Tomra Systems - nyheter
Slik jeg ser det, er Tomra Systems et fantastisk, grønt teknologiselskap. Globalt ledende og perfekt rigget for å betjene sterkt økende etterspørsel innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, i tiår fremover. Velger å starte denne tråden på forumet for 'Grønne aksjer'.
Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.
Quick-change MRF
Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.
December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler
* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.
Quick-change MRF
Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.
December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler
* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Redigert 05.10.2023 kl 22:45
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Rect Angel
01.08.2024 kl 11:51
Super nyhet!
Den nye Labour-regjeringen vil fremskynde innføringen av pantesystem for hele UK, sier minister.
Dette og det øvrige Mary Creagh uttaler her, er selvfølgelig søt musikk i ørene til TOMRA Collection, TOMRA Recycling og TOMRA Horizon.
Det er vel ikke å ta for sterkt i å påstå at den avgåtte Tory- regjeringen 'slepte benene etter seg' på disse områdene.
Circular Economy Minister says DRS to launch before Oct 2027
Environment and Energy, Circular Economy, Legislation and Regulation
1st August 2024
Mary Creagh, minister with responsibility for circular economy, has said the government plans to launch a deposit return scheme for drinks containers before October 2027.
Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper asked Creagh whether the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), whether he plans to introduce a deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks containers before October 2027.
Responding to the parliamentary question, Creagh said: “Yes. This government is committed to creating a roadmap to a zero-waste economy – a future where we keep our resources in use for longer; waste is reduced; we accelerate the path to net zero, we see investment in critical infrastructure and green jobs; our economy prospers; and nature thrives.
“We are reviewing the suite of packaging reforms and are going to work with our devolved government counterparts, industry and other stakeholders to determine the next steps for the DRS. I would be happy to update the House in due course.”
Den nye Labour-regjeringen vil fremskynde innføringen av pantesystem for hele UK, sier minister.
Dette og det øvrige Mary Creagh uttaler her, er selvfølgelig søt musikk i ørene til TOMRA Collection, TOMRA Recycling og TOMRA Horizon.
Det er vel ikke å ta for sterkt i å påstå at den avgåtte Tory- regjeringen 'slepte benene etter seg' på disse områdene.
Circular Economy Minister says DRS to launch before Oct 2027
Environment and Energy, Circular Economy, Legislation and Regulation
1st August 2024
Mary Creagh, minister with responsibility for circular economy, has said the government plans to launch a deposit return scheme for drinks containers before October 2027.
Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper asked Creagh whether the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), whether he plans to introduce a deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks containers before October 2027.
Responding to the parliamentary question, Creagh said: “Yes. This government is committed to creating a roadmap to a zero-waste economy – a future where we keep our resources in use for longer; waste is reduced; we accelerate the path to net zero, we see investment in critical infrastructure and green jobs; our economy prospers; and nature thrives.
“We are reviewing the suite of packaging reforms and are going to work with our devolved government counterparts, industry and other stakeholders to determine the next steps for the DRS. I would be happy to update the House in due course.”
Redigert 01.08.2024 kl 11:51
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Rect Angel
01.08.2024 kl 22:52
Quartz mining: Sensor-based sorting helps to extract full value
ByMining Review Africa
July 31, 2024
Sensor-based sorting | The global quartz market has been growing steadily, and this trend is set to continue, demanding increasingly high purity levels. The demand comes from industries with varying requirements, so the most precise mineral sorting is needed. This can be achieved with sensor-based colour and laser sorting technologies – applied individually or in combination.
The challenge in quartz sorting
Quartz is one of the most common minerals, found in all rock forms, but doesn’t exist as pure in nature. Its colours range from white and yellow to black, indicating the different contaminants in the mineral. The challenge for mining operations is to meet the specific requirements of the various sectors. The metallurgical and engineered stone industries require reliable delivery of quartz of consistently high chemical purity – and for silicon production and engineered stone manufacturers, a white product with no impurities of the same colour, such as feldspar, is essential.
Other metallurgical sectors will allow varying levels of impurities, with the darker quartz with lower purity going to ferrosilicon production. In addition to meeting these precise requirements, quartz mining operations need to achieve the capacity to meet the rising demand while ensuring their profitability and reducing their environmental impact.
The solution: sensor-based sorting
TOMRA Mining’s tailored solutions combine its colour and laser sorters to differentiate the minerals by colour, composition and size to meet the specific requirements of the mining operation’s customers. This precise sensor-based sorting delivers the high quality they need while reducing waste and increasing productivity.
TOMRA to showcase its world-class collection and sensor-based sorting solutions at RWM Expo 2024
Visitors to RWM Expo 2024, which takes place on 11-12 September at the NEC in Birmingham, will have the opportunity to find out about TOMRA Recycling Sorting’s pioneering GAINnext™ applications to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics, as well as other world-class sensor-based sorting solutions for waste and metals on Stand ME-E200.
30 Jul 2024
Waste Expo Australia 2024 shining a spotlight on sustainability
Kody Cook August 1, 2024
Press Releases Waste Management
Extended Producer Responsibility Roundtable Series sparks solutions to Malaysia’s waste challenge through sharing of best practices
Published by Eco-Business
July 26, 2024
ByMining Review Africa
July 31, 2024
Sensor-based sorting | The global quartz market has been growing steadily, and this trend is set to continue, demanding increasingly high purity levels. The demand comes from industries with varying requirements, so the most precise mineral sorting is needed. This can be achieved with sensor-based colour and laser sorting technologies – applied individually or in combination.
The challenge in quartz sorting
Quartz is one of the most common minerals, found in all rock forms, but doesn’t exist as pure in nature. Its colours range from white and yellow to black, indicating the different contaminants in the mineral. The challenge for mining operations is to meet the specific requirements of the various sectors. The metallurgical and engineered stone industries require reliable delivery of quartz of consistently high chemical purity – and for silicon production and engineered stone manufacturers, a white product with no impurities of the same colour, such as feldspar, is essential.
Other metallurgical sectors will allow varying levels of impurities, with the darker quartz with lower purity going to ferrosilicon production. In addition to meeting these precise requirements, quartz mining operations need to achieve the capacity to meet the rising demand while ensuring their profitability and reducing their environmental impact.
The solution: sensor-based sorting
TOMRA Mining’s tailored solutions combine its colour and laser sorters to differentiate the minerals by colour, composition and size to meet the specific requirements of the mining operation’s customers. This precise sensor-based sorting delivers the high quality they need while reducing waste and increasing productivity.
TOMRA to showcase its world-class collection and sensor-based sorting solutions at RWM Expo 2024
Visitors to RWM Expo 2024, which takes place on 11-12 September at the NEC in Birmingham, will have the opportunity to find out about TOMRA Recycling Sorting’s pioneering GAINnext™ applications to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics, as well as other world-class sensor-based sorting solutions for waste and metals on Stand ME-E200.
30 Jul 2024
Waste Expo Australia 2024 shining a spotlight on sustainability
Kody Cook August 1, 2024
Press Releases Waste Management
Extended Producer Responsibility Roundtable Series sparks solutions to Malaysia’s waste challenge through sharing of best practices
Published by Eco-Business
July 26, 2024
Redigert 01.08.2024 kl 22:57
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Rect Angel
02.08.2024 kl 13:00
New survey finds over 80% of people in Poland eager for deposit return scheme
30 Jul 2024
81% of people in Poland believe that a deposit return system (DRS) is the best solution to efficiently collect used drink containers for recycling, according to a recent survey of residents across every province in Poland. When asked about the optimal value for the container deposit, respondents indicated that both 50 groszy and 1 zloty would motivate them to return a single package to the store.
The vast majority of participants in the survey, 81%, support the introduction of a DRS in Poland, viewing it as the best solution for the effective collection of beverage packaging. The results are consistent regardless of respondents' age, gender, or place of residence.
"“This survey shows that the DRS is a tool that is well received by society as a whole, from the oldest to the youngest generations. People in Poland are waiting for the deposit return system and are ready to make changes in their daily habits."
Anna Sapota, Vice President Public Affairs Eastern Europe North at TOMRA Group
The results of this survey speak volumes about the needs of consumers in Poland, who will be key participants in the deposit return system. This is valuable knowledge for stores preparing collection points and key elements in designing an effective deposit return system. Among other things, the amount of recyclable beverage container returns depends on the deposit system’s design, which must be convenient and motivating for consumers.
Konrad Robak, Managing Director at TOMRA Collection Poland
30 Jul 2024
81% of people in Poland believe that a deposit return system (DRS) is the best solution to efficiently collect used drink containers for recycling, according to a recent survey of residents across every province in Poland. When asked about the optimal value for the container deposit, respondents indicated that both 50 groszy and 1 zloty would motivate them to return a single package to the store.
The vast majority of participants in the survey, 81%, support the introduction of a DRS in Poland, viewing it as the best solution for the effective collection of beverage packaging. The results are consistent regardless of respondents' age, gender, or place of residence.
"“This survey shows that the DRS is a tool that is well received by society as a whole, from the oldest to the youngest generations. People in Poland are waiting for the deposit return system and are ready to make changes in their daily habits."
Anna Sapota, Vice President Public Affairs Eastern Europe North at TOMRA Group
The results of this survey speak volumes about the needs of consumers in Poland, who will be key participants in the deposit return system. This is valuable knowledge for stores preparing collection points and key elements in designing an effective deposit return system. Among other things, the amount of recyclable beverage container returns depends on the deposit system’s design, which must be convenient and motivating for consumers.
Konrad Robak, Managing Director at TOMRA Collection Poland
Rect Angel
05.08.2024 kl 19:05
TOMRA Mining
(Bilde av CEO'er og australsk minister i forbindelse med åpningen hvis man åpner linken til artikkel)
Pilbara Minerals debuts lithium ore sorter at Pilgangoora
According to the company, the facility is the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere and the largest in the world for lithium processing.
Claire Jenns
August 5, 2024
Lithium and tantalite mining company Pilbara Minerals has completed its P680 expansion project with a new crushing and ore sorting facility at the Pilgangoora operation in WA.
The facility, which crushes and separates the lithium ore from waste, is the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere and the largest in the world for lithium processing, said Pilbara Minerals.
With an ore sorting capacity of more than 1,000 tonnes per hour, the technology is expected to increase Pilgangoora’s production capacity by 30%.
It also underpins the next phase of expansion to one million tonnes per annum through the P1000 project.
The P680 project is a key part of Pilbara Minerals’ phased growth strategy to unlock the full potential of the Pilgangoora asset.
The $404m (A$622.68m) project was supported through loans from Export Finance Australia and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, representing a total sum of $250m from the Australian Government.
During the two-year construction phase, more than 350 direct jobs were created. Around 300 additional jobs above the pre-P680 baseline are expected to be sustained over the operating life of the mine.
Pilbara Minerals’ managing director and CEO Dale Henderson commented: “Financing support from the Australian Government for the development of critical minerals underpinned the P680 Project and signals the government’s strong commitment to ensuring Australia capitalises on the economic opportunities presented by the global clean energy transition.”
WA minister for energy Reece Whitby, who attended the opening ceremony, added that the additional jobs will “underpin our State’s ambitions of becoming a major player in the global energy transition”.
Pilbara Minerals states that its new development represents the next frontier for hard-rock lithium processing. This could boost WA’s part in global lithium production, which reached 170,800 tonnes in 2023 and will see a compound annual growth rate of more than 13% by 2030.
TOMRA Mining technology to be installed in the world’s largest Lithium sorting plant at Pilbara Minerals.
20 Apr 2023
4 min
“This new facility to be constructed at our Pilgangoora Project will be the world’s largest lithium mineral ore sorting plant. TOMRA’s experience in large global sorting installations, innovative technology, and ability to provide local support were significant factors in our decision to work with them. From the start, the TOMRA team has been working side by side with us and our engineering partner DRA Global to deliver this important project” Dale Henderson, Managing Director and CEO, Pilbara Minerals
Processing contaminated ore: a key challenge for the lithium industry
As part of this expansion project, Pilbara Minerals turned to TOMRA Mining for assistance to address the key industry challenge in the processing of spodumene feed ore contaminated with barren host rock.
TOMRA has 50 years’ experience in sensor-based sorting technologies and has designed and built 90% of the world’s large-scale mining sorting plants with a capacity above 300t/h. These include plants such as the Ma’aden Umm Wu’al project, which is operating at 1850t/h, or the Lucara diamond operation which runs 15 sorters. Specifically for the Pilbara Mining project, TOMRA Mining offers effective ore sorting solutions with high sensor resolution and ejection accuracy that ensure high lithium recovery and waste removal with a stable and consistent performance at high capacity.
(Bilde av CEO'er og australsk minister i forbindelse med åpningen hvis man åpner linken til artikkel)
Pilbara Minerals debuts lithium ore sorter at Pilgangoora
According to the company, the facility is the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere and the largest in the world for lithium processing.
Claire Jenns
August 5, 2024
Lithium and tantalite mining company Pilbara Minerals has completed its P680 expansion project with a new crushing and ore sorting facility at the Pilgangoora operation in WA.
The facility, which crushes and separates the lithium ore from waste, is the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere and the largest in the world for lithium processing, said Pilbara Minerals.
With an ore sorting capacity of more than 1,000 tonnes per hour, the technology is expected to increase Pilgangoora’s production capacity by 30%.
It also underpins the next phase of expansion to one million tonnes per annum through the P1000 project.
The P680 project is a key part of Pilbara Minerals’ phased growth strategy to unlock the full potential of the Pilgangoora asset.
The $404m (A$622.68m) project was supported through loans from Export Finance Australia and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, representing a total sum of $250m from the Australian Government.
During the two-year construction phase, more than 350 direct jobs were created. Around 300 additional jobs above the pre-P680 baseline are expected to be sustained over the operating life of the mine.
Pilbara Minerals’ managing director and CEO Dale Henderson commented: “Financing support from the Australian Government for the development of critical minerals underpinned the P680 Project and signals the government’s strong commitment to ensuring Australia capitalises on the economic opportunities presented by the global clean energy transition.”
WA minister for energy Reece Whitby, who attended the opening ceremony, added that the additional jobs will “underpin our State’s ambitions of becoming a major player in the global energy transition”.
Pilbara Minerals states that its new development represents the next frontier for hard-rock lithium processing. This could boost WA’s part in global lithium production, which reached 170,800 tonnes in 2023 and will see a compound annual growth rate of more than 13% by 2030.
TOMRA Mining technology to be installed in the world’s largest Lithium sorting plant at Pilbara Minerals.
20 Apr 2023
4 min
“This new facility to be constructed at our Pilgangoora Project will be the world’s largest lithium mineral ore sorting plant. TOMRA’s experience in large global sorting installations, innovative technology, and ability to provide local support were significant factors in our decision to work with them. From the start, the TOMRA team has been working side by side with us and our engineering partner DRA Global to deliver this important project” Dale Henderson, Managing Director and CEO, Pilbara Minerals
Processing contaminated ore: a key challenge for the lithium industry
As part of this expansion project, Pilbara Minerals turned to TOMRA Mining for assistance to address the key industry challenge in the processing of spodumene feed ore contaminated with barren host rock.
TOMRA has 50 years’ experience in sensor-based sorting technologies and has designed and built 90% of the world’s large-scale mining sorting plants with a capacity above 300t/h. These include plants such as the Ma’aden Umm Wu’al project, which is operating at 1850t/h, or the Lucara diamond operation which runs 15 sorters. Specifically for the Pilbara Mining project, TOMRA Mining offers effective ore sorting solutions with high sensor resolution and ejection accuracy that ensure high lithium recovery and waste removal with a stable and consistent performance at high capacity.
Redigert 05.08.2024 kl 19:15
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Rect Angel
08.08.2024 kl 23:33
Minner om at supermarkedkjeden Carrefour kjørte en rekke promotion-jippoer med pantemaskoner i forkant av åpningen av det rumenske pantesystemet (åpnet i år), i samarbeid med blant andre TOMRA Collection og Coca-Cola. TOMRAs bidrag til disse var da selvfølgelig pantemaskinene.
Og nå er altså Carrefour allerede i gang med å kjøre piloter i Polen (pantesystemet i Polen har oppstart 01.01.2025). Samarbeidpatnere oppgis å være en systemoperatør, en logistikkansvarlig og en drikkevareprodusent.
Hvem som levererer pantemaskinene til pilotene står det ingenting om. Så her får det være opp til hver enkelt å spekulere.
Business and Finance
Carrefour has launched a pilot deposit system
08/08/2024, 15:46
updated: 08/08/2024, 16:01
Carrefour, together with PolKa, Inpost and Muszynianka, launched a pilot deposit system. Its aim is to test partners' readiness to launch this system from January 1, 2025, change consumer habits and educate the public according to the principle: „no throw away, do not crush, give back at the point of purchase and receive a deposit”.
The Carrefour Polska chain of stores, the InPost logistics operator and one of the first operators of the PolKa deposit system registered on the Polish market - Polska Kaucja, together with the Muszynianka water producer, are starting a trial start-up of the system, under which residents of the capital will be able to return used packaging made of glass, plastic and aluminum for a fee in 36 locations. The pilotage of the deposit system in Warsaw will last 4 months.
Og nå er altså Carrefour allerede i gang med å kjøre piloter i Polen (pantesystemet i Polen har oppstart 01.01.2025). Samarbeidpatnere oppgis å være en systemoperatør, en logistikkansvarlig og en drikkevareprodusent.
Hvem som levererer pantemaskinene til pilotene står det ingenting om. Så her får det være opp til hver enkelt å spekulere.
Business and Finance
Carrefour has launched a pilot deposit system
08/08/2024, 15:46
updated: 08/08/2024, 16:01
Carrefour, together with PolKa, Inpost and Muszynianka, launched a pilot deposit system. Its aim is to test partners' readiness to launch this system from January 1, 2025, change consumer habits and educate the public according to the principle: „no throw away, do not crush, give back at the point of purchase and receive a deposit”.
The Carrefour Polska chain of stores, the InPost logistics operator and one of the first operators of the PolKa deposit system registered on the Polish market - Polska Kaucja, together with the Muszynianka water producer, are starting a trial start-up of the system, under which residents of the capital will be able to return used packaging made of glass, plastic and aluminum for a fee in 36 locations. The pilotage of the deposit system in Warsaw will last 4 months.
Redigert 09.08.2024 kl 11:14
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Rect Angel
14.08.2024 kl 12:07
TOMRA er vel på mange måter 'selskapet som gjør alt riktig' når det gjelder kunderelasjoner, og TOMRA Mining er såvisst intet unntak.
Her er mer å lese enn innledningen som gjengis her.
Customer survey reveals standout satisfaction with TOMRA Mining service support
By Mining Review Africa
August 14, 2024
The Customer Survey, conducted for TOMRA Mining’s Service Team by market research company B2B Research, revealed a standout level of overall satisfaction with a remarkable average score of 6.3 on a 7-point scale and an outstanding Net Promoter Score of +57 – significantly higher than the typical scores in B2B sectors.
This extremely positive feedback is a testament to the service team’s dedication, technical expertise, and partnership approach to supporting its customers. It demonstrates the unique strength of TOMRA Mining’s Service as a key element of its success.
TOMRA Mining sees service as a critical element of its offer to mining operations and is constantly evaluating the best way to support its customers by listening to them. As part of this effort, it has engaged B2B Research, a reputed Business-to-Business market research company, to conduct a Customer Survey in 2018 and a second one in the first quarter of 2024 to assess the quality of its service and collect feedback from customers.
The surveys covered the different aspects of TOMRA Mining’s service activities, from the back office’s availability and the competence of its technical support team to the quality of work of its service engineers. The respondents represented a variety of roles within the customers’ organisations, including maintenance, operations, plant and process management, parts sourcing, and service planning.
Outstanding customer satisfaction with TOMRA Mining’s Service Team
Customer survey reveals standout satisfaction with TOMRA Mining Overall, the service team was awarded an average score of 6.3 on a 7-point scale, a further improvement on the already high score of 6.0 achieved in 2018.
The surveys also asked customers how likely they would be to recommend TOMRA Mining to calculate the company’s Net Promoter Score (NPS). Paul Walsh, Director at B2B Research, explains: “TOMRA Mining’s NPS (likely to recommend) increased from +38 in 2018 to a very strong +57 in 2024, which shows hard work and dedication from the Service Team. An NPS of +40 or above in a B2B industry is already considered high when most companies’ NPS ranges from +10 to +30. So, a really great achievement!”
Her er mer å lese enn innledningen som gjengis her.
Customer survey reveals standout satisfaction with TOMRA Mining service support
By Mining Review Africa
August 14, 2024
The Customer Survey, conducted for TOMRA Mining’s Service Team by market research company B2B Research, revealed a standout level of overall satisfaction with a remarkable average score of 6.3 on a 7-point scale and an outstanding Net Promoter Score of +57 – significantly higher than the typical scores in B2B sectors.
This extremely positive feedback is a testament to the service team’s dedication, technical expertise, and partnership approach to supporting its customers. It demonstrates the unique strength of TOMRA Mining’s Service as a key element of its success.
TOMRA Mining sees service as a critical element of its offer to mining operations and is constantly evaluating the best way to support its customers by listening to them. As part of this effort, it has engaged B2B Research, a reputed Business-to-Business market research company, to conduct a Customer Survey in 2018 and a second one in the first quarter of 2024 to assess the quality of its service and collect feedback from customers.
The surveys covered the different aspects of TOMRA Mining’s service activities, from the back office’s availability and the competence of its technical support team to the quality of work of its service engineers. The respondents represented a variety of roles within the customers’ organisations, including maintenance, operations, plant and process management, parts sourcing, and service planning.
Outstanding customer satisfaction with TOMRA Mining’s Service Team
Customer survey reveals standout satisfaction with TOMRA Mining Overall, the service team was awarded an average score of 6.3 on a 7-point scale, a further improvement on the already high score of 6.0 achieved in 2018.
The surveys also asked customers how likely they would be to recommend TOMRA Mining to calculate the company’s Net Promoter Score (NPS). Paul Walsh, Director at B2B Research, explains: “TOMRA Mining’s NPS (likely to recommend) increased from +38 in 2018 to a very strong +57 in 2024, which shows hard work and dedication from the Service Team. An NPS of +40 or above in a B2B industry is already considered high when most companies’ NPS ranges from +10 to +30. So, a really great achievement!”
Rect Angel
19.08.2024 kl 19:57
Som alltid fremoverlent og proaktivt fra TOMRA, her på farten på festivaler rundt om Europa i sommer. Nok en gang nevnes partnerskap med Coca-Cola. Heineken er også nevnt, blant flere.
Mye mer å lese gjengir kun et par innledende avsnitt.
