$$$PPPGGGSSS$$$ "Være inne når datoen lekker"

Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
13.11.2022 kl 13:07
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
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PGS 13.10.2022 kl 21:47 343398

Når lekker datoen?
🍌 Bananas når slepet starter 🍌



I dag kl 11:1499

Vangard i full gang med jobb i Angola ryktes om storkontrakt med Eqinor, Viktory startet opp skal til Odese for verksted på nyåret for siste finpuss for å få skipet i full jobb. Ligg unna salgsknappen folkens.

Redigert 13.11.2022 kl 12:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.11.2022 kl 09:46 5921

💪💪💪Peggy Sue har begynt med steroider. Og hun kler det!💪💪💪
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 10:06 5696

8 denne uken?
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 10:13 5621

Må jo ha litt steroider å gå på når ho Peggy e på tur Nordover, bærre spør vår gode venn Vantagevolante ☺️ Røffe forhold nordaførr 🚢🚢🦅🦅💪🏼
01.11.2022 kl 10:17 5579

oljen tryner litt
01.11.2022 kl 10:18 5563

Har vel nådd toppen for i dag, går ned halvøre for halvøre nå. Målet må være sluttkurs over 7
01.11.2022 kl 10:19 5565

Haha. Ganske heftig til tider ja, spesiellt når man koser seg midt mellom Hammerfest og Bjørnøya. Mrk: Sa "koser" seg. Det er faktisk det vi gjør oppe i magiske nord. PGS vil trives godt der oppe ;-)
01.11.2022 kl 10:19 5564

Så bra at PGS ikke produserer olje da..
01.11.2022 kl 10:20 5567

Det tikker nok raskt inn meldinger om nye kontrakter. Blir mer og mer overbevist at PGS blir en av årets nyttårsraketter på Oslo Børs.
01.11.2022 kl 10:20 5560

Den følger oljen
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 10:23 5538

😅👍🏻😄 Go Seilas 🚢 Selskap snart fra ei som e brei over hekken 😂
01.11.2022 kl 10:24 5544

Ja, kjære vene. Ikke lenge siden vi var under 5,5. Sluttkurs over 7 uten nyheter må da være meget bra. (men om olja holder seg over 93,5 ut dagen, trur jeg sluttkurs blir høyere).
Kursen reagerer idag ikke like mye på oljepris ned. Oljepris er ned etter åpning, men PGS er markant opp. Kanskje algoritmene etterhvert er progarmmert til å catche en ørliten optimisme på macrofronten. Bunnen er nok nær, og det vil vi selvsagt profilere på. PGS er tross alt et av selskapene som kan se tilbake på drittåret 2022 med stor glede, og har gjort det meget sterkt.
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 10:28 5507

Fakta er vanskelig å slå 👍🏻 Peggy er i godt humør nå så ja tror at momentum er godt fremover nå. Måtte året bringe Peggy helt Nord opp mot iskanten, he,he 🛳🛳🦅🦅
01.11.2022 kl 10:32 5472

Off topic. Har vært med på leteboring 2 ganger nord for sørspissen av Bjørnøya, men mye lenger øst. Det er langt nok opp, vi skal ha respekt for miljøet der oppe, og ikke bevege oss opp mot iskanten.
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 10:41 5388

Julekule, Nyttårsraketten, Katta med sennep bak, Åsgårdsreia; det blir styr ståk og mange kroner rett på kursen.

Var det noe med en whisky? At vi står tosifret til nyttår er nå slik jeg beregner det mer enn 2/3 sannsynlig
01.11.2022 kl 10:48 5387

Glad oljeprisen er et stykke under 100. Da har vi MYE mer å gå på, da oljepris er trigger. Hadde oljepris vært 125, ville denne markante triggeren vært fraværende.
01.11.2022 kl 10:51 5343

Passert 7,3

Skal vi bare bestemme oss for at nå går det veien fremover? Q3 var MAGISK. Og ingen av triggerne jeg har forfektet lenger oppe i tråden har slått inn enda.
01.11.2022 kl 10:57 5264

