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31.08.2023 kl 16:08
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and especially a successful and prosperous new year for all Zenith holders, I believe we have a very good year ahead of us with lots of profit. Enjoy
Redigert 26.12.2022 kl 12:10
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24.02.2023 kl 10:17
Fullstendig enig. Hver enkelt m[ gjøre seg en mening,
Anser det som en 50/50 % om en av Yemen Benin blir landet. 5-10 % på om Tunesien endelene stadig er på Zenits hedner + 90 % at olje produsert på de 2 felter inntil desember skal til Zenith ( netto kanskje 3-4 MUSD). Retsak opprinelig krav 5 MUSD + krav i Nigeria for utlegg 4 MUSD 25 %.
Så selvom kursen skulle gå til 0, Så skulle det være en ganske pen sannsynlig het den kan ende på 2-3 gange dagskursen !. Men risiko sport da.
Anser det som en 50/50 % om en av Yemen Benin blir landet. 5-10 % på om Tunesien endelene stadig er på Zenits hedner + 90 % at olje produsert på de 2 felter inntil desember skal til Zenith ( netto kanskje 3-4 MUSD). Retsak opprinelig krav 5 MUSD + krav i Nigeria for utlegg 4 MUSD 25 %.
Så selvom kursen skulle gå til 0, Så skulle det være en ganske pen sannsynlig het den kan ende på 2-3 gange dagskursen !. Men risiko sport da.
24.02.2023 kl 10:24
Jeg er helt enig og har like stor tro, jeg har ingen planer om å selge unna aksjene mine.
Jeg bare reagerer på at du skriver som at det ikke finnes noe risiko. Det er og kan se veldig useriøst for oss andre.
Nå er det enkelt og greit mange spørsmål som må besvares.
Jeg bare reagerer på at du skriver som at det ikke finnes noe risiko. Det er og kan se veldig useriøst for oss andre.
Nå er det enkelt og greit mange spørsmål som må besvares.
24.02.2023 kl 11:27
I Yemen er det Kinamannen som har styringen. OMV sier at de har fult boka og i samsvar med og dialog med myndighetene forrut for transaksjonen. OMV driver ikke med tull. Dette derisker mye også at det er betalt inn 44 mill i depot. I Benin er jo kontrakstforhandlingene i gang. Så får vi se.Noen selger og noen kjøper. Hvem er lurest? Jeg har valgt å kjøpe.Verden og spessielt Kinamannen trenger olje fremover og i Yemen er alt klappet og klart Skal bare se at Kinamannen hiver seg i Benien også om det landes. Taim will sjow :) Enten 0.05 eller 0.5 innen påske har vi nok fått svarene. Perssonlig så synes jeg at alt under 0-09 kan være en meget god handel. Så får vi se.
Redigert 24.02.2023 kl 11:29
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24.02.2023 kl 12:05
Clarification of the Tunisia Asset Situation
I have done a considerably amount of investigation into Ezzaouia, SLK and our other Tunisian assets since the claims were made earlier this week that Zenith had lost them. I am now almost 100% certain that there is nothing to worry about.
The key point to remember about Ezzaouia is that the Ezzaouia license had already expired at the time that Zenith made the acquisition and was already being operated on an interim basis by MARETAP (the operating company that is 55% owned by ETAP and 45% owned by Zenith via Ecumed Petroleum Zarzis (EPZ)). The ownership of this remained the same regardless of the license being expired.
The original RNS that was first released by Zenith when they first mentioned the Ezzaouia acquisition on 15th March 2021 also makes this clear:
“· The Acquisition has certain development obligations during the course of the new 20-year concession including the drilling of a side-track, the drilling of a replacement well and that of a development well.
· On April 19, 2019, the Tunisian State represented by the Ministry of Industry and Small & Medium Enterprises informed ETAP and EPZ that the Comité Consultatif des Hydrocarbures ("CCH") had provided a favourable opinion to the application submitted by ETAP and EPZ for a new 20-year concession to be called "Ezzaouia" (the "New Concession").
· A Convention for the New Concession (the agreed work programme between ETAP and EPZ) has been signed by both parties.
· The New Concession is currently awaiting parliamentary approval.”
So the clear points that were made that:
1) The concession was awaiting the approval of a further 20 year license.
2) Etap and EPZ had a written agreement as to how they would approach the work programme for the new concession (an presumably the interim period when they were running the concession without a license).
3) The new concession had been approved by the CCH and was simply awaiting parliamentary approval.
What has caused the new license not to be issued is simple it has to be approved by parliament (as Zenith mentioned in the RNS) and on July 25th 2021 President Kais Saied suspended the Tunisian parliament and has since been running the country by decree. With parliament unable to sit then the license is unable to be formally approved as only they have the authority to do this. So everything just continues as per the interim arrangements that were in place when Zenith originally acquired the assets. The Etap website also still ists Ezzaouia as being operated by MARETAP and shows Ecumed’s 45% ownership of the project. Put simply, there is nothing to worry about.
