Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
31.08.2023 kl 16:08
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and especially a successful and prosperous new year for all Zenith holders, I believe we have a very good year ahead of us with lots of profit. Enjoy
Redigert 26.12.2022 kl 12:10
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"Namely the company OLIVE ENERGY was declared capable of assuming the role of operator of the TTLAPIA II operating permit"
OLIVE ENERGY is operator
DMT OVERHOOD - is industrial engineering company
OLIVE ENERGY is operator
DMT OVERHOOD - is industrial engineering company
17.02.2023 kl 10:52
Og hvem er etter sigende majoritetseier i lisensen?
Poenget mitt er at lisensen er tildelt. Men ingen melding.
Poenget mitt er at lisensen er tildelt. Men ingen melding.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 10:55
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SNPC will share the production with Zenith
"In addition, it is expected that the signature bonus of US$2 million that will become payable should the Group be successful in its tender for a new license will be offset from the receivable which would further demonstrate the recoverability of the amount."
"In addition, it is expected that the signature bonus of US$2 million that will become payable should the Group be successful in its tender for a new license will be offset from the receivable which would further demonstrate the recoverability of the amount."
Check Olive Energy is partner in any field ? but operator in many field with SNPC in decree clearly written " role of operator of the TTLAPIA II operating permit "
Look like someone got reply from zenith ..............
17.02.2023 kl 11:17
Ja dette er siste loddet ut av elendigheten min… måtte de vokse seg store !!
17.02.2023 kl 11:23
Er vel ikke merkelig det, zenith er jo ikke en part av tilapia 2. det som er merkelig er alle som sitter her på forumet og ikke bare mener zenith er en del av dette, men i tillegg mener at zenith eier feltet og skal ha en annen operatør på det. For noe tullball, i alle intervjuer som AC legger ut så skryter han av at zenith er operatør og st det er det som er så viktig bla bla bl. Tilapia er mistet, det står svart på hvitt fra kongolesiske myndigheter hvem som er involvert i feltet og zenith er ikke nevnt i det hele tatt. Welcome to africa🤦🏼♂️ spår aksjen ned i 0.06 straks dette går opp for folk. Jeg har desverre tapt enorme summer her sammen med flere andre. Men må desverre innse at vi er blitt lurt, ingen har sittet klar med penn i hånden eller vært rett rundt hjørnet…
People here more ignorant. there is Zero value for Congo in share price and Tunisia and Italy defend value of kr 0.2 buy with both hands until kr 0.1 Benin and Yemen also coming.
Tilapia is with Zenith with 60% and Olive Energy is operator.
Tilapia is with Zenith with 60% and Olive Energy is operator.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 11:57
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17.02.2023 kl 12:12
AC er nok i kulissene her. Vi blir overrasket snart. Slutter på 0.10 i dag. Ikke selg nå.Dere blir lurt og manipulert . Sjekk kjøpssiden.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 12:14
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17.02.2023 kl 12:13
Show me where zenith energy have an agreement with olive energy please, or anything that shows that zenith is still in the loop that is not old News. Or else stop lying, you have not even once had any of your predictions right…
i am not here to sell, I saw kr 0.035 and then kr 0.18 in days. i will sell after any of two field in production (Benin and Congo) Yemen is producing currently also OMV is confirm to sell it to Zenith after todays news and they have solution too.
Oil inventory value is more than todays market value.
Oil inventory value is more than todays market value.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 12:20
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17.02.2023 kl 12:32
Update on Tilapia
February 17, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Update on Tilapia
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the energy company with proven revenue generating production, exploration and development assets in Africa, the Middle East and Europe, provides an update on its business activities in the Republic of the Congo.
Zenith had previously announced the successful completion of an Inquiry of Public Utility (Enquête d'Utilité Publique) ("IPU"), involving an in-depth technical and financial review of the Company performed by the Ministry of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of the Congo, on February 10, 2021.
The purpose of the IPU was, in accordance with local law, to determine Zenith’s suitability for the award of a new 25-year licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield following confirmation, announced by the Company on December 23, 2020, regarding the successful bid submitted by Zenith Energy Congo SA ("Zenith Congo") for the award of a new 25-year licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield ("Tilapia II").
The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield.
The Company is disappointed by this development, which contradicts the aforementioned milestones.
