Redigert 23.11.2022 kl 15:06
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23.11.2022 kl 22:33
All of which will impact how many more tankers are chartered to move, or store crude oil.
The specter of an oil-supply shock this winter has created a dilemma for OPEC and its wider circle of crude producers about whether to reverse course on the production cuts it set last month.
Beginning in early December, the oil market will face a series of looming problems that some members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries see as a potential opportunity to pump more oil and others view as a reason to stay the course with their production cuts.
In the past two weeks, OPEC members began informally discussing the potential need for more oil this winter, OPEC delegates said. The initial trigger was data showing rising oil demand in the coming months, a normal seasonal adjustment caused by European and North American burning of fuel oil, delegates said.
There were other data points, delegates said. On Dec. 5, one day after OPEC meets with other producers including Russia in Vienna in a gathering known as OPEC+, the European Union is set to impose an embargo on Russian oil.
On the same day, the Group of Seven leading nations is set to impose a price cap on Moscow crude. Russian officials have said they won't sell oil to countries that impose a price cap, raising the prospect of a supply gap if Russian oil doesn't find buyers.
Further, there has been disappointing news from U.S. shale country, where companies didn't drill more to take advantage of high prices this year. And finally, big OPEC producers such as the United Arab Emirates and Iraq have long been chafing under production limits they feel are too low, the delegates said.
With all of these energy-market headwinds emerging, some OPEC+ delegates have begun discussing?including OPEC's biggest member, Saudi Arabia?whether to reconsider the production cut engineered last month of 2 million barrels a day, the delegates said.
The production cut was controversial, with the White House contending that it aligned OPEC+ with Russia's war effort in Ukraine. The Saudis have said the cut was economically justified, and a growing group of oil-market analysts agree with their assessment after oil prices didn't shoot above $100 a barrel.
OPEC+ could decide to do nothing at its Dec. 4 meeting or even cut more, as Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman suggested Monday. Prince Abdulaziz denied there were discussions of a production increase of 500,000 barrels a day, which The Wall Street Journal had reported was the higher end of what delegates were talking about.
OPEC+ delegates said Prince Abdulaziz's denial of talks reflected an unease with public discussion of the group's decision-making before an agreement with Russia had been struck.
As the two biggest producers in OPEC+, the Saudis and Russians generally rule the group by mutual agreement.
The precipitous drop in oil prices that followed the Journal's story likely reinforced the view that even a partial reversal of the production cuts would be a bad idea, said Helima Croft, the commodities chief strategist at Canadian broker RBC, in a note to clients.
The specter of an oil-supply shock this winter has created a dilemma for OPEC and its wider circle of crude producers about whether to reverse course on the production cuts it set last month.
Beginning in early December, the oil market will face a series of looming problems that some members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries see as a potential opportunity to pump more oil and others view as a reason to stay the course with their production cuts.
In the past two weeks, OPEC members began informally discussing the potential need for more oil this winter, OPEC delegates said. The initial trigger was data showing rising oil demand in the coming months, a normal seasonal adjustment caused by European and North American burning of fuel oil, delegates said.
There were other data points, delegates said. On Dec. 5, one day after OPEC meets with other producers including Russia in Vienna in a gathering known as OPEC+, the European Union is set to impose an embargo on Russian oil.
On the same day, the Group of Seven leading nations is set to impose a price cap on Moscow crude. Russian officials have said they won't sell oil to countries that impose a price cap, raising the prospect of a supply gap if Russian oil doesn't find buyers.
Further, there has been disappointing news from U.S. shale country, where companies didn't drill more to take advantage of high prices this year. And finally, big OPEC producers such as the United Arab Emirates and Iraq have long been chafing under production limits they feel are too low, the delegates said.
With all of these energy-market headwinds emerging, some OPEC+ delegates have begun discussing?including OPEC's biggest member, Saudi Arabia?whether to reconsider the production cut engineered last month of 2 million barrels a day, the delegates said.
The production cut was controversial, with the White House contending that it aligned OPEC+ with Russia's war effort in Ukraine. The Saudis have said the cut was economically justified, and a growing group of oil-market analysts agree with their assessment after oil prices didn't shoot above $100 a barrel.
OPEC+ could decide to do nothing at its Dec. 4 meeting or even cut more, as Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman suggested Monday. Prince Abdulaziz denied there were discussions of a production increase of 500,000 barrels a day, which The Wall Street Journal had reported was the higher end of what delegates were talking about.
OPEC+ delegates said Prince Abdulaziz's denial of talks reflected an unease with public discussion of the group's decision-making before an agreement with Russia had been struck.
As the two biggest producers in OPEC+, the Saudis and Russians generally rule the group by mutual agreement.
The precipitous drop in oil prices that followed the Journal's story likely reinforced the view that even a partial reversal of the production cuts would be a bad idea, said Helima Croft, the commodities chief strategist at Canadian broker RBC, in a note to clients.
Redigert 23.11.2022 kl 22:36
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The Godfather
25.11.2022 kl 11:29
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Den kinesiske sentralbanken kutter reservekravet til bankene med 25 basispunkter med effekt fra 5. desember.
