Tomra Systems - nyheter

Rect Angel
TOM 29.12.2022 kl 00:30 104168

Slik jeg ser det, er Tomra Systems et fantastisk, grønt teknologiselskap. Globalt ledende og perfekt rigget for å betjene sterkt økende etterspørsel innen alle selskapets forretningsområder, i tiår fremover. Velger å starte denne tråden på forumet for 'Grønne aksjer'.

Har benyttet kursfallet den senere tid til å ta en posisjon i Tomra Systems. Dette fordi jeg er av den oppfatning at man skal lete lenge etter et mer opplagt langsiktig investeringsobjekt. Best mulig kurs er selvsagt å foretrekke, men er ikke så veldig opptatt av kortsiktige bevegelser i aksjekursen. Hensikten med denne trådstarten er primært å poste noen lenker av og til, til nyheter jeg måtte komme over som følge av at jeg er interessert i hva som skjer i og rundt selskapet (*). Bare hos Nordnet er det 7 819 aksjeieiere i Tomra Systems, ifølge megleren. Så selv om det er 'helt stille' rundt selskapet her på forumet, tenker jeg likevel at det kan være et visst 'marked' for litt nytt, en gang i blant.

Quick-change MRF

Santa Barbara County’s Resource Center sorts MSW and single-stream recyclables using the same circuit with Tomra Autosort units to reduce landfilling.

December 28, 2022
Rick Zettler

* Hvis artikler er på et annet språk enn engelsk eller norsk, gjengis overskriftene oversatt til engelsk mens lenken er til artikkelen på originalspråk slik at man selv kan velge hvilket språk man eventuelt ønsker å oversette artikkelen til
Redigert 05.10.2023 kl 22:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
25.09.2024 kl 00:58 1218

TOMRA Collection


Regner jo med at Tomra vil melde om dette. Isåfall er jeg litt stolt over å være ute med nyheten før selskapet selv (nå som det allerede er tidlig onsdag formiddag 'down under').

Og nyheten den er at TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania har blitt tildelt rollen som operatør av pantesystemet i Australias minste delstat Tasmania som har knapt 600 000 innbyggere. Avtalen innebærer at alle pantemaskiner i Tasmanias pantesystem vil være pantemaskiner produsert av Tomra.

Pantesystemet er planlagt å gå live midt i 2025.

Progress made on state’s Recycle Rewards

24 September 2024

Nick Duigan, Minister for Parks and Environment

Tasmania’s Recycle Rewards container refund scheme is one step closer with an exciting milestone achieved today ahead of the scheme’s commencement mid-next year.

Minister for Parks and Environment, Nick Duigan, congratulated TasRecycle Limited,  announced as Scheme Coordinator, and TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania, named as Network Operator.
CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway James Dorney said it is exciting that Tasmania will soon be the final piece of the container refund scheme puzzle in Australia, with all states and territories legislating extended producer responsibility for single-use drink containers.  

“We are extremely proud to be playing such a large part in this important shift towards a cleaner environment and a more sustainable future and we are looking forward to helping deliver an exceptional outcome for the people of Tasmania,” Mr Dorney said. 

Tasmania’s long-awaited container refund scheme to launch in mid-2025

Pulse Tasmania
September 25, 2024 - 6:04am

Tasmania’s long-awaited ‘Recycle Rewards’ container refund scheme is now “one step closer” following the appointment of key partners.

TasRecycle Limited has been named the scheme coordinator and TOMRA Cleanaway Tasmania the network operator.

Set to launch mid-next year, the scheme will offer a 10c refund for every eligible beverage container returned to designated refund points across the state.

Environment Minister Nick Duigan said the initiative is expected to reduce litter and double recycling rates for eligible containers.

“With beverage containers making up to 45% of Tasmania’s litter, it is estimated Recycle Rewards will reduce this by almost 50% … reducing waste going into landfill and sustaining the environment for future generations,” he said.

It has been almost five years since the scheme was first announced.
Redigert 25.09.2024 kl 13:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
25.09.2024 kl 01:29 1208

Da kom børsmeldingen fra Tomra. 2 minutter etter at jeg postet... ;)

Som man kan lese i denne, er det nå komplett, i den forstand at TOMRA Collection eier hele kontinentet 'down under' når det kommer til pantesystemer.

