Tomra Systems - nyheter

Rect Angel
TOM 29.12.2022 kl 00:30 75757

Slik jeg ser det, er Tomra Systems et fantastisk, grønt teknologiselskap. Globalt ledende og perfekt rigget for å betjene sterkt økende etterspørsel innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, i tiår fremover. Velger å starte denne tråden på forumet for 'Grønne aksjer'.

Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.

Quick-change MRF

Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.

December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler

* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Redigert 05.10.2023 kl 22:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
28.07.2023 kl 12:52 6989

Miljøvernminister Ingrid Stitt var tilstede og kastet glans over begivenheten da Tomra installerte den første pantemaskinen i det nye pantesystemet i delstaten Victoria, Australia. Pantesystemet åpner 1.november i år.

CDS Vic Refund Point Rollout Begins In Regional Victoria

28 JUL 2023 10:41 AM AEST

The Andrews Labor Government is one step closer to delivering Australia's most accessible container deposit scheme, with collection points rolling out across Victoria.

Minister for Environment Ingrid Stitt today visited Buninyong, where the first reverse vending machine for Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) has been installed and will be operational from 1 November this year.

CDS Vic is a new Labor Government initiative that will allow people to return their used drink cans, bottles and cartons for a 10-cent refund, with more than 600 refund points planned across regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne.
VicReturn is the Scheme Coordinator, while zone operators TOMRA Cleanaway, VISY, and Return-It will establish and oversee the refund points and refunds to customers as well as ensure proper recycling of the containers.

The operators are each responsible for the collection point network in their allocated scheme zones: north, east and west.
As stated by CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway, James Dorney

"As the west zone operator for CDS Vic, TOMRA Cleanaway is proud to be partnering with FoodWorks Buninyong to host a reverse vending machine kiosk."

"CDS Vic is an exciting opportunity for all the community, and TOMRA Cleanaway as west zone operator is proud to be involved in delivering the best possible scheme for Victorians."
Rect Angel
26.07.2023 kl 21:21 7132

Tomra Mining. Nok en suksesshistorie innen gruvedrift.

Eloro Resources Reports Major Advances in Metallurgy for the Iska Iska Silver-Tin Polymetallic Project, Potosi Department, Bolivia

July 26, 2023 06:00 ET| Source: Eloro Resources Ltd.

* Preliminary tests at TOMRA in Germany indicate the mineralization at Iska Iska is amenable to “ore-sorting” with removal of at least 40% of the waste in the Polymetallic Domain and up to 80% in the Tin Domain which would substantially increase concentrator feed grades as well as reduce future operating costs and significantly lower the cut off grades (COG) for the pending mineral resource estimate (MRE).
Tom Larsen, CEO of Eloro, said: “These positive metallurgical tests, particularly the “Ore-sorting” tests at TOMRA, have a major positive impact on the potential future production at Iska Iska. For this reason, and in consultation with our independent consultants, Micon International, we deferred completion of the inaugural MRE until these tests were completed and the results could be fully incorporated into the final MRE which is now expected to be released in latter August.”

Mike Hallewell, C.Eng, Eloro’s Senior Strategic Metallurgist commented: “The level of metallurgical and pyrometallurgical work that has been conducted thus far at Iska Iska is exceptionally high for an inaugural MRE but is justifiable due to the significance of this large potentially open pittable tin and polymetallic resource. This additional metallurgical/mineralogical knowledge will enable Eloro to rapidly move towards a preliminary economic assessment (PEA).”

“Ore-Sorting” Tests

Metallurgically the two different domains require different approaches to optimize recoveries. As much of the mineralization in both domains occurs in veins and vein breccias, it was felt that “ore-sorting” technology developed by TOMRA could have a significant impact by selectively removing waste material resulting in a significant reduction in operating costs while at the same time producing a major increase in grades of feed to the grinding circuit.

256 rocks representing five different lithological groups within the Polymetallic Domain and five different lithological and tin grade groups within the Tin Domain were scanned using the on-site GeologicAI core scanner and then subsequently sent for amenability testing at TOMRA in Wedel, Germany. The preliminary images and assays indicate a positive response to XRT Ore sorting.

Based upon these results, the preliminary indications are at least 40% of the run-of-mine (ROM) polymetallic mineralization could be rejected as waste while for the Tin Domain, as much as 80% of the weight can be rejected as sub – cutoff grade (COG) waste. Ore sorting will significantly increase concentrator feed grades which will enhance concentrator recovery in both domains. In addition, bulk mining techniques can be employed without resultant dilution issues and this will reduce downstream processing costs.

The positive results obtained justify the diamond drilling of larger size diameter holes to produce bulk samples of both Polymetallic and Tin Domains for “Cascade” testing at TOMRA, Germany. The resultant XRT pre-concentrated product will be used for the downstream PEA studies.
Metallurgical work was directed by Mike Hallewell, B.Sc, F.S.A.I.M.M., F.I.M.M.M., C.Eng., Eloro’s Senior Strategic Metallurgist, a QP as defined by NI 43-101, in consultation with Micon International’s Principal Metallurgist, Richard Gowans, P.Eng., an independent QP as defined by NI 43-101. “Ore-sorting” tests were completed at TOMRA’s facilities in Wedel, Germany. TOMRA GmbH are a leading technical authority in XRT Ore sorting. Note that the term “Ore” is part of the registered product name of TOMRA and the use of the term “ore” in this press release does not imply that the mineralization at Iska Iska is “ore” as defined by NI 43-101.

Undersøkelse finner ingen dokumentasjon for at pantesystemer fører til nedgang i salg av drikkevarer.


Do deposit return schemes negatively affect beverage sales?

26 JULY 2023

Reloop and the Container Recycling Institute (CRI) have released a study rejecting claims that deposit return systems for beverage containers have a negative impact on sales, suggesting that there is no conclusive evidence to connect them.

The Impact of Deposit Return Systems on Beverage Sales” reportedly sources its data from ‘nearly a dozen’ deposit return scheme (DRS) markets worldwide, comparing its figures from before the introduction of the scheme to after a DRS was introduced, expanded, or the deposit amount was increased.

According to the report, the fluctuation in beverage sales in these markets was within a normal variation range and aligned with regional trends; as such, it argues that there is no definitive evidence of a correlation between implementing or expanding a DRS and a decrease in sales



Honor Flight Syracuse receives $24K donation from recycling company

by: Clare Normoyle
Posted: Jul 25, 2023 / 02:15 PM EDT
Updated: Jul 25, 2023 / 06:24 PM EDT

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — Recycling company, TOMRA, presented Honor Flight Syracuse with a donation check of over $24,000 on Tuesday, after raising money from a large bottle and can drive back in April.

It is one of the biggest donations that Honor Flight Syracuse has received from a single fundraising event. Also, one of the largest donations they have received in 11 years.

Honor Flight Syracuse honors veterans by flying them to Washington D.C. to visit memorials and national monuments.
Rect Angel
25.07.2023 kl 20:30 7284

Dette er jo selvfølgelig 'helt konge' og taler for seg selv. Når det gjelder verdens største sorteringsanlegg, i verdens største lithium-gruve, levererer ikke Tomra bare sorteringsteknologi/-maskineri og utfører nødvendig testing. Tomra deltar også, som man kan lese, i selve designet og konstruksjonen av hele gruveanlegget. Som man også kan lese her, er Tomra helt dominant globalt innen gruvedrift når det gjelder store sorteringsanlegg og tilhørende design og konstruksjon.

TOMRA Mining technology: Thumbs up from the world’s largest lithium sorting plant

By Mining Review Africa
Jul 25, 2023

TOMRA Mining’s unique experience in the design and installation of large-scale ore sorting plants and its collaborative approach was the key to the successful design of the world’s largest lithium sorting plant at Pilbara Minerals in Western Australia. The installation has already started, and is expected to be completed later this year.

Pilbara Minerals owns the world’s largest, independent hard-rock lithium mine and produces a spodumene and tantalite concentrate. This investment will ensure the expansion of its large-scale operation in order to meet the increasing demand for lithium driven by sustainable energy technologies such as electric vehicles and energy storage.

“This new facility to be constructed at our Pilgangoora Project will be the world’s largest lithium mineral ore sorting plant. TOMRA’s experience in large global sorting installations, innovative technology, and ability to provide local support were significant factors in our decision to work with them. From the start, the TOMRA team has been working side by side with us and our engineering partner DRA Global to deliver this important project,” states Dale Henderson, MD and CEO of Pilbara Minerals.

As part of this expansion project, Pilbara Minerals turned to TOMRA Mining for assistance to address the key industry challenge in the processing of spodumene feed ore contaminated with barren host rock.

TOMRA has 50 years’ experience in sensor-based sorting technologies and has designed and built 90% of the world’s large-scale mining sorting plants with a capacity above 300 t/h. These include plants such as the Ma’aden Umm Wu’al project, which is operating at 1850 t/h, or the Lucara diamond operation which runs 15 sorters.

Specifically for the Pilbara Minerals project, TOMRA Mining offers effective ore sorting solutions with high sensor resolution and ejection accuracy that ensure high lithium recovery and waste removal with a stable and consistent performance at high capacity.

Valuable expertise and collaborative approach

The TOMRA Mining team conducted a geological assessment of sample ores supplied by Pilbara Minerals. It revealed that the pegmatite deposit did have non-lithium bearing host rock intrusions. Some of these minerals have a high density like that of spodumene, which means that it is also concentrated when using Heavy Media Separation (HMS). This reduces the efficiency of the downstream floatation and contaminates the final product.

Sensor-based sorting technologies, on the other hand, can measure the colour, density, and mineralogical variations in individual particles, enabling the accurate detection and removal of this barren material.

Working closely with the Pilbara Minerals metallurgical team, TOMRA conducted extensive testwork at the TOMRA Test Centre in Sydney to check all the options and answer any questions arising during the tests.

The samples were run at capacity on production sorters and included repeatability and variation testing. The test work benchmarked the expected performance of the sorters and was used to establish the sort quality on each of the ore types that will be fed through the plant.

The TOMRA team was involved not only in the testing and supply of equipment, but also helped with the plant layout and understanding of the implications of sorting on the upstream mining and downstream process of the ore. This involvement throughout the development process will add to efficient operational ramp-up and technical optimisation.

July 24, 2023

Exposed: UK’s top plastic polluters, annual survey results

Despite some progress in sustainability, there's a need for greater responsibility and action from companies and the government to tackle this issue.

An annual audit conducted by the campaign group Surfers Against Sewage has revealed that Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and PepsiCo are the top contributors to packaging pollution in the UK.

The audit examined more than 30,700 polluting items collected by 4,000 citizen scientists over a 12-month period ending on 5 June 2023. These items were found along coastlines, canal paths, bridleways and city streets.
Redigert 25.07.2023 kl 20:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
24.07.2023 kl 17:58 7433

Almost all deposit machines are working again after a cyber attack

Apeldoorn - - Most problems with deposit machines in supermarkets have been solved. With a new system, developer Tomra says he has remedied 90 percent of the inconvenience to his customers.

Today at 3:17 PM

Due to a cyber attack, consumers could not lose their deposit bottles and cans at a small part of the supermarkets.

According to Tomra director René Hissink, about 5 percent of the more than 4000 machines of his company in the Netherlands came to a standstill last week. This only applies to a few. The administrative problems for supermarkets were greater. They were able to take the deposit bottles and cans, but were not immediately given money for them. 90 percent of these problems have now also been resolved, Hissink says.

Tomra, who estimates that it manages about nine out of ten deposit machines in the Netherlands, started on Friday to install a new system. The problems in the hacked regular technology could not be solved immediately. The systems are gradually connected to the new technology. If all goes well, all customer problems will be resolved within a few days. Director Hissink says he has no idea how big the financial damage from the cyber attack is.

Just like last week, Albert Heijn announced that the impact at the largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands is limited. A small number of stores are still experiencing problems. Supermarket dome CBL, with numerous supers connected, sees that most machines are working again. „ The customer has ultimately noticed little and will also notice little ”, says a spokeswoman.

Surfer makes waves on Thames over plastic recycling

Published 4 days ago

By Liz Jackson & Frankie McCamley

BBC News

A campaigner has windsurfed up the Thames to return plastic bottles from the UK which he found in Sweden.

Merijn Tinga said for the past five weeks he has travelled between Oslo and London, calling for the UK to establish a nationwide deposit return scheme.

He also brought a petition with him for environment minister Rebecca Pow.

The UK government previously announced plans to launch a deposit return scheme in 2025, to enable people to return bottles at machines and get cash back.
Mr Tinga, who is from the Netherlands, explained he was inspired to do the challenge after he found an English bottle of Lucozade on the Swedish coast. He then decided to make a surfboard "with plastic bottles I found on the foreshore" before embarking on his trip.
A government spokesperson said: "We are pushing ahead with our programme of reforms to reduce waste and improve our use of resources, building on our commitments clearly set out in the environmental improvement plan earlier this year.

"This includes introducing a deposit return scheme for drinks containers, which will boost recycling levels and reduce litter in our beautiful countryside.

"We will continue to work with producers, retailers and packaging companies on the design and delivery of this scheme, to ensure it delivers on our environmental goals."