Det melder Reuters fredag.
Det gjennomsnittlige vektede snittet for finansinstitusjoner vil være 7,8 prosent etter kuttet. Ifølge sentralbanken vil kuttet frigjøre om lag 500 milliarder yuan i langsiktig likviditet. Sentralbanken opplyser også at de vil trappe opp implementering av en hensiktsmessig pengepolitikk.
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Den kinesiske sentralbanken kutter reservekravet til bankene med 25 basispunkter med effekt fra 5. desember.
Det melder Reuters fredag.
Det gjennomsnittlige vektede snittet for finansinstitusjoner vil være 7,8 prosent etter kuttet. Ifølge sentralbanken vil kuttet frigjøre om lag 500 milliarder yuan i langsiktig likviditet. Sentralbanken opplyser også at de vil trappe opp implementering av en hensiktsmessig pengepolitikk.
The Godfather
25.11.2022 kl 15:21
Daily swings can be deceiving as VLCC supply stretched thin, Clarksons says
Analysts argue small variations in activity can lead to huge moves in spot earnings
Analysts argue small variations in activity can lead to huge moves in spot earnings
The Godfather
28.11.2022 kl 06:37
Skipsverdiene opp
Tanker S&P index soars to highest level since January 2009
Tanker S&P index soars to highest level since January 2009
28.11.2022 kl 20:16
Generell markedsuro, noe fallende tankrater (fra skyhøyt nivå) og kanskje noe gevinstsikring før q3 resultat i morgen.
28.11.2022 kl 20:20
hans skrev Hva skjer i Frontline?
Uroen og covid-politikken i Kina har ført til oppslag om kraftig reduksjon i etterspørselen etter olje. Dette tror jeg er den beste forklaringen på at det er usikkerhet rundt kursutviklingen. Det har i tillegg vært stille rundt oppkjøpet av Euronav. Avtalen med Euronav inneholder også klausul om utbyttebegrensning. Disse forhold kan medføre ytterligere kursfall den 30. Alt dette ser jeg imidlertid som en kjøpsmulighet og jeg øker når kursen er på 120-tallet. Alle forhold peker klart i regning på at tank vil gi god avkastning de neste 4-5 år. At shippingaksjer i perioder kan hoppe opp og ned med tosifrede prosenter flere ganger i måneden, er ganske vanlig i alle shippingssement, Tror man på oppgang, er det bare å holde seg fast og kurstigning og utbytter vil bli ganske utrolige over noen få år,
29.11.2022 kl 13:46
hans skrev Hva skjer i Frontline?
Teknisk etter fall gjennom 138 indikerer helt ned til 118.Bryter den ned under 128 så er 118 neste.Har vært litt ratefall.Shorterne er på banen
The Godfather
29.11.2022 kl 15:01
In a report released today, Omar Nokta from Jefferies maintained a Buy rating on Frontline, with a price target of $17.00. The company’s shares closed last Monday at $12.97.
According to TipRanks.com, Nokta is a 5-star analyst with an average return of 19.0% and a 64.4% success rate. Nokta covers the Industrial Goods sector, focusing on stocks such as ZIM Integrated Shipping Services, Nordic American Tanker, and International Seaways.
Currently, the analyst consensus on Frontline is a Strong Buy with an average price target of $18.03, which is a 34.5% upside from current levels. In a report issued on November 23, Kepler Capital also maintained a Buy rating on the stock with a NOK199.00 price target.
According to TipRanks.com, Nokta is a 5-star analyst with an average return of 19.0% and a 64.4% success rate. Nokta covers the Industrial Goods sector, focusing on stocks such as ZIM Integrated Shipping Services, Nordic American Tanker, and International Seaways.
Currently, the analyst consensus on Frontline is a Strong Buy with an average price target of $18.03, which is a 34.5% upside from current levels. In a report issued on November 23, Kepler Capital also maintained a Buy rating on the stock with a NOK199.00 price target.
Endre Mening
29.11.2022 kl 17:28
29.11.2022 05:59 • TDN Finans •
Kopier link
3.KV, MUSD Snitt Median Lav Høy 2021
T/C-inntekter 237 240 219 248 69
Ebitda 178 181 163 186 18
Driftsresultat 99 133 -19 149 -19
Resultat før skatt 81 115 -33 129 -33
Nettoresultat 81 115 -33 129 -33
Resultat/aksje (USD) 0,40 0,56 -0,16 0,63 -0,17
Utbytte (USD) 0,20 0,15 0,00 0,44 0,00
MUSD 2022 2023 2024 2021
T/C-inntekter 949 1.236 1.142 357
Ebitda 659 1.007 905 160
Driftsresultat 511 849 744 12
Resultat før skatt 458 753 657 -7
Nettoresultat 458 753 657 -11
Resultat/aksje (USD) 2,25 3,70 3,23 -0,06
Utbytte (USD) 1,08 1,86 1,81 0,00
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Frontline ventes å legge frem et driftsresultat på 99 millioner dollar for tredje kvartal 2022, mot -19 millioner dollar i samme kvartal året før.
