Tomra Systems - nyheter

Rect Angel
TOM 29.12.2022 kl 00:30 112649

Slik jeg ser det, er Tomra Systems et fantastisk, grønt teknologiselskap. Globalt ledende og perfekt rigget for å betjene sterkt økende etterspørsel innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, i tiår fremover. Velger å starte denne tråden på forumet for 'Grønne aksjer'.

Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.

Quick-change MRF

Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.

December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler

* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Redigert 05.10.2023 kl 22:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
29.12.2022 kl 23:12 48673

What to expect from customers

Aldi is revolutionizing deposit collection – and wants to solve a big problem with it

Redigert 03.01.2023 kl 00:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
03.01.2023 kl 00:12 48496


What awaits us in waste management? It will be another difficult year

Piotr Toborek
January 2, 2023 - 06:00,427782.html
03.01.2023 kl 08:00 48322

Vil anbefale deg å lese denne. Kursfallet betyr ikke at Tomra er billig. Langsiktig posisjon i Tomra er risikabelt.
03.01.2023 kl 09:13 48296

Dyrere enn Tesla. Etter at Tesla har falt hvor mye ?
03.01.2023 kl 10:43 48252

Noen som skulle dekke en short ?
Rect Angel
03.01.2023 kl 23:16 48191

Svava, velger å stå og eventuelt falle på mine egne vurderinger her. I Tomra Systems er man globalt markedsledende innen alt man driver med, er veldig fremoverlent når det gjelder (helt nødvendig) R & D og alt av estimater tilsier meget kraftig veksttakt i årevis innen alle selskapets forretningsområder.

Det du viser til er, kanskje litt paradoksalt for noen, litt av grunnen for mitt valg av tidspunkt for inngang. Gremmes ennå litt over at jeg ikke gikk inn den gang det var 'storaksjon mot aksjen' i 2019:

Er rekke medieoppslag i dagesvis da, fikk presset aksjekursen kortsiktig ned under 200 NOK hvoretter den klatrert til over 600 NOK i 2021 (aksjekurser jeg viser til her, er kurser før splitt 1:2 i fjor).

Så nå når det igjen 'aksjoneres mot aksjen' fra mange hold samtidig, tenkte jeg at denne gangen må jeg benytte sjansen. ;)

For ja, kan jo også kanskje tenkes noen store vil billig inn, litt shortinndekning eller whatever.
Rect Angel
06.01.2023 kl 20:00 47730

Pemko Listen to PT Tomra's presentation regarding Waste Management Today

PEMKO NEWS, 05 January 2023

Home / News /Pekanbaru 

Processing Garbage at the Muara Fajar Landfill Becomes a Source of Energy, Pemko Pekanbaru Assesses Cooperation with the Private Sector

Friday 06 January 2023, 11:21 WIB

Aldi: All customers have always wanted that, now it's coming true

January 6, 2023 7:58 am
Blasius Kawalkowski
Rect Angel
08.01.2023 kl 20:11 47590

The entire circular economy for plastic value chain will meet in Rotterdam

01-06-2023 02:54 PM CET | Energy & Environment
Press release from: Globuc

Rect Angel
09.01.2023 kl 22:39 47447

Recycling robots to the rescue


TOMRA Mining’s COM XRT 300/FR sorter to be showcased at Mining Indaba

By Mining Review Africa
Jan 9, 2023

Wanting to Manage Waste in TPA, Pemko Team Immediately Gives PT Mars Proposal Decision

January 09, 2023, 18:08

Rect Angel
10.01.2023 kl 22:08 47351

Jacob Hobbel joins Tomra Food

By Matthew Jones 10 January 2023
Redigert 10.01.2023 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
11.01.2023 kl 22:43 47217

Lenke til israelsk artikkel. Det som interesserer oss:

Cycle utplasserer pantemaskiner fra Tomra, i det offentlige rom, i Israel. 100 er allerede utplassert. 500 til følger.

Coca-Cola Israel entered into a partnership with the bottle recycling company Cycle

Calcalist has learned that the Central Beverage Company has entered into a partnership (25%) in the recycling company Cycle Economia Elekhol, which supplies automatic machines for collecting bottles in supermarkets

Holy Light 06:20, 11.01.23
Rect Angel
16.01.2023 kl 22:12 47059

Analyze. The Warranty-Return system, the revolution in stores: What does the project that will change the way we buy water and soft drinks look like today?

Author: Alina-Elena Vasiliu
Posted on January 16, 2023
Rect Angel
17.01.2023 kl 13:39 46939

Tomra R1 bør ha et kjempepotensial. Derfor hyggelig å notere seg meget viktig, gledelig og signifikant info som lekker ut fra Aldi nå:

But the Aldi employees also benefit from the new deposit machine: the company said it was easy to use and clean.

Aldi tests innovation New deposit machine to revolutionize returns

Daniel Grossert
17.01.20235:00 a.m

Rect Angel
17.01.2023 kl 22:33 46849

A world leader in recycling in Salon-de-Provence

Luc Perin - RCF Dialogue (Aix-Marseille), 01/17/2023 at 10:15 a.m.
Modified on 01/17/2023 at 14:57

TOMRA joins Xiangjia Juyou to help the intelligent transformation of Shimen citrus

Publication date: Tue 17 Jan 2023
Rect Angel
18.01.2023 kl 22:49 46738

Today, 08:16 ‧ Michel Doepke

Tomra Systems, Carbios and Co: Stricter rules for waste exports demanded - recycling increasingly important

Rect Angel
19.01.2023 kl 22:26 46643

Støtter seff denne forbrukerens ønske om at hele Tyskland skal få tilgang til Tomra R1 fullt og helt :)

"Finally no longer waiting so long for the person in front of me to take away their three garbage bags full of returnable bottles. All of Germany needs that!” says one user happily".

Flere uttalelser fra kunder i artikkelen.

Revolution at Aldi, Rewe and Edeka: New deposit machine makes customers' hearts beat faster

Created:01/19/2023, 10:09 p.m
Von: Victoria Krumbeck
Redigert 19.01.2023 kl 22:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
20.01.2023 kl 14:01 46563

Mye travlere enn ventet rollen jeg påtok meg her, for veldig mye mer nyhetsstoff om Tomra enn jeg ventet å finne.

At UK nå endelig vedtar å innføre pantesystem, er seff en nyhet med svært potensial for Tomra. Nyheten vil bli offentliggjort i dag, ifølge The Guardian. Nyheten gjelder England, Wales og Nord-Irland. Skottland åpner sitt pantesystem allerede i august i år, og der er Tomra alt nå veldig på banen.

Også i Østerrike er datoer for innføring av pantesystem satt, og butikkjeden Hofer med 530 butikker har der allerede bestemt seg for å tjuvstarte, med Tomra maskiner.


Plastic bottle deposit return scheme finally looks set to start in England

Sandra Laville Environment correspondent
Thu 19 Jan 2023 15.25 GMT

Editorial Staff 20.01.2023

Hofer is gearing up for a one-way deposit

From May, the approximately 530 branches of the discounter will be successively equipped with reverse vending systems

How to improve the profitability of citrus packaging machines with Tomra Food solutions


Citrus packers are making an effort to meet quality expectations that are more demanding than ever, for which they must increase their volumes and improve their profitability

Equipment report

Tomra sees need for wood-sorting advances
To view the webcast, visit
Redigert 20.01.2023 kl 15:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
24.01.2023 kl 09:35 46322

Packaging And Design

The Deposit Return Scheme Will Change The Way Ireland Recycles

January 24, 2023 7:50 AM
By Donna Ahern


Haith to focus on optical sorting at Fruit Logistica

January 23, 2023

Redigert 24.01.2023 kl 09:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
25.01.2023 kl 20:56 46230

Egyptian investments in machinery grew by 25% in 2022

With the constant modernization of the agricultural sector in the Arab world and the increasing orientation to exports, the demand for machinery investments is increasing. 

blication date: Tue 24 Jan 2023
Author: Youness Bensaid

Would a global plastic treaty solve plastic pollution in Asia?

