Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
31.08.2023 kl 16:08
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
ZENA 25.12.2022 kl 23:29 411384

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and especially a successful and prosperous new year for all Zenith holders, I believe we have a very good year ahead of us with lots of profit. Enjoy
Redigert 26.12.2022 kl 12:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.05.2023 kl 10:37 7220

Der er jeg ikke enig med deg. Om de får til avtale i US med 300fat døgnet, så snakker vi om rundt 100mill kr i året - det er et stort løft for firmaet.
Det er nærmest dobling av dagens inntjening, men også nært på dagens aksjeverdi..

Hvor mange selskaper kan dere finne på børsen som har lik inntjening som børsverdi?
Redigert 31.05.2023 kl 10:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.05.2023 kl 15:34 6962

Blientore – I do agree with what you are saying, and 300 bopd production in the USA will be a massive boost for the company and begin building it onto a very solid base. However, I still think that it is a slow burner and will really come into its own if they keep up the policy and continue acquiring US assets. Can you imagine what the value would be if we ever get to a stage where we are producing 1,000+ barrels in the USA.

In the meantime, my personal opinion is that we still need one of the big African projects to really drive the share price forwards. But the two things work in tandem to building and establishing a big share price. Cash flow from production assets allows the bigger exploration assets to be successfully pursued off the back of a steady income stream. This is how all of the majors do it and there is no reason why Zenith should not do the same on a smaller scale.

I’m really excited about the strategic direction that we look to be going in. However, we do still have to acquire the assets both in the USA and Africa in order to deliver the returns.
31.05.2023 kl 16:24 6851

er vi fast under 0.06 nå? etter å ha bygd stein på stein! bruk fagfolk til grunnmuren kan vøre lurt.
radiotausheten virker fint den,hvis det er ønsket handling av Zenith?
reverse split hadde gjort seg nå, kanskje sammen med ny oppdatering om den sponsede fotballklubben.
Redigert 31.05.2023 kl 16:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.05.2023 kl 18:35 6710

Good thing s take time , great thing s take more time.
31.05.2023 kl 20:13 6571

Fra Shabwa’s Facebook-side. Zenith er ikke nevnt, men OMV hadde møte med lokale myndigheter for Shabwa:

«The Governor Ibn Wazir discusses with the Director General of OMV a number of issues and ways of co-ordination.

Media Office 31/5/2023 AD

The Governor of Shabwa Governorate, Awad Mohammed bin Al-Wazir, with Mr. Peter Zeller, the General Manager of the (OMV) Company operating for the Oil Sector in Shabwa governorate, discussed a number of issues of interest to both sides.

In the meeting via video application attended by Eng. Ezzaddin Al-Hakimi, Deputy General Manager of the company and Saeed Al-Marnoum, General Manager of the Shabwa Oil and Metal Office, Zelinger expressed his great pleasure in meeting the governor brother and assuring ways of joint coordination between the company and the local authority.

At the meeting, the general manager of OMV highlights the difficulties, challenges and threats that the company is facing due to the cessation of oil production and its products from formations with partners.

Zelinger expressed his eagerness to support the company's local authority's businesses and work by alleviating all the difficulties and challenges they face and enabling them to resume the oil export process.

The governor Ben Al-Wazir expressed his appreciation for this meeting with the management of the company, reaffirmed his continued support of the local authority in Shabwa to the company (OMV) and all companies working in the province, contributing to the humiliation of all difficulties and challenges facing their businesses.

Governor Ben Wazir reviewed efforts by the local authority with businesses on the supply of taxes due to the central bank, claiming OMV to speed up paying its tax revenues.

On the side of the workforce of the company, Brother Governor Ben Wazir renewed his request to the company's management not to reduce the number of workers from the province's people to 16%, emphasizing their priorities in employment under what is known to him according to previous presidential directives that spent 50% priority to the people of the privilege areas.