Videre vet vi at TOMRA Mining er ekstremt sterkt posisjonert i Australia med sin søketeknologi for gruvedrift.

TOMRA: Tasmania appoints TOMRA as sole RVM solutions provider for upcoming DRS

i dag kl. 01:00 ∙ Oslo Børs

Tomra Systems

TOMRA has been appointed as the sole reverse vending machine (RVM) solutions provider for the Australian state of Tasmania's deposit return system (DRS), set to begin in mid-2025.

TOMRA will operate a network of 49 conveniently located refund points featuring over 100 reverse vending machines on a throughput-basis in its joint venture with Cleanaway.

With the implementation, Australia becomes the first continent fully covered by deposit return systems. TOMRA's RVM solutions play an instrumental role in Australia, enabling increased recycling rates and less plastic pollution.

"TOMRA will bring our most modern RVM solutions to Tasmania, building on our significant experience operating in the New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australian and Victorian deposit return systems. Our solutions are tailored to ensure we utilize our in-depth knowledge of the Australian market to drive maximum uptime, recycling outcomes and sustainability benefits," said Marius Fraurud, EVP of TOMRA Collection.

Asker, 25 September 2024


For further information, please contact: Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +47 91 36 18 99

TOMRA develops solutions that enable circular economies and optimal resource productivity through automated identification, collection, grading, and sorting of resources. We optimize how resources are obtained, used, and reused - turning waste into valuable resources. Our vision is to lead the resource revolution and enable a world without waste.

TOMRA has more than 110,000 installations in over 100 markets worldwide and had total revenues of EUR 1,290 million in 2023. The Group employs 5,400 people globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please visit

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Redigert 25.09.2024 kl 11:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
25.09.2024 kl 18:46 1110

Litt mer 'kjøtt på beinet' fra Tomra om Tomras pantesystem i Tasmania, Australia spesielt og TOMRA Collection generelt.

 'Recycle Rewards'
Rect Angel
26.09.2024 kl 11:10 1025

TOMRA Collection.

TOMRA R2 pantemaskin. VIDEO.

Avslører stor pante-nyhet: – Kundene elsker det

(Nettavisen): TOMRA er i gang med å rulle ut sin nye maskin R2 som skal gjøre panting av flasker til en drøm. Med den nye maskinen følger en stor nyhet.

25.09.24 20:24

Utviklingsminister Anne Beathe Tvinnereim om kommende 'plastavtale'.

Key negotiator Norway sees 'positive signals' ahead of plastic talks


Thu 26 September 2024 at 4:16 am CEST·3-min read
Redigert 26.09.2024 kl 11:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
26.09.2024 kl 14:07 984

TOMRA Mining.

Artikkel med mer om funn av verdens aller største diamanter ved hjelp TOMRA Minings unike 'high-capacity XRT technology'.

TOMRA’s XRT tech recovers two record-breaking diamonds at Karowe

By Mining Review Africa
September 26, 2024
“TOMRA’s XRT technology has transformed diamond recovery, achieving unprecedented results and breaking records,” comments Corné de Jager,Diamond Segment Manager TOMRA Mining.
Rect Angel
26.09.2024 kl 20:39 937

TOMRA Horizon.

Tomra er en av partnerne.

Accelerating Circularity and partners make multi-fiber recycling commitment

Jennifer Marks //Editor in Chief//September 26, 2024

New York – Joined by a raft of textiles retailers and suppliers, Accelerating Circularity has set a specific tonnage target for recycling textiles.

The NGO and its partners across the U.S. and Europe pledged to recycle 325 tons of used textiles, including 150 tons of cotton, 100 tons of polyester, and 75 tons of other fibers. The official Commitment to Action was made at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2024 Annual Meeting earlier this week.
Rect Angel
30.09.2024 kl 12:01 795

Prosessen mot innføring av pantesystem på Filippinene fortsetter. Med drahjelp fra norske myndigheter. Tomra er selvfølgelig 'med på laget'.

Siktemålet er at første pilot skal være oppe og gå i 2025.
Filippinene har ca. 115 millioner innbyggere, og det sier seg selv at potensialet er enormt etterhvert som de folkerike nasjonene i Sørøst-Asia for alvor kommer på banen når det gjelder sirkulær økonomi.