Ending consumer confusion over recycling is 'critical' in battle against plastic waste

By Mike Scott

July 19, 202310:30 AM GMT+2


* Nearly 80% of consumers surveyed were looking for more sustainable packaging

* Consumers confused by recycling labels; 42% of those who are unsure take a guess

* Deposit return schemes can boost plastic collection rates to above 90%

Pay-as-you-throw scheme in Massachusetts reduced waste streams by 30%

July 17 - Almost all plastic packaging finds its way into the hands of retail consumers, so they will be an essential part of efforts to increase dismal rates for plastics recycling, which vary from as low as 4.5% in the U.S. to 32.5% across Europe and 44.2% in the U.K.

Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental issues around plastic, thanks to TV programmes such as Blue Planet and publicity about issues such as ocean plastics and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. According to Trivium Packaging, 79% of consumers are looking for products that come in sustainable packaging, and 63% claim they are less likely to buy products with packaging that is harmful to the environment.
One of the most effective methods of boosting collection rates of recycling plastics is through deposit return schemes (DRS), says Regina Mestre, packaging and logistics analyst at Rabobank. “In European countries with DRS, the average return rate is above 90%. In Germany, where the scheme collects glass, plastic and aluminium, it is 98%.”

Such schemes, which pay consumers to return empty packages, are important for producers in the EU, where new rules require them to use an increasing proportion of recycled plastic in their containers, because they increase the supply of material that can be recycled. The EU says single use beverage bottles must include 30% recycled material by 2030, increasing to 65% by 2040. 
The EU is looking to boost its plastic recycling rates, partly through new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) rules, which state by 2026 all packaging must say either “Recycle” or “Do not recycle”. The bloc has a target that 65% of waste be recycled by 2025, rising to 70% by 2030, The UK has a target of 65% by 2035 under its own EPR regulations.
Rect Angel
18.07.2023 kl 21:43 7612

Da er det klart for pantesystem i Polen allerede i 2025. Nasjonalforsamlingen (Sejm) vedtok dette med overveldende flertall i forrige uke. Vedtaket må gjennom Senatet før det blir endelig, men dette betraktes som en ren formalitet selv om Tomras CEO Tove Andersen, som seg hør og bør, sa at hun ikke ønsket å spekulere før alle formaliteter er på plass da hun fikk spørsmål om pant i Polen under Q2 2023 presentasjonen nå på fredag (14.07.2023).

Polen har ca. 38 millioner innbyggere så dette blir svære greier, og Tomra kommer nok til å forsyne seg grovt. Og som man kan lese i artikkelen, er da også eksperten artikkelforfatter henvender seg til her Anna Sapota, 'Vice President Public Affairs Eastern Europe North at TOMRA'.

Thousands of collection points for cans and bottles will be created. Time for a deposit system

Jacek Świder
Today, July 18 (11: 10)

In 2025, a universal plastic packaging collection system is to be implemented in Poland. Collection points will appear permanently in our country. It is estimated that up to 37,000 will be created throughout Poland. such points - probably automated. This is a big business for companies supplying and operating vending machines for collecting packaging.


01 Deposit system. Automatic collection machines will be needed

02 There should be more points in cities

03 The deposit system in Poland as early as 2025

04 Lack of packaging collection will mean the need to pay a product fee

- In Poland in connection with deposit system nearly 37,000 can be created collection points ( manual and automatic ), which gives one point per 1032 people - estimates Anna Sapota from Tomra. She adds that the rapid implementation of the system will save almost PLN 400 million per year on the so-called plastic tax.

Last Thursday, the Sejm adopted the Act on packaging and packaging waste management, implementing the EU Directive on reducing the environmental impact of certain plastic products. 

The new solution is to increase the level of selective collection, and as a result also recycling of packaging waste and reduce environmental littering. The main assumption of the new regulations is the implementation of a universal deposit system since 2025.

Deposit system. Automatic collection machines will be needed

Anna Sapota emphasized that this is a very significant step forward. She pointed out that in the public debate, in addition to satisfaction with the acceleration of work, there are also voices that the collection obligation should be deferred, "because we will not be ready for it, and machines facilitating automatic collection will not be enough on the market".

- That the deposit system should apply from 2025, is nobody's invention. This is due to the collection targets set by the European Union, which have already been discussed many times. If these requirements are not met, Poland will continue to pay huge amounts of so-called plastic tax. So we should do everything to ensure that the system enters into force as soon as possible, because then we can save almost PLN 400 million a year - said Sapota.

She also admitted that the short deadline for implementing the system brings various organizational and formal challenges, but "it certainly won't be the availability of technologies supporting the operation of the deposit system", i.e. a machine that facilitates automatic collection.

There should be more points in cities

How many collection machines should appear in Poland? The system should be convenient for consumers and stores receiving packaging ( automatic or manual ), so there should be enough collection points. 

- The ratio of one collection point for every 355-1100 people should be used. Due to the larger population in urban areas, point coverage is greater in effective systems. For example, the number of collection points per square kilometer in all of Norway is 0.3, but in the capital, Oslo, already 11 - explained Anna Sapota.

The expert indicated that nearly 37,000 should be created in Poland collection points - manual and automatic - counting together with voluntary points (smaller stores that will voluntarily join the deposit system). This will give you one point where you can give away packaging for 1032 people.

The deposit system should also pay off for smaller commercial units. According to Tomra Collection research in seven European countries, the possibility of returning packaging in a given store positively affects its sales. 87 percent respondents declared, that they spend the returned deposit on grocery shopping in the same store.

The deposit system in Poland as early as 2025

According to the Act, empty packaging can be returned to the store to recover the previously paid deposit. Large stores, over 200 square meters, will have to receive empty packaging for this purpose, and other commercial establishments (with a smaller area) will be able to join the system and receive packaging covered by the deposit on a voluntary basis.

For disposable plastic bottles with a capacity of up to 3 liters, reusable glass bottles up to 1.5 liters and metal cans with a capacity of up to 1 liter, a deposit will be added, the height of which will be specified in the regulation. According to the draft regulation published in April, it is to amount to 50 gr. The deposit will be refunded when returning packaging in the store without showing the receipt. The unclaimed deposit will be used to finance the deposit system.

Lack of packaging collection will mean the need to pay a product fee

The deposit system will be created by entrepreneurs who place beverages in packaging on the market. They will appoint the operator (entity representing), responsible for implementing and operating the system. As indicated in the justification of the Act, the provisions do not specify the number of such entities, thus it is allowed to create two or more deposit systems.

If entrepreneurs introducing drinks in packaging do not create a system or do not reach the required levels of selective packaging and waste collection, they will have to pay the product fee.
Rect Angel
18.07.2023 kl 11:05 4256

TOMRA: Update no 2 on cyber attack

TUE, JUL 18, 2023 10:58 CET

In reference to the release on 17 July 2023 regarding an extensive cyberattack against TOMRA affecting some of the company’s data systems. To contain the attack, we immediately disconnected selected services and have since disconnected others. A team of internal and external resources is working around the clock to resolve the situation, and affected systems will remain offline until it is safe to open them. No new hostile activities have been detected.

Our primary aim is to continue to deliver our services to customers, reducing the impact this attack has on them. The attack currently has limited impact on TOMRA’s customer operations. Most of TOMRA’s digital services are designed to operate offline for a certain amount of time but may have reduced functionality in the interim. A team is working to establish temporary solutions for all digital systems to support keeping costumer solutions operational over time.

Status of external services:

• TOMRA Group: Internal IT-services and some backoffice applications remains offline and affects our supply chain management. Major office locations are offline, and employees are asked to work remotely.

• TOMRA Collection: The reverse vending machines (RVMs) in operation are from different generations. In Europe and Asia the majority continue to work in offline mode, while a limited number of old RVMs are no longer operating. RVMs in Australia and North America remain online and fully connected.

• TOMRA Recycling: Currently operating as usual, but some functionality is limited due to digital services being offline.

• TOMRA Food: Currently operating as usual, but some functionality is limited due to digital services being offline.

We continue to work effortlessly to resolve the situation, and remain in dialogue with relevant authorities. We have not received any contact from those who are behind the attack.

TOMRA will remain transparent with all stakeholders, and we will continue to provide updates on when we have confirmed information to share.

Asker, 18 July 2023
TOMRA Systems ASA 

For further information, please contact

Tomra Media centre: +44 (0)207 283 9915 or email

Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations, +47 913 61 899,c3806588


18.7.2023 11:14 • TDN Finans • 

Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Tomra har ikke oppdaget nye fiendtlige aktiviteter etter at selskapet ble rammet av et cyberangrep søndag, og angrepet har foreløpig hatt begrenset innvirkning på selskapets kundevirksomhet.

Det fremgår av en melding fra selskapet tirsdag.

Tomra skriver at både interne og eksterne ressurser har jobbet døgnet rundt for å løse situasjonen, og at rammede systemer vil forbli offline til det er trygt å åpne dem igjen.

Selskapet har ikke blitt kontaktet fra personen eller gruppen som står bak angrepet.

TDN Direkt Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 18.07.2023 kl 11:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
17.07.2023 kl 23:19 4369

Tomra utsatt for dataangrep

Tomra oppdaget søndag morgen et omfattende cyberangrep som direkte påvirker noen av selskapets datasystemer.

Dagens Næringsliv

Selskapet skriver at det umiddelbart ble iverksatt tiltak for å stoppe angrepet og dempe konsekvensene.

DN har spurt Tomra om omfanget av angrepet. Leder for IR, Daniel Sundahl, skriver i en tekstmelding:

– Vi jobber med å analyse hvordan dette påvirker oss og våre kunder, det vil si om noen maskiner innen pant, gjenvinning eller matsortering blir berørt. Det er for tidlig å si noe mer.

Han legger til:

– Jeg er ikke kjent med at det dreier seg om løsepengevirus på dette tidspunkt.

Relevante myndigheter har blitt informert, og alle tilgjengelige interne og eksterne ressurser er mobilisert for å nøytralisere hendelsen.

Tomra opplyser at de vil komme med fortløpende oppdateringer.

TOMRA: Mandatory notification of trade

MON, JUL 17, 2023 22:15 CETReport this content

Hege Skyrseth, board member and primary insider (PDMR) of TOMRA Systems ASA, has today bought 1,613 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 155.20 per share. After the transaction Hege Skyrseth holds 4,673 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA. Further disclosure details can be found in the attached form.

Asker, 17 July 2023

For further information, please contact:

Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations, Tel: +47 91 36 18 99

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 article 19 number 3 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5-12.,c3806393
Rect Angel
17.07.2023 kl 10:56 4523

TOMRA: Subject to cyber attack.

MON, JUL 17, 2023 10:40 CET

TOMRA has been targeted by an extensive cyberattack directly affecting some of the company’s data systems. Relevant authorities have been informed, and all available internal and external resources have been mobilized to contain and neutralize the incident.

The attack was discovered in the morning of July 16th (CET), and immediate actions were taken to stop it and mitigate consequences. We immediately disconnected some systems to contain the attack, and TOMRA is currently assessing whether customers and employees might experience reduced stability in our services. Our primary focus now is to get all systems up and running again as fast as possible.

TOMRA will remain transparent with all stakeholders, and we will continue to provide updates when we have confirmed information to share.​

​Asker, 17 July 2023


For further information, please contact

Tomra Media centre: +44 (0)207 283 9915 or email

Daniel Sundahl
Head of Investor Relations
+47 913 61 899,c3805765
Rect Angel
15.07.2023 kl 17:44 4847

Webcast Q2 2023

Imponerende. Anbefales. Legg spesielt merke til gryende, helt ny selskapsdivisjon - Tomra Horizon. Og disse er så dyktige at de nok fikser raskt opp i scenarioet rundt litt treigere utvikling innen fresh food. Blir i det hele tatt spennende å se hva de kommer opp med av forandringer i organisasjonen når det gjelder Tomra Food. Varslet mer info rundt dette i de par kommende kvartalspresentasjonene. Tomra Collection Solutions (pantesystemer), Tomra Recycling og Tomra Mining går så det suser.
Rect Angel
14.07.2023 kl 07:15 5159

TOMRA: All-time high revenues in all divisions in the second quarter 2023

FRI, JUL 14, 2023 07:00 CET

TOMRA, the global technology leader in sensor based solutions for optimal resource productivity, announces its financial results for the second quarter of 2023. All business divisions – Collection, Recycling, and Food – deliver all-time high revenues totaling 3,879 MNOK in the quarter. This corresponds to 27% growth from the same period last year and 14% when adjusting for currency effects.

Highlights 2Q 2023

(all growth figures are from the second quarter last year and adjusted for currency)

Revenues amounted to 3,879 MNOK, up 14%

Revenue growth of 15% in Collection, 26% in Recycling, and 4% in Food

Gross margin improved to 42.5%, corresponding to an increase of 0.6 percentage points

Operating expenses amounted to 1,112 MNOK, in line with the previous nine month's level when adjusted for currency and general inflation

EBITA was 536 MNOK, up 3%

Cash flow from operations of 41 MNOK, increase in receivables of 605 MNOK

Recycling order backlog growth of 28%

Tove Andersen, President and CEO of TOMRA Systems ASA comments:

“I am very pleased that we continue to deliver on our strategic growth ambitions, delivering all-time high revenues in all three divisions – Collection, Recycling and Food. At the same time, we have lifted gross margins in both Collection and Recycling while scaling up the organization for further growth and continuing to innovate. We are also taking further actions to improve performance in our Food division where we have been seeing weaker market sentiment in the current macroeconomic environment.”