In conclusion, Governor Bin Al-Wazir emphasized on the follow-up of the government to work on humiliating all the difficulties and challenges faced by companies working in the province, which contribute to the recovery of oil production and resumption of export operations.»
01.06.2023 kl 10:53 6123

Ja, da var kursen tilbake på årets laveste, etter å ha vært opp over 20% en kort periode. Snur den her?
01.06.2023 kl 10:58 6093

Det kan se ut som det kommer en rekyl opp snart, salgsviljen er fraværende her nede, så man får bare håpe ):
01.06.2023 kl 11:26 6035

Den snur hvert fald videre ned hvis ikke snart fader AC kommer med noget positivt nyt snart
01.06.2023 kl 11:30 6015

Noen vil opp noen vil ned, alle har sin agenda ): Men en ting er sikkert, du får ikke kjøpt volum så lavt, det er bare smårusk som omsettes her nede.
Redigert 01.06.2023 kl 11:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.06.2023 kl 11:56 5974

Det fremkommer for meg ganske tydelig at det er svært få som har sendt Mail til Omv ang avtalen mellom de og zenith. Svaret jeg fikk for en ukes tid siden fra Omv stemmer nøyaktig med det som kom frem på facebooksiden til shabwa. Alle parter jobber sammen ilag med alle relevante myndigheter. Jeg håper for de som selger nå sin skyld at de er pokkers nødt til det og at de ikke selger pga de har mistet motet. Mine mld fra Omv bekrefter alt som kom frem på Facebook fra shabwa. Jeg holder mine aksjer og fyller stadig på😊 og til de som vil at jeg skal dele meldingene fra Omv foreslår jeg og sende Mail til dem selv og formuler slik du får de rette svarene😋
Redigert 01.06.2023 kl 11:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.06.2023 kl 12:07 5939

Videre kan det også nevnes at vi ligger nå ca 15 % under den svært forsiktige emisjonen vi hadde nylig der både direktør og finansdirektør puttet mye penger inn. Det skal bemerkes at emisjonen var nesten uten rabatt. Se rundt hvilke andre selskaper som gjør det, eksempler som NOM, SAS, BGBIO, osv som har rævkjørt alle aksjonærer med grise-emisjoner. For meg så viser dette at styret har innsett at de må snu skuta og bekrefter dette ved og hente inn penger til en usedvanlig liten rabatt. Det virker også som at de er svært forsiktige med og melde fremgang både i Jemen og Benin som tyder på at de har lært fra Kongo og er mer ydmyke nå ifh til myndigheter i de respektive land. Juni blir i mine øyne en svært positiv mnd for selskapet.
01.06.2023 kl 12:10 5933

Mail jeg har tidligere mottatt fra OMV investor relations:

"Thank you for your email.
At the moment we are in a sales process of our subsidiary OMV Yemen and have reached an agreement with Zenith Energy. The process has been implemented in full compliance with the applicable regulation as well as in close communication with the Ministry of Oil. Completion of the acquisition is subject to the approval by the Ministry of Oil. As this process is not closed yet, we cannot comment any further. We hope for your understanding.
Kind regards,"

"Thank you for your email.
We are currently in a sales process of our subsidiary OMV Yemen. The process is being implemented in full compliance with the applicable regulations as well as in close communication with the Ministry of Oil. As it is not closed yet, we cannot comment any further. We hope for your understanding.
Kind regards,"

"There is currently no update to the statement from our previous email.
We cannot comment any further.
Thanks for your understanding.
Kind regards,"

"There is currently no update to the statement from our previous email.
We cannot comment any further.
Thanks for your understanding.
Kind regards,"

Ikke så mye å få ut av disse mailene. Har du fått noe av mer informasjon, futureistoday?
Slettet bruker
01.06.2023 kl 12:47 5865

Påstander om at Zenith ikke får Yemen.

Ref -- https://twitter.com/1Gaghman/status/1661823136642334721
Litt fra Gaghman twitter

May 26
This information have not been disclosed by either zenith or Omv. May i ask where this information that the deal have failed can be obtained?


May 26
Based on 2 documents :
1st doc from the MOM
2nd from Yemeni Parliament advice to not accept this transfer

MOM og Yemeni Parliament har mest sannsynlig ikke siste ordet i Yemen.