Debt owed to Zenith by SNPC - approx.US$5.3 million plus accrued interest
The Company announces that it has engaged a legal representative to negotiate the full repayment of an original principal amount of US$5.3 million plus accrued interest owed by Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo ("SNPC"), the national oil company of the Republic of the Congo, to Anglo African Oil & Gas Congo S.A.U ("AAOGC"), a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, for past work performed during the Tilapia I licence.
Legal Claim against SMP for approx. US$9 million
Zenith confirms that the legal claim launched by AAOGC against Société de Maintenance Pétrolière ("SMP"), the rig contractor employed to perform drilling services in wells TLP-103 and TLP-103C of the Tilapia oilfield during 2018-2019, is progressing in the Paris Commercial Court (the “Claim”).
The Company has increased the claimed amount for the performance failures by SMP during drilling activities to US$9 million in consideration of the significant commercial damages suffered by AAOGC, specifically the impossibility to begin production activities, as a direct result.
Zenith has not provided for the potential recovery of such costs in its cashflow projections. Therefore, any success in this matter would enhance the Company's cash position.
Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer of Zenith, commented:
“This represents disappointing news. However, the Company’s opportunity to recover an amount of approximately US$15 million due to past activities in connection with the Republic of the Congo remains unchanged.
This will now become our primary focus, whilst we continue to work towards completing our acquisitions in other jurisdictions for large, revenue-generating energy production and development assets with transformational potential.”
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 (587) 315 9031
E: info@zenithenergy.ca
February 17, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Update on Tilapia
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the energy company with proven revenue generating production, exploration and development assets in Africa, the Middle East and Europe, provides an update on its business activities in the Republic of the Congo.
Zenith had previously announced the successful completion of an Inquiry of Public Utility (Enquête d'Utilité Publique) ("IPU"), involving an in-depth technical and financial review of the Company performed by the Ministry of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of the Congo, on February 10, 2021.
The purpose of the IPU was, in accordance with local law, to determine Zenith’s suitability for the award of a new 25-year licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield following confirmation, announced by the Company on December 23, 2020, regarding the successful bid submitted by Zenith Energy Congo SA ("Zenith Congo") for the award of a new 25-year licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield ("Tilapia II").
The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield.
The Company is disappointed by this development, which contradicts the aforementioned milestones.
Debt owed to Zenith by SNPC - approx.US$5.3 million plus accrued interest
The Company announces that it has engaged a legal representative to negotiate the full repayment of an original principal amount of US$5.3 million plus accrued interest owed by Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo ("SNPC"), the national oil company of the Republic of the Congo, to Anglo African Oil & Gas Congo S.A.U ("AAOGC"), a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, for past work performed during the Tilapia I licence.
Legal Claim against SMP for approx. US$9 million
Zenith confirms that the legal claim launched by AAOGC against Société de Maintenance Pétrolière ("SMP"), the rig contractor employed to perform drilling services in wells TLP-103 and TLP-103C of the Tilapia oilfield during 2018-2019, is progressing in the Paris Commercial Court (the “Claim”).
The Company has increased the claimed amount for the performance failures by SMP during drilling activities to US$9 million in consideration of the significant commercial damages suffered by AAOGC, specifically the impossibility to begin production activities, as a direct result.
Zenith has not provided for the potential recovery of such costs in its cashflow projections. Therefore, any success in this matter would enhance the Company's cash position.
Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer of Zenith, commented:
“This represents disappointing news. However, the Company’s opportunity to recover an amount of approximately US$15 million due to past activities in connection with the Republic of the Congo remains unchanged.
This will now become our primary focus, whilst we continue to work towards completing our acquisitions in other jurisdictions for large, revenue-generating energy production and development assets with transformational potential.”
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 (587) 315 9031
E: info@zenithenergy.ca
17.02.2023 kl 12:37
Slettet brukerskrevInnlegget er slettet
So you are wrong again. Thanks. Tilapia is lost
17.02.2023 kl 12:42
Bra med en oppdatering. Da får vi penger inn på konto og kan fokusere på andre områder. Blir nok en kjøpsmulighet for de som vil inn nå. Prisen er fortsatt hinsides med tanke på hva vi allerede har.
17.02.2023 kl 12:43
Har ventet 2-3 år på TLP2..
Det er lov å reise spørsmål om gyldighet på andre prosjekter også i en sådan stund! Pføy!!! for et firma!!