Embassies at Work Specials

Deposit return system set to accelerate PH circularity

BY Manila Bulletin
Sep 30, 2024 10:49 AM

The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Manila, in collaboration with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), hosted a workshop on Sept. 24, 2024, to promote the inception of the Deposit Return System (DRS) as a complimenting mechanism for Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) in the Philippines at Seda Hotel in Quezon City.

The workshop follows the discussions last year, in line with the goal of the Philippines to achieve its target of 80 percent plastic waste recovery by 2028. The DRS can boost the circular economy of the country, where consumers can refund deposits from plastic products upon the return of their packaging at an accessible collection point.
“The Deposit Return System is deeply rooted in Norwegian society,” said Norwegian Ambassador to the Philippines Christian Halaas Lyster highlighting the importance of DRS to the Norwegian circular economy and its development. “Norway is one of the first countries to have set and implemented the DRS and its success resulted in a very impressive return rate of 92.8 percent of plastic bottles throughout the country today. We are confident that the introduction of closed-loop solutions would be an effective response to the waste challenges of the Philippines” he added.

DENR Undersecretary Atty. Analiza Teh shared the department’s drive to collaborate with civil society partners in creating a sustainable DRS program, and eventually scale it up.
TOMRA Vice President Public Affairs, System Design in Asia Lovish Ahuja shared that “Philippines government’s decision to roll out EPR Act of 2022 is testimony of its commitment to resolving the gauntlet of plastic pollution. This will go a long way in promoting circularity into action and contribute towards larger goals of Sustainable Development including Climate Change. The DRS is an established and potent tool in mitigating the menace of plastic containers (e.g. PET, and other beverage packaging types) stemming from beverage applications. DRS is known for achieving the highest collection for beverage containers (PET, metal cans, glass, and liquid paper board) compared to any other EPR scheme, and also acts as a catalyst for promoting the recycling sector by generating clean feedstock in a required volume. For a country like the Philippines, with thousands of islands, the economy of scale is a pivotal element for promotion/feasibility of the recycling sector, and this is where DRS will come in handy with proven highest collection rate.”

The Norwegian Embassy in Manila funds the second phase of the feasibility study for the DRS program with support from WWF. The project is setting the target for pilot project approval and implementation for the first DRS pilot site by 2025.
Rect Angel
30.09.2024 kl 13:31 761

Video. Ferskt intervjuet med CEO Tove Andersen. Svært tillitsvekkende. Så takk til Finansavisen for dette. Anbefales!
Rect Angel
02.10.2024 kl 12:31 673

Veldig mye interessant som foregår, hele tiden. Uttrykt i ekstrem kortform: Det 'hagler' positive nyheter om Tomras drift og virksomhet.

Og veldig, veldig mange er vel fortsatt av den opofatning at Tomra kun hadler om panteteknologi og -maskiner...

TOMRA Recycling

NPP leverages TOMRA’s deep learning technology to enhance the purification process of rPET production

Nord Pal Plast (NPP), a France-based subsidiary of the European group Dentis that specializes in producing recycled PET flakes derived from post-consumer plastic bottles, was the first to test TOMRA’s PET Cleaner application. Thanks to the AUTOSORT™ with GAINnext™ deep learning technology, NPP is able to separate clear and light blue transparent bottles from hard-to-detect white opaque bottles to create a clean PET bottle stream.

01 Oct 2024 2 min

Haulaway boosts recovery rates with new recycling plant.

1st October 2024
Recycling - Company & Industry News

Established in 1991, Haulaway Limited has grown into a thriving third-generation family business based in Hailsham, East Sussex. Led by owner Colin Holloway, his wife Julie, their three children—Lisa (Office Manager), Sam (Operations Manager), Cara (Head of HR) and Steve Walton (Business development Director)—the company has flourished with the support of nearly 50 dedicated staff members.

From humble beginnings with just two skip lorries, Haulaway has expanded its fleet to 21 vehicles, including skip lorries, 8-wheel tippers, a grab lorry, and a variety of rolonof and articulated vehicles. The company offers an array of services beyond skip hire, including tipper and grab hire, roll on roll off hire, bulk haulage, cardboard collection, trade waste disposal and a plastic recycling plant.

