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31.08.2023 kl 16:08
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
ZENA 25.12.2022 kl 23:29 411685

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and especially a successful and prosperous new year for all Zenith holders, I believe we have a very good year ahead of us with lots of profit. Enjoy
Redigert 26.12.2022 kl 12:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.05.2023 kl 10:23 4039

Pr. i dag finnes det vel ikke en eneste aksjonær som er positiv til utviklingen i selskapet.
Det ser ut som at alt rotner på rot. De sår her, og de sår der, men gror det noe opp?
Redigert 11.05.2023 kl 10:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.05.2023 kl 10:15 4070

Hva hjelper det oss? 2021 nov 02 ble det tilført 272 727 273 til 0,13 NOK ish. De har tapt mye mer. Dette skulle pengene brukes til den gang:
The Company intends to use the proceeds of the Subscription as follows:

· £1,300,000 - funding of Zenith's share of work programme costs in respect of the Ezzaouia concession onshore Tunisia. This will include the drilling of two sidetracks in non-producing wells with the objective of achieving a gross production of 1,000 bopd from the Ezzaouia concession.

· £600,000 - expected cost of drilling a new well in the Robbana concession, also onshore Tunisia, where Zenith holds a 100% working interest. Long-lead items required for drilling of two wells already acquired and on location.

· £300,000 - transportation expenses for Zenith's 1,200hp drilling rig to Africa.

· £250,000 - Tilapia II licence, (located onshore Republic of the Congo), development costs, including finalisation of licence award process and employment of operational personnel to optimise the planned beginning of drilling operations in well TLP-103C.

· £150,000 - expenses associated with the preparation and publication of a UK Prospectus. See below for more details.

· £400,000 - general working capital.

Hvor er disse pengene nå?
11.05.2023 kl 09:38 4140

Og de komner til at tabe mere sammen med os andre hvis de ikke snart får fingeren ud
11.05.2023 kl 09:05 4193

Husk også de har kjøpt masse aksjer til 0,067. så per nå har de tapt over 10% på kort tid.
10.05.2023 kl 19:50 4304

When you recall the situation we had before Christmas in 2020, I can agree with you that a kind of the same feeling come to my mind. Silence from the company over more than 4-5 weeks, and shareholders stayed quiet for some weeks ( really depressing) :-)
Slettet bruker
10.05.2023 kl 13:48 4416

Correct new field he will announce after final conclusion, and Italian production is continuous mainly income is selling electricity.
Oil from sale from SLK is long due including other field in Tunisia.
10.05.2023 kl 13:29 4438


Siste setning: Tror det ble nevnt i et nylig intervju eller hvor det var, i en bisetning..
10.05.2023 kl 13:24 4455

Angående din siste setning: Hvor har du det fra?

Hadde det enda skjedd noe nytt med de anlegg vi har i Tunisia og Italia...for ikke å snakke om oljesalg.
Redigert 10.05.2023 kl 13:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.05.2023 kl 13:19 4448

Company taking too long time to make 1st IC in 2023 ........................many things to be clarify in that.
Also people forgot about reverse split of shares which is passed by board almost month before. look like Company will do it after announcement of Benin means it Benin announcement on verge to happen soon.
Also Company will announce new asset other than Benin and Yemen ...................
Redigert 10.05.2023 kl 13:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.05.2023 kl 13:11 4353

Great input, also remember the court cases and the oil sales, and italy increasement in production.
10.05.2023 kl 12:59 4350

Does anyone else get the feeling that we are currently in a pretty similar situation to where the company was in December 2020? Back then, the share price was down at 0.3 and everything seemed a bit stuck but then shortly after the Tilapia news came in and then the share-price soared almost overnight. The company then followed this up with the Tunisian acquisitions and all of a sudden everything was in a completely different space.

I think that we are in pretty-much the same position now. However, the big difference is that we know that we are negotiating on two assets (Benin and Yemen) rather than just Tilapia. If we can bring even one of them over the line then we are looking at another complete re-rate of the company and a new stage stepping forwards.

As I have said before, I would very much prefer to get Yemen as it is the best of all the assets that we have looked at and it would deliver cash-flow in a pretty quick amount of time. However, Benin is not far behind it in terms of potential and from the information that the company has put out over twitter I think that it is much further along the path to being acquired.

The company does need to deliver at least one of the two assets soon though as the share price will not move from current levels until it does.
Slettet bruker
03.05.2023 kl 15:09 4957

Panikk oppfatning til Viking er han/hennese subjektive oppfatning.
Tviler sterkt på om mange andre deler det synet ...

Viking sin feilslåtte spådommer for stå for han/hennes egen regning.

