Tomra Systems - nyheter
Slik jeg ser det, er Tomra Systems et fantastisk, grønt teknologiselskap. Globalt ledende og perfekt rigget for å betjene sterkt økende etterspørsel innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, i tiår fremover. Velger å starte denne tråden på forumet for 'Grønne aksjer'.
Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.
Quick-change MRF
Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.
December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler
* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.
Quick-change MRF
Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.
December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler
* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Redigert 05.10.2023 kl 22:45
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Rect Angel
04.10.2023 kl 21:50
Den som følger med på denne tråden, vet hvilke imponerende resultater Tomras teknologi fremskaffer i et uttall gruveprosjekter (finner mer, ekskluderer ikke drivverdige substanser uten at knusing er nødvendig, reduserer energiforbruket, reduserer vannforbruket).
Her er nyheten om nok et ferskt case. Utvinning av Wolfram (tungsten).
Australia’s EQR posts record W concentrate output in 3Q
Published date: 03 October 2023
Australian tungsten producer EQ Resources' (EQR) tungsten concentrate output at its Mount Carbine mine in north Queensland hit an all-time high over the July-September quarter.
Production from the Andy White open pit at Mount Carbine increased to 202.8t of tungsten concentrate in September, with output over the third quarter almost tripling to 422t from 150t in the previous quarter.
Mining in the open pit has raised ore production to 45,000t in September from 32,000t in August, with EQR expecting to achieve 83,000 t/month by November.
"The plant has performed slightly better than expected with the feature being the performance of our two high-tech TOMRA XRT ore sorters", said EQR chief executive Kevin MacNeill. The Tomra sorters are designed to operate in tandem and handle 120 t/hour of primary ore.
The Mount Carbine mine recorded a concentrate production of 11.1 t/d in September, across a 24 hour -shift roster from its open-pit mining operations.
Argus-assessed spot 65pc tungsten concentrates prices averaged $16,428-16,565/t ex-works China in September.
By Meyshna Nair
Messe i Madrid. Tomra Food på plass i forbindelse med at selskapet åpner 'new European hub in Valencia' (bilde av Tomras folk på stand i artikkelen).
Fruit Attraction, we are all here
3 October 2023
The Madrid fair, Ifema, it is like a small city in its own right, an independent republic with a feverish and almost incessant activity. It is a definition of the local newspaper La Razón that we make our own and that anyone who attends this “ city in the city ” can confirm.
Tomra: “In Madrid with the European hub”
Meanwhile, Tomra Food today presented the new European hub in Valencia , Spain, which opened this month and will be officially inaugurated next November.
Also at the stand was Roberto Ricci, recently appointed EMEA regional director of Tomra Fresh Food (part of Tomra Food).
'Alle' snakker om AI. 'Ingen' i Norge vet at Tomra har gjort bruk av AI i sin teknologiutvikling, i årevis?
Important technologies against climate change and species extinction: a guide for investors
AXA INVESTMENT MANAGERS | 02.10.2023 14:22 h
In addition, AI is now considered a crucial instrument for the identification and processing of recyclable materials, which can significantly increase productivity. Investors could benefit from this. For example, Tomra from Norway offers highly developed systems for collection, sorting and food processing. The company works with a sensor-based sorting and classification technology that uses deep learning, a sub-area of AI.
Innbyggerne i den lille byen Merriwa i New South Wales har kjempet i årevis for å få en panteterminal fra Tomra. Endelig har de blitt hørt, som man kan se på bildet.
Return and Earn scheme comes to Merriwa
October 4, 2023 9:25 am
in Local News by Darren Cutrupi
Persistence by hundreds of people from Merriwa and surrounds has finally paid off today.
A Return and Earn Scheme vending machine to start taking recyclable bottles and cans after years of campaigning to Tomra Cleanaway for one.
Merriwa Progress Association President Stephen Gowlland said many people have worked hard for many years for this day to come.
Her er nyheten om nok et ferskt case. Utvinning av Wolfram (tungsten).
Australia’s EQR posts record W concentrate output in 3Q
Published date: 03 October 2023
Australian tungsten producer EQ Resources' (EQR) tungsten concentrate output at its Mount Carbine mine in north Queensland hit an all-time high over the July-September quarter.
Production from the Andy White open pit at Mount Carbine increased to 202.8t of tungsten concentrate in September, with output over the third quarter almost tripling to 422t from 150t in the previous quarter.
Mining in the open pit has raised ore production to 45,000t in September from 32,000t in August, with EQR expecting to achieve 83,000 t/month by November.
"The plant has performed slightly better than expected with the feature being the performance of our two high-tech TOMRA XRT ore sorters", said EQR chief executive Kevin MacNeill. The Tomra sorters are designed to operate in tandem and handle 120 t/hour of primary ore.
The Mount Carbine mine recorded a concentrate production of 11.1 t/d in September, across a 24 hour -shift roster from its open-pit mining operations.
Argus-assessed spot 65pc tungsten concentrates prices averaged $16,428-16,565/t ex-works China in September.
By Meyshna Nair
Messe i Madrid. Tomra Food på plass i forbindelse med at selskapet åpner 'new European hub in Valencia' (bilde av Tomras folk på stand i artikkelen).
Fruit Attraction, we are all here
3 October 2023
The Madrid fair, Ifema, it is like a small city in its own right, an independent republic with a feverish and almost incessant activity. It is a definition of the local newspaper La Razón that we make our own and that anyone who attends this “ city in the city ” can confirm.
Tomra: “In Madrid with the European hub”
Meanwhile, Tomra Food today presented the new European hub in Valencia , Spain, which opened this month and will be officially inaugurated next November.
Also at the stand was Roberto Ricci, recently appointed EMEA regional director of Tomra Fresh Food (part of Tomra Food).
'Alle' snakker om AI. 'Ingen' i Norge vet at Tomra har gjort bruk av AI i sin teknologiutvikling, i årevis?
Important technologies against climate change and species extinction: a guide for investors
AXA INVESTMENT MANAGERS | 02.10.2023 14:22 h
In addition, AI is now considered a crucial instrument for the identification and processing of recyclable materials, which can significantly increase productivity. Investors could benefit from this. For example, Tomra from Norway offers highly developed systems for collection, sorting and food processing. The company works with a sensor-based sorting and classification technology that uses deep learning, a sub-area of AI.
Innbyggerne i den lille byen Merriwa i New South Wales har kjempet i årevis for å få en panteterminal fra Tomra. Endelig har de blitt hørt, som man kan se på bildet.
Return and Earn scheme comes to Merriwa
October 4, 2023 9:25 am
in Local News by Darren Cutrupi
Persistence by hundreds of people from Merriwa and surrounds has finally paid off today.
A Return and Earn Scheme vending machine to start taking recyclable bottles and cans after years of campaigning to Tomra Cleanaway for one.
Merriwa Progress Association President Stephen Gowlland said many people have worked hard for many years for this day to come.
04.10.2023 kl 21:37
Med dagens kurs så har Tomra en P/E på ca 25. Det er veldig lav i forhold til fremtidig vekst. Det er ikke bare resultat som bestemmer prissetting av Tomra. Omsetning betyr mye i prissetting av Tomra også. Omsetning er nå 45% av børsverdi, og den kommer til å øke mye fremover i tid. Dette betyr at Tomra vil bli et mye større selskap. Derfor ser jeg med dagens kurs prises Tomra altfor lav. Hva betyr alt dette. Kursen skal videre opp.
Det er ille at meglerhus alltid har en agenda, og den er alltid å påvirke småinvestorer til å kjøpe/ selge, slik at oppdragsgivere og finansverden tjener seg feite. Slik manipulering foregår uhindret og ustraffet på Oslo Børs Casino. Så slikt sett så blir man garantert lurt her også.
Det må dog ikke forveksles med om TOM er et godt kjøp/ er billig. 30 ganger neste års fortjeneste ( i beste fall), gjør at den ikke er en doblingskandidat akkurat. Da er det minst 15 selskaper som er bedre kjøp. Men for all del: innenfor grønt så har alt gått ned med 40% eller mer, og har du kjøpt veldig lange briller i det siste, så er det ikke umulig med grei avkastning om noen år…
Har i grunn aldri skjønt hvorfor den skulle prises så høyt tidligere…
Det må dog ikke forveksles med om TOM er et godt kjøp/ er billig. 30 ganger neste års fortjeneste ( i beste fall), gjør at den ikke er en doblingskandidat akkurat. Da er det minst 15 selskaper som er bedre kjøp. Men for all del: innenfor grønt så har alt gått ned med 40% eller mer, og har du kjøpt veldig lange briller i det siste, så er det ikke umulig med grei avkastning om noen år…
Har i grunn aldri skjønt hvorfor den skulle prises så høyt tidligere…
Redigert 04.10.2023 kl 21:57
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04.10.2023 kl 15:18
Kanskje det var mange investor som stolte på Carnegie igår, og solgte. Men idag har de forstått at de har blitt lurt :)
Rect Angel
04.10.2023 kl 15:08
Helt fersk vurdering av Tomra-aksjen fra DER AKTIONÄR.
DER AKTIONÄRs vurderering av Tomra-aksjen er sammenfallende med vurderingene til de meglerhusene som er positive til aksjen og ligger ute med kjøpsanbefaling.
Michel Doepke nevner i den forbindelse Barclays analytiker Gaurav Jains kjøpsanbefaling med kursmål 170 NOK og Jyske Banks kjøpsanbefaling med kursmål 235 NOK (for mer om Jyske Banks analytiker Henrik Hallengreens analyse av Tomra, se innlegg 03.10.2023 kl 19:06 her på denne tråden).
Doepke ser potensial for betydelig oppside i Tomra-aksjen på mellom og lang sikt.
Tomra Systems: Analyst sends recycling shares plummeting
Today, 1:48 p.m. ‧ Michel Doepke
The shares of the Norwegian machinery manufacturer Tomra Systems have been under pressure for many weeks. Margin problems, a cyber attack and political headwinds in Great Britain, among other things, caused prices to fall. This trading week the downward trend accelerated again. A negative analyst comment is a burden.
Fabian Jorgensen from the Carnegie Group has downgraded the Scandinavian stock from "Hold" to "Sell", the price target is only 94 Norwegian krone (8.17 euros). No other analyst listed by the Bloomberg news agency is more pessimistic about Tomra Systems shares. Only in May did Carnegie upgrade the paper to “hold
Jorgensen expects lower recycling revenue and one-time costs due to the recent cyberattack. The analyst even describes the market trends as “fatal”.
It's not just the Carnegie analyst who is skeptical about Tomra Systems. Nordea (target price 139 crowns) and Jefferies (123 crowns) also recommend exiting. In contrast, there are two recently confirmed buy recommendations: Gaurav Jain from Barclays puts the fair value at 170 crowns, his vote is “Overweight”. Jyske Bank, however, expects the Tomra share price to double: target price of 235 crowns (20.42 euros).
DER AKTIONÄR shares the positive analyst assessments. Tomra Systems has its finger on the pulse of the times and has positioned itself in a lucrative niche with its innovative collecting and sorting machines. If the management around company leader Tove Andersen gets the margins back under control, the share price is likely to be significantly higher again in the medium to long term. Added to this is the current valuation: the paper is trading with a relatively favorable P/E ratio of 22 for 2024. In the past, market participants have even paid P/E ratios beyond 50 for the Norwegian company.
DER AKTIONÄRs vurderering av Tomra-aksjen er sammenfallende med vurderingene til de meglerhusene som er positive til aksjen og ligger ute med kjøpsanbefaling.
Michel Doepke nevner i den forbindelse Barclays analytiker Gaurav Jains kjøpsanbefaling med kursmål 170 NOK og Jyske Banks kjøpsanbefaling med kursmål 235 NOK (for mer om Jyske Banks analytiker Henrik Hallengreens analyse av Tomra, se innlegg 03.10.2023 kl 19:06 her på denne tråden).
Doepke ser potensial for betydelig oppside i Tomra-aksjen på mellom og lang sikt.
Tomra Systems: Analyst sends recycling shares plummeting
Today, 1:48 p.m. ‧ Michel Doepke
The shares of the Norwegian machinery manufacturer Tomra Systems have been under pressure for many weeks. Margin problems, a cyber attack and political headwinds in Great Britain, among other things, caused prices to fall. This trading week the downward trend accelerated again. A negative analyst comment is a burden.
Fabian Jorgensen from the Carnegie Group has downgraded the Scandinavian stock from "Hold" to "Sell", the price target is only 94 Norwegian krone (8.17 euros). No other analyst listed by the Bloomberg news agency is more pessimistic about Tomra Systems shares. Only in May did Carnegie upgrade the paper to “hold
Jorgensen expects lower recycling revenue and one-time costs due to the recent cyberattack. The analyst even describes the market trends as “fatal”.
It's not just the Carnegie analyst who is skeptical about Tomra Systems. Nordea (target price 139 crowns) and Jefferies (123 crowns) also recommend exiting. In contrast, there are two recently confirmed buy recommendations: Gaurav Jain from Barclays puts the fair value at 170 crowns, his vote is “Overweight”. Jyske Bank, however, expects the Tomra share price to double: target price of 235 crowns (20.42 euros).