“TOMRA is well positioned to develop adjacent opportunities to our core business, and I am very excited about the progress we are making in these new ventures. There is a legislative push to advance the circularity of plastic packaging through recycled content targets and reusable takeaway packaging. In TOMRA, we innovate new circular business models based on our technology. This quarter, we announced together with Plastretur that we will create Norway's first dedicated sorting plant to enable circular plastic packaging. We also entered into collaboration with Aarhus Municipality in Denmark to create the country's first deposit system for takeaway packaging. All these ventures have the potential to become additional profitable business divisions in TOMRA.”

“Looking ahead, we are optimistic about the long-term demand for better resource productivity, which is driven by megatrends such as population increase, a growing middle-class consumer base, greater urbanization, and hence the need for increased focus on sustainability and climate change. With the technology we provide, TOMRA is well-positioned to enable society meet the challenges that follow by transforming how we obtain, use and reuse our world’s resources.”


President & CEO Tove Andersen and CFO Eva Sagemo will present the results today at 08:00 CEST. The presentation will be sent via live webcast. Questions to the speakers can be directed using the Q&A-tool embedded in the webcast and will be addressed towards the end of the presentation. A recorded version of the webcast will be available shortly after the webcast has concluded. Link to the webcast:

Asker, 14 July 2023


For further information, please contact:

Eva Sagemo, CFO
Tel: +47 934 39 911

Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +47 913 61 899

TOMRA was founded on an innovation in 1972 that began with the design, manufacturing and sale of reverse vending machines for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions that optimize resource use and recovery in the food, recycling, and ore sorting industries.

TOMRA has more than 105,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of NOK 12.2 billion in 2022. The Group employs 5,000 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.,c3804974

Tomra knuser forventningene

Tomra leverte i andre kvartal en EBITA på 536 millioner. Dette var langt bedre enn analytikers forventning på 522 millioner.

Publisert 14. juli 2023 kl. 07.02
Redigert 14.07.2023 kl 07:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
12.07.2023 kl 21:18 5386


Using the Tomra sorter for lithium ores

The global demand for lithium is soaring. Some forecasts project the demand to reach as much as 1.5 million tonnes of lithium […]

By Canadian Mining Journal Staff  July 12, 2023  At 11:35 am

The global demand for lithium is soaring. Some forecasts project the demand to reach as much as 1.5 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent by 2025 – triple what it was in 2021 – and over 3.0 million tonnes by 2030. Growing lithium demand comes with the challenge of extracting as much lithium ore from all mines as efficiently as possible, while meeting increasingly stringent environmental requirements.

The main challenge in lithium mining comes from basalt contamination. This high-iron, barren material has a high-density very similar to that of spodumene. It means that when dense media separation (DMS) is used as the primary spodumene concentration process, basalt is concentrated with spodumene, contaminating the final product. 

The solution is available from Tomra Mining, which makes proven technologies to remove basalt contamination before crushing. That allows mining operations to consistently achieve the required grade of the product and expand their resources to include more iron- and basalt-contaminated orebodies.

How sensor-based ore sorting works

Tomra’s industry-leading sensor-based sorting solutions rely on colour cameras, X-ray transmission sensors, and multi-channel scanning lasers. The sensors analyze every single particle, identify the ore and waste in milliseconds, and high-speed air jets direct the particles accordingly to the product or waste chutes, processing at a capacity up to 350 t/h in a single sorter. 

These high-speed sensor solutions are capable of sorting a wide size range – from around 6.0 mm to around 200. With these technologies, it is possible to minimize the unsorted fines that are discarded or stockpiled, and it has been extensively proven that they are effective in consistently reducing the contamination of the ore to less than 4%. 

Operational efficiencies can be further improved with connectivity to the cloud-based subscription service Tomra Insight, which turns the sorters into connected devices that generate valuable process data. Mining operations are able to measure the contamination level in real-time, and hence the mining quality. They can also monitor the distribution of the particle sizes, and consequently the efficiency of the upstream crushing and screening equipment. Tomra Insight also gives visibility on the individual sorter’s availability and usage, helping to optimize the process. In addition, it enables the operator to accurately track any faults as they occur and improves the maintenance processes, so that the sorting plant is always operating at its best. 

Tomra works in partnership with clients to develop the tailored solution that matches their requirements. Its solution perfectly integrates the sorting into the overall process stream, for seamless operation. The sorters are specified to match the capacity of the crushing and screening plant, and downstream wet processing plant, maximizing productivity. 

Tomra’s close relationship with its clients continues after installation and commissioning of the sorting plant, to keep it operating at its best with tailored service agreements.
Rect Angel
12.07.2023 kl 10:54 5504


Da har jeg gleden av å presentere en nyhet som kjapt bør løfte Tomra-aksjen 16 - 17 kroner hvis 'logikken' vi ble vitner til i aksjehandelen her forrige uke videreføres.

Forrige uke ble vi nemlig vitner til at aksjen falt 16 - 17 kroner i løpet av 2 dager fordi en artikkel i det britiske bransjetidsskriftet for dagligvarer The Grocer (SOM ENESTE KILDE) hevdet at lovfestet vedtak om at pantesystem i UK skal åpne i oktober 2025 ikke kommer til å bli gjennomført (se innlegg her på denne tråden 07.07.2023 kl 11:27 for mer om dette).

Men herved har jeg gleden av å avsanne og legge dette ryktet dødt, og min kilde er ingen ringere enn den britiske regjeringen.

UK Government not increasingly overruling Holyrood – Lord Offord

The Scotland Office minister said there is nothing to suggest the UK’s DRS will be delayed.

By Neil Pooran
15 hours ago

A Scotland Office minister has said the UK Government is not increasingly overruling the Scottish Government, following the recent row over the deposit return scheme (DRS).

Lord Offord of Garvel also said there is nothing to suggest the timescale for the UK-wide DRS would slip.
Lib Dem MP Wendy Chamberlain asked him if he is confident the UK Government will deliver its own scheme.

Ministers in Holyrood have cast doubt on whether the UK-wide scheme will be ready for October 2025.

Lord Offord replied “no” to Ms Chamberlain when she asked him if there is any suggestion the timescale would not be met.

Da er det vel bare å vente på at et meglerhus griper fatt i denne nyheten med lord Offords statement om at det ikke er noe som tilsier at åpning av det britisk pantesystemet vil bli utsatt og at åpning vil finne sted som planlagt i oktober 2025.

Ser frem til kjapp kursklatring 16 - 17 kroner! ;)
Redigert 12.07.2023 kl 11:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2023 kl 08:37 5587

Jo høyere inflasjon blir jo billigere blir Tomra.
Rect Angel
11.07.2023 kl 22:26 5696

Da er det bare 5 måneder igjen til EUs sjette mest folkerike nasjon Romanias ca. 20 millioner innbyggere kan ta i bruk landets nye pantesystem.

I den forbindelse har Tomra nå åpnet et 4000 kvaderatmeter stort logistikksenter i Bucuresti.


TOMRA ramps up preparations for deposit return system

Miruna Macsim 11/07/2023 | 12:59

With only five months to go until the collection of used beverage containers mandated by the Deposit-Return System launches, TOMRA, the leading global provider of automated collection systems, has opened a new 4,000-square-meter logistics center near Bucharest.

The company’s first national logistics center will focus on maintenance and support for the equipment which automates the collection of empty beverage containers for recycling, serving the entire network of TOMRA Collection systems throughout Romania.

The 4,000-square-meter logistics center was built to the highest safety standards and includes a platform that can process the loading and unloading of up to 50 trucks per day. From here, both TOMRA collection systems and spare parts for their maintenance are delivered to collection points throughout the country, ensuring reduced costs and intervention times for merchants.
Redigert 11.07.2023 kl 22:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.07.2023 kl 18:39 5971

He, he, hyggelig av deg marketdoctor, men det eneste som er helt sikkert er at det som skjer på børsen mandag, skjer helt uavhengig av meg og min markedsmakt 0. ;)

Ja, at noen vil billig inn her før Q2 har jeg god tro på. Og så sent som i forrige uke flagget jo f.eks. KIRKBI (LEGO) å ha passert 5% på sluttkurs hårfint under 180 NOK (se innlegg her på tråden 28.06.2023 kl 16:41).

Ja, børsen er et spill som du skriver, men for å kunne bekle rollen som 'Spielführer' må man også ha de nødvendige økonomiske muskler. De har ikke jeg og trading gidder jeg ikke. Så mitt spill er å identifisere investeringsobjekter jeg selv mener har stort potensial og noe mindre risiko en det som fremstår som konsensus. Har da landet på Tomra og Hexagon Group. Noen 'kjedelige' men solide aksjer kan det dessuten være greit å ha noen av i tillegg.

Langsiktig perspektiv altså. Så får tiden vise.
Redigert 11.07.2023 kl 22:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.07.2023 kl 16:59 5977

Rect Angel.
Jeg stoler helt på deg. Det vil bli en rekyl på mandag :).
Q2 rapport skal komme den 14.juli. Kursen kan stige mer enn 10% i løpet av den neste uken. Det er mulig at noen ønsker at kursen skulle ned for at de kan kjøpe seg inn. Børsen er et spill for de som kan det.
Redigert 07.07.2023 kl 17:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.07.2023 kl 11:27 6045

Som nevnt i trådstart, fokuserer jeg som langsiktig i aksjen på nyheter og ikke aksjekurs i denne tråden. Men gjør et lite unntak i dag, for å kommentere et kursfall på 13 - 14 kroner fra børstart i går 6.juli til i dag ca. 11:30 7.juli.

Kraftig kursnedgang der man sitter langsiktig er selvfølgelig ikke det morsomste så man skal kanskje være forsiktig med hva man sier, men det er faktisk litt vanskellg å unngå å trekke på smilebådet når ABG evner å generere kursras her gjennom å vise til dette oppslaget i et BRITISK BRANSJEMAGASIN publisert ca. kl. 14:00 i går:


Recycling and DRS plans likely to be shelved after damning report

By Ian Quinn 6 July 2023

The Grocer understands the 2024 start for extended producer responsibility will be put back by at least a year

(skjult bak betalingsmur)

Dette oppslaget hos The Grocer er det absolutt eneste jeg finner ved søk. Ingen andre artikler, ingen avisoppslag, ingenting.

Så realiteten her er fortsatt at UK har fattet politisk vedtak om oppstart av pantesystem i England, Wales og Nord-Irland i OKTOBER 2025.

Og skulle vi eventuelt se en ytterligere utsettelse i UK slik det antydes i bransjemagasinet The Grocer, vil Tomra Collection Solutions leve veldig, veldig fint med det ettersom alle nasjonene i EU som ennå ikke har pantesystem (de fleste) høyst sannsynlig kommer til å innføre pantesystem som 'perler på en snor' i årene fremover, for å kunne oppfylle politisk lovfestede vedtak i EU når det gjelder krav om resirkulering. Flere nasjoner i unionen har allerede gjort de nødvendige vedtak og fastsatt oppstartdato. Resten vil måtte følge, for alternativet til ikke å oppnå de sentralt fattede politiske lovvedtak når det gjelder prosentvis mengde plastemballasje som MÅ være innsamlet og resirkulert innen allerede vedtatte tidsfrister, vil være saftig bøter. Også drikkevareprodusenter vil faktisk bli gjenstand for økonomiske straffesanksjoner i EU hvis ikke bestemte prosentvise andeler resirkulert plast er en del av emballasjen/flasken innen gitte frister.

En god helg ønskes alle.
Redigert 07.07.2023 kl 12:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
06.07.2023 kl 22:23 6071

Tomra Fresh Food.

Tomra har åpnet frukthage i forskningsøyemed på New Zealand.

Kultur. Tomras utrettelige søken etter optimal kvalitet gjennom satsing på R & D, gjennomsyrer alle selskapets divisjoner. Riktig og viktig strategi for en vinner som er globalt markedsledende innen alt man driver med og ønsker å forsvare og styrke sine markedsposisjoner innen flere av vår tids sterkeste megatrender ytterligere.

Tomra unveils new research orchard

By Liam O'Callaghan 6 July 2023

Orchard to assist research into fruit growing conditions to make sorting and grading even more effective

Tomra Food has revealed the first details about its new research orchard in New Zealand set to enhance the company’s fruit science programme and improve its sorting and grading solutions.

 The research orchard occupies a 2.5ha plot in Waikato, New Zealand, next to the company’s 5,100m² Field Research Centre, which opened in 2022.

TOMRA Fresh Food’s field research manager, Richard Pickard said the orchard is set to provide a number of benefits.

“The orchard’s purpose is to monitor the flowering and fruiting of plants at each stage, adding to our understanding of the core commodities handled by our sorters and graders. We will assess fruit defects, quality issues, and key characteristics such as flavour, sweetness, and firmness,” said Pickard.

“This complements our fruit science programme, which for ten-plus years now has been researching how the chemical and physical properties of fruit correlate with fruit quality and sorting requirements.” 

Almost half the orchard’s ground area has so far been planted, with three varieties of kiwifruit, five varieties of apples, four varieties of cherries, and avocados. Lemons, mandarins, limes, oranges, and blueberries will also be planted in the coming weeks. Fruits are being cultivated both conventionally and with experimental techniques, including UFO (upright fruiting offshoot) cherries, FOPS (future orchard production system) apples, and under-cover in-bag blueberries.

