Tomra Systems - nyheter
Slik jeg ser det, er Tomra Systems et fantastisk, grønt teknologiselskap. Globalt ledende og perfekt rigget for å betjene sterkt økende etterspørsel innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, i tiår fremover. Velger å starte denne tråden på forumet for 'Grønne aksjer'.
Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.
Quick-change MRF
Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.
December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler
* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.
Quick-change MRF
Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.
December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler
* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Redigert 05.10.2023 kl 22:45
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Rect Angel
29.02.2024 kl 12:44
Status sum av store, meldepliktige shortposisjoner (> 0.5%) i Tomra:
3 317 278 aksjer, 1.11% (siste posisjon19.02.2024)
3 317 278 aksjer, 1.11% (siste posisjon19.02.2024)
Redigert 29.02.2024 kl 12:48
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Rect Angel
29.02.2024 kl 18:03
– Dette er en verdensnyhet, produsert på den andre siden av gaten her i Lier, sier salgssjef i Tomra, Trygve Meyer Jacobsen og smiler bredt mens han kikker på modellen ved navn R2 som altså er installert hos Kiwi Vitbank.
R2 er arvtakeren etter R1, og er den siste såkalte multi-feed-pantemaskinen til Tomra.
– Den gjør det mulig å bare helle innpå flasker og bokser. Den er mer moderne og minimalistisk enn forgjengeren – og det er en mindre enhet, forklarer Jacobsen.
Slipper sølet
Martin Gramnæs
Publisert torsdag 29. februar 2024 - 18:56
R2 er arvtakeren etter R1, og er den siste såkalte multi-feed-pantemaskinen til Tomra.
– Den gjør det mulig å bare helle innpå flasker og bokser. Den er mer moderne og minimalistisk enn forgjengeren – og det er en mindre enhet, forklarer Jacobsen.
Slipper sølet
Martin Gramnæs
Publisert torsdag 29. februar 2024 - 18:56
Redigert 29.02.2024 kl 23:07
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Rect Angel
01.03.2024 kl 14:36
Faller Tomra-aksjen hele denne uken, og særdeles voldsomt i dag, på grunn ryktene som har svirret en god stund om nok en utsettelse av pantesystemet i UK, mon tro? I så fall smått utrolig, for dette må da være n'te gang Tomra-kursen kjøres kraftig ned på sendrektigheten og den hjelpeløse politiske styringen som omgir den pågående 'pantefarsen i UK' .
Men Tomra er faktisk mye større enn som så. Innføring av nye pantesystemer fra 2025 står i kø i en rekke nasjoner og eksisterende pantesystemer oppgraderes nå i stor skala!
Ja, til orientering hadde faktisk ikke Tomra en gang med oppstart av pantesystem i UK i 2025 i sin oversikt over hvilke nasjoner som åpner pantesystemer neste år, under selskapets guiding for Collection Solutions i forbindelse med Q4 2023 presentasjonen så sent som for 2 uker siden.
For selvfølgelig: Her 'kjenner Tomra lusa på gangen', bedre enn noen av oss ;), og derfor kalkulerer og guider man heller ikke med noe fra den kanten, før det kommer noe håndfast.
At pantesystem kommer til å bli innført i UK (og generere inntekter til Tomra), som i Irland som nylig åpnet sitt pantesystem, er jeg bombesikker på. Inntil videre holder det imidlertid i massevis å si; det kommer når det kommer, og heller glede seg over Tomras de facto fantastiske fremtidsutsikter innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, ikke minst inkludert pantesystemer/Collection Solutions! :)
PS) Britiske myndigheter har foreløpig ikke bekreftet nok en utsettelse av pantesystemet. Regjeringen er allerede upopulære nok så det rekker, og kjenner nok på det, for å si det sånn...
'Sad' and ‘frustrating’: DEFRA tight-lipped on further delays to DRS
Conor McGlone
01 Mar 2024
Men Tomra er faktisk mye større enn som så. Innføring av nye pantesystemer fra 2025 står i kø i en rekke nasjoner og eksisterende pantesystemer oppgraderes nå i stor skala!
Ja, til orientering hadde faktisk ikke Tomra en gang med oppstart av pantesystem i UK i 2025 i sin oversikt over hvilke nasjoner som åpner pantesystemer neste år, under selskapets guiding for Collection Solutions i forbindelse med Q4 2023 presentasjonen så sent som for 2 uker siden.
For selvfølgelig: Her 'kjenner Tomra lusa på gangen', bedre enn noen av oss ;), og derfor kalkulerer og guider man heller ikke med noe fra den kanten, før det kommer noe håndfast.
At pantesystem kommer til å bli innført i UK (og generere inntekter til Tomra), som i Irland som nylig åpnet sitt pantesystem, er jeg bombesikker på. Inntil videre holder det imidlertid i massevis å si; det kommer når det kommer, og heller glede seg over Tomras de facto fantastiske fremtidsutsikter innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, ikke minst inkludert pantesystemer/Collection Solutions! :)
PS) Britiske myndigheter har foreløpig ikke bekreftet nok en utsettelse av pantesystemet. Regjeringen er allerede upopulære nok så det rekker, og kjenner nok på det, for å si det sånn...
'Sad' and ‘frustrating’: DEFRA tight-lipped on further delays to DRS
Conor McGlone
01 Mar 2024
Redigert 01.03.2024 kl 17:00
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Rect Angel
03.03.2024 kl 17:39
Tomra Horizon er det neste store fra Tomra. Ikke hørt om Tomra Horizon?
Og at Homeboy, Los Angeles valgte Tomra Horizon her, er selvsagt veldig gledelig og samtidig et vitnesbyrd om hvem som besitter markedets ypperste kvalitet innen sorteringsteknologi.
Mer USA. Liberalistisk 'tenke-tank' med forbrukernes interesser i sentrum hausser pantesystemer og resirkulering av plast.
R Street report backs bottle bills, chemical recycling
Free market-oriented think tank says more plastic can be recycled and restricting its use is unlikely to receive popular backing.
The Washington-based R Street Institute, a think tank that works in support of free markets and "limited, effective government,” has issued a report backing the use of bottle bills, or deposit-return systems (DRS). The same report also recommends continued investments in chemical recycling, or advanced recycling.
Og at Homeboy, Los Angeles valgte Tomra Horizon her, er selvsagt veldig gledelig og samtidig et vitnesbyrd om hvem som besitter markedets ypperste kvalitet innen sorteringsteknologi.
Mer USA. Liberalistisk 'tenke-tank' med forbrukernes interesser i sentrum hausser pantesystemer og resirkulering av plast.
R Street report backs bottle bills, chemical recycling
Free market-oriented think tank says more plastic can be recycled and restricting its use is unlikely to receive popular backing.
The Washington-based R Street Institute, a think tank that works in support of free markets and "limited, effective government,” has issued a report backing the use of bottle bills, or deposit-return systems (DRS). The same report also recommends continued investments in chemical recycling, or advanced recycling.
Redigert 03.03.2024 kl 18:02
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Rect Angel
04.03.2024 kl 12:46
Over 2 milioner lånte aksjer levert tilbake til Folketrygdfondet.
TOM: Flagging i Tomra Systems ASA
4.3.2024 10:58 • Oslo Børs •
Folketrygdfondet har i dag, 4. mars 2024, fått tilbakelevert 2.082.733 aksjer i Tomra Systems ASA. Etter utlånet har Folketrygdfondet netto 16.663.086 aksjer, tilsvarende 5,6% av aksjene i selskapet.
Oslo Børs
TOM: Flagging i Tomra Systems ASA
4.3.2024 10:58 • Oslo Børs •
Folketrygdfondet har i dag, 4. mars 2024, fått tilbakelevert 2.082.733 aksjer i Tomra Systems ASA. Etter utlånet har Folketrygdfondet netto 16.663.086 aksjer, tilsvarende 5,6% av aksjene i selskapet.
Oslo Børs
Redigert 04.03.2024 kl 12:58
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Rect Angel
04.03.2024 kl 16:34
TOMRA launches “Basic Line” reverse vending machines for retailers new to deposit return schemes
04 Mar 2024
TOMRA launches “Basic Line” reverse vending machines for retailers new to deposit return schemes
04 Mar 2024
05.03.2024 kl 09:41
09:12|TDN Direkt
Provisorisk panteenighet i EU
EU-rådet og Europaparlamentet oppnådde mandag en provisorisk politisk avtale rundt et forslag for regulering av emballasje- og emballasjeavfall, som kan bety obligatorisk pantesystem (DRS) fra 2029.
Det fremgår av en pressemelding fra EU-rådet mandag.
«Under de nye reglene må medlemslandene sikre separat innsamling av minst 90 prosent engangsplastflasker og drikkevarebeholdere av metall. For å nå dette målet er de pålagt å sette opp panteretursystemer (DRS) for disse emballasjeformatene. Minimumskravene til DRS vil ikke gjelde for systemer som allerede er på plass før forskriften trer i kraft dersom de aktuelle systemene når 90-prosentmålet innen 2029», heter det i meldingen,
Videre legges det til at lovgiverne er enige om å legge til et unntak fra kravet om å innføre DRS for medlemslandene hvis de når en separat innsamlingsgrad på over 80 prosent i 2026 og hvis de sender inn en implementeringsplan med en strategi for å oppnå den overordnede innsamlingsmålet på 90 prosent.
Den provisoriske avtalen skal nå forelegges medlemslandenes representanter i rådet (Coreper) og parlamentets miljøkomité for godkjennelse. Hvis den godkjennes, må teksten formelt vedtas av begge institusjoner, før den kan publiseres i EUs offisielle tidsskrift og tre i kraft. Forskriften kommer til anvendelse fra 18 måneder etter ikrafttredelsesdato.
Provisorisk panteenighet i EU
EU-rådet og Europaparlamentet oppnådde mandag en provisorisk politisk avtale rundt et forslag for regulering av emballasje- og emballasjeavfall, som kan bety obligatorisk pantesystem (DRS) fra 2029.
Det fremgår av en pressemelding fra EU-rådet mandag.
«Under de nye reglene må medlemslandene sikre separat innsamling av minst 90 prosent engangsplastflasker og drikkevarebeholdere av metall. For å nå dette målet er de pålagt å sette opp panteretursystemer (DRS) for disse emballasjeformatene. Minimumskravene til DRS vil ikke gjelde for systemer som allerede er på plass før forskriften trer i kraft dersom de aktuelle systemene når 90-prosentmålet innen 2029», heter det i meldingen,
Videre legges det til at lovgiverne er enige om å legge til et unntak fra kravet om å innføre DRS for medlemslandene hvis de når en separat innsamlingsgrad på over 80 prosent i 2026 og hvis de sender inn en implementeringsplan med en strategi for å oppnå den overordnede innsamlingsmålet på 90 prosent.
Den provisoriske avtalen skal nå forelegges medlemslandenes representanter i rådet (Coreper) og parlamentets miljøkomité for godkjennelse. Hvis den godkjennes, må teksten formelt vedtas av begge institusjoner, før den kan publiseres i EUs offisielle tidsskrift og tre i kraft. Forskriften kommer til anvendelse fra 18 måneder etter ikrafttredelsesdato.
Rect Angel
05.03.2024 kl 11:13
Council of the EU Press release 4 March 2024 20:00
Packaging: Council and Parliament strike a deal to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste in the EU
Packaging: Council and Parliament strike a deal to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste in the EU
S Invest
05.03.2024 kl 14:25
Blir bare bedre og bedre dette, økte i går på duppen å tar mer i dag. Ser virkelig bra ut, LONG
05.03.2024 kl 17:32
Dere som er opptatt av pant og resirkulering. Vurder også inngang i ENVIPCO framover før raketten for alvor starter. Er Tomta i sin spede begynnelse. Spesielt mtp dagens melding om innføring av pantesystem
Rect Angel
07.03.2024 kl 11:52
Ireland’s DRS proving increasingly popular
Mar 6, 2024 — by Footprint in Drinks Sector News
Mar 6, 2024 — by Footprint in Drinks Sector News
Rect Angel
07.03.2024 kl 12:55
Speculation rises over deposit return scheme delay to 2028
Industry figures have reacted with puzzlement to claims in the retail trade press that Defra intends to put back the start date of any deposit return scheme (DRS) until 2028.
The scheme has seen several delays but is supposed to begin in October 2025 as a UK-wide operation following the collapse of Scotland’s separate DRS. Reports of the start date being pushed back to 2028 appeared in trade and national press, based on comments from "industry sources".
One waste industry figure speculated that Defra had been lobbied by the retailers for a delay to 2028 and claims made about this were “an attempt at putting pressure on Defra rather than being based on reality”.