DER AKTIONÄR shares the positive analyst assessments. Tomra Systems has its finger on the pulse of the times and has positioned itself in a lucrative niche with its innovative collecting and sorting machines. If the management around company leader Tove Andersen gets the margins back under control, the share price is likely to be significantly higher again in the medium to long term. Added to this is the current valuation: the paper is trading with a relatively favorable P/E ratio of 22 for 2024. In the past, market participants have even paid P/E ratios beyond 50 for the Norwegian company.
Redigert 04.10.2023 kl 19:31
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04.10.2023 kl 11:23
Monitor1. Q2, Q3, Q4 har Tomra alltid levert over kr 1.x
Har du shortet ? :)
Derfor har jeg tro på Tomra. Tenk dere at Tomra skal komme med en positiv overaskelse i Q3 rapporten. Hva tror dere vil skje med kursen da. Det tror jeg det vil skje. Tomra har meldt at priser på alle produkter er hevet. :). De hadde meldt at det ikke skulle gi noe effekt i Q2 resultat, men jeg tror det vil gi positiv effekt i Q3 resultat.
Har du shortet ? :)
Derfor har jeg tro på Tomra. Tenk dere at Tomra skal komme med en positiv overaskelse i Q3 rapporten. Hva tror dere vil skje med kursen da. Det tror jeg det vil skje. Tomra har meldt at priser på alle produkter er hevet. :). De hadde meldt at det ikke skulle gi noe effekt i Q2 resultat, men jeg tror det vil gi positiv effekt i Q3 resultat.
Redigert 04.10.2023 kl 13:07
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04.10.2023 kl 10:17
20.Oktotber skal Q3 rapport komme. Jeg vil være veldig overasket hvis kursen skal fremdeles være under kr 120.
Shorterne vil få svi for å sitte i Tomra :).
Jeg tror det er en del shortere som sitter med en kurs under kr 113 :) lykke til dere shortere.
Shorterne vil få svi for å sitte i Tomra :).
Jeg tror det er en del shortere som sitter med en kurs under kr 113 :) lykke til dere shortere.
Redigert 04.10.2023 kl 11:14
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Så tilfører jeg at selskapet ikke har levert over konsensus i 5 kvartaler. De har levert 1,46 det første halvåret, og selv om de leverer 3 kroner i år og 3,25 neste år ( mer kan man ikke påregne i disse ulvetider), så er de priset til en PE godt over 30. Glem historisk prising.
Redigert 03.10.2023 kl 22:35
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Rect Angel
03.10.2023 kl 22:22
Nei, ikke ute, måtte jo flagget under 5% isåfall. DANSKE BANK A/S NOM tror jeg bestemt så nest største aksjonær. Har dermed også handlet i etterkant av flagging for passert 5% 28.juni. Nå i det siste har beholdningen på kontoen stått som uendret en god stund.
KIRKBI/LEGO ønsker å fremstå som klimavennlig så satser vel på at Tomra er aktøren som etterhvert skal skaffe dem resirkulert plast av gunstigste type og kvalitet/renhetsgrad + dette gjennom en resirkuleringsprosess med markant lavere klimagassutslipp enn ved fremstilling av jomfruplast av olje?
KIRKBI/LEGO ønsker å fremstå som klimavennlig så satser vel på at Tomra er aktøren som etterhvert skal skaffe dem resirkulert plast av gunstigste type og kvalitet/renhetsgrad + dette gjennom en resirkuleringsprosess med markant lavere klimagassutslipp enn ved fremstilling av jomfruplast av olje?
Redigert 03.10.2023 kl 23:30
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03.10.2023 kl 20:45
Ja, danskene følger vel med på Kirkib som i Juni flagget over 5% grensen. Median kursmål, er det juster ihht til dagens analyse også?
Står 156,5 som median i FA
Finner ikke Kirkib på topp 20 listen, er han ute?
Står 156,5 som median i FA
Finner ikke Kirkib på topp 20 listen, er han ute?
Redigert 03.10.2023 kl 21:27
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Rect Angel
03.10.2023 kl 19:06
Hvilke andre hus? Nå har det jo vært kjørt stafett mot Tomra-kursen i form av nedgraderinger fra meglerhus i månedsvis (mine fortløpende kilder til disse: TDN Finans og Finansavisen). Så da må det vel bli nedgraderinger av egen, forrige nedgradering fra meglerhusene, eller noe sånt da, isåfall.
Poster her en analyse med kursmål fra i sommer. For å nyansere litt. En analyse jeg forøvrig aldri så bli formidlet videre, verken av TDN Finans eller Finansavisen den gang. Så denne må ha gått hus forbi for begge disse to, og som en følge av det, har vel sikkert også mange andre gått glipp av den.
29.juni 2023 sluttet aksjekursen på 177.00 NOK. Samme dag gikk Jyske Bank ut i markedet med en kjøpsanbefaling på aksjen med kursmål 235 NOK. Har ingen info om at Jyske Bank har endret sitt kursmål siden da. Med dagens sluttkurs på 112.15 NOK som utgangspunkt, er oppsiden til Jyske Banks kursmål 110%.
29. jun. 2023 - 18:01
Jyske Bank anbefaler at købe kvalitetsselskab med 'attraktiv grøn profil'
Adam Geil
Hvis Tomra-aktien kommer til at opleve kursfald fremadrettet, så vil det være oplagte købsmuligheder.
Sådan lyder det fra den danske storbank Jyske Bank.
»Vi vil anbefale investorerne at udnytte potentielle kursfald og købe op i et kvalitetsselskab med en attraktiv grøn klimaprofil, stærke vækstudsigter og en dominerende markedsposition,« skriver Jyske Bank i et notat.
Den norske virksomhed Tomra udvikler måder at genbruge og genanvende affald – blandt andet pantautomater. Tomra har eksempelvis startet pantsystemer op i Rumænien og Holland – og det mener Jyske Bank vil bidrage til væksten i selskabet.
»Interessen for pantsystemer aldrig været større, hvor Tomra som markedsleder med en markedsandel på 70 % står stærkt til at udnytte vækstmulighederne,« skriver Jyske Bank.
Derudover peger Jyske Bank også på, at det strukturelle fokus på grøn omstilling vil kunne gavne Tomra-aktien:
»Det globale fokus på »cirkulær økonomi« og genbrug er fortsat intakt,« vurderer banken.
Tomra-aktien steg markant i 2021 og frem mod starten af 2022. Siden er aktien faldet voldsomt.
I øjeblikket handler den til en kurs omkring 175 norske kroner, og de seneste tre måneder er Tomra-aktien steget med 3,3 procent
Med sin købsanbefaling på Tomra-aktien adskiller Jyske Bank sig fra størstedelen af de professionelle analytikere, som følger det norske selskab.
Data fra Bloomberg viser, at 14 analytikere dækker selskabet og at 7 af dem har en hold-anbefaling. 4, herunder Jyske Bank, har en købsanbefaling, mens 3 anbefaler at sælge aktien.
Jyske Banks analytiker Henrik Hallengreen er da også dan analytiker, der er klart mest positiv på aktien – hans kursmål for Tomra-aktien er 235 norske kroner.
Analytikernes gennemsnitlige kursmål for Tomra-aktien er 171,2 norske kroner.
Poster her en analyse med kursmål fra i sommer. For å nyansere litt. En analyse jeg forøvrig aldri så bli formidlet videre, verken av TDN Finans eller Finansavisen den gang. Så denne må ha gått hus forbi for begge disse to, og som en følge av det, har vel sikkert også mange andre gått glipp av den.
29.juni 2023 sluttet aksjekursen på 177.00 NOK. Samme dag gikk Jyske Bank ut i markedet med en kjøpsanbefaling på aksjen med kursmål 235 NOK. Har ingen info om at Jyske Bank har endret sitt kursmål siden da. Med dagens sluttkurs på 112.15 NOK som utgangspunkt, er oppsiden til Jyske Banks kursmål 110%.
29. jun. 2023 - 18:01
Jyske Bank anbefaler at købe kvalitetsselskab med 'attraktiv grøn profil'
Adam Geil
Hvis Tomra-aktien kommer til at opleve kursfald fremadrettet, så vil det være oplagte købsmuligheder.
Sådan lyder det fra den danske storbank Jyske Bank.
»Vi vil anbefale investorerne at udnytte potentielle kursfald og købe op i et kvalitetsselskab med en attraktiv grøn klimaprofil, stærke vækstudsigter og en dominerende markedsposition,« skriver Jyske Bank i et notat.
Den norske virksomhed Tomra udvikler måder at genbruge og genanvende affald – blandt andet pantautomater. Tomra har eksempelvis startet pantsystemer op i Rumænien og Holland – og det mener Jyske Bank vil bidrage til væksten i selskabet.
»Interessen for pantsystemer aldrig været større, hvor Tomra som markedsleder med en markedsandel på 70 % står stærkt til at udnytte vækstmulighederne,« skriver Jyske Bank.
Derudover peger Jyske Bank også på, at det strukturelle fokus på grøn omstilling vil kunne gavne Tomra-aktien:
»Det globale fokus på »cirkulær økonomi« og genbrug er fortsat intakt,« vurderer banken.
Tomra-aktien steg markant i 2021 og frem mod starten af 2022. Siden er aktien faldet voldsomt.
I øjeblikket handler den til en kurs omkring 175 norske kroner, og de seneste tre måneder er Tomra-aktien steget med 3,3 procent
Med sin købsanbefaling på Tomra-aktien adskiller Jyske Bank sig fra størstedelen af de professionelle analytikere, som følger det norske selskab.
Data fra Bloomberg viser, at 14 analytikere dækker selskabet og at 7 af dem har en hold-anbefaling. 4, herunder Jyske Bank, har en købsanbefaling, mens 3 anbefaler at sælge aktien.
Jyske Banks analytiker Henrik Hallengreen er da også dan analytiker, der er klart mest positiv på aktien – hans kursmål for Tomra-aktien er 235 norske kroner.
Analytikernes gennemsnitlige kursmål for Tomra-aktien er 171,2 norske kroner.
Redigert 03.10.2023 kl 19:08
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03.10.2023 kl 19:05
For 2,5 mnd siden var dette overskriften:
Tomra knuser forventningene (Finansavisen)
Tomra leverte i andre kvartal en EBITA på 536 millioner. Dette var langt bedre enn analytikers forventning på 522 millioner. Selskapet hadde inntekter på 3.879 milliarder kroner, tilsvarende en vekst på 27 prosent fra samme kvartal i fjor. Justerer man for valutaeffekter var veksten på 14 prosent.
Og plutselig, mellom ett kvartal, uten noen negative meldinger fra Tomra, (utenom hacking) så mener analytikeren at alt har/skal kolapse.
Positiv på inside kjøpe er jo også et lite pluss.
Tomra knuser forventningene (Finansavisen)
Tomra leverte i andre kvartal en EBITA på 536 millioner. Dette var langt bedre enn analytikers forventning på 522 millioner. Selskapet hadde inntekter på 3.879 milliarder kroner, tilsvarende en vekst på 27 prosent fra samme kvartal i fjor. Justerer man for valutaeffekter var veksten på 14 prosent.
Og plutselig, mellom ett kvartal, uten noen negative meldinger fra Tomra, (utenom hacking) så mener analytikeren at alt har/skal kolapse.
Positiv på inside kjøpe er jo også et lite pluss.
03.10.2023 kl 17:19
Nei, er vel bare spørsmålet om tid før de andre husene hiver seg på trenden med å nedgradere.
Har bestemt meg for å sitte frem til kvt rapporten så får vi håpe de klarer å dra noe positivt opp fra hatten som overrasker meglerhusene positivt.
Har bestemt meg for å sitte frem til kvt rapporten så får vi håpe de klarer å dra noe positivt opp fra hatten som overrasker meglerhusene positivt.
03.10.2023 kl 16:41
Carnegie nedgraderer Tomra til en salgsanbefaling fra tidligere hold og nedjusterer kursmålet til 94 kroner per aksje, fra 153 kroner.
Det fremgår av en oppdatering fra meglerhuset tirsdag.
Meglerhuset mener ordreinngangen innen Recycling vil bestemme retningen til aksjekursen. Siste 12 måneder er ordreinngangen opp 37 prosent, men meglerhuset ser nå mer utfordrende markedstrender.
Det fremgår av en oppdatering fra meglerhuset tirsdag.
Meglerhuset mener ordreinngangen innen Recycling vil bestemme retningen til aksjekursen. Siste 12 måneder er ordreinngangen opp 37 prosent, men meglerhuset ser nå mer utfordrende markedstrender.
03.10.2023 kl 16:27
53 mill omsetning i slutt auksjonen. Så noen må jo se potensialet her.
