Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
31.08.2023 kl 16:08
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and especially a successful and prosperous new year for all Zenith holders, I believe we have a very good year ahead of us with lots of profit. Enjoy
Redigert 26.12.2022 kl 12:10
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10 million share to buy above 0.0520
07.07.2023 kl 16:30
Du gir deg ikke Viking_1. Hva er greia med disse postingene.
Gi oss fred.
Gi oss fred.
07.07.2023 kl 21:53
Slettet brukerskrev 10 million share to buy above 0.0520
Personlig synes jeg det er Viking som kommer med de beste nyhetene i Zenith - selvsagt selvsagt ikke alt eg forstår- men ved dårlig tid skroller ned til viking og leser de 💵🛢👏stå på viking
07.07.2023 kl 23:43
Viking er positiv til tider der han har full oversikt om hva som kommer «snart» og negativ i andre korte tider.
Han snakker om syndikatet som styrer kursen.
Tolk det som dere vil.
Han snakker om syndikatet som styrer kursen.
Tolk det som dere vil.
Redigert 07.07.2023 kl 23:44
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08.07.2023 kl 10:42
Hei, er det mange her som har snittet ned kursen sin her? Jeg har snittet ned nesten 1 øre nå . Fortsatt god sommer til alle trofaste Zenith eiere :-)
08.07.2023 kl 19:52
And dont forget people, it haw teken almost no time at all compare to African countrys haw long they need to com to conclusions.
09.07.2023 kl 23:20
er dette uka for de gode nyheter, eller bare usa emisjoner? hvor ble det av gutta på "de seriøse" tråden? rart de ikke har synspunkter å dele i forbindelse med alt som har skjedd siste måneder.eller er de ute?
10.07.2023 kl 00:34
Tipper dessverre de er ute forlengst, både Aqua og de andre..noe annet forundrer meg. Bare vi naive som er igjen, he-he…tror ikke det er noe spesielt som vil skje hverken i juli eller august, eller i år for å være rett pessimistisk. Ferie i Norge og rolige dager på børsen..man kan selvfølgelig følge med daglig, men tror de fleste blir bare deppa av å følge videre nedgang i juli.
10.07.2023 kl 09:32
Conservative seizure of ETAP bank account
July 10, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Conservative seizure of ETAP bank account
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has successfully obtained a ‘conservative seizure’ for an amount equivalent to approximately US$6.5 million deposited in a bank account in Switzerland under the name of ETAP, Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières, the national oil company of the Republic of Tunisia (the “Conservative Seizure”).
The Conservative Seizure has been undertaken to avoid the risk of funds being dissipated or diverted while legal proceedings are ongoing.
On June 7, 2023, the Company announced that its subsidiaries had initiated various legal proceedings against the Republic of Tunisia, with a total cumulative claimed amount of at least US$48 million.
Zenith will provide further updates as appropriate in accordance with developments.
July 10, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Conservative seizure of ETAP bank account
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has successfully obtained a ‘conservative seizure’ for an amount equivalent to approximately US$6.5 million deposited in a bank account in Switzerland under the name of ETAP, Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières, the national oil company of the Republic of Tunisia (the “Conservative Seizure”).
The Conservative Seizure has been undertaken to avoid the risk of funds being dissipated or diverted while legal proceedings are ongoing.
On June 7, 2023, the Company announced that its subsidiaries had initiated various legal proceedings against the Republic of Tunisia, with a total cumulative claimed amount of at least US$48 million.
Zenith will provide further updates as appropriate in accordance with developments.
Redigert 10.07.2023 kl 09:33
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10.07.2023 kl 09:32
July 10, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Conservative seizure of ETAP bank account
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN ; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production
and development company, is pleased to announce that it has successfully
obtained a 'conservative seizure' for an amount equivalent to approximately
US$6.5 million deposited in a bank account in Switzerland under the name of
ETAP, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières, the national oil company of
the Republic of Tunisia (the "Conservative Seizure").
The Conservative Seizure has been undertaken to avoid the risk of funds being
dissipated or diverted while legal proceedings are ongoing.
