Denne tråden er stengt for nye innlegg.
31.08.2023 kl 16:08
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
ZENA 25.12.2022 kl 23:29 411034

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and especially a successful and prosperous new year for all Zenith holders, I believe we have a very good year ahead of us with lots of profit. Enjoy
Redigert 26.12.2022 kl 12:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 19:37 4792

,,The issue is not about trying to sell the company to professional investors in Oslo, it is about building up the company so that it becomes interesting to large scale investors, in Oslo and other bigger markets such as London and ultimately the US. This can only be done by acquiring assets, generating income and pushing up the market cap.``
That's the God dam best sentences I haw longing to read in Zena forums.
If I was good righter and expressing my self as you are on the ,,paper`Ì´ll will asked AC about Texas oil field :
a) haw much the neighbour filled produce ? because I think from so many Wells it's impossible to get only 60 boa per day. I haw red her on forum soon said 150
wells if I'm correct. If that is so my hunch is at lest with little work 10-15 can be pretty significant for good outcomes .
b) Is it possible that this time we get working company with workers with out sunglasses one.We haw bad experience from Tunisia,(Youtube evidence) With sunglasses one they can't tell difference between oil and water ore sand and cement .
- I had to ad point b) as my signature..
12.07.2023 kl 19:33 4767

Ja uten nyheter ble d plutselig interesse. 35m aksjer slår du med England. Men masse salgspress også
12.07.2023 kl 18:16 4772

Bra volum i Norge idag også (nesten 22 mill.).

Sør Sudan har en av Afrikas største oljeforekomster, men har vært hardt rammet av krig/konflikt gjennom en del år og ønsker nå å tiltrekke seg nye investorer og samarbeidspartnere. Her kan det være reelle muligheter for Zenith Energy. Venter i spenning på hva som evt. kan materialesere seg.

12.07.2023 kl 15:41 4936

Merkelig at det får gå under radaren i UK 🤔
Slettet bruker
12.07.2023 kl 15:37 4687

Substantial large buy in London 10 million volume
Slettet bruker
12.07.2023 kl 15:09 4667

From English Forum
Zenith having substantial case so are able to the seizure of Etaps' money
"It's important to consider another aspect related to the bank seizure. It wasn't simply a matter of Zenith approaching the bank and requesting the seizure of Etaps' money. The fact is, Zenith had to obtain a court order in order to proceed with the seizure. Therefore, Zenith has already convincingly proven to at least one court that they possess substantial and well-founded grounds. otherwise, the court would not have granted such an order."
12.07.2023 kl 14:35 4773

Nekter å tro at 1 M holder tilbake noe som helst,snart haraball&go go her ved news.👍
12.07.2023 kl 14:22 4801

Yes, it can be.
Either way, at some point this will run out and then it can get crowded in the door eventually.
12.07.2023 kl 14:07 4698

Større poster som går på kjøp nå i UK
Slettet bruker
12.07.2023 kl 14:03 4582

I think more 1 million at 0.06 hidden volume who stopped course.............
12.07.2023 kl 14:01 4353

Sudan er ikke rykte. Lytt til Faktisk uttalelser i nylig Intervju:

After seeing the AC intervju (Zenith Website.) at the South Sudan Oil & Power 2023 (4. Juli), I got wery excited. If i understand the way AC puts it, Zenit is offered a deal at the conference.
Listen the intervju from minut 4.40.

Henger i sammen med denne tidligere børs mld:
MOU with Ministry of Petroleum – South Sudan. June 23, 2023.
12.07.2023 kl 14:00 4242

Kan så være.
Det handles fra andre platformer enn Nordnet. No også.
Går ut i fra at Roboten ikke bare handler fra seg selv, ellers vil det jo bli et skralt resultat for dem som styrer med denne😅
12.07.2023 kl 14:00 4175

Kan så være.
Det handles fra andre platformer enn Nordnet. No også.
Går ut i fra at Roboten ikke bare handler fra seg selv, ellers vil det jo bli et skralt resultat for dem som styrer med denne😅
12.07.2023 kl 13:59 4112

8.5m volume from nowhere someone is definitely trying to build a stake in Zenith
Slettet bruker
12.07.2023 kl 13:51 4066

Antall eier av Zenith aksjer hos Nordnet er "stabilt".
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 13:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 13:44 4094

Etter svar fra tunisia, og en optimisme om avklaring i favør Zenith så burde absolutt aksjen gått tilbake til gammel kurs som er over 10 øre.

