Tomra Systems - nyheter

Rect Angel
TOM 29.12.2022 kl 00:30 101685

Slik jeg ser det, er Tomra Systems et fantastisk, grønt teknologiselskap. Globalt ledende og perfekt rigget for å betjene sterkt økende etterspørsel innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, i tiår fremover. Velger å starte denne tråden på forumet for 'Grønne aksjer'.

Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.

Quick-change MRF

Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.

December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler

* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Redigert 05.10.2023 kl 22:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
22.09.2023 kl 16:09 4369

Ja, og angående Hofer og andre supermarkedkjeder i europeisk 'Premier League' som ønsker å satse stort på 'state of the art' pantesystemer, er det vel kanskje bare Tomra som har god nok teknologi og tilstrekkelig organisasjon/support til å betjene dem på det kvalitetsnivået disse søker?
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 18:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.09.2023 kl 15:53 4376

Takk Rect Angel for at du følger med og poster litt nyheter her :) Sitter lastet i Tomra, litt på minussiden nå, men har troa på litt lengre sikt, så jeg har god tid... Hyggelig lesing det over her om Hofer.
Rect Angel
22.09.2023 kl 14:40 4426

Ja, CEO Tove Andersen svarte faktisk at hun ikke trodde Tomra ville bli negativt påvirket av en resesjon da hun svarte på et direkte spørsmål om hvordan Tomra ville bli påvirket av en eventuell resesjon under Q & A sekvensen, i etterkant av Q1 2023 presentasjonen i mai. Hun grunnga svaret med at det for Tomras virksomhet foreligger en rekke fordelaktige, politiske føringer/vedtak/lover fra diverse myndighetshold (min tilføyelse: f.eks innen EU for å nevne den sterkeste drivkraften), og at det stadig tilkommer nye slike.
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 14:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.09.2023 kl 13:54 4445

Den eneste aksjen som jeg ser er motstandsdyktig mot resesjon og økonomisk nedgang er Tomra. Det Tomra driver med vil forsette å rulle uansett hvordan det går med økonomien.
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 13:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
22.09.2023 kl 13:22 4454

Breaking News! Supermarkedgigant investerer langt over 1 milliard NOK i pantesystemer fra Tomra!

Ja, for her er iallefall en helt fersk nyhet om en veldig stor aktør som er på kjøpersiden fra selskapet. Den østerrikiske supermarkedkjeden Hofer har valgt å investere mer enn 100 millioner EURO (mer enn 1 140 millioner NOK) i pantesystemer fra Tomra, allerede nå 15 måneder før oppststart av pantesystemet for engangsemballasje (plastflasker og aluminiumsbokser) i Østerrike 01.01.2025.


Hofer is investing 100 million euros in new deposit systems

By Martin Roithner , September 22, 2023, 10:33 a.m

SATTLEDT. In Austria, a one-way deposit will apply to plastic bottles and beverage cans from 2025, and the reusable offering will also be expanded. Upper Austria's leading company Hofer is therefore converting its branches and investing more than 100 million euros in new deposit systems.

The grocer with headquarters in Sattledt announced this today, Friday. The discounter began rolling out the new deposit system last year; so far, 200 of the more than 530 branches have been converted. There should be a reusable deposit system in all stores by the end of 2024, and a return option for disposable packaging subject to a deposit from 2025. 

“We are making an important contribution to reducing waste and simplifying the recycling process for our customers,” Hofer boss Horst Leitner is quoted as saying in a press release. In the branches that have already been converted, it is possible to buy and return reusable containers of beer, water, lemonade and milk. It is said that more items, for example for juices, will follow. 

For the conversion, Hofer is working with the company Tomra Collection, which specializes in automated return of empties. Customers will also have to change in the future: the majority of deposit machines will be located in the entrance area of ​​the branches and not in the middle of the store as before. This is to make returns “more convenient and uncomplicated,” as they say. 

Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) says: "A deposit system is an important step in the fight against waste in nature. This allows freedom of choice when shopping and reduces our plastic waste."

Hofer employs 12,000 people and recently had sales of 4.6 billion euros.;art15,3882136

Hofer KG

The Hofer KG is one Austrian Food retail chain. It is part of the group of companies Aldi Süd, which is represented on four continents in eleven countries and has more than 6000 branches. In addition to Hofer Austria, Hofer S / E also includes Aldi Suisse, Hofer Slovenia, Aldi Hungary and Aldi Italy. The company is based in Sattledt in Upper Austria. The logo is identical to the logo of the entire Aldi Süd group of companies, but bears the lettering „ Hofer “ as a company name

Østerrike har vedtatt å innføre pant fra 01.01.2025. Østerrike har dessuten også innført pant for en del emballasje designet for gjenbruk. Her en GUIDE vedrørende pant i Østerrike:

Bottle Bill Resource Guide
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 13:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.09.2023 kl 11:51 4469

Kjøp Tomra nå og sitter med den, så kan dere selge med stor gevinst senere. Jeg selger ikke mine Tomra aksjer før kr 200 :). Store aktører er på kjøpside, kursen kan bare gå en vei, og det er opp.
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 12:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.09.2023 kl 09:15 3355

Kursen kan slutte over kr 134 idag. Hvis det ikke vil skje idag, så vil det skje i neste uke :)
Så billig som Tomra er nå. Så kan den også blir kjøpt opp ?
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 09:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
21.09.2023 kl 14:03 3455

Breaking news!

For dette høres ut som om at intet mindre enn et sensasjonelt og helt gedigent gjennombrudd når det gjelder 100% klimanøytral finsortering og resirkulering av plast nå er et faktum.

Om det er Tomra som står bak all sorteringsteknologien i denne millardinvesteringen, vites ikke, men som man kan lese her er Tomra eneste teknologiselskap som nevnes når det gjelder hvem som skal være tilstede under åpningen:

"Visitors from across Europe are expected to attend the inauguration. An on-site press conference will take place to share the recycling results and insights from the test period, among other information.

Representatives from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, TOMRA, and companies from Sweden’s food trade industry will also be present."

For meg fremstår dette som et case hvor skaleringsmulighetene bør være helt enorme! Over hele kloden!

Tomra-aksjen begynner nå etterhvert kanskje å fremstå som heller billig (se Seeking Alpha artikkel i forrige innlegg her på tråden for vurderinger når det gjelder aksjekurs), vurdert opp mot (det gedigne) potensialet?

For husk også at Tomra nå allerede har tatt store skritt videre innen egen forretningsvirksomhet og investerer i egeneide resirkuleringsanlegg som er under bygging, både i Tyskland og Norge. Gitt Tomras hovedrolle som teknologileverandør til dette svenske gjemnombruddsprosjektet, begynner det å bli ganske enkelt å skjønne hvorfor selskapet nå også ønsker å høste mer direkte fra verdiskapningen innen resirkulering av plast, slik CEO Tove Andersen formulerte det under selskapets seneste kvartalspresentasjon...


Grand opening for ‘world’s biggest and most advanced’ recycling plant announced by Swedish Plastic Recycling


Swedish Plastic Recycling has announced that the grand opening of its Site Zero plant site – which aspires to recycle all kinds of plastic packaging without emitting CO2 – will take place on 15th November, intending to commence a ‘new era’ for the recycling of plastics.

At approximately 60,000 square metres in size, Site Zero reports an annual receiving capacity of 200,000 tons of mixed household plastic packaging and a sorting speed of 1,000 pieces of packaging every second using sixty NIR sensors, laser and camera technology.

One billion SEK has been invested between 2019 and 2023. Now Swedish Plastic Recycling says that the plant has been tested with ‘sensational’ results; up to twelve types of plastics can apparently be separated and recycled, whereas similar European plants are thought to handle three or four at a time.

As such, it is expected that ‘practically all’ plastics in the Swedish packaging market will be able to undergo treatment and be re-introduced into a circular economy.

Mattias Philipsson, CEO of Swedish Plastic Recycling, comments: “Site Zero exceeds all expectations; we are now entering a new era of plastic recycling. This plant will be the driving force for the transition that needs to be made worldwide to significantly reduce climate impact and the need for fossil plastic raw materials, and to make plastics part of the circular economy.”

Visitors from across Europe are expected to attend the inauguration. An on-site press conference will take place to share the recycling results and insights from the test period, among other information.

Representatives from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, TOMRA, and companies from Sweden’s food trade industry will also be present.

When it was first announced in 2021, the site looked towards complete climate neutrality. Swedish Plastic Recycling stated that the plant would be powered by renewable energy, and any plastic that the facility could not recycle was set to be sent for use in Carbon Capture Storage (CCS), or energy recovery without climate emissions.
Redigert 21.09.2023 kl 17:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.09.2023 kl 10:03 3711

Snart vil kursen igjen over kr 150. I Jan vil vi se kursen over kr 170. Man selger ikke denne nå.
Det må være en kjøpsmulighet. Denne har skiftet fra bear til BIG BULL nå.
Redigert 20.09.2023 kl 11:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.09.2023 kl 23:26 3780

Deposit system to start in Nov.2023

Deposit system to be implemented Dec.2023

Deposit system to be implemented Jan.2024
Redigert 20.09.2023 kl 07:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
19.09.2023 kl 20:48 3835

Det er altså nå endelig vedtatt at Polens ca. 38 millioner innbyggere skal få sitt pantesystem opp og gå f.o.m. 1.januar 2025.

Her en relativt dyptpløyende (oversatt) polsk artikkel om Polens kommende pantesystem. Man legger jo her merke til hvor fremoverlent og tilsynelatende sentralt posisjonert Tomra fremstår. Og som jeg har antydet ved en tidligere anledning, er det vanskelig å forestille seg annet enn Tomra i meget sentral rolle på operatørsiden når systemet altså skal være oppe og gå allerede 1.januar 2025. Så overlegent størst er nemlig Tomra når det gjelder å operere fullt automatiserte, digitaliserte pantesystemer. Ja, jeg vet faktisk ikke om andre aktører som produserer pantemaskiner faktisk opptrer som storskala operatører av systemer slik Tomra gjør f.eks. i Australia og Litauen eller om de kun selger maskiner. .

Advantages of the deposit system. How many billion packaging will be recycled?

Author: ed. DC
Date: September 18, 2023, 3:39 PM

The act introducing the deposit system was signed by the President and published by the government. This means that from January 2025, a deposit will be added to the drinks covered by the new entries, which will be returned after returning the empty packaging to the collection point. TOMRA, which deals with, among others, will inform about the preparations for implementing the new regulations. delivering recyclates to bottles.

ABC of the deposit system. Which packaging will be covered by the new rules?

According to the provisions of the Act, the deposit system will include disposable plastic bottles up to 3 liters, multi-use glass bottles up to 1.5 liters and metal cans with a capacity of up to 1 liter. A deposit will be added to the drinks, which will be returned after returning the empty packaging to the collection point. Such a collection point will be every store over 200 sq m. area and smaller, which will want to join by signing a contract with the system operator.

Pros of the deposit system. As many as 12 billion recovered packaging?

Recycling is an essential part of the circular economy, allowing multiple processing of materials such as plastic, metal or glass. This process not only saves natural resources, but also reduces environmental pollution by waste and makes less garbage appear in public space.

The deposit system will effectively support such an economy, as many European countries have seen. An example would be Norway or Lithuania, reaching very high levels of packaging collection after drinks, which are then reused.

The current levels of municipal waste collection that are recycled are far too low - below 50%. The effects of this can be seen even on our streets, in the woods, on the beaches, where there is plenty of lying rubbish, and landfills are increasing. This will change after the introduction of the – bail system, says Anna Sapota, vice president of public affairs for North-East Europe in the TOMRA group.

Assuming a collection of 90% beverage packaging, which we can achieve in Poland thanks to the deposit system, Poland can recover over 12 billion recyclable packaging every year.

How to prepare for the introduction of the deposit system?

The deposit system operators should be appointed to develop, configure and manage the infrastructure needed to collect and process packaging. This means setting up one or more special companies, registering and obtaining the necessary permits and licenses that will allow you to collect packaging. The next stage is the registration of producers of packaging, stores as official collection points and products covered by the deposit system. A special deposit designation will allow consumers and manual refund points to recognize products covered by the deposit system.

Cooperation and good organization. What will the relationship between system participants look like?

