600 million purchase order from Woodside Energy

NEL 15.10.2022 kl 09:31 21450

Nel ASA: Receives a NOK 600 million purchase order from Woodside Energy

(Oslo, 15 October 2022)

Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has entered into a contract for alkaline electrolyser equipment from Australian company Woodside Energy for its proposed hydrogen project, H2OK, in Ardmore in the state of Oklahoma, US. The contract has a total value of about NOK 600 million. "We are extremely proud to be elected by Woodside Energy, a quality company with a strong track record of developing high-quality assets, for this exciting and meaningful project", says Nel's CEO Håkon Volldal. H2OK is Woodside's first hydrogen project in the US, this equipment will support phase 1 of the proposed project (60 tpd). Woodside will site the facility in Ardmore, Oklahoma, an area well suited for hydrogen production with good availability of water and energy. The company will utilize these resources to produce liquid hydrogen to hydrogen fuel cell-powered commercial and heavy transport vehicles. Woodside Energy is looking to expand its US footprint and is also working on two proposed hydrogen projects in Australia: H2Perth and H2Tas. The contract with Woodside was signed only a couple of months after Nel received its record size 200 MW purchase order for another large-scale project in the US. "The electrolyser market is developing favorably for Nel. We are now securing quality contracts with favorable terms and a manageable risk profile. The contract with Woodside will have a substantial positive financial impact on the company", says Volldal. "It is extremely exciting to work with the professional team at Woodside to realize a project such as this. The Ardmore project will become an excellent showcase for Nel's electrolyser technology as it aims to enable broader utilization for renewable energy into transportation and industrial sectors" says Tom Skoczylas, Regional Sales Manager for Nel Hydrogen US. The electrolyser stacks will be manufactured in Nel's factory at Herøya, the world's only fully automated electrolyser facility. This is a firm purchase order for alkaline stacks, balance of stack (BoS) equipment and engineering for the balance of plant (BoP) equipment (which Woodside will provide). There are pass-through mechanisms for steel and nickel price increases. Woodside aims to proceed with FID in 2023. Production of electrodes is estimated throughout 2024. ENDS For additional information, please contact: Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02?097 Wilhelm Flinder, Head of Investor Relations, +47 936 11 350 Lars Nermoen, Head of Communications, + 47 902 40 153 About Nel ASA | www.nelhydrogen.com Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its origins in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and continual improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the entire value chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling and long range as conventional vehicles today. This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This information was issued as inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation, and was published by Wilhelm Finder, Head of Investor Relations, at NEL ASA on the date and time provided.
28.07.2023 kl 09:36 4182

Hentet fra Shareville:

NEL ble for omlag ett år siden valgt som teknologileverandør for Everwind i Canada.

Interessant omtale her:

Og er basisen for avtale mellom Canada og Tyskland:

Nå har Everwind tatt over tre vindkraftverk som produserer 2,500 gigawatt-timer (GWh) / år:

«The 2,500 GWh will help to produce more than 200,000 tons of ammonia. The renewable energy generated by the wind farms will power the first phase of EverWind’s green hydrogen and ammonia production complex in Nova Scotia.»
26.09.2023 kl 08:16 3397

Nel skal møte Michigan state funding board i dag.
Gjelder den nye fabrikken. NEL har uttalt på de siste kvartalsmeldingene at fabrikken kun vil bli bygd hvis de ser store kontakter i sikte. Vi får se hva møtet bringer.

Redigert 26.09.2023 kl 08:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.10.2023 kl 09:34 3152

Regjeringen foreslår å endre CO2 kompensasjonsordningen, slik at kvoteprisgulvet nesten dobles ved å heve den fra 200 kroner til 375 kroner. Dette innebærer at industrien kun får støtte for den delen av kvoteprisen som overstiger 375 kroner.