MoM sin nett side ... https://mom-ye.com/site-ar/
Det finne en engelsk versjon men en bør beherske arabisk i den delen av verden,
Redigert 01.06.2023 kl 12:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.06.2023 kl 13:06 5840

Har sett det. Han viser til uttalelsen fra myndighetene 4.januar eller når det var..
Han er også veldig imot OMV/internasjonale selskaper, slik jeg forstår det. Tar det med en klype salt, men verdt å merke seg.
01.06.2023 kl 14:08 5723

Jeg har hatt personlig dialog med gaghman kun mellom oss, jeg har blitt besvart av Omv og har hatt arabisk tolk som har bistått med og lete etter og oversette meldinger og nyheter. De eneste jeg ikke har fått svar fra er zenith, men nå skal det sies de har aldri svart på en eneste av mine Mail fra hovedkontoret. Min oppfatning er positiv ifb Jemen
02.06.2023 kl 08:04 5265

Innlegg nummer 2000 på tråden
02.06.2023 kl 08:05 5261

På tide å starte med en ny tråd! Blir spennende å se hvordan siste mld blir mottatt..
02.06.2023 kl 08:11 5224

Noen tønner i USA er sikkert bra for at selskapet skal ha noe å gjøre på. Det er uansett de potensielt mye større feltene i Yemen og Benin som kan løfte kursen nevneverdig. Veldig usikker på om det er noe særlig med overskudd å hente fra noen små brønner i USA. I alle fall med dagens oljepris
02.06.2023 kl 08:19 5219

Yepp. Ihvertfall glad jeg er stort inne 👌 er en oljemygg vi snakker om her.
Redigert 02.06.2023 kl 08:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.06.2023 kl 08:45 5127

Her er det mulighet for mye mer samarbeid så her synes jeg du bommer grovt. Å komme oss inn i ett sånt politisk stabilt land og få inntekt raskt er ikke annet en fantastisk for en liten mygg
02.06.2023 kl 08:48 5129


("Zenith" or the "Company")

First Agreement for USA acquisition campaign

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production company, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement (the "Agreement") with Stateside Energy LLC, a company registered under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, United States of America (hereinafter "Stateside") to acquire and operate a portfolio of oil production and development licences in Oklahoma, as well as certain other States in the USA (the "Targets").

Key Terms

· Stateside is an oil and gas operator with a portfolio of seven oil wells in the State of Oklahoma.

· Under the Agreement, Zenith will incorporate a wholly owned special purpose vehicle in the United States of America for the purpose of acquiring oil wells and licence blocks in the State of Oklahoma and certain other States in USA (the "Newco").

· Stateside will make available its personnel in Oklahoma for the purpose of assisting the business development of Newco.

· Zenith will consider providing Stateside with the following incentive bonus structure based upon the Newco reaching the following incremental average production targets: 75, 125, 175 and 225 barrels of oil per day (the "Milestones").

· Upon the achievement of each Milestone Zenith will consider issuing Stateside certain amounts payable by way of issuing equity securities (the "Incentive Bonus Payments").

· Stateside agrees to sell its oil production wells to Newco, subject to the completion of a satisfactory due diligence by Zenith, for a nominal consideration.

· It is planned that the Newco will negotiate the acquisition of approximately 70 oil production wells located on property leases totalling approximately 3,200 acres located in the State of Oklahoma for sale by a third-party identified by Stateside (the "Potential Vendor").

· The Potential Vendor has indicated it also intends to sell certain oilfield service equipment including, inter alia, a pulling unit and a tank truck, for an amount to be agreed.

· Zenith has agreed to invest approximately US$2 million, subject to the completion of a satisfactory due diligence, for the acquisition of Targets to be introduced by Stateside.

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"We are pleased to formally begin our expansion in the USA by way of the Agreement with Stateside. The advantages of operating in North America are readily apparent, and primarily include the speed of execution for transactions, with the resulting delivery of potential immediate oil production to Zenith, and the relatively conspicuous lack of bureaucratic delays and other detrimental impediments to corporate development seen elsewhere.