Industry figures have reacted with puzzlement to claims in the retail trade press that Defra intends to put back the start date of any deposit return scheme (DRS) until 2028.
The scheme has seen several delays but is supposed to begin in October 2025 as a UK-wide operation following the collapse of Scotland’s separate DRS. Reports of the start date being pushed back to 2028 appeared in trade and national press, based on comments from "industry sources".
One waste industry figure speculated that Defra had been lobbied by the retailers for a delay to 2028 and claims made about this were “an attempt at putting pressure on Defra rather than being based on reality”.
Rect Angel
11.03.2024 kl 14:18
Fashion ‘community’ to drive circularity
Published: 11 March 2024
LONDON - Textile traceability specialist Trimco Group, recycling and sorting firm Tomra and software supplier Kezzler have joined forces to develop a new platform to help support sustainability in the fashion industry and the transition to circularity.
Known as Fashion360, the new platform aims to create a global community of fashion industry professionals to share knowledge and expertise through a series of collaborative workshops.
Accelerating Circularity and Performance Days partner to launch rPolyester database
Company News, Industry News, News | March 4, 2024 | By: ATA
Published: 11 March 2024
LONDON - Textile traceability specialist Trimco Group, recycling and sorting firm Tomra and software supplier Kezzler have joined forces to develop a new platform to help support sustainability in the fashion industry and the transition to circularity.
Known as Fashion360, the new platform aims to create a global community of fashion industry professionals to share knowledge and expertise through a series of collaborative workshops.
Accelerating Circularity and Performance Days partner to launch rPolyester database
Company News, Industry News, News | March 4, 2024 | By: ATA
Rect Angel
12.03.2024 kl 14:29
Home Irish News
Deposit return scheme collects over five million containers since launch
Maeve McTaggart
Today at 09:30
Nearly one million drinks containers were returned last weekend as part of the Deposit Return Scheme, bringing the total to over 5.6 million since it launched.
More containers were returned in the first seven days of March than were recorded in the month of February as the scheme grows in momentum.
It was launched on February 1, with over 2,300 Reverse Vending Machines now accessible across the country.
“We are delighted with the number of plastic bottles and cans being returned by consumers nationwide and it really shows the support for this initiative,” said Ciaran Foley, chief executive of Re-turn.
"We’ve gone from collecting thousands of bottles a day to now bringing back hundreds of thousands. It’s a clear sign that our efforts to encourage recycling and support Ireland’s environmental goals are resonating.”
Deposit return scheme needed now more than ever says environmental charity
12 Mar 2024 3 minute read
An environmental charity has called on the Welsh Government to urgently implement a deposit return scheme for cans and bottles to help reduce the amount of littering in Wales.
Deposit return scheme collects over five million containers since launch
Maeve McTaggart
Today at 09:30
Nearly one million drinks containers were returned last weekend as part of the Deposit Return Scheme, bringing the total to over 5.6 million since it launched.
More containers were returned in the first seven days of March than were recorded in the month of February as the scheme grows in momentum.
It was launched on February 1, with over 2,300 Reverse Vending Machines now accessible across the country.
“We are delighted with the number of plastic bottles and cans being returned by consumers nationwide and it really shows the support for this initiative,” said Ciaran Foley, chief executive of Re-turn.
"We’ve gone from collecting thousands of bottles a day to now bringing back hundreds of thousands. It’s a clear sign that our efforts to encourage recycling and support Ireland’s environmental goals are resonating.”
Deposit return scheme needed now more than ever says environmental charity
12 Mar 2024 3 minute read
An environmental charity has called on the Welsh Government to urgently implement a deposit return scheme for cans and bottles to help reduce the amount of littering in Wales.
Redigert 12.03.2024 kl 16:47
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Rect Angel
12.03.2024 kl 19:55
Andrada Mining reports progress across its expansion plans
12 Mar, 2024 16:17
Andrada Mining announced significant advancements in its expansion plans for lithium, tin, and tantalum production at the Uis Mine in Namibia on Tuesday, alongside updates on its strategic process.
The AIM-traded firm, formerly known as AfriTin Mining, said that In the realm of tin production, it was implementing an ore sorting circuit to boost tin concentrate output from 1,500 to 2,600 tonnes per annum.
That expansion was supported by the procurement of Metso crushing equipment and Tomra ore sorters.
Funding for the ore sorting initiative had been secured through the Orion Resource Partners facility, complementing the ‘Continuous Improvement II’ programme funded by the Development Bank of Namibia (DBN).
The board said the expansion was forecast to amplify revenue by up to 75% while further reducing the all-in sustaining costs (AISC) of mining operations.
12 Mar, 2024 16:17
Andrada Mining announced significant advancements in its expansion plans for lithium, tin, and tantalum production at the Uis Mine in Namibia on Tuesday, alongside updates on its strategic process.
The AIM-traded firm, formerly known as AfriTin Mining, said that In the realm of tin production, it was implementing an ore sorting circuit to boost tin concentrate output from 1,500 to 2,600 tonnes per annum.
That expansion was supported by the procurement of Metso crushing equipment and Tomra ore sorters.
Funding for the ore sorting initiative had been secured through the Orion Resource Partners facility, complementing the ‘Continuous Improvement II’ programme funded by the Development Bank of Namibia (DBN).
The board said the expansion was forecast to amplify revenue by up to 75% while further reducing the all-in sustaining costs (AISC) of mining operations.
Redigert 12.03.2024 kl 19:57
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Rect Angel
12.03.2024 kl 23:15
Mer om Fashion 360. IKKE bak betalingsmur.
Trimco Group, Kezzler, Tomra Textiles offer fashion circularity support
Story by Shemona Safaya• 5h • 3 min read
Trimco Group, Kezzler, Tomra Textiles offer fashion circularity support
Story by Shemona Safaya• 5h • 3 min read
Rect Angel
13.03.2024 kl 10:29
Government ‘risks breaking manifesto pledge to deliver bottle deposit scheme’
Greenpeace and Coca-Cola are among those calling on ministers to urgently introduce legislation for the flagship recycling scheme.
Published 9 hours ago
Greenpeace and Coca-Cola are among those calling on ministers to urgently introduce legislation for the flagship recycling scheme.
Published 9 hours ago
Rect Angel
13.03.2024 kl 16:41
Ekstremt volum i løpet av dagens 5 siste børsminutter (sluttauksjonen). Høyere volum disse 5 minuttene enn i løpet av hele dagens foregående handel 09:00 - 16:20 (7 timer og 20 minutter)!
Omsatt 09:00 - 16:20: 56.6 mill. NOK
Omsatt 16:20 - 16:25: 58.8,mill. NOK
Totalt: 115.4 mill. NOK
Sluttkurs: 160.45 NOK
Omsatt 09:00 - 16:20: 56.6 mill. NOK
Omsatt 16:20 - 16:25: 58.8,mill. NOK
Totalt: 115.4 mill. NOK
Sluttkurs: 160.45 NOK
Rect Angel
13.03.2024 kl 22:25
Tomra og 'resirkuleringsrevolusjonen'. To signifikante nyheter.
Syensqo partners with Tomra to advance the sorting of multilayer PVDC packaging waste
March 13, 2024 | By Mary Bailey
The Next Step to Unlocking Plastic Circularity
It’s possible to solve a recycling challenge by deep diving into the mixed waste stream using this first-of-a-kind enhanced sorting technology.
Martin Kay, Edward Kosior
March 13, 2024
Syensqo partners with Tomra to advance the sorting of multilayer PVDC packaging waste
March 13, 2024 | By Mary Bailey
The Next Step to Unlocking Plastic Circularity
It’s possible to solve a recycling challenge by deep diving into the mixed waste stream using this first-of-a-kind enhanced sorting technology.
Martin Kay, Edward Kosior
March 13, 2024
Rect Angel
14.03.2024 kl 09:52
👍 Her kommer flere. Den første er imponerende og den lukter det ikke minst veldig god business av, også på kort sikt, nå som lansering av nye pantesystemer tar av og eksisterende pantesystemer oppgraderes. Den andre har enormt potensial på sikt.
TOMRA RollPac wins iF DESIGN AWARD 2024
14 Mar 2024
TOMRA Collection's innovative new backroom storage solution, TOMRA RollPac, has won the 2024 iF DESIGN AWARD, receiving international recognition as an efficient solution and great user experience that seeks to understand and solve the needs of retail customers.
The company’s most compact and first vertical backroom system for storing drink containers for recycling, TOMRA RollPac adds height to cabinets for retailers seeking space-efficient reverse vending layouts, and is also TOMRA’s first backroom solution with roller cage load carriers.
The iF DESIGN AWARD is organized by Hannover-based iF International Forum Design GmbH, one of the oldest independent design organizations worldwide. Almost 11,000 entries were submitted from 72 countries in this year’s competition, with a jury of 132 members, consisting of independent experts from all over the world. TOMRA RollPac won in product design for the category Public/Retail.
Tredjegenerasjons klesprodusenter er råere enn noensinne. Enkelte legger ut 6000 nye plagg hver dag, klær som knapt blir brukt før de ender på søppelhaugen. Tomra Textiles var nylig på NHH for å diskutere mulige løsninger.
NHH Av Sigrid Folkestad
14. mars 2024 08:57
Tomra har gjort pantejobben enkel siden 1972. Nå går de for fullt inn i tekstiler.
Det norske selskapet er verdens største produsent og leverandør av panteautomater. Blant de 5000 ansatte, har selskapet håndplukket en gruppe som jobber sammen i TOMRA Textiles.
TOMRA RollPac wins iF DESIGN AWARD 2024
14 Mar 2024
TOMRA Collection's innovative new backroom storage solution, TOMRA RollPac, has won the 2024 iF DESIGN AWARD, receiving international recognition as an efficient solution and great user experience that seeks to understand and solve the needs of retail customers.
The company’s most compact and first vertical backroom system for storing drink containers for recycling, TOMRA RollPac adds height to cabinets for retailers seeking space-efficient reverse vending layouts, and is also TOMRA’s first backroom solution with roller cage load carriers.
The iF DESIGN AWARD is organized by Hannover-based iF International Forum Design GmbH, one of the oldest independent design organizations worldwide. Almost 11,000 entries were submitted from 72 countries in this year’s competition, with a jury of 132 members, consisting of independent experts from all over the world. TOMRA RollPac won in product design for the category Public/Retail.
Tredjegenerasjons klesprodusenter er råere enn noensinne. Enkelte legger ut 6000 nye plagg hver dag, klær som knapt blir brukt før de ender på søppelhaugen. Tomra Textiles var nylig på NHH for å diskutere mulige løsninger.
NHH Av Sigrid Folkestad
14. mars 2024 08:57
Tomra har gjort pantejobben enkel siden 1972. Nå går de for fullt inn i tekstiler.
Det norske selskapet er verdens største produsent og leverandør av panteautomater. Blant de 5000 ansatte, har selskapet håndplukket en gruppe som jobber sammen i TOMRA Textiles.
14.03.2024 kl 12:21
Fantastisk. Skrev melding til IR i TOMRA nå om at de må børsmelde at TOMRA RollPac wins iF DESIGN AWARD 2024.
Skrev også at så mange sterke nyheter som kommer fra TOMRA nå så må de oppdatere markedet oftere i børsmeldinger. Så får vi se hva som skjer. TOMRA stiger hver dag nå, og magneten mot 200 kroner blir bare sterkere og sterkere.
Anbefaler folk å ta en titt på hjemmesiden til TOMRA. Selskapet har nå blitt så MYE mer enn panteordning for flasker:
Skrev også at så mange sterke nyheter som kommer fra TOMRA nå så må de oppdatere markedet oftere i børsmeldinger. Så får vi se hva som skjer. TOMRA stiger hver dag nå, og magneten mot 200 kroner blir bare sterkere og sterkere.
Anbefaler folk å ta en titt på hjemmesiden til TOMRA. Selskapet har nå blitt så MYE mer enn panteordning for flasker:
Redigert 14.03.2024 kl 12:22
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Rect Angel
15.03.2024 kl 19:26
Bingo! Da er endelig vedtak fattet i EU.
Statement by Palazzo Chigi on EU packaging and packaging waste regulation and corporate sustainability due diligence directive
15 Marzo 2024
The twenty-seven Member States of the European Union have today approved the regulation on packaging and packaging waste and the directive on corporate sustainability due diligence. This decision was made at Ambassador level by the Committee of Deputy Permanent Representatives to the European Union (Coreper I). This is the final step in the process to adopt the two measures, following negotiations with the European Parliament, and will be formalised by the latter and by Ministers from the 27 Member States.
