Tomra Systems - nyheter
Slik jeg ser det, er Tomra Systems et fantastisk, grønt teknologiselskap. Globalt ledende og perfekt rigget for å betjene sterkt økende etterspørsel innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, i tiår fremover. Velger å starte denne tråden på forumet for 'Grønne aksjer'.
Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.
Quick-change MRF
Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.
December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler
* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.
Quick-change MRF
Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.
December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler
* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Redigert 05.10.2023 kl 22:45
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11.10.2023 kl 14:55
Nedgraderinger. Mange tror at husene har gitt ut GRATIS informasjon for at andre ikke skal gjøre feil og tape penger. Hva er deres agenda ?. De vil at vi skal gjøre som de ønsker slik at de tjener penger :). Hvis de er så sikkert på at kursen skal ned. Hvorfor ikke selger selv eller shorter og tjener penger på det.
Redigert 11.10.2023 kl 14:59
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Rect Angel
11.10.2023 kl 16:31
Dagens omsetning:
23.5 mill NOK frem til 16:20
30.2 mill. NOK i sluttauksjonen
53.7 mill. NOK totalt
23.5 mill NOK frem til 16:20
30.2 mill. NOK i sluttauksjonen
53.7 mill. NOK totalt
11.10.2023 kl 19:53
4128 kursen til Tomra er 123 NOK
Redigert 11.10.2023 kl 19:54
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Rect Angel
11.10.2023 kl 21:26
Det er visst alltid noen som finner det for godt å dumpe litt av skrotet sitt i veikanten eller annersteds. En Meny-butikk på Sande, Vestfold rapporterer å ha blitt utsatt for litt av dette, i sin Tomra R1 stormaskin som sluker inntil 100 panteenheter i et jafs.
Meny-ledelsen opplyser imidlertid til at butikkjeden får svært gode tilbakemeldinger fra kunder når det gjelder Tomra R1 og at kunder kjører ens ærend til butikker som har Tomra R1 maskiner for å pante.
- Flere misforstår
Meny-butikken har erfart at flere kunder bruker pantemaskinen på feil måte
Magnus Gjestrum Larsen
Publisert onsdag 11. oktober 2023 - 11:10
- Gode tilbakemeldinger
DinSide har kontaktet Kommunikasjonssjef i Meny, Nina Horn Hynne, for å høre om de har problemer med feilbruk i flere butikker.
- Vi får svært gode tilbakemeldinger fra kundene på maskinene. Mange kunder kjører ens ærend til disse butikkene med panten sin.
Kommunikasjonssjefen informerer om at de ikke kjenner til at feilkasting er et stort problem.
Tomra Food.
TOMRA Food to showcase innovative potato sorting solutions at IFPA’s Global Produce and Floral show in Anaheim
on October 10, 2023
TOMRA Food, a leader in cutting-edge sorting solutions, is set to unveil its latest technologies for fresh pack potatoes at the upcoming IFPA’s Global Produce & Floral Show.
The event, scheduled from 19-21 October in Anaheim, California will see the TOMRA team stationed at Booth 3304, ready to demonstrate how their state-of-the-art sorting solutions can revolutionize the efficiency of potato sorting lines.
Diarmuid Meagher, TOMRA Processed Food’s VP and Sales Manager for the Northwestern and Western Regions, USA and Canada, expressed his enthusiasm about the event.
“We’re eager to reconnect with our IFPA Potato sector clientele in Anaheim,” Meagher said. “We have some exciting updates on our TOMRA 3A and 5A sorter developments to share. Our continuous innovation ensures that our Potato grower and wash plant customers can optimize yields and productivity. This not only reduces operational costs and contamination risks but also significantly decreases the dependence on human sorting labor, which is becoming increasingly scarce.”
Tomra Food. 'Spring Valley Fruits' ekspanderer kraftig gjennom kjøp av mer produksjonsutstyr av Tomra Food.
Tight availability ahead on guava
Publication date: Wed 11 Oct 2023
Author: Astrid Van Den Broek
Supplies of guava are steady right now and look to stay that way in the coming months. However, with demand for the fruit picking up next month for the upcoming holiday season, that means availability will be tight.
He also adds that it’s about to finish constructing a new state-of-the-art packinghouse in Aguascalientes beside its current packing house. Spring Valley will install 16 new TOMRA lanes, in addition to the 10 lanes it currently has, and it will integrate them all to have 26 lanes working in coordination, an investment that will also help improve quality.
Tomra Horizon.
Gjenbruk er en av de 3 pillarene Tomras nye divisjon Tomra Horizon er fundert på.
Industry players propose revisions to PPWR’s reuse regulations
10 OCTOBER 2023
A position paper signed by Reloop, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Zero Waste Europe, TOMRA, and more has suggested revisions to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)’s stance on reuse systems, including a clearer definition of reusable packaging and the implementation of complementary refillable solutions.
The paper cites the PPWR in stating that 40% of all plastic and 50% of all paper consumption in the EU is attributable to packaging. Over a third of all municipal waste comes from packaging, it is claimed, with single-use packaging designs driving waste generation.
Reportedly, less packaging waste is going to landfills today than twenty years ago, but the figure was still estimated to reach 20% in 2020. Approximately 16% of packaging waste was thought to have been incinerated in the same year. Around 17% of all packaging is now thought to be non-recyclable by design, with the rate of packaging waste recycling in the EU said to have stalled since 2010.
Improvements in recycling have accommodated the growth in packaging use but have failed to decrease it, the statement claims. Therefore, the signatories call for high-performance reuse systems to be developed at scale – allowing packaging to retain its value for longer and separating consumption from the extraction of materials and excessive carbon emissions in the long term.
They argue that recycling alone cannot adequately reduce Europe’s material and carbon footprints to achieve its climate and environmental goals. In the same vein, swapping one single-use material for another is not expected to achieve circularity. Reuse before recycling is foregrounded as an optimal solution, but this comes with a requirement to establish an ‘ambitious, globally differentiated and diversified’ green industrial strategy in Europe due to limited natural resources.
The paper quotes the European Commission’s approximation that 600,000 jobs will be created in the EU economy via the transition into reuse by 2030. In turn, this is anticipated to lower the cost of consumer goods and turn attentions away from the consumption of imported natural resources, instead focusing on growth in green jobs and services within the EU.
As such, the paper approves of the PPWR’s inclusion of reuse targets, but suggests that improvements can still be made to ensure that the transition into reuse is ‘smooth and efficient’.
Meny-ledelsen opplyser imidlertid til at butikkjeden får svært gode tilbakemeldinger fra kunder når det gjelder Tomra R1 og at kunder kjører ens ærend til butikker som har Tomra R1 maskiner for å pante.
- Flere misforstår
Meny-butikken har erfart at flere kunder bruker pantemaskinen på feil måte
Magnus Gjestrum Larsen
Publisert onsdag 11. oktober 2023 - 11:10
- Gode tilbakemeldinger
DinSide har kontaktet Kommunikasjonssjef i Meny, Nina Horn Hynne, for å høre om de har problemer med feilbruk i flere butikker.
- Vi får svært gode tilbakemeldinger fra kundene på maskinene. Mange kunder kjører ens ærend til disse butikkene med panten sin.
Kommunikasjonssjefen informerer om at de ikke kjenner til at feilkasting er et stort problem.
Tomra Food.
TOMRA Food to showcase innovative potato sorting solutions at IFPA’s Global Produce and Floral show in Anaheim
on October 10, 2023
TOMRA Food, a leader in cutting-edge sorting solutions, is set to unveil its latest technologies for fresh pack potatoes at the upcoming IFPA’s Global Produce & Floral Show.
The event, scheduled from 19-21 October in Anaheim, California will see the TOMRA team stationed at Booth 3304, ready to demonstrate how their state-of-the-art sorting solutions can revolutionize the efficiency of potato sorting lines.
Diarmuid Meagher, TOMRA Processed Food’s VP and Sales Manager for the Northwestern and Western Regions, USA and Canada, expressed his enthusiasm about the event.
“We’re eager to reconnect with our IFPA Potato sector clientele in Anaheim,” Meagher said. “We have some exciting updates on our TOMRA 3A and 5A sorter developments to share. Our continuous innovation ensures that our Potato grower and wash plant customers can optimize yields and productivity. This not only reduces operational costs and contamination risks but also significantly decreases the dependence on human sorting labor, which is becoming increasingly scarce.”
Tomra Food. 'Spring Valley Fruits' ekspanderer kraftig gjennom kjøp av mer produksjonsutstyr av Tomra Food.
Tight availability ahead on guava
Publication date: Wed 11 Oct 2023
Author: Astrid Van Den Broek
Supplies of guava are steady right now and look to stay that way in the coming months. However, with demand for the fruit picking up next month for the upcoming holiday season, that means availability will be tight.
He also adds that it’s about to finish constructing a new state-of-the-art packinghouse in Aguascalientes beside its current packing house. Spring Valley will install 16 new TOMRA lanes, in addition to the 10 lanes it currently has, and it will integrate them all to have 26 lanes working in coordination, an investment that will also help improve quality.
Tomra Horizon.
Gjenbruk er en av de 3 pillarene Tomras nye divisjon Tomra Horizon er fundert på.
Industry players propose revisions to PPWR’s reuse regulations
10 OCTOBER 2023
A position paper signed by Reloop, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Zero Waste Europe, TOMRA, and more has suggested revisions to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)’s stance on reuse systems, including a clearer definition of reusable packaging and the implementation of complementary refillable solutions.
The paper cites the PPWR in stating that 40% of all plastic and 50% of all paper consumption in the EU is attributable to packaging. Over a third of all municipal waste comes from packaging, it is claimed, with single-use packaging designs driving waste generation.
Reportedly, less packaging waste is going to landfills today than twenty years ago, but the figure was still estimated to reach 20% in 2020. Approximately 16% of packaging waste was thought to have been incinerated in the same year. Around 17% of all packaging is now thought to be non-recyclable by design, with the rate of packaging waste recycling in the EU said to have stalled since 2010.
Improvements in recycling have accommodated the growth in packaging use but have failed to decrease it, the statement claims. Therefore, the signatories call for high-performance reuse systems to be developed at scale – allowing packaging to retain its value for longer and separating consumption from the extraction of materials and excessive carbon emissions in the long term.