There was a very interesting post that was put out on Tuesday on the London forums by a poster called Ajmalkhuram which sums this situation up quite neatly
“After a Tunisian oil licenses expire the asset automatically goes back to ETAP until the license is renewed to the previous holders in this case zenith and ETAP for a new license period.
Only the Tunisian parliament can ratify a new license and right now there is no Tunisian parliament as it has been dissolved because the government and Tunisian politics is in shambles.
Zenith will be reawarded the license by parliament but only when parilaiment is undissolved. Nobody can get the license until this happens and ETAP are just holding it as a legal technicality. It will continue to operate as normal.”
I have done a considerably amount of investigation into Ezzaouia, SLK and our other Tunisian assets since the claims were made earlier this week that Zenith had lost them. I am now almost 100% certain that there is nothing to worry about.
The key point to remember about Ezzaouia is that the Ezzaouia license had already expired at the time that Zenith made the acquisition and was already being operated on an interim basis by MARETAP (the operating company that is 55% owned by ETAP and 45% owned by Zenith via Ecumed Petroleum Zarzis (EPZ)). The ownership of this remained the same regardless of the license being expired.
The original RNS that was first released by Zenith when they first mentioned the Ezzaouia acquisition on 15th March 2021 also makes this clear:
“· The Acquisition has certain development obligations during the course of the new 20-year concession including the drilling of a side-track, the drilling of a replacement well and that of a development well.
· On April 19, 2019, the Tunisian State represented by the Ministry of Industry and Small & Medium Enterprises informed ETAP and EPZ that the Comité Consultatif des Hydrocarbures ("CCH") had provided a favourable opinion to the application submitted by ETAP and EPZ for a new 20-year concession to be called "Ezzaouia" (the "New Concession").
· A Convention for the New Concession (the agreed work programme between ETAP and EPZ) has been signed by both parties.
· The New Concession is currently awaiting parliamentary approval.”
So the clear points that were made that:
1) The concession was awaiting the approval of a further 20 year license.
2) Etap and EPZ had a written agreement as to how they would approach the work programme for the new concession (an presumably the interim period when they were running the concession without a license).
3) The new concession had been approved by the CCH and was simply awaiting parliamentary approval.
What has caused the new license not to be issued is simple it has to be approved by parliament (as Zenith mentioned in the RNS) and on July 25th 2021 President Kais Saied suspended the Tunisian parliament and has since been running the country by decree. With parliament unable to sit then the license is unable to be formally approved as only they have the authority to do this. So everything just continues as per the interim arrangements that were in place when Zenith originally acquired the assets. The Etap website also still ists Ezzaouia as being operated by MARETAP and shows Ecumed’s 45% ownership of the project. Put simply, there is nothing to worry about.
There was a very interesting post that was put out on Tuesday on the London forums by a poster called Ajmalkhuram which sums this situation up quite neatly
“After a Tunisian oil licenses expire the asset automatically goes back to ETAP until the license is renewed to the previous holders in this case zenith and ETAP for a new license period.
Only the Tunisian parliament can ratify a new license and right now there is no Tunisian parliament as it has been dissolved because the government and Tunisian politics is in shambles.
Zenith will be reawarded the license by parliament but only when parilaiment is undissolved. Nobody can get the license until this happens and ETAP are just holding it as a legal technicality. It will continue to operate as normal.”
24.02.2023 kl 12:34
Correct me if I'm wrong, so this is the resend way Zenith don't bather to invest in Tunisia until the political issue 's ar settle down ?. Logically thinking man don't bother to rebuild the hause when the area or the garden is not settled yet on the ownership papirers. So I understand that Zenith just continues to use assets in Tunisia but not invest on them ( nobody wants to invest in this case, just used until the right time it coms .)
24.02.2023 kl 12:44
Great work MGS, it would be somehow reassuring that Tunesia is “business as usual” as stated earlier, now it would be a great time for AC to announce some positive news regarding Yemen and Benin ( fvck Congo btw)
24.02.2023 kl 12:56
If you are so sure that everything is ok. Then it's good. Can you then explain why it says in 21:
Waiting Convention's law approval -ETAP: 55% Ecumed:45%
And that in 22 it says:
Ezzaouia Décret-loi 2022-58 du 27/09/22 -ETAP: 100%
If you read the document, it is approved in 22. And nothing about Zenith is mentioned.
Incidentally, I hope you're right, but I can't see that you've given an explanation for this.
Haven't found any explanation for this either.
As previously stated, this is, in my opinion, rate sensitive and should be reported.
Waiting Convention's law approval -ETAP: 55% Ecumed:45%
And that in 22 it says:
Ezzaouia Décret-loi 2022-58 du 27/09/22 -ETAP: 100%
If you read the document, it is approved in 22. And nothing about Zenith is mentioned.
Incidentally, I hope you're right, but I can't see that you've given an explanation for this.
Haven't found any explanation for this either.
As previously stated, this is, in my opinion, rate sensitive and should be reported.
24.02.2023 kl 12:58
Regarding SLK, as is public knowledge, the licence expired in December 2022. This was and is no secret and has been discussed at length on these boards over the last year or so.