On June 7, 2023, the Company announced that its subsidiaries had initiated
various legal proceedings against the Republic of Tunisia, with a total
cumulative claimed amount of at least US$48 million.
Zenith will provide further updates as appropriate in accordance with
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Conservative seizure of ETAP bank account
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN ; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production
and development company, is pleased to announce that it has successfully
obtained a 'conservative seizure' for an amount equivalent to approximately
US$6.5 million deposited in a bank account in Switzerland under the name of
ETAP, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières, the national oil company of
the Republic of Tunisia (the "Conservative Seizure").
The Conservative Seizure has been undertaken to avoid the risk of funds being
dissipated or diverted while legal proceedings are ongoing.
On June 7, 2023, the Company announced that its subsidiaries had initiated
various legal proceedings against the Republic of Tunisia, with a total
cumulative claimed amount of at least US$48 million.
Zenith will provide further updates as appropriate in accordance with
10.07.2023 kl 09:41
Fantastiske nyheter, dette er virkelig bekreftelse på at det foregår vanvittig mye bra jobbing i kulissene og caset blir bare bedre for hver dag som går. At de nå har fått fryst midler fra etap som er ca halvparten av marketcapen til zenith pdd. Viser at vi ligger langt under reel verdi av firmaet. I mine øyne så starter toget nå😃
10.07.2023 kl 09:50
Conservative seizure, which is the measure typically aimed at protecting and restoring the assets of the state, or of the victim of the crime, by freezing the assets of the defendant to prevent their dissipation (in substantive analogy with the conservative seizure provided for civil purposes).
10.07.2023 kl 10:18
Helt sykt. Ingen grunn til å selge under 12 øre no. Vi e så sykt på rett vei. 2 avtaler i boks i USA og flere på vei. Markedet vil nok få opp øynene snart..
10.07.2023 kl 10:31
Ja nå har vi de soste dager fått beskjed ang smpc som ikke ble hørt og en liten sum i skader foreløpig som tyder på at zenith vinner garantert saken. Og nå idag at de har fryst midler fra etap som også er en bekreftelse på at det kommer penger her i favør zenith. Aksjen kommer til og blir tatt tak i når som helst når nyhetene er fordøyd 😃
10.07.2023 kl 10:33
Amazing news
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Conservative seizure of ETAP bank account
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has successfully obtained a 'conservative seizure' for an amount equivalent to approximately US$6.5 million deposited in a bank account in Switzerland under the name of ETAP, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières, the national oil company of the Republic of Tunisia (the "Conservative Seizure").
The Conservative Seizure has been undertaken to avoid the risk of funds being dissipated or diverted while legal proceedings are ongoing.
On June 7, 2023, the Company announced that its subsidiaries had initiated various legal proceedings against the Republic of Tunisia, with a total cumulative claimed amount of at least US$48 million.
Zenith will provide further updates as appropriate in accordance with developments.
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Conservative seizure of ETAP bank account
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has successfully obtained a 'conservative seizure' for an amount equivalent to approximately US$6.5 million deposited in a bank account in Switzerland under the name of ETAP, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières, the national oil company of the Republic of Tunisia (the "Conservative Seizure").
The Conservative Seizure has been undertaken to avoid the risk of funds being dissipated or diverted while legal proceedings are ongoing.
On June 7, 2023, the Company announced that its subsidiaries had initiated various legal proceedings against the Republic of Tunisia, with a total cumulative claimed amount of at least US$48 million.
Zenith will provide further updates as appropriate in accordance with developments.
Good news if Zenith succeed this in short time company will have $20million inventory and in settlement SLK license too.........will take company to kr 0.2 range now..........with Italy Tunisia and USA
Redigert 10.07.2023 kl 10:42
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TheLondonOiler skrev $6.5 million added to the market cap
currently Zenith have total receivable more than $30 million including Tunisia, Congo and court case .......
Redigert 10.07.2023 kl 10:49
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10.07.2023 kl 10:49
The market cap should multi bag with the money received alone, excellent buying entrance at current levels, I will be expecting great volumes in the coming week back to much higher levels. This is the good news we needed to get things rolling again.
0,4 i London, økt noe. Ørkenvandring og sommerferie på Euronext tydeligvis.