Dette er gode nyheter for NEL fordi det tvinger industrien til å velge bort fossilt og heller velge grønne alternativer. Dette er en fundamental endringer i rammebetingelsene for industrien.
Redigert 06.10.2023 kl 09:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.10.2023 kl 12:40 3078

06.10.2023 kl 14:38 3032

Som å pisse i buksa for å holde varmen. Hydrogen er avhengig av subsidier hele veien for å kunne eksistere. Tenk over det? Er nok ikke noe man kan leve av over tid. Oljen gir solide inntekter og bærekraftige arbeidsplasser. Atom er nok det som er potent og kan bidra med ren energi
06.10.2023 kl 17:35 2990

06.10.2023 kl 17:35 2986

Vi føler oss motarbeidet av regjeringen
Regjeringen har på to år dratt vekk nærmere 3 milliarder kroner av industriselskapenes inntjening gjennom å heve gulvet for CO2-kompensasjonen. – Skuffende og uheldig, sier selskapene.
06.10.2023 kl 18:00 2955

Collo skrev Bærekraftig?
Nettopp. Oljesektoren er vanskelig å erstatte på kort sikt 5-10 år. Krever stor omstilling og man må ha et produkt som kan bidra grønt og det er pr i dag ikke noe som gjør at oljen kan fases ut. Det å ta bort oljen og håpe på hydrogen er som å pisse i buksa for å holde varmen ja.
06.10.2023 kl 18:59 2926

Useriøst - klima opplagt vår tids utfordring. Da må løsninger utvikles som ikke baserer seg på fossile kilder.
06.10.2023 kl 19:43 2905

Ikke uenig det men ikke vits i å hive penger etter noe som ikke er selvbærende. Det er nok av det dessverre. Olje og gass har sine fordeler men også sine bakdeler. Lytter man til noen som kan dette som Spetalen så ser man at mye er prematurt og langt unna noen løsning.
Ser man bort ifra at noen har investert og tenker bort ifra det så er nok fornuften der også her i forumet. Kursen er som den er og er dalende og det sier vel sitt. Mange maser om at nå må store ordre komme men det er en haug av store ordre men dessverre tjener de ikke penger på de.



God helg og kommer tilbake på 3 tallet som jeg sa om 7 tallet.
Redigert 07.10.2023 kl 12:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.11.2023 kl 10:47 2353

En av de største konkurrentene til NEL, Plug Power, har store problemer - og dreier seg om akkurat det som CEO i NEL beskrev i siste kvartalsmelding: Det er ikke bare å sette opp fabrikker og selge. Mye handler også om å bygge supply chain osv. Slik jeg ser det har NEL forbedret sin posisjon med dette.

Plug Power misses Wall Street expectations for its third quarter, pulls 2023 guidance

Plug Power PLUG lost $283.5 million, or 47 cents a share, in the third quarter, compared with a loss of $170.8 million, or 30 cents a share, in the year-ago quarter.


18.01.2024 kl 14:40 2002

Enighet i EU om nye utslippskrav til tunge kjøretøy

EU-parlamentet og Ministerrådet er blitt enige om en rekke tiltak for å kutte utslippene i tungtrafikken.
Planen er at utslippene skal kuttes med 45 prosent i 2030, 65 prosent i 2035 og 90 prosent i 2040.

Kuttene skal i hovedsak skje gjennom å få tunge kjøretøy som lastebiler og semitrailere over på el eller hydrogen.

Alle bybusser skal bli elektriske, og innen 2035 skal denne sektoren være 100 prosent utslippsfri.

Langdistansebusser som går mellom byer, er unntatt.

Også militære kjøretøy samt land- og skogbruksmaskiner og brannbiler får unntak fra de nye kravene.
Redigert 18.01.2024 kl 14:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.01.2024 kl 09:04 1857