TOMRA Collection's successful recycling initiatives at summer festivals
19 Aug 2024
TOMRA Collection has played a key role in promoting recycling at summer festivals across Europe, turning these large gatherings into opportunities for environmental progress. These festivals, which attract thousands of young people, often result in significant amounts of beverage consumption and waste. TOMRA Collection’s active participation has helped mitigate this issue by integrating reverse vending machines (RVMs) into the festival ecosystem.
To ensure the successful collection and recycling of empty packaging, TOMRA's fast, reliable, and user-friendly RVMs were strategically placed at key locations within festivals in Serbia, Germany, Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina. By making the return process for empty beverage containers simple and enjoyable, TOMRA aimed to increase participation in recycling.
Mye mer å lese gjengir kun et par innledende avsnitt.
TOMRA Collection's successful recycling initiatives at summer festivals
19 Aug 2024
TOMRA Collection has played a key role in promoting recycling at summer festivals across Europe, turning these large gatherings into opportunities for environmental progress. These festivals, which attract thousands of young people, often result in significant amounts of beverage consumption and waste. TOMRA Collection’s active participation has helped mitigate this issue by integrating reverse vending machines (RVMs) into the festival ecosystem.
To ensure the successful collection and recycling of empty packaging, TOMRA's fast, reliable, and user-friendly RVMs were strategically placed at key locations within festivals in Serbia, Germany, Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina. By making the return process for empty beverage containers simple and enjoyable, TOMRA aimed to increase participation in recycling.
Rect Angel
21.08.2024 kl 11:20
Det er full rulle for TOMRA Collection i Romania, som man kan lese her.
Pantesystemet i Romania hadde oppstart 30.november 2023. I januar 2024 var gjennomsnittlig antall interaksjoner daglig med Tomras pantemaskiner i Romania 21 700. Allerede nå i juli 2024 passerte antall daglige interaksjoner med Tomras pantemaskiner i Romania 500 000!
Det er vel bare å glede seg til det tar av i Polen. Oppstart 1.januar 2025. Som vanlig er når et nasjonalt pantesystem skal lanseres, prøver sterke krefter å få oppstarten utsatt, så også i Polen. Polske myndigheter fremstår imidlertid som knallharde på at oppstart skal skje som planlagt 01.01.2025 og at de eventuelle problemer som måtte oppstå skal løses etterhvert.
Over 500,000 container return sessions take place daily through TOMRA reverse vending machines in Romania
20 Aug 2024
TOMRA Collection Romania announced that it has reached a milestone in the country’s new deposit return system (DRS) for drink container recycling, reaching in a single day over 500,000 „consumer sessions” where recyclers return their containers to TOMRA reverse vending machines (RVMs).
Romania’s DRS was launched on 30 November 2023, with a 2024 target of collecting 65% of plastic, glass, and metal beverage containers sold for recycling. From 2026, this target will increase to 85% for glass containers and 90% for plastic and metal.
In January this year, the average daily number of consumer sessions for returning drink containers through TOMRA RVMs was 21,700. In June, the recorded daily average was 454,000. This demonstrated that interest and participation in the new DRS is constantly growing, with the beginning of July seeing over 500,000 consumer sessions to return beverage containers in a single day through TOMRA RVMs.
"We are grateful to all our partners for their trust and for choosing TOMRA solutions for their return points," continued Dorin Mihai.
TOMRA Collection Romania reports that all its reverse vending machines installed nationwide comply with all specifications and standards imposed by the deposit return system administrator, RetuRO Sistem Garantie-Returnare.
An important specification required by RetuRO is that all collected containers must be compacted or crushed at the return point. As of 31 May 2024, the transition period with this requirement ended, and all RVMs that have been or will be installed must have the function to crush glass containers on site.
"TOMRA RVMs collect all types of containers under the specifications imposed by RetuRO. Compliance with these requirements is an important aspect for retailers, since getting the handling fee and the smooth operations related to DRS depend upon it," added Dorin Mihai.
TOMRA Collection Romania provides large, medium and small retailers with reverse vending machines to automate the return process and streamline collection for both consumers and store personnel. TOMRA RVMs are installed nationwide in all types of stores: hypermarkets, supermarkets, discount and cash and carry stores, small neighborhood stores, or village shops.
80% of the company's Romanian installations are in large retail chains, while 20% are found in independent stores and other types of return points. Identifying market needs, TOMRA Collection Romania offers retailers the necessary information for legal compliance with DRS requirements, as well as the support needed to organize return points.
Pantesystemet i Romania hadde oppstart 30.november 2023. I januar 2024 var gjennomsnittlig antall interaksjoner daglig med Tomras pantemaskiner i Romania 21 700. Allerede nå i juli 2024 passerte antall daglige interaksjoner med Tomras pantemaskiner i Romania 500 000!
Det er vel bare å glede seg til det tar av i Polen. Oppstart 1.januar 2025. Som vanlig er når et nasjonalt pantesystem skal lanseres, prøver sterke krefter å få oppstarten utsatt, så også i Polen. Polske myndigheter fremstår imidlertid som knallharde på at oppstart skal skje som planlagt 01.01.2025 og at de eventuelle problemer som måtte oppstå skal løses etterhvert.
Over 500,000 container return sessions take place daily through TOMRA reverse vending machines in Romania
20 Aug 2024
TOMRA Collection Romania announced that it has reached a milestone in the country’s new deposit return system (DRS) for drink container recycling, reaching in a single day over 500,000 „consumer sessions” where recyclers return their containers to TOMRA reverse vending machines (RVMs).
Romania’s DRS was launched on 30 November 2023, with a 2024 target of collecting 65% of plastic, glass, and metal beverage containers sold for recycling. From 2026, this target will increase to 85% for glass containers and 90% for plastic and metal.
In January this year, the average daily number of consumer sessions for returning drink containers through TOMRA RVMs was 21,700. In June, the recorded daily average was 454,000. This demonstrated that interest and participation in the new DRS is constantly growing, with the beginning of July seeing over 500,000 consumer sessions to return beverage containers in a single day through TOMRA RVMs.
"We are grateful to all our partners for their trust and for choosing TOMRA solutions for their return points," continued Dorin Mihai.
TOMRA Collection Romania reports that all its reverse vending machines installed nationwide comply with all specifications and standards imposed by the deposit return system administrator, RetuRO Sistem Garantie-Returnare.
An important specification required by RetuRO is that all collected containers must be compacted or crushed at the return point. As of 31 May 2024, the transition period with this requirement ended, and all RVMs that have been or will be installed must have the function to crush glass containers on site.
"TOMRA RVMs collect all types of containers under the specifications imposed by RetuRO. Compliance with these requirements is an important aspect for retailers, since getting the handling fee and the smooth operations related to DRS depend upon it," added Dorin Mihai.
TOMRA Collection Romania provides large, medium and small retailers with reverse vending machines to automate the return process and streamline collection for both consumers and store personnel. TOMRA RVMs are installed nationwide in all types of stores: hypermarkets, supermarkets, discount and cash and carry stores, small neighborhood stores, or village shops.
80% of the company's Romanian installations are in large retail chains, while 20% are found in independent stores and other types of return points. Identifying market needs, TOMRA Collection Romania offers retailers the necessary information for legal compliance with DRS requirements, as well as the support needed to organize return points.
Redigert 21.08.2024 kl 13:12
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Rect Angel
22.08.2024 kl 11:34
Så får vi avvente å se om det er nok en suksesshistorie fra TOMRA Mining vi står overfor her. Mye tyder på det.
Fant kjempediamant i Botswana
Lundinselskapet Lucara Diamond har funnet en gigadiamant på 2 492 karat i Botswana. Dette er en av de største rådiamantene som noensinne er funnet.
Stella Bugge
For 26 minutter siden
Det skriver selskapet i en pressemelding.
Diamanten ble funnet ved hjelp av røntgenteknologi som Lucara tok i bruk i 2017 for å avdekke store, verdifulle diamanter.
TOMRA’s technology and partnership approach delivers record-breaking diamond recoveries for Lucara
Lucara Diamond Corporation owns the Karowe diamond mine in Botswana, which has been in production since 2012.
We undertook a series of testing campaigns and investigations to explore alternative technologies. We elected to go with TOMRA as our partner in moving forward in getting this technology to the mine into part of the circuit that hadn’t been envisioned previously.”
TOMRA’s solution delivered very quickly, exceeding all expectations: “When we put in the large diamond recovery circuit in 2015, it was within 2 weeks of making this investment, which was somewhere around 30 to 35 Million dollars, that we recovered those two exceptionally large diamonds, so in this case it was under 2 weeks we’d already had two times our return on that investment,” says Eira Thomas.
Fant kjempediamant i Botswana
Lundinselskapet Lucara Diamond har funnet en gigadiamant på 2 492 karat i Botswana. Dette er en av de største rådiamantene som noensinne er funnet.
Stella Bugge
For 26 minutter siden
Det skriver selskapet i en pressemelding.
Diamanten ble funnet ved hjelp av røntgenteknologi som Lucara tok i bruk i 2017 for å avdekke store, verdifulle diamanter.
TOMRA’s technology and partnership approach delivers record-breaking diamond recoveries for Lucara
Lucara Diamond Corporation owns the Karowe diamond mine in Botswana, which has been in production since 2012.
We undertook a series of testing campaigns and investigations to explore alternative technologies. We elected to go with TOMRA as our partner in moving forward in getting this technology to the mine into part of the circuit that hadn’t been envisioned previously.”
TOMRA’s solution delivered very quickly, exceeding all expectations: “When we put in the large diamond recovery circuit in 2015, it was within 2 weeks of making this investment, which was somewhere around 30 to 35 Million dollars, that we recovered those two exceptionally large diamonds, so in this case it was under 2 weeks we’d already had two times our return on that investment,” says Eira Thomas.
Rect Angel
23.08.2024 kl 13:25
TOMRA Mining
"The commissioning of the Tomra COM XRT 1200 ore sore is considered a key part of the company's plans"
Marula starts site preparations for installation of ore sorter at Blesberg
23rd August 2024
By: Creamer Media Reporter
Africa-focused mining and development company Marula Mining has started site preparations to allow for the installation and commissioning of an ore sorter at its Blesberg lithium and tantalum mine, in South Africa's Northern Cape province.
The commissioning of the Tomra COM XRT 1200 ore sore is considered a key part of the company's plans, as it looks to expand production and exports of high-value lithium products at Blesberg.
The ore sorter and associated equipment were delivered to the Northern Cape earlier this month and maintenance and refurbishment work is ongoing.
Meanwhile, the company has also received a further R2-million, in addition to R7-million secured previously, to fund the refurbishment, installation, and commissioning of the ore sorter.
"The commissioning of the Tomra COM XRT 1200 ore sore is considered a key part of the company's plans"
Marula starts site preparations for installation of ore sorter at Blesberg
23rd August 2024
By: Creamer Media Reporter
Africa-focused mining and development company Marula Mining has started site preparations to allow for the installation and commissioning of an ore sorter at its Blesberg lithium and tantalum mine, in South Africa's Northern Cape province.
The commissioning of the Tomra COM XRT 1200 ore sore is considered a key part of the company's plans, as it looks to expand production and exports of high-value lithium products at Blesberg.
The ore sorter and associated equipment were delivered to the Northern Cape earlier this month and maintenance and refurbishment work is ongoing.
Meanwhile, the company has also received a further R2-million, in addition to R7-million secured previously, to fund the refurbishment, installation, and commissioning of the ore sorter.
Redigert 23.08.2024 kl 13:26
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Rect Angel
26.08.2024 kl 20:17
Interessant å registrere at pantesystem for glass nå 'kommer snikende' i Frankrike. Paris har allerede begynt og nå kommer 4 nordvestlige regioner etter. I dette tilfellet er det GJENBRUK av standardiserte glassflasker man ønsker å oppnå.
En sterk avfallsbransje, som ønsker at inntekter fra glass, aluminium og PET-plast skal forbli i restavfall/avfallsinnsamling, har til nå greid å stoppe vedtak om innføring av pantesystem i Frankrike. Men det er vel ingen med faglig innsikt i problematikken som tror at man vil nå EUs LOVFESTETEDE PÅLEGG om innsamling og resirkulering av f.eks. 90% av alle PET-plastflasker innen allerede vedtatt tidsfrist uten pantesystem. Så er vel kun et tidsspørsmål og store EU-nasjoner som Spania og Italia står jo overfor den samme problemstillingen. En annen faktor når det gjelder PET-plastflasker er jo at hvis disse skal gjenvinnes fra blandet avfall, vil forurensning by på problemer ettersom det store poenget her er "closed loop resirkulering". Altså at plastflasker resirkuleres til nye plastflasker, og ikke nedsirkuleres til lavere plastkvaliteter som så i neste omgang raskt bli til ikke resirkulerbart avfall.
Glass bottle ‘deposit’ scheme to be trialled in four French regions
Customers may receive up to 30 cents per bottle returned
PUBLISHED Monday 26 August 2024 - 14:25 LAST UPDATED Monday 26 August 2024 - 17:00
Those in areas of north-west France will be able to return glass bottles and jars to supermarkets and receive up to 30 cents for each item under a deposit scheme set to launch.
Returning glass bottles and jars was once a widespread practice in France, but in the 21st century became less common, and has now practically disappeared.
The scheme, which is being run by company Citeo, will begin in four regions of north-west France (Pays de la Loire, Brittany, Normandy, Hauts-de-France).
A similar scheme was launched in certain supermarkets in Paris earlier this year.
The arrangement will work on a series of standardised glass bottles and jars, which will be used by a variety of companies, and which will start to be manufactured by Citeo in autumn 2024, for use with items stocked in supermarkets.
Standardising the bottle / jar will make it easier to reuse.
The first bottle banks will be installed in participating supermarkets in the four regions in March 2025, before a wider operation begins in May that year.
The deposit returned to customers will be “around 20 or 30 cents per bottle or jar”, said Jean Hornain, CEO of Citeo, adding that certain items or models may have different amounts linked to them.
Shoppers who purchase items in these bottles will then be able to return them to any of the eligible bottle banks and receive the payment.
The arrangement will be more environmentally friendly; reusing glass bottles and jars saves up to 75% of energy, 50% of water and 79% of CO2 per item made.
The French government plans for up to 10% of all packaging to come from reused materials by 2027, however currently less than 1% of supermarket packaging is sourced this way.
Concerns over costs pushed onto shoppers
However the arrangement does not offer an overall reduction in the price of the product as the initial purchase price will be higher, by the sum later paid for the return of the bottle / jar. Hence it is a ‘deposit’ scheme.
The system is used in other European countries for items such as plastic bottles, noticeably in Germany.
Citeo is looking at ideas to make the scheme more appealing such as ‘bringing forward’ the first deposits to give customers a financial incentive as opposed to merely giving them the increase back upon the return of an item.
En sterk avfallsbransje, som ønsker at inntekter fra glass, aluminium og PET-plast skal forbli i restavfall/avfallsinnsamling, har til nå greid å stoppe vedtak om innføring av pantesystem i Frankrike. Men det er vel ingen med faglig innsikt i problematikken som tror at man vil nå EUs LOVFESTETEDE PÅLEGG om innsamling og resirkulering av f.eks. 90% av alle PET-plastflasker innen allerede vedtatt tidsfrist uten pantesystem. Så er vel kun et tidsspørsmål og store EU-nasjoner som Spania og Italia står jo overfor den samme problemstillingen. En annen faktor når det gjelder PET-plastflasker er jo at hvis disse skal gjenvinnes fra blandet avfall, vil forurensning by på problemer ettersom det store poenget her er "closed loop resirkulering". Altså at plastflasker resirkuleres til nye plastflasker, og ikke nedsirkuleres til lavere plastkvaliteter som så i neste omgang raskt bli til ikke resirkulerbart avfall.
Glass bottle ‘deposit’ scheme to be trialled in four French regions
Customers may receive up to 30 cents per bottle returned
PUBLISHED Monday 26 August 2024 - 14:25 LAST UPDATED Monday 26 August 2024 - 17:00
Those in areas of north-west France will be able to return glass bottles and jars to supermarkets and receive up to 30 cents for each item under a deposit scheme set to launch.
Returning glass bottles and jars was once a widespread practice in France, but in the 21st century became less common, and has now practically disappeared.
The scheme, which is being run by company Citeo, will begin in four regions of north-west France (Pays de la Loire, Brittany, Normandy, Hauts-de-France).
A similar scheme was launched in certain supermarkets in Paris earlier this year.
The arrangement will work on a series of standardised glass bottles and jars, which will be used by a variety of companies, and which will start to be manufactured by Citeo in autumn 2024, for use with items stocked in supermarkets.
Standardising the bottle / jar will make it easier to reuse.
The first bottle banks will be installed in participating supermarkets in the four regions in March 2025, before a wider operation begins in May that year.
The deposit returned to customers will be “around 20 or 30 cents per bottle or jar”, said Jean Hornain, CEO of Citeo, adding that certain items or models may have different amounts linked to them.
Shoppers who purchase items in these bottles will then be able to return them to any of the eligible bottle banks and receive the payment.
The arrangement will be more environmentally friendly; reusing glass bottles and jars saves up to 75% of energy, 50% of water and 79% of CO2 per item made.
The French government plans for up to 10% of all packaging to come from reused materials by 2027, however currently less than 1% of supermarket packaging is sourced this way.
Concerns over costs pushed onto shoppers
However the arrangement does not offer an overall reduction in the price of the product as the initial purchase price will be higher, by the sum later paid for the return of the bottle / jar. Hence it is a ‘deposit’ scheme.
The system is used in other European countries for items such as plastic bottles, noticeably in Germany.
Citeo is looking at ideas to make the scheme more appealing such as ‘bringing forward’ the first deposits to give customers a financial incentive as opposed to merely giving them the increase back upon the return of an item.
Redigert 26.08.2024 kl 20:22
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Rect Angel
27.08.2024 kl 11:29
Når det gjelder nyheter fra Skottland, kan det det være på sin plass å ta disse med 'en klype salt' etter det vi var vitner til i krangelen med engelskmennene og påfølgende utsettelse av pantesystem i Skottland (det går nå mot et felles pantesystem for hele UK).
Interessant er det likevel at en prosess for å få på plass en form for pantesystem for kaffekopper er under oppseiling. Ikke minst fordi vi vet at Tomra jo nå kjører en pilot på nettopp dette i Aarhus kommune i Danmark. Og Tomra har uttalt at mange følger dette prosjektet i Danmark med stor interesse.
‘Single-use’ cup charge proposed in Scotland
26 Aug 2024, 9:16 am
Drinks retailers will need to add a 25 pence charge when supplying beverages in single-use cups in Scotland, under new plans that have been outlined by the Scottish government.
The proposals for imposing a new minimum charge for single-use disposable beverage cups were opened to consultation on Thursday and, subject to the outcome of the consultation process, are envisaged to take effect before the end of 2025.
The plans form part of the Scottish government’s wider drive to deliver a more circular economy and address what it described as the “throw-away culture” within society – it cited research undertaken in 2019 that suggests that imposing a charge of between 20 and 25 pence could encourage behavioural change in 49% of the Scottish population.
“The purpose of the planned charge is to reduce our consumption of single-use disposable beverage cups through establishing a robust system which leads to widespread acceptance and increased use of reusable cups; while creating an opportunity for innovative approaches to reusable cup schemes to develop,” the Scottish government said in its consultation paper.
Interessant er det likevel at en prosess for å få på plass en form for pantesystem for kaffekopper er under oppseiling. Ikke minst fordi vi vet at Tomra jo nå kjører en pilot på nettopp dette i Aarhus kommune i Danmark. Og Tomra har uttalt at mange følger dette prosjektet i Danmark med stor interesse.
‘Single-use’ cup charge proposed in Scotland
26 Aug 2024, 9:16 am
Drinks retailers will need to add a 25 pence charge when supplying beverages in single-use cups in Scotland, under new plans that have been outlined by the Scottish government.
The proposals for imposing a new minimum charge for single-use disposable beverage cups were opened to consultation on Thursday and, subject to the outcome of the consultation process, are envisaged to take effect before the end of 2025.
The plans form part of the Scottish government’s wider drive to deliver a more circular economy and address what it described as the “throw-away culture” within society – it cited research undertaken in 2019 that suggests that imposing a charge of between 20 and 25 pence could encourage behavioural change in 49% of the Scottish population.
“The purpose of the planned charge is to reduce our consumption of single-use disposable beverage cups through establishing a robust system which leads to widespread acceptance and increased use of reusable cups; while creating an opportunity for innovative approaches to reusable cup schemes to develop,” the Scottish government said in its consultation paper.
Redigert 27.08.2024 kl 11:45
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Rect Angel
28.08.2024 kl 09:47
TOMRA Collection. Suksess i Irland.
Managing director at TOMRA Collection Ireland, supplier of Aldi’s DRS machines, Peter Whelan said: “Having partnered with Aldi to supply their stores with our DRS reverse vending units, we are delighted to see its success to date.
Deposit Return Scheme hailed as a positive success in Cork
The Deposit Return Scheme has been lauded as a success nationally, but how has Cork reacted to the initiative? Rachel Lysaght reports
Tue, 27 Aug, 2024 - 11:03
The introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for plastic bottles and aluminium cans is one of the “most positive” consumer behaviour initiatives to happen in Ireland “for decades”.
This is according to the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), who likened the success of the campaign to that of the smoking ban, which was introduced in Ireland more than 20 years ago.
The DRS, introduced by the department in February, has since seen 278 million bottles and cans returned, with the average daily rates now regularly exceeding three million containers.
This equates to €48 million in deposits refunded to consumers in-store, averaging just over €500,000 per day.
The scheme, implemented in major retailers across the country such as Aldi, Lidl, Dunnes Stores and SuperValu, aims to reduce the amount of litter across Irish towns, villages and countryside, by incentivising consumers to recycle their empty items using the on-site DRS collection machines.
Managing director at TOMRA Collection Ireland, supplier of Aldi’s DRS machines, Peter Whelan said: “Having partnered with Aldi to supply their stores with our DRS reverse vending units, we are delighted to see its success to date.
Deposit Return Scheme hailed as a positive success in Cork
The Deposit Return Scheme has been lauded as a success nationally, but how has Cork reacted to the initiative? Rachel Lysaght reports
Tue, 27 Aug, 2024 - 11:03
The introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for plastic bottles and aluminium cans is one of the “most positive” consumer behaviour initiatives to happen in Ireland “for decades”.
This is according to the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), who likened the success of the campaign to that of the smoking ban, which was introduced in Ireland more than 20 years ago.
The DRS, introduced by the department in February, has since seen 278 million bottles and cans returned, with the average daily rates now regularly exceeding three million containers.