However, if we look on the ETAP website, the license is still shown as being held by the same entities that always held it even though the license has formally expired. This is just the same as is shown for Ezzaouia and also indicates that the asset is continuing to be operated on an “as normal” basis.
What is interesting here is that this potentially offers an opportunity for Zenith. We know that KUFPEC, the holder of the remaining private 22.5%, has already tried to sell its share of SLK to Zenith and leave Tunisia, so they will not be involved in any new license application so it is highly likely that Zenith might apply for and end up holding 45% replicating the situation where the operate the asset in tandem with Etap.
I think that it is also worth pointing out that last week when the news broke that Zenith had lost Tilapia, the company were very open about releasing an RNS to address this situation even before they had been formally informed by the Congolese govt. They could have kept wuite until they received official notification, but they did not. I have said this before, and I will say it agin, it is inconceivable that the company has lost these concessions and has not published anything about it. It simply would not happen.
It is very frustrating that the company are being so silent about what is going on in Tunisia and allowing unfounded rumours and speculation about asset loss to continue unchallenged, when this speculation is clearly untrue. However, I think that the reason that Zenith may be reticent when it comes to making public announcements with regard to ongoing license discussions in Tunisia is related to the reaction of the Yemeni authourities to the announcement of the potential acquisition of OMV’s Yemeni assets. As we have recently seen in the case of Yemen, announcements about on-going negotiations can be very badly received by certain governing authorities unfamiliar with requirements of listed companies to update their shareholders. I assume that Zenith do not wish to cause any problems with the Tunisian government and are being ultra-cautious about what they say at the moment.
However, if we look on the ETAP website, the license is still shown as being held by the same entities that always held it even though the license has formally expired. This is just the same as is shown for Ezzaouia and also indicates that the asset is continuing to be operated on an “as normal” basis.
What is interesting here is that this potentially offers an opportunity for Zenith. We know that KUFPEC, the holder of the remaining private 22.5%, has already tried to sell its share of SLK to Zenith and leave Tunisia, so they will not be involved in any new license application so it is highly likely that Zenith might apply for and end up holding 45% replicating the situation where the operate the asset in tandem with Etap.
I think that it is also worth pointing out that last week when the news broke that Zenith had lost Tilapia, the company were very open about releasing an RNS to address this situation even before they had been formally informed by the Congolese govt. They could have kept wuite until they received official notification, but they did not. I have said this before, and I will say it agin, it is inconceivable that the company has lost these concessions and has not published anything about it. It simply would not happen.
It is very frustrating that the company are being so silent about what is going on in Tunisia and allowing unfounded rumours and speculation about asset loss to continue unchallenged, when this speculation is clearly untrue. However, I think that the reason that Zenith may be reticent when it comes to making public announcements with regard to ongoing license discussions in Tunisia is related to the reaction of the Yemeni authourities to the announcement of the potential acquisition of OMV’s Yemeni assets. As we have recently seen in the case of Yemen, announcements about on-going negotiations can be very badly received by certain governing authorities unfamiliar with requirements of listed companies to update their shareholders. I assume that Zenith do not wish to cause any problems with the Tunisian government and are being ultra-cautious about what they say at the moment.
24.02.2023 kl 13:08
The reason Zenith has negative development is very simple. They have not delivered in accordance with the promises made by the company.
They have been saying for several years that they will get 1000 bopd. Well have they? No. Yes, they have managed to stop monthly private placements, that is a good thing. But from the Norwegian financial times yesterday it was shown that they have 70% negative sp development since they came to Oslo. The statistics are crystal clear when it comes to sp development of oilers like Zenith.
They have been talking about growth for several years and to be frank nothing has materialized. Last year everyone was 100% certain on Tilapia, it did not happen. People dont want to accept the fact that they where wrong in this regard. Then they go on to say that both Benin and Yemen are sure things, when evidently they are not. Of course if they get both Yemen and Benin we will see a surge in the SP. But the market is not willing to price that into the SP because of Tilapia and Tunisia.
The company is reluctant to talk about previous promises such as the oilsale, Tunisia etc. It is not very serious for a company when there is so much speculation regarding Tunisia to not meet the allogations head on. The fact that we see radiosilence from the company wrt. Tunisia only fuels the negative rumors.
And I think when people see that they historically can get way better profits from larger oilers with much less risk, then the capital will flow there. The company needs to actually deliver to get a repricing of the SP, and to be frank they have not delivered anything in accordance with what they have been saying.
They have been saying for several years that they will get 1000 bopd. Well have they? No. Yes, they have managed to stop monthly private placements, that is a good thing. But from the Norwegian financial times yesterday it was shown that they have 70% negative sp development since they came to Oslo. The statistics are crystal clear when it comes to sp development of oilers like Zenith.
They have been talking about growth for several years and to be frank nothing has materialized. Last year everyone was 100% certain on Tilapia, it did not happen. People dont want to accept the fact that they where wrong in this regard. Then they go on to say that both Benin and Yemen are sure things, when evidently they are not. Of course if they get both Yemen and Benin we will see a surge in the SP. But the market is not willing to price that into the SP because of Tilapia and Tunisia.
