FRO 16.01.2023 kl 14:03 251396

Frontline vil ha flere tankskip.
Dette blir spennende.
Redigert 14.01.2024 kl 23:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.11.2023 kl 08:45 5606

Når man ønsker seg FRO sterkt nok er det "sky no limit"! 😅
15.11.2023 kl 08:33 5537

har dollar falt til 6,1395 kr pr dollar?
15.11.2023 kl 08:23 5563

Eller 232 med dagens dollarkurs
Redigert 15.11.2023 kl 08:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.11.2023 kl 23:01 5808

Nei skulle du sett ibyx! 233,91 😅
Og det uten dollarløft. Det kan bli tøft imorgen.
Drømmen om 220...
14.11.2023 kl 21:22 6054

Laveste dollar på over en måned. Det varer gjerne ikke helt til børsåpning imorgen…😅
Dollarkurs eller ei.
+10 cent > ny HOD
Redigert 14.11.2023 kl 21:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.11.2023 kl 21:08 6043

Det er bra at krona er svak, da får en flere kroner når utbytte kommer.
14.11.2023 kl 20:51 5984

Nordan American Shipping - Suesmax -

Vessel fixed to International Oil Major for a voyage of more than 30 days. The Time Charter Equivalent (TCE) is about $40,000/day.

Vessel fixed to a Major Oil Trader for a voyage of more than 30 days. The TCE is about $75,000/day.

Vessel fixed to a European Oil Major for a voyage of more than 40 days. The TCE is about $50,000/day.

Vessel fixed to an International Oil Major for a voyage of about 35 days. The TCE is about $55,000/day.

Vessel fixed to an Oil Company for a short voyage of about 10 days. The TCE is about $65,000/day.

Vessel fixed to an Oil Company for a short voyage of about 10 days. The TCE is about $90,000/day.

Not bad
14.11.2023 kl 19:18 6055

YNWA250505 skrev 220-tallet nærmer seg
Når mange nok tror kursen skal videre ned skjer det motsatte.
14.11.2023 kl 18:56 6115

Peer DHT +0,83%
Av en eller annen grunn tror jeg ikke OSE gis muligheten til kjøp på 227 imorgen... 😅
Hyggelig at krona styrker seg da! Måtte det vare...
14.11.2023 kl 18:17 6058

Er nok i hovedsak dollardrevet dette fallet nå nettopp.
Og sånn sett, hva i allverden skjer der? Valutashortere som dekker seg inn?
Redigert 14.11.2023 kl 18:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.11.2023 kl 18:01 6015

YNWA250505 skrev 220-tallet nærmer seg
Jeg ser det, 227 på Nyse nå. Kanskje kommer vi enda lenger ned? 200? Får vel supplere lite i så fall.
14.11.2023 kl 16:06 6188

YNWA250505 skrev 220 før du aner
220-tallet nærmer seg
14.11.2023 kl 11:56 6361

‘Shot across the bow’ as US fires off letters to tanker players over Russia price cap

Some 30 companies have been sent letters from Ofac over Western sanctions

US authorities have issued letters to an array of shipping companies in what shipping

industry sources see as an effort to put pressure on the tanker sector over the price

cap on Russian oil.

Tanker market sources said the letters have been received by more than 30 shipowners and managers in the

tanker space.The US Treasury department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (Ofac) sent the letters mostly to

Greek companies trading in the crude and fuel oil trades impacted by the price cap.

It is believed that the managers are being asked to demonstrate the due diligence steps they have

undertaken in verifying compliance with the price cap rules.

One source said the enforcement had created anxiety among charterers who were wary about having

cargoes tied up over the course of months in a scenario similar to that faced by the 158,600-dwt tanker

Suez Rajan (built 2011), an Empire Navigation-controlled ship that was seized by US authorities in

connection with Iranian sanctions.

A source who has seen the letters told Reuters that the Treasury department sent letters to ship

management companies of 100 vessels suspected of violating the sanctions, which allow vessels to

carry Russian crude and oil products if they are sold below the price cap.A Treasury department

spokesperson declined to comment on its investigations or enforcement actions.

“Treasury is committed to enforcing the price cap and reducing Russia’s resources for its war against

Ukraine,” the person said.Reports of the Ofac missives come as questions remain over the level of due diligence

that the Treasury department expects from shipping under the price cap, which requires shipowners and

operators to have an attestation from their customers that Russian oil transported by their vessels has changed

hands under the limit.

Though maritime lawyers who deal with sanctions cases told TradeWinds they had not seen the letters or heard

that their clients had received them, they said there has not been significant enforcement of the price cap.

One lawyer said it would be difficult for the US government to know at what price Russian oil was sold.“It might

just be a warning shot across the bow,” he said.