Agreements between system participants are also required. They determine the relationship between producers and the operator ( be operators ), operator and commercial units and between the operators themselves. Another key element is the creation and implementation of IT systems supporting the processes of settling deposits and handling fees as well as reporting the amount of packaging collected.

In the meantime, stores that have committed to join the system should prepare an appropriate infrastructure to support the return of – packaging for both automatic and manual collection.

In European deposit systems, automatic collection has the largest share in the total number of packaging collected for recycling. Smaller stores with fewer returns will accept eligible containers manually, which is why the investment is minimal, i.e. a small bulk container and bags. In turn, larger facilities may decide to buy equipment tailored to their individual needs and surface capabilities. Depending on the recyclomat selected, it can collect from 1000 to 3000 packages per hour – says Konrad Robak, country manager at TOMRA Collection Polska.

The implementation of the deposit system requires the involvement of producers, retail chains, service providers, recyclers and regulators. The creation of a modern deposit system depends on cooperation and effective organization.

How many years will it take to mature the deposit system?

Deposit systems allow you to quickly develop measurable effects both in terms of accelerating collection, increasing recycling rates, supplying high-quality secondary food raw materials or reducing the amount of garbage.

For example, Lithuania achieved an increase in the collection rate of PET bottles from below 33% to 92% in just two years after the introduction of the deposit system. In practice, we see that the maturing process of the deposit system can last from 2 to 3 years after the official start. This is the period during which the operation of the system is refined – says Anna Sapota.

The first year after the introduction of the deposit system is a period of learning, adaptation and adaptation to new rules. Store owners, collection and packaging processing points will need to adapt the infrastructure to effectively handle packaging returning to the system. In contrast, consumers will be able to fully understand the rules introduced during this time, develop new habits related to returning packaging and include them in their agenda.,234783.html

Det sier vel seg selv at vi styrer mot kollaps hvis 'praksisen' med å tilføre verdens havområder 11 millioner tonn plastavfall i året får fortsette. Så her må mye gjøres. Veldig mye.


Plastics Treaty should roll out DRS, close recycling loops, and ensure transparent reporting, says TOMRA


TOMRA has made ten recommendations for a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Plastics Treaty, including mandatory targets, closed-loop recycling, transparent reporting, and the use of deposit return systems.

An estimated 11 million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans every year, says UNEP – threatening the environment and health by destroying ecosystems and endangering wildlife, among other impacts. With INC-3, the third International Negotiation Committee Meeting taking place in Nairobi, Kenya in November, TOMRA has worked with Eunomia to pinpoint the most successful waste management solutions from around the world.

TOMRA has made ten recommendations for a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Plastics Treaty, including mandatory targets, closed-loop recycling, transparent reporting, and the use of deposit return systems.

UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution

Learn more about TOMRA's recommendations for the UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution
Redigert 19.09.2023 kl 22:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
18.09.2023 kl 21:03 4044

Har vært i Nederland og der er en ny panteordning hittil en fiasko. Hovedgrunnen er at butikker ikke er pålagt å ha panteautomater, og at folk ikke gidder å stå i kø for å pante.
Løsningen er etter min mening tredelt:
- Panteordningen må inkludere at butikkene har fungerende pantemaskiner og da er pålegg eneste løsning. Det liker nok ikke politikere å gjøre.
- Pantebeløpet må økes: 10 eurocent er for lite.
- Pantebeløpet må tydelig stå på embalasje.
Rect Angel
18.09.2023 kl 20:47 4070

Spennende nyhet fra Australia, men først et par børsmeldinger.

Det blir stadig billigere for innsiderne å handle aksjer i Tomra. I dag bladde Mads Hultgren, nærtstående til CEO Tove Andersen, opp en drøy kvart million og kjøpte 2 000 aksjer til kurs 134.45 NOK.

Tre foregående innsidehandler:

28.08.2023 kjøpte CFO Eva Sagemo 725 aksjer til kurs 138 NOK.

17.07.2023 kjøpte styremedlem Hege Skyrseth 1 613 aksjer til kurs 155.20 NOK

13.06.2023 kjøpte styremedlem Pierre Couderc 3 520 aksjer til kurs 172.40 NOK

Tid 18.09.2023, 14:55:38
MeldingsID 599698
UtstederID TOM
MarkedOslo Børs

TOMRA: Mandatory notification of trade

Mads Hultgren, close associate to TOMRA's CEO Tove Andersen, has today bought 2,000 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 134.45 per share. After the transaction, Mads Hultgren holds 6,000 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA. Further disclosure details can be found in the attached form. Asker, 18 September 2023 TOMRA Systems ASA For further information, please contact: Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations, Tel: +47 91 36 18 99 This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 article 19 number 3 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5-12.

Tidligere sjef for Tomra Collection Solutions (pant) Harald Henriksen overtok stillingen som toppsjef i Tomra Food 5.juni 2023. I dag melder Tomra at Marius Fraurud er utnevnt som ny sjef for Tomra Collection Solutions.

Tid 18.09.2023, 09:30:08
MeldingsID 599627
UtstederID TOM
MarkedOslo Børs

TOMRA: New Head of Collection appointed

Marius Fraurud has been appointed the new EVP Head of Collection in TOMRA. Marius has held various leadership roles within Collection since joining the company in 2016 as Head of Research and Development, where he played an instrumental role in the development of TOMRA's multi-feed technology for reverse vending machines (RVMs). Most recently, Marius has been SVP Head of Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) in Collection with focus on commercially expanding and preparing new markets for deposit return systems (DRS). Marius holds a master's degree in Electronic Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and has previous experience from Alcatel, Ericsson, Aker Solutions Subsea, and the startup Axxessit. "I'm very pleased that Marius Fraurud will be leading TOMRA Collection. We are entering an exciting period with a significant number of countries looking to introduce deposit return systems in the coming years. With Marius in charge, I feel confident in our continued technological advancements in reverse vending technology and our ability to offer market leading solutions to both new and existing markets," says TOMRA's CEO Tove Andersen. Marius will begin in his new role on 1 October 2023. Asker, 18 September 2023 TOMRA Systems ASA For further information, please contact: Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 91 36 18 99

Pantesystemet i den australske delstaten Victoria har oppstartdato 1.november 2023. Tomra er operatør i de mest folkerike områdene og fikk nylig besøk av Victorias miljøvernminister Ingrid Stitt som ville besiktige Tomras pantemaskiner som i disse dager rulles ut rundt omkring i Victoria. Bare i områdene hvor Tomra er operatør vil systemet skape 200 nye arbeidsplasser.

CDS Vic To Create More Than 600 Jobs Across State

17 SEP 2023 10:42 AM AEST

The Andrews Labor Government will create more than 600 new jobs through Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic), which will reduce the state's litter by up to half when it begins later this year.

Minister for Environment Ingrid Stitt today visited TOMRA Cleanaway's Clayton depot to see the 80 reverse vending machines that are already being rolled out across Victoria before the scheme begins on 1 November this year.

CDS Vic is a new Labor Government initiative that will allow people to return their used drink cans, bottles and cartons for a 10-cent refund, with refund points planned across regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne.

VicReturn is the Scheme Coordinator, while zone operators TOMRA Cleanaway, Visy, and Return-It will establish and oversee the refund points and refunds to customers, as well as ensuring proper recycling of the containers.

The operators are each responsible for the collection point network in their allocated scheme zones: north, east and west.

There will be an estimated 200 new jobs across the west zone delivered by TOMRA Cleanaway alone - the roles created will include sales staff, technicians, collections drivers, refund point operator staff, and recycling sorting facility operators.

Reverse vending machines, depots, over-the-counter sites, and pop-up refund points will be the four ways people can return their eligible containers.

Wiithin the first year of the scheme, the Zone Operators will be required to have a minimum of one collection point per 14,500 people in metropolitan areas, at least one per town of 750 people in regional areas, and at least one per town of 350 people in remote areas.

CDS Vic is part of the Labor Government's $515 million investment to transform the state's waste and recycling system. This includes the new standardised four-stream waste and recycling system, supporting our target of diverting 80 per cent of all material away from landfill by 2030.

As stated by Minister for Environment Ingrid Stitt

"CDS Vic will not only reduce the amount of litter in Victoria by up to half and maximise the number of cans, bottles and cartons being recycled into new products, but will also deliver more than 600 new jobs across the state."

"From the beginning of November, the Container Deposit Scheme will put money in the pockets of Victorians, while also helping to clean up the state and deliver far-reaching environmental benefits."

As stated by Member for Oakleigh Steve Dimopoulos

"CDS Vic is set to deliver more jobs and strengthen Victoria's economy, while drastically reducing the waste that ends up in our environment."

As stated by CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway James Dorney

"TOMRA Cleanaway's 'West Zone' for CDS Vic builds on the community's existing exceptional environmental commitments. We have tasked ourselves with providing meaningful and skilled circular economy jobs across the 'West Zone' of CDS Vic that fulfil a diverse range of tasks and ultimately achieve positive social, environmental and economic benefits to all."
Rect Angel
15.09.2023 kl 10:47 4197

Vabskelig å skjønne annet enn at Tomra, som soleklar global markedsleder innen pantesystemer, kommer til å bli tildelt en hovedrolle i Polen nå som det altså er endelig bestemt at systemet skal være oppe og gå allerede så tidlig som 1.januar 2025.

Tomra stiger på ny pantelov

Regjeringen i Polen har fremlagt en ny pantelov. Landet kan gjenvinne 12 milliarder drikkeflasker hvert år, mener Tomra.

Publisert 15. sep. 2023 kl. 10.03

Eivind Aakre

Regjeringen i Polen har publisert en lov om et system for pant og retur. Loven pålegger pant på engangsplastflasker opp til 3 liter, gjenbrukbare glassflasker opp til 1,5 liter og metallbokser opp til 1 liter. Dette trer i kraft fra 1. januar 2025.
Nå venter det forhandlinger om hvem som blir operatør. Én eller flere selskaper vil gjennomføre registrering og skaffe alle nødvendige tillatelser og lisenser for å garantere et operativt pantesystem. Det er også nødvendig med avtaler mellom deltakerne i systemet.

I delstaten New South Wales i Australia er det Tomra som er operatør av pantesystemet. Der er man i disse dager i ferd med å passere en milepæl.

NSW container scheme nears milestone

The NSW Return and Earn scheme is on the verge of reaching the milestone of 10 billion recycled cans and bottles. On Friday the NSW Government encouraged households to help reach the mark in the next 24 to 48 hours, by taking their empty drink containers to one of 620 local return points. According to the statement, users have earned $1 billion in container refunds since the scheme began in 2017, and have raised $47 million for charities and local community groups. More than 923,000 tonnes of materials have been recycled through the scheme, with reuse of these saving enough energy to power 110,000 homes for a year and enough water to fill 23,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Two out of every three eligible drink container supplied in NSW are now redeemed, increasing recycling rates and reducing the beverage industry’s reliance on virgin plastic, glass and aluminium. Return and Earn is delivered in partnership between the NSW Government, scheme coordinator Exchange for Change and network operator TOMRA Cleanaway, and is funded by the beverage industry.
Redigert 15.09.2023 kl 10:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
13.09.2023 kl 20:42 4319

Tomra Recycling

Hvor i 'resurkuleringens verden' er det Tomra ikke er med, kan man saktens spørre... Her et nytt samarbeidsprosjekt som følge av at selskapet Greepath fra California valgte Tomra når de skulle skaffe teknologi-oppgraderingen selskapet trengte. Greenpath sier det slik, for å beskrive hva man oppnådde med det: „Tomra's technology enables us to raise the quality of the recyclate to a new level, which enables us to close the bottle closure circuit“



Circularity for polyolefin bottle caps

Greenpath and Tomra develop a mechanical sorting solution for the separation of polyolefins by polymer type and color.


„ The development of a mechanical sorting process to close the cycle for the recycling of caps in food quality is groundbreaking. The development of a system with which mixed polyolefins can be separated consistently and with high purity according to polymer and color is a real turning point “, comments Joe Castro, President of Greenpath Enterprises, Colton, California, USA.