The company is reluctant to talk about previous promises such as the oilsale, Tunisia etc. It is not very serious for a company when there is so much speculation regarding Tunisia to not meet the allogations head on. The fact that we see radiosilence from the company wrt. Tunisia only fuels the negative rumors.
And I think when people see that they historically can get way better profits from larger oilers with much less risk, then the capital will flow there. The company needs to actually deliver to get a repricing of the SP, and to be frank they have not delivered anything in accordance with what they have been saying.
24.02.2023 kl 13:19
I see that you elegantly fail to answer what I'm asking, it's okay if you don't know because no one has given a good explanation.
I am puzzled by this claim:
(" I think that it is also worth pointing out that last week when the news broke that Zenith had lost Tilapia, the company were very open about releasing an RNS to address this situation even before they had been formally informed by the Congolese govt. They could have kept wuite until they received official notification, but they did not. I have said this before, and I will say it again, it is inconceivable that the company has lost these concessions and has not published anything about it. It simply would not happen."),
Because I can't find anywhere that this is said, the closest I can get is this:
("The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a license to operate the Tilapia oilfield.")
and it's nowhere near what you claim.
The RSN from the company says nothing about when and how they became aware that they had lost Tilapia in the Congo.
Then you can say how you know that Zenith was not aware of the Congo until 16.02 - 17.02 Because I am not sure of that.
I think you have good and well-documented posts, but here I can't see that you can fully document your claims.
That is also perfectly fine, but then it must not be presented as if it is something you know.
I am puzzled by this claim:
(" I think that it is also worth pointing out that last week when the news broke that Zenith had lost Tilapia, the company were very open about releasing an RNS to address this situation even before they had been formally informed by the Congolese govt. They could have kept wuite until they received official notification, but they did not. I have said this before, and I will say it again, it is inconceivable that the company has lost these concessions and has not published anything about it. It simply would not happen."),
Because I can't find anywhere that this is said, the closest I can get is this:
("The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a license to operate the Tilapia oilfield.")
and it's nowhere near what you claim.
The RSN from the company says nothing about when and how they became aware that they had lost Tilapia in the Congo.
Then you can say how you know that Zenith was not aware of the Congo until 16.02 - 17.02 Because I am not sure of that.
I think you have good and well-documented posts, but here I can't see that you can fully document your claims.
That is also perfectly fine, but then it must not be presented as if it is something you know.
At det kun er Tunisia sitt parlament som kan fornye eller gi lisenser i landet er ikke riktig.
Presidenten styrer nå landet og kan tukle med det om han ønsker.
Presidenten styrer nå landet og kan tukle med det om han ønsker.
24.02.2023 kl 13:46
Det er vel bare Petter Solberg som på godt norsk kan uttrykke det inntrykket man får av dette;
"It’s not the fart that kills you, it’s the smell."
"It’s not the fart that kills you, it’s the smell."
Redigert 24.02.2023 kl 13:49
Du må logge inn for å svare
En annen liten ting ...
ETAP kan overtatt EZZ og SLK men velger å fortsette samarbeidet med Zenith.
Business as usual ...
Har ETAP fått 100% står de fritt til å velge hvem de vil jobbe med med mindre de får direkte ordre
signert av Presidenten.
Hva som foregår i Tunisia er langt ifra klart ........
ETAP kan overtatt EZZ og SLK men velger å fortsette samarbeidet med Zenith.
Business as usual ...
Har ETAP fått 100% står de fritt til å velge hvem de vil jobbe med med mindre de får direkte ordre
signert av Presidenten.
Hva som foregår i Tunisia er langt ifra klart ........
24.02.2023 kl 15:31
Så har jeg købt flere til 0,0711, så må vi se om det var dumt. Købte også i starten af ugen til 0,0720
24.02.2023 kl 17:56
Ziggy068 –I do not see how you can be unaware from reading the RNS that the company was unaware that they had not been granted the T2 license until the matter was made public on the Tunisian government forum here https://gouvernement.cg/compte-rendu-du-conseil-des-ministres-du-15-fevrier-2023/ on February 15th.
The very quote that you used that states that clearly. It says: "The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a license to operate the Tilapia oilfield."
The phrase “become aware” is the key phrase here. It is a very specific and unusual phrase to use as it basically means “has discovered” or “has uncovered”. If they had been notified by the Congolese government then they would have said that they had been “informed” or “notified” and they would have described who notified them (ie the Ministry for Hydrocarbons).
If you look at how they described the initial receipt of their status as successful bidder for T2 back in 23/12/2020 then you will see exactly what I mean. The phrasing used there was “Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA-ME), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is delighted to announce that it has received official confirmation from the Ministry of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of the Congo that its local subsidiary, Zenith Energy Congo SA ("Zenith Congo"), has been selected as the successful bidder for the award of a new 25-year licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield ("Tilapia II").”