Det viser gjennomsnittet av estimater Infront har innhentet for TDN Direkt fra fire analytikere.
Alle de fire meglerhusene har kjøpsanbefaling på Frontline-aksjen, med et gjennomsnittlig kursmål på 200 kroner.
Deltagere: Cleaves Securities, Danske Bank Markets, DNB Markets og Pareto Securities.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
29.11.2022 05:59 • TDN Finans •
Kopier link
3.KV, MUSD Snitt Median Lav Høy 2021
T/C-inntekter 237 240 219 248 69
Ebitda 178 181 163 186 18
Driftsresultat 99 133 -19 149 -19
Resultat før skatt 81 115 -33 129 -33
Nettoresultat 81 115 -33 129 -33
Resultat/aksje (USD) 0,40 0,56 -0,16 0,63 -0,17
Utbytte (USD) 0,20 0,15 0,00 0,44 0,00
MUSD 2022 2023 2024 2021
T/C-inntekter 949 1.236 1.142 357
Ebitda 659 1.007 905 160
Driftsresultat 511 849 744 12
Resultat før skatt 458 753 657 -7
Nettoresultat 458 753 657 -11
Resultat/aksje (USD) 2,25 3,70 3,23 -0,06
Utbytte (USD) 1,08 1,86 1,81 0,00
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Frontline ventes å legge frem et driftsresultat på 99 millioner dollar for tredje kvartal 2022, mot -19 millioner dollar i samme kvartal året før.
Det viser gjennomsnittet av estimater Infront har innhentet for TDN Direkt fra fire analytikere.
Alle de fire meglerhusene har kjøpsanbefaling på Frontline-aksjen, med et gjennomsnittlig kursmål på 200 kroner.
Deltagere: Cleaves Securities, Danske Bank Markets, DNB Markets og Pareto Securities.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
30.11.2022 kl 07:50
Frontline Ltd. (the “Company” or “Frontline”), today reported unaudited results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022:
* Net income of $154.4 million, or $0.69 per basic and diluted share for the third quarter of 2022.
* Adjusted net income of $82.9 million, or $0.37 per basic and diluted share for the third quarter of 2022.
* Intention to declare and pay the cash dividend in respect of the third quarter of 2022 only after the contemplated voluntary exchange offer by Frontline for Euronav shares that was initially announced on July 11, 2022 (the “Tender Offer”) has been completed. This dividend is expected to be in the amount of 80% of adjusted net income for the third quarter of 2022.
* Reported total operating revenues of $382.2 million for the third quarter of 2022.
* Reported spot TCEs for VLCCs, Suezmax tankers and LR2/Aframax tankers in the third quarter of 2022 were $25,000, $41,100 and $40,200 per day, respectively.
* For the fourth quarter of 2022, we estimate spot TCE on a load-to-discharge basis of $77,200 contracted for 75% of vessel days for VLCCs, $65,400 contracted for 76% of vessel days for Suezmax tankers and $58,000 contracted for 70% of vessel days for LR2/Aframax tankers. We expect the spot TCEs for the full fourth quarter of 2022 to be lower than the TCEs currently contracted, due to the impact of ballast days at the end of the fourth quarter. The number of ballast days at the end of the third quarter was 332 for VLCCs, 367 for Suezmax tankers and 269 for LR2/Aframax tankers.
* Final Combination Agreement signed with Euronav in July 2022.
* Entered into two senior secured term loan facilities, one in July and the other in October 2022, for a total amount of up to $287.2 million at attractive terms to refinance two existing term loan facilities maturing in the first quarter of 2023.
* Took delivery of the VLCC newbuildings, Front Tana and Front Gaula, from Hyundai Heavy Industries (“HHI”) in August 2022 and October 2022, respectively.
* In November 2022, the Company extended its senior unsecured revolving credit facility of up to $275.0 million with an affiliate of Hemen Holding Ltd., the Company’s largest shareholder, by 12 months to May 2024 at an interest rate of 8.50% and otherwise on existing terms.
Lars H. Barstad, Chief Executive Officer of Frontline Management AS, commented:
“The market is virtually firing on all cylinders, and Frontline’s efficient operations, modern fleet and transparent business model again shows how quickly a change in market fundamentals is reflected in its cash generation and shareholder returns. We outperformed most of our competitors in terms of higher earnings and lower costs in the third quarter, and with nearly all of our vessels spot exposed, Frontline will continue to capture value as this cycle unfolds.
Irrespective of near-term volatility on the demand side, the supply side remains constrained with an aging global tanker fleet and historically low orderbook. This forms the basis for our positive outlook for a prolonged strong cycle in the tanker market, and we remain committed to continue returning value to our shareholders.”
Inger M. Klemp, Chief Financial Officer of Frontline Management AS, added:
“In July and October 2022, we entered into two senior secured term loan facilities for a total amount of up to $287.2 million to refinance two existing term loan facilities with total balloon payments of $267.1 million maturing in the first quarter of 2023. Through these new financings we reduce our borrowing cost and what we believe to be industry leading cash break even rates, providing significant operating leverage and sizeable returns during periods of market strength and help protect our cash flows during periods of market weakness.