03.05.2023 kl 14:52 4967

I wouldn't mind some tweet-updates from their concessions and assets in Italy and Tunisia.
The tweet about Hedi Href in Benin was what we'd like more of:)
03.05.2023 kl 14:21 4748

Aren't all their tweets based on funfacts about the markets they operate in? Not much substance in their tweets besides RNSs and re-posting of those. There are never tweets from operational activities such as drilling, lifting of crude, maintenance, gas production, their sites and assets etc. It's all just super low-hanging fruits to keep their social account from being dead. It's better than nothing but I'm still missing "real" posts on twitter.

A good example is Angus Energy Plc on twitter. Here you can actually follow what is happening on the ground.

03.05.2023 kl 13:47 4760

Jeg sitter fullastet og er ikke interessert i å skape panikk. Men du må slutte å mase om frister etc. Du mente Benin skulle komme rundt 10. mars, Tilapia var i følge deg underskrevet og ble varslet å komme minst 100 ganger. Oljesalget som ble meldt om i fjor sommer, har vi ikke hørt mere til.. og nå varsler du nytt oljesalg. Derfor sier jeg TIL DEG: Du må slutte å drømme, og det har ikke noe med å skape panikk å gjøre. Gjør oss andre en tjeneste og slutt med alle disse spådommene dine!
Slettet bruker
03.05.2023 kl 13:28 4677

how much you know about Benin then please clarify ............................otherwise stop create panic without reason.
Redigert 03.05.2023 kl 13:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.05.2023 kl 13:26 4644

Jeg snakket om Benin og olje....som du ikke vet noen ting om.
Slettet bruker
03.05.2023 kl 13:23 4641

Furuen skrev Slutt å drømme!
Here is the numbers
Fixed production cost - €35000
monthly production around 960MWh to 1000 MWh

get out of black dream first ................
03.05.2023 kl 12:13 4661

What do you gather of recent tweet? kinda odd how they talk about some random funfact from Reuters when they are supposedly finalizing Benin?
Slettet bruker
03.05.2023 kl 11:43 4682

From 2020 Italy production registering profit at least 3 times until today of production cost, peak time it went 14 times.
Someone trying to sell with hidden volume 0.0658 - 1000
Benin will be announce at any time now .............so be ready to buy more.
Company should come with oil sale news as it is crossed 1 year form last oil sale from Tunisia.
Redigert 03.05.2023 kl 11:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.05.2023 kl 11:29 4558

Fra ZENA på LinkedIn:
The price outlook in Italy remains favourable (source: Reuters *1), enabling Zenith to continue its trend of generating strong profits from its electricity production concession, Torrente Cigno, as seen during Q1 2023.

*1 https://www.reuters.com/

Redigert 03.05.2023 kl 11:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
02.05.2023 kl 16:09 4590

large hidden order to buy 0.0644 - 10
02.05.2023 kl 15:48 4373

Like rødt på begge børsene i dag.
Måtte det dukke opp en melding om undrerskrevne kontrakter snart.
Får håpe vi må vente lenge på den spleisen 10:1!
02.05.2023 kl 13:12 4482

I get the grey moments from time to time so I tray to stay a way from keyboards but my intuition is there as the first time when I thought to invest on Zenith.That we are going to make it. We haw to wait for Divine time.
Redigert 02.05.2023 kl 13:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
02.05.2023 kl 13:09 4373

Han/henne sitter bare å gjetter ....

Det ville være positivt om Zenith nå hadde meldte om fornyet SLK lisen eller at de setter igang med ROB-3 ...
X-43 scramjet
02.05.2023 kl 12:54 4369

Vet aldri hva Zena kommer med. Men kanskje det snur
Slettet bruker
02.05.2023 kl 12:34 4331

Everyone one Expecting Benin news but you will get another one. This time more concrete .............
Redigert 02.05.2023 kl 12:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
X-43 scramjet
02.05.2023 kl 12:27 4230

Har fortsatt troen, men det tar lang tid før vi ser resultater. Fin inngang nå. Ting snur når en minst venter det
02.05.2023 kl 09:51 4328

For their sake, I hope that they will come up with something concrete this time. We have got the impression that everything is so close that it will be difficult for them to explain this away.
And I do willy hope that this is not one more of the learning experiences in my life.
Redigert 02.05.2023 kl 09:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.05.2023 kl 09:42 4336

Tja..tiden går...vi er godt ute i andre kvartal...får innimellom drypp om at forhandlinger pågår og er lovende....men som vanlig så kommer ikke resultatene.
01.05.2023 kl 17:52 4668

Får håpe på at de sanndrømte hadde rett om uka som var, at alt er i boks... og resultatet kan offentliggjøres denne uken. Ville vært fint! Fortsatt optimist.