If you compare the two statements they are very different and have very different meanings. To me the meaning is obvious, but if you have a different interpretation I would be interested to hear it.
The very quote that you used that states that clearly. It says: "The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a license to operate the Tilapia oilfield."
The phrase “become aware” is the key phrase here. It is a very specific and unusual phrase to use as it basically means “has discovered” or “has uncovered”. If they had been notified by the Congolese government then they would have said that they had been “informed” or “notified” and they would have described who notified them (ie the Ministry for Hydrocarbons).
If you look at how they described the initial receipt of their status as successful bidder for T2 back in 23/12/2020 then you will see exactly what I mean. The phrasing used there was “Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA-ME), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is delighted to announce that it has received official confirmation from the Ministry of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of the Congo that its local subsidiary, Zenith Energy Congo SA ("Zenith Congo"), has been selected as the successful bidder for the award of a new 25-year licence to operate the Tilapia oilfield ("Tilapia II").”
If you compare the two statements they are very different and have very different meanings. To me the meaning is obvious, but if you have a different interpretation I would be interested to hear it.
24.02.2023 kl 18:27
"The Company has now become aware that a company named Olive Energy E&P has been awarded a license to operate the Tilapia oilfield."
Also «has now become»
Also «has now become»
24.02.2023 kl 20:06
I can not understand haw they got awarded with Tilapia before any one els. I cant find any thing that they ben doing more than Zenith. Nothing to brag about from they company site ore stock price. If they think about just drilling horizontal side track on excision brone ,time will tell. Personally I think that can be the end of Olive
24.02.2023 kl 20:57
Jeg er ganske sikker på at tlp2 2 til Oliven-Olje Ltd kom som julekvelden på kjerringa for Zenith/AC.
Spekulerer ifølgende scenario;
-God stemning frem til en uke før konferansen 30.11.
-AC hadde «viktigere» planer, og avlyste. Bruno Itoua & Co ble forbanna, og kastet ut Zenith som sponsor. Uten at det skapte mistanke for Zenith.
-Congo fortsetter å være pissed. Zenith aner fred & ingen fare.
-AC sendte Mail kvelden 13.02, og ante fortsatt fred & ingen fare. «Ingen nytt å melde».
-16.02.23: BAM, som julekvelden på kjerringa.
Spekulerer ifølgende scenario;
-God stemning frem til en uke før konferansen 30.11.
-AC hadde «viktigere» planer, og avlyste. Bruno Itoua & Co ble forbanna, og kastet ut Zenith som sponsor. Uten at det skapte mistanke for Zenith.
-Congo fortsetter å være pissed. Zenith aner fred & ingen fare.
-AC sendte Mail kvelden 13.02, og ante fortsatt fred & ingen fare. «Ingen nytt å melde».
-16.02.23: BAM, som julekvelden på kjerringa.
Redigert 24.02.2023 kl 20:58
Du må logge inn for å svare
Jeg har også tenkt i de samme baner men fra en litt annen vinkel.
Det var en offisiell intro & invitasjon til konferansen den 30.11 av Bruno Itoua
Budskapet var ikke til å misforstå
.. dette er den viktigste konferansen .. jeg håper/ser frem til å møte deg/dere der ...
Don AC fikk kansje ett tilbud ham ikke skulle ha sagt nei til ....
Zenith kan gjort en tilsvarende tabbe i Tunisia ved å ikke starte arbeidet med ROB-3
ROB-3 er liten men er du tro i lite så blir det ofte noe mere ....
Det var en offisiell intro & invitasjon til konferansen den 30.11 av Bruno Itoua
Budskapet var ikke til å misforstå
.. dette er den viktigste konferansen .. jeg håper/ser frem til å møte deg/dere der ...
Don AC fikk kansje ett tilbud ham ikke skulle ha sagt nei til ....
Zenith kan gjort en tilsvarende tabbe i Tunisia ved å ikke starte arbeidet med ROB-3
ROB-3 er liten men er du tro i lite så blir det ofte noe mere ....
24.02.2023 kl 22:29
There is nothing to worry a bout it Tilapia will bee on sale agen wary son ( thats my hunch ). Question is is it worth it burden. My personal mening about Tilapia it stays the same, I haw wrote meny times,, encrypt " in forums what was my mening about it.
25.02.2023 kl 09:36
HAPPY WEEKEND 🤣🤣 Hadde en fin kommunikasjon med disse på fredag. Nå tar de tak i AC sin kommunikasjon.
Thank you.
Let me consult with the team.
Tim Blythe
Tim Blythe Partner
Tel: +44 (0) 207 138 3205 Mob: +44 (0) 7816 924626
Thank you.
Let me consult with the team.
Tim Blythe
Tim Blythe Partner
Tel: +44 (0) 207 138 3205 Mob: +44 (0) 7816 924626
25.02.2023 kl 09:51
Zenith NL som hadde Tunisia under sine vinger, og vi har nok tapt denne noen dager/uker før Zenith NL ble solgt som skal selskap.