The Company is currently negotiating the potential acquisition of various oil production assets with significant development potential across the USA. We look forward with enthusiasm to potentially completing these in an expeditious manner, subject to rigorous due diligence, by leveraging one of our strengths: deal-making."
02.06.2023 kl 08:49 5177

Superb deal making from AC, building up production and revenue in the safest area in the world whilst also playing in huge riskier plays in Africa for the big rewards. I really appreciate this strategy employed by the company to finally get the price motoring.
02.06.2023 kl 08:50 5199

"* It is planned that the Newco will negotiate the acquisition of approximately 70 oil production wells located on property leases totalling approximately 3,200 acres located in the State of Oklahoma for sale by a third-party identified by Stateside (the “Potential Vendor”)."
Av hva jeg leser har det et stort potensial for fremtiden...?

Oklahoma er i hvert fall en "rød" stat.. (muligens mer positive enn California)

"The Company is currently negotiating the potential acquisition of various oil production assets with significant development potential across the USA. We look forward with enthusiasm to potentially completing these in an expeditious manner, subject to rigorous due diligence, by leveraging one of our strengths: deal-making.”

Nå håper jeg AC/Zenith får først landet 100boed inn asap, så kan resten i så fall komme videre! Spennende muligheter virker det som.
Slettet bruker
02.06.2023 kl 09:54 4974

Currently Zenith having confirm 400 boed including Italy and Tunisia ....................................Excluding SLK
Redigert 02.06.2023 kl 09:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.06.2023 kl 10:10 4916

It will be even more safe for Zenith if prez “poopy pants” is replaced with prez “orange man bad” for next election
02.06.2023 kl 10:17 4896

1 avtale på plass i USA 9 under forhandlinger

Mye annen betryggende informasjon i dette intervjuet som ble sluppet for litt siden

02.06.2023 kl 10:20 4877

Veldig positiv video av AC.
Nå fikk jeg stor tro på det de driver med.

02.06.2023 kl 21:42 4374

Det ble plutselig stille i fjøset.
Godt å se skilpadden ikke var død, og beveger seg igjen.
Ha en flott kveld alle som en.
03.06.2023 kl 09:01 4065

Bra intervju, skal se nå at vi kanskje får tilbake litt tillitt:-). Blir nok litt mer kjøp her fremover:-)
God helg!
03.06.2023 kl 12:05 3850

Når man hører det så lyder det virkelig godt og fremtiden burde se lys ud.
Vi må så håbe at aktiekursen snart stiger og vi hurtigt er tilbage omkring 10 øre som før katastrofen i Congo.
Derefter kan vi så håbe på godt nyt enten fra Yemen eller Benin så kursen kan komme over 20 øre.
03.06.2023 kl 15:47 3737

Ja, blir helt avslappet igjen til kursen bare vi får tilbake 10øren. Ikke spesielt attraktivt med - 40 prosent ish siden Januar:-)
03.06.2023 kl 16:19 3712

Men jeg stusser over hvorfor vi ikke borrer på ROB 3 som det har vært meldt oppstart 2 ganger. Og utvikling av El-Bibane. Hadde han informert om hva vi skal eller ikke skal gjøre med de feltene er jeg sikker på at kursen hadde vært en annen. Disse er jo også bare ZEN sine, det informerer han ingen ting om og da blir det oppfattet som "tåke legging". Om det skulle dreie seg om en godkjenning først blir jo det selvfølgelig aksepter av oss investorer. Bedre med dårlig nyheter enn ingen, da det blir for mye spekulasjoner.
03.06.2023 kl 18:21 3590

Helt enig, det blir mye spekulasjoner. Jeg f.eks spekulerer i om zenith lager flere avtaler med Omv i feks Tunisia, Omv sa selv i 2021 at de ville trekke seg ut iflg artikler jeg har funnet, men nå bare for 2 mnd siden så ville de investere i Tunisia men da i sol energi og hydrogen. Kanskje zenith kan overta noe oljeportefølje?? KUN ren spekulasjon fra min side, men forklaringen på hvorfor det er helt tyst om all Afrika aktivitet var iflg Andrea i siste intervju at myndighetene ikke likte snakk om ikke ferdig avtalt/gjennomførte avtaler. Så derfor ville det bli lite børsmeldinger derfra før noe var 100%
04.06.2023 kl 00:11 3388