They argue that recycling alone cannot adequately reduce Europe’s material and carbon footprints to achieve its climate and environmental goals. In the same vein, swapping one single-use material for another is not expected to achieve circularity. Reuse before recycling is foregrounded as an optimal solution, but this comes with a requirement to establish an ‘ambitious, globally differentiated and diversified’ green industrial strategy in Europe due to limited natural resources.
The paper quotes the European Commission’s approximation that 600,000 jobs will be created in the EU economy via the transition into reuse by 2030. In turn, this is anticipated to lower the cost of consumer goods and turn attentions away from the consumption of imported natural resources, instead focusing on growth in green jobs and services within the EU.
As such, the paper approves of the PPWR’s inclusion of reuse targets, but suggests that improvements can still be made to ensure that the transition into reuse is ‘smooth and efficient’.
Rect Angel
12.10.2023 kl 16:04
Lønnsomheten i Tomra Food har jo vært verkebyllen den seneste tiden.
Harald Henriksen tiltrådte som sjef for Tomra Food så sent som i juni i år. Har siden da nå tydeligvis kommet frem til hvilke grep som må tas for å effektivisere virksomheten og bedre lønnsomheten.
Henriksen overtok lederrollen i Tomra Food etter suksessrike år som sjef i Tomra Collection Solutions (pant). Så da er det å håpe at suksessen fortsetter i hans nye rolle. Ettersom det her synes opplagt at disse grepene tas for å øke lønnsomheten innen Food, synes jeg ikke dette, isolert sett, fremstår som en dårlig nyhet. At man skal dra nytte av urealiserte synergier, som det står i meldingen, er vel f.eks. nærmest som en 'no-brainer' å regne og svært fornuftig, gitt situasjonen. Må grep tas, er det vel både viktig og riktig at de tas. Og årlige besparelser gjennom dette på €30 millioner ved hjelp av en engangsinvestering på €20 millioner, ja det høres for meg rett og slett ut som veldig god business.
Om en uke skriver vi 20.oktober. Da er det tid for presentasjon av Q3 2023, og vi får helt sikkert vite mye mer.
TOMRA: Initiating EUR 30 million cost reduction program in TOMRA Food division
In 2022, TOMRA launched a new set of financial ambitions for the coming five -year period. This includes an average annual growth rate of 15% and achieving an EBITA margin of 18% by 2027.
TOMRA Food's ambition is to contribute to the Group's targets with high single -digit growth at double-digit EBITA margin. Growth prospects for automated food grading and sorting remain attractive in the medium and long term. However, both growth and profitability have been below target in 2023 as customers have been faced with a combination of challenges including difficult macroeconomic conditions and lost or damaged harvests, especially within the Fresh Food segment.
TOMRA Food's strategic priority over the next year will be to increase profitability and customer satisfaction. To achieve this, TOMRA Food has today decided to initiate a cost reduction program of EUR 30 million (ca. NOK 350 million) in annual savings by taking advantage of unrealized synergies. The program is expected to incur one-off costs of around EUR 20 million. Full cost saving benefits are expected by the end of 2024.
"TOMRA Food is a leader in the growing market for automated food sorting and grading equipment. We are a strong and experienced global team with deep expertise within both fresh and processed food. The division is a result from four acquisitions over the past 12 years, and we still see room for closer integration and synergy realization between these. By refocusing the organization, we will be able to grow profitability while also increasing customer satisfaction," says Harald Henriksen who was appointed EVP of TOMRA Food in June this year.
Further details on TOMRA Food's improvement agenda will be presented in connection with TOMRA's third quarter result presentation on Friday, 20 October 2023. The presentation will be sent via live webcast. A recorded version of the webcast will be available shortly after the webcast has concluded.
Link to the webcast:
Asker, 12 October 2023
Contact information:
Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 913 61 899
About TOMRA Food
TOMRA Food designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting machines and integrated post-harvest solutions transforming global food production to maximize food safety and minimize food loss, by making sure Every Resource Counts[TM].
The company has more than 13,800 units installed at food growers, packers and processors around the world. These solutions include advanced grading, sorting, peeling and analytical technology to help businesses improve returns, gain operational efficiencies, and ensure a safe food supply.
TOMRA Food operates centers of excellence, regional offices and manufacturing locations within the United States, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australasia.
For further information about TOMRA, visit
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Oslo Stock Exchange
Harald Henriksen tiltrådte som sjef for Tomra Food så sent som i juni i år. Har siden da nå tydeligvis kommet frem til hvilke grep som må tas for å effektivisere virksomheten og bedre lønnsomheten.
Henriksen overtok lederrollen i Tomra Food etter suksessrike år som sjef i Tomra Collection Solutions (pant). Så da er det å håpe at suksessen fortsetter i hans nye rolle. Ettersom det her synes opplagt at disse grepene tas for å øke lønnsomheten innen Food, synes jeg ikke dette, isolert sett, fremstår som en dårlig nyhet. At man skal dra nytte av urealiserte synergier, som det står i meldingen, er vel f.eks. nærmest som en 'no-brainer' å regne og svært fornuftig, gitt situasjonen. Må grep tas, er det vel både viktig og riktig at de tas. Og årlige besparelser gjennom dette på €30 millioner ved hjelp av en engangsinvestering på €20 millioner, ja det høres for meg rett og slett ut som veldig god business.
Om en uke skriver vi 20.oktober. Da er det tid for presentasjon av Q3 2023, og vi får helt sikkert vite mye mer.
TOMRA: Initiating EUR 30 million cost reduction program in TOMRA Food division
In 2022, TOMRA launched a new set of financial ambitions for the coming five -year period. This includes an average annual growth rate of 15% and achieving an EBITA margin of 18% by 2027.
TOMRA Food's ambition is to contribute to the Group's targets with high single -digit growth at double-digit EBITA margin. Growth prospects for automated food grading and sorting remain attractive in the medium and long term. However, both growth and profitability have been below target in 2023 as customers have been faced with a combination of challenges including difficult macroeconomic conditions and lost or damaged harvests, especially within the Fresh Food segment.
TOMRA Food's strategic priority over the next year will be to increase profitability and customer satisfaction. To achieve this, TOMRA Food has today decided to initiate a cost reduction program of EUR 30 million (ca. NOK 350 million) in annual savings by taking advantage of unrealized synergies. The program is expected to incur one-off costs of around EUR 20 million. Full cost saving benefits are expected by the end of 2024.
"TOMRA Food is a leader in the growing market for automated food sorting and grading equipment. We are a strong and experienced global team with deep expertise within both fresh and processed food. The division is a result from four acquisitions over the past 12 years, and we still see room for closer integration and synergy realization between these. By refocusing the organization, we will be able to grow profitability while also increasing customer satisfaction," says Harald Henriksen who was appointed EVP of TOMRA Food in June this year.
Further details on TOMRA Food's improvement agenda will be presented in connection with TOMRA's third quarter result presentation on Friday, 20 October 2023. The presentation will be sent via live webcast. A recorded version of the webcast will be available shortly after the webcast has concluded.
Link to the webcast:
Asker, 12 October 2023
Contact information:
Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 913 61 899
About TOMRA Food
TOMRA Food designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting machines and integrated post-harvest solutions transforming global food production to maximize food safety and minimize food loss, by making sure Every Resource Counts[TM].
The company has more than 13,800 units installed at food growers, packers and processors around the world. These solutions include advanced grading, sorting, peeling and analytical technology to help businesses improve returns, gain operational efficiencies, and ensure a safe food supply.
TOMRA Food operates centers of excellence, regional offices and manufacturing locations within the United States, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australasia.
For further information about TOMRA, visit
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Oslo Stock Exchange
Redigert 12.10.2023 kl 17:58
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Rect Angel
12.10.2023 kl 16:11
12.10.2023 15:40 • Nyhetsbyrån Direkt •
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Norska Tomra, som bland annat utvecklar produkter för automatiserad returhantering, inleder ett kostnadsbesparingsprogram om 30 miljoner euro i divisionen Tomra Food.
Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.
Tomra uppger att både tillväxt och lönsamhet under 2023 har varit under de finansiella mål som bolaget satte under 2022, varför kostnadsbesparingsprogrammet initieras.
Anledningens sägs vara en kombination av utmaningar för bolagets kunder, inklusive svåra makroekonomiska förhållanden och förlorade eller skadade skördar, särskilt inom segmentet Tomras Fresh Food-segment.
Besparingarna ska ske genom att "dra nytta av orealiserade synergier", uppger Tomra.
Besparingsprogrammet förväntas medföra engångskostnader om cirka 20 miljoner euro och den totala kostnadsbesparingen förväntas ge full effekt i slutet av 2024.
Tomras rapport för det tredje kvartalet väntas den 20 oktober.
Emanuel Furuholm +46 8 5191 7925 Nyhetsbyrån Direkt AB
12.10.2023 15:40 • Nyhetsbyrån Direkt •
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Norska Tomra, som bland annat utvecklar produkter för automatiserad returhantering, inleder ett kostnadsbesparingsprogram om 30 miljoner euro i divisionen Tomra Food.
Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.
Tomra uppger att både tillväxt och lönsamhet under 2023 har varit under de finansiella mål som bolaget satte under 2022, varför kostnadsbesparingsprogrammet initieras.
Anledningens sägs vara en kombination av utmaningar för bolagets kunder, inklusive svåra makroekonomiska förhållanden och förlorade eller skadade skördar, särskilt inom segmentet Tomras Fresh Food-segment.
Besparingarna ska ske genom att "dra nytta av orealiserade synergier", uppger Tomra.
Besparingsprogrammet förväntas medföra engångskostnader om cirka 20 miljoner euro och den totala kostnadsbesparingen förväntas ge full effekt i slutet av 2024.
Tomras rapport för det tredje kvartalet väntas den 20 oktober.