10.07.2023 kl 11:10
Jeg bare lurer: Hva er driftskostnader på alle disse brønnene i statene. Hvis det snakker om 60 liter pr 47 brønn pr dag.
60 liter x 70 $ = 4200 (ca.42000 NOK)
42000 NOK / 47 brønner gir ca 900 NOK pr dag pr brønn av inntekter
900 - utgifter (lønn til arbeidere + driftskost. +++ ??
Har de ikke en som kan kalkulere hva det koster å drive en oljebrønn.....
Håper på mer olje i neste brønn som skal kjøpes.
60 liter x 70 $ = 4200 (ca.42000 NOK)
42000 NOK / 47 brønner gir ca 900 NOK pr dag pr brønn av inntekter
900 - utgifter (lønn til arbeidere + driftskost. +++ ??
Har de ikke en som kan kalkulere hva det koster å drive en oljebrønn.....
Håper på mer olje i neste brønn som skal kjøpes.
10.07.2023 kl 11:11
Slettet brukerskrev 0,4 i London, økt noe. Ørkenvandring og sommerferie på Euronext tydeligvis.
This is excellent news. Remember that the Tunisian government are negotiating debt relief with the IMF at the moment and they fact that an international company that has been operating in the country for the last few years has had to resort to seizing money from the state oil company will not reflect well on the Tunisians in these negotiations.
This seizure ups the pressure on the Tunisian government prior to the arbitration and makes it much more likely that they will settle the arbitration case amicably before it is formally heard in my opinion. When you consider that the Tunisian press have already been reporting on the arbitration in Zenith's favour and claiming that they government are likely to settle then we start to see that the pressure is really growing.
This is a very clever move by Zenith. Not only is $6.5 million of the money now "safe" but it weakens the hand of the Tunisians in the battles still to come. Well done AC, this is playing hardball and that is what we need in this situation.
This seizure ups the pressure on the Tunisian government prior to the arbitration and makes it much more likely that they will settle the arbitration case amicably before it is formally heard in my opinion. When you consider that the Tunisian press have already been reporting on the arbitration in Zenith's favour and claiming that they government are likely to settle then we start to see that the pressure is really growing.
This is a very clever move by Zenith. Not only is $6.5 million of the money now "safe" but it weakens the hand of the Tunisians in the battles still to come. Well done AC, this is playing hardball and that is what we need in this situation.
10.07.2023 kl 11:18
The average cost of production of non shale oil in the US is $21 per barrel http://graphics.wsj.com/oil-barrel-breakdown/ This gives an income of net profit of $3,000 per day or $1,095,000 per annum out of these 60 barrels. Yes, it is not a lot on its own, but it pays for the acquisition of the asset in a year, which is good business and as they acquire more assets of a similar size the revenue will mount up.
As I have said before, the key element of the latest US news release is the statement that: "It is our expectation that we shall soon achieve 'critical mass' by way of additional acquisitions, selected following a rigorous due diligence process, to successfully achieve Zenith's growth objectives.".
Zenith are clearly intending to buy more assets and get US production up to many hundreds of barrels of daily production in the US and this will be the cash-flow engine that will drive the company's growth forwards in Africa etc, where the licenses are higher risk but higher reward. It is a sensible strategy.
As I have said before, the key element of the latest US news release is the statement that: "It is our expectation that we shall soon achieve 'critical mass' by way of additional acquisitions, selected following a rigorous due diligence process, to successfully achieve Zenith's growth objectives.".
Zenith are clearly intending to buy more assets and get US production up to many hundreds of barrels of daily production in the US and this will be the cash-flow engine that will drive the company's growth forwards in Africa etc, where the licenses are higher risk but higher reward. It is a sensible strategy.
10.07.2023 kl 11:25
Ac har fått kloa i 70 mill av 500 mill nå.
US$6.5 million av 48mill US $
Aksjen burde hoppe 50 %
US$6.5 million av 48mill US $
Aksjen burde hoppe 50 %
Redigert 11.07.2023 kl 06:44
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10.07.2023 kl 11:38
Det skjønner jeg. men hvem jobber gratis og evt. driftskostnader? Vi snakker om mange brønn, og da må evt en som passer alle eller er de automatiserte?
