YEMEN - Signing of SPA for acquisition of OMV Yemen

ZENA 10.01.2023 kl 14:25 22480


Signing of SPA for acquisition of OMV Yemen

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the energy company with proven revenue generating production, exploration and development assets in Africa and Europe, is pleased to announce that a company in which it holds a 49% interest, Zenith Energy Netherlands B.V. (“Zenith Netherlands”) has entered into a share purchase agreement (“SPA”) with OMV Exploration and Production GmbH (“OMV” or the “Seller”) to acquire 100% of the outstanding share capital of OMV (Yemen Block S 2) Exploration GmbH, OMV Jardan Block 3 Upstream GmbH and OMV Block 70 Upstream GmbH (collectively “OMV Yemen”), which are all companies incorporated and existing under the laws of Austria.

---Production Assets:---

Block S-2
OMV Yemen is one of the largest oil producers in the country with a highly prospective portfolio including a balance of immediate production, as well as a
balance of short and long-term growth opportunities.
Block S-2 was discovered in 1992 by Oxy and declared commercial in 2005 by OMV following its acquisition of Preussag Energie International in 2003.
OMV (Yemen Block S 2) Exploration GmbH operates and holds a 44% working interest, with partners including SINOPEC (37.5% working interest), YOGC
(12.5% working interest) and YRL (6% working interest).
OMV Yemen holds a financial interest of 57.14% in production from Block S-2.
Gross production during 2021 averaged approximately 7,400 barrels of oil per day (“BOPD”) and the field remains in the ‘primary depletion’ stage with highly
material unexploited potential.
Historical production from S-2 was maintained at approximately 15,000 BOPD through sustained drilling activity until 2015.
No new wells have been drilled since 2015 when force majeure was declared due to regional instability and production was temporarily suspended.
Production activities were resumed in 2018 at an average gross rate of 17,500 barrels of oil per day and have declined, in view of no new drilling activities, to a
gross average of approximately 6,000 barrels of oil per day as of January 1, 2022.
Production costs of approximately US$28 per barrel.
Gross 1P Reserves (Proved) have been estimated as 13.15 million barrels of oil using the independent DeGolyer & McNaughton reserves evaluation dated
December 31, 2017, as reference and subtracting confirmed oil production during the period 2018-2021.
Gross 2P Reserves (Proved + Probable) have been estimated as 30.74 million barrels of oil using the independent DeGolyer & McNaughton reserves
evaluation dated December 31, 2017, as reference and subtracting confirmed oil production during the period 2018-2021.
Crude oil production is transported by truck 80km to Block 4, then 200km by pipeline for export at the Al Nushaima port. Construction of a new central
processing facility (“CPF”) has been largely completed with a storage capacity of approx. 100,000 barrels of crude oil.
Strong management team and highly competent personnel with over 300 staff.
A number of ready to execute near-term growth opportunities are available, by way of an already formulated workover and a phased infill drilling and sidetrack
programme for six new wells, to enable production to potentially return to 15,000 BOPD.

---Exploration Assets:---
OMV Yemen holds a balanced exploration portfolio comprising Block 3 (34% working interest) and Block 70 (19.24% working interest).
Prospects range from easily monetised low-risk exploration to high-risk, high-reward exploration.
Current exploration activities have identified significant potential near-term development opportunities.

Block 3:
OMV Jardan Block 3 Upstream GmbH holds a financial interest of 36.17% in Block 3.
Gross oil resources have been estimated at about 60 million barrels unrisked by OMV.
1035 km2 3D and 2,100 km 2D seismic is held in respect of Block 3.
No remaining work commitments for Block 3.

Block 70
OMV Block 70 Upstream GmbH holds a financial interest of 20.25% in Block 70.
Gross oil resources have been estimated at about 70 million barrels unrisked by OMV.
1,200 km 2D seismic (410 km reprocessed) is held in respect of Block 70.
No remaining work commitments for Block 70.

Natural Gas Production Potential:
Significant associated gas volumes have been recorded with oil production across OMV Yemen’s portfolio giving evidence of substantial natural gas production
potential from S-2, Block 3, and Block 70.
A gas discovery has been made in Block 3, representing a major opportunity for the monetisation of OMV’s Yemen natural gas production, all of which is
currently flared.
Several gas production offtake options are already under discussion including the possibility of a connection being made to a local power station or to Yemen
Zenith may also explore the construction of a ‘Gas-to-Power’(“GTP”) plant, as successfully carried out in Italy, to commercialize gas production and provide
additional electricity supply to the local economy.
Gross total recoverable gas volumes have been estimated by OMV, across the OMV Yemen portfolio, to be approximately 571 BSCF.

----Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive of Zenith, commented:---
“The acquisition of OMV Yemen represents a very significant milestone for Zenith Energy.
The existing production from the asset and, more importantly, the near-term future oil and natural gas production indicated by the size of the reserves, position Zenith on an extremely exciting organic growth trajectory.
I take the chance to thank OMV and its management for its cooperation in this transaction. Our technical teams shall continue to work closely together as we enter the handover phase and welcome our new colleagues in Yemen to the Zenith family.
Finally, we look forward with enthusiasm to establishing ourselves in Yemen and contributing to the prosperity of the local economy. It is our belief that the country has extraordinary economic potential, especially in respect of its oil and gas industry, and we shall seek to maximise our relationship with the local authorities to achieve our development objectives.”

---Terms of the SPA: ---
Under the terms of the SPA, Zenith Netherlands will, subject to the conditions set forth in the SPA, acquire 100% of OMV’s shares in OMV Yemen at completion for a total consideration of US$ 21,619,000 (the “Base Purchase Price”).
Zenith Netherlands has paid a deposit of US$4,323,800 which shall be credited by the Seller to Zenith Netherlands as part of the Purchase Price upon completion.
The obligations set out in the SPA of the Seller and Zenith Netherlands to consummate the sale and purchase of the shares in OMV Yemen at completion are subject to, inter alia, the approval of the authorities in Yemen, and the approval by the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria for Labour and Economy in respect of the transfer of shares from OMV to Zenith Netherlands (“Completion”). The SPA has a longstop date of nine months from the date of signing.
A Transitional Services Agreement (“TSA”) may be signed between OMV and Zenith Netherlands at or around completion to govern certain services to be provided by OMV or its affiliates to Zenith Netherlands after completion if OMV and Zenith Netherlands determine that such agreement shall be required to optimise the handover of OMV Yemen.
About Yemen

• Yemen is located on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula, sharing a border with Saudi Arabia and Oman.
• The country has significant oil and natural gas reserves sufficient for both domestic demand and international exports, however, it is not currently a major
hydrocarbon producer relative to several other Middle Eastern countries.
• Yemen sits on proved hydrocarbon reserves of c. 3 billion barrels of crude oil and 17 trillion cubic feet of gas (US Energy Information Administration). Its main
crude export grade is light sweet Masila, with an API gravity of 34.10.
• Until 2009, Yemen reinjected most of its gas production to aid in oil recovery, but has since become an LNG exporter, with the government aiming to increase
the use of natural gas in many sectors, including in electricity generation.
14.04.2023 kl 10:00 6181

Takk, Calgary(Canadisk) time er også en tid..Sent på ettermiddagen her da, så børsen er stengt. Da må man håpe at generalforsamlingen kan komme med en grei oppdatering av 2022, og kanskje andre nyheter? Kan man egentlig annonsere noe på generalforsamlingen, er ikke den saklisten som bestemmer agenda?
Slettet bruker
14.04.2023 kl 10:48 6032

Annual general meeting always with fixed agenda and voting for it.
1) other than reverse splice all are common agenda almost all companies.

Date of reverse splice is important for shareholders as it is long waited demand from shareholders.
Also Company may be waited for announcement of Benin, Yemen and Tunisian operational update after reverse splice.

Redigert 14.04.2023 kl 10:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2023 kl 12:53 5917

Hvis det blir ett land med roligere klima er jo dette virkelig ett kupp av en avtale. Kjempe spennende både her og Benin om dagen..
14.04.2023 kl 19:45 5774

I know I just hopp for miracle and miracles ar wary rare this days.
14.04.2023 kl 20:02 5733

Er det lagt ut noe informasjon vedrørende GF, eller lenke der vi kan se presentasjonen?
17.04.2023 kl 08:45 5236

Skal bare se at AC endelig lykkes med både Yemen og Benin. Det fortjener aksjonærene
Med olja på 80 tallet så blir det god.butikk.
Redigert 17.04.2023 kl 08:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.06.2023 kl 13:28 3684

Da har jeg snublet over det som ser ut til og være beviset på at zenith har fått yemen. Jeg har lest over alle kommentarene som er lagt ut på Twitter angående videoen og der kommer det frem at salget er gjennomført etter hva jeg forstår:D videoen er bare noen dager gammel.