The full-service recycler, processor and manufacturer teamed up with Tomra Recycling Sorting to integrate a sorting line for plastic flakes into the existing system. The sorting line was specially developed for the identification and separation of polyolefin closures from carbonated and carbonated beverage bottles. Greenpath is thus pursuing a vision: the creation of a recycling system for bottle caps that is as effective as it already exists for the recycling of bottles. „ We are at the beginning of the development of a sorting system for closures, similar to the one that is common for bottles today “, adds Eric Olsson, Area Segment Manager Plastics at Tomra Recycling Sorting.
Flexibility in mechanical sorting

Discussions about Greenpath's goals led to the selection of Tomra's Innosort Flake sorter. It was particularly interesting for the company that the sorter did not require a large footprint, which facilitates integration in the plant in Colton, California. After consulting on the purity, yield and throughput required to achieve Greenpath's goals, flake sorters were finally installed.
Castro admits that the inconsistent source material Greenpath receives is a sorting challenge. But the company was able to compensate for these fluctuations through years of experience and delivers a good, high-quality recyclate. Nevertheless, the company ultimately receives a mixed polyolefin material. „ Tomra's technology enables us to raise the quality of the recyclate to a new level, which enables us to close the bottle closure circuit “, he says.
Tomra's Olsson is optimistic about what Greenpath has achieved, the impact on the mixed polyolefine market, and what it means to packaging companies that are trying to, to achieve their goals for the recyclate content. „ We are just beginning to take this opportunity “, he says. „ At the beginning of the circular economy we stand for mixed waste streams from polyolefins. In the future, this will no longer be just a dream for polyolefins

Tomra Food


TOMRA 3A raises the bar: AI-powered precision in potato sorting debuted at Potato Europe 2023

on September 12, 2023

Visitors to Potato Europe, the outdoor exhibition for potato cultivation and machinery (Tournai, Belgium, 6-7 September), were the first to see in action the latest-generation TOMRA 3A sorting machine. Already the most effective sorter of foreign material for potatoes at harvest and out-of-storage, the TOMRA 3A now takes sorting and product classification to even higher levels of accuracy by utilizing advanced AI.

On-demand demonstrations of the TOMRA 3A were given at the TOMRA Food’s exhibition booth on both days of the PotatoEurope trade fair. Visitors to TOMRA’s booth also had the opportunity to talk with four of the company’s potato specialists: Global Category Director of Potatoes, Marco Colombo; Regional Sales Managers Alain De Puydt and Peter Janssens; and Area Sales Managers Wouter Oers and Grégoire Volpoet.

AI-Powered Precision with Dual Functionality

The TOMRA 3A is an optical sorter with dual functionality. It removes foreign materials from the crop before storage and classifies the potatoes by size after storage. It can be used as a standalone solution or integrated into mobile transloaders or mechanical crop cleaners.

Now that AI is embedded in the TOMRA 3A’s image-processing, it evaluates pixels in a more sophisticated way when assessing objects passing down the line, seeing how pixels are shaped against each other and looking at a cluster or an object as a whole before classifying and sorting.

This makes it even better at distinguishing between potatoes and dirt clods or lumps, which other machines incorrectly see as potatoes.

Unrivaled effectiveness matched by speed

The TOMRA 3A’s effectiveness is matched by speed: it detects and ejects up to 90% or more of all foreign materials – such as rocks, stones, soil clods, wood, bone, plastic, glass, metal, and rubber – while handling up to 100 tons of potatoes per hour. By scanning objects with near-infrared, the TOMRA 3A also removes green potatoes.

Introducing AI has also improved TOMRA 3A’s ability to classify the product. Extensive validation tests have shown that, depending on flow, it can measure potatoes by width and length with 95.3% overall efficiency, output, and connectivity.


Marco Colombo, TOMRA’s Global Category Director for Potatoes, said: “This machine was already best-in-class, and now it’s even better. It delivers cleaner potatoes and higher yields while reducing dependence on manual labor at times of labor scarcity. It’s also easy to use, clean, and maintain. PotatoEurope was a good opportunity to demonstrate this machine’s remarkable capabilities.”

Tomra Food

Efficient sorters are fighting the threat of toxic weeds in green vegetables

Publication date: Wed 13 Sep 2023

Toxic datura and nightshade weeds are more often harvested with crops such as green beans and baby leaf spinach, with the risk of getting into the final product. However, new sorting technology is now available.

Jacob Hobbel, TOMRA Food’s Global Category Director for Vegetables & Fruits, explains how to mitigate this risk. Of all the threats to food safety found on processing lines, toxic weeds are among the hardest to deal with. This has always been a challenge for processors, and now, changes in farming methods are making the problem more widespread. Increasing consumer demand for organically-grown crops, plus tightening limitations on pesticide use, are resulting in weeds becoming more prevalent.

The good news is that state-of-the-art sorting machines provide highly effective solutions. One type of sorting technology, in particular, possesses detection capabilities that only a few years ago were unheard of.

TOMRA Food now offers highly effective sorting solutions for every type of vegetable product, including IQF, fresh pack, fresh-cut, and canned. Although the primary purposes of optical sorters are to protect food safety and deliver consistent product quality, they also deliver many other advantages. The best sorters can grade to specification, increase removal efficiency, minimize false rejects, reduce the need for manual intervention, help solve labor scarcity problems, reduce line downtime, and provide valuable data about the sorted product. As a result, food waste gets reduced while yields and profits are enhanced.

The two sorting machines best suited to detecting and rejecting toxic weeds are the TOMRA 5B and the TOMRA 5C. Some processors use both these machines on the same line: the TOMRA 5B first, before the product is sliced or blanched, then the TOMRA 5C, with Biometric Signature Identification (BSI) technology, to make final checks between the IQF tunnel and the packing station.

TOMRA 5B for fresh produce

The TOMRA 5B is a high-end belt sorting machine that can detect and reject datura and nightshade weeds when mixed with fresh product. Combining 360-degree surround-view camera technology with one or more lasers and advanced shape algorithms, this machine sorts by color, shape by cameras, and structure by laser. It detects up to 99% of foreign material and is ideal for the targeted identification of extremely small individual defects in high-volume production flows.

Rect Angel
12.09.2023 kl 20:32 4429

Pant UK.

DEFRA som er regjeringens ansvarlige organ for utrulling av pantesystem m.m., utelukker å opprette en pilot før utrulling av pantessystemet for hele UK (England, Skottland, Wales og Nord-Irland). DEFRA argumenterer med at "There are currently around 50 countries with fully implemented deposit return schemes, including Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden".

Sett på bakgrunn av denne store utbredelsen av fungerende pantesystemer, fremstår DEFRAs standpunkt om at et pilot-prosjekt ikke er noe å bruke ressurser på unektelig som fornuftig.


12th September 2023
Cara Houlton

The department for environment, food and rural affairs (Defra) has rejected supermarkets calls for a pilot deposit return scheme (DRS).

In July, the National Audit Office (NAO) urged Defra to show the cost-effectiveness of the DRS by rolling out smaller pilot schemes ahead of the official launch, which is currently due to take place in October 2025, The Grocer reported.

This came as supermarket bosses expressed concerns that the scheme will cost retailers approximately £1.8bn – a figure ten times the amount than officials previously reported.

While Defra was questioned by the House of Commons’ public accounts committee yesterday over the plans for the DRS, the government departments permanent secretary, Tamara Finkelstein, said pilots would not be taking place.

She argued that in England, a pilot “doesn’t really work unless you do it end to end,” adding “the best information we actually have is from the schemes that have been running in other countries. That’s going to be absolutely crucial”.

There are currently around 50 countries with fully implemented deposit return schemes, including Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden.

Finkelstein also questioned whether the UK should raise the 20p deposit figure for drinks containers that is to be rolled out as part of Scotland’s DRS.

“We’re not at the point where the Scottish scheme had got to whereby it set a 20p per bottle deposit, but we need to take that back in as we look for an interoperable scheme.”

This comes as it was revealed last month that the DRS could be delayed by at least another year to October 2026.

Meetings between representatives of all the UK governments and industry bodies aimed at salvaging the scheme saw sources claiming a “fundamental rethink” would be needed.

DEFRA sier også at man for inntil kort tiden siden ikke var tildelt de nødvendige ressurser fra myndighetshold, men at disse nå er på plass.

Defra wasn’t set up to deliver waste reforms, civil servant says

Legislation and Regulation, England, Circular Economy, Treatment and Recovery

12th September 2023

Defra wasn’t set up to successfully deliver reforms set out in the Resources and Waste Strategy 2018, the department’s permanent secretary Tamara Finkelstein has told MPs.

Speaking to the Public Accounts Committee yesterday (11 September), Finkelstein said Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) has now made changes to ensure it can implement reforms to revised timelines.
Finkelstein also said that across the package of reforms, the purpose is to transition to a circular economy and establish the changes needed to do so.
When approached for comment, a Defra told Circular Online work is ongoing to deliver the EPR scheme and they’re continuing to engage closely with manufacturers, retailers and packaging companies on the design of the scheme.

Homer told the committee that the department had now implemented all the recommendations in the IPA report. She also said Defra is fully resourced in the programme management office, have brought in over 100 new programme delivery specialists over the last 12 months, and now has a delivery partner that enables Defra to bring in resource at short notice.

AI og deep learning.

For den som er interessert i et skikkelig innblikk i den enormt viktige rollen AI og 'deep learning' spiller i Tomras virksomheter.

Meget interessant, dyptpløyende artikkel for den virkelig interesserte. Kun innledningen gjengis her.

Smart Waste Management"Deep learning enables the sorting of new materials"

 Sep 12, 2023
Reading time: about 10 minutes

Fabrizio Radice, VP Head of Global Sales and Marketing at TOMRA talks about how deep learning is transforming the waste sorting and recycling processes, the economic and environmental benefits of smart waste management solutions and how it will shape the industry.

Can you provide an overview of how smart solutions are transforming waste sorting and recycling processes compared to traditional methods?

We define smart solutions in waste sorting and recycling as technologies using artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning.

For decades, AI has been connected with almost everything we do in our daily lives, from using Google to our phones and many more. It is nothing new, neither is it new to the recycling industry as the industry continues to be transformed by AI. With an increase in circuit automation and automated sorting processes, AI technologies already have a tremendous impact on our industry, globally. Optical sorters with valve block ejection have leveraged traditional AI for decades to drive sorting circuit automation and recycled product purity, enhancing efficiencies in MRFs and PRFS around the world and enabling more granular sorting of complex material fractions.
Traditional AI is used in combination with a variety of sensors – RGB cameras, near-infrared (NIR), laser, EM (electromagnetic), and X-ray – to automatically detect and process fractions. Traditional AI was a manual process: engineers the classifiers and deploys them into the in-house developed sorting software.

The game-changer for the industry is AI’s subset called Deep Learning. This powerful, smart technology opens doors to new material and revenue streams, recovering materials that are hard or impossible to distinguish from traditional technologies. A good example of this is the separation of wood by material type and the distinction of PET white opaque bottles in a PET stream. Also, the detection of PP and PE food-grade materials is possible with deep learning technologies.

In a nutshell, we consider deep learning technologies to be a powerful tool to bring product qualities and material recovery levels to a new level. A lot of materials that are currently sorted with traditional technologies, can now be recovered thanks to explicitly trained artificial neural networks – the heart of deep learning technologies.

Today, the demand for smart technologies is driven by the need to create high-quality recyclates, open new revenue streams that can't be accessed with conventional technology and provide sufficient volumes of recyclable materials to the market. With increasingly stringent regulations on recycled content in Europe, we will see a growth in demand.

Tomra Mining.

Her er det bare å åpne linken og la seg imponere over hva Tomra Minings teknologi utretter for Rockhaven Resources Ltd. i Klaza Au-Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, Yukon1.

Rockhaven Reports Excellent Pre-Concentration Results for the Klaza Deposit, Yukon

Published September 12, 2023 ACCESSWIRE

Bulk sample test work ~doubles potential grade by rejecting >50% of the initial feed

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / September 12, 2023 / Rockhaven Resources Ltd. (TSXV:RK) ("Rockhaven") is pleased to announce encouraging results from comprehensive pre-concentration (sorting) test work on bulk samples of material selected from within the mineral resources at its 100% owned Klaza Au-Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, Yukon1.

Read more:
Rect Angel
10.09.2023 kl 17:27 4580

G20 Leaders Promise To Triple Renewable Energy Capacity Globally By 2030, Agree To Work For Global Net Zero By 2050

Vishwa Mohan / TNN / Sep 9, 2023, 23:32 IST
On the plastic pollution front, the leaders supported the ongoing collective efforts to work towards eliminating plastic pollution by developing an "international legally binding instrument" on plastic pollution with the ambition of completing its work by the end of 2024.