The Company has also extended its senior unsecured revolving credit facility of up to $275.0 million by 12 months to May 2024 at an interest rate of 8.50% and otherwise on existing terms, leaving Frontline with no loan maturities until the third quarter of 2023.”
Average daily time charter equivalents ("TCEs")1
($ per day) Spot TCE Spot TCE estimates % Covered Estimated average daily cash breakeven rates
2022 Q3 2022 Q2 2022 Q1 2022 2021 Q4 2022 2022
VLCC 19,100 25,000 16,400 15,700 15,300 77,200 75 % 25,000
Suezmax 28,500 41,100 26,500 16,900 12,000 65,400 76% 20,200
LR2/ Aframax 32,300 40,200 38,600 19,000 11,800 58,000 70% 17,200
The estimated average daily cash breakeven rates are the daily TCE rates our vessels must earn to cover operating expenses including dry docks, repayments of loans, interest on loans, bareboat hire, time charter hire and net general and administrative expenses for the remainder of the year.
Spot estimates are provided on a load-to-discharge basis, whereby the Company recognizes revenues over time ratably from commencement of cargo loading until completion of discharge of cargo. The rates reported are for all contracted days up until the last contracted discharge of cargo for each vessel in the quarter. The actual rates to be earned in the fourth quarter of 2022 will depend on the number of additional days that we can contract, and more importantly the number of additional days that each vessel is laden. Therefore, a high number of ballast days at the end of the quarter will limit the amount of additional revenues to be booked on a load-to-discharge basis. Ballast days are days when a vessel is sailing without cargo and therefore, we are unable to recognize revenues on such days. Furthermore, when a vessel remains uncontracted at the end of the quarter, the Company will recognize certain costs during the uncontracted days up until the end of the period, whereas if a vessel is contracted, then certain costs can be deferred and recognized over the load-to-discharge period. The number of ballast days at the end of the third quarter were 332 for VLCCs, 367 for Suezmax tankers and 269 for LR2/Aframax tankers.
The recognition of revenues on a load-to-discharge basis results in revenues being recognized over fewer days, but at a higher rate for those days. Over the life of a voyage there is no difference in the total revenues and costs to be recognized as compared to a discharge-to-discharge basis.
When expressing TCE per day the Company uses the total available days, net of off hire days and not just the number of days the vessel is laden.
The Board of Directors
Frontline Ltd.
Hamilton, Bermuda
November 29, 2022
Ola Lorentzon - Chairman and Director
John Fredriksen - Director
Ole B. Hjertaker - Director
James O'Shaughnessy - Director
Steen Jakobsen – Director
Marios Demetriades - Director
Questions should be directed to:
Lars H. Barstad: Chief Executive Officer, Frontline Management AS
+47 23 11 40 00
Inger M. Klemp: Chief Financial Officer, Frontline Management AS
+47 23 11 40 00
Forward-Looking Statements
Matters discussed in this report may constitute forward-looking statements. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides safe harbor protections for forward-looking statements, which include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements, which are other than statements of historical facts.
Frontline Ltd. and its subsidiaries, or the Company, desires to take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and is including this cautionary statement in connection with this safe harbor legislation. This report and any other written or oral statements made by us or on our behalf may include forward-looking statements, which reflect our current views with respect to future events and financial performance and are not intended to give any assurance as to future results. When used in this document, the words "believe," "anticipate," "intend," "estimate," "forecast," "project," "plan," "potential," "will," "may," "should," "expect" and similar expressions, terms or phrases may identify forward-looking statements.
The forward-looking statements in this report are based upon various assumptions, including without limitation, management's examination of historical operating trends, data contained in our records and data available from third parties. Although we believe that these assumptions were reasonable when made, because these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond our control, we cannot assure you that we will achieve or accomplish these expectations, beliefs or projections. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
In addition to these important factors and matters discussed elsewhere herein, important factors that, in our view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements include the ability of Frontline and Euronav to successfully complete the proposed combination on anticipated terms and timing, including, among other things, obtaining required shareholder and regulatory approvals, unforeseen liabilities, future capital expenditures, revenues, expenses, earnings, synergies, economic performance, indebtedness, financial condition, losses, future prospects, business and management strategies, expansion and growth of the combined group’s operations and other important conditions to the completion of the acquisition, risks relating to the integration of operations of Frontline and Euronav and the possibility that the anticipated synergies and other benefits of the proposed combination will not be realized or will not be
Frontline Ltd. (the “Company” or “Frontline”), today reported unaudited results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022:
* Net income of $154.4 million, or $0.69 per basic and diluted share for the third quarter of 2022.
* Adjusted net income of $82.9 million, or $0.37 per basic and diluted share for the third quarter of 2022.
* Intention to declare and pay the cash dividend in respect of the third quarter of 2022 only after the contemplated voluntary exchange offer by Frontline for Euronav shares that was initially announced on July 11, 2022 (the “Tender Offer”) has been completed. This dividend is expected to be in the amount of 80% of adjusted net income for the third quarter of 2022.