10.07.2023 kl 11:43
USA production and profit, retrieving money back from Tunisia and Congo, new asset in Yemen or Benin, things are looking great for Zenith
10.07.2023 kl 12:27
Mener mange af felterne, dem man ser med store mekaniske pumper (Pumpjack) kan klare sig uden opsyn og arbejdskraft 99% af året, kun lidt enkelte eftersyn er nødvendige, men ellers er de klippestabiler og generere en konstant strøm at olie. Mange farme har haft dem stående i 30-60år. og bare pumpet olie uden de store omkostninger.
Ved ikke hvilke der er tale om i denne deal dog.
Ved ikke hvilke der er tale om i denne deal dog.
10.07.2023 kl 13:28
Ulempen er dog hvis der er store gas forekomster, så kræver det pludselig dagligt tilsyn og udluftning af systemet, der under dette vil stå stille imens udluftning foregår i op til 8 timer. Så der kan også være mange problemer med denne type brønde.
Men vi må se hvad de har budt på når der kommer mere data.
Men vi må se hvad de har budt på når der kommer mere data.
10.07.2023 kl 20:19
Man of the numbers, living calculator with no batteries .Long liv Viking, always haw ready future stock price.
10.07.2023 kl 20:30
Never underestimate long international experience of the AC. I always know that he will find the way in Tunisia, but as a bonus it looks like he will put in to place Congo to. As I sad ,, They haw taken kindness for weakness``
10.07.2023 kl 23:05
I hear people talk about this great experience of AC, long international experience, great at dealmaking a man made for transforming a small cap oiler into a medium cap oiler. But can you please tell me what trackrecord he has when it comes to actually building an oil company? Well they had assets in south america which did not materliaze, they had assets in Azerbadjan that did not materialize, they had an asset which they pretty much guaranteed was going to work in Congo. Now they are talking about Yemen, Tunisia which also have issues. The point I am making is that the last few years the only person who has made any money from Zenith is managment, yeah sure a few lucky traders, but it is the worst performing oiler in all of Oslo. Why is this time any different? You can be as good as you want in deal making but the lack of operational experience and constant failures are not reasuring to shareholders. Everyone here is dreaming about a whale buying into Zenith etc. But think for one second, AC has been trying to sell this to the professional oil investors in Oslo for years and has not gotten anyone worth mentioning to bite. So please lets call it what it is, it is a complete mess where shareholders have been diluted and not gotten what has been the target for years. However, if they actually manage to land anything and get producing oil fields, yes then they will probably make some money and the dilution has not been for nothing.
At the start of 2023 everyone was saying that things would work out by easter, I said that things will probably not be resolved this year, maybe if everything goes according to plan by summer. Everyone laughed at me, but to be frank the negative people in this stock have been historically correct. I hope for all the shareholders that they get something good and that the SP goes through the roof. However, I need to at least try and give a somewhat different view of the overly optimistic people here. There are plenty of oilers in Oslo that are undervalued that does not dilute shareholders, pays dividens and makes great money, so I think you will find a hard time getting people to invest. In these times with a bit turbulence in the market large investors are not interested in being invested in micro stocks with very bad liquidity. Sad but true.
At the start of 2023 everyone was saying that things would work out by easter, I said that things will probably not be resolved this year, maybe if everything goes according to plan by summer. Everyone laughed at me, but to be frank the negative people in this stock have been historically correct. I hope for all the shareholders that they get something good and that the SP goes through the roof. However, I need to at least try and give a somewhat different view of the overly optimistic people here. There are plenty of oilers in Oslo that are undervalued that does not dilute shareholders, pays dividens and makes great money, so I think you will find a hard time getting people to invest. In these times with a bit turbulence in the market large investors are not interested in being invested in micro stocks with very bad liquidity. Sad but true.