Cultivation at the research orchard is also forward-looking in its mindfulness of sustainability. Environmentally-friendly materials, such as bamboo, biodegradable tapes, and organic fertiliser are used wherever possible. Water irrigation is controlled by an integrated solar system with inground moisture meters, which can override the solar system to reduce water waste. And mulch, pruning, and cut grass are returned to the soil.

Tomra Fresh Food’s commodity science team lead, Brittany Jaine said the company has one of the world’s largest libraries of fruit data, acquired from hundreds of thousands of fruit samples and analysed for factors such as flavour, firmness, storage potential, defects, and the influence of weather conditions.

It is this strong scientific foundation of fruit knowledge that the research orchard will build on.

“For scientific studies, we need high-quality data plus an understanding of the full history of each piece of fruit we analyse. The research orchard provides a controlled source of fruit, where we know all pre- and post-harvest conditions, such as climate, irrigation, sprays, and handling. From this base, we can draw accurate conclusions with confidence,” Jaine said.

“By obtaining more detailed information about the pre-and post-harvest physiology of our core commodities, we will gain even greater insights into the quality challenges faced by our customers, how and why they occur, and how best to detect them when sorting and grading.

“Customers will also be able to visit our orchard and discuss the challenges they face. Replicating these challenges in-field will enable us to understand their problems and develop the best possible solutions fully. This will help strengthen Tomra’s position as the leading provider of the world’s most effective sorting, grading and post-harvest solutions.”

The BSI + technology of the TOMRA 5C: key for the selection of sweet corn seeds and elimination of serrated corn from the Chilean company UWAFEN SEEDS

JULY 6, 2023

TOMRA Food has proven to be at the forefront of ranking in many products providing different technologies. The star for this application is the exclusive Biometric Characteristics Identification technology ( BSI + ) from the 5C TOMRA acquired by Uwafen Seeds, Chilean company dedicated to achieving high quality sweet corn seed production. BSI + detects differences in the chemical composition of sweet corn versus serrated corn, something very difficult to distinguish for the human eye and highly complex for classification systems with color cameras or laser technology.

Uwafen Seeds is a Chilean company located in San Clemente, 300 km south of Santiago de Chile. It is one of the leading companies in the multiplication of high-quality mushroom-free sweet corn seeds, discolorations and other unwanted corn species, such as serrated corn. It works for the most important corn producing companies in the world, offering a response to a wide range of needs: from manual pollinations, to large productions in open field cultivation, including basic seed increases; genetic purity tests; disease monitoring and flowering tests, all carried out under a strict protocol to keep the confidentiality of genetic material. “ The fundamental principle of our business is to grant confidentiality, privacy and respect to all the information related to the corn seed material that our clients provide for the multiplication of seeds. This honest and confident attitude of service has enabled Uwafen Seeds to build a strong and lasting relationship with our clients ”, says Alejandro Puentes, Seed Processing Manager at Uwafen Seeds.

In addition to their own Experimental Station and Nursery, they have a Process Plant with all the necessary equipment to calibrate, treat and pack seeds, which allows its clients to export them directly to the desired market, such as North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, highlighting the markets of the United States, China, Japan, France, Spain and Turkey.

Each client has their own quality standards, even for different varieties of sweet corn, but what is clear is that the differentiation between both species, sweet corn and jagged corn, is crucial to ensure high standard production.

Alejandro Puentes explains: “ It was key for us to be able to eliminate strange grains in sweet corn seed, such as serrated grains or fusarium grains - a filamentous fungus commonly found in the substrate that affects not only corn, but 80 other types of crops. Before we used the Nimbus 640 which, although it is a good team, was not advanced enough for this task. Therefore, lots that did not reach the required quality with this equipment had to be cleaned by hand, at a very high cost, without certainty of end dates and with a large number of reprocesses. We have been working with TOMRA 5C since March of this year. Since we acquired the equipment, we immediately noticed greater efficiency. Now we can not only ensure a high quality of processed corn seed, we do it in less time, allowing us to improve delivery times to our customers. Furthermore, we have managed to reduce production costs by 60% approximately thanks to the high precision of BSI + technology".
“ The acquired 5C TOMRA, gives us the peace of mind of delivering to our customers a seed selection service of the highest standard. It is the best team on the market. It ensures high productivity at a very low cost compared to manual cleaning, which was previously mandatory. We continue to work in the same markets as before, but now, thanks to TOMRA, our clients are happy and we have drastically reduced our human effort and our costs. I absolutely recommend TOMRA ” technology, says Alejandro Puentes.
Redigert 06.07.2023 kl 23:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
05.07.2023 kl 22:49 6261

Tomra Mining. Etterspørselen etter lithium er enorm globalt. Tomra Mining besitter de beste løsningene! (Får ikke kopiert innhold fra denne artikkelen som bør leses (link under)) .

How sensor-based sorting can help lithium mining operations unlock untapped potential and meet the rising demand

5 hours ago Last updated: Jul 5, 2023

Tomra Fresh Food. Kirsebær/moreller.


Posted on July 5, 2023

The fact that cherries are more expensive than other stone fruits has not stopped the increase in their sales , which are soaring.

Demand is increasing globally , exports are growing and new producers and packers are entering the market to take advantage of these opportunities.
Rect Angel
04.07.2023 kl 21:37 6492

(Fortsettelse fra forrige innlegg)

A fruitful collaboration

Eco.Ge.Ri is the second plant that STADLER designs and builds for the Porcarelli Group: "in 2012 we built a waste treatment plant for the recovery of raw materials and the production of CSR and, since then, we have had a very close collaboration fruitful", affirms Pietro Navarotto.

STADLER's approach to sorting plant design and construction with a strong local team guided by its parent company has once again proven itself, as Luciano Porcarelli noted: “STADLER managed the entire design of the project from its Italian branch. The truth is that we really appreciate this local approach, because it made communication between companies much faster and easier”.

STADLER is a company dedicated to the planning, production and assembly of classification systems and components for the waste collection and recycling sector worldwide. Its team of more than 500 qualified employees offers comprehensive and personalized technical assistance, from conceptual design to planning, production, modernization, optimization, assembly, commissioning, conversions, disassembly, maintenance and technical assistance of recycling system components. and classification. Its product offering includes ballistic separators, conveyor belts, rotary screens and delabelers. The company also offers steel structures and electrical cabinets for the plants it installs. Founded in 1791,

Her innledningen av en noe kortere versjon av nyheten enn den foregående, oversatt fra italiensk. Denne er på engelsk:

Eco.Ge.Ri recovers value from waste

Porcarelli Group is an Italian company that operates across the entire waste chain – from collection to transport, all the way to the valorisation of waste as raw materials.


Luciano Porcarelli, co-owner of the group with his brother Giuseppe, explains: “Our company was founded over 50 years ago out of the conviction that waste can replace raw materials in industry, safeguarding natural resources.” The Group operates five plants with the aim of returning waste into the production cycle, reducing the consumption of virgin raw materials and energy. To date, its plants have recovered over 3 million tonnes of recyclable fractions.

Redigert 04.07.2023 kl 23:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
04.07.2023 kl 21:36 6467

Tomra Recycling. To helt gedigne nyheter som fint illustrerer hvor artig det er å følge med på alt som skjer i dette selskapet og hvor stort potensialet her, etter min mening, er. Den første forteller oss om et trekantsamarbeid når det gjelder gjenvinning av polystyren til bruk som matemballasje. Verdens første prosjekt i sitt slag.

Få eller ingen andre selskaper opplever f.eks. makan til drahjelp fra politiske vedtak/ny lovgivning (i særdeleshet innen EU) som Tomra Systems.

De som følger med her på tråden, vet dessuten at det stadig dukker opp nyheter om at Tomra-teknologi installeres og spiller nøkkelroller i svære gjennvinningsanlegg i regi ditto avfallshåndteringselskskaper, i en rekke nasjoner. Dagens andre nyhet i dette innlegget, fra Italia, er nok et eksempel på dette.

Tomra Collection Solutions, Tomra Recycling, Tomra Mining, Tomra Fresh Food og Tomra Processed Food er de 5 divisjonene som tilsammen utgjør Tomra Systems. Så at selskapet i norsk presse som oftest betegnes som 'panteselskapet Tomra' er en smule misvisende og setter en på ingen måte på sporet av hele historien.

July 04, 2023 11:58 AM 7 HOURS AGO

Tomra, Ineos Styrolution and EGN launch pioneering PS recycling project

New facility will convert post-consumer polystyrene waste into food contact polystyrene.


A new partnership between Tomra, Ineos Styrolution and EGN Entsorgungsgesellschaft Niederrhein has been announced. The three companies - the first, a collection and sorting specialist; the second, a leading styrenics producer and the third, a recycler - have joined forces on an extraordinary new project which will see post-consumer polystyrene waste being converted into recycled polystyrene for food packaging applications.

EGN will build a greenfield advanced mechanical recycling facility able to process 40kt of post-consumer PS waste per year. The new plant will be located in Krefeld, Germany and, according to the partners, will be the first large-scale facility of its kind.

Tomra Feedstock will collect post-consumer polystyrene food packaging waste, which it will deliver to the new site in Krefeld, Germany, while EGN will manage the sorting and washing processes.

Ineos will oversee the implementation of its proprietary, super-cleaning purification process, a technology that produces rPS able to comply with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) requirements for food contact applications. The process, said Dr. Frank Eisenträger, ECO & market development manager at Ineos Styrolution Switzerland, is a decontamination technology in the melt phase. Crucial to the process is the application of high temperatures and a vacuum pump to remove moisture and oxygen. The process is similar to existing processes used for PET, Eisenträger noted, and also resembles the two PS-recycling technologies that SCS notified to EFSA. Ineos developed its own technology ‘to ensure that we have the upscaling possibilities we need in order to run big volumes in the future’.

PS is proven to be one of the best sortable plastics in the waste stream and is one of only two polymers that can achieve food-contact qualities with mechanical recycling. 

“I expect the dairy industry to especially benefit from this new offering by allowing them to mechanically recycle from yoghurt pot to yoghurt pot creating a true circular economy for this material,” said  Pierre Vincent, managing director at EGN.

The material offers infinite recyclability, retaining its virgin-quality property profile after many mechanical recycling cycles. A low-diffusive polymer, it takes up very few contaminants in the waste stream.

As Jürgen Priesters, senior vice president of Tomra Feedstock, pointed out, “Polystyrene has the right composition to be recycled mechanically for food applications. The mission of Tomra Feedstock is to keep PS in a true circularity.”

“Our three companies bring complementary expertise to this project, and because of this unique collaboration, we will be able to provide customers with high-performing circular polystyrene produced at a significantly lower carbon footprint. Already, we are seeing high interest from customers and brand owners to secure long-term contracts,” added Steve Harrington, CEO Ineos Styrolution.

The new plant in Krefeld is scheduled for start up mid-2025, after which commercial quantities of rPS will be available to Ineos Styrolution’s customers.


An innovative plant designed by STADLER for Eco.Ge.Ri valorizes waste and provides high-quality recyclable materials and recovered solid fuels

 July 4, 2023 Waste

Eco.Ge.Ri dedicated to the production of solid recovered fuels (CSR) from industrial waste , the Porcarelli Group relied on STADLER for its cutting-edge sorting technology , its expert design and its professional and fast installation, and on TOMRA for its advanced sensor-based technology. The plant was inaugurated in 2022 in Finale Emilia (Modena).

The Porcarelli Group is an Italian company that operates throughout the entire chain in the treatment of waste, the collection, transport and recovery of waste to convert it into new raw materials. Luciano Porcarelli, co-owner of the group together with his brother Giuseppe, explains: "Our company was founded more than 50 years ago with the conviction that waste can replace raw materials in industry to thus protect natural resources." The group operates five plants with the aim of returning waste to the production cycle, reducing the consumption of virgin raw materials and energy. To date, its plants have recovered more than 3 million tons of recyclable fractions.

When planning its Eco.Ge.Ri plant dedicated to the production of solid recovered fuels (SRF) from industrial waste, the Porcarelli Group relied on STADLER for its state-of-the-art sorting technology, expert design and professional installation and fast, and TOMRA for its advanced sensor-based technology. The plant was inaugurated in 2022 in Finale Emilia (Modena). “We have been collaborating with STADLER since 2012. When we decided to build a new plant in Finale Emilia, STADLER was the obvious choice,” says Luciano Porcarelli. “His experience from different waste sectors was invaluable in helping us design a flexible and robust plant.” The Eco.Ge plant.

This project includes the innovative vision of Eco.Ge.Ri, STADLER's technical expertise in the design and construction of customized recycling plants and the most advanced sorting solutions. It also shows that waste management can be sustainable and profitable and also helps to preserve natural resources and reduce environmental impact.

Maximum flexibility, high production and consistently high quality

The Porcarelli Group's requirements for the plant were clear: they needed facilities capable of handling extremely high production that were flexible enough to process different types of materials. In addition, it was necessary to achieve a consistent and high-quality final product capable of making the most of all recyclable materials.

STADLER presented an innovative concept: “We combine our ballistic separators and high-speed acceleration tapes with a film stabilizer, which ensures excellent material selection and PVC control,” says Pietro Navarotto, STADLER Sales Director in Italy. The design is exceptional in every way: “The plant receives industrial waste from different sources and has the capacity to process between 20 and 30 tons/h. It values ​​iron, aluminum, various types of plastic (PET, HDPE, PEBD, PP, PS, PU), paper and cardboard and, of course, very high quality CSR”.