* Reported total operating revenues of $382.2 million for the third quarter of 2022.
* Reported spot TCEs for VLCCs, Suezmax tankers and LR2/Aframax tankers in the third quarter of 2022 were $25,000, $41,100 and $40,200 per day, respectively.
* For the fourth quarter of 2022, we estimate spot TCE on a load-to-discharge basis of $77,200 contracted for 75% of vessel days for VLCCs, $65,400 contracted for 76% of vessel days for Suezmax tankers and $58,000 contracted for 70% of vessel days for LR2/Aframax tankers. We expect the spot TCEs for the full fourth quarter of 2022 to be lower than the TCEs currently contracted, due to the impact of ballast days at the end of the fourth quarter. The number of ballast days at the end of the third quarter was 332 for VLCCs, 367 for Suezmax tankers and 269 for LR2/Aframax tankers.
* Final Combination Agreement signed with Euronav in July 2022.
* Entered into two senior secured term loan facilities, one in July and the other in October 2022, for a total amount of up to $287.2 million at attractive terms to refinance two existing term loan facilities maturing in the first quarter of 2023.
* Took delivery of the VLCC newbuildings, Front Tana and Front Gaula, from Hyundai Heavy Industries (“HHI”) in August 2022 and October 2022, respectively.
* In November 2022, the Company extended its senior unsecured revolving credit facility of up to $275.0 million with an affiliate of Hemen Holding Ltd., the Company’s largest shareholder, by 12 months to May 2024 at an interest rate of 8.50% and otherwise on existing terms.
Lars H. Barstad, Chief Executive Officer of Frontline Management AS, commented:
“The market is virtually firing on all cylinders, and Frontline’s efficient operations, modern fleet and transparent business model again shows how quickly a change in market fundamentals is reflected in its cash generation and shareholder returns. We outperformed most of our competitors in terms of higher earnings and lower costs in the third quarter, and with nearly all of our vessels spot exposed, Frontline will continue to capture value as this cycle unfolds.
Irrespective of near-term volatility on the demand side, the supply side remains constrained with an aging global tanker fleet and historically low orderbook. This forms the basis for our positive outlook for a prolonged strong cycle in the tanker market, and we remain committed to continue returning value to our shareholders.”
Inger M. Klemp, Chief Financial Officer of Frontline Management AS, added:
“In July and October 2022, we entered into two senior secured term loan facilities for a total amount of up to $287.2 million to refinance two existing term loan facilities with total balloon payments of $267.1 million maturing in the first quarter of 2023. Through these new financings we reduce our borrowing cost and what we believe to be industry leading cash break even rates, providing significant operating leverage and sizeable returns during periods of market strength and help protect our cash flows during periods of market weakness.
The Company has also extended its senior unsecured revolving credit facility of up to $275.0 million by 12 months to May 2024 at an interest rate of 8.50% and otherwise on existing terms, leaving Frontline with no loan maturities until the third quarter of 2023.”
Average daily time charter equivalents ("TCEs")1
($ per day) Spot TCE Spot TCE estimates % Covered Estimated average daily cash breakeven rates
2022 Q3 2022 Q2 2022 Q1 2022 2021 Q4 2022 2022
VLCC 19,100 25,000 16,400 15,700 15,300 77,200 75 % 25,000
Suezmax 28,500 41,100 26,500 16,900 12,000 65,400 76% 20,200
LR2/ Aframax 32,300 40,200 38,600 19,000 11,800 58,000 70% 17,200
The estimated average daily cash breakeven rates are the daily TCE rates our vessels must earn to cover operating expenses including dry docks, repayments of loans, interest on loans, bareboat hire, time charter hire and net general and administrative expenses for the remainder of the year.
Spot estimates are provided on a load-to-discharge basis, whereby the Company recognizes revenues over time ratably from commencement of cargo loading until completion of discharge of cargo. The rates reported are for all contracted days up until the last contracted discharge of cargo for each vessel in the quarter. The actual rates to be earned in the fourth quarter of 2022 will depend on the number of additional days that we can contract, and more importantly the number of additional days that each vessel is laden. Therefore, a high number of ballast days at the end of the quarter will limit the amount of additional revenues to be booked on a load-to-discharge basis. Ballast days are days when a vessel is sailing without cargo and therefore, we are unable to recognize revenues on such days. Furthermore, when a vessel remains uncontracted at the end of the quarter, the Company will recognize certain costs during the uncontracted days up until the end of the period, whereas if a vessel is contracted, then certain costs can be deferred and recognized over the load-to-discharge period. The number of ballast days at the end of the third quarter were 332 for VLCCs, 367 for Suezmax tankers and 269 for LR2/Aframax tankers.
The recognition of revenues on a load-to-discharge basis results in revenues being recognized over fewer days, but at a higher rate for those days. Over the life of a voyage there is no difference in the total revenues and costs to be recognized as compared to a discharge-to-discharge basis.
When expressing TCE per day the Company uses the total available days, net of off hire days and not just the number of days the vessel is laden.
The Board of Directors
Frontline Ltd.