03.10.2023 kl 16:20
Aksjen er prisa til 30x inntening (ned fra 100), så det blir ikkje rask innhenting med det første. Boble delux🙂
03.10.2023 kl 14:05
Snakk om å bomme totalt på inngangen. Har aldri vært så mye i minus etter å ha eid en aksje i kun en uke. Snitt 125 her så krysser alt av kroppsdeler for en rask innhenting.
Rect Angel
02.10.2023 kl 22:02
Man gjør seg jo sine tanker, men ser ikke noe poeng i å prate høyt om de når det gjelder den begredelige kursutviklingen. Der nøyer jeg med å si at, med få unntak, har aksjekursen falt hver eneste dag siden 28.juni i år, som var dagen da KIRKBI Invest A/S (les: LEGO) flagget at man hadde passert 5% grensen i Tomra. Aksjekursen sluttet på 177.50 den dagen.
TOMRA – Disclosure of large shareholding
Innsidekjøp har blitt møtt med likegyldighet av markedet. Blant andre har CFO handlet aksjer.
Forøvrig følger jeg nyhetsbildet tett og min tro på selskapet er på ingen måte svekket. Snarere tvert imot egentlig. Ikke minst på grunn av de spennende nysatsingene til Tomra så jeg forblir sittende langsiktig. Og det som kommer fra meg her på tråden, vil fortsatt primært være nyheter om og relatert til Tomra som jeg uansett graver frem, av egeninteresse.
Nyhetsbildet når det gjelder Tomra, er det mildt sagt, interessant å følge, og her er en meget interessant, fersk artikkel fra Financial Times. Har altså, som nevnt, god tro på Tomras satsinger på nye forretningsområder, og dette fra FT er dermed meget hyggelig lesning som får en til å skjønne hvorfor Tomra har tatt steget fra kun å selge sin globalt ledende teknologi og ditto maskineri til kunder innen resirkulerinssegmentet, til også å bygge egne, proprierære sorteringsanlegg for plast såvel i Tyskland som i Norge med henblikk å selge de ferdige råvarene i markedet til produsenter av resirkulert plast. Den som følger med, vet også at Tomra er med i flere konsortier som har som siktemål både å høyne kvaliteten på/renhetsgraden til sluttproduktet som er den resirkulerte råvaren, og samtidig senke klimagassutslippene i forbindelsene med resirkuleringsprosessen. Som man kan lese i FT artikkelen er det stor knapphet på resirkulert råvare av visse typer plast i markedet der politiske myndigheter I EU og annetsteds allerede har vedtatt lovfestede krav til prosentvis innhold av resirkulert plast i emballasje. Tomra fremheves i artikkelen som en aktør som kan bidra til å levere de etterspurte råvarene til markedet. Og innholdet av resirkulert plast er det allerede lovfestet at emballasjepridusenter suksessivt må øke innen vedtatte tidsfrister, frem i tid. Tomra kan her stå på terskelen til noe som kan bli veldig stort og lukrativt for selskapet når det gjelder den nysatsingen dette nye forretningsområdet representerer.
Recycling: plastics are a bottle neck in the war on waste
The rush to meet self-imposed targets on reduction and reuse has yielded few results
Has the world bottled out of the war on plastic? Blue Planet II, David Attenborough’s landmark 2019 TV series featured asphyxiated oceans and dying whales. It sparked a wave of concern about single-use plastics. Companies rushed out targets on reduction and reuse. Individuals vowed to eschew packaging. Savvy London watering holes replaced straws with hollow pasta tubes. That scramble has yielded few results. We have not stopped using plastic. Quite the opposite. Consumption has quadrupled over the past 30 years, says the OECD, driven by packaging, consumer products and textiles. And we have not made much progress on recycling and reuse. More than 80 per cent of waste still escapes such efforts. The scarcity of recycled plastic is a problem for consumer goods companies, particularly those in highly exposed sectors such as beverages. Targets will be hard to reach. And limited capacity means recycled plastic trades at a 20-30 per cent premium to the virgin kind according to Barclays’ Sustainable & Thematic Research team. Meanwhile, recycling technology is a work in progress. See, for instance, Lego, which on Monday announced a pivot away from using recycled bottles to make its toy bricks. The recycling process releases more CO₂ than it saves.
Yet there is a market opportunity. Recycling plastic is an environmental imperative. Reaching company targets will require an annual supply of 40 mn tonnes of recycled resins, says McKinsey, for $100bn in investment. Better still, a scaled up recycling system could deliver plastic that is cheaper than new. The technology is improving. Mechanical recycling — which basically entails washing and then melting bottles — is cheap, producing plastics at half the cost of new. But it only works for a small number of polymers and requires high-quality feedstock. It will probably be surpassed by advanced recycling — breaking down plastics at the molecular level using chemicals, which also reduces the need for careful upstream sorting. That puts the spotlight on companies that are adding capacity. Norway’s Tomra, active in sourcing, and Agilyx, which develops recycling technologies, are cases in point. Chemicals groups such as Eastman are planning facilities, while engineering and construction companies such as Maire Tecnimont run their own. The sector is still in its infancy, but de-bottlenecking the plastic supply chain will uncork its own rewards.
TOMRA – Disclosure of large shareholding
Innsidekjøp har blitt møtt med likegyldighet av markedet. Blant andre har CFO handlet aksjer.
Forøvrig følger jeg nyhetsbildet tett og min tro på selskapet er på ingen måte svekket. Snarere tvert imot egentlig. Ikke minst på grunn av de spennende nysatsingene til Tomra så jeg forblir sittende langsiktig. Og det som kommer fra meg her på tråden, vil fortsatt primært være nyheter om og relatert til Tomra som jeg uansett graver frem, av egeninteresse.
Nyhetsbildet når det gjelder Tomra, er det mildt sagt, interessant å følge, og her er en meget interessant, fersk artikkel fra Financial Times. Har altså, som nevnt, god tro på Tomras satsinger på nye forretningsområder, og dette fra FT er dermed meget hyggelig lesning som får en til å skjønne hvorfor Tomra har tatt steget fra kun å selge sin globalt ledende teknologi og ditto maskineri til kunder innen resirkulerinssegmentet, til også å bygge egne, proprierære sorteringsanlegg for plast såvel i Tyskland som i Norge med henblikk å selge de ferdige råvarene i markedet til produsenter av resirkulert plast. Den som følger med, vet også at Tomra er med i flere konsortier som har som siktemål både å høyne kvaliteten på/renhetsgraden til sluttproduktet som er den resirkulerte råvaren, og samtidig senke klimagassutslippene i forbindelsene med resirkuleringsprosessen. Som man kan lese i FT artikkelen er det stor knapphet på resirkulert råvare av visse typer plast i markedet der politiske myndigheter I EU og annetsteds allerede har vedtatt lovfestede krav til prosentvis innhold av resirkulert plast i emballasje. Tomra fremheves i artikkelen som en aktør som kan bidra til å levere de etterspurte råvarene til markedet. Og innholdet av resirkulert plast er det allerede lovfestet at emballasjepridusenter suksessivt må øke innen vedtatte tidsfrister, frem i tid. Tomra kan her stå på terskelen til noe som kan bli veldig stort og lukrativt for selskapet når det gjelder den nysatsingen dette nye forretningsområdet representerer.
Recycling: plastics are a bottle neck in the war on waste
The rush to meet self-imposed targets on reduction and reuse has yielded few results
Has the world bottled out of the war on plastic? Blue Planet II, David Attenborough’s landmark 2019 TV series featured asphyxiated oceans and dying whales. It sparked a wave of concern about single-use plastics. Companies rushed out targets on reduction and reuse. Individuals vowed to eschew packaging. Savvy London watering holes replaced straws with hollow pasta tubes. That scramble has yielded few results. We have not stopped using plastic. Quite the opposite. Consumption has quadrupled over the past 30 years, says the OECD, driven by packaging, consumer products and textiles. And we have not made much progress on recycling and reuse. More than 80 per cent of waste still escapes such efforts. The scarcity of recycled plastic is a problem for consumer goods companies, particularly those in highly exposed sectors such as beverages. Targets will be hard to reach. And limited capacity means recycled plastic trades at a 20-30 per cent premium to the virgin kind according to Barclays’ Sustainable & Thematic Research team. Meanwhile, recycling technology is a work in progress. See, for instance, Lego, which on Monday announced a pivot away from using recycled bottles to make its toy bricks. The recycling process releases more CO₂ than it saves.
Yet there is a market opportunity. Recycling plastic is an environmental imperative. Reaching company targets will require an annual supply of 40 mn tonnes of recycled resins, says McKinsey, for $100bn in investment. Better still, a scaled up recycling system could deliver plastic that is cheaper than new. The technology is improving. Mechanical recycling — which basically entails washing and then melting bottles — is cheap, producing plastics at half the cost of new. But it only works for a small number of polymers and requires high-quality feedstock. It will probably be surpassed by advanced recycling — breaking down plastics at the molecular level using chemicals, which also reduces the need for careful upstream sorting. That puts the spotlight on companies that are adding capacity. Norway’s Tomra, active in sourcing, and Agilyx, which develops recycling technologies, are cases in point. Chemicals groups such as Eastman are planning facilities, while engineering and construction companies such as Maire Tecnimont run their own. The sector is still in its infancy, but de-bottlenecking the plastic supply chain will uncork its own rewards.
Redigert 02.10.2023 kl 22:08
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Riktig, men den lever ikke i et vakuum..senest idag faller store grønne aksjer notert i USA betydelig, noen igjen tosifret.
Grønne aksjer har falt rund 40% det siste året i EU/USA, så Tomra er ikke alene om å falle mye.
Det er en tragisk utvikling. Oljebransjen svømmer over av penger, mens de få grønne aksjer på Oslo Børs Casino har tapt seg med nær 200 milliarder på et år. Skandale at politikere mater oss med grønne løgner.. og mye annet.
Grønne aksjer har falt rund 40% det siste året i EU/USA, så Tomra er ikke alene om å falle mye.
Det er en tragisk utvikling. Oljebransjen svømmer over av penger, mens de få grønne aksjer på Oslo Børs Casino har tapt seg med nær 200 milliarder på et år. Skandale at politikere mater oss med grønne løgner.. og mye annet.
02.10.2023 kl 18:48
Nå er jo denne fra juli og kursmålet er 156. Nå er vel TOMRA kursen under alle kursmålene, til og med DnB sine.
Historisk pris er ikke det du må se etter. Utsiktene er vanskeligere nå enn i 2019. Det er flere aksjer på børsen med bedre risk/ reward.
Historisk pris er ikke det du må se etter. Utsiktene er vanskeligere nå enn i 2019. Det er flere aksjer på børsen med bedre risk/ reward.
02.10.2023 kl 16:37
Bare på ren trass så ble det mere aksjer i slutt auksjonen, 17,3,-, straffer seg sikkert men nå har den falt latterlig mye.
Hvis jeg ikke tar feil så må vi tilbake til okt 2019 for å finne tilsvarende kurs som dagens. Så det står dårligere til med TOMRA nå enn i 2019 mao
Hvis jeg ikke tar feil så må vi tilbake til okt 2019 for å finne tilsvarende kurs som dagens. Så det står dårligere til med TOMRA nå enn i 2019 mao
Redigert 02.10.2023 kl 16:47
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02.10.2023 kl 15:13
Nedjusterer kursmålet med 45 kr. Typisk at slikt skal skje rett etter jeg har kjøpt meg inn 😵💫
02.10.2023 08:31:52
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): SEB nedjusterer kursmålet på Tomra til 135 kroner pr aksje, fra 180 kroner, og gjentar en holdanbefaling.
Det fremgår av en oppdatering fra selskapet mandag.
Meglerhuset gjør mindre negative revideringer av 2023-2025-estimatene, men nedjusterer kursmålet etter å ha nedjustert forventet gjennomsnittlig årlig omsetningsvekst (CAGR) innen Collection til 10 prosent, fra 15 prosent. Samtidig høynes forventet gjennomsnittlig kapitalkostnad (WACC) med 50 basispunkter på tvers av virksomhetssegmentene.
02.10.2023 08:31:52
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): SEB nedjusterer kursmålet på Tomra til 135 kroner pr aksje, fra 180 kroner, og gjentar en holdanbefaling.
Det fremgår av en oppdatering fra selskapet mandag.
Meglerhuset gjør mindre negative revideringer av 2023-2025-estimatene, men nedjusterer kursmålet etter å ha nedjustert forventet gjennomsnittlig årlig omsetningsvekst (CAGR) innen Collection til 10 prosent, fra 15 prosent. Samtidig høynes forventet gjennomsnittlig kapitalkostnad (WACC) med 50 basispunkter på tvers av virksomhetssegmentene.
02.10.2023 kl 13:44
Hum, jeg kommenterte denne meldingen fra TOM hvor de selv kommenterer hacker angrepet:
Tid 29.09.2023, 08:00:09
MeldingsID 600525
UtstederID TOM
Marked Oslo Børs
Tid 29.09.2023, 08:00:09
MeldingsID 600525
UtstederID TOM
Marked Oslo Børs
02.10.2023 kl 09:39
Hm.. kanskje ikke så lurt og kommentere lørdag kveld når man har tatt seg noen sixpacks.