But in October, Ofac released recommendations from the coalition of countries that adopted the price cap

outlining best practices for maritime companies to stay within the rules of the price cap.The agency suggested

that companies require “significantly capitalised” protection and indemnity insurance, as well as using ships

that are classed by a member of the International Association of Classification Societies.Companies should

“vigorously monitor” automatic information system tracking data, as well as high-risk ship-to-ship transfers.

And they should check data on freight, customs, insurance and other costs to ensure they are not being

bundled in a way to conceal that oil was sold above the oil cap.

“The billing of commercially unreasonable or opaque shipping and ancillary costs should be viewed as a sign

of potential price cap evasion,” Ofac said.

The agency also recommended “heightened due diligence” for ships that undergo administrative changes like

re-flagging or engage in opaque practices.

And companies should report ships that trigger concerns, Ofac said
14.11.2023 kl 10:35 6485

Beklager det er gogl.
13.11.2023 kl 20:58 6983

Vel. Front Discovery ble fixed da! Ikke sikkert det betyr så mye. Men bedre enn failed må det jo være! :-)
13.11.2023 kl 19:51 7053

Ratene har gått i taket den siste tiden p g a Israel/Hamas-krigen, nå prøver Hizbollah at de-eskalere; de vil ikke utvide krigen. Iran sitter også stille. Jeg tror ratene kommer ned en del eller rett markant de neste ukene? Da "Failer" man gjerne?
13.11.2023 kl 15:06 7328

Frontline (NYSE:FRO) is one of the largest oil tanker companies in the world, with a fleet of 65 vessels that transport crude oil and refined products across the globe. The company benefits from the high demand for oil transportation, as well as the low operating costs of its modern and fuel-efficient ships. Moreover, as the Middle Eastern oil producers have largely cut production, oil tankers have found themselves increasingly traveling across to the Atlantic Ocean to ship crude from Brazil, the United States, and Guyana to countries in Asia. These longer distances have pushed up “ton-miles,” or the amount of crude shipped and the distance, and as a result, revenue.

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Frontline has a solid balance sheet with more than $500 million in cash and liquid short-term investments. The company’s generous dividend, with a yield of 5.4%, could also be attractive for long-term holding income investors
13.11.2023 kl 13:33 7362

Virker som det er litt uvanlig at status er "on subs" mer enn en uke? Jo lenger tid det går så øker gjerne sjansen da for "failed"?
13.11.2023 kl 12:02 7428

Nå blir vi få ferre skip i grå flåten, ingen av gamle holker eller uten klassifisering og/eller forsikring får anløpe U.S.
VLCC rally from US Gulf expected despite election uncertainty

Dozens of the largest crude carriers are ballasting to the US to tap into promising rates

Analysts expect the improvement in fortunes for the largest crude carriers from the US to continue into 2024.

Strong US production combined with refinery maintenance has pushed oil for export and supported crude tanker rates.

A large number of tankers have decided to ballast from the East to try to cash in on the attractive rates this month,

according to shipbroker Gibson.

More than 50 VLCCs are heading to US ports over the next three months, the most in at least six years,

Bloomberg reported.

VLCC rates have been hit by production cuts led by Saudi Arabia’s 1m barrels per day (bpd), which it confirmed

will continue until the end of the year.

Despite that, “VLCCs … have also seen a sizeable uplift in earnings, albeit perhaps not as impressive as the one

experienced by smaller segments”, said Gibsons in a note.The sector had been hit by a large number of failed

fixtures which added to tonnage availability. But Gibson expects fixtures from the US Gulf to China to pay around

$10.2m in the current market.

The Baltic Exchange listed time charter equivalent earnings on the US to China route on Friday at $44,879 per day,

worth just more than $10m.

The US is set to export more than 4m bpd of crude for the fourth consecutive month in November, the first time it

will have done so, according to Kpler data. November forecasts suggest that US seaborne exports will be close to the

4.47m bpd record month in May.

The earnings are down slightly from the start of the month on the route but the best rates since June, its figures showed.

The tanker team at Poten & Partners said the prospects for 2024 and beyond for trades from the US Gulf are generally bullish.

The drought affecting the Panama Canal will add tonne-miles to the increasing flow from Venezuela, cutting off a

shortcut to Asia.

But elections due in Mexico, Venezuela and the US next year add an element of uncertainty.