Make PGS Tuesdays great again.😎
01.11.2022 kl 10:57 5284

Er det eimen av en storkontrakt til PGS som en kjenner lukta av?
01.11.2022 kl 11:02 5243

Det er EN av triggerene ja. Gøy med garanterte triggere som IKKE er priset inn. Utrolig at det går ann.
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 11:10 5163

Oops ja du har helt rett; var mest ett billedlig uttrykk 😅 Helt enig. Er svært glad i naturen og livet. På tur på Rypejakt nu og hyttetur. Vindmølle og solcelle til lys og lading og vedfyring i stamp og i ovn 😇
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 12:30 4547


Åtto jr. er snart stor gutt, - og er sett på toget inn ...
01.11.2022 kl 12:31 4549

Rolig på tråden i dag til til tross for den voldsomme oppgangen i dag. Baisserne har løpt å gjemt seg, og det kan virke som om flere forsvant (solgte?) under "drittpakke" nedgangen for et par uker siden.
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 12:37 4474

Vanskelig nok å le og spasere til banken samtidig om man ikke skal taste også 😁
01.11.2022 kl 12:43 4450

Kingen - det er sikkert noen som har solgt seg ut, men jeg tror hovedgrunnen er at de som er inne nå er trygge på hvilken vei dette går, samtidig må det viktigste med HO være å dele (objektiv) informasjon/artikler mv.

Videre - når en etterhvert har forstått bakgrunnen for nedgangen sist, der ihvertfall jeg får en vond smak I munnen av innhold/tidspunkt for de ulike artiklene, sett opp mot endringene i aksjonærlisten og hvem som har kjøpt. For meg er det såre enkelt; kursen ligger fortsatt nesten 20 % under sist topp (kr 8.7), viser ikke de fundamentale forholdene innefor seismikk og de spesifikke selskapsforholdene i PGS at tingene er bedre i dag enn for noen uker/mnd siden? Ja mener jeg - og derfor er jeg av den oppfatning at PGS skal mye høyere.
Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 12:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.11.2022 kl 13:01 4336

Helt enig!

Og det er med nøkterne briller. Årsbeste foran oss er åpenbart. Kanskje blir det direkte morro ...
Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 13:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.11.2022 kl 13:20 4168

Det norske statsapparatet er, slik programlederen påpekte i gårsdagens intervju med TGS direktør for havvind, ccs og marine mineraler, svært pushy på Big Oil for å komme i gang som de første med storstilt Marine Mineraler utvinning på norak kontinentalsokkel.


Gruvedrift på havbunnen er spådd å bli en multimilliardindustri i Norge. En rekke selskaper har allerede posisjonert seg for å kjempe om letelisenser, trolig fra 2023.– For investorene tror vi dette også kan være en god investering. Det har en lønnsomhetsprofil på linje med olje og gass.Norge skal være i en spesielt gunstig situasjon, med antatt store mineralressurser, en lovgivning som snart er på plass og teknologi i verdenstoppen.

Potensialet er enormt, skal vi tro Rystad Energy, som mener sektoren her til lands kan generere årlige inntekter på 170 milliarder kroner og gi over 20.000 jobber.

«Tiden er inne for marine mineraler», skriver rådgivnings- og konsulentfirmaet i en rapport.

Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 13:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.11.2022 kl 13:28 4108


It has become clear global reliance on metals and minerals will soon become as significant as dependence on oil and gas, as countries around the world race to develop renewable energy and battery storage projects, as well as shifting away from ICE vehicles to EVs. But as this demand rises, so too will the need for lithium mining. Although regional developments, such as the Imerys Emili Project in France, will help boost the region’s lithium supply, a lack of lithium reserves in Europe will likely force the EU to look elsewhere to develop its mining activities, once again making it reliant on external powers for its energy security. 
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 13:36 4038

Staten viser sin utålmodighet ved å ta 5 millarder årlig fra laksenæringen og gi i støtte til selvforsynte batterifabrikker hvor det skal lages bilbatterier o.l med etisk utvinnede kortreiste mineraler og metaler inngående i lukket kretsløp

Målsetningen er hårete: at Norge hurtig og for enhver pris skal bli THE BATTERY CAPITAL OF EUROPE. Hvor mange av de titalls milliardene som skal deles ut i støtte de nærmeste år vil tilfalle PGS? Og er dette diskontert i kursen?