As Haulaway continues to grow, so does the volume of recyclable material they handle. This increase necessitated the installation of a new recycling plant to process their Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) stream. After an extensive tender process, Haulaway selected Blue Machinery (Southern) to install the cutting-edge recycling plant at their Polegate Distribution Facility. Blue Southern assembled some of the world’s leading manufacturers including Westeria, Tomra, BRT Hartner, and M&J to create a state-of-the-art system.
The remaining 3D material proceeds to a second manual picking station where 3D carboard and various grades of plastic are recovered. Concurrently, the 2D material from the ballistic separator is directed to the first Tomra 2800 optical sorter, which removes film from the material. The remaining material then passes through a second Tomra optical sorter which takes the OCC leaving a mixed paper product as the drop fraction.

The plant has been cleverly reverse engineered meaning that optical sorters can easily be added to the 3D line in the future.

Capable of processing up to 10 tons per hour, the new plant became operational in March, and Haulaway is already seeing significant benefits. Sam Holloway, Operations Manager, commented, "The plant has been running smoothly for a few months now and has significantly increased our material recovery rates from our DMR waste stream."

TOMRA Mining

Sky Metals flags Tallebung’s ‘exceptional potential’

02 October, 2024
WRITTEN BY Aaliyah Rogan
“These results are particularly significant given that a tin grade of 0.50% is equivalent to over 1.5% copper, highlighting the value in these intercepts — that is before beneficiation via TOMRA ore sorting, which has been demonstrated to effectively multiply the tin grade across the entire deposit,” Davies says. 

Renforth Resources Reports Success on Initial Sorting Test of Victoria Polymetallic Mineralization

PICKERING, Ontario – TheNewswire - October 1, 2024
Redigert 02.10.2024 kl 12:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
04.10.2024 kl 19:52 547

TOMRA Collection

Litt sånn breaking news dette, for mon tro om det ikke er en potensiell 'game changer' innen panting Tomra slipper til markedet i dag? Nye markeder en ting, men følelsen er helt klart at TOMRA R2 også har potensial til å generere solid vekst i allerede eksisterende markeder gjennom at pantesteder velger å oppgradere pantetilbudet til sine kundegrupper.

TOMRA introduces a brand new user experience for convenience and community in drink container recycling 

TOMRA R2 reverse vending machine launches with Digital Vouchers and expanded charity donation  

04 Oct 2024

Global reverse vending leader TOMRA Collection today unleashed the highly-anticipated TOMRA R2, which enables even smaller stores to offer the convenience of pouring 100+ empty drink containers for recycling into a reverse vending machine (RVM) in one go. Debuting with it are two developments in deposit refund payouts, with digital vouchers direct to a user’s mobile browser and more options to donate to charity.

Now emerging from market testing, the TOMRA R2 RVM is the next generation in multi-feed returns (where consumers pour in bags of multiple drink containers at once), building on the success of TOMRA R1. While TOMRA R1 is designed for retailers with high volumes, TOMRA R2’s smaller physical footprint fits a wider range of stores. TOMRA R2 was tested in stores in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands.

TOMRA R2 seeks to “rethink recycling” and disrupt traditional reverse vending design. The most visible difference is the minimalist design, with a wall-mounted and compact unit facing the consumer, made to be more stylish, discreet, and accessible in the store environment. It also makes the most of screen to give more visual guidance and better user flow to make the process more intuitive for end users, and provide more features for user accessibility.

TOMRA R2 is compatible with TOMRA backroom storage solutions (like TOMRA MultiPac 2, EasyPac 1 & 2 and RollPac), allowing retailers to upgrade their reverse vending front-end without investing in new backroom equipment. Access for service and cleaning is in the backroom rather than the front, consumer-facing side – saving staff time and effort and reducing disturbance on the retail floor.
Rect Angel
09.10.2024 kl 12:11 408

TOMRA Horizon.

'Rotake Reusable Project' er altså Tomras gjenbrukssystem i Aarhus, Danmark. Interessant å registrere suksess så kort tid etter oppstart samt ikke minst hvordan systemet allerede tjener som inspirasjonskilde for konstruktive krefter i europeiske storbyer. Vitner om stort potensial!

I artikkelen får vi bl.a. også vite at en undersøkelse viser at hele 92% av danskene støtter gjenbrukssystem for emballasje.