This equates to €48 million in deposits refunded to consumers in-store, averaging just over €500,000 per day.
The scheme, implemented in major retailers across the country such as Aldi, Lidl, Dunnes Stores and SuperValu, aims to reduce the amount of litter across Irish towns, villages and countryside, by incentivising consumers to recycle their empty items using the on-site DRS collection machines.
Rect Angel
30.08.2024 kl 17:13
Svært interessant handelsdag på børsen denne siste handelsdagen i august. Noe av det mer spesielle jeg har vært borti når det gjelder fordeling av volum.
09:00 til 16:20: Omsatt for 8.73 mill. NOK
I sluttauksjonen 16:20 - 16:25: Omsatt for 88.61 mill. NOK
Totalt : Omsatt for 97.34 mill. NOK
Sluttkurs: 164.10 NOK (intradag høy), + 2.56%.
09:00 til 16:20: Omsatt for 8.73 mill. NOK
I sluttauksjonen 16:20 - 16:25: Omsatt for 88.61 mill. NOK
Totalt : Omsatt for 97.34 mill. NOK
Sluttkurs: 164.10 NOK (intradag høy), + 2.56%.
Redigert 30.08.2024 kl 17:16
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Rect Angel
02.09.2024 kl 17:09
TOMRA: Digital participation at Capital Markets Day on Thursday, 5 September
i dag kl. 12:30 ∙ Oslo Børs
TOMRA will host a Capital Markets Day on Thursday 5 September at 08:00 CEST in Alicante, Spain.
The presentations can be viewed via webcast on:
Viewers who would like to actively participate in the Q&A session are welcome to pre-register for the TEAMS webinar: -32293605d768@4308d118-edd1-4300-8a37-cfeba8ad5898
Agenda (all times in CEST)
07:00 | Publication of presentation
08:00 | Welcome
08:20 | Recycling, Collection and Food
09:05 | Break
09:30 | Horizon 09:50 | Financials
10:10 | Q&A
10:45 | End Asker, 2 September 2024
For further information, please contact: Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 91 36 18 99
TOMRA develops solutions that enable circular economies and optimal resource productivity through automated identification, collection, grading, and sorting of resources. We optimize how resources are obtained, used, and reused - turning waste into valuable resources. Our vision is to lead the resource revolution and enable a world without waste.
TOMRA has more than 110,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of EUR 1,290 million in 2023. The Group employs 5,400 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit
i dag kl. 12:30 ∙ Oslo Børs
TOMRA will host a Capital Markets Day on Thursday 5 September at 08:00 CEST in Alicante, Spain.
The presentations can be viewed via webcast on:
Viewers who would like to actively participate in the Q&A session are welcome to pre-register for the TEAMS webinar: -32293605d768@4308d118-edd1-4300-8a37-cfeba8ad5898
Agenda (all times in CEST)
07:00 | Publication of presentation
08:00 | Welcome
08:20 | Recycling, Collection and Food
09:05 | Break
09:30 | Horizon 09:50 | Financials
10:10 | Q&A
10:45 | End Asker, 2 September 2024
For further information, please contact: Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 91 36 18 99
TOMRA develops solutions that enable circular economies and optimal resource productivity through automated identification, collection, grading, and sorting of resources. We optimize how resources are obtained, used, and reused - turning waste into valuable resources. Our vision is to lead the resource revolution and enable a world without waste.
TOMRA has more than 110,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of EUR 1,290 million in 2023. The Group employs 5,400 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit
Rect Angel
03.09.2024 kl 13:44
TOMRA Collection ruler pantemarkedet, og dominansen blir neppe mindre når TOMRA R2 i dag slippes i markedet.
TOMRA R2 gir bl.a. nemlig også mindre aktører muligheten til å kunme tilby sine handlende kunder '100+ panteobjekter rett i hullet og ferdig med det'.
TOMRA introduces a brand new user experience for convenience and community in drink container recycling
TOMRA R2 reverse vending machine launches with Digital Vouchers and expanded charity donation
03 Sep 2024
Global reverse vending leader TOMRA Collection today unleashed the highly-anticipated TOMRA R2, which enables even smaller stores to offer the convenience of pouring 100+ empty drink containers for recycling into a reverse vending machine (RVM) in one go. Debuting with it are two developments in deposit refund payouts, with digital vouchers direct to a user’s mobile browser and more options to donate to charity.
TOMRA R2 brings multi-feed returns to a wider range of stores, even smaller ones
TOMRA R2 launches today
Now emerging from market testing, the TOMRA R2 RVM is the next generation in multi-feed returns (where consumers pour in bags of multiple drink containers at once), building on the success of TOMRA R1. While TOMRA R1 is designed for retailers with high volumes, TOMRA R2’s smaller physical footprint fits a wider range of stores. TOMRA R2 was tested in stores in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands.
Og så var det jeg som jeg antydet da nyheten om funn av kjempediamant 'breaket', Tomras teknologi som stod for den bragden
Tar det med her på nyhetstråden, men laget også en egen trådstart på den, for synes TOMRA Mining fortjener 'et tabloid oppslag' for den bragden.
Det fortjener vel forsåvidt også TOMRA Collection for lanseringen av TOMRA R2 i dag, men holder det 'nøkternt og kjedelig' i et langsiktig perspektiv foran CMD i overimorgen.
Botswana diamond find can trigger mining investment revival, Lucara CEO says
By David Whitehouse
Posted on September 2, 2024 07:50
The world’s largest diamond was discovered near Pretoria, South Africa in 1905 when Frederick Wells, a mine superintendent, carried out a routine inspection at the Premier Mine.
The 2,492 carat diamond discovered by Canadian miner Lucara Diamond at its Karowe mine in northeastern Botswana in August is the second-largest find. No one alive today has ever seen a larger newly discovered diamond.
There’s no single person who was responsible for the Karowe diamond find, which was made with the help of X-ray technology developed by Norwegian partner TOMRA, Lucara Diamond CEO William Lamb tells The Africa Report
TOMRA R2 gir bl.a. nemlig også mindre aktører muligheten til å kunme tilby sine handlende kunder '100+ panteobjekter rett i hullet og ferdig med det'.
TOMRA introduces a brand new user experience for convenience and community in drink container recycling
TOMRA R2 reverse vending machine launches with Digital Vouchers and expanded charity donation
03 Sep 2024
Global reverse vending leader TOMRA Collection today unleashed the highly-anticipated TOMRA R2, which enables even smaller stores to offer the convenience of pouring 100+ empty drink containers for recycling into a reverse vending machine (RVM) in one go. Debuting with it are two developments in deposit refund payouts, with digital vouchers direct to a user’s mobile browser and more options to donate to charity.
TOMRA R2 brings multi-feed returns to a wider range of stores, even smaller ones
TOMRA R2 launches today
Now emerging from market testing, the TOMRA R2 RVM is the next generation in multi-feed returns (where consumers pour in bags of multiple drink containers at once), building on the success of TOMRA R1. While TOMRA R1 is designed for retailers with high volumes, TOMRA R2’s smaller physical footprint fits a wider range of stores. TOMRA R2 was tested in stores in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands.
Og så var det jeg som jeg antydet da nyheten om funn av kjempediamant 'breaket', Tomras teknologi som stod for den bragden
Tar det med her på nyhetstråden, men laget også en egen trådstart på den, for synes TOMRA Mining fortjener 'et tabloid oppslag' for den bragden.
Det fortjener vel forsåvidt også TOMRA Collection for lanseringen av TOMRA R2 i dag, men holder det 'nøkternt og kjedelig' i et langsiktig perspektiv foran CMD i overimorgen.
Botswana diamond find can trigger mining investment revival, Lucara CEO says
By David Whitehouse
Posted on September 2, 2024 07:50
The world’s largest diamond was discovered near Pretoria, South Africa in 1905 when Frederick Wells, a mine superintendent, carried out a routine inspection at the Premier Mine.
The 2,492 carat diamond discovered by Canadian miner Lucara Diamond at its Karowe mine in northeastern Botswana in August is the second-largest find. No one alive today has ever seen a larger newly discovered diamond.
There’s no single person who was responsible for the Karowe diamond find, which was made with the help of X-ray technology developed by Norwegian partner TOMRA, Lucara Diamond CEO William Lamb tells The Africa Report
Redigert 03.09.2024 kl 13:48
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Rect Angel
04.09.2024 kl 23:03
TOMRA Mining.
Verdens nest største diamant ble altså nylig funnet i Botswana ved hjelp av TOMRA Minings teknologi. Her en attest til TOMRA Mining fra en annen diamantgruve som har valgt å satse på TOMRA Minings teknologi.
Og en ganske så imponerende attest dette. Hjelper en å forstå hvorfor TOMRA Mining "With a significant market share of more than 50 percent, TOMRA Mining is the world market leader in ore sorting."
Exploring a new sorting technology
4th September 2024Nicola Brittain
How one global diamond producer uses sorting technology and digital solutions to recover unbroken diamonds.
Global diamond producer Lucapa Diamonds owns 70% of Mothae Diamonds, an open-pit mine located in the Maluti Mountains of Lesotho, Africa. The mine started commercial operation in 2019 following the commissioning of its kimberlite processing plant. The mine is known for producing large, high-quality diamonds, and has had significant gem-quality recoveries including a 215 carat D-colour Type IIa, a 204 carat Type IIa, and rare pink, blue and yellow diamonds.
Delivering sorting efficiency
When planning the recovery plant, Mothae turned to TOMRA Mining for a solution: “We wanted to recover large diamonds at the highest sorting efficiency with the highest throughput, and TOMRA met Mothae’s requirements with its modern and innovative technology,” says Macobone Semelane, recovery superintendent.
The recovery plant operates two TOMRA COM Tertiary XRT 1200 sorters: one for fine materials from 10mm to 20mm, and the other for coarse materials from 20mm to 45mm. The ore extracted from the mine is treated through primary crushing, scrubbing and screening, then transferred to the recovery area: “That’s where the TOMRA sorters separate diamonds from the ore,” explains Kothalo Matoli, a recovery mechanician at the mine. “TOMRA sorters help us to recover large diamonds prior to secondary and tertiary crushing, hugely reducing the risk of breakages, and our throughput is high, with 98% efficiency.”
The two TOMRA XRT sorters at Mothae are connected to the TOMRA Insight cloud-based data platform that turns the machines into connected devices generating valuable data and helping operators to control the sorting process. They also feature the TOMRA ACT user interface, which helps optimise the workflow and improve productivity.
Macobone Semelane explains: “As a relatively small and low-grade mine, we are always investigating the latest technologies. With our sorters operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we wanted to ensure they were connected to the latest compatible software and hardware.”
“We also wanted to ensure our operators could interact with the sorters and so needed a user-friendly portal. The TOMRA ACT user interface provides a clear view of events and alarms as well as images of belt occupancy. It also shows ejection activity, which is useful.”
“TOMRA Insight has changed the way we run our production because we can monitor our sorters remotely as well as access reports from both machines in one interface,” says Kothalo Matoli. “All the alarms and events are logged on the sorter in real time, allowing us to troubleshoot very fast. My troubleshooting skill has improved a lot.”
Storage and back-up of data
TOMRA Insight also stores and backs up all the data generated by the sorters so that the operator can analyse the complete history of each machine. “Digital data is crucial. TOMRA Insight has exceeded my expectations because I can access data whenever I want, wherever I am. I have all the learnings about my sorters, their operation and maintenance. We can also see the belt occupancy and our ejection rate, and understand if a machine is over-ejecting owing to foreign objects in the material, for example. The utilisation of the sorters has improved, enabling us to process more tons and recover more carats.”
“In addition, I can monitor the sorters’ operational and health status from the office or offsite since TOMRA Insight captures and compiles all the data in one interface, generating reports and data analyses, as well as improving data management and analytics. With TOMRA Insight, I expect to see advanced sorting solutions and automated recovery plants in the not too distant future,” adds Macobone Semelane.
The technology also enables a smooth production process since it fine tunes many parameters at the same time. Planning, productivity, quality management and logistics can be accessed by all teams and departments, and staff will be looking at the same near real-time information.
Customer support Macobone Semelane is also impressed with the support TOMRA offers. He says: “The team have been very supportive and their service is excellent.” Kothalo Matoli agrees: “They are available whenever we need them. They help us remotely and if we need somebody on site, they will send someone along.
Verdens nest største diamant ble altså nylig funnet i Botswana ved hjelp av TOMRA Minings teknologi. Her en attest til TOMRA Mining fra en annen diamantgruve som har valgt å satse på TOMRA Minings teknologi.
Og en ganske så imponerende attest dette. Hjelper en å forstå hvorfor TOMRA Mining "With a significant market share of more than 50 percent, TOMRA Mining is the world market leader in ore sorting."
Exploring a new sorting technology
4th September 2024Nicola Brittain
How one global diamond producer uses sorting technology and digital solutions to recover unbroken diamonds.
Global diamond producer Lucapa Diamonds owns 70% of Mothae Diamonds, an open-pit mine located in the Maluti Mountains of Lesotho, Africa. The mine started commercial operation in 2019 following the commissioning of its kimberlite processing plant. The mine is known for producing large, high-quality diamonds, and has had significant gem-quality recoveries including a 215 carat D-colour Type IIa, a 204 carat Type IIa, and rare pink, blue and yellow diamonds.
Delivering sorting efficiency
When planning the recovery plant, Mothae turned to TOMRA Mining for a solution: “We wanted to recover large diamonds at the highest sorting efficiency with the highest throughput, and TOMRA met Mothae’s requirements with its modern and innovative technology,” says Macobone Semelane, recovery superintendent.
The recovery plant operates two TOMRA COM Tertiary XRT 1200 sorters: one for fine materials from 10mm to 20mm, and the other for coarse materials from 20mm to 45mm. The ore extracted from the mine is treated through primary crushing, scrubbing and screening, then transferred to the recovery area: “That’s where the TOMRA sorters separate diamonds from the ore,” explains Kothalo Matoli, a recovery mechanician at the mine. “TOMRA sorters help us to recover large diamonds prior to secondary and tertiary crushing, hugely reducing the risk of breakages, and our throughput is high, with 98% efficiency.”
The two TOMRA XRT sorters at Mothae are connected to the TOMRA Insight cloud-based data platform that turns the machines into connected devices generating valuable data and helping operators to control the sorting process. They also feature the TOMRA ACT user interface, which helps optimise the workflow and improve productivity.
Macobone Semelane explains: “As a relatively small and low-grade mine, we are always investigating the latest technologies. With our sorters operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we wanted to ensure they were connected to the latest compatible software and hardware.”
“We also wanted to ensure our operators could interact with the sorters and so needed a user-friendly portal. The TOMRA ACT user interface provides a clear view of events and alarms as well as images of belt occupancy. It also shows ejection activity, which is useful.”
“TOMRA Insight has changed the way we run our production because we can monitor our sorters remotely as well as access reports from both machines in one interface,” says Kothalo Matoli. “All the alarms and events are logged on the sorter in real time, allowing us to troubleshoot very fast. My troubleshooting skill has improved a lot.”
Storage and back-up of data
TOMRA Insight also stores and backs up all the data generated by the sorters so that the operator can analyse the complete history of each machine. “Digital data is crucial. TOMRA Insight has exceeded my expectations because I can access data whenever I want, wherever I am. I have all the learnings about my sorters, their operation and maintenance. We can also see the belt occupancy and our ejection rate, and understand if a machine is over-ejecting owing to foreign objects in the material, for example. The utilisation of the sorters has improved, enabling us to process more tons and recover more carats.”
“In addition, I can monitor the sorters’ operational and health status from the office or offsite since TOMRA Insight captures and compiles all the data in one interface, generating reports and data analyses, as well as improving data management and analytics. With TOMRA Insight, I expect to see advanced sorting solutions and automated recovery plants in the not too distant future,” adds Macobone Semelane.
The technology also enables a smooth production process since it fine tunes many parameters at the same time. Planning, productivity, quality management and logistics can be accessed by all teams and departments, and staff will be looking at the same near real-time information.
Customer support Macobone Semelane is also impressed with the support TOMRA offers. He says: “The team have been very supportive and their service is excellent.” Kothalo Matoli agrees: “They are available whenever we need them. They help us remotely and if we need somebody on site, they will send someone along.
Rect Angel
05.09.2024 kl 14:09
Registrerer svak kursutvikling og tenker god kjøpsanledning. Men anledningen kan kanskje bli enda bedre, på kort sikt? Hvilke ambisjoner innehaver(e) av shortposisjon(er) har, er jo f.eks. kjent for alle, uansett aksje. Så som alltid vanskelig å spå om fremtiden på børs, særlig på kort sikt. Tiden vil vise.
Har personlig høy grad av tillit til ledelsen og tiltro til at man lykkes med vellykket restrukturering av Food og etterhvert altså også muligens potensiell ekspansjon av den divisjonen. Isåfall høres dette veldig bra ut, synes jeg.
Hadde ikke anledning til å følge CMD direkte i dag. MEN gleder meg til å se den i opptak.
i dag kl. 12:16 ∙ TDN Finans
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Tomra er i god rute med å oppnå målene på 18 prosent ebita-margin og 15 prosent årlig omsetningsvekst som selskapet har kommunisert i forbindelse med kapitalmarkedsdagen.
Det sier finansdirektør Eva Sagemo under selskapets presentasjon torsdag.
-Vi vet at disse målene er ambisiøse, men jeg er sikker på at med vårt team, og med vår kunnskap og teknologi, er vi i en god posisjon til å nå disse målene, sier Sagemo.
Ifølge finansdirektøren er selskapet "on track" for å nå vekst- og margin- målene innen virksomhetene Recycling, Collection, og Horizon. Selskapet har imidlertid hatt noen tilbakeslag innen Food-virksomheten som er en av grunnene til at målene ble skjøvet til 2030, ifølge Sagemo.
Konsernsjef Tove Andersen sier videre at innen Food-virksomheten er prioriteten å bevise at selskapet kan snu rundt lønnsomheten ved å vise at selskapet kan gå lenger enn en årlig runrate på 10-11 prosent i ebita-margin ved utgangen av 2024, samtidig som hun ikke utelukker oppkjøp.
-Når vi er trygge på at vi har strukturen på plass og at vi potensielt kan integrere et oppkjøp på en god og profesjonell måte, vil vi vurdere det, sier hun.
Ellers sier direktør for Tomra Recycling, Volker Rehrmann, at selskapet har god visibilitet i segmentets ordrepipeline fremover og ser en liten forbedring de neste tolv månedene, sammenlignet med samme periode for et år siden.
TOMRA: Capital Markets Day 2024
i dag kl. 07:00 ∙ Oslo Børs
TOMRA continues to see strong growth opportunities with significant and tangible drivers for increased circularity. With continued technological leadership in core divisions and progress on developing adjacent opportunities, TOMRA is uniquely positioned to capitalize on this momentum and turn waste into valuable resources.
"Our vision is to lead the world's resource revolution and increase the rate at which resources are consumed circularly. For that to happen, we need to continue our 50-year growth and innovation journey, leveraging cutting-edge technology, deep industry insight and a decentralized, close to customer organization to open up new markets and disrupt existing ones," says Tove Andersen, President and CEO of TOMRA.
Today, TOMRA is hosting their Capital Markets Day, reaffirming the company's profitable growth strategy launched in 2022: to accelerate growth in core and develop adjacent opportunities while becoming a fully circular business which is safe, fair and inclusive.
The ambition is to grow 15% annually and to achieve an EBITA margin of 18%. With supporting drivers for increased circularity, continued technological leadership and tangible progress on developing adjacent businesses, TOMRA sees the growth potential extending to 2030 and beyond. On this journey, TOMRA has also committed to Science Based Targets of achieving net zero emissions.
"TOMRA is perfectly positioned to benefit from the increasingly strong global focus on decarbonization, resource scarcity and regulatory changes as a means of achieving global environmental targets. Furthermore, a rising middle class and increased urbanization heightens the challenges related to waste in a linear economy and leads to increased demand for solutions that modernize and automate resource management," says Andersen.
Capital allocation in TOMRA will continue to follow a strict framework. A new target of achieving >18% return on capital employed by 2030 is being introduced. The dividend policy of paying 40-60% of earnings per share and the target to be an investment grade company are maintained.
TOMRA's leadership team will present how continued profitable growth will be achieved in Collection and Recycling, and how Food targets to increase profitability first and then accelerate growth. The strategy for developing adjacent business will be elaborated upon, as will TOMRA's capital allocation framework.
TOMRA Ambitions
15% annual growth over the cycle
18% EBITA margin by 2030
>18% ROCE by 2030
40-60% of EPS in dividend
Maintain investment grade rating
Committed to Net Zero CO2 emissions by 2050 with intermediate targets in 2033
TOMRA develops solutions that enable circular economies and optimal resource productivity through automated identification, collection, grading, and sorting of resources. We optimize how resources are obtained, used, and reused - turning waste into valuable resources. Our vision is to lead the resource revolution and enable a world without waste.
TOMRA has more than 110,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of EUR 1,290 million in 2023. The Group employs 5,400 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit
Har personlig høy grad av tillit til ledelsen og tiltro til at man lykkes med vellykket restrukturering av Food og etterhvert altså også muligens potensiell ekspansjon av den divisjonen. Isåfall høres dette veldig bra ut, synes jeg.
Hadde ikke anledning til å følge CMD direkte i dag. MEN gleder meg til å se den i opptak.
i dag kl. 12:16 ∙ TDN Finans
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Tomra er i god rute med å oppnå målene på 18 prosent ebita-margin og 15 prosent årlig omsetningsvekst som selskapet har kommunisert i forbindelse med kapitalmarkedsdagen.
Det sier finansdirektør Eva Sagemo under selskapets presentasjon torsdag.
-Vi vet at disse målene er ambisiøse, men jeg er sikker på at med vårt team, og med vår kunnskap og teknologi, er vi i en god posisjon til å nå disse målene, sier Sagemo.
Ifølge finansdirektøren er selskapet "on track" for å nå vekst- og margin- målene innen virksomhetene Recycling, Collection, og Horizon. Selskapet har imidlertid hatt noen tilbakeslag innen Food-virksomheten som er en av grunnene til at målene ble skjøvet til 2030, ifølge Sagemo.
Konsernsjef Tove Andersen sier videre at innen Food-virksomheten er prioriteten å bevise at selskapet kan snu rundt lønnsomheten ved å vise at selskapet kan gå lenger enn en årlig runrate på 10-11 prosent i ebita-margin ved utgangen av 2024, samtidig som hun ikke utelukker oppkjøp.
-Når vi er trygge på at vi har strukturen på plass og at vi potensielt kan integrere et oppkjøp på en god og profesjonell måte, vil vi vurdere det, sier hun.