Og med alt annet som også er på ferde så er det ingwn umulighet at vi vil se 15øre - jeg personlig mener den bør gå den veien nå..

Så har vi gullkalvene Benin, Yemen, South Sudan og muligens større avtaler i USA - om noen av de slår til vil jeg be deg ha gangetabellen klar for hoderegning.
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 13:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 13:36 4107

"Alle" er optimistiske nå. Det skifter fort når et rykte dukker opp. Neste uke er kanskje mange oppgitt over lite info fra sjefen 😄
12.07.2023 kl 12:56 3973

Ser Roboten ser mere desperate ut en noen sinne.
Prøver de å kjøre Heissjakttur, for å riste ut fall frukt/stopploss.
Ingen har nær sagt lyst til å selge nedover lengre.
Trur mange nå velger å vente å News.
12.07.2023 kl 12:26 3871

Det kan bli noen russiske prosenter her, verd å sette litt kroner her.
12.07.2023 kl 12:25 3872

Listen the intervju from minut 4.40.


Henger i sammen med denne børs mld:
MOU with Ministry of Petroleum – South Sudan
June 23, 2023

Begynner å nærme seg noe her da kanskje..
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 12:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 12:20 3914

Hehe, nei langt mer plausibelt og håndfast. Foreslår og søke hardt på Twitter på alt som kan tenkes og ha med zenith og gjøre😃 jeg brukte selv mye tid på og finne det🥵 men om det stemmer så er jeg meeeget glad for at jeg har sittet stille i båten😃
12.07.2023 kl 12:16 3961

kjøperønske fra randoms i UAE? hahaha
12.07.2023 kl 12:15 3933

Hvad sker der i Tunesien, kan du uddybe nærmere?
12.07.2023 kl 12:10 3945

Jepp, og jeg har nok funnet årsaken, blir trangt i døra framover😃
Slettet bruker
12.07.2023 kl 12:09 3951

yes, many hidden volume will be eliminated in coming days ..................like current one 0.06 - 77223 it is in a good to cheap and bulk buy. they forgot one good news from Yemen or Benin and they will not come back to this level ..............
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 12:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 12:06 3960

After seeing the AC intervju (Zenith Website.) at the South Sudan Oil & Power 2023 (4. Juli), I got wery excited. If i understand the way AC puts it, Zenit is offered a deal at the conference.
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 12:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 12:06 3935

Det rører seg i Tunisia nå! Kanskje det som er årsaken til oppgangen vi ser idag😃😃
Slettet bruker
12.07.2023 kl 11:07 4078

With Yemen deal it will be a good company to buy from buyer from middle east ....................or be part of investor with big chunk of share after reverse split.
12.07.2023 kl 11:00 4092

The issue is not about trying to sell the company to professional investors in Oslo, it is about building up the company so that it becomes interesting to large scale investors, in Oslo and other bigger markets such as London and ultimately the US. This can only be done by acquiring assets, generating income and pushing up the market cap.

You make these point that institutional investors are not interested in Zenith as if you are revealing some great secret, but you are simply pointing out the obvious. Of course they are not going to invest in a micro-cap company with no income, they only invest in companies that have a market cap above a certain level and, in the Uk at least, many of them only invest in companies that pay dividends. The challenge for Zenith is to get to this level.

This is exactly what I have invested in Zenith in the expectation that Andrea will do – get the company up to a mid-tier oil and gas company. This has been the company’s stated intention for the last two years and I believe that they can do it.

We know what the strategy was and is – to acquire stable production assets at bargain prices (remember that they acquired the entire Tunisian portfolio for only $150,000) and use the income from these to develop the higher-risk (and higher reward) African licenses in the developing world. Which have the potential to have a major impact on the company’s share price if successful.

Have they had some stumbling blocks? – yes of course, they have had major problems.

The fact that they lost out on the Tilapia license after two years of being the preferred bidder was extremely unfortunate and clearly took the company by total surprise. Perhaps there is a level of criticism that can be targeted at AC for not being more aware of what was going on in Congo, but it strikes me that the company was just a victim of Congolese politics and perhaps brown paper bags…

The fact that the Tunisian government have chose to break all of the terms of their contract with Zenith and refuse to let the company sell their own oil was completely unpredictable and no blame can be attached to the company here. When you sign a contract with a government then you expect the terms of this contract to be honoured.