Det er lov å reise spørsmål om gyldighet på andre prosjekter også i en sådan stund! Pføy!!! for et firma!!
17.02.2023 kl 12:44
Hvis vi kortsiktig bare faller 12 % på denne nyheten så får vi leve greit med det. Kanskje på tide å få dette Tilapia spøkelse ut av verden
17.02.2023 kl 12:44
futureistoday skrev So you are wrong again. Thanks. Tilapia is lost
Han har ikke greie på noen ting.
17.02.2023 kl 12:44
Og du tror det blir sååå enkelt bare å få inn penger?
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 12:45
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17.02.2023 kl 12:45
Dette har ikke vert Zenith sin feil. Ta de som må taes. Noen skal betale for dette og det gir oss muligheter til å investere andre plasser
17.02.2023 kl 12:47
Mr Viking, did you get a warranty when you purchased your Tarot cards and crystal ball?
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 12:49
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17.02.2023 kl 12:50
The share price is currently not priced in with anything, I have 250, 000 Kr ready to go in.
17.02.2023 kl 12:55
FinansK skrev Tenker Viking blir stille nå:) ......
Så kan en jo stille spørsmål ved hvorfor de out of the blue sendte "proud sponsors" på Twitter i går etter at det hadde begynt å koke på forums?
Tenker de har vært klar over dette lenge og håpet at det skulle komme i skyggen av noe annet.
De forsvant jo både som taler og sponsor fra messen.
Tenker de har vært klar over dette lenge og håpet at det skulle komme i skyggen av noe annet.
De forsvant jo både som taler og sponsor fra messen.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 13:02
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17.02.2023 kl 12:56
Fuck that :( Someone knew something yesterday with the selloff of this shitty stock :( Hate myself for not selling when i could have went out with a +, now deep dark in the basement. Of well it is only money.....
17.02.2023 kl 13:01
Yess så da blir det nye ingang i Zena. Tenker jeg ta de 2 mill som ligger på 0,0790
De må nok punge ut til Zena masse kontanter. Yemen er en MYE mer spennende sak. m.m.m
De må nok punge ut til Zena masse kontanter. Yemen er en MYE mer spennende sak. m.m.m
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 13:03
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17.02.2023 kl 13:04
Javel!! Du kommer nok til å si at du ikke gikk inn allikevel om den går videre ned? I motsatt fall skal vi klappe deg på ryggen og si "flink gutt"?
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 13:05
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17.02.2023 kl 13:05
Da gikk ikke dette så bra, hva er igjen av verdi for ZENA?
The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield.
The Company is disappointed by this development, which contradicts the aforementioned milestones.
The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield.
The Company is disappointed by this development, which contradicts the aforementioned milestones.
Hadde Zenith startet arbeidet med ROB-3 som først meldt
vil den kansje hvert i produksjon nå ....
Klubben de sponser vil kansje fått gleden av større gaver ...
Zenith har mere de kan utvikle i Tunisia og Italia mens de venter på
Yemen og Benin .....
vil den kansje hvert i produksjon nå ....
Klubben de sponser vil kansje fått gleden av større gaver ...
Zenith har mere de kan utvikle i Tunisia og Italia mens de venter på
Yemen og Benin .....
17.02.2023 kl 13:09
const valueOfZenith = 0;
Merk at det er const og ikke en let!
Merk at det er const og ikke en let!
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 13:13
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17.02.2023 kl 13:13
Sitter fortsatt i båten og vurderer å fylle opp med mer, men Benin er vell i grunnen den meste reelle kontrakten Zenith kan få tak i og klare å utvinne olje fra? Yemen toget ha vell forlatt perrongen skal vi være realistiske.
17.02.2023 kl 13:17
Mye større potensiale i Benin og Yemen. Så har vi fortsatt Tunisia og Italia. Tilapia er vel ikke på noe måte priset inn men forstår att noen selger på denne nyheten
Noe mere i Benin er langt mere sannsynlig enn Yemen men sikre kan vi ikke være.
17.02.2023 kl 13:20
Ser vi ikke detter så mye. Kanskje folk er lettet over avklaring så fokuset på andre prosjekter tar fart.
17.02.2023 kl 13:22
Dette var virkelig trist for ZENA. Hva er igjen her nå? Vil ikke overraske meg om fallet forsterkes til uka. Nå slike myggaksjer melder negativt nytt pleier de å bli straffet av markedet med en solid kursnedgang. Mot 0,04-0,05?