Hamilton, Bermuda
November 29, 2022
Ola Lorentzon - Chairman and Director
John Fredriksen - Director
Ole B. Hjertaker - Director
James O'Shaughnessy - Director
Steen Jakobsen – Director
Marios Demetriades - Director
Questions should be directed to:
Lars H. Barstad: Chief Executive Officer, Frontline Management AS
+47 23 11 40 00
Inger M. Klemp: Chief Financial Officer, Frontline Management AS
+47 23 11 40 00
Forward-Looking Statements
Matters discussed in this report may constitute forward-looking statements. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides safe harbor protections for forward-looking statements, which include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements, which are other than statements of historical facts.
Frontline Ltd. and its subsidiaries, or the Company, desires to take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and is including this cautionary statement in connection with this safe harbor legislation. This report and any other written or oral statements made by us or on our behalf may include forward-looking statements, which reflect our current views with respect to future events and financial performance and are not intended to give any assurance as to future results. When used in this document, the words "believe," "anticipate," "intend," "estimate," "forecast," "project," "plan," "potential," "will," "may," "should," "expect" and similar expressions, terms or phrases may identify forward-looking statements.
The forward-looking statements in this report are based upon various assumptions, including without limitation, management's examination of historical operating trends, data contained in our records and data available from third parties. Although we believe that these assumptions were reasonable when made, because these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond our control, we cannot assure you that we will achieve or accomplish these expectations, beliefs or projections. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
In addition to these important factors and matters discussed elsewhere herein, important factors that, in our view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements include the ability of Frontline and Euronav to successfully complete the proposed combination on anticipated terms and timing, including, among other things, obtaining required shareholder and regulatory approvals, unforeseen liabilities, future capital expenditures, revenues, expenses, earnings, synergies, economic performance, indebtedness, financial condition, losses, future prospects, business and management strategies, expansion and growth of the combined group’s operations and other important conditions to the completion of the acquisition, risks relating to the integration of operations of Frontline and Euronav and the possibility that the anticipated synergies and other benefits of the proposed combination will not be realized or will not be
30.11.2022 kl 08:35
jeg trodde også det først, men så såg jeg en annen repotasje fra Tradewinds (https://www.tradewindsnews.com/tankers/frontline-sweetens-euronav-takeover-offer-with-delayed-66m-dividend/2-1-1363273) og der står det at den blir utsatt til etter sammenslåingen med Euronav.
ble litt forvirret her...
får kanskje noe mer info senere i dag
ble litt forvirret her...
får kanskje noe mer info senere i dag
30.11.2022 kl 09:53
Hva skjer her da?
Buy on rumor osv?
Snart minus 7%
Buy on rumor osv?
Snart minus 7%
Redigert 30.11.2022 kl 09:53
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The Godfather
30.11.2022 kl 10:23
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Frontline estimerer break even-raten for selskapets VLCCer til rundt 25.000 dollar pr dag for resten av 2022.
Det fremgår av rederiets kvartalsrapport onsdag.
For suezmax-skip ser rederiet en break even-rate på 20.200 dollar pr dag for perioden, mens for LR2-skipene ventes raten til 17.200 dollar pr dag.
Det fremgår av rederiets kvartalsrapport onsdag.
For suezmax-skip ser rederiet en break even-rate på 20.200 dollar pr dag for perioden, mens for LR2-skipene ventes raten til 17.200 dollar pr dag.
30.11.2022 kl 10:41
Jeg er relativt ny i dette gamet og forstår ikke helt logikken her,,Fro tjener gode penger, aksjen hauses opp av flere hus , men allikevel så faller aksjen ganske kraftig...hva er greia?
30.11.2022 kl 10:48
Greia her er nok fallende rater for VLCC. De som følger FRO vet av erfaring at de kan falle langt. Inngåtte kontrakter på gode rater kommer da i skyggen. For hva skjer etterpå? Slik tenker markedet. Men mitt personlige syn er at det er forbigående. Det er egentlig fin kjøpsanledning nå, på litt lengre sikt (2023).
Redigert 30.11.2022 kl 10:49
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30.11.2022 kl 10:52
FRO er vel også glad i spot. Ikke mye lange kontrakter. Da får de vel som "bestilt" når ratene faller?
Er vel en del av gamet her det. Derav den høye shorten og eiere som villig låner ut til denne?
Er vel en del av gamet her det. Derav den høye shorten og eiere som villig låner ut til denne?
The Godfather
30.11.2022 kl 10:57
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Frontline har for fjerde kvartal 2022 sluttet rundt 75 prosent av tilgjengelige dager for selskapets VLCCer til en TCE-rate på rundt 77.200 dollar pr dag.
Det fremgår av selskapets kvartalsrapport onsdag.
Videre opplyses det at rundt 76 prosent av tilgjengelige dager for suezmaxer er sluttet til en rate på rundt 65.400 dollar pr dag for samme perioden.
I tillegg er rundt 70 prosent av tilgjengelige LR2-dager sluttet til en rate på om lag 58.000 dollar pr dag.
Det fremgår av selskapets kvartalsrapport onsdag.