Emanuel Furuholm +46 8 5191 7925 Nyhetsbyrån Direkt AB
Rect Angel
12.10.2023 kl 16:28
Dagens omsetning:
30.9 mill NOK frem til 16:20
34 mill. NOK i sluttauksjonen
65 mill. NOK totalt
30.9 mill NOK frem til 16:20
34 mill. NOK i sluttauksjonen
65 mill. NOK totalt
12.10.2023 kl 16:28
Kan noen forklare meg hva det var i den meld som trigget kursen til å falle?
12.10.2023 kl 17:31
Kostnadsbesparelse på 30M EUR. Mange tolker det som negativ ?. regner med at den vil komme opp igjen i morgen før helgen.
Redigert 12.10.2023 kl 17:41
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Rect Angel
13.10.2023 kl 09:54
Seneste episode i 'den store høstjakta' kom i dag, DnB 100 (140).
Ja, i dag er det DnBs tur, når det gjelder torpederingen av egne, tidligere kursmål for Tomra-aksjen. Og som påpekt tidligere, når det gjelder Tomra, som jo er et norsk selskap med virksomhet over hele kloden, er det primært av 'sine egne man skal ha det', for det er først og fremst de norske meglerhusene som 'går helt berserk' her:
Gjennomsnittlig kursmål:
Norske meglerhus (DnB, ABG, Carnegie) :
105 NOK
Utenlandske meglerhus (Barclay, Danske Bank, Jyske Bank, Kepler, Morgan Stanley, Nordea, SEB):
154 NOK
En smule oppsiktsvekkende dette, spør du meg.
Ja, i dag er det DnBs tur, når det gjelder torpederingen av egne, tidligere kursmål for Tomra-aksjen. Og som påpekt tidligere, når det gjelder Tomra, som jo er et norsk selskap med virksomhet over hele kloden, er det primært av 'sine egne man skal ha det', for det er først og fremst de norske meglerhusene som 'går helt berserk' her:
Gjennomsnittlig kursmål:
Norske meglerhus (DnB, ABG, Carnegie) :
105 NOK
Utenlandske meglerhus (Barclay, Danske Bank, Jyske Bank, Kepler, Morgan Stanley, Nordea, SEB):
154 NOK
En smule oppsiktsvekkende dette, spør du meg.
Redigert 13.10.2023 kl 11:03
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13.10.2023 kl 10:53
Ja, da ser vi jo grunnen til gårsdagens plutselige fall før stengetid. Noen fikk det travelt med å komme seg ut før rapporten ble publisert.
13.10.2023 kl 11:39
Har nettopp kjøpt flere aksjer idag. Har tro på at kursen vil komme opp igjen i neste uke før Q3 rapporten. Den har falt mye på grunn av elendig forventning. Alt det negative har allerede tatt med i kursen. Denne trenger bare et lyst punkt i rapporten, så kan det gå veldig mye opp.
Redigert 13.10.2023 kl 11:52
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Rect Angel
13.10.2023 kl 11:52
Topp 20 steady.
Opp marginalt fra 59.69% forrige fredag (06.10.) til 59.83% i dagens oppdatering (pr. 12.10).
Opp marginalt fra 59.69% forrige fredag (06.10.) til 59.83% i dagens oppdatering (pr. 12.10).
13.10.2023 kl 12:50
Med den kursen som jeg nettopp har kjøpt mine nye aksjer på, så kan jeg sitte lenge med dem :)
Rect Angel
13.10.2023 kl 13:18
Ja, her skal det definitivt sittes lenge.
Har allerede nevnt det, men en trigger ingen snakker om er de to plastsorteringsanleggene Tomra nå bygger, i henholdsvis Tyskland og Norge.
Tomra (Horizon), som som kjent selv besitter verdens beste teknologi når det gjelder dette, skal altså for første gang begynne å finsortere en rekke plasttyper i egen regi. Den finsorterte råvaren av reneste kvalitet skal Tomra så videreselge til aktører innen resirkulering av plast. Dette gjør Tomra fordi det i dag er stor mangel på plastråvare av god nok kvalitet.
Hvorfor er det så stor etterspørsel etter noen typer plastråvare av høy kvalitet? Jo, fordi poltiske føringer/lovvedtak (foreløpig særlig i EU nasjonene, men dette kommer overalt) har satt krav om prosentvist innhold av resirkulert plast i f.eks. emballasje innen gitte tidsfrister. Innholdet av resirkulert plast i emballasjen MÅ også suksessivt økes innen allerede bestemte tidsfrister. De som ikke oppfyller disse kravene VIL BLI BØTE-/AVGIFTSBELAGT.
CEO Tove Strand sa under Q2 2023 i juli at Tomra gjør dette, for selv å ta mer direkte del i verdiskapningen, fordi etterspørselen etter kvaliteten Tomra her kommer til å kunne tilby i dag er mye større en tilbudet i markedet. Hun estimerte EBITDA i regionen 15 - 20% når det gjelder denne virksomheten.
Kanskje er ikke et scenario der de to plastsorteringsanleggene som Tomra nå har under bygging, kun er en 'sped' begynnelse (på noe veldig stort) helt utenkelig? For alle er vel i bunn og grunn enige om at en stor jobb må gjøres globalt når det gjelder å få bukt med plastforurensning. En jobb som såvidt er påbegynt.
Har allerede nevnt det, men en trigger ingen snakker om er de to plastsorteringsanleggene Tomra nå bygger, i henholdsvis Tyskland og Norge.
Tomra (Horizon), som som kjent selv besitter verdens beste teknologi når det gjelder dette, skal altså for første gang begynne å finsortere en rekke plasttyper i egen regi. Den finsorterte råvaren av reneste kvalitet skal Tomra så videreselge til aktører innen resirkulering av plast. Dette gjør Tomra fordi det i dag er stor mangel på plastråvare av god nok kvalitet.
Hvorfor er det så stor etterspørsel etter noen typer plastråvare av høy kvalitet? Jo, fordi poltiske føringer/lovvedtak (foreløpig særlig i EU nasjonene, men dette kommer overalt) har satt krav om prosentvist innhold av resirkulert plast i f.eks. emballasje innen gitte tidsfrister. Innholdet av resirkulert plast i emballasjen MÅ også suksessivt økes innen allerede bestemte tidsfrister. De som ikke oppfyller disse kravene VIL BLI BØTE-/AVGIFTSBELAGT.
CEO Tove Strand sa under Q2 2023 i juli at Tomra gjør dette, for selv å ta mer direkte del i verdiskapningen, fordi etterspørselen etter kvaliteten Tomra her kommer til å kunne tilby i dag er mye større en tilbudet i markedet. Hun estimerte EBITDA i regionen 15 - 20% når det gjelder denne virksomheten.
Kanskje er ikke et scenario der de to plastsorteringsanleggene som Tomra nå har under bygging, kun er en 'sped' begynnelse (på noe veldig stort) helt utenkelig? For alle er vel i bunn og grunn enige om at en stor jobb må gjøres globalt når det gjelder å få bukt med plastforurensning. En jobb som såvidt er påbegynt.
Redigert 13.10.2023 kl 13:47
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13.10.2023 kl 14:17
På sikt var nok det en bra inngang men jeg tror det bare er et tidsspørsmål før vi er under 100, dessverre.
13.10.2023 kl 17:01
Hvis det står så dårlig til med tomra så forstår jeg ikke hvorfor det ikke er satt noen shorter 🤔
Rect Angel
14.10.2023 kl 13:40
Bare for å ha nevnt det.
Når det gjelder de 10 siste børsdagene i aksjen, ble det på 'Carnegie dagen' tirsdag 3.oktober omsatt aksjer for 147 millioner før sluttauksjonen og 53 millioner i sluttauksjonen og i går på 'Dnb dagen' fredag 13.oktober omsatt aksjer for 70.6 millioner før sluttauksjonen og 26.8 millioner i sluttauksjonen. I samtlige av de 8 øvrige børsdager i denne 10 dagers perioden var omsatt volum i sluttauksjonene større enn totalt volum omsatt i løpet av handelen i de 7 timene og 20 minuttene forut for sluttauksjonene!
Dette til orientering. Litt merkelig? De som eventuelt er smarte nok, får tolke dette og kan kanskje trekke noen slutninger ut av det.
Når det gjelder de 10 siste børsdagene i aksjen, ble det på 'Carnegie dagen' tirsdag 3.oktober omsatt aksjer for 147 millioner før sluttauksjonen og 53 millioner i sluttauksjonen og i går på 'Dnb dagen' fredag 13.oktober omsatt aksjer for 70.6 millioner før sluttauksjonen og 26.8 millioner i sluttauksjonen. I samtlige av de 8 øvrige børsdager i denne 10 dagers perioden var omsatt volum i sluttauksjonene større enn totalt volum omsatt i løpet av handelen i de 7 timene og 20 minuttene forut for sluttauksjonene!
Dette til orientering. Litt merkelig? De som eventuelt er smarte nok, får tolke dette og kan kanskje trekke noen slutninger ut av det.
14.10.2023 kl 14:04
3485 sluttet 9,842 EUR = 113 NOK
Rect Angel
15.10.2023 kl 12:25
Tomra Mining.
I dag er etterspørselen etter litium enorm. Men denne gruvedriften er ikke ukomplisert. Tomra Mining besitter løsningen. Ja, Tomras sorteringsteknologi kan t.o.m. generere drivverdighet i kilder som til nå har vært klassifisert som avfall og områder som tidligere har blitt definert som ikke egnet for gruvedrift. Les og bli imponert.
Unlocking untapped lithium value with sensor-based ore sorting
By Mining Review Africa
October 11, 2023
The global demand for lithium is soaring, driven by the growing adoption of electric vehicles and grid-scale lithium-ion batteries for energy storage.
Some forecasts project the demand to reach 1.5 Mt of lithium carbonate equivalent by 2025 – triple the figure in 2021 – and more than 3 Mt by 2030.
In the face of such a surge in demand, lithium supply is struggling to keep up. While new projects are set to increase lithium mining capacity in 2023 and 2024, the rise in electric vehicles sales will continue to put the supply under pressure.
These trends translate into a tremendous business potential for mining operations. However, as new projects will struggle to keep up with demand, this potential comes with the challenge of extracting as much lithium ore from all mines as efficiently as possible, while meeting increasingly stringent environmental requirements.
