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31.08.2023 kl 16:08
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
ZENA 25.12.2022 kl 23:29 404632

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and especially a successful and prosperous new year for all Zenith holders, I believe we have a very good year ahead of us with lots of profit. Enjoy
Redigert 26.12.2022 kl 12:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 08:48 4927


Forstår ikke sproget, men kan se OMV og Zenith er nævnt nogle gange
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 08:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 08:57 4854

Conclusion is we will wait for Zenith announcement of Tilapia it will happen soon now or within days or hours.
Current market not showing any value from tilapia so not expect downside in coming days due to rumors'.
Benin and oil sale news is coming in next 45 days with Yemen as bazooka
17.02.2023 kl 08:57 4850

Google oversat -

O group explained. Um. In Austrian oil and gas (OMV), the sale of its managed sectors in Shabwa Governorate, southeast Yemen, is still ongoing and has not been permanently closed until the moment.

The deal includes the Austrian company's largest asset in Yemen, its stake in the Al-Aqra oil field (S2, 3 and 70) in the southeastern province of Shabwa on the Arabian Sea, which is under the control of the Yemeni government.

According to several correspondences conducted by the editor of "Newsiemen", the Austrian group confirmed that it is still in the process of selling its branches in Yemen, but revealed that it has reached an agreement with the Dutch Zenith Energy Group, noting that the operation of the oil sectors managed by the Austrian company in Shabwa is carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations as well as within

She explained that the sale and acquisition of the next company will be in accordance with the approval of the competent authorities in Yemen and Austria, reiterating that this transaction has not yet been closed.

>> Without the knowledge of the government .. Shady deal to sell OMV oil company stake in Shabwa

What the correspondence revealed with the Austrian group contradicts recent statements by the Yemeni Oil Ministry, which refused to complete the deal in favor of the Dutch group.

The Yemeni Ministry of Oil justified its rejection of the sale because Dutch Zenith Energy is not known globally, does not have the financial capacity and technical competence approved by the ministry and the Oil Authority, and does not meet the criteria governing cases of renunciation of ownership of the share owned by the Austrian company OMV.

In June 2022, Vienna-based OMV announced that it was selling its crude oil and natural gas liquids assets in Yemen as it tried to limit its oil activities, noting that “the planned liquidation is based on OMV’s strategy to reduce the share of oil in the portfolio.”

“While the security situation in Yemen consistently poses significant challenges, OMV has been able to complete the maintenance campaign in Block S2 and commission two power generation units for the central processing facility at Q4/21,” it added.

In early January 2023, the Yemeni government was surprised by the announcement by Dutch company Zenith Energy, the acquisition of the energy assets of the Austrian company (OMV) in Shabwa with a sale of about $21.6 million.

Zenith CEO Andrea Cattaneo then published a statement about the company's ability to acquire the assets of the Austrian company's oil sectors in Shabwa Governorate, southeast Yemen. However, these statements were rejected and not approved by the Ministry of Oil and Minerals in Yemen.

According to the announcement of the deal, the new company acquired the share of the main oil field in Al-Aqla, which produces an average of 6,000 barrels per day as of January 2022, after producing about 15,000 barrels per day before the Houthi war in Yemen.

She also sold “or. M. In its stakes in two smaller fields in eastern Yemen, along with an estimated 571 billion cubic feet of recoverable gas.

The Yemeni Oil Ministry responded quickly to the statement of the CEO of the Dutch company Zenith, describing it as contrary to the truth, stressing that no agreement was concluded with it on this subject. And it is still studying the documents submitted by OMV regarding the sale of its assets in the oil sectors in Shabwa Governorate.

The ministry reiterated that no approval or reference was given to accept the Dutch company, blaming OMV and Zenith for legal responsibility.
17.02.2023 kl 09:04 4867

large hidden volume to buy 0,082
17.02.2023 kl 09:06 4836

Deal will go through as per geologist who leaked in Dec. PM has full support to deal. same report given for S5 block but that deal also happened.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 09:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 09:07 4826

Helt utrolig att man får kjøpt på disse nivåer rett før totalforvandling av selskapet..
17.02.2023 kl 09:08 4821

Desværre er der nogle investorer som ikke tror på caset ses det jo på kursen😥😥
17.02.2023 kl 09:08 4819

Hej Norge

Google oversættelse 😮

O group explained. Um. In Austrian oil and gas (OMV), the sale of its managed sectors in Shabwa Governorate, southeast Yemen, is still ongoing and has not been permanently closed until the moment.

