Idex, the future. Have played their cards right!

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IDEX 15.12.2022 kl 09:57 91647

«Indeed, according to a recent Visa study conducted on US consumers, 86% of respondents were interested in using biometrics to verify identity or make payments. The same research also found that more than two-thirds of consumers prefer to pay with contactless cards rather than using a digital wallet on their mobile device.«

By Anthony Eaton, Chief Technology Officer, IDEX Biometrics

"The biometric sensor market alone is set to triple its 2020 value to $3.3 billion by 2030. This is due to a drastic need for more secure authentication relating to access and payments. In fact, 84% of consumers in the US place huge importance on the privacy of their data in the digitized world, while 62% are so concerned by fraud that they feel it is an inevitable part of the transaction process when online shopping.
This makes biometrics a certainty, rather than a possibility; especially with 58% of consumers now agreeing that biometric payments make transactions more secure – up from 48% a year previous."

Don’t touch and go!

Sier nå jeg:)

Redigert 03.04.2024 kl 12:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
25.04.2023 kl 19:46 4293

Gratulerer!! Dagens mest intelligente og nyttige kommentar👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
25.04.2023 kl 17:44 4388

Er vel snart på tide med en emisjon.
Eneste sikre inntektskilden dem noen gang har hatt.
25.04.2023 kl 16:16 4491

«Dagens brikkekort drives av mikroprosessorer som er mye mer kapable og sikre, og mange er også innebygd med bittesmå antenner som muliggjør kontaktløse transaksjoner. Biometriske kort, som kombinerer fingeravtrykk med sjetonger for å bekrefte kortinnehaverens identitet, tilbyr enda et lag med sikkerhet," rapporterer Mastercard. Av denne grunn, "innen 2033 vil ingen Mastercard kreditt- og debetkort ha magnetiske striper,"

Slettet bruker
25.04.2023 kl 16:08 4507

Liker det:
Because of the risk of mag stripes being read and copied, Spain has announced that card issuing banks will stop using magnetic stripes on their cards and replacing existing credit cards with fingerprint biometrics cards.
Slettet bruker
25.04.2023 kl 15:20 4576

Billyjojimbob skrev Rally passer fint👍
Ja etterfulgt av en stor ordre :)
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25.04.2023 kl 15:15 4590

Mon tro om vi får samme rally fra 0,7 til 1,2,Det hadde vore gøy.
Slettet bruker
25.04.2023 kl 15:06 4542

Ja eller vet noen noe alle skulle fått vite samtidig? Bare spør?
Bare se kurs før 3/3
25.04.2023 kl 14:39 4537

Er vel mest sannsynlig shortcover.
25.04.2023 kl 14:37 4525

Hva skjer her nå ??
Føre var
25.04.2023 kl 08:54 4600

«The State Bank of Pakistan has set a timeline to adopt biometrics in the financial sector by the end of 2023, following a trend of central banks seeking to carve out a significant stake in digital identity. The revenue opportunity this creates for banks is as equal to the impact on customers being able to make quick, secure and decentralised payments without friction.«
Redigert 25.04.2023 kl 08:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.04.2023 kl 08:45 4552

«Pakistan’s top bank sets sector-wide biometric goal
by Evie Kim Sing | Apr 21, 2023 | Planet Biometrics»

«Biometrics unlocks a contactless payment solution, whether online or completing around half of all in-store purchases, integrating a biometric sensor into the contactless payment card so consumers can authenticate every transaction personally with a unique credential – their fingerprint.«
21.04.2023 kl 22:17 4692

Idemia blog letter ikveld:

The biometric cards of tomorrow

We are currently in the second generation of biometric cards. But what might the third and subsequent generations look like?
- Design. The biometric card is more secure and more hygienic than a traditional payment card. In line with our key sustainability pillars, we are considering the possibility of developing a next version of this biometric card made from environmentally-friendly raw materials.
- Proof of life! The card chip is too small to have a large computing capacity. Therefore, it is not possible at present to prove that the finger used for authentication is actually ... attached to a hand (even though a severed finger would not be useful for long!) The biometric card of tomorrow may actually be able to detect life through vein pulses, for example.
- Sensor. With second generation biometric cards, the cardholder needs to put their fingertip on the biometric sensor - which takes the form of a square - for authentication. In future, this square could disappear to make the sensor invisible. The sensor might also be bigger. You could potentially place your finger anywhere on the card to be authenticated.
- Fingertips. At present, you can register one or two different fingers - this is up to the bank. In the future, you may be able to register even more fingers.