The challenge in lithium mining
The main challenge in lithium mining comes from basalt contamination, which is a high-iron, barren material with a high density very similar to that of spodumene. This means that when dense media separation (DMS) is used as the primary spodumene concentration process, basalt is concentrated with spodumene, contaminating the final product.
This issue can be addressed by selectively mining high-grade ore, but contamination is unavoidable, and this approach ultimately results in a substandard product unsuitable for sale at market rates. This contaminated product is usually stockpiled, leaving valuable lithium resources unexploited.
The DMS and crushing circuits used to produce lithium concentrate from ore are extremely energy intensive, and carrying contamination through the plant decreases productivity and increases costs.
Mining operations are under pressure to meet the soaring demand needed to maximise the efficiency of their processing plants, using their capacity effectively to extract as much valuable lithium from their mines.
The solution to this challenge is available from TOMRA Mining, a leader in sensor-based sorting with a proven track record in designing and building the largest, high-capacity sorting plants in the world. TOMRA’s technologies can effectively remove basalt contamination before crushing, optimising the capacity of the processing plant and reducing energy consumption and waste, as well as lowering the environmental impact of the process.
They allow mining operations to consistently achieve the required grade of the product and expand their resources to include more iron- and basalt-contaminated ore bodies.
TOMRA’s sensor-based sorting solutions rely on colour cameras, X-Ray Transmission sensors, and multi-channel scanning lasers to sort the ore prior to the downstream wet processing.
The sensors analyze every single particle, identify the ore and waste in milliseconds, and high-speed air jets direct the particles accordingly to the product or waste chutes, processing at a capacity up to 350t/h in a single sorter.
These high-speed sensor solutions can sort a wide size range – from around 6mm to around 200 mm – to maximise the removal of iron and basalt from the feed. With these technologies, it is possible to minimise the unsorted fines that are discarded or stockpiled, and it has been extensively proven that they are effective in consistently reducing the contamination of the ore to less than 4%.
This was the experience of Galaxy Resources at its Mt. Cattlin Mine in Western Australia, where a TOMRA PRO Secondary Laser sorter has been in operation since 2021 to reduce basalt contamination in the pegmatite-hosted spodumene. Since the first day of operation, it has met and exceeded specifications, consistently achieving less than 4% basalt in the concentrate.
Operational efficiencies can be further improved with connectivity to the cloud-based subscription service TOMRA Insight, which turns the sorters into connected devices that generate valuable process data. Mining operations can measure the contamination level in real time, and hence the mining quality.
They can also monitor the distribution of the particle sizes, and consequently the efficiency of the upstream crushing and screening equipment. TOMRA Insight also gives visibility on the individual sorter’s availability and usage, helping to optimize the process.
In addition, it enables the operator to accurately track any faults as they occur and improve maintenance processes, so that the sorting plant is always operating at its best. With TOMRA’s sensor-based ore sorting solutions, mining operations can not only improve the efficiency of their processing plants, but most importantly unlock value from stockpiled materials and even expand their resources, exploiting ore bodies with higher contamination or search for new mining opportunities in areas with higher iron or basalt content.
Tomra Food.
Om maskindistributøren Luciano Aguilar promotering av Tomra Foods sorteringsteknologi på den store bransjemessen 'Fruit Attraction' i Madrid og Tomra Foods nye senter i Valencia, Spania.
Luciano Aguilar highlights Tomra solutions at Fruit Attraction
The industrial equipment and machinery distribution company, Luciano Aguilar , has highlighted at the Fruit Attraction show some of the solutions presented by its represented Tomra Food , such as the 3A optical sorter for unwashed potatoes and the Tomra 5A , a classification and calibration equipment of large volumes. The global machinery manufacturer took advantage of the fair to also talk about the new hub that they have launched in Valencia
Redacción Tech Press
11. oktober 2023 kl. 13:15 CEST
The Luciano Aguilar company markets them in Spain and together with Tomra Processed Food , the division focused on processed products of Tomra Food, they have highlighted two of these innovative pieces of equipment that have already demonstrated their efficiency. The Tomra 3A optical unwashed potato sorter and the Tomra 5A large volume grading and grading machine. Alejandro Palacios , responsible for southern Europe for this division, was in charge of offering all the details at Fruit Attraction.
The first, the Tomra 3A, is a powerful, reliable and robust optical equipment designed to effectively classify potatoes without washing, with the highest classification capacity on the market, up to 100 Tn. The solution, easy to install, use and maintain, now features artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology .
Offers dual functionality . The company explains it. “On the one hand, it eliminates foreign matter (stones, clods of earth, rocks, wood, bones, plastics, glass, metals and rubber) and unwanted green potatoes; on the other, it sorts by size after storage.”
The Tomra 5A is a classification and calibration machine for large volumes of potatoes and other food products that has gained “great acceptance” among processors of these foods, as indicated by the company. It is a high-performance, high-capacity piece of equipment, capable of classifying a wide range of foreign materials, with a removal rate of over 98% . “It also detects and expels products that are deformed or damaged by rot, mold or discoloration.”
A new center in Valencia
Tomra Food, which has centers of excellence, regional offices and manufacturing plants in the USA, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australasia, has taken advantage of the Madrid show to talk about its new center located in Valencia, operational since last month.
“With the new HUB for Europe, which will be inaugurated next November, we want to demonstrate Tomra Food's commitment to the Spanish market, undoubtedly a key geographic point for the European and African markets,” said Roberto Ricci, during the presentation. EMEA area director (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) for Tomra Fresh Food, another fresh products division of Tomra Food.
The company's new center in Valencia will reinforce the support that the company provides to fruit and vegetable packaging plants. The new facilities include a machinery demonstration area and a customer training area and will help increase the presence in Europe of Tomra Food, the company that currently encompasses the Compac and BBC Technologies business.
“Our local team will be centralized from Valencia with quality service and a center with spare parts. This new center is a key piece of our strategy in Europe and for the future of the company , which always seeks to put our clients at the center of our activity. Furthermore, from here we will be able to offer a 'direct to market' service already adopted, successfully, in Latin America,” said Ricci in Madrid, during the Fruit Attraction fair.
I dag er etterspørselen etter litium enorm. Men denne gruvedriften er ikke ukomplisert. Tomra Mining besitter løsningen. Ja, Tomras sorteringsteknologi kan t.o.m. generere drivverdighet i kilder som til nå har vært klassifisert som avfall og områder som tidligere har blitt definert som ikke egnet for gruvedrift. Les og bli imponert.
Unlocking untapped lithium value with sensor-based ore sorting
By Mining Review Africa
October 11, 2023
The global demand for lithium is soaring, driven by the growing adoption of electric vehicles and grid-scale lithium-ion batteries for energy storage.
Some forecasts project the demand to reach 1.5 Mt of lithium carbonate equivalent by 2025 – triple the figure in 2021 – and more than 3 Mt by 2030.
In the face of such a surge in demand, lithium supply is struggling to keep up. While new projects are set to increase lithium mining capacity in 2023 and 2024, the rise in electric vehicles sales will continue to put the supply under pressure.
These trends translate into a tremendous business potential for mining operations. However, as new projects will struggle to keep up with demand, this potential comes with the challenge of extracting as much lithium ore from all mines as efficiently as possible, while meeting increasingly stringent environmental requirements.
The challenge in lithium mining
The main challenge in lithium mining comes from basalt contamination, which is a high-iron, barren material with a high density very similar to that of spodumene. This means that when dense media separation (DMS) is used as the primary spodumene concentration process, basalt is concentrated with spodumene, contaminating the final product.
This issue can be addressed by selectively mining high-grade ore, but contamination is unavoidable, and this approach ultimately results in a substandard product unsuitable for sale at market rates. This contaminated product is usually stockpiled, leaving valuable lithium resources unexploited.
The DMS and crushing circuits used to produce lithium concentrate from ore are extremely energy intensive, and carrying contamination through the plant decreases productivity and increases costs.
Mining operations are under pressure to meet the soaring demand needed to maximise the efficiency of their processing plants, using their capacity effectively to extract as much valuable lithium from their mines.
The solution to this challenge is available from TOMRA Mining, a leader in sensor-based sorting with a proven track record in designing and building the largest, high-capacity sorting plants in the world. TOMRA’s technologies can effectively remove basalt contamination before crushing, optimising the capacity of the processing plant and reducing energy consumption and waste, as well as lowering the environmental impact of the process.
They allow mining operations to consistently achieve the required grade of the product and expand their resources to include more iron- and basalt-contaminated ore bodies.
TOMRA’s sensor-based sorting solutions rely on colour cameras, X-Ray Transmission sensors, and multi-channel scanning lasers to sort the ore prior to the downstream wet processing.
The sensors analyze every single particle, identify the ore and waste in milliseconds, and high-speed air jets direct the particles accordingly to the product or waste chutes, processing at a capacity up to 350t/h in a single sorter.
These high-speed sensor solutions can sort a wide size range – from around 6mm to around 200 mm – to maximise the removal of iron and basalt from the feed. With these technologies, it is possible to minimise the unsorted fines that are discarded or stockpiled, and it has been extensively proven that they are effective in consistently reducing the contamination of the ore to less than 4%.
This was the experience of Galaxy Resources at its Mt. Cattlin Mine in Western Australia, where a TOMRA PRO Secondary Laser sorter has been in operation since 2021 to reduce basalt contamination in the pegmatite-hosted spodumene. Since the first day of operation, it has met and exceeded specifications, consistently achieving less than 4% basalt in the concentrate.
Operational efficiencies can be further improved with connectivity to the cloud-based subscription service TOMRA Insight, which turns the sorters into connected devices that generate valuable process data. Mining operations can measure the contamination level in real time, and hence the mining quality.
They can also monitor the distribution of the particle sizes, and consequently the efficiency of the upstream crushing and screening equipment. TOMRA Insight also gives visibility on the individual sorter’s availability and usage, helping to optimize the process.
In addition, it enables the operator to accurately track any faults as they occur and improve maintenance processes, so that the sorting plant is always operating at its best. With TOMRA’s sensor-based ore sorting solutions, mining operations can not only improve the efficiency of their processing plants, but most importantly unlock value from stockpiled materials and even expand their resources, exploiting ore bodies with higher contamination or search for new mining opportunities in areas with higher iron or basalt content.