Desverre kan jeg ikke språket men etter hva kommentarene på Twitter sier så er avtalen i boks🥳

Hvis noen her kan språket så må de gjerne legge ut hva som blir sagt.
29.06.2023 kl 13:40 3636

Veldig bra arbeid, took en rask google translate på beskrivelsen på youtubevideo, tittel til youtubevideo. på det ser det uklart ut angående Zenith. kunne du delt noen kommentarer som viser at ting tyder på at det går Zenith sin vei?

Tittel på video:
Sixty Investigations: The first episode, the S2 oil sector in Shabwa and the secret selling brokers


"The first episode of a series of investigations conducted by the #Steen digital platform, episode title: (Sector S2 in #Shabwa and the hidden selling brokers), in this film you will see the brokers’ journey that they started by offering one of the most important oil sectors in Yemen for sale to suspicious and fake companies, we followed them in it Sources of information and brokerage threads. The investigation conducted by the platform revealed the names of companies and people involved in this process, and other important information."

Eneste youtubekommentar:

This is a false deal that did not take place and nothing was signed. All previous agreements were canceled
29.06.2023 kl 13:51 3593

I kommentarene som var så var det mye av de samme kommentarene at myndighetene var korrupte siden de (ga) vekk oljefeltene til utenlandske ”tyver“ at salget var gjort osv. etter hva jeg forstår så er filmen laget for og prøve og sette myndighetene i ett dårlig lys siden de mener handelen har gått bak ryggen på folket osv. det er synd på folket i disse landene som ikke forstår at jemen selv ikke har mulighet til og få oljen opp og solgt da korrupsjonen og grådigheten til de fleste der gjør st det ikke er mulig, med utenlandske oljeselskap så vil det kunne fremvises inntekter til staten som så igjen må vise hvir pengene går. Dette er desverre ikke mulig hvis korrupte innenlandsselskaper skal gjøre det. Historie. Har vist det flere ganger.. så jeg anseer det som at avtalen er gjort og folket føler seg ”robbet“

Men dette er ikke en fasit, jeg skriver bare det jeg har lest selv.
29.06.2023 kl 13:59 3569

Det hadde vært enormt, hadde gitt penger fort i kassa som vi sårt trenger. Med Yemen i boks er tiden på vår side mtp søksmålet i Tunisia.
29.06.2023 kl 14:48 3484

Helt i boks er det nok ikke. Da hadde det nok kommet en ganske så rask meldingen…
29.06.2023 kl 14:55 3463

Helt enig, tror også at aksjen hadde gått opp endel om folk virkelig trodde på ryktene før meldingen blir utgitt. var et "hvis den var i boks"
Slettet bruker
29.06.2023 kl 15:26 3399

If deal is not gone through then why they are making this investigating report after 6 month ..........?
OMV still saying deal is on .........................before September they will close it....
Remember AbdulGhani Gaghman always critical to any deal with outside of Yemen company will be critical try to sabotage it not expect clear answer from him.

Any how large hidden order to buy around 0.0520
Redigert 29.06.2023 kl 15:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.06.2023 kl 16:02 3332

Ja tidligere så gikk han ut med at avtalen aldri ville gå i boks, nå har han forandret det til han tror ikke den vil gå gjennom. De hadde aldri laget en reportasje hvis avtalen ikke hadde gått gjennom. Igjen kun mitt syn på saken.
Slettet bruker
29.06.2023 kl 16:16 3304

is there is no deal, then no point to make investigative report..................
29.06.2023 kl 16:36 3268

Vi kan late som alt er i box og agere deretter,pang 0.06🌞
Redigert 29.06.2023 kl 16:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
29.06.2023 kl 16:56 3224

If deal in box it is worth kr 0.4......1800 bopd to zenith
Redigert 29.06.2023 kl 16:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
29.06.2023 kl 17:53 3145

So many things happened in China in April, Al-huthly many more deal is on......united nations....
Redigert 29.06.2023 kl 17:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.06.2023 kl 20:25 3034

Det er forsovet et godt poeng! Jo mer disse folka skriker, jo større tegn er det for at en avtale er i boks..