Battery capital of Europe

Norway is already a producer of several of the raw materials used in battery production. It currently supplies 21 per cent of the EU’s primary aluminium, 13 per cent of its nickel and 8 per cent of its cobalt raw material imports.

Given that the Norwegian process industry is powered almost exclusively by renewable hydropower, production of battery cells, precursors and battery raw materials in Norway can help to reduce the total carbon footprint of battery production in Europe.

Battery cell production is ramping up in Norway, and 2020 was a defining year. Freyr is planning to build a 32 GWH Li-ion battery cell factory at Mo Industrial Park, with production start in 2023. In March 2020, Morrow Batteries, backed by Noah and Agder Energi, announced plans to build a giga-cell factory.

Beyonder focuses on production of Li-ion capacitors, a hybrid between Li-ion batteries and super capacitors designed for use in renewable energy networks, transport and offshore energy infrastructure. Thanks to fresh capital in 2020, Beyonder it is now speeding up development of silicon-based lithium-ion batteries, which charge faster and degrade slower than conventional batteries.

Moreover, Norwegian companies are working on environment-friendly battery materials. Elkem is developing synthetic graphite and silicon-graphite composite materials. A pilot battery graphite factory in Kristiansand will come online in early 2021. In 2020, Elkem announced plans to build a large-scale battery graphite factory at Herøya Industrial Park.

Taken together, all of these factors – battery circularity, electrification and battery production – make Norway uniquely positioned to become the epicentre of the global, sustainable battery industry.

Are you interested in learning more about Norway’s circular battery ecosystem? Please contact Invest in Norway.

Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 13:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 14:03 3835

Gjør som anbefalt i losjen og kjøp enda mere PGS.

Anker fylte på en mill til. Hva med deg?

Får vi oppfølgingskommentar fra den adelsfødte meget velinformerte edderkoppen Skipsmegler Peter M. Anker, tidligere hoffmegler for John Fredriksen, f.eks CEO for RS Platou og Platou Securities i over 32 år, styreleder i Clarkssons, golfentusiast, klubbgjenger etc

Investor Peter M. Anker og konen Helene Jebsen Anker eier sammen Langebru. De er stålbull på PGS   og oljeservice i tiden fremover, og satser rundt 25 millioner kroner på multiklientselskapet.

– Situasjonen nå er helt unik, med åtte år med underinvestering og ubalanse i energimarkedene. Det blir ikke bygget mer utstyr, og OPEC klarer ikke å produsere i henhold til kvotene sine, forteller Anker.

– En mulighet som dette kommer bare hvert 20. år, uttrykker han entusiastisk
Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 14:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 14:08 3792

Oljen løper, fine futter, ventede kursmåløkninger, spennende intervjuer ....

Ledig kapital?
Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 14:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.11.2022 kl 15:54 3211

PGS utrolig sterk idag! Ser ut som det bygges opp til ...FEDuponsdag eller Knu**eTorsdag...bring it anyday.
01.11.2022 kl 16:28 3001

7,285. Opp 8,49% på temmelig høyt volum. Økte i sluttauksjonen. Investorer vil sitte inne når børsmelding(er) kommer 08:00 any day.

Denne dagen ble bedre enn ventet må jeg si.
01.11.2022 kl 16:34 2952

Oslo, 1 November 2022


PGS ASA ("PGS" or the "Company") today announces that it is contemplating a
private placement (the "Private Placement") of new ordinary shares (the "New
Shares") for gross proceeds of up to USD 150 million (corresponding to
approximately NOK 1,537 million).

PGS is currently seeing an ongoing market recovery with strengthening demand for
its marine geophysical services, and expects that markets will improve further
in 2023.

It is known in the market that PGS is in the lead position for award of a
significant 4D acquisition contract in Brazil scheduled to start in Q2 2023. PGS
has not received a formal contract award, and until such time, the Company
cannot be certain that an award will take place, but in the Company's view, it
is currently moving towards a likely award to PGS. If awarded, this contract
will significantly increase the Company's order backlog and booking.