Sackett Ranch meets the high standards of the United States' most popular potato chip brand by using TOMRA Sorters
March 15, 2024
The Sackett family has been growing potatoes in Michigan for six generations since first planting 20 acres of the crop in 1905. Today, Sackett Ranch covers more than 8,200 acres (3,320 hectares), with more than 3,800 acres (1,540 hectares) dedicated to growing potatoes for the potato chip industry. The farm also grows seed corn, field corn, soy beans, and wheat.
Sackett Ranch sells by far the majority of its potatoes, some 80%, to top potato-chip brands in the U.S., and has to meet strict quality guidelines. No more than 2% of potatoes shipped to plants are permitted to be green, undersized, oversized, or with external defects.
Meeting these standards is difficult or impossible, as well as time-consuming, when sorting manually. Since their investment in the TOMRA 3A and TOMRA 5A optical sorting machines, Sackett Ranch has found it easy to meet the quality standards by pressing a few buttons on a touchscreen.
Statement by Palazzo Chigi on EU packaging and packaging waste regulation and corporate sustainability due diligence directive
15 Marzo 2024
The twenty-seven Member States of the European Union have today approved the regulation on packaging and packaging waste and the directive on corporate sustainability due diligence. This decision was made at Ambassador level by the Committee of Deputy Permanent Representatives to the European Union (Coreper I). This is the final step in the process to adopt the two measures, following negotiations with the European Parliament, and will be formalised by the latter and by Ministers from the 27 Member States.
Sackett Ranch meets the high standards of the United States' most popular potato chip brand by using TOMRA Sorters
March 15, 2024
The Sackett family has been growing potatoes in Michigan for six generations since first planting 20 acres of the crop in 1905. Today, Sackett Ranch covers more than 8,200 acres (3,320 hectares), with more than 3,800 acres (1,540 hectares) dedicated to growing potatoes for the potato chip industry. The farm also grows seed corn, field corn, soy beans, and wheat.
Sackett Ranch sells by far the majority of its potatoes, some 80%, to top potato-chip brands in the U.S., and has to meet strict quality guidelines. No more than 2% of potatoes shipped to plants are permitted to be green, undersized, oversized, or with external defects.
Meeting these standards is difficult or impossible, as well as time-consuming, when sorting manually. Since their investment in the TOMRA 3A and TOMRA 5A optical sorting machines, Sackett Ranch has found it easy to meet the quality standards by pressing a few buttons on a touchscreen.
Rect Angel
18.03.2024 kl 21:19
18th March 2024
Cara Houlton
A Coca-Cola bottler has urged the UK government to introduce legislation for a deposit return scheme (DRS) before the general election.
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners – the sole licensed bottler for the drink giant’s products in Europe – vice-president Julian Hunt said the UK risks becoming the “dirty man of Europe” if there continues to be less incentive for Brits to recycle drinks containers, The Times reported.
Speaking at Retail Week Live last week, Hunt said: “It’s really time that the four governments come together and start to sort this out, irrespective of where we are in the electoral process.”
18th March 2024
Cara Houlton
A Coca-Cola bottler has urged the UK government to introduce legislation for a deposit return scheme (DRS) before the general election.
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners – the sole licensed bottler for the drink giant’s products in Europe – vice-president Julian Hunt said the UK risks becoming the “dirty man of Europe” if there continues to be less incentive for Brits to recycle drinks containers, The Times reported.
Speaking at Retail Week Live last week, Hunt said: “It’s really time that the four governments come together and start to sort this out, irrespective of where we are in the electoral process.”
19.03.2024 kl 22:46
I dag 09:36
Aksjepanelet: 13 aksjer ekspertene tror på
Dette er aksjene ekspertene vil satse på akkurat nå – og aksjene de mener man bør holde seg unna.
Melanie Brooks (39)
Forvalter for Fondsfinans sitt aksjefond «Fornybar Energi». Hun er også bærekraftsansvarlig i Fondsfinans.
Brooks har tidligere jobbet med bærekraftige investeringer blant annet i Folketrygdfondet og Oljefondet. Brooks er født og oppvokst i New Mexico i USA.
Disse aksjene tror jeg på:
Det har nylig kommet et nytt EU-lovverk som sier at alle EU-land skal ha en panteordning innen 2029. Tomra er markedslederen for pantemaskiner globalt, og det nye lovverket forventes å skape sterk ordreinngang for Tomra.
Aksjen har riktignok allerede steget en del, også på bakgrunn av en bra fjerdekvartalsrapport. Men som kvalitetsselskap med sterk balanse og solide vekstutsikter, er Tomra-aksjen fortsatt attraktiv rundt disse nivåer, og dersom aksjen faller noe er det et bra kjøp.
I dag 09:36
Aksjepanelet: 13 aksjer ekspertene tror på
Dette er aksjene ekspertene vil satse på akkurat nå – og aksjene de mener man bør holde seg unna.
Melanie Brooks (39)
Forvalter for Fondsfinans sitt aksjefond «Fornybar Energi». Hun er også bærekraftsansvarlig i Fondsfinans.
Brooks har tidligere jobbet med bærekraftige investeringer blant annet i Folketrygdfondet og Oljefondet. Brooks er født og oppvokst i New Mexico i USA.
Disse aksjene tror jeg på:
Det har nylig kommet et nytt EU-lovverk som sier at alle EU-land skal ha en panteordning innen 2029. Tomra er markedslederen for pantemaskiner globalt, og det nye lovverket forventes å skape sterk ordreinngang for Tomra.
Aksjen har riktignok allerede steget en del, også på bakgrunn av en bra fjerdekvartalsrapport. Men som kvalitetsselskap med sterk balanse og solide vekstutsikter, er Tomra-aksjen fortsatt attraktiv rundt disse nivåer, og dersom aksjen faller noe er det et bra kjøp.
Rect Angel
20.03.2024 kl 11:17
TOMRA: Successful placement of new senior unsecured green bonds
19.3.2024 16:26 • Oslo Børs •
Tomra Systems ASA, rated A-/stable by Scope Ratings, has today successfully issued a total of NOK 1 billion in new senior unsecured green bonds split between two tenors: - 5Y FRN, NOK 750 million with coupon 3 months NIBOR + 0.90% p.a. - 7Y FRN, NOK 250 million with coupon 3 months NIBOR + 1.05% p.a. The transaction was substantially oversubscribed. DNB Markets and Nordea acted as joint lead managers for the transaction.
Asker, 19 March 2024 TOMRA Systems ASA
For further information, please contact: Eva Sagemo, CFO Tel: +47 934 39 911 Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 913 61 899
TOMRA: Contemplating NOK senior unsecured green bond issuance
18.3.2024 09:15 • Oslo Børs •
19.3.2024 16:26 • Oslo Børs •
Tomra Systems ASA, rated A-/stable by Scope Ratings, has today successfully issued a total of NOK 1 billion in new senior unsecured green bonds split between two tenors: - 5Y FRN, NOK 750 million with coupon 3 months NIBOR + 0.90% p.a. - 7Y FRN, NOK 250 million with coupon 3 months NIBOR + 1.05% p.a. The transaction was substantially oversubscribed. DNB Markets and Nordea acted as joint lead managers for the transaction.
Asker, 19 March 2024 TOMRA Systems ASA
For further information, please contact: Eva Sagemo, CFO Tel: +47 934 39 911 Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 913 61 899
TOMRA: Contemplating NOK senior unsecured green bond issuance
18.3.2024 09:15 • Oslo Børs •
Redigert 20.03.2024 kl 11:25
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Rect Angel
21.03.2024 kl 00:50
Let the good times roll with Tomra RollPac.
Østerrike. Legg spesielt merke til at Eurospar butikken allerede driver med panting selv om det nasjonale pantesystemet i Østerrike ikke offisielt åpner før i 2025.
Her er det video m.m. Se også innlegg på denne tråden 14.03.2024 kl 09:52 når det gjelder Tomra-nyheten RollPac.
EUROSPAR Pöchlarn optimized their store by installing the new TOMRA RollPac.
19 Mar 2024
Pöchlarn, AUSTRIA: In EUROSPAR Pöchlarn store staff can spend more time on customers and goods, rather than changing bins, with the new TOMRA RollPac. The feedback? Simply put: great!
Østerrike. Legg spesielt merke til at Eurospar butikken allerede driver med panting selv om det nasjonale pantesystemet i Østerrike ikke offisielt åpner før i 2025.
Her er det video m.m. Se også innlegg på denne tråden 14.03.2024 kl 09:52 når det gjelder Tomra-nyheten RollPac.
EUROSPAR Pöchlarn optimized their store by installing the new TOMRA RollPac.
19 Mar 2024
Pöchlarn, AUSTRIA: In EUROSPAR Pöchlarn store staff can spend more time on customers and goods, rather than changing bins, with the new TOMRA RollPac. The feedback? Simply put: great!
Redigert 21.03.2024 kl 00:51
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Rect Angel
21.03.2024 kl 23:55
AI er vår tids store hype. I Tomra har man allerede utviklet og nyttegjort seg av AI i flere tiår...
New ore sorting tech launched at Indaba
22nd March 2024
Collection and sorting systems developer Tomra Mining launched its Tomra deep learning solution OBTAIN, which is suitable for high-capacity ore sorting, at the Investing in African Mining Indaba, held in Cape Town, from February 5 to 8.
This newly developed software leverages deep learning to bring single-particle precision to high-throughput particle sorting, taking capacity, quality and recovery “to a new level” and unlocking value through a wealth of detailed and accurate data to enable better- informed decision-making.
“The Mining Indaba, one of the most important events in the mining industry, is the perfect platform for us to unveil our revolutionary OBTAIN,” says Tomra Mining head Albert du Preez.
The Advent of AI
Despite artificial intelligence (AI) being popularised of late, with the uptake of technologies such as ChatGPT, the technology has been around for a long time, working quietly behind the scenes, says Du Preez.
The ability of computer systems to mimic human thought and decision-making to perform tasks that traditionally required human intelligence has played an important role in Tomra’s sensor-based sorting solutions for decades, automating the process and improving the accuracy and efficiency of the sorters, thereby unlocking value for mining operations, he states.
Tomra Mining’s experience with AI dates back to 1993, when its predecessor CommoDaS developed sensor-based sorters using AI in their image processing systems to identify particle properties.
“Over the years, sensor-based sorting technology has developed, and Tomra has been using machine learning in its XRT and near-infrared sorters for the last ten years,” concludes Du Preez.
New ore sorting tech launched at Indaba
22nd March 2024
Collection and sorting systems developer Tomra Mining launched its Tomra deep learning solution OBTAIN, which is suitable for high-capacity ore sorting, at the Investing in African Mining Indaba, held in Cape Town, from February 5 to 8.
This newly developed software leverages deep learning to bring single-particle precision to high-throughput particle sorting, taking capacity, quality and recovery “to a new level” and unlocking value through a wealth of detailed and accurate data to enable better- informed decision-making.
“The Mining Indaba, one of the most important events in the mining industry, is the perfect platform for us to unveil our revolutionary OBTAIN,” says Tomra Mining head Albert du Preez.
The Advent of AI
Despite artificial intelligence (AI) being popularised of late, with the uptake of technologies such as ChatGPT, the technology has been around for a long time, working quietly behind the scenes, says Du Preez.
The ability of computer systems to mimic human thought and decision-making to perform tasks that traditionally required human intelligence has played an important role in Tomra’s sensor-based sorting solutions for decades, automating the process and improving the accuracy and efficiency of the sorters, thereby unlocking value for mining operations, he states.
Tomra Mining’s experience with AI dates back to 1993, when its predecessor CommoDaS developed sensor-based sorters using AI in their image processing systems to identify particle properties.
“Over the years, sensor-based sorting technology has developed, and Tomra has been using machine learning in its XRT and near-infrared sorters for the last ten years,” concludes Du Preez.
Redigert 22.03.2024 kl 00:02
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Rect Angel
25.03.2024 kl 11:55
Tomra Recycling annonserer i dag et gedigent industrielt gjennombrudd!
Tomra Recycling annonserer i dag at selskapets sorteringsteknologi ved hjelp av intensiv R & D, AI/deep learning over tid nå har tatt industriell sortering av plast til et nytt nivå.
TOMRA achieves worldwide industry first with groundbreaking food-grade plastics sorting solution
Leading global sorting solutions provider, TOMRA Recycling, has announced the launch of three revolutionary applications to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP and HDPE. The breakthrough was made possible by the company's intensive research and development in deep learning, a subset of AI.
25 Mar 2024 2 min
Thanks to TOMRA’s continued investment in GAIN – the company’s deep learning-based sorting add-on for its world-renowned AUTOSORT™ units – it is now possible for the first time to quickly and efficiently separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP and HDPE on a large scale.
Until now, food-grade sorting has proved a real challenge for the industry as food and non-food packaging are often made of the same material and visually very similar which makes it difficult for any sorting system on the market today to differentiate and separate. Hygiene concerns and increasingly stringent industry regulations add a further layer of complexity to handling food waste in recycling.
