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31.08.2023 kl 16:08
Automatisk lukket grunnet trådens størrelse. (Beklager.)
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and especially a successful and prosperous new year for all Zenith holders, I believe we have a very good year ahead of us with lots of profit. Enjoy
Redigert 26.12.2022 kl 12:10
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tsu for all
31.07.2023 kl 13:08
Resultatene for 2023 representerer den høyeste inntektsgenereringen registrert av selskapet i løpet av historien.
Det er også viktig å understreke at administrasjonsutgiftene er vesentlig redusert, med en nedgang på omtrent 30 prosent sammenlignet med 2022
Det er også viktig å understreke at administrasjonsutgiftene er vesentlig redusert, med en nedgang på omtrent 30 prosent sammenlignet med 2022
Redigert 31.07.2023 kl 13:10
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Page 26
"We also draw attention to note 14 of the financial statements, which states that the Group’s customers are state-owned enterprises. The Group is engaged in recovering accounts receivable amounting to CAD£10.1m in Tunisia and management have assessed that the likelihood of recovery is strong. Accordingly no provision has been recognized in these accounts "
so total recoverable or inventory worth CAD£15.6 m
"We also draw attention to note 14 of the financial statements, which states that the Group’s customers are state-owned enterprises. The Group is engaged in recovering accounts receivable amounting to CAD£10.1m in Tunisia and management have assessed that the likelihood of recovery is strong. Accordingly no provision has been recognized in these accounts "
so total recoverable or inventory worth CAD£15.6 m
31.07.2023 kl 13:44
I have not had a chance to look through the report properly yet, but judging by the headline figures this is looking pretty damned good. The company have posted the largest revenues in its history and have slashed the administrative expenses by 30%. It is exactly what I want to see in an annual report and shows the work that is being done behind the scenes to get everything in shape for the next step forward in the company's development.
As ever with annual reports, the devil is always in the detail but I will have a look through the whole of it this evening and can hopefully post a more comprehensive an analysis of the situation tomorrow.
As I said though, at first glance this seems to be really impressive and it looks like a big hats-off to Zenith and the board.
As ever with annual reports, the devil is always in the detail but I will have a look through the whole of it this evening and can hopefully post a more comprehensive an analysis of the situation tomorrow.
As I said though, at first glance this seems to be really impressive and it looks like a big hats-off to Zenith and the board.
31.07.2023 kl 13:45
happy with report?
I am mixed on it, seems like issuing of shares will happen this year.
I am mixed on it, seems like issuing of shares will happen this year.
If they able to sell inventory oil no need to issue shares ...............
31.07.2023 kl 14:11
Expenses dropped by 30% whilst securing USA and soon to win lots of money against Congo and Tunisia. Perfect time to buy
31.07.2023 kl 17:15
hvis noen ble skuffet! skulle det vært interessant å vite hvor ønsket lå?
ikke dårlig å komme ut i grønn sone på børsdagen for årsoppgjør, etter en så turbulent tid.
ikke dårlig å komme ut i grønn sone på børsdagen for årsoppgjør, etter en så turbulent tid.
tsu for all
31.07.2023 kl 21:42
dette var meget bra av AC....framtiden er stor med goe egenkapital og cashflow
01.08.2023 kl 07:27
En virkelig solid årsrapport. Tidenes beste i selskapet og vi har enormt mange forhandlinger på gang. Ser enorm oppside her fremover. Børsens mest spennende aksje spør du meg!!
01.08.2023 kl 09:19
Nå er det absolutt ingenting som holder aksjen tilbake til gammelt nivå over 10 øre.
large hidden order to buy at 0.0635 -1000
01.08.2023 kl 10:32
I wouldn't be surprised if this man (MG) gets the offer from Zenith or someone else after all these rich, knowledgeable and insightful forum posts. I will have don that if I were AC's shoes.
01.08.2023 kl 10:52
Slettet brukerskrev large hidden order to buy at 0.0635 -1000
Gone like close to 70M shares yesterday and first two hours of today, share price ain't close to moving. It is actually a bit concerning that the selling pressure is so immense
01.08.2023 kl 10:58
Zenith er helt avhengig av at det blir noe av enten Benin eller Yemen. Om ikke er ikke butikken verdt særlig mye.
01.08.2023 kl 11:11
Mdg1 er alltid fremme og skal vise hvor dårlig stilt det er med zenith, uten ett fnugg av virkelighet i setningene sine. Pr idag så er zenith ikke priset mer enn Italia produksjonen, Tunisia er utenom i tillegg til usa, ingen av rettssakene som de kommer til og vinne er priset inn, heller ikke yemen, benin eller ett felt i sør sudan. Produksjonen i Italia står for over 10% verdien zenith er priset til idag årlig, og for en potensiell oppkjøpet så vil det alene forsvare marketcap idag. Vennligst slutt og lire av deg slikt mdg1 bare fors du håper og kjøpe mer billig selv.