Ellers sier direktør for Tomra Recycling, Volker Rehrmann, at selskapet har god visibilitet i segmentets ordrepipeline fremover og ser en liten forbedring de neste tolv månedene, sammenlignet med samme periode for et år siden.
TOMRA: Capital Markets Day 2024
i dag kl. 07:00 ∙ Oslo Børs
TOMRA continues to see strong growth opportunities with significant and tangible drivers for increased circularity. With continued technological leadership in core divisions and progress on developing adjacent opportunities, TOMRA is uniquely positioned to capitalize on this momentum and turn waste into valuable resources.
"Our vision is to lead the world's resource revolution and increase the rate at which resources are consumed circularly. For that to happen, we need to continue our 50-year growth and innovation journey, leveraging cutting-edge technology, deep industry insight and a decentralized, close to customer organization to open up new markets and disrupt existing ones," says Tove Andersen, President and CEO of TOMRA.
Today, TOMRA is hosting their Capital Markets Day, reaffirming the company's profitable growth strategy launched in 2022: to accelerate growth in core and develop adjacent opportunities while becoming a fully circular business which is safe, fair and inclusive.
The ambition is to grow 15% annually and to achieve an EBITA margin of 18%. With supporting drivers for increased circularity, continued technological leadership and tangible progress on developing adjacent businesses, TOMRA sees the growth potential extending to 2030 and beyond. On this journey, TOMRA has also committed to Science Based Targets of achieving net zero emissions.
"TOMRA is perfectly positioned to benefit from the increasingly strong global focus on decarbonization, resource scarcity and regulatory changes as a means of achieving global environmental targets. Furthermore, a rising middle class and increased urbanization heightens the challenges related to waste in a linear economy and leads to increased demand for solutions that modernize and automate resource management," says Andersen.
Capital allocation in TOMRA will continue to follow a strict framework. A new target of achieving >18% return on capital employed by 2030 is being introduced. The dividend policy of paying 40-60% of earnings per share and the target to be an investment grade company are maintained.
TOMRA's leadership team will present how continued profitable growth will be achieved in Collection and Recycling, and how Food targets to increase profitability first and then accelerate growth. The strategy for developing adjacent business will be elaborated upon, as will TOMRA's capital allocation framework.
TOMRA Ambitions
15% annual growth over the cycle
18% EBITA margin by 2030
>18% ROCE by 2030
40-60% of EPS in dividend
Maintain investment grade rating
Committed to Net Zero CO2 emissions by 2050 with intermediate targets in 2033
TOMRA develops solutions that enable circular economies and optimal resource productivity through automated identification, collection, grading, and sorting of resources. We optimize how resources are obtained, used, and reused - turning waste into valuable resources. Our vision is to lead the resource revolution and enable a world without waste.
TOMRA has more than 110,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of EUR 1,290 million in 2023. The Group employs 5,400 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit
Rect Angel
05.09.2024 kl 22:57
TOMRA Collection.
New South Wales, Australia. I New South Wales eier og opererer Tomra pantesystemet, i en avtale som for Tomra er ensbetydende med jo mer panting, jo større inntekter.
NSW Return and Earn cracks 12bn milestone
By Jan Arreza | 5 September 2024
The NSW government’s Return and Earn scheme has reached its next big milestone, celebrating 12 billion bottles, cans and cartons returned through the network since the scheme began, resulting in $1.2 billion in container refunds back in people’s pockets.
This comes just months after hitting their previous major milestone of 11 billion containers returned back in February, six short years since its inception.
“Return and Earn is a NSW circular economy success story. Almost seven years after launching, it has become one of the most successful and trusted recycling initiatives in the state,” said James Dorney, CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway, network operator for Return and Earn.
“It has also resulted in more than one million tonnes in materials recycled, contributing to a 54 per cent reduction in drink container litter since pre-scheme levels.”
New research shows support (93%) and trust (78%) in the CDS is at an all-time high among NSW adults. Participation has also reached a new peak of NSW adults having participated (84%).
Danielle Smalley, CEO of Exchange for Change, the scheme coordinator for Return and Earn, said this achievement and the research findings highlight we have seen amazing cultural change over the last few years, with taking drink containers to your local Return and Earn centre becoming a way of life throughout all corners of NSW.
New South Wales, Australia. I New South Wales eier og opererer Tomra pantesystemet, i en avtale som for Tomra er ensbetydende med jo mer panting, jo større inntekter.
NSW Return and Earn cracks 12bn milestone
By Jan Arreza | 5 September 2024
The NSW government’s Return and Earn scheme has reached its next big milestone, celebrating 12 billion bottles, cans and cartons returned through the network since the scheme began, resulting in $1.2 billion in container refunds back in people’s pockets.
This comes just months after hitting their previous major milestone of 11 billion containers returned back in February, six short years since its inception.
“Return and Earn is a NSW circular economy success story. Almost seven years after launching, it has become one of the most successful and trusted recycling initiatives in the state,” said James Dorney, CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway, network operator for Return and Earn.
“It has also resulted in more than one million tonnes in materials recycled, contributing to a 54 per cent reduction in drink container litter since pre-scheme levels.”
New research shows support (93%) and trust (78%) in the CDS is at an all-time high among NSW adults. Participation has also reached a new peak of NSW adults having participated (84%).
Danielle Smalley, CEO of Exchange for Change, the scheme coordinator for Return and Earn, said this achievement and the research findings highlight we have seen amazing cultural change over the last few years, with taking drink containers to your local Return and Earn centre becoming a way of life throughout all corners of NSW.
Redigert 05.09.2024 kl 22:58
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Rect Angel
07.09.2024 kl 12:45
TOMRA Mining
Det strømmer stadige på med rapporter om stor suksess innen nær sagt et hvilket som helst segment innen gruvedrift, takket være TOMRA Minings sorteringsteknologi.
Verdens største diamanter, lithium,... og her tungsten (wolfram på norsk).
06 September, 2024
WRITTEN BY Aaliyah Rogan
EQ Resources achieves new production record at Mt Carbine, Saloro
EQ Resources (ASX:EQR) has hit a new monthly production record of tungsten concentrate from its Mt Carbine and Saloro operations in Queensland and Spain.
“Our production expansion enables us to form strategic relationships with downstream customers, as recently shown with our collaboration with leading US tungsten manufacturer,” MacNeill says.
“We are confident there is further capacity for improvement in production by expanding mining operations at Mt Carbine and further enhancement of recovery rates through the plant at Barruecopardo.
“We look forward to reporting full data on grade, production, and recoveries in our September quarterly report.”
Mt Carbine’s production record was supported by the upgrade to the TOMRA XRT ore sorter #2 topped with increased recovery at the Gravity Plant, due to the installation of a scavenger jig.
Det strømmer stadige på med rapporter om stor suksess innen nær sagt et hvilket som helst segment innen gruvedrift, takket være TOMRA Minings sorteringsteknologi.
Verdens største diamanter, lithium,... og her tungsten (wolfram på norsk).
06 September, 2024
WRITTEN BY Aaliyah Rogan
EQ Resources achieves new production record at Mt Carbine, Saloro
EQ Resources (ASX:EQR) has hit a new monthly production record of tungsten concentrate from its Mt Carbine and Saloro operations in Queensland and Spain.
“Our production expansion enables us to form strategic relationships with downstream customers, as recently shown with our collaboration with leading US tungsten manufacturer,” MacNeill says.
“We are confident there is further capacity for improvement in production by expanding mining operations at Mt Carbine and further enhancement of recovery rates through the plant at Barruecopardo.
“We look forward to reporting full data on grade, production, and recoveries in our September quarterly report.”
Mt Carbine’s production record was supported by the upgrade to the TOMRA XRT ore sorter #2 topped with increased recovery at the Gravity Plant, due to the installation of a scavenger jig.
Redigert 07.09.2024 kl 14:15
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Rect Angel
09.09.2024 kl 19:59
En synlig shortposisjon (> 0.5%) i Tomra i Shortregisteret.
Denne krympet PARVUS ASSET MANAGEMENT EUROPE LIMITED med 58 033 aksjer fredag 06.09.2024 fra 1 813 888 (61%) til 1 755 855 (59%).
Denne krympet PARVUS ASSET MANAGEMENT EUROPE LIMITED med 58 033 aksjer fredag 06.09.2024 fra 1 813 888 (61%) til 1 755 855 (59%).
Rect Angel
11.09.2024 kl 12:52
TOMRA Mining.
Rapporter fra gruveselskaper som satser på og opplever suksess med TOMRA Minings sotreringsteknologi og - maskineri, kommer som perler på en snor.
Her er det australske Vertex Minerals som velger TOMRA Mining til sin gullgruvedrift, og gjør rede for hvorfor.
Vertex Minerals counting on ore sorting to boost Reward profitability and sustainability
Special Report
6 hours ago
Vertex Minerals believes the use of TOMRA laser sorter technology will increase the sustainability and profitability of its Reward gold mine
Ore sorting will reject crushed waste material, ensuring that only high-grade material is processed
Technology is being incorporated into the Reward flow sheet and plant design by contractor Gekko
Special Report: Vertex Minerals is counting on the inclusion of ore sorting technology to improve both the sustainability and profitability of mining operations at its Reward gold mine.
The company use TOMRA laser sorter technology to reject barren crushed rock, which greatly reduces the mass of ore to the remaining process while greatly reducing the volume of process sand residue.
By upgrading the ore and ensuring that only high-grade material is processed, Vertex Minerals (ASX:VTX) expects to greatly reduce energy and water consumption, quashing both operating costs and the carbon footprint.
Previous testing of low grade stockpiles had demonstrated an excellent response to ore sorting with 79% mass reduction achieved with a corresponding gold recovery of 94%.
Rapporter fra gruveselskaper som satser på og opplever suksess med TOMRA Minings sotreringsteknologi og - maskineri, kommer som perler på en snor.
Her er det australske Vertex Minerals som velger TOMRA Mining til sin gullgruvedrift, og gjør rede for hvorfor.
Vertex Minerals counting on ore sorting to boost Reward profitability and sustainability
Special Report
6 hours ago
Vertex Minerals believes the use of TOMRA laser sorter technology will increase the sustainability and profitability of its Reward gold mine
Ore sorting will reject crushed waste material, ensuring that only high-grade material is processed
Technology is being incorporated into the Reward flow sheet and plant design by contractor Gekko
Special Report: Vertex Minerals is counting on the inclusion of ore sorting technology to improve both the sustainability and profitability of mining operations at its Reward gold mine.
The company use TOMRA laser sorter technology to reject barren crushed rock, which greatly reduces the mass of ore to the remaining process while greatly reducing the volume of process sand residue.
By upgrading the ore and ensuring that only high-grade material is processed, Vertex Minerals (ASX:VTX) expects to greatly reduce energy and water consumption, quashing both operating costs and the carbon footprint.
Previous testing of low grade stockpiles had demonstrated an excellent response to ore sorting with 79% mass reduction achieved with a corresponding gold recovery of 94%.
Redigert 11.09.2024 kl 14:26
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Rect Angel
13.09.2024 kl 07:53
Støre i Kina.
Tirsdag signerte Støre og Kinas statsminister Li Qiang 'a joint statement' når det gjelder samarbeid om 'det grønne skiftet' .
<< Green transition is an area in which both countries share a common interest. On Tuesday, Store first visited Beijing and signed a joint statement with Chinese Premier Li Qiang to establish a dialogue on green transition. >>
Tomra har vært tilstede i Kina i 14 år, og selskapets virksomhet har vært kontinuerlig voksende. Og avtalen Støre og Li Qiang undertegnet tirsdag åpner for nye, store muligheter for Tomra, ifølge selskapet.
Avtalen betyr mye og vil være veldig fordelaktig for Tomras virksomhet i Kina, uttaler Tomras Jet Chang til China Daily.
<< Tomra, a Norwegian recycling solutions provider, which has been present in China for 14 years, expressed optimism over the outlook of the country's circular economy as well as the prime minister's visit.
Store's visit has been fruitful and sent positive signals, said Jet Chang, vice-president of public affairs at Tomra Asia.
"As Norway gains 15-day visa-free access to China, it would be much easier for senior business management to make a visit and communicate with the people here. The business section on both sides can expect positive and further bilateral cooperation," he said.
Chang spoke highly of the two nations' joint statement on green transition, which highlighted the development of the circular economy.
"We have seen steady and continuous growth of our business in China with the nation's improving business environment and particularly its efforts in garbage classification in recent years. We are very pleased to see the joint statement, which would benefit us a lot," said Chang.
Chang pointed out that developing a circular economy can better secure resources, reduce carbon emissions and environmental risks, as well as provide opportunities for investment and economic development. >>
TOMRA Mining.
Og her litt mer om kjempediamanten (verdens nest største gjennom alle tider) som forleden ble funnet i Botswana ved hjelp av Tomras sorteringsteknologi.
Tirsdag signerte Støre og Kinas statsminister Li Qiang 'a joint statement' når det gjelder samarbeid om 'det grønne skiftet' .
<< Green transition is an area in which both countries share a common interest. On Tuesday, Store first visited Beijing and signed a joint statement with Chinese Premier Li Qiang to establish a dialogue on green transition. >>
Tomra har vært tilstede i Kina i 14 år, og selskapets virksomhet har vært kontinuerlig voksende. Og avtalen Støre og Li Qiang undertegnet tirsdag åpner for nye, store muligheter for Tomra, ifølge selskapet.
Avtalen betyr mye og vil være veldig fordelaktig for Tomras virksomhet i Kina, uttaler Tomras Jet Chang til China Daily.
<< Tomra, a Norwegian recycling solutions provider, which has been present in China for 14 years, expressed optimism over the outlook of the country's circular economy as well as the prime minister's visit.
Store's visit has been fruitful and sent positive signals, said Jet Chang, vice-president of public affairs at Tomra Asia.
"As Norway gains 15-day visa-free access to China, it would be much easier for senior business management to make a visit and communicate with the people here. The business section on both sides can expect positive and further bilateral cooperation," he said.
Chang spoke highly of the two nations' joint statement on green transition, which highlighted the development of the circular economy.
"We have seen steady and continuous growth of our business in China with the nation's improving business environment and particularly its efforts in garbage classification in recent years. We are very pleased to see the joint statement, which would benefit us a lot," said Chang.
Chang pointed out that developing a circular economy can better secure resources, reduce carbon emissions and environmental risks, as well as provide opportunities for investment and economic development. >>
TOMRA Mining.
Og her litt mer om kjempediamanten (verdens nest største gjennom alle tider) som forleden ble funnet i Botswana ved hjelp av Tomras sorteringsteknologi.
Redigert 13.09.2024 kl 15:49
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Rect Angel
16.09.2024 kl 18:25
Tomra inntar lederrolle og kontroll når det gjelder å få på plass universielle standarder globalt for sirkulær økonomi.
Glimrende nytt for Tomras virksomhet og viktig for klodens fremtidsutsikter.
TOMRA leads global effort in circular economy: Takes on the role as Business Champion of the Global Circularity Protocol
16 Sep 2024
[Asker, 16th of September 2024] –TOMRA, a global market leader in circular economy technology and solutions, has taken on the role of Business Champion for the Global Circularity Protocol for Business (GCP), the landmark framework developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the One Planet Network (OPN) to enable accountability and address key gaps in scaling global circularity. With the guidance and engagement of industry circularity leaders like TOMRA, the GCP will become a universal standard for businesses to measure, enhance, and report on their product and material circularity, taking a firm stand against greenwashing.
As the leading authority in resource and waste collection, recycling, reuse and sorting solutions globally, TOMRA is well-poised to share experience with business leaders on how to effectively navigate the challenges of implementing global circularity and provide step-by-step guides that will help business comply to the protocol, leading the way in WBCSD’s Circular Products and Materials Pathway. Tove Andersen, President and CEO of TOMRA emphasised the urgency of this initiative:
"Currently, only 7% of the world’s resources are circular, a number far below what is needed to reach the targets set in the Paris agreement. Many businesses want to contribute, but a lack of standardization in reporting on circularity efforts opens for greenwashing, whether intentional or not. This has muddied the waters and made it difficult to assess companies’ actual contributions. By advocating for science-based targets, we aim to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.”
“We’re thrilled to see TOMRA’s leadership and commitment in advancing the Global Circularity Protocol for Business," said Filipe Camaño Garcia, Manager and Project Lead at WBCSD. "As a key member of our Business Advisory Committee, TOMRA brings invaluable expertise in resource efficiency and circular solutions. Their involvement as a Business Champion is critical in driving forward this universal framework."
A Unified Standard for Circularity
The GCP will provide businesses with a standardised framework for setting goals, tracking performance, and publicly reporting their circularity efforts, enabling accountability across organizations and borders. The protocol also aims at driving and guiding policy, and offers transparent, science-based guidelines to benchmark progress, identify areas for improvement, and align with global sustainability goals.
“The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, pioneered by WBCSD in the 1990s, set the standard for managing carbon emissions. Today, the Global Circularity Protocol will become the next guiding star for improving business sustainability. – aiming to become the definitive framework for circularity by 2025”, explained Quentin Drewell, Director, Products & Materials at WBCSD.
TOMRA's deep expertise in sorting technology and resource efficiency positions the company as a leader in the circular economy. Tove Andersen reiterated TOMRA's commitment to the protocol:
"Collaborating with WBCSD on the Global Circularity Protocol is completely aligned with our mission commitment to sustainability. By working together, we can set bold targets and drive the systemic changes needed to make circularity the global standard."
About TOMRA:
TOMRA is a global leader in the resource revolution, specialising in innovative sorting technology to manage the world’s waste. With a commitment to sustainability and circularity, TOMRA captures billions of containers annually for recycling and is dedicated to optimizing resource efficiency across various industries.
Glimrende nytt for Tomras virksomhet og viktig for klodens fremtidsutsikter.
TOMRA leads global effort in circular economy: Takes on the role as Business Champion of the Global Circularity Protocol
16 Sep 2024
[Asker, 16th of September 2024] –TOMRA, a global market leader in circular economy technology and solutions, has taken on the role of Business Champion for the Global Circularity Protocol for Business (GCP), the landmark framework developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the One Planet Network (OPN) to enable accountability and address key gaps in scaling global circularity. With the guidance and engagement of industry circularity leaders like TOMRA, the GCP will become a universal standard for businesses to measure, enhance, and report on their product and material circularity, taking a firm stand against greenwashing.
As the leading authority in resource and waste collection, recycling, reuse and sorting solutions globally, TOMRA is well-poised to share experience with business leaders on how to effectively navigate the challenges of implementing global circularity and provide step-by-step guides that will help business comply to the protocol, leading the way in WBCSD’s Circular Products and Materials Pathway. Tove Andersen, President and CEO of TOMRA emphasised the urgency of this initiative:
"Currently, only 7% of the world’s resources are circular, a number far below what is needed to reach the targets set in the Paris agreement. Many businesses want to contribute, but a lack of standardization in reporting on circularity efforts opens for greenwashing, whether intentional or not. This has muddied the waters and made it difficult to assess companies’ actual contributions. By advocating for science-based targets, we aim to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.”
“We’re thrilled to see TOMRA’s leadership and commitment in advancing the Global Circularity Protocol for Business," said Filipe Camaño Garcia, Manager and Project Lead at WBCSD. "As a key member of our Business Advisory Committee, TOMRA brings invaluable expertise in resource efficiency and circular solutions. Their involvement as a Business Champion is critical in driving forward this universal framework."
A Unified Standard for Circularity
The GCP will provide businesses with a standardised framework for setting goals, tracking performance, and publicly reporting their circularity efforts, enabling accountability across organizations and borders. The protocol also aims at driving and guiding policy, and offers transparent, science-based guidelines to benchmark progress, identify areas for improvement, and align with global sustainability goals.
“The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, pioneered by WBCSD in the 1990s, set the standard for managing carbon emissions. Today, the Global Circularity Protocol will become the next guiding star for improving business sustainability. – aiming to become the definitive framework for circularity by 2025”, explained Quentin Drewell, Director, Products & Materials at WBCSD.
TOMRA's deep expertise in sorting technology and resource efficiency positions the company as a leader in the circular economy. Tove Andersen reiterated TOMRA's commitment to the protocol:
"Collaborating with WBCSD on the Global Circularity Protocol is completely aligned with our mission commitment to sustainability. By working together, we can set bold targets and drive the systemic changes needed to make circularity the global standard."
About TOMRA:
TOMRA is a global leader in the resource revolution, specialising in innovative sorting technology to manage the world’s waste. With a commitment to sustainability and circularity, TOMRA captures billions of containers annually for recycling and is dedicated to optimizing resource efficiency across various industries.
Redigert 16.09.2024 kl 20:38
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Rect Angel
17.09.2024 kl 16:56
i dag kl. 14:29 ∙ TDN Finans
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Tomra har utstedt en ny usikret grønn obligasjon på totalt 1 milliard kroner med fast rente, ifølge en melding tirsdag.
Obligasjonen har en løpetid på 10 år med en kupongrente på 4,446 prosent pr år.
Nettoprovenyet vil bli brukt til generelle selskapsformål, inkludert refinansiering av eksisterende gjeld, opplyses det.
i dag kl. 14:29 ∙ TDN Finans
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Tomra har utstedt en ny usikret grønn obligasjon på totalt 1 milliard kroner med fast rente, ifølge en melding tirsdag.
Obligasjonen har en løpetid på 10 år med en kupongrente på 4,446 prosent pr år.
Nettoprovenyet vil bli brukt til generelle selskapsformål, inkludert refinansiering av eksisterende gjeld, opplyses det.
Rect Angel
17.09.2024 kl 23:32
Fra minister for sirkulær økonomi i den nye Labour-regjeringen i Westminster angående innføring av ERP (extended producer responsibility) og DRS (deposit return system/pantesystem).
Defra to reboot waste strategy and prioritise EPR
17 September 2024 By LGC Contributor
Circular economy minister Mary Creagh has revealed plans to inject energy into increasing UK reuse and recycling rates, including potentially increasing the scope of extended producer responsibility (EPR).
LGC's sister title MRW reports that at an event organised by the Green Alliance, she also announced that a circular economy taskforce, convened by the Alliance, had begun recruiting representatives from industry, academia and civil society.
She said the taskforce will advise the government and help produce sector-by-sector plans. While it will primarily apply to England, it will closely co-ordinate with all four UK administrations.
Ms Creagh noted that, under the previous government, implementing EPR for packaging and a national deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks bottles and cans had faced repeated delays, and that recycling rates had flatlined in much of the UK.
She said: “Essentially, there hasn't been much new policy in the waste sector and it is something that I've pressed on very hard in opposition.”
