Robbana-3 well (“ROB-3”)

ZENA 03.11.2022 kl 09:26 11830

Hva skjer i ZENA?

Skulle ikke boring starte i november 2022?
Produksjonen skulle passere 1000 bor/d lenge nå.
Hvorfor treffer ikke selskapet på noe de guider?

Robbana-3 well (“ROB-3”)

As previously announced, the Company has selected the well location for the
drilling of ROB-3, a new well that will reach a total target depth of
approximately 2,500 metres, following an in-depth geological and reservoir
review enhanced by new information obtained during the workover of ROB-1.

Civil works are expected to begin during the month of September 2022, with a
commercial tender for the selection of a drilling services contractor to be
conducted during the coming months, alongside completion of the necessary local
approval process in accordance with applicable Tunisian legislation.

Drilling activities are expected to commence in November 2022, following the
mobilisation of a drilling rig to the well location.

The necessary long-lead items have already been acquired and are being held in
storage by the Company and funding for ROB-3 is expected to be obtained by way
of the Company's existing cash reserves.

Redigert 03.11.2022 kl 09:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.11.2022 kl 16:48 4235

Kapasitet til å anbefale?? Den var ny...Kjøpersiden er ikke mer passiv enn selgersiden, noen kjøper jo aksjene som selges, eller? Men jeg skjønner hva du mener :-)
04.11.2022 kl 18:39 4148

Shows how much time you have on your hands to post every day on a stock you have no investment in. How sad.
04.11.2022 kl 20:40 4037

Det meste tyder på store nyheter før jul.
Viking fyller opp kontoen med Zena aksjer.
Holder på å transfer penger så skal også fylle på 1-2 mill meir.
Julen 2022 tro jeg blir veldig hyggelig for Zena aksjonærene.
Husk olje pris snart 100 us og Zenith kommer til å få veldig lave løfte kostnader.💵🛢🛢💵
04.11.2022 kl 21:34 3985

I agree I think before Christmas we will get a big run on the news of new deals being signed particularly Tilapia.
05.11.2022 kl 08:11 3822

sådan skulle det også ske før sidste jul, men der skete bare intet ......
06.11.2022 kl 09:14 3558

I have always written in every Zenith forum sum thing about : Belive, knowledge and application .....and coherence between Tham in order to succeed in almost everything not only in investment ,and of corse TIME is imported to. The only thing that is missing ore we haw not seen jet is application. So I well say that we ar on the good way to achieve fulfilment ( depending what or when you feel that you haw achieved ).
Personally if I had more money I will haw invested mor that I haw don, but is just me I like to win no meter the challenge. In the end at lest I did what I cold do all the way to the finish line. If that is not the case I take as learning experience and mov one.
06.11.2022 kl 10:56 3459

Tilliten til dette selskapet er ikke tilstede om en skal tørre å si sannheten. Bare snakk om alt som skal skje, og som ikke skjer, hvor lenge skal vi vente etter hvert? Pengene renner ut og ingenting om at det er fremdrift på noe som helst. Hele tiden, alt som skal skje ganske snart, hvor blir det av pengene og kan vi stole på at regnskapene viser hva som virkelig skjer med kapitalen i selskapet. Vanvittige høye gasspriser over lang tid og den vil stige igjen utover vinteren. Hvorfor faller kursen når selskapet håver inn økt nettoresultat fra Italia og gassproduksjonen. Vanvittig høye oljepriser over lang tid no, og de ser ut til bare å bli veldig høye hele vinteren. Da skulle jo aksjekursen normalt steget i takt med unormale høye priser som har vært og som ser ut til å vedvare i lang tid frem over. Hvorfor stiger ikke kursen på slike gullkantede fremtidsutsikter? Kansje forsvinner mesteparten bare i det blå, ellers burde den jo ha vært langt oppe på 20tallet og ikke helt nede mot 0,09.
06.11.2022 kl 12:07 3390

06.11.2022 kl 13:21 3327

Du svarer jo på ditt eget spørsmål…. Kursen går den dagen man lander en av de store avtalene. Lykke til med dine investeringer. når det vil løse seg er vanskelig å si, men føler vi er inne i den mest spennende perioden i Zenith så langt !!
06.11.2022 kl 13:36 3308

