25.10.2024 kl 16:12 122

Siste mulighet til å skaffe seg billige aksjer i ININ:)...til uka er kursen over 4,5....(håper jeg:))
24.10.2024 kl 09:08 192

Godt å høre...selv om jeg tenker at det er veldig nøkternt:)
22.10.2024 kl 11:06 271

Norne høyner kursmål fra 4,9kr til 5,2kr før fremleggelse av q3. Analyse fra 21.10.24

21.10.2024 kl 09:04 367

Åpner greit i dag, men vi har knapt nok sett hvilken stigning som kommer:)...litt mer reklame for selskapet samt potensialet så snakkes vi på over 10nok...
Redigert 21.10.2024 kl 09:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.10.2024 kl 14:36 522

Virker som det er ting på gang. Omsatt for en snau million så langt i dag og fortsetter den fine utviklingen, ca 100k er omsatt på 4kr.

18.10.2024 kl 13:51 540

Automatisk teknisk analyse. Middels lang sikt, 11. okt 2024
Inin Group har brutt den fallende trendkanalen på mellomlang sikt, noe som i første omgang indikerer svakere falltakt. Aksjen har tatt ut objektivet ved 3.79 kroner etter brudd på en rektangelformasjon. Kursen har nå falt noe tilbake, men formasjonen indikerer videre oppgang. Det er ingen motstand i kursdiagrammet og en videre oppgang indikeres. Ved reaksjoner tilbake har aksjen støtte ved cirka 3.56 kroner. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk positiv på mellomlang sikt.
30.08.2024 kl 15:29 1076

Da er det bare å laste og holde til markedet skjønner tegningen...
30.08.2024 kl 08:27 1284

30.08.2024 08:01:21
ININ Group Q2/H1 2024 financial results: Increased NAV, solid EBITDA result and record-high order backlog
30 August 2024 - ININ Group today reports estimated net asset value (NAV) of NOK 755 million as of 30 June 2024, up from NOK 745 million at the beginning of the quarter. Inin Group delivered a solid EBITDA-result of NOK 37 million in the second quarter, and grew its order backlog to a record-high NOK 1,039 million.

The NAV of NOK 755 million represents a return of 2.2x on ININ Group's investments in its platform companies, reflecting solid value creation in the group's three platform companies. ININ Group is an industrial owner with investments in companies within infrastructure services niches in the Nordics.

ININ Group delivered revenue of NOK 463 million in the second quarter, up from NOK 252 million in the previous quarter. Reported EBITDA was NOK 37 million, up from NOK -39 million in the previous quarter which was affected by the low activity winter season. Adjusted for M&A cost, EBITDA was NOK 44 million, equivalent to a margin of 9 percent, in this year's second quarter (ININ Group did not report second quarter figures last year, hence the comparison with the previous quarter).
29.08.2024 kl 16:17 1586

Krysser fingre og tær for et godt resultat i morgen....tvi, tvi...:)
20.06.2024 kl 13:48 1830

ININ Group's subsidiary Laje AS has been awarded a NOK 38.5 million contract by utility company Glitre Nett to install a transformer station at Kjenner in Lier municipality south of Oslo, Norway.
14.06.2024 kl 11:56 1896

Lagt frem pot.fremtid i dag. Sjekk inin hjemmeside...Ebita på 7%...fortsetter å vokse:)
22.03.2024 kl 08:57 2107

Fortsetter å vokse....:)

22 March 2024 - ININ Group's subsidiary Nordic Infrastructure Group AS has today signed the share purchase agreement to acquire 100 percent of the shares in Norwegian railway contractor SLAM Jernbaneteknikk AS. Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement dated 4 July 2023 regarding the acquisition, which will reinforce Nordic Infrastructure Group's already strong position in the Norwegian market within construction, maintenance and other specialist services to the railway industry. SLAM Jernbaneteknikk becomes part of ININ Group's Rail Infrastructure investment platform, which is headed up by Nordic Infrastructure Group. SLAM Jernbaneteknikk is a provider of high / low voltage and signalling services within the construction, maintenance, troubleshooting and control of railway technical systems. The company also provides safety-related work for railways. SLAM Jernbaneteknikk is headquartered at Roverud in Kongsvinger municipality, Innlandet county, Norway. In 2023, the company generated revenue of approximately NOK 36 million and EBIT of approximately NOK 6.7 million. The company has 20+ employees. "There is a substantial and growing demand for signalling technicians and specialist signalling competence. SLAM Jernbaneteknikk offers exactly this. By becoming part of Nordic Infrastructure Group, we are becoming the leading player within this field in Norway," says Gjermund Sogn, CEO of Nordic Infrastructure Group. SLAM Jernbaneteknikk is valued at approximately NOK 31.3 million in the transaction, which will be settled 65 percent in Nordic Infrastructure Group shares and 35 percent in cash, paid in three tranches. Closing of the transaction is expected by the end of March 2024. (ENDS
21.11.2023 kl 13:51 2500