01.08.2023 kl 12:13
Furuen skrev Hva skjer? Er det nyheter på gang? Opp 10,5 %.
+ 12% zenith uk.
Big news coming?????
Big news coming?????
01.08.2023 kl 12:17
Neso skrev Up 17% in the UK. News coming?
mange plutselige kjøp på det britiske markedet. Jeg tror noen positive nyheter kommer
01.08.2023 kl 12:21
Pengene de evt får fra rettsaker blir helt sikkert brukt opp på administrasjon. Om det ikke blir noe av Bening eller Yemen så blir det bare nye runder med fugler på taket forskjellige steder i Afrika
01.08.2023 kl 12:31
Hehe, så du mener at hvis de får feks 48mill USD som tilsvarer 3 X marketcap så blir det brukt opp i administrasjon? Igjen er du ute med flåsete kommentarer som er helt uten hold. Noe mer usaklig enn dine utlegg skal man lete lenge etter.
Report is as expected,
how fast Zenith can monetize oil inventory in to cash and how fast they receive money form Congo and drilling company.
two month remains to conclude Yemen deal.
we will receive final sign deal from Benin and South Sudan in coming days including parliament approval.
in between shareholders should hold shares,,,,,,,,,,, otherwise many eager to take course back to below 6 øre.
how fast Zenith can monetize oil inventory in to cash and how fast they receive money form Congo and drilling company.
two month remains to conclude Yemen deal.
we will receive final sign deal from Benin and South Sudan in coming days including parliament approval.
in between shareholders should hold shares,,,,,,,,,,, otherwise many eager to take course back to below 6 øre.
Benin and Yemen still in prepossess and expecting Benin news after final signature ...............
01.08.2023 kl 16:44
Et par få hundrede kroner lykkes lige at få den i + ellers var den endt i minus.
Ellers godt regnskab, men folk skynder sig at sælge lige så snart de kan tjene lidt håndører.
Håber virkelig på godt nyt snart og det skal åbenbart være rigtig positivt nyt for at få den rigtig op i kurs.
Ellers godt regnskab, men folk skynder sig at sælge lige så snart de kan tjene lidt håndører.
Håber virkelig på godt nyt snart og det skal åbenbart være rigtig positivt nyt for at få den rigtig op i kurs.
Do not sell, any how many left on Friday and Monday. so it will not go down much .............
02.08.2023 kl 14:03
Payment of 2024 multi-currency bond coupon
August 2, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Payment of 2024 multi-currency bond coupon
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has recently made coupon payments, in full and on time, in respect of the following multi-currency Euro Medium Term Notes the Company has issued on the Vienna MTF of the Vienna Stock Exchange:
· ZEEX 10.000 01/27/24 MTN XS2108546818 CHF
· ZEEX 10.125 01/27/24 MTN XS2108546735 EUR
· ZEEX 10.300 01/27/24 MTN XS2108546651 USD
· ZEEX 10.375 01/27/24 MTN XS2108546578 GBP
August 2, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Payment of 2024 multi-currency bond coupon
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has recently made coupon payments, in full and on time, in respect of the following multi-currency Euro Medium Term Notes the Company has issued on the Vienna MTF of the Vienna Stock Exchange:
· ZEEX 10.000 01/27/24 MTN XS2108546818 CHF
· ZEEX 10.125 01/27/24 MTN XS2108546735 EUR
· ZEEX 10.300 01/27/24 MTN XS2108546651 USD
· ZEEX 10.375 01/27/24 MTN XS2108546578 GBP
large hidden order to sell at 0.0623 100 000 .............
Redigert 02.08.2023 kl 14:17
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"The Notes will mature on January 27, 2024, are governed by Austrian law and are not convertible into equity of the Company."
I think start of 2024 company need to arrange funds to settle it. total USD 11.2 million (CAD$ 14.84 million)
EUR 2,659,011 - XS2108546735 ZEEX 10.125 01/27/24 MTN
USD 9,274,052 - XS2108546651 ZEEX 10.500 01/27/24 MTN
GBP 2,872,762 - XS2108546578 ZEEX 10.375 01/27/24 MTN
CHF 41,924 - XS2108546818 ZEEX 10.000 01/27/24 MTN
I think start of 2024 company need to arrange funds to settle it. total USD 11.2 million (CAD$ 14.84 million)
EUR 2,659,011 - XS2108546735 ZEEX 10.125 01/27/24 MTN
USD 9,274,052 - XS2108546651 ZEEX 10.500 01/27/24 MTN
GBP 2,872,762 - XS2108546578 ZEEX 10.375 01/27/24 MTN
CHF 41,924 - XS2108546818 ZEEX 10.000 01/27/24 MTN
02.08.2023 kl 16:33
Mener du lånene ikke blir nedbetalt,hvis avdragene blir betalt i tide og etter avtale?