Bare en hake ved dette gullit.... Den spennende perioden har vart i to år... Og selskapet står på stedet hvil... Definitivt mye spennende som kan transformere selskapet viss det slår inn, og en av mine grunnet til å bli sittende.. Men må også stille kritisk spørsmål... Hva skjer foreksempel med slk lisens og oljen som er på lager.. Hvorfor vil selskapet knapt snakke om dette... Zena er veldig flinke med å fremheve strøm produksjon i Italia hver måned, som er vel og bra, men slk lisensen produserer mer både i penger og omfang og er deres største produksjon viss alt er som det skal.. Men her hører vi Ikke en lyd... Og lisensen utløper om vel 50 dager... Så ingen ting galt om det selskapet snakker om.. Mye verre det de Ikke snakker om.. Derfor er vi der vi er, og en stigning sitter langt inne enn så lenge...
Redigert 06.11.2022 kl 13:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.11.2022 kl 14:53 3256

2 år siden vi la inn bud på Benin? Litt vel smalt det du kommer med da Zenith var nær en konkurs til nå å ha stabil produksjon i Tunisia og Italia. Med dagens mcap så har vi en P/E på nærmere 1:1 så skal ikke klage på det. Så er det mengden muligheter som gjør att det nå er spennende( Benin, Tilapia, Egypt. Borring i Tunisia . Mer gass i Italia) Oljesalg har vi hatt i år. Forventer ett til, men som vi vet blir dette i sammen med andre aktører og noe vi ikke råder over selv.
06.11.2022 kl 17:45 3126

Som sagt, hvor sikker er du på denne produksjonen i Tunisia? Hadde alt hvert sikkert hadde vel ac informert like hardt om det som han gjør om Italia... Merk, jeg er betydeleg investert i selskapet, men skjønner hvorfor vi ligger der vi gjør...
07.11.2022 kl 10:20 2832

Bruno Itoua er i hvert fall klar for konferansen i Congo som starter i slutten av november... Oppdaterer nå hver dag (på sin facebook-side) med antall dager til konferansen.
07.11.2022 kl 10:33 2835

Helt fair det. Påpeker bare hvorfor jeg synes vi går inn i en spennende tid!! Vi er vel her mest for hva som kan komme Og ikke eksisterende produksjon. Men selvsagt flott med litt cash flow
07.11.2022 kl 10:39 2825

Er vel også snart 2 måneder siden bud på Benin? Får vel også bekreftet om dette går inn ila 40 dager
07.11.2022 kl 10:44 2825

Again i am saying Tilapia II is done deal announcement remaining. Patience is key here. Upto 30th November we will get some news.
07.11.2022 kl 10:47 2917

Beklager ditt elendige tilsvar, jeg har IKKE svart på mitt spørsmål, jeg etterspør svar på hvorfor INGENTING skjer . Det må være EN årsak til at INGENTING skjer, vi kan ikke sitte som eiere av et selskap og ikke få vite noen ting fra ledelsen om hva som er årsaken til at INGEN TING skjer i selskapet og at aksjekursen bare faller og faller. Vi ser og erfarer alle som har aksjer i ZENA at kursen på våre investeringer, som er aksjekursen på børs, bare faller tross et enormt godt marked på våre produkter som er OLJE og GASS å at prisene forventes å holde seg sterke og økende, noe som normalt skulle ført til en stigende kurs på børsene. Aksjekurs på et selskap vil normalt stige ved forventede gode priser på selskapets produkter som selges i markedet til markedspriser. Jeg føler at alt ikke er som det skal være i ZENA.
07.11.2022 kl 10:54 2901

9.1m shares hidden sale at 0.1040?
Redigert 07.11.2022 kl 10:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.11.2022 kl 11:51 2894

Agreed the deal is done it merely depends how long it takes the Congolese government to finalise the paperwork, we are dealing in Africa these things take time but are very high reward. AC has built a good connection with the government in Congo so it will come and whether a week or several more weeks makes no difference.
07.11.2022 kl 12:27 2839

