Yemen Acquisition Looks Significant

ZENA 03.01.2023 kl 11:43 14975

Key Elements of Yemen Acquisition RNS

1) Current production of 6,000 bopd

2) Historical production of 15,000 bopd

3) Exploration upside of 130 million barrels of oil in two blocks

4) Acquisition cost USD$ 21,619,000 to be paid 49% by Zenith.

5) Production costs of USD$28 per barrel

6) P1 Reserves 13.15 million barrels

7) P2 Reserves 30.74 million barrels

8) 571 BSCF recoverable gas across the asset

This looks like it could be really really big for Zenith
Redigert 03.01.2023 kl 11:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.03.2023 kl 09:00 5034

Hvorfor ikke la selgerne komme under 7 øre👍
28.03.2023 kl 01:25 4731

God drahjelp fra kineserene , som har fått til noe utrolig.
Kanskje ikke så lenge før eksporten er oppe å går igjen.
29.03.2023 kl 00:31 4679

Great nombers compare to haw much have been payed for Yemen acquisition , but still I'm going to keep my expectations little bit lower so I don't get disappointed. 🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊
29.03.2023 kl 00:43 4747

Personally I don't think we should worry about citizens war, only thing that can be effected is delay one transport or sell but we can live with that. The most important is successful completion.
Slettet bruker
29.03.2023 kl 08:44 4723

As per unofficial source 2P reserve is 160 million barrels gross. Zenith will get 44.8 million barrels after approval.
USD 100 million field got in USD 20million
field worth kr 0.3 officially and kr1.7 unofficially excluding other two field.

Company will not go bankrupt until we have Tunisian and Italian production which defend kr 0.15 company value.
Total debt is €13million and oil inventory is $15million worth + 6 million Congo receivable+ Italian electricity sale.

From here Zenith will go up only not down, it is calculated risk zero downside and upto 10 to 15 times upside with Benin and Yemen.
Redigert 29.03.2023 kl 08:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.03.2023 kl 22:58 5457

If yemen deal go through we will easy see 1 nok .
Yes from 0.06 nok this is Russian %.
Slettet bruker
30.03.2023 kl 08:48 5286

after Yemen announcement defiantly kr 0.25 to kr0.35 total course without Yemen.

Defiantly kr1 if they achieve gross 15000 bopd in next one year Yemen.
30.03.2023 kl 08:59 5250

Bør uansett over 15 øre bare på forventninger og eksisterende produksjon. Ser en grønn dag i dag også
Lord Wincheste
30.03.2023 kl 09:05 5225

Blir nok siste mulighet til å få snitt under ei krone før helga
30.03.2023 kl 09:27 5148

Føler jeg har lest alt dette tidligere....for lenge lenge siden..0,25- 0,35 og 1,-
Slettet bruker
30.03.2023 kl 09:32 5128

All are dynamic situations, don't be rigid ..................
30.03.2023 kl 09:35 5103

Ja umulig å spå noen her, men att kursen vil fly er det ingen tvil om.
30.03.2023 kl 09:40 5076

We are close to signing Benin, let’s get that signed off first get a 200% rise then focus on Yemen.
Lord Wincheste
30.03.2023 kl 09:42 5053

Når et selskap hinter så til det grader, så er det enten for at det går bra eller for at de er totalt desperate. I sluttforhandlinger om Zeme feltet så er det garantert det første. Dette går veien. Skal ikke skyte noe som helst og jeg skjønner alle som har kjempet og følt seg som brent barn, men nå ser det faktisk veldig veldig bra ut. Siste innspurt og tålmodighetsprøve gjennom påska nå.
30.03.2023 kl 09:46 5025

Snakker vi fet reprising om litt?Snakk om veldisiplinerte aksjonærer,kommer det gode nyheter snart?🤠
Slettet bruker
30.03.2023 kl 10:08 4966

Yemen money will come in account first......... remember this.