Var Gaghman med i denne videoen?
29.06.2023 kl 21:18 2970

News is on its way 🤗
29.06.2023 kl 22:02 2899

Ingenting hadde vert bedre enn en ny fast avtale. skulle likt å vist mer om dette kinesiske samarbeidet. Hvor mange plasse kan ZENITH ende opp med å ha eierskap ? Hvor store og hvor fort tåler vi å bli store? Er så mange tråder ute nå att dette er mer spennende enn noen gang. Så skyter kursen fart straks det meldes om en av disse trådene. Spenningen stiger..
Slettet bruker
30.06.2023 kl 09:05 2675

After translating whole video there sale is completed with help of Al huilty
in April in Chinese city there is some important meeting held for goverment approval.
There is connection of United nation person with 51% stake Hongkong based company which helping Yemen government in SAFER tragedy
remaining you connect the dots................ deal will get approval in coming time..................before September
Redigert 30.06.2023 kl 09:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
tsu for all
30.06.2023 kl 09:20 2618

Du skriver så mye løgn her inne, om avtaler og dato og kurs

Viking_1 du er en lystløgner, få deg en hobby
Redigert 30.06.2023 kl 09:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.06.2023 kl 09:25 2603

Tror ikke han lyver med vilje. Samme i Iox. De som har vært med lenge lager sine egne oppfatninger av virkeligheten. Men, om han skulle få rett vil aksjen gå 5 gangern på et par dager. Ville uansett hatt is i magen og ventet. Er man rask på knappen når nyhet annonseres kan man fortsatt kjøpe til ca 0,1 og få med seg mye av oppsiden uten å løpe risiko
Redigert 30.06.2023 kl 09:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
30.06.2023 kl 10:01 2536

Do some homework before writing here ...................................just come here and write some garbage ..............everytime
"The SPA has a longstop date of nine months from the date of signing."

take some effort and translate video through google translate will know many more things ................

large hidden order to buy at 0.0523 -10
Redigert 30.06.2023 kl 10:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.06.2023 kl 10:15 2497

Folk kan drømme og fantasere, eller ta tapet sitt før vi kryper ned mot 4 øringen. Etter over tre år med en tydelig nedadgående trend, så tror jeg at det skal vanvittig mye postitive nyheter til for å løfte oss opp igjen (til 0,10 foreksempel). Nyheter må nesten komme på løpende bånd om det skal være håp om å få dekt inn tapet eller tjene en slant. Blir det verdt ventingen og all frustrasjon, neppe! Det er lov å være realistisk, iallefall til det motsatte er bevist. Kursen føyk opp til nesten 1,- krone for snart 4 år siden, siden dengang vet vi alle at kursen har gått rett ned i mange år, så selv om bildet er mange ganger bedre nå, er det likevel en grunn til å stille spørsmålstegn til hvorfor kursen er der den er idag. Jeg vet at mange sitter på store tap og venter på bedre tider, inkludert meg selv, men etter alle disse månedene og årene med skuffelser, har jeg blitt fullstendig realistisk og håper på at vi kommer opp i 0,10 øre om ikke annet.
Slettet bruker
30.06.2023 kl 10:52 2414

I am also disappointed after Tunisia episode because it is the main source income after Italy and they have large inventory worth more than $18 million and company lost more than $10million worth oil apart form current inventory from SLK field due to Tunisian government inaction.
30.06.2023 kl 10:57 2395

I understand this, but don't you think its positive the way AC handle the whole situation? maybe in the long run, they get the respect they need in tunisia so things can run smoothly (in a situation they get a fair settlement)
Slettet bruker
30.06.2023 kl 11:39 2312

hidden large order move to buy 0.0524 not buy but di not sell at this level..............
30.06.2023 kl 11:39 2305

Vi forstår litt mer nå hvorfor AC/Zenith la "lokk" rundt Tunisia.. kunne muligens skade caset.
Det KAN hende (hvis artikkelen fra ca. 20juni stemmer) at myndighetene vil ønske å løse saken snarest mulig. Og hvis de har en konstruktiv dialog (saken løser seg), kan kanskje Zenith komme bedre ut med mer utvikling i Tunisia fremover.. (kun mine tanker/spekulasjoner).
Slettet bruker
05.07.2023 kl 10:00 1500

Zenith energy - Yemen
try to find connection with video
Meeting held in April for deal completion, place - China
Waiting for second episode .............
Redigert 05.07.2023 kl 10:53 Du må logge inn for å svare