The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Private Placement to reduce
its leverage. The proceeds will position PGS to manage 2023 debt amortization
and extend the re-financing window to March 2024. A strengthened balance sheet,
together with the ongoing market recovery in the marine geophysics market, will
reduce the refinancing risk and the expected cost of a refinancing.

The Private Placement is directed towards investors subject to, and in
compliance with, applicable exemptions from relevant prospectus or registration
requirements. PGS has retained Carnegie AS and Pareto Securities AS (the
"Managers") as Joint Bookrunners in the Private Placement.

The subscription price for the New Shares (the "Subscription Price") will be
determined by the Board of Directors in PGS ASA (the "Board") based on an
accelerated book-building process.

The transaction has received strong support from existing shareholders in the
Company, including indications of an aggregated amount of USD 65 million from
Coltrane Asset Management LP, DNB Asset Management AS, MH Capital AS and funds
managed by Vicama AS.

Members of the Company's management and Board have indicated an intention to
subscribe for an aggregate of 1,375,758 New Shares, including the following
individuals: Rune Olav Pedersen, CEO (175,000 shares) and Gottfred Langseth, CFO

The application period for the Private Placement will commence today, 1 November
2022 at 16:30 hours CET and is expected to close on or before 2 November 2022 at
08:00 hours CET. The Company, after consultation with the Managers, reserves the
right to, at any time and in its sole discretion, close or extend the
application period or to cancel the Private Placement in its entirety without

Allocation of the New Shares will be determined after the expiry of the book-
building process at the Board's sole discretion, based on criteria such as
existing ownership in the Company, pre-commitments, timeliness of the
application, price leadership, relative order size, sector knowledge, investment
history, perceived investor quality and investment horizon. The New Shares will
be allocated by the Board on a conditional basis subject to, among other things,
the Company's shareholders resolving to issue the New Shares at the EGM (as
defined below). No guarantee can be given that such resolution will be passed.

Completion of the Private Placement by delivery of New Shares to investors is
conditional upon, among other things, (i) the Board resolving to proceed with
the Private Placement, allocate the New Shares and call for an extraordinary
general meeting (the "EGM") expected to be held on or about 23 November 2022;
(ii) the EGM's approval of the Private Placement and issuance of the New Shares;
and (iii) registration of the share capital increase pertaining to the New
Shares with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (the "NRBE") and the
New Shares being validly issued and registered in the VPS (the "Conditions").
Investors being allocated shares in the Private Placement and who hold shares in
the Company as of the date of the EGM undertake to vote in favour of the Private
Placement and any Subsequent Offering (as defined below) at the EGM. The Private
Placement will be cancelled if the mentioned Conditions are not fulfilled or

The Private Placement consists of one tranche with up to 110,822,311 New Shares
("Tranche 1") and a second tranche with a number of New Shares which results in
a total transaction (i.e. both tranches) equal to the final offer size ("Tranche
2"). Applicants will receive a pro-rata portion of New Shares in Tranche 1 and
Tranche 2 based on their o
Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 16:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.11.2022 kl 16:35 2968