Hackerangrepet fant sted for litt over 2mnd siden.
..og du nevner 3kvt og 4kvt 2022 ? Det er ingen sammenheng.
Forøvrig legges 3. kvt om 18 dager, blir spennende.
Hackerangrepet fant sted for litt over 2mnd siden.
..og du nevner 3kvt og 4kvt 2022 ? Det er ingen sammenheng.
Forøvrig legges 3. kvt om 18 dager, blir spennende.
01.10.2023 kl 01:38
Hvis ikke hacker angrepet har hatt noen materielle konsekvenser da lurer jeg på hva som koster 120 mill i 3 kvt og 120 mill i 4 kvt , det var ikke småtteri. Håper de har en type forsikring som dekker deler av de beløpene.
Rect Angel
29.09.2023 kl 15:00
Når det kun er negativitet å spore rundt kursutviklingen i Tomra, kan man jo ta med inn i helgen at veldig tunge aktører nå legger press på regjeringen i Westminster når det gjelder å få et pantesystem opp og gå i hele UK.
Large drinks firms urge Sunak to implement DRS
Some of the largest drinks producers, along with trade associations and environmental campaign groups, have co-signed a letter to the prime minister urging him to implement the deposit return scheme (DRS).
September 29, 2023
by Joshua Doherty
Og at en talskvinne for regjeringen i en pressemelding publisert av regjeringen i dag, gledelig nok, bekrefter at det vil bli innført pantesystem i UK.
Press release
New bans and restrictions on polluting single-use plastics come into force
Some of the most polluting single-use plastic items banned from 1 October
From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and Rebecca Pow MP
Published29 September 2023
Helen Bird, Head of Material Systems at WRAP, said:
But there is still more to do, which is why the Government is bringing in a deposit return scheme for drinks containers to recycle billions more plastic bottles and stop them being landfilled, incinerated or littered, alongside plans to simplify recycling collections for every household and business in England.
God helg
Large drinks firms urge Sunak to implement DRS
Some of the largest drinks producers, along with trade associations and environmental campaign groups, have co-signed a letter to the prime minister urging him to implement the deposit return scheme (DRS).
September 29, 2023
by Joshua Doherty
Og at en talskvinne for regjeringen i en pressemelding publisert av regjeringen i dag, gledelig nok, bekrefter at det vil bli innført pantesystem i UK.
Press release
New bans and restrictions on polluting single-use plastics come into force
Some of the most polluting single-use plastic items banned from 1 October
From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and Rebecca Pow MP
Published29 September 2023
Helen Bird, Head of Material Systems at WRAP, said:
But there is still more to do, which is why the Government is bringing in a deposit return scheme for drinks containers to recycle billions more plastic bottles and stop them being landfilled, incinerated or littered, alongside plans to simplify recycling collections for every household and business in England.
God helg
Redigert 29.09.2023 kl 15:02
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Rect Angel
29.09.2023 kl 13:49
PS) Kursen var opp drøyt 2 kroner sist jeg sjekket, men nå ser det jammen ut som den kanskje kan ende i rødt i dag også, på en børs som p.t. er opp nesten 1%. Som jeg skrev for noen dager siden: Har aldri før vært borti en mer kontinuerlig, sammenhengende, langvarig kursnedgang på børs noen gang enn det jeg den siste tiden har opplevd i Tomra. Rødt hver eneste dag, helt uavhengig av om indekser har vært røde eller grønne. Nesten litt på grensen til det uhyggelige, som cyberangrepet. Børsgamet er det ultimate gamet...? ;)
Redigert 29.09.2023 kl 13:50
Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
29.09.2023 kl 13:19
Kommentar til ziik og eNgage1:
Å følge nyhetsbildet rundt Tomra har blitt en slags interessant og lærerik hobby som forhåpentligvis handler veldig mye om hvor og hvordan veien fremover i tid kommer til å se ut. Ettersom Tomra svært sjelden rapporterer enkeltkontrakter, er det ekstra spennende hva man kan finne mellom kvartalspresentasjonene når man graver litt. Og det er mye finne. Veldig mye, rundt om over absolutt hele kloden :)
Litt flåsete sagt har jo 'angrepet på aksjekursen' gått veldig hånd i hånd med uroen skapt av cyberangrepet eNgage1. Og enig, dagens børsmelding er gode nyheter. Blir spennende om den pågående etterforskningen av hvem som stod bak fører frem (resten under her, skrev jeg før jeg så at du hadde postet på tråden).
Cyberangrepet mot Tomra Systems var selvfølgelig en alvorlig hendelse, og dermed er det som aksjonær en lettelse å lese denne meldingen. Noen utgifter påløper, som vi kan lese, men når selskapet har opplevd noe slikt som potensielt kunne medført mye, mye mer alvorlige konsekvenser, kan man jo spørre seg om det faktum at 'systems have been validated and restored or rebuilt with strengthened security measures. TOMRA has been supported by a global cyber security expert team in the process' på lengre sikt rett og slett er meget god og kanskje helt nødvendig investering for selskapet.
Et stort spørsmål gjenstår. Hvem stod bak dette? Hvem ønsket å sette Tomra ut av spill? Blir spennede om pågående etterforskning finner ut hvem som stod bak.
Alt i alt var dette veldig gode nyheter, for det står jo svart på hvitt at hendelsene ikke har hatt innvirkning av betydning når det gjelder omsetningen. Og kun noen forsinkelser vedrørende utsendelse av fakturaer og dermed cash flow.
Tid 29.09.2023, 08:00:09
MeldingsID 600525
UtstederID TOM
Marked Oslo Børs
TOMRA: Toward normal operations after the cyberattack
As previously announced, TOMRA discovered a cyberattack against the company on 16 July affecting the TOMRA domain and internal IT systems. Systems were proactively disconnected to contain the attack. Manual workarounds have kept the company operational while systems have been validated and restored. The company is progressing well toward normal operations.
While the cyberattack was extensive, the forensics investigation indicates that early detection and swift actions to contain the attack has limited its impact. There is no evidence of confidential information having been leaked, nor any evidence of encryption of data, nor has there been any ransom demands. TOMRA is cooperating with authorities and regulators in relevant markets.
Throughout this period, TOMRA has continued to produce and deliver equipment and services, limiting the impact of the attack on customers. Most customer services and machines have remained operational despite initially being disconnected from TOMRA's domain to contain the attack. Connections to online customer services have been re-established as systems have been validated and restored or rebuilt with strengthened security measures. TOMRA has been supported by a global cyber security expert team in the process.
Despite disruptions and manual workarounds, the cyberattack has not had a significant impact on sales, service or production. Diverting resources to the recovery has resulted in some delays in the innovation pipeline as well as the cash flow due to postponed invoicing. The incident is not expected to have material impact on revenues, but it has incurred one-off costs of NOK 120 million so far, which will be recognized in the third quarter of 2023. The costs relate to the cyberattack response and improvements in the company's cyber security. Additional costs are expected to be booked in the fourth quarter.
"We have faced an unprecedented challenge, and it has been remarkable to witness the commitment and vigilance displayed by our team as they work to support our customers," says TOMRA's CEO and President Tove Andersen.
"Cyberattacks are a serious threat to digitalized societies and businesses. I am grateful that we were able to stop the attack before any serious damage was done. We have now taken measures to implement one of the most modern and secure cyber security architectures - a so called Zero Trust architecture - to prevent future disruptions and to protect ourselves, our customers, partners and suppliers. I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward all our supportive and trusting stakeholders during these challenging times," Andersen concludes.
A detailed summary of the cyberattack as well as a complete overview of all updates shared by TOMRA since the attack took place can be found in the News and Media ( -media#focus%20area=TOMRA%20Group&content%20type=News) section of
Asker, 29 September 2023
For further information, please contact:
Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 91 36 18 99
Å følge nyhetsbildet rundt Tomra har blitt en slags interessant og lærerik hobby som forhåpentligvis handler veldig mye om hvor og hvordan veien fremover i tid kommer til å se ut. Ettersom Tomra svært sjelden rapporterer enkeltkontrakter, er det ekstra spennende hva man kan finne mellom kvartalspresentasjonene når man graver litt. Og det er mye finne. Veldig mye, rundt om over absolutt hele kloden :)
Litt flåsete sagt har jo 'angrepet på aksjekursen' gått veldig hånd i hånd med uroen skapt av cyberangrepet eNgage1. Og enig, dagens børsmelding er gode nyheter. Blir spennende om den pågående etterforskningen av hvem som stod bak fører frem (resten under her, skrev jeg før jeg så at du hadde postet på tråden).
Cyberangrepet mot Tomra Systems var selvfølgelig en alvorlig hendelse, og dermed er det som aksjonær en lettelse å lese denne meldingen. Noen utgifter påløper, som vi kan lese, men når selskapet har opplevd noe slikt som potensielt kunne medført mye, mye mer alvorlige konsekvenser, kan man jo spørre seg om det faktum at 'systems have been validated and restored or rebuilt with strengthened security measures. TOMRA has been supported by a global cyber security expert team in the process' på lengre sikt rett og slett er meget god og kanskje helt nødvendig investering for selskapet.
Et stort spørsmål gjenstår. Hvem stod bak dette? Hvem ønsket å sette Tomra ut av spill? Blir spennede om pågående etterforskning finner ut hvem som stod bak.
Alt i alt var dette veldig gode nyheter, for det står jo svart på hvitt at hendelsene ikke har hatt innvirkning av betydning når det gjelder omsetningen. Og kun noen forsinkelser vedrørende utsendelse av fakturaer og dermed cash flow.
Tid 29.09.2023, 08:00:09
MeldingsID 600525
UtstederID TOM
Marked Oslo Børs
TOMRA: Toward normal operations after the cyberattack
As previously announced, TOMRA discovered a cyberattack against the company on 16 July affecting the TOMRA domain and internal IT systems. Systems were proactively disconnected to contain the attack. Manual workarounds have kept the company operational while systems have been validated and restored. The company is progressing well toward normal operations.
While the cyberattack was extensive, the forensics investigation indicates that early detection and swift actions to contain the attack has limited its impact. There is no evidence of confidential information having been leaked, nor any evidence of encryption of data, nor has there been any ransom demands. TOMRA is cooperating with authorities and regulators in relevant markets.
Throughout this period, TOMRA has continued to produce and deliver equipment and services, limiting the impact of the attack on customers. Most customer services and machines have remained operational despite initially being disconnected from TOMRA's domain to contain the attack. Connections to online customer services have been re-established as systems have been validated and restored or rebuilt with strengthened security measures. TOMRA has been supported by a global cyber security expert team in the process.
Despite disruptions and manual workarounds, the cyberattack has not had a significant impact on sales, service or production. Diverting resources to the recovery has resulted in some delays in the innovation pipeline as well as the cash flow due to postponed invoicing. The incident is not expected to have material impact on revenues, but it has incurred one-off costs of NOK 120 million so far, which will be recognized in the third quarter of 2023. The costs relate to the cyberattack response and improvements in the company's cyber security. Additional costs are expected to be booked in the fourth quarter.
"We have faced an unprecedented challenge, and it has been remarkable to witness the commitment and vigilance displayed by our team as they work to support our customers," says TOMRA's CEO and President Tove Andersen.
"Cyberattacks are a serious threat to digitalized societies and businesses. I am grateful that we were able to stop the attack before any serious damage was done. We have now taken measures to implement one of the most modern and secure cyber security architectures - a so called Zero Trust architecture - to prevent future disruptions and to protect ourselves, our customers, partners and suppliers. I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward all our supportive and trusting stakeholders during these challenging times," Andersen concludes.
A detailed summary of the cyberattack as well as a complete overview of all updates shared by TOMRA since the attack took place can be found in the News and Media ( -media#focus%20area=TOMRA%20Group&content%20type=News) section of
Asker, 29 September 2023
For further information, please contact:
Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 91 36 18 99
Redigert 29.09.2023 kl 13:22
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29.09.2023 kl 08:28
Kursen har stupt 30% etter Tomra annonserte hackerangrep 17 juli. På 2.5 mnd. Fra rundt 170 til nå i går 122.90.
De annonserte endelig i dag en god børsmelding rundt hackerangrepet. Jeg tenker dette er mye av hovedgrunnen til at kursen har falt unødvendig mye.
Så håper dette beroliger aksjonærer litt.
"TOMRA: Toward normal operations after the cyberattack"
As previously announced, TOMRA discovered a cyberattack against the company on
16 July affecting the TOMRA domain and internal IT systems. Systems were
proactively disconnected to contain the attack. Manual workarounds have kept the
company operational while systems have been validated and restored. The company
is progressing well toward normal operations.
Håper den roer seg litt nå, og at den bygger seg opp igjen fram til neste kvartalsrapport 20 oktober som forhåpentligvis er positiv.
De annonserte endelig i dag en god børsmelding rundt hackerangrepet. Jeg tenker dette er mye av hovedgrunnen til at kursen har falt unødvendig mye.
Så håper dette beroliger aksjonærer litt.