She told the event that progressing EPR would be a priority: “It will create 21,000 jobs, stimulate more than £10bn of investment in the recycling sector over the next decade, and see packaging producers, rather than us as taxpayers, covering the costs of managing waste.”
EPR, she said, could be expanded. She also signalled that Labour would ramp up efforts to harness critical minerals from used electronic devices and mobile phones.
She assured the event that the government was committed to implementing a DRS and was “on track” for implementing it in 2027.
Og om pantesystemet i Irland som har nådd en ny milepæl.
Over 500m containers returned since launch of Ireland’s DRS
Circular Economy, Collection and Transport, Sustainability
17th September 2024
Re-turn, the operator of Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), has announced that over 500 million plastic bottles and cans have been returned since the scheme launched on 1 February 2024.
There are now over 2,500 Reverse Vending Machines, an increase of 1,800 from launch, and over 350 manual collection return points nationwide as part of the Re-turn network.
The milestone was reached on Sunday 8 September after the “busiest day” for returns with 4.32 million containers brought back in one day, Re-turn said.
Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, with special responsibility for Circular Economy, Ossian Smyth, reacted: “The DRS has really made itself at home in Ireland. Already, it seems like we have been doing this forever.
“To reach our EU collection and recycling targets, we need to build on this great start but I’m confident that we can get there by working together.”
Defra to reboot waste strategy and prioritise EPR
17 September 2024 By LGC Contributor
Circular economy minister Mary Creagh has revealed plans to inject energy into increasing UK reuse and recycling rates, including potentially increasing the scope of extended producer responsibility (EPR).
LGC's sister title MRW reports that at an event organised by the Green Alliance, she also announced that a circular economy taskforce, convened by the Alliance, had begun recruiting representatives from industry, academia and civil society.
She said the taskforce will advise the government and help produce sector-by-sector plans. While it will primarily apply to England, it will closely co-ordinate with all four UK administrations.
Ms Creagh noted that, under the previous government, implementing EPR for packaging and a national deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks bottles and cans had faced repeated delays, and that recycling rates had flatlined in much of the UK.
She said: “Essentially, there hasn't been much new policy in the waste sector and it is something that I've pressed on very hard in opposition.”
She told the event that progressing EPR would be a priority: “It will create 21,000 jobs, stimulate more than £10bn of investment in the recycling sector over the next decade, and see packaging producers, rather than us as taxpayers, covering the costs of managing waste.”
EPR, she said, could be expanded. She also signalled that Labour would ramp up efforts to harness critical minerals from used electronic devices and mobile phones.
She assured the event that the government was committed to implementing a DRS and was “on track” for implementing it in 2027.
Og om pantesystemet i Irland som har nådd en ny milepæl.
Over 500m containers returned since launch of Ireland’s DRS
Circular Economy, Collection and Transport, Sustainability
17th September 2024
Re-turn, the operator of Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), has announced that over 500 million plastic bottles and cans have been returned since the scheme launched on 1 February 2024.
There are now over 2,500 Reverse Vending Machines, an increase of 1,800 from launch, and over 350 manual collection return points nationwide as part of the Re-turn network.
The milestone was reached on Sunday 8 September after the “busiest day” for returns with 4.32 million containers brought back in one day, Re-turn said.
Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, with special responsibility for Circular Economy, Ossian Smyth, reacted: “The DRS has really made itself at home in Ireland. Already, it seems like we have been doing this forever.
“To reach our EU collection and recycling targets, we need to build on this great start but I’m confident that we can get there by working together.”
Rect Angel
19.09.2024 kl 17:40
Alupro poll show support for ‘all-material deposit return scheme
By Waqas Qureshi 19 September 2024
The majority of Britons want the government to press ahead with a deposit return scheme for all drinks containers including aluminium cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles, according to an Alupro survey.
The poll of 2,000 UK adults, conducted by Yonder, found 73% are in favour of the DRS, while 65% of those polled said Whitehall should follow the example of the Welsh Government colleagues by setting binding recycling targets for local authorities.
More than 8-in-10 of those Britons who expressed an opinion in the poll said Labour should be bold in pushing through key environmental policies, and 82% of Britons said they wanted Labour to ‘right the wrongs’ of 14 years of Conservative Government.
Currently glass is set to be excluded from schemes in England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland and included in Wales.
The poll revealed Britons want an inter-operable scheme that includes all materials across the UK no later than 2027.
Experts say the deposit should be variable depending on the container size to mitigate the risk of people reaching for larger plastic bottles to avoid paying multiple deposits on smaller endlessly recyclable items such as aluminium cans in multipacks.
Tom Giddings, Alupro executive director, said: “The Great British public could not be clearer. They want Labour to get on and deliver for the environment.
“They do not want landmark environmental policy such as deposit return schemes to be delayed beyond 2027. Britons have waited long enough for Whitehall to do right by the environment.
Allison Ogden-Newton, chief executive officer, Keep Britain Tidy said: “We have long campaigned for a deposit return scheme including all materials.
“We have heard countless stories of people and pets being endangered by littered glass, as well as our volunteers who struggle with removing broken glass from the environment as it cuts through plastic waste bags.”
By Waqas Qureshi 19 September 2024
The majority of Britons want the government to press ahead with a deposit return scheme for all drinks containers including aluminium cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles, according to an Alupro survey.
The poll of 2,000 UK adults, conducted by Yonder, found 73% are in favour of the DRS, while 65% of those polled said Whitehall should follow the example of the Welsh Government colleagues by setting binding recycling targets for local authorities.
More than 8-in-10 of those Britons who expressed an opinion in the poll said Labour should be bold in pushing through key environmental policies, and 82% of Britons said they wanted Labour to ‘right the wrongs’ of 14 years of Conservative Government.
Currently glass is set to be excluded from schemes in England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland and included in Wales.
The poll revealed Britons want an inter-operable scheme that includes all materials across the UK no later than 2027.
Experts say the deposit should be variable depending on the container size to mitigate the risk of people reaching for larger plastic bottles to avoid paying multiple deposits on smaller endlessly recyclable items such as aluminium cans in multipacks.
Tom Giddings, Alupro executive director, said: “The Great British public could not be clearer. They want Labour to get on and deliver for the environment.
“They do not want landmark environmental policy such as deposit return schemes to be delayed beyond 2027. Britons have waited long enough for Whitehall to do right by the environment.
Allison Ogden-Newton, chief executive officer, Keep Britain Tidy said: “We have long campaigned for a deposit return scheme including all materials.
“We have heard countless stories of people and pets being endangered by littered glass, as well as our volunteers who struggle with removing broken glass from the environment as it cuts through plastic waste bags.”
Rect Angel
20.09.2024 kl 15:14
TOMRA Collection
Feelgood fra supermarked REWE Astrid Gogol i Køln med 50 ansatte hvor prisbelønte TOMRA RollPac løste alle problemer. Video hvis man åpner linken.
Customer stories
REWE Astrid Gogol Cologne enhances efficiency with TOMRA RollPac
"It was practically the solution to all our problems."
Astrid Gogol, Store Owner, REWE Cologne
Feelgood fra supermarked REWE Astrid Gogol i Køln med 50 ansatte hvor prisbelønte TOMRA RollPac løste alle problemer. Video hvis man åpner linken.
Customer stories
REWE Astrid Gogol Cologne enhances efficiency with TOMRA RollPac
"It was practically the solution to all our problems."
Astrid Gogol, Store Owner, REWE Cologne
Redigert 20.09.2024 kl 15:20
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Rect Angel
22.09.2024 kl 22:35
TOMRA Mining.
Gjengir her fra begynnelsen av artikkelen, men ikke hele. Den som ikke ønsker å lese, kan velge å få artikkelen opplest hvis man åpner linken.
Sensor system unearths mega diamonds in Botswana
By Ed Stoddard
22 Sep 2024
New X-ray technology has uncovered huge stones at the Karowe mine in Botswana, which was abandoned by De Beers.
Hør denne artikkelen 7 min
In 2010, De Beers’ exploration arm in Botswana sold its stake in a diamond deposit for $49-million to Canadian miner Lucara.
The De Beers board probably breathed a sigh of relief at getting out of AK6, as the deposit was known. De Beers had concluded that the project’s potential was unpromising, putting it at loggerheads with its joint venture partners.
De Beers may now have seller’s remorse, as the deposit turned out to be a mother lode for big diamonds – but then, in this tough market, mega stones do not always mean mega profits.
Lucara would go on to acquire the entire asset and develop it into the Karowe diamond mine. And since it installed a pioneering sensor system known as X-ray transmission (XRT) technology in 2017 – developed by Norwegian-listed and resource-focused technology group Tomra – it has been uncovering mammoth diamonds.
Fifteen of the 23 largest diamonds unearthed over the past decade have been found with this technology, 13 of them at the Karowe mine.
In the past few weeks alone, two absolute thumpers have been unearthed there. On 21 August, Lucara announced it had recovered a 2,492-carat diamond from Karowe – the largest since the 3,106-carat Cullinan diamond was discovered in 1905 near Pretoria.
The diamond, which is significantly larger than a cricket or tennis ball, is the largest diamond ever found in Botswana, and President Mokgweetsi Masisi had his picture taken holding the stone.
This was followed by Lucara’s announcement on 15 September that the mine had subsequently coughed up a 1,094-carat rough diamond.
The XRT technology is not used underground or in the mining pit, but during the treatment process after the mined ore has been hoisted to the surface.
According to a presentation earlier this year at a diamond conference in Canada by Tomra, the ore stream is processed through a sorter or conveyor belt.
“Towards the end of the conveyor belt, the XRT technology system detects the material based on its atomic density to eject the diamonds pneumatically into the concentrate chamber,” it says.
The system is designed to prevent damage to large diamonds, which can be brittle, by identifying and recovering the stones at an early stage in this process.
Diamonds are made of carbon and the Tomra sorters on diamond mines are set up to identify the carbon and eject the diamonds from the ore stream.
The discoveries of these mega diamonds highlight how the mining industry has been using technology on a range of fronts – safety, health, decarbonisation and, in this case, extracting more value from ore bodies.
Gjengir her fra begynnelsen av artikkelen, men ikke hele. Den som ikke ønsker å lese, kan velge å få artikkelen opplest hvis man åpner linken.
Sensor system unearths mega diamonds in Botswana
By Ed Stoddard
22 Sep 2024
New X-ray technology has uncovered huge stones at the Karowe mine in Botswana, which was abandoned by De Beers.
Hør denne artikkelen 7 min
In 2010, De Beers’ exploration arm in Botswana sold its stake in a diamond deposit for $49-million to Canadian miner Lucara.
The De Beers board probably breathed a sigh of relief at getting out of AK6, as the deposit was known. De Beers had concluded that the project’s potential was unpromising, putting it at loggerheads with its joint venture partners.
De Beers may now have seller’s remorse, as the deposit turned out to be a mother lode for big diamonds – but then, in this tough market, mega stones do not always mean mega profits.
Lucara would go on to acquire the entire asset and develop it into the Karowe diamond mine. And since it installed a pioneering sensor system known as X-ray transmission (XRT) technology in 2017 – developed by Norwegian-listed and resource-focused technology group Tomra – it has been uncovering mammoth diamonds.
Fifteen of the 23 largest diamonds unearthed over the past decade have been found with this technology, 13 of them at the Karowe mine.
In the past few weeks alone, two absolute thumpers have been unearthed there. On 21 August, Lucara announced it had recovered a 2,492-carat diamond from Karowe – the largest since the 3,106-carat Cullinan diamond was discovered in 1905 near Pretoria.
The diamond, which is significantly larger than a cricket or tennis ball, is the largest diamond ever found in Botswana, and President Mokgweetsi Masisi had his picture taken holding the stone.
This was followed by Lucara’s announcement on 15 September that the mine had subsequently coughed up a 1,094-carat rough diamond.
The XRT technology is not used underground or in the mining pit, but during the treatment process after the mined ore has been hoisted to the surface.
According to a presentation earlier this year at a diamond conference in Canada by Tomra, the ore stream is processed through a sorter or conveyor belt.
“Towards the end of the conveyor belt, the XRT technology system detects the material based on its atomic density to eject the diamonds pneumatically into the concentrate chamber,” it says.
The system is designed to prevent damage to large diamonds, which can be brittle, by identifying and recovering the stones at an early stage in this process.
Diamonds are made of carbon and the Tomra sorters on diamond mines are set up to identify the carbon and eject the diamonds from the ore stream.
The discoveries of these mega diamonds highlight how the mining industry has been using technology on a range of fronts – safety, health, decarbonisation and, in this case, extracting more value from ore bodies.
Rect Angel
24.09.2024 kl 21:39
Den som har fulgt med, kjenner TOMRA Collections pionerprosjekt i Aarhus, DK. Et pantesystem hvor fokuset er gjenbruk. I en artikkel publisert i dag, rapporterer om suksess for prosjektet.
Tomra-ledelsen har tidligere informert om at mange europeiske storbyer følger prosjektet i Aarhus med stor interesse.
Plast i fokus
Vellykket pantesystem i Århus
Lars Brede Johansen fra Handelens Miljøfond fortalte hvordan fondet disponerer pengene som kommer fra plastposeavgiften. Siden miljøavgiften på plastposer ble innført av Solberg-regjeringen høsten 2018 har Handelens Miljøfond, som får en fast andel av avgiften, mottatt 2,4 milliarder kroner. I 2023 var inntektene 611 millioner kroner.
Et av prosjektene som har fått støtte er et samarbeid mellom Århus kommune i Danmark og Tomra, en leverandør av teknologidrevne løsninger som muliggjør gjenbruk. Prosjektet handler om gjenbruk av engangsemballasje, som tidligere utgjorde 48 prosent av avfallet i byen.
Ved å innføre et pantesystem for engangs-emballasje i plast har Århus sørget for gjenbruk av 600 000 kopper og redusert plastemballasje-avfallet som sendes til forbrenning med 10 tonn.
Rect Angel
25.09.2024 kl 00:58
TOMRA Collection
Regner jo med at Tomra vil melde om dette. Isåfall er jeg litt stolt over å være ute med nyheten før selskapet selv (nå som det allerede er tidlig onsdag formiddag 'down under').
Og nyheten den er at TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania har blitt tildelt rollen som operatør av pantesystemet i Australias minste delstat Tasmania som har knapt 600 000 innbyggere. Avtalen innebærer at alle pantemaskiner i Tasmanias pantesystem vil være pantemaskiner produsert av Tomra.
Pantesystemet er planlagt å gå live midt i 2025.
Progress made on state’s Recycle Rewards
24 September 2024
Nick Duigan, Minister for Parks and Environment
Tasmania’s Recycle Rewards container refund scheme is one step closer with an exciting milestone achieved today ahead of the scheme’s commencement mid-next year.
Minister for Parks and Environment, Nick Duigan, congratulated TasRecycle Limited, announced as Scheme Coordinator, and TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania, named as Network Operator.
CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway James Dorney said it is exciting that Tasmania will soon be the final piece of the container refund scheme puzzle in Australia, with all states and territories legislating extended producer responsibility for single-use drink containers.
“We are extremely proud to be playing such a large part in this important shift towards a cleaner environment and a more sustainable future and we are looking forward to helping deliver an exceptional outcome for the people of Tasmania,” Mr Dorney said.
Tasmania’s long-awaited container refund scheme to launch in mid-2025
Pulse Tasmania
September 25, 2024 - 6:04am
Tasmania’s long-awaited ‘Recycle Rewards’ container refund scheme is now “one step closer” following the appointment of key partners.
TasRecycle Limited has been named the scheme coordinator and TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania the network operator.
Set to launch mid-next year, the scheme will offer a 10c refund for every eligible beverage container returned to designated refund points across the state.
Environment Minister Nick Duigan said the initiative is expected to reduce litter and double recycling rates for eligible containers.
“With beverage containers making up to 45% of Tasmania’s litter, it is estimated Recycle Rewards will reduce this by almost 50% … reducing waste going into landfill and sustaining the environment for future generations,” he said.
It has been almost five years since the scheme was first announced.
Regner jo med at Tomra vil melde om dette. Isåfall er jeg litt stolt over å være ute med nyheten før selskapet selv (nå som det allerede er tidlig onsdag formiddag 'down under').
Og nyheten den er at TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania har blitt tildelt rollen som operatør av pantesystemet i Australias minste delstat Tasmania som har knapt 600 000 innbyggere. Avtalen innebærer at alle pantemaskiner i Tasmanias pantesystem vil være pantemaskiner produsert av Tomra.
Pantesystemet er planlagt å gå live midt i 2025.
Progress made on state’s Recycle Rewards
24 September 2024
Nick Duigan, Minister for Parks and Environment
Tasmania’s Recycle Rewards container refund scheme is one step closer with an exciting milestone achieved today ahead of the scheme’s commencement mid-next year.
Minister for Parks and Environment, Nick Duigan, congratulated TasRecycle Limited, announced as Scheme Coordinator, and TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania, named as Network Operator.
CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway James Dorney said it is exciting that Tasmania will soon be the final piece of the container refund scheme puzzle in Australia, with all states and territories legislating extended producer responsibility for single-use drink containers.
“We are extremely proud to be playing such a large part in this important shift towards a cleaner environment and a more sustainable future and we are looking forward to helping deliver an exceptional outcome for the people of Tasmania,” Mr Dorney said.
Tasmania’s long-awaited container refund scheme to launch in mid-2025
Pulse Tasmania
September 25, 2024 - 6:04am
Tasmania’s long-awaited ‘Recycle Rewards’ container refund scheme is now “one step closer” following the appointment of key partners.
TasRecycle Limited has been named the scheme coordinator and TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania the network operator.
Set to launch mid-next year, the scheme will offer a 10c refund for every eligible beverage container returned to designated refund points across the state.
Environment Minister Nick Duigan said the initiative is expected to reduce litter and double recycling rates for eligible containers.
“With beverage containers making up to 45% of Tasmania’s litter, it is estimated Recycle Rewards will reduce this by almost 50% … reducing waste going into landfill and sustaining the environment for future generations,” he said.
It has been almost five years since the scheme was first announced.
Redigert 25.09.2024 kl 13:22
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Rect Angel
25.09.2024 kl 01:29
Da kom børsmeldingen fra Tomra. 2 minutter etter at jeg postet... ;)
Som man kan lese i denne, er det nå komplett, i den forstand at TOMRA Collection eier hele kontinentet 'down under' når det kommer til pantesystemer.
Videre vet vi at TOMRA Mining er ekstremt sterkt posisjonert i Australia med sin søketeknologi for gruvedrift.
TOMRA: Tasmania appoints TOMRA as sole RVM solutions provider for upcoming DRS
i dag kl. 01:00 ∙ Oslo Børs
Tomra Systems
TOMRA has been appointed as the sole reverse vending machine (RVM) solutions provider for the Australian state of Tasmania's deposit return system (DRS), set to begin in mid-2025.
TOMRA will operate a network of 49 conveniently located refund points featuring over 100 reverse vending machines on a throughput-basis in its joint venture with Cleanaway.
With the implementation, Australia becomes the first continent fully covered by deposit return systems. TOMRA's RVM solutions play an instrumental role in Australia, enabling increased recycling rates and less plastic pollution.
"TOMRA will bring our most modern RVM solutions to Tasmania, building on our significant experience operating in the New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australian and Victorian deposit return systems. Our solutions are tailored to ensure we utilize our in-depth knowledge of the Australian market to drive maximum uptime, recycling outcomes and sustainability benefits," said Marius Fraurud, EVP of TOMRA Collection.
Asker, 25 September 2024
For further information, please contact: Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 91 36 18 99
TOMRA develops solutions that enable circular economies and optimal resource productivity through automated identification, collection, grading, and sorting of resources. We optimize how resources are obtained, used, and reused - turning waste into valuable resources. Our vision is to lead the resource revolution and enable a world without waste.
TOMRA has more than 110,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of EUR 1,290 million in 2023. The Group employs 5,400 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Som man kan lese i denne, er det nå komplett, i den forstand at TOMRA Collection eier hele kontinentet 'down under' når det kommer til pantesystemer.
Videre vet vi at TOMRA Mining er ekstremt sterkt posisjonert i Australia med sin søketeknologi for gruvedrift.
TOMRA: Tasmania appoints TOMRA as sole RVM solutions provider for upcoming DRS
i dag kl. 01:00 ∙ Oslo Børs
Tomra Systems
TOMRA has been appointed as the sole reverse vending machine (RVM) solutions provider for the Australian state of Tasmania's deposit return system (DRS), set to begin in mid-2025.
TOMRA will operate a network of 49 conveniently located refund points featuring over 100 reverse vending machines on a throughput-basis in its joint venture with Cleanaway.
With the implementation, Australia becomes the first continent fully covered by deposit return systems. TOMRA's RVM solutions play an instrumental role in Australia, enabling increased recycling rates and less plastic pollution.
"TOMRA will bring our most modern RVM solutions to Tasmania, building on our significant experience operating in the New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australian and Victorian deposit return systems. Our solutions are tailored to ensure we utilize our in-depth knowledge of the Australian market to drive maximum uptime, recycling outcomes and sustainability benefits," said Marius Fraurud, EVP of TOMRA Collection.
Asker, 25 September 2024
For further information, please contact: Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 91 36 18 99
TOMRA develops solutions that enable circular economies and optimal resource productivity through automated identification, collection, grading, and sorting of resources. We optimize how resources are obtained, used, and reused - turning waste into valuable resources. Our vision is to lead the resource revolution and enable a world without waste.
TOMRA has more than 110,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of EUR 1,290 million in 2023. The Group employs 5,400 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Redigert 25.09.2024 kl 11:52
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Rect Angel
25.09.2024 kl 18:46
Litt mer 'kjøtt på beinet' fra Tomra om Tomras pantesystem i Tasmania, Australia spesielt og TOMRA Collection generelt.
'Recycle Rewards'
'Recycle Rewards'
Rect Angel
26.09.2024 kl 11:10
TOMRA Collection.
TOMRA R2 pantemaskin. VIDEO.
Avslører stor pante-nyhet: – Kundene elsker det
(Nettavisen): TOMRA er i gang med å rulle ut sin nye maskin R2 som skal gjøre panting av flasker til en drøm. Med den nye maskinen følger en stor nyhet.
25.09.24 20:24
Utviklingsminister Anne Beathe Tvinnereim om kommende 'plastavtale'.
Key negotiator Norway sees 'positive signals' ahead of plastic talks
Thu 26 September 2024 at 4:16 am CEST·3-min read
TOMRA R2 pantemaskin. VIDEO.
Avslører stor pante-nyhet: – Kundene elsker det
(Nettavisen): TOMRA er i gang med å rulle ut sin nye maskin R2 som skal gjøre panting av flasker til en drøm. Med den nye maskinen følger en stor nyhet.