Videre opplyses det at rundt 76 prosent av tilgjengelige dager for suezmaxer er sluttet til en rate på rundt 65.400 dollar pr dag for samme perioden.
I tillegg er rundt 70 prosent av tilgjengelige LR2-dager sluttet til en rate på om lag 58.000 dollar pr dag.
30.11.2022 kl 11:18
3x breakeven på 25k for VLCC er da for lite for Mr Market tydeligvis?
Eller så var det bare noen som "lempet ut" litt sånn for gøy?
Eller så var det bare noen som "lempet ut" litt sånn for gøy?
30.11.2022 kl 12:39
Hei! Jeg sitter relativt tungt lastet med Frontline og har gjort det leenge. I det siste, fra 150 kr har shortere for alvor begynt å selge sektoren. Ser du på hafnia, kan det se ut som de har glemt denne som ikke er utsatt for salgspress ennå, ratene peker fremdeles opp og det er ikke mange signaler å spore for et negativt syn på markedet eller Frontline. Slapp av litt med dine negative 7%, antar det er litt mindre nå. Fremtidsbildet ser bra ut og jeg regner med kontraktsdekningen kommer til å øke for sikring av fremtidige inntekter. Potensialet her er langt større og hele sektoren kan løfte seg enda mer. Dersom alt ligger til rette, og det gjør det på mange måter nå, tror jeg 250 kan være innen rekkevidde. Det sies at innen Shipping er det vanskelig, med mye hard jobbing og dårlige rater i ni av ti år. Nå er det fest men den har akkurat begynt spør du meg. Det kommer ikke mye tonnasje de neste fire år, inflasjon har beveger alle markeder og ingen tør bestille nytt så lenge det ikke inngås lange kontrakter. Dette kan gå til himmels for de båtene som allerede er på sjøen og det var vel derfor du kjøpte? 😊
30.11.2022 kl 12:58
Utbyttet er utsatt til etter at tilbudet til Euronav-aksjonærene er gjennomført. Euronav skal ha 1,45 aksje pr aksje i Frontline. Antalll aksjer i FRO vil da mer enn doble seg og det etterbetale utbyttet pr aksje vil for nåværende aksjonærer da utgjøre maks 1,40 NOK pr. aksje. Tilsvarende deling vil skje for fjerde kvartal, men utbyttet vil da være noe høyere pga høyere EPS. Selskapet opplyser ikke noe om hvorfor prosessen med flytting til Kypros er forsinket i forhold til opprinnelig plan. Prosessen innbærer først flytting til Kypros, deretter skal børsene i Oslo og New York godkjenne prospektet for overtagelse av aksjer i Euronav og så skal det tilbudet presenteres Euronav aksjonærene med en rimelig god frist for aksept. Normalt blir fristen også forlenget for å få med eventuelle gjerdesittere og etternølere. Dette kan fort drøye til H2 2023 med tilsvarende utsettelse/akkumulering av utbyttet som må deles med Euronav-aksjonærene. Dette er ikke bra for aksjekursen. Håper derfor selskapet vil gi konkrete opplysninger om hva som er årsaken til forsinkelsene og problemene med å få fremmet tilbudet til Euronser.
30.11.2022 kl 13:22
Takk for 2 svar som belyser ulike aspekter som trekker i hver sin retning.
Det er mulig å forholde seg noenlunde adekvat til det.
Kjøpe på overreaksjoner ned og fjerne stoploss gradvis på fallende kurser.
Til slutt bare vente på oppgang.
Nå er det jo ikke gitt at den skal tilbake til 100 før kloningen er i boks da..
Hvor mye har den falt allerde siden hovedtrekkene i dette har vært kjent?
Det er mulig å forholde seg noenlunde adekvat til det.
Kjøpe på overreaksjoner ned og fjerne stoploss gradvis på fallende kurser.
Til slutt bare vente på oppgang.
Nå er det jo ikke gitt at den skal tilbake til 100 før kloningen er i boks da..
Hvor mye har den falt allerde siden hovedtrekkene i dette har vært kjent?
Redigert 30.11.2022 kl 13:23
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30.11.2022 kl 13:35
Ser at Millennium er svært aktive med short. De treffer jo slettes ikke planken hele tiden!
1. 2022-11-28 2022-11-29 (ongoing) 1.19 134.90 130.90 Millennium Capital Partners Llp 10.67M
2. 2022-11-22 2022-11-25 1.2 147.00 134.90 Millennium Capital Partners Llp 32.40M
3. 2022-11-15 2022-11-21 1.1 137.10 147.00 Millennium Capital Partners Llp -24.40M
4. 2022-11-10 2022-11-14 1.09 144.50 137.10 Millennium Capital Partners Llp 17.99M
5. 2022-11-04 2022-11-09 0.93 141.00 144.50 Millennium Capital Partners Llp -7.32M
6. 2022-10-31 2022-11-03 0.89 128.70 141.00 Millennium Capital Partners Llp -24.58M
7. 2022-10-28 2022-10-28 0.9 131.00 128.70 Millennium Capital Partners Llp 4.64M
8. 2022-10-17 2022-10-27 1.01 124.10 131.00 Millennium Capital Partners Llp -15.54M
Som "amatøranalytiker" vil jeg vel si at deres evne til å ta tap indikerer stor bekymring for plutselig kursoppgang?