That depends on whether the region has an important seat at the treaty’s negotiating table, say experts at the World Oceans Summit.

Sponsored by: TOMRA
By Choy Myn
Jan. 25, 2023
Redigert 25.01.2023 kl 20:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
29.01.2023 kl 12:11 46084

Pantesystem Polen (ca. 38 millioner innbyggere). Tomra redegjør.

The deposit-refund system is getting closer. The ministry introduced further changes

January 28, 2023, 11:45
Author: kris/ToL

Who will pay for the deposit-refund system?

YOU/PAP 29.01.2023 13:41
Redigert 29.01.2023 kl 19:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
01.02.2023 kl 21:01 45844

Nestlé Germany, reusable revolution on the supermarket shelf

Take away, enjoy, bring back deposit – Reusable route has long been common for drinks.

Frankfurt am Main, 31. December 2023

Take away, enjoy, bring back deposit – Reusable route has long been common for drinks. Now this sustainable handling of packaging is starting #Coffee, #Kakao & Co. The new stainless steel containers of the Frankfurt start-up company Circolution and their compatibility with the existing deposit machines in the supermarket make it possible. The new one created in this way #Railway system – that applies to everyone #Food segments and expand sales channels – makes it easy for consumers to save packaging: shop your favorite product and return the packaging after your enjoyment using the normal deposit machine.
Tomra has been supporting Circolution in the development of reusable containers since the beginning of 2021 to ensure a smooth return process through existing empties return machines.

Sensor-based sorting technology drives electronic waste recycling

Terence Keyworth, responsible for Tomra Recycling for the metal recycling segment


At a time when electronic waste remains the fastest growing waste stream worldwide, Terence Keyworth, responsible for Tomra Recycling, the metal recycling segment, looks at how the latest advances in sensor-based classification can offer new opportunities for e-waste recycling companies.
Slettet bruker
02.02.2023 kl 20:20 45803

Kjempefint med aktivitet på forumet her rundt Tomta!
Men er det noen her som også holder et øye med konkurrenten Envipco om dagen og ser at de stadig tar litt markedsandeler hist og her fra Tomra? Har du først en post i Tomra tror jeg heller ikke det er dumt å ta noen lodd i dette selskapet også for de som har troa på at pantesystemer er noe hele verden må ha etter hvert : )
Rect Angel
02.02.2023 kl 21:39 45752

Leste at Envipco har en ambisjon om å bli en god nummer 2 etter Tomra, innen pantemaskiner. Konkurranse er bare sunt og veldig bra. Så stort lykke til til dem! Og selvsagt veldig flott hvis noen spiller inn her på tråden om selskapet.

For meg holder det imidlertid i massevis med Tomra. Man kan ikke følge med på alt her i verden så jeg konsentrerer meg primært om å følge veldig godt med når det gjelder selskapene jeg investerer i. Tomra er, etter min mening, et helt fantastisk selskap som jeg skriver i trådstart. Og så mye mer enn pantesystemer. Tomra sorterer alt! Alle selskapets forretningsområder er megatrender med kolossale vekstutsikter, og Tomra er globalt markedsledende innen alle! Sortering for resirkulering (Tomra rapporterte 34% omsetningsvekst YOY innen sortering for resirkulering i Q3 2022!), sortering av mat, sortering innen gruvedrift m.m. og altså pantesystemer. Innen pantessystemer opererer Tomra selv som systemoperatør i noen nasjoner mens de i andre nasjoner selger pantemaskiner til og vedlikeholder dem for, de derværende systemoperatører
Redigert 02.02.2023 kl 22:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
02.02.2023 kl 22:03 45734


Three new APIs integrate drink container recycling data into stores’ digital ecosystems

31 Jan 2023

Global reverse vending leader TOMRA has launched three new APIs that enable retailers to integrate data from shoppers’ drink container recycling into stores’ existing digital ecosystems and software. Part of the TOMRA Collection Developer Portal, the new APIs aim to make retail operations more efficient and maximize stores' return on investment into recycling infrastructure. In many regions, stores host drink container return points as part of “deposit return systems” to encourage the return of drink containers for recycling.

De fleste EU-nasjoner har foreløpig ikke nasjonale pantesystemer. Politiske føringer sentralt i EU gjør at alle disse MÅ innføre pantesystemer.

I EU-nasjoner hvor nasjonalt pantesystem er innført, finner Tomras store spekter av forskjellige typer pantemaskiner veien til alle slags typer aktører. Også bensinstasjoner.

BP Flame Dinteloord has a scoop deposit machine

DINNER – In the tank shop of BP Vlamings in Dinteloord, the first automated packaging machine has been placed for beverage packaging with a deposit. Customers who hand in their PET bottles, and from April 1, cans in the machine will immediately be credited with the deposit in the bank account.

Editors | February 2, 2023 9:41 AM
Redigert 02.02.2023 kl 22:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.02.2023 kl 13:17 45600


Imdaad and Tomra install sensor-based sorting system in UAE

The FARZ facility can process 1,200t of municipal solid waste (MSW) and consumer and industrial waste each day.

February 7, 2023

Norwegian recycling firm Tomra and UAE-based facility management company Imdaad have partnered to install new sensor-based sorting technology at a material recovery facility (MRF) in the UAE.

Named FARZ, the facility is claimed to be the country’s first automated MRF.

It uses Tomra’s AUTOSORT sensor-based sorting technology, which recovers high-quality, high-purity value recyclates.

The technology integrates advanced features and technologies into one machine and enables up to 320,000 scan points each second.

Built on a 45,322m² plot in Dubai’s National Industries Park, FARZ houses separate lines for municipal solid waste (MSW) and consumer and industrial (C&I) waste.

Tomra’s six AUTOSORT units at the facility help identify and separate plastic materials from the infeed waste streams, as well as sort high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) from mixed 3D plastics.

Imdaad owns and operates the facility, which is capable of processing 1,200t of MSW and C&I waste each day.

The company will collect C&I waste from the Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA) in an effort to help Dubai eliminate all waste from its landfills by 2030.

Imdaad chief operating officer Mahmood Rasheed said: “We were already familiar with Tomra Recycling Sorting’s technology because they have successfully installed numerous sensor-based sorting systems in the Middle East.

“By working closely with our team in the design process, Tomra Recycling Sorting has helped to deliver a highly automated and highly efficient plant that is achieving fantastic rates of recovery and purity with minimal requirement for manual sorting.

“The flexibility of the AUTOSORT technology and the ease of upgrading in the future should we need to mean that we have a future-proof solution.”
Redigert 07.02.2023 kl 13:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
09.02.2023 kl 21:59 45487

News Processing Equipment

TOMRA Food Appoints Sean Slevin as Regional Sales Director for North America

Feb 08, 2023

TOMRA Food continues to strengthen its commitment to support and deliver cutting-edge solutions to customers across the USA and Canada by appointing Sean Slevin as Regional Sales Director of TOMRA Processed Food, part of TOMRA Food, in North America. This follows the appointment in 2021 of Michael Ehr as Regional Sales Manager of TOMRA Processed Food for North America, which is TOMRA's biggest single market.

Sean is a 17-year veteran of TOMRA Food and the food sector, having held roles across Europe and Asia. His most recent position was as Regional Sales Director, Asia-Pacific, TOMRA Processed Food where he established the regional team and substantially grew the business.

TOMRA Food became a leader and partner of choice with Japanese, South Asian and Indian leading customers. Sean now brings his experience to the North American market, building on his engineering and business skills with the connection from his farming background.