Tomra Food.
Om maskindistributøren Luciano Aguilar promotering av Tomra Foods sorteringsteknologi på den store bransjemessen 'Fruit Attraction' i Madrid og Tomra Foods nye senter i Valencia, Spania.
Luciano Aguilar highlights Tomra solutions at Fruit Attraction
The industrial equipment and machinery distribution company, Luciano Aguilar , has highlighted at the Fruit Attraction show some of the solutions presented by its represented Tomra Food , such as the 3A optical sorter for unwashed potatoes and the Tomra 5A , a classification and calibration equipment of large volumes. The global machinery manufacturer took advantage of the fair to also talk about the new hub that they have launched in Valencia
Redacción Tech Press
11. oktober 2023 kl. 13:15 CEST
The Luciano Aguilar company markets them in Spain and together with Tomra Processed Food , the division focused on processed products of Tomra Food, they have highlighted two of these innovative pieces of equipment that have already demonstrated their efficiency. The Tomra 3A optical unwashed potato sorter and the Tomra 5A large volume grading and grading machine. Alejandro Palacios , responsible for southern Europe for this division, was in charge of offering all the details at Fruit Attraction.
The first, the Tomra 3A, is a powerful, reliable and robust optical equipment designed to effectively classify potatoes without washing, with the highest classification capacity on the market, up to 100 Tn. The solution, easy to install, use and maintain, now features artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology .
Offers dual functionality . The company explains it. “On the one hand, it eliminates foreign matter (stones, clods of earth, rocks, wood, bones, plastics, glass, metals and rubber) and unwanted green potatoes; on the other, it sorts by size after storage.”
The Tomra 5A is a classification and calibration machine for large volumes of potatoes and other food products that has gained “great acceptance” among processors of these foods, as indicated by the company. It is a high-performance, high-capacity piece of equipment, capable of classifying a wide range of foreign materials, with a removal rate of over 98% . “It also detects and expels products that are deformed or damaged by rot, mold or discoloration.”
A new center in Valencia
Tomra Food, which has centers of excellence, regional offices and manufacturing plants in the USA, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australasia, has taken advantage of the Madrid show to talk about its new center located in Valencia, operational since last month.
“With the new HUB for Europe, which will be inaugurated next November, we want to demonstrate Tomra Food's commitment to the Spanish market, undoubtedly a key geographic point for the European and African markets,” said Roberto Ricci, during the presentation. EMEA area director (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) for Tomra Fresh Food, another fresh products division of Tomra Food.
The company's new center in Valencia will reinforce the support that the company provides to fruit and vegetable packaging plants. The new facilities include a machinery demonstration area and a customer training area and will help increase the presence in Europe of Tomra Food, the company that currently encompasses the Compac and BBC Technologies business.
“Our local team will be centralized from Valencia with quality service and a center with spare parts. This new center is a key piece of our strategy in Europe and for the future of the company , which always seeks to put our clients at the center of our activity. Furthermore, from here we will be able to offer a 'direct to market' service already adopted, successfully, in Latin America,” said Ricci in Madrid, during the Fruit Attraction fair.
Redigert 15.10.2023 kl 17:49
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Rect Angel
15.10.2023 kl 13:04
Ref. første nyhet i forrige innlegg om hvordan Tomra Minings sorteringsteknologi har revolusjonert gruvedrift, i denne sammenheng innen utvinning av litium.
Alle som leser her, er vel ikke nødvendigvis like oppdatert på Tomra Minings virksomhet.
Så på sin plass å nevne når vi først snakker om utvinning av litium, er det at det nå ikke er lenge til verdens største gruveprosjekt for utvinning av litium er klart for drift. Før året er omme, skal nemlig prosjektet som Tomra Mining i praksis både har designet og så bygget i samarbeid Pilbara Minerals i Australia, være ferdigstilt og klart for drift (åpne linken for å lese hele artikkelen).
TOMRA Mining tech to be used for the world’s largest lithium sorting plant
Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 20th April 2023
TOMRA Mining says it is in the process of installing what will be the world’s largest lithium mineral ore sorting plant at Pilbara Minerals’ Pilgangoora project in Western Australia.
The installation has already started and is expected to reach completion in late 2023.
Pilbara Minerals says it owns the world’s largest, independent hard-rock lithium mine, producing a spodumene and tantalite concentrate. Through its P680 Expansion Project, the company has plans to step-up its production run-rate at the operation to a total of circa-680,000 t/y of spodumene concentrate. The sorting plant is part of this project.
Dale Henderson, Managing Director and CEO, Pilbara Minerals, said: “This new facility to be constructed at our Pilgangoora Project will be the world’s largest lithium mineral ore sorting plant. TOMRA’s experience in large global sorting installations, innovative technology and ability to provide local support were significant factors in our decision to work with them. From the start, the TOMRA team has been working side by side with us and our engineering partner DRA Global to deliver this important project.”
As part of this expansion project, Pilbara Minerals turned to TOMRA Mining for assistance to address the key industry challenge in the processing of spodumene feed ore contaminated with barren host rock.
Alle som leser her, er vel ikke nødvendigvis like oppdatert på Tomra Minings virksomhet.
Så på sin plass å nevne når vi først snakker om utvinning av litium, er det at det nå ikke er lenge til verdens største gruveprosjekt for utvinning av litium er klart for drift. Før året er omme, skal nemlig prosjektet som Tomra Mining i praksis både har designet og så bygget i samarbeid Pilbara Minerals i Australia, være ferdigstilt og klart for drift (åpne linken for å lese hele artikkelen).
TOMRA Mining tech to be used for the world’s largest lithium sorting plant
Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 20th April 2023
TOMRA Mining says it is in the process of installing what will be the world’s largest lithium mineral ore sorting plant at Pilbara Minerals’ Pilgangoora project in Western Australia.
The installation has already started and is expected to reach completion in late 2023.
Pilbara Minerals says it owns the world’s largest, independent hard-rock lithium mine, producing a spodumene and tantalite concentrate. Through its P680 Expansion Project, the company has plans to step-up its production run-rate at the operation to a total of circa-680,000 t/y of spodumene concentrate. The sorting plant is part of this project.
Dale Henderson, Managing Director and CEO, Pilbara Minerals, said: “This new facility to be constructed at our Pilgangoora Project will be the world’s largest lithium mineral ore sorting plant. TOMRA’s experience in large global sorting installations, innovative technology and ability to provide local support were significant factors in our decision to work with them. From the start, the TOMRA team has been working side by side with us and our engineering partner DRA Global to deliver this important project.”
As part of this expansion project, Pilbara Minerals turned to TOMRA Mining for assistance to address the key industry challenge in the processing of spodumene feed ore contaminated with barren host rock.
Redigert 15.10.2023 kl 18:40
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16.10.2023 kl 11:50
Tomra mining var jeg ikke klarover. Merker jeg får dårlig magefølelse når jeg leser ordet mining. Her følger det med enorme kostnader kombinet med usikkerhet som fort kan føre til en kjempe smell ut av dimensjoner. For ikke å snakke om utsettelser på utsettelser som garanterer vil dukke opp i ny og ne.
Ingen ting går på skinner når det kommer til mining.
Men, det som bekymrer mest akkurat nå er hvis tomra ikke leverer den 20, da er det good by 100 og velkommen under 100.
Ingen ting går på skinner når det kommer til mining.
Men, det som bekymrer mest akkurat nå er hvis tomra ikke leverer den 20, da er det good by 100 og velkommen under 100.
Redigert 16.10.2023 kl 11:53
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Rect Angel
16.10.2023 kl 12:53
Hvis jeg var deg, ville jeg nok satt meg litt bedre inn i selskapsdriften før jeg handlet aksjer.
For kan virke som du misforstår litt her. Tomra Mining er ikke et gruveselskap. Men forsyner gruveselskapene med sorteringsteknologi/-maskineri. Kort sagt: Ved hjelp av Tomras produkter driver gruveselskapene mer effektivt. De finner mer av det de leter etter samtidig som de sparer når det gjelder bruk av energi og vann. Sagt med andre ord, god økonomi, mer miljøvennlig og lavere klimagassutslipp.
Pilbara Minerals f.eks. velger selvsagt Tomra til å designe og utstyre verdens største gruveprosjekt innen utvinning av litium som nå snart er klart for oppstart fordi de mener Tomras produkter og support er det beste som er å få i markedet (se mitt forrige innlegg her på tråden, 15.10.2023 kl. 13:04, for dokumentasjon).
Nå er jo kanskje ikke dette de feiteste dagene å sitte langsiktig som Tomra-aksjonær, det skal innrømmes. Men mine forhåpninger når det gjelder selskapets fremtidsutsikter er på ingen måte svekket.
For kan virke som du misforstår litt her. Tomra Mining er ikke et gruveselskap. Men forsyner gruveselskapene med sorteringsteknologi/-maskineri. Kort sagt: Ved hjelp av Tomras produkter driver gruveselskapene mer effektivt. De finner mer av det de leter etter samtidig som de sparer når det gjelder bruk av energi og vann. Sagt med andre ord, god økonomi, mer miljøvennlig og lavere klimagassutslipp.
Pilbara Minerals f.eks. velger selvsagt Tomra til å designe og utstyre verdens største gruveprosjekt innen utvinning av litium som nå snart er klart for oppstart fordi de mener Tomras produkter og support er det beste som er å få i markedet (se mitt forrige innlegg her på tråden, 15.10.2023 kl. 13:04, for dokumentasjon).
Nå er jo kanskje ikke dette de feiteste dagene å sitte langsiktig som Tomra-aksjonær, det skal innrømmes. Men mine forhåpninger når det gjelder selskapets fremtidsutsikter er på ingen måte svekket.
Redigert 16.10.2023 kl 13:35
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Rect Angel
16.10.2023 kl 20:34
Har vært innom "Site Zero" i innlegg på tråden tidligere. Nå nærmer åpningsdatoen 15.november seg, og dette blir det spennende å høre mye mer om. Anlegget er testet, og 'lekkasjene' lover mye, som man kan lese.