Ser ut som om dette selskapet kan få seg en opptur etterhvert. Leverte godt i dag og fremtiden ser lysere ut :)

21 November 2023 - Inin Group AS reports a revenue of NOK 197.5 million in this year's third quarter, an increase of 92 percent versus this year's second quarter (102.7) and 128 percent versus third quarter 2022 (86.7, pro-forma). EBIT was NOK 7.6 million in the third quarter 2023, compared to NOK -4.1 million in the second quarter this year and NOK -8.8 million in the third quarter 2022. "The third quarter was strong across all our platforms, both in terms of revenue growth and profitability. We guided in the Q2 presentation that we expect to deliver positive results in the second half of the year, and we are pleased to present profitable growth for the third quarter," says Øivind Horpestad, CEO of Inin Group. Inin Group's order backlog stood at NOK 218 million at the end of the third quarter. This figure does not include the order backlog of companies acquired after the end of the quarter, including recently acquired Laje AS' backlog of frame agreements with an annual value of NOK 490 million. Inin Group's cash flow from operating activities was NOK 4 million in the third quarter 2023. The company's cash balance was NOK 46.9 million as of 30 September 2023. CONTINUED HIGH ACTIVITY Inin Group is a listed investment company that focuses on infrastructure services. Currently, Inin Group consists of four platforms: Rail Infrastructure ; Power Infrastructure ; Testing, Inspection & Certification (TIC) ; and Mass Handling & Recycling. During the third quarter, and in subsequent months, Inin Group has closed five acquisitions and signed two new term sheets and one share purchase agreement for potential acquisitions, including: o Rail Infrastructure: Closed the acquisitions of fibre optics contractors Thuve'n Anlegg & Bane AS and Be-Ma AS, and agreed term sheets to acquire railway contractor and signaling expert SLAM Jernbaneteknikk AS and railway contractor Banefjell AS. o Power Distribution: Closed the acquisition of large, regional infrastructure construction and service company Laje AS (Q4). o Testing, Inspection & Certification: Signed a share purchase agreement to acquire specialist welding company CG Welding AB. Several certified non-destructive testing technicians have also been successfully recruited in Norway and Sweden. o Mass Handling & Recycling: Closed the acquisition of TW Gruppen (Q4). "The recently closed acquisitions of Laje AS a are expected to deliver a step-change in revenues for Inin Group. A lot of excellent work has been done in their respective organization's during 2023, we expect to see significantly improved profitability in 2024," says Øyvind Horpestad. OUTLOOK Inin Group invests in positions within infrastructure verticals that are supported by strong macro drivers. Public investments in maintenance of rail infrastructure are expected to increase in coming years as spending currently falls short of levels needed to address wear on existing infrastructure. Further, pressure to invest in power infrastructure is increasing on the back of a European energy crisis and rapidly growing electrification of society. Through the combination of Inin Group's current platforms and announced acquisitions, Inin Group aims to deliver full-year pro forma revenues of approximately NOK 1.5 billion in 2023.
Redigert 21.11.2023 kl 13:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.10.2023 kl 13:55 2785

La spesielt merke til dette avsnittet i siste rapport :)

The group's M&A activity continues to be high, and numerous new acquisitions agreements were reached during the quarter. "We are continuing our growth - both organically and through acquisitions. The EBIT in the second quarter is negatively impacted by substantial acquisition costs. We expect to deliver positive results in the second half of the year," says Øivind Horpestad, CEO of Inin Group.
28.09.2023 kl 12:22 2956

For meg virker det som støttekjøp av ledelsen og selskapet. Ingen andre på topp 50 som kjøper
28.09.2023 kl 11:47 2976

Litt høyere omsetning i går og i dag, er ofte ikke tilfeldig. Melding i løpet av uken?