EUWID packaging News

Coffee & Co .: Start-up circolution wants to create a reusable cycle for stainless steel containers


A company consortium around the Frankfurt start-up company circolution GmbH would like to enter the market with reusable containers made of stainless steel for coffee or cocoa products. These should be compatible with the deposit machines existing in Germany.

The consortium includes well-known names from the food and packaging industry. Circolution from the Nestlé food sector and the Frankfurt coffee roaster Hoppenworth & Bloch were able to win as partners. Amcor and Avery Dennison are on board on the packaging side. They contain the aluminum sealing film or the labels for the reusable containers. As a system and logistics partner, the start-up is supported by the empties machine manufacturer Tomra, the Optima Group and the pooling service provider IFCO. Hobart GmbH also contributes its expertise in flushing and cleaning technology.

„ Onita in Steel “ is the name of the stainless steel packaging solution, which according to circolution is suitable for foods with long shelf life thanks to gas-tight sealing. The first practical tests are currently underway in the Rhein-Main area with branded products from the cocoa and coffee segment, including „ Nesquik “ from Nestlé and the new introduction „ BE.AN “ of the Hoppenworth & Ploch coffee roaster.

Registration for CARS & MRE 2023 opens

February 9, 2023 by James Langley

Registration for tickets for the sixth Complete Auto Recycling Show (CARS) and the Metals Recycling Event (MRE) is now open.

Dutch Environment Minister to deliver keynote speech at PRSE conference


Vivianne Heijnen, Minister for the Environment in the Dutch Government, will be the keynote speaker at the Plastics Recycling Show Europe conference, which takes place on 10-11 May 2023 at the RAI Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Rect Angel
11.02.2023 kl 17:18 45358

Dagens Industri. Video (se fra 20:25).


Förvaltarna ser köpläge: Sex aktier att plocka

Ett doldisbolag, en aktie som blir vinnare oavsett hur marknaden går, och en aktie som rasat 70 procent men som nu har ett mäktigt slagläge. 

Det är några av bolagen som förvaltarna Pär Andersson och Hans Christian Bratterud tipsar om.

”Det är ganska unikt att de kan tjäna pengar både i uppgång och i nedgång”, säger Pär Andersson om en av sina börsfavoriter.

Uppdaterad: 11 februari 2023, 08:05Publicerad: 11 februari 2023, 08:01
David Levin
Rect Angel
13.02.2023 kl 22:11 45231

Koden bak pantehullet i veggen: – Ufattelig komplisert på baksiden!

Hva skjer når du panter en flaske? Det er mer innviklet enn de fleste tror, kan utviklerne bak avsløre.

13. FEBRUAR 2023 KL. 5.00

Kurt Lekanger
journalist, kode24

Det norske selskapet Tomra er verdensledende innenfor panteløsninger, med rundt 81.000 panteautomater i 60 land. Totalt pantes det så mye som 46 milliarder flasker hvert år verden over.

Men hva skjer egentlig etter at du har puttet flasken inn i hullet i veggen? Og hvordan sørger man for at ingen kan pante den samme flasken to ganger, for eksempel ved å jukse med strekkoder eller pantelapper?

På kode24-dagen torsdag 9. februar kunne programvareingeniør Johnny Njåstad og data scientist Olav Johan Horgen i Tomra avsløre hvordan det hele fungerer.

– Vi har et grensesnitt som er utrolig enkelt – hullet i veggen, for noe som er ufattelig komplisert på baksiden, sa Horgen fra scenen.
Avansert digital plattform

Tomra har laget en digital plattform som ikke bare skal støtte sluttbrukeren (den som panter flasken), men også den enkelte butikk og butikkjedene. Alle pantemaskiner er til enhver tid online, og mye kjører i skyen.

Målet er å gjenvinne 500 milliarder flasker i året, mer enn ti ganger det Tomra tar imot i dag.

– Da er vi nødt til å ha skalerbare tjenester. Det har vi gjennom Kubernetes og managed services i Google-plattformen, sier Horgen.

ARI becomes first UK hospital with 'reverse vending machine' ahead of new Scottish bottle scheme

10:20, 13 FEB 2023
UPDATED14:37, 13 FEB 2023

By Jon HebditchNews Editor
The reverse vending machine is provided by TOMRA.

John Lee, TOMRA's vice-president for public affairs in the UK and Ireland, said: "We are delighted to be involved in this highly innovative project.
Redigert 13.02.2023 kl 22:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
14.02.2023 kl 23:02 45122

Sortering og kvalitetskontroll av avocado med Tomra-teknologi/-magi i nyåpnet produksjonsanlegg i Mexico. Og mer avansert Tomra-teknologi vil bli tilført anlegget som har kapasitet til å sortere store volum. Imponerende!

Artikkelen benevner Tomras teknologi som new zealandsk. Greit nok, for Tomra er jo et multinasjonalt konsern, i ordets rette forstand, med produksjonsenheter i New Zealand og en rekke andre lokasjoner.

New Zealand technology at the new AgroExport plant in Jalisco

Jalisco launched the AgroExport avocado packing plant, an ambitious project that includes New Zealand technology.

February 14, 2023 | 1:05 am hrs
I had the opportunity to attend the opening of this complex, as New Zealand technology is present with a 8-line Kiwi TOMRA 5S Spectrim classification machine.

By investing in this New Zealand technology, value is added to the already precious Mexican avocado, since the machine does a full view inspection with infrared rays to detect the external quality of the fruit.

TOMRA 5S Spectrim has a classification capacity of 5 to 6 tons of avocado per line per hour, that is, if we talk about 8 lines, 40 to 48 tons of avocado are classified every hour, about 320 tons classified in an 8 hour day.

The use of this proudly kiwi technology is the first step, since in a second stage the installation of the TOMRA Inspector machine is planned, that makes an inspection of the interior of the fruit determining the percentage of dry matter.

The plant was inaugurated by Alfredo Rodríguez Flores, president of Agroexport, and the governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, who stressed that the state has 609 orchards, 11 certified packaging and 227 producers participating in the first stage of export.

At the event I had the honor of accompanying Rodolfo Rochin, director of Industrias Rochin, Edgardo Retamoza, Project Manager of Industrias Rochin and Alejandro Anaya, Country Manager for Mexico of TOMRA. Industrias Rochin is TOMRA's commercial partner in our country.

Fruit Logistica 2023 Comes to a Successful Conclusion

Fruit Logistica Produce February 14, 2023
“We had about 50 per cent more visitors than last year. That was fantastic. What is special at FRUIT LOGISTICA is that many visitors are C-level executives. That way, we get to meet various representatives of the same customer which speeds up business.”3_ Michelle Haynes, Tomra Food, vice president, Head of Marketing and Communications.
Redigert 14.02.2023 kl 23:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
15.02.2023 kl 23:16 45016


National deposit return system in Slovakia facilitated over 70% return rate in first year, says TOMRA

15 FEBRUARY 2023

At the end of its first year in operation, Slovakia’s national deposit return system (DRS) has reportedly received 820 million returned containers and exceeded its expected return rate at over 70%.

Said to be the first of its kind in Central Europe, Slovakia’s national DRS was launched on 1st January 2022, aiming to meet the requirements of the European Union’s Single-Use Plastic Directive and facilitate higher return and recycling rates for beverage packaging – in turn keeping litter out of the environment. A 60% return rate for PET containers was previously anticipated for the system’s first twelve months in operation, with a 90% return rate anticipated to be reached by 2025.
Due to the ease and efficiency of automated return systems, the growth of reverse vending machines is expected to continue, with retailers said to be purchasing additional machines or new machines with a higher capacity. Furthermore, consumers are said to be engaging well with the system; a survey commissioned by TOMRA in March 2022 suggested that 99.2% of Slovakian consumers knew about the country’s DRS. 77% were satisfied with its implementation and, within that figure, 55% were very satisfied.