The deal includes the Austrian company's largest asset in Yemen, its stake in the Al-Aqra oil field (S2, 3 and 70) in the southeastern province of Shabwa on the Arabian Sea, which is under the control of the Yemeni government.

According to several correspondences conducted by the editor of "Newsiemen", the Austrian group confirmed that it is still in the process of selling its branches in Yemen, but revealed that it has reached an agreement with the Dutch Zenith Energy Group, noting that the operation of the oil sectors managed by the Austrian company in Shabwa is carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations as well as within

She explained that the sale and acquisition of the next company will be in accordance with the approval of the competent authorities in Yemen and Austria, reiterating that this transaction has not yet been closed.

>> Without the knowledge of the government .. Shady deal to sell OMV oil company stake in Shabwa

What the correspondence revealed with the Austrian group contradicts recent statements by the Yemeni Oil Ministry, which refused to complete the deal in favor of the Dutch group.

The Yemeni Ministry of Oil justified its rejection of the sale because Dutch Zenith Energy is not known globally, does not have the financial capacity and technical competence approved by the ministry and the Oil Authority, and does not meet the criteria governing cases of renunciation of ownership of the share owned by the Austrian company OMV.

In June 2022, Vienna-based OMV announced that it was selling its crude oil and natural gas liquids assets in Yemen as it tried to limit its oil activities, noting that “the planned liquidation is based on OMV’s strategy to reduce the share of oil in the portfolio.”

“While the security situation in Yemen consistently poses significant challenges, OMV has been able to complete the maintenance campaign in Block S2 and commission two power generation units for the central processing facility at Q4/21,” it added.

In early January 2023, the Yemeni government was surprised by the announcement by Dutch company Zenith Energy, the acquisition of the energy assets of the Austrian company (OMV) in Shabwa with a sale of about $21.6 million.

Zenith CEO Andrea Cattaneo then published a statement about the company's ability to acquire the assets of the Austrian company's oil sectors in Shabwa Governorate, southeast Yemen. However, these statements were rejected and not approved by the Ministry of Oil and Minerals in Yemen.

According to the announcement of the deal, the new company acquired the share of the main oil field in Al-Aqla, which produces an average of 6,000 barrels per day as of January 2022, after producing about 15,000 barrels per day before the Houthi war in Yemen.

She also sold “or. M. In its stakes in two smaller fields in eastern Yemen, along with an estimated 571 billion cubic feet of recoverable gas.

The Yemeni Oil Ministry responded quickly to the statement of the CEO of the Dutch company Zenith, describing it as contrary to the truth, stressing that no agreement was concluded with it on this subject. And it is still studying the documents submitted by OMV regarding the sale of its assets in the oil sectors in Shabwa Governorate.

The ministry reiterated that no approval or reference was given to accept the Dutch company, blaming OMV and Zenith for legal responsibility.

med alle de indlæg og kommentarer samt gætterier bliver det rart med en RNS fra Zenith.

Håber Viking_monopolet har ret eller har han da mistet alt troværdighed og respekt 🤔

17.02.2023 kl 09:16 4768

Forgot about my credibility if AC has not inform us that he did not apply for Tilapia license and showing same on his website also in bondholder report then whole company will be delisted. He loose his all money.
AC bought 40 million share in Jan 2022 end before PSC signature in Feb 2022.
17.02.2023 kl 09:21 4723

Hittil ikke noe volum av betydning. Personlig synes jeg det ser greit ut i dag, siden ingen eksisterende aksjonærer åpnet børsdagen med å lempe ut millioner av aksjer. Dersom de som dumpet i går ser seg tilbake, vil jeg tro de sier seg enige i at beslutningen deres var prematur.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 09:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 09:32 4656

large hidden volume for buy move to 0.0834 .......... moved
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 09:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 09:42 4594