"TOMRA: Toward normal operations after the cyberattack"
As previously announced, TOMRA discovered a cyberattack against the company on
16 July affecting the TOMRA domain and internal IT systems. Systems were
proactively disconnected to contain the attack. Manual workarounds have kept the
company operational while systems have been validated and restored. The company
is progressing well toward normal operations.
Håper den roer seg litt nå, og at den bygger seg opp igjen fram til neste kvartalsrapport 20 oktober som forhåpentligvis er positiv.
29.09.2023 kl 01:28
Nylig blitt Tomta aksjonær. Blir spennende å følge fremover. Takk til trådstarter for posting av alle nyhetene 🙂
Rect Angel
28.09.2023 kl 22:07
Eloro Resources Announces Commencement of Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia
September 28, 2023 07:00 ET| Source: Eloro Resources Ltd.
TORONTO, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce commencement of a preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”) for the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia.
Tom Larsen, CEO of Eloro, said: “We are delighted to commence the PEA study on Iska Iska just 3 years after we began our initial exploration drill program. This is another major step in moving the development of Iska Iska forward. We are also planning additional definition drilling to further expand the higher-grade zones as well as planning to carry out definitive “ore-sorting” tests at TOMRA in Germany. We have assembled an excellent team which has already been onsite this week to kick off preparations for the PEA study. Recent induced polarization/resistivity surveys west of Santa Barbara have outlined several promising drill targets to extend the Tin Domain and initial drill testing is planned on these new targets.”
On July 26, 2023, Eloro released results of substantial metallurgical work on samples from the Polymetallic and Tin Domains. Preliminary tests at TOMRA in Germany indicate the mineralization at Iska Iska is amenable to “ore-sorting” with removal of at least 40% of the waste in the Polymetallic Domain and up to 80% in the Tin Domain which would substantially increase concentrator feed grades as well as reduce future operating costs and significantly lower the cut-off grades (COG) for the mineral resource estimates (MRE) and the PEA.
Positive “ore-sorting” results were obtained from composite samples of both the tin (Sn) and polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) mineralization domains in the Santa Barbara deposit indicating its wide applicability throughout the entire deposit.
TOMRA Mining talks sulphide ore sorting in copper, zinc, lead space
Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 28th September 2023
When processing sulphide ores to extract copper, zinc or lead, the focus is on ensuring that the mill is always operating at full capacity. The challenge is to optimise the process by eliminating waste in the early stages and maintain a high recovery rate, TOMRA Mining says.
This means that less barren or low-content rock will be processed, consequently increasing the metal content in the input of the mill. The result: significant cost savings and reduced environmental impact per produced tonne of metal.
“EU recycling objectives impossible without binding targets for wet waste”
Thirty entities are asking for binding objectives for the collection of organic waste - including the Municipality of Milan, Zero waste Europe, Novamont, Nestlè, the Italian composting consortium - and have written to the European Commission for this purpose.
28 September 2023
Will we be able to recycle 65% of urban waste by 2035 , as established by the framework directive, with only the obligation of separate waste collection? Without setting binding targets? We won't make it, according to 30 entities – including the Municipalities of Milan and Barcelona , Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) and Zero Waste Italy , Novamont , the Italian Composting Consortium (Cic), Tomra , RostoCk University , European Bioeconomy Bureau (EBB), Nestlé and others – who wroteto the European Commission to ask precisely that in the revision of the framework directive on waste, limits be introduced to the presence of biodegradable matter in mixed undifferentiated waste.
Posted 1:02 PM
Updated at 1:42 PM
Rep. Allison Hepler: Modernizing Maine’s bottle redemption program will benefit us all
September 28, 2023 07:00 ET| Source: Eloro Resources Ltd.
TORONTO, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce commencement of a preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”) for the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia.
Tom Larsen, CEO of Eloro, said: “We are delighted to commence the PEA study on Iska Iska just 3 years after we began our initial exploration drill program. This is another major step in moving the development of Iska Iska forward. We are also planning additional definition drilling to further expand the higher-grade zones as well as planning to carry out definitive “ore-sorting” tests at TOMRA in Germany. We have assembled an excellent team which has already been onsite this week to kick off preparations for the PEA study. Recent induced polarization/resistivity surveys west of Santa Barbara have outlined several promising drill targets to extend the Tin Domain and initial drill testing is planned on these new targets.”
On July 26, 2023, Eloro released results of substantial metallurgical work on samples from the Polymetallic and Tin Domains. Preliminary tests at TOMRA in Germany indicate the mineralization at Iska Iska is amenable to “ore-sorting” with removal of at least 40% of the waste in the Polymetallic Domain and up to 80% in the Tin Domain which would substantially increase concentrator feed grades as well as reduce future operating costs and significantly lower the cut-off grades (COG) for the mineral resource estimates (MRE) and the PEA.
Positive “ore-sorting” results were obtained from composite samples of both the tin (Sn) and polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) mineralization domains in the Santa Barbara deposit indicating its wide applicability throughout the entire deposit.
TOMRA Mining talks sulphide ore sorting in copper, zinc, lead space
Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 28th September 2023
When processing sulphide ores to extract copper, zinc or lead, the focus is on ensuring that the mill is always operating at full capacity. The challenge is to optimise the process by eliminating waste in the early stages and maintain a high recovery rate, TOMRA Mining says.
This means that less barren or low-content rock will be processed, consequently increasing the metal content in the input of the mill. The result: significant cost savings and reduced environmental impact per produced tonne of metal.
“EU recycling objectives impossible without binding targets for wet waste”
Thirty entities are asking for binding objectives for the collection of organic waste - including the Municipality of Milan, Zero waste Europe, Novamont, Nestlè, the Italian composting consortium - and have written to the European Commission for this purpose.
28 September 2023
Will we be able to recycle 65% of urban waste by 2035 , as established by the framework directive, with only the obligation of separate waste collection? Without setting binding targets? We won't make it, according to 30 entities – including the Municipalities of Milan and Barcelona , Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) and Zero Waste Italy , Novamont , the Italian Composting Consortium (Cic), Tomra , RostoCk University , European Bioeconomy Bureau (EBB), Nestlé and others – who wroteto the European Commission to ask precisely that in the revision of the framework directive on waste, limits be introduced to the presence of biodegradable matter in mixed undifferentiated waste.
Posted 1:02 PM
Updated at 1:42 PM
Rep. Allison Hepler: Modernizing Maine’s bottle redemption program will benefit us all
Redigert 28.09.2023 kl 22:32
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Rect Angel
27.09.2023 kl 20:53
OSEBX: 1.16%
- Same procedure as yesterday?
- Same procedure as every day James, Tomra in the red.
Vel, vel om jeg ender opp som 'last man standing', so be it. Her er et nytt knippe nyheter:
Nederland har slitt litt med kapasiteten på pantesystemet sitt, etter at de utvidet panteobjekter radikalt gjennom å inkludere aluminiumsbokser og små plastflasker, uten å øke kapasiteten til pantesystemet sitt med tilstrekkelig antall maskiner. Således mottas, naturlig nok, Tomra R1 som sluker 100 panteobjekter i et jafs med jubel. Nederland har dessuten 10 eurocent lavere pantesats enn nabo Tyskland.
Anti-annoyance discovery at the deposit machine: a machine that counts 100 cans in one go
Sticky cans and long lines at the deposit machine. Since there has been a deposit on cans and small bottles, the deposit lines in the supermarket have become a growing annoyance. The Tomra company has devised a machine that can quickly count a full garbage bag of cans in one go. A Jumbo in Eerbeek has the scoop.
Sander van Mersbergen, Jurriaan Nolles 27-09-23, 10:52
Huge potential of aluminum recycling for the Mexican Bajío Automotive Cluster
The Bajío Automotive Cluster faces constant innovation challenges
By: THE MEXICAN | September 26, 2023
The plastics industry should be united, competitive and circular
Tomra Foods -
Machine manufacturer focuses on new solutions for Europe and Latin America
Publication date: Wed 27 Sep 2023
Produce Plus Spring out now
By Liam O'Callaghan
27 September 2023
- Same procedure as yesterday?
- Same procedure as every day James, Tomra in the red.
Vel, vel om jeg ender opp som 'last man standing', so be it. Her er et nytt knippe nyheter:
Nederland har slitt litt med kapasiteten på pantesystemet sitt, etter at de utvidet panteobjekter radikalt gjennom å inkludere aluminiumsbokser og små plastflasker, uten å øke kapasiteten til pantesystemet sitt med tilstrekkelig antall maskiner. Således mottas, naturlig nok, Tomra R1 som sluker 100 panteobjekter i et jafs med jubel. Nederland har dessuten 10 eurocent lavere pantesats enn nabo Tyskland.
Anti-annoyance discovery at the deposit machine: a machine that counts 100 cans in one go
Sticky cans and long lines at the deposit machine. Since there has been a deposit on cans and small bottles, the deposit lines in the supermarket have become a growing annoyance. The Tomra company has devised a machine that can quickly count a full garbage bag of cans in one go. A Jumbo in Eerbeek has the scoop.
Sander van Mersbergen, Jurriaan Nolles 27-09-23, 10:52
Huge potential of aluminum recycling for the Mexican Bajío Automotive Cluster
The Bajío Automotive Cluster faces constant innovation challenges
By: THE MEXICAN | September 26, 2023
The plastics industry should be united, competitive and circular
Tomra Foods -
Machine manufacturer focuses on new solutions for Europe and Latin America
Publication date: Wed 27 Sep 2023
Produce Plus Spring out now
By Liam O'Callaghan
27 September 2023
Redigert 27.09.2023 kl 23:50
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Rect Angel
26.09.2023 kl 20:10
Har ikke alltid like god tid til å poste nyheter om Tomra, men det mangler likevel ikke på slike. Og nyhetene om milliardavtalen med supermarkedgiganten Hofer om pantesystem og det nye 'state of the art' resirkuleringssenteret for plast i Sverige, er jo to skikkelige 'rosiner i nyhetspølsen' (se mer i de seneste, foregående innlegg på denne tråden om disse) nå i det siste.
Massevis av nyheter som sagt, og i mine øyne altså også to store, helt ferske og signifikante, nevnt over. Likevel må man bare konstatere at kursutviklingen de siste ukene er blant de svakeste jeg har opplevd i en aksje over lang tid på børs, noensinne. Rødt, rødt, rødt og atter rødt. Om indekser er røde eller grønne, har ikke spilt noen rolle, for i Tomra er det rødt, uansett. Følger nyhetsbildet så godt jeg kan, og der finner ikke jeg svakheter. Tvert imot.
Her er et kronologisk 'oppsamlingsheat' med nyheter fra den siste uken. Det får bli 'no comment' med kun overskrifter og link nå (er artikkelen på et annet språk enn f.eks. norsk eller engelsk, må man oversette selv hvis ønskelig).
2023 ESG Global Leaders Conference Ended Successfully!
18 Sep, 2023, 22:29 CST
Logofruits grows rapidly and has a second revenue stream thanks to Tomra Food
Fruit Today
Plastics Treaty should roll out DRS, close recycling loops, and ensure transparent reporting, says TOMRA
Potato Europe 2023 attracts increasingly international crowd
September 19, 2023
Best practice waste management on display at Waste Expo
Yasmin Isaacs September 20, 2023
Poles enthusiastically accepted bottle dispensers, now it's time for the system
When on September 12, the government published the law introducing a deposit system in our country from January 2025, everything was already decided. But time is really short and the remaining 15 months must be devoted to expensive and time-consuming preparations. What exactly will need to be done during this period? This question is answered by experts from the TOMRA Group.
20/09/2023 5:15
10 billion containers recycled
20 September 2023
Understanding the role of AI in the MRF
AI can excel when used as part of a holistic solution
By TOMRA Sorting Solutions
September 20, 2023
Process : Tomra Food's « Smart Sort » sorting technology enhances the food safety of Nestle frozen pizzas
TOMRA's major bottle drive this weekend to support Honor Flight Syracuse's mission for veterans
by Delana Thomas
Sat, September 23rd 2023, 7:35 PM GMT+2
The Gold Coast's Most Dedicated Recycler Should Inspire Us All
SEPTEMBER 26, 2023
Tomra opens European hub
By Maura Maxwell
26 September 2023
Getting smartInnovative ideas for the waste management industry
Sep 26, 2023
Reading time: about 7 minutes
Smart waste management technologies are shaping the industry now and in the future.
Invest directly in the conservation of biodiversity
Tuesday 26. September 2023 10:23
Massevis av nyheter som sagt, og i mine øyne altså også to store, helt ferske og signifikante, nevnt over. Likevel må man bare konstatere at kursutviklingen de siste ukene er blant de svakeste jeg har opplevd i en aksje over lang tid på børs, noensinne. Rødt, rødt, rødt og atter rødt. Om indekser er røde eller grønne, har ikke spilt noen rolle, for i Tomra er det rødt, uansett. Følger nyhetsbildet så godt jeg kan, og der finner ikke jeg svakheter. Tvert imot.