“Slovaks have taken a very responsible approach to returning both plastic bottles and cans and are actively involved in it, which is why we managed to collect 70% of all deposit containers in the first 10 months,” explained Lucia Morvai, director of External Affairs and Communications at the Deposit Return System Administrator. “By reaching that, we have so far exceeded the legislature goal by 10%.

“We owe the success of the Slovak deposit system to high-quality cooperation. This includes the cooperation with TOMRA Collection Slovakia during the implementation period of the deposit system in Slovakia. We are looking forward to other shared goals and tasks that the next year of the deposit system will bring us.”

“The launch of the deposit system in Slovakia was very successful, thanks to the wide support of both retailers and consumers,” added Roman Postl, managing director at TOMRA Collection Slovakia. “They understand the purpose of the deposit return system and therefore have the motivation to learn new things in adapting to the new system.”
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 00:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
16.02.2023 kl 22:06 44944


TOMRA implements AI, small footprints and recyclable materials into new reverse vending machine concepts for drinks packaging

16 FEBRUARY 2023

TOMRA has revealed five new reverse mending machine concepts for beverage containers, including developments in its multi-feed reverse vending technology, artificial intelligence, and operational efficiency, as well as redesigns in the pursuit of sustainability.

With the existing TOMRA R1, consumers can utilise multi-feed reverse vending, or the deposit of multiple aluminium cans and plastic bottles in bags – negating the need for users to insert their containers one by one. According to the company, stores currently making use of the machine have seen, on average, an 86% increase in containers returned and a 33% increase in consumer sessions.

TOMRA’s new multi-feed concept aims to bring the same concept to a wider variety of stores with its smaller physical footprint, as well as increased flexibility and layout options thanks to its reported compatibility with all TOMRA backroom solutions.
The working concepts of the five machines will be displayed at the EuroShop retail trade fair in Düsseldorf between 26th February and 2nd March.

“EuroShop is the world’s biggest retail trade fair, and we are excited to preview for our retail customers TOMRA’s vision for the future of reverse vending,” adds Arnesen. “The TOMRA concepts span the entire product portfolio – from single-feed and multi-feed returns and backroom storage, to digital and service concepts – as TOMRA continues to set the pace for reverse vending innovation.”

The developments follow the release of the TOMRA M1, which claims to be the smallest three-material reverse vending machine on the market. The plug-and-play solution also hopes to enable smaller organisations to participate in deposit return schemes.

Mining Elites in Africa 2023: Consulmet – No job too big

By Mining Review Africa
Feb 16, 2023

Processing excellence is the modus operandi by which Consulmet has always operated – regardless of how small or large the project.

This is clearly demonstrated by the multitude of project work the company has recently completed, all contributing to an ever-expanding footprint of process plants that showcase the company’s technical and operational excellence. In maintaining this, pilot plant test work becomes crucial, and another area in which the business excels.


In early 2020, Zimbabwe’s largest privately owned diamond company, RZM Murowa, awarded Consulmet the design, construction, installation, and commissioning of a 500 tph kimberlite processing plant project regardless of how small or large the project for its existing Murowa diamond operation in the country.

The processing plant is for a project known as Crown Jewel and is destined to provide the client with additional life of mine, to potentially consider future developments and to access subsequent ore levels.
The end stages of recovery include three Tomra XRT sorters and five primary Debtech sorters and a recon sorter.
Rect Angel
23.02.2023 kl 21:52 44759

Fruit Logistics: A marked international character


Learn about the widest possible vision of what Fruit Logistica 2023 has meant for Spanish exhibitors and visitors in this compilation of evaluations on the development of the fair
Tomra Food

Roberto Ricci: “ This edition has been excellent and I dare say that it is much better than last year. Visitor presence has been good with high-level conversations and an excellent volume of requests for information and orders. In short, a high quality professional event. In this edition at Tomra Food we wanted to reinforce four messages mainly: the efficiency and optimization that our solutions achieve; innovation, the importance of AI and the Tomra Insight data platform; the importance of the client's voice, the center of all our work and, finally, Tomra's commitment to its partners, key in many regions of the world. I have noticed that many of the exhibitors have focused their presence at the fair to demonstrate their solutions based on automation, robotics and AI. ¡This is an unequivocal sign that our industry needs Tomra! In short, it has been an intense three days of hard work, meetings, networking where we have unveiled some of our latest products ”.

TOMRA Mining looks at the ore sorting fine print with latest innovation

Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 23rd February 2023

TOMRA Mining says it is breaking new ground with a new ejection module for its COM Tertiary X-ray Transmission (XRT) sensor-based sorter specifically developed for sorting small particle sizes.

The COM Tertiary XRT Fines sorter, featuring the new TS100C module and the recently introduced image processing unit, is capable of sorting particle sizes down to 4 mm in high-capacity applications with much higher energy efficiency, delivering a high-quality product at low operating costs, according to the company. Field tests have shown that it can deliver a 70% reduction in energy use on a production scale.

The new high resolution TS100C ejection module features a new type of ejector that is four times faster than previous iterations. Together with the new image processing unit, it delivers higher precision in sorting small particle sizes at high throughputs. The mechanical design of the sorter has also been improved by the introduction of a new splitter plate and more precise calibration equipment to ensure the greater precision in the alignment between detection and ejection systems required for fine particles, according to TOMRA.

The fast and highly precise ejection module uses significantly less compressed air to eject the particles, therefore, reducing the energy consumption. Extensive test work was conducted at the TOMRA Test Center, both with artificial material mixtures and real-world sample material. The tests showed a reduction in air consumption compared with industry standards, as well as an improvement in product purity of around 15%, the company reports.

“With the consequent cut in operating costs, sorting small particle sizes down to 4 mm with the COM Tertiary XRT Fines sorter is not only viable, but adds value to the process,” it said.

Ines Hartwig, Director Product Management at TOMRA Mining, said: “We are receiving a rapidly growing number of requests from customers to sort smaller particles. One of the biggest drivers of cost in sensor-based sorting is the energy used for the compressed air for the ejectors. The new TS100C ejection module successfully addresses this issue and provides an effective solution to this increasing demand. It is a groundbreaking invention to create more higher-value product and reduce product loss.”

To gain field experience on the new ejection module, TOMRA partnered with a customer who has been running a COM Tertiary XRT to produce high-grade magnesite for more than two years. The sorter removes up to 50% low-grade and waste material from the raw magnesite feed, with particle sizes ranging from 10 to 35 mm at about 20 t/h.

“After conducting the test work with the TS100C ejection module at the TOMRA Test Center, we were confident that it would be very beneficial for this customer,” Hartwig says. “We showed them the test results and outlined the benefits we expected the module to deliver. As soon as they saw the possible reduction in compressed air use and the consequent cost savings, they were very interested in doing the field trial!”

The customer completed several trials, documenting the energy savings and sorting efficiencies. The results showed a 70% reduction in air consumption with an increase in product recovery with a lower mass pull to waste by producing the same product quality, and a capacity increase ranging from 20 t/h to 30 t/h with comparable results, according to TOMRA.

The COM Tertiary XRT Fines sorter featuring the new TS100C ejection module has been installed at the TOMRA Test Center in Wedel, Germany, and is ready to run tests for customers on material samples from their mines, TOMRA says.


The TOMRA 3A: Belgian farmer finds an ideal solution to clean potatoes going into storage

on February 23, 2023

Eric Simoens is an arable farmer and owner of Hove Ter Hille in Jabbeke, located in the polder region near the Belgian coast. His farming operation cultivates potatoes, wheat, maize, and barley seed. In addition to a farm tourism venture, they also do contract farming for other farmers in the area.