Vi er nok tilbake til der hvor vi va rett etter Azerbaijan dessverre, neste stop 0,06.
Kjøpte fallende kniv igjen😂
Vi er nok tilbake til der hvor vi va rett etter Azerbaijan dessverre, neste stop 0,06.
Kjøpte fallende kniv igjen😂
25.02.2023 kl 10:33
Tull, zenith Nederland var ett tomt skall uten noe assets. Slutt og legg ut informasjon som ikke stemmer. Tunisia har aldri ligget under zenith Nederland, de ligger under ecumed som er eid av zenith energy (moderselskapet) hvis du prøver og få en billigere inngang så er det sikkert mye du kan skrive om selskapet, men og spre direkte løgn bør du holde deg for god til.
25.02.2023 kl 10:38
Når blir denne IC? Gleder meg til den. Har troa på Zena. For mye i minus til å selge. :-)
25.02.2023 kl 11:06
Muligens et tillegg til scenario;
-Etter utvikling med Benin eller Yemen, har AC vurdert faktisk potensiale/risiko for Tilapia vs. de øvrige.
-AC gjorde en prioritering med de andre planene han hadde på samme tid som konferansen(hvis det stemmer at AC avlyste, og faktisk hadde andre planer).
Vet ikke med de som kjenner faget, men for meg virker det som i etterkant at Tilapia kunne blitt en utfordrende lisens å bore/utvikle? Lest litt siste uken hva Olive Energy har presentert, og kan se slik ut.
Så muligens det er gjort en prioritering.. Men kun spekulasjoner. Håper AC/Zenith kan komme på banen med IC asap, og fortelle hva som faktisk er status quo nå med diverse punkter vi diskuterer her inne……
-Etter utvikling med Benin eller Yemen, har AC vurdert faktisk potensiale/risiko for Tilapia vs. de øvrige.
-AC gjorde en prioritering med de andre planene han hadde på samme tid som konferansen(hvis det stemmer at AC avlyste, og faktisk hadde andre planer).
Vet ikke med de som kjenner faget, men for meg virker det som i etterkant at Tilapia kunne blitt en utfordrende lisens å bore/utvikle? Lest litt siste uken hva Olive Energy har presentert, og kan se slik ut.
Så muligens det er gjort en prioritering.. Men kun spekulasjoner. Håper AC/Zenith kan komme på banen med IC asap, og fortelle hva som faktisk er status quo nå med diverse punkter vi diskuterer her inne……
25.02.2023 kl 12:08
Vi får se om det kommer noe fra AC over helgen.Jeg tror han har så mye trøkk på seg nå at han er nødt til å komme på banen med oppklarende info.
Om blir noe ut av Tiapia eller ikke vil være usikkert en god stund til
Hvem vet .. Tilapia kan være katta sekken
Hvem vet .. Tilapia kan være katta sekken
25.02.2023 kl 15:13
Her er det du som er ikke lest deg opp, dessuten har jeg vært aksjonær i Zena i flere år nå…og dessverre har jeg snitt litt høyere en dagens kurs
SLK lisensen gikk ut i desember 22…les noe eldre børsmeldinger fra 21 og ikke minst årsrapporten fra mars
Godtar din unnskyldning senere etter at du har lest deg opp😉
p.s. fant denne nå
SLK lisensen gikk ut i desember 22…les noe eldre børsmeldinger fra 21 og ikke minst årsrapporten fra mars
Godtar din unnskyldning senere etter at du har lest deg opp😉
p.s. fant denne nå
Redigert 25.02.2023 kl 15:17
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25.02.2023 kl 15:17
Har også vært aksjonær her i flere år, vennligst henvis til når zenith nederland har hatt ecumed under seg. Så skal du få unnskyldning straks😃
25.02.2023 kl 16:25
Dette et jo meget interessant, reft Kinamannen sitt inntog i Zenith Nederland som igjen går inn å jafser til seg Yemen. Kinamannen har store planer med Zenith
Men her står det at Zenith Netherlands ikke har noen verdier
ER det disse som står bak i en eller annen form ?
Blir ikke klok på noen ting av dette ,bare gjettning fra ende til annen.
Men her står det at Zenith Netherlands ikke har noen verdier
ER det disse som står bak i en eller annen form ?
Blir ikke klok på noen ting av dette ,bare gjettning fra ende til annen.
Redigert 25.02.2023 kl 16:34
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25.02.2023 kl 16:31
EPZ som eier EZZ ligger under Zenith Afrika, så der tok jeg feil, men likevel denne lisensen også gikk ut i midten av november ifjor.
Vi får nok inntekter frem til da.
Andrea skylder oss alle en godt forklaring tror jeg, han er på tur til å miste tilliten igjen…det snur fort vis vi får Benin.
Vi får nok inntekter frem til da.
Andrea skylder oss alle en godt forklaring tror jeg, han er på tur til å miste tilliten igjen…det snur fort vis vi får Benin.
25.02.2023 kl 17:48
Dere får sende over alle uavklarte spørsmål til Tim.