But imagine if these two things had not gone wrong and Zenith were now producing $20 million per year in net revenue from Tunisa and were also beginning to develop Tilapia – the company would look in a very different situation. The company was so close to achieving all of the aims that Andrea had set out and being able to fund the development of Tilapia with the revenue from Tunisia – making it almost unique amongst micro-cap oil companies.

Just think, if this had happened we would be at many multiples of the current share price and market cap and these professional investors that you talk about would definitely have been starting to at least consider Zenith as a potential future investment.

It is hugely frustrating that this didn’t happen but one of the things that I really admire about Andrea Cattaneo very much is his refusal to give up in the face of adversity.

The problems with Tilapia and Tunisia have probably delayed the company’s development by a year. That is just a fact. But it is not like the company is flailing around drowning and looking for any asset they can. The have simply tweaked the strategy and moved the acquisition of the stable production to a more stable political jurisdiction (the USA). Zenith are already in negotiations with at least three other major licenses that can replace Tilapia (Yeme, Benin and South Sudan) and they are getting close to acquiring production assets in the US that can replace those in Tunisia without running any political risk of the national government stopping the oil sales.

It will take time for the company to change the geography of the corporate strategy but they are doing it. It seems very possible to me that by the end of the year they could be back to where they were at the beginning of this year – with US assets producing 400-500 bopd in cashflow and a significant asset in Africa to develop. The foundations are certainly being laid for this to happen.

If you add in the potential for some or all the various court cases to be successful then the company could also be looking at receiving approx. $55 million (less fees) in compensation and this would clearly supercharge the development strategy.

You make is sound like all is lost, but I think that this is far from the case and I still think that this is an exciting share to be invested in. If I just wanted dividends then I could buy shares in a supermajor such as Shell or BP whose share price will never move up ten times in value but who will pay a regular income to me. That is not why I am invested in Zenith. I believe that the company has the potential to grow exponentially in the near future and I strongly feel that we are now approaching a defining moment like in December 2020 where good news came in and the share price tripled over a matter of days.

I believe in the company, I believe in the strategy, I believe in AC and I believe that a bright future is just around the corner. That is why I am invested here – not in the hope that the company gets bought out.
Slettet bruker
12.07.2023 kl 10:51 4057

Tunisia is positive thing here so correction expected up to kr 0.1 as it worth more, now US also included in stability ...........French court case will also adding money into company ....................Yemen and Benin are total different and next level valuation specially Yemen (that's why rumors' form UAE coming) and everyone forgot South Sudan may be something from there
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 10:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 10:50 4047

800,000 for sale at 0,061

Up 18% is only because some moron spent 158kr to buy the astounding amount of 2600 shares🤣🤣🤣🤣
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 10:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 10:48 4054

Tilliten til selskapet er på langt nær gjenopprettet i mine øyne. Vi er atl og AC har ikke evnet å skape aksjoner verdier i hele Zen sin levetid. Det har blitt lovet 2-3k bopd i årevis og ingenting har skjedd. Og om det var noe på gang, så hadde ikke omsetningen vært 150k nok, men for all del det hadde vært gøy om de lykkes:-)
12.07.2023 kl 10:33 4120

So we hope for positiv or big news is on the way from Zenit!
12.07.2023 kl 10:31 4099

Slettet bruker skrev Benin or Yemen ..............
Since Open
+0.0097 (+17.83%)

Volume is huge the price is recovering fast

Can either be

1. More money paid from Tunisia or Congo to zenith

2. Benin or Yemen

3. More acreage acquired in USA

Something big is happening
12.07.2023 kl 10:26 4115

Selvfølgelig er noe på gang, det kan sies helt lovlig. All informasjon som har kommet de seneste månedene tilsier at vi skal himmelhøy. Det som har holdt oss tilbake er usikkerheten og tilliten som har blitt noe svekket til selskapet. Den tilliten er gjenopprettet for de fleste nå vil jeg tro om en ser på meldinger og hva som faktisk har skjedd i selskapet de siste par månedene. Jeg tror mye mer er på trappene, hver sitt valg men uansett, lykke til!