Last year, Mr. Simoens’ farming operation experienced serious problems dealing with an excess of soil and dirt clods during and after the potato harvest. This issue was particularly apparent when a large number of workers had to be hired to clean seed potatoes in storage to prepare them for planting. Planting of early potatoes started in March, followed by late season potato planting in April.

To solve the dirt problem and clean the potato crop before storage, Eric Simoens’ farming operation contacted TOMRA and eventually acquired a TOMRA 3A sorting machine.

The machine was installed at the start of the operation line which moves potatoes into storage facilities, in order to remove excessive clods, haulms, and other foreign material. During particularly wet years, an excess of dirt can make up 30-40% of the total volume of harvested potatoes, according to Mr. Simoens.

He expresses his satisfaction with the results, saying, “We now require far fewer personnel to do a great job, and the TOMRA 3A also removes unneeded material that cannot possibly be removed by hand. We now have a very clean product in storage that is ideally suited to be delivered to potato processors.”

He is also impressed by the fact that the TOMRA 3A is equipped with a 4G internet connection, enabling him to get in touch with a TOMRA specialist if any problems with the machine’s functioning arise.

“The technical specialist can see the machine on his computer screen virtually, and together they discuss solutions and adjustments that can be made to solve the problem until the machine is back to perfect functioning again,” Mr. Simoens notes.

Rect Angel
24.02.2023 kl 13:06 44678


24.2.2023 07:08 • Nyhetsbyrån Direkt • 

STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Norska Tomra, som tillverkar automater för återvinning av dryckesförpackningar, redovisar ett resultat före skatt på 466 miljoner norska kronor för det fjärde kvartalet 2022.

Analytikernas förväntningar låg i snitt vid 406 miljoner inför rapporten, enligt Infronts sammanställning.

Ebita-resultatet kom in på 496 miljoner norska kronor, mot väntade 485 miljoner norska kronor.

Omsättningen uppgick till 3.477 miljoner norska kronor. Analytikernas förväntningar var 3.207 miljoner.

Utdelningen för helåret 2022 föreslås bli 1:80 norska kronor per aktie, att jämföra med analytikersnittet på 1:89 kronor. Året innan var utdelningen 3:30 norska kronor per aktie.

Börsredaktionen +46 8 51917911 Nyhetsbyrån Direkt

TOMRA: 4Q 2022 - Record revenues in all divisions and order intake growth

FRI, FEB 24, 2023 07:00 CET,c3722842

Rect Angel
26.02.2023 kl 23:05 44543


Efforts under way to gear up for nationwide bottle and can recycling in 2024

Shabana Begum
UPDATED 26. FEB. 2023, 5:50 A.M. SGT
When the proposed beverage container return scheme kicks in nationwide by mid-2024, drinks in bottles and cans are expected to cost 10 cents to 20 cents more.
Since December 2022, Norwegian reverse vending machine firm Tomra has been testing one of its machines at Changi Airport Terminal 3. In a few weeks, the firm will set up another model at Punggol 21 Community Club.

Ms Bing Zhao, Tomra’s vice-president and head of collection for Asia, said: “We will test one or two more models on their suitability in Singapore.

“Via these projects, we hope to achieve a higher level of public awareness on the return scheme.”

Tomra – which supports existing return schemes in more than 40 markets globally – is also working on a proposal that outlines what Singapore’s drink container collection network could look like.

Rect Angel
28.02.2023 kl 22:03 44185


Deposit system at the finish

Published: February 27, 2023, 6:20 PM
Update: February 28, 2023, 08:04
Implementing acts to the bail act are very important for system participants. The element of marking the bottle is the amount of the deposit to be determined by the regulation. Until we know the amount of the deposit, the manufacturer will not be able to produce the label. The amount of the deposit is also part of the business model of each entity that will organize the deposit system. The amounts of the deposit will not be returned in the system as a source of its financing. It is very important to implement the legal framework urgently, this six months. We need 18 to 24 months in a country like Poland to introduce the system, i.e. create an operator, create infrastructure, conclude contracts with beverage producers and commercial units, and the targets for collecting PET bottles become effective from 2025. – said Anna Sapota, Vice President of Public Affairs for North East Europe, TOMRA.
Rect Angel
02.03.2023 kl 12:00 43914

Tomra opens second test facility in Germany

Tomra Recycling Sorting opened a second test facility at its headquarters in Germany to meet growing demand for material trials.


From February 28 to March 2, TOMRA welcomed industry partners, customers and media representatives to celebrate the opening of a second test centre at its headquarters in Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany. The event took place within the framework of the company’s Integrator’s Conference. More than 200 participants from 26 countries joined the two-day event and enjoyed a diverse conference and event program. The second day focused on the extension of the test facilities that marked another milestone in Tomra Recycling Sorting’s long-term goals.

Previously, Tomra’s test centre incorporated both its waste and metal sorting solutions and is one of 8 facilities operated at 7 locations worldwide that give recyclers and plant operators the opportunity to test their materials on Tomra’s sorting machines before making an investment. Tomra itself wants to use the extra space for the development of innovations that can be extensively tested and optimized by specialized teams on-site. The company conducts approximately 650 customers and internal trials each year and anticipates the demand to grow in the future.

Med blanke ark... Nytt meglerhus tar opp dekning av Tomra Systems.


2.3.2023 08:39 • TDN Finans 

Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Barclays starter dekning av Tomra med en overvektsanbefaling og kursmål 205 kroner pr aksje, ifølge Reuters torsdag.

TDN Direkt Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 02.03.2023 kl 12:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
02.03.2023 kl 22:08 43848

How Nut Processors Can Benefit From Latest Classification Technologies

By Portal Innova / Grupo Prensa Digital
March 2, 2023


It is not easy for nut processors to ensure food safety or meet customer product specifications. On the one hand, foreign material and shell fragments can enter the product flow of the processing line. On the other hand, nuts can be damaged by both external and internal defects that can be almost impossible to detect. There is also a risk that allergens pose if one type of dried fruit is inadvertently mixed with another. However, all of these threats must be removed to protect processors and retailers from product recall and damage to reputation.

If this makes nut processing sound like Russian roulette, the good news is that it is possible to eliminate all bullets! This is possible thanks to the extraordinary effectiveness of the latest generation optical classifiers. In addition, current classification solutions provide a multitude of other benefits: they rank to specifications; minimize false rejections; increase elimination efficiency; reduce or eliminate the need for manual intervention; help solve the labor problem ( scarcity, cost, effectiveness ); reduce downtime due to eyestrain or repetitive motion sickness and also provide data on the product being classified. In this way, classifiers improve sustainability by reducing food waste, improving yields and profits.

Here we take a brief look at how optical classifiers accomplish all of this. We highlight its capabilities with four popular types of nuts to see the sorting solutions offered by TOMRA Food, an industry leader. By first observing almond processing, we present and explain the applicable technologies throughout the various stages of almond processing. We will also examine how classifiers work effectively on lines that handle nuts, hazelnuts, and peanuts.

Different classifiers for different tasks

As the nuts are peeled, peeled, and then processed, different sorting solutions are needed to perform various tasks. Initially, sorting machines take care of fairly basic tasks. As nuts advance along the production line, sorters become more sophisticated and specialized.
Rect Angel
04.03.2023 kl 20:12 43576

Klart for åpning av pantesystem i Skottland i august i år, sier 'Circularity Scotland', men der er uro i kulissene, særlig generert av politikere 'south of the border' som vil ha innføringen utsatt til 2025 da resten av UK skal innføre sitt pantesystem.

DRS ‘on course’ for August launch, Circularity Scotland says

March 1, 2023by Barbora Vaclavova

Circularity Scotland has said the deposit return scheme (DRS) remains “on course” to be launched in Scotland this August, as producers responsible for more than 95% of the containers sold in the country have now registered.

