ArcticZymes R2D LigaseTM
ArcticZymes R2D LigaseTM
ArcticZymes RNA to DNA Ligase (ArcticZymes R2D LigaseTM) is the first ligase on the market that is able to ligate DNA to 5’-phosphorylated ends of RNA in the presence of a DNA template positioning the joinable ends. With its unique substrate specificity, ArcticZymes R2D Ligase allows the development of new technologies in molecular biology research, diagnostics, and manufacturing.
ArcticZymes RNA to DNA Ligase (ArcticZymes R2D LigaseTM) is the first ligase on the market that is able to ligate DNA to 5’-phosphorylated ends of RNA in the presence of a DNA template positioning the joinable ends. With its unique substrate specificity, ArcticZymes R2D Ligase allows the development of new technologies in molecular biology research, diagnostics, and manufacturing.
30.11.2022 kl 17:25
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