These are just a few of the innovations that could streamline the use of biometric cards even further.
New potential uses

Now we know what biometric cards could look like, let's see what they could be used for.
- Cryptocurrencies. The second generation can already be used to digitally sign cryptocurrencies. Tomorrow, they may also be used for in-store payments with crypto if the new POS terminals allow these ... and stores accept them.
- Digital payment. Today, paying for a purchase on the internet with your bankcard can be tedious. You must enter all of the information of your card and you can't simply tap to pay. But this might be possible in the future. You may be able to pay by moving your biometric card near your phone and validating the transaction by placing your finger on your card sensor.
This is the potential of how biometric cards can serve as ID cards, in addition to those discussed in previous episodes.
Redigert 21.04.2023 kl 22:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2023 kl 21:24 4718

Et fremtidsorientert selskap som kan bli en stor fremtidig vinner. Bruker allerde biometrics på mobilen og det er faktisk veldig handy, så kan se for meg dette blir en normal del av hverdagen når det gjelder bankkort også.
Slettet bruker
21.04.2023 kl 19:02 4748

Sjoen7 gjør som Sjoen7 vil. Hva dere tenker og mener er meg revnede likegyldig.
Først så har jeg ikke vert i kontakt med Idex.
For det andre så svarte jeg bare på mailen jeg fikk i retur.
Info jeg delte var copy past fra Idex egne sider.
For det tredje har jeg og en liten aksjepost i Idex og er dermed aksjeeier. Hvor kompetent personalet er gjenstår å se, enda så blør Idex penger, ingen nye lanseringer er meldt på flere måneder.
21.04.2023 kl 17:52 4767

Ja jag är säker på att AuthenTrend enkom använder Egis sensorer. Det är jag eftersom AT enkom anger Egis som leverantör.

Jag tror du blandar ihopa AuthenTrend med Sentry Enterprises. Sentry använder Idex och FPC och en av Sentrys kunder är Phase ll. Just nu är det FPC’s sensor i Sentrys kort ”Sentinel Card” som Phase II låtit genomgå test via SEC. I Sentrys ”Sentinel Wallet” är det Idex sensor. I Sentrys kommunikation på Linkedin är det tydligt att de tänker använda både Idex och FPC.
Redigert 21.04.2023 kl 17:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2023 kl 17:45 4736

Ja exakt så. Det är enkom störande för alla parter. IR avdelningar och VP’s/C level chefer som måste läsa massa frågor om sådant som de som frågar borde förstå är opassande och omöjliga frågor. Det tar bara onödig energi. Lika illa är det när privatpersoner mailar bolag och försöker sälja in caset, dvs i förlängningen sitt aktiecase, exempelvis ”köp bolaget X komponenter för de är bäst”. Det är rakt av oförskämt och faktiskt pinsamt och kan även skapa onödiga funderingar från bolaget som får sådana mail huruvida komponentbolaget är att lita på vid eventuell nda.

@Sjoen7 Jag är en aktieägare som är nöjd med att Idex äntligen skapat ett säljteam med kompetent personal. Det började med att CEO anställde Catharina Eklof som därefter byggt upp ett bra team.
Slettet bruker
21.04.2023 kl 15:04 4801

Er du nå sikker på det?
Eller kan Idex være med på det?

Security Executive Council's case study on how Phase II is utilizing Sentry's Absolute #IDENTITY biometric credentials with #FIDO2 authentication. We appreciate the case study! Read more below...
Redigert 21.04.2023 kl 15:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
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21.04.2023 kl 13:45 4864

Stille før stormen, ett godt tegn. Ingen som vil selge, før gode nyheter, spøesmålet er om man bør kjøpe før nyhetene ligger på bordet, pleier jo å være lønnsomt å kjøpe først:)


Dagens beste innlegg tenker jeg;)

Idex har fremtiden foran seg, ikke bak seg som en del andre selskaper har.
Det er vel derfor ingen vil selge!
Redigert 21.04.2023 kl 13:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
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21.04.2023 kl 09:26 4960

Plutselig en dag er vi over krona, åkkesom:)
Redigert 21.04.2023 kl 09:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
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21.04.2023 kl 09:01 4959

Det var da svært så hårsåre dere var da? Agenda?
21.04.2023 kl 08:56 4918

Enig. I tillegg er det en uting at investorer kontakter selskaper for "insider" info, spesielt når infoen allerede er tilgjengelig.
Idex er så og si lovpålagt til å informere om hvem de samarbeider med.
Føre var
21.04.2023 kl 08:50 2306

Da vet vi det, godt jobba det.
Men vi vet fremdeles ikke hvem denne US kunden er. Men, nå skulle jo leveransene ha startet, så da må vi vel få greie på det snart, mye som skjer på biometrifronten over there om dagen.

Da ser vi vel idex sitt produkt i authentrend snart allikevel:)
Redigert 21.04.2023 kl 08:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2023 kl 08:32 2335

Kul med engagemang men det är mycket bättre låta Idex sköta säljsnacket.
Slettet bruker
21.04.2023 kl 06:39 2349

Dette svarte jeg:
IDEX Biometrics is a true end-to-end fingerprint biometric solutions company, and they have developed a full fingerprint biometric platform which includes the fingerprint sensor or module, a range of reference designs and integration kits, biometric algorithms and a remote enrollment solution. In addition, they have the most extensive preferred partner network regarding complimentary component suppliers including Secure Element (SE) providers and Card Inlay & Prelam providers. This ensures that manufacturers that work with them get to market faster.

Vince Graziani took over Idex in 2019 and has since developed a new sensor that is more efficient at a lower price. More secure software, and now they certify the total solution through Mastercard and Visa.v
Slettet bruker
21.04.2023 kl 06:39 2300

Dear Customer,

May you share us the reason or ideas? Why you prefer IDEX or IDEX is good?
Slettet bruker
21.04.2023 kl 06:10 2283

Sendte Mail:

Is it Idex sensor you use in your card?