Seven out of 10 Scots back bottle deposit return initiative as Nicola Sturgeon vows to 'press on' with scheme

By Katrine Bussey, PA Scotland Political Editor
Ruaraidh BrittonTrainee Reporter
05:00, 3 MAR 2023

Sortering av 'french fries'. Video hvis man åpner linken.


TOMRA Food offers flexible sorting solutions for Simplot’s french fry production line in Tasmania

on March 2, 2023
Rect Angel
07.03.2023 kl 22:53 9597


Som nevnt, den skotske regjeringen og systemoperatør BIFFA sier det blir oppstart av det skotske pantesystemet i august i år, som planlagt. Men som også nevnt, der finnes helt klart de som protesterer og vil utsette oppstarten.

Deposit return scheme will alter Scotland's competitive landscape

16 hrs ago
By Kristy Dorsey@KristyDorseyBusiness Correspondent

Recycling is good, and litter is bad – on this pretty much everyone can agree. Achieving more of the former and cutting down on the latter will come at a cost, and it will also reshape the competitive landscape for thousands of businesses throughout Scotland.

Sortering. Gruvedrift.

TOMRA’s latest XRT advances open up processing options for miners

Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 7th March 2023

When it comes to particle sorting, size is everything. Whether used as a primary sorting method in smaller operations where product purity is paramount to profits, or in a scavenger setup downstream to capture value once lost to tailings, particle sorters are becoming more and more commonplace across the mining world.

They have featured in flowsheets in the industrial minerals space for decades, but they are now finding their way into metal operations all over the world as miners look to boost recoveries, reduce their energy consumption and, in many instances, rationalise their water use.

This makes TOMRA Mining’s latest advances in sensor-based ore sorting all the more significant.

The company is now breaking ground with a new ejection module for its COM Tertiary XRT (X-ray Transmission) sensor-based sorter specifically developed for sorting small particle sizes.
Redigert 07.03.2023 kl 22:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
08.03.2023 kl 11:37 9590

Pant. Polen.

Żabka is not waiting for the bail act. Recyclometers appeared in stores in Bydgoszcz

Source: MW08-03-2023, 10:27

Recyclometers from the TOMRA Collection stood in Żabka stores in Bydgoszcz. Pilotage is to encourage consumers to better manage waste.

* Over 45 billion a year - so many recyclable packaging goes to TOMRA Collection recyclates located in 60 countries around the world.

* This number will be joined by more cans and bottles from bottles in Żabka stores. The network has launched a pilot in Bydgoszcz to encourage consumers to better manage waste.

TOMRA recyclates in Żabka stores

TOMRA Collection recyclates have just stood in Żabka stores in Bydgoszcz. The network thus expands its portfolio of stores where consumers can return used recyclable packaging. This is another step of Żabka towards changing habits and building a circular economy.

Small stores choose innovation

– Żabka was the first network in Poland to introduce effective solutions that bring us closer to the circular economy. We decided on the next step, which is the „ Green Renewal ” project. Customers of our stores have the option of returning disposable beverage packaging in all, over 120 Żabki, located in Bydgoszcz. We choose experienced partners to implement our activities - one of them is TOMRA – says Joanna Kasowska, director of quality and food management standards in Żabka Polska.

Technologies support stores at various levels: collection, storage and logistics. At the collection stage, technological support is provided by recyclates, which stores often decide on due to their performance and a convenient and quick way to return packaging. Machines count and analyze containers, reject ineligible and, above all, pay a deposit, most often in the form of a voucher that the customer can use in the same store.

How to give bottles in Żabka?

Żabka customers will be able to use M1 devices - the smallest ( machine on the market, only 0.62 m2 ), which recognizes, sorts and stores glass, plastic and metal packaging. M1 has been properly designed to meet the current needs of the Żabka network. The machine receives two types of containers – PET bottles and cans and connects to the Żabki mobile application. Customers, instead of a paper voucher, will receive a digital payout in the form of japps. To start the session, they must scan the personal bar code from the application, insert bottles or cans into the recyclomat, and then the appropriate number of japps will be added to the account.

The vending machines also offer facilities for store employees. They contain a wizard on the screen with transparent cleaning instructions so as to minimize cleaning time. In addition, the Notify & Assist app helps sellers monitor machines in real time while notifying them of the baskets being filled.,116532.html

Rect Angel
08.03.2023 kl 13:07 9655

Greit å vite. Fersk synliggjøring av short så her 'jobbes' det. Lykke til!

NO0005668905 TOMRA SYSTEMS 1 491 079 0.50% 06.03.2023

Redigert 08.03.2023 kl 13:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
09.03.2023 kl 22:19 9580

I Skottland skapes nye, grønne arbeidsplasser som en direkte følge av pantesystemet som skal være oppe å gå i august i år. Noe som tas imot med jubel av lokal representant i det skotske parlamentet.

Tomra-ledelsen sa under Q4 2022 presentasjonen i februar at man allerede har inngått avtaler i Skottland.

Jobs boost at new North Lanarkshire recycling centre as a result of Deposit Return Scheme

The Motherwell site will play a key role as a regional collection and counting hub

By Michael Pringle
20:20, 8 MAR 2023

A Lanarkshire-based MSP has welcomed the announcement of 140 new jobs which are being created in Motherwell as part of Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS).

Gillian Mackay says she is “delighted” at the news of the employment boost for North Lanarkshire.

From August 16 this year, people will pay a 20p deposit when they buy a drink in a bottle or can. The empty containers can be returned to one of the thousands of return points that will be available and claim 20p back for each of them.

Waste management company Biffa is investing more than £80m to develop the infrastructure needed to deliver DRS in Scotland and around 500 jobs will be created across Scotland. A former parcel depot at Eurocentral industrial park is being transformed into a state-of-the-art recycling centre.

Following the launch of the scheme, the Motherwell site will play a pivotal role and form part of a network of facilities across Scotland that will count, sort and bale the billions of plastic, glass and aluminium drinks containers collected through the DRS each year. The material will then be recycled back into brand new bottles and cans.

Around 140 jobs will be created at the new facility, including multi-skilled operatives, HGV drivers, weighbridge operators and managers.

Gillian Mackay, Scottish Green MSP for Central Scotland, said: “I am delighted that the Deposit Return Scheme is already creating so many high quality jobs in Motherwell.

“This scheme will be a turning point for Scotland’s relationship with recycling and litter, and I am very glad that Motherwell will be playing its part while securing vital investment in our community.

“We can all see the problem, with far too many of our streets and communities being blighted by cans and bottles.

“Despite all of the scaremongering and the misinformation we have seen from the Tories, I know that people in Motherwell value our local economy and environment, and that they will welcome this fantastic news.

“It will also set the model for how successful deposit return schemes can operate across the UK. I am proud that it is being delivered by a Green Minister.”

Circularity Scotland was was established in 2021, set up by drinks producers, trade associations and retailers and was approved by the Scottish Government as the single scheme administrator.

Gavin Money, Biffa’s DRS Operations Director, said: “We are working closely with Circularity Scotland and progressing well with the exciting and ambitious plans for the launch of DRS in Scotland, which will see new recycling infrastructure developed across the country.

The Motherwell site will play a key role as a regional collection and counting hub, handling some of the billions of plastic, glass and metal drinks containers collected each year from across Scotland.”

David Harris, Circularity Scotland Chief Executive, said: “This is another important milestone in preparing for the launch of the Deposit Return Scheme in August. The DRS will transform how Scotland recycles, preventing billions of bottles and cans each year from ending up as waste.

"This is a ground-breaking initiative that can act as a catalyst for the green economy in Scotland, creating jobs and supporting local economies while also helping protect our environment for generations to come.”

Stor stemning i New South Wales der Tomra er operatør for pantesystemet 'Return and Earn' som nå har nådd milepælen 9 billioner innsamlede panteenheter!