What You Need to Know About the UN’s Draft Global Plastics Treaty

WWF explainer on the "Zero Draft"

by WWF
September 8, 2023 in Environment

What is the Zero Draft?

The Zero Draft is the technical term for the first draft of the global plastics treaty. It will serve as the basis for text negotiations over the next year, during which countries are expected to hammer out the details of the treaty’s framework before finalising the treaty text at the end of 2024.
The Draft is the culmination of proposals from 175 countries that have been involved in the negotiation process that kicked off in the second half of 2022 when the countries agreed to develop an international legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution.

This negotiation process is overseen by the Chair of the Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee (INC), which is tasked with working with the countries to broker the final treaty.
How does the Draft currently measure up to expectations?

The good news is that the Draft contains the most important and ambitious measures that are necessary in curbing plastic pollution. These include provisions for:

* Common binding global rules on plastic production and consumption

* Global bans or phasing out of high-risk plastics

* Product design requirements

* Waste management standards

* Extended producer responsibility

* Strong financial mechanism

The Draft demonstrates that an impactful treaty is possible. It shows how global measures, such as those mentioned above, can be formulated and provides clear suggestions for how they can be structured in the treaty.
Rect Angel
06.09.2023 kl 21:17 4710

Daværende miljøvernminister Michael Gove forkynte i 2018 med brask og bram at UK ved hjelp av EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) og pantesystem med oppstart i 2021 skulle bli en 'frontrunner' når det gjelder resirkulering av plast/bekjempelse plastforurensning med reduksjon av klimagassutslipp som konsekvens.

Koronapandemien gir selvsagt legitimitet til at ting tok lenger tid enn planlagt, men alt i alt kan man vel bare slå fast at hele prosessen til nå mest av alt fremstår som en farseaktig demonstrasjon av manglende handlekraft, håpløse konflikter mellom Westminster og henholdsvis Skottland og Wales om glassflasker eller ikke glassflasker i pantesystemet osv. Hertil har nok også lobbyvirksomhet fra særinteresser bidratt til trenering.

Så noen 'frontrunner' innen ERP og pantesystem er såvisst ikke UK. Det er det EU som er. Romania åpner sitt pantesystem senere i høst og Polen og Tsjekkia har vedtatt å gå for oppstart i 2025. Oppstart i 2025 er i.t.v. også Westminster sin uttalte ambisjon for oppstart av pantesystem i hele UK, men usikkerhet har spredt seg om hvorvidt man vil lykkes eller nok en gang må utsette tidspunkt for oppstart.

Ting har nå også begynt å røre på seg når det gjelder planer om innføring av pantesystemer i folkerike sørøst-asiatiske nasjoner som India, Filippinene og Vietnam. Det vet den som har fulgt med på denne tråden.

Så det hele begynner å bli litt pinlig for britiske myndigheter. Således var det hyggelig og på tide å endelig komme over en artikkel hvor en tung, industriell spiller (Alupro) maner til en samlende, konstruktiv prosess hvor målsetningen er et velfungerende pantesystem i UK, til beste for alle interessenter.

Waste Recycling and Reuse

‘Can’ the negativity, a thought-through DRS could revolutionise recycling, says trade group

September, 2023

According to insight leaked earlier this week, feverish meetings between government and industry bodies have concluded that the already delayed start date for the roll-out of the UK’s deposit return scheme is looking even more like a ‘non-starter’, with 2026 now proposed as the earliest likely alternative.

However, while frustrations continue to build across the supply chain and calls for a fundamental rethink of proposals gain increasing momentum, are we unwittingly designing a system that will not, when it’s eventually implemented, be effective? Tom Giddings, executive director of Alupro, believes so.

“Developed with the ambition of further driving recycling rates, as well as reducing litter and plastic pollution, the implementation of a well-designed scheme provides a once in a generation opportunity to revolutionise the circular economy of drinks containers,” comments Tom. “This is not a throw away initiative for the short-term, it’s a major shake-up of policy, industry and recycling behaviour that will affect every part of the packaging supply chain, environmental groups and – most importantly – consumers.

“We should be welcoming new and innovative solutions that have the potential to increase recycling rates and embrace the circular packaging economy of tomorrow. After all, the considered roll-out of a well-designed deposit return scheme has a real opportunity to drive fundamental change.

“While I’m not suggesting for one minute that the long and drawn-out process we’ve seen has been good, littered as it has been with delays and change, we shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Indeed, regardless of when the scheme is finally introduced, we should see it as a real positive and work hard to maximise its long-term impact.

“Some remain adamant on criticism and negativity but, throughout this continued period of discussion and collaboration regarding how best to roll-out the system, Alupro is committed to engaging with each of the governments across the UK – as well as the emergent scheme administrators – to ensure that the system embraces all the elements needed for it to be a success.

“Despite further delays, it’s really positive to see decisions being made that will deliver the best results. Continued support for a scheme including metal cans, plastic and glass bottles from both the Scottish and Welsh governments, for example, will ensure systems are implemented that consumers can really buy into.

“Rather than continuing this unnecessary war of words, let’s remember that the ultimate goal here is to increase recycling rates. Amid widespread environmental pressure, collaboration is key to navigating new policy and delivering the most tangible environmental benefits – not just for today, but for the future.”

For more information about Alupro, visit To read the organisation’s aluminium manifesto, visit


Nok en artikkel om aktiviteten til den franske supermarkedkjeden Carrafour, Tomra, Coca-Cola & Co i Romania, i forkant av at pantesystemet i landet åpner i november.


Carrefour Romania launched the latest edition of the Pay with PET program

Aurel Dragan 06/09/2023 | 15:42
Rect Angel
05.09.2023 kl 22:07 4743

Reusable take-away packaging has significant potential to reduce carbon footprint vs single-use options

Published 05 SEP 2023

Brussels, 5 September – Reusable take-away packaging could present a compelling climate case over single-use alternatives if return and washing systems are properly implemented and optimised, according to a new study today from Zero Waste Europe, Reloop, and TOMRA.

In nearly all types of packaging examined it found that reusable packaging can significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to respective single-use plastic or paper containers.
Geir Sæther, SVP Circular Economy, Head of TOMRA Reuse, added: «Based on our vision Leading the Resource Revolution, TOMRA feels obligated to contribute with attractive and efficient solutions for reusable take-away packaging. Mainly based on the solutions’ potential to reduce GHG emissions, but also due to proven effects on litter reduction and contribution to a circular economy. These are all positive results of pushing the targeted packaging application up the waste hierarchy.

Understanding and defining key requirements for well-working systems based on reusable packaging has been key to TOMRA, as implementing a badly designed reuse system could have a negative environmental impact.

Winning Aarhus municipality’s tender to roll out the world’s first reuse system of its kind is a great opportunity for us.”

The outcomes of this study hold great promise for guiding the implementation of effective reusable systems, emphasising the potential for emissions reduction and the significance of meticulous system design. The researchers call for large-scale trials to further validate and refine these findings.

Eamonn Cullen, TOMRA FOOD forklarer hvordan...

Finding efficiency through supply chain integration

Carrefour, Tomra, Coca-Cola m.fl. er igang med siste 'oppvarmingsrunde' før pantesystemet i Romania åpner om knapt 3 måneder.

From September 1, Carrefour customers will be able to buy Romanian fruits and vegetables with PETs, aluminum cans and bottles. It is the last edition of the campaign

Between September 1 and November 24, customers of Carrefour stores across the country will be able to "pay" their fruits and vegetables with PETs, aluminum cans or glass packaging. For each recycled packaging the shops offer a fruit or a vegetable.

Alina Stanciu - mar, 05 sept. 2023, 13:12

The payment with PET returns for the fifth and final edition in all hypermarkets of the French retailer Carrefour who concluded in this sense partnerships with Coca-Cola HBC Romania, GreenPoint Management, TOMRA, FEPRA and ECO Synergy, according to a company statement.
„ From the beginning, Green Point was involved in this project and we are happy to support this edition as well. As a market leader in the OIREP segment, we believe that it is our duty to promote environmentally responsible practices and to contribute to creating a cleaner and better future for all ”, said Dan Ceausescu, CEO of Green Point Management.

Carrefour Romania operates more than 400 stores locally.

Tomra viste frem sorteringsmaskinen KATO LUCAi som benytter seg av AI på Fruit Expo. Åpne linken for å se maskinen på bilde fra Tomras stand.

Photo Report: China 2023 International Fruit Expo

A successful International Fruit Expo was completed in Guangzhou over the weekend. The show took place from September 1 to 3. It is jointly hosted by the China Chamber of Commerce For Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce, and Animal By-Products (CFNA) together with the China Fruit Marketing Association (CFMA).
Sorting machinery by Tomra China. To the right is Jim Lan, General Manager – Tomra Food China. The Machine is the KATO LUCAi. It uses artificial intelligence techniques to classify and grade blueberry to precise market demands.
Redigert 05.09.2023 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
04.09.2023 kl 22:04 4860

Tomra melder ytterst sjelden enkeltkontrakter, men som global, teknologisk markedsleder innen megatrender inngår selvsagt selskapet avtaler på løpende bånd. Og noen ganger kan man finne nyheter om slike, hos andre kilder enn selskapet selv. I East Anglia kunne man lørdag juble over at nyopprykkede Ipswich Town lørdag ettermiddag snudde 0-2 til 3-2 seier i løpet av den siste halvtimen i hjemmekampen mot Cardiff mens 'East Anglian Daily Times' i dag videreformidler begeistringen Sackers, et 100 år gammelt, lokalt selskap innen resirkuleringsbransjen, gir uttrykk for i forbindelse med at selskapet har investert nesten 7 millioner NOK i en 'Tomra Find 2400' maskin.

Sackers's CEO David Dodds roser Tomras teknologi opp i skyene og beskriver investeringen som en 'no brainer'. Bilder hvis man åpner linken.

Sackers of Ipswich in Suffolk half-million pound investment

4 hrs ago
By Sarah Chambers

A fast-growing Suffolk recycling business has invested half a million pounds in a new sensor-based sorting machine as it continues to look for ways to cut landfill waste.

Sackers - which operates sites at Great Blakenham and Needham Market - has added a Tomra Find 2400 machine to its arsenal of recycling kit.

The machine uses intelligent electromagnetic sensors to find non-ferrous metal in waste material after it is shredded.

It means that items which would previously have been lost to landfill can now be recovered even from complex material and recycled.

The new investment will prevent "a significant tonnage" of material being sent to landfill, as well as enabling the processing operation to become more efficient, the company says.

Chief executive David Dodds said the new kit would mean the company can recycle more - and recycle effectively.

“The Tomra delivers exceptionally high purity levels with sensor technologies identifying material with metal fractions in it and creates additional value to our waste stream.

"This will help us with our sustainable objectives and really is a no brainer by avoiding sending material to landfill that can be further recycled. 

"We are always looking for ways of improving our processes and recover as much as possible from every item that we have over our weighbridge.

"The more we recover, the more we recycling and the worlds resources are left unscathed.

"Technology is always developing and advancing, so my stance is that we will continue to invest if it is going to benefit the business and the environment.”

Sackers, which dates back to 1923, sorts scrap metal at its Great Blakenham plant and carried out waste recycling at Needham Market.

The £60m turnover company - which employs around 100 people and recently scooped a King's Award for International Trade - is able to recycle more than 90% of all waste that enters the premises.

Satsing på gjenvinning av aluminium i EU. Tomra er med.


Funding project for efficient aluminum recycling

04.09.2023  A guest contribution from Martina Gschweng  Reading time: 3 min

Through the cooperation of research and industry, aluminum recycling in Germany is to be promoted economically and technologically in the next three years. Laser-induced plasma spectroscopy ( LIPS ) will save important resources in the future and establish an economical circulatory system for new aluminum scrap recycling.

The project partners will soon provide more aluminum recycling in Germany and will be supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics.
The merger of Lang Recycling, Pforzheim University, the engineering firm Jeanvré and the technology supplier Tomra, is accompanied by other partner companies such as Novelis, one of the leading manufacturers of flat-rolled aluminum products. Together they cover the entire aluminum value chain. Thanks to the broad positioning of the partners, the complete cycle closure of lightweight aluminum components in Germany can be practically tested and optimized. The partners are certain that their project will make an important contribution to the development of the German economy towards climate neutrality in 2045.