25.09.24 20:24
Utviklingsminister Anne Beathe Tvinnereim om kommende 'plastavtale'.
Key negotiator Norway sees 'positive signals' ahead of plastic talks
Thu 26 September 2024 at 4:16 am CEST·3-min read
Redigert 26.09.2024 kl 11:12
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Rect Angel
26.09.2024 kl 14:07
TOMRA Mining.
Artikkel med mer om funn av verdens aller største diamanter ved hjelp TOMRA Minings unike 'high-capacity XRT technology'.
TOMRA’s XRT tech recovers two record-breaking diamonds at Karowe
By Mining Review Africa
September 26, 2024
“TOMRA’s XRT technology has transformed diamond recovery, achieving unprecedented results and breaking records,” comments Corné de Jager,Diamond Segment Manager TOMRA Mining.
Artikkel med mer om funn av verdens aller største diamanter ved hjelp TOMRA Minings unike 'high-capacity XRT technology'.
TOMRA’s XRT tech recovers two record-breaking diamonds at Karowe
By Mining Review Africa
September 26, 2024
“TOMRA’s XRT technology has transformed diamond recovery, achieving unprecedented results and breaking records,” comments Corné de Jager,Diamond Segment Manager TOMRA Mining.
Rect Angel
26.09.2024 kl 20:39
TOMRA Horizon.
Tomra er en av partnerne.
Accelerating Circularity and partners make multi-fiber recycling commitment
Jennifer Marks //Editor in Chief//September 26, 2024
New York – Joined by a raft of textiles retailers and suppliers, Accelerating Circularity has set a specific tonnage target for recycling textiles.
The NGO and its partners across the U.S. and Europe pledged to recycle 325 tons of used textiles, including 150 tons of cotton, 100 tons of polyester, and 75 tons of other fibers. The official Commitment to Action was made at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2024 Annual Meeting earlier this week.
Tomra er en av partnerne.
Accelerating Circularity and partners make multi-fiber recycling commitment
Jennifer Marks //Editor in Chief//September 26, 2024
New York – Joined by a raft of textiles retailers and suppliers, Accelerating Circularity has set a specific tonnage target for recycling textiles.
The NGO and its partners across the U.S. and Europe pledged to recycle 325 tons of used textiles, including 150 tons of cotton, 100 tons of polyester, and 75 tons of other fibers. The official Commitment to Action was made at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2024 Annual Meeting earlier this week.
Rect Angel
30.09.2024 kl 12:01
Prosessen mot innføring av pantesystem på Filippinene fortsetter. Med drahjelp fra norske myndigheter. Tomra er selvfølgelig 'med på laget'.
Siktemålet er at første pilot skal være oppe og gå i 2025.
Filippinene har ca. 115 millioner innbyggere, og det sier seg selv at potensialet er enormt etterhvert som de folkerike nasjonene i Sørøst-Asia for alvor kommer på banen når det gjelder sirkulær økonomi.
Embassies at Work Specials
Deposit return system set to accelerate PH circularity
BY Manila Bulletin
Sep 30, 2024 10:49 AM
The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Manila, in collaboration with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), hosted a workshop on Sept. 24, 2024, to promote the inception of the Deposit Return System (DRS) as a complimenting mechanism for Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) in the Philippines at Seda Hotel in Quezon City.
The workshop follows the discussions last year, in line with the goal of the Philippines to achieve its target of 80 percent plastic waste recovery by 2028. The DRS can boost the circular economy of the country, where consumers can refund deposits from plastic products upon the return of their packaging at an accessible collection point.
“The Deposit Return System is deeply rooted in Norwegian society,” said Norwegian Ambassador to the Philippines Christian Halaas Lyster highlighting the importance of DRS to the Norwegian circular economy and its development. “Norway is one of the first countries to have set and implemented the DRS and its success resulted in a very impressive return rate of 92.8 percent of plastic bottles throughout the country today. We are confident that the introduction of closed-loop solutions would be an effective response to the waste challenges of the Philippines” he added.
DENR Undersecretary Atty. Analiza Teh shared the department’s drive to collaborate with civil society partners in creating a sustainable DRS program, and eventually scale it up.
TOMRA Vice President Public Affairs, System Design in Asia Lovish Ahuja shared that “Philippines government’s decision to roll out EPR Act of 2022 is testimony of its commitment to resolving the gauntlet of plastic pollution. This will go a long way in promoting circularity into action and contribute towards larger goals of Sustainable Development including Climate Change. The DRS is an established and potent tool in mitigating the menace of plastic containers (e.g. PET, and other beverage packaging types) stemming from beverage applications. DRS is known for achieving the highest collection for beverage containers (PET, metal cans, glass, and liquid paper board) compared to any other EPR scheme, and also acts as a catalyst for promoting the recycling sector by generating clean feedstock in a required volume. For a country like the Philippines, with thousands of islands, the economy of scale is a pivotal element for promotion/feasibility of the recycling sector, and this is where DRS will come in handy with proven highest collection rate.”
The Norwegian Embassy in Manila funds the second phase of the feasibility study for the DRS program with support from WWF. The project is setting the target for pilot project approval and implementation for the first DRS pilot site by 2025.
Siktemålet er at første pilot skal være oppe og gå i 2025.
Filippinene har ca. 115 millioner innbyggere, og det sier seg selv at potensialet er enormt etterhvert som de folkerike nasjonene i Sørøst-Asia for alvor kommer på banen når det gjelder sirkulær økonomi.
Embassies at Work Specials
Deposit return system set to accelerate PH circularity
BY Manila Bulletin
Sep 30, 2024 10:49 AM
The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Manila, in collaboration with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), hosted a workshop on Sept. 24, 2024, to promote the inception of the Deposit Return System (DRS) as a complimenting mechanism for Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) in the Philippines at Seda Hotel in Quezon City.
The workshop follows the discussions last year, in line with the goal of the Philippines to achieve its target of 80 percent plastic waste recovery by 2028. The DRS can boost the circular economy of the country, where consumers can refund deposits from plastic products upon the return of their packaging at an accessible collection point.
“The Deposit Return System is deeply rooted in Norwegian society,” said Norwegian Ambassador to the Philippines Christian Halaas Lyster highlighting the importance of DRS to the Norwegian circular economy and its development. “Norway is one of the first countries to have set and implemented the DRS and its success resulted in a very impressive return rate of 92.8 percent of plastic bottles throughout the country today. We are confident that the introduction of closed-loop solutions would be an effective response to the waste challenges of the Philippines” he added.
DENR Undersecretary Atty. Analiza Teh shared the department’s drive to collaborate with civil society partners in creating a sustainable DRS program, and eventually scale it up.
TOMRA Vice President Public Affairs, System Design in Asia Lovish Ahuja shared that “Philippines government’s decision to roll out EPR Act of 2022 is testimony of its commitment to resolving the gauntlet of plastic pollution. This will go a long way in promoting circularity into action and contribute towards larger goals of Sustainable Development including Climate Change. The DRS is an established and potent tool in mitigating the menace of plastic containers (e.g. PET, and other beverage packaging types) stemming from beverage applications. DRS is known for achieving the highest collection for beverage containers (PET, metal cans, glass, and liquid paper board) compared to any other EPR scheme, and also acts as a catalyst for promoting the recycling sector by generating clean feedstock in a required volume. For a country like the Philippines, with thousands of islands, the economy of scale is a pivotal element for promotion/feasibility of the recycling sector, and this is where DRS will come in handy with proven highest collection rate.”
The Norwegian Embassy in Manila funds the second phase of the feasibility study for the DRS program with support from WWF. The project is setting the target for pilot project approval and implementation for the first DRS pilot site by 2025.
Rect Angel
30.09.2024 kl 13:31
Video. Ferskt intervjuet med CEO Tove Andersen. Svært tillitsvekkende. Så takk til Finansavisen for dette. Anbefales!
Rect Angel
02.10.2024 kl 12:31
Veldig mye interessant som foregår, hele tiden. Uttrykt i ekstrem kortform: Det 'hagler' positive nyheter om Tomras drift og virksomhet.
Og veldig, veldig mange er vel fortsatt av den opofatning at Tomra kun hadler om panteteknologi og -maskiner...
TOMRA Recycling
NPP leverages TOMRA’s deep learning technology to enhance the purification process of rPET production
Nord Pal Plast (NPP), a France-based subsidiary of the European group Dentis that specializes in producing recycled PET flakes derived from post-consumer plastic bottles, was the first to test TOMRA’s PET Cleaner application. Thanks to the AUTOSORT™ with GAINnext™ deep learning technology, NPP is able to separate clear and light blue transparent bottles from hard-to-detect white opaque bottles to create a clean PET bottle stream.
01 Oct 2024 2 min
Haulaway boosts recovery rates with new recycling plant.
1st October 2024
Recycling - Company & Industry News
Established in 1991, Haulaway Limited has grown into a thriving third-generation family business based in Hailsham, East Sussex. Led by owner Colin Holloway, his wife Julie, their three children—Lisa (Office Manager), Sam (Operations Manager), Cara (Head of HR) and Steve Walton (Business development Director)—the company has flourished with the support of nearly 50 dedicated staff members.
From humble beginnings with just two skip lorries, Haulaway has expanded its fleet to 21 vehicles, including skip lorries, 8-wheel tippers, a grab lorry, and a variety of rolonof and articulated vehicles. The company offers an array of services beyond skip hire, including tipper and grab hire, roll on roll off hire, bulk haulage, cardboard collection, trade waste disposal and a plastic recycling plant.
As Haulaway continues to grow, so does the volume of recyclable material they handle. This increase necessitated the installation of a new recycling plant to process their Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) stream. After an extensive tender process, Haulaway selected Blue Machinery (Southern) to install the cutting-edge recycling plant at their Polegate Distribution Facility. Blue Southern assembled some of the world’s leading manufacturers including Westeria, Tomra, BRT Hartner, and M&J to create a state-of-the-art system.
The remaining 3D material proceeds to a second manual picking station where 3D carboard and various grades of plastic are recovered. Concurrently, the 2D material from the ballistic separator is directed to the first Tomra 2800 optical sorter, which removes film from the material. The remaining material then passes through a second Tomra optical sorter which takes the OCC leaving a mixed paper product as the drop fraction.
The plant has been cleverly reverse engineered meaning that optical sorters can easily be added to the 3D line in the future.
Capable of processing up to 10 tons per hour, the new plant became operational in March, and Haulaway is already seeing significant benefits. Sam Holloway, Operations Manager, commented, "The plant has been running smoothly for a few months now and has significantly increased our material recovery rates from our DMR waste stream."
TOMRA Mining
Sky Metals flags Tallebung’s ‘exceptional potential’
02 October, 2024
WRITTEN BY Aaliyah Rogan
“These results are particularly significant given that a tin grade of 0.50% is equivalent to over 1.5% copper, highlighting the value in these intercepts — that is before beneficiation via TOMRA ore sorting, which has been demonstrated to effectively multiply the tin grade across the entire deposit,” Davies says.
Renforth Resources Reports Success on Initial Sorting Test of Victoria Polymetallic Mineralization
PICKERING, Ontario – TheNewswire - October 1, 2024
Og veldig, veldig mange er vel fortsatt av den opofatning at Tomra kun hadler om panteteknologi og -maskiner...
TOMRA Recycling
NPP leverages TOMRA’s deep learning technology to enhance the purification process of rPET production
Nord Pal Plast (NPP), a France-based subsidiary of the European group Dentis that specializes in producing recycled PET flakes derived from post-consumer plastic bottles, was the first to test TOMRA’s PET Cleaner application. Thanks to the AUTOSORT™ with GAINnext™ deep learning technology, NPP is able to separate clear and light blue transparent bottles from hard-to-detect white opaque bottles to create a clean PET bottle stream.
01 Oct 2024 2 min
Haulaway boosts recovery rates with new recycling plant.
1st October 2024
Recycling - Company & Industry News
Established in 1991, Haulaway Limited has grown into a thriving third-generation family business based in Hailsham, East Sussex. Led by owner Colin Holloway, his wife Julie, their three children—Lisa (Office Manager), Sam (Operations Manager), Cara (Head of HR) and Steve Walton (Business development Director)—the company has flourished with the support of nearly 50 dedicated staff members.
From humble beginnings with just two skip lorries, Haulaway has expanded its fleet to 21 vehicles, including skip lorries, 8-wheel tippers, a grab lorry, and a variety of rolonof and articulated vehicles. The company offers an array of services beyond skip hire, including tipper and grab hire, roll on roll off hire, bulk haulage, cardboard collection, trade waste disposal and a plastic recycling plant.
As Haulaway continues to grow, so does the volume of recyclable material they handle. This increase necessitated the installation of a new recycling plant to process their Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) stream. After an extensive tender process, Haulaway selected Blue Machinery (Southern) to install the cutting-edge recycling plant at their Polegate Distribution Facility. Blue Southern assembled some of the world’s leading manufacturers including Westeria, Tomra, BRT Hartner, and M&J to create a state-of-the-art system.
The remaining 3D material proceeds to a second manual picking station where 3D carboard and various grades of plastic are recovered. Concurrently, the 2D material from the ballistic separator is directed to the first Tomra 2800 optical sorter, which removes film from the material. The remaining material then passes through a second Tomra optical sorter which takes the OCC leaving a mixed paper product as the drop fraction.
The plant has been cleverly reverse engineered meaning that optical sorters can easily be added to the 3D line in the future.
Capable of processing up to 10 tons per hour, the new plant became operational in March, and Haulaway is already seeing significant benefits. Sam Holloway, Operations Manager, commented, "The plant has been running smoothly for a few months now and has significantly increased our material recovery rates from our DMR waste stream."
TOMRA Mining
Sky Metals flags Tallebung’s ‘exceptional potential’
02 October, 2024
WRITTEN BY Aaliyah Rogan
“These results are particularly significant given that a tin grade of 0.50% is equivalent to over 1.5% copper, highlighting the value in these intercepts — that is before beneficiation via TOMRA ore sorting, which has been demonstrated to effectively multiply the tin grade across the entire deposit,” Davies says.
Renforth Resources Reports Success on Initial Sorting Test of Victoria Polymetallic Mineralization
PICKERING, Ontario – TheNewswire - October 1, 2024
Redigert 02.10.2024 kl 12:54
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Rect Angel
04.10.2024 kl 19:52
TOMRA Collection
Litt sånn breaking news dette, for mon tro om det ikke er en potensiell 'game changer' innen panting Tomra slipper til markedet i dag? Nye markeder en ting, men følelsen er helt klart at TOMRA R2 også har potensial til å generere solid vekst i allerede eksisterende markeder gjennom at pantesteder velger å oppgradere pantetilbudet til sine kundegrupper.
TOMRA introduces a brand new user experience for convenience and community in drink container recycling
TOMRA R2 reverse vending machine launches with Digital Vouchers and expanded charity donation
04 Oct 2024
Global reverse vending leader TOMRA Collection today unleashed the highly-anticipated TOMRA R2, which enables even smaller stores to offer the convenience of pouring 100+ empty drink containers for recycling into a reverse vending machine (RVM) in one go. Debuting with it are two developments in deposit refund payouts, with digital vouchers direct to a user’s mobile browser and more options to donate to charity.
Now emerging from market testing, the TOMRA R2 RVM is the next generation in multi-feed returns (where consumers pour in bags of multiple drink containers at once), building on the success of TOMRA R1. While TOMRA R1 is designed for retailers with high volumes, TOMRA R2’s smaller physical footprint fits a wider range of stores. TOMRA R2 was tested in stores in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands.
TOMRA R2 seeks to “rethink recycling” and disrupt traditional reverse vending design. The most visible difference is the minimalist design, with a wall-mounted and compact unit facing the consumer, made to be more stylish, discreet, and accessible in the store environment. It also makes the most of screen to give more visual guidance and better user flow to make the process more intuitive for end users, and provide more features for user accessibility.
TOMRA R2 is compatible with TOMRA backroom storage solutions (like TOMRA MultiPac 2, EasyPac 1 & 2 and RollPac), allowing retailers to upgrade their reverse vending front-end without investing in new backroom equipment. Access for service and cleaning is in the backroom rather than the front, consumer-facing side – saving staff time and effort and reducing disturbance on the retail floor.
Litt sånn breaking news dette, for mon tro om det ikke er en potensiell 'game changer' innen panting Tomra slipper til markedet i dag? Nye markeder en ting, men følelsen er helt klart at TOMRA R2 også har potensial til å generere solid vekst i allerede eksisterende markeder gjennom at pantesteder velger å oppgradere pantetilbudet til sine kundegrupper.
TOMRA introduces a brand new user experience for convenience and community in drink container recycling
TOMRA R2 reverse vending machine launches with Digital Vouchers and expanded charity donation
04 Oct 2024
Global reverse vending leader TOMRA Collection today unleashed the highly-anticipated TOMRA R2, which enables even smaller stores to offer the convenience of pouring 100+ empty drink containers for recycling into a reverse vending machine (RVM) in one go. Debuting with it are two developments in deposit refund payouts, with digital vouchers direct to a user’s mobile browser and more options to donate to charity.
Now emerging from market testing, the TOMRA R2 RVM is the next generation in multi-feed returns (where consumers pour in bags of multiple drink containers at once), building on the success of TOMRA R1. While TOMRA R1 is designed for retailers with high volumes, TOMRA R2’s smaller physical footprint fits a wider range of stores. TOMRA R2 was tested in stores in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands.
TOMRA R2 seeks to “rethink recycling” and disrupt traditional reverse vending design. The most visible difference is the minimalist design, with a wall-mounted and compact unit facing the consumer, made to be more stylish, discreet, and accessible in the store environment. It also makes the most of screen to give more visual guidance and better user flow to make the process more intuitive for end users, and provide more features for user accessibility.
TOMRA R2 is compatible with TOMRA backroom storage solutions (like TOMRA MultiPac 2, EasyPac 1 & 2 and RollPac), allowing retailers to upgrade their reverse vending front-end without investing in new backroom equipment. Access for service and cleaning is in the backroom rather than the front, consumer-facing side – saving staff time and effort and reducing disturbance on the retail floor.
Rect Angel
09.10.2024 kl 12:11
TOMRA Horizon.
'Rotake Reusable Project' er altså Tomras gjenbrukssystem i Aarhus, Danmark. Interessant å registrere suksess så kort tid etter oppstart samt ikke minst hvordan systemet allerede tjener som inspirasjonskilde for konstruktive krefter i europeiske storbyer. Vitner om stort potensial!
I artikkelen får vi bl.a. også vite at en undersøkelse viser at hele 92% av danskene støtter gjenbrukssystem for emballasje.
Denmark's reusable packaging scheme achieves 85 per cent return rate
By Beth Jones | 8 October 2024 |
ReuSe Vanguard Project expands with Danish NGO Plastic Change, highlighting successful city-level implementation of reusable packaging systems
The ReuSe Vanguard Project (RSVP), which promotes reuse systems to address Europe’s packaging waste crisis, has announced its latest partnership with Danish NGO Plastic Change.
Based in Aarhus, Plastic Change joins a number of other partners including Rezero (Barcelona), Deutsche Umwelthilfe (Berlin), Fair Resource Foundation (Ghent), Enviu (Rotterdam), and Réseau Vrac et Réemploi (Paris) to co-create a shared model of reusable takeaway packaging.
Discussing the collaboration, Nathan Dufour, Reuse Systems Manager and Leader of the RSVP at Zero Waste Europe, said: “With Plastic Change joining RSVP, we have a great add-on to prove that cities across Europe, also in Denmark, can lead the way in replacing single-use waste with sustainable, reusable systems—making real change happen where it matters most.
“Our research shows that switching to these systems may reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 54% in Aarhus, and reduce our material consumption overall. By showcasing this success, we aim to inspire other cities across Europe to adopt similar initiatives, driving a collective movement towards a zero-waste future.”
Since its inception in January 2024, Plastic Change has been monitoring the environmental and economic benefits of the Rotake Reusable Project in Aarhus.
The reusable takeaway system offers customers reusable cups for a five-doner deposit (), which is refundable when the cup is returned to one of 30 Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) situated in the city. The project involved 57 partner establishments, including cafes, bars, pubs, restaurants, and street food markets.
In less than eight months, Plastic Change found that the RVMs reached over 500,000 cups’ returns, for an 85 per cent overall return rate. Further municipal waste sampling of 2,000 kg found fewer than 10 reusable cups.
A survey conducted by Plastic Change found that 92 per cent of Danish people would be willing to return packaging in a reuse system.
Louise Lerche-Gredal, Managing Director of Plastic Change, commented: “Scalable reuse systems are crucial for a green transition away from our single-use and takeaway culture, but many cities are hesitant to challenge the status quo.
“With Plastic Change as a partner in the ReuSe Vanguard Project, city authorities gain valuable insights from Denmark into how to build an effective reuse system at the city level, from consumer behaviour and pricing to the undeniable environmental benefits. Our hope is to push the agenda forward across Europe.”
Each European generates an average of 190 kg of packaging waste annually, and in light of the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulations (PPWR) which mandate a 15 per cent reduction in packaging waste by 2040, Aarhus’ reuse system demonstrates potential solutions to waste reduction
'Rotake Reusable Project' er altså Tomras gjenbrukssystem i Aarhus, Danmark. Interessant å registrere suksess så kort tid etter oppstart samt ikke minst hvordan systemet allerede tjener som inspirasjonskilde for konstruktive krefter i europeiske storbyer. Vitner om stort potensial!
I artikkelen får vi bl.a. også vite at en undersøkelse viser at hele 92% av danskene støtter gjenbrukssystem for emballasje.
Denmark's reusable packaging scheme achieves 85 per cent return rate
By Beth Jones | 8 October 2024 |
ReuSe Vanguard Project expands with Danish NGO Plastic Change, highlighting successful city-level implementation of reusable packaging systems
The ReuSe Vanguard Project (RSVP), which promotes reuse systems to address Europe’s packaging waste crisis, has announced its latest partnership with Danish NGO Plastic Change.
Based in Aarhus, Plastic Change joins a number of other partners including Rezero (Barcelona), Deutsche Umwelthilfe (Berlin), Fair Resource Foundation (Ghent), Enviu (Rotterdam), and Réseau Vrac et Réemploi (Paris) to co-create a shared model of reusable takeaway packaging.
Discussing the collaboration, Nathan Dufour, Reuse Systems Manager and Leader of the RSVP at Zero Waste Europe, said: “With Plastic Change joining RSVP, we have a great add-on to prove that cities across Europe, also in Denmark, can lead the way in replacing single-use waste with sustainable, reusable systems—making real change happen where it matters most.
“Our research shows that switching to these systems may reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 54% in Aarhus, and reduce our material consumption overall. By showcasing this success, we aim to inspire other cities across Europe to adopt similar initiatives, driving a collective movement towards a zero-waste future.”