However, TOMRA’s GAIN technology – today rebranded GAINnext™ to pay tribute to the product’s significant evolution – resolves all of these challenges by further enhancing the sorting performance of the company’s AUTOSORT™ units so they are capable of identifying objects that are hard and, in some cases, even impossible to classify using traditional optical waste sensors.
Tomra Recycling annonserer i dag at selskapets sorteringsteknologi ved hjelp av intensiv R & D, AI/deep learning over tid nå har tatt industriell sortering av plast til et nytt nivå.
TOMRA achieves worldwide industry first with groundbreaking food-grade plastics sorting solution
Leading global sorting solutions provider, TOMRA Recycling, has announced the launch of three revolutionary applications to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP and HDPE. The breakthrough was made possible by the company's intensive research and development in deep learning, a subset of AI.
25 Mar 2024 2 min
Thanks to TOMRA’s continued investment in GAIN – the company’s deep learning-based sorting add-on for its world-renowned AUTOSORT™ units – it is now possible for the first time to quickly and efficiently separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP and HDPE on a large scale.
Until now, food-grade sorting has proved a real challenge for the industry as food and non-food packaging are often made of the same material and visually very similar which makes it difficult for any sorting system on the market today to differentiate and separate. Hygiene concerns and increasingly stringent industry regulations add a further layer of complexity to handling food waste in recycling.
However, TOMRA’s GAIN technology – today rebranded GAINnext™ to pay tribute to the product’s significant evolution – resolves all of these challenges by further enhancing the sorting performance of the company’s AUTOSORT™ units so they are capable of identifying objects that are hard and, in some cases, even impossible to classify using traditional optical waste sensors.
Redigert 25.03.2024 kl 12:48
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Rect Angel
27.03.2024 kl 11:42
Siste om 'pantefarsen i UK'.
Regjerende myndigheter har ikke vært spesielt meddelsomme, men det siste som har versert på 'ryktebørsen' når det gjelder tidspunkt for oppstart av pantesystemet i UK, er utsettelse til 2028. Her antyder Steve Barclay, Storbritannias miljø- og jordbruksminister oppstart i 2027, men understreker samtidig at han ikke er i posisjon til å gi noe eksakt tidspunkt for oppstart.
Speaking to the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs Committee, Mr Barclay said the Government has been working with industries as well as the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments to develop an aligned scheme.
“Given this balance between the benefits of the scheme versus the benefits of having something interoperable, I don’t think 2025 is now realistic and certainly I don’t think business would view it as a realistic deadline,” he said.
“But I suspect if I was pushed on it, a sort of 2027 deadline is probably more likely.”
Mr Barclay said the issue is ongoing and continues to be an area of discussion within the Government.
“I’m not in a position to give a date on it, but certainly 2025 I don’t think is realistic,” he added.
Asked when the Government may lay the secondary legislation for the scheme, Mr Barclay also said: “I’m not in a position to give an exact date today because I think as a Unionist, one of the things that has been very important to me is that we have an approach that is interoperable across the UK.
“And it is, therefore, right that we work closely with the DAs (devolved administrations) to have a scheme that aligns, and I think also that’s important to business as well because I think it’d be hugely frustrating to business if we have different schemes in different parts of the United Kingdom.”
He added that 55% of litter falls within the scope of the DRS as “high-quality product that can be recycled”.
“The importance of policy is there and that’s why we’ve been working so closely with the DAs on it,” he said.
It comes after the Scottish and Welsh governments had plans for their respective schemes to include glass.
But under UK Government plans, the schemes in England and Northern Ireland would have excluded glass due to the additional challenges that come with recycling the material.
Regjerende myndigheter har ikke vært spesielt meddelsomme, men det siste som har versert på 'ryktebørsen' når det gjelder tidspunkt for oppstart av pantesystemet i UK, er utsettelse til 2028. Her antyder Steve Barclay, Storbritannias miljø- og jordbruksminister oppstart i 2027, men understreker samtidig at han ikke er i posisjon til å gi noe eksakt tidspunkt for oppstart.
Speaking to the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs Committee, Mr Barclay said the Government has been working with industries as well as the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments to develop an aligned scheme.
“Given this balance between the benefits of the scheme versus the benefits of having something interoperable, I don’t think 2025 is now realistic and certainly I don’t think business would view it as a realistic deadline,” he said.
“But I suspect if I was pushed on it, a sort of 2027 deadline is probably more likely.”
Mr Barclay said the issue is ongoing and continues to be an area of discussion within the Government.
“I’m not in a position to give a date on it, but certainly 2025 I don’t think is realistic,” he added.
Asked when the Government may lay the secondary legislation for the scheme, Mr Barclay also said: “I’m not in a position to give an exact date today because I think as a Unionist, one of the things that has been very important to me is that we have an approach that is interoperable across the UK.
“And it is, therefore, right that we work closely with the DAs (devolved administrations) to have a scheme that aligns, and I think also that’s important to business as well because I think it’d be hugely frustrating to business if we have different schemes in different parts of the United Kingdom.”
He added that 55% of litter falls within the scope of the DRS as “high-quality product that can be recycled”.
“The importance of policy is there and that’s why we’ve been working so closely with the DAs on it,” he said.
It comes after the Scottish and Welsh governments had plans for their respective schemes to include glass.
But under UK Government plans, the schemes in England and Northern Ireland would have excluded glass due to the additional challenges that come with recycling the material.
Redigert 27.03.2024 kl 11:52
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Rect Angel
02.04.2024 kl 13:09
36.5 thousand collection points for bottles and cans will be built in Poland Recycling in a new version
Justine Madan
April 2, 2024, 9:36 a.m
Tomra, a leader in the recycling industry, predicts that thanks to the deposit system in Poland, 36.5 thousand collection points for bottles and cans will be built.
Justine Madan
April 2, 2024, 9:36 a.m
Tomra, a leader in the recycling industry, predicts that thanks to the deposit system in Poland, 36.5 thousand collection points for bottles and cans will be built.
Rect Angel
04.04.2024 kl 20:31
“We see ourselves as the movers who lead the way with our resource knowledge and leading sorting technologies, the makers who transform how natural resources are extracted and mined sustainably, and the caretakers of our natural resources who work to maximize recovery and minimize environmental impact with our customers and partners. We believe that Tomra Mining has a role to play in the future of mining and have set ourselves a clear mission: to enable a sustainable starting point for the resources that will transform future businesses, industries, and societies. We sort tomorrow’s resources,” concludes Albert du Preez.
New Tomra video highlights brand vision for sustainability
Tomra Mining, best known for ore sorters that pre-concentrate material before it reaches the processing plant, has released a new YouTube video […]
By Canadian Mining Journal Staff April 4, 2024 At 1:25 pm
New Tomra video highlights brand vision for sustainability
Tomra Mining, best known for ore sorters that pre-concentrate material before it reaches the processing plant, has released a new YouTube video […]
By Canadian Mining Journal Staff April 4, 2024 At 1:25 pm
Rect Angel
09.04.2024 kl 11:49
TOMRA Recycling
TOMRA uses IFAT 2024 to demonstrate the role its technologies are playing in transforming resource recovery
Apr 9, 2024 10:07
Global sensor-based sorting technology provider TOMRA Recycling will further strengthen its position as a leader in resource recovery when it reveals its latest technology portfolio at IFAT 2024 (13-17 May in Munich, Germany).
TOMRA's experts will be on stand B6.339/438 to highlight the company's continued commitment to leading the resource revolution. TOMRA's chosen theme for IFAT 2024 is 'Transforming Resource Recovery'.
The industry's latest AI-powered solution enables food-grade sorting
With forthcoming changes to EU legislation governing packaging waste and recycled plastic food contact materials, TOMRA is anticipating a lot of interest among IFAT visitors in the latest advances to its GAINnext™ technology. Thanks to TOMRA's continued investment in the company's AI-powered deep learning technology—available as an add-on for its AUTOSORT™ units—it is now possible to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP, and HDPE on a large scale with exceptional purity levels of over 95 per cent.
TOMRA has used AI technology to improve sorting performance for decades, but this latest groundbreaking application marks another industry first for TOMRA, who also introduced the first deep learning technology for waste sorting in 2019. With this latest sophisticated application of deep learning and AI, TOMRA has once again demonstrated its position as a pioneer in the AI-powered transformation of recycling.
IFAT Munich 2024
May 13-17
TOMRA uses IFAT 2024 to demonstrate the role its technologies are playing in transforming resource recovery
Apr 9, 2024 10:07
Global sensor-based sorting technology provider TOMRA Recycling will further strengthen its position as a leader in resource recovery when it reveals its latest technology portfolio at IFAT 2024 (13-17 May in Munich, Germany).
TOMRA's experts will be on stand B6.339/438 to highlight the company's continued commitment to leading the resource revolution. TOMRA's chosen theme for IFAT 2024 is 'Transforming Resource Recovery'.
The industry's latest AI-powered solution enables food-grade sorting
With forthcoming changes to EU legislation governing packaging waste and recycled plastic food contact materials, TOMRA is anticipating a lot of interest among IFAT visitors in the latest advances to its GAINnext™ technology. Thanks to TOMRA's continued investment in the company's AI-powered deep learning technology—available as an add-on for its AUTOSORT™ units—it is now possible to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP, and HDPE on a large scale with exceptional purity levels of over 95 per cent.
TOMRA has used AI technology to improve sorting performance for decades, but this latest groundbreaking application marks another industry first for TOMRA, who also introduced the first deep learning technology for waste sorting in 2019. With this latest sophisticated application of deep learning and AI, TOMRA has once again demonstrated its position as a pioneer in the AI-powered transformation of recycling.
IFAT Munich 2024
May 13-17
Rect Angel
09.04.2024 kl 15:00
Tomra food inaugurates new center in Valencia
Publication date: Tue 9 Apr 2024
Tomra Food has inaugurated a new center dedicated to fresh fruit and processed food projects. The location, in Valencia, is well connected and in the heart of a major horticultural and nut growing region. The center's proximity to its customers and partners will enable the company to show the performance and benefits of its optical sorters with on-site demonstrations.
The center will also act as the main HUB for Southern Europe and North Africa, and serve as a training, service and spare parts center, extending Tomra Food's presence in the EMEA market. The move is part of the company's regional restructuring in the EMEA region.
As a global company, it required a more focused approach which the company's new EVP and Head of TOMRA Food Harald Henriksen, addressed with the creation of a regional structure for the organization.
Karel Strubbe, the new SVP and Head of Tomra Food for Europe, Africa and the Middle East explains: "We want to work directly with the customer in as few time zones as possible. This enables us to be more agile, to establish an even closer relationship with our customers and ultimately to work better locally. It is vital to improve the speed and quality of communications to always offer the best service."
Jesus Hernandez, sales manager of Tomra Food Spain: "Tomra is a European company. In the short term, we have set ourselves the goal of becoming the sales leader in the EMEA Region – a position we already hold in other regions such as the United States, South Africa and Australia. Tomra's new center in Valencia is the company's response to the specific needs of the market."
Tomra food inaugurates new center in Valencia
Publication date: Tue 9 Apr 2024
Tomra Food has inaugurated a new center dedicated to fresh fruit and processed food projects. The location, in Valencia, is well connected and in the heart of a major horticultural and nut growing region. The center's proximity to its customers and partners will enable the company to show the performance and benefits of its optical sorters with on-site demonstrations.
The center will also act as the main HUB for Southern Europe and North Africa, and serve as a training, service and spare parts center, extending Tomra Food's presence in the EMEA market. The move is part of the company's regional restructuring in the EMEA region.
As a global company, it required a more focused approach which the company's new EVP and Head of TOMRA Food Harald Henriksen, addressed with the creation of a regional structure for the organization.
Karel Strubbe, the new SVP and Head of Tomra Food for Europe, Africa and the Middle East explains: "We want to work directly with the customer in as few time zones as possible. This enables us to be more agile, to establish an even closer relationship with our customers and ultimately to work better locally. It is vital to improve the speed and quality of communications to always offer the best service."
Jesus Hernandez, sales manager of Tomra Food Spain: "Tomra is a European company. In the short term, we have set ourselves the goal of becoming the sales leader in the EMEA Region – a position we already hold in other regions such as the United States, South Africa and Australia. Tomra's new center in Valencia is the company's response to the specific needs of the market."
Rect Angel
10.04.2024 kl 19:16
Nyhet fra TOMRA Horizon.
TOMRA Textiles and Circle-8 to explore solutions for a UK circular textile ecosystem
TOMRA and Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems have entered into a collaboration agreement to advance developments towards the first automated textiles sorting and pre-processing facility for non-reusable textiles in the United Kingdom (UK).