Denmark's reusable packaging scheme achieves 85 per cent return rate

By Beth Jones | 8 October 2024 | 

ReuSe Vanguard Project expands with Danish NGO Plastic Change, highlighting successful city-level implementation of reusable packaging systems

The ReuSe Vanguard Project (RSVP), which promotes reuse systems to address Europe’s packaging waste crisis, has announced its latest partnership with Danish NGO Plastic Change.

Based in Aarhus, Plastic Change joins a number of other partners including Rezero (Barcelona), Deutsche Umwelthilfe (Berlin), Fair Resource Foundation (Ghent), Enviu (Rotterdam), and Réseau Vrac et Réemploi (Paris) to co-create a shared model of reusable takeaway packaging.

Discussing the collaboration, Nathan Dufour, Reuse Systems Manager and Leader of the RSVP at Zero Waste Europe, said: “With Plastic Change joining RSVP, we have a great add-on to prove that cities across Europe, also in Denmark, can lead the way in replacing single-use waste with sustainable, reusable systems—making real change happen where it matters most.

“Our research shows that switching to these systems may reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 54% in Aarhus, and reduce our material consumption overall. By showcasing this success, we aim to inspire other cities across Europe to adopt similar initiatives, driving a collective movement towards a zero-waste future.”

Since its inception in January 2024, Plastic Change has been monitoring the environmental and economic benefits of the Rotake Reusable Project in Aarhus.

The reusable takeaway system offers customers reusable cups for a five-doner deposit (), which is refundable when the cup is returned to one of 30 Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) situated in the city. The project involved 57 partner establishments, including cafes, bars, pubs, restaurants, and street food markets.

In less than eight months, Plastic Change found that the RVMs reached over 500,000 cups’ returns, for an 85 per cent overall return rate. Further municipal waste sampling of 2,000 kg found fewer than 10 reusable cups.

A survey conducted by Plastic Change found that 92 per cent of Danish people would be willing to return packaging in a reuse system.

Louise Lerche-Gredal, Managing Director of Plastic Change, commented: “Scalable reuse systems are crucial for a green transition away from our single-use and takeaway culture, but many cities are hesitant to challenge the status quo.

“With Plastic Change as a partner in the ReuSe Vanguard Project, city authorities gain valuable insights from Denmark into how to build an effective reuse system at the city level, from consumer behaviour and pricing to the undeniable environmental benefits. Our hope is to push the agenda forward across Europe.”

Each European generates an average of 190 kg of packaging waste annually, and in light of the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulations (PPWR) which mandate a 15 per cent reduction in packaging waste by 2040, Aarhus’ reuse system demonstrates potential solutions to waste reduction
Redigert 09.10.2024 kl 12:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
09.10.2024 kl 22:11 339

Som alltid er det mye interessant nytt å finne om Tomra. Og her er litt av en oppfølger til ferske, oppløftende nyheter om pantesystemet for gjenbruk fra Aarhus.

Tomra er ubeskjedne nok til å kalle sin nyutviklede, AI-baserte sorteringsteknologi for sitrusfrukter en game changer innen fruktbransjen. Herligheten blir nå vist frem til markedet under 'Fruit Attraction' i Madrid 8. - 10.oktober.

Mer å lese hvis man åpner linken.


Tomra Food strengthens AI technology offering and highlights Valencia HQ

October 09 , 2024

TOMRA Food used the highly-anticipated 25th Fruit Attraction event in Madrid to unveil its renewed investment and support for the global fruit industry. With a new headquarters in Valencia and the chance to take a sneak peek at the soon-to-be-released LUCAi application for citrus fruits, plus the TOMRA 5A, our bulk sorting solution for whole products like potatoes, carrots and peppers.

“The food sector is experiencing continuous growth, driven by clear factors such as demographics. In particular, the fruit and vegetable sector has seen a significant surge recently. Market players have had to face new challenges to deliver quality without sacrificing speed. This is largely due to increased awareness among younger generations about the importance of healthy eating, a trend that older generations are also adopting, along with the instant gratification consumers now expect from online shopping,” said David del Castillo, Regional Sales Director for Southern Europe.