Since its inception in January 2024, Plastic Change has been monitoring the environmental and economic benefits of the Rotake Reusable Project in Aarhus.
The reusable takeaway system offers customers reusable cups for a five-doner deposit (), which is refundable when the cup is returned to one of 30 Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) situated in the city. The project involved 57 partner establishments, including cafes, bars, pubs, restaurants, and street food markets.
In less than eight months, Plastic Change found that the RVMs reached over 500,000 cups’ returns, for an 85 per cent overall return rate. Further municipal waste sampling of 2,000 kg found fewer than 10 reusable cups.
A survey conducted by Plastic Change found that 92 per cent of Danish people would be willing to return packaging in a reuse system.
Louise Lerche-Gredal, Managing Director of Plastic Change, commented: “Scalable reuse systems are crucial for a green transition away from our single-use and takeaway culture, but many cities are hesitant to challenge the status quo.
“With Plastic Change as a partner in the ReuSe Vanguard Project, city authorities gain valuable insights from Denmark into how to build an effective reuse system at the city level, from consumer behaviour and pricing to the undeniable environmental benefits. Our hope is to push the agenda forward across Europe.”
Each European generates an average of 190 kg of packaging waste annually, and in light of the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulations (PPWR) which mandate a 15 per cent reduction in packaging waste by 2040, Aarhus’ reuse system demonstrates potential solutions to waste reduction
Redigert 09.10.2024 kl 12:32
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Rect Angel
09.10.2024 kl 22:11
Som alltid er det mye interessant nytt å finne om Tomra. Og her er litt av en oppfølger til ferske, oppløftende nyheter om pantesystemet for gjenbruk fra Aarhus.
Tomra er ubeskjedne nok til å kalle sin nyutviklede, AI-baserte sorteringsteknologi for sitrusfrukter en game changer innen fruktbransjen. Herligheten blir nå vist frem til markedet under 'Fruit Attraction' i Madrid 8. - 10.oktober.
Mer å lese hvis man åpner linken.
Tomra Food strengthens AI technology offering and highlights Valencia HQ
October 09 , 2024
TOMRA Food used the highly-anticipated 25th Fruit Attraction event in Madrid to unveil its renewed investment and support for the global fruit industry. With a new headquarters in Valencia and the chance to take a sneak peek at the soon-to-be-released LUCAi application for citrus fruits, plus the TOMRA 5A, our bulk sorting solution for whole products like potatoes, carrots and peppers.
“The food sector is experiencing continuous growth, driven by clear factors such as demographics. In particular, the fruit and vegetable sector has seen a significant surge recently. Market players have had to face new challenges to deliver quality without sacrificing speed. This is largely due to increased awareness among younger generations about the importance of healthy eating, a trend that older generations are also adopting, along with the instant gratification consumers now expect from online shopping,” said David del Castillo, Regional Sales Director for Southern Europe.
“The citrus industry clearly needs more efficient and user-friendly sorting systems. Given the wide variety of citrus fruits – oranges, mandarins, lemons, clementines, limes, grapefruits – and the numerous varieties within each type, LUCAi™ Citrus will play a pivotal role. While it has required substantial effort from TOMRA, we are now in the final stages and will soon demonstrate the remarkable results we can achieve. We are confident this will be a game changer in the market and redefine the way those looking to stay competitive will work,” David del Castillo said.
Fruit Attraction attendees among first to experience LUCAi™ for citrus
The new LUCAi™ citrus application will integrate TOMRA’s latest advancements in AI technology based on Deep Learning. Developed by a team of leading scientists, engineers, researchers, and industry experts, LUCAi™ uses pre-trained models to teach computers how to process data, including complex image patterns to achieve unprecedented sorting accuracy across an expanding range of fruits. It follows several pioneering launches. In 2018, TOMRA Food launched LUCAi for blueberries on the KATO 260 blueberry grader, which was the world’s first deep-learning program for fruit sorting. LUCAi™ deep learning for apples followed on the TOMRA Spectrim machine. In 2023, TOMRA added a cherries application to the LUCAi™ portfolio, which is now available on the InVision2, and there are other categories currently being worked on.
“A key pillar of our strategy is maintaining our technology leadership. We want to share with the industry the outstanding results our customers are achieving by integrating LUCAi™ Artificial Intelligence into their sorting systems for blueberries, apples, cherries, and soon citrus, along with other commodities. There are already over 500 processing lanes now powered by LUCAI™, and the results have been outstanding in terms of performance, improved batch quality, and greater ease of use for operators.”
“We have already installed the first trial units in all citrus growing regions in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Specifically, in Spain, we have two units operational for the upcoming citrus season and expect strong demand for this solution in several countries. asserted David del Castillo.
25th Fruit Attraction event in Madrid
Tomra er ubeskjedne nok til å kalle sin nyutviklede, AI-baserte sorteringsteknologi for sitrusfrukter en game changer innen fruktbransjen. Herligheten blir nå vist frem til markedet under 'Fruit Attraction' i Madrid 8. - 10.oktober.
Mer å lese hvis man åpner linken.
Tomra Food strengthens AI technology offering and highlights Valencia HQ
October 09 , 2024
TOMRA Food used the highly-anticipated 25th Fruit Attraction event in Madrid to unveil its renewed investment and support for the global fruit industry. With a new headquarters in Valencia and the chance to take a sneak peek at the soon-to-be-released LUCAi application for citrus fruits, plus the TOMRA 5A, our bulk sorting solution for whole products like potatoes, carrots and peppers.
“The food sector is experiencing continuous growth, driven by clear factors such as demographics. In particular, the fruit and vegetable sector has seen a significant surge recently. Market players have had to face new challenges to deliver quality without sacrificing speed. This is largely due to increased awareness among younger generations about the importance of healthy eating, a trend that older generations are also adopting, along with the instant gratification consumers now expect from online shopping,” said David del Castillo, Regional Sales Director for Southern Europe.
“The citrus industry clearly needs more efficient and user-friendly sorting systems. Given the wide variety of citrus fruits – oranges, mandarins, lemons, clementines, limes, grapefruits – and the numerous varieties within each type, LUCAi™ Citrus will play a pivotal role. While it has required substantial effort from TOMRA, we are now in the final stages and will soon demonstrate the remarkable results we can achieve. We are confident this will be a game changer in the market and redefine the way those looking to stay competitive will work,” David del Castillo said.
Fruit Attraction attendees among first to experience LUCAi™ for citrus
The new LUCAi™ citrus application will integrate TOMRA’s latest advancements in AI technology based on Deep Learning. Developed by a team of leading scientists, engineers, researchers, and industry experts, LUCAi™ uses pre-trained models to teach computers how to process data, including complex image patterns to achieve unprecedented sorting accuracy across an expanding range of fruits. It follows several pioneering launches. In 2018, TOMRA Food launched LUCAi for blueberries on the KATO 260 blueberry grader, which was the world’s first deep-learning program for fruit sorting. LUCAi™ deep learning for apples followed on the TOMRA Spectrim machine. In 2023, TOMRA added a cherries application to the LUCAi™ portfolio, which is now available on the InVision2, and there are other categories currently being worked on.
“A key pillar of our strategy is maintaining our technology leadership. We want to share with the industry the outstanding results our customers are achieving by integrating LUCAi™ Artificial Intelligence into their sorting systems for blueberries, apples, cherries, and soon citrus, along with other commodities. There are already over 500 processing lanes now powered by LUCAI™, and the results have been outstanding in terms of performance, improved batch quality, and greater ease of use for operators.”
“We have already installed the first trial units in all citrus growing regions in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Specifically, in Spain, we have two units operational for the upcoming citrus season and expect strong demand for this solution in several countries. asserted David del Castillo.
25th Fruit Attraction event in Madrid
Redigert 09.10.2024 kl 22:14
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Rect Angel
10.10.2024 kl 23:43
TOMRA Horizon
KCRW Features
Clothing brands must recycle or reuse: New CA law
By Caleigh Wells Oct. 03, 2024
Most recycling systems can handle cardboard, glass, and aluminum. But cotton or nylon? When it’s already been crafted into a dress, swimsuit, or pair of jeans? That’s currently beyond what many recycling systems are set up to handle.
But recycled fabrics are coming. California just passed a law that requires textile companies to repurpose or recycle the products they make so they stay out of the landfill.
Companies that sell more than $1 million worth of products in California will be mandated to help fund the state’s textile recycling efforts, “for those materials to be sorted and then reused, whether that's upcycling, recycling, or sorted and turned into additional feedstock for the next generation of products,” says California Senator Josh Newman, who authored the law.
The Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024 also incentivizes manufacturers to make more fabrics that can be recycled once you’re done using them.
“If you can do that, you're not only addressing the waste stream landfill question, but you're really making a difference in environmentalism,” says Newman.
And it’ll have implications beyond state borders. Because if H&M or another company makes more recyclable clothes, they’re not just going to make them for Californians, they’ll likely sell those garments elsewhere.
The state has until July 2028 to implement the law, and the companies have until 2030 to comply.
Now the pressure is on to figure out how.
That’s a tall order in the U.S., where about 85% of old clothes don’t get recycled. Americans throw away 92 million tons of textiles every year.
TOMRA Recycling
Sustainability Awards 2024 Finalist Interview: the EnEWA project for board and paper recycling
8 October 2024
As part of our Finalist Interview series ahead of the Sustainability Awards, RWTH Aachen University spoke to us about the EnEWA research project - a joint entry with Universität Siegen, LEIPA, PROPAKMA, STADLER and TOMRA Recycling - which developed and evaluated a recycling process for paper, board and paper composites, nominated in the Commercialized Driving the Circular Economy category.
TOMRA Mining
Sasquatch Resources Reports Results from 528 kg Sorting Test of Waste-Rock at Mount Sicker
Sasquatch Resources Corp.
Wed, October 9, 2024 at 1:30 PM GMT+2 4 min read
("Sasquatch" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from a 528kg sorting test-run of waste rock from Sasquatch's Mount Sicker Property performed by Tomra Systems ASA in Germany ("Tomra"), and further analyzed by ALS Laboratories in North Vancouver, Canada ("ALS").
Sasquatch released the results of a systematic sampling program covering the majority of its waste-rock area at Mount Sicker on March 27, 2024. The results from 97 samples taken averaged 1.86 g/t gold, 48.6 g/t silver, 1.22% copper and 3.05% zinc. From these results, Sasquatch and Sulphide Remediation Inc. ("SRI") have begun to explore the possibility of utilizing a mobile, closed-loop crushing and sorting system to extract and separate high-sulphide material in the waste rock, which could then be shipped off-site for further processing. In furtherance of this, the Company took a further 528 kg sample from four separate locations within the waste-rock area and shipped it to the Tomra test-lab in Germany. The sample was run through the same sorting apparatus expected to be used if the project proceeds on a larger scale, the Tomra COM Tertiary XRT unit.
Sasquatch's CEO Pete Smith commented, "We are very excited about these results, which further demonstrate substantial economic potential in the waste-rock at Mount Sicker. Historically high cut-offs for mining activity and resulting high grades left behind in the waste-rock, normal for mines that were active so long ago, combined with new sorting technologies that can further separate remaining high-sulphide material from low-grade waste, may provide us an opportunity to generate substantial value from the waste-rock that has been left behind, as well as dramatically improve environmental and safety conditions at Mount Sicker. Further work is ongoing, including detailed metallurgy of the sorted material which will help inform us of potential future processing partners and terms. We have thus far been receiving overwhelmingly positive local support, and our permitting process is underway, and we expect to be providing further updates on all fronts throughout the fall."
TOMRA Horizon
‘More Than a Store': Why Goodwill Wants to be a Force for Textile Circularity
Story by Jasmin Malik Chua
• 2d • 5 min read
Goodwill wants to be known for more than selling people's castoffs.
For more than 120 years, the charitable retailer has been a vital but frequently overlooked player in municipal waste management, creating job opportunities for the marginalized and in need by finding new outlets for old housewares, books, toys and clothing.
Now, Goodwill wants to play a more active role in textile circularity-and not just spinning one person's fashion regret into another's sartorial score. It and fellow nonprofit Accelerating Circularity recently concluded a two-year million pilot, which was funded with a $1.28 million grant from the Walmart Foundation, to develop the skills and infrastructure to aggregate, sort and process textiles for reuse and recycling.
Up next is a $2 million traceability study, also funded by Walmart, that will support what it describes as a "multi-stakeholder initiative to follow the global journey of secondhand textiles" so it can understand where its goods are going, even if they're being sold by third parties.
The idea behind both schemes is to figure out how Goodwill can better keep textiles out of landfills, both in North America, where the organization is based, and in the marketplaces of countries such as Chile and Ghana, which have become the "final sink" for the dregs of Western overconsumption.
As textile-to-textile recycling ladders up in scale in the United States and Europe to meet mounting consumer and regulatory appetite for lower-impact materials that clean up rather than add to fashion's ballooning waste problem
"The stigma of buying from Goodwill just isn't there anymore," she said. "[But] I think a lot of people still don't realize how much more than a store Goodwill really is."
Preston agreed. Getting things right will be a multi-year journey, but there's slow and steady and then there's slow but stuck. For now, Goodwill is actively engaging with the likes of the Rochester Institute of Technology and sortation systems Tomra and Sortile.
"It takes time to do it, but we need to be on that pathway today if we're going to be successful tomorrow," he said. "We need to grab the mantle and realize that we have an opportunity for leadership in the area."
Interessant prosjekt i Gambia.
The Gambia launches landmark plan to reduce plastic pollution by 86 per cent
9 October 2024 - 3 minutes
National Action Plan hopes to tackle rising plastic pollution in the country including phased ban on single-use plastic bottles
The government of The Gambia – along with Common Seas – has today announced a plan to tackle plastic pollution in the country, ahead of the final round of the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations later this year.
An estimated 95,000 tonnes of plastics will escape from The Gambia into rivers and the sea between now and 2033, but the new National Action Plan to End Plastic Pollution covers a roadmap on how the country – one of the most biodiverse per square mile on the planet – will aim to reduce such plastic pollution by 86 per cent in the next ten years, contributing to the improvement of human health, the tourism industry and The Gambia’s environment.
Policies outlined in the plan including enhanced bans on single-use plastic carrier bags, a phased ban of single-use plastic bottles and a introduction of a deposit return scheme for other bottles, as well as improving solid waste management through improved collections, storage and recycling. The Gambia also plan to reduce the country’s reliance on plastic bags such as water bags, by installing public water foundations and improving the quality of the water supply. Bans and charges may also be implemented for ‘on-the-go’ food and drink packaging.
KCRW Features
Clothing brands must recycle or reuse: New CA law
By Caleigh Wells Oct. 03, 2024
Most recycling systems can handle cardboard, glass, and aluminum. But cotton or nylon? When it’s already been crafted into a dress, swimsuit, or pair of jeans? That’s currently beyond what many recycling systems are set up to handle.
But recycled fabrics are coming. California just passed a law that requires textile companies to repurpose or recycle the products they make so they stay out of the landfill.
Companies that sell more than $1 million worth of products in California will be mandated to help fund the state’s textile recycling efforts, “for those materials to be sorted and then reused, whether that's upcycling, recycling, or sorted and turned into additional feedstock for the next generation of products,” says California Senator Josh Newman, who authored the law.
The Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024 also incentivizes manufacturers to make more fabrics that can be recycled once you’re done using them.
“If you can do that, you're not only addressing the waste stream landfill question, but you're really making a difference in environmentalism,” says Newman.
And it’ll have implications beyond state borders. Because if H&M or another company makes more recyclable clothes, they’re not just going to make them for Californians, they’ll likely sell those garments elsewhere.
The state has until July 2028 to implement the law, and the companies have until 2030 to comply.
Now the pressure is on to figure out how.
That’s a tall order in the U.S., where about 85% of old clothes don’t get recycled. Americans throw away 92 million tons of textiles every year.
TOMRA Recycling
Sustainability Awards 2024 Finalist Interview: the EnEWA project for board and paper recycling
8 October 2024
As part of our Finalist Interview series ahead of the Sustainability Awards, RWTH Aachen University spoke to us about the EnEWA research project - a joint entry with Universität Siegen, LEIPA, PROPAKMA, STADLER and TOMRA Recycling - which developed and evaluated a recycling process for paper, board and paper composites, nominated in the Commercialized Driving the Circular Economy category.
TOMRA Mining
Sasquatch Resources Reports Results from 528 kg Sorting Test of Waste-Rock at Mount Sicker
Sasquatch Resources Corp.
Wed, October 9, 2024 at 1:30 PM GMT+2 4 min read
("Sasquatch" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from a 528kg sorting test-run of waste rock from Sasquatch's Mount Sicker Property performed by Tomra Systems ASA in Germany ("Tomra"), and further analyzed by ALS Laboratories in North Vancouver, Canada ("ALS").
Sasquatch released the results of a systematic sampling program covering the majority of its waste-rock area at Mount Sicker on March 27, 2024. The results from 97 samples taken averaged 1.86 g/t gold, 48.6 g/t silver, 1.22% copper and 3.05% zinc. From these results, Sasquatch and Sulphide Remediation Inc. ("SRI") have begun to explore the possibility of utilizing a mobile, closed-loop crushing and sorting system to extract and separate high-sulphide material in the waste rock, which could then be shipped off-site for further processing. In furtherance of this, the Company took a further 528 kg sample from four separate locations within the waste-rock area and shipped it to the Tomra test-lab in Germany. The sample was run through the same sorting apparatus expected to be used if the project proceeds on a larger scale, the Tomra COM Tertiary XRT unit.
Sasquatch's CEO Pete Smith commented, "We are very excited about these results, which further demonstrate substantial economic potential in the waste-rock at Mount Sicker. Historically high cut-offs for mining activity and resulting high grades left behind in the waste-rock, normal for mines that were active so long ago, combined with new sorting technologies that can further separate remaining high-sulphide material from low-grade waste, may provide us an opportunity to generate substantial value from the waste-rock that has been left behind, as well as dramatically improve environmental and safety conditions at Mount Sicker. Further work is ongoing, including detailed metallurgy of the sorted material which will help inform us of potential future processing partners and terms. We have thus far been receiving overwhelmingly positive local support, and our permitting process is underway, and we expect to be providing further updates on all fronts throughout the fall."
TOMRA Horizon
‘More Than a Store': Why Goodwill Wants to be a Force for Textile Circularity
Story by Jasmin Malik Chua
• 2d • 5 min read
Goodwill wants to be known for more than selling people's castoffs.
For more than 120 years, the charitable retailer has been a vital but frequently overlooked player in municipal waste management, creating job opportunities for the marginalized and in need by finding new outlets for old housewares, books, toys and clothing.
Now, Goodwill wants to play a more active role in textile circularity-and not just spinning one person's fashion regret into another's sartorial score. It and fellow nonprofit Accelerating Circularity recently concluded a two-year million pilot, which was funded with a $1.28 million grant from the Walmart Foundation, to develop the skills and infrastructure to aggregate, sort and process textiles for reuse and recycling.
Up next is a $2 million traceability study, also funded by Walmart, that will support what it describes as a "multi-stakeholder initiative to follow the global journey of secondhand textiles" so it can understand where its goods are going, even if they're being sold by third parties.
The idea behind both schemes is to figure out how Goodwill can better keep textiles out of landfills, both in North America, where the organization is based, and in the marketplaces of countries such as Chile and Ghana, which have become the "final sink" for the dregs of Western overconsumption.
As textile-to-textile recycling ladders up in scale in the United States and Europe to meet mounting consumer and regulatory appetite for lower-impact materials that clean up rather than add to fashion's ballooning waste problem
"The stigma of buying from Goodwill just isn't there anymore," she said. "[But] I think a lot of people still don't realize how much more than a store Goodwill really is."
Preston agreed. Getting things right will be a multi-year journey, but there's slow and steady and then there's slow but stuck. For now, Goodwill is actively engaging with the likes of the Rochester Institute of Technology and sortation systems Tomra and Sortile.
"It takes time to do it, but we need to be on that pathway today if we're going to be successful tomorrow," he said. "We need to grab the mantle and realize that we have an opportunity for leadership in the area."
Interessant prosjekt i Gambia.
The Gambia launches landmark plan to reduce plastic pollution by 86 per cent
9 October 2024 - 3 minutes
National Action Plan hopes to tackle rising plastic pollution in the country including phased ban on single-use plastic bottles
The government of The Gambia – along with Common Seas – has today announced a plan to tackle plastic pollution in the country, ahead of the final round of the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations later this year.
An estimated 95,000 tonnes of plastics will escape from The Gambia into rivers and the sea between now and 2033, but the new National Action Plan to End Plastic Pollution covers a roadmap on how the country – one of the most biodiverse per square mile on the planet – will aim to reduce such plastic pollution by 86 per cent in the next ten years, contributing to the improvement of human health, the tourism industry and The Gambia’s environment.
Policies outlined in the plan including enhanced bans on single-use plastic carrier bags, a phased ban of single-use plastic bottles and a introduction of a deposit return scheme for other bottles, as well as improving solid waste management through improved collections, storage and recycling. The Gambia also plan to reduce the country’s reliance on plastic bags such as water bags, by installing public water foundations and improving the quality of the water supply. Bans and charges may also be implemented for ‘on-the-go’ food and drink packaging.
Rect Angel
13.10.2024 kl 12:50
Like suveren 'i garderoben' som man er 'på banen'. For Tomra er globalt markedsledende innen alt man driver med og lever altså også som man preker, får vi vite her.
Synes der er gode argumenter for å påstå at Tomra representerer det aller beste av verdiskapning her til lands. Ikke minst når man retter blikket frem i tid, og det er jo den veien tingene skal.
TOMRA Sorting GmbH Receives Gold Medal in EcoVadis Sustainability Rating
9 Oct 2024 | Separation and Sorting Technology
TOMRA Sorting GmbH has been awarded the gold medal by EcoVadis for its sustainability performance, highlighting the company's progress in the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. As part of a comprehensive sustainability strategy, TOMRA’s ambition is to lead the Resource Revolution while becoming a fully circular business that is safe, fair and inclusive.
TOMRA Sorting GmbH, the Germany-based entity of TOMRA Recycling, has been awarded the gold medal by the world’s leading provider of independent sustainability assessments, EcoVadis. This is the third time that the leader in sensor-based sorting technology for recycling has taken part in the assessment, and this year TOMRA was able to significantly improve its performance compared to the previous year by advancing from the silver to the gold medal.
TOMRA among the top 3%
EcoVadis’ assessment comprises four main categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The results of the assessments place TOMRA Sorting GmbH in the top 3% of companies in the “manufacture of special-purpose machinery” sector.