10 Apr 2024
3 min
The companies will conduct a feasibility study for an automated textile sorting and pre-processing facility, emphasizing solution and process designs that can be scaled. The explorative collaboration agreement is focused on the UK market. Despite higher average re-use levels compared to the rest of Europe, an estimated 700,000 tonnes of non-reusable apparel and other textiles are generated every year in the UK. Textiles is one of the world’s least sustainable industries, with less than one per cent of material produced being kept in a closed loop.
As a key member of the ACT UK, a consortium set up to industrialize textile sorting in the country launched in 2023, Circle-8 is working with stakeholders along the textiles value chain to realise a circular textiles ecosystem in the UK. Through its independent collaboration with TOMRA Textiles, Circle-8 will draw on TOMRA’s experience and know-how to develop solution designs for a future automated sorting and pre-processing facility for non-reusable textiles in the UK.
TOMRA was the main technology provider to the world’s first fully scaled automated textile sorting facility, SIPtex, in Malmö, Sweden. The Swedish research project has provided valuable lessons for optimising and reconfiguring TOMRA’s technology for industrial-scale sorting of post-consumer garments. The ambition of the feasibility study is to devise an automated solution for textile sorting by fibre composition and colour, in addition to the removal of disruptors such as buttons, zippers and trims, and cutting materials to sizes that make them suitable for textile-to-textile recycling processes.
“Automated sorting and pre-processing of non-reusable textiles is crucial to enabling a truly circular textiles value chain by turning non-reusable textiles into high quality feedstock required by existing and emerging textile-to-textile recyclers. We are looking forward to making positive progress towards this ambition in collaboration with TOMRA Textiles,” said Cyndi Rhoades, Co-founder and CEO of Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems.
“Realising textile circularity at scale will require regulations and incentives, infrastructure investments, and a strong digital core. But most of all, it will require collaboration and co-creation of solutions across the value chain. TOMRA has more than 50 years of experience in developing technologies enabling the shift from linear to circular. In collaboration with Circle-8 and their network of retailers and brands in the UK, we hope to make meaningful progress on designing a solution for sorting and pre-processing of non-reusable textiles,” said Vibeke Krohn, Head of TOMRA Textiles, a business venture set up by TOMRA to develop transformative solutions for enabling textile circularity.
About Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems
Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems is unlocking textile-to-textile recycling in the UK, with a multi-phase approach. Our end goal is to build, own and operate the UK’s first large-scale polymer recycling plant for non-reusable textiles made from polyester and cotton by 2027, creating virgin equivalent circular raw materials for reintroduction into global supply chains. To supply the chemical textile recycling plant, Circle-8 is developing 25,000 tonne per year automated textile sorting and pre-processing facility (ATSP) for non-reusable textiles in the UK, creating a blueprint for multiple ATSPs.
Circle-8's ambition is to divert the UK’s estimated yearly 700,000+ tonnes of non-reusable textiles away from export, landfill, and incineration and back into UK-origin new textile circular materials. Circle-8 is a major partner in ACT UK, receiving a significant share of a £4 million grant from Innovate UK, with a consortium of 21 industry partners, to design and develop a blueprint for the UK’s first ATSP.
About TOMRA Textiles
TOMRA Textiles helps transform the textile value chain, from linear to circular. We do so by closing the gap between waste textiles and textile-to-textile recycling. Our automated sensor-based sorting technology, in collaboration with progressive partners, enables circularity at scale. TOMRA Textiles is part of TOMRA Horizon, the venture arm set up by TOMRA Group to explore new adjacent business opportunities and alternative business models leveraging the Group’s technology and decades of know-how.
TOMRA is a global leader in solutions that enable the circular economy with advanced collection and sorting systems. With an ultimate mission to strive for a world without waste, TOMRA specializes in waste management systems, material recovery technologies and food processing by employing sensor-based sorting and grading technology. Today, TOMRA has more than 100,000 installations in 100 markets globally, employs 5,000 people and annual revenues of NOK 14.8 billion.
Tar også med denne, for Tomra meget signifikante EU-nyheten, fra 27.mars ettersom det 'aldri' publiseres om nyheter som dette i norske medier.
New report calls for a replacement of European waste framework directive for a materials based one, to urgently alleviate the triple planetary crisis
Eunomia’s latest report recommends replacement of Waste Framework Directive with a Materials Framework Directive, and establishment of EU-level powers on environmental taxation.
27 Mar 2024
5 min
BRUSSELS – 27th March 2024 – Eunomia Research and Consulting Ltd. has today published a report ‘Managing Materials for 1.5oC: An EU Regulatory Framework for a Low Carbon Material Economy’. It presents a series of recommendations designed to enable Europe to prosper whilst reducing the pressure we place on the planet from our consumption of materials.
TOMRA Textiles and Circle-8 to explore solutions for a UK circular textile ecosystem
TOMRA and Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems have entered into a collaboration agreement to advance developments towards the first automated textiles sorting and pre-processing facility for non-reusable textiles in the United Kingdom (UK).
10 Apr 2024
3 min
The companies will conduct a feasibility study for an automated textile sorting and pre-processing facility, emphasizing solution and process designs that can be scaled. The explorative collaboration agreement is focused on the UK market. Despite higher average re-use levels compared to the rest of Europe, an estimated 700,000 tonnes of non-reusable apparel and other textiles are generated every year in the UK. Textiles is one of the world’s least sustainable industries, with less than one per cent of material produced being kept in a closed loop.
As a key member of the ACT UK, a consortium set up to industrialize textile sorting in the country launched in 2023, Circle-8 is working with stakeholders along the textiles value chain to realise a circular textiles ecosystem in the UK. Through its independent collaboration with TOMRA Textiles, Circle-8 will draw on TOMRA’s experience and know-how to develop solution designs for a future automated sorting and pre-processing facility for non-reusable textiles in the UK.
TOMRA was the main technology provider to the world’s first fully scaled automated textile sorting facility, SIPtex, in Malmö, Sweden. The Swedish research project has provided valuable lessons for optimising and reconfiguring TOMRA’s technology for industrial-scale sorting of post-consumer garments. The ambition of the feasibility study is to devise an automated solution for textile sorting by fibre composition and colour, in addition to the removal of disruptors such as buttons, zippers and trims, and cutting materials to sizes that make them suitable for textile-to-textile recycling processes.
“Automated sorting and pre-processing of non-reusable textiles is crucial to enabling a truly circular textiles value chain by turning non-reusable textiles into high quality feedstock required by existing and emerging textile-to-textile recyclers. We are looking forward to making positive progress towards this ambition in collaboration with TOMRA Textiles,” said Cyndi Rhoades, Co-founder and CEO of Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems.
“Realising textile circularity at scale will require regulations and incentives, infrastructure investments, and a strong digital core. But most of all, it will require collaboration and co-creation of solutions across the value chain. TOMRA has more than 50 years of experience in developing technologies enabling the shift from linear to circular. In collaboration with Circle-8 and their network of retailers and brands in the UK, we hope to make meaningful progress on designing a solution for sorting and pre-processing of non-reusable textiles,” said Vibeke Krohn, Head of TOMRA Textiles, a business venture set up by TOMRA to develop transformative solutions for enabling textile circularity.
About Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems
Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems is unlocking textile-to-textile recycling in the UK, with a multi-phase approach. Our end goal is to build, own and operate the UK’s first large-scale polymer recycling plant for non-reusable textiles made from polyester and cotton by 2027, creating virgin equivalent circular raw materials for reintroduction into global supply chains. To supply the chemical textile recycling plant, Circle-8 is developing 25,000 tonne per year automated textile sorting and pre-processing facility (ATSP) for non-reusable textiles in the UK, creating a blueprint for multiple ATSPs.
Circle-8's ambition is to divert the UK’s estimated yearly 700,000+ tonnes of non-reusable textiles away from export, landfill, and incineration and back into UK-origin new textile circular materials. Circle-8 is a major partner in ACT UK, receiving a significant share of a £4 million grant from Innovate UK, with a consortium of 21 industry partners, to design and develop a blueprint for the UK’s first ATSP.
About TOMRA Textiles
TOMRA Textiles helps transform the textile value chain, from linear to circular. We do so by closing the gap between waste textiles and textile-to-textile recycling. Our automated sensor-based sorting technology, in collaboration with progressive partners, enables circularity at scale. TOMRA Textiles is part of TOMRA Horizon, the venture arm set up by TOMRA Group to explore new adjacent business opportunities and alternative business models leveraging the Group’s technology and decades of know-how.
TOMRA is a global leader in solutions that enable the circular economy with advanced collection and sorting systems. With an ultimate mission to strive for a world without waste, TOMRA specializes in waste management systems, material recovery technologies and food processing by employing sensor-based sorting and grading technology. Today, TOMRA has more than 100,000 installations in 100 markets globally, employs 5,000 people and annual revenues of NOK 14.8 billion.
Tar også med denne, for Tomra meget signifikante EU-nyheten, fra 27.mars ettersom det 'aldri' publiseres om nyheter som dette i norske medier.
New report calls for a replacement of European waste framework directive for a materials based one, to urgently alleviate the triple planetary crisis
Eunomia’s latest report recommends replacement of Waste Framework Directive with a Materials Framework Directive, and establishment of EU-level powers on environmental taxation.
27 Mar 2024
5 min
BRUSSELS – 27th March 2024 – Eunomia Research and Consulting Ltd. has today published a report ‘Managing Materials for 1.5oC: An EU Regulatory Framework for a Low Carbon Material Economy’. It presents a series of recommendations designed to enable Europe to prosper whilst reducing the pressure we place on the planet from our consumption of materials.
Rect Angel
10.04.2024 kl 19:16
Slettet. Dobbeltposting.
Redigert 10.04.2024 kl 19:58
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Rect Angel
15.04.2024 kl 13:12
EQ Resources (EQR) gir Tomras teknologi og sorteringsløsninger æren for egen braksuksess (Tungsten = Wolfram).
Nesten fristende å påstå at moderne, lønnsom, fremtidsrettet gruvedrift == TOMRA Mining.
Queensland welcomes record tungsten production
3 days ago
EQ Resources (EQR) has welcomed record tungsten production in the March quarter from its Mount Carbine mine in Queensland despite recovering from cyclone Jasper.
Mt Carbine operation produced 507 tonnes of tungsten for the quarter, a 38 per cent jump on the previous quarter.
EQR credited the record concentrate production was achieved at Mount Carbine thanks to the further ramp-up of the operations in the mine’s open pit.
“Nearly 800,000 tonnes of material were extracted in the March quarter, and the crushing plant production increased to 80,000 tonnes per month for February and March,” the company said.
On the back of increasing mining and crushing rates, the company also ordered a fourth new generation TOMRA XRT ore sorter and has plans to upgrade its existing two XRT sorters currently working with the latest ejection modules and updated software.
EQR said the additional unit and respective upgrades will boost sorting capacity at Mount Carbine by more than 100 per cent.
In addition to its Mount Carbine mine in North Queensland, EQR also operates the Barruecopardo tungsten operations in the Salamanca Province of Spain.
“The benefits resulting from the continuous improvements of sensor-based sorting technologies to the bottom line at both Mt Carbine and Saloro are a game changer, and we are pleased having a strong technical team behind both our sorting operations,” EQR chief executive officer Kevin MacNeill said.
“Introducing the new generation XRT Sorters and software upgrades will allow EQR to maintain its position as the Western world’s leading independent producer of tungsten concentrates.”
“The timing is exceptionally good, as the global price of tungsten concentrate is firming. Traders in the key end-user markets report tight supply of tungsten concentrate, pushing prices modestly higher.
“EQR’s ambition is to build on its market-leading position as we ramp up to full production at both Mt Carbine and Barruecopardo.”
TOMRA Mining’s XRT ore sorting technology delivers value and sustainability at Mt Carbine Tungsten mine
TOMRA X-Ray Transmission (XRT) sorters provide a game-changing solution for the Mt Carbine mine in Queensland, Australia. On the one hand, they deliver remarkable cost savings while achieving high-purity Tungsten for the processing plant. On the other hand, they contribute to a circular economy by effectively eliminating contaminants from the waste rock, which is used to produce green aggregates for sale – also creating an additional revenue stream for owner EQ Resources.
Nesten fristende å påstå at moderne, lønnsom, fremtidsrettet gruvedrift == TOMRA Mining.
Queensland welcomes record tungsten production
3 days ago
EQ Resources (EQR) has welcomed record tungsten production in the March quarter from its Mount Carbine mine in Queensland despite recovering from cyclone Jasper.
Mt Carbine operation produced 507 tonnes of tungsten for the quarter, a 38 per cent jump on the previous quarter.