Han er jo blitt IR/ PR rådgiver for Zenit og er på alle børsmeldinger
Send til denne : Tim.Blythe@BlytheRay.com
Han er jo blitt IR/ PR rådgiver for Zenit og er på alle børsmeldinger
Send til denne : Tim.Blythe@BlytheRay.com
25.02.2023 kl 18:35
fanget du kniven igjen😉 Nå er det samme tilstand som sist når du drev med anbefalinga dine, er dette de javu
25.02.2023 kl 19:46
Har et helt ok snitt jeg. Vi får snakkes når Yemen og Benin tikker inn. Hvar ikke Zena 52000 fat olje i banken også?? Det tilsvarer vel noen og 40 millioner i kontanter. Happy weekend sorte perle. Til 🐤🐤🐤 har vi nok fått svar på det meste. De store pengene ligger å lurer i Yemen. Her stoler jeg på at OMV har gjort hjemmeleksen sin og fulgt boken. Noe annet ville overrasket meg
26.02.2023 kl 09:19
Er økt beholdning jeg også, kanskje litt for tidlig…trenden peker ned.. Olje ventes å bli solgt ganske lenge nå, noe som skurrer der.
AC har tendens å lukke munnen sin når ting er ikke helt bra. Vi hører om dette snart. En positiv ting er at andre skylder penger til Zenith og ikke omvendt, men det blir langvarigkamp om å få dem på konto.
Happy weekend to you to Goldheap😀
AC har tendens å lukke munnen sin når ting er ikke helt bra. Vi hører om dette snart. En positiv ting er at andre skylder penger til Zenith og ikke omvendt, men det blir langvarigkamp om å få dem på konto.
Happy weekend to you to Goldheap😀
26.02.2023 kl 10:20
For det første slutt å referer til Kinamannen, dette er ikke en barnehage.
Mener for øvrig å ha lest at det du henviser til er et selskap fra Sør-Korea med base i Hongkong, uten at jeg kan finne igjen hvor jeg leste det . Så ta det med en stor klype salt. ...
Denne har hermed blitt sent over til Tim.Blyth
Hear that you have finished replying to e-mails, well for your information, we the shareholders are your owners.
Reply is expected.
So now we are starting again with rumors about the oil sale and Tunisia.
Is what is written here correct?: https://www.energiemines.gov.tn/fileadmin/docs-u1/liste_de_Concessions_d_exploitation_%C3%A0_fin_2022.pdf
Concessions d'exploitation d'hydrocarbures en Tunisie à Fin 2022 Nombre des Concessions : 56 points 21 and 25
21: 21 Ezzaouia 40 Ezzaouia décret-loi 2022-58 du 27/09/22 ETAP:100%
130-29/11/2022 -14/11/2022 31/12/2039
25:25 Sidi El Kilani
204 Sidi El Kilani
STAGE : 100%
- 24/12/2042
Can't see that Zenith is mentioned in these concessions, what's going on?
Has zenith lost both of these in tunisia?
I understand that you cannot inform me, but if that is true, then you are required by law to inform the market of all price sensitive information.
Mener for øvrig å ha lest at det du henviser til er et selskap fra Sør-Korea med base i Hongkong, uten at jeg kan finne igjen hvor jeg leste det . Så ta det med en stor klype salt. ...
Denne har hermed blitt sent over til Tim.Blyth
Hear that you have finished replying to e-mails, well for your information, we the shareholders are your owners.
Reply is expected.
So now we are starting again with rumors about the oil sale and Tunisia.
Is what is written here correct?: https://www.energiemines.gov.tn/fileadmin/docs-u1/liste_de_Concessions_d_exploitation_%C3%A0_fin_2022.pdf
Concessions d'exploitation d'hydrocarbures en Tunisie à Fin 2022 Nombre des Concessions : 56 points 21 and 25
21: 21 Ezzaouia 40 Ezzaouia décret-loi 2022-58 du 27/09/22 ETAP:100%
130-29/11/2022 -14/11/2022 31/12/2039
25:25 Sidi El Kilani
204 Sidi El Kilani
STAGE : 100%
- 24/12/2042
Can't see that Zenith is mentioned in these concessions, what's going on?
Has zenith lost both of these in tunisia?
I understand that you cannot inform me, but if that is true, then you are required by law to inform the market of all price sensitive information.
26.02.2023 kl 10:28
Veldig bra ,jeg synes vi skal sende alle de andre spørsmålene over til Tim nå. Alle børs meldinger som henger i luften siste året. Også hvem som står bak det Kinesiske investerings selskapet.m.m.m. Kjør på slik at Tim nå skjønner alvoret i det oppdaget de har tatt på seg for Zenith NÅ SKAL vi ha katten ut av sekken.
Redigert 26.02.2023 kl 10:30
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Korea som du nevner stammer fra denne artikkelen som er feil mest sannsynlig.
Det mest interessante med denne artikkelen er helt på slutten, den er ikke fra kilden Energi Intelligence.
However, correspondence conducted by the editor of "Newsyemen" revealed an agreement between the Austrian and Dutch companies to sell the oil sectors in Shabwa. Despite the objection of the government side in Yemen.