Oslo, 1 November 2022NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO AUSTRALIA, CANADA, JAPAN, HONG KONG, SOUTH AFRICA OR THE UNITED STATES, OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OF ANY OF THE SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN.PGS ASA (PGS or the Company) today announces that it is contemplating a private placement (the "Private Placement") of new ordinary shares (the New Shares) for gross proceeds of up to USD 150 million (corresponding to approximately NOK 1,537 million).PGS is currently seeing an ongoing market recovery with strengthening demand for its marine geophysical services, and expects that markets will improve further in 2023.It is known in the market that PGS is in the lead position for award of a significant 4D acquisition contract in Brazil scheduled to start in Q2 2023. PGS has not received a formal contract award, and until such time, the Company cannot be certain that an award will take place, but in the Companys view, it is currently moving towards a likely award to PGS. If awarded, this contract will significantly increase the Companys order backlog and booking.The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Private Placement to reduce its leverage. The proceeds will position PGS to manage 2023 debt amortization and extend the re-financing window to March 2024. A strengthened balance sheet, together with the ongoing market recovery in the marine geophysics market, will reduce the refinancing risk and the expected cost of a refinancing.The Private Placement is directed towards investors subject to, and in compliance with, applicable exemptions from relevant prospectus or registration requirements. PGS has retained Carnegie AS and Pareto Securities AS (the "Managers") as Joint Bookrunners in the Private Placement.The subscription price for the New Shares (the Subscription Price) will be determined by the Board of Directors in PGS ASA (the Board) based on an accelerated book-building process.The transaction has received strong support from existing shareholders in the Company, including indications of an aggregated amount of USD 65 million from Coltrane Asset Management LP, DNB Asset Management AS, MH Capital AS and funds managed by Vicama AS.Members of the Companys management and Board have indicated an intention to subscribe for an aggregate of 1,375,758 New Shares, including the following individuals: Rune Olav Pedersen, CEO (175,000 shares) and Gottfred Langseth, CFO (300,000 shares).The application period for the Private Placement will commence today, 1 November 2022 at 16:30 hours CET and is expected to close on or before 2 November 2022 at 08:00 hours CET. The Company, after consultation with the Managers, reserves the right to, at any time and in its sole discretion, close or extend the application period or to cancel the Private Placement in its entirety without notice.Allocation of the New Shares will be determined after the expiry of the book-building process at the Board's sole discretion, based on criteria such as existing ownership in the Company, pre-commitments, timeliness of the application, price leadership, relative order size, sector knowledge, investment history, perceived investor quality and investment horizon. The New Shares will be allocated by the Board on a conditional basis subject to, among other things, the Company's shareholders resolving to issue the New Shares at the EGM (as defined below). No guarantee can be given that such resolution will be passed.Completion of the Private Placement by delivery of New Shares to investors is conditional upon, among other things, (i) the Board resolving to proceed with the Private Placement, allocate the New Shares and call for an extraordinary general meeting (the EGM) expected to be held on or about 23 November 2022; (ii) the EGMs approval of the Private Placement and issuance of the New Shares; and (iii) registration of the share capital increase pertaining to the New Shares with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (the NRBE) and the New Shares being validly issued and registered in the VPS (the Conditions). Investors being allocated shares in the Private Placement and who hold shares in the Company as of the date of the EGM undertake to vote in favour of the Private Placement and any Subsequent Offering (as defined below) at the EGM. The Private Placement will be cancelled if the mentioned Conditions are not fulfilled or waived.The Private Placement consists of one tranche with up to 110,822,311 New Shares (Tranche 1) and a second tranche with a number of New Shares which results in a total transaction (i.e. both tranches) equal to the final offer size (Tranche 2). Applicants will receive a pro-rata portion of New Shares in Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 based on their overall allocation in the Private Placement (subject to rounding).The Private Placement is expected to be settled on a delivery-versus payment (DVP) basis shortly after the EGM. The New Shares allocated to investors in Tranche 1 will be tradable on Oslo Børs following approval by the EGM and registration of the share capital increase pertaining to the Private Placement with the NRBE. The New Shares allocated to investors in Tranche 2 will not be tradable on Oslo Børs until a listing prospectus has been approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, and will be issued on a separate ISIN until such prospectus is published, expected to occur during December 2022 (the Prospectus).The Private Placement will be directed towards selected Norwegian and international investors (a) outside the United States, subject to applicable exemptions from any prospectus and registration requirements and in reliance on Regulation S. under the U.S, Securities Act 1933, as amended (the Securities Act), and (b) to investors in the United States who are QIBs as defined in Rule 144A under the Securities Act, and to major U.S. institutional investors as defined in SEC Rule 15a-6 under the United States Exchange Act of 1934, in each case subject to an exemption being available from offer prospectus requirements and any other filing or registration requirements in the applicable jurisdictions and subject to other selling restrictions. The minimum application and allocation amount has been set to the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000 per investor. The Company may, however, at its sole discretion, allocate an amount below EUR 100,000 to the extent applicable exemptions from the prospectus requirement pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and ancillary regulations are available. Further selling restrictions and transaction terms will apply.The contemplated Private Placement involves the setting aside of the shareholders preferential rights to subscribe for the New Shares. The Board is of the view that it is in the common interest of the Company and its shareholders to raise equity through a private placement, in view of the current market conditions and the Companys need for refinancing of its debt. A private placement enables the Company to reduce execution and completion risk, allows for the Company to raise capital more quickly, raise capital at a lower discount compared to a rights issue and without the underwriting commissions normally seen with rights offerings.The Subsequent OfferingSubject to among other things (i) completion of the Private Placement, (ii) relevant corporate resolutions including approval by the Board and the EGM, (iii) prevailing market price of PGS shares being higher than the Subscription Price, and (iv) approval of the Prospectus by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority, PGS will consider to carry out a subsequent offering (the Subsequent Offering) of new shares in the Company. A Subsequent Offering will, if made, be directed towards eligible shareholders in PGS who (i) are shareholders in the Company as of 1 November 2022, as registered in PGS register of shareholders with Euronext Securities Oslo, the central securities depositary in Norway (Nw. Verdipapirsentralen) (the VPS) on 3 November 2022, (ii) are not allocated New Shares in the Private Placement, and (iii) are not resident in a jurisdiction where such offering would be unlawful or, for jurisdictions other than Norway, would require any prospectus, filing, registration or similar action (the Eligible Shareholders). The Eligible Shareholders are expected to be granted non-tradable allocation rights. If carried out, the subscription period in a Subsequent Offering is expected to commence shortly after publication of the Prospectus, expected to occur during December 2022, and the subscription price in the Subsequent Offering will be the same as the Subscription Price in the Private Placement. PGS will issue a separate stock exchange notice with further details on the Subsequent Offering if and when finally resolved.Advokatfirmaet BAHR AS is acting as legal advisor to the Company in connection with the Private Placement.Contacts:Bård Stenberg, VP IR & Corporate CommunicationMobile: +47 99 24 52 35***PGS is a fully integrated marine geophysical company that provides a broad range of seismic and reservoir services, including data acquisition, imaging, interpretation, and field evaluation. Our services are provided to the oil and gas industry, as well as to the broader and emerging new energy industries, including carbon storage and offshore wind. The Company operates on a worldwide basis with headquarters in Oslo, Norway and the PGS share is listed on the Oslo stock exchange (OSE: PGS). For more information on PGS visit www.pgs.com.***IMPORTANT NOTICEThis announcement is not and does not form a part of any offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any securities of PGS. The distribution of this announcement and other information may be restricted by law in certain
01.11.2022 kl 16:50 2757

“Contemplating”, altså «vurderer» å hente kapital… litt vagt dette, hva skal man lese i dette? Skal de eller skal de ikke kjøre en emisjon?
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 16:53 2704

Ja nå skal vi se ...

Vi får se. I mai ble emisjonen satt med 3% rabatt, kursen steg 30% neste dag - og vi fikk kjøpe rep.emiaksjer til samme tilbudspris. Det ble altså et eventyr av de helt sjeldne.

Tvi tvi
01.11.2022 kl 16:53 2707

Virker som det er en emisjon rettet mot de største aksjonærene, samt Rune Olav og co, og at det skjer allerede nå til og med kl 08 i morgen, for den som vil.

Og en må legge minst 100000 eur på bordet for å kjøpe ja😆
Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 16:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.11.2022 kl 16:57 2612

De skal selvsakt kjøre emisjon når de melder det, blir spennende å se hva kursen blir på.
Tipper/håper rabatten blir liten, rest gjelden etter 2023 blir jo ca $600 millioner.
Skal vi tippe 6,9 og 15 før jul ?
Slettet bruker
01.11.2022 kl 16:58 2612

Det stemmer rettet emisjon mot et knippe utvalgte investorer.
DnB og MH kapital osv.
Avgjørende hva emikursen blir.
Blir det god rabatt må vi vel slite med tranche 1 og 2 etterhvert.
Aksjonærvennlig er stikkord, går dette imot, da er muligens begeret mitt fullt.
Vi får se