03.08.2023 kl 10:18
For de som er nye aksjonærer, her er en link hvor du kan følge saken i Tunisia. Hvor det er snakk om erstatning på 48M dollar.
03.08.2023 kl 10:33
Sikke det går for “ugens aktie”, dem som købte 40-50 millioner til 0,066 i Mandags må sidde og føle sig godt og grundigt taget ved røven.
03.08.2023 kl 10:43
Hvis tidshorisonten deres var 1-2 dager så kanskje, ellers tror jeg de tar det med knusende ro.
Currently they are paying interest only they have to pay principal amount of $11 million they have enough inventory in Tunisia to pay back this amount.
03.08.2023 kl 11:12
Enorm utvikling for Zenith i år!! 3 avtale i USA
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Third Acquisition in USA
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN ; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production
and development company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding
memorandum of understanding ("MOU") with Jala Capital Investments, LLC, a
company incorporated in the State of Texas ("Seller").
o Seller owns a 100% Gross Working Interest ("GWI") and a 75% Net Revenue
Interest ("NRI") in approximately 320 acres of oil and gas lease from surface
down to a depth of approximately 800 metres, located in the East Half of section
14, Block 50, University Lands, Crockett County, Texas (the "Property").
o Geologically, the Property is situated in the southern section of the Midland
Basin, a subbasin of the Permian Basin. The Property will give Zenith the
opportunity to develop production from the San Andres formation, a prolific
carbonate formation in the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico.
o The Property is situated in the southern section of the Farmer Field which has
produced over 34 million barrels of oil since 1950 from approximately 1,000
wells drilled in leases adjoining the Property.
o Zenith has confirmed its intention to operate the Property and conduct oil and
gas extraction and exploration activities.
o Subject to completion of satisfactory due diligence by Zenith, the Seller
agrees to execute, convey, and assign to the Company a GWI of 90%, with a NRI of
o The Consideration for the MOU is US$50,000, which includes the sale oil
surface equipment such as a battery of oil tanks and oil separation equipment.
o The Seller will retain a carried GWI of 10% in respect of all drilling and
completion work necessary for the first two wells to be drilled. The Seller has
agreed to pay its proportionate share of all subsequent drilling and completion
work to be performed, as well as its share of ongoing operating costs, including
o Zenith has an obligation to notify the Seller at least 24 hours prior to
spudding a well on the Property.
o Prior to commencement of drilling the first well, Zenith and the Seller will
formalise a Joint Operating Agreement to govern all aspects of the relationship
between the parties in respect of the Property.
o Zenith intends to use a highly experienced third-party local drilling
contractor to conduct drilling activities.
o The drilling and completion of each well is expected to require a total budget
of approximately US$500,000, with an estimated potential production output of
approx. 60 barrels of oil per day for each well.
o Nine wells have historically been drilled in the Property, with neighbouring
properties recording sustained material production.
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Third Acquisition in USA
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN ; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production
and development company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding
memorandum of understanding ("MOU") with Jala Capital Investments, LLC, a
company incorporated in the State of Texas ("Seller").
o Seller owns a 100% Gross Working Interest ("GWI") and a 75% Net Revenue
Interest ("NRI") in approximately 320 acres of oil and gas lease from surface
down to a depth of approximately 800 metres, located in the East Half of section
14, Block 50, University Lands, Crockett County, Texas (the "Property").
o Geologically, the Property is situated in the southern section of the Midland
Basin, a subbasin of the Permian Basin. The Property will give Zenith the
opportunity to develop production from the San Andres formation, a prolific
carbonate formation in the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico.
o The Property is situated in the southern section of the Farmer Field which has
produced over 34 million barrels of oil since 1950 from approximately 1,000
wells drilled in leases adjoining the Property.
o Zenith has confirmed its intention to operate the Property and conduct oil and
gas extraction and exploration activities.
o Subject to completion of satisfactory due diligence by Zenith, the Seller
agrees to execute, convey, and assign to the Company a GWI of 90%, with a NRI of
o The Consideration for the MOU is US$50,000, which includes the sale oil
surface equipment such as a battery of oil tanks and oil separation equipment.