As i follow deal is converted into law in August and rectified in Sep with several other deals and extensions. Only sign on laws from President timeline is unclear. Expecting all will sort it out around CIEHC 5.
Zenith will get 60% of Tilapia II
Redigert 07.11.2022 kl 12:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.11.2022 kl 12:34 3200

Do you have u shares or sold most and keeping the trading?
07.11.2022 kl 12:38 3195

I kept 20 million share intact, 5 million will buy around 0.10 in coming days. I am not trading daily, As i know how Tilapia II worth is. it can come any time before 30th Nov. As i kept cool in Nov and Dec 2020 i went form 0.035 to 0.18 in 10 trading days. Now we have producing field too in Tunisia and Italy.
Redigert 07.11.2022 kl 12:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.11.2022 kl 12:54 3176

Sounds good! You can buy my 3m around 1 kr if u want :)) also natural gas has shot up last days. Gotta be great for italy?
07.11.2022 kl 16:31 3025

er det noen som får svar på henvendelser til Zenith via mail/kontaktsjema? har henvendt meg flere ganger men aldri noen tilbakemelding.
07.11.2022 kl 16:55 3018

nej aldrig fået svar
07.11.2022 kl 17:21 3014

Svarer på ditt eget spørsmål nok en gang. Kursen beveger seg lite fordi lite skjer. Nå venter vi på store nyheter, kanskje derfor selskapet er litt stille, er jo ikke lov å informere om kursdrivende nyheter før det er børsmeldt .. lykke til med dine investeringer
07.11.2022 kl 18:11 2952

I have been surprised at some of the negative posts on here today. While I understand and share the frustration of many others that none of the big projects that Zenith are working on are yet over the line it seems to me that there are lot of accusations being made which do not equate with my view of what is going on at Zenith.

Firstly, the claim that the company is at a standstill is clearly untrue. Italy is producing gas on a daily basis and Tunisia is producing oil. Because of this it is not possible for the money to be running out. The combined value of this production is somewhere in the region of $15-18 million per annum dependent on the variations in the oil and gas price and this is more than enough to cover the administrative expenses of CAD$12,526,000 (US$9.6 million) and to also leave a significant warchest for investment in drills or other acquisitions. Another point to note on this is that it is nearly a year since the company has issued any equity when they used to do it every two to three months, so clearly money is not an issue.

The claim that nothing is happening with the company is also untrue. We know that they are still in negotiations for the Tilapia 2 license and that there has been significant progress by the Congolese government in making their economic environment more oil-friendly. We know that Zenith complies with all of the new anti-flaring legislation which would make them an appealing license holder when the next round of licenses is granted. I have also not seen any data on lots of other oil companies being granted licenses in Congo so the bureaucracy there is just grinding away slowly. I hope that after the oil conference in Brazzaville between the 30th November – 2nd December we should get some more news on this.

We also know that the company has made a bid for the Seme field in Benin and from what Andrea said in the last investor conference call about the Benin government aiming to give answers in 90 days then we should hear news about this before Christmas. Also there is the mysterious Egyptian negotiation about which we know nothing.

The trouble is with oil companies that when they are drilling it is easy to get real-time updates on what is going on but when they are negotiating there is not much that they can legally say until a deal is done. We do know from the last investor conference call that the company is no longer interested in small acquisitions of 300 or so barrels though but wants to acquire assets that can produce in the thousands and so clearly this kind of negotiation is going to take longer.

In short, the company is definitely not at a standstill. The share price IS at a standstill and this is frustrating, but as I have said before I expect that it will remain roughly where it is until one of the various new licenses is acquired. Once one is then the share price will immediately improve. In my opinion, the company is in a very good place at the moment but the decision that we all have to make for ourselves is simply whether we believe that the big assets that have been talked about will be acquired. If you do (and I do) then this looks like a very low-risk but high reward bet and the share price will go up. If you don’t then the share price is going to stay where it is and you should invest in another stock.