The design solved the challenge of the variability of the input materials thanks to its two feeding lines, which can be used independently or together, depending on the quality and density of the material. The first line feeds a STADLER trommel for size selection (small 350 mm). For its part, the second line has a shredder to reduce the size, followed by another STADLER trommel for size selection.

Materials between 60-350mm pass through two STADLER STT5000_8 ballistic separators to classify fine, 2D (light) and 3D (rolling) material. It is a complete solution, ideal for separating pre-classified MSW and heavy and moderately heavy materials.

The new STADLER high-speed acceleration conveyor with the new STADLER film stabilizer transports 3D and 2D materials to 5 TOMRA AUTOSORT® optics with NIR sensors at a speed of 4.5 m/s. The first two opticians classify plastics with high chlorine values ​​from the 2D flow (light), while the other two opticians classify plastics for recovery from the 3D flow (rolling), and the rest of the material is used to manufacture CSR. TOMRA's fifth piece of equipment, an AUTOSORT® RDF, analyzes the CSR, checking in real time the quality of the output material in terms of calorific value, moisture and product composition to ensure that it meets the requirements for use.

Perfect and punctual commissioning

The Eco.Ge.Ri plant was designed and built in a record time of just three months. Due to the tight deadline, the installation took place while the building was still under construction. The detailed planning of STADLER and its coordination with the construction companies that participated in the works allowed for a punctual commissioning to start activities on June 6, 2022.

This capacity and professionalism is the most outstanding benefit of this project for Luciano Porcarelli, who appreciated the most was, "undoubtedly, STADLER's flexibility in responding to all the difficulties involved in building a new plant in which several companies work civilians at the same time. His experience on difficult projects has been a real help.”

(Fortsettelse i neste innlegg)
Rect Angel
29.06.2023 kl 20:12 6768


Climate advocates push to double cost of plastic bottle deposit in Mass.

Bills before the Legislature would expand the state's beverage container recovery law to add 10 cent deposits to sports drinks, water bottles and other drinks that come in plastic bottles or cans.

By Sam Drysdale • Published 2 hours ago • Updated 2 hours ago

  Forty years after the state added a five-cent deposit on some plastic bottles in order to encourage recycling, climate advocates say it's "the right moment" to expand state's bottle redemption law.

Proposals before the Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy would increase the bottle deposit from its current five cents to 10 cents and add more types of beverage containers to the program, putting a deposit on water bottles, vitamin drinks, nips and bottles for other drinks that weren't contemplated when the initial law was adopted in 1982.

Efforts to update this bill have failed in the Legislature for years, and voters in 2014 shot down a ballot question to tack the five-cent bottle deposit onto drinks besides beer and soda.

Without success in expanding the deposit, advocates told lawmakers at two Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy hearings Wednesday (as House and Senate members continue to hold separate hearings amidst a feud between the committee's co-chairs) that Massachusetts is falling behind.

The state has the lowest rate of people returning empty bottles and cans among the 10 states with bottle redemption laws, according to a report from the Container Recycling Institute that came out last year.

Only about 38% of plastic bottles are returned to grocery stores or redemption centers in Massachusetts, and only 40% of beverage containers are covered by a deposit, the report found. The nickel deposit returned to customers if they return the empty bottles under the 1982 law only applies to carbonated soft drinks, beer, malt beverages and sparkling water.

"In Oregon, they raised their redemption -- their deposit value from five to 10 cents. Within three years, the redemption rate jumped by, I think it was 64% up to 86%. And today, they're at almost 89%," said Mike Noel, public affairs director at recycling company TOMRA. "The system has been neglected in Massachusetts for 40 years."

In addition to doubling the deposit to 10 cents, the bills before the Legislature would expand the beverages subject to the deposit to include plastic water bottles, iced tea containers, nips and some other beverages. Two versions of an expanded bottle bill filed by Reps. Marjorie Decker and Sen. Cynthia Creem (H 3690 / S 2104) and Rep. Michelle Ciccolo (H 3676) have slightly different definitions of which beverages would be included, but both exempt dairy, medicine and formula bottles.

In Ciccolo's bill, the deposit would be initially raised to 10 cents, and increased every three years to match inflation if the state's redemption target is not being met.

Both versions of the bill would also require all retail stores to accept the returned bottles, except for stores that are less than 2,000 square feet.

They would also look into increasing the fee the state pays redemption centers and supermarkets to handle bottle and can returns.

Tomra appoints new head of sales for fresh food

By Liam O'Callaghan29 June 2023
“Since Tomra Food reorganized into the Tomra Fresh Food and Tomra Processed Food business areas two years ago, we have never stopped looking for ways to strengthen our customer support. Peter’s appointment is the latest step in that process,” said Slupecki.

“Peter joins Tomra with great experience in leading transformation and growth, both in established and emerging markets. For Tomra, he will help identify and activate new sales opportunities. For Tomra’s customers, he will help more packhouses optimize their operations with the industry’s best sorting, grading, peeling, analytical, and packing technologies.”

Lamb said he was eager to work with the Tomra team to deliver success for the company and its customers.

“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to join Tomra, a business with a team deeply committed to ensuring every resource counts – a philosophy which aligns strongly with my personal values. Drawing on my experience and my passion for developing strong relationships as the basis for success, I look forward to contributing to the growth and success of Tomra, its customers, and its global team,” said Lamb.
Rect Angel
28.06.2023 kl 16:41 6987


Da flagger selveste KIRKBI (LEGO) i Tomra Systems, like etter børslukk i dag!

Tid 28.06.2023, 16:24:01
MeldingsID 594354
Utsteder ID TOM
Marked Oslo Børs

TOMRA – Disclosure of large shareholding

KIRKBI Invest A/S (“Kirkbi”) has today purchased 77,474 shares in Tomra Systems ASA (the “Company”). Following this transaction, Kirkbi owns a total of 14,833,232 shares in the Company, corresponding to approximately 5.01% of the share capital and votes in the Company. This disclosure is made pursuant to section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Redigert 28.06.2023 kl 16:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
27.06.2023 kl 19:16 7182

Ingen EU-nasjoner uten pantesystem er fjernt i nærheten av å samle inn og resirkulere minimum 90% av all drikkevareemballasje.

De fleste EU-nasjoner har foreløpig ikke noe pantesystem, men som Anna Sapota, Vice President Public Affairs Eastern Europe North, TOMRA påpeker, vil i praksis pantesystemer bli obligatorisk i alle EUs nasjoner og være innført seinest innen 2027 - 2029 fordi pantesystem fremstår som eneste realistiske løsning hvis en nasjon skal oppnå lovpålagt innsamling og resirkulering av minimum 90% av all drikkevareemballasje. Nasjoner som ikke oppfyller dette lovpålagte kravet, vil måtte betale saftige bøter.

Så det synes helt opplagt at den soleklare globale markedslederen innen pantesystemer, Tomra Collection Solutions, går meget gode tider i møte i Europa. Ta her også med i betraktningen potensialet som ligger i oppgradering av teknologi i de europeiske nasjoner som allerede har pantesystemer. De som følger med på denne tråden, vet også at flere nasjoner i det folkerike Sørøst-Asia også så smått begynnner å nærme seg konkrete planer om innføring av pantesystemer og at Tomra, understøttet av drahjelp fra norsk diplomati i nasjonene, allerede er på banen og i samtaler med nasjonale myndigheter. Her kan nevnes India, Filippinene og Thailand.

New European regulations on recycling

Jun 27, 2023

Currently, work is underway in the European Union on a new directive, which will soon become a regulation in the field of packaging and waste management. As part of the directive, mandatory deposit systems will be introduced for countries that are unable to collect 90% of beverage packaging. The collection of reusable packaging saves raw materials and closes the recycling loop. Such systems should be operational across Europe by 2029. The introduction of the directive aims to set new trends in the management of packaging. It is through the introduction of mandatory deposit-refund schemes that Member States will have to approach packaging management in a more responsible manner.

– The purpose of introducing the new systems is to increase the efficiency of packaging management, which will save raw materials and increase the level of recycling – Anna Sapota, Vice President Public Affairs Eastern Europe North, TOMRA told – In view of the introduction of new systems, Member States will have to face the challenges related to the management of packaging and ensure that their systems comply with the requirements of the new directive. The introduction of the new Packaging Directive is a step towards a more sustainable economy. As a consequence, raw material savings and recycling rates will increase. Deposit systems should operate across Europe as early as 2027-2029, and earlier there will be targets for collection and the content of recovered material in each package.
Redigert 27.06.2023 kl 19:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
26.06.2023 kl 22:19 7345

Stort. Dette er en nyhet man helt klart bør bite seg merke i! Her trengs ingen haussing. Dette taler for seg selv. Hjemmesiden til partneren i dette caset, Berry Global, finner man nedenfor, under link til artikkelen.

TOMRA sorting equipment to be used by Berry at Leamington Spa based facility

26 JUNE 2023 16:01

Advanced flake sorting equipment from TOMRA Recycling Sorting has been chosen by Berry Circular Polymers for its purpose-built CleanStream plant in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.

Five AUTOSORT units and one INNOSORT FLAKE unit are installed at the plant where operations began in spring 2023. 48,000 tonnes of domestically recovered household polypropylene (PP) will be processed annually at the plant, with the refined outputs being used as raw materials exclusively in Berry-manufactured packaging solutions, such as the recently launched B Circular Beauty Collection. 

Mark Roberts, Circular Value Chain Director at Berry Consumer Packaging International Division, comments: “Leamington Spa is a flagship facility for Berry Circular Polymers, so it was essential to have the reassurance of a market leader with the ability to manage everything effectively. TOMRA is well-known in the industry for its sensor-based sorting solutions and offered invaluable expertise and guidance during the design phase of the plant. Choosing TOMRA as a technology partner has ensured industry-leading support and reliability.” 

The five AUTOSORT units installed at Berry’s plant are used to pre-sort and purify the post-consumer polypropylene (PP) bales. AUTOSORT  aims to deliver exceptional high-speed sorting performance thanks to its unique homogeneous light distribution for improved detection and its high-speed valves which can eject even the smallest contaminants with precision.  

Additionally, the INNOSORT FLAKE unit is used to purify the final PP flake after washing.  It incorporates a unique combination of sensor technologies and a dual full colour camera to simultaneously and effectively remove undesired colours, polymers and opaque material. Its modular design, with working widths up to two metres, delivers a running capacity of up to six metric tonnes per hour. It is claimed that the flexible configuration allows for single or multi step sorting on the same unit to get the purest possible end products. 

Steven Walsh, Area Sales Manager UK at TOMRA Recycling Sorting, comments: “Modern sensor-based flake sorters are a game-changer for the plastic manufacturing industry. They are capable of detecting and accurately sorting by polymer type, as well as separating different colours, generating multiple fractions at the same time. Regardless of the polymer application, our flake sorters offer unrivalled versatility and performance, and generate reliable flake quality comparable to virgin polymers. It’s a very exciting time for plastics recycling and we are delighted to have played a part in Berry’s ground-breaking CleanStream plant.”  

Mark Roberts adds: “The accuracy and speed of sorting delivered by TOMRA’s units have enabled us to produce a material that is suitable for all contact sensitive applications, in particular cosmetics and personal care, as well as food contact. Following the success of the operations at our Leamington Spa plant, we are now pursuing EU approvals for the material for food packaging applications and, as a result, we’re also looking to build on this investment in the future with additional facilities to produce more high-quality circular polypropylene feedstock.”

Berry Global

Complete solution attracts interest of diamond mines

By Mining Review Africa
Jun 26, 2023

The priority at the top of the list of every diamond mine is to maximize diamond recovery, whilst optimizing costs as well as acting on the growing pressure to address corporate social responsibility and environmental issues.

TOMRA’s holistic approach and cutting-edge technologies have proven to deliver consistently exceptional recovery rates, significant cost savings, operational advantages and a smaller environmental footprint.

In particular, its complete diamond recovery solution, unique on the market, is attracting fast-growing interest of diamond producers of all sizes – from large-scale operations to small diamond mines – from different parts of the world.

TOMRA is receiving increasing enquiries from existing and new customers, looking to update their plant or complete the process with TOMRA’s revolutionary Final Recovery sorter.

Live demonstrations at complete solution attracts interest of diamond mines reveal full potential

A key element of TOMRA’s full solution is the COM XRT 300 /FR Final Recovery sorter, which the company has been demonstrating at its Demo Rooms in Wedel, Germany and Johannesburg, South Africa.

These demonstration facilities are proving particularly valuable for diamond mines, who have the opportunity to experience first-hand the unique benefits of this revolutionary and easy-to-operate compact final recovery sorter.
Rect Angel
25.06.2023 kl 21:59 7431

Tomra gets the circular economy sorted

3 days ago
Rect Angel
22.06.2023 kl 20:32 7626

Mer om mulig pantesystem Ting skjer (se i denne forbindelse også innlegg 18.06.2023 kl 19:35 her på tråden). Den norske ambassadøren og Tomra-representant i møte med Filippinenes miljø- og ressursdepartement.

Envoys & Expats

Norway, DENR to boost PHL’s economic circularity, launch deposit return scheme

June 22, 2023
4 minute read

THE Philippines and Norway have called for the promotion of the deposit return systems (DRS) to help the former achieve its target of 80-percent plastic waste recovery by 2028.