Har registrert tidligere at det har blitt nevnt at ting tar tid i Afrika. I følge Camilla Houeland i podden 198 land Nigeria så sa hun at African time er en viktig faktor for å vise makt i tillegg til det vanlige med uforutsette hindringer og manglende punktlighet. Hun har i hvert fall forsket en del i Nigeria omkring fagforening og olje.
05.06.2023 kl 11:13 2885

Registrerer at myndighetene i shabwa er mer enn villige til og få hjulene igang igjen i al uqlah sektoren. Omw bruker nok også dette som vektstang til og få gjennom avtalen med zenith
vil jeg tro😊

Slettet bruker
05.06.2023 kl 13:15 2811

Utfordringen for Yemen er parkert olje eksport og folk som ikke får jobbet.
07.06.2023 kl 00:58 2214

June 6, 2023


("Zenith" or the "Company")

ICSID Arbitration against the Republic of Tunisia

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production
and development company, announces the formal submission of various legal
proceedings against the Republic of Tunisia, with a total cumulative claimed
amount of at least US$48 million.

Zenith’s fully owned subsidiaries (together, the “Investors”) have submitted a
request for arbitration against the Republic of Tunisia before the International
Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes in Washington DC (“ICSID”) – (the

Background to the Arbitration

The request for Arbitration before the ICSID was submitted in accordance with
article 8 of the Agreement signed between the government of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Tunisian
Republic in 1989 for the Promotion and Protection of Investments.

The Arbitration has been launched following a series of actions undertaken by
the Tunisian government to the material detriment of the commercial interests of
the Investors in the Republic of Tunisia, including, inter alia, unreasonable
and arbitrary obstructions in relation to the development of the Sidi El Kilani
and Ezzaouia concessions.

More specifically, these include actions in contravention to, inter alia, the
terms of the Sidi El Kilani and Ezzaouia licenses respectively, and unjustified
obstructions for processing the sale of produced oil.

Prior to initiating the Arbitration, Zenith and its subsidiaries have, in good
faith, applied their best efforts towards engaging constructively with the
relevant bodies in the Republic of Tunisia to address these matters. However, in
view of the unsuccessful nature of these efforts to date, the Investors have
been compelled, to safeguard their commercial interests and legal rights, to
launch the Arbitration.

The Investors have engaged Gide Loyrette Nouel, a legal firm with a
specialisation in high-level dispute resolution, as legal counsel in connection
with the Arbitration.

The Investors can confirm that, in the interests of preserving the Company’s
cash reserves at a time of intensive expansion and development activity, they
are in advanced negotiations with a specialist third-party litigation funder for
a ‘no win-no fee’ financing arrangement to support all the costs in connection
with the Arbitration.

The Board, based on due and careful consideration surrounding the merits of the
Arbitration and specialist legal advice received, believes there will either be
a successful outcome resulting from the Arbitration or there will be an amicable
settlement in due course.

Update on Tunisian production and development portfolio

The Company can confirm that it continues to operate its production and
development portfolio in the Republic of Tunisia, including the Robbana and El
Bibane concessions which it holds directly with a 100% interest, whilst
negotiations are ongoing with the local authorities in Tunisia with the
objective of addressing the underlying causes of the aforementioned Arbitration.

The Robbana Concession is producing approximately 20-25 barrels of oil per day,
with a total accumulation of approximately 8,000 barrels of oil in stock which
is ready for sale subject to local export permissions being granted.

Production from the El Bibane Concession has been suspended due to necessary
maintenance activities.

Further, for the avoidance of doubt, the Company maintains that its subsidiary’s
50 percent ownership of MARETAP, the joint operating company for the Ezzaouia
Concession, remains unchanged.

In view of the sensitive nature of the ongoing proceedings and discussions, the
Company will not be providing further comment until there are material updates.