o The Seller will retain a carried GWI of 10% in respect of all drilling and
completion work necessary for the first two wells to be drilled. The Seller has
agreed to pay its proportionate share of all subsequent drilling and completion
work to be performed, as well as its share of ongoing operating costs, including
o Zenith has an obligation to notify the Seller at least 24 hours prior to
spudding a well on the Property.
o Prior to commencement of drilling the first well, Zenith and the Seller will
formalise a Joint Operating Agreement to govern all aspects of the relationship
between the parties in respect of the Property.
o Zenith intends to use a highly experienced third-party local drilling
contractor to conduct drilling activities.
o The drilling and completion of each well is expected to require a total budget
of approximately US$500,000, with an estimated potential production output of
approx. 60 barrels of oil per day for each well.
o Nine wells have historically been drilled in the Property, with neighbouring
properties recording sustained material production.
03.08.2023 kl 11:17
Another USA acquisition announced: https://live.euronext.com/en/product/equities/CA98936C1068-MERK#CompanyPressRelease-12156624
It seems that Zenith are serious about the USA and this looks like it could be a really good deal. I like the fact that it is only $500k per well drilled as if they are successful at 60 bopd then each well should deliver 60 bopd. At the current WTI price of $79 per barrel and assuming an opex cost of $25 per barrel then this should deliver a net revenue to Zenith of $1.2 million per annum and at a 67.5% economic interest then this should be $800k net to Zenith.
In short, if the wells are successful then each one should pay for itself after 8 months and after that it will be pure profit.
I also like the fact that they are subcontracting out the drilling to a local third party drilling contractor. There is a lot of drilling experience in Texas going back decades.
The revamp of the company continues and it is looking good.
It seems that Zenith are serious about the USA and this looks like it could be a really good deal. I like the fact that it is only $500k per well drilled as if they are successful at 60 bopd then each well should deliver 60 bopd. At the current WTI price of $79 per barrel and assuming an opex cost of $25 per barrel then this should deliver a net revenue to Zenith of $1.2 million per annum and at a 67.5% economic interest then this should be $800k net to Zenith.
In short, if the wells are successful then each one should pay for itself after 8 months and after that it will be pure profit.
I also like the fact that they are subcontracting out the drilling to a local third party drilling contractor. There is a lot of drilling experience in Texas going back decades.
The revamp of the company continues and it is looking good.
03.08.2023 kl 11:18
RNS Number : 2235I
Zenith Energy Ltd
03 August 2023
August 3, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Third Acquisition in USA
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding memorandum of understanding ("MOU") with Jala Capital Investments, LLC, a company incorporated in the State of Texas ("Seller").
· Seller owns a 100% Gross Working Interest ("GWI") and a 75% Net Revenue Interest ("NRI") in approximately 320 acres of oil and gas lease from surface down to a depth of approximately 800 metres, located in the East Half of section 14, Block 50, University Lands, Crockett County, Texas (the "Property").
· Geologically, the Property is situated in the southern section of the Midland Basin, a subbasin of the Permian Basin. The Property will give Zenith the opportunity to develop production from the San Andres formation, a prolific carbonate formation in the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico.
· The Property is situated in the southern section of the Farmer Field which has produced over 34 million barrels of oil since 1950 from approximately 1,000 wells drilled in leases adjoining the Property.
· Zenith has confirmed its intention to operate the Property and conduct oil and gas extraction and exploration activities.
· Subject to completion of satisfactory due diligence by Zenith, the Seller agrees to execute, convey, and assign to the Company a GWI of 90%, with a NRI of 67.5%.
· The Consideration for the MOU is US$50,000, which includes the sale oil surface equipment such as a battery of oil tanks and oil separation equipment.
· The Seller will retain a carried GWI of 10% in respect of all drilling and completion work necessary for the first two wells to be drilled. The Seller has agreed to pay its proportionate share of all subsequent drilling and completion work to be performed, as well as its share of ongoing operating costs, including workovers.
· Zenith has an obligation to notify the Seller at least 24 hours prior to spudding a well on the Property.
· Prior to commencement of drilling the first well, Zenith and the Seller will formalise a Joint Operating Agreement to govern all aspects of the relationship between the parties in respect of the Property.
· Zenith intends to use a highly experienced third-party local drilling contractor to conduct drilling activities.
· The drilling and completion of each well is expected to require a total budget of approximately US$500,000, with an estimated potential production output of approx. 60 barrels of oil per day for each well.
· Nine wells have historically been drilled in the Property, with neighbouring properties recording sustained material production.
· Zenith will commission a Competent Person's Report in compliance with Canadian securities laws, specifically the COGE Handbook and National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities - to obtain an updated reserves evaluation for the Property.