(Mer å lese hvis man åpner linken under)

NSW recycles 9 billion bottles/cans & refunds $900M

9 MAR 2023 1:16 PM AEDT

NSW has reached a new recycling milestone today with 9 billion bottles, cans and drink cartons returned by the community through the Return and Earn return point network.

Danielle Smalley, CEO of Exchange for Change, scheme coordinator for Return and Earn said the community’s tremendous support for the scheme is delivering huge benefits to the environment and the people of NSW.

“While today’s milestone means thousands of tonnes of plastic, glass and aluminium has avoided ending up in litter or landfill, it also represents $900 million in container refunds back into the hands of the community.

“These funds are helping offset people’s weekly shopping costs, providing pocket money for kids and have become an important avenue for fundraising across the state, with more than $42 million raised for charities,” said Danielle Smalley.

When you combine the 9 billion containers returned via the return point network together with kerbside recycled containers redeemed by local material recovery facilities, a staggering 11.73 billion bottles and cans have been collected since the scheme began in 2017. This equates to 837,000 tonnes of materials recycled and a reduction in CO2 emissions equivalent to taking more than 400,000 cars off the road for a year.

James Dorney, CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway, network operator said we can all be proud of what we have achieved working together for a cleaner and more sustainable state.

“It’s humbling to know Return and Earn is having a positive and measurable impact.

“We have a proven record of success with 100 per cent of glass and plastic containers collected through the network reprocessed into new containers and other food grade packaging right here in Australia,” said James Dorney.
Rect Angel
11.03.2023 kl 17:11 9607

Artig liten historie fra Slovenia som forteller det meste, i forbindelse med nyåpnet, renovert SPAR butikk.

Skriften på veggen er tydelig og enkel å lese, for pant kommer overalt og private aktører går gjerne i forkant av myndigheter nå. Tomra er det soleklare førstevalget for de aller fleste.

Spar Slovenia in Jesenice

Donation to local associations during the renovation of the SPAR store

In addition, like most SPAR and INTERSPAR stores, it has arranged the collection of returnable packaging in Tomra vending machines, which is why SPAR Slovenia supports the circular economy. Spar Slovenija is always seeks to remain a responsible partner for society and the environment in which it operates, so the sustainable aspect has become, so to speak, a constant in any project or construction.
Rect Angel
14.03.2023 kl 23:20 9456

Etter 3 års ufrivillig pause pga corona, ble den gigantiske messen EUROSHOP nylig igjen avholdt i tyske Düsseldorf og Tomra var som seg hør og bør seff sterkt tilstede 'As an undisputed leader in automatic emptying systems, the Norwegian manufacturer did not come to Düsseldorf empty-handed', for å bruke formuleringen til artikkelforfatter CHRISTOPHE SANCY.

EUROSHOP Tomra presents his concepts for the ( near ) future


Three years after the coronapandemic, EuroShop again took place in Düsseldorf, one of the largest retail fairs in the world and therefore one of the agreements that we absolutely did not want to miss. Our editors made a selection of the most important innovations. Discover them in our series. Now it's your turn? Tomra who presents his concepts for the ( near ) future.

As an undisputed leader in automatic emptying systems, the Norwegian manufacturer did not come to Düsseldorf empty-handed. In addition to its extensive range of existing machines, Tomra took the opportunity to propose new devices that herald what is to come in the future, kind of like a car manufacturer that reveals a concept car. The first is an extremely compact bottle collection system, in vertical format to fit into the confined space of small convenience stores. The storage is done directly in a standard roll container.

Another first is the latest development of a ‘ multi-feed ’ processing machine for the collection of aluminum cans and PET bottles. Compared to the R1 machine that was released in 2020, this generation has a very minimalist design and maintains a very practical principle: the consumer does not have to import every empty packaging piece by piece, he can dump more than a hundred used packaging at the same time, which is roughly the contents of a pet bag. Of course Tomra has also followed with great interest the Belgian soap about the desirability of a process other than the Fost + collection, which has nevertheless proved its worth and continues to invest in improving the recycling rate. In Flanders in particular, the discussion is about the possibility of introducing a deposit on packaging to be recycled, as foreseen in the Dutch deposit system: regional minister Zuhal Demir has recently expressed support for this. Not surprising that Tomra is also in favor! Deposit means not only a collection point but also a refund, which is a very potential market that offers itself. However, we are not there yet: the idea is very controversial, not least among the shopkeepers.

The future concepts revealed in Düsseldorf demonstrate a sober, thoughtful and practical approach, both for the consumer and the retailer. For the customer there is the presence of a color screen with excellent resolution, and systematically the possibility to digitally deduct the amount of the returned empties from his customer account, without having to print a ticket to be scanned at checkout. At the same time, this also means that staff no longer have to replace printer rolls, which immediately saves time and frustration for the customer.

I Polen ser man frem til pantesystem, og Tomra er seff 'på ballen' også der slik man er overalt.


There, the deposit system works perfectly. We are still waiting for the project

PAP / aw

March 14, 2023 - 07:30

The amount of the deposit is the main reason for returning empty bottles and cans in Slovakia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands - according to the study. The survey showed that 93 percent people return at least 90 percent used packaging covered by the deposit system.

* The survey was attended by respondents from Slovakia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.

* The study showed that among the four main factors, because of which consumers are involved in the deposit system, the most important is financial motivation, i.e. the amount of the deposit.

* Work on the project to implement the deposit system in Poland has been going on for over a year and has been changed several times.

A survey by the TOMRA Collection shows that the deposit system not only allows to achieve high levels of beverage packaging collection, but also raises high consumer involvement. "As many as 93% of respondents return at least 90 percent of those consumed, covered by the packaging system. They most often use the amount of the refunded deposit for purchases in the same store where they received it ( 87% ) "- it was informed.

Konrad Worm from TOMRA Collection Polska, commenting on the results of the study, emphasized that such a large percentage of consumers involved is the result of designed and implemented deposit systems, including educational campaigns.

"We see full awareness among consumers about the effects of their daily habits. In this way they give value to raw materials that can be processed many times "- he pointed out.
The Polish bail project is waiting for government approval

Work on the project to implement the deposit system in Poland has been going on for over a year and has been changed several times. In January, the Ministry of Climate and the Environment reported that the last change concerned the factions that will be covered by the deposit system. The system is to cover plastic packaging after beverages with a capacity of up to 3 liters, reusable glass packaging after beverages with a capacity of up to 1.5 liters, as well as metal cans with a capacity of up to 1 liter.

Jacek Ozdoba, deputy head of the Ministry of Culture and Education, recently announced that the ministry has already completed work on the relevant project and it was transferred to the NAP. He expressed the hope that the government would soon accept the project.,447152.html

Guy Milette with Courchesne Larose

“Distribution of produce has become more technical and complicated, requiring more investment”

Publication date: Mon 13 Mar 2023
Author: Marieke Hemmes

Developing the business and growing sales was top priority. In 22 years, the whole team and myself helped Montreal-based Courchesne Larose grow by 10 times its revenues. How was this growth achieved? “In the past 20 years, we went through some very serious strategic planning sessions,” Milette said. “We sat down every five years to make a plan for the medium to long term and most importantly, we always sticked to the plans that were put together,” he added. As a result, Courchesne Larose grew into a group of nine companies with multiple locations. “We invested, we acquired and the strategic plan we put together in 2019/2020 was not only ambitious, it was also important for the future of our company.”
Service company

In general, the nature of the business has become more complicated over the years. In the past, distribution used to be simple. “Nowadays, customers all want different types of products, different quantities, different packaging,” shared Milette. “All of this means that we are no longer just buying and selling produce, we’ve become a service company.” Sister company Marcan Packaging used to be a citrus re-packing facility, handling millions of cases per year. However, with retailers increasingly shifting to packaged product, demand increased drastically. To meet demand, an investment was made in TOMRA equipment that gives Marcan twice the capacity.