According to the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Manila, the country ranks third in the world in ocean-plastics pollution, where waste flows directly into the ocean and causes environmental problems on a global scale.

As such, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued early this year the implementing rules and regulations of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Act of 2022 requiring large-scale firms to conduct proper and effective recovery, treatment, recycling or disposal of their products.
“Norwegian technology and solutions can assist the Philippines in achieving its national and international commitments toward waste reduction, marine-litter prevention, and carbon-emission savings,” added the ambassador. “This will propel the country toward sustainable development and postpandemic green recovery.”

The panel was joined by esteemed experts from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Reclay Group managing director Dr. Fritz Flanderka, TOMRA vice president for Public Affairs and Head of Asia operations Annupa Ahi, Reloop director Robert Kelman, as well as Earth Care consulting partner and consultant Rauno Raal.
“It is heartening to see the intentions and work initiated by the Philippine government [in implementing serious and effective solutions for waste management. It] essentially will play a strong role in laying a robust framework by way of policies and mandates,” concluded Ahi.

Tomra er allerede i gang med å utprøve pantesystem for EMBALLASJE TIL GJENBRUK, i Østerrike i samarbeid med supermarkedkjeden Hofer (se innlegg her på tråden 13.06.2023 kl 22:36). Hofer eies av supermarkedgiganten Aldi. I 2024 setter også Aldi Süd i gang igjen etter at en tidligere pilot ble stanset, først og fremst på grunn av koronapandemien.

Discounter Aldi Süd is again testing the returnable deposit system

Stephen Lang

The discounter Aldi Süd is examining the use of reusable beverage systems in Germany from 2024. The background to this is the EU Commission's plans to prescribe mandatory reusable quotas for beverages in the planned EU packaging regulation. The draft regulation provides for a reusable quota of ten percent for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from 2030 onwards.

The discounter explained to the “Lebensmittelzeitung”: “In addition to the ongoing optimization of disposable beverage packaging, we are examining the scalability of reusable beverage systems in Germany as part of the efforts of the EU Commission.” However, the actual market launch has not yet been confirmed with the test.

Aldi-Süd had already tested the sale of reusable glass bottles in around 50 branches in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate in 2020, but ended it again after a few months against the background of the corona pandemic. "After the test phase, we decided not to pursue this concept any further for the time being," said the discounter, who at the time reserved the right to test reusable systems for its branches again at a later date.

Returnable at Aldi subsidiary Hofer in Austria

In contrast to Germany, the discounter Aldi in neighboring Austria is already a step ahead with its subsidiary Hofer. 130 branches are currently equipped with the reusable beverage system. Hofer plans to expand even further. By the end of 2024, over 530 Hofer branches should have a returnable deposit system. A one-way deposit system should also be available at Hofer by the end of 2025. In the converted branches, customers can already purchase and return items in reusable containers in the areas of beer, water, lemonade and milk. Hofer's partner is the specialist for reverse vending machines Tomra. From the beginning of 2025, Hofer also wants to take back empty PET bottles and cans with a one-way deposit logo at the deposit machines.


Fluorescent markers for PP recycling applied to in-mould labels by TOMRA and NEXTLOOPP

22 JUNE 2023

TOMRA and NEXTLOOPP have applied fluorescent markers to MCC Verstraete’s In Mold Labels (IML) in an extension of the team’s efforts to bring its PolyPPRISM sorting technology to commercial scale and recycle food-grade polypropylene.

TOMRA’S AUTOSORT unit, FLYING BEAM, was integrated with UV illumination for the initial trials. Direct spectrophotometric measurements were then used to analyse the strength of the fluorescence emissions and ensure that there was enough fluorescent signal for the food-grade labelled packs to be sorted.

According to internal tests, the trials resulted in 100% purity and 100% yield. Now NEXTLOOPP is working with MCC Verstraete to showcase its NextCycle IML in-mould labels. Made of polypropylene, the adhesive free, fully printed labels are wrapped around a polypropylene tub, which it reportedly separates from during the grinding and air elutriation process.

As such, printed label flakes are said to separate from the polypropylene, preventing inks and decorations from contaminating the recycled material. Therefore, it is hoped that polypropylene substrates can be fully decorated with IML containers without the threat of contaminating recycling streams with print and label residues.

Future trials plan to apply the technology to other NEXTLOOPP participant-branded products.

Previously, NEXTLOOPP reached the finals and took home the top prize at the Sustainability Awards 2021.

More recently, it partnered with L’Oréal in a bid to create food-grade recycled polypropylene, with Albéa Cosmetics and Fragrance joining the NEXTLOOPP project soon after.
Redigert 22.06.2023 kl 20:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
20.06.2023 kl 22:22 7716

DLA Piper advises Tomra on joint venture


Tomra and Plastretur are building a sorting system for plastic packaging near Oslo. The law firms DLA Piper and Simonsen Vogt Wiig advise on the joint venture.
Rect Angel
18.06.2023 kl 19:35 7820

De som følger med her på tråden kunne i innlegg 26.04.2023 kl 21:57 lese om hvordan Norges generalkonsul i Mumbai Arne Jan Flølo promoterer Tomras pantesystem-løsninger i den indiske delstaten Maharashtra (ca. 126 millioner innbyggere) og i innlegg 14.06.2023 kl 23:31 se og høre Norges ambassadør på Filippinene og en asiatisk Tomra-topp bli (video) interjuvet på engelsk av CNN om potensielle pante-løsninger fra Tomra for Filippinenes ca. 110 millioner innbyggere.

Og her kommer nyheten om at også Norges ambassadør i Thailand nylig har vært på besøk hos guvernøren i Bangkok sammen med en delegasjon fra Tomra, for å presentere Tomras løsninger som virkemiddel i kampen mot den økende flommen av plastavfall der. Thailand har ca. 70 millioner innbyggere.

At nasjonale myndigheter i det folkerike Sørøst-Asia nå for alvor vil/må (i henhold til forpliktende, internasjonale avtaler i f. eks. FN-regi) ta tak i problematikken rundt plastavfall og sette i verk konkrete tiltak for å bekjempe dette gjennom å sørge for mer innsamling og resirkulering, er selvfølgelig ensbetydende med et enormt iboende potensial for Tomra som jo er klar global markedsleder både når det gjelder innsamlings-/panteteknologi og sorteringsteknologi med henblikk utvinning av diverse plasttyper til resirkulering fra blandet avfall.

Governor Chatchart welcomed the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway Discuss plastic waste management

Updated 2 days ago • Published 2 days ago

(June 15, 2023) Mr. Chatchart Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok welcomed Mrs. Astrid Emilia Helle (HE Mrs. Astrid Emilie Helle), Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Thailand together with a delegation from TOMRA Systems ASA Co., Ltd. to discuss plastic waste management at Amornphiman Room, Bangkok City Hall, Sao Chingcha

The Norwegian Ambassador led a delegation from TOMRA Systems ASA Ltd. to discuss introducing waste management technology. Especially the amount of plastic waste that is increasing. After the epidemic situation of COVID-19 The aforementioned company is the world's leading company in waste management, both Reuse and Recycle. The company's technology is a cabinet that can separate waste types, including different types of plastic bottles, soft drink cans. glass bottle filled with drink and can also separate the label and pull the cap of the soft drink can. BMA is studying and receiving cooperation from the private sector on this matter.

McCall Farms achieves massive production increase and grade a product quality with TOMRA 5B sorting green beans for canning

By Staff Reporter
June 15, 2023

The TOMRA 5B optical sorter has helped this well-established family business achieve a 16-fold increase in throughput, improved the removal of foreign materials and defective product, and reduced reliance on chainrd-to-find manual labor.  

 McCall Farms has been growing and canning vegetables in South Carolina, USA, since 1954 – yet it was in an astonishingly short timeframe, and very recently, that this 70-year-old business ramped up production volumes 16-fold.

 In the years up to and including 2018, McCall Farms typically produced 18 million cans of green beans per year. By 2022, however, McCall’s output had skyrocketed to 304 million cans per year. A big reason for this giant leap forward was McCall’s acquisition of a state-of-the-art TOMRA 5B optical sorting machine. Investing in the sorter has also paid back by significantly enhancing product quality and reducing problematic dependence on manual labor.

Making inroads in the battle to reduce plastic waste

Sponsored by Cleanaway
June 16, 2023 — 9.26am

Australia has a plastic problem. From 2020 to 2021, the country generated 2.6 million tonnes of plastic waste, according to the federal government’s 2022 National Waste Report. The report found plastic has a recovery rate of just 13 per cent, the lowest of all waste materials.

Transitioning to a more circular economy can help Australia tackle the problem and unlock untapped potential for economic growth in the process.
Four key elements were identified as necessary for successful plastic recycling:

* Cleanaway is Australia’s largest collector of PET, HDPE and PP plastic. It operates the NSW container deposit scheme through the Tomra Cleanaway joint venture. Tomra Cleanaway has also been selected as one of 3 network operators in the soon to be launched Victorian container deposit scheme. In addition, Cleanaway operates a network of material recovery facilities (MRFs) across Australia.

* Customers for recycled plastic resin - Pact Group, Asahi Beverages and Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) are among the largest consumers of rPET in Australia.

* World-class technology to meet the specifications of brands such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola - the PET facility uses world-leading, food-grade recycling technology from European manufacturers including Tomra, AMUT and Starlinger.

* Experience in operating recycling facilities - Pact Group has extensive experience in recycling post-industrial plastic.

“The joint partnership enabled these four streams to come together, where we are all committed to making breakthroughs in onshore recycling to create a local circular economy for plastic waste,” Cleanaway CEO Mark Schubert says.
Rect Angel
16.06.2023 kl 11:32 7892

Innsidekjøp. To børsmeldinger som har gått meg hus forbi for et par dager siden.

To styremedlemmer har kjøpt aksjer.

TOMRA: Mandatory notification of trade

TUE, JUN 13, 2023 14:28 CETReport this content

Bodil Sonesson, board member and primary insider (PDMR) of TOMRA Systems ASA, has today bought 420 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 171.10 per share through closely associated company Sonesson Advisory AB. After the transaction Bodil Sonesson holds 3,502 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA. Further disclosure details can be found in the attached form.

Asker, 13 June 2023


For further information, please contact:

Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +47 91 36 18 99

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 article 19 number 3 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5-12.,c3785929

TOMRA: Mandatory notification of trade

TUE, JUN 13, 2023 20:10 CETReport this content

Pierre Couderc, board member and primary insider (PDMR) of TOMRA Systems ASA, has today bought 400 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 172.40 per share. After the transaction Pierre Couderc holds 3,520 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA. Further disclosure details can be found in the attached form.

Asker, 13 June 2023


For further information, please contact:

Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +47 91 36 18 99

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 article 19 number 3 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5-12.,c3786429
Rect Angel
14.06.2023 kl 23:31 7953

EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) når det gjelder emballasje lovfestet på Filippinene for 10 måneder siden. Dette medførerer at debatten om/prosessen mot pantesystem for nasjonens rundt 110 millioner innbyggere er i gang. I den forbindelse gjester Norges ambassadør på Filippinene og asiatisk Tomra-topp CNN (videointerjuv på ca. 9 min. på engelsk):

Implementing Deposit Return Systems for waste management

By CNN Philippines Staff
Published Jun 14, 2023, 9:37:37 PM


These are the most popular employers in Germany


In cooperation with the employer rating platform Kununu, the Zeit publishing group has awarded the employer seal Most Wanted Employer for the second time and once again identified the 1,000 most popular employers in Germany. The database consists of more than 3.9 million reviews by employees on the Kununu internet platform. The criteria that were clearly defined in advance, such as the recommendation rate, a high employee evaluation score and the number of reviews, led to the calculation of the overall score, from which the final ranking was determined.
The top 10 places in the category "Industry - Chemicals - Energy - Construction"

1. Tomra Sorting GmbH
2. BWF Offermann, Waldenfels & Co. KGaillant GmbH
3. Electrolux Hausgeräte GmbH
4. Zwilling JA Henckels AG
5. IMO Surface Technology GmbH
6. Vaillant GmbH
7. Grob-Werke GmbH & Co. KG
8. Bito- Lagertechnik Bittmann GmbH
9. Covestro AG
10. Coherent, Inc. – Germany GmbH

The overall ranking of the Most Wanted Employer 2023 is available as a pdf file .

Tomra Recycling hires sales manager for Americas

With 14 years in the industry, Gleb Trofimov understands “customers’ pain points with recycling technology,” says Ty Rhoad, regional director Americas for Tomra.


Tomra Recycling Sorting, which has North American offices in Clifton, Connecticut, has hired Gleb Trofimov as the area sales manager for the Americas, strengthening the company’s sales support for the waste, plastics, wood and metals recycling industries.

In this role, Trofimov will consult directly with Tomra’s partners and customers throughout Canada and portions of the United States to implement the right advanced sorting technologies designed to improve recycling recovery rates, increase product purity and throughput and boost profitability.  

Trofimov offers well-rounded experience in the waste management and recycling industries. For 14 years, he worked in waste collection and recycling, so he understands first-hand the challenges recyclers face. He has spent the last four years with Tomra, a global sensor-based sorting technology provider, leading sales efforts in parts of Eastern Europe and Asia.

“Gleb’s time working in the recycling industry and with Tomra gives him the right perspective to understand the customer’s pain points with recycling technology and offer the right solution for the application,” says Ty Rhoad, regional director Americas for Tomra Recycling. “We are lucky to have such an experienced waste professional to help expand our business and support network in Canada as well as assist our U.S. sales team.”  