EQR credited the record concentrate production was achieved at Mount Carbine thanks to the further ramp-up of the operations in the mine’s open pit.
“Nearly 800,000 tonnes of material were extracted in the March quarter, and the crushing plant production increased to 80,000 tonnes per month for February and March,” the company said.
On the back of increasing mining and crushing rates, the company also ordered a fourth new generation TOMRA XRT ore sorter and has plans to upgrade its existing two XRT sorters currently working with the latest ejection modules and updated software.
EQR said the additional unit and respective upgrades will boost sorting capacity at Mount Carbine by more than 100 per cent.
In addition to its Mount Carbine mine in North Queensland, EQR also operates the Barruecopardo tungsten operations in the Salamanca Province of Spain.
“The benefits resulting from the continuous improvements of sensor-based sorting technologies to the bottom line at both Mt Carbine and Saloro are a game changer, and we are pleased having a strong technical team behind both our sorting operations,” EQR chief executive officer Kevin MacNeill said.
“Introducing the new generation XRT Sorters and software upgrades will allow EQR to maintain its position as the Western world’s leading independent producer of tungsten concentrates.”
“The timing is exceptionally good, as the global price of tungsten concentrate is firming. Traders in the key end-user markets report tight supply of tungsten concentrate, pushing prices modestly higher.
“EQR’s ambition is to build on its market-leading position as we ramp up to full production at both Mt Carbine and Barruecopardo.”
TOMRA Mining’s XRT ore sorting technology delivers value and sustainability at Mt Carbine Tungsten mine
TOMRA X-Ray Transmission (XRT) sorters provide a game-changing solution for the Mt Carbine mine in Queensland, Australia. On the one hand, they deliver remarkable cost savings while achieving high-purity Tungsten for the processing plant. On the other hand, they contribute to a circular economy by effectively eliminating contaminants from the waste rock, which is used to produce green aggregates for sale – also creating an additional revenue stream for owner EQ Resources.
Redigert 15.04.2024 kl 13:17
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Rect Angel
16.04.2024 kl 13:37
Home Page Economy
81% of Poles support the introduction of a bail system
Added by Bartholomew Supernak
in department Economy
16 April 2024
The vast majority of respondents – 81% – support the introduction of a deposit system in Poland, treating it as the best solution for the effective collection of beverage packaging, according to a study commissioned by the Tomra Collection. When asked about the amount of the deposit, the respondents indicated that both PLN 50 and PLN 1 would motivate them to return a single package to the store.
„This study shows that the bail system is a tool that is well received by society as a whole, from the oldest to the youngest generations. This is very good news for those responsible for creating the system in Poland. Thanks to such an optimistic attitude and consistent education about the principles of its operation, this tool has potential and a chance for success. Poles are waiting for the deposit system and are ready to make changes to their daily habits” –, said Tomra Anna Sapota, vice president of public affairs in the group, quoted in the release.
The deposit system, scheduled to start in Poland at the beginning of 2025, is a response to the increase in plastic pollution and demand for high-quality secondary raw materials. It already operates successfully in many European countries, including our – neighbors in Slovakia, Lithuania and Germany. Recently, other countries, such as Hungary, Romania and Ireland, have introduced their own systems. Others, such as the Netherlands and Germany, are expanding those previously operating. It involves collecting a deposit when purchasing a drink and returning it when returning the empty packaging to the collection point, i.e. the store. The deposit is therefore one of the most important motivators for recycling packaging. When asked about the amount that would sufficiently motivate them to return the packaging, Poles indicated both PLN 50 (46%) and PLN 1 (45%). 9% of respondents supported a deposit higher than PLN 1, indicated in the material.
The study also shows that the source of information from which respondents most often want to learn about the deposit system in Poland is – television, indicated by 67% of Poles. Just behind it were news portals and newspapers (44%) and shop leaflets (43%). The latter source strongly prefers people over 60 years of age – 55% of them. Social media such as Facebook and Instagram were most frequently marked by people under the age of 30 (68% and 30% respectively). However, radio was marked by 34% of respondents of all ages.
„Shops are the key to effectively collecting empty beverage packaging. Not only the form of collection and its appropriate placement in the store depend on them, but also education about the principles and benefits of the deposit system. Research has shown that leaflets prepared by stores are eagerly read by Poles and can be a valuable source of information” – commented the managing director at Tomra Collection Polska Konrad Robak.
The study, conducted by K+Research by Insight Lab on behalf of the Tomra Collection, was carried out in February 2024 on a sample of over 1,000 adult Polish residents using the CAWI method (online survey).
Source: ISBnews
81% of Poles support the introduction of a bail system
Added by Bartholomew Supernak
in department Economy
16 April 2024
The vast majority of respondents – 81% – support the introduction of a deposit system in Poland, treating it as the best solution for the effective collection of beverage packaging, according to a study commissioned by the Tomra Collection. When asked about the amount of the deposit, the respondents indicated that both PLN 50 and PLN 1 would motivate them to return a single package to the store.
„This study shows that the bail system is a tool that is well received by society as a whole, from the oldest to the youngest generations. This is very good news for those responsible for creating the system in Poland. Thanks to such an optimistic attitude and consistent education about the principles of its operation, this tool has potential and a chance for success. Poles are waiting for the deposit system and are ready to make changes to their daily habits” –, said Tomra Anna Sapota, vice president of public affairs in the group, quoted in the release.
The deposit system, scheduled to start in Poland at the beginning of 2025, is a response to the increase in plastic pollution and demand for high-quality secondary raw materials. It already operates successfully in many European countries, including our – neighbors in Slovakia, Lithuania and Germany. Recently, other countries, such as Hungary, Romania and Ireland, have introduced their own systems. Others, such as the Netherlands and Germany, are expanding those previously operating. It involves collecting a deposit when purchasing a drink and returning it when returning the empty packaging to the collection point, i.e. the store. The deposit is therefore one of the most important motivators for recycling packaging. When asked about the amount that would sufficiently motivate them to return the packaging, Poles indicated both PLN 50 (46%) and PLN 1 (45%). 9% of respondents supported a deposit higher than PLN 1, indicated in the material.
The study also shows that the source of information from which respondents most often want to learn about the deposit system in Poland is – television, indicated by 67% of Poles. Just behind it were news portals and newspapers (44%) and shop leaflets (43%). The latter source strongly prefers people over 60 years of age – 55% of them. Social media such as Facebook and Instagram were most frequently marked by people under the age of 30 (68% and 30% respectively). However, radio was marked by 34% of respondents of all ages.
„Shops are the key to effectively collecting empty beverage packaging. Not only the form of collection and its appropriate placement in the store depend on them, but also education about the principles and benefits of the deposit system. Research has shown that leaflets prepared by stores are eagerly read by Poles and can be a valuable source of information” – commented the managing director at Tomra Collection Polska Konrad Robak.
The study, conducted by K+Research by Insight Lab on behalf of the Tomra Collection, was carried out in February 2024 on a sample of over 1,000 adult Polish residents using the CAWI method (online survey).
Source: ISBnews
Rect Angel
18.04.2024 kl 11:30
TOMRA and Turnpike partner in Sweden to digitize reverse vending for real-time recycling notifications
17 Apr 2024
17 Apr 2024
Rect Angel
21.04.2024 kl 14:46
Tomra Collection Solutions har hendene fulle innen EU i nasjoner som for kort tid siden innførte pantesystemer, i nasjoner som oppgraderer eksisterende pantesystemer og i nasjoner som snart skal innføre pantesystemer.
Og denne politiske utviklingen i EU med fokus på GJENBRUK, er ensbetydende med at Tomra kommer til å få mye mer å gjøre i EUs mange nasjoner. Veldig mye mer.
Man bør her merke seg at Tomra allerede er i gang med en pilot hvor fokuset er på gjenbruk i Århus kommune. Tomra er en 'cunning fox' som hele tiden ligger i forkant og følger de politiske beslutninger/reguleringer tett. Tilsynelatende glimrende ledet av Tove Andersen som overtok stafettpinnen fra legenden Stefan Ranstrand.
Infinitum-estimat: EUs pantekrav vil koste Norge 2,5 milliarder i året
Hans M. Jordheim
Publisert: I dag 05:00
I tillegg kommer engangskostnader ved å bygge om butikker og installere systemer som vasker flaskene.
Og denne politiske utviklingen i EU med fokus på GJENBRUK, er ensbetydende med at Tomra kommer til å få mye mer å gjøre i EUs mange nasjoner. Veldig mye mer.
Man bør her merke seg at Tomra allerede er i gang med en pilot hvor fokuset er på gjenbruk i Århus kommune. Tomra er en 'cunning fox' som hele tiden ligger i forkant og følger de politiske beslutninger/reguleringer tett. Tilsynelatende glimrende ledet av Tove Andersen som overtok stafettpinnen fra legenden Stefan Ranstrand.
Infinitum-estimat: EUs pantekrav vil koste Norge 2,5 milliarder i året
Hans M. Jordheim
Publisert: I dag 05:00
I tillegg kommer engangskostnader ved å bygge om butikker og installere systemer som vasker flaskene.
Rect Angel
23.04.2024 kl 23:11
Tomra Food
Case Study
De Marchi Automates Production with TOMRA 5B Sorter
April 23, 2024
Brazilian fruit and vegetable producer De Marchi installed a TOMRA 5B sorting machine in February 2023, improving product sorting and volumes.
The De Marchi Group's operations range from the large-scale cultivation of fruit, vegetables and greens to the production of frozen foods and "in nature" foods for Brazil and abroad. In a demanding market, the company seeks to go beyond customers' expectations by offering higher-quality, healthier and more sustainable products.
Carlos Alberto De Marchi, industrial director at De Marchi, explains that before the TOMRA 5B’s installation, the process was "completely manual,” but now the TOMRA machine has brought progress, "not only in terms of resource management but also in terms of economics. Not only was the increase in profitability measurable, but also important was the food safety that the machine added to the product. In addition, we know that labor work is becoming more complex every day. People can't do repetitive work with a high degree of concentration for very long, so the machine greatly increases reliability in the selection process."
Six months after installing the TOMRA machine and working with various types of fruit and vegetables, the feedback is positive.
“With the automation of the line, we have a 30 percent increase in productivity and much greater safety in the products we produce, which would have been impossible with the manual process,” De Marchi says. “Moreover, we're bringing together profitability, reliability and agility in our processes to reach higher levels. We have exceptional personalized support from TOMRA through various channels, which makes all the difference."
Case Study
De Marchi Automates Production with TOMRA 5B Sorter
April 23, 2024
Brazilian fruit and vegetable producer De Marchi installed a TOMRA 5B sorting machine in February 2023, improving product sorting and volumes.
The De Marchi Group's operations range from the large-scale cultivation of fruit, vegetables and greens to the production of frozen foods and "in nature" foods for Brazil and abroad. In a demanding market, the company seeks to go beyond customers' expectations by offering higher-quality, healthier and more sustainable products.
Carlos Alberto De Marchi, industrial director at De Marchi, explains that before the TOMRA 5B’s installation, the process was "completely manual,” but now the TOMRA machine has brought progress, "not only in terms of resource management but also in terms of economics. Not only was the increase in profitability measurable, but also important was the food safety that the machine added to the product. In addition, we know that labor work is becoming more complex every day. People can't do repetitive work with a high degree of concentration for very long, so the machine greatly increases reliability in the selection process."
Six months after installing the TOMRA machine and working with various types of fruit and vegetables, the feedback is positive.
“With the automation of the line, we have a 30 percent increase in productivity and much greater safety in the products we produce, which would have been impossible with the manual process,” De Marchi says. “Moreover, we're bringing together profitability, reliability and agility in our processes to reach higher levels. We have exceptional personalized support from TOMRA through various channels, which makes all the difference."
Rect Angel
24.04.2024 kl 12:14
Fristende å påstå at hvis det finnes et norsk selskap som 'garantert' bare kommer til å få mer og mer å gjøre i flere tiår fremover, innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, ja så må det være Tomra Systems.
23. april 2024 kl. 11:06 Milliard til kampen mot plastforureining Noreg skal bruke opp til 1 milliard kroner til kampen mot plastforureining i utviklingsland dei neste fire åra. Det opplyser utviklingsminister Anne Beathe Tvinnereim (Sp).
Den nye støtta er ei vidareføring av bistandsprogrammet mot plastforureining som blei etablert i 2019. Kvart år blir over 110 millionar tonn plastavfall uforsvarleg handtert i verda.
– Om det ikkje blir gjort noko no, vil plastforureininga bli dobla dei neste tjue åra, seier Tvinnereim.
Representantar frå ei rekkje land er samla til forhandlingsmøte i Canada denne veka. Leiar for plastteamet i WWF Verdas naturfond, Eirik Lindebjerg følgjer møtet.