Resirkulering av papir. Mer om EnEWA med Tomra og Stadler i hovedroller. Interessant. Mer å lese enn innledningen som jeg gjengir her hvis man åpner linken.

Research aims to create recycled paper from mixed waste streams

by Emily Atkins September 4, 2023

A new research project in Europe is aiming to make recyclable paper from the lightweight packaging, residual waste and commercial waste streams.

“Regulations mandating the minimum content of recycled material in new paper products will require a significant increase in recovered paper for recycling. Even if we were to recycle all the paper collected separately with the existing process, there would not be enough to meet these targets,” said Annika Ludes, product engineer at Stadler, one of the project participants.

An award-winning research initiative, the EnEWA project, is looking at a solution to fill the gap by unlocking the untapped potential of obtaining recyclable paper from the lightweight packaging, residual waste and commercial waste streams. While the project analysis is based on the paper from mixed waste streams collected in Germany, the solution will be applicable, with some adaptations, to other countries.

The project kicked off in December 2021 and is due to be completed in November 2024.

“Participating in the EnEWA project is important for us at Stadler. Research projects such as this help us in our search for ways to support the recycling industry as we evolve towards a circular economy,” Ludes said.

“We want to drive change, build these plants to expand the sources of secondary fibers for the paper industry. We also want to work with packaging producers to design packaging that is better for recycling.”

Recovering paper from mixed waste streams

The members of the EnEWA project – Universität Siegen, RWTH Aachen University, Leipa Group, Propakama, Tomra and Stadler – have set clear objectives: increase recycling rates in paper production and reduce primary energy requirements and CO2 emissions.

The goal is to achieve an overall recovered paper return rate of 90% – including both separate paper collection and special collection systems, which today have a 78% return rate, and the residual, commercial and lightweight packaging streams from which are only a small part of paper currently recovered.

The project is also looking at what can be done to create the conditions for maximizing the amount of paper returned to the recycling loop. This includes discussions with German and EU regulatory authorities with recommendations for updating waste management guidelines to improve the waste streams feeding the sorting process; communication campaigns aimed at raising awareness among consumers about the correct separation of their household waste; and collaboration with producers for the design of packaging that is better for recycling.

Stadler and Tomra Recycling are providing technical solutions to extract paper from the mixed streams and sort it into different paper qualities for recycling.

In March, Stadler completed extensive industrial-scale trials at its Test Center in Slovenia to identify and resolve the issues arising in sorting paper from lightweight packaging, residual and commercial waste streams. The sorting process begins with the income stream going through Stadler’s ST2000 ballistic separator, followed by optical sorting with Tomra Recycling’s Autosort.

Gjenvinning av take-away emballasje er en ting. Motebransjen har også havnet under lupen.

Zero Waste Europe: ‘All we need is less’ – urgent action needed on fashion frenzy stripping the planet off its finite resources

Reusable take-away packaging could present a compelling climate case over single-use alternatives if return and washing systems are properly implemented and optimised, according to a new study today from Zero Waste Europe, Reloop, and TOMRA.

written by EUToday Correspondents 
September 4, 2023

A new paper by Zero Waste Europe is demanding a concerted effort by governments to bring the fashion textile sector back in harmony with planetary boundaries, outlining a list of entry points for the transition towards sufficiency. 

The paper, entitled “A Zero Waste Vision for Fashion” examines the building blocks for a sustainable transition in the fast fashion industry. Central interventions are a ban on the destruction of unsold goods, targets on waste prevention and resource use as well as financial incentives for producers.

The global shift from a linear economy to a circular one has long been touted as the answer to combat the overconsumption of precious natural resources. However, addressing this challenge also requires an overall reduction of material use. Policymakers must recognise major polluters’ market influence and move beyond blaming consumer choices.
Redigert 04.09.2023 kl 22:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
01.09.2023 kl 11:25 4978

Som allerede antydet, Vietnam med sine ca. 100 millioner innbyggere ser ut til å være ensbetydende med store muligheter for Tomra! Prossesene virker allerede å være godt i gang, med diplomatisk drahjelp fra norske myndigheter, som man kan lese her.

Og Vietnam er ikke den eneste, folkerike asiatiske nasjonen som sliter fælt med plsstforurensning, for å si det forsiktig. De som følger med her på tråden, vet f.eks. at Tomra allerede også er i dialog med indiske og filippinske myndigheter. Også der understøttet av norsk diplomati.

Potensialet for selskapet i Sørøst-Asia fremstår i det hele tatt som så stort at det nesten er vanskelig å ta det innover seg.



Tomra-CEO Tparticipates in NPAP plastic talks panel

Tomra was invited to the National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) Plastic Talks in Ha Noi, Vietnam.


The company’s CEO and President, Tove Andersen, took part in a panel discussion with industry representatives to discuss the UN’s Global Plastic Treaty.

Millions of tons of plastic exit the recycling system every year. Vietnam is no exception. According to a new report by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and World Bank, the country in Southeast Asia wastes nearly 3 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of recyclable plastics annually due to the lack of waste management infrastructure. Of the 3.9 million tons of PET and polyolefins (PO) produced in Vietnam, only 33% are collected for recycling. With global warming becoming more evident and plastic production and pollution increasing at a rapid pace, Vietnam is set to act against plastic pollution and mitigate climate change. The country set ambitious targets, including a 50% reduction of plastic litter leakage into the ocean by 2025, the introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policies and formalizing the informal waste sector. In response to Vietnam’s commitment to the cause, it has been invited to become a member of the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) to support the realization of the Paris Agreement.

Plastic pollution and its aftermath are not a regional challenge. It has global impacts. To end plastic pollution, UN member states are committed to developing an agreement to end plastic litter leakage. First discussed in Nairobi in March 2022, the UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution has the power to catalyse the swift implementation of waste management and recycling systems, address the plastic pollution crisis at scale and forge the path towards a circular economy for plastics.

To reach the country’s ambitions and examine the UN Global Plastic Treaty with industry experts, the National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP), together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), called for the NPAP Plastic Talk on August 28, in Ha Noi, Vietnam. The NPAP is a platform that brings together governments and other important stakeholders to act on plastic waste and pollution. The hybrid event is considered one of the measures Vietnam is taking to move forward in its fight against plastic pollution. Hosted by the UNDP and NPAP, the conference explored “How can business contribute to a Global Plastics Treaty.”

Agenda topics included: discussions about the different viewpoints and contributions of the private sector to the framework definition; implementation of the legally binding agreement on plastic pollution; and how the business coalition can foster partnerships in developing an ambitious and effective global agreement on plastics. Furthermore, presenters and panelists talked about the opportunities and challenges for plastic producers in Vietnam, considering that there are more opportunities than challenges.

Tomra, one of the founding members of the Business Coalition for the Global Plastic Treaty and an impact leader in the industry, has been invited to join the plastic talks to share its point of view on the treaty, its expertise, and recommendations. During NPAP, Annupa Ahi, Vice President of Public Affairs at TOMRA Asia, held a presentation on “The role of Asian and Vietnamese Enterprises in the UN Plastic Treaty.” Additionally, Tomra CEO Tove Andersen joined the concluding panel discussion with representatives from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the Norwegian Embassy, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Tomra, and the Viet Nam Plastics Association.

Tove Andersen explains: “Waste management in Asia is still in its infancy. The region has vast potential and opportunities to bring materials back into the loop. I see that Vietnam is taking on these challenges and is turning them into valuable opportunities for the country and society alike. We at TOMRA appreciate the collaboration we have with Vietnam and are confident that we can leverage our partnerships to help the country implement the necessary infrastructure and technologies to reach its goals. The concepts and technologies exist, but it is up to the countries and the industry to embrace these and make the most out of them.”

Part of the actions Vietnam is taking to tackle plastic pollution include the introduction of an EPR scheme in 2024 and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to reach its net-zero goals. Vietnam was the first country in Southeast Asia to enact an EPR scheme in 2022. Andersen paid particular attention to how Tomra supports Vietnam in negotiating the treaty and businesses, pointing out that Tomra’s close collaborations with the Norwegian Embassy, the Business Coalition, and the NPAP, combined with its advanced technologies for collection and waste sorting, will enable Vietnam to unleash opportunities, collect recyclables, and sort and recycle them into high-quality secondary materials.

“We believe that Tomra’s Holistic Resource System, which combines existing waste management practices to maximize collection of materials for recycling, has the capability to adapt to location requirements and future needs. It is our mission to enable a world without waste and our priority to welcome opportunities and strategic partnerships to make this happen,” adds Andersen. In the long term, Vietnam, very traditional in waste management, is expected to undergo an impactful change in managing the tons of plastic produced, consumed, and discarded through a holistic approach that encompasses the entire plastic value chain and addresses the full lifecycle of plastic. Moreover, current waste management practices shall be improved, and the informal waste sector be integrated into formalized waste management and recycling infrastructures.

The event in Ha Noi was not the first meeting between Tomra and local industry representatives. Their cooperation started earlier. In February 2023, Tomra welcomed a senior delegation of MONRE at its headquarters in Germany and Norway to review the company’s state-of-the-art sorting machines for waste recycling and its deposit return system that provides beverage container collection rates of up to 90% or more, depending on the country. Given these promising recovery rates that are crucial for bringing greater circularity to the country and valuable recyclables out of the environment, Tomra works closely with the Norwegian Embassy and MONRE. The joint actions include a proposal for DRS design for Vietnam and further holistic waste management concepts that help get closer to the concept of a circular economy.

Andersen concludes: “I am impressed by Vietnam’s commitment to tackling plastic pollution and glad that Tomra will be part of their journey to a circular economy. For us, a solution should include advancing current waste management practices and integrating the informal waste sector into a formalized waste management and recycling infrastructure, not only in Vietnam but globally. With each step we take, we are creating a healthier planet and additional jobs.”

After joining the new office opening of Tomra in Xiamen, China, and the successful participation at the National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) Plastic Talks in Ha Noi, Tove Andersen met the Minister of MONRE. It has been emphasized that Tomra will continue to collaborate with the Norwegian Embassy to support Vietnam in implementing the EPR system, to help in its transition to a circular economy, and to achieve the NetZero goals Vietnam committed at the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26).
Rect Angel
31.08.2023 kl 23:23 5122

En 'liten, stor' nyhet fra Romania som fint illustrerer hvilken liga Tomra spiller i. Carrefour er ifølge Wikipedia verdens 8.største supermarkedkjede og Coca-Cola er blant partnerne i dette stuntet for å fremme resirkulering, før åpningen av landets pantesystem.

Romania åpner sitt nasjonale pantesystem 30.november 2023.


Carrefour Romania opens the first hypermarket in Alba Iulia and continues to expand nationally

Thursday 31 August 2023
Care for the environment and community

As part of Carrefour's strategy to protect the environment, Carrefour is bringing from September 1-3, between 9.00 and 18.00, the latest edition of the Pay with PET caravan , during which Carrefour customers can purchase fresh fruit and vegetables, grown locally, at the price special of 1 PET, 1 aluminum can or 1 glass package per piece. Moreover, for each rPET DORNA water container , made from 100% recycled and 100% recyclable plastic, customers receive a double amount of fruit and vegetables. Payment with PET is a Carrefour initiative in partnership with Coca-Cola HBC, GreenPointManagement, TOMRA, EcoSynergy and FEPRA .
Redigert 31.08.2023 kl 23:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
31.08.2023 kl 12:10 5183

For n'te gang vinkles det negativt mot Tomra som en følge av britiske myndigheters manglende handlekraft når det gjelder å få på plass et pantesystem som man 'for så lenge siden at noen knapt husker det' har skrytt av at skulle vært oppe og gå for flere år siden.

Ikke ideelt, men Tomra Collection Solutions (som rapporterte ATH omsetning i Q2 2023 tross fravær av forventede inntekter fra Skottland) er mye større enn dette, og har hendene fulle i årevis fremover i EU-nasjoner. Og når kommer nyhetene om at store asiatiske nasjoner nå for alvor og for fullt går for pantesystemer?

Ja, hvis England, Skottland, Wales og Nord-Irland (UK) nå faktisk endelig blir enige om et FELLES PANTESYSTEM FOR HELE UK MED OPPSTART I 2026, er dette faktisk, i praksis en avklarende og god nyhet for Tomra Collection Solutions.

