Refrain from communicating with none share holders

DOF 17.11.2022 kl 15:03 318

I'm posting this thread because I'm so tired of the conversations on here from people who have no purpose to be here as they have no meaningful input being none shareholders themselves and because of that the question has to be asked why on earth are they here ? I can tell you, it's nothing to do with helping you understand the situation regarding DOF but rather they are trying to make you have a negative view point for DOF and it's rather obvious this is very much their objective to achieve that !!
I can only suggest to not feeding them with replies because this is their goal to draw you into conversations which only legitimizes their goal which is to place a seed of doubt into the minds of your fellow shareholders.
I would suggest to give them the silent treatment and feed them no more by not communicating with them !! They can talk with themselves and by doing that they will look and sound ridiculous :)