“Who will win these races can have a big impact on the oil markets, which potentially will have implications for

tankers as well,” said Poten
13.11.2023 kl 11:50 7468

Det lå ute noen kurver for en tid tilbake som viste at (alt annet likt) sammenlignet med 2007-2008 og hensyntatt antall aksjer og assets, så vil FRO kunne nå ca 1200 kr på toppen av denne syklussen. Det er også sagt at denne syklussen vil bli sterkere enn den som var 2003-2008.
13.11.2023 kl 11:47 7316

Dette bare beviser at du ikke skjønner det fundamentale i tankmarkedet og hva som skjer når ratene virkelig tar av. Potensialet i FRO aksjen er fortsatt flerdobbling med mindre noe geopolitisk kommer og ødelegger.
13.11.2023 kl 09:26 7313

Spennende å se om denne blir fixed snart!
Front Discovery (2019 - Modern Scrubber) On Subs (Estimated Voyage CII: C 🟡) USG/China Unipec (Hou) Frontline $FRO (TCE: RV USD 93K @ 82 days / Actual USD 107K @ 75 days)

US bryr seg kanskje ikke så mye med enkeltkontrakter i større rederier? Men akkurat denne er kanskje litt sånn bulltest på ratene nå?
OETs Nissos Rhenia ble fixed nylig på betydelig lavere rate, så den var antagelig litt skuffende der?
11.11.2023 kl 12:15 8032

Privatinvestor: Har du forsøkt FRO sin hjemmeside???
11.11.2023 kl 12:10 8034

Hva er forventningene til EPS for Q3 ?
11.11.2023 kl 09:09 8225

Noen som har historikken til frontline med antall skip og antall aksjer?
10.11.2023 kl 18:29 8587

Laveste omsetning siden 4. september.
VOLUME: 724.01K
65 DAY AVG: 1.31M
55% VS AVG

Må vel kalles mager gevinstsikring?
10.11.2023 kl 15:29 8565

‘Higher for longer’: Okeanis fixes four VLCCs as long-haul rates top $100,000

Greek owner reveals lucrative deals as crude sector heads for period of sustained strong earnings
10.11.2023 kl 15:03 8486

Spørsmålet er vel hvor mye av dette som allerede er priset inn i dagens aksjekurs. Det har jo vært kjent lenge at alt ser strålende ut. Og så er det vel nettopp når man leser sånne Halleluja-artikler at kursen faller pladask like etterpå. Her skal man åpenbart lure inn "dne siste idiot", før man så selger unna rubbel og bit selv.
10.11.2023 kl 14:57 8506

Lidt fra Finansavisen. Ser ikke ud til at det er en god ide og shorte.

Frontline tjener penger som gress
De gode tidene i tankmarkedet ser ut til å vare lenge, og ratene peker kun én vei; oppover. Derfor er det ennå ikke for sent å gå inn i Frontline-aksjen.
Likevel er det ikke for sent å gå inn i Frontline. Aksjen prises omtrent til netto underliggende verdier, og selv om den er marginalt dyrere enn andre råoljefokuserte tankrederier, er en P/E- multippel på drøye 3x for 2024, estimert av Clarksons, hyggelig.

Den viktigste grunnen til å kjøpe Frontline er imidlertid at tankmarkedet ser ut til å bli svært stramt til neste år, og trolig enda strammere i 2025. Det bygges for få nye skip, og etterspørselen etter transport av råolje øker kraftig grunnet lengre fraktdistanser og økt konsum. Samtidig gjør strengere miljøkrav og innlemmingen av shipping i EUs karbonmarked at mange skip vil senke farten for å få ned utslippene. Dette vil legge ytterligere press på ratene.
10.11.2023 kl 12:45 4518

Ikke mye vilje til reprising her?
Nesten ekstremt lavt volum idag!
VOLUME: 213.05K
65 DAY AVG: 1.31M
16% VS AVG
10.11.2023 kl 07:37 4789

Fro ligger an til en reprising. Den skal ned som for ett år siden. Så blir det full pupp i januar.
Bare se Tor Svelland er short i fro. Han er god på skipping og var tidligere bla. ansatt i frontline.
09.11.2023 kl 14:51 5243

Stiger igjen. Institutionelle kjøpere øker longpositioner (Societe Generale). Ser bra ut.
09.11.2023 kl 09:47 5433

Minner om flåten på Suezmax, Frontline

LR2 / Aframax

FRO hadde gode resultater selv om VLLC markedet var under water. Tenk hva resultatene blir når VLCC
markedet komme skikkelig i gang.

Innrømmer mange geopolitiske ukjente faktorer spiller inn på VLCC sektoren, men det gjelder jo alle redere,
og salg av tank skip til Midt Østen, gjør jo ikke verdensflåten hverken mindre eller større.
09.11.2023 kl 09:32 5504

Den danske produkt transport spesialisten Torm har inngått en ny avtale for å utvide flåten, med åtte LR2-fartøyer for 399 millioner dollar.