There is zero value from tilapia in current course nice to upload up to kr 0.1. Any how Benin and Yemen will conclude in next 45 days (Including Tilapia conclusion in coming days or hours )
X-43 scramjet
17.02.2023 kl 10:02 4495

Tok et lodd nå, Zena til spot pris. En gang må jo denne opp. Vi har ventet lenge nå
17.02.2023 kl 10:11 4457

Hvorfor tror du Zenith er fortsatt med på tilapia2?
Alt peker i motsatt retning…? Olive Energy / Olive Energy EP har vel tatt Zenith’s plass?
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 10:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 10:13 4457

Mengo-Kundji-Bindi II (MKB)
SNPC - 60%
Orian Oil - 40%
Olive Energy - operator

Expecting same for Tilapia in announcement soon
SNPC - 40%
Zenith Energy - 60%
Olive Energy - operator
AC told in Nov 2021 a sign remaining on PSC
AC bought 40 million shares in Jan 2022
AC visited Congo in Feb 2022 - (to sign PSC)
SNPC submit document May 2022 (If SNPC submit document alone AC inform us long time back and following things not happens and African intelligence would have leak this critical news long time back)
passed in assembly - Aug /Sep 2022
AC participated in conference (Due to Yemen he did not participated )
Bond holder rating report also added Tilapia. in Jan 2023

similar happens to Marine xxi block "The license for the exploitation of liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons, Bloc Marine XXI, was attributed to the SNPC"
17.02.2023 kl 10:15 4441

after selling at 0.0948 2.5 million people asking quotations now, As you write last time you have good contacts with from Norwegian counterpart from Zenith check with him i know you are also part of syndicate and come here to create panic.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 10:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 10:22 4395

Som jeg og skreiv i går, tror jeg markedet tolket dette feil, og at dette til slutt koker ned til at vi nå har tlpa2 i boks på samme ffordeling Viking skriver.
Disse olive også, virker til at de ikke driver produksjon men heller driver med service aktivitetene. Geo/drilling etc.
AC har også via flere andre ic og RNS vært tydelig på at de vil bruke mest mulig "lokale" selskaper til netopp denne aktivitet
17.02.2023 kl 10:23 4406

Herregud, viking. Du er rett og slett en tosk.
Jeg har verken solgt/kjøpt på flere mnd(dessverre), og heller ikke solgt/tradet en eneste aksje imens jeg har vært investor i Zenith over flere år nå(dessverre). I motsetning til deg.
Det er lov å stille spørsmål når du (som historisk sett har bommet på enormt mange påstander, og alle rundt tlp2 hittil) kaster ut ville påstander, da vi har fått en decret fra myndighetene i går…..

Du svarer heller ikke på spørsmålet mitt. Holder du på å selge deg ut, siden du kaster ut disse hausse-påstandene??

Fint hvis du faktisk svarer på spørsmålet. På forhånd takk.

Ps har ikke kontakt med norsk person i Zenith. Kun fått svar fra AC i noen få mails.

Ta deg sammen.
17.02.2023 kl 10:25 4388

Konklusionen må jo være at fader AC må snart komme ud af busken for at redde noget af den smule troværdig der må være tilbage, sørgeligt at se kurs udviklingen især efter de 2 meldinger i starten af Januar
17.02.2023 kl 10:31 4382


Ja, jeg håper det er faktum..

Men se her;
Ser det ikke ut som at de kan ha tatt Zenith’s plass?

Det jeg syntes er veldig merkelig.. er at Africa Intellegence ikke har kommet på banen enda med «skit-kasting» rundt Zenith
Forventet egentlig en artikkel fra de innen nå….. De har benyttet hver anledning tidligere. Dette burde være en gyllen mulighet for de!