I am sure some people will come with large sell order and negative rant here but just grab it. Valuation of Benin and Yemen is too high will with current price price will double in one trading day. It worth to take risk around buying kr 0.06
I encourage shareholder to go through valuation report from last time and compare current share price......Benin and Yemen valuation.

old report but add new share numbers and 2P reserve also oil price too...........
Redigert 30.03.2023 kl 10:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.03.2023 kl 10:13 4945

If they get the license. Why should small company with bad track record get a license of this size.
Slettet bruker
30.03.2023 kl 10:21 4912

Remember APCL with Zero production and zero licenses( all four are disputed that time) in hand Petronor bought it for kr 110 million in 2018.
here we have 4 producing field ...............
Lord Wincheste
30.03.2023 kl 13:33 4701

Implement: tion and Production History. Seme oil reserves were
discovered in two ndependent fields: the main one, North Seme, and a smaller
one, South Seme. Saga envisaged the development of the fields in two
phases: Phase I, where 9.8 MMB would have been recovered by natural depletion
with six wells (four in North Seme), and Phase II, originally envisaged as a
secondary recovery project, where an additional 11.9 MMB would have been
recovered by water injection. Phase I included mainly the construction of a
jack-up platform for drilling and workovers, three wellhead platforms, one of
them being also a production platform, and an onshore tank farm. All
installations were ready for the spudding of the first well in June 1982,
within the time frame and budget established by Saga. However, the drilling
and initial operating phase suffered from several technical setbacks which
delayed production: (i) the first well proved to be dry, and a side-tracking
undertaken a year later also proved to be dry; (ii) the jack-up platform had
an accident to one of its legs which required a lengthy repair; and, (iii) the
downhole pumps broke down frequently thus limiting production. The field
started producing commercially on October 31, 1Si82, the first crude shipment
took place on April 15, 1983, and accumulated production was about 2 MMB as of
March 1, 1984. Production averaged 7,300 BD in the months of January-March
1984. Five wells are now in production and the sixth well of Phase I is
expected to be drilled in November 1984. The production history and reservoir
simulation studies indicate the existence of a partial water drive, thus the
implementation of the above-referenced secondary recovery project has been
postponed and may not be required at all. A step-out confirmation well,
drilled in July 1983, has proven a western extension of the field which will
be developed under the proposed Phase II project. Other potential field
extensions have been identified to the north and northwest of the field which
will be delineated under the proposed project. A deep production well drilled
in March 1983 penetrated a gas strucLure in the deep
30.03.2023 kl 14:00 4620

Hej Norge

Lord W. sendte link -- huu-ha, der bliver noget for Zenith at bruge pengene til. -- tak for link
Ser ud som en tikkene miljøbombe :-(

Skal vi være nervøse ???

Redigert 30.03.2023 kl 14:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
30.03.2023 kl 14:05 4600

2009 report -----------to take course down can you give latest info too.............
Slettet bruker
30.03.2023 kl 14:06 4593

· The last operator is reported to have made infrastructure investments for an amount exceeding US$100 million prior to exiting the project due to low oil prices.

· A new ‘Sèmè North’ oilfield (“Sèmè North”) was discovered in 2015 with a reported discovery of an additional 100 million barrels of oil in place with estimated (2P) recoverable reserves of 16 million barrels utilizing a Recovery Factor of 16%. It is expected that improvements in the Recovery Factor might be achieved with modern completion and drilling techniques to reach a Recovery Factor of above 30%.