(January 19, 2024 - Oslo, Norway) Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has signed a contract for 10 MW of alkaline electrolyser equipment for about EUR 5 million with Samsung C&T Corporation Engineering & Construction Group ('Samsung C&T') for its first off-grid green hydrogen production project to be deployed in South Korea. "We are thrilled to have been selected for this pilot project. Samsung C&T is dedicated to learning and developing within the green hydrogen industry, and we look forward to a productive and fruitful collaboration with the company," says Nel's CEO, Håkon Volldal. Samsung C&T (Construction and Trading) focuses on global engineering, procurement, and construction. The company has signed several green hydrogen agreements and continues to strengthen its energy transition business portfolio. "The key to building our energy transition business portfolio is to secure reliable water electrolysis facilities. We are delighted to be able to build a partnership with Nel - a company with remarkable technology and history - through this contract. Samsung C&T hope that the two companies will be able to maintain close relations and continue cooperating in various overseas green hydrogen production projects," says Samsung C&T's Head of Energy Solution Business Unit, Byung Soo Lee. This is a firm purchase order for alkaline stacks and balance-of-stacks (BoS). The electrodes will be produced in the Herøya facility in Norway, the world's first fully automated electrolyser production line. ENDS For additional information, please contact: Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02?097 Wilhelm Flinder, Head of Investor Relations, +47 936 11 350 About Nel ASA | www.nelhydrogen.com Nel has a history tracing back to 1927 and is today a leading pure play hydrogen technology company with a global presence. The company specializes in electrolyser technology for production of renewable hydrogen, and hydrogen fueling equipment for road-going vehicles. Nel's product offerings are key enablers for a green hydrogen economy, making it possible to decarbonize various industries such as transportation, refining, steel, and ammonia. This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This information was issued as inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation, and was published by Wilhelm Finder, Head of Investor Relations, at NEL ASA on the date and time provided.
21.05.2024 kl 14:39 1309

Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Nel har inngått en teknologilisensieringsavtale med Reliance Industries Limited (RIL). Avtalen gir RIL en eksklusiv lisens for Nels alkaliske elektrolysører i India, og gir også RIL muligheten til å produsere Nels alkaliske elektrolysører for fangstformål globalt.

Det fremgår av en melding tirsdag.

Begge parter vil også samarbeide om fremtidige ytelsesforbedringer og kostnadsoptimalisering gjennom forskning og utvikling (FoU), verditeknikk, standardisering og modularisering for å forbedre konkurranseevnen til den alkaliske teknologiplattformen.

I henhold til avtalen kan Nel anskaffe utstyr fra Reliance til sine egne prosjekter. Nel vil fortsette å betjene det indiske markedet med teknologiplattformer som ikke omfattes av avtalen.

Dette er en kjempenyhet!!
Redigert 23.05.2024 kl 11:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
21.05.2024 kl 22:33 1195

From the Hydroge Central

May 21, 2024

Håkon Volldal, Nel’s President and CEO, said:

The signing of this agreement is a great milestone in Nel’s history.

“Reliance is an impressive company with enormous ambitions as a global producer of renewable hydrogen, and I am proud that they have selected Nel as their technology partner. In addition to supporting Reliance in achieving their global aspirations, Nel will through this agreement get a revenue stream from a rapidly growing market Nel could not have accessed on its own,”

RIL is a Fortune 500 company and India’s largest private sector corporation.

Read it all here:


30.05.2024 kl 14:42 1004

Nel ASA: Receives purchase order from Alperia Greenpower SRL for hydrogen fueling equipment in Italy

(Oslo, 30 May 2024) A subsidiary of Cavendish Hydrogen ASA, itself a subsidiary
of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE: NEL) has received a purchase order from Alperia Greenpower
SRL for hydrogen fueling equipment for one site to be used for light- and heavy
-duty fuel cell electric vehicles in Bruneck, South Tyrol, Italy.

"We are pleased to be chosen by Alperia to be the supplier of their first
hydrogen fueling station. It will also be Nel's first H2StationT installation in
Italy, and we are looking forward to deliver and demonstrate our performance and
capabilities in this lighthouse project", says Robert Borin, future CEO of
Cavendish Hydrogen.

The hydrogen fueling station will primarily be built for the 2026 Winter
Olympics to fuel vehicles for the transfer between the Olympic sports
facilities. The contract has a total value of around EUR 3.8 million and
includes a 2-year service and maintenance contract. The station is scheduled to
be operational in the second half of 2025.