“We are delighted to receive the gold medal for our sustainability rating. It demonstrates how our commitment to areas like sustainable procurement and achieving net-zero carbon translates into concrete policies, measures and actions – with tangible results now beginning to emerge,” says Marine Savy, Sustainability Manager at TOMRA Recycling. “This award confirms that we are on the right track on this long journey, but above all, it is a result of the collaborative hard work and commitment of all our teams to implement sustainability in our company.”
Sustainability as a core principle at TOMRA
TOMRA’s sustainability agenda focuses on maximizing the positive handprint of its products, while minimizing the environmental and societal footprint caused by its business activities. As such, TOMRA is committed to sustainable business management, while following its mission to transform the way resources are obtained, used and reused, with the goal of creating a planet without waste. TOMRA Sorting GmbH manufactures machines for the sensor-based sorting of waste and metal, ensuring these resources are recycled and kept in a continuous loop.
Synes der er gode argumenter for å påstå at Tomra representerer det aller beste av verdiskapning her til lands. Ikke minst når man retter blikket frem i tid, og det er jo den veien tingene skal.
TOMRA Sorting GmbH Receives Gold Medal in EcoVadis Sustainability Rating
9 Oct 2024 | Separation and Sorting Technology
TOMRA Sorting GmbH has been awarded the gold medal by EcoVadis for its sustainability performance, highlighting the company's progress in the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. As part of a comprehensive sustainability strategy, TOMRA’s ambition is to lead the Resource Revolution while becoming a fully circular business that is safe, fair and inclusive.
TOMRA Sorting GmbH, the Germany-based entity of TOMRA Recycling, has been awarded the gold medal by the world’s leading provider of independent sustainability assessments, EcoVadis. This is the third time that the leader in sensor-based sorting technology for recycling has taken part in the assessment, and this year TOMRA was able to significantly improve its performance compared to the previous year by advancing from the silver to the gold medal.
TOMRA among the top 3%
EcoVadis’ assessment comprises four main categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The results of the assessments place TOMRA Sorting GmbH in the top 3% of companies in the “manufacture of special-purpose machinery” sector.
“We are delighted to receive the gold medal for our sustainability rating. It demonstrates how our commitment to areas like sustainable procurement and achieving net-zero carbon translates into concrete policies, measures and actions – with tangible results now beginning to emerge,” says Marine Savy, Sustainability Manager at TOMRA Recycling. “This award confirms that we are on the right track on this long journey, but above all, it is a result of the collaborative hard work and commitment of all our teams to implement sustainability in our company.”
Sustainability as a core principle at TOMRA
TOMRA’s sustainability agenda focuses on maximizing the positive handprint of its products, while minimizing the environmental and societal footprint caused by its business activities. As such, TOMRA is committed to sustainable business management, while following its mission to transform the way resources are obtained, used and reused, with the goal of creating a planet without waste. TOMRA Sorting GmbH manufactures machines for the sensor-based sorting of waste and metal, ensuring these resources are recycled and kept in a continuous loop.
Redigert 13.10.2024 kl 13:09
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Rect Angel
14.10.2024 kl 12:54
Siste nytt om kommende pantesystem i UK + (for Tomra og klima) viktig 'commitment' til sirkulær økonomi når det gjelder plast generelt, fra den nye Labour regjeringen.
Man kan få denne artikkelen opplest hvis man følger linken.
Glass will not be an in-scope material for England and NI’s DRSs
Environment and Energy, Circular Economy, Legislation and Regulation
14th October 2024
The deposit return schemes in England and Northern Ireland will include polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, steel, and aluminium drink containers, but not glass, Mary Creagh has confirmed.
Commitment to circular economy transition
Responding to a different parliamentary question, Creagh said: “The government is committed to moving to a circular economy for plastics – a future where we keep our resources in use for longer; waste is reduced; we accelerate the path to net zero, we see investment in critical infrastructure and green jobs; our economy prospers; and nature thrives.”
Og nyheter fra naboer i vest om en effekt av pantesystem kun kort tid etter oppstart, virker ganske sikkert inspirerende.
Deposit return scheme leads to ‘massive reduction’ in plastic bottles and drinks containers found on shores by Coastwatch
Environmental group seeking citizen scientists to complete 2024 survey, especially in northwest and Northern Ireland
Kevin O'Sullivan
Mon Oct 14 2024 - 06:00
The annual Coastwatch autumn survey has found “a massive reduction” in plastic bottles, aluminium cans and steel tins washing up on Irish shorelines following the introduction of a deposit return scheme earlier this year.
The trend is already clear halfway through this year’s survey being conducted on the island of Ireland by volunteer citizen scientists – 250 surveys have been completed based on 500-metre stretches of coastline – with 239 more due to be undertaken.
Man kan få denne artikkelen opplest hvis man følger linken.
Glass will not be an in-scope material for England and NI’s DRSs
Environment and Energy, Circular Economy, Legislation and Regulation
14th October 2024
The deposit return schemes in England and Northern Ireland will include polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, steel, and aluminium drink containers, but not glass, Mary Creagh has confirmed.
Commitment to circular economy transition
Responding to a different parliamentary question, Creagh said: “The government is committed to moving to a circular economy for plastics – a future where we keep our resources in use for longer; waste is reduced; we accelerate the path to net zero, we see investment in critical infrastructure and green jobs; our economy prospers; and nature thrives.”
Og nyheter fra naboer i vest om en effekt av pantesystem kun kort tid etter oppstart, virker ganske sikkert inspirerende.
Deposit return scheme leads to ‘massive reduction’ in plastic bottles and drinks containers found on shores by Coastwatch
Environmental group seeking citizen scientists to complete 2024 survey, especially in northwest and Northern Ireland
Kevin O'Sullivan
Mon Oct 14 2024 - 06:00
The annual Coastwatch autumn survey has found “a massive reduction” in plastic bottles, aluminium cans and steel tins washing up on Irish shorelines following the introduction of a deposit return scheme earlier this year.
The trend is already clear halfway through this year’s survey being conducted on the island of Ireland by volunteer citizen scientists – 250 surveys have been completed based on 500-metre stretches of coastline – with 239 more due to be undertaken.
Redigert 14.10.2024 kl 13:56
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Rect Angel
15.10.2024 kl 12:55
AI er vår tids store hype. TOMRA som er globalt markedsledende innen alt man driver med, har lenge utviklet AI økosystemer, innen alle selskapets forretningsområder.
TOMRA Recycling
Stor lansering i Nord-Amerika, signert TOMRA Recycling.
TOMRA expands GAINnext™ ecosystem to include PET Cleaner and Deinking/Paper Cleaning applications for North America
Leading global sorting solutions provider, TOMRA Recycling, announces the expansion of its GAINnext™ deep-learning-based AI ecosystem to include two new applications in North America for material recovery facilities (MRFs) and secondary recyclers. Developed to recognize feed material encountered by recyclers in North America, TOMRA introduces new PET Cleaner and Paper Cleaning applications that leverage deep learning technology to recognize hard-to-classify objects, reducing the need for manual sorting. Capable of identifying thousands of objects by material and shape in milliseconds, these new GAINnext™ applications help recyclers to reduce PET and paper bale impurities, enabling operations to create new revenue streams, increase profitability and decrease costs.
10 Oct 2024 2 min
The two new applications feature an intelligent system that simultaneously integrates multiple sensor data for higher sorting accuracy than traditional optical sorters alone. The system complements the TOMRA AUTOSORT™ sensor-based material identification with deep learning AI visual object recognition offered by GAINnext™ for outstanding high-purity performance. The combination maximizes recovery and purity of valuable PET and paper materials at high-throughput speeds.
AI ecosystem expansion
TOMRA was the first to introduce for the recycling industry its field-proven deep learning AI technology in 2019 with an application to identify and remove polyethylene (PE) silicone cartridges from PE streams. Since then, TOMRA’s deep learning engineers have trained the company’s artificial neural networks with millions of object images to solve some of the world’s most complex automated sorting tasks, ranging from wood to plastics to used beverage cans (UBCs).
TOMRA introduced three revolutionary plastics applications in early 2024, initially in the European market, to efficiently separate food-grade from non-food-grade PET, PP and HDPE at high throughput rates with purity levels reaching 95%. Simultaneously, TOMRA launched the two non-food applications that included the PET cleaner application for higher purity PET bottle streams and the deinking application for cleaner paper streams for the European market. Today, the announced PET Cleaner and Paper Cleaning join the UBC application in expanding the GAINnext™ ecosystem to address the region-specific needs of recyclers in the Americas.
TOMRA Mining
15 October, 2024
WRITTEN BY Aaliyah Rogan
EQ secures funding to advance XRT ore sorting trials
EQ Resources (ASX:EQR) has secured $250,000 in funding through the Queensland Government’s Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Collaborative Project Fund to initiate advanced x-ray transmission (XRT) ore sorting trials.
The company says the advanced sorted technology trials are aimed at assessing the viability of redeveloping the historic Wolfram Camp tungsten mine in Queensland.
Trials of the sorting technology will be a collaborative effort involving Tomra Sorting, and The University of Queensland, Sustainable Minerals Institute. EQ will be the consortium lead to the project.
Tomra will provide its industrial XRT sorters and support for the optimisation of sorting technologies, and its pilot facility in Sydney will also be used for preliminary testing and onsite trials that will ensure the XRT sorters perform optimally on the Wolfram Camp materials.
TOMRA Recycling
Stor lansering i Nord-Amerika, signert TOMRA Recycling.
TOMRA expands GAINnext™ ecosystem to include PET Cleaner and Deinking/Paper Cleaning applications for North America
Leading global sorting solutions provider, TOMRA Recycling, announces the expansion of its GAINnext™ deep-learning-based AI ecosystem to include two new applications in North America for material recovery facilities (MRFs) and secondary recyclers. Developed to recognize feed material encountered by recyclers in North America, TOMRA introduces new PET Cleaner and Paper Cleaning applications that leverage deep learning technology to recognize hard-to-classify objects, reducing the need for manual sorting. Capable of identifying thousands of objects by material and shape in milliseconds, these new GAINnext™ applications help recyclers to reduce PET and paper bale impurities, enabling operations to create new revenue streams, increase profitability and decrease costs.
10 Oct 2024 2 min
The two new applications feature an intelligent system that simultaneously integrates multiple sensor data for higher sorting accuracy than traditional optical sorters alone. The system complements the TOMRA AUTOSORT™ sensor-based material identification with deep learning AI visual object recognition offered by GAINnext™ for outstanding high-purity performance. The combination maximizes recovery and purity of valuable PET and paper materials at high-throughput speeds.
AI ecosystem expansion
TOMRA was the first to introduce for the recycling industry its field-proven deep learning AI technology in 2019 with an application to identify and remove polyethylene (PE) silicone cartridges from PE streams. Since then, TOMRA’s deep learning engineers have trained the company’s artificial neural networks with millions of object images to solve some of the world’s most complex automated sorting tasks, ranging from wood to plastics to used beverage cans (UBCs).
TOMRA introduced three revolutionary plastics applications in early 2024, initially in the European market, to efficiently separate food-grade from non-food-grade PET, PP and HDPE at high throughput rates with purity levels reaching 95%. Simultaneously, TOMRA launched the two non-food applications that included the PET cleaner application for higher purity PET bottle streams and the deinking application for cleaner paper streams for the European market. Today, the announced PET Cleaner and Paper Cleaning join the UBC application in expanding the GAINnext™ ecosystem to address the region-specific needs of recyclers in the Americas.
TOMRA Mining
15 October, 2024
WRITTEN BY Aaliyah Rogan
EQ secures funding to advance XRT ore sorting trials
EQ Resources (ASX:EQR) has secured $250,000 in funding through the Queensland Government’s Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Collaborative Project Fund to initiate advanced x-ray transmission (XRT) ore sorting trials.
The company says the advanced sorted technology trials are aimed at assessing the viability of redeveloping the historic Wolfram Camp tungsten mine in Queensland.
Trials of the sorting technology will be a collaborative effort involving Tomra Sorting, and The University of Queensland, Sustainable Minerals Institute. EQ will be the consortium lead to the project.
Tomra will provide its industrial XRT sorters and support for the optimisation of sorting technologies, and its pilot facility in Sydney will also be used for preliminary testing and onsite trials that will ensure the XRT sorters perform optimally on the Wolfram Camp materials.
Redigert 15.10.2024 kl 13:00
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Rect Angel
16.10.2024 kl 16:16
Hvis man er langsiktig i Tomra, tenker jeg at en eventuell halvt års utsettelse av innføring av pantesystem i Polen ikke er av veldig stor betydning, og iallefall ingen 'katastrofe'.
Men ettersom jeg jo poster nyheter om Tomra her på forumet, finner jeg det riktig å informere om at jeg nettopp fant ut at der nå verserer rykter om en slik utsettelse i Polen. Og når uttalelse om en mulig halvt års utsettelse kommer fra ministerhold, er det vel kanskje mer enn bare rykter.
Muligens kan dette årsaken til dagens og den senere tids svake kursutvikling?
Ingenting er offisielt meldt om dette i klartekst, såvidt jeg vet.
Business & Technologies
Gantner, Romanczuk, Morzycki, Sapota and others about the delay of the bail system. Comments
Author: Paulina Piwowarek, Ilona Mrozowska, Olimpia Wolf, Natalia Janus
Date: 16-10-2024, 11:46
Updated: 16-10-2024, 14:16
Until recently, we heard that the bail system was supposed to start on January 1, 2025. Meanwhile, new information is emerging that the law is to be repealed or that it will start next year. On October 15, the Ministry of Climate announced that it was thinking about postponing the deadline by half a year. How can this affect companies and consumers? Here are the experts' comments.
On October 16, the Minister of Climate and Environment admitted at a meeting with journalists that the bail system was not ready to enter into force. We are thinking about postponing the date of its entry into force by half a year, said Hennig-Kloska.,268752.html
Men ettersom jeg jo poster nyheter om Tomra her på forumet, finner jeg det riktig å informere om at jeg nettopp fant ut at der nå verserer rykter om en slik utsettelse i Polen. Og når uttalelse om en mulig halvt års utsettelse kommer fra ministerhold, er det vel kanskje mer enn bare rykter.
Muligens kan dette årsaken til dagens og den senere tids svake kursutvikling?
Ingenting er offisielt meldt om dette i klartekst, såvidt jeg vet.
Business & Technologies
Gantner, Romanczuk, Morzycki, Sapota and others about the delay of the bail system. Comments
Author: Paulina Piwowarek, Ilona Mrozowska, Olimpia Wolf, Natalia Janus
Date: 16-10-2024, 11:46
Updated: 16-10-2024, 14:16
Until recently, we heard that the bail system was supposed to start on January 1, 2025. Meanwhile, new information is emerging that the law is to be repealed or that it will start next year. On October 15, the Ministry of Climate announced that it was thinking about postponing the deadline by half a year. How can this affect companies and consumers? Here are the experts' comments.
On October 16, the Minister of Climate and Environment admitted at a meeting with journalists that the bail system was not ready to enter into force. We are thinking about postponing the date of its entry into force by half a year, said Hennig-Kloska.,268752.html
Redigert 16.10.2024 kl 16:19
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Rect Angel
16.10.2024 kl 17:35
Da har jeg lest hele artikkelen som jeg oversatte fra polsk til engelsk og sakset fra i forrige innlegg. Omfattende artikkel med uttalelser fra en rekke interessenter. Etter å ha lest disse, er jeg ikke i særlig tvil om at oppstarten vil bli utsatt, til tross for at polske myndigheter helt til det siste har tviholdt på at oppstart vil komme til å skje som planlagt 01.01.2025.
Dette sier Tomra rundt problematikken om utsettelse:
Steps towards the ROP and the deposit system are absolutely necessary
Anna Sapota, Vice President of Public Affairs for North-Eastern Europe at TOMRA Group:
From the perspective of the economic situation in our country - potential penalties for failure to achieve the goals set by the EU and the exorbitant amounts paid related to the plastic tax, but also from the perspective of necessary actions to improve the state of the environment, failure to introduce a deposit system would result in huge losses. It should also be noted that it is the deposit system that is the way to fulfill the obligations of producers under extended producer responsibility, to which the market expects changes and around which talks are taking place in the government. Implementing a deposit on beverage packaging is necessary to be able to achieve the assumed levels of collection of raw materials and recyclate. In the case of plastic bottles, we are not even close to the required 77%, because in selective collection we achieve no more than 50%. With the current waste infrastructure, which will not change without the deposit system, there is no prospect of increasing these levels. Steps towards EPR and the deposit system are absolutely necessary to create a long-term approach to the development of the circular economy.
Postponing the start date can be seen as a good solution for the various parties involved in creating the system. The additional six months can be used to further prepare the infrastructure for collection and introduce appropriately marked deposit packaging. Both producers and trade representatives have requested an extension of the preparation time in order to best plan the organization and select technologies for their needs. At the same time, we should use this period to work on changes in the extended producer responsibility scheme for other packaging, so that they can function together with the deposit system next year.,268752.html
Dette sier Tomra rundt problematikken om utsettelse:
Steps towards the ROP and the deposit system are absolutely necessary
Anna Sapota, Vice President of Public Affairs for North-Eastern Europe at TOMRA Group:
From the perspective of the economic situation in our country - potential penalties for failure to achieve the goals set by the EU and the exorbitant amounts paid related to the plastic tax, but also from the perspective of necessary actions to improve the state of the environment, failure to introduce a deposit system would result in huge losses. It should also be noted that it is the deposit system that is the way to fulfill the obligations of producers under extended producer responsibility, to which the market expects changes and around which talks are taking place in the government. Implementing a deposit on beverage packaging is necessary to be able to achieve the assumed levels of collection of raw materials and recyclate. In the case of plastic bottles, we are not even close to the required 77%, because in selective collection we achieve no more than 50%. With the current waste infrastructure, which will not change without the deposit system, there is no prospect of increasing these levels. Steps towards EPR and the deposit system are absolutely necessary to create a long-term approach to the development of the circular economy.
Postponing the start date can be seen as a good solution for the various parties involved in creating the system. The additional six months can be used to further prepare the infrastructure for collection and introduce appropriately marked deposit packaging. Both producers and trade representatives have requested an extension of the preparation time in order to best plan the organization and select technologies for their needs. At the same time, we should use this period to work on changes in the extended producer responsibility scheme for other packaging, so that they can function together with the deposit system next year.,268752.html
Redigert 16.10.2024 kl 17:36
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Rect Angel
18.10.2024 kl 17:38
Da er det vel 99.99% sikkert at utsettelse av oppstart av pantesystemet i Polen er et faktum, slik jeg i praksis slo fast da jeg postet om dette i forgårs. 🤞 for at det blir med et halvt års utsettelse.
The ministry is turning back. "Now everything is in the hands of the Prime Minister."
TVN24 Business | From country
October 18, 2024, 3:47 p.m
We have submitted a self-amendment to postpone the deposit system by six months. Now everything is in the hands of the Prime Minister - said Deputy Minister of Climate Anita Sowińska on the X website.
The Ministry of Climate and Environment has prepared and submitted to the Council of Ministers a self-amendment to amend the Act on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management regarding the postponement of the entry into force of the deposit system. According to previous assumptions the new regulations were to apply from January 2025.
"We have submitted a self-amendment to the Council of Ministers regarding the postponement of the bail system by 6 months. Now it's all in the hands of the Prime Minister. We need a bail bill for environmental, social and economic reasons," Deputy Climate Minister Anita Sowińska wrote on platform X.
Minister: the bail system is not ready
On Wednesday, Climate Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska announced that bail system at the moment it is not ready to enter into force. She added that the ministry is considering postponing the date of its implementation by half a year.
"All stakeholders, including the operators themselves when asked today if they were ready, said no," she said.
She also added that the draft amendment to the deposit system with an auto-amendment of the Ministry of Climate sealing and postponing the date of its entry into force will be submitted to the Council of Ministers. As she noted, postponement must be submitted to the government by the end of the year.
Edit) Plusser på med link til en artikkel til om problematikken. Innsiktsfull og lesverdig (polsk, så må oversettes hvis annet språk ønskes) :
Slip deposit system. Is half a year enough?
Gregory Shafranets
Economic journalist and publicist with over 20 years of experience. Editor-in-chief of several recognized monthly magazines, mainly from the trade and FMCG sectors. Creator of the largest website in the retail sector – Publisher of economic programs at TVP SA and the Economic Forum in Karpacz in 2023.
Published: October 18, 2024, 4:23 PM
Updated: October 18, 2024, 4:24 pm
The ministry is turning back. "Now everything is in the hands of the Prime Minister."
TVN24 Business | From country
October 18, 2024, 3:47 p.m
We have submitted a self-amendment to postpone the deposit system by six months. Now everything is in the hands of the Prime Minister - said Deputy Minister of Climate Anita Sowińska on the X website.
The Ministry of Climate and Environment has prepared and submitted to the Council of Ministers a self-amendment to amend the Act on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management regarding the postponement of the entry into force of the deposit system. According to previous assumptions the new regulations were to apply from January 2025.
"We have submitted a self-amendment to the Council of Ministers regarding the postponement of the bail system by 6 months. Now it's all in the hands of the Prime Minister. We need a bail bill for environmental, social and economic reasons," Deputy Climate Minister Anita Sowińska wrote on platform X.
Minister: the bail system is not ready
On Wednesday, Climate Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska announced that bail system at the moment it is not ready to enter into force. She added that the ministry is considering postponing the date of its implementation by half a year.
"All stakeholders, including the operators themselves when asked today if they were ready, said no," she said.
She also added that the draft amendment to the deposit system with an auto-amendment of the Ministry of Climate sealing and postponing the date of its entry into force will be submitted to the Council of Ministers. As she noted, postponement must be submitted to the government by the end of the year.
Edit) Plusser på med link til en artikkel til om problematikken. Innsiktsfull og lesverdig (polsk, så må oversettes hvis annet språk ønskes) :
Slip deposit system. Is half a year enough?
Gregory Shafranets
Economic journalist and publicist with over 20 years of experience. Editor-in-chief of several recognized monthly magazines, mainly from the trade and FMCG sectors. Creator of the largest website in the retail sector – Publisher of economic programs at TVP SA and the Economic Forum in Karpacz in 2023.
Published: October 18, 2024, 4:23 PM
Updated: October 18, 2024, 4:24 pm
Redigert 18.10.2024 kl 18:59
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Rect Angel
22.10.2024 kl 10:23
TOMRA: 3Q 2024: 15% increase in EBITA adj. with strong quarter in Collection, good progress on the improvement program in Food, and stable development in Recycling
i dag kl. 07:00 ∙ Oslo Børs
i dag kl. 07:00 ∙ Oslo Børs