Er neppe noe dårlig tips at det er sorteringsteknologi levert av Tomra som omtales her:
'Sorteringssensorer: 60 NIR-läsare (Near Infra Red-sensorer), laser och kamerateknologi'
Ettersom 1 av de 4 som listes opp vedrørende intervjumuligheter er Oliver Lambertz (Head of Operations Tomra):
'Intervjumöjligheter med bland andra Mattias Philipsson (VD Svensk Plaståtervinning), Åsa Stenmarck (Nationell plastsamordnare Naturvårdsverket) och Oliver Lambertz (Head of Operations Tomra). Pressvisning av anläggningen erbjuds.'
Vær i denne forbindelse klar over at Tomra i egen regi og eie også har under bygging to' state of the art' finsorteringsanlegg for forskjellige plasttyper fra blandet avfall, i henholdsvis Tyskland og Norge. Plastråvarene herfra skal selges til aktører innen resirkuleringsbransjen. CEO Tove Andersen estimerer EBITDA i regionen 15 - 20% fra denne virksomheten, som er en del av Tomras nye divisjon Tomra Horizon.
Site Zeros öppning - fortfarande möjlighet att delta
MÅN, OKT 16, 2023 07:00 CETReport
Den 15 november invigs Svensk Plaståtervinnings nya sorterings- och plaståtervinningsanläggning Site Zero. Ett stort antal gäster från hela Europa kommer till Motala för att uppleva världens största och mest avancerade sorterings- och återvinningsanläggning, och se cirkularitet i verkligheten. Inför öppningen har Site Zero testkörts – och återvinningsresultatet överträffar alla förväntningar.
Snart samlas omkring 300 VD:ar, hållbarhetschefer, politiker, myndighetspersoner och hållbarhetsinriktade profiler för att tillsammans inviga Sveriges största satsning inom plaståtervinning – Site Zero. Den befintliga anläggningen i Motala var redan en av Europas mest avancerade med mycket hög sorteringseffektivitet, men nu tar Svensk Plaståtervinning nästa steg. Site Zero blir världsledande och har redan under testkörningen visat sensationella resultat.
— Site Zero överträffar alla förväntningar, vi går nu in i en ny era för plaståtervinningen. Sverige kommer vara dragloket för en omställning som behöver göras över hela världen för att kraftigt minska klimatpåverkan och behovet av fossil plastråvara, och göra plasten till en del av den cirkulära ekonomin, säger Mattias Philipsson, VD på Svensk Plaståtervinning.
Media hälsas välkommen till invigningen och på plats arrangeras en pressträff där bland annat återvinningsresultatet från testperioden, och vad det innebär, kommer att presenteras. Intervjumöjligheter med bland andra Mattias Philipsson (VD Svensk Plaståtervinning), Åsa Stenmarck (Nationell plastsamordnare Naturvårdsverket) och Oliver Lambertz (Head of Operations Tomra). Pressvisning av anläggningen erbjuds.,c3852515
I Nederland er det kaotiske tilstander innen landets pantesystem på grunn av underkapasitet. Så her kan nok Tomra påregne bra salg fremover.
Deposit irritation continues: Inspectorate lacks 'clear action' in business
The business community promises to install more collection machines for cans and plastic bottles, including at train stations. However, it is unclear how many machines are involved and when consumers can access them. The environmental inspectorate therefore still calls the Waste Fund's promises to improve collection 'insufficient'. A hefty fine is still a possibility. “We want to see clear action.”
Jurriaan Nolles, Sander van Mersbergen 16-10-23, 13:25Last updated: 2:58 PM
The Dutch deposit system has failed, as has become clear in recent months. The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate ( ILT ) therefore recently gave the business community an official warning, because too few plastic bottles are returned via the deposit route. The business community does not meet the legal target of 90 percent by far. In 2022, only 68 percent of the bottles returned to collection points. This means that the business community is in violation, the inspection states.
René Hissink, director of Tomra, one of the largest producers of deposit machines in the Netherlands, said last month that he ‘ within 6 weeks every train station in the Netherlands can provide a machine ’. He gave that example for a reason; a major problem with the failing collection lies with the so-called on the go, for example when people have drunk a bottle on the train, but then see no machine to hand them in via the deposit route. According to Hissink, that problem could therefore be solved quickly.
Utvinning av resirkulerbare tretyper fra avfall.
Waste Wood Day in Frankfurt
The annual waste wood day organized by the Federal Association of Waste Wood Processors and Recyclers (BAV) took place this year in the Frankfurt Palmengarten Society House.
October 16, 2023
With 220 registered participants, the event was fully booked weeks in advance.
The conference included a wide range of current topics. These included the CO ₂ pricing of emissions from waste wood combustion, the measurement of fossil CO ₂ components in the exhaust gas and the implementation of the biomass flow sustainability regulation. In addition, innovative concepts were presented, such as the AI-supported identification of discards in the waste stream and the sensor-supported sorting in the recycling of fiberboard.
Murat Sanli from Tomra and Matthias Albrecht from the wood-technological development company tretorg GmbH reported on the first experiences from their demonstration plant in Berlin. The pilot plant built at the Holzkontor Preussen relies on image recognition, NIR infrared spectroscopy, DeepLaiser measurement and metal detection. This allowed, among other things, pure A-I wood or MDF to be extracted from waste wood and used for the subsequent recycling process. Interested parties from the waste wood industry and wood-based panel industry are also called upon to use the system for their own tests.
Snart går startskuddet for pantesystemet i Romania. Konferanse imorgen med Tomra på plass.
Implementation of the warranty - return system (SGR): rights, obligations, education, cooperation and benefits" | Smart Romania National Conference
The television station Antena 3 CNN, part of Intact Media, organizes, within the Smart Romania project, the national conference "Implementation of the guarantee-return system (SGR): rights, obligations, education, cooperation and benefits".
of Antena 3 CNN editorial office | 16 Oct 2023 • 13:32
The event takes place on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, starting at 09:30 at the Sheraton Hotel Bucharest, Platinum Hall, 2nd floor.
Conference ” Implementation of the guarantee system - return ( SGR ): rights, obligations, education, cooperation and benefits ”, moderated by Adrian Ursu, is broadcast live on the antenna and on the Facebook page Antenna 3 CNN, and sections of the debate will be taken live on TV Antena 3 CNN.
This conference aims to bring to the fore key issues related to the implementation and promotion of the reusable waste return system. Emphasis will be placed on the legal, educational and social cooperation aspects, aiming to highlight the benefits of this responsible approach on the Romanian environment and society.
Er neppe noe dårlig tips at det er sorteringsteknologi levert av Tomra som omtales her:
'Sorteringssensorer: 60 NIR-läsare (Near Infra Red-sensorer), laser och kamerateknologi'
Ettersom 1 av de 4 som listes opp vedrørende intervjumuligheter er Oliver Lambertz (Head of Operations Tomra):
'Intervjumöjligheter med bland andra Mattias Philipsson (VD Svensk Plaståtervinning), Åsa Stenmarck (Nationell plastsamordnare Naturvårdsverket) och Oliver Lambertz (Head of Operations Tomra). Pressvisning av anläggningen erbjuds.'
Vær i denne forbindelse klar over at Tomra i egen regi og eie også har under bygging to' state of the art' finsorteringsanlegg for forskjellige plasttyper fra blandet avfall, i henholdsvis Tyskland og Norge. Plastråvarene herfra skal selges til aktører innen resirkuleringsbransjen. CEO Tove Andersen estimerer EBITDA i regionen 15 - 20% fra denne virksomheten, som er en del av Tomras nye divisjon Tomra Horizon.
Site Zeros öppning - fortfarande möjlighet att delta
MÅN, OKT 16, 2023 07:00 CETReport
Den 15 november invigs Svensk Plaståtervinnings nya sorterings- och plaståtervinningsanläggning Site Zero. Ett stort antal gäster från hela Europa kommer till Motala för att uppleva världens största och mest avancerade sorterings- och återvinningsanläggning, och se cirkularitet i verkligheten. Inför öppningen har Site Zero testkörts – och återvinningsresultatet överträffar alla förväntningar.
Snart samlas omkring 300 VD:ar, hållbarhetschefer, politiker, myndighetspersoner och hållbarhetsinriktade profiler för att tillsammans inviga Sveriges största satsning inom plaståtervinning – Site Zero. Den befintliga anläggningen i Motala var redan en av Europas mest avancerade med mycket hög sorteringseffektivitet, men nu tar Svensk Plaståtervinning nästa steg. Site Zero blir världsledande och har redan under testkörningen visat sensationella resultat.
— Site Zero överträffar alla förväntningar, vi går nu in i en ny era för plaståtervinningen. Sverige kommer vara dragloket för en omställning som behöver göras över hela världen för att kraftigt minska klimatpåverkan och behovet av fossil plastråvara, och göra plasten till en del av den cirkulära ekonomin, säger Mattias Philipsson, VD på Svensk Plaståtervinning.
Media hälsas välkommen till invigningen och på plats arrangeras en pressträff där bland annat återvinningsresultatet från testperioden, och vad det innebär, kommer att presenteras. Intervjumöjligheter med bland andra Mattias Philipsson (VD Svensk Plaståtervinning), Åsa Stenmarck (Nationell plastsamordnare Naturvårdsverket) och Oliver Lambertz (Head of Operations Tomra). Pressvisning av anläggningen erbjuds.,c3852515
I Nederland er det kaotiske tilstander innen landets pantesystem på grunn av underkapasitet. Så her kan nok Tomra påregne bra salg fremover.
Deposit irritation continues: Inspectorate lacks 'clear action' in business
The business community promises to install more collection machines for cans and plastic bottles, including at train stations. However, it is unclear how many machines are involved and when consumers can access them. The environmental inspectorate therefore still calls the Waste Fund's promises to improve collection 'insufficient'. A hefty fine is still a possibility. “We want to see clear action.”
Jurriaan Nolles, Sander van Mersbergen 16-10-23, 13:25Last updated: 2:58 PM
The Dutch deposit system has failed, as has become clear in recent months. The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate ( ILT ) therefore recently gave the business community an official warning, because too few plastic bottles are returned via the deposit route. The business community does not meet the legal target of 90 percent by far. In 2022, only 68 percent of the bottles returned to collection points. This means that the business community is in violation, the inspection states.