Her er et kronologisk 'oppsamlingsheat' med nyheter fra den siste uken. Det får bli 'no comment' med kun overskrifter og link nå (er artikkelen på et annet språk enn f.eks. norsk eller engelsk, må man oversette selv hvis ønskelig).
2023 ESG Global Leaders Conference Ended Successfully!
18 Sep, 2023, 22:29 CST
Logofruits grows rapidly and has a second revenue stream thanks to Tomra Food
Fruit Today
Plastics Treaty should roll out DRS, close recycling loops, and ensure transparent reporting, says TOMRA
Potato Europe 2023 attracts increasingly international crowd
September 19, 2023
Best practice waste management on display at Waste Expo
Yasmin Isaacs September 20, 2023
Poles enthusiastically accepted bottle dispensers, now it's time for the system
When on September 12, the government published the law introducing a deposit system in our country from January 2025, everything was already decided. But time is really short and the remaining 15 months must be devoted to expensive and time-consuming preparations. What exactly will need to be done during this period? This question is answered by experts from the TOMRA Group.
20/09/2023 5:15
10 billion containers recycled
20 September 2023
Understanding the role of AI in the MRF
AI can excel when used as part of a holistic solution
By TOMRA Sorting Solutions
September 20, 2023
Process : Tomra Food's « Smart Sort » sorting technology enhances the food safety of Nestle frozen pizzas
TOMRA's major bottle drive this weekend to support Honor Flight Syracuse's mission for veterans
by Delana Thomas
Sat, September 23rd 2023, 7:35 PM GMT+2
The Gold Coast's Most Dedicated Recycler Should Inspire Us All
SEPTEMBER 26, 2023
Tomra opens European hub
By Maura Maxwell
26 September 2023
Getting smartInnovative ideas for the waste management industry
Sep 26, 2023
Reading time: about 7 minutes
Smart waste management technologies are shaping the industry now and in the future.
Invest directly in the conservation of biodiversity
Tuesday 26. September 2023 10:23
Redigert 26.09.2023 kl 21:59
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Rect Angel
25.09.2023 kl 12:59
Mer kjøtt på beinet når det gjelder den østerrikske supermarkedgiganten Hofers investering på mer €100 millioner (1 142 millioner NOK) i pantesystemer fra Tomra. At valget falt på Tomra, forklares slik:
With Tomra Collection, a versatile and international expert for deposit systems, Hofer has brought a reliable partner with decades of experience on board. Thanks to efficient empties return solutions and the latest technologies, deposit machines are being built at the Hofer locations that explicitly aim for comfort and efficiency.
En bra omtale å få på CV'en dette, fra en aktør av et slikt kaliber innen dagligvarebransjen.
I en av Hofers mange filialer hadde Hofers CEO Horst Leitner storfint besøk Østerrikes miljøvernminister Leonore Gewessler i forbindelse med promotering av pantesystemet.
(Mer om milliardavtalen, supermarkedkjeden Hofer og innføring av pantesystem i Østerrike i innlegg 22.09.2023 kl 13:22 her på denne tråden)
Hofer invests over 100 million euros in deposit system
SATTLEDT. . As one of the most popular food retailers in Austria, Hofer is already working intensively on the topics of resource conservation and waste prevention. As part of the deposit rollout on all Austrian Hofer branches, the discounter has budgeted a total of over 100 million euros in investment funds with the aim of, to make the deposit machines as efficient and customer-friendly as possible. Hofer CEO Horst Leitner and Minister of Climate Protection Leonore Gewessler were on site in a Vienna Hofer branch to view and present the new deposit system.
Hofer is proud to meet the desire for a comprehensive, sustainable solution in the field of waste prevention and to make a valuable contribution to resource conservation. The discounter started the deposit rollout in the branches in 2022: By the end of 2024, all Hofer branches will be equipped with a reusable deposit system and from 2025 offer a return option for disposable packaging that requires a deposit. To date, over 200 branches of the more than 530 Hofer branches have been converted. The discounter has budgeted over 100 million euros in investment funds for the rollout. The aim is to make the deposit machines as efficient and customer-friendly as possible, under the following premise: First, Hofer would like to offer its customers an empty goods return, that fully meets your wishes and needs, on the other hand, the project should also offer the best possible added value for nature and the environment. With Tomra Collection, a versatile and international expert for deposit systems, Hofer has brought a reliable partner with decades of experience on board. Thanks to efficient empties return solutions and the latest technologies, deposit machines are being built at the Hofer locations that explicitly aim for comfort and efficiency. The placement of the machines also has a conscious reason: the majority of the deposit machines are placed in the entrance area of the Hofer branches in order to make the deposit return even more comfortable and uncomplicated for consumers. In this way, customers can return the reusable containers and, in the future, the numerous disposable containers right at the start of their purchase and do not have to worry about them in the middle of the purchase.
In order to get an idea of the newly built deposit system, climate protection minister Leonore Gewessler was also on site in a Hofer branch in Vienna. Together with Hofer CEO Horst Leitner, the empties machine was visited and its functionalities presented.
Minister of Climate Protection Leonore Gewessler: „ A deposit system is an important step in the fight against garbage in nature. I am very pleased that Hofer is implementing the reusable offer so quickly. This enables consumers to have real freedom of choice when shopping and reduces our plastic waste. “
„ As part of our entrepreneurial activities, it is particularly important to us as Austria's largest food discounter to act consciously and with due regard for the environment and sustainability. With the installation of the deposit machines in our branches, we make an important contribution to waste reduction and simplify the recycling process for our customers “, emphasizes Horst Leitner, CEO Hofer.
The rollout is constantly being extended to the remaining Hof branches. Customers can purchase and return items in the areas of beer, water, lemonade and milk in the branches that have already been converted. Consumers can also look forward to it now, because further reusable items, for example in the area of juices, will follow promptly.
List of items in the current reusable range:
• „ Back to the origin “ BIO hay milk *
• Roman source mineral water 1 l
• „ Back to the origin “ mineral water
• Coca Cola 1 l
• River Cola
• Gösser beer
• Stiegl beer
• Cipfer beer ( in the majority of Upper Austria and parts of Salzburg )
* Regardless of whether a deposit machine has been put into operation in a branch, Since April 2022, consumers have been able to purchase the „ Back to the Origin “ BIO Heumilch in the reusable bottle from Hofer - as the first discount in Austria - and at all cash registers in the Austrian Hof branches return.
With Tomra Collection, a versatile and international expert for deposit systems, Hofer has brought a reliable partner with decades of experience on board. Thanks to efficient empties return solutions and the latest technologies, deposit machines are being built at the Hofer locations that explicitly aim for comfort and efficiency.
En bra omtale å få på CV'en dette, fra en aktør av et slikt kaliber innen dagligvarebransjen.
I en av Hofers mange filialer hadde Hofers CEO Horst Leitner storfint besøk Østerrikes miljøvernminister Leonore Gewessler i forbindelse med promotering av pantesystemet.
(Mer om milliardavtalen, supermarkedkjeden Hofer og innføring av pantesystem i Østerrike i innlegg 22.09.2023 kl 13:22 her på denne tråden)
Hofer invests over 100 million euros in deposit system
SATTLEDT. . As one of the most popular food retailers in Austria, Hofer is already working intensively on the topics of resource conservation and waste prevention. As part of the deposit rollout on all Austrian Hofer branches, the discounter has budgeted a total of over 100 million euros in investment funds with the aim of, to make the deposit machines as efficient and customer-friendly as possible. Hofer CEO Horst Leitner and Minister of Climate Protection Leonore Gewessler were on site in a Vienna Hofer branch to view and present the new deposit system.
Hofer is proud to meet the desire for a comprehensive, sustainable solution in the field of waste prevention and to make a valuable contribution to resource conservation. The discounter started the deposit rollout in the branches in 2022: By the end of 2024, all Hofer branches will be equipped with a reusable deposit system and from 2025 offer a return option for disposable packaging that requires a deposit. To date, over 200 branches of the more than 530 Hofer branches have been converted. The discounter has budgeted over 100 million euros in investment funds for the rollout. The aim is to make the deposit machines as efficient and customer-friendly as possible, under the following premise: First, Hofer would like to offer its customers an empty goods return, that fully meets your wishes and needs, on the other hand, the project should also offer the best possible added value for nature and the environment. With Tomra Collection, a versatile and international expert for deposit systems, Hofer has brought a reliable partner with decades of experience on board. Thanks to efficient empties return solutions and the latest technologies, deposit machines are being built at the Hofer locations that explicitly aim for comfort and efficiency. The placement of the machines also has a conscious reason: the majority of the deposit machines are placed in the entrance area of the Hofer branches in order to make the deposit return even more comfortable and uncomplicated for consumers. In this way, customers can return the reusable containers and, in the future, the numerous disposable containers right at the start of their purchase and do not have to worry about them in the middle of the purchase.
In order to get an idea of the newly built deposit system, climate protection minister Leonore Gewessler was also on site in a Hofer branch in Vienna. Together with Hofer CEO Horst Leitner, the empties machine was visited and its functionalities presented.
Minister of Climate Protection Leonore Gewessler: „ A deposit system is an important step in the fight against garbage in nature. I am very pleased that Hofer is implementing the reusable offer so quickly. This enables consumers to have real freedom of choice when shopping and reduces our plastic waste. “
„ As part of our entrepreneurial activities, it is particularly important to us as Austria's largest food discounter to act consciously and with due regard for the environment and sustainability. With the installation of the deposit machines in our branches, we make an important contribution to waste reduction and simplify the recycling process for our customers “, emphasizes Horst Leitner, CEO Hofer.
The rollout is constantly being extended to the remaining Hof branches. Customers can purchase and return items in the areas of beer, water, lemonade and milk in the branches that have already been converted. Consumers can also look forward to it now, because further reusable items, for example in the area of juices, will follow promptly.
List of items in the current reusable range:
• „ Back to the origin “ BIO hay milk *
• Roman source mineral water 1 l
• „ Back to the origin “ mineral water
• Coca Cola 1 l
• River Cola
• Gösser beer
• Stiegl beer
• Cipfer beer ( in the majority of Upper Austria and parts of Salzburg )
* Regardless of whether a deposit machine has been put into operation in a branch, Since April 2022, consumers have been able to purchase the „ Back to the Origin “ BIO Heumilch in the reusable bottle from Hofer - as the first discount in Austria - and at all cash registers in the Austrian Hof branches return.
Redigert 25.09.2023 kl 13:25
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Rect Angel
24.09.2023 kl 17:40
Offensive uttalelser til pressen om ambisiøse planer når det gjelder det kommende pantesystemet i UK, fra den britiske miljøvernministeren Rebecca Pow:
"We will also be pressing ahead with our ambitious plans for a deposit return scheme for drinks containers and consistent recycling collections in England."
Så da bør man kunne forvente oppdatert info om timing med det første.
Fast food items banned from October 1 as part of new government law
A plastic ban will hit UK takeaways and fast food outlets, and will see seven items banned from the beginning of the month
By Ellie Kendall Reporter James Rodger
09:01, 24 SEP 2023
Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey said: " We all know the absolutely devastating impacts that plastic can have on our environment and wildlife. We have listened to the public and these new single-use plastics bans will continue our vital work to protect the environment for future generations.
"I am proud of our efforts in this area: we have banned microbeads, restricted the use of straws, stirrers and cotton buds and our carrier bag charge has successfully cut sales by over 97% in the main supermarkets." Environment Minister Rebecca Pow said: " Plastic is a scourge which blights our streets and beautiful countryside and I am determined that we shift away from a single-use culture."
"We will also be pressing ahead with our ambitious plans for a deposit return scheme for drinks containers and consistent recycling collections in England."
"We will also be pressing ahead with our ambitious plans for a deposit return scheme for drinks containers and consistent recycling collections in England."
Så da bør man kunne forvente oppdatert info om timing med det første.
Fast food items banned from October 1 as part of new government law
A plastic ban will hit UK takeaways and fast food outlets, and will see seven items banned from the beginning of the month
By Ellie Kendall Reporter James Rodger
09:01, 24 SEP 2023
Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey said: " We all know the absolutely devastating impacts that plastic can have on our environment and wildlife. We have listened to the public and these new single-use plastics bans will continue our vital work to protect the environment for future generations.
"I am proud of our efforts in this area: we have banned microbeads, restricted the use of straws, stirrers and cotton buds and our carrier bag charge has successfully cut sales by over 97% in the main supermarkets." Environment Minister Rebecca Pow said: " Plastic is a scourge which blights our streets and beautiful countryside and I am determined that we shift away from a single-use culture."
"We will also be pressing ahead with our ambitious plans for a deposit return scheme for drinks containers and consistent recycling collections in England."
Redigert 24.09.2023 kl 17:42
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Rect Angel
22.09.2023 kl 16:09
Ja, og angående Hofer og andre supermarkedkjeder i europeisk 'Premier League' som ønsker å satse stort på 'state of the art' pantesystemer, er det vel kanskje bare Tomra som har god nok teknologi og tilstrekkelig organisasjon/support til å betjene dem på det kvalitetsnivået disse søker?