Her en fersk artikkel om tematikken publisert av Daily Record, for mindre enn en time suden.

Deposit Return Scheme facing further 'delay' until 2026 at the earliest

NEW: Minsters have reportedly been told the rollout of the policy across the UK will not occur in October 2025.

By Paul Hutcheon Political Editor, Daily Record
10:18, 31 AUG 2023

The rollout of the shambolic deposit return scheme across the UK may be delayed until 2026. Industry sources believe the current date of autumn 2025 is unachievable.

Under the Scottish Government's DRS, shoppers would have paid a 20p deposit every time they bought a drink in a can or bottle. The cash would be refunded to the customer when the empty containers were returned for recycling.

But the MSP scheme was effectively vetoed by the UK Government when they demanded the exclusion of glass items. Scottish Ministers said implementation of DRS would be delayed until October 2025, when it would be aligned with the UK scheme.

According to a report in the Grocer, an industry website, even this timeframe looks to be at risk. A source said: “It’s become clear that October 2025 is a non-starter. Even 2026 is a very big question mark for the industry.”

It was reported that meetings between government and industry bodies aimed at salvaging the scheme agreed that the already delayed start date is unachievable.

Mo Razzaq, National Vice President of the Federation of Independent Retailers, said: "If the deposit return scheme is indeed delayed, it is perhaps not the worst thing that can happen. After the disappointing end to the Scottish Government scheme, we need to have a properly planned one which truly works when it comes into contact with the real world.

“The new scheme will get off the ground quicker if we accept soon that we need one standard scheme for the whole of the UK and one organisation running it. Right now we're spending endless time in talks trying to work out the impossible - how the different practices in each part of the UK can work seamlessly together."

Ahead of the Scottish scheme's collapse, Green Minister Lorna Slater was criticised for her handling of the policy. She survived a motion of no confidence before the summer recess.
Redigert 31.08.2023 kl 12:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
30.08.2023 kl 22:53 5252

Vietnam (igjen). Omfattende artikkel (på vietnamesisk). Interesserte får åpne linken (og eventuelt oversette til ønsket språk).

Spesielt interessant for oss er at CEO Tove Anderesen har deltatt i møtevirksomhet. Deltakelse på høyeste nivå kan jo tyde på at store ting kan være under oppseiling ettersom myndighetene synes å ta problematikken på største alvor. Vietnam har ca. 100 millioner innbyggere.

Urgently perform recycling responsibilities with packaging products

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is planning to review and inspect for businesses that have not seriously implemented recycling responsibilities, waste collection and disposal.

Hoang Nam (TTXVN/Vietnam+) 08/30/2023 17:05 GMT+7
Ms. Tove Andersen, President and General Manager of TOMRA-the world's leading enterprise in waste recycling collection technology, said that, Businesses need to be part of the solution and set specific goals and targets. Businesses need experience in sorting, collecting waste and creating the most appropriate value chain for the plastic life cycle in countries. Business participation will help make recommendations and solutions that jointly promote EPR implementation.

Tomra fremstår som veldig fremoverlente i Polen. Her innledningen til en dyptpløyende artikkel.

Circular economy and raw material security

Published: August 30, 2023, 5:00 PM

We're on the right track, but we can't rest on our laurels - Anna Sapota, vice president of. public affairs for North-East Europe in the TOMRA Group in a special publishing house summarizing the several-month series of debates „ Forum”

We are approaching the creation of a system that will help solve the problem of waste of raw materials and stimulate the circular economy. Thanks to the deposit system, Poland will be able to get closer to the recycling targets that the EU has imposed on member countries.

By 2035, we should achieve at least 65% recycling of all municipal waste generated. What's more, the system will contribute to increasing recycling levels in municipalities by reporting collection levels for which a provision in the bill has appeared. As TOMRA –, a company that has many years of experience in creating solutions for holistic waste and raw materials management –, we fully support all records that clearly describe the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved. We hope that Polish consumers will be able to widely recycle used beverage packaging as early as 2025. For this to happen, it is necessary to approve the law on the deposit system as soon as possible, this year.

Mer gruvedrift. Er veldig imponert over hva Tomras teknologi utretter innen det forretningsområdet. Suksesshistoriene triller inn som perler på en snor.

Eloro Resources Announces Robust Initial Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of 670 million tonnes containing 1.15 Billion In-situ Ounces Silver Equivalent for Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

August 30, 2023 06:00 ET| Source: Eloro Resources Ltd.
On July 26, 2023, Eloro released results of substantial metallurgical work on samples from the polymetallic and tin domains. Preliminary tests at TOMRA in Germany indicate the mineralization at Iska Iska is amenable to “ore-sorting” with removal of at least 40% of the waste in the Polymetallic Domain and up to 80% in the Tin Domain which would substantially increase concentrator feed grades as well as reduce future operating costs and significantly lower the cut off grades (COG) for the pending mineral resource estimate (MRE).

Positive “ore-sorting” results were obtained from composite samples of both the tin (Sn) and polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) mineralization domains in the Santa Barbara deposit indicating its wide applicability throughout the entire deposit.
Redigert 30.08.2023 kl 22:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
29.08.2023 kl 22:08 5320

NewsIN BRIEF: Marula Mining buys ore sorters to expand Blesberg capacity

Marula Mining PLC - Africa-focused mining and development company - Buys x-ray fluorescent ore ...

Alliance News 29 August, 2023 | 5:28PM

Marula Mining PLC - Africa-focused mining and development company - Buys x-ray fluorescent ore sorters for ZAR40.6 million, around GBP1.7 million, from Q Global Mining Pty Ltd to expand the processing capacity on the Blesberg lithium & tantalum mine project in South Africa. XRF ore sorter Rados SRF100-8 has a capacity of 30 tonnes per hour, and Tomra COM XRT 1200 has a capacity of 120 tonnes per hour. "The XRF ore sorters will both be included in the proposed expanded processing facilities at Blesberg that, in addition to new crushing and screening equipment, is planned to increase the production capacity of high-grade spodumene ore to over 1,000 tonnes per month of saleable product," Marula says.

Current stock price: 14.50 pence, up 0.8% on Tuesday

12-month change: up from 2.00p on August 22, 2022

By Tom Budszus, Alliance News reporter

Comments and questions to

Copyright 2023 Alliance News Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Har postet her på tråden tidligere om dette meget interessante samarbeidsprosjektet/konsortiet som har svært ambisiøse resirkuleringsmål når det gjelder papir, og hvor bl.a. Tomra og Stadler er med. Her er en dyptpløyende artikkel for interesserte.

Research project: recycling paper from mixed waste

The world produces and consumes vast amounts of paper for a wide variety of uses.

Recovering paper from mixed waste streams

The members of the EnEWA project – Universität Siegen, RWTH Aachen University, Leipa Group, Propakma, Tomra and Stadler – are developing a solution for recovering and recycling paper from the lightweight packaging, residual waste and commercial waste streams. They have set clear objectives: increase recycling rates in paper production and reduce primary energy requirements and CO2 emissions. The goal is to achieve an overall recovered paper return rate of 90% – including both separate paper collection and special collection systems, which today have a 78% return rate, and the residual, commercial and lightweight packaging streams from which barely a small part of paper is currently recovered.
Redigert 29.08.2023 kl 22:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
28.08.2023 kl 21:30 5388

De som følger med her på tråden, vet at Århus kommune valgte Tomra til å sette opp et pantesystem for kaffekopper og takeaway emballasje i kommunen (se innlegg 13.06.2023 kl 22:36 på denne tråden for mer).

I denne artikkelen får vi vite at sterke krefter i Australia aggiterer for et liggende, nasjonalt system i Australia. Det henvises til Tomras pantesystem i Århus og at flere europeiske byer vurderer oppstart av lignende systemer.

Når det gjelder klimagassutslipp og plastforurensning, er vel ikke scenarioet vi står overfor globalt så veldig komplisert? Begge deler må kraftig ned hvis kloden skal forbli beboelig også i fremtiden. Men foreløpig er det meste ugjort så vanskelig å skjønne annet enn at Tomra som globalt matkedsledende innen alle sin virksomheter, har særdeles lyse fremtidsutsikter og et enormt vekstpotensial.


Time for the Reuse Revolution in Australia

ADAM MCCLEERY 3 hours ago

In a major new report (Choosing to Reuse in Australia), the Boomerang Alliance is calling for Australia to rapidly increase its use of reusable packaging to reduce plastic pollution and carbon emissions.

The report outlines the many opportunities that are currently available, particularly for takeaway services, and just waiting for government and business support.

‘According to the latest UN report (Turning off the Tap 2023) global plastic pollution needs to be slashed by 80 per cent by 2040. ‘Refillable bottles, bulk dispensers, deposit return systems and packaging take-back can reduce that pollution by at least 30 per cent,’ said Toby Hutcheon, National Campaign Manager of the Alliance of 55 NGOs.

According to the ANZPAC Plastics Guide, a BYO coffee cup has lower carbon emissions than a single use cup if used at least 4 times.

Many Australians already use a BYO coffee cup for takeaway, and an increasing number of businesses also offer reuse cup and food container services but to make a significant impact these need to be mainstreamed by government policies and business practices.

In the Choosing to Reuse in Australia report, the Boomerang Alliance, outlines a range of ways change can be made. These include at public events, at takeaway outlets, at supermarkets and shops and at controlled environments such as workplaces, food courts, festivals, and sports stadiums.

Many corporations are switching to reusable cups for their staff, festivals and stadiums could offer reusable cups at events, retailers should look to provide refillable containers to their customers and public events could install wash-up stations for their on-site reusable foodware. Bonza Airlines now provide reusable cups for their in-flight services.

In Europe, TOMRA who provide Reverse Vending Machines for container collection depots, are now trialing a public reusable cup and container collection system in Aarhus in Denmark with other EU cities considering similar proposals.

Boomerang Alliance is calling on the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments to act by:

setting a 30% national target for reusable packaging to be achieved by 2030

introducing national standards for reusable, compostable and recyclable packaging that ensures all products are collected and recovered in practice

banning the use of disposable food ware for customers dining-in at cafes and fast-food outlets

requiring all coffee shops selling disposable cups to also offer or sell reusable cups to their customers

introducing a levy on all disposable cups and containers sold to customers

including reusable bottles as eligible for a refund under state container refund schemes

‘Reusable cups and containers offer a new and practical solution to our intractable plastic waste problems. All that is lacking is government policies to encourage uptake and business involvement in changing practices.’ said Hutcheon 

Download the Boomerang Alliance Choosing to reuse in Australia report

Fast Facts:

Australians are the second highest per capita generators of plastic waste in the world (Minderoo Foundation)

Australia’s plastic use produces more than 16 million metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, equivalent to 5.7 million cars on the road every year. (AMCS/WWF)

Australians use over 1.8 billion single use coffee cups (1.4 billion lids) every year

Many European countries have banned disposable cups for dine-in and require cafes to also offer reusable cups to takeaway customers

In Europe, reusable cups at sporting events and festivals are now commonplace

In an October 2022 supporter survey over 89 per cent of Clean Up, AMCS and Boomerang Alliance responders agreed that cafes and sports stadiums should provide reusable cups to customers.
Redigert 28.08.2023 kl 21:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
26.08.2023 kl 00:07 5519

Aksjekursen har falt tungt, i kjølvannet av Q2 2023 hvor Tomra rapporterte all time high omsetning i alle selskapsdivisjoner...

CFO har latt seg friste og handlet i dag aksjer i eget selskap.

TOMRA: Mandatory notification of trade

FRI, AUG 25, 2023 18:40 CETReport this content

Eva Sagemo, CFO and primary insider (PDMR) of TOMRA Systems ASA, has today bought 725 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 138.00 per share. After the transaction Eva Sagemo holds 5,578 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA. Further disclosure details can be found in the attached form.

Asker, 25 August 2023

For further information, please contact:

Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations, Tel: +47 91 36 18 99

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 article 19 number 3 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5-12.,c3824319
Redigert 26.08.2023 kl 00:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
24.08.2023 kl 20:02 5633

At Polens ca. 38 millioner innbyggere får ta i bruk et nasjonalt pantesystem i 2025, ble endelig vedtatt for noen uker siden.