– Løftet på 1 milliard kroner over fire år er ein god start. For å få på plass ein ambisiøs plastavtale og setje i verk dei mange tiltaka som er nødvendige for å stanse plastforsøpling er det eit stort behov for finansiell støtte. Noreg sitt bidrag vil forhåpentlegvis utløyse liknande forpliktingar frå andre land og privat sektor, seier Lindebjerg til NRK.
FNs miljøforsamling vedtok i 2022 å utvikle ein internasjonal rettsleg bindande avtale for å stanse plastforureining. Plastavtalen skal ferdigforhandlast i Busan i Sør-Korea i november.
Tvinnereim skal leie det norske arbeidet med å få plastavtalen på plass mens klima- og miljøminister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen er i foreldrepermisjon.
23. april 2024 kl. 11:06 Milliard til kampen mot plastforureining Noreg skal bruke opp til 1 milliard kroner til kampen mot plastforureining i utviklingsland dei neste fire åra. Det opplyser utviklingsminister Anne Beathe Tvinnereim (Sp).
Den nye støtta er ei vidareføring av bistandsprogrammet mot plastforureining som blei etablert i 2019. Kvart år blir over 110 millionar tonn plastavfall uforsvarleg handtert i verda.
– Om det ikkje blir gjort noko no, vil plastforureininga bli dobla dei neste tjue åra, seier Tvinnereim.
Representantar frå ei rekkje land er samla til forhandlingsmøte i Canada denne veka. Leiar for plastteamet i WWF Verdas naturfond, Eirik Lindebjerg følgjer møtet.
– Løftet på 1 milliard kroner over fire år er ein god start. For å få på plass ein ambisiøs plastavtale og setje i verk dei mange tiltaka som er nødvendige for å stanse plastforsøpling er det eit stort behov for finansiell støtte. Noreg sitt bidrag vil forhåpentlegvis utløyse liknande forpliktingar frå andre land og privat sektor, seier Lindebjerg til NRK.
FNs miljøforsamling vedtok i 2022 å utvikle ein internasjonal rettsleg bindande avtale for å stanse plastforureining. Plastavtalen skal ferdigforhandlast i Busan i Sør-Korea i november.
Tvinnereim skal leie det norske arbeidet med å få plastavtalen på plass mens klima- og miljøminister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen er i foreldrepermisjon.
Redigert 24.04.2024 kl 12:25
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Rect Angel
24.04.2024 kl 18:16
Denne nyheten syntes jeg fortjente en egen trådstart, men poster den også her på samletråden, 'for the record'.
For en herlig nyhet!
Nå går veien videre fra Europa, Nord-Amerika og Oceania ut i en enda større verden for Tomra Collection Solutions. Fremmad marsj, mot verdensherredømme.
Hvor mange ganger har aksjekursen stupt p.g.a. utsettelser av pantesystem for 5.5 millioner skotter??? Vel, UAE (United Arab Emirates) har 9.5 millioner innbyggere, Tomra skal ikke bare selge pantemaskiner, men inntar også rollen som operatør sammen med Tadweer Group.
Og Tadweer Group er ikke akkurat 'smågutter'. Og der er en god del nasjoner i Midt-Østen.
Gratulerer med dagen til Tomra Collection Solutions!
Emirates News Agency
Tadweer Group, TOMRA sign MoU to develop and implement bottle returns programme in Abu Dhabi
Story by Hazem Hussein / Khoder Nashar
• 3h • 2 min read
ABU DHABI, 24th April, 2024 (WAM) -- Tadweer Group has announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with TOMRA, a leading innovator of reverse vending machines for Clean Loop Recycling, providing tech-led solutions that enable the circular economy.
The two pioneers will collaborate to capitalise on Tadweer Group’s world-class rewards system with the aim of establishing a nation-wide voluntary bottle return programme using Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) manufactured by TOMRA, for the collection of beverage PET bottles, cans and glass bottles.
As part of the agreement, TOMRA will leverage their experience in bottle return programmes globally to support Tadweer Group in their initiatives.
The announcement was made during the 10th edition of the Ecowaste Exhibition and Conference in the presence of Ali Al Dhaheri, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Tadweer Group and Lauri Kangaslahti, Senior Vice President, Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) from TOMRA Collection.
Ali Al Dhaheri, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Tadweer Group, said, "Today we are pleased to join forces with TOMRA to transform how the public disposes of its empty beverage containers. With TOMRA's vast expertise in bottle return programmes and its solid history of deploying reverse vending solutions, we are well positioned to enhance the recycling infrastructure in the UAE. With every partnership, we are showcasing the value of materials, reinforcing our role in tackling challenges and seeking feasible solutions for our sector, today and into the future.”
Bottle return programmes and RVMs play a key role in encouraging the public to return beverage containers by incentivising the community to separate their waste at source. By implementing the RVMs on a wider scale, Tadweer Group and TOMRA are bringing exciting and advanced mechanisms to the world of waste, reinforcing their shared commitment to reducing litter and keeping valuable resources in a continuous loop of use and reuse.
Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (
About Tadweer Group
Tadweer Group, part of ADQ, an Abu Dhabi-based holding company, is leading the way in promoting sustainable waste practices and establish new benchmarks for the circular economy. Our strategic vision is aimed at revolutionising waste management by unlocking the value of waste. As the sole custodian of waste management in Abu Dhabi, Tadweer Group is committed to deploying advanced technologies and fostering strategic partnerships in support of the UAE’s sustainability objectives, working towards its goal of diverting 80% of Abu Dhabi’s waste away from landfill by 2030. In addition to its commitment to Abu Dhabi, Tadweer Group has ambitious international goals, striving to make significant contributions to sustainable waste management beyond the UAE.
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Nå går veien videre fra Europa, Nord-Amerika og Oceania ut i en enda større verden for Tomra Collection Solutions. Fremmad marsj, mot verdensherredømme.
Hvor mange ganger har aksjekursen stupt p.g.a. utsettelser av pantesystem for 5.5 millioner skotter??? Vel, UAE (United Arab Emirates) har 9.5 millioner innbyggere, Tomra skal ikke bare selge pantemaskiner, men inntar også rollen som operatør sammen med Tadweer Group.
Og Tadweer Group er ikke akkurat 'smågutter'. Og der er en god del nasjoner i Midt-Østen.
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Emirates News Agency
Tadweer Group, TOMRA sign MoU to develop and implement bottle returns programme in Abu Dhabi
Story by Hazem Hussein / Khoder Nashar
• 3h • 2 min read
ABU DHABI, 24th April, 2024 (WAM) -- Tadweer Group has announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with TOMRA, a leading innovator of reverse vending machines for Clean Loop Recycling, providing tech-led solutions that enable the circular economy.
The two pioneers will collaborate to capitalise on Tadweer Group’s world-class rewards system with the aim of establishing a nation-wide voluntary bottle return programme using Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) manufactured by TOMRA, for the collection of beverage PET bottles, cans and glass bottles.
As part of the agreement, TOMRA will leverage their experience in bottle return programmes globally to support Tadweer Group in their initiatives.
The announcement was made during the 10th edition of the Ecowaste Exhibition and Conference in the presence of Ali Al Dhaheri, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Tadweer Group and Lauri Kangaslahti, Senior Vice President, Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) from TOMRA Collection.
Ali Al Dhaheri, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Tadweer Group, said, "Today we are pleased to join forces with TOMRA to transform how the public disposes of its empty beverage containers. With TOMRA's vast expertise in bottle return programmes and its solid history of deploying reverse vending solutions, we are well positioned to enhance the recycling infrastructure in the UAE. With every partnership, we are showcasing the value of materials, reinforcing our role in tackling challenges and seeking feasible solutions for our sector, today and into the future.”
Bottle return programmes and RVMs play a key role in encouraging the public to return beverage containers by incentivising the community to separate their waste at source. By implementing the RVMs on a wider scale, Tadweer Group and TOMRA are bringing exciting and advanced mechanisms to the world of waste, reinforcing their shared commitment to reducing litter and keeping valuable resources in a continuous loop of use and reuse.
Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (
About Tadweer Group
Tadweer Group, part of ADQ, an Abu Dhabi-based holding company, is leading the way in promoting sustainable waste practices and establish new benchmarks for the circular economy. Our strategic vision is aimed at revolutionising waste management by unlocking the value of waste. As the sole custodian of waste management in Abu Dhabi, Tadweer Group is committed to deploying advanced technologies and fostering strategic partnerships in support of the UAE’s sustainability objectives, working towards its goal of diverting 80% of Abu Dhabi’s waste away from landfill by 2030. In addition to its commitment to Abu Dhabi, Tadweer Group has ambitious international goals, striving to make significant contributions to sustainable waste management beyond the UAE.
Redigert 24.04.2024 kl 18:22
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Rect Angel
25.04.2024 kl 20:15
Som for lengst lekket og postet om her på tråden, bekrefter nå den britiske regjeringen at oppstart av felles pantesystem for hele UK (England, Skottland, Wales og Nord-Irland) er utsatt til 2027. Åpne link for å lese kommentarer fra forskjellige hold.
Ethical and green living
‘Huge disappointment’ as UK delays bottle deposit plan and excludes glass
Scheme for plastic bottles and cans put back to 2027 while environment minister says glass recycling ‘unduly’ complex
Helena Horton
Thu 25 Apr 2024 14.05 CESTLast modified on Thu 25 Apr 2024 14.15 CEST
A UK deposit return scheme for recycling drinks bottles has been delayed to 2027, meaning it will not be in place until almost a decade after it was proposed.
Campaigners say the delay is a “huge disappointment”, adding they are doubly dismayed that the plan will not include glass bottles.
The environment minister Robbie Moore told parliament on Wednesday that the scheme would not include glass because glass recycling would “create undue complexity for the drinks industry and it increases storage and handling costs for retailers”. Large drinks companies have been lobbying the government to remove glass from the scheme across the UK.
He said the delay was because additional time was needed to synchronise the policy of the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales with that in England. Scotland has agreed to remove glass from its scheme after being asked to by the UK government, but Wales is still including it.
Moore said: “We will continue our conversations with the Welsh government, but if their position does not change, we will reiterate the duty to protect the UK internal market and facilitate free trade within the UK so businesses can continue trading unhindered across the UK and ensure better prices and choice for consumers.”
News dalla rete ITA
24 Aprile 2024
Syensqo and TOMRA have joined forces to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of separating and sorting multi-component plastic structures in which polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) serves as a barrier layer.The partners developed a joint set of experiments with multilayer samples of commercial packaging waste consisting of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and Syensqo’s Ixan PVDC. The results have proven that multilayer films containing PVDC can be separated from mixed plastic waste using industrial sorting equipment to achieve clean-grade polyolefin and PVDC recycling streams.“The overall target of this project was to challenge major industry standards which claim that multilayer PVDC films cannot be sorted out of multilayer packaging structures,” explained Federico Baruffi, global marketing manager, specialty polymers, at Syensqo.The results apply to markets that are currently generating multi-layer mixed plastic waste containing PVDC, such as shrink films in consumer and food packaging.“One of the concerns in the recycling industry was the reliable identification of polymeric waste with PVDC content,” adds Marco Gregori, area sales manager Italy at TOMRA Recycling Sorting.“By combining our advanced optical and near-infrared detection systems, we managed to achieve a selectivity rate of more than 80% when sorting from post-consumer plastic mix and more than 95% when sorting from LDPE monolayer stream. This is yet another example of what today’s technology, in this case our AUTOSORT, can already do.”Altogether, these results have extended the scope of mixed plastic waste suitable for recycling to a wide range of multi-layer structures containing PVDC. (ICE TORONTO)
Fonte notizia:
Ethical and green living
‘Huge disappointment’ as UK delays bottle deposit plan and excludes glass
Scheme for plastic bottles and cans put back to 2027 while environment minister says glass recycling ‘unduly’ complex
Helena Horton
Thu 25 Apr 2024 14.05 CESTLast modified on Thu 25 Apr 2024 14.15 CEST
A UK deposit return scheme for recycling drinks bottles has been delayed to 2027, meaning it will not be in place until almost a decade after it was proposed.
Campaigners say the delay is a “huge disappointment”, adding they are doubly dismayed that the plan will not include glass bottles.
The environment minister Robbie Moore told parliament on Wednesday that the scheme would not include glass because glass recycling would “create undue complexity for the drinks industry and it increases storage and handling costs for retailers”. Large drinks companies have been lobbying the government to remove glass from the scheme across the UK.
He said the delay was because additional time was needed to synchronise the policy of the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales with that in England. Scotland has agreed to remove glass from its scheme after being asked to by the UK government, but Wales is still including it.