22.09.2023 kl 09:12 3129

Morsomt å se hvordan grunderne, som allerede er giret over månen med aksjer, fortsetter å støttekjøpe for at aksjekursen ikke skal gå under NOK 3. Når de har benyttet fullmakten for tilbakekjøp og CFO setter foten ned for mer kjøp pga begrenset cash beholdning, og hvis vi får et skikkelig crash til høsten skal det blir spennende å følge med med.
06.07.2023 kl 09:10 3737

Hvis du tør å sitte i samme båt som de som styrer selskapet. Tror heller på negative overaskelser fremover, but who knows....
04.07.2023 kl 16:09 3850

Strategiske valg fra selskapet i.f.t økt vekst....:) her er det bare å sitte og vente på massiv oppgang
04.07.2023 kl 16:03 3863

4 July 2023 - Inin Group's subsidiary Nordic Infrastructure Group AS has agreed
to the principal terms of an agreement to acquire 100 percent of the shares in
railway contractor Banefjell AS.

"Banefjell's key market is south-west Norway, so this is a complementary
geographical expansion that strengthens our position as a national railway
contractor, thereby enabling us to take on more and larger projects," says
Gjermund Sogn, CEO of Nordic Infrastructure Group.
04.07.2023 kl 15:42 3879

4 July 2023 - Inin Group's subsidiary Nordic Infrastructure Group AS has agreed
to the principal terms of an agreement to acquire 100 percent of the shares in
Norwegian railway contractor SLAM Jernbaneteknikk AS.

The planned acquisition will reinforce Nordic Infrastructure Group's already
strong position in the Norwegian market within construction, maintenance and
other specialist services to the railway industry.

"We have cooperated with SLAM Jernbaneteknikk on many projects throughout the
years. Both companies possess a unique and sought-after signalling technicians
and specialist signalling competence. Joining forces will make us the leading
player within this field in Norway," says Gjermund Sogn, CEO of Nordic
Infrastructure Group.
03.07.2023 kl 14:52 3991

Lover bra for videre vekst!!

3 July 2023 - Inin Group AS' subsidiary Nordic Inspekt Group AB has decided to
expand its operations within testing, inspection and certification (TIC) through
the establishment of Inspekt Norway AS. Highly experienced inspection industry
professional Bjørnar Meland has agreed to head up the business.

"Inspekt Norway will be our platform to offer innovative and cost-efficient TIC
services in Norway," says Niklas Persson, CEO of Nordic Inspekt Group AB, which
aims to become a challenger within the rapidly growing Nordic market for testing
inspection and certification of infrastructure and industrial assets.
Redigert 03.07.2023 kl 14:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.06.2023 kl 09:41 4161

Spennende vekstcase. Får de solgt Elop for 30 mill USD, virker aksjen veldig billig. Forventer ca 800 millioner i omsetning for 2023, så høyere omsetning de neste kvartalene da.
21.04.2023 kl 22:11 4514

Ble og er imponert over veksten som er og skal bli skapt. Forventet omsetning på 1,4 milliarder som ble annonsert i går for året 2024 overgår forventningen fra tidligere guiding med 400 millioner.
Blir som regel kursøkning av sånt på ett eller annet tidspunkt..
Liker godt at salget av Elop teck blir gjennomført og Inin som investeringsselskap blir nå et spennende case fremover..
18.04.2023 kl 14:27 4621

Det landes jevnlig kontrakter...:). Inin group har et vidt nedslagsfelt...siste kontrakt i dag

18 April 2023 - Inin Group's subsidiary Hadeland Elektro AS has been awarded a
NOK 12 million contract to perform electrical rehabilitation work at the Furuset
Line in Oslo, Norway.

The Furuset Line (Norwegian: Furusetbanen) is a 6.5-kilometre long line on the
Oslo Metro.
Redigert 18.04.2023 kl 14:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.03.2023 kl 13:24 5046

Hva tror folk om morgendagen, får vi vite mer angående salg av ELOP tecnology ?
hva tenker folk om at ININ group blir et investeringsfirma ?