1. 2022-11-28 2022-11-29 (ongoing) 1.19 134.90 130.90 Millennium Capital Partners Llp 10.67M
2. 2022-11-22 2022-11-25 1.2 147.00 134.90 Millennium Capital Partners Llp 32.40M
3. 2022-11-15 2022-11-21 1.1 137.10 147.00 Millennium Capital Partners Llp -24.40M
4. 2022-11-10 2022-11-14 1.09 144.50 137.10 Millennium Capital Partners Llp 17.99M
5. 2022-11-04 2022-11-09 0.93 141.00 144.50 Millennium Capital Partners Llp -7.32M
6. 2022-10-31 2022-11-03 0.89 128.70 141.00 Millennium Capital Partners Llp -24.58M
7. 2022-10-28 2022-10-28 0.9 131.00 128.70 Millennium Capital Partners Llp 4.64M
8. 2022-10-17 2022-10-27 1.01 124.10 131.00 Millennium Capital Partners Llp -15.54M
Som "amatøranalytiker" vil jeg vel si at deres evne til å ta tap indikerer stor bekymring for plutselig kursoppgang?
Redigert 30.11.2022 kl 13:39
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30.11.2022 kl 13:44
Ja. Og det er bra ledelsen i Frontline bestemmer hva som er best for selskapet og ikke aksjekursen. Hva markedet mener synes jo godt igjen i dag men jeg er imponert over økende volum og momentum for tiden. Prisingen av Euronav er lavere og tilfaller fro aksjonærene tilgode etter sammenslåingen. Hva det sammenslåtte selskapet klarer å få til i fremtiden er jo ikke sikkert, det er jo pris pr. Mil som bestemmer dette. Men med Fredriksen ved roret tipper jeg de løser dette på en god måte og som kjent, deler John med alle medaksjonærer. Og nettopp derfor er jeg med.
The Godfather
30.11.2022 kl 14:06
30.11.2022 kl 14:42
Shorten i Fro fremstår isolert som meget underlig, da den både er meget stor og har pågått over tid ,samtidig som det ikke har vært noen tvil om at inntekter/overskudd i FRO vil øke både på kort og lang sikt og da med økende risiko for tap/shortskvis for usikrede shorter. Da shortselgerne er proffe selskap, vil jeg imidlertid anta at forklaringen her kan være de muligheter som gis gjennom avtalen med Euronav: f.eks. :short FRO + kjøpsopsjon Euronav. Merk at FRO skal betale 1,45 FRO-aksjer for 1 Euronav-aksje
Frontline og Euronav begge opp over 5% i USA.
30.11.2022 kl 18:23
KuKluxKlan skrev Hva vil ex-utbytte dato for Q3 være? Noen som vet?
Vet ikke, men det pleier å være ca 14 dager etter q-fremleggelsen.
30.11.2022 kl 18:28
Har fundert på dette jeg også. Men et samstemt analyterkor har jo pratet om kurser på NOK 200 +. Og selv om det går en euronav aksje på 1,45 FRO så er det vel et regnestykke som holder vann! Q3 var jo meget bra for FRO og godt i overkant (ca 10%)av hva som var forventet. Q4 ser enda bedre ut, og neste år kan bli formidabelt.
30.11.2022 kl 19:18
Litt. sent ute, måtte fore assord
I think the NYSE and OSE measure the size of the shares float differently. I know the NYSE subtracts the shares that Frediksen owns.
On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 9:53 AM
Float FRO is 223 Mill share, bit it is anoused addtional shares to be issen, at some Point ?
Twice per month the NYSE reports the number of shares that have been shorted of each company traded on the NYSE. The November 15th amounts have been reported (I suspect the report came out last Friday; it always takes about 10 calendar days before the numbers are released by the NYSE).
As of November 15th a total of 16,070,000 shares of FRO have been sold short on the NYSE. This is an increase of 27% from the number of shares sold short as of the prior measurement date, October 31st. The 16.07M represents 13% of the total number of shares freely traded (the 'float') on the NYSE.
Bbelieve these numbers do NOT include the number of shares shorted on the OSE.
I think the NYSE and OSE measure the size of the shares float differently. I know the NYSE subtracts the shares that Frediksen owns.
On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 9:53 AM
Float FRO is 223 Mill share, bit it is anoused addtional shares to be issen, at some Point ?
Twice per month the NYSE reports the number of shares that have been shorted of each company traded on the NYSE. The November 15th amounts have been reported (I suspect the report came out last Friday; it always takes about 10 calendar days before the numbers are released by the NYSE).
As of November 15th a total of 16,070,000 shares of FRO have been sold short on the NYSE. This is an increase of 27% from the number of shares sold short as of the prior measurement date, October 31st. The 16.07M represents 13% of the total number of shares freely traded (the 'float') on the NYSE.
Bbelieve these numbers do NOT include the number of shares shorted on the OSE.
Redigert 30.11.2022 kl 19:19
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