I denne artikkelen får vi vite at også tsjekkiske myndigheter i forrige uke bestemte seg for å gå for et nasjonalt pantesystem til Tsjekkias ca. 11 millioner innbyggere, med oppstart i 2025!

Effective deposit-refund systems operate throughout Europe

Source: TWO Added: 24-08-2023, 12:12

In Poland, the Parliament adopted the law on the deposit-refund system, which will enable the collection and recycling of beverage packaging. There are already 13 such highly effective systems in operation in Europe, for example in Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Deposit systems in Europe achieve collection levels of 90% and more. Modern systems, like the one in Slovakia, implemented in January last year, already in the first year of operation showed a collection level of over 70%. This means that 7 out of 10 bottles and cans drunk in Slovakia returned to the system operator who could ensure the recycling of these packaging. Thanks to this, it is possible to close the – packaging circuit, i.e. use 50% of the material for the production of new bottles and cans.

Consumers across Europe help save resources by using performance-based deposit systems, consumer convenience, extended producer responsibility and data integrity. Such systems show that collection levels of over 90% are achievable.

– Last week, the Czech Republic announced that they want to implement a deposit system by 2025. This shows that proven solutions are becoming more and more popular. Deposit-based systems can achieve excellent results and are implemented in many European countries. Collecting and recycling packaging are important for saving resources and protecting the environment, and deposit systems are an effective way to implement them – is spoken on Anna Sapota, Vice President Public Affairs Eastern Europe North, TOMRA.

Poland is introducing such a system to effectively collect and recycle packaging, as is the case in other European countries.

- The implementation of deposit systems is also beneficial for consumers because it allows convenient and ecological disposal of packaging. Manufacturers have extended responsibility for their products, which increases their motivation to use greener solutions. Data integrity allows process transparency and control of results. The implementation of the deposit system in Poland as soon as possible is necessary to increase the levels of collection and recycling of packaging – calls Anna Sapota.,127470.html


Paper RecyclingEnEWA research project aims to unlock the untapped potential of recyclable paper in mixed waste

 Aug 24, 2023

 Reading time: about 5 minutes

Even though the paper industry has made significant strides in increasing the sustainability of its production by increasing the recycled content of its products, there is much room for improvement. The members of the EnEWA project – Universität Siegen, RWTH Aachen University, LEIPA Group, PROPAKMA, TOMRA and STADLER – are developing a solution for recovering and recycling paper from the lightweight packaging, residual waste and commercial waste streams.

The world produces and consumes vast amounts of paper for various uses. However, while the paper industry has made significant strides in increasing the sustainability of its production by increasing the recycled content of its products, there is much room for improvement. In fact, a smaller portion of paper produced than might be expected is recovered for recycling, despite separate waste collection being widespread. For example, in Germany, as much as 20% of the paper produced is not returned to the recycling value stream – and a part of this paper is discarded in mixed waste streams.

“Regulations mandating the minimum content of recycled material in new paper products will require a significant increase in recovered paper for recycling. Even if we were to recycle all the paper collected separately with the existing process, there would not be enough to meet these targets,” explains Annika Ludes, Product Engineer at STADLER. An award-winning research initiative, the EnEWA project, seeks a solution to fill the gap by unlocking the untapped potential of obtaining recyclable paper from lightweight packaging, residual waste, and commercial waste streams. While the project analysis is based on the paper from mixed waste streams as they are collected in Germany, the solution it is developing will be applicable, with some adaptations, to local situations in other countries. The project kicked off in December 2021 and will be completed in November 2024.
Rect Angel
21.08.2023 kl 22:53 5850


August 21, 2023
Koh Young Technology, a world leader in 3D measurement and inspection technology and Tomra Systems, a Norwegian multinational corporation manufacturing collection and sorting products are two transformative players in the field of technology, both held in the Polen Capital Global Small and Mid Cap Fund.

Tomra: The deposit should be exempt from VAT

Source: dlahandlu.pladded: 18-08-2023, 08:59 Update: 21-08-2023, 09:46

In the case of the Polish deposit system, it is worth bending over at a later stage of work on its creation, among others, the issue of exempting the deposit from VAT. The deposit should be financially neutral for system participants, which means that it should not be taxed with VAT - comments Anna Sapota, vice president of vice president of. public affairs for North-East Europe within the TOMRA Group.,127011.html

Tare returned at record speed: the new machine sorts bottles and cans in seconds!

Eesti Pandipakend

Estonia is one of the most successful countries when it comes to returning tare, and statistics also show that almost all of the pawn packages that have gone into circulation are returned here every year. In recent years, returning tare has become particularly easy thanks to pour-in type machines. 

Aug 17 2023 at 10:57 am

The automated shops: Vending machines today are offering everything, from books, hygiene products to live crabs and umbrellas

Vending machines are known to offer cost-effective products round the clock, and on holidays.

Written by Shubhangi Shah
August 20, 2023 02:20 IST
... Tomra, a Norwegian MNC, offers reverse vending machines. The company was reportedly in talks with the Centre and state governments in India to set up such machines that would take in bottles and other containers that can be put to reuse. While this space continues to evolve, its top use remains in the F&B industry. Daalchini remains a popular company that sells snacks and home-style meals through vending machines, apart from automated kiosks and mobility retails.
Rect Angel
17.08.2023 kl 13:13 6086

Jeg har (selvfølgelig) postet om denne nyheten/dette utrolig spennende prosjektet her på tråden allerede (se innlegg 04.07.2023 kl 21:36).

Det skrives enormt mye om dette samarbeidsprosjektet mellom EGN Entsorgungsgesellschaft Niederrhein, INEOS Styrolution og TOMRA. Ikke i norske medier (selvfølgelig), men i mange andre nasjoner og særlig i Tyskland er interessen stor. Men jeg ser selvfølgelig ikke noe poeng i å poste alt jeg leser om det her. Denne artikkelen bør man dog kanskje merke seg. For her posererer tyske lederskikkelser i prosjektet for fotografen sammen med begeistrede Bundestag medlemmer som blant annet lover stimuli i form av skattelettelser i Tyskland, på lik linje som i store nasjoner som Spania og Frankrike.

Green MPs find out about recycling project

16. August 2023

Krefeld. Unique in Europe, great for the region, Invest 60 million euros, 36 new jobs – the recycling project of SWK subsidiary EGN Entsorgungsgesellschaft Niederrhein, INEOS Styrolution and TOMRA generate a lot of attention not only in the professional world, but also in federal politics.

Katharina Dröge, group leader of Alliance 90 / DieGrünen, had a visit to the Krefeld location accompanied by Krefeld's Green MP Ulle Schauws to demonstrate why it can be described as groundbreaking, that polystyrene packaging from yoghurts will be recycled to yoghurt packaging in Krefeld from 2025. Real climate-friendly circular economy and entrepreneurial courage, that was what SWK board member Kerstin Abraham and Dr. Frank Eisenträger ( INEOS Styrolution ) clearly required the support of politics. „ EGN, INEOS Styrolution and TOMRA are in advance with confidence in a speedy approval process by the district government and in a legal framework that also includes recycled polystyrene packaging for customers, such as dairies, makes “ attractive, said Abraham. In Spain and France, for example, according to Frank Eisenträger, such climate-friendly packaging would be taxed lower. The excavators should roll as soon as possible. An impressed economic expert Katharina Dröge praised the „ extremely exciting project “ and agreed to support. It is already anchored in the coalition agreement that recyclable products should be „ rewarded “. And her group colleague Ulle Schauws looked again through her local glasses at this EU-wide pilot project on the Lower Rhine: „ This is great and innovative. Something Krefeld and the region can be really proud of. “
Redigert 17.08.2023 kl 13:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
16.08.2023 kl 21:56 6229

Noen få er bare best, innen alt man driver med. Og bare noen ytterst få blant disse igjen tilbyr samtidig markedet akkurat det markedet etterspør og bare kommer til å etterspørre i stadig sterkere grad, i årevis fremover, når det gjelder alt man driver med. Så Tomra Systems er et helt spesielt teknologiselskap som står fjellstøtt og bare vokser og vokser, på mange bunnsolide, sterke ben. IMO.

TOMRA Mining’s sorting technology impresses QMAG

 Published by Will Owen, Editor

Global Mining Review, Wednesday, 16 August 2023 16:00

QMAG Pty Ltd, part of the Refratechnik group, owns the Kunwarara deposit of cryptocrystalline magnesite – one of the world’s largest – located in Central Queensland, Australia. It mines the ore using and open-pit method and processes it into high quality fused (FM), dead burnt (DBM), and caustic calcined (CCM) magnesia products at the nearby Parkhurst facility. It supplies the refractory, chemical, agricultural, environmental, and hydrometallurgical sectors with its high-quality magnesia products.

QMAG was an early adopter of sensor-based ore sorting, and is in fact the longest continuous user of this technology in Australia, having installed its first Ultrasort laser machine in 1994 and a second one a few years later. The ore was fed through either a dense media separation (DMS) system, using drum and cyclone separators, then the Ultrasort sorters removed the sandstone, gravel, and dark coloured dolomite from the product.

After over 22 years in operation, the Ultrasort sorters were becoming antiquated and could no longer be supported. “It came to a point where the Ultrasort sorter was removing the dolomite, but the background lime was still quite high, and this was not giving us the best opportunity to create the product that was required by the Parkhurst processing plant,” explains Josh Dawson, Production Superintendent at the QMAG mine. A new solution was needed, and TOMRA suggested its X-Ray Transmission technology.

In 2016, a TOMRA XRT sorter was installed as a stand-alone plant on site. “It was a trial that management at the time got very excited about: they could see that this could be the future moving forward,” says Josh Dawson. “It was a success story: we could now process very high calcium content material that we couldn’t do as effectively with the DMS or laser sorting equipment. This gave the ability to produce much lower calcium content magnesite grades suitable for our customers,” adds Alex Padya, Process Engineer.

In view of these results, in 2018 the XRT machine was moved into the sorting plant, where it replaced the remaining Ultrasort that had reached the end of its life, and the DMS drum was decommissioned: “With this decision, we halved our heavy media usage in that part of the circuit and went to a standalone XRT circuit,” says Josh Dawson. As a result, the XRT circuit has delivered significant savings in energy and water usage, and increased the plant’s efficiency.

The TOMRA XRT sorter has exceeded expectations, as Josh Dawson explains: “When we originally made the business case, we thought that it would be used to upgrade the lower quality magnesite ores to produce grades suitable for agricultural purposes, while the heavy media cyclones would make our lower silica materials for other applications. However, by collaborating with TOMRA to optimise the performance of the XRT unit, we can now turn agricultural products into much higher grades required by the Parkhurst processing plant.”

TOMRA’s XRT sorter has also extended the life of QMAG’s deposit: “We were at the point where we thought that a lot of our ore body wasn’t going to achieve the grade for some of our lower end products. The TOMRA XRT machine proved that we could now mine those deposits and turn them into useful product for the higher end applications.”
Redigert 16.08.2023 kl 22:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
14.08.2023 kl 12:08 6464

Den litauiske grenen av dagligvarekjeden Rimi Baltikum inviterer til media jippo i Vilnus, i forbindelse med at kjeden nå lansererer 'TOMRA R1'. R1 er Tomras storpantemaskin som sluker 100 panteobjekter i et jafs.

Flere tyske supermarkedkjeder har forøvrig gjennomført piloter med TOMRA R1. Så ser frem til spennende nyheter også fra den kanten.

Event type: Press conference
Event date: Thursday, August 17, 2023
Start of the event: 10:00
End of event: Thursday, August 17, 2023
Venue: Žirmūnai st. 64, Vilnius ( at „Rimi Northern Town “ stores)

Gerb. journalists,

The rates of returnable deposit packages in Lithuania are some of the best in Europe. 9 out of 10 PET plastics and metal packaging released on the market are now being assembled. But we are convinced that together we can do even more.

August 17 day, 10 o'clock in Vilnius, Žirmūnai st. 64 ( at „Rimi Northern Town “ Stores ), we invite you to see and try a new toromate „Tomra R1“ in which up to 100 deposit packs – PET plastic bottles and metal cans can be stacked in one go.

A survey of „Tomra“ in Scandinavia shows that most people, using this taromat, take precedence over the usual T9 model taromat in Lithuania.

By the way, the T9 taromat will work here too so that people can return glass bottles belonging to the deposit system to it.