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 18:29
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22.09.2023 kl 15:53
Takk Rect Angel for at du følger med og poster litt nyheter her :) Sitter lastet i Tomra, litt på minussiden nå, men har troa på litt lengre sikt, så jeg har god tid... Hyggelig lesing det over her om Hofer.
Rect Angel
22.09.2023 kl 14:40
Ja, CEO Tove Andersen svarte faktisk at hun ikke trodde Tomra ville bli negativt påvirket av en resesjon da hun svarte på et direkte spørsmål om hvordan Tomra ville bli påvirket av en eventuell resesjon under Q & A sekvensen, i etterkant av Q1 2023 presentasjonen i mai. Hun grunnga svaret med at det for Tomras virksomhet foreligger en rekke fordelaktige, politiske føringer/vedtak/lover fra diverse myndighetshold (min tilføyelse: f.eks innen EU for å nevne den sterkeste drivkraften), og at det stadig tilkommer nye slike.
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 14:43
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22.09.2023 kl 13:54
Den eneste aksjen som jeg ser er motstandsdyktig mot resesjon og økonomisk nedgang er Tomra. Det Tomra driver med vil forsette å rulle uansett hvordan det går med økonomien.
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 13:55
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Rect Angel
22.09.2023 kl 13:22
Breaking News! Supermarkedgigant investerer langt over 1 milliard NOK i pantesystemer fra Tomra!
Ja, for her er iallefall en helt fersk nyhet om en veldig stor aktør som er på kjøpersiden fra selskapet. Den østerrikiske supermarkedkjeden Hofer har valgt å investere mer enn 100 millioner EURO (mer enn 1 140 millioner NOK) i pantesystemer fra Tomra, allerede nå 15 måneder før oppststart av pantesystemet for engangsemballasje (plastflasker og aluminiumsbokser) i Østerrike 01.01.2025.
Hofer is investing 100 million euros in new deposit systems
By Martin Roithner , September 22, 2023, 10:33 a.m
SATTLEDT. In Austria, a one-way deposit will apply to plastic bottles and beverage cans from 2025, and the reusable offering will also be expanded. Upper Austria's leading company Hofer is therefore converting its branches and investing more than 100 million euros in new deposit systems.
The grocer with headquarters in Sattledt announced this today, Friday. The discounter began rolling out the new deposit system last year; so far, 200 of the more than 530 branches have been converted. There should be a reusable deposit system in all stores by the end of 2024, and a return option for disposable packaging subject to a deposit from 2025.
“We are making an important contribution to reducing waste and simplifying the recycling process for our customers,” Hofer boss Horst Leitner is quoted as saying in a press release. In the branches that have already been converted, it is possible to buy and return reusable containers of beer, water, lemonade and milk. It is said that more items, for example for juices, will follow.
For the conversion, Hofer is working with the company Tomra Collection, which specializes in automated return of empties. Customers will also have to change in the future: the majority of deposit machines will be located in the entrance area of the branches and not in the middle of the store as before. This is to make returns “more convenient and uncomplicated,” as they say.
Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) says: "A deposit system is an important step in the fight against waste in nature. This allows freedom of choice when shopping and reduces our plastic waste."
Hofer employs 12,000 people and recently had sales of 4.6 billion euros.;art15,3882136
Hofer KG
The Hofer KG is one Austrian Food retail chain. It is part of the group of companies Aldi Süd, which is represented on four continents in eleven countries and has more than 6000 branches. In addition to Hofer Austria, Hofer S / E also includes Aldi Suisse, Hofer Slovenia, Aldi Hungary and Aldi Italy. The company is based in Sattledt in Upper Austria. The logo is identical to the logo of the entire Aldi Süd group of companies, but bears the lettering „ Hofer “ as a company name
Østerrike har vedtatt å innføre pant fra 01.01.2025. Østerrike har dessuten også innført pant for en del emballasje designet for gjenbruk. Her en GUIDE vedrørende pant i Østerrike:
Bottle Bill Resource Guide
Ja, for her er iallefall en helt fersk nyhet om en veldig stor aktør som er på kjøpersiden fra selskapet. Den østerrikiske supermarkedkjeden Hofer har valgt å investere mer enn 100 millioner EURO (mer enn 1 140 millioner NOK) i pantesystemer fra Tomra, allerede nå 15 måneder før oppststart av pantesystemet for engangsemballasje (plastflasker og aluminiumsbokser) i Østerrike 01.01.2025.
Hofer is investing 100 million euros in new deposit systems
By Martin Roithner , September 22, 2023, 10:33 a.m
SATTLEDT. In Austria, a one-way deposit will apply to plastic bottles and beverage cans from 2025, and the reusable offering will also be expanded. Upper Austria's leading company Hofer is therefore converting its branches and investing more than 100 million euros in new deposit systems.
The grocer with headquarters in Sattledt announced this today, Friday. The discounter began rolling out the new deposit system last year; so far, 200 of the more than 530 branches have been converted. There should be a reusable deposit system in all stores by the end of 2024, and a return option for disposable packaging subject to a deposit from 2025.
“We are making an important contribution to reducing waste and simplifying the recycling process for our customers,” Hofer boss Horst Leitner is quoted as saying in a press release. In the branches that have already been converted, it is possible to buy and return reusable containers of beer, water, lemonade and milk. It is said that more items, for example for juices, will follow.
For the conversion, Hofer is working with the company Tomra Collection, which specializes in automated return of empties. Customers will also have to change in the future: the majority of deposit machines will be located in the entrance area of the branches and not in the middle of the store as before. This is to make returns “more convenient and uncomplicated,” as they say.
Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) says: "A deposit system is an important step in the fight against waste in nature. This allows freedom of choice when shopping and reduces our plastic waste."
Hofer employs 12,000 people and recently had sales of 4.6 billion euros.;art15,3882136
Hofer KG
The Hofer KG is one Austrian Food retail chain. It is part of the group of companies Aldi Süd, which is represented on four continents in eleven countries and has more than 6000 branches. In addition to Hofer Austria, Hofer S / E also includes Aldi Suisse, Hofer Slovenia, Aldi Hungary and Aldi Italy. The company is based in Sattledt in Upper Austria. The logo is identical to the logo of the entire Aldi Süd group of companies, but bears the lettering „ Hofer “ as a company name
Østerrike har vedtatt å innføre pant fra 01.01.2025. Østerrike har dessuten også innført pant for en del emballasje designet for gjenbruk. Her en GUIDE vedrørende pant i Østerrike:
Bottle Bill Resource Guide
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 13:32
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22.09.2023 kl 11:51
Kjøp Tomra nå og sitter med den, så kan dere selge med stor gevinst senere. Jeg selger ikke mine Tomra aksjer før kr 200 :). Store aktører er på kjøpside, kursen kan bare gå en vei, og det er opp.
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 12:15
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22.09.2023 kl 09:15
Kursen kan slutte over kr 134 idag. Hvis det ikke vil skje idag, så vil det skje i neste uke :)
Så billig som Tomra er nå. Så kan den også blir kjøpt opp ?
Så billig som Tomra er nå. Så kan den også blir kjøpt opp ?
Redigert 22.09.2023 kl 09:29
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Rect Angel
21.09.2023 kl 14:03
Breaking news!
For dette høres ut som om at intet mindre enn et sensasjonelt og helt gedigent gjennombrudd når det gjelder 100% klimanøytral finsortering og resirkulering av plast nå er et faktum.
Om det er Tomra som står bak all sorteringsteknologien i denne millardinvesteringen, vites ikke, men som man kan lese her er Tomra eneste teknologiselskap som nevnes når det gjelder hvem som skal være tilstede under åpningen:
"Visitors from across Europe are expected to attend the inauguration. An on-site press conference will take place to share the recycling results and insights from the test period, among other information.
Representatives from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, TOMRA, and companies from Sweden’s food trade industry will also be present."
For meg fremstår dette som et case hvor skaleringsmulighetene bør være helt enorme! Over hele kloden!
Tomra-aksjen begynner nå etterhvert kanskje å fremstå som heller billig (se Seeking Alpha artikkel i forrige innlegg her på tråden for vurderinger når det gjelder aksjekurs), vurdert opp mot (det gedigne) potensialet?
For husk også at Tomra nå allerede har tatt store skritt videre innen egen forretningsvirksomhet og investerer i egeneide resirkuleringsanlegg som er under bygging, både i Tyskland og Norge. Gitt Tomras hovedrolle som teknologileverandør til dette svenske gjemnombruddsprosjektet, begynner det å bli ganske enkelt å skjønne hvorfor selskapet nå også ønsker å høste mer direkte fra verdiskapningen innen resirkulering av plast, slik CEO Tove Andersen formulerte det under selskapets seneste kvartalspresentasjon...
Grand opening for ‘world’s biggest and most advanced’ recycling plant announced by Swedish Plastic Recycling
Swedish Plastic Recycling has announced that the grand opening of its Site Zero plant site – which aspires to recycle all kinds of plastic packaging without emitting CO2 – will take place on 15th November, intending to commence a ‘new era’ for the recycling of plastics.
At approximately 60,000 square metres in size, Site Zero reports an annual receiving capacity of 200,000 tons of mixed household plastic packaging and a sorting speed of 1,000 pieces of packaging every second using sixty NIR sensors, laser and camera technology.
One billion SEK has been invested between 2019 and 2023. Now Swedish Plastic Recycling says that the plant has been tested with ‘sensational’ results; up to twelve types of plastics can apparently be separated and recycled, whereas similar European plants are thought to handle three or four at a time.
As such, it is expected that ‘practically all’ plastics in the Swedish packaging market will be able to undergo treatment and be re-introduced into a circular economy.
Mattias Philipsson, CEO of Swedish Plastic Recycling, comments: “Site Zero exceeds all expectations; we are now entering a new era of plastic recycling. This plant will be the driving force for the transition that needs to be made worldwide to significantly reduce climate impact and the need for fossil plastic raw materials, and to make plastics part of the circular economy.”
Visitors from across Europe are expected to attend the inauguration. An on-site press conference will take place to share the recycling results and insights from the test period, among other information.
Representatives from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, TOMRA, and companies from Sweden’s food trade industry will also be present.
When it was first announced in 2021, the site looked towards complete climate neutrality. Swedish Plastic Recycling stated that the plant would be powered by renewable energy, and any plastic that the facility could not recycle was set to be sent for use in Carbon Capture Storage (CCS), or energy recovery without climate emissions.
For dette høres ut som om at intet mindre enn et sensasjonelt og helt gedigent gjennombrudd når det gjelder 100% klimanøytral finsortering og resirkulering av plast nå er et faktum.
Om det er Tomra som står bak all sorteringsteknologien i denne millardinvesteringen, vites ikke, men som man kan lese her er Tomra eneste teknologiselskap som nevnes når det gjelder hvem som skal være tilstede under åpningen:
"Visitors from across Europe are expected to attend the inauguration. An on-site press conference will take place to share the recycling results and insights from the test period, among other information.
Representatives from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, TOMRA, and companies from Sweden’s food trade industry will also be present."
For meg fremstår dette som et case hvor skaleringsmulighetene bør være helt enorme! Over hele kloden!
Tomra-aksjen begynner nå etterhvert kanskje å fremstå som heller billig (se Seeking Alpha artikkel i forrige innlegg her på tråden for vurderinger når det gjelder aksjekurs), vurdert opp mot (det gedigne) potensialet?
For husk også at Tomra nå allerede har tatt store skritt videre innen egen forretningsvirksomhet og investerer i egeneide resirkuleringsanlegg som er under bygging, både i Tyskland og Norge. Gitt Tomras hovedrolle som teknologileverandør til dette svenske gjemnombruddsprosjektet, begynner det å bli ganske enkelt å skjønne hvorfor selskapet nå også ønsker å høste mer direkte fra verdiskapningen innen resirkulering av plast, slik CEO Tove Andersen formulerte det under selskapets seneste kvartalspresentasjon...
Grand opening for ‘world’s biggest and most advanced’ recycling plant announced by Swedish Plastic Recycling
Swedish Plastic Recycling has announced that the grand opening of its Site Zero plant site – which aspires to recycle all kinds of plastic packaging without emitting CO2 – will take place on 15th November, intending to commence a ‘new era’ for the recycling of plastics.
At approximately 60,000 square metres in size, Site Zero reports an annual receiving capacity of 200,000 tons of mixed household plastic packaging and a sorting speed of 1,000 pieces of packaging every second using sixty NIR sensors, laser and camera technology.
One billion SEK has been invested between 2019 and 2023. Now Swedish Plastic Recycling says that the plant has been tested with ‘sensational’ results; up to twelve types of plastics can apparently be separated and recycled, whereas similar European plants are thought to handle three or four at a time.
As such, it is expected that ‘practically all’ plastics in the Swedish packaging market will be able to undergo treatment and be re-introduced into a circular economy.
Mattias Philipsson, CEO of Swedish Plastic Recycling, comments: “Site Zero exceeds all expectations; we are now entering a new era of plastic recycling. This plant will be the driving force for the transition that needs to be made worldwide to significantly reduce climate impact and the need for fossil plastic raw materials, and to make plastics part of the circular economy.”