“The citrus industry clearly needs more efficient and user-friendly sorting systems. Given the wide variety of citrus fruits – oranges, mandarins, lemons, clementines, limes, grapefruits – and the numerous varieties within each type, LUCAi™ Citrus will play a pivotal role. While it has required substantial effort from TOMRA, we are now in the final stages and will soon demonstrate the remarkable results we can achieve. We are confident this will be a game changer in the market and redefine the way those looking to stay competitive will work,” David del Castillo said.

Fruit Attraction attendees among first to experience LUCAi™ for citrus

The new LUCAi™ citrus application will integrate TOMRA’s latest advancements in AI technology based on Deep Learning. Developed by a team of leading scientists, engineers, researchers, and industry experts, LUCAi™ uses pre-trained models to teach computers how to process data, including complex image patterns to achieve unprecedented sorting accuracy across an expanding range of fruits. It follows several pioneering launches. In 2018, TOMRA Food launched LUCAi for blueberries on the KATO 260 blueberry grader, which was the world’s first deep-learning program for fruit sorting. LUCAi™ deep learning for apples followed on the TOMRA Spectrim machine. In 2023, TOMRA added a cherries application to the LUCAi™ portfolio, which is now available on the InVision2, and there are other categories currently being worked on.

“A key pillar of our strategy is maintaining our technology leadership. We want to share with the industry the outstanding results our customers are achieving by integrating LUCAi™ Artificial Intelligence into their sorting systems for blueberries, apples, cherries, and soon citrus, along with other commodities. There are already over 500 processing lanes now powered by LUCAI™, and the results have been outstanding in terms of performance, improved batch quality, and greater ease of use for operators.”

“We have already installed the first trial units in all citrus growing regions in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Specifically, in Spain, we have two units operational for the upcoming citrus season and expect strong demand for this solution in several countries. asserted David del Castillo.

25th Fruit Attraction event in Madrid
Redigert 09.10.2024 kl 22:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
10.10.2024 kl 23:43 259

TOMRA Horizon

KCRW Features

Clothing brands must recycle or reuse: New CA law

By Caleigh Wells Oct. 03, 2024

Most recycling systems can handle cardboard, glass, and aluminum. But cotton or nylon? When it’s already been crafted into a dress, swimsuit, or pair of jeans? That’s currently beyond what many recycling systems are set up to handle.

But recycled fabrics are coming. California just passed a law that requires textile companies to repurpose or recycle the products they make so they stay out of the landfill.

Companies that sell more than $1 million worth of products in California will be mandated to help fund the state’s textile recycling efforts, “for those materials to be sorted and then reused, whether that's upcycling, recycling, or sorted and turned into additional feedstock for the next generation of products,” says California Senator Josh Newman, who authored the law.

The Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024 also incentivizes manufacturers to make more fabrics that can be recycled once you’re done using them. 

“If you can do that, you're not only addressing the waste stream landfill question, but you're really making a difference in environmentalism,” says Newman.

And it’ll have implications beyond state borders. Because if H&M or another  company makes more recyclable clothes, they’re not just going to make them for Californians, they’ll likely sell those garments elsewhere. 

The state has until July 2028 to implement the law, and the companies have until 2030 to comply. 

Now the pressure is on to figure out how. 

That’s a tall order in the U.S., where about 85% of old clothes don’t get recycled. Americans throw away 92 million tons of textiles every year.

TOMRA Recycling


Sustainability Awards 2024 Finalist Interview: the EnEWA project for board and paper recycling

8 October 2024

As part of our Finalist Interview series ahead of the Sustainability Awards, RWTH Aachen University spoke to us about the EnEWA research project - a joint entry with Universität Siegen, LEIPA, PROPAKMA, STADLER and TOMRA Recycling - which developed and evaluated a recycling process for paper, board and paper composites, nominated in the Commercialized Driving the Circular Economy category.

TOMRA Mining

Sasquatch Resources Reports Results from 528 kg Sorting Test of Waste-Rock at Mount Sicker

Sasquatch Resources Corp.
Wed, October 9, 2024 at 1:30 PM GMT+2 4 min read


("Sasquatch" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from a 528kg sorting test-run of waste rock from Sasquatch's Mount Sicker Property performed by Tomra Systems ASA in Germany ("Tomra"), and further analyzed by ALS Laboratories in North Vancouver, Canada ("ALS").