· 27 wells have been drilled in Block-1: 24 in the original Sèmè oilfield, with the last 3 wells having been drilled in 2014-15 to discover Sèmè North. These wells discovered and tested oil in the H5 & H6 reservoirs, the same reservoirs that were producing in the original Sèmè oilfield, in a separate structure. However, due to the prevailing oil price at the time (approximately US$30) further development activities were deemed non-commercial.
Lord Wincheste
30.03.2023 kl 14:16 4561

Bra viking! Du peiser på med bra info her. Nå får vi slutte med negativitet og begynne å se på de mulighetene dette feltet gir. Jeg bryr meg katta om Yemen enn så lenge. Men en god drift her så er det strålende for det operasjonelle og nye muligheter som følge av det. Bonuser som Italia kommer. Men Yemen er det ingen vits å kalkulerer med ennå. Benin derimot.
Slettet bruker
30.03.2023 kl 14:23 4527

Yemen is more lucrative than Benin.

There's is some leak, I am sure specific with Syndicate.................they will take it kr 0.07 today
Redigert 30.03.2023 kl 14:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.03.2023 kl 16:13 4223

I stedet for at omtale dit “syndicat” som noget negativt evig og altid, så skal du gøres helt klart, at hvis man ikke havde fået handlet kursen ned, UDEN manipulation i øvrigt - så havde der stadig været larmende stilhed fra ledelsen, AC har valgt at det eneste værktøj der virker for at trænge igennem er en kurs i rødt, det har ALLE kunne se de sidste mange måneder.

Hverken aktiesplit, informationer til aktionærer , Twitter meddelelser er hans opfindelse. -

Heldigvis ser en del ting lyse ud nu.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
04.04.2023 kl 11:15 3795

Er det noen som virkelig fortjener at denne går i boks snart så er det Zena aksjonærene. En 500-1000 prosenter er vel fortjent.
Slettet bruker
04.04.2023 kl 11:44 3722

On 28th talk AC was more positive towards Yemen portfolio valuation and management bought more for Yemen transaction.
two back to back news will give real boost to share value in coming days.
07.04.2023 kl 04:18 3455

I thought about all acquisitions that has been done and came to conclusions: Like in prehistoric time 's people make sacrifice bull to God's on order to achieve victory or success. Since we are in more ,, civilians " time it'll be crazy and in sing. There for I sacrificed my proud and joy, my. Bull 4x4 ,V6 Pathfinder so hopefully God's will understand haw seriously we mean.about it. And for those of you guys who's thinking about sacrifice marriage or relationship don't do it ( I thought about it my self) it has to be sum thing very idear and nnocent too your heart.😊. Otherwise it doesn't count. You can't fool the God's and Johnny Depp 😊.
Redigert 07.04.2023 kl 04:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.04.2023 kl 05:00 3439

steg 10 % i London i går

07.04.2023 kl 10:14 3309

07.04.2023 kl 11:21 3232

4,62 mil
gennemsnit er 1,35 mill
07.04.2023 kl 12:28 3175

Det tolker jeg som positivt for de som sitter!
Har du linken..?? Er det samsvar mellom norsk og engelsk kurs??
Redigert 07.04.2023 kl 12:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.04.2023 kl 12:51 3147

Hva ble sluttkursen?
07.04.2023 kl 12:56 3137

Jeg fant denne linken:
Sluttkurs: 0.58 GBX... an det stemme da?? Større volum på siste handel enn de før det!
07.04.2023 kl 13:05 3126

Zenith var ca i nok 0.075 i London.
Det er normalt mye mindre handel i London- årsak er pga det er mye. Mye mindre Zenith aksjer på børs der tror det var 75% av aksjene deres som er i Norge Oslo børs.
Men men de er opp ca 8 % siste måned og er vel ned 30-40% siste 3 mnd..
Vi får håpe jant får solgt aksjene hans.
Vi andre får vente på 10-15 dobling om avtaler blir godkjent av myndigheter. God påske alle zenere 🛢🏦🎂
0,58 GBX +0,08 (17,35 %)de siste fem dagene
6. apr., 16:30 GMT+1 • Ansvarsfraskrivelse
Redigert 07.04.2023 kl 13:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.04.2023 kl 13:12 3107

0,58 GBX
+0,050 (9,52 %)i dag
6. apr. 16.30 GMT+1 • Ansvarsfraskrivelse