René Hissink, director of Tomra, one of the largest producers of deposit machines in the Netherlands, said last month that he ‘ within 6 weeks every train station in the Netherlands can provide a machine ’. He gave that example for a reason; a major problem with the failing collection lies with the so-called on the go, for example when people have drunk a bottle on the train, but then see no machine to hand them in via the deposit route. According to Hissink, that problem could therefore be solved quickly.
Utvinning av resirkulerbare tretyper fra avfall.
Waste Wood Day in Frankfurt
The annual waste wood day organized by the Federal Association of Waste Wood Processors and Recyclers (BAV) took place this year in the Frankfurt Palmengarten Society House.
October 16, 2023
With 220 registered participants, the event was fully booked weeks in advance.
The conference included a wide range of current topics. These included the CO ₂ pricing of emissions from waste wood combustion, the measurement of fossil CO ₂ components in the exhaust gas and the implementation of the biomass flow sustainability regulation. In addition, innovative concepts were presented, such as the AI-supported identification of discards in the waste stream and the sensor-supported sorting in the recycling of fiberboard.
Murat Sanli from Tomra and Matthias Albrecht from the wood-technological development company tretorg GmbH reported on the first experiences from their demonstration plant in Berlin. The pilot plant built at the Holzkontor Preussen relies on image recognition, NIR infrared spectroscopy, DeepLaiser measurement and metal detection. This allowed, among other things, pure A-I wood or MDF to be extracted from waste wood and used for the subsequent recycling process. Interested parties from the waste wood industry and wood-based panel industry are also called upon to use the system for their own tests.
Snart går startskuddet for pantesystemet i Romania. Konferanse imorgen med Tomra på plass.
Implementation of the warranty - return system (SGR): rights, obligations, education, cooperation and benefits" | Smart Romania National Conference
The television station Antena 3 CNN, part of Intact Media, organizes, within the Smart Romania project, the national conference "Implementation of the guarantee-return system (SGR): rights, obligations, education, cooperation and benefits".
of Antena 3 CNN editorial office | 16 Oct 2023 • 13:32
The event takes place on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, starting at 09:30 at the Sheraton Hotel Bucharest, Platinum Hall, 2nd floor.
Conference ” Implementation of the guarantee system - return ( SGR ): rights, obligations, education, cooperation and benefits ”, moderated by Adrian Ursu, is broadcast live on the antenna and on the Facebook page Antenna 3 CNN, and sections of the debate will be taken live on TV Antena 3 CNN.
This conference aims to bring to the fore key issues related to the implementation and promotion of the reusable waste return system. Emphasis will be placed on the legal, educational and social cooperation aspects, aiming to highlight the benefits of this responsible approach on the Romanian environment and society.
17.10.2023 kl 00:32
Arctic Securities kutter kursmålet fra 153 kroner til 120 kroner. Meglerhuset gjentar hold-anbefalingen.
Rect Angel
17.10.2023 kl 16:29
Dagens omsetning:
17 mill NOK frem til 16:20
32 mill. NOK i sluttauksjonen
49 mill. NOK totalt
17 mill NOK frem til 16:20
32 mill. NOK i sluttauksjonen
49 mill. NOK totalt
Rect Angel
18.10.2023 kl 21:25
Tomra Collection Solutions.
Den britiske regjeringens siktemål er åpning av pantesystem for hele UK i oktober 2025, som planlagt.
Som jeg har referert ved flere anledninger i innlegg på denne tråden de siste par månedene, har diverse talspersoner for den britiske regjeringen, inklusive miljøvernministeren, i klartekst uttalt at regjeringen jobber for innføre et pantesystem for hele UK.
Og Coca-Cola bekreftet i går under et evenement i Skottland at selskapet, i samarbeid med med politiske myndigheter og industrigrupperinger, jobber for at det innføres et pantesystem for hele UK i oktober 2025.
Scotland’s DRS scheme on “shaky peg”, CCEP executive says
Jim Fox, associate director of public affairs at CCEP, reportedly told attendees Scottish businesses could lose tens of millions of pounds as a result of the delay.
Jessica Broadbent
October 18, 2023
Scotland’s delayed launch of its DRS scheme in 2025 hangs on a “shaky peg”, a Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) executive has said.
Originally due to launch in August, the scheme was pushed back at the last minute in June to 2025, in line with schemes across the rest of the UK.
Speaking at the Scottish National Party (SNP) conference in Aberdeen this week, Jim Fox, associate director of public affairs at CCEP, reportedly told attendees Scottish businesses could lose tens of millions of pounds as a result of the delay.
On Monday (16 October), CCEP sponsored a ‘fringe’ event at the conference entitled ‘How do we make the Deposit Return Scheme a success story for the environment and for Scotland?’ Speakers included Scotland’s former business minister and MSP Ivan McKee and fellow MSP Collette Stevenson.
CCEP has long shown its support of a bottle-and-can recycling scheme and said it was the first drinks company to call for such a scheme in Great Britain.
The Coca-Cola bottler confirmed to Just Drinks yesterday it was working with policymakers and industry groups to develop DRSs in England, Scotland and Wales by the October 2025 deadline.
Tomra Recycling & Tomra Collection Solutions.
Mer UK.
Ikke småtterier et uavhengig utvalg har kommet frem til at UK må investere for å nå sin uttalte målsetning når det gjelder resirkulering innen 2035. At flere av Tomras globalt markedsledende divisjoner kan komme til å få mye å gjøre i UK, er det neppe tvil om. Tomras CEO Tove Andersen har uttalt at hun ikke tror selv en eventuell resesjon vil ha særlig negativ innvirkning når det gjelder Tomras vekstutsikter (under Q & A ved kvartalspresentasjon), takket være lovfestede politiske vedtak. Nyheter som dette hjelper en å skjønne hva Andersen sikter til.
Independent commission calls for £15bn waste infrastructure drive
Public investment of £500m a year will be needed for the next three decades if the Government is to meet its recycling and net-zero targets.
That £15bn estimate has come from the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC), the top independent advisory body to the Government on the country’s infrastructure needs.
In its Second National Infrastructure Assessment, it said the Government should urgently implement reforms to meet its 65% recycling target by 2035, and that it should phase out energy-from-waste (EfW) plants that do not include carbon capture.
The NIC said that, in addition to the £15bn from the public sector, private investment would be required, particularly to increase recycling capacity.
The NIC voiced concern over delays to the implementation of consistent collections, the extended producer responsibility scheme for packaging and a deposit return scheme for drinks containers.
Modernise waste infrastructure to boost recycling – NIC review
Policy and Strategy, Environment and Energy, Sustainability
18th October 2023
The National Infrastructure Commission’s (NIC) second long-term review sets out what it calls the “pressing need” to modernise waste infrastructure to boost recycling.
Tomra Food.
AI, Deep Learning, you name it. Overveldende og imponerende. Artikkel anbefales lest i sin helhet.
Tomra Food debuts new sorting and grading solutions at IFPA
By Maura Maxwell
18 October 2023
Company will showcase Neon blueberry pre-grader and new-generation Spectrim X series optical grading platform with LUCAi technology
Tomra Food is to launch two new sorting and grading solutions: the Tomra Neon pre-grader for machine-harvested fresh blueberries and the new-generation Spectrim X series, which leverages Deep Learning for more precise sorting and grading.
Both solutions affirm the increasing role of artificial intelligence in Tomra’s technologies and both will be on display for the first time at Tomra’s booth at this week’s International Fresh Produce Association’s Global Produce & Floral Show in California.
The stand also features an interactive hologram display which showcases the working principles of the Tomra Neon and Spectrim X series, as well as some of the company’s other sorting and grading solutions.
Meanwhile, the company continues to develop its LUCAi Deep Learning AI platform, first introduced in 2017, to expand its applications across solutions; the first of these is Spectrim X series.
Deep Learning technology uses pre-trained models to teach computers how to process data, such as complex patterns in photos. Spectrim X series assesses thousands of high-resolution, multi-channel fruit images every second. Then it cross-references what it sees with vast amounts of data to make grading decisions to meet precise market demands.
One of the first adopters of this technology was Freshco, a leading New Zealand fruit and vegetable grower and exporter. Freshco’s manager of technology and machinery, Robin Mudgeway, commented: “Spectrim with LUCAi is a game changer. We had to work a lot harder around the stem area mainly for splits and punches. Now you don’t have to do the work anymore, LUCAi does it for you. This means you can keep production up at a speed without a lot of manual grading on the line”.
Litt kortere artikkel om produktlanseringene:
Tomra Food to reveal AI-powered fruit sorting and grading solutions at IFPA show
October 18, 2023
Tomra Food is launching two sorting and grading solutions at the International Fresh Produce Association’s Global Produce & Floral Show.
Tomra Collection Solutions.
Entusiasme i Romania nå får åpningen av det nasjonale pantesystemet. Arbeid i regi stundenter gis mye ære for at det nå faktisk blir innført pantesystem i Romania. Tomra representert i panelet her (rumensk artikkel så interesserte i å lese det hele, må eventuelt oversette selv til ønsket språk).
Antenna 3 CNN › Antenna 3 CNN broadcasts › Smart Romania ›
The students from ASE participated in the National Conference "Implementation of the guarantee-return system"
The students from the Academy of Economic Studies ( ASE ) participated in the National Conference "Implementation of the guarantee-return system" organized by Antena 3 CNN through the Smart Romania project.
of Georgiana Adam | 18 Oct 2023 • 18:56
The students from ASE were among those to whom the Minister of Environment, Mircea Fechet, wanted to thank them for the study that was the basis of the guarantee-return system.
Den britiske regjeringens siktemål er åpning av pantesystem for hele UK i oktober 2025, som planlagt.
Som jeg har referert ved flere anledninger i innlegg på denne tråden de siste par månedene, har diverse talspersoner for den britiske regjeringen, inklusive miljøvernministeren, i klartekst uttalt at regjeringen jobber for innføre et pantesystem for hele UK.