· The first well is planned to be drilled by the close of 2023. Drilling and cementing activities are expected to take less than seven days, with subsequent potential stimulation and testing work to be performed, as well as the installation of any required infrastructure to manage potential production from the wellsite.
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
"We are pleased to be gaining increasing momentum in our USA acquisition campaign. The goal is to complete acquisitions with significant production upside potential, having performed a comprehensive due diligence exercise, to maximise our development as a successful revenue generating energy production business.
The USA is proving a highly attractive jurisdiction for Zenith in view of the lack of bureaucracy and other factors that have historically delayed our progress elsewhere.
The acquisition of the Property in Texas should enable Zenith to achieve material additional daily production revenue in an exponential manner by way of drilling activities on very advantageous terms.
We look forward with enthusiasm to consolidating our recent business development as soon as possible."
Zenith Energy Ltd
03 August 2023
August 3, 2023
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Third Acquisition in USA
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding memorandum of understanding ("MOU") with Jala Capital Investments, LLC, a company incorporated in the State of Texas ("Seller").
· Seller owns a 100% Gross Working Interest ("GWI") and a 75% Net Revenue Interest ("NRI") in approximately 320 acres of oil and gas lease from surface down to a depth of approximately 800 metres, located in the East Half of section 14, Block 50, University Lands, Crockett County, Texas (the "Property").
· Geologically, the Property is situated in the southern section of the Midland Basin, a subbasin of the Permian Basin. The Property will give Zenith the opportunity to develop production from the San Andres formation, a prolific carbonate formation in the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico.
· The Property is situated in the southern section of the Farmer Field which has produced over 34 million barrels of oil since 1950 from approximately 1,000 wells drilled in leases adjoining the Property.
· Zenith has confirmed its intention to operate the Property and conduct oil and gas extraction and exploration activities.
· Subject to completion of satisfactory due diligence by Zenith, the Seller agrees to execute, convey, and assign to the Company a GWI of 90%, with a NRI of 67.5%.
· The Consideration for the MOU is US$50,000, which includes the sale oil surface equipment such as a battery of oil tanks and oil separation equipment.
· The Seller will retain a carried GWI of 10% in respect of all drilling and completion work necessary for the first two wells to be drilled. The Seller has agreed to pay its proportionate share of all subsequent drilling and completion work to be performed, as well as its share of ongoing operating costs, including workovers.
· Zenith has an obligation to notify the Seller at least 24 hours prior to spudding a well on the Property.
· Prior to commencement of drilling the first well, Zenith and the Seller will formalise a Joint Operating Agreement to govern all aspects of the relationship between the parties in respect of the Property.
· Zenith intends to use a highly experienced third-party local drilling contractor to conduct drilling activities.
· The drilling and completion of each well is expected to require a total budget of approximately US$500,000, with an estimated potential production output of approx. 60 barrels of oil per day for each well.
· Nine wells have historically been drilled in the Property, with neighbouring properties recording sustained material production.
· Zenith will commission a Competent Person's Report in compliance with Canadian securities laws, specifically the COGE Handbook and National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities - to obtain an updated reserves evaluation for the Property.
· The first well is planned to be drilled by the close of 2023. Drilling and cementing activities are expected to take less than seven days, with subsequent potential stimulation and testing work to be performed, as well as the installation of any required infrastructure to manage potential production from the wellsite.
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
"We are pleased to be gaining increasing momentum in our USA acquisition campaign. The goal is to complete acquisitions with significant production upside potential, having performed a comprehensive due diligence exercise, to maximise our development as a successful revenue generating energy production business.
The USA is proving a highly attractive jurisdiction for Zenith in view of the lack of bureaucracy and other factors that have historically delayed our progress elsewhere.
The acquisition of the Property in Texas should enable Zenith to achieve material additional daily production revenue in an exponential manner by way of drilling activities on very advantageous terms.
We look forward with enthusiasm to consolidating our recent business development as soon as possible."
03.08.2023 kl 11:33
En avtale verdt 150millioner i året ved full produksjon, eller har jeg skumlest litt for kjapt nå?
03.08.2023 kl 11:35
JobPeterson skrev more money and production in the USA
More money to spend in the USA ( money we don’t have thanks to Tunesia )
This news is unfortunately another “nothing burger”
5 million shares for sale at 0,063
This news is unfortunately another “nothing burger”
5 million shares for sale at 0,063
Redigert 03.08.2023 kl 11:43
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03.08.2023 kl 11:43
But the interesting thing about this one is that it is only costing $50k for the deal and the rest of the money is being spent directly on drilling. It is a very good value way of doing it.