The Yemeni government or the Yemeni Ministry of Oil did not issue any new comments or statements about the completion of the first sale and the new deal between the Dutch company and the Chinese company.
Det mest interessante med denne artikkelen er helt på slutten, den er ikke fra kilden Energi Intelligence.
However, correspondence conducted by the editor of "Newsyemen" revealed an agreement between the Austrian and Dutch companies to sell the oil sectors in Shabwa. Despite the objection of the government side in Yemen.
The Yemeni government or the Yemeni Ministry of Oil did not issue any new comments or statements about the completion of the first sale and the new deal between the Dutch company and the Chinese company.
Redigert 26.02.2023 kl 10:52
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26.02.2023 kl 11:24
Så hva kan vi konkudere med her? Hvem er dette ,Chinese company. Har Zenit kjøpt for så å flippet alt videre vil Chinese company. For hvilke penge? 44 MILL stemmer med verdien på 52000 fat med olje og pris 80 dollar? Jeg sliter med å se.det hele bilde her ? Kan noen forklare ? Det er jo store store mengder med.oljeproduksjon her
Redigert 26.02.2023 kl 11:25
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Du burde kansje ha sendt en kopi til Finanstilsynet ....
26.02.2023 kl 12:00
Mye surring og synsing her inne nå. Synes forøvrig det er merkelig at aksjonærene må snuse seg frem til alskens informasjon selv når et selskap er børsnotert. Det er mye rykter og spekulasjoner og vi må nok bare vente på meldinger fra AC himself, eller annen informasjon fra Zenith selskapet. Det er mange som blir forvirret her inne, og ingen har egentlig noe håndfast å komme med. Vi ønsker vel alle at ting skal ordne seg og at kursen skal stabilisere oss over 10 øre igjen.
26.02.2023 kl 12:57
Hei blackpearl, ja jeg var ganske sikker på at det ikke lå under zenith Nederland😊 Men det er jaggu ikke lett og holde tunga rett i munnen med alt som har blitt meldt for så ikke og stemme ut her, mener og huske at det var en betingelse og ha eget selskap i Afrika før de fikk godkjenning. Litt usikker men ble vel også startet ett som het zenith congo ifb med tilapia? Ser du har lagt ved en link ang zenith nl og kufpec sin del av slk, det er vel den delen de enda håper og overta hvis jeg ikke tar feil. Ha en fortsatt fin helg
26.02.2023 kl 16:40
Er han utenfor kontoret til Zenith, han så ganske sint ut 🤣🤣
Ler så jeg ligger på gulvet av dette snart🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ler så jeg ligger på gulvet av dette snart🤣🤣🤣🤣
Redigert 26.02.2023 kl 19:37
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Ref -- https://www.investegate.co.uk/zenith-energy-ltd--zen-/rns/signing-of-spa-for-acquisition-of-omv-yemen/202301031020004977L
BlytheRay - Financial PR/IR Tel: +44 207 138 3204
Tim Blythe, Megan Ray , Matt Bowld E: zenith@blytheray.com
Er det noen som har fått respons på spørsmål ? (?)
I Norge er f.eks aksjeeierboken offentlig info men vet ir kontakten i London dette ?
Hvem som eier Zenith aksjer kjøpt i London er en "statshemmelighet" men ikke på Oslo Børs ....
Den norske aksjeeierboken til Zenith vil være ett intressant syn ...
BlytheRay - Financial PR/IR Tel: +44 207 138 3204
Tim Blythe, Megan Ray , Matt Bowld E: zenith@blytheray.com
Er det noen som har fått respons på spørsmål ? (?)
I Norge er f.eks aksjeeierboken offentlig info men vet ir kontakten i London dette ?
Hvem som eier Zenith aksjer kjøpt i London er en "statshemmelighet" men ikke på Oslo Børs ....
Den norske aksjeeierboken til Zenith vil være ett intressant syn ...
26.02.2023 kl 21:27
I take the chance to thank OMV and its management for its cooperation in this transaction. Our technical teams shall continue to work closely together as we enter the handover phase and welcome our new colleagues in Yemen to the Zenith family.
Dette er så stort at det er nesten uvirkelig. Les nøye alt på linken. Hvor fikk Zena 44 mill fra?? Jo fra salg av 52000 fat sommer/ høst 2022. Her er det mye AC ikke har fortalt
Jeg.tror vi blit positivt overrasket. Basert på all info så burde kursen stått i 30 øre nå. Dette er jo en game cahanger for Zena. DET ER BIG
Dette er så stort at det er nesten uvirkelig. Les nøye alt på linken. Hvor fikk Zena 44 mill fra?? Jo fra salg av 52000 fat sommer/ høst 2022. Her er det mye AC ikke har fortalt
Jeg.tror vi blit positivt overrasket. Basert på all info så burde kursen stått i 30 øre nå. Dette er jo en game cahanger for Zena. DET ER BIG
Redigert 27.02.2023 kl 09:42
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