Dear Customer,
Now we are using egis fingerprint sensor on our product, IDEX is considering for new product.

Redigert 21.04.2023 kl 06:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.04.2023 kl 17:31 2511

Enligt AuthenTrend är det Egis sensor. Tog ungefär 7 sekunder att googla fram vem som är sensorleverantör.

” With the build-in Egis fingerprint sensor, you can enjoy the risk-free login with something you have”

Føre var
20.04.2023 kl 10:46 2718

Speaker: Art Stewart, IDEX Biometrics

(hør de 2 siste minuttene)

Mar 31, 2023

"FIDO passkey adoption surging in APAC with 2 big announcements
Yahoo! JAPAN and Korean mobile provider SK Telecom cut password use"

"As the new FIDO 2.0 passkeys roll out, a major security benefit is that they are phishing-resistant, which will greatly reduce the risk of credential theft from social engineering for millions of users. And Yahoo! JAPAN’s customers can access their FIDO sign-in credentials on many of their devices, even new ones, without having to re-enroll every device across Apple’s mobile iOS, iPad OS, MacOS, and Google’s Android operating systems."

Ser dere noen sammenheng her?:)
Redigert 20.04.2023 kl 11:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
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20.04.2023 kl 10:06 2791

Takk for det Sjoen, Sente. Det kan vel være begge to.

Er Sjøen inne på noe her så kanskje vi får vite mer her !

"April 26, 2023 | 1:15 pm – 5:15 pm PT
The FIDO Alliance is hosting a half-day seminar at the Moscone Center on April 26, 2023 in partnership with the RSA Conference. This multi-session event will cover the state of identity and authentication with a focus on passwordless, including FIDO Authentication and passkeys. With standing-room only at the 2022 FIDO Alliance RSAC seminar, we expect another great turnout with 300+ attendees this April. We are offering four sponsorship slots at $7,500 each, which will include:"
20.04.2023 kl 10:05 2800

Tviler på at dette er Idex sensor.
Hovedsaklig fordi vi har ikke hørt om noe AuthenTrend+Idex samarbeid.
Men også den sensoren i kortet ser liten ut og har en blank metallramme som ikke trengs på Idex sensor. Mest sannsynlig er det en silisium sensor og selskapet bruker samme leverandør for kortet og USB dongelen.
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20.04.2023 kl 09:58 2789

Apple, Google and Microsoft will work together to accelerate acceptance of a passwordless sign-in standard set by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for their devices and platforms.

Dette er Idex med på.
Redigert 20.04.2023 kl 09:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
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20.04.2023 kl 09:39 2772
Twittret av

What are passkeys, and how do they work?
Apr 17, 2023, 7:22 pm EDT | Alessandro Mascellino
CATEGORIES Explaining Biometrics
What are passkeys, and how do they work?
Passkeys are a type of authentication credential that uses an individual’s unique personal characteristics or tokens and cryptographic signatures to grant or deny access to secure systems, networks, or physical locations without passwords.

Unlike traditional security systems that rely on passwords, PIN codes, or physical keys, passkeys can use biometric traits like fingerprints, iris patterns, facial recognition, or voice recognition, or other personal characteristics.

Passkeys use the WebAuthn standard for public-key cryptography, developed by the FIDO Alliance and World Wide Web Consortium. They are stored on a personal device, with authentication processed locally, but are meant to work with multiple devices.

Passkeys are unique to each person and cannot be forgotten, lost, or easily stolen like a password or physical key. Biometric passkeys provide an additional layer of security, but they are not the only type of authentication supported by passkeys, which can also be accessed by entering a PIN or pattern.

Authentication can be performed quickly and easily without users needing to remember or enter complex codes or sequences, making passkeys a more convenient and secure option for many applications.

Passkeys also enable users to experience a more seamless experience through cross-device authentication, allowing a user to use a passkey on one device to sign into an account on another device, regardless of the operating system.

There are some aspects of passkeys, such as how they are shared between devices, that may be considered unacceptable to enterprise security administrators. Account recovery through the cloud could also present a point of vulnerability, compared to the rest of the system.

Passkeys are expected to become the standard for both enterprises and consumers in the near future, as they provide a more secure and convenient alternative to traditional password-based authentication systems.

Several tech companies already allow customers to use them as an authentication option, including Google, Apple, and Microsoft.
20.04.2023 kl 09:35 2715

Antar det er Bloomberg B-unit 5 som nærmer seg.
Litt usikker hva leveringene til Bloomberg har vært frem til nå, men jeg tror Bunit har ikke rullet ordentlig ut enda.
Eventuelt dette:
Redigert 20.04.2023 kl 09:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
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20.04.2023 kl 09:12 2708

Så hvem er denne US kunden fra august 2022?

"The customer is a large US company with a global footprint. This order represents the largest single order in IDEX history. Shipments against the order will begin in the 4th quarter of 2022."
Redigert 20.04.2023 kl 09:13 Du må logge inn for å svare