11.07.2023 kl 05:28
you are so right, but don`t say any negative then people in here will tell you
11.07.2023 kl 07:17
Du skriver stort sett de fleste innlegg på norsk, Pessimist1
Så hvorfor plutselig et langt og uinteressant innlegg på engelsk? Du har vel ikke bare kopiert, redigert og limt inn 🙂🙂 Du må ha en dødskjedelig sommerferie 🙂🙂
Så hvorfor plutselig et langt og uinteressant innlegg på engelsk? Du har vel ikke bare kopiert, redigert og limt inn 🙂🙂 Du må ha en dødskjedelig sommerferie 🙂🙂
11.07.2023 kl 09:05
Prøver å forholde meg til å skrive samme språk som meningsmotstander. Nei skrev det i forbifarten igår, dårlig med klipp å lim… Er jo alltid et godt tegn når folk kommenterer ferien fremfor innhold, sier vel litt om hvor tynn suppe dette er😂
It time to grab as much as possible around kr 0.055
Redigert 11.07.2023 kl 10:16
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11.07.2023 kl 10:34
Lurer på hva som kommer først her, oppkjøp nr 3 i usa? Felt i sør Sudan? Benin? Yemen? Congo? Spennende tider!!
Benin or Yemen ..............
11.07.2023 kl 10:47
Har du funnet noe som peker i den retningen, eller er det bare du som tror det?
Yemen dead line to complete is September 2023 also for Benin PSC is mostly for approval in parliament..........
11.07.2023 kl 11:15
Well it deepen the way ar you or we lucking the whole development past years. Knowledge is there : prevues banking and international dills in the earlier experiences ,which has proven to be useful when it coms to Tunisia case. We should not forget Vietnam ore what is called now or at the that time: One country with the ruined economical and political situation .... to get them first international loan and help to develop economy of the country that absolute should not be underrated sparsely for peepul who understands little bitt of international policy. He is good on what he is doing that he can't drive a drill and mine him self?!!. nobody is perfect sum time we haw to relay on others, and we get disappointed from time to time ( I haw lived long enough to learn that in the hard way.)
At bottom line: nobody is successful all the time, we learn things under way in our lives and not by numbers and presenting , numbers and prosentages coms after.
When the god and positive numbers ( the big ones ) comes then are thous professional investors with I call them Sharks com in to play and manipulate (they don't know any nothing about building sum thing from the butted. Belief, knowledge, application and belief agen (twice belief) we need in order to succeed and not to be small fish and get eaten by the sharks.
Any way I respect your concern and worry.
I newer lok back and worry about past. What its make to think about is this Texas (uS) agreement , they didn't won't the payment but share for sum sum equals 400 mill shares. That's big presenting of the company and wonder if they are big sharks (this time the smart ones who can see the future outcome.). Thay can easily eat us small fishes like A-gas did with me for sum years a go. Fredriksen bout the who'll company for 42kr per share ( everybody sold for small money) ande in the time paid share dividend to him self and now the shares are worth 92kr last time I check.Thous shares he almost got them for free if you think about dividend every quarter plus 12 or 18 new ships which wi payed by shares at lest first delivery from Korea.
At bottom line: nobody is successful all the time, we learn things under way in our lives and not by numbers and presenting , numbers and prosentages coms after.
When the god and positive numbers ( the big ones ) comes then are thous professional investors with I call them Sharks com in to play and manipulate (they don't know any nothing about building sum thing from the butted. Belief, knowledge, application and belief agen (twice belief) we need in order to succeed and not to be small fish and get eaten by the sharks.
Any way I respect your concern and worry.
I newer lok back and worry about past. What its make to think about is this Texas (uS) agreement , they didn't won't the payment but share for sum sum equals 400 mill shares. That's big presenting of the company and wonder if they are big sharks (this time the smart ones who can see the future outcome.). Thay can easily eat us small fishes like A-gas did with me for sum years a go. Fredriksen bout the who'll company for 42kr per share ( everybody sold for small money) ande in the time paid share dividend to him self and now the shares are worth 92kr last time I check.Thous shares he almost got them for free if you think about dividend every quarter plus 12 or 18 new ships which wi payed by shares at lest first delivery from Korea.
Redigert 11.07.2023 kl 12:11
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11.07.2023 kl 11:20
Flere som har mottatt melding fra banken i dag om bekreftelse på omvendt aksjesplitt?
Large hidden order to buy at 0.0542 - 10