Og Coca-Cola bekreftet i går under et evenement i Skottland at selskapet, i samarbeid med med politiske myndigheter og industrigrupperinger, jobber for at det innføres et pantesystem for hele UK i oktober 2025.
Scotland’s DRS scheme on “shaky peg”, CCEP executive says
Jim Fox, associate director of public affairs at CCEP, reportedly told attendees Scottish businesses could lose tens of millions of pounds as a result of the delay.
Jessica Broadbent
October 18, 2023
Scotland’s delayed launch of its DRS scheme in 2025 hangs on a “shaky peg”, a Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) executive has said.
Originally due to launch in August, the scheme was pushed back at the last minute in June to 2025, in line with schemes across the rest of the UK.
Speaking at the Scottish National Party (SNP) conference in Aberdeen this week, Jim Fox, associate director of public affairs at CCEP, reportedly told attendees Scottish businesses could lose tens of millions of pounds as a result of the delay.
On Monday (16 October), CCEP sponsored a ‘fringe’ event at the conference entitled ‘How do we make the Deposit Return Scheme a success story for the environment and for Scotland?’ Speakers included Scotland’s former business minister and MSP Ivan McKee and fellow MSP Collette Stevenson.
CCEP has long shown its support of a bottle-and-can recycling scheme and said it was the first drinks company to call for such a scheme in Great Britain.
The Coca-Cola bottler confirmed to Just Drinks yesterday it was working with policymakers and industry groups to develop DRSs in England, Scotland and Wales by the October 2025 deadline.
Tomra Recycling & Tomra Collection Solutions.
Mer UK.
Ikke småtterier et uavhengig utvalg har kommet frem til at UK må investere for å nå sin uttalte målsetning når det gjelder resirkulering innen 2035. At flere av Tomras globalt markedsledende divisjoner kan komme til å få mye å gjøre i UK, er det neppe tvil om. Tomras CEO Tove Andersen har uttalt at hun ikke tror selv en eventuell resesjon vil ha særlig negativ innvirkning når det gjelder Tomras vekstutsikter (under Q & A ved kvartalspresentasjon), takket være lovfestede politiske vedtak. Nyheter som dette hjelper en å skjønne hva Andersen sikter til.
Independent commission calls for £15bn waste infrastructure drive
Public investment of £500m a year will be needed for the next three decades if the Government is to meet its recycling and net-zero targets.
That £15bn estimate has come from the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC), the top independent advisory body to the Government on the country’s infrastructure needs.
In its Second National Infrastructure Assessment, it said the Government should urgently implement reforms to meet its 65% recycling target by 2035, and that it should phase out energy-from-waste (EfW) plants that do not include carbon capture.
The NIC said that, in addition to the £15bn from the public sector, private investment would be required, particularly to increase recycling capacity.
The NIC voiced concern over delays to the implementation of consistent collections, the extended producer responsibility scheme for packaging and a deposit return scheme for drinks containers.
Modernise waste infrastructure to boost recycling – NIC review
Policy and Strategy, Environment and Energy, Sustainability
18th October 2023
The National Infrastructure Commission’s (NIC) second long-term review sets out what it calls the “pressing need” to modernise waste infrastructure to boost recycling.
Tomra Food.
AI, Deep Learning, you name it. Overveldende og imponerende. Artikkel anbefales lest i sin helhet.
Tomra Food debuts new sorting and grading solutions at IFPA
By Maura Maxwell
18 October 2023
Company will showcase Neon blueberry pre-grader and new-generation Spectrim X series optical grading platform with LUCAi technology
Tomra Food is to launch two new sorting and grading solutions: the Tomra Neon pre-grader for machine-harvested fresh blueberries and the new-generation Spectrim X series, which leverages Deep Learning for more precise sorting and grading.
Both solutions affirm the increasing role of artificial intelligence in Tomra’s technologies and both will be on display for the first time at Tomra’s booth at this week’s International Fresh Produce Association’s Global Produce & Floral Show in California.
The stand also features an interactive hologram display which showcases the working principles of the Tomra Neon and Spectrim X series, as well as some of the company’s other sorting and grading solutions.
Meanwhile, the company continues to develop its LUCAi Deep Learning AI platform, first introduced in 2017, to expand its applications across solutions; the first of these is Spectrim X series.
Deep Learning technology uses pre-trained models to teach computers how to process data, such as complex patterns in photos. Spectrim X series assesses thousands of high-resolution, multi-channel fruit images every second. Then it cross-references what it sees with vast amounts of data to make grading decisions to meet precise market demands.
One of the first adopters of this technology was Freshco, a leading New Zealand fruit and vegetable grower and exporter. Freshco’s manager of technology and machinery, Robin Mudgeway, commented: “Spectrim with LUCAi is a game changer. We had to work a lot harder around the stem area mainly for splits and punches. Now you don’t have to do the work anymore, LUCAi does it for you. This means you can keep production up at a speed without a lot of manual grading on the line”.
Litt kortere artikkel om produktlanseringene:
Tomra Food to reveal AI-powered fruit sorting and grading solutions at IFPA show
October 18, 2023
Tomra Food is launching two sorting and grading solutions at the International Fresh Produce Association’s Global Produce & Floral Show.
Tomra Collection Solutions.
Entusiasme i Romania nå får åpningen av det nasjonale pantesystemet. Arbeid i regi stundenter gis mye ære for at det nå faktisk blir innført pantesystem i Romania. Tomra representert i panelet her (rumensk artikkel så interesserte i å lese det hele, må eventuelt oversette selv til ønsket språk).
Antenna 3 CNN › Antenna 3 CNN broadcasts › Smart Romania ›
The students from ASE participated in the National Conference "Implementation of the guarantee-return system"
The students from the Academy of Economic Studies ( ASE ) participated in the National Conference "Implementation of the guarantee-return system" organized by Antena 3 CNN through the Smart Romania project.
of Georgiana Adam | 18 Oct 2023 • 18:56
The students from ASE were among those to whom the Minister of Environment, Mircea Fechet, wanted to thank them for the study that was the basis of the guarantee-return system.
18.10.2023 kl 22:22
Ang UK i 2025, når kan vi forvente at dette kan få impakt på kursen? 1 år før, 6 mnd før, 6 mnd etter 🤷
18.10.2023 kl 22:45
Har ingen troverdighet. Rene gjettekonkurransen. Kursmål fra 94 til 185. Helt sykt hvordan meglerhus kan påvirke handelen til hver enkelt. Hadde vært morsomt å konfrontert de som har lavest og høyest kursmål og vite begrunnelsen. Selskapet har tross alt en mcap på 32 mrd. Helt avrundet mener noen såkalte eksperter at selskapet er verdt 25 mrd mens andre tror verdien er 50 mrd. Latterlig hele greia
Redigert 18.10.2023 kl 22:50
Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
18.10.2023 kl 23:18
Sitter langsiktig. Har kjempetro på selskapet. Så enkelt som det.
Inspirert av ziiks opplisting, har jeg nå likevel brukt 10 - 15 minutter på noen utregninger.
For den som er opptatt av meglerghus og kursmål, bør kanskje bite seg merke i at det primært er de norske husene som er på 'høstjakt' i Tomra.
Gjennomsnittlig kursmål:
Norske meglerhus ( ABG[120], Artic [120], Carnegie [94], DnB [100] ) :
108. 50 NOK
Utenlandske meglerhus (Barclay [170], Danske Bank [180], Jyske Bank [185], Kepler [155] , Morgan Stanley [150], Nordea [105], SEB [135]):
154.30 NOK
Og fjerner vi 'for moros skyld' de to fra 'søta bror' som jo er vår nærmeste nabo, blir forskjellen enda mer ekstrem:
Utenlandske meglerhus ex. de to svenske, Nordea og SEB:
(Barclay [170], Danske Bank [180], Jyske Bank [185], Kepler [155] , Morgan Stanley [150]):
168 NOK
Inspirert av ziiks opplisting, har jeg nå likevel brukt 10 - 15 minutter på noen utregninger.
For den som er opptatt av meglerghus og kursmål, bør kanskje bite seg merke i at det primært er de norske husene som er på 'høstjakt' i Tomra.
Gjennomsnittlig kursmål:
Norske meglerhus ( ABG[120], Artic [120], Carnegie [94], DnB [100] ) :
108. 50 NOK
Utenlandske meglerhus (Barclay [170], Danske Bank [180], Jyske Bank [185], Kepler [155] , Morgan Stanley [150], Nordea [105], SEB [135]):
154.30 NOK
Og fjerner vi 'for moros skyld' de to fra 'søta bror' som jo er vår nærmeste nabo, blir forskjellen enda mer ekstrem:
Utenlandske meglerhus ex. de to svenske, Nordea og SEB:
(Barclay [170], Danske Bank [180], Jyske Bank [185], Kepler [155] , Morgan Stanley [150]):
168 NOK
Redigert 19.10.2023 kl 00:02
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19.10.2023 kl 07:05
Langsiktighet er ingen dum ide. Har en kamerat som kjøpte 1300 Tomraaksjer i 1993 for 10 kr pr stk, totalt 13-tusen kroner. Han har ikke foretatt seg noe siden 1993. Bare sittet rolig i båten og vært med på opp og nedturer, men mottatt utbytter. Etter splitter sitter han i dag med ca 11-tusen aksjer. Han har ingen planer om å selge.
19.10.2023 kl 11:42
Det er ikke rart at Tomra går mot strømmen idag, kursen har falt mye og er alt for lav. Kursen kan gå over 10% når Q3 rapporten skal legges fram i morgen :) ?.
Man kan se at det finnes ikke mange selgere på Tomra idag. Jeg venter og håper at kursen skal falle tilbake så skal jeg laste opp flere Tomra aksjer. Jeg tror mange aktører har allerede fått info i Q3 rapporten, derfor går kursen opp idag, det er et bra tegn.
Man kan se at det finnes ikke mange selgere på Tomra idag. Jeg venter og håper at kursen skal falle tilbake så skal jeg laste opp flere Tomra aksjer. Jeg tror mange aktører har allerede fått info i Q3 rapporten, derfor går kursen opp idag, det er et bra tegn.
Redigert 19.10.2023 kl 12:05
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