Trofimov is located in the Toronto area to assist operations in North America with installing Tomra’s broad range of sorting technologies designed to optimize resource recovery. He also will aid companies in leveraging the latest deep-learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, as well as processing data that can boost recovery rates and material purity.

“Much of industry discussions have focused on the role of digitization and how it can help resource recovery efforts,” Trofimov says. “Tomra has leveraged AI for decades with our optical sorters, and we are advancing the industry by pioneering technologies such as deep learning to solve the industry’s most complex sorting challenges. Tomra sorters extract valuable materials from wood, waste, paper, plastics and metals every day. I look forward to meeting customers, learning the market and helping operations—from big plants to small systems—find the right solution.”
Redigert 14.06.2023 kl 23:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
13.06.2023 kl 22:36 8028

Bizz Corporation enters the French Fry market in India with its Chillfill brand, invests heavily in TOMRA line solutions

Jun 12, 2023

Bredel hose pump plays an integral role in TOMRA’s sustainable potato peeling solution

Jun 13, 2023

Today, 85% of the world’s French fries are processed by various TOMRA equipment, according to TOMRA, and its range of peeling solutions are used by the likes of Lamb Weston EMEA. Deploying a DPS makes a food processor’s operation more efficient and minimises food waste.

Pant. Østerrike. Supermarkedkjeden Hofer har allerede tjuvstartet i partnerskap med Tomra, lenge før det nasjonale pantesystemet i Østerrike åpner!

Starting shot for deposit machines

Staff 06/12/2023
With the company Tomra, Hofer has brought the world market leader for reverse vending machines on board, with whom the roll-out is actually implemented. Hofer is proud to be part of a partnership that is bearing fruit: Thanks to efficient reverse vending solutions and state-of-the-art technologies, deposit machines have been set up that are not only easy to use for customers, but have also been explicitly adapted to their wishes and needs. 

The world to come? Potensialet er tilsynelatende ubegrenset for Tomra som klar global markedsleder innen 'collection soutions' og 'recycling'...

TOMRA to establish takeaway packaging deposit system in Denmark

The company initially intends to roll out a three-year trial to test out the new scheme.

News June 13, 2023

ustainable technology business TOMRA has been selected to set up a new reuse system to deposit takeaway packaging in the city of Aarhus, Denmark.

The company is carrying out this work in collaboration with the municipality of Aarhus, with a partnership agreement being signed between the two entities.

The system is expected to be established in the city centre of Aarhus and will help the city to gradually transition from single-use packaging to reusable packaging.

TOMRA’s initial plan is to conduct a three-year-long trial for the new reuse system.

During this pilot period, the focus will mainly be on depositing takeaway cups and if successful, it will be expanded to include other types of takeaway packaging.

Udgivet 12. jun 2023, kl. 13:26

Vil som den første by indføre pant på kaffekopper

Aarhus er klar til at indføre et pantsystem på kaffekopper. 100 ud af 100 er med på idéen, mener ejer af kaffebar - så længe det er bekvemmeligt.

Niels Ettrup Brande

Det kan godt være, at kaffen ikke smager bedre, men måske samvittigheden gør, når din to-go-kaffe snart kan købes i en genbrugskop.

Ambitionen om, at kaffedrikkende aarhusianere kan købe kaffe skænket i en kop, der efterfølgende kan pantes, ser nu ud til at få vinger.

Det skriver kommunen i en pressemeddelelse, hvor de offentliggør et samarbejde med Tomra, der også leverer de tekniske løsninger til pantautomaten, som man kender den fra supermarkedet.

- Vi er begejstrede for at kunne udvikle og teste et pantsystem for takeaway-emballage i Aarhus, der kan facilitere overgangen fra engangs- til genbrugsemballage, siger Geir Sæther, der er underdirektør i Tomra.
Rect Angel
11.06.2023 kl 17:55 8160

Mens skotter og engelskmenn krangler så filler og kilter fyker og gjensidig skylder på hverandre med den følge at pantesytemet til Skottlands 5 - 6 millioner innbyggere stadig utsettes, kommer det meget gledelige nyheter fra Polen. Polske myndigheter har nå nemlig bestemt at landets knapt 40 millioner innbyggere får sitt pantesytem med oppstart 1.januar 2025!

The government has adopted a project on the deposit-refund system in Poland. When will the new rates come into effect and what will they cover? How much is the maximum deposit?

June 9, 2023, 14:46

Elaborated by:
Maciej Badowski

From January 1, 2025, a deposit-refund system will be introduced for disposable plastic bottles up to 3 liters, reusable glass bottles up to 1.5 liters and metal cans with a capacity of up to 1 liter, we can read on the website of the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Study Peeks Into Consumers’ Bottle Deposit Redemption Habits

A new TOMRA report exploring what consumers expect from bottle deposit programs found people want fast, reliable, easy service and, if they get it, they’re likely to keep dropping off their empty bottles at the same store and spend the cash they redeem on groceries there. So, it seems recycling loyalty fosters shopping loyalty.

Arlene Karidis | Jun 01, 2023

The study surveyed 7,000 consumers in seven European countries with return-to-retail deposit return systems.

Innovative tech in food processing and packing: TOMRA leads the digital charge

on June 6, 2023

Though digital technologies are still young, they are already improving operational efficiencies and have the power to help improve profitability in other ways too. Felix Flemming, Head of Digital at TOMRA Food and Recycling, explains.

Fra Tomra, i samarbeid med Infinitum. Smart pantestøvsuger...

The company performs demonstrations of the COM XRT 300 /FR Final Recovery sorter

Interest in Tomra Mining's complete diamond recovery solution

Editorial Interempresas 08/06/2023

A key element of Tomra 's complete solution is the COM XRT 300 /FR Final Recovery sorter, which the company has been demonstrating at its Demonstration Centers in Wedel, Germany, and Johannesburg, South Africa. Both centers are especially valuable to diamond operators who have the opportunity to experience first-hand the unique benefits of this revolutionary, compact and easy-to-operate final recovery grader.
During hands-on demos you can see Final Recovery, Sort House and Single Particle Sorting applications with various different size fractions of kimberlite or alluvial ore, and learn about sorter productivity at various feed rates under actual mine conditions. In addition to being simple, the Tomra operator can show how to address all operational requirements on one HMI (Human Machine Interface) panel and demonstrate that it is easy to use.

“The biggest advantage of these demonstrations is that the customer can see first-hand the ultra-high concentrate of diamonds by weight that the grader offers,” explains Corné de Jager, Tomra Mining's director of the diamond segment. “This, in turn, highlights the benefits Tomra offers over manual sorting and how safety conditions are improved. What impresses clients the most is seeing the exceptionally low amount of gangue ejected with diamond concentrate, even in hard-to-classify ultrafine fractions.”

In addition, the company has carried out demonstrations of the COM XRT 300 /FR grader at the Electra Mining Show 2022, carrying out on-going production simulations throughout the exhibition. The grader was fed with fine alluvial ore, with diamond dust tracers and added diamonds. “This live, direct operation attracted a continuous stream of visitors and has generated a large number of inquiries and sales,” says Corné de Jager. “In fact, the CEO of a large diamond-producing company had extensive discussions with Tomra's team on site. In front of the large crowd, he asked us to process 1 kg of alluvial gravel and include 150 diamond scribes and 10 diamonds. The result offered by the classifier was perfect: all 160 tracers and diamonds were ejected, with a minimum amount of mineral particles. The crowd celebrated this result, as the CEO shook hands with our Tomra design specialist.”

A complete and exclusive diamond recovery solution

Tomra is the only manufacturer to offer a complete and whole diamond recovery ecosystem.
Rect Angel
01.06.2023 kl 20:59 8335

Tyske DER AKTIONÄR er begeistret for joint venturet med Plastretur AS. Det samme er Jyske Bank, får vi vite i denne artikkelen.

Tomra Systems: Exciting deal - get in now?

Today, 15:11 ‧ Michel Doepke

Increasing recycling rates mean that companies are looking for a way into the circular economy. A clear winner of this increasing development is undoubtedly Tomra Systems. The Norwegians now want to contribute their know-how to an exciting joint venture in their Scandinavian homeland.

Together with Plastretur, Tomra Systems wants to set up a sorting plant for plastic packaging. The mechanical engineering company, which is best known for its deposit return machines, will control the majority of the joint venture with 65 percent. Cost point: 32 million euros. The remaining part goes to Plastretur.

The strategic investment is part of Tomra's Feedstock Business Venture, which aims to bridge the plastics recycling gap by leveraging Tomra's core knowledge and technology.

The two companies want to build the plant near Oslo and have it fully operational in the first quarter of 2025. Tomra Systems is targeting a 15 to 20 percent return on investment in the sorting facility, which is expected to have a plastic capacity of 90,000 tons per year.

Buy recommendation confirmed

Meanwhile, after Thursday's report, Jyske Bank reiterated its buy recommendation for Tomra Systems' stock. Analyst Henrik Hallengreen Laustsen puts the fair value at a whopping 235 Norwegian kroner (equivalent to 19.66 euros).

Tomra Systems is one of the big winners from higher recycling rates and the ambition of many countries and corporations to embark on the path towards circular economy. Even if there is no need to enter from a technical point of view, the paper remains promising in the long term. Traders are waiting for a sustained breakout above the 200-day moving average.

Enda litt mer om gårsdagens melding om opprettelse av joint venture med Plastretur AS. Her primært sett fra Plastretur AS sitt ståsted. Gjengir her første del av artikkelen.


Har fått med stor aktør på laget – starter bygging på Holtskogen i juni

Av Per Uno Blørstad
Publisert: 01.06.23 05:00

Plastretur AS går sammen med det børsnoterte teknologiselskapet Tomra ASA om å eie og drive det nye finsorteringsanlegg for plastemballasje på Holtskogen.

– Dette er starten på en ny æra med utvikling av nye sirkulære løsninger og forretningsmodeller for plast i Norge. Når vi setter spaden i jorda, realiserer vi et nasjonalt grønt skifte, sier Bjarte E. Grostøl som er initiativtaker til sorteringsanlegget i Holtskogen og styreleder i Plastretur.

– Hvorfor har dere gått sammen med Tomra?

– Tomra er kanskje mest kjent for flaskepantautomater i Norge, men internasjonalt er Tomra mest kjent for infrarøde sorteringsmaskiner. Plastretur er i utgangspunktet ikke et sorteringsselskap. Vår ekspertise ligger mer på innsamlingssiden. Den kunnskapsmessige basen for å drive et sorteringsanlegg ligger bedre hos Tomra. Derfor valgte vi å gå i kompaniskap med Tomra som er verdensledende på sorteringsprosesser og sorteringsmaskiner. De skal står for driften, vi står for å få varene inn i anlegget, sier Bjarte E. Grostøl, initiativtaker til sorteringsanlegget på Holtskogen og styreleder i Plastretur.

Forvalterne i AEGON ASSET MANAGEMENT påpeker at det ikke er enkelt å identifisere gode investeringsobjekter innen biologisk mangfold/biodiversitet nå i den tidlig fasen til dette forretningsområdet, men hevder samtidig at hvis man lykkes med dette, kan man ha utsikter til vekst i flere tiår fremover. Selv hevder forvalterne i AEGON ASSET MANAGEMENT funnet 4 gode investeringsobjekter innen denne kategorien. Tomra er en av disse.

Why investors find it more difficult to deal with the topic of biodiversity than with climate change investments

Energy Recovery, Valmont, Oxford Nanopore and Tomra are early examples of biodiversity investments   

AEGON ASSET MANAGEMENT | 05/31/2023 1:47 p.m

Biodiversity represents an extremely valuable tool to analyze ESG-driven investments. According to Miranda Beacham, Head of ESG - Equity and Multi-Asset at Aegon Asset Management, biodiversity is one side of the green coin and climate change is the other.
Tomra's food department *  uses advanced sorting technology to accurately sort and classify food
Beacham concludes, “The positive investment impact of such activity is easy to see. If we talk about long-term, fundamental opportunities that can transcend uncertainty, then this is a theme that clearly has the potential for multi-decade growth as we need to find ways to better manage the world's most valuable resources.”

Tomra Recycling, produktnyhet.

Tomra: Autosort Pulse with dynamic LIBS technology

Tomra Recycling Sorting has introduced a new sorting machine with dynamic Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).


Due to its patented LIBS technology, the machine delivers first-class performance in the separation of aluminum scrap. A particular focus is the sorting of scrap from alloy classes 5xxx and 6xxx. 3D object recognition identifies any object regardless of size and surface, while multiple single-point scans enable accurate detection of materials in any condition. Even overlapping and adjacent objects can be precisely separated using the artificial intelligence-based object separation function, thus achieving maximum yields.

Conventional sorting machines such as X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) or standard LIBS technologies have limited ability to achieve industry-level throughputs when sorting aluminum alloys. Several material tests have shown that purities of more than 95% can be achieved with Autosort Pulse.

With a bulk feeder system and a processing capacity of 3 to 7 tons per hour, plant operators can produce large volumes of aluminum scrap that meet industry standards across many applications. Relatively compact in design, the sorting system combines a number of advanced technologies and a conveyor belt so that it can be easily integrated into systems and no additional material conveying and separation equipment needs to be installed.