At the event CHURC „Building System Administrator “ Manager Amber Crow will tell you how exceptional the new taromat is, how it can contribute to improving the results of collateral collection in Lithuania, what is the experience of the countries using R1.

Trading network „Rimi Lithuania “ Head of Public Relations and Corporate Responsibility Spruce Krasauskienė will share ideas as to why the collection and recycling of collateral packaging is so important to the company.

PET plastic bottles and aluminum cans currently make up the bulk of all returnable packaging. According to USAD, last year in Lithuania, people returned more than 672 million. units of deposit packages, of which more than 93 percent. consisted of PET plastic bottles and aluminum cans. In total, the packaging assembly sites reached 345.4 million last year. units of PET plastic packaging and 281.7 million. aluminum cans.

The planned duration of the event – is about 1 hour. We will devote time and media to the event.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this event and we look forward to the opening of your new intercom.

More information by phone or e-mail by post: Inga Tarasonienė, +370 614 05939, e-mail p.:

Until a pleasant meeting!

RSVP: We will be grateful if you will notify us of your participation by August 16th. el. by mail
Redigert 14.08.2023 kl 12:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
10.08.2023 kl 22:33 6690

Allerede flere innlegg postet her på tråden om det fantastiske og gedigne kuppet Tomra Mining gjorde da man landet ordren fra Pilbara om utstyre og spille hovedrolle i designet av verdens nest største gruveprosjekt innen utvinning av lithium, Pilgangoora.

Her en omfattende artikkel om dette prosjektet og utvinning av lithium i sin alminnelighet.

You can’t build another Pilgangoora with a click of your fingers, and we could need 20 of them by 2040

August 7, 2023 | Josh Chiat

While many within the lithium industry insist supply is hard to bring online, demand metrics in the years to come require a fast response
On this week’s site visit the message was clear that Pilbara had plenty of growth options at its own Pilgangoora mine.

An expansion from a capacity of 580,000tpa to 680,000tpa is well under way with a $560m project to expand to 1Mtpa by replicating the circuits at its Pilgan processing plant has already been approved.

Tomra is on contract to deliver the largest installed lithium ore sorter in the world with a capacity of up to 5Mtpa (to be run initially at a 3.5Mtpa rate), something that should help further separate waste to improve recoveries — the bugbear of pretty much all lithium plants.

The P1000 project should be ramped up by the end of the September quarter of 2025, making Pilgangoora the second largest hard rock mine in the world behind Greenbushes.

On top of that 20,000m of drilling is planned in FY24, with recent drilling to be plugged into a resource and reserve update that should shed a light on Pilbara’s potential to extend its project life beyond the 25 years it has currently at a 1 Mtpa runrate.

Opportunities in changing markets

August 10, 2023
Mick Knauff

Today I, Mick Knauff, would like to give you a brief insight into the art of spotting emerging opportunities in changing markets.

In this regard, investors have a wide variety of options with a view to the change in entire industries, market volatility, new innovations, disruptive technologies or sustainability and much more

Let's take a brief, exemplary look at the opportunities presented by the trend towards more sustainability or disruptive technologies.

Sustainability for your depot

A topic that has not just occupied the entire world for a short time, but which is playing an increasingly important role. It holds challenges, but also opportunities for you to benefit from this complex change on the stock market.  

You can invest in sustainability stocks or green ETFs (equity funds) that focus on resource management, agriculture, food, renewable energies, ecological technologies, recycling and waste management or mobility (hydrogen, electric).

A large selection of listed companies

Many companies that help us make good progress on this matter are listed. There are more than enough examples:

* Veolia (waste and recycling, water, waste water, energy supply),

* Encavis (renewable energies),

* Waste management (recycling, waste disposal),

* American Water Works (water supply and sewage)

* Tomra Systems (material recovery, recycling).

Vi kjenner jo alle godt til pant på PET plastflasker, aluminiumsbokser og glassflasker. Men når blir eventuelt forbrukernes ønske om pant og/eller gjenbruk når det gjelder annen emballasje oppfylt av big brands?

Consumers keen, but big brands failing to buy in to refillable packaging

By Mike Scott

August 9, 20233:33 PM GMT+2Updated a day ago
Redigert 10.08.2023 kl 22:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
04.08.2023 kl 13:19 6922

Litt interessant 'småplukk' før helgen. God helg.

Hvorfor representerer Tomra en enorm investeringsmulighet? Ben Constable-Maxwell, sjefen for 'impact investing' i M&G Investments forklarer.

August 2023

As of today, Earth's 2023 ecological budget is in deficit

By Josh Adcock

On Earth Overshoot day, insurance asset managers warn of the threat resource wastes poses to the economy and society, while highlighting tremendous investment opportunities in the old game of supply and demand. 

Never heard of Earth Overshoot Day? You likely wouldn’t be the only one.

It is the day on which humans have used more ecological resources than the Earth can regenerate in a twelve-month period. A day that has gained attention from insurance asset managers.
At M&G Investments, head of impact investing Ben Constable-Maxwell sees Earth Overshoot Day as a powerful way to shine a light on the broader ‘ecological budget’, in contract to the more familiar concept of a 'carbon budget' (the amount of carbon we can emit while staying within a safe global temperature range).
And so in a nutshell, “while the annual occurrence of Earth Overshoot Day acts warns us of the urgent need for change”, it is also the recognition of “an enormous commercial opportunity”.

Investment opportunities

Such opportunities can be found in the technology sector, where M&G’s sustainable and impact funds invest. For example, it invested in Tomra, which uses sensor-based technologies to tackle waste from food, mining and recycling and aims to change consumer behaviour. It also invested in simulation software producer Ansys, which cuts material use and waste in design and engineering processes for a range of diverse industries. Another investment was made in plastic recycling business UBQ Materials, which is transforming household waste into valuable consumer and industrial materials.

All these companies “are designing solutions to tackle individual aspects of the 'overshoot’ challenge. In doing so, they are helping to create a more circular and sustainable world – and pushing back the date of Earth Overshoot Day”, Constable-Maxwell says.

Tomras teknologi hjelper gruveselskap til å utvinne også sink som biprodukt fra tinngruve.

Elementos confirms by-product potential after discovering zinc at Oropesa Tin Project

Last updated: 02:02 03 Aug 2023, First published: 01:39 03 Aug 2023

Elementos Ltd (ASX:ELT, OTC:ELTLF), which has been exploring for tin, has picked up on significant zinc mineralisation within the mineral resource wireframes at its Oropesa Tin Project in Spain.
The results show the possibility of developing an incremental and low-cost by-product zinc concentrate with a zinc content greater than 40% and a recovery rate of 50-75%. The initial results are promising, though further confirmatory works are planned.

Moreover, the company carried out ore sorting test work at TOMRA laboratories, which confirmed an average upgrade of more than 28% in zinc ore feed grades when processed with cassiterite. This discovery adds to the growing evidence of Oropesa's substantial zinc potential.

Interessant artikkel om pantesystemer i Australia hvor Tomra er den helt dominante aktøren/teknologileverandøren. Hvor går veien videre? Høyere pantesats? Flere panteobjekter, m.m.?

Container Deposit Schemes: Where to from here?

LISA KORYCKI 8 hours ago

Australia is on the cusp of being the only continent to be fully covered by drink container refund schemes. A session at Waste 2023  in Coffs Harbour looked at the evolution of the nation’s container deposit scheme landscape.
Redigert 04.08.2023 kl 13:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
02.08.2023 kl 14:07 7068

Gjennomsnittlig kursmål for Tomra Systems justert opp 7.36% i etterkant av Q2 2023 for et par uker siden (14.juli), ifølge

Sitter langsiktig og er ikke veldig opptatt av kursmålene fra meglerhus, men ifølge dette fra i dag, varierer analytikerenes kursmål for Tomra Systems for øyeblikket fra USD 13.98 (ca. 142 NOK) til USD 36.59 (ca. 372 NOK) med et gjennomsnitt på USD 18.56 (ca. 189 NOK).

Tomra Systems ASA - ADR (TMRAY) Price Target Increased by 7.36% to 18.56

August 02, 2023 — 01:58 am EDT

The average one-year price target for Tomra Systems ASA - ADR (OTC:TMRAY) has been revised to 18.56 / share. This is an increase of 7.36% from the prior estimate of 17.29 dated June 1, 2023.

The price target is an average of many targets provided by analysts. The latest targets range from a low of 13.98 to a high of 36.59 / share. The average price target represents an increase of 19.83% from the latest reported closing price of 15.49 / share.
Rect Angel
01.08.2023 kl 10:09 7197

Godt sagt! Tror du har helt.

Stefan Ranstrand er jo en legende, men synes ny CEO Tove Andersen fremstår som meget dyktig. Og ja, langsiktig perspektiv, flere tiår. Fremtiden fremstår som meget lys for et selskap som er globalt markedsledende innen alt man driver med når det man driver innen er megatrender som alt tyder på bare vil vokse seg sterkere i uoverskuelig fremtid.

Her er litt mer detaljer om Tomras rolle i pantesystemet i delstaten Victoria, Australia som går live 1.november i år.

Med inntreden i hovedrolle også i pantesystemet i Victoria, kan man trygt slå fast at Tomra nå er helt dominant i Australia når det gjelder avansert, automatisert panteteknologi. I hele Australia opererer Tomra nå SOM SYSTEMOPERATØR der det er mest å hente, i de tettest befolkede og urbane områdene.

First Victorian Container Deposit Scheme refund point installed

LISA KORYCKI 3 hours ago

TOMRA Cleanaway has installed Victoria’s first refund point under the state’s new Container Deposit Scheme, in Buninyong. 

Located at Foodworks in Buningyong, the refund point will allow the recycling of eligible bottles, cartons and cans, for a 10 cents per item return from 1 November 2023. 

TOMRA’s Reverse Vending Machine technology will scan and verify each container as it is deposited, and then provide options to the user to either receive the amount through a retail cash voucher, via digital transfer direct to a bank account, or for the amount to be sent as a donation to a nominated charity or community group. 

James Dorney, TOMRA Cleanaway Chief Executive Officer, said it is the first of a number of machines to be rolled out in the area and across the state.

Tomra Cleanaway is looking for more community partners to host registered refund points – including shopping centres, retail outlets, clubs, parks, sporting grounds, and community centres.

Refund point types include outdoor Reverse Vending Machine kiosks, standalone Reverse Vending Machines suitable for supermarkets and retail shops or clubs, and Over The Counter refund points. 

“Our machines are quick, convenient, and automated, and able to be seamlessly integrated into retail and community locations,” Dorney said.

“As a partner, the benefits of being a refund point host include attracting customers, supporting fundraising for local community groups and charities, and earning extra revenue. We will work with interested partners on the best configuration that suits them, within the CDS Vic scheme.” 

Victoria’s container deposit scheme, CDS Vic, is set to start in November 2023. It will target beverage containers that most commonly contribute to litter and are often consumed away from home including plastic soft drink bottles, glass beer bottles, soft drinks and alcohol sold in cans, and small fruit juice cartons.

At the launch, Minister for Environment Ingrid Stitt said Victoria’s container deposit scheme will be the most accessible and convenient in the country, making it easier than ever to recycle in regional Victoria and across the state.

“CDS Vic will maximise the number of cans, bottles and cartons bring recycled into new products, while reducing the amount of litter in Victoria by up to half,” Stitt said.

TOMRA Cleanaway was established in 2017 to deliver the New South Wales Container Deposit Scheme, ‘Return and Earn’. It also operates the ‘Containers for Change’ programs in Queensland and Western Australia.

The company was appointed by the Victorian Government to deliver CDS Vic in 28 Local Government Areas across the west of Victoria and western suburbs of Melbourne, with almost 200 refund points to be established. It’s estimated half a billion eligible drink containers are disposed of annually across this region alone. 

“We’re very excited to be part of Victoria’s new Container Deposit Scheme, and look forward to partnering with local businesses, charities and community groups across the state,” Dorney said.
Redigert 01.08.2023 kl 14:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.07.2023 kl 22:46 7258

Takk for at du deler disse funnene og artiklene! Har vært litt spent på retning etter bytte av CEO, men det virker som at Tomra handler om langt mer enn en "uerstattelig" CEO og at toget er ustanselig og det beste fortsatt er forran oss i årtier.