Sasquatch released the results of a systematic sampling program covering the majority of its waste-rock area at Mount Sicker on March 27, 2024. The results from 97 samples taken averaged 1.86 g/t gold, 48.6 g/t silver, 1.22% copper and 3.05% zinc. From these results, Sasquatch and Sulphide Remediation Inc. ("SRI") have begun to explore the possibility of utilizing a mobile, closed-loop crushing and sorting system to extract and separate high-sulphide material in the waste rock, which could then be shipped off-site for further processing. In furtherance of this, the Company took a further 528 kg sample from four separate locations within the waste-rock area and shipped it to the Tomra test-lab in Germany. The sample was run through the same sorting apparatus expected to be used if the project proceeds on a larger scale, the Tomra COM Tertiary XRT unit.
Sasquatch's CEO Pete Smith commented, "We are very excited about these results, which further demonstrate substantial economic potential in the waste-rock at Mount Sicker. Historically high cut-offs for mining activity and resulting high grades left behind in the waste-rock, normal for mines that were active so long ago, combined with new sorting technologies that can further separate remaining high-sulphide material from low-grade waste, may provide us an opportunity to generate substantial value from the waste-rock that has been left behind, as well as dramatically improve environmental and safety conditions at Mount Sicker. Further work is ongoing, including detailed metallurgy of the sorted material which will help inform us of potential future processing partners and terms. We have thus far been receiving overwhelmingly positive local support, and our permitting process is underway, and we expect to be providing further updates on all fronts throughout the fall."

TOMRA Horizon

‘More Than a Store': Why Goodwill Wants to be a Force for Textile Circularity

Story by Jasmin Malik Chua
• 2d • 5 min read

Goodwill wants to be known for more than selling people's castoffs.

For more than 120 years, the charitable retailer has been a vital but frequently overlooked player in municipal waste management, creating job opportunities for the marginalized and in need by finding new outlets for old housewares, books, toys and clothing.

Now, Goodwill wants to play a more active role in textile circularity-and not just spinning one person's fashion regret into another's sartorial score. It and fellow nonprofit Accelerating Circularity recently concluded a two-year million pilot, which was funded with a $1.28 million grant from the Walmart Foundation, to develop the skills and infrastructure to aggregate, sort and process textiles for reuse and recycling.

Up next is a $2 million traceability study, also funded by Walmart, that will support what it describes as a "multi-stakeholder initiative to follow the global journey of secondhand textiles" so it can understand where its goods are going, even if they're being sold by third parties.

The idea behind both schemes is to figure out how Goodwill can better keep textiles out of landfills, both in North America, where the organization is based, and in the marketplaces of countries such as Chile and Ghana, which have become the "final sink" for the dregs of Western overconsumption.

As textile-to-textile recycling ladders up in scale in the United States and Europe to meet mounting consumer and regulatory appetite for lower-impact materials that clean up rather than add to fashion's ballooning waste problem
"The stigma of buying from Goodwill just isn't there anymore," she said. "[But] I think a lot of people still don't realize how much more than a store Goodwill really is."

Preston agreed. Getting things right will be a multi-year journey, but there's slow and steady and then there's slow but stuck. For now, Goodwill is actively engaging with the likes of the Rochester Institute of Technology and sortation systems Tomra and Sortile.

"It takes time to do it, but we need to be on that pathway today if we're going to be successful tomorrow," he said. "We need to grab the mantle and realize that we have an opportunity for leadership in the area."

Interessant prosjekt i Gambia.

The Gambia launches landmark plan to reduce plastic pollution by 86 per cent

9 October 2024 - 3 minutes

National Action Plan hopes to tackle rising plastic pollution in the country including phased ban on single-use plastic bottles
The government of The Gambia – along with Common Seas – has today announced a plan to tackle plastic pollution in the country, ahead of the final round of the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations later this year.

An estimated 95,000 tonnes of plastics will escape from The Gambia into rivers and the sea between now and 2033, but the new National Action Plan to End Plastic Pollution covers a roadmap on how the country – one of the most biodiverse per square mile on the planet – will aim to reduce such plastic pollution by 86 per cent in the next ten years, contributing to the improvement of human health, the tourism industry and The Gambia’s environment.
Policies outlined in the plan including enhanced bans on single-use plastic carrier bags, a phased ban of single-use plastic bottles and a introduction of a deposit return scheme for other bottles, as well as improving solid waste management through improved collections, storage and recycling. The Gambia also plan to reduce the country’s reliance on plastic bags such as water bags, by installing public water foundations and improving the quality of the water supply. Bans and charges may also be implemented for ‘on-the-go’ food and drink packaging.