17.02.2023 kl 13:29
Dette er helt greit nå kan zena ha fokus på færre prosjekter . De får nok penger og erstatning
Dagens melding var en lettelse
Dagens melding var en lettelse
17.02.2023 kl 13:29
Hva er igjen?? Blir jo kjempe muligheter når støvet har lagt seg:
This represents disappointing news. However, the Company's opportunity to
recover an amount of approximately US$15 million due to past activities in
connection with the Republic of the Congo remains unchanged.
This will now become our primary focus, whilst we continue to work towards
completing our acquisitions in other jurisdictions for large, revenue-generating
energy production and development assets with transformational potential."
Altså Yemen, Benin og videre satsing i Tunisia ssmt Italia
Får vi de 150 millionene som vi gjør krav på er jo dette en enorm døråpner!! Se litt frem i skyggeluen også.
This represents disappointing news. However, the Company's opportunity to
recover an amount of approximately US$15 million due to past activities in
connection with the Republic of the Congo remains unchanged.
This will now become our primary focus, whilst we continue to work towards
completing our acquisitions in other jurisdictions for large, revenue-generating
energy production and development assets with transformational potential."
Altså Yemen, Benin og videre satsing i Tunisia ssmt Italia
Får vi de 150 millionene som vi gjør krav på er jo dette en enorm døråpner!! Se litt frem i skyggeluen også.
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 13:30
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17.02.2023 kl 13:30
lettet ? Aktien bløder voldsomt. AC burde skamme sig. Ny TSU. Ingen værdier, men kun drømme
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 13:30
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Company may not know this as "IPU text says" last moment they changed in meeting but any how Company collected money for Tilapia from long time hope they have cover it through SNPC claim.
Concentrate on Tunisia Italy Yemen and Benin.
i am still firm Tunisia and Italy defend value of kr 0.2
Concentrate on Tunisia Italy Yemen and Benin.
i am still firm Tunisia and Italy defend value of kr 0.2
17.02.2023 kl 13:32
Det tar tid å bygge tillit til Z og AC mm etter noe slikt! Den kommer til å falle mer!
And Viking..Please do shut up! Noone will listen to your babbel anymore!
And Viking..Please do shut up! Noone will listen to your babbel anymore!
Redigert 17.02.2023 kl 13:33
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17.02.2023 kl 13:34
Vil ikke si det er urealistisk, aksjekursen gikk fra 0,04 til 0,1 på nyheten den 23 December 20 07:00 om "Successful bid for Tilapia II". Nå skal det sies at mye har forandret seg i selskapet siden da, bedre cash flow og betjening av lån osv. Selskapet har også nå flere fugler på taket, men det er i så fall feil å si at Tilapia II ikke var priset inn i aksjekursen. Spørsmålet blir derfor til hvilken grad.
17.02.2023 kl 13:56
Mangler bare Gullåra nå,så er gullgutta på plass i nok et "solid" selskap 😂Gikk jo bra i ENSU,hjalp ikke så mye med den endeløse haussinga. Er jo samme opplegget her,lover gull og grønne skoger, men ingenting kommer på plass!!Nå har de hvertfall sluttet med emisjon annenhver uke,som de kjørte en periode😂
>> Company's opportunity to <<
>> recover an amount of approximately US$15 million <<
Hvor sikre kan Zenith være på det ?
>> recover an amount of approximately US$15 million <<
Hvor sikre kan Zenith være på det ?
17.02.2023 kl 14:19
Slettet brukerskrev >> Company's opportunity to << >> recover a..
Enig der, når resten er så steike usikkert, så vil jeg si at dette er en sum vi trolig kan se langt etter. Når man tror at oljelisenser skal bli tildelt og dette ikke går i boks, så skal det plutselig betales ut millioner i "erstatning" !? Lykke til- synd at selskapet bruker alle midler for å gi håp til aksjonærene istedenfor å vise til konkrete resultater. Og til alle dere som roper "nå kan vi kjøpe mer" det sa dere også på 0,10 og 0,11 øre, hvor går grensen før dere begynner å innse "the lost case" ? Jeg blir sittende med mine aksjer, men akter absolutt ikke å snitte ned, til det er jeg for smart. og aksjen for risikabel.