It's simple really. All small cap oil stocks are a bit of a gamble but the money is made by investing in them before they announce company-changing news, not after. I have faith that Zenith is going to deliver on the new asset acquisitions and that I will have a significant return on my investment here. And I am happy that there is very little downside because of the existing production.
07.11.2022 kl 18:13 2962

Synst dere er en flott og engasjert gjeng. Synd dere gikk inn i feil selskap. Fortsatt ikke for sent folkens. Ha en fin dag.

07.11.2022 kl 18:59 2905

Kaunis for someone not invested you do spend an awfully long time trying to baselessly deramp this stock. What's your motives behind spending so much on a stock you have no interested in? food for thought.
08.11.2022 kl 09:02 2682

was early in this stock and have made money here, but it has been very quiet around the company for a long time and some people know more than others, so there is every reason to be skeptical. It is not smart to just wait without being sure that you have the right information.
08.11.2022 kl 09:14 2660

Kan og bety att firmaet er forsiktige i en tid med masse potensielle game changere!! Skal ikke gi for mye hint før de er i gråsonen
08.11.2022 kl 09:22 2655

Thank you for a professionally good review, but time is running out and we should be sure that we have correct information at all times.
08.11.2022 kl 12:03 2574

However, I do think that we need to give them time to deliver them. We cannot blame them for the slow progress with T2 and the Barracuda license acquisition attempt was ruined by the court case between ADME and NHNL which I believe is still ongoing . Benin was only announced at the end of September and so we have to give time on this too. Egypt is a mystery that has only been mentioned once and I am critical here as I do think that the company should give us some more information on what this project is about.

It is clear that in order to move the company on to the next level in terms of share price Zenith need to acquire an additional license with significant production and exploration potential and this license needs to be delivered soon. I think that the end of the year gives ample time for them to deliver and if they do not then I will be very unhappy.

In a positive scenario I think it is not unreasonable for us to expect to hear news on T2 in early December (after the Congolese CIEHC 5 conference) and on Benin by Christmas (when the 90 day targeted decision period that AC talked about expires). I would be ecstatic if both were acquired and it would make 2022 a fantastic year for Zenith.

However, if we were still in the same position then as we are today by Jan 1st then this would mean that 2022 was effectively a complete write-off and AC would have to answer for it.

This is a very important quarter for the company in terms of acquisitions and what it delivers will make the difference between a very successful year and a terrible one. There is no middle ground.
08.11.2022 kl 12:33 2556

so basically you have confirmed you're waiting to get back, explains why you are baselessly decamping the stock for a cheaper entry. Personally I don't think it will drop from here so be a good time to get back in.
08.11.2022 kl 12:41 2602

Funny. Cause it just got dumped 2.7m shares. People are losingpatience. So he could get a better entry. Time will tell
Lord Wincheste
08.11.2022 kl 13:04 2580

Today the Companys oil production is 648 barrels per day. Productiondays per year I will think is 300. Means 648x300= 194 400 x 98 usd= 19 051 200 mnok
In addition: Italy power = ca 45 mnok per yeard(after costs) This means that TODAY they have a yearly income about 65 mnok, and offcourse expences for running the oildrilling. The price of the company is 186 mnok. I thinkits fair before production updates.

Near term production is 1000 bopd. Means about 29 mnok in yearly oil production and italy 45 mnok (after cost) and a total at 74 mnok in production income before production costs.
In my head we will be at at 35% higher production of oil and reported in end November. The share price alone in this will increase to 1,34

08.11.2022 kl 13:08 2568

Det er vel ikke så rart at noen blir utålmodige når det ikke blir levert det som er meldt av selskapet. Det ble hentet 34,5 millioner 2 nov 2021 for og starte borekampanje. Hvor er de pengene som ble øremerket til disse operasjonene? Om det hadde blitt realisert og vi hadde nådd prod på 1000 barrels hadde jo kursen vært høyere. Alle drømmer om nye lisenser, men om vi ikke utnytter de vi har kjøpt, så faller jo tilliten deretter.
08.11.2022 kl 13:16 2796

Your numbers i wrong. You missing an x 10 konverting usd to NOK