Rect Angel
I går kl 12:50 142

Like suveren 'i garderoben' som man er 'på banen'. For Tomra er globalt markedsledende innen alt man driver med og lever altså også som man preker, får vi vite her.

Synes der er gode argumenter for å påstå at Tomra representerer det aller beste av verdiskapning her til lands. Ikke minst når man retter blikket frem i tid, og det er jo den veien tingene skal.

TOMRA Sorting GmbH Receives Gold Medal in EcoVadis Sustainability Rating

9 Oct 2024  | Separation and Sorting Technology

TOMRA Sorting GmbH has been awarded the gold medal by EcoVadis for its sustainability performance, highlighting the company's progress in the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. As part of a comprehensive sustainability strategy, TOMRA’s ambition is to lead the Resource Revolution while becoming a fully circular business that is safe, fair and inclusive.

TOMRA Sorting GmbH, the Germany-based entity of TOMRA Recycling, has been awarded the gold medal by the world’s leading provider of independent sustainability assessments, EcoVadis. This is the third time that the leader in sensor-based sorting technology for recycling has taken part in the assessment, and this year TOMRA was able to significantly improve its performance compared to the previous year by advancing from the silver to the gold medal.

TOMRA among the top 3%

EcoVadis’ assessment comprises four main categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The results of the assessments place TOMRA Sorting GmbH in the top 3% of companies in the “manufacture of special-purpose machinery” sector.

“We are delighted to receive the gold medal for our sustainability rating. It demonstrates how our commitment to areas like sustainable procurement and achieving net-zero carbon translates into concrete policies, measures and actions – with tangible results now beginning to emerge,” says Marine Savy, Sustainability Manager at TOMRA Recycling. “This award confirms that we are on the right track on this long journey, but above all, it is a result of the collaborative hard work and commitment of all our teams to implement sustainability in our company.”

Sustainability as a core principle at TOMRA

TOMRA’s sustainability agenda focuses on maximizing the positive handprint of its products, while minimizing the environmental and societal footprint caused by its business activities. As such, TOMRA is committed to sustainable business management, while following its mission to transform the way resources are obtained, used and reused, with the goal of creating a planet without waste. TOMRA Sorting GmbH manufactures machines for the sensor-based sorting of waste and metal, ensuring these resources are recycled and kept in a continuous loop.
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Rect Angel
I dag kl 12:54 38

Siste nytt om kommende pantesystem i UK + (for Tomra og klima) viktig 'commitment' til sirkulær økonomi når det gjelder plast generelt, fra den nye Labour regjeringen.

Man kan få denne artikkelen opplest hvis man følger linken.

Glass will not be an in-scope material for England and NI’s DRSs

Environment and Energy, Circular Economy, Legislation and Regulation

14th October 2024

The deposit return schemes in England and Northern Ireland will include polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, steel, and aluminium drink containers, but not glass, Mary Creagh has confirmed.
Commitment to circular economy transition

Responding to a different parliamentary question, Creagh said: “The government is committed to moving to a circular economy for plastics – a future where we keep our resources in use for longer; waste is reduced; we accelerate the path to net zero, we see investment in critical infrastructure and green jobs; our economy prospers; and nature thrives.”

Og nyheter fra naboer i vest om en effekt av pantesystem kun kort tid etter oppstart, virker ganske sikkert inspirerende.


Deposit return scheme leads to ‘massive reduction’ in plastic bottles and drinks containers found on shores by Coastwatch

Environmental group seeking citizen scientists to complete 2024 survey, especially in northwest and Northern Ireland

Kevin O'Sullivan
Mon Oct 14 2024 - 06:00

The annual Coastwatch autumn survey has found “a massive reduction” in plastic bottles, aluminium cans and steel tins washing up on Irish shorelines following the introduction of a deposit return scheme earlier this year.

The trend is already clear halfway through this year’s survey being conducted on the island of Ireland by volunteer citizen scientists – 250 surveys have been completed based on 500-metre stretches of coastline – with 239 more due to be undertaken.
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