The redesigned Tommy hypermarket at the Joker opens on Wednesday

P. AND. | 13. 03rd. 2023. | 15:12h
They also highlight self-service (fast) cash registers and a built-in Tomra packaging waste purchase apparatus.

Kingussie High School scoops first place for female investment challenge

 By Rachel Smart 
Published: 10:23, 14 March 2023|Updated: 10:25, 14 March 2023
The Senior Team, 16 -18 age group category (Gabi, Kirsty, Catrin, Zoe and Sasha) delivered a highly professional pitch on the sorting and recycling company TOMRA , whilst the Junior Team, 14-16 year category (Lucy, Tia and Jess) presented on renewable energy firm SolarEdge.
Georgiana Radulescu, vice president head of investor relations at TOMRA added: “We are very impressed with the work done by the team, congratulations! To address big challenges like resource scarcity and climate change, we need many ideas, perspectives, and diversity in both business and investing. It was great to see the girls’ take on our story, we are happy to have been chosen, and thank you for inspiring us back.”
Rect Angel
15.03.2023 kl 22:41 9370

Poland pays PLN 1.7 billion in plastic tax annually. How much can the deposit-refund system reduce it?

Author: ed. J.S Date: 15-03-2023, 12:24,220977.html
Rect Angel
16.03.2023 kl 22:14 9329


Tomra readies for World Avocado Congress

By Liam O'Callaghan16 March 2023

New packing line solution on show as Tomra Food welcomes the world avocado industry to New Zealand in April

Tomra Food is set to share its latest advances in post-harvest technology and present an academic paper regarding measurement methods for improving product quality at the upcoming World Avocado Congress.

Supporting the Congress as a Gold Sponsor, Tomra will host a pre-congress networking event at its premises in Auckland and host an Innovation Breakfast, with a presentation on artificial intelligence, at the Aotea Centre when the global avocado trade meets in New Zealand on 2-5.

At the event, Tomra will demonstrate its new Adaptive Rate Controller (ARC). The ARC maintains consistent fruit volume on the packing line to optimise sorter input by continuously counting fruit on a roller elevator and autonomously adjusting infeed speed. This is made possible by an infeed-mounted camera and pre-trained AI models.

Artificial Intelligence will also be showcased at the Toma Food Innovation Breakfast in the Aotea Centre’s Waihorotiu Room on Wednesday 4 April.
Artificial Intelligence will also be showcased at the Toma Food Innovation Breakfast in the Aotea Centre’s Waihorotiu Room on Wednesday 4 April.

The company’s head of innovation, James French, will give a presentation that starts by asking, “What sort of impact will Artificial Intelligence have on the food industry?”.

French will review how AI is already making a positive difference in day-to-day operations at food packhouses and processors before discussing how AI will become increasingly important to the food industry in the near future.

Inspection science manager, Robert Valkenburg will also present an academic paper that compares methods for rapid non-destructive and destructive measurement of dry matter, firmness, and rot in Haas avocados.
Rect Angel
19.03.2023 kl 21:36 9266

Tid19.03.2023, 18:00:05

MeldingsID 585616
Utsteder ID TOM
MarkedOslo Børs

TOMRA acquires 14% ownership stake in product traceability company Kezzler

TOMRA Systems ASA has acquired a 14% ownership stake in Kezzler AS, a product traceability company headquartered in Norway, for NOK 110 million. The investment is done through a combination of participation in the company's rights issue and buying secondary shares. Following the investment, TOMRA became the largest shareholder in Kezzler AS.

Kezzler AS was founded in 2003 in Norway and is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider that has developed a platform to enable traceability of products through their life cycles. The solution platform is scalable, flexible, and purpose-built to meet traceability challenges of large, complex organizations across various industries.

TOMRA and Kezzler have already collaborated in several strategic verticals and see a potential for mutual value creation working in closer collaboration going forward. TOMRA regards traceability and transparency to be important elements of circular business models. The investment in Kezzler enables TOMRA to explore and further develop opportunities in a strategic digital space.

"Through this investment, TOMRA will take a position with an important technology that can accelerate the required transition to circularity and resource optimization.", says Tove Andersen, TOMRA President and CEO.

"Already working with some of the largest brand names in the world, we very much welcome TOMRA as our largest shareholder. I am confident that we together can continue to scale our mutual solutions with the strong industrial support that TOMRA can facilitate", says Erik Langaker, chair of the board of Kezzler AS.

TOMRA Systems ASA Asker, 19 March 2023

For further inquiries, please contact: Eva Sagemo, CFO +47 934 39 911
Rect Angel
20.03.2023 kl 22:09 9303

Legg spesielt merke til at store EU-midler kanaliseres inn i prosjekter som dette.

Waste management in Gdańsk is entering a higher level

2023-03-20 |  13:15

Full automation of the sorting process, recovery of twice as much raw materials from all waste going to the installation and guarantee that the stringent standards for recycling levels by municipalities – are met are just some of the effects of the modernization of the waste sorting plant just completed in Gdańsk Utilization. The general contractor used the AUTOSORT optical separators from TOMRA Sorting, which are responsible for the quantity and quality of material fractions intended for recycling.

– Works on the modernization of the sorting plant lasted over a year. Today we are after three months of testing the new installation. Already, after its start-up, we know that our city has a unique installation for sorting waste collected selectively and mixed. Our sorting plant has the highest capacity in Poland. With – optical separators – installed, we can produce 14 types of secondary raw materials – says Grzegorz Orzeszko, president of the Utilization Plant. – Our installation is very flexible, we can respond to the needs of our customers and quickly adapt to changes in the composition of waste that reach us. Thanks to this, raw materials remain in a closed circuit, thus saving natural resources and reducing CO2 emissions – adds Grzegorz Orzeszko.

In addition to the environmental benefits of preparing and directing more raw materials for recycling in recycling processes, instead of transferring them for incineration, there are also those related to finance. More specifically, – very significant reduction of potential costs and penalties that the municipality would incur if it did not meet the stringent recycling standards. In 2022, local governments were required to recover 25% of waste for reprocessing, and in two years, i.e. in 2025, it will be 55%.

– We are currently unable to achieve recycling targets that will continue to grow in the future. That is why a holistic approach to waste management is needed, which involves improving existing waste collection systems within various fractions and sorting them, and adding new elements such as the deposit system or sorting the entire mixed waste stream. Changes are needed not only in the waste infrastructure, but above all in the approach to raw materials, which we can recover and reuse better and better – says Anna Sapota, vice president of public affairs for North-East Europe in the TOMRA group.

The modernization of the installation is another element of the waste management system, thanks to which the Gdańsk Utilization Plant will be able to maintain the recycling levels required by law, and thus Gdańsk will meet legal requirements and avoid penalties.

What is the character of a modernized waste sorting plant?

– The project uses the latest generation of AUTOSORT optical separators using groundbreaking TOMRA Sorting technology - FLYING BEAM ®, which is characterized by increased sorting precision, while lower energy consumption. Thanks to this, as well as the technological solutions of the process used, it is possible to obtain the highest available quality of separated material fractions, which does not differ from that obtained on the most advanced sorting installations operating on other markets, e.g. in Norway or Sweden. 
The modernization of the sorting plant at the Utilization Plant in Gdańsk was possible thanks to co-financing from European Funds under measure 2.2. Municipal waste management, priority axis II Environmental Protection, including adaptation to climate change of the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020. The total investment cost was PLN 68,880,000.00 gross, while the project received EU funding in the amount of PLN 38,080,000.00 net –, which is 85% of the amount of eligible expenditure.,b1112750506