Visitors from across Europe are expected to attend the inauguration. An on-site press conference will take place to share the recycling results and insights from the test period, among other information.
Representatives from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, TOMRA, and companies from Sweden’s food trade industry will also be present.
When it was first announced in 2021, the site looked towards complete climate neutrality. Swedish Plastic Recycling stated that the plant would be powered by renewable energy, and any plastic that the facility could not recycle was set to be sent for use in Carbon Capture Storage (CCS), or energy recovery without climate emissions.
Redigert 21.09.2023 kl 17:07
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Rect Angel
20.09.2023 kl 16:06
Her har du en meningsfelle.
20.09.2023 kl 10:03
Snart vil kursen igjen over kr 150. I Jan vil vi se kursen over kr 170. Man selger ikke denne nå.
Det må være en kjøpsmulighet. Denne har skiftet fra bear til BIG BULL nå.
Det må være en kjøpsmulighet. Denne har skiftet fra bear til BIG BULL nå.
Redigert 20.09.2023 kl 11:52
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19.09.2023 kl 23:26
Deposit system to start in Nov.2023
Deposit system to be implemented Dec.2023
Deposit system to be implemented Jan.2024
Deposit system to start in Nov.2023
Deposit system to be implemented Dec.2023
Deposit system to be implemented Jan.2024
Redigert 20.09.2023 kl 07:33
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Rect Angel
19.09.2023 kl 20:48
Det er altså nå endelig vedtatt at Polens ca. 38 millioner innbyggere skal få sitt pantesystem opp og gå f.o.m. 1.januar 2025.
Her en relativt dyptpløyende (oversatt) polsk artikkel om Polens kommende pantesystem. Man legger jo her merke til hvor fremoverlent og tilsynelatende sentralt posisjonert Tomra fremstår. Og som jeg har antydet ved en tidligere anledning, er det vanskelig å forestille seg annet enn Tomra i meget sentral rolle på operatørsiden når systemet altså skal være oppe og gå allerede 1.januar 2025. Så overlegent størst er nemlig Tomra når det gjelder å operere fullt automatiserte, digitaliserte pantesystemer. Ja, jeg vet faktisk ikke om andre aktører som produserer pantemaskiner faktisk opptrer som storskala operatører av systemer slik Tomra gjør f.eks. i Australia og Litauen eller om de kun selger maskiner. .
Advantages of the deposit system. How many billion packaging will be recycled?
Author: ed. DC
Date: September 18, 2023, 3:39 PM
The act introducing the deposit system was signed by the President and published by the government. This means that from January 2025, a deposit will be added to the drinks covered by the new entries, which will be returned after returning the empty packaging to the collection point. TOMRA, which deals with, among others, will inform about the preparations for implementing the new regulations. delivering recyclates to bottles.
ABC of the deposit system. Which packaging will be covered by the new rules?
According to the provisions of the Act, the deposit system will include disposable plastic bottles up to 3 liters, multi-use glass bottles up to 1.5 liters and metal cans with a capacity of up to 1 liter. A deposit will be added to the drinks, which will be returned after returning the empty packaging to the collection point. Such a collection point will be every store over 200 sq m. area and smaller, which will want to join by signing a contract with the system operator.
Pros of the deposit system. As many as 12 billion recovered packaging?
Recycling is an essential part of the circular economy, allowing multiple processing of materials such as plastic, metal or glass. This process not only saves natural resources, but also reduces environmental pollution by waste and makes less garbage appear in public space.
The deposit system will effectively support such an economy, as many European countries have seen. An example would be Norway or Lithuania, reaching very high levels of packaging collection after drinks, which are then reused.
The current levels of municipal waste collection that are recycled are far too low - below 50%. The effects of this can be seen even on our streets, in the woods, on the beaches, where there is plenty of lying rubbish, and landfills are increasing. This will change after the introduction of the – bail system, says Anna Sapota, vice president of public affairs for North-East Europe in the TOMRA group.
Assuming a collection of 90% beverage packaging, which we can achieve in Poland thanks to the deposit system, Poland can recover over 12 billion recyclable packaging every year.
How to prepare for the introduction of the deposit system?
The deposit system operators should be appointed to develop, configure and manage the infrastructure needed to collect and process packaging. This means setting up one or more special companies, registering and obtaining the necessary permits and licenses that will allow you to collect packaging. The next stage is the registration of producers of packaging, stores as official collection points and products covered by the deposit system. A special deposit designation will allow consumers and manual refund points to recognize products covered by the deposit system.
Cooperation and good organization. What will the relationship between system participants look like?
Agreements between system participants are also required. They determine the relationship between producers and the operator ( be operators ), operator and commercial units and between the operators themselves. Another key element is the creation and implementation of IT systems supporting the processes of settling deposits and handling fees as well as reporting the amount of packaging collected.
In the meantime, stores that have committed to join the system should prepare an appropriate infrastructure to support the return of – packaging for both automatic and manual collection.
In European deposit systems, automatic collection has the largest share in the total number of packaging collected for recycling. Smaller stores with fewer returns will accept eligible containers manually, which is why the investment is minimal, i.e. a small bulk container and bags. In turn, larger facilities may decide to buy equipment tailored to their individual needs and surface capabilities. Depending on the recyclomat selected, it can collect from 1000 to 3000 packages per hour – says Konrad Robak, country manager at TOMRA Collection Polska.
The implementation of the deposit system requires the involvement of producers, retail chains, service providers, recyclers and regulators. The creation of a modern deposit system depends on cooperation and effective organization.
How many years will it take to mature the deposit system?
Deposit systems allow you to quickly develop measurable effects both in terms of accelerating collection, increasing recycling rates, supplying high-quality secondary food raw materials or reducing the amount of garbage.
For example, Lithuania achieved an increase in the collection rate of PET bottles from below 33% to 92% in just two years after the introduction of the deposit system. In practice, we see that the maturing process of the deposit system can last from 2 to 3 years after the official start. This is the period during which the operation of the system is refined – says Anna Sapota.
The first year after the introduction of the deposit system is a period of learning, adaptation and adaptation to new rules. Store owners, collection and packaging processing points will need to adapt the infrastructure to effectively handle packaging returning to the system. In contrast, consumers will be able to fully understand the rules introduced during this time, develop new habits related to returning packaging and include them in their agenda.,234783.html
Det sier vel seg selv at vi styrer mot kollaps hvis 'praksisen' med å tilføre verdens havområder 11 millioner tonn plastavfall i året får fortsette. Så her må mye gjøres. Veldig mye.
Plastics Treaty should roll out DRS, close recycling loops, and ensure transparent reporting, says TOMRA
TOMRA has made ten recommendations for a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Plastics Treaty, including mandatory targets, closed-loop recycling, transparent reporting, and the use of deposit return systems.
An estimated 11 million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans every year, says UNEP – threatening the environment and health by destroying ecosystems and endangering wildlife, among other impacts. With INC-3, the third International Negotiation Committee Meeting taking place in Nairobi, Kenya in November, TOMRA has worked with Eunomia to pinpoint the most successful waste management solutions from around the world.
TOMRA has made ten recommendations for a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Plastics Treaty, including mandatory targets, closed-loop recycling, transparent reporting, and the use of deposit return systems.
UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution
Learn more about TOMRA's recommendations for the UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution
Her en relativt dyptpløyende (oversatt) polsk artikkel om Polens kommende pantesystem. Man legger jo her merke til hvor fremoverlent og tilsynelatende sentralt posisjonert Tomra fremstår. Og som jeg har antydet ved en tidligere anledning, er det vanskelig å forestille seg annet enn Tomra i meget sentral rolle på operatørsiden når systemet altså skal være oppe og gå allerede 1.januar 2025. Så overlegent størst er nemlig Tomra når det gjelder å operere fullt automatiserte, digitaliserte pantesystemer. Ja, jeg vet faktisk ikke om andre aktører som produserer pantemaskiner faktisk opptrer som storskala operatører av systemer slik Tomra gjør f.eks. i Australia og Litauen eller om de kun selger maskiner. .
Advantages of the deposit system. How many billion packaging will be recycled?
Author: ed. DC
Date: September 18, 2023, 3:39 PM
The act introducing the deposit system was signed by the President and published by the government. This means that from January 2025, a deposit will be added to the drinks covered by the new entries, which will be returned after returning the empty packaging to the collection point. TOMRA, which deals with, among others, will inform about the preparations for implementing the new regulations. delivering recyclates to bottles.
ABC of the deposit system. Which packaging will be covered by the new rules?
According to the provisions of the Act, the deposit system will include disposable plastic bottles up to 3 liters, multi-use glass bottles up to 1.5 liters and metal cans with a capacity of up to 1 liter. A deposit will be added to the drinks, which will be returned after returning the empty packaging to the collection point. Such a collection point will be every store over 200 sq m. area and smaller, which will want to join by signing a contract with the system operator.
Pros of the deposit system. As many as 12 billion recovered packaging?
Recycling is an essential part of the circular economy, allowing multiple processing of materials such as plastic, metal or glass. This process not only saves natural resources, but also reduces environmental pollution by waste and makes less garbage appear in public space.
The deposit system will effectively support such an economy, as many European countries have seen. An example would be Norway or Lithuania, reaching very high levels of packaging collection after drinks, which are then reused.
The current levels of municipal waste collection that are recycled are far too low - below 50%. The effects of this can be seen even on our streets, in the woods, on the beaches, where there is plenty of lying rubbish, and landfills are increasing. This will change after the introduction of the – bail system, says Anna Sapota, vice president of public affairs for North-East Europe in the TOMRA group.
Assuming a collection of 90% beverage packaging, which we can achieve in Poland thanks to the deposit system, Poland can recover over 12 billion recyclable packaging every year.
How to prepare for the introduction of the deposit system?
The deposit system operators should be appointed to develop, configure and manage the infrastructure needed to collect and process packaging. This means setting up one or more special companies, registering and obtaining the necessary permits and licenses that will allow you to collect packaging. The next stage is the registration of producers of packaging, stores as official collection points and products covered by the deposit system. A special deposit designation will allow consumers and manual refund points to recognize products covered by the deposit system.
Cooperation and good organization. What will the relationship between system participants look like?
Agreements between system participants are also required. They determine the relationship between producers and the operator ( be operators ), operator and commercial units and between the operators themselves. Another key element is the creation and implementation of IT systems supporting the processes of settling deposits and handling fees as well as reporting the amount of packaging collected.
In the meantime, stores that have committed to join the system should prepare an appropriate infrastructure to support the return of – packaging for both automatic and manual collection.
In European deposit systems, automatic collection has the largest share in the total number of packaging collected for recycling. Smaller stores with fewer returns will accept eligible containers manually, which is why the investment is minimal, i.e. a small bulk container and bags. In turn, larger facilities may decide to buy equipment tailored to their individual needs and surface capabilities. Depending on the recyclomat selected, it can collect from 1000 to 3000 packages per hour – says Konrad Robak, country manager at TOMRA Collection Polska.
The implementation of the deposit system requires the involvement of producers, retail chains, service providers, recyclers and regulators. The creation of a modern deposit system depends on cooperation and effective organization.
How many years will it take to mature the deposit system?
Deposit systems allow you to quickly develop measurable effects both in terms of accelerating collection, increasing recycling rates, supplying high-quality secondary food raw materials or reducing the amount of garbage.
For example, Lithuania achieved an increase in the collection rate of PET bottles from below 33% to 92% in just two years after the introduction of the deposit system. In practice, we see that the maturing process of the deposit system can last from 2 to 3 years after the official start. This is the period during which the operation of the system is refined – says Anna Sapota.
The first year after the introduction of the deposit system is a period of learning, adaptation and adaptation to new rules. Store owners, collection and packaging processing points will need to adapt the infrastructure to effectively handle packaging returning to the system. In contrast, consumers will be able to fully understand the rules introduced during this time, develop new habits related to returning packaging and include them in their agenda.,234783.html
Det sier vel seg selv at vi styrer mot kollaps hvis 'praksisen' med å tilføre verdens havområder 11 millioner tonn plastavfall i året får fortsette. Så her må mye gjøres. Veldig mye.
Plastics Treaty should roll out DRS, close recycling loops, and ensure transparent reporting, says TOMRA
TOMRA has made ten recommendations for a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Plastics Treaty, including mandatory targets, closed-loop recycling, transparent reporting, and the use of deposit return systems.
An estimated 11 million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans every year, says UNEP – threatening the environment and health by destroying ecosystems and endangering wildlife, among other impacts. With INC-3, the third International Negotiation Committee Meeting taking place in Nairobi, Kenya in November, TOMRA has worked with Eunomia to pinpoint the most successful waste management solutions from around the world.
TOMRA has made ten recommendations for a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Plastics Treaty, including mandatory targets, closed-loop recycling, transparent reporting, and the use of deposit return systems.
UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution
Learn more about TOMRA's recommendations for the UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution
Redigert 19.09.2023 kl 22:34
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