For meg kan det se ut som at Olive Energy er nettopp det du sier.. men så står fortsatt zenith ikke på papiret som ble vedtatt 15.02.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 10:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 10:34 4388

På Olive Energy sin egen nettside, definerer de seg selv som et selskap som fasiliteter og legger til rette for E&P prosjekt på vegne av sine klienter. Basert på den informasjonen som er tilgjengelig i dag, er det rimelig å anta at klientene deres mtp TLP er Zenith og SNPC. Jeg har ikke funnet noe sted at Olive er eiere av noe felt, og antar derfor at de er et oljeservice selskap med mulighet til å fungere som operatør. Tror valg av operatør er viktig for myndighetene i Kongo slik at mest mulig av inntektene føres tilbake til lokalbefolkningen.
17.02.2023 kl 10:38 4352

Zenith er heller ikke nevnt som del av kontrakts-gruppen.-Og ettersom lisensen nå er tildelt så burde vi se svart eller hvit røyk fra pipen.

"At the end of the public utility investigation prescribed by the texts, the company associated with the SNPC, namely the company OLIVE ENERGY was declared capable of assuming the role of operator of the TTLAPIA II operating permit, the contracting group being made up, in addition to the two aforementioned companies, of DMT OVERHOOD as a partner."
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 10:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 10:41 4347

Enig i at teksten er uklar, men dersom Zenith har mistet TLP så har de fått beskjed om dette for lenge siden, og vil da være lovpålagt å informere markedet.
17.02.2023 kl 10:48 4306

Det er alltid håp i et hengende snøre, men det Tilapia-snøret begynner sannelig å bli tynt. Likevel: Kjøp på lave kurser! Det er større håp i Benin.
Slettet bruker
17.02.2023 kl 10:49 4326

Er du her også nå Gullit? I det minste har du klart å finne riktig sektor denne gangen, men Zenith?? Av alle ting så klarte du å velge den største myggen av dem alle!
17.02.2023 kl 10:49 4325

"Namely the company OLIVE ENERGY was declared capable of assuming the role of operator of the TTLAPIA II operating permit"
OLIVE ENERGY is operator
DMT OVERHOOD - is industrial engineering company
17.02.2023 kl 10:52 4267

Og hvem er etter sigende majoritetseier i lisensen?
Poenget mitt er at lisensen er tildelt. Men ingen melding.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 10:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 10:55 4231

SNPC will share the production with Zenith
"In addition, it is expected that the signature bonus of US$2 million that will become payable should the Group be successful in its tender for a new license will be offset from the receivable which would further demonstrate the recoverability of the amount."
17.02.2023 kl 10:55 4237

Alle må jo finne det merkelig at Zenith overhode ikke er nevnt.
17.02.2023 kl 11:00 4204

Check Olive Energy is partner in any field ? but operator in many field with SNPC in decree clearly written " role of operator of the TTLAPIA II operating permit "
17.02.2023 kl 11:10 4212

Look like someone got reply from zenith ..............
17.02.2023 kl 11:17 4199

Ja dette er siste loddet ut av elendigheten min… måtte de vokse seg store !!
17.02.2023 kl 11:23 4155

Er vel ikke merkelig det, zenith er jo ikke en part av tilapia 2. det som er merkelig er alle som sitter her på forumet og ikke bare mener zenith er en del av dette, men i tillegg mener at zenith eier feltet og skal ha en annen operatør på det. For noe tullball, i alle intervjuer som AC legger ut så skryter han av at zenith er operatør og st det er det som er så viktig bla bla bl. Tilapia er mistet, det står svart på hvitt fra kongolesiske myndigheter hvem som er involvert i feltet og zenith er ikke nevnt i det hele tatt. Welcome to africa🤦🏼‍♂️ spår aksjen ned i 0.06 straks dette går opp for folk. Jeg har desverre tapt enorme summer her sammen med flere andre. Men må desverre innse at vi er blitt lurt, ingen har sittet klar med penn i hånden eller vært rett rundt hjørnet…
17.02.2023 kl 11:45 4038

People here more ignorant. there is Zero value for Congo in share price and Tunisia and Italy defend value of kr 0.2 buy with both hands until kr 0.1 Benin and Yemen also coming.

Tilapia is with Zenith with 60% and Olive Energy is operator.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 11:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2023 kl 12:12 3909

AC er nok i kulissene her. Vi blir overrasket snart. Slutter på 0.10 i dag. Ikke selg nå.Dere blir lurt og manipulert . Sjekk kjøpssiden.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 12:14 Du må logge inn for å svare