With Tomra Insight, a cloud-based data platform that is available as an additional feature for Autosort Pulse, processes can be monitored in near real time and the sorting process can be optimized using the data obtained. The data can be called up anywhere and at any time, so that users can identify operational disruptions and maintenance requirements at an early stage and thus have full control over the performance of the sorting system.

Source: Tomra Recycling Solutions
Rect Angel
31.05.2023 kl 10:49 8362

Dagens melding fra Tomra medfører at jeg ser meg pent 'nødt' til å poste meldingen som tilsvar til mitt eget innlegg fra i går kveld. Flott nyhet!

Dette taler for seg selv, og jeg er ikke et sekund i tvil om at Tomra, som global markedsleder innen sorteringsteknologi, ligger helt i front når det gjelder innsikt i hvilken retning storpolitikken peker angående plastavfall og resirkulering. Det være seg innen EU og ellers på kloden.

Konstruksjonen av dette anlegget i Norge er en oppfølger til Tomras pågående arbeid med bygging av et lignende sorteringsanlegg i Tyslland som skal settes i drift i 2024.

Tid 31.05.2023, 07:00:10
MeldingsID 592016
UtstederID TOM

MarkedOslo Børs

TOMRA: TOMRA and Plastretur Sign Joint Venture to Create Norway's First Dedicated Sorting Plant to Enable Circularity of Plastic Packaging

TOMRA has signed an agreement with Plastretur AS, the Norwegian producer responsibility organization responsible for recycling plastic packaging, to create a plastic packaging sorting plant located in Norway. TOMRA will invest 32 MEUR through a joint venture where TOMRA will hold a 65% ownership stake and Plastretur AS will hold a 35% ownership stake.

The strategic investment is part of TOMRA's Feedstock business venture, which seeks to close the gap in plastic recycling by using TOMRA's core knowledge and technology. There is a strong and growing demand for high-quality plastic fractions out of plastic waste, which is typically lost to incineration and landfill today. The plant will accept municipal-sourced separated and mechanically recovered plastics from mixed waste. It will be sorted into high -quality fractions ready to be used in new packaging and other high-quality products.

Plastretur AS will be responsible for sourcing plastic packaging waste as input while TOMRA will be responsible for grading the recovered plastic fractions based on type, and for selling the output material. The new plant will be built near Oslo in Holtskogen Næringspark, Østfold, Norway with a total sorting capacity of 90,000 tons of plastics per year. The plant is scheduled to be fully operational in the first quarter 2025.

The investment will support TOMRA in achieving its vision of leading the resource revolution and delivering on the strategic ambitions presented at the Capital Markets Day in 2022. The capital investment consists primarily of machinery and equipment. TOMRA is targeting profitability levels comparable with the rest of the business and capital return levels of 15-20%.

Asker, 31 May 2023

For further information, please contact:

Eva Sagemo, CFO Tel: +47 934 39 911

Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 913 61 899

TOMRA was founded on an innovation in 1972 that began with the design, manufacturing and sale of reverse vending machines for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions that optimize resource use and recovery in the food, recycling, and ore sorting industries. TOMRA has more than 105,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of NOK 12.2 billion in 2022. The Group employs 5,000 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit

Tomra og Plastretur satser 600 mill. på å sortere plast

Et nytt plastsamarbeid skal sørge for at Norge når EUs mål om gjenvinning av plastemballasje.

Av Anne Sofie Lid Bergvall - Aftenposten
Oppdatert i dag 07:15
Redigert 31.05.2023 kl 12:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
30.05.2023 kl 22:22 8344

Tomra Systems, Carbios and Co: "Plastic pollution is a ticking time bomb"

Today, 07:42 ‧ Michel Doepke

UN negotiations for an international plastics deal have started in Paris with urgent calls for action. "Plastic pollution is everywhere. It knows no borders and poses a global threat to the environment and our health," said the chairman of the International Negotiating Committee, Gustavo Meza-Cuadra Velásquez, on Monday in Paris.

"The challenge is huge, we all know that here, but it's not insurmountable." The problem can only be solved together. A fair and effective, legally binding agreement is needed that guarantees that garbage is only the last resort.

United Nations member states aim to end plastic pollution by 2040. The Paris meeting is the second round of intergovernmental negotiations for such a global agreement. A total of five rounds of negotiations are planned up to 2024.

UN member states as well as non-governmental organisations, scientists and trade unions will take part in the meeting in Paris. Discussions are expected to continue until Friday. Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens) from Germany was in Paris last week for talks to prepare the negotiations.

Chairman Velásquez warned at the beginning: "Our countries, our soil, our water, our air and even our bodies are affected by plastic." French President Emmanuel Macron said in a video message: "Plastic pollution is a ticking time bomb." If we don't act, plastic waste will triple by 2060. You have to change production and consumption and create innovation. Plastic production must decrease, recycling quotas should increase, he demanded. "In the future, all plastic on the market must be fully recyclable."

Focus on recycling

In order to contain the plastic problem, innovative recycling solutions are needed. Tomra Systems, for example, has already established itself on the market - the company is considered the world market leader for reverse vending machines. But smaller companies also want to scale their approaches. Interesting in this context is the French company Carbios , which uses enzymes to try to decompose various types of plastic. The chemical recycler Agilyx is no less exciting .

Global plastic pollution remains a major problem - but it also offers interesting investment opportunities for investors. Among the individual investments, DER AKTIONÄR currently has the titles Tomra, Carbios and Agilyx on the list of recommendations. If you want to cover the topic broadly, you can access the index certificate with the WKN DA0AB3 on the Zero Plastic Index. More information is available here.
Rect Angel
29.05.2023 kl 17:32 8478

Pant Skottland.

Litt sånn breaking news dette i løpet av pinsen! For nå har skottene omsider endelig fått nødvendig tillatelse og klarsignal fra Westminster til å starte opp sitt pantesystem 1.mars 2024, og slipper således å vente med oppstart til 2025 da resten av UK starter opp.

Skottene misliker imidlertid at de ikke får lov til å inkludere glassflasker som planlagt. Primært fordi glassflasker ikke er med i pantesystemet for resten av UK som skal starte opp i 2025. Regjeringen i London ønsker et samkjørt pantesystem for hele UK. Noe som trolig betyr at heller ikke Wales, som som skottene har vedtatt å inkludere glassflasker i pantesystemet, får lov til å inkludere glass.

Som jeg antydet for en stund siden, i forbindelse med vedtaket om utsettelse av oppstart i Skottland fra august i år til 1.mars 2024, var feelingen at skottenes pantesystem på mange måter kommer til å fungere som 'en pilot' for pantesystemet i hele UK. Og slik ser det nå altså ut til å bli. I seg selv helt sikkert gunstig med henblikk på mest mulig problemfri oppstart i England, Wales og Nord-Irland i 2025.


UK Government will permit Scottish deposit return scheme – but without glass

Ministers wrote to Humza Yousaf confirming an exemption to permit the scheme to go ahead would be granted, but without glass bottles.

By Katrine Bussey
2 days ago

UK ministers have confirmed Scotland’s deposit return scheme (DRS) can go ahead but have insisted there is “insufficient justification” for glass bottles to be included.

The UK Government said it would grant the necessary exemption from legislation to allow for DRS to be introduced north of the border from March 2024.
Rect Angel
25.05.2023 kl 22:19 8521

Sortering gruvedrift.

Så sent som 20.april kunne man lese at Tomra Mining hadde gjort litt av et kupp i Western Australia ettersom Tomras teknologi ble valgt til å rigge verdens største sorteringsanlegg for lithium (se innlegg 20.04.2023 kl 14:16 her på tråden om dette). Tomra har ikke for vane å gå i detaljer om enkeltkontrakter, men akkurat denne kontrakten benyttet CEO Tove Andersen anledningen til å fremheve under Q1 2023 presentasjonen selv om den altså først ble offentliggjort nå i Q2.

Nå åpner Tomra Mining ny filial med testsenter i nettopp Western Australia. Nærmere bestemt i Perth.


TOMRA Mining opens new Perth office


TOMRA Mining has invested in its operations in Australia to meet the rising demand for sensor-based sorting and be close to customers on the West Coast by opening a second office in Perth.

The company has also appointed Jordan Rutledge as new sales manager based at the new location, and has extended its local support and service team. The company also supports its Australian customers with its well-established office and test centre in Sydney.

TOMRA Mining has a well-established presence in Australia with installations operating in a variety of applications including lithium, industrial minerals, polymetallics and gemstones.

It has operated  in the country since the 1990s when Ultrasort entered the market, before being acquired by TOMRA in 2009. Over the years, its business has grown in response to the evolution in the industry.

“The diamond, lithium, tin, tungsten, battery and strategic minerals sectors, as well as other progressive sectors that are open to new technology, have driven sensor-based sorting into the main mining process flow and design,” TOMRA technical manager Gavin Rech said.

“The focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and on reducing energy consumption has further contributed to this trend.”

Rutledge brings to the team her extensive experience and know-how. Having completed degrees in materials and metallurgical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, as well as programs in Europe and China, she has spent her career in the mining industry focusing on mineral processing.

Rutledge has worked on projects in North and South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. In the last four years, she has focused on North American projects for TOMRA Mining.

“Western Australia is the heart of the mining industry in Australia, and with the uptake of sensor-based sorting in the sector we are seeing a fast-growing demand for our technology,” Rutledge said.

“We have a large number of projects and investment going into sensor-based sorting, and we are gearing up for many more opportunities, particularly in the battery metals space, with the unique solutions that we can provide lithium mining operations. With the new office in Perth, we can be on the ground and visiting our customers on the West Coast very quickly, as they are just a short drive or flight away.”

TOMRA Mining has also set up a dedicated team based at the new Perth office.

Sales has been joined by project coordinator Gianni Mazzella, who runs TOMRA Mining large-scale projects. Also on the team is Adriaan Olivier, service and project manager APAC, who has been supporting TOMRA customers in South Africa and Sydney for the past five years, as well as two service engineers – with two more to come later in the year.

The team will be working closely with the Sydney office and Test Center, with the backing of TOMRA’s global support structure.

“We identified a need to invest further in all the opportunities on the West Coast of Australia and to be closer to our customers in the area. This will facilitate the kind of close collaboration that is the hallmark of TOMRA Mining,” Rutledge said.
Redigert 25.05.2023 kl 22:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
24.05.2023 kl 22:39 8600

Portugal. Avfallshåndtering/Resirkulering.

TOMRA, AMARSUL's key ally towards sustainability

The relationship between TOMRA and AMARSUL is well established and their level of cooperation is excellent with a view to optimizing their production and achieving recycling targets.


Portugal is a very advanced country in terms of regulations governing waste management, although many of the plants still have a lot of work to do. But in the Lisbon region we find an oasis: the Portuguese company AMARSUL , which with 26 years of history is today responsible for the treatment and recovery of urban waste in the nine municipalities of the Setúbal peninsula. In 2022, the company treated 461,000 tons of waste, having recovered 45,000 tons of recyclables.

AMARSUL has been working side by side with the TOMRA team since 2009 , which has allowed it to have one of the most advanced processes in the country. Today it has 8 AUTOSORT® equipment, two of them with SHARP EYETM technology. The new equipment was installed in 2019 at its Palmela Urban Waste Mechanical Treatment Plant, which has a capacity of about 94,000 tons/year of waste, and in 2020 at its Seixal Automatic Packaging Sorting Plant , which It has a treatment capacity of 12 thousand tons/year. 
The success of this solution is assured. And as Ana Teresa Henriques concludes: “The incorporation of the latest TOMRA technology helps us comply with the legislation, optimize processes and obtain greater efficiency. In addition to identifying, in real time, the needs. Because, even if we work hard and in the right way, the results may not take the leap we need. Hence the improvement in procedures, technologies and equipment. With TOMRA everything has been very easy, since they have accompanied us in all stages of the process, making available to us a professional local technical team that is at our disposal to answer any questions. In short, our relationship with TOMRA has always been a win-win, because they have developed new solutions and presented alternatives, showing themselves as an exceptional and cooperative partner to achieve common goals.”
Rect Angel
22.05.2023 kl 21:09 8668

Skottene sliter som kjent med å komme i gang med sitt pantesystem. Ny planlagt oppstartdato er nå altså 1.mars 2024, men sterke krefter, ikke minst sør for grensen, ønsker ytterligere utsettelse til 2025 da det er bestemt at også resten av UK (England, Wales og Nord-Irland) skal starte opp sitt pantesystem. Man kan bare følge med og se hva som skjer.

At Tomra satser hardt i UK og Irland, er det imidlertid ingen tvil om. Og for Tomras del innebærer nok ikke utsettelse(r) i Skottland at Tomra går glipp av inntekter, men snarere at inntekter eventuelt skyves frem i tid. Her et relativt dyptpløyende intervju med Tomras nyansatte sjef i Collection Solutions UK og Irland, Ryan Buzzell (se mer om Buzzells bakgrunn i forrige innlegg her på tråden). I intervjuet forteller Buzzell, blant mye annet, at Tomra allerede har inngått partnerskap med supermarkedkjeder som Aldi, Lidl m.fl. og allerede har installert nesten 100 pantemaskiner hos disse.

Associate Feature: Message in a bottle

by Staff Reporter
22 May 2023,associate-feature-message-in-a-bottle
Redigert 22.05.2023 kl 21:23 Du må logge inn for å svare