Moore said: “We will continue our conversations with the Welsh government, but if their position does not change, we will reiterate the duty to protect the UK internal market and facilitate free trade within the UK so businesses can continue trading unhindered across the UK and ensure better prices and choice for consumers.”
News dalla rete ITA
24 Aprile 2024
Syensqo and TOMRA have joined forces to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of separating and sorting multi-component plastic structures in which polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) serves as a barrier layer.The partners developed a joint set of experiments with multilayer samples of commercial packaging waste consisting of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and Syensqo’s Ixan PVDC. The results have proven that multilayer films containing PVDC can be separated from mixed plastic waste using industrial sorting equipment to achieve clean-grade polyolefin and PVDC recycling streams.“The overall target of this project was to challenge major industry standards which claim that multilayer PVDC films cannot be sorted out of multilayer packaging structures,” explained Federico Baruffi, global marketing manager, specialty polymers, at Syensqo.The results apply to markets that are currently generating multi-layer mixed plastic waste containing PVDC, such as shrink films in consumer and food packaging.“One of the concerns in the recycling industry was the reliable identification of polymeric waste with PVDC content,” adds Marco Gregori, area sales manager Italy at TOMRA Recycling Sorting.“By combining our advanced optical and near-infrared detection systems, we managed to achieve a selectivity rate of more than 80% when sorting from post-consumer plastic mix and more than 95% when sorting from LDPE monolayer stream. This is yet another example of what today’s technology, in this case our AUTOSORT, can already do.”Altogether, these results have extended the scope of mixed plastic waste suitable for recycling to a wide range of multi-layer structures containing PVDC. (ICE TORONTO)
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Redigert 25.04.2024 kl 20:23
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Rect Angel
25.04.2024 kl 20:49
TOMRA uses IFAT 2024 to demonstrate the role its technologies are playing in transforming resource recovery
Global sensor-based sorting technology provider, TOMRA Recycling, will further strengthen its position as a leader in resource recovery when the company reveals its latest technology portfolio at IFAT 2024 (13-17 May in Munich, Germany).
24 Apr 2024 * 4 min
TOMRA’s experts will be on stand B6.339/438 to highlight the company’s continued commitment to leading the resource revolution, with TOMRA’s chosen theme for IFAT 2024 being ‘Transforming Resource Recovery’.
The industry’s latest AI-powered solution enabling food-grade sorting, MDF rercovery and more
With forthcoming changes to EU legislation governing packaging waste and recycled plastic food contact materials, TOMRA is anticipating a lot of interest among IFAT visitors in the latest advances to its GAINnext™ technology.
Thanks to TOMRA’s continued investment in the company’s AI-powered deep learning technology – available as an add-on for its AUTOSORT™ units – it is now possible to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP and HDPE on a large scale with exceptional purity levels of over 95%. With this latest sophisticated application of deep learning and AI, TOMRA has once again demonstrated its position as a pioneer in the AI-powered transformation of recycling.
TOMRA has used AI technology to improve sorting performance for decades, but this latest groundbreaking application marks another industry first for TOMRA who also introduced the first deep learning technology for waste sorting in 2019.
An application for wood sorting followed in 2022 that is sure to captivate IFAT visitors involved in the wood recycling industry. GAINnext™ identifies objects by their shape, size, and other visual characteristics. With high precision and stability, it efficiently sorts various types of wood. Not only can GAINnext™ distinguish between natural and processed wood, but it also excels in recovering MDF—a new trending process in wood recycling. This results in pure MDF fractions that are perfectly suited for further recycling.
More IFAT highlights: From flake sorting to aluminum alloy sorting
Visitors to TOMRA’s stand will also be able to learn about the company’s recently launched solution for high-throughput purification of plastic flakes, INNOSORT™ FLAKE. The unit ensures unrivaled flake sorting performance even from highly contaminated inputs thanks to its enhanced features which enable simultaneous flake sorting by polymer, color and transparency. Launched in November 2023, TOMRA’s INNOSORT™ FLAKE solution is helping customers globally to recover more recyclable materials with maximum yield from a vast range of waste streams.
For those visitors interested in finding out more about TOMRA’s latest metal recycling solutions, TOMRA’s metals experts will be on hand at the show to highlight the company’s AUTOSORT™ PULSE unit. Designed for high throughput sorting of aluminum alloys, AUTOSORT™ PULSE features dynamic laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). The solution redefines industry standards and paves the way for high-throughput production of green aluminum. And, thanks to its AI-based object singulation feature, even overlapping and adjacent objects can be accurately separated to maximize yield.
Digital solutions to optimize process and material flow
TOMRA recognizes that the data insights generated from sorting operations play a critical role in facilitating plant operators' quest to run a profitable business – with minimum downtime and maximum output. At IFAT 2024, TOMRA’s experts will be able to demonstrate two digital solutions which are helping its customers to optimize their process and material flow: TOMRA Insight and PolyPerception’s waste analyzer.
TOMRA Insight is a cloud-based data monitoring platform which allows for a data-driven optimization of sorting processes through near-live monitoring. It can be installed as an add-on service. As critical sorting data is available anywhere and at any time, operators can anticipate operational issues and future maintenance requirements and be in control of the entire sorting line.
Following TOMRA’s acquisition of a 25% stake in PolyPerception – a pioneering start-up offering AI-based waste flow monitoring – TOMRA’s customers can now also benefit from PolyPerception’s real-time end-to-end waste flow monitoring. The waste analyzer solution measures data at key points during the sorting process, providing traceability and transparency. Sorting facility operators are able to continuously assess the quality of sorted streams and the loss of good material in the residual stream to enable data-driven decisions. The technology also functions as an automated compliance system, which can ensure adherence to stringent regulations governing food-grade recycling and local legislation.
IFAT Munich 2024
May 13-17
World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management
TOMRA recommends ambitious targets and legislative power to fight plastic pollution
23 Apr 2024
As the 4th round of negotiations for the UN's International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI), commonly referred to as the UN plastics treaty, approaches in Ottawa, Canada, TOMRA reaffirms its commitment to combating plastic pollution. With discussions revolving around the UN plastics treaty, TOMRA presents its strategic and pragmatic recommendations focused on enhancing waste management and fostering resource efficiency.
Strategic solutions to end plastic pollution
Transitioning to a circular economy, one which minimizes waste through efficient material use and reuse, offers countries around the world a way to address plastic pollution, combat global warming, and strengthen their economies. The UN plastics treaty could provide a game-changing opportunity to achieve this circularity, not only by addressing plastic production and consumption, and implementing effective waste management solutions as well. We need strong waste management systems worldwide to deal with the plastic we can't avoid.
As an active member of the Business Coalition for a Global Plastic Treaty, TOMRA advocates for strategic interventions to combat plastic pollution. Our recommendations include the swift implementation of proven waste management solutions, built on mandated extended producer responsibility (EPR) policies, including high-performing deposit return systems (DRS). When these systems are designed and implemented according to best practices, they achieve collection rates of over 90%, effectively reducing litter and boosting the circular economy. TOMRA also advocates for mixed waste sorting, which has the potential to enhance the circular economy and reduce the amount of plastic that is sent to landfills or incinerated. Additionally, TOMRA promotes reuse initiatives to minimize single-use plastics. Systems like these, which can be tailored to local needs, can significantly improve waste collection, sorting, and processing. By doing so, they can effectively address and eliminate plastic pollution.
Global sensor-based sorting technology provider, TOMRA Recycling, will further strengthen its position as a leader in resource recovery when the company reveals its latest technology portfolio at IFAT 2024 (13-17 May in Munich, Germany).
24 Apr 2024 * 4 min
TOMRA’s experts will be on stand B6.339/438 to highlight the company’s continued commitment to leading the resource revolution, with TOMRA’s chosen theme for IFAT 2024 being ‘Transforming Resource Recovery’.
The industry’s latest AI-powered solution enabling food-grade sorting, MDF rercovery and more
With forthcoming changes to EU legislation governing packaging waste and recycled plastic food contact materials, TOMRA is anticipating a lot of interest among IFAT visitors in the latest advances to its GAINnext™ technology.
Thanks to TOMRA’s continued investment in the company’s AI-powered deep learning technology – available as an add-on for its AUTOSORT™ units – it is now possible to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP and HDPE on a large scale with exceptional purity levels of over 95%. With this latest sophisticated application of deep learning and AI, TOMRA has once again demonstrated its position as a pioneer in the AI-powered transformation of recycling.
TOMRA has used AI technology to improve sorting performance for decades, but this latest groundbreaking application marks another industry first for TOMRA who also introduced the first deep learning technology for waste sorting in 2019.
An application for wood sorting followed in 2022 that is sure to captivate IFAT visitors involved in the wood recycling industry. GAINnext™ identifies objects by their shape, size, and other visual characteristics. With high precision and stability, it efficiently sorts various types of wood. Not only can GAINnext™ distinguish between natural and processed wood, but it also excels in recovering MDF—a new trending process in wood recycling. This results in pure MDF fractions that are perfectly suited for further recycling.
More IFAT highlights: From flake sorting to aluminum alloy sorting
Visitors to TOMRA’s stand will also be able to learn about the company’s recently launched solution for high-throughput purification of plastic flakes, INNOSORT™ FLAKE. The unit ensures unrivaled flake sorting performance even from highly contaminated inputs thanks to its enhanced features which enable simultaneous flake sorting by polymer, color and transparency. Launched in November 2023, TOMRA’s INNOSORT™ FLAKE solution is helping customers globally to recover more recyclable materials with maximum yield from a vast range of waste streams.
For those visitors interested in finding out more about TOMRA’s latest metal recycling solutions, TOMRA’s metals experts will be on hand at the show to highlight the company’s AUTOSORT™ PULSE unit. Designed for high throughput sorting of aluminum alloys, AUTOSORT™ PULSE features dynamic laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). The solution redefines industry standards and paves the way for high-throughput production of green aluminum. And, thanks to its AI-based object singulation feature, even overlapping and adjacent objects can be accurately separated to maximize yield.
Digital solutions to optimize process and material flow
TOMRA recognizes that the data insights generated from sorting operations play a critical role in facilitating plant operators' quest to run a profitable business – with minimum downtime and maximum output. At IFAT 2024, TOMRA’s experts will be able to demonstrate two digital solutions which are helping its customers to optimize their process and material flow: TOMRA Insight and PolyPerception’s waste analyzer.
TOMRA Insight is a cloud-based data monitoring platform which allows for a data-driven optimization of sorting processes through near-live monitoring. It can be installed as an add-on service. As critical sorting data is available anywhere and at any time, operators can anticipate operational issues and future maintenance requirements and be in control of the entire sorting line.
Following TOMRA’s acquisition of a 25% stake in PolyPerception – a pioneering start-up offering AI-based waste flow monitoring – TOMRA’s customers can now also benefit from PolyPerception’s real-time end-to-end waste flow monitoring. The waste analyzer solution measures data at key points during the sorting process, providing traceability and transparency. Sorting facility operators are able to continuously assess the quality of sorted streams and the loss of good material in the residual stream to enable data-driven decisions. The technology also functions as an automated compliance system, which can ensure adherence to stringent regulations governing food-grade recycling and local legislation.
IFAT Munich 2024
May 13-17
World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management
TOMRA recommends ambitious targets and legislative power to fight plastic pollution
23 Apr 2024
As the 4th round of negotiations for the UN's International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI), commonly referred to as the UN plastics treaty, approaches in Ottawa, Canada, TOMRA reaffirms its commitment to combating plastic pollution. With discussions revolving around the UN plastics treaty, TOMRA presents its strategic and pragmatic recommendations focused on enhancing waste management and fostering resource efficiency.
Strategic solutions to end plastic pollution
Transitioning to a circular economy, one which minimizes waste through efficient material use and reuse, offers countries around the world a way to address plastic pollution, combat global warming, and strengthen their economies. The UN plastics treaty could provide a game-changing opportunity to achieve this circularity, not only by addressing plastic production and consumption, and implementing effective waste management solutions as well. We need strong waste management systems worldwide to deal with the plastic we can't avoid.
As an active member of the Business Coalition for a Global Plastic Treaty, TOMRA advocates for strategic interventions to combat plastic pollution. Our recommendations include the swift implementation of proven waste management solutions, built on mandated extended producer responsibility (EPR) policies, including high-performing deposit return systems (DRS). When these systems are designed and implemented according to best practices, they achieve collection rates of over 90%, effectively reducing litter and boosting the circular economy. TOMRA also advocates for mixed waste sorting, which has the potential to enhance the circular economy and reduce the amount of plastic that is sent to landfills or incinerated. Additionally, TOMRA promotes reuse initiatives to minimize single-use plastics. Systems like these, which can be tailored to local needs, can significantly improve waste collection, sorting, and processing. By doing so, they can effectively address and eliminate plastic pollution.