Nel is preparing for a potential spin-off of its Hydrogen Fueling activities
under the name Cavendish Hydrogen. Subject to Nel's decision to complete the
spin-off and pursue the separate listing of Cavendish Hydrogen, the shares in
Cavendish Hydrogen are intended to be distributed to the shareholders of Nel as
dividend in kind. The decision to spin off and separately list Cavendish
Hydrogen has not yet been concluded, and no assurances can be given that it will
be completed. However, if such a decision is made, the company plans to conduct
the spin-off by the end of the second quarter of 2024. If completed, the shares
of Nel (comprising its Electrolyser division) will remain listed on the OSE
under the ticker "NEL".


For additional information, please contact:

Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02?097

About Nel ASA | www.nelhydrogen.com

Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to
produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve
industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its
origins in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and continual
improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the entire value
chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling
stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling
and long range as conventional vehicles today.

This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 5-12 of
the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This information was issued as inside
information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation, and was published by
Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO,of NEL ASA on the date and time provided.
31.05.2024 kl 08:58 798

Nel ASA: Cavendish Hydrogen ASA applies for admission to trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange - invitation to investor meetings
I dag kl. 08:48 ∙ Oslo Børs

(May 31, 2024 - Oslo, Norway) Reference is made to the stock exchange
announcements by Nel ASA (Nel, OSE: NEL) on February 28, and May 15, 2024
regarding the potential spin-off of Nel's Fueling division into a separate
company, Cavendish Hydrogen ASA ("Cavendish"), and listing of Cavendish' shares
on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Cavendish has today applied for its shares to be admitted to trading on the Oslo
Stock Exchange (the "Listing"). Furthermore, Cavendish will be hosting investor
meetings June 3-7, 2024, in addition to a group investor meeting at 14:00 CEST
on Thursday June 6, 2024. Anyone wishing to attend can register by contacting
one of the Managers (as defined below).

Please refer to the company presentation made available on Cavendish' website,

The spin-off and Listing are still subject to satisfaction of certain
conditions, including inter alia the approval by the Oslo Stock Exchange,
satisfaction of any conditions set for such approval, Nel's Board of Directors
resolving to distribute the shares in Cavendish to the shareholders of Nel as
dividend in kind, and approval of a listing prospectus by the Financial
Supervisory Authority of Norway. Although the spin-off and Listing remain on
schedule with regard to Listing by end of Q2 2024, no assurance can be given
that it will be completed.

Carnegie AS is acting as global coordinator, and Arctic Securities AS and
Fearnley Securities AS as joint lead managers (together the "Managers") to Nel
and Cavendish in connection with the spin-off and Listing.

Register for investor meetings by contacting respective sales representatives at
one of the Managers or by sending an email to ca@carnegie.no, events@arctic.com
or corp.access@fearnleys.com.

For additional information, please contact:

Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02 097

Lars Nermoen, Head of Communications, +47 902 40 153
19.06.2024 kl 14:02 541

Gir 1,2 milliarder til grønne skip

Statlige Enova gir milliardstøtte til ni hydrogenskip og seks ammoniakkskip.

Redigert 19.06.2024 kl 14:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.09.2024 kl 07:58 226

HH2E har på plass finansiering for nytt stort prosjekt - NEL ligger godt an i og med at de vant forrige kontrakt.

The giants are the lead investors on the H2 production project in the port of Lubmin

CIBC and BNP have signed to invest in the HH2E AG startup in Germany, bringing the project closer to its final investment goals for the 100-megawatts green hydrogen production plant.

The project is slated to be financially ready by October
The green hydrogen production plant will be located in the German port of Lubmin on the Baltic Sea.

“We have engaged BNP Paribas as a debt adviser to create a debt syndicate for financing our initial projects,” said an HH2E spokesperson as quoted by Bloomberg. “In parallel, we are also running an equity raise process managed by CIBC. Both processes are expected to conclude in the fourth quarter of this year.”

Upon the initial announcement of the investment, no specific details were announced. That said loans of more than €200 million (US$222 million) were requested by the HH2E, according to people familiar with the financial negotiations who spoke on the condition of remaining anonymous.

Redigert